Invitations To Responsibility 1 PDF
Invitations To Responsibility 1 PDF
Invitations To Responsibility 1 PDF
The therapeutic
engagement of
men who are
violent and
a b u s i v e
Dulwich C e n t r e P u b l i c a t i o n s
Alan Jenkins
Invitations to Responsibility
responsibility for violence. Not surprisingly, abusive men have often been
regarded as "resistant" and unsuitable for therapy. John Wright
Seeing these men as resistant is a recipe for therapist frustration THESE BLOCW ANIMAL LIBBERS - AND ANYWAV, / RECKON THE PUCK
and failure. Rather, the challenge is to derive an approach which will FUN
engage the man in a way that facilitates his taking responsibility for his YEAH - THERE'S NOTHING r COURSE. THEY DO ~]
participation in therapy and encourages an active interest and motivation THE HMD Off A CUTE LITTLE DUCK
in changing his own behaviour. The model for intervention I will propose
rests on using the understanding of patterns of attributing responsibility
for violence to derive an approach that engages men willingly in therapy.
It constitutes a framework for therapy which is based on White's (1986a)
"Template for Therapy". I have used this framework in individual, group
and couple therapy formats.
AND ABUSE He has a violent nature.
A sexually abusive male may be seen as possessing an excess of
sexual interest.
He's over sexed;
He'd go after anything in a skirt.
The concept of "deviant sexual arousal" which refers to
characteristic genital arousal patterns shown by some sexual offenders, has
Explanations of abuse, when viewed from a constructivist gained popularity as an explanatory concept amongst behaviourists (Earls
perspective, are not.evaluated in terms of their truth or falseness. They are 1988; Finkelhor & Araji 1986). It is assumed that the child offender
regarded as subjective attempts to explain abusive behaviour that in turn abuses because he experiences deviant arousal towards children. The
influence attempts to solve abuse-related problems. Rather than discuss clinician then targets the deviant arousal as the cause of the problem and
how correct each explanation is, the reader is invited to consider how attempts to modify it. Such explanations are simple and appealing but can
helpful an explanation is likely to be in assisting the perpetrator of abuse facilitate a blurring of the distinction between the offender's experience of
to accept responsibility for the abuse. arousal and his abusive actions. Abusive actions are often attributed to
Causal explanations of abuse of behaviour may be categorized excesses of emotional states such as anger or sexual arousal and
according to four levels of context: consequently are seen as natural, inevitable and even unavoidable
those that relate to causes which are seen to be located within outcomes of these emotional states. Abusive males, however, must feel
the individual perpetrator; able to control their actions, regardless of the intensity of their feelings or
those that relate to causes which are seen to be located within emotional states, in order to take responsibility for abuse.
the individual's interaction with others; Alternatively, the char.acterological defect may be seen as a
those that relate to causes which are seen to be located within deficit in a particular quality such as "impulse control". Such individuals
the individual's developmental history; see themselves or are seen by others as having a low threshold or low
— those that relate to causes which are seen to be located within tolerance in some critical capacity that relates to the control of violence or
Western culture and society. icxual behaviour.
/ Have got a short fuse;
INDIVIDUAL THEORIES I just went blank -1 snapped -1 lost control;
Explanations which relate to the individual context generally I knew it was wrong but I couldn 't help myself;
describe the cause of abuse as some form of personality dysfunction or He can't control his sexual urges.
psychopathology within the individual perpetrator. Some of these "Impulse control" deficits are commonly referred to in academic
explanations are discussed below. explanations of abusive behaviour (Gebhard et al 1965; Marolla & Scully
1*)79; National Committee on Violence 1990; Summit & Kryso 1978). Such
Characterological or Personality Theories descriptions can be extremely limiting in that they amount to little more
than statements that the abuser's behaviour is somewhat uncontrollable.
Such explanations may refer to qualities of the perpetrator's It is difficult to determine just what "impulse control" means, let alone
character or personality which are inferred from his behaviour. He may how a man can take responsibility for his abusive behaviour if he has
be seen as possessing a character with an excess of a principle or quality "poor impulse control".
of abuse.
Invitations to Responsibility
— Alan Jenkins
this escalation and either regard their urges as having an independent
The perpetrator is likened to a container or tank with a finite
existence from themselves or see themselves as victims of external
capacity which functions in a similar fashion to a mechanical boiler,
passively receiving feelings which are "bottled up". These explanations are
Many such' offenders confuse their urges with their abusive
limited in that they propose a passive process by which the perpetrator is
actions. They identify the urges as the problem and spend increasing
acted upon by factors, such as stress, in his environment. The filling of the
amounts of time trying to avoid, suppress or distract themselves from
container and the abusive behaviour are attributed to external
them, only to find that their urges seem to become more pervasive and
environmental factors (such as work stress, financial pressures and marital
intense. In attempting to control or avoid their own feelings and
problems) over which he has little influence. Consequently, he may not
experience, these men find themselves increasingly unsuccessful in making
perceive that he has any control of, or responsibility for, the build up or
responsible decisions about their actions.
Filling of his container, let alone his abusive behaviour. Support for this
Some abuse perpetrators explain their actions with individual
kind of thinking can be found in popular psychological explanations such
theories of psychological process which are based on the notion of
as "frustration - aggression" theories which assume a linear relationship
dlslnhibition. Such theories postulate that conventional inhibitions against
between aggressive behaviour and levels of frustration and can encourage
abusive behaviour are overcome as a result of intoxication with alcohol or
the attribution of responsibility for abuse to external stresses (Storr 1970).
other drugs. The perpetrator may explain:
Container models suggest solutions which require mechanisms
/ was drunk, - I didn't know what I was doing, - I don't remember what
for emptying the container or "letting off steam". Physical activity and
relaxation techniques are sometimes indicated for this purpose. Some
Responsibility is attributed to the disinhibiting substance rather than
residential facilities for adolescents provide punching bags for this
accepted by the perpetrator himself. Such explanations have gained wide
purpose, to be used when the adolescent gets "worked up" or "hot under
acceptability because drug abuse and person abuse often co-exist (Rada
the collar". These ideas are popular and are prescribed for violent males,
1976; Walker 1984; Kantor & Straus 1987). However, it is equally
in spite of evidence that links their use to escalations of violent behaviour
plausible to regard both forms of abuse as reflections of the same
(Tavris 1982). In all of these "solutions", the process recommenced for
problem, as it is to regard them as being casually related.
emptying the container bears little relationship to the process by which it
Theories of blockage are.popular psychological explanations of
is seen to fill.
abusive behaviour (Finkelhor & Araji 1986). These theories propose that
Container theories can promote another kind of misguided and
normal processes of relating are blocked or unavailable for the
unhelpful confusion. If anger is seen to fill his container, then a violent
perpetrator, generally as a result of certain social skill deficits. Abusive
man may identify the emotion of anger or the experience of conflict as
men are frequently described as having poor conflict-management and
pathological and the problem to be avoided. The solution to violence is
communication skills (Deschner 1984; Neidig et al 1985). Problem solving
then to eliminate anger and conflict. This confusion can restrain the
and stress management skills are also seen to be deficient (Sonkin et al
perpetrator from learning to experience anger and conflict in non-violent
1985) It is commonly reported that abusive men lack assertiveness, have
ways. In my experience, spouse abusers are often quite phobic about anger
difficulty in identifying and expressing feelings and difficulties with
and conflict, go to great extremes to avoid or escape them and expect
Inlimacy (Groth 1979, 1982; Rosenbaum & O'Leary 1981; Gondolf 1985;
their partners to behave in ways which will prevent to conflict.
Segal & Marshall 1985; Hotaling & Sugarman 1986; Overholser & Beck
Some sexual offenders experience escalating urges to abuse
1986). By and large, abusive men are seen to experience considerable
which they describe in terms of the container model. The perpetrator may
difficulty in meeting the skill requirements for establishing and maintaining
view himself as the passive recipient of an escalating urge which builds up
Intimate relationships.
to a point where he feels he is no longer able to contain it. As with spouse
abusers, many sexual offenders are unaware of their own contribution to
Alan Jenkins
Invitations to Responsibility
Other blockage theories refer to limitations or deficits as a requiring correction. When all else has failed to correct her "errant"
result of psycho-social or psycho-sexual immaturity or stalled psychological behaviour, violence may be regarded as the last resort. These men who act
development (Finkelhor & Araji 1986; Gondolf 1987). from a stance of greater perceived authority, are likely to entertain
Blockage explanations generally promote "solutions" which thoughts such as the following, whilst engaging in violence:
involve the teaching of social skills to the perpetrator. However useful I'll shake some sense in to her;
these attempts may be, they do not necessarily invite the perpetrator to I'll teach her a lesson she won't forget.
accept responsibility for his abusive behaviour. Some violence may be seen to be justified by a need for
There have been some impressive attempts by academics and vindication or vengeance - to get back or even the score:
clinicians to explain abusive behaviour with multi-factorial theories /'// bring her down from her high horse;
(combinations of individual theories) (e.g., Finkelhor & Araji 1986). I'll cut her down to size;
Individual theories, however, tend to be limited by their narrow context. She doesn't look so smart now.
They mostly locate the cause of the abusive behaviour within the These thoughts are based on rigid notions of right and wrong
individual but not often in ways which facilitate the abuser taking und idiosyncratic beliefs about truth, justice and fairness which must be
responsibility. pursued at any cost. Some spouse abusers regard their violence, as
necessary for the establishment of respect and intimacy in their
INTERACTIONAL EXPLANATIONS OF ABUSE relationships. One such perpetrator explained:
There is a long history, in the psychological literature, of /J.v the only time we talk and have good sex.
attempts to explain abusive behaviour within families, by referring to The existence of conscious or unconscious intent in physical
characteristics of the victim, non-abusive family members and patterns of abuse is postulated in many academic theories. Physical violence has been
interaction between family members. This tradition is continued in many described as having an homeostatic function in helping to maintain an
family therapy approaches in which abuse is regarded as symptomatic of inequality of power and status in complimentary, "dominant - submissive"
overall family maladjustment and dysfunction. Families in which abuse has relationships (Weitzman & Dreen 1982). Violence has also been described
been perpetrated have been described as enmeshed, lacking individuation, ilK having an homeoslatic function in regulating the balance of closeness
closed systems, having rigid gender and relationship roles and lacking in and distance in relationships where individual boundaries are blurred
generational boundaries (Bograd 1984; Cook & Frantz-Cook 1984; (Cook & Frantz-Cook 1984). Relationship types such as the
Alexander 1985; Friedman 1988). "uiuleradequate husband - overadequate wife" have been proposed in
which the wife is seen to be verbally more competent and critical of her
Abitse as a_Homepstatic or Purposeful Mechanism within Interaction ptu'lncr who in turn feels powerless and resorts to violence to rectify the
perceived imbalance of power (Hoffman 1981).
Interactional explanations are popular amongst clinicians, abuse
Abuse victims have even been described as wanting to be abused
perpetrators and those influenced by abuse. Some of these explanations
HN a result of various unconscious motivations. Spouse abuse victims have
regard abusive behaviour as "functional" or as having a purpose or intent.
bi'-cn described as bringing on their own abuse and even as "masochistic"
Abusive behaviour may be seen as having conscious or unconscious intent
(Snell el al 1964). Some spouse abusers are puzzled by their partner's
either to achieve an instrumental goal or to maintain an unstable family
arrangement. Impotent and despairing behaviour:
.SVif just stood there and told me to hit her.
Some spouse abusers regard their violence as a justifiable form
In a similar way, the naive or coerced participation of victims of
of "correction" of their partner. Aspects of their partner's behaviour are
t'liild sexual abuse has been described as "seductive" and "pseudo-mature"
regarded as inexcusable, disloyal, disrespectful or stupid and hence
ftml as compensating for the mother's dysfunctional behaviour (Lustig et
Invitations to Responsibility
Alan Jenkins
I have found it helpful to use a model which is based on a
the previous chapter (which, it was suggested, were unhelpful). The
theory of restraint or negative explanation (Bateson 1972, 1980; White
important distinction is that between explanation and restraint. There is a
1984, 1986a, 1986b) which generates questions like the following:
difference between proposing factors as causes or explanations, with the
What is stopping Jack from taking responsibility to relate
implication that they somehow "excuse" behaviour, and proposing similar
respectfully, sensitively and equitably with his wife?
ideas as factors that restrain men from taking responsibility for their
What is stopping Jack from taking responsibility for his abusive
This theory is based on the assumption that males will relate
respectfully, sensitively and non abusively with others, unless restrained
from d6ing so. Restraints are traditions, habits, and beliefs which influence Western industrialized society is characterized by its highly
the ways that abusive males make sense of and participate in the world. competitive and hierarchical nature and an ideology of individualism or
They include factors which can prevent these men from taking individual achievement, as opposed to co-operation and inter-dependence
responsibilities to establish respectful and sensitive relationships in some (Levine 1986; Taubman 1986; Sommers-Flanagan & Walters 1987).
contexts and from accepting responsibility for their abusive behaviour. Individual self-esteem and personal success tend to be based on
Abusive males generally behave in ways which are quite consistent with a lust for status and power and the deification of these concepts. Such a
their restrained views of the world. recipe for individual status and success promotes the acquisition of
According to this model, restraints do not cause abusive property and of control and influence over others and the environment.
behaviour. When active and influential in mens* lives, they can prevent This ideology is well stated in a commonly used metaphor which refers to
these men from accepting responsibility for their own actions. Whilst it is feeling good about one's self as, 'being on top of the world'.
true that highly restrained men are more likely to engage in abusive This "status-lust" ideology fits with the notion of structuring
behaviour, the presence of restraining ideas does not guarantee that the society into a hierarchical series of "superior - subordinate" relationships.
man will abuse. For example, a man who was abused himself as a child, (Sommers-Flanagan & Waters 1987). "Superiors" have acquired greater
who is experiencing considerable financial and marital stress and who at status and are entitled to greater privilege as well as respect and deference
times drinks heavily, may not behave abusively and may relate respectfully from those in "subordinate" roles. These values are enshrined in the
to others in his family. If he does abuse, however, there is potential for the hierarchical relationships of our political, economic, familial and
development of restraining ideas which foster the attribution of educational systems.
responsibility for his actions to external factors. The lust for status and entitlement is often pursued with little
A theory of restraint tends to promote an active consideration regard or responsibility for the impact of these strivings on the welfare of
of alternatives to abuse and what has been stopping the male from others and the environment. In the pursuit of status or individual success,
engaging in them. He is invited to become pre-occupied with his own it is acceptable and even admirable to be 'aggressive' and to exploit or
competence in challenging restraining habits and ideas and discovering and take advantage of others 'weaknesses', in order to gain the upper hand or
practicing alternatives to abuse. He is always considered to be responsible the 'competitive edge'. This philosophy is evident in the worlds of political,
for his abusive behaviour and his contribution to relationships and is business and personal dealings. Those in "superior" roles understand that
discouraged from attributing blame and responsibility externally. they may need to defend their position against competitors. The world
Restraints may be examined at the four different levels of becomes conceptualized as a place where individuals are either winners
context. It may be noted in the following discussion of differing restraints, or losers, competing in an arena in which 'might is right'.
that some suggestions about ideas that operate as restraints appear little This blueprint for individual success tends to promote notions
different from some of the factors used as the basis of the explanations in of ownership of "subordinates" by "superiors" and the right to exercise
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
power over "subordinates" for the fulfillment of individual needs. It likely to be punished if he takes some responsibility by
promotes competitive values at the expense of co-operative relationship acknowledging his guilt.
values such as empathy, respect, nurturance, trust, sensitivity, sharing, A rape victim was advised by the Police to move to another
altruism and equity. (Sommers-Flanagan & Waters 1987). state and change her name to avoid recrimination by the
Structures, norms and ideology which promote the individual convicted rapist.
pursuit of status and entitlement at the expense of responsibility for the Spouse abuse and child sexual assault victims are often obliged
welfare of others, are highly restraining influences for the development of to leave their homes for their own safety, following notification
respectful and sensitive relationships. of the abuse. The abuse perpetrator is not required to leave the
Certain forms of violence and sexual exploitation are legitimized home.
and sanctioned in our culture if they are seen to further a "noble" cause or .— A newspaper report of a court judgement regarding a domestic
provide a means to a "higher" end. Violence has often been used to defend homicide was titled, 'Wife Nags Herself to Death'.
or establish a political ideology or state. At such times individuals may be Western society and culture tolerates social inequities, values profit at
seen somewhat paradoxically as 'fighting for peace'. Violence has others' expense and legitimizes or fails to respond to certain forms of
frequently been sanctioned in order to punish criminal offenders or abuse, and consequently promotes values which are highly restraining to
political dissenters. Violence and sexual exploitation are legitimized and the development of mutuality, sensitivity and respect in relationships and
sanctioned as entertainment in sport, books and movies and in advertising the attribution of responsibility for abusive behaviour to the perpetrator of
(Roy 1982). the abuse.
Our educational, legal, political and religious systems often fail
to promote the attribution of responsibility for abusive behaviour to the Socio-citltiiral Restraints within the Family
perpetrator of that abuse, by failing to provide the necessary responses The family is a system which requires special focus when
and sanctions. There is a historical absence of clear cut legal prohibitions considering restraint and responsibility for abusive behaviour. The family
and penalties for the perpetrators of abusive behaviour (Russell 1984; is the social system where the failure to attribute responsibility to abuse
Prepper 1984). This is well evidenced in the following recent examples: perpetrators is probably most apparent. Within the family, the traditional
— Two fourteen year old boys who forcibly raped a girl at school distribution of status has been along gender and age lines. Husbands have
were suspended for a fortnight for "sexual harassment", whilst traditionally been regarded as "superior" to wives, males to females and
the girl felt obliged to leave the school. The educational parents to children. Those in "superior" roles have traditionally been
authorities were initially more concerned about protecting the attributed ownership rights over those in "subordinate" roles and have
boys "right to an education" than the rights and safety for girls been seen as entitled to greater privilege and deference and respect from
at the school. "subordinates". "Subordinates" have been expected to maintain the status
A fifteen year old girl who was sexually abused by an older quo by demonstrating loyalty and support to "superiors". In fact, a
family member was required to sit in a segregated area in her traditional criterion for individual success in the family has been the
church because the authorities feared she may 'pollute' other maintenance of loyalty, deference and respect from "subordinates". This
males in the congregation. promotes a reliance of "superiors" upon "subordinates" to maintain support
Our legal system deals with child sexual abuse allegations using and thus take responsibility for the maintenance of the "superiors'" self
an adversarial process in which a child's witness (and intellect) esteem.
is pitted against that of the alleged adult offender. There are long-standing historical and legal precedents which
In our legal system, it "pays" for a child sexual abuse offender to have sanctioned and legitimized violence and sexual exploitation of
deny his offences and call the child a liar because he is more "subordinates" by "superiors", within families (Rush 1980; Schechter 1982;
Alan Jenkins
Invitations to Responsibility
__ " 47
from an interpersonal or emotional context. The man is expected to be needs persuasion or even coercion. The scenario of the unwilling woman
able to perform under any circumstances and sex may appear to take on who really wants the sexual encounter in spite of herself, is coerced into
an independent life of its own. Penises are sometimes as seen as having it and then has a remarkable sexual experience for which she is eternally
minds of their own which are somewhat separate from their owner's. In grateful, is well represented in modern fiction and movies (Zilbergeld
this context, it is not surprising that pornography for males is far more 1978).
prevalent than pornography for females, given that the recipe promotes a Traditionally, women are seen as responsible for the sexual
tendency to objectify the partner ("the sex object") and to lack empathy for interest that they "attract". The woman attracts the male's attention and
her feelings. An excessive focus on sexual conquest and performance tends arouses him and once he is aroused, he has no choice but to follow
to promote high levels of self-centered sexual pre-occupation and a through with sexual activity. The woman is thus considered responsible for
tendency to avoid social-emotional responsibility hi relationships. the consequences of her initial attractiveness. The dilemma for the
In a context where emotional expression is restrained, one of the woman, in the context of these traditional gender roles, is that she must
few permissible emotional options for establishing intimacy is the attract male attention but at the same time avoid "leading males on",
expression of sexual arousal and sexual feelings. Consequently, the appearing "easy" or being a "prick teaser". It is not surprising that many
expression of sexual interest becomes a major way of attempting to victims of sexual assault accept some responsibility for the behaviour of
establish and contribute to intimacy in relationships. This leads to a their assaulter and ask:
tendency to "sexualize" needs for affirmation and closeness. The tendency What did I do/wear to provoke it?
to "over-sexualize" emotional needs is evident as a restraint to accepting Traditional gender recipes prescribe that social and emotional
responsibility for abusive behaviour with many sexual offenders. Some responsibilities in relationships should be accepted by female partners.
sexual offenders deal with experiences such as loneliness by contacting Female sexual partners may not only feel obligation to be available but
prostitutes or seeking other forms of impersonal sex. Many sexual also to respond to please their partners, regardless of their own feelings.
offenders engage in a higher frequency of impersonal sexual behaviour In other words, there may be an obligation to protect the male partner's
and sexual experience than non-offenders (Kanin 1985). feelings whilst sacrificing their own needs.
This notion is reflected in the explanations of some child sexual Patterns of abusive behaviour are generally quite consistent with
offenders: the dictates of traditional gender roles (Schechter 1982; Russell 1984;
/ loved her too much. Parker & Parker 1986; Finkelhor & Lewis 1988). In fact, Russell (1984),
I was only trying to love her. regards male rapists, child sexual offenders and sexual harassers as
In a similar way, some sexual harassment offenders explain their over-conforming, as opposed to deviant, in the context of traditional male
actions as attempts to establish relationships or intimacy with their victims. gender roles. She cites evidence to support the notion of a continuum of
Rapists have even been known to make proposals of marriage to their coercive sexual behaviour from that which is considered normal and
victims after the offence (Russell 1974). condoned, to that which is regarded as unacceptable or illegal. This
The recipe for sexual conquest and performance acts as a evidence is based on surveys of attitudes of normal men and women to the
restraint to men's view of their role in relationships and results in a use of coercion in sex (See also Check & Malamuth 1983; Jenkins &
tendency for men to avoid social-emotional responsibility for their own Dambrot 1987). Similar evidence has already been cited with respect to
sexual behaViour and rely on women to take this responsibility. attitudes regarding physical violence towards children and marriage
Traditionally, it has been the woman's responsibility to set limits in partners.
potential or actual sexual encounters and to act as "moral guardians". The The theory of restraint is helpful in understanding the
traditional male task is to test these limits and find ways around them in inconsistent and contradictory research evidence on the relationship
order to make a conquest. If the woman seems to be unwilling, then she between sex-role stereotyping and abusive behaviour in males. There is a
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
My wife wouldn't give me sex, so f turned to my daughter. criticizing and berating her mother for her "incompetence". Parent-child
Children occupy low status roles and are powerless and highly boundaries become more and more confused. Secrecy, loyalty and
dependent on caregivers. Hence they have little choice but to defer and allegiance are reinforced by this reality shaping, isolation from others and
are forced to take responsibility for the abusive man's feelings and needs. the shame and humiliation which the victim experiences. The resulting
The man is able to continue to use and rely on a child victim and victim compliance, protection and secrecy, safeguards any challenge to the
experiences little challenge to his social and emotional irresponsibility. man's sense of entitlement and his social and emotional irresponsibility.
Male abusers become increasingly reliant on victims, whether Responsibility for the abuse continues to be located with the victim.
adults or children, to face social and emotional pressures and
responsibilities for them and to take responsibility for the abusive
behaviour. Abuse is generally perpetrated in a context of exploitation
which is gradually developed over time and increasingly extends Socio-cultural, developmental and interactional restraints are
social-emotional avoidance and reliance, by encouraging the victim to reflected in the restraining habits and patterns of thinking of individual
accept more and more responsibility and experience an increasing sense abusive men who demonstrate a sense of entitlement which is out of step
of entrapment. with social and emotional responsibility. Many of the "characteristics" of
Abusive men often spend considerable time and energy abusive men observed by researchers are understandable in this context.
constructing such a reality for the victim. Abused wives are frequently told These "characteristics", however should not be regarded as fixed
they are incompetent, nagging, oversensitive and sexually dysfunctional. personality traits or static aspects of the man's character. They constitute
Following abusive acts, they may be treated kindly, indulged and promised patterns or habits in thinking and behaviour which are seen as inevitable
that they are loved and will not be harmed again. Physically abused consequences of the man's high levels of social-emotional avoidance and
children are often told that they are uncontrollable, bad or unlovable. reliance. Men who are practiced at avoiding social and emotional
They may be constantly expected to meet unrealistic and unobtainable responsibilities are likely to develop restraining patterns of thinking and
demands. Sexually abused children are often told that the abuse is normal behaviour which may be described in terms of:
and in fact an indication of the abuser's love and affection. Sexual abuse social-emotional "immaturity";
is often perpetrated in a context of general neglect and may be the only low self-esteem;
form of "affection" shown to the child. Sexual abuse perpetrators take self-intoxicating preoccupations and beliefs;
advantage of the trust inherent in the caregiver-child relationship and - misguided attempts to control abuse.
often gradually trick and deceive the child into participation in the abuse. These patterns reflect restraints at wider levels of context and
Sexually abused children are often invited to set limits on and even initiate are further restraining in themselves to men taking responsibility for their
sexual activity. Rewards and privileges may be bestowed in return. The actions.
process of constructing a reality for the victim is often evident in the Abusive males demonstrate a high degree of social-emotional
statements of offenders; "immaturity" especially in the context of the family. Many abusive men are
She wanted it too; quite competent in certain aspects of their life, especially work, but take
I would have stopped if she had said she didn't want me to do it; little responsibility for their own or others' social-emotional requirements
When she said she'd had enough, I always stopped; or needs. An inevitable consequence of social-emotional avoidance and
I said to her, 'This is wrong, we must stop it'. reliance will be high levels of self-centred and insensitive behaviour and
Sexually abused children are often invited to form inappropriate thinking, in certain contexts. The man may "forget" or fail to consider
alliances with the abuser in which favors are given and from which the others feelings and take little responsibility for intimacy and conflict
child's mother may be excluded. The child victim may be invited to join in resolution. This "immaturity", however, may not be as evident in other less
restraining contexts.
Invitations to Responsibility Alan Jenkins
52 _
associated with status, control, closeness and affirmation, is evident with
Low self-esteem is also characteristic of many abusive males
many sexual offenders, who try to meet many of their emotional
who tend to be highly preoccupied with their own sense of personal
requirements with sexual behaviour and initiatives. Sexual offenders tend
competence and adequacy. Low self esteem is not a fixed trait and can be
to have misguided sexual beliefs and fears which relate to traditional
quite dependent on context. Some men, for example, feel competent and
mythology about male sexual performance just as spouse abusers may
adequate in their work but not in their families. Although they may occupy
subscribe to misguided beliefs and traditional mythology about anger,
high status roles, many abusers do not feel powerful in aspects of their day
conflict and violence in relationships.
to day lives and especially prior to acts of abusive behaviour. In fact, many
Abusive males are generally highly restrained by their own well-
abusers feel powerless, threatened and impotent and believe that they may
intentioned yet unhelpful and misguided attempts to control their abuse.
be losing control of members of their families or of themselves (Finkelhor,
These attempts are of course determined to a large extent by the
1983). Traditionally men are expected to be independent and in control of
restraining individual theories and explanations of abuse to which the men
their own lives. However, most abusive men have established a reliance on
subscribe. Misguided attempts tend to be based on patterns of avoidance
others to face social and emotional responsibilities and pressures, set
of responsibility for abusive behaviour and patterns of distraction from and
limits and prevent abusive behaviour. This reliance on others tends to
avoidance of the abuser's own experience. This is consistent with the
place control of the man's life in the hands of others and leads to feelings
tendency to rely on others to take responsibility for the abuse.
of insecurity and anxiety. Abusive males have often abdicated
Most abusive males fail to attend to their own experience which
responsibility for their own sense of well-being and consequently feel
precedes abusive acts. Spouse abusers often describe themselves as
somewhat at the mercy of others they rely on.
inexplicably and suddenly moving from a calm a state to an abusive state.
Many abusive acts are associated with overt displays of status
They spend little time thinking about and noticing the process of
and power and occur in a context where ihc ubuscr feels threatened,
self-intoxication as they escalate their own self-righteous thinking, feelings
inadequate or that he is losing control. Altcrn;tlivcly, abusive acts may be
of blame towards their partners and self-justification of violence, prior to
associated with covert experiences in which men arc preoccupied with
fantasies of dominance, idealized admiration and success, sexual acts of violent abuse.
In a similar way, child sexual offenders fail to think about and
performance or vengeance - often in sharp contrast with their real life
experience. attend to the process of self-intoxication that accompanies escalating
Sexual offenders often describe their sexual interest in the child irresponsible sexual preoccupations, plans, fantasies and initiatives.
Most abusive men only think about their abusive actions
victim in terms of preoccupation with status and interpersonal confidence.
immediately after an occurrence of abuse. Feelings of guilt, remorse and
They describe themselves as being attracted to the child's size, naivety,
shame may be felt at such times for short periods. These feelings and
vulnerability and deference. When asked about their choice, most describe
the child as "easy", available and accessible. Some make statements like, experiences are painful and difficult to face. Consequently, they tend to be
quickly pushed out of experience and avoided. Justifications, which excuse
"I felt that I was satisfying her/giving her pleasure", "She was easily
the abusive behaviour and shift responsibility elsewhere, are soon
satisfied" and that there were "no pressures" and "no demands".
developed. The abusive male may then quickly "forget" his painful
Abusive men are restrained by their own self intoxicating
experience. Consequently, he is unlikely to face up to and take
preoccupations and beliefs. These ideas arc, of course, closely related to
responsibility for his actions or to consider their impact upon the victim.
their own causal explanations of the abusive behaviour. Spouse abusers
In this way, he fails to limit his own abusive behaviour and relies on others
often spend considerable periods of lime preoccupied with self-righteous
thinking and their partner's "injustices" and many sexual offenders show to monitor and limit it for him.
Many abusive males try to control their abusive actions by
high levels of sexual preoccupation and sexual behaviour of low
focusing on emotional states which they confuse with the abusive actions
interpersonal demand. A tendency lo "scxnali/c" needs and feelings
Alan Jenkins
Invitations to Responsibility-
— 55
themselves. Spouse abusers may believe that to stop violence they must
a sense of ultimate responsibility for the creation and
stop feeling angry. Consequently, they try hard to avoid the experience of
maintenance of the social-emotional climate in the relationship;
anger but take little responsibility to cease their violence. In a similar way,
a sense of responsibility for the causation, prevention or
sexual offenders may confuse the experience of sexual interest with
consequence's of her partner's violence and abuse;
abusive behaviour. These men try to avoid the experience of sexual
a sense of entrapment or inability to leave the abusive context.
interest and to distract themselves from it, in an attempt to control the
Consequently, patterns of imbalance in perceived status and
abusive behaviour. These strategies are invariably unsuccessful and serve
responsibility between partners often exist in relationships which are
to alienate the man from his own experience so that he feels more "under
characterized by male violence and abuse.
the influence" of his feelings or urges and less likely to take steps to
A theory of restraint may be extremely helpful when working
control his actions.
with abusive men and members of their families. I work from the
assumption that these men do not want to hurt or abuse others and that
they do want caring and respectful relationships. Instead of accepting the
I have found causal explanations of abuse, and the search to abuse perpetrator's "invitation" to search for the cause of the abuse, I am
discover them, to be highly restraining for men in taking responsibility for able to invite him to consider:
abusive behaviour and in learning to contribute respectfully and sensitively What has stopped him in the past from taking responsibility for
in their relationships with others. However, causal theories often relate to his abuse?
parameters of cultural structures and traditions, developmental What has stopped him from taking responsibility to develop
backgrounds, relationship patterns and patterns of individual thinking and sensitive and respectful relationships with the victim and other
behaviour which are helpful in understanding and intervention in abuse, family members?
when considered in the context of a theory of restraint. These parameters In this way, it remains clear in the therapeutic context, that I
are seen as restraints to responsibility rather than causes of abusive regard the abuse perpetrator as responsible for his abusive behaviour. At
behaviour. The more restraints that are active, the less likely the man is the same time, I can invite my client to examine restraints to his
to take responsibility. acceptance of these responsibilities without the risk of unwittingly
Abuse and exploitation are perpetrated in a context where the encouraging him to attribute responsibility to "causal" factors.
man's sense of entitlement overrides his sense of social-emotional The abuse perpetrator can be invited to examine and challenge
responsibility in relation to others. This context exists for a male when he restraints which range from socio-cultural and developmental traditions
holds highly restrained beliefs and values that foster: and blueprints by which he may have been unwittingly "sucked in " and
— an exaggerated sense of entitlement in relation to others; patterns of interaction whereby he has relied on others to face social and
the avoidance of social-emotional responsibilities in emotional responsibilities and take responsibility for his abusive behaviour,
relationships; to restraining individual habits, beliefs and misguided attempts to deal
reliance on others to face these responsibilities in relationships; with abuse.
the attribution of responsibility for abusive behaviour to other I am also able to work with other family members and invite
persons, events or factors over which he feels he has little them to challenge restraining patterns of interaction and habits of
influence or control. accepting responsibility for the abusive male's behaviour. In this way, I can
His partner may also hold highly restraining beliefs and values address relationship dynamics in families without the risk of attributing
which foster: responsibility for abusive behaviour to non-abusive family members.
a sense of female submissiveness or deference in relation to her
Invitations to Responsibility
Alan Jenkins
Explanations based on a theo/y of restraint tend to promote
helpful solutions in the form of responsible actions. If the abusive male
has failed to take responsibility in these areas:
if ne has failed to face up to and accept responsibility for his
abusive behaviour;
if he has failed to face social and emotional pressures and
jf he has relied on others to lace his social and emotional
pressures and responsibilities for h i m ; THE PROCESS OF ENGAGEMENT
then the solution is obvious. He must lace these pressures and OF MEN WHO ABUSE
responsibilities himself. A therapeutic strategy on be devised around the THEIR PARTNERS
concept of responsibility, in which the therapist's role is to decline
"invitations" by the abuse perpetrator to allribulc responsibility to external
factors and invite him to accept responsibility himself.
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
INTRODUCTION Both kinds of invitation may lead others to participate in the
problem and perpetuate interactional restraints to responsibility.
Consequently, the man is likely to have well established habits of reliance
on others to take initiative, accept responsibility for his violence and work
harder than himself to attend to it. There may be a wide circle of others
who attend to the violence, including his partner, family members, friends,
police, welfare workers and counsellors. Such a cycle of imbalance in
responsibility is likely to have escalated over time, whereby the harder
The abusive man will come to therapy willi a story to tell and
others work to attend to the violence, the less responsibility he takes to
explanations of his violence and events in his rclalion.shi|> which are quite
attend to it himself. In other words, he is likely to have matched the
consistent with his restrained beliefs. He is likely lo w;uit lo cease his
increasing responsibility of others with increasing irresponsibility himself.
violence. However, he is also likely to be well practised at avoiding
In a counselling setting, the abusive man will inevitably approach
responsibility for his actions and attributing this lesponsibilily to external
the therapist with similar explicit invitations to attribute responsibility
events or factors over which he feels he has link- influence. Attempts to
externally and confirm his restrained views, along with the more implicit
address his violence will have tended to involve iillcmpls to invite others
"invitations" for the therapist to attend to and take greater responsibility
to take responsibility on his behalf. These invilalioiis nuy be thought of in
for the violence. The invitations, both explicit and implicit, may be
two ways:
especially pronounced if the man has made the appointment as a result
Explicit invitations to his partner ;m<l others to accept his
of external pressures or others' initiatives, such as his partner leaving the
viewpoints, attribute responsibility exter n;il!y mul ignore, excuse,
relationship or presenting him with an ultimatum to attend counselling, or
minimise, tolerate, accept blame, In- "inulersliimling" or forgive
as a result of police, justice system or extended family initiatives.
the violence. These invitations arc based on expressed
It is consistent with the long established pattern of
expectations and are generally given in the form of direct
mis-attribution and avoidance of responsibility for violence, that others are
likely to have taken the responsibility to initiate therapy for the man. Not
Implicit invitations to his partner mid others to accept
surprisingly, he may feel distressed and resentful at being coerced to see
responsibility and attend to his violence lot him. The man may
a therapist and is likely to present in a manner which appears to be highly
not be aware of these "invitations" w h i c h HIT implied from his
inactivity and failure to take respoir,idle ml ion in the face of his
In this context, particularly when the therapist is aware of the
violence. This inactivity provides a somewhat irresistible
nature of the abuse, the man's implicit "invitations" for the therapist to
"invitation" to others who wanl lo i n f l u e n c e his behaviour, to
take greater responsibility in attending to the violence, can feel somewhat
step into the void of responsibilily in (he mint's life and try to
take action on his behalf. irresistible.
The therapist may be tempted to accept responsibility by:
Others may have attended to his violence hy;
-- directly challenging and confronting the man's explanations;
experiencing worry and coiuein itlioul Ihc violence;
— giving advice to stop abusive behaviour and engage in more
taking initiative to advise, i n n l r o n l or Iry (o set limits
responsible behaviour;
on his behaviour;
— putting strong arguments against violence;
trying to prevent onlbmsls nl hU violence;
— trying to "break down his denial";
trying to remove pressnie.s ;unl rlitillengCK from his life;
— criticizing or castigating the client for his behaviour;
trying to calm him down;
- — expressing shock and outrage at his actions.
maintaining secrecy ;il>oul (he violence.
invitations to Responsibility
— Alan Jenkins
affected him, as well as what he thinks her stands have meant to his wife. it in the eye so that they can do something about it - let alone come and see
I decline the invitation to discuss whether or not the violence is justified. a counsellor;
The therapist may invite the man to participate in this discussion A lot of men beat around the bush and never find the courage to mention
and attend to his violence by: their violence - many can't handle the feelings that come up inside when they
avoiding criticism of his explanations; start to face up and so they cop out instead or try to run away from it;
apologizing for interruptions and the need to ask so many What do you think it says about you that you are here today?
questions; The man may deny that his initiatives had any thing to do with
explaining the therapist's lack of knowledge about the situation his attendance. The therapist may respond:
and the need to understand more fully before being able to Come on - a lot of men wouldn't come within one mile of this place, no
know how s/he can best help or offer comments; matter how much they were told or threatened by others - let alone talk about
-- asking permission to ask further questions about events. their violence. I've heard of men who sit out in their cars unable to pluck up
The therapist may discuss the process of the interview with the the courage to enter the building.
man by asking, "Can you handle me asking about ...?" This form of asking It must have taken a lot of courage to walk through this door.
permission invites the man to take some responsibility for the content of You must have felt like shooting through.
what is discussed and also to challenge himself about his ability to discuss How did you succeed here today? .
sensitive issues such as incidents of violence. The therapist may express respect for the man's facing up by
The therapist should be vigilant, throughout the initial contact, selecting out and clarifying details of any evidence of responsibility that he
for any evidence of the man's acceptance of responsibility for violence and shows. By and large, each of the man's attempts to avoid responsibility in
his attendance at therapy - no matter how small or seemingly trivial. Any the session are interrupted with invitations to face up rather than
such evidence is acknowledged and highlighted by the therapist as commented on or challenged directly.
evidence of facing up to responsibility. The man is invited to attribute
meaning to this evidence. For example, if the man accepts the therapist's
invitation to talk about his violence, the therapist may draw his attention
to the meaning and significance of the process in which he is engaging:
Are you sure you can handle talking about your violence?
It isn't easy - it takes a lot of courage to face up to the fact that you really
hurt someone you love;
How does it effect you to talk about your violence?
He may be invited to contrast his facing up in the session with
his behaviour on other occasions or with the behaviour of others and then
to notice differences and attribute meaning to new events:
Is this the first time you have talked about your violence and how it really
takes you feel, in a honest way with another person?
W]\at does it say about you as a man/your strength/guts, that you are here
today and telling me about your violence?
Many men deeply regret hurting their loved ones and want to stop it - but
most of them find it too difficult to face up to what they have done - to look
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
Therapist: Wliat reason did she give for leaving? non-violent relationship and avoid "inviting resistance" from the man, yet
Client: Well she said it's because I hoofed her ... but it's more than still bring the issue of violence into focus:
that ... everyone has fights ... I dunno, maybe she's on with Do you want your marriage to include violence or do you want a
someone else. violence-free marriage?
Therapist: How did you boofher? Do you want a marriage in which Jill feels safe with you or frightened of
Client: (angrily) O.K. I know sometimes I go a bit far ... but that's you?
behind me now. She's been listening to her bloody girlfriend If the man argues for a violence-free marriage, the therapist can
too much. invite him to further challenge his restraining views and consider even
Therapist: How are you hoping I can help you? stronger arguments for responsibility:
Client: Talk to her ... get her to come here and see you ... she thinks Are you sure? Some men think its fair game to bash their wives - some men
I've got a problem ... she should be here ... she can't just walk think its a good way to let off tension, like hitting a punching bag. Some men
out of twelve years of marriage and the family. think that it's what wives are therefor- it doesn't matter if someone gets hurt
Therapist: I guess you've tried pretty hard to convince her to come back? - that's just too bad.
Client: Of course. When the man is arguing that his violence will not reoccur, I
Therapist: How have you tried to convince her to come back? find it helpful to distinguish between his goals and desire for no further
Client: I've rung her... sent letters ... I've told her what she's doing to violence and his plans to ensure that these goals are achieved. I can
the kids ... I've gone to her parents and told them what she's respect his desire and his goals whilst declining to accept his view that
doing to me and the kids ... I just can't get through to her. violence will not reoccur in the absence of well made plans. He can be
Therapist: // sounds like you've tried just about everything you can think invited to consider planning to ensure that he does achieve his goals:
of to get her to come back ... and you're getting pretty I'm hearing loud and clear that you don't want to use violence again and
desperate. Tliis marriage is extremely important to you? that you believe you have put it behind you. You seem to be telling me that
Client: (tearful) Of course it is. you don't want a marriage with violence.
Therapist: Perhaps the most important thing to you now? Can you help me understand how you came to that decision?
Client: (nods tearfully) Have you made a decision like it before?
Therapist: / know that you want to see if you can get back together with How is different this time?
Jill. There are two things I need you to help me understand so Wliat sort of plans have you made?
I'm properly in the picture. Tiie first thing I need to understand Do you want to quit violence under all circumstances or do you want to hang
is what kind of marriage you want to have with Jill? Tlie on to a little for certain occasions?
second thing is what kind of marriage you have had in the Would you like to be able to handle any argument without resorting to
past? . violence?
The therapist may then ask permission to enquire about the Even if you think Jill is totally unreasonable?
man's goals for his relationship: Even if you feel provoked?
Could you help me understand what kind of marriage you want with Jill? Are you sure? Some men think that there are certain things a woman
The therapist may ask questions which invite the man to deserves to be thumped for. Some men think a wife won't respect a husband
consider new options for his relationship for the first time and to put his who doesn't hit her occasionally.
own arguments for the kind of relationship that he wants. In this way, the The therapist may invite the man to consider his goals as they
therapist can decline the implicit "invitation" to put arguments for a relate to mutual respect, trust and love tn the relationship:
Alan Jenkins
Invitations to Responsibility
— 73
INVITE THE MAN TO EXAMINE HIS What effect do you think your violence has had on Jill?
MISGUIDED EFFORTS TO CONTRIBUTE Wfiat effect do you think your violence has had on Jill's feelings of
TO THE RELATIONSHIP trust/respect/love/safety ?
The therapist may acknowledge the man's concern and distress
about the deterioration which has taken place in his relationship. In this
context, the man is invited to describe details of his violence, the context
in which it has occurred and its consequences:
Can you help me understand more about your violence, how it has
developed and how it has got in the way of your relationship?
When the man begins to put arguments for a relationship which Can you handle talking about the last time you were violent to Jill?
is mutually respectful, caring and non-violent, the therapist may invite him The therapist may focus on specific incidents which have
to examine ways that he has tried to contribute to such a relationship - his included violence and invite the man to recall details of his experience and
recipe or blueprint for closeness: his perception of his partner's experience, throughout each incident:
/ now understand that you don't want to hurt Jill and that you want a What was the first thing that happened?
relationship where she respects, trusts and stays with you because she wants What did you think when Jill did/said...?
to and where she feels respected and loved by you. I understand that you What did you feel then?
want a more respectful and caring relationship. You have made it clear how What did you do/say?
important this is to you. Wliat I don Y yet understand is what has stopped you What did you want to do?
in the past from achieving your goals. What did you want her to do?
Do you think it would be helpful if you understood what has stopped you What do you think she wanted?
from achieving your goals? What do you think she was thinking/feeling?
How would this help you? What did she do then ?
Could you help me to understand the ways that you have been trying to build Wliat happened next?
this kind of relationship? In this way, the therapist invites the roan to study the process of
Are there times when you feel you have been successful? his own self-intoxication, in a step by step fashion, throughout each
Wliat has stopped you or got in the way other times? incident. This is a novel experience for many men who tend to see their
How have you tried to solve problems in your relationship? violence as coming "out of the blue" with no antecedents or build iip and
The therapist can proceed to enquire about the man's who have never considered the way in which they work themselves up to
perception of the history of achievements and problems and attempts to violence. The man is invited to punctuate his experience by reflecting on
solve them in his relationship, even if his arguments for non-violent his thoughts, feelings and actions at significant points throughout each
relationship are relatively weak. incident.
The therapist may invite the man to examine his violence in this The man is invited to describe his violence in a specific and
context: detailed manner:
What affect has your violence had on your marriage? How did you grab her/push her/liit her?
What effect has your violence had on respect/trust/safety/ caring/love in Did you hit her with a closed or open fist?
your marriage? How many times?
What effect has your violence had on you and how you feel about yourself? Where did you hit her?
What effect has your violence had on your own self respect/self-confidence?
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
When such beliefs are relevant restraints, I generally find it
helpful to take the initiative and detail my understanding of the man's
blueprint or recipe for relating, in the context of socio-cultural restraints
or extended family traditions which reflect patriarchal values.
I prefer to introduce this notion in a somewhat dramatic way:
Therapist: You know it doesn't surprise me that you have had trouble
achieving a loving, respectful relationship and instead got one
The therapist may now invite the man to consider explanations which is getting further apart and more and more violent. In
for his violence which are based on a theory of restraint, by maintaining fact I'm surprised that Jill didn 't start to lose her feelings for
a preoccupation with questions that address the following issues. Given you before you began the violence.
his intentions: Client: WJiat do you mean ?
What has stopped the man from taking responsibility to Therapist: Well you wanted to get close to her and you worked hard at it.
contribute to the relationship in ways that foster equity, mutual I respect your intentions. However, your recipe for getting close
respect, sensitivity and caring? is not only out of date but totally misguided. In fact - this may
— What has stopped the man from taking responsibility for his come as a shock to you - its probably the best recipe I could
violent behaviour? think of for insecurity, disrespect and violence in a marriage.
In this way, the therapist invites the man to discover and Can you handle some straight information about this?
challenge restraining attitudes and habits, in order to free himself to Client: Of course I can.
develop the relationship that he really wants. Therapist: Your recipe for building a marriage expired years ago and
If the man is preoccupied with the question "Why am I violent?", hasn't been renewed. It doesn't match the kind of relationship
the therapist may respond: that you want. It would be a good blueprint if you wanted to
It never surprises me to hear of violent behaviour like yours. Our culture is be tyrant or if you lived about 100 years ago. It would work
riddled with violence and messages about violence. It is impossible to turn well if you wanted a slave, a doormat or a robot rather than a
on a TV set without seeing examples of violence being used to solve wife - someone who serves you rather than really loves and
problems or take advantage of others. I am wondering more about what has respects you. However, you were indicating earlier that this isn 't
stopped you from finding ways to develop the kind of relationship you want- want you want. Do you know the old-fashioned recipe for a
one which is not violent but caring and respectful. I am wondering what has marriage which says that the man is in the front seat and in
stopped you from facing up to, taking responsibility for your violence and charge? He knows best and the woman should be in the back
putting it behind you for once and for all. seat doing what she is told and keeping her feelings and
White (1986a, 1989) has described the process of'externalisation" thoughts to herself. These old-fashioned ideas say that the man
of a problem in order to render a restraining practise or belief accessible is supposed to be the provider and that his point of view is the
to be challenged. In this way the man can separate himself from and pit correct one and it his duty to help is wife think that way too -
himself against his own restraining beliefs and practices rather than for the sake of the marriage. It is easy for men to get sucked in
against his partner or himself. without realising it How much do you think you 've been sucked
The man can be invited to externalism his blueprint or recipe in by these ideas?
for relating and then to examine its relevance to his goals and its
implications for his future and the future of his relationship.
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
The man is invited to externalize patriarchal restraints and They take over the driver seat of your life and you become a
consider their influence in his life and the extent to which he has slavishly slave to them. You become less and less able to think for
and blindly followed a set of oppressive and unhelpful beliefs: yourself and less and less able to handle your own life. You
If a man takes this recipe on board what sort of marriage is he going to be start to become more and more reliant on your wife to do your
building? thinking for you and to handle your insecurity for you. You
Is he going to want his wife to be her own person with her own ideas or his start to need her to put her own life aside and reassure you and
person with his ideas? prop you up by keeping her mouth shut and not saying or
Is she likely to respect him more if he tries to get her to be his person or if he doing anything that she thinks you can't handle. You start to
allows her to be her own person ? leave it up to her to control your violence for you by walking
If she was just doing what she is told, would she be more likely to give out on eggshells around you. You start to need her to move from
of love and desire or out of duty? the back seat of the marriage into the boot.
The man may also be invited to consider the influence of family Client: (protesting) / don't think it's got to that.
traditions which are consistent with these beliefs and the extent to which Therapist: / guess she decided to leave rather than have it get to that - it
he has unwittingly followed in the footsteps of another family member. sounds like that's where it was heading. Tlie only way she
The man's adherence to this patriarchal blueprint for relating is could have avoided being hit would have been to keep her
linked with his failure to achieve his goals, as illustrated in the following mouth shut and do what you say. The tragic thing is that it's
sections of edited transcript: exactly the opposite to what you have wanted - that's right isn't
Therapist: The worst part of it is that you want to get close - that you it?
want your wife's respect and love but you get sucked in to try The man is invited to consider the "relative influence" of these
to make her your person and, of course, she loses respect for societal and family traditions and beliefs (White, 1986a, 1989). If he is an
you. This out-of-date blueprint says that men should own their unwitting victim of his own loyalty to a traditional blueprint which is
wives. So whenever she does her own thing - wants to go out depriving him of the relationship he wants, then it will be necessary for
by herself - says her own point of view - disagrees with you, you him to determine the extent of this tyranny, by searching for any
feel insecure inside and think there is something wrong with her exceptions to the rule. The search for exceptions provides a positive focus
- she's letting you down - she doesn't care, because the old for the man by orienting him towards discovering his own competence and
blueprint says she should think the way you think. Thenyouget ability to change rather than reinforcing a sense of incompetence or
sucked in further by the blueprint which tells you to put her stuckness:
right. WJien she doesn't agree with you, you feel even more Have you noticed any times when you have stood up to this old fashioned
insecure and furious with her. Then the blueprint has got you blueprint?
by the balls and you start to resort to desperate methods tike Have you noticed any times when you have not been sucked in?
threats and violence. The more you give in to your insecure Have you noticed any times when you have been able to handle Jill being her
feelings and follow the blueprint, the more you feel trapped in own person/speaking her own mind/making her own decisions?
it - and the tragic thing is that you are not wanting to hurt her. How did you manage that?
You are wanting to get close to her. TJiat's right isn't it? Trends in relative influence may then be highlighted:
Client: (Nodding) Are you becoming more able to make your own decisions in your marriage
Therapist: Well it doesn't stop there either. The more you give into or more sucked in by these old traditions?
insecure feelings - the more you do what the feelings say - the -Are you learning to handle and respect Jill being her own person more or are
more the feelings start running your life for you. you needing her to be your person more and more over time?
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
Client: Yeah, but how can I prove to her I've changed if she doesn't Client: / guess that I could give her time - that I can handle it.
come home? Therapist: Which side of you would it strengthen - the side of you that
Therapist: Before you prove anything to her, won't you need to prove to wants to be able to stand on your own two feet and stand up
yourself that you can respect her feelings? Wliat is it that she to your fears - or the side of you that needs her to reassure
is wanting from you now? Wliat does her not returning your you?
calls tell you ? Client: Standing on my own two feet.
Client: She says she wants time to think. She says she wants time to Therapist: What message would it give to Jill about you, ifycfu stop trying
herself. She keeps saying she is not ready but... to make contact with her? Do you think she would feel more
Therapist: What would you be doing then if you were respecting her respected if you stopped or more respected if you kept up trying
feelings and wishes now? to make contact?
Client: But I'd give her time to think if she came home. Client: I guess she would feel respected - but if I don't contact her, she
Therapist: It will probably be the hardest thing you've ever done - to prove might think I don't want her back.
to yourself that you can respect her feelings and decisions - to Therapist: Is that you talking oryour fears and desperation talking? Think
prove that you are bigger than your fears and your desperation about what's happened over the last two weeks.
which I bet even right now are telling you call her and try and Client: / suppose it's my fears.
convince her to come home. How important is it that you Therapist: Its going to be pretty tough. You've been pushed around by
stand on your own two feet and make this decision for your fears for years and they're not going to let up easily. In
yourself? Or are you prepared to let your fears and desperation fact its going to feel almost impossible to resist them at times.
decide it for you ? Tliey will come up with what seem to be excellent reasons for
Client: / want to make the decision - but couldn't I just see her and making contact with her and try to pull the wool over your
talk to her. eyes. Do you think you're ready to make a stand against them?
Therapist: Until you've proven you can stand up to your fears and Client: Yes, I'm ready.
desperation she'd be crazy to talk to you about coming back. Therapist: Okay, are you ready to make some plans so that you are
Until you've proved to yourself that you can't be pushed prepared for them ?
around by your insecure feelings, you 'd be kidding yourself if
you thought you were ready to see her.
Client: / can't handle not seeing her - not hearing from her - not
knowing how she is...
Therapist: Like I said, this will probably be the hardest thing you've ever
attempted. Your fears and your desperation are going to be at
you all the time telling you to contact her, drive past her house,
ring her parents. I can understand if you are not ready to make
a stand at this time - if you're not ready to handle it yet. Do
you want me to continue?
Client: Yes. I want to try it.
Therapist: Wliat would it say about you if you stopped trying to make
contact with her - if you left it for her to make contact with you
when she's ready? Wliat would you be proving to yourself?
PROMOTING SELF-RESPONSIBILITY The man may be invited to invent active ways to demonstrate
respect for his partner's rights, feelings, ideas and independence:
The man may be invited to invent active ways in which he can
What would you need to do to prove to yourself that you don't need to try
demonstrate to himself that he can take responsibility for his own feelings to own Jill?
and behaviour. These may involve "plans and strategies" to resist the How could you show both yourself and Jill that:
influence of feelings such as insecurity, fear, impatience etc.: -you can respect her being her own person with her own opinions and ideas?
Wliat wouldyou need to do to prove to yourself:
- that you can stand up to your feelings of...? - that you can respect her independence?
- that you are not a slave to your feelings of...? - that you are interested in her opinions whether you agree with them or not?
- that you are bigger than your feelings of... ? - that you can handle and want her to share the front seat of your
- that you can handle feeling hurt/let down/angry without taking it out on relationship rather than stay in the back seat?
Jill? - that you want to share responsibility for your marriage and family rather
- that you can stand on your own two feet and you don't need Jill to look than rely on her to take all responsibility?
after/coddle your feelings for you? The man is encouraged to monitor and attribute meaning to his
How would you know if you were starting to feel... ? actions each time he has contact with his partner. Each of his actions gives
Wliat warnings signs wouldyou pick up in yourself? either a message of respect or disrespect regarding his partner's rights. He
Wliat wouldyou need to do to become more sensitive to these warning signs?
Invitations to Responsibility
_ Alan Jenkins
At an appropriate point in therapy (usually when the man has What message would it give Jill, if you tried to apologise without having any
a sense of achievement and influence over his actions), he may be invited idea what it was like for her?
to examine more closely the real nature and extent of his violence, abuse What would it say about you?
and harassment and their impact upon his partner and others in the The therapist may promote a definition of strength that is
family. This involves a shift from looking inwards at his own experience, gained through facing up to a difficult challenge and painful feelings:
to considering his partner's (and other's) experience and developing and Do you think it would make you stronger or weaker to really face up in this
demonstrating sensitivity and understanding of what he has put others way?
through. This step from introspection or "looking in" to "looking out" often What would it say about you as a man?
proceeds a new stage of understanding and sensitivity towards his partner's The feeling of inner strength is seen to follow behind the painful
feelings and experience. experience which accompanies facing up, just as the experience of fitness
Having acknowledged and highlighted certain of the man's lags behind the pain and discomfort experienced hi physical exercise.
achievements, the therapist may enquire: If the man demonstrates readiness for facing up then the
Are you ready to take a new step which will be a lot tougher than anything therapist may assist by prescribing written assignments (e.g. writing "Jill's
you have tried to do so far? story1) or by asking specific questions,like the following:
Are you ready to take a closer look at the past - at what you have put Jill What would it be like to be constantly living in fear of violence if you open
(and the fads) through - at what it would have felt like to be in their shoes? your mouth?
The therapist may challenge the man's resolve with irresistible What would it be like to be constantly on the lookout and worrying about
invitations: your partner's moods?
Can you handle a step like this? It means facing up fully to what you have What would it be like to be called ... and to be humiliated in front of your
done and trying to understand what it has meant to Jill (and the kids). I family?
know that some men, once they feel they have stopped their violence, think What would it be like to be treated like a nothing, as though your opinions
that it can now be forgotten - they can pretend it never happened and expect didn't matter?
their partners to do the same, even though their partners are still carrying It may be appropriate for the man to let his partner know what
painful mental scars and memories of the abuse. he has realised about his actions and their impact on her and others, in
On the other hand, others feel they have a responsibility to help with the the form of an apology. The apology is regarded as a declaration of
healing of these scars and memories by trying to understand as best they can acceptance of responsibility and distinguished from any previous pleas for
what they put their partners through, so that when the time is right they can forgiveness. It is a gift of understanding and realization which is given to
let their partners know this and make a genuine apology - not one of the the partner, with no expectation of or request for a response let alone
pretend ones they made in the past. forgiveness, reunion or any change in the partner's behaviour. It is simply
Wtiere do you stand on this? a statement of the man's realizations about his abusive behaviour and its
If the man argues for facing up then the therapist may challenge impact on others. An apology is totally inappropriate and can even be
his resolve even further: disrespectful in the absence of genuine attempts to understand the
// is a pretty painful step to take. It will make you feel pretty horrible at first. experience of those victimized by the abuse.
It means facing feelings of shame, embarrassment, and grief- if you really let This kind of facing up can help the man to understand that his
yourself feel about what you have put them through. Yet it's the only way you partner's fears and concerns will remain for some time after he has ceased
can make a genuine apology. his violence and that it will take considerable time and evidence fore him
Do you think an apology would mean anything at all if you had no idea to earn her trust back, if she ever fully trusts him again.
what is was like for them?
Invitations to Responsibility Alan Jenkins
Do you think that Jill is ready and prepared to share responsibility in the SEPARATION COUNSELLING
Do you think that she could handle stepping back - not reminding you etc.,
after so much practise?
Do you think she could handle you making your own contributions in your
own ways or do you think that she needs you do it her way?
Both partners are encouraged to continue to discover ways to
maintain a healthy balance between separateness/in dependence and Couple therapy does not always lead to maintenance of the
togetherness in their relationship. This may mean developing more relationship. The goals are mutual respect, sensitivity and cessation of
separate interests and activities; a process which usually begins in the abuse. One or both partners may decide to terminate the relationship.
initial period of separation, when both partners begin to develop a sense When one or both partners decide to separate, difficulties are
of independence. Initial gains, however, may be lost when the couple often experienced in successfully achieving the separation. These
reunites, unless there is an emphasis placed on the importance of difficulties can be seen to result from the highly mutually dependent
separateness. Both partners are encouraged to find active ways to show nature of the relationship. Sometimes the separation is only partially
respect for each others separateness and independence and to challenge achieved. Both partners may live in separate houses but still maintain
cultural myths regarding togetherness in relationships. considerable "investment" with each other in the same manner as before -
that is one which is based on notions of male ownership and female
obligation. Such partial separations may endure for long periods of time
with both partners reporting considerable dissatisfaction and distress.
Sometimes the couple may cohabit once again and re-establish the original
pattern of violence, e.g. One couple described their "drift" back together,
because we were both lonely and unhappy and there was nothing else to do.
Some men still attempt to exert ownership over their ex-
partners following separation, particularly if the ex-partners have initiated
the separation. They may engage in attempts to follow ex-partners around
in obvious ways, make frequent phone calls, question their ex-partner's
friends regarding their actions and whereabouts, drive past their ex-
partner's house and engage in other forms of pursuit for long periods of
time, especially if the ex-partners do not take strong action to stop this.
These men often state that they have finished with the
relationship but act in ways that indicate that they are still highly invested.
This contradiction can be pointed out and the consequences of
maintaining the investment can be predicted. For example:
Greg was attending a men's group. He had been separated from his wife
Chris for three months, at her instigation. She was showing no signs of
wanting to re-establish the relationship and was living at an address unknown
to Greg. Greg told the group that his relationship with Chris was finished -
"I don't give a stuff about her anymore" and that he was nonlocking after
Invitations to Responsibility