85257-Gothic Earth Pre-Gen Characters-V1.3 PDF
85257-Gothic Earth Pre-Gen Characters-V1.3 PDF
85257-Gothic Earth Pre-Gen Characters-V1.3 PDF
these pages, for those who want to get right into religion), a large degree of freedom is intended within
playing adventures in the alternate 1890s D&D setting such parameters. For example, if a character is
of Gothic Earth without making their own character described as “from the Americas”, that could mean
first, or who want to see samples of character types anywhere from Buenos Aires or Barbados to Biloxi or
well-suited to Masque of the Red Death campaigns. Baffin Island. Elements of each character’s backstory
are purposefully left vague so they can be customized
or enhanced to realize the player’s vision.
Don’t veto ideas by assuming cultural barriers
Each pre-generated character is laid out to fit on both
which may or may not be historical. In the 19th
sides of a single printed page, while also including as
Century, many people face discrimination as part of
much explanation as necessary for any new rules.
their everyday lives, but making that a rationale to
Combined with a brief summary of new rules at the
limit character identities ignores the examples of
end of this document, all the information players
many individuals who, by the 1890s, had unlocked
familiar with D&D need to use these characters should
new opportunities despite the obstacles of the time:
be right there on the character sheet.
Before you begin the game, the player of each “Calamity Jane” Canary was already a famed Army
character should fill out the following sections, which scout, explorer, and frontierswoman in the 1890s;
have been left blank: Character Name, Player Name, Sarah Jane Woodson Early became the first African-
Nationality, and Gender Identity. Next to Maximum American woman college professor in 1858;
Resolve Points, where it says “Current Resolve”, fill in In 1841, D. O. Dyce Sombre was the first man of
a number equal to your Maximum Resolve Points: this Asian descent elected to the UK Parliament;
value is likely to fluctuate during play. 1880 saw Caroline Soule ordained as the first
In addition, many characters have an additional woman Christian minister in Europe;
language that can be selected to reflect the player’s African-American Ira Aldridge was Europe’s most
choices about the character’s backstory. Finally, each celebrated Shakespearean actor by the 1860s;
character has two “Adventurer Bonds” listed, tying In 1849, immigrant Elizabeth Blackwell was the first
them to other player characters, and which can be woman doctor to receive a U.S. medical degree;
quickly determined before the game begins. Naval commander Laskarina Bouboulina’s became
the Russian Navy’s first woman admiral in 1825.
In the end, there is hardly any reason to limit
While all the necessary rules choices for these character ideas on the basis of heritage, sex, or other
characters have been made, and many details are facets of personal identity. Not only does a quick
included (such as a biographical description of each Wikipedia search often yield enough examples to
one’s personal history), other details—most notably justify a player’s vision, but beyond that, Gothic Earth
each character’s name, exact nationality, and gender— is a fantasy world with its own alternate history. That
are left for the player to determine. Even when some history can and should become malleable in pursuit of
limitations are described (none of these characters what is most enjoyable.
were born in London, but all live there as the
Lead Designer: Jeremy Forbing This collection of pre-generated characters is also
Proofreader: Anthony Joyce intended as a resource for creators on the DMs Guild
Design Elements and Inspiration: Gordon McAlpin who wish to write adventures that take place on
Additional Design: Catherine Evans Gothic Earth or which use the rules set forth in the
Special Thanks to: Catherine Evans, Violet Fermin, Masque of the Red Death Player’s Guide .
Ginny Loveday, Rachel Savicki, and Sven Since all the rules needed to use these characters are
Truckenbrodt, who each provided an extra round of on the character sheets themselves and the brief rules
beta reading. We encourage you to check out some of summary that comes with them, authors can simply
their most noteworthy endeavors, including: include the characters and summary in their products,
Catherine Evans’ excellent adventures set in Gothic with little need for additional rules specific to Gothic
Earth, including The Ghostly Library and Jolene - Earth. (If other rules from the Masque of the Red
or, The Beauty From Beyond the Stars, which are Death Player’s Guide are necessary or relevant, they
easily usable with these pre-generated characters can be quickly explained in the adventure itself, per
and rules (Cat is also one of the masterminds behind the DM’s Guild Community Agreement).
the bestselling Eat the Rich adventure anthology); The authors’ goal is to encourage more people to
D&D Adventurers League Game Days at Game write Gothic Earth adventures without the burden of
Empire Pasadena, ably organized by Violet Fermin writing extra rules just to make the setting work. To
and her compatriots. If you are in the L.A. area, this end, the author’s specific permission is given for
drop by Game Empire on the 1st or 3rd Saturday of any DMs Guild author to include these pre-generated
each month for one of the largest recurring tabletop characters and Player New Rules Summary in their
role-playing events in Southern California. own products, either in their entirety or in part and
The many works of adventure author Ginny adapted as necessary, as long as the original authors
Loveday, including the Eberron adventure Jack of are credited with it. Obviously, use of this material is
Daggers, an urban fantasy-noir investigation in the still subject to the DM’s Guild Community
criminal underworld of the city of Sharn, and the Agreement, meaning the majority of any product
Forgotten Realms adventure A Murder Most Foul, a must still be the author’s original creation.
mystery that unfolds amid the conspiracies and
intrigues of a disaster-plagued port on the Moonsea.
rachelsavicki.wordpress.com, the website of writer, This document is a resource for authors, DMs, and
game designer, and professional GM Rachel Savicki. players, but also a preview of the Masque of the Red
There you can find a list of her published and Death Player’s Guide, available on DMsGuild.com in
upcoming works for companies such as Onyx Path both PDF and print editions. If you enjoy this
Publishing and Ulisses Spiele International. Rachel’s material, or the Gothic Earth setting, we hope you will
writing samples include The Morning After: A Tale consider purchasing the full product. It has everything
of Things Gone Wrong, an introductory D&D you need to create your own
scenario that can easily be adapted for Gothic Earth, characters, as well as secrets
with little or no conversion required. of Gothic Earth and
The nautically-themed fantasy-horror D&D additional rules and player
adventure The Lamenting Lighthouse by Sven options for advancing in
Truckenbrodt, which features new custom monsters levels and creating your
(including new types of undead). This is another own full campaigns.
adventure which can be quickly and easily adapted
for Gothic Earth campaigns.