Barry Case Solution

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1. What are the communication challenges and barriers Barry faces?

The communication challenges and barriers that Barry is facing in his

operation, could be summarized in the following points:

 Language barriers: Not all employees speak English as their first

language making verbal communication a challenge at times. Language
barriers are the most common communication barriers which cause
misunderstandings and misinterpretations between people. Most of the
people in the world do not speak English or, even if they use, it is their
second or third language. If the speaker and receiver do not use same
language and words, there is no meaning to the communication. Not using
the words that other person understands makes the communication
ineffective and prevents message from being conveyed.

 Generational (age) barriers: having employees in various age categories

can pose a unique set of challenges. While the younger generation is
used to texting and using shortened messaging, their vocabulary may
not be consistent with that of older employees. Work values and
attitudes may also affect communication between younger and older

 Cultural and ethnic barriers: Cultural differences in food safety practices

may be a challenge for Barry to overcome. Cultures provide people with
ways of thinking--ways of seeing, hearing, and interpreting the world.
Thus the same words can mean different things to people from different
cultures, even when they talk the "same" language. When the languages
are different, and translation has to be used to communicate, the
potential for misunderstandings increases.

 Nonverbal challenges: Barry’s body language (appearance) is telling

others he does not care about personal appearance and cleanliness.

 Emotional barriers: Emotional barriers can interfere with effective

Barry comes into work after a rough start at home. These negative
emotions are affecting how he communicates with the employees.One of
the most critical issues brought about by emotional barriers is the inability
to communicate efficiently. This may have a negative impact on your
relationships with others. Individuals with extreme emotional barriers
might even face difficulties when seeking employment.

2. What solutions might Barry consider in addressing each of these challenges and barriers?
The solution that would be considered in the challenges and barriers have
been faced by Bary for each particular subject would be as follow:

 For Language barriers: Several potential solutions might be addressed

here including posting signs in employees’ primary language. Putting
signage with visuals, not just words. Barry might learn some simple
words in the employees’ primary language to help show interest in the
employees. Also he should be patient, Speak slowly and clearly, Ask for
clarification frequently check for understanding, be specific and providing
information via multiple channels.

 For Generational (age) barriers: Currently there are 4 generations in the

workforce and
Each potentially has a different preferred method of communication.
While the younger
Generation might prefer to receive text messages as their preferred way
of communication, older employees may not find this method of
communication acceptable. Consider your employee’s preferences and
be willing to communicate a message in a few different ways.

 For Cultural and ethnic barriers: Barry may need to identify cultural
beliefs and work to understand the ethnic barriers related to food safety.
For instance, two employees come from the same country and they have
made comments that controlling temperature in their country is not a
priority; food can be at room temperature for long periods of time and
nothing ever happened.

 For Nonverbal challenges: Barry’s appearance is a nonverbal cue to

employees. Barry’s appearance is important as he is a role-model to the
employees. His actions and behaviors should be consistent with what he
is expecting of them. For example, because he is expecting the
employees to follow proper hand washing procedure, he should also use
proper hand washing procedures.

 For Emotional barriers: Emotional barriers can interfere with effective

communication. It will be important for Barry to get his emotions “in
check” prior to starting work. Having self-awareness and potentially
seeking outside assistance (ie. Employee Assistance Programs) may be
possible solutions here.

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