Final Imc Project
Final Imc Project
Final Imc Project
Oreo Thins
Contents ....................................................................................................................1
Agency Philosophy .....................................................................................................2
Executive Summary ....................................................................................................3
Industry Background ..................................................................................................4
Company Snapshot ....................................................................................................5
Description .............................................................................................................6-7
Competitive Review………………………………………………………………………………………………….8
Buyer Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………….9-10
Marketing Goals & Communication Objectives……………………………………………………….11
Promotional Program Situational Analysis………………………………………………………………12
IMC Objectives & Strategies……………………………………………………………………………………13
Creative Recommendations……………………………………………………………………………………14
Media Recommendations………………………………………………………………………………………15
Media Mix Recommendations & Rationale……………………………………………………………16
Budget Breakdown……………………………………………………………………………………………….17
Campaign Flowchart……………………………………………………………………………………………..21
Measurement & Evaluation…………………………………………………………………………………..22
Budget Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………..23
Agency Philosophy
The client Nabisco Oreo Thins, has had little work done with promotions and advertising
prior to working with Dig ‘Em. The goal of the IMC implementation is to bring awareness
of America’s most famous cookie, Oreo, to their new product line of Oreo Thins. Overall,
the IMC plan will use many consumer-oriented functions to induce trial and create new
long-lasting customers for Oreo Thins. By targeting health conscious consumers, we will
take advantage of trending healthy eating habits and match those values with Oreo
Campaign Objectives:
• Increase sales by 7% of 2018 total
• Increase customer retention rate by 10% after implementation
• Increase inquires for Oreo Thins by 30% throughout the campaign
Campaign Theme/Slogan:
• “This Summer, thin is in with Oreo”
Evaluation Program:
• Competitive Media Report
• Simmon’s Market Research Bureau
• Media Content Analysis
Industry Background
Demographic: It is important for the company to pay Legal: Oreo is currently in legal battle with Hydrox. Hydrox
attention to the changing popularity of different mediums claims Oreo is attempting to prevent Hydrox cookies from
our target market consumes and adjust our marketing having visibility in shelves. Oreo has direct distribution
campaign accordingly. Dig ‘Em decided to invest a lot of method, where Mondelez employees stock retailers
money into Internet advertising and are aware that it is a themselves, which is why Hydrox suspects
growing form of media around young people and This. Hydrox posted the lawsuit on Facebook, and this and
millennials. Dig ‘Em values the importance of obtaining potentially other lawsuits are a threat to Oreo’s
these young customers to maintain our level of success reputation.
even as our current customers get older. Social: Oreo needs to be very mindful of social issues and
Economic: Economic concerns are not a huge factor for how they respond to them to protect the reputation of
Oreo as a company, as they sell a very cheap product. Dig their company. Oreo needs to be quick and thoughtful
‘Em believes that even in an economic downturn, Oreo when addressing national tragedies. Oreo also wants to
would be able to effectively sell their product and make a comment on trending topics on our Twitter account to
profit. Dig ‘Em also have a massive amount of resources stay engaged with fans and maintain a positive image.
and flexibility to easily adjust our campaign to changing Cultural: A major cultural factor Dig ‘Em considered in the
economic conditions. campaign was the rising trend of people being more
Technological: Oreo believes technological factors could health conscious across the US. Dig ‘Em sees Oreo Thins as
only benefit the company and it is not a threat to our an opportunity to offer a healthier alternative to Oreo’s
business. Oreo have a massive amount of resources and a for the customers, at the same price. A potential issue is if
giant distribution network, so any future technology that consumers become even more health-conscious and begin
has potential to benefit the company can be easily preferring healthier cookies or other healthy snack
acquired. Expected advances in technology potentially options.
could either expedite the distribution process, expand Environmental: Green Peace has recently come out
reach to customers, or decrease overall expenses. against Oreo and Mondelez for their lack of responsibility
Political: The upcoming 2020 election race is going to be a in cleaning up their Palm Oil in Indonesia. The Indonesian
huge talking point for many companies in the coming 18 forests are in danger of deforestation. Concerns over
months. Oreo wants to stay out of politics as a company supply chain deposing waste properly. With
and not take either side to avoid antagonizing a large environmental concerns becoming more prominent, this is
portion of the valued customers. a potential threat to Oreo’s image.
Company Snapshot
Place in the Industry: Owned by Mondelez International, highest selling cookie in the
world, “Snacking Made Right”
Sales History: In 2017, Oreo’s sales as a whole were $674 million in the US, with over
$2 billion worldwide. Oreo Thins hold about 18.5% of Oreo sales in the US, with
$125.2 million in sales in 2017
Brand Review: Oreo Thins are Oreo’s newest entry in a variety of twists on their
classic Oreo. While their sales are the lowest between Double Stuff and the main
original line, Oreo Thins have the potential to be a hit seller with targeted advertising
towards health-conscious families and children.
Strengths: Strong social media presence (841k twitter followers, 2.5 million instagram),
consolidated production costs. Strong market share
Weaknesses: Thins overshadowed by regular Oreos and Double Stuff, Oreo thins are still
not very healthy to eat
Opportunities: Has opportunity to position as a healthier and lower calorie option
compared to competitors
Threats: Cookies that are healthier, knock off brands, people’s choice to not eat cookies
at all
Brand Image: Reliable family-friendly brand with a kick of humor and fun.
Perceptual Map
Competitive Review
User Profile:
- Demographic: targeted towards 40-year-old females(mothers), children,
- Geographic: suburbs, small to midsize cities, easy access to a grocery store
- Psychographic:
- Behavioristic: medical conditions that limit purchasers, frequent purchasers who
are loyal to the Oreo brand
Buying Decision Process: repurchase when Oreo’s at home are finished, impulse when
browsing through a grocery store
Who Buys the Product: parents, head of household, teenagers and older children
Who Makes the Decision: mothers or fathers, whoever does the household grocery
Decision Criteria: Targeting mothers would enable Oreo Thins to induce trial beyond just
40-year-old females. This is because mothers will shop for their families, opening the door
for other demographics to try the product.
Buyer Analysis
Primary Research
Oreo Thins has many different consumers, ranging from children to elders. Through
advertisements, Oreo Thins will target forty-year-old women specifically. This is because many
mothers are the dominant food shoppers within a family. And one study showed that, “When a
man does shop with a grocery list, studies show it’s more likely to have been written by a female
partner or spouse.” Therefore, Dig ‘Em focused on women, being that they will make lists on what
to buy for their family. Oreo thins will advertise in suburbs, small to midsize cities, that way the
marketing strategies used will be exposed to families. Families with lifestyles of cutting back on
extra calories, are primary targets for this product. One review stated, “As probably everyone
here, I grew up eating Oreos but as an adult than has grown in a diabetes-led family, I have had to
start watching my diet and health a lot more. For a certain time, I had given up many cookies
including childhood Oreos. That was until I found thin Oreos!!!!”. Most consumers decide to buy
the product when they run out of the snack in their home pantry. Targeting mothers would enable
Oreo Thins to induce trial beyond just 40-year-old females. This is because mothers would shop
for their families, opening the door for other demographics to try the product.
Marketing Goals &
Communication Objectives
Marketing Goals
Sales Volume: Increase Oreo Thins sales volume by 10% over the course of our 6-
month campaign.
Market Share: Increase Oreo’s market share of the cookie industry by .5% over our 6-
month campaign.
Sales Revenue: Increase Oreo Thins sales revenue by 8% over the course of our 6-
month campaign. We will be offering promotional deals over email which explains the
difference in this number compared to sales volume.
Profit: Increase Oreo Thins net profit percentage by 5% over the course of our 6-month
Return on Investment: Achieve a ROI of over 150% over the course of our 6-month
Communication Objectives
Brand Awareness- Dig ‘Em will use traditional advertising mediums like TV and digital/interactive mediums like
social media, to create awareness for the Oreo Thin product line. The organization will consistently check
insights and viewer ratings to make sure the reach is expanded. Dig ‘Em hopes to increase the awareness of
Oreo Thins within the first 6 months of the new IMC plan.
Knowledge/Interests- Social media and interactive digital media campaigns will be used so users can generate
knowledge of Oreo Thins through advertisements and promotional sweepstakes. Dig ‘Em wants to increase
engagement with the brand on social media by 50% within a year through increased internet/interactive
marketing efforts.
Favorable Attitudes/Image- The overall focus to create a favorable image for Oreo Thins is to induce health-
conscious families to purchase Oreo Thins as an alternative to other unhealthy snacks. Dig ‘Em will use RFID
scanners in grocery stores around the country to track how often consumers are looking at Oreo Thins and
purchasing the product. Dig ‘Em hopes Oreo Thins positive image increases in consumers mind within the first
Purchase Intentions- Dig ‘Em intends consumers to use the innovation adoption model and after their trial of
Oreo Thins, with hope they will adopt the new Oreo product and become repeat purchasers. Dig ‘Em has a goal
to increase the percentage of people who repurchase Oreo Thins by at least 5% after 12 months.
Promotional Program
Situation Analysis
Awareness Objectives: Oreo Thins will utilize sales promotions programs to help make
consumers aware of the product. Some examples would be coupons and event
sponsorships. This plan can be evaluated using the analysis of the communication
process. That way Oreo Thins can analyze the receiver’s responses, establish
communication goals/objectives. This will be achieved during the relevant time period of
6 months.
Knowledge Objectives: In-store sampling will induce trial on consumers, this will also
help consumers get to know more about the product, ex: what it tastes like, feels like.
Oreo Thins can monitor this objective by using situational analysis, which is a detailed
assessment of current marketing conditions facing the company, also allows
understanding of market opportunities, competition and market segments. This
plan is tailored to Oreo thins company and is attainable. This objective is also relevant to
what Oreo Thins wants to accomplish in their overall IMC plan. This sampling program
will be implemented over the course of 6 months.
Purchase Objectives: Oreo Thins will use sweepstakes as an incentive to purchase the
product. This can also be evaluated through a situational analysis. This way Oreo Thins
can find out the market segments that purchase the product. This is relevant criteria to
the IMC plan and will help Oreo Thins increase sales. This will all be accomplished over a
6-month period.
Advertising Objectives: To increase sales for Oreo Thins, by persuading consumers to try
this healthier alternative. To have families think about Oreo Thins as a healthier alternative
which is more worth eating than competitor’s cookies.
Message Strategy: The message of this advertising program communicates how Oreo Thins
are healthier than other snack cookie choices and are the perfect snack for a health-
conscious family.
Message Appeals: Our message will appeal to consumers by attracting them through
humor, while informing them of the benefits of purchasing Oreo Thins over other products
in the same class.
Rationale for Creative Recommendations: We chose to use the creative processes we’re
using because we feel that humorous commercials will stand out more to children in
families. Children will influence their parents, the buyers, to purchase Oreo Thins if the
commercials stand out to them. Once parents are informed of the want for Oreo Thins,
they will see that they are the healthier option, and be more willing to purchase them.
Executions: The IMC plan will be executed through comparison, humor, animation.
Comparison will show Oreo is a healthier option opposed to other dessert snacks, and
humor along with the use of animation/an Oreo character will attract children and families
in general to the product. Storyboards and scripts will be used for our creative TV
Television: Introduce the mascot “Thin Boi” to the target audience and create a
relationship with families and children through humor to develop brand equity/loyalty.
Radio: Spot advertisements over various family-friendly radio/satellite radio shows to
expose target audience during regular listening hours
Magazine: Full page ad placements in various family/food magazines ran in flighting
Sales Promotion: Sponsor events and hire salespeople to promote the product and create
a buzz around the new campaign. Oreo will connect with fans at these events and improve
their brand image.
Internet/Interactive: Advertise heavily on Facebook and promote Oreo’s sponsored
tweets on their social media accounts. Oreo will pay to promote their tweets on twitter a
couple times to jump start about the campaign. Internet and Social Media will be very
important with interacting with young people during the campaign.
Public Relations: Create increased awareness about Oreo Thins and maintain their brand
image from potential future issues or controversies
Direct Marketing: The organization will rely on the marketing analytics department to
determine a pool of likely customers to target, along with targeting current customers
who have registered their email with the Oreo website. Oreo Thin will heavily emphasize
email as it is cheaper then direct mail and would allow us to get this deal to customers
quickly. Oreo will to make the email very visually stimulating, with lots of colors and
attention-grabbing headlines. Oreo will offer at least a 33% discount on their product to
make it seem worthwhile for customers to go out of their way to purchase their product.
Event Sponsorship: By having employees promote the product at sponsored events, they
can target the audience in an entertaining way. Employees should portray traits of
enthusiasm and lightheartedness to create a personal connection with the attendees.
Oreo will hold fun games and contests at the events to keep attendees entertained and
happy. Oreo will give out clothing, toys, and other merchandise at prizes at these events.
Oreo will have a merchandise tent at these events as well to capitalize on the opportunity
to sell these products.
Media Mix Recommendations
& Rationale
Share of Voice: Oreo Thins wants to be aggressive in expanding digital exposure through
a large investment in internet advertising. Oreo Thins will primarily focus on Facebook,
Instagram, Twitter, and Snapchat to connect and engage with our followers. The
majority of the money will be put into Facebook, where there are currently over 40
million likes, so they can engage with an older audience who may be shopping for their
family. Oreo Thins will use the next largest amount of our internet investment on Twitter
as it is a great medium to directly communicate with consumers. This money will be used
to promote trends and create a conversation and buzz around the new campaign. The
rest of the internet investment will be used on Snapchat which is the most popular social
media site for millennials which is an important target market. Instagram will also be a
big part of the campaign since Oreo currently has a following of 2.5 million and it is the
fastest growing social media company and very popular among young people. Oreo will
use minimal resources for Instagram, but instead aggressively promote their own
Instagram posts on other social media outlets.
Geographic Scope: Nationwide geographic scope for our marketing plan. Appealing
more aggressively to health-conscious cities and more wealthy cities.
Scheduling Pattern: Oreo Thins is a massive company and are currently the leader in our
industry. Continuity will be used to maintain and grow our majority stake in the industry.
Reach and Frequency: The focus will be on maximizing our reach, especially to this large
target market. The goal is to reach as many young adults and millennials as possible
through social media. We will target women who shop for their families aggressively
through TV and magazine advertising and make a strong first impression with advertising
reach as many of the current customers as possible with our campaign and leave a
positive impression. Frequency is less important for Oreo as a company as they are
already an established brand, and plan to focus more on creating creative ads.
Cost Per Thousand:
- $46.25 Cost-per-thousand.
- Total Budget: $4,625,000, Total Estimated Impressions: 100,000,000
Budget Breakdown
Sales Promotions
Sales Promotion Objectives: To induce trial from our customers at retail locations
where Oreo Thins can be purchased by holding a contest where customers can use the
code from their Oreo Thins packages to be entered to win prizes
Rationale: Once consumers try Oreo Thins and see that they taste just as good as
regular Oreos, while being healthier at the same time, those customers will be more
likely to buy. The added incentive of the contest to win prizes also helps induce trial.
Percent of Budget: 30%
Integration/Creativity: The contest will begin as the creative ads are launched, from
there the Oreo site will have a spot to redeem your code from your purchased Oreo
Thins. The prizes will range from coupons to video game consoles! The packages at the
time of the promotion will display a graphic that draws in consumers to purchase so
they can potentially win prizes.
Direct Marketing
Direct Marketing Objectives: increase sales from new customers and recurring
customers, encourage a trial for Oreo Thins by distributing coupons to current and
potential customers through direct mail and email.
Rationale: Direct mail and email are inexpensive forms of direct marketing and
coupons would encourage the target market to purchase the product and hopefully
lead to repeat purchase.
Percent of Budget: 2%
Integration/Creativity: The Organization will rely on the marketing analytics
department to determine a pool of likely customers to target, along with targeting
current customers who have registered their email with the website. Heavy emphasis
on email is cheaper then direct mail and would allow Oreo to get this deal to the
customers quickly. Dig ‘Em wants to make the email very visually stimulating, with lots
of colors and attention-grabbing headlines. Offering at least a 33% discount the
product to make it seem worthwhile for customers to go out of their way to purchase
the product.
Internet/Interactive Objectives: Make consumers aware of Oreo thins and promote trial
amongst them. Through social media we can get the brand out into the public and connect with
the target markets.
Rationale: By promoting Oreo Thins through social media they can target different age groups.
Oreo will spend a large amount of the budget on this as teenagers and young adults are two of
the main target markets and they engage frequently with social media.
Percent of Budget: 26%
Integration/Creativity: The creative aspect of internet marketing will be how Oreo disseminates
the ads. The organization is planning to put the advertisements through different social media
networks. These networks consist of Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and Snapchat. Oreo will
tailor their advertisements to young adults and teenagers and make the ads relevant and funny
to them.
Personal Selling
Personal Selling Objectives: The organization wants to use personal selling in supermarkets to
set up promotional deals, and with promotional events to work with host clients. These events
will hold games and contests for potential customers. Oreo will have several salespeople at
these events to ensure that we acquire extra sales and customers from these events. The goal is
to make use of personal sales tools to persuade people.
Rationale: Through supermarkets Oreo will be able to put their product up for trial. Having a
hands-on experience with the product could boost the campaign image. Likewise, sponsored
events can build brand loyalty.
Percent of Budget: 4%
Integration/Creativity: By having employees promote the product at the sponsored events,
they can target our audience in an entertaining way. Employees should portray traits of
enthusiasm and lightheartedness to create a personal connection with attendees. Oreo will hold
fun games and contests at the events to keep attendees entertained and happy. Oreo will give
out clothing, toys, and other merchandise at prizes at these events. Also, Oreo plans on having a
merchandise tent at these events as well to capitalize on the opportunity to sell these products.
Public Relations
Public Relations Objectives: To create awareness about the new Oreo Thins, the
organization will issue PR postings about how original Oreo is attempting to slim down
for the summer.
Rationale: By using one of America’s most famous cookies, Oreos, they will stimulate
curiosity about why Oreo is losing weight. After the initial PR posts, they will show new
Oreo Thin and encourage customers to “support” him by purchasing Oreo Thins.
Percent of Budget: 4%
Scheduling/Planning: PR posts will be dispersed in a flighting pattern, higher usage of
Oreo public relations will be posted when new announcements are on the way.
Integration/Creativity: The PR posts will be creatively formatted as a formal release, in a
serious manner how Oreo is attempting to lose weight. The buzz surrounding this will
build curiosity and people will want to see the new thin Oreo. The posts will come from
the official Oreo websites along with Oreo social media accounts directing users to the
PR posts.
Campaign/Media Flowchart
Measurement & Evaluation
During Campaign:
- Competitive Media Reports: Provides information on expenditures on outdoor
media by major advertisers, the purpose of using this analysis is to find out
what competitors are doing and compare to the Oreo Thin plan. By matching
and exceeding competitor’s outlays, Oreo Thin’s advertising will surpass
End of Campaign:
- Simmon’s Market Research Bureau: Conducts research annually and provides
data on demographics, exposures, and other information. The information
provided by Simmon’s will help keep Oreo up to date on their target markets
and where spending would be needed most in order to move new customers
closer to a sale, while also retaining current customers.
- Media Content Analysis: Identify the characteristics of messages that appear in
the media, analyzing the content to determine trends and perceptions relevant
to the product or brand. The purpose of this analysis is to find the yearly
expenditures for Oreo Thins. If the budget was not allocated correctly in
specific departments over the course of the campaign, adjustments will be
made for the future of Oreo Thins.
Budget Summary
The previous Integrated Marketing Communications plan has been designed and
tailored for Dig ‘Em Advertising’s client, Oreo Thins. This plan aims to promote brand
loyalty and increase customer awareness for Oreo Thins target market. Throughout
this plan, multiple IMC elements were used. This includes traditional marketing, sales
promotion, public relations, internet, direct marketing, and personal selling. Most of
our budget was used in traditional marketing, sales promotion, and internet. Oreo
Thins use of traditional marketing included advertising through mediums of television,
radio, and magazines; in an effort to make potential buyers aware of the product. The
use of sales Promotions, such as coupons, sweepstakes, and event sponsorships, is
aimed to get the consumers to buy the product. Lastly, the internet is a great medium
for promoting on Facebook, twitter, and Instagram and can expose our product to a
lot of the target market. The plan will be evaluated and measured through various
programs, but media content analysis will be one of the main focuses. This will allow
Oreo Thins to make necessary adjustments to current market trends in the given time
period. The course of the plan will last 6-months, with an emphasis during the summer
months. Through extensive research and program implementation this campaign will
meet all IMC objectives tailored towards Oreo Thins.
Radio Scripts
Mom: “alrighty hunny it looks like we’re all done with our shopping list”
Child: “WAIT, mommy can we get cookies”
Mom: “hmm I don't know about that one, all of these new cookies are too unhealthy”
Child: “what about new Oreo Thins?”
Mom: “wha-”
*child interrupts*
Child: “Oreo Thins have only 35 calories per cookie and are substantially thinner, while still maintaining
the same great Oreo taste! Why sacrifice cookies altogether when you can just cut out some of your daily
calorie intake!”
*mother is shocked and gasps at her child's’ vocabulary*
Mom: “how do you know all of this, who even taught you most of those words?”
Child: “don't worry about it mommy, can we please get new Oreo Thins?!”
Mom: “uhh sure sweety”
Narrator: “New Oreo Thins, the same great taste of Oreo your family loves, now slimmer”
Announcer #1: “Wow that was a spectacular dunk by that young man right there!”
Announcer #2: “You betcha, he slammed that ball through the net like it was a full glass of milk!”
Announcer #1: “Glass of milk? Are you sure we’re watching the same game”
Announcer #2: “Of course! The brings me to the official Oreo Thins Dunk of the Half! Just look how
gracefully he tossed the Oreo Thin around his body before he SLAMMED it into the glass of milk”
Announcer #1: “Yes sir he dunked that cookie harder than a cinder block, while still maintaining the same
great taste as a regular sized Oreo!”
Announcer #2: “I don't know about you Bob, but after this game I’m going to pick my family up a package
of new Oreo Thins to relive that dunk in my own kitchen!”
Announcer #1: “Come on now Frank, we all know your dunking glory days are behind you, how about we
let these boys stick with basketball and we’ll stick with what we know best, cookies”
Narrator: “This message was brought to you by new Oreo Thins, you don’t have to be on the basketball
court to make a slam dunk”
Magazine Advertisements
Internet/Interactive Advertisements
Press Release
Beer, J. (2018, November 13). Greenpeace unveils a new Oreo flavor: Deforestation. Retrieved fro m
Bionic Ads. (2016). Reach, Frequency, Ratings, GRPs, Impressions, CPP, and CPM in Advertising.
Retrieved from
Blum, S. (2018, August 09). The Cookie War Between Oreo and Hydrox Is Getting Ugly. Retrieved from
Graphics, T. (2015, January 20). Cookie industry market share (Table). Retrieved from
Industry Trends Report. (2018-2025). U.S. Biscuits Market Size & Share. Retrieved from
Modor (n.d) Cookies Market Market| Size | Share | Trend | Research | Statics | Growth | Value | Analysis.
Retrieved from
Statistic. (2017). Oreo cookie dollar sales U.S. by variety. Retrieved from
The Editors of Taste of Home. (n.d.). Yes, Men and Women Grocery Shop Differently-Here's How.
Retrieved from
Zigu. (n.d.). Oreo Marketing Mix (4Ps) Strategy. Retrieved from