You Aren't Supposed To Know: A Book of Secrets
You Aren't Supposed To Know: A Book of Secrets
You Aren't Supposed To Know: A Book of Secrets
By Steve Gillman
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Some people may think that not much remains truly hidden anymore. Not true! There are
many little-known tricks-of-the-trade, techniques of control, and secrets. Of course the
people "in the know" don't want you to know about them. Politicians, salesmen and others
use subtle techniques to influence you, for example. Do you think they want you to know
what they're doing? What else is being kept from you?
How about the truth regarding oil changes? Did you know that the standard of an oil
change every 3,000 miles was simply invented by the oil change industry? There is no real
basis for it. In 100,000 miles, if you change the oil every three thousand miles instead of
the manufacturer's recommended 6,000 mile frequency, you'll have an extra 17 oil
changes. At $32 per oil change, that is an extra $544!
That little secret comes from my e-book "99 Lies," and is explained in greater detail there.
I bring it up here to show you what a little knowledge can do for you. Now you can avoid
throwing away thousands of dollars on oil changes over your lifetime (That pays for this
book a few dozen times over, doesn't it?). If you're one of the few who already knew, don't
worry - there will be much for you to learn and use in the following pages.
Below is a list of what you'll find in this e-book. Some of these secrets you may have read
about before, because any purchaser of this book probably already looks outside the
mainstream for information and knowledge. Much of it, however, will be entirely new to
you. Make good use of it.
Table of Contents
Chapter 2
How To Read Minds
And Influence The Opposite Sex
I hope you won't be too disappointed when I tell you that you'll never read minds like Mel
Gibson in "What Women Want." However, you can learn how to get a better idea of the
general state of mind and receptivity of the person in front of you. And you can
subliminally persuade the opposite sex. Lets jump straight to one of the fun ways.
You probably know that your pupils get bigger in the dark and smaller in the light. But
light levels are not the only things that affect pupil size...
A person's pupils get larger when they are aroused, interested and/or receptive. If you look
into his or her eyes and see those pupils growing large - it's looking good for you, because
big pupils (unless it's just dark) often mean a person likes what they see.
Try this experiment, and you'll understand how immediate this effect can be. Go right now
and look in the mirror at your own eyes. As you look at them, imagine a sexy man or
woman you are attracted to - in whatever way would turn you on.
You'll see that your pupils get bigger in just seconds. Actually, if you love to fish, they
may get big just thinking about a lake you love. Anything you like to look at can make
your pupils bigger.
Now, there are two ways to use this.
1. Mind Reading
Watch for changing of pupil size to know if someone is interested in you or what you have
to say. And yes, shrinking pupils can mean the person is not interested in you, but be
careful to note if light in the persons eyes is causing the shrinking pupils. If the person is
facing a bright light, you may want to suggest another table.
In addition to judging the general level of interest and/or receptivity to you, you can use
pupil size to go a little deeper into a person's mind. For example, during the course of a
conversation, you can describe various scenes or delve into different topics, while
watching the persons pupils. If her pupils shrank at the mention of skiing, and got huge
when you described a beach you like, you can be fairly certain she would like the
Bahamas over a ski resort.
The great thing about this little trick is that you can easily test it and refine your technique.
Start with a friend whose interests you know already, and watch his or her pupils as you
describe various places or even ideas. See if getting your friend to visualize, by saying
something "Remember how that car of yours looked," gets a bigger pupil response.
Note: There is one problem with this little trick. It is difficult to use on those who have
dark eyes. If the person in front of you has light blue eyes, it is easy to see his or her
pupils. If eyes are dark brown, however, it can be tough. You might have to try to get the
person into a room with more light. That can cause pupils to shrink, of course, but you can
still watch for relative changes in size.
2. Influencing
If you haven't yet experimented with your own pupils, by watching them in the mirror, go
try it now. You'll find that you can quickly train yourself to change your pupil size at will.
Just find a mental image or two that gets them really big, and use these as necessary. Look
at a light briefly when you want to shrink your pupils back down in a hurry.
First, you have to understand that we all use little clues like pupil size unconsciously as we
interact with people. We are affected by people's expressions and body language even
when we haven't yet learned to identify what it is we are picking up on. This is the basis
for our intuitive feelings about others.
In other words - the person in front of you will unconsciously pick upon your enlarging
pupils. They will unconsciously take this to mean that you like him or her, and for many
people, this will make them like you more. By enlarging your pupils at will, you can
effectively establish rapport more quickly.
Try this the next time you want to convince someone to do something. Make your pupils
get bigger before making the request.
This is perhaps the most effective way to read minds. Just pay attention, ask a few
questions and listen to what they say about themselves. Use silence - people want to fill
that empty space, and will reveal more about themselves. Once you are told what is in
their minds, you can be fairly certain the same things will keep circulating in there,
making "mind reading" in the future much easier.
Leaning towards you indicates that the person is interested and receptive. Defensive
moves like leaning away and crossing the arms over the chest suggests the opposite.
When women play with their hair while talking to you, it can be (but isn't always) a sign of
receptivity. Verify this with other signals, of course.
A slightly open mouth is sometimes a sign of curiosity and interest. Note whether it is just
due to a stuffy nose, however.
A tilting head, especially if it comes with a smile and eye contact, is a sign that the person
likes you.
By noticing what a person looks at, you can learn a lot. What kind of women does a man
look at? Does he pay any attention to the game on the TV? Note whether he seems bored
or interested as he looks at different things. Does she smile when she sees certain things?
You can test this on yourself in a mirror. Be aware that people who are more ambidextrous
may be less consistent in how their eye movements relate to their thoughts.
There are certain key phrases, or ways of phrasing things that will get the person you are
with to focus on you and what you are saying. Use these when you have something
important to say. Use them just before you make your point, and the person you are with
should pay attention. Here are some examples:
"Hey, listen..."
You can notice what little snippets of language grab attention best and add them to this
list. Then just use the most appropriate one when the need arises. If you are single, try
these out in a bar or other social setting where you interact with strangers. You'll be
surprised at how effective these key phrases can be at grabbing - and holding - attention.
Try to use a persons name as soon as it feels right. If you aren't sure when it's right, ask
him or her. "Is it all right if I call you Sue?"
Use Inflection
Remember from the previous chapter that the meaning in a sentence like "I think you are
the best dancer here," depends on the word you emphasize. This subtle use of inflection
can be used to convey "hidden" messages. Saying to an insecure woman "I think you are
the best dancer here," could be unconsciously taken as defending her honor, since it
implies that other's might not think she is.
Match the speed of your speech to that of the person you're talking to. Sit like he is sitting.
Use the words she is using. This is a fast way to build rapport. Once there is a "bond"
built, you can start to lead the conversation and actions where you want them to go.
Make compliments sincere and of relevance to the person's desires. For example, first
discover what a woman is proud of, and then find a genuine way to compliment her in that
area. Notice when a man is wearing a new shirt, and tell him how much you like it.
Always show a genuine interest in what the person is saying. Ask appropriate questions,
so the person knows you're paying attention. Use their interests to lead into a direction you
want to go.
Get A Yes
When you end a sentence with a question, the person you are talking to will often say yes
automatically, without thinking about it much. He or she then feels obligated to stand by
the answer. For example, you might say "You'll let me buy you another drink, right?" and
she or he will likely say yes. Of course, don't overdo this or any particular technique.
You'll want to use this one at the end of the night to set up that first date: "You can meet
me for lunch on Tuesday, can't you?"
Look deeply into the person's eyes, and ignore the people passing by. Let your eyes
wander only slightly, to look at the person's face admiringly, like a piece of art. Most
people like this kind of attention.
Dress Nicely
Dress in a way that isn't too formal or too sloppy. Ideally, you want to be dressed just a bit
better than the others in the room. For example, if the setting is a bar full of guys in flannel
shirts, a man shouldn't come in with a suit on, but perhaps with a nice sweater. If the
women are wearing jeans, a woman should try slacks or a skirt. The idea here is that if you
are over-dressed you'll make people uncomfortable, yet you still want to stand out from
the crowd a little.