Ipnotes - Copyright
Ipnotes - Copyright
Ipnotes - Copyright
Karla Ilagan
Sometime in 1989, Pearl and Dean, received reports that
exact copies of its light boxes were installed at SM City and
in the fastfood section of SM Cubao. Upon investigation,
Pearl and Dean found out that aside from the two reported
FACTS: Petitioner Pearl and Dean (Phil.), Inc. is a SM branches, light boxes similar to those it manufactures
corporation engaged in the manufacture of advertising were also installed in two other SM stores. It further
display units simply referred to as light boxes. These units discovered that respondent North Edsa Marketing Inc.
utilize specially printed posters sandwiched between plastic (NEMI), through its marketing arm, Prime Spots Marketing
sheets and illuminated with back lights. Services, was set up primarily to sell advertising space in
lighted display units located in SMI's different branches.
Pearl and Dean was able to secure a Certificate of Pearl and Dean noted that NEMI is a sister company of
Copyright Registration dated January 20, 1981 over these SMI.
illuminated display units. The advertising light boxes were
marketed under the trademark "Poster Ads". In the light of its discoveries, Pearl and Dean sent a letter
dated December 11, 1991 to both SMI and NEMI enjoining
The application for registration of the trademark was filed them to cease using the subject light boxes and to remove
with the Bureau of Patents, Trademarks and Technology the same from SMI's establishments. It also demanded the
Transfer on June 20, 1983, but was approved only on discontinued use of the trademark "Poster Ads," and the
September 12, 1988, per Registration No. 41165. From payment to Pearl and Dean of compensatory damages in
1981 to about 1988, Pearl and Dean employed the services the amount of P20,000,000.00.
of Metro Industrial Services to manufacture its advertising
displays. Instant case
Sometime in 1985, Pearl and Dean negotiated with Upon receipt of the demand letter, SMI suspended the
respondent Shoemart, Inc. (SMI) for the lease and leasing of two hundred twenty-four (224) light boxes and
installation of the light boxes in SM City North Edsa. Since NEMI took down its advertisements for "Poster Ads" from
SM City North Edsa was under construction at that time, the lighted display units in SMI's stores. Claiming that both
SMI offered as an alternative, SM Makati and SM Cubao, to SMI and NEMI failed to meet all its demands, Pearl and
which Pearl and Dean agreed. Only the contract for SM Dean filed this instant case for infringement of trademark
Makati, was signed. On October 4, 1985, Vergara wrote and copyright, unfair competition, and damages.
Abano inquiring about the other contract and reminding
SMI’S CONTENTIONS: In denying the charges hurled
him that their agreement for installation of light boxes was
against it, SMI maintained that:
also for SM Cubao.
• it independently developed its poster panels using
SMI's house counsel informed Pearl and Dean that it was
commonly known techniques and available technology,
rescinding the contract for SM Makati due to non-
without notice of or reference to Pearl and Dean's
performance of the terms thereof. In his reply dated
February 17, 1986, Vergara protested the unilateral action
of SMI, saying it was without basis. In the same letter, he • the registration of the mark "Poster Ads" was only for
pushed for the signing of the contract for SM Cubao. stationeries such as letterheads, envelopes, and the like.
Two years later, Metro Industrial Services, the company • Pearl and Dean is not entitled to the reliefs prayed for in
formerly contracted by Pearl and Dean to fabricate its its complaint since its advertising display units contained
display units, offered to construct light boxes for no copyright notice, in violation of Section 27 of P.D. 49.
Shoemart's chain of stores. SMI approved the proposal and
ten light boxes were subsequently fabricated by Metro PETITIONER’S CONTENTION: SMI infringed on Pearl and
Industrial for SMI. After its contract with Metro Industrial Dean’s copyright over the light boxes when SMI had the
was terminated, SMI engaged the services of EYD Rainbow units manufactured by Metro and EYD Rainbow Advertising
Advertising Corporation to make the light boxes. Some 300 for its own account.
units were fabricated in 1991. These were delivered on a
staggered basis and installed at SM Megamall and SM City.
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
Petitioner's position was premised on its belief that its The strict application of the law's enumeration in Section 2
copyright over the engineering drawings extended ipso prevents us from giving petitioner even a little leeway, that
facto to the light boxes depicted or illustrated in said is, even if its copyright certificate was entitled "Advertising
drawings. Display Units." What the law does not include, it excludes,
and for the good reason: the light box was not a literary or
ISSUE: Whether or not the copyright over the drawings artistic piece which could be copyrighted under the
extended to the light boxes depicted or illustrated in the copyright law. And no less clearly, neither could the lack of
drawings. – NO statutory authority to make the light box copyrightable be
remedied by the simplistic act of entitling the copyright
RULING: The Court agreed with the CA that the copyright
certificate issued by the National Library as "Advertising
was limited to the drawings.
Display Units."
First, petitioner's application for a copyright certificate – as
In fine, if SMI and NEMI reprinted Pearl and Dean's
well as Copyright Certificate No. PD-R2588 issued by the
technical drawings for sale to the public without license
National Library on January 20, 1981 – clearly stated that it
from Pearl and Dean, then no doubt they would have been
was for a class "O" work under Section 2 (O) of P.D. 49 (The
guilty of copyright infringement. But this was not the case.
Intellectual Property Decree) which was the statute then
SMI's and NEMI's acts complained of by Pearl and Dean
prevailing. Said Section 2 expressly enumerated the works
were to have units similar or identical to the light box
subject to copyright:
illustrated in the technical drawings manufactured by
Section 2. The rights granted by this Decree shall, from the Metro and EYD Rainbow Advertising, for leasing out to
moment of creation, subsist with respect to any of the different advertisers. This was not an infringement of
following works: petitioner's copyright over the technical drawings.
(O) Prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising copies, labels, During the trial, the president of Pearl and Dean himself
tags, and box wraps; admitted that the light box was neither a literary not an
artistic work but an "engineering or marketing invention”.
There appeared to be some confusion regarding what
Although petitioner's copyright certificate was entitled ought or ought not to be the proper subjects of copyrights,
"Advertising Display Units" (which depicted the box-type patents and trademarks. In the leading case of Kho v. Court
electrical devices), its claim of copyright infringement of Appeals, the Court ruled that these three legal rights –
cannot be sustained. patents , copyrights, and trademarks – are completely
distinct and separate from one another and cannot be
Rule: Copyright, in the strict sense of the term, is purely a
interchanged with one another, and the protection
statutory right. Being a mere statutory grant, the rights are
afforded by one cannot be used interchangeably to cover
limited to what the statute confers. It may be obtained and
items or works that exclusively pertain to the others:
enjoyed only with respect to the subjects and by the
persons, and on terms and conditions specified in the …A trademark is any visible sign capable of distinguishing
statute. Accordingly, it can cover only the works falling the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an
within the statutory enumeration or description. enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked container
of goods.
In this case: Pearl and Dean secured its copyright under the
classification class "O" work. This being so, petitioner's In relation thereto, a trade name means the name or
copyright protection extended only to the technical designation identifying or distinguishing an enterprise.
drawings within the category of "pictorial illustrations” and
not to the light box itself because the latter was not at all in Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to literary
the category of "prints, pictorial illustrations, advertising and artistic works which are original intellectual creations
copies, labels, tags and box wraps."
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
in the literary and artistic domain protected from the the patent registration certificate, to distribute
moment of their creation. and market Chin Chun Su products in the
Philippines had already been terminated by the
Patentable inventions, on the other hand, refer to any said Taiwanese Manufacturing Company.
technical solution of a problem in any field of human Recall that Kho applied for the issuance of a preliminary
activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is injunctive order on the ground that she is entitled to the
industrially applicable. use of the trademark on Chin Chun Su and its container
based on her copyright and patent over the same.
KHO VS. COURT OF APPEALS ISSUE: WON the copyright and patent over the name and
container of a beauty cream product would entitle the
FACTS: Dec. 20, 1991- Kho filed a complaint for injunction
registrant to the use and ownership over the same to the
and damages against the respondents Summerville and
exclusion of others. – NO.
Ang Tiam Chay.
RULING: Trademark, copyright and patents are different
-Kho (doing business under the name and style of
intellectual property rights that cannot be interchanged
KEC Cosmetics Laboratory) alleged that it is the
with one another.
registered owner of the copyrights Chin Chun Su
and Oval Facial Cream Container/Case, as shown A trademark is any visible sign capable of distinguishing
by Certificates of Copyright Registration No. 0- the goods (trademark) or services (service mark) of an
1358 and No. 0-3678; enterprise and shall include a stamped or marked container
-that she also has patent rights on Chin Chun Su of goods. In relation thereto, a trade name means the
& Device and Chin Chun Su for medicated cream name or designation identifying or distinguishing an
after purchasing the same from Quintin Cheng, enterprise.
the registered owner thereof in the Supplemental
Register of the PPO on February 7, 1980 under Meanwhile, the scope of a copyright is confined to literary
Registration Certificate No. 4529; and artistic works which are original intellectual creations in
-that Summerville advertised and sold petitioner's the literary and artistic domain protected from the moment
cream products under the brand name Chin Chun of their creation.
Su, in similar containers that Kho uses, thereby
Patentable inventions, on the other hand, refer to any
misleading the public, and resulting in the decline
technical solution of a problem in any field of human
in the its business sales and income; and,
activity which is new, involves an inventive step and is
-that the respondents should be enjoined from
industrially applicable.
allegedly infringing on the copyrights and patents
of the petitioner.
Kho has no right to support her claim for the exclusive use
The respondents, on the other hand, alleged as their
of the subject trade name and its container. The name and
defense that:
container of a beauty cream product are proper subjects of
a trademark inasmuch as the same falls squarely within its
-Summerville is the exclusive and authorized
importer, re-packer and distributor of Chin Chun
Su products manufactured by Shun Yi Factory of
In order to be entitled to exclusively use the same in the
sale of the beauty cream product, the user must sufficiently
-that the said Taiwanese manufacturing company
prove that she registered or used it before anybody else
authorized Summerville to register its trade name
Chin Chun Su Medicated Cream with the
Philippine Patent Office and other appropriate Kho’s copyright and patent registration of the name and
governmental agencies; container would not guarantee her the right to the
-that KEC Cosmetics Laboratory of the petitioner exclusive use of the same for the reason that they are not
obtained the copyrights through appropriate subjects of the said intellectual rights.
misrepresentation and falsification; and,
-that the authority of Quintin Cheng, assignee of Consequently, a preliminary injunction order cannot be
the patent registration certificate, to distribute issued for the reason that Kho has not proven that she has
and market Chin Chun Su products in the a clear right over the said name and container to the
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
a clear right over the said name and container to the ISSUE: Whether or not the issuance of a writ of preliminary
exclusion of others, not having proven that she has injunction (enjoining Unilever from using and airing certain
registered a trademark thereto or used the same before television commercials for its laundry products claimed to
anyone did. be identical or similar to its “double tug” or “tac-tac” key
visual) was proper. YES
RULING: Section 2, Presidential Decree 49 stipulates that
the copyright for a work or intellectual creation subsists
FACTS: Proctor and Gamble Philippines or P&GP from the moment of its creation. The creator acquires
(respondent) filed a complaint for injunction with damages copyright for his work right upon its creation.
and a prayer for temporary restraining order and/or writ of
preliminary injunction against Unilever (petitioner).
• The Supreme Court noted that Unilever did not deny that
P&G Allegations:
the questioned TV advertisements are substantially similar
• Since 1982, a P&G subsidiary in Italy used a key visual in to P&GPs “double tug” or “tac-tac” key visual.
the advertisement of its laundry detergent and bleaching
• But the Court observed that Unilever’s contention is that
products, known as the “double-tug” or “tac-tac” wherein
P&GP is not entitled to any protection because it has not
the fabric is being held by both hands and stretched
registered with the National Library the very TV
commercials which it claims have been infringed by
• Since then, P&G has used this “tac-tac” key visual in the Unilever.
advertisement of its products such as in the television
The Supreme Court disagreed to such contention. Contrary
commercial in Italy for “Ace” entitled “Kite.”
to such, the intellectual creator’s exercise and enjoyment of
• This key visual is also used in the Philippines. copyright for his work and the protection given by law to
him is not contingent or dependent on any formality or
• In 1993, Unilever blatantly disregarded the P&GP’s registration. But rather, P&G acquired copyright of its work
intellectual property rights when it started airing a 60- right upon its creation.
second television commercial “TVC” of its “Breeze
Powerwhite” laundry product called “Porky.” Therefore, taking the material allegations of P&GP, for
purposes of determining whether preliminary injunction
• The said TVC included a stretching visual presentation should be issued during the pendency of the case, P&GP is
and sound effects almost identical or substantially similar entitled to the injunctive relief prayed for in its Complaint.
to P&GPs “tac-tac” key visual.
As alleged in the Complaint P&GP is a subsidiary of Procter
• In 1994, P&G aired in the Philippines the same “Kite” and Gamble Company (P&G) for which the “double tug” or
television advertisement it used in Italy, merely dubbing “tac-tac” key visual was conceptualized or created. In that
the Italian language with Filipino for the same product capacity, P&GP used the said TV advertisement in the
“Ace” bleaching liquid. Philippines to promote its products. As such subsidiary,
P&GP is definitely within the protective mantle of the
• Unilever filed a Complaint with the Advertising Board of
statute (Sec. 6, PD 49).
the Philippines to prevent P&GP from airing “Kite”
television advertisement.
The judge issued an order granting the temporary
restraining order, and for the writ of preliminary injunction SECTION 171. Definitions. — For the purpose of this Act,
which the Unilever opposed on the ground that P&GP has the following terms have the following meaning:
no Certificates of Copyright Registration with respect to its
“double-tug” or “tac-tac” key visual unlike to that of 171.1. "Author" is the natural person who has created the
Unilever. work;
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
171.2. A "collective work" is a work which has been created original or a copy of a work or a sound recording for a
by two (2) or more natural persons at the initiative and limited period of time, for profit-making purposes;
under the direction of another with the understanding that
it will be disclosed by the latter under his own name and 171.9. "Reproduction" is the making of one (1) or more
that contributing natural persons will not be identified; copies of a work or a sound recording in any manner or
form (Sec. 41 (E), P.D. No. 49 a);
171.3. "Communication to the public" or "communicate to
the public" means the making of a work available to the 171.10.A "work of applied art" is an artistic creation with
public by wire or wireless means in such a way that utilitarian functions or incorporated in a useful article,
members of the public may access these works from a whether made by hand or produced on an industrial scale;
place and time individually chosen by them;
171.11.A "work of the Government of the Philippines" is a
171.4. A "computer" is an electronic or similar device work created by an officer or employee of the Philippine
having information-processing capabilities, and a Government or any of its subdivisions and
"computer program" is a set of instructions expressed in instrumentalities, including government-owned or
words, codes, schemes or in any other form, which is controlled corporations as a part of his regularly prescribed
capable when incorporated in a medium that the computer official duties.
can read, of causing the computer to perform or achieve a
SECTION 181. Copyright and Material Object. — The
particular task or result;
copyright is distinct from the property in the material
171.5. "Public lending" is the transfer of possession of the object subject to it. Consequently, the transfer or
original or a copy of a work or sound recording for a assignment of the copyright shall not itself constitute a
limited period, for non-profit purposes, by an institution transfer of the material object. Nor shall a transfer or
the services of which are available to the public, such as assignment of the sole copy or of one or several copies of
public library or archive; the work imply transfer or assignment of the copyright.
(Sec. 16, P.D. No. 49)
171.6. "Public performance", in the case of a work other
than an audiovisual work, is the recitation, playing, dancing,
acting or otherwise performing the work, either directly or SECTION 172. Literary and Artistic Works. —
by means of any device or process; in the case of an
172.1. Literary and artistic works, hereinafter referred to as
audiovisual work, the showing of its images in sequence
"works", are original intellectual creations in the literary and
and the making of the sounds accompanying it audible;
artistic domain protected from the moment of their
and, in the case of a sound recording, making the recorded
creation and shall include in particular:
sounds audible at a place or at places where persons
outside the normal circle of a family and that family's
a. Books, pamphlets, articles and other writings;
closest social acquaintances are or can be present,
b. Periodicals and newspapers;
irrespective of whether they are or can be present at the
c. Lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations prepared for
same place and at the same time, or at different places
oral delivery, whether or not reduced in writing or other
and/or at different times, and where the performance can
material form;
be perceived without the need for communication within
d. Letters;
the meaning of Subsection 171.3;
e. Dramatic or dramatico-musical compositions;
choreographic works or entertainment in dumb shows;
171.7. "Published works" means works, which, with the
f. Musical compositions, with or without words;
consent of the authors, are made available to the public by
g. Works of drawing, painting, architecture, sculpture,
wire or wireless means in such a way that members of the
engraving, lithography or other works of art; models or
public may access these works from a place and time
designs for works of art;
individually chosen by them: Provided, That availability of
h. Original ornamental designs or models for articles of
such copies has been such, as to satisfy the reasonable
manufacture, whether or not registrable as an industrial
requirements of the public, having regard to the nature of
design, and other works of applied art;
the work;
i. Illustrations, maps, plans, sketches, charts and three-
171.8. "Rental" is the transfer of the possession of the dimensional works relative to geography, topography,
original or a copy of a work or a sound recording for a architecture or science;
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
architecture or science; search warrants against respondent Salinas, alleged to be
j. Drawings or plastic works of a scientific or technical reproducing and distributing said models in violation of
character; the IP Code. Respondent moved to quash the warrants on
k. Photographic works including works produced by a the ground that petitioner’s work is not artistic in nature
process analogous to photography; lantern slides; and is a proper subject of a patent, not copyright.
l. Audiovisual works and cinematographic works and works Petitioner insists that the IP Code protects a work from the
produced by a process analogous to cinematography or moment of its creation regardless of its nature or purpose.
any process for making audio-visual recordings; The trial court quashed the warrants. Petitioner argues that
m. Pictorial illustrations and advertisements; the copyright certificates over the model are prima facie
n. Computer programs; and evidence of its validity. CA affirmed the trial court’s
o. Other literary, scholarly, scientific and artistic works. decision.
172.2. Works are protected by the sole fact of their ISSUES: (1) Whether or not petitioner’s model is an artistic
creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression, work subject to copyright protection.
as well as of their content, quality and purpose. (Sec. 2, P.D.
(2) Whether or not petitioner is entitled to copyright
No. 49a) cda
protection on the basis of the certificates of registration
SECTION 200. Sale or Lease of Work. — In every sale or SECTION 214. Calculation of Term. — The term of
lease of an original work of painting or sculpture or of the protection subsequent to the death of the author provided
original manuscript of a writer or composer, subsequent to in the preceding Section shall run from the date of his
the first disposition thereof by the author, the author or his death or of publication, but such terms shall always be
heirs shall have an inalienable right to participate in the deemed to begin on the first day of January of the year
gross proceeds of the sale or lease to the extent of five following the event which gave rise to them. (Sec. 25, P.D.
percent (5%). This right shall exist during the lifetime of the No. 49)
author and for fifty (50) years after his death. (Sec. 31, P.D.
No. 49) SECTION 194. Breach of Contract. — An author cannot
be compelled to perform his contract to create a work or
SECTION 201. Works Not Covered. — The provisions of for the publication of his work already in existence.
this Chapter shall not apply to prints, etchings, engravings, However, he may be held liable for damages for breach of
works of applied art, or works of similar kind wherein the such contract. (Sec. 35, P.D. No. 49)
author primarily derives gain from the proceeds of
reproductions. (Sec. 33, P.D. No. 49)
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
SECTION 195. Waiver of Moral Rights. — An author may creator's death shall be held in trust for and remitted to his
waive his rights mentioned in Section 193 by a written heirs, and in default of the heirs, shall belong to the
instrument, but no such waiver shall be valid where its government. (Sec. 40, P. D. No. 49)
effects is to permit another:
195.1. To use the name of the author, or the title of his SECTION 221. Points of Attachment for Works under
work, or otherwise to make use of his reputation with Sections 172 and 173. —
respect to any version or adaptation of his work which, 221.1. The protection afforded by this Act to copyrightable
because of alterations therein, would substantially tend to works under Sections 172 and 173 shall apply to:
injure the literary or artistic reputation of another author; a. Works of authors who are nationals of, or have their
or habitual residence in, the Philippines;
195.2. To use the name of the author with respect to a b. Audio-visual works the producer of which has his
work he did not create. (Sec. 36, P.D. No. 49) headquarters or habitual residence in the Philippines;
c. Works of architecture erected in the Philippines or other
SECTION 197. Editing, Arranging and Adaptation of artistic works incorporated in a building or other structure
Work. — In the absence of a contrary stipulation at the located in the Philippines;
time an author licenses or permits another to use his work, d. Works first published in the Philippines; and
the necessary editing, arranging or adaptation of such e. Works first published in another country but also
work, for publication, broadcast, use in a motion picture, published in the Philippines within thirty days, irrespective
dramatization, or mechanical or electrical reproduction in of the nationality or residence of the authors.
accordance with the reasonable and customary standards 221.2. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to works
or requirements of the medium in which the work is to be that are to be protected by virtue of and in accordance
used, shall not be deemed to contravene the author's with any international convention or other international
rights secured by this chapter. Nor shall complete agreement to which the Philippines is a party. (n)
destruction of a work unconditionally transferred by the
author be deemed to violate such rights. (Sec. 38, P.D. No. 4. RULES ON OWNERSHIP OF
SECTION 198. Term of Moral Rights. — SECTION 178. Rules on Copyright Ownership. —
198.1. The rights of an author under this chapter shall last Copyright ownership shall be governed by the following
during the lifetime of the author and for fifty (50) years rules:
after his death and shall not be assignable or subject to 178.1. Subject to the provisions of this section, in the case
license. The person or persons to be charged with the of original literary and artistic works, copyright shall belong
posthumous enforcement of these rights shall be named in to the author of the work;
writing to be filed with the National Library. In default of 178.2. In the case of works of joint authorship, the co-
such person or persons, such enforcement shall devolve authors shall be the original owners of the copyright and in
upon either the author's heirs, and in default of the heirs, the absence of agreement, their rights shall be governed
the Director of the National Library. by the rules on co-ownership. If, however, a work of joint
198.2. For purposes of this Section, "Person" shall mean authorship consists of parts that can be used separately
any individual, partnership, corporation, association, or and the author of each part can be identified, the author of
society. The Director of the National Library may prescribe each part shall be the original owner of the copyright in the
reasonable fees to be charged for his services in the part that he has created;
application of provisions of this Section. (Sec. 39, P.D. No. 178.3. In the case of work created by an author during and
49) in the course of his employment, the copyright shall
belong to:
SECTION 199. Enforcement Remedies. — Violation of a. The employee, if the creation of the object of copyright
any of the rights conferred by this Chapter shall entitle is not a part of his regular duties even if the employee uses
those charged with their enforcement to the same rights the time, facilities and materials of the employer.
and remedies available to a copyright owner. In addition, b. The employer, if the work is the result of the
damages which may be availed of under the Civil Code performance of his regularly-assigned duties, unless there
may also be recovered. Any damage recovered after the is an agreement, express or implied, to the contrary.
creator's death shall be held 178.4. In the case of a work commissioned by a person
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
178.4. In the case of a work commissioned by a person SECTION 181. Copyright and Material Object. — The
other than an employer of the author and who pays for it copyright is distinct from the property in the material
and the work is made in pursuance of the commission, the object subject to it. Consequently, the transfer or
person who so commissioned the work shall have assignment of the copyright shall not itself constitute a
ownership of the work, but the copyright thereto shall transfer of the material object. Nor shall a transfer or
remain with the creator, unless there is a written stipulation assignment of the sole copy or of one or several copies of
to the contrary; the work imply transfer or assignment of the copyright.
(Sec. 16, P.D. No. 49)
178.5. In the case of audiovisual work, the copyright shall
belong to the producer, the author of the scenario, the
composer of the music, the film director, and the author of 5. LIMITATIONS ON COPYRIGHT
the work so adapted. However, subject to contrary or other
stipulations among the creators, the producer shall exercise
SECTION 184. Limitations on Copyright. —
the copyright to an extent required for the exhibition of the
work in any manner, except for the right to collect 184.1. Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the
performing license fees for the performance of musical following acts shall not constitute infringement of
compositions, with or without words, which are copyright:
incorporated into the work; and
a. The recitation or performance of a work, once it has
been lawfully made accessible to the public, if done
178.6. In respect of letters, the copyright shall belong to
privately and free of charge or if made strictly for a
the writer subject to the provisions of Article 723 of the charitable or religious institution or society; (Sec. 10(1), P.D.
Civil Code. (Sec. 6, P.D. No. 49a) No. 49)
FACTS: Petitioner ABS-CBN Broadcasting Corporation ISSUE: Whether or not PMSI violated its broadcaster’s
(ABS-CBN) is licensed under the laws of the Republic of the rights.
Philippines to engage in television and radio
broadcasting.4 It broadcasts television programs by RULING: NO.
wireless means to Metro Manila and nearby provinces, and
PMSI is not guilty of infringement of ABS-CBN’s copyright
by satellite to provincial stations through Channel 2 on
under Section 177 of the IP Code which states that
Very High Frequency (VHF) and Channel 23 on Ultra High
copyright or economic rights shall consist of the exclusive
Frequency (UHF).
right to carry out, authorize or prevent the public
Respondent Philippine Multi-Media System, Inc. (PMSI) is performance of the work (Section 177.6), and other
the operator of Dream Broadcasting System. It delivers communication to the public of the work (Section 177.7).
digital direct-to-home (DTH) television via satellite to its
The court defined broadcasting as - the transmission by
subscribers all over the Philippines.
wireless means for the public reception of sounds or of
PMSI was granted a legislative franchise under Republic Act images or of representations thereof; such transmission by
No. 86305 on May 7, 1998 and was given a Provisional satellite is also ‘broadcasting’ where the means for
Authority by the National Telecommunications Commission decrypting are provided to the public by the broadcasting
(NTC) on February 1, 2000 to install, operate and maintain organization or with its consent.
a nationwide DTH satellite service.
rebroadcasting - the simultaneous broadcasting by one
Subsequently, ABS-CBN demanded for PMSI to cease and broadcasting organization of the broadcast of another
desist from rebroadcasting Channels 2 and 23. PMSI broadcasting organization.
replied that the rebroadcasting was in accordance with the
The Director-General of the IPO correctly found that PMSI
authority granted it by NTC and its obligation under NTC
is not engaged in rebroadcasting and thus cannot be
Memorandum Circular No. 4-08-88, Section 6.2 of which
considered to have infringed ABS-CBN’s broadcasting
requires all cable television system operators operating in a
rights and copyright.
community within Grade “A” or “B” contours to carry the
television signals of the authorized television broadcast The transmission contemplated under Section 202.7 of the
stations. IP Code presupposes that the origin of the signals is the
broadcaster. Hence, a program that is broadcasted is
Thereafter, negotiations ensued between the parties in an
attributed to the broadcaster. In the same manner, the
effort to reach a settlement; however, the negotiations
rebroadcasted program is attributed to the rebroadcaster.
were terminated.
In the case at hand, PMSI is not the origin nor does it claim
On May 13, 2002, ABS-CBN filed with the IPO a complaint to be the origin of the programs broadcasted by the ABS-
for “Violation of Laws Involving Property Rights. It alleged CBN. PMSI did not make and transmit on its own but
that PMSI’s unauthorized rebroadcasting of Channels 2 and merely carried the existing signals of the ABS-CBN. When
23 infringed on its broadcasting rights and copyright. PMSI subscribers view ABS-CBN programs in Channels 2
and 23, they know that the origin thereof was the ABS-
Subsequently, PMSI filed with the Bureau of Legal Affairs CBN.
(BLA) a Manifestation reiterating that it is subject to the
must-carry rule under Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88. The Appellants transmission of signals via its DTH satellite
television service cannot be considered within the purview
ABS-CBN contends that PMSI’s unauthorized of broadcasting.
rebroadcasting of Channels 2 and 23 is an infringement of
its broadcasting rights and copyright under the Intellectual It must be emphasized that the law on copyright is not
Property Code (IP Code). absolute. The IP Code provides that:
PMSI, on the other hand, argue that PMSI’s rebroadcasting Sec. 184. Limitations on Copyright. - 184.1.
of Channels 2 and 23 is sanctioned by Memorandum Notwithstanding the provisions of Chapter V, the following
Circular No. 04-08-88; that the must-carry rule under the acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright:
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
acts shall not constitute infringement of copyright: for allowing the playing of said songs copyrighted in the
name of FilSoc.
(h) The use made of a work by or under the direction or
control of the Government, by the National Library or by TAN’S CONTENTIONS:
educational, scientific or professional institutions where
such use is in the public interest and is compatible with fair It maintains that playing or singing a musical composition
use; is universally accepted as performing the musical
composition and that playing and singing of copyrighted
The carriage of ABS-CBN’s signals by virtue of the must- music in the soda fountain and restaurant of Tan for the
carry rule in Memorandum Circular No. 04-08-88 is under entertainment of the customers although the latter do not
the direction and control of the government though the pay for the music but only for the food and drink constitute
NTC which is vested with exclusive jurisdiction to supervise, performance for profit under the Copyright Law.
regulate and control telecommunications and broadcast
services/facilities in the Philippines. The imposition of the ISSUES:
must-carry rule is within the NTC’s power to promulgate
1. Whether or not the playing and signing of musical
rules and regulations, as public safety and interest may
compositions which have been copyrighted under the
require, to encourage a larger and more effective use of
provisions of the Copyright Law (Act 3134) the Tan’s
communications, radio and television broadcasting
establishment constitute a public performance for profit
facilities, and to maintain effective competition among
within the meaning and contemplation of the Copyright
private entities in these activities whenever the Commission
Law of the Philippines- YES
finds it reasonably feasible.
2. Assuming that there were indeed public performances
Further, as correctly observed by the Court of Appeals, the
for profit, whether or not Tan can be held liable therefor.
must-carry rule as well as the legislative franchises granted
to both ABS-CBN and PMSI are in consonance with state
policies enshrined in the Constitution, specifically Sections RULING: We concede that indeed there were "public
9, 17, and 24 of Article II on the Declaration of Principles performances for profit. "
and State Policies.
The word "perform" as used in the Act has been applied to
FILIPINO SOCIETY OF COMPOSERS, AUTHORS, AND "One who plays a musical composition on a piano, thereby
PUBLISHERS, INC. VS. TAN producing in the air sound waves which are heard as
music ... and if the instrument he plays on is a piano plus a
FACTS: Filipino Society of Composers (FilSoc) is a non- broadcasting apparatus, so that waves are thrown out, not
profit association of authors, composers and publishers only upon the air, but upon the other, then also he is
who is the owner of certain musical compositions among performing the musical composition."
which are the songs entitled: "Dahil Sa Iyo", "Sapagkat Ikaw
Ay Akin," "Sapagkat Kami Ay Tao Lamang" and "The In relation thereto, it has been held that "The playing of
Nearness Of You." music in dine and dance establishment which was paid for
by the public in purchases of food and drink constituted
Benjamin Tan is the operator of a restaurant known as "performance for profit" within a Copyright Law."
"Alex Soda Foundation and Restaurant" where a combo
with professional singers, hired to play and sing musical Nevertheless, appellee cannot be said to have infringed
compositions, were playing and singing the above- upon the Copyright Law. Tan’s allegation that the
mentioned compositions without any license or permission composers of the contested musical compositions waived
from the FilSoc to play or sing the same. their right in favor of the general public when they allowed
their intellectual creations to become property of the
Accordingly, FilSoc demanded payment from Tan of the public domain before applying for the corresponding
necessary license fee for the playing and singing of copyrights for the same.
aforesaid compositions but the demand was ignored.
The Supreme Court has ruled that "Paragraph 33 of Patent
Hence, on November 7, 1967, FilSoc filed a complaint with Office Administrative Order No. 3 (as amended, dated
the lower court for infringement of copyright against Tan September 18, 1947) entitled 'Rules of Practice in the
for allowing the playing of said songs copyrighted in the Philippines Patent Office relating to the Registration of
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
Philippines Patent Office relating to the Registration of the first presidential debate in Mindanao; TV5, Philippine
Copyright Claims' provides among other things that an Star, and Businessworld sponsored the second phase of
intellectual creation should be copyrighted thirty (30) days presidential debate in the Visayas; ABS-CBN and Manila
after its publication, if made in Manila, or within the (60) Bulletin will sponsor the presidential debate to be held in
days if made elsewhere, failure of which renders such Luzon; and the lone vice-presidential debate will be
creation public property." sponsored by CNN, Business Mirror, and Rappler. Petitioner
alleged that the draft MOA permitted online streaming,
Indeed, if the general public has made use of the object provided proper attribution is given the Lead Network.
sought to be copyrighted for thirty (30) days prior to the
copyright application the law deems the object to have On 12 January 2016, Rappler was informed that the MOA
been donated to the public domain and the same can no signing was scheduled the following day. Rappler
longer be copyrighted. communicated with Bautista its concerns regarding certain
provisions of the MOA particularly regarding online
A careful study of the records reveals that the song "Dahil streaming and the imposition of a maximum limit of two
Sa Iyo" which was registered on April 20, 1956 became minutes of debate excerpts for news reporting. Bautista
popular in radios, juke boxes, etc. long before registration assured petitioner that its concerns will be addressed
while the song "The Nearness Of You" registered on afterwards, but it has to sign the MOA because time was of
January 14, 1955 had become popular twenty five (25) the essence. However, after the MOA has been executed by
years prior to 1968, or from 1943 and the songs "Sapagkat Rappler and other media entities, Rappler received no
Ikaw Ay Akin" and "Sapagkat Kami Ay Tao Lamang" both response from Bautista despite the several communications
registered on July 10, 1966, appear to have been known it made.
and sang by the witnesses as early as 1965 or three years
before the hearing in 1968. ISSUE: WON Rappler may live stream the debate in its
Under the circumstances, it is clear that the musical
compositions in question had long become public RULING: YES.
property, and are therefore beyond the protection of the
Copyright Law. Petitioner's demand to exercise the right to live stream the
debates is a contractual right of petitioner under the MOA.
Under Part VI (C), paragraph 19 of the MOA, the Lead
Networks are expressly mandated to "allow the debates
they have produced to be shown or streamed on other
FACTS: On 21 September 2015, Andres Bautista, the
websites," but "subject to copyright conditions or separate
Chairman of the Comelec, called for a meeting with various
negotiations with the Lead Networks." The use of the word
media outlets to discuss the "PiliPinas 2016 Debates," for
"or" means that compliance with the "copyright conditions"
presidential and vice-presidential candidates, which the
is sufficient for petitioner to exercise its right to live stream
COMELEC was organizing. Bautista proposed that Rappler
the debates in its website.
and Google, Inc. be in charge of online and social media
The "copyright conditions" refer to the limitations on
copyright as provided under Section 184.1 (c) of the IPC
On 22 September 2015, Rappler sent a proposed draft for
which provides:
broadcast pool guidelines to COMELEC and the KBP. A
broadcast pool has a common audio and video feed of the
(c) The reproduction or communication to the public by
debates, and the cost will be apportioned among those
mass media of articles on current political, social,
needing access to the same.
economic, scientific or religious topic, lectures, addresses
and other works of the same nature, which are delivered in
On 19 October 2015, another meeting was held at the
public if such use is for information purposes and has not
COMELEC office to discuss a draft MOA on the debates. In
been expressly reserved; Provided, That the source is
the draft, Rappler and Google's participation were dropped
clearly indicated
in favor of the online outlets owned by the Lead Networks.
After the meeting, the representatives of the Lead
Under this provision, the debates fall under "addresses and
Networks drew lots to determine who will host each leg of
the debates. GMA and Philippine Daily Inquirer sponsored
the first presidential debate in Mindanao; TV5, Philippine
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
other works of the same nature." Thus, the copyright the live audio of the debates - now forms part of the public
conditions for the debates are: domain. There is now freedom of the press to report or
publicly disseminate the live audio of the debates.
(1) the reproduction or communication to the public
by mass media of the debates is for information purposes; In fact, the MOA recognizes the right of other mass media
entities, not parties to the MOA, to reproduce the debates
(2) the debates have not been expressly reserved by subject only to the same copyright conditions. The
the Lead Networks (copyright holders); and freedom of the press to report and disseminate the live
audio of the debates, subject to compliance with Section
(3) the source is clearly indicated.
184. l (c) of the IPC, can no longer be infringed or subject
Condition 1 is complied because the live streaming by to prior restraint. Such freedom of the press to report and
petitioner is obviously for information purposes. disseminate the live audio of the debates is now protected
and guaranteed under Section 4, Article III of the
Condition 2 is also complied because Part VI (C), paragraph Constitution, which provides that "No law shall be passed
19 of the MOA expressly "allow[s] the debates to be shown abridging the freedom of the press."
or streamed on other websites," including petitioner's
website. This means that the "reproduction or Furthermore, the political nature of the national debates
communication (of the debates) to the public by mass and the public's interest in the wide availability of the
media has not been expressly reserved" or withheld. information for the voters' education certainly justify
allowing the debates to be shown or streamed in other
Condition 3 is complied by clearly indicating and websites for wider dissemination, in accordance with the
acknowledging that the source of the debates is one or MOA.
more of the Lead Networks.
Therefore, the debates should be allowed to be live
Part VI (C), paragraph 19 of the MOA, which expressly streamed on other websites, including Rappler's, as
allows the debates produced by the Lead Networks to be expressly mandated in Part VI (C), paragraph 19 of the
shown or streamed on other websites, clearly means that MOA. Bautista, as representative of the COMELEC which
the Lead Networks have not "expressly reserved" or provides over-all supervision under the MOA, including the
withheld the use of the debate audio for online streaming. power to "resolve issues that may arise among the parties
involved in the organization of the debates," should be
In short, the MOA expressly allows the live streaming of the
directed by this Court to implement Part VI (C), paragraph
debates subject only to compliance with the "copyright
19 of the MOA, which allows the debates to be shown or
conditions." Once petitioner complies with the copyright
live streamed unaltered on petitioner's and other websites
conditions, petitioner can exercise the right to live stream
subject to the copyright condition that the source is clearly
the audio of the debates as expressly allowed by the MOA.
Once the conditions imposed under Section 184.1 (c) of the b. Pay to the copyright proprietor or his assigns or heirs
IPC are complied with, the information - in this case the live such actual damages, including legal costs and other
audio of the debates - now forms part of the public
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
expenses, as he may have incurred due to the infringement that the copyright owner has suffered by reason of the
as well as the profits the infringer may have made due to infringement.
such infringement, and in proving profits the plaintiff shall
be required to prove sales only and the defendant shall be 217.3. Any person who at the time when copyright subsists
required to prove every element of cost which he claims, in a work has in his possession an article which he knows,
or, in lieu of actual damages and profits, such damages or ought to know, to be an infringing copy of the work for
which to the court shall appear to be just and shall not be the purpose of:
regarded as penalty.
a. Selling, letting for hire, or by way of trade offering or
c. Deliver under oath, for impounding during the pendency exposing for sale, or hire, the article; cdasia
of the action, upon such terms and conditions as the court
may prescribe, sales invoices and other documents b. Distributing the article for purpose of trade, or for any
evidencing sales, all articles and their packaging alleged to other purpose to an extent that will prejudice the rights of
infringe a copyright and implements for making them. the copyright owner in the work; or
d. Deliver under oath for destruction without any c. Trade exhibit of the article in public, shall be guilty of an
compensation all infringing copies or devices, as well as all offense and shall be liable on conviction to imprisonment
plates, molds, or other means for making such infringing and fine as above mentioned. (Sec. 29, P.D. No. 49a)
copies as the court may order.
SECTION 219. Presumption of Authorship. —
e. Such other terms and conditions, including the payment
of moral and exemplary damages, which the court may 219.1. The natural person whose name is indicated on a
deem proper, wise and equitable and the destruction of work in the usual manner as the author shall, in the
infringing copies of the work even in the event of acquittal absence of proof to the contrary, be presumed to be the
in a criminal case. author of the work. This provision shall be applicable even
if the name is a pseudonym, where the pseudonym leaves
216.2. In an infringement action, the court shall also have no doubt as to the identity of the author.
the power to order the seizure and impounding of any
article which may serve as evidence in the court 219.2. The person or body corporate whose name appears
proceedings. (Sec. 28, P.D. No. 49a) on an audio-visual work in the usual manner shall, in the
absence of proof to the contrary, be presumed to be the
SECTION 217. Criminal Penalties. — maker of said work. (n)
217.1. Any person infringing any right secured by SECTION 220. International Registration of Works. —
provisions of Part IV of this Act or aiding or abetting such
infringement shall be guilty of a crime punishable by: A statement concerning a work, recorded in an
international register in accordance with an international
a. Imprisonment of one (1) year to three (3) years plus a treaty to which the Philippines is or may become a party,
fine ranging from Fifty thousand pesos (P50,000) to One shall be construed as true until the contrary is proved
hundred fifty thousand pesos (P150,000) for the first except:
220.1. Where the statement cannot be valid under this Act
b. Imprisonment of three (3) years and one (1) day to six (6) or any other law concerning intellectual property.
years plus a fine ranging from One hundred fifty thousand
pesos (P150,000) to Five hundred thousand pesos 220.2. Where the statement is contradicted by another
(P500,000) for the second offense. statement recorded in the international register. (n)
c. Imprisonment of six (6) years and one (1) day to nine (9) SECTION 226. Damages. — No damages may be
years plus a fine ranging from Five hundred thousand recovered under this Act after four (4) years from the time
pesos (P500,000) to One million five hundred thousand the cause of action arose. (Sec. 58, P.D. No. 49)
pesos (P1,500,000) for the third and subsequent offenses.
d. In all cases, subsidiary imprisonment in cases of
FACTS: The controversy arose from GMA-7’s news
217.2. In determining the number of years of imprisonment coverage on the homecoming of Filipino overseas worker
and the amount of fine, the court shall consider the value and hostage victimAngelo dela Cruz. Respondents are
of the infringing materials that the defendant has produced officers and employees of GMA Network, Inc. (GMA-7).
or manufactured and the damage They are: Felipe Gozon (Gozon), GMA-7 President; Gilberto
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
R. Duavit, Jr. (Duavit, Jr.), Executive Vice-President; Marissa C. Agra (Secretary Agra) issued the Resolution (Agra
L. Flores (Flores), Vice-President for News and Public Resolution) that reversed the Gonzalez Resolution and
Affairs; Jessica A. Soho (Soho), Director for News; Grace found probable cause to charge Dela Peña-Reyes and
Déla Peña-Reyes (Dela Peña-Reyes), Head of News and Manalastas for violation of the Intellectual Property Code.
Public Affairs; John Oliver Manalastas ‘(Manalastas),
Program Manager; and others. As summarized by the Court Respondents assailed the Agra Resolution through the
of Appeals Overseas Filipino worker Angelo dela Cruz was Petition for Certiorari with prayer for issuance of a
kidnapped by Iraqi militants and as a condition for his temporary restraining order and/or Writ of Preliminary
release, a demand was made for the withdrawal of Filipino Injunction before the Court of Appeals. In the Resolution,
troops in Iraq. After negotiations, he was released by his the Court of Appeals granted the temporary restraining
captors and was scheduled to return to the country in the order preventing the Department of Justice from enforcing
afternoon. Occasioned by said homecoming and the public the Agra Resolution.
interest it generated, both GMA Network, Inc and
ABS-CBN’s Motion for Reconsideration was denied. It then
[petitioner] made their respective broadcasts and coverage
filed its Petition for Review before this court assailing the
of the live event.
Decision and Resolution of the Court of Appeals.
ABS-CBN “conducted live audio-video coverage of and
ISSUE: Whether or not the said news footage is
broadcasted the arrival of Angelo dela Cruz at the Ninoy
copyrightable under the law. -YES.
Aquino International Airport (NAIA) and the subsequent
press conference.” ABS-CBN allowed Reuters Television RULING: The Intellectual Property Code is clear about the
Service (Reuters) to air the footages it had taken earlier rights afforded to authors of various kinds of work. Under
under a special embargo agreement. the Code, “works are protected by the sole fact of their
creation, irrespective of their mode or form of expression,
under the special embargo agreement, No other Philippine
as well as of their content, quality and purpose.” These
subscriber of Reuters would be allowed to use ABS-CBN
include “[audio-visual works and cinematographic works
footage without the latter’s consent. GMA-7 subscribes to
and works produced by a process analogous to
both Reuters and Cable News Network (CNN). It received a
cinematography or any process for making audiovisual
live video feed of the coverage of Angelo dela Cruz’s arrival
from Reuters.
It is true that under Section 175 of the Intellectual Property
GMA-7 immediately carried the live newsfeed in its
Code, “news of the day and other miscellaneous facts
program “Flash Report,” together with its live broadcast.
having the character of mere items of press information”
Allegedly, GMA7 did not receive any notice or was not
are considered unprotected subject matter. However, the
aware that Reuters was airing footages of ABS-CBN.
Code does not state that expression of the news of the day,
GMA-7’s news control room staff saw neither the “No particularly when it underwent a creative process, is not
Access Philippines” notice nor a notice that the video feed entitled to protection.
was under embargo in favor of ABS-CBN.
News or the event itself is not copyrightable. However, an
Assistant City Prosecutor Dindo Venturanza issued the event can be captured and presented in a specific medium.
Resolution finding probable cause to indict Dela Peña- As recognized by this court in Joaquin, television “involves
Reyes and Manalastas. Consequently, the Information for a whole spectrum of visuals and effects, video and audio.”
violation of the Intellectual Property Code was filed. News coverage in television involves framing shots, using
images, graphics, and sound effects. It involves creative
Respondents filed the Petition for Review before the process and originality. Television news footage is an
Department of Justice. Department of Justice Secretary expression of the news. In this case, respondents admitted
Raul M. Gonzalez (Secretary Gonzalez) ruled in favor of that the material under review — which is the subject of
respondents and held that good faith may be raised as a the controversy — is an exact copy of the original.
defense in the case. Respondents did not subject ABS-CBN’s footage to any
editing of their own. The news footage did not undergo
Both parties moved for reconsideration of the Gonzalez any transformation where there is a need to track elements
Resolution. Department of Justice Acting Secretary Alberto of the original.
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
COLUMBIA PICTURES ET AL VS. COURT OF APPEALS 2. Was Sunshine Home Video liable for infringement? Yes!
FACTS: Columbia Pictures filed a formal complaint with the RULING: The 20th Century Fox ruling cannot be
NBI for violation of PD No. 49, as amended, against various retroactively applied to the instant case to justify the
video establishments in Metro Manila including Sunshine quashal of Search Warrant. Columbia' consistent position
Home Video. that the order of the lower court of September 5, 1988
denying the motion to lift the order of search warrant was
Upon the execution of the service warrant, NBI Agents properly issued, there having been satisfactory compliance
found and seized various video tapes of duly copyrighted with the then prevailing standards under the law for
motion pictures/films owned or exclusively distributed by determination of probable cause, is indeed well taken. The
Columbia. lower court could not possibly have expected more
evidence from Columbia in their application for a search
The master tapes of the copyrighted films from which the
warrant other than what the law and jurisprudence, then
pirated films were allegedly copies, were never presented
existing and judicially accepted, required with respect to
in the proceedings for the issuance of the search warrants
the finding of probable cause.
in question. The orders of the Court granting the search
warrants were set aside. More to the point, it is felt that the reasonableness of the
added requirement in 20th Century Fox calling for the
Columbia appealed the order of the RTC granting Sunshine
production of the master tapes of the copyrighted films for
Home Video's MR, thus lifting the search warrant which it
determination of probable cause in copyright infringement
had theretofore issued, to the CA. As stated at the outset,
cases needs revisiting and clarification.
said appeal was dismissed and the MR thereof was denied.
Hence, this petition was brought to this Court particularly We feel that the rationale behind the doctrine is that the
challenging the validity of CA's retroactive application of pirated copies as well as the master tapes, unlike the other
the ruling in 20th Century Fox Film Corporation vs. CA, et types of personal properties which may be seized, were
al., in dismissing Columbia' appeal and upholding the available for presentation to the court at the time of the
quashal of the search warrant by the RTC. application for a search warrant to determine the existence
of the linkage of the copyrighted films with the pirated
20th Century Fox vs. CA (August 19, 1988) Determination of
ones. Thus, there is no reason not the present them.
probable cause to support the issuance of a search warrant
in copyright infringement cases involving videograms, the In fine, the supposed pronouncement in said case
production of the master tape for comparison with the regarding the necessity for the presentation of the master
allegedly pirate copies is necessary. tapes of the copyrighted films for the validity of search
warrants should at most be understood to merely serve as
Columbia argued that any search warrant so issued in
a guidepost in determining the existence of probable cause
accordance with all applicable legal requirements is valid,
in copyright infringement cases where there is doubt as to
for the lower court could not possibly have been expected
the true nexus between the master tape and the pirated
to apply, as the basis for a finding of probable cause for
the issuance of a search warrant in copyright infringement
cases involving videograms, a pronouncement which was It is evidently incorrect to suggest, as the ruling in 20th
not existent at the time of such determination, on Century Fox may appear to do, that in copyright
December 14, 1987, that is, the doctrine in the 20th infringement cases, the presentation of master tapes of the
Century Fox case that was promulgated only on August 19, copyrighted films is always necessary to meet the
1988, or over eight months later. requirement of probable cause and that, in the absence
thereof, there can be no finding of probable cause for the
CA: Upheld the retroactive application of the 20th Century
issuance of a search warrant.
Fox ruling by the RTC in resolving Columbia' MR in favor of
the quashal of the search warrant. Accordingly, to restrict the exercise of discretion by a judge
by adding a particular requirement (the presentation of
master tapes, as intimated by 20th Century Fox) not
1. Should the master tapes be presented in order to provided nor implied in the law for a finding of probable
determine probable cause? No! cause is beyond the realm of judicial competence or
statesmanship. There is, to repeat, no law or rule which
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
statesmanship. There is, to repeat, no law or rule which circulation or public exhibition any of the abovementioned
requires that the existence of probable cause is or should articles, without the written consent of the owner or his
be determined solely by a specific kind of evidence. Surely, assignee; and,
this could not have been contemplated by the framers of
the Constitution, and we do not believe that the Court (3) directly or indirectly offering or making available for a
intended the statement in 20th Century Fox regarding fee, rental, or any other form of compensation any
master tapes as the dictum for all seasons and reasons in equipment, machinery, paraphernalia or any material with
infringement cases. the knowledge that such equipment, machinery,
paraphernalia or material will be used by another to
In the case at bar, it can be gleaned from the records that reproduce, without the consent of the owner, any
the lower court followed the prescribed procedure for the phonograph record, disc, wire, tape, film or other article on
issuance of a search warrant. which sounds, motion pictures or other audio-visual
recordings may be transferred, and which provide distinct
As correctly pointed out by Columbia, a blind espousal of bases for criminal prosecution, being crimes independently
the requisite of presentation of the master tapes in punishable under Presidential Decree No. 49, as amended,
copyright infringement cases, as the prime determinant of aside from the act of infringing or aiding or abetting such
probable cause, is too exacting and impracticable a infringement under Section 29.
requirement to be complied with in a search warrant
application which, it must not be overlooked, is only an The RTC's finding that Sunshine Home Video committed
ancillary proceeding. Further, on realistic considerations, a acts in blatant transgression of PD 49all the more bolsters
strict application of said requirement militates against the its findings of probable cause, which determination can be
elements of secrecy and speed which underlie covert reached even in the absence of master tapes by the judge
investigative and surveillance operations in police in the exercise of sound discretion. The executive concern
enforcement campaigns against all forms of criminality, and resolve expressed in the foregoing amendments to the
considering that the master tapes of a motion picture decree for the protection of intellectual property rights
required to be presented before the court consists of should be matched by corresponding judicial vigilance and
several reels contained in circular steel casings which, activism, instead of the apathy of submitting to
because of their bulk, will definitely draw attention, unlike technicalities in the face of ample evidence of guilt.
diminutive objects like video tapes which can be easily
concealed. With hundreds of titles being pirated, this The essence of intellectual piracy should be essayed in
onerous and tedious imposition would be multiplied a conceptual terms in order to underscore its gravity by an
hundredfold by judicial fiat, discouraging and preventing appropriate understanding thereof. Infringement of a
legal recourses in foreign jurisdictions. copyright is a trespass on a private domain owned and
occupied by the owner of the copyright, and, therefore,
The amendment to Section 56 of PD 49 by Presidential protected by law, and infringement of copyright, or piracy,
Decree No. 1987, which should here be publicized which is a synonymous term in this connection, consists in
judicially, brought about the revision of its penalty the doing by any person, without the consent of the owner
structure and enumerated additional acts considered of the copyright, of anything the sole right to do which is
violative of said decree on intellectual property, namely: conferred by statute on the owner of the copyright.
(1) directly or indirectly transferring or causing to be A copy of a piracy is an infringement of the original, and it
transferred any sound recording or motion picture or other is no defense that the pirate, in such cases, did not know
audio-visual works so recorded with intent to sell, lease, what works he was indirectly copying, or did not know
publicly exhibit or cause to be sold, leased or publicly whether or not he was infringing any copyright; he at least
exhibited, or to use or cause to be used for profit such knew that what he was copying was not his, and he copied
articles on which sounds, motion pictures, or other audio- at his peril. In determining the question of infringement,
visual works are so transferred without the written consent the amount of matter copied from the copyrighted work is
of the owner or his assignee; an important consideration. To constitute infringement, it is
not necessary that the whole or even a large portion of the
(2) selling, leasing, distributing, circulating, publicly work shall have been copied. If so much is taken that the
exhibiting, or offering for sale, lease, distribution, or value of the original is sensibly diminished, or the
possessing for the purpose of sale, lease, distribution,
circulation or public exhibition any of the abovementioned
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
labors of the original author are substantially and to an HABANA ET AL VS. ROBLES ET AL
injurious extent appropriated by another, that is sufficient
in point of law to constitute a piracy. The question of FACTS: PACITA I. HABANA, ALICIA L. CINCO and JOVITA N.
whether there has been an actionable infringement of a FERNANDO: are authors and copyright owners of duly
literary, musical, or artistic work in motion pictures, radio or issued certificates of copyright registration covering their
television being one of fact, it should properly be published works, COLLEGE ENGLISH FOR TODAY (CET for
determined during the trial. That is the stage calling for brevity), Books 1 and 2, and WORKBOOK FOR COLLEGE
conclusive or preponderating evidence, and not the FRESHMAN ENGLISH, Series 1.
summary proceeding for the issuance of a search warrant
Felicidad Robles and Goodwill Trading Co., Inc. are the
wherein both lower courts erroneously require the master
author/publisher and distributor/seller of another
published work entitled "DEVELOPING ENGLISH
Accordingly, the certifications from the Copyright Section PROFICIENCY" (DEP for brevity), Books 1 and 2 (1985
of the National Library, presented as evidence by Sunshine edition) which book was covered by copyrights issued to
Home Video to show non-registration of some of the films them.
of Columbia, assume no evidentiary weight or significance
In the course of revising their published works PACITA I.
Furthermore, a closer review of PD 49 reveals that even scouted and looked around various bookstores to check on
with respect to works which are required under Section 26 other textbooks dealing with the same subject matter. By
thereof to be registered and with copies to deposited with chance they came upon the book of Robles and upon
the National Library, such as books, including composite perusal of said book they were surprised to see that the
and cyclopedic works, manuscripts, directories and book was strikingly similar to the contents, scheme of
gazetteers; and periodicals, including pamphlets and presentation, illustrations and illustrative examples in their
newspapers; lectures, sermons, addresses, dissertations own book, CET.
prepared for oral delivery; and letters, the failure to comply
After an itemized examination and comparison of the two
with said requirements does not deprive the copyright
books (CET and DEP), found that several pages of the book
owner of the right to sue for infringement. Such non-
are similar, if not all together a copy of petitioners' book,
compliance merely limits the remedies available to him and
which is a case of plagiarism and copyright infringement.
subjects him to the corresponding sanction.
Action instituted: "Infringement and/or unfair competition
The reason for this is expressed in Section 2 of the decree
with damages"
which prefaces its enumeration of copyrightable works with
the explicit statement that "the rights granted under this ISSUE: Whether or not there is an Infringement and/or
Decree shall, from the moment of creation, subsist with unfair competition - YES
respect to any of the following classes of works." This
means that under the present state of the law, the RULING: We find the petition impressed with merit.
copyright for a work is acquired by an intellectual creator
The complaint for copyright infringement was filed at the
from the moment of creation even in the absence of
time that Presidential Decree No. 49 was in force. At
registration and deposit. As has been authoritatively
present, all laws dealing with the protection of intellectual
property rights have been consolidated and as the law now
The court upholds the validity of Search Warrant and said stands, the protection of copyrights is governed by
court is DIRECTED to take and expeditiously proceed with Republic Act No. 8293.
such appropriate proceedings as may be called for in this
Sections 117 and section 184.1: "work" has reference to
literary and artistic creations and this includes books and
other literary, scholarly and scientific works.
In determining the question of infringement, the amount of IN THIS CASE: There is no question that PACITA I. HABANA,
matter copied from the copyrighted work is an important ALICIA L. CINCO and JOVITA N. FERNANDO presented
Intellectual Property (IP) Case Digests | 2 Sanchez Roman | several pages of the books CET and DEP that more or less
Page 15 consideration. To constitute infringement, it is not had the same contents. It may be correct that the books
necessary that the whole or even a large portion of the being grammar books may contain materials similar as to
work shall have been copied. If so much is taken that the some technical contents with other grammar books, such
value of the original is sensibly diminished, or the labors of as the segment about the "Author Card". However, the
the original author are substantially and to an injurious numerous pages that the PACITA I. HABANA, ALICIA L.
extent appropriated by another, that is sufficient in point of CINCO and JOVITA N. FERNANDO presented showing
law to constitute piracy. similarity in the style and the manner the books were
presented and the identical examples cannot pass as
The essence of intellectual piracy should be essayed in similarities merely because of technical consideration.
conceptual terms in order to underscore its gravity by an
appropriate understanding thereof. Infringement of a We believe that even if PACITA I. HABANA, ALICIA L.
copyright is a trespass on a private domain owned and CINCO and JOVITA N. FERNANDO and Felicidad Robles
occupied by the owner of the copyright, and, therefore, and Goodwill Trading Co., Inc were of the same
protected by law, and infringement of copyright, or piracy, background in terms of teaching experience and
which is a synonymous term in this connection, consists in orientation, it is not an excuse for them to be identical even
the doing by any person, without the consent of the owner in examples contained in their books. The similarities in
of the copyright, of anything the sole right to do which is examples and material contents are so obviously present in
conferred by statute on the owner of the copyright. this case. How can similar/identical examples not be
considered as a mark of copying?
IN THIS CASE: The Felicidad Robles and Goodwill Trading
Co., Inc claim that the copied portions of the book CET are We consider as an indicia of guilt or wrongdoing the act of
also found in foreign books and other grammar books, and respondent Robles of pulling out from Goodwill
that the similarity between her style and that of petitioners bookstores the book DEP upon learning of petitioners'
can not be avoided since they come from the same complaint while pharisaically denying petitioners' demand.
background and orientation may be true. However, in this It was further noted that when the book DEP was re-issued
jurisdiction under Sec 184 of Republic Act 8293 it is as a revised version, all the pages cited by petitioners to
provided that: Limitations on Copyright. Notwithstanding contain portion of their book College English for Today
the provisions of Chapter V, the following shall not were eliminated.
constitute infringement of copyright:
In cases of infringement, copying alone is not what is
(c) The making of quotations from a published work if they prohibited. The copying must produce an "injurious effect".
are compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified
Here, the injury consists in that respondent Robles lifted
for the purpose, including quotations from newspaper
from petitioners' book materials that were the result of the
articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries:
latter's research work and compilation and misrepresented
Provided, That the source and the name of the author, if
them as her own. She circulated the book DEP for
appearing on the work, are mentioned. A copy of a piracy
is an infringement of the original, and it is no defense that
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
commercial use and did not acknowledge petitioners as The Agreement also authorized Microsoft and Beltron to
her source. terminate the contract if the other fails to comply with any
of the Agreement's provisions. Microsoft terminated the
Hence, there is a clear case of appropriation of copyrighted Agreement effective 22 June 1995 for Beltron's non-
work for her benefit that respondent Robles committed. payment of royalties.
Petitioners' work as authors is the product of their long and
assiduous research and for another to represent it as her Later, Microsoft learned that respondents were illegally
own is injury enough. In copyrighting books the purpose is copying and selling Microsoft software. Consequently,
to give protection to the intellectual product of an author. Microsoft hired the services of Pinkerton Consulting
Services (“PCS”), a private investigative firm and sought the
This is precisely what the law on copyright protected, under assistance of the National Bureau of Investigation (“NBI”).
Section 184.1 (b). Quotations from a published work if they PCS employee Sacriz and NBI agent Samiano posed as
are compatible with fair use and only to the extent justified representatives of a computer shop and bought a central
by the purpose, including quotations from newspaper processing unit (“CPU”) and software in a read-only
articles and periodicals in the form of press summaries are memory (“ROM”) format from respondents. The CPU
allowed provided that the source and the name of the contained preinstalled Microsoft Windows software and
author, if appearing on the work, are mentioned. the CDROMs, encased in plastic containers with Microsoft
packaging, also contained Microsoft software. Sacriz and
In the case at bar, the least that respondent Robles could
Samiano were not given the Microsoft end user license
have done was to acknowledge petitioners Habana et. al.
agreements, user’s manuals, registration cards or
as the source of the portions of DEP. The final product of
certificates of authenticity for the articles they purchased.
an author's toil is her book. To allow another to copy the
The receipt issued to Sacriz and Samiano for the CPU and
book without appropriate acknowledgment is injury
monitor bore the heading “T.M.T.C. (PHILS.) INC. BELTRON
WHEREFORE, the petition is hereby GRANTED. The decision
Microsoft applied for search warrants against respondents
and resolution of the Court of Appeals are SET ASIDE. The
in the Regional Trial Court–Manila which was granted by
case is ordered remanded to the trial court for further
the court. The NBI searched the premises of Beltron and
proceedings to receive evidence of the parties to ascertain
TMTC and seized several computer-related hardware,
the damages caused and sustained by petitioners and to
software, accessories, and paraphernalia. Among these
render decision in accordance with the evidence submitted
were 2,831 pieces of CD-ROMs containing Microsoft
to it.
"Unlike a patent, a copyright gives no exclusive right to the The allegedly distinct set of hinges and distinct jamb, were
art disclosed; protection is given only to the expression of related and necessary hence, not physically or conceptually
the idea — not the idea itself." separable from the hatch door's utilitarian function as an
apparatus for emergency egress. Without them, the hatch
Anent, LEC's Certificate of Registration that cover the door will not function.
interior and exterior hatch doors, the Court finds that the
ownership thereof was not established by the evidence on Being articles of manufacture already in existence, they
record because the element of copyrightability is absent. cannot be deemed as original creations.
"Ownership of copyrighted material is shown by proof of As earlier stated, valid copyright ownership denotes
originality and copyrightability.” originality of the copyrighted material.
While it is true that where the complainant presents a Originality means that the material was not copied,
copyright certificate in support of the claim of evidences at least minimal creativity and was
infringement, the validity and ownership of the copyright is independently created by the author. It connotes
presumed. This presumption, however, is rebuttable and it production as a result of independent labor.
cannot be sustained where other evidence in the record
casts doubt on the question of ownership, as in the instant LEC did not produce the door jambs and hinges; it bought
case. or acquired them from suppliers and thereafter affixed
them to the hatch doors. No independent original creation
Here, evidence negating originality and copyrightability as can be deduced from such acts.
elements of copyright ownership was satisfactorily
proffered against LEC's certificate of registration.
222.1. Performers who are nationals of the Philippines; SECTION 211. Scope of Right. — Subject to the
provisions of Section 212, broadcasting organizations shall
222.2. Performers who are not nationals of the Philippines
enjoy the exclusive right to carry out, authorize or prevent
but whose performances:
any of the following acts:
a. Take place in the Philippines; or
211.1. The rebroadcasting of their broadcasts;
b. Are incorporated in sound recordings that are protected
211.2. The recording in any manner, including the making
under this Act; or
of films or the use of video tape, of their broadcasts for the
c. Which has not been fixed in sound recording but are purpose of communication to the public of television
carried by broadcast qualifying for protection under this broadcasts of the same; and
Act. (n)
211.3. The use of such records for fresh transmissions or for
fresh recording. (Sec. 52, P.D. No. 49)
SECTION 208. Scope of Right. — Subject to the SECTION 224. Points of Attachment for Broadcasts. —
provisions of Section 212, producers of sound recordings
shall enjoy the following exclusive rights: 224.1. The provisions of this Act on the protection of
broadcasts shall apply to:
208.1. The right to authorize the direct or indirect
reproduction of their sound recordings, in any manner or a. Broadcasts of broadcasting organizations the
form; the placing of these reproductions in the market and headquarters of which are situated in the Philippines; and
the right of rental or lending;
b. Broadcasts transmitted from transmitters situated in the
208.2. The right to authorize the first public distribution of Philippines.
the original and copies of their sound recordings through
224.2. The provisions of this Act shall also apply to
sale or rental or other forms of transferring ownership; and
performers who, and to producers of sound recordings
14.2. After five (5) years from the coming into force of this
Act, the Director General shall, subject to the A. Jurisdiction of Intellectual Property Office
approval of the Secretary of Trade and Industry,
determine if the fees and charges mentioned in SECTION 7. The Director General and Deputies Director
Subsection 14.1 hereof that the Office shall collect General. —
are sufficient to meet its budgetary requirements.
If so, it shall retain all the fees and charges it shall 7.1. Functions. — The Director General shall exercise the
collect under the same conditions indicated in following powers and functions:
said Subsection 14.1 but shall forthwith, cease to
receive any funds from the annual budget of the b. Exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction over all decisions
National Government; if not, the provisions of said rendered by the Director of Legal Affairs, the Director of
Subsection 14.1 shall continue to apply until such Patents, the Director of Trademarks, and the Director of the
time when the Director General, subject to the Documentation, Information and Technology Transfer
approval of the Secretary of Trade and Industry, Bureau. The decisions of the Director General in the
certifies that the above-stated fees and charges exercise of his appellate jurisdiction in respect of the
the Office shall collect are enough to fund its decisions of the Director of Patents, and the Director of
operations. Trademarks shall be appealable to the Court of Appeals in
accordance with the Rules of Court; and those in respect of
the decisions of the Director of Documentation,
Information and Technology Transfer Bureau shall be
SECTION 15. Special Technical and Scientific Assistance. — appealable to the Secretary of Trade and Industry; and
IP NOTES from the syllabus of Atty. Ma. Karla Ilagan
appealable to the Secretary of Trade and Industry; and also require the respondent to submit periodic compliance
reports and file a bond to guarantee compliance of his
SECTION 9. The Bureau of Trademarks. — The Bureau of
Trademarks shall have the following functions:
iii. The condemnation or seizure of products which are
subject of the offense. The goods seized hereunder shall be
9.1. Search and examination of the applications for the
disposed of in such manner as may be deemed appropriate
registration of marks, geographic indications and other
by the Director of Legal Affairs, such as by sale, donation to
marks of ownership and the issuance of the certificates of
distressed local governments or to charitable or relief
registration; and
institutions, exportation, recycling into other goods, or any
combination thereof, under such guidelines as he may
SECTION 10. The Bureau of Legal Affairs. — The Bureau
of Legal Affairs shall have the following functions:
iv. The forfeiture of paraphernalia and all real and personal
10.1. Hear and decide opposition to the application for
properties which have been used in the commission of the
registration of marks; cancellation of trademarks; subject to
the provisions of Section 64, cancellation of patents, utility
models, and industrial designs; and petitions for v. The imposition of administrative fines in such amount as
compulsory licensing of patents; deemed reasonable by the Director of Legal Affairs, which
shall in no case be less than Five thousand pesos (P5,000)
nor more than One hundred fifty thousand pesos
(P150,000). In addition, an additional fine of not more than
a. Exercise original jurisdiction in administrative complaints
One thousand pesos (P1,000) shall be imposed for each
for violations of laws involving intellectual property rights:
day of continuing violation;
Provided, That its jurisdiction is limited to complaints
where the total damages claimed are not less than Two
vi. The cancellation of any permit, license, authority, or
hundred thousand pesos (P200,000): Provided further, That
registration which may have been granted by the Office, or
availment of the provisional remedies may be granted in
the suspension of the validity thereof for such period of
accordance with the Rules of Court. The Director of Legal
time as the Director of Legal Affairs may deem reasonable
Affairs shall have the power to hold and punish for
which shall not exceed one (1) year;
contempt all those who disregard orders or writs issued in
the course of the proceedings. (n) vii. The withholding of any permit, license, authority, or
registration which is being secured by the respondent from
b. After formal investigation, the Director for Legal Affairs
the Office;
may impose one (1) or more of the following
administrative penalties: viii. The assessment of damages;
i. The issuance of a cease and desist order which shall ix. Censure; and
specify the acts that the respondent shall cease and desist
from and shall require him to submit a compliance report x. Other analogous penalties or sanctions. (Secs. 6, 7, 8, and
within a reasonable time which shall be fixed in the order; 9, Executive Order No. 913 [1983]a)
ii. The acceptance of a voluntary assurance of compliance 10.3. The Director General may by Regulations establish the
or discontinuance as may be imposed. Such voluntary procedure to govern the implementation of this Section.
assurance may include one or more of the following: (n)
3. An assurance to recall, replace, repair, or refund the 11.8. Register technology transfer arrangements, and settle
money value of defective goods distributed in commerce; disputes involving technology transfer payments. (n) cdta