Integrating Petrophysics and Allostratigraphy To Find Sweet Spots
Integrating Petrophysics and Allostratigraphy To Find Sweet Spots
Integrating Petrophysics and Allostratigraphy To Find Sweet Spots
6-4-2018 10:00 AM
Cheadle, Burns A.
The University of Western Ontario
Recommended Citation
Marion, Kienan P., "Integrating Petrophysics and Allostratigraphy to Find Sweet Spots in the Upper
Cretaceous Belle Fourche and Second White Specks Alloformations, West-Central Alberta, Canada"
(2018). Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Repository. 5440.
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Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
Do you realize that this is the very path that goes through
Mirkwood, and that if you let it, it might take you to the Lonely
Mountain or even further and to worse places?”
Solving the Second White Specks
I thank you, gentle reader, for having the fortitude to pick up this thesis – it had become a
veritable tome by the time I ran out of things to say. There are lots of pictures, I promise!
I would like to thank Husky Energy, Devon Canada Corporation, and Tuzo Energy for
funding this research as part of the Second White Specks Liquids-Rich Research
Consortium at Western University. I am grateful to Schlumberger Canada, geoLOGIC
systems, Divestco, and IHS Canada for their generous donations of software and data to
this project. Additional research funding for this thesis was provided by a Society of
Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA) Foundation Grant and an American
Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG) Grants-in-Aid award in 2016.
This thesis would not have existed without the unrelenting support of Dr. Burns Cheadle,
my indefatigable supervisor. Without his mentorship, which began in 2012 during my
undergraduate study at Western, I would not be where I am today. His patience and
encouragement allowed me to power through when I thought I could go no further.
I extend my profound gratitude to Dr. Guy Plint, whose passion for sedimentary geology
kindled my own back in 2010. His good-humored skepticism and deep curiosity for all
things related to the natural world helped to show me that there is always more to learn. I
would also like to express my appreciation to his wife Annemarie and his daughter Tessa
for being incredibly kind and welcoming to me during my time in London.
I was blessed with wonderful geoscience mentors during my time at NAL Resources,
Imperial Oil, and Shell Canada. I am eternally grateful for the excellent training and
professional guidance that was provided to me by Kevin Lounsbury, Bob Leibel,
Ndubuisi Obi, Sean McDonald, Dave Llewelyn, and Jenna Lapointe in the fields of
exploration geology, production geology, and petrophysics. Not only has that training
Solving the Second White Specks
helped me further my career, but it also came in extremely handy over the course of my
thesis research.
I doubt I could give my parents, Karen and Don, the thanks they deserve without
continuing on for several pages. Without them, I could never have reached this point.
Their enduring love has kept me going through many hardships, and they have always
helped me keep things in perspective.
My colleagues (now friends) in the Petroleum Geology and Basin Analysis Laboratories
at Western provided invaluable input on this work. Mailyng Aviles and Jessica Flynn
both deserve special recognition: they were always open-minded and served as great
sounding boards for some of my more outlandish ideas. I also acknowledge the support of
Matea Drljepan, Beth Hooper, Katharin Pavan, Karen Grey, and Negar Nazari in this
Over the past eight years I have spent at Western, I often felt as though I was stuck
halfway between two worlds: my body was in London, but my heart was in my
hometown of Calgary. Marianna Chibotar-Rutkevich, my piano teacher, became my first
true friend at Western in 2010. Her compassion, warmth, and artistry have inspired me to
become a better person.
Solving the Second White Specks
Table of Contents
Abstract........................................................................................................................... ii
Acknowledgments .......................................................................................................... iv
Table of Contents ........................................................................................................... vi
List of Figures ................................................................................................................ xi
List of Tables ................................................................................................................ xv
Variables and Abbreviations......................................................................................... xvi
Chapter 1 ........................................................................................................................ 1
1 Introduction ................................................................................................................ 1
Summary ............................................................................................................. 1
Problem ............................................................................................................... 1
1.2.1 Influence of brittle behaviour...................................................................... 2
1.2.2 Influence of porosity................................................................................... 4
1.2.3 Stratal architecture of the Second White Specks ......................................... 5
Aims & Objectives .............................................................................................. 6
1.3.1 Research aim .............................................................................................. 6
1.3.2 Objectives .................................................................................................. 6
Scope................................................................................................................... 7
Significance ......................................................................................................... 8
Overview of thesis structure............................................................................... 10
Chapter 2 ...................................................................................................................... 11
2 Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and play analysis of the Second White Specks and
Belle Fourche Formations ......................................................................................... 11
Overview ........................................................................................................... 11
Geologic setting of Lower Colorado Group Shales ............................................ 11
2.2.1 Tectonic setting ........................................................................................ 13
2.2.2 Climate and physiography ........................................................................ 17
Establishing nomenclature for Upper Cretaceous lower Colorado Group rocks
in west-central Alberta ....................................................................................... 20
2.3.1 Fish Scales Formation .............................................................................. 23
2.3.2 Belle Fourche Formation .......................................................................... 25
2.3.3 Second White Specks Formation .............................................................. 26
Petroleum system analysis of the lower Colorado Group in the Willesden
Green – Gilby area............................................................................................. 28
2.4.1 Source rock quality, maturation, and migration......................................... 28
2.4.2 Storage capacity ....................................................................................... 30
2.4.3 Flow capacity ........................................................................................... 32
Highlights .......................................................................................................... 35
Chapter 3 ...................................................................................................................... 37
3 Using wellbore petrophysical data for quantitative geological interpretation ............. 37
Overview ........................................................................................................... 37
Role of petrophysics in exploration geology ...................................................... 37
Connecting petrophysics with stratigraphy ......................................................... 38
Overview of well logging .................................................................................. 39
3.4.1 Borehole petrophysics .............................................................................. 40
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
List of Figures
Fig. 1.1: Two adjacent (~1 km well spacing) Second White Specks-targeted wells, drilled
by the same operator days apart, in the Willesden Green field of Alberta. 102/14-31
produced economic volumes of light oil (122,551 Bbl), whereas 102/8-36 was
unsuccessful. 3
Fig. 1.2: Base map of the Willesden Green – Gilby study area in Alberta, illustrating the
spread of available data across the entire area. The scale bar is in metres (m). 9
Fig. 2.1: A composite map of the Second White Specks lithostratigraphic interval in
southern Alberta. 12
Fig. 2.3: Paleogeographic map of the WCSB during the mid- to Late Cenomanian. 15
Fig. 2.4: Paleogeographic map of the WCSB during the early Turonian. 16
Fig. 2.5: Modified from Blakey (2014). Early Cenomanian through Early Turonian (~99
Ma to ~93.2 Ma) paleogeography of North America, with approximate shoreline
locations. 18
Fig. 2.6: Comprehensive table of formations for the study area, combined with WIS sea
level changes from Schröder-Adams (2014) and Haq (2014). 22
Fig. 2.7: 1-dimensional burial history diagram (top) of 16-18-52-5W5, modified from
Roberts et al. (2005). The inset map is the same as Fig. 2.1, with the study area for this
thesis outlined in orange. The 16-18 well is indicated on the inset map as a red dot. 29
Fig. 2.8: A comparison of different oil and gas reservoirs in terms of reservoir quality;
modified from CSUR (Canadian Society of Unconventional Resources). The Second
White Specks in the Willesden Green area has characteristics of both unconventional and
conventional reservoirs and is characterized as a “hybrid shale”. 31
Fig. 2.9: IP4 (initial average oil rate for the first 4 months) map for Second White Specks
wells in the study area. 33
Fig. 2.10: Cumulative production map for Second White Specks Formation wells in the
study area. Green indicates oil production, red indicates gas production, yellow indicates
condensate production, and blue indicates water production. Most Second White Specks
wells in this area are primarily oil producers and produce negligible water and
condensate, with minor gas production. 34
Solving the Second White Specks
Fig. 3.2: Comparison of general petrophysical models for Archie-type, shaley sandstone,
and unconventional reservoirs in terms of complexity. The level of petrophysical
complexity increases with the number of components, which makes them more difficult
to resolve. 47
Fig. 3.3: A representative well log (7-19-45-06W5) for the Second White Specks interval.
Fig. 5.1: A process flow diagram illustrating the integrated petrophysical and geological
workflows used in this thesis. 82
Fig. 5.2: A screenshot of the Techlog software used in this project, with individual wells
in the left-hand column, the properties of any selected parameters in the second column,
and a cross-section visualized across the main section of the screen. 84
Fig. 5.3: Modified from Ambrose et al. (2010) – this is the petrophysical model used for
the Second White Specks in this study. 91
Fig. 5.4: Modified from Asquith (1990) – this represents the previous petrophysical
model (Fig. 5.3) within a very simplified geological context. 92
Fig. 5.5: Issler model TOC vs. Rock-Eval TOC analyses from the core study interval in
the 100/07-19-045-06W5 well. The regression shows a strong linear relationship with a
moderately high coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.811). 102
Fig. 5.6: A log display of the 7-19 well, showing the sonic and resistivity curves that were
used as input for the TOC model as well as the porosity model. 103
Fig. 5.7: A multi-well crossplot with 1946 bulk density and neutron porosity data points
from 5 wells (102/14-31-41-06W5, purple; 100/15-36-40-6W5, pink; 100/16-28-37-
05W5, brown; 100/14-18-37-7W5, yellow; and 100/10-16-042-06W5, light green)
throughout the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche intervals. The y-intercept of the
regression is an estimate of the matrix density (100% rock volume) of the Second White
Specks and Belle Fourche Formations. 111
Fig. 5.9: This is a thorium vs. potassium % chart with data plotted in green from well
100/02-14-38-06W5. This data plots largely in the mixed-layer clay field, providing a
basis for using a mixed-layer clay density for effective porosity. 115
Fig. 5.10: The above graph displays a linear regression of carbonate volume computed
from Jiang et al. (2017) in addition to carbonate XRD data from Furmann et al. 2014,
Solving the Second White Specks
Fig. 5.11: A screenshot from Surfer of the grid geometry parameters used for mapping in
this study. Using identical grid geometries for each contour map ensured they could be
accurately overlain and compared to each other. 122
Fig. 6.1: Correlation of the allostratigraphic framework used in this thesis (left) to the
framework used by Tyagi et al. (2007), using the K1 disconformity as a datum. Dashed
lines indicate the extension of the framework used in this thesis into Tyagi et al. (2007),
and vice versa. 129
Fig. 6.2: An approximately south-to-north oriented cross section displaying the five
Second White Specks and Belle Fourche cores logged by this author. Core photos are
included for reference to facies. 132
Fig. 6.3: An approximately south-to-north oriented cross section displaying the available
LAS data for cores in the study area. 133
Fig. 6.5: A composite cross-section, using the “red” bentonite as a datum, of the Lower
Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations across the study area. Net
reservoir intervals are shaded in purple (Belle Fourche) and green (Second White Specks)
Fig. 6.6: Reference map for summary allostratigraphic cross-sections, with core locations
for reference. 152
Fig. 7.1: 2D structure map of the top of allomember VII, with the Mesozoic deformation
front for reference. 163
Solving the Second White Specks
Fig. 7.7: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF1. 174
Fig. 7.8: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF2. 175
Fig. 7.9: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF3. 176
Fig. 7.10: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember VII. 177
Fig. 8.1: Comparison of corrected GR (green and yellow colour fill, first track on the
left), TOC (blue and red colour fill, second from the right), total porosity (black line with
white fill, far right) and effective porosity (far right, blue fill) for 102/14-31-041-06W5,
102/08-36-041-07W5, and 100/07-19-045-06W5. 182
Solving the Second White Specks
List of Tables
Table 3.1: Table of geophysical well log responses to commonly encountered minerals
and compounds in the Lower Colorado Group. .............................................................. 57
Table 5.1: Table of equations and parameters used for petrophysical modelling in this
project. All variables in red font are measurements taken directly from the well logs..... 93
Table 5.2: Table of TOC equations, with remarks related to their physical basis and
limitations. .................................................................................................................... 99
Table 5.3: Table of total and effective porosity equations, with remarks related to their
usefulness for unconventional reservoirs. .....................................................................109
Table 5.4: Table of mineralogical brittleness indices in chronological order, with their
associated innovations and limitations. Compiled from Jarvie et al. (2007), Wang and
Gale (2009), Jin et al. (2014a); Jin et al. (2014b), Katz et al. (2016); Mathia et al. (2016)
and Rybacki et al. (2016). ............................................................................................119
Table 6.1: The facies codes used in this thesis, along with their descriptions and
associated depositional environments. Facies colours reflect the colours used in later
cross-sections to indicate those facies. Vertical shifts in facies indicate lateral shift in
depositional environment, which are interpreted to be driven by changes in relative
advection energy. .........................................................................................................134
Table 6.2: Petrophysical tops guidance for the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
alloformations in the Willesden Green – Gilby area of west-central Alberta. This includes
distinguishing log characteristics in addition to problems the interpreter may encounter
while picking tops. .......................................................................................................149
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks
mD (millidarcies)
n = saturation exponent (unitless)
nD (nanodarcies)
NDIR (nondispersive infrared)
NEU = neutron porosity log reading (v/v)
∆" = interval transit time (µs/m)
OAE (Ocean Anoxic Event)
OOIP (original oil in place)
PDMSL (present-day mean sea level)
PEF (photoelectric effect)
PSF (polished slip faces)
Rbaseline = baseline resistivity used for Passey method (ohm.m)
RT = deep resistivity of partially brine saturated formation (ohm.m)
RW = resistivity of saturating brine (ohm.m)
RR (rig-release date)
SGA (Sweetgrass Arch)
SGR (spectral gamma ray)
SO = oil saturation (v/v)
SW = water saturation (v/v)
SWB (storm wave base)
T = tortuosity (unitless)
TOC = total organic carbon (wt %)
TVD (true vertical depth, in metres)
v/v (volume %)
Vbulk = bulk volume (v/v)
Vcal = calcite volume (v/v)
Vcarb = carbonate volume (v/v)
Vcl = clay volume (v/v)
Vdol = dolomite volume (v/v)
Vker = kerogen volume (v/v)
Vmatrix = matrix volume (v/v)
Solving the Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Chapter 1
1 Introduction
This thesis is about the petrophysical analysis of an unconventional oil reservoir. The
study developed an innovative method for identifying “sweet spots” in a fracture-
controlled unconventional reservoir with limited available core and public geophysical
wireline log data. The method involves overlaying maps of petrophysically-derived
properties related to effective porosity and mineralogical brittleness. The stratigraphic
zones represented by each map are defined using high-resolution allostratigraphic
correlations. Using this workflow may increase the likelihood of drilling successful wells
in similar exploration scenarios.
The calcareous, organic-rich mudstones of the lower Cretaceous Colorado Group
represent a major unexploited hydrocarbon resource in the Western Canada Sedimentary
Basin (WCSB). In particular, the Second White Specks Formation in Alberta has
produced economic volumes of light oil from certain wells (>100,000 barrels of oil
equivalent or BOE; exceptionally >1,000,000 BOE), and has an estimated OOIP (original
oil in place) of 450 billion barrels (Osadetz et al. 2010). The Second White Specks
Formation is a demonstrably effective source rock – a Colorado Group geochemical
fingerprint can be recognized clearly in all oils found in Viking, Belly River, and
Cardium reservoirs in Alberta (Creaney et al. 1994).
Generating consistent and repeatable results from Second White Specks Formation-
targeted wells has proven difficult, despite containing significant reserves (Canadian
Discovery 2011). Due to the extremely low permeability of the Second White Specks
Formation (<1 mD), fractures are required for oil to flow through the rock matrix.
Historically, successful wells targeted small thrust structures where the Second White
Specks was naturally fractured – unfortunately, those pools are areally constrained and
most have been exploited already (Clarkson & Pedersen 2011). Second White Specks
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Formation wells have also been consistently plagued by unreliable production results and
severe wellbore instability. The non-brittle and clay-rich nature of the Second White
Specks makes it very difficult to yield commercial production rates through hydraulic
fracture stimulation methods. These issues have prevented widespread pursuit of the
Second White Specks as a viable resource play in Canada (Letourneau et al. 1996;
Clarkson & Pedersen 2011; MacKay 2014; Fox & Garcia 2015).
As an example, two seemingly identical adjacent wells, drilled by the same operator days
apart (Fig. 1.1), resulted in a success (102/014-31-041-06W5) and an abject failure
(102/08-36-041-07W5). Can we reliably predict what geographic areas and
stratigraphic zones are more likely to produce consistently well from the Second
White Specks Formation, and why? This thesis builds on current knowledge of the
stratigraphic architecture of the Second White Specks Formation in west-central Alberta
to answer this research question (Tyagi et al. 2007; Varban & Plint 2008a; Tyagi 2009;
Plint et al. 2012b; Zajac 2016). Most significantly, this thesis expands on new
understandings of two factors governing oil production in west-central Alberta:
1) brittle behaviour (Wang & Gale 2009; Clarkson & Pedersen 2011; Cho & Perez 2014;
Furmann et al. 2016; Mathia et al. 2016), and;
2) enhanced porosity (Schieber 2010; Jiang & Cheadle 2013; Furmann et al. 2016).
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Fig. 1.1: Two adjacent (~1 km well spacing) Second White Specks-targeted wells, drilled by the same operator days apart, in the Willesden Green field of
Alberta. 102/14-31 produced economic volumes of light oil (122,551 Bbl), whereas 102/8-36 was unsuccessful.
Petrophysically, these wells appear to be identical (the logs are, from left to right: caliper (mm), gamma ray (API), sonic (us/m), and resistivity (ohm.m). The
102/014-31 well (right, starred) was drilled and perforated first (indicated by vertical blue dots), and successfully produced from the Second White Specks.
The 102/08-36 well, drilled 10 days later, was perforated in the same interval and produced insignificant oil volumes. Tops are from Zajac, 2016.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Accurate models of mineralogy and brittleness may be the keys to success in this play.
Clarkson and Pedersen (2011) recognized that advances in horizontal drilling, hydraulic
multi-stage hydraulic fracture stimulation, and improvements to brittleness models have
facilitated production of unexpelled hydrocarbons from other fracture-influenced
unconventional reservoirs (e.g., the Duvernay Formation in Alberta). The economic
success of the Duvernay has helped fund the development of a comprehensive database of
lithological and petrophysical information, including cores. The mineralogy and
brittleness of the Duvernay Formation, therefore, are well established. A long history of
inconsistent production and geomechanical drilling problems has discouraged core
recovery from the Second White Specks Formation (Fox & Garcia 2015), making
calibration of any petrophysical model dependent on indirect measures of lithology based
on well logs.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Recent studies have failed to address these challenges, limiting accurate characterization
of lithological and petrophysical heterogeneity. Conventional core analyses are especially
rare in this interval because it has not been a primary exploration target. This limits
petrophysical analyses of the Second White Specks Formation because of the paucity of
framework and clay mineralogical data, as well as porosity measurements – these are
required for calibration. Despite the aforementioned data issues, heterogeneity can be
resolved if adequate environmental corrections are applied. Environmental effects (e.g.,
borehole washout and high organic content) can be mitigated via robust data conditioning
of wireline log measurements, thereby improving the accuracy of acquired data from
affected intervals. Borehole corrections like these can help elucidate ambiguous
lithologies in logged zones where core data is limited or nonexistent, as is the case for the
Second White Specks Formation. In combination with existing core data, properly
conditioned borehole measurements may significantly reduce the uncertainty surrounding
brittleness and porosity variations in the Second White Specks Formation.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
allostratigraphic methods, in comparison, are used to subdivide rock units via correlation
of bounding surfaces with temporal significance (NACSN 1983, 2005). Prior to the work
of Tyagi et al. (2007), the Second White Specks was only described within a
lithostratigraphic framework (Stott 1963; Wall & Rosene 1977; Leckie et al. 1994; Bloch
et al. 1999). These studies failed to resolve the vertical and lateral distribution of coeval
strata (allomembers), bounded by time-stratigraphic discontinuities, that constitute the
high-resolution record of Second White Specks time. Reconciling the strata with the
absolute geologic time scale makes it possible to relate the Second White Specks
allomembers to higher-order allogenic drivers such as the tectonic and eustatic history of
the WCSB.
1.3.2 Objectives
This research seeks to answer three key questions related to the research aim.
1) Can the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations in the study area be
subdivided into allomembers that provide a framework for mapping coeval
geologic units, which may act as hydraulic flow units? This question will be
answered through the generation of three key outputs:
• High-resolution (<20 m unit thickness) allostratigraphic cross-sections to
establish reservoir geometry in the Willesden Green and Gilby areas;
• Structure, isochore, and petrophysical property maps for mapped
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
2) Can the petrophysical properties (e.g., porosity, organic content, clay content,
and brittleness) of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations be
reliably modelled, using limited geophysical well data and sparse core control for
calibration? This question will be answered through the generation of two key
• A petrophysical tops guidance for the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
Formations in the study area, including;
• A list of generated tops (the elevations of stratigraphic horizons)
• A workflow for consistent top selection for future workers
• Correlation of sedimentary facies in core with petrophysical facies
from logs
• Continuous, static petrophysical models for porosity, organic content,
mineralogy, and brittleness, with average values for modelled petrophysical
properties, separated by allomember, for each well.
3) Is there a spatial association (co-location) between reservoir quality indicators
(e.g., brittleness and porosity thickness) and oil production? This question will be
answered by building a series of “sweet spot” maps that compare reservoir quality
indicators (e.g., brittleness and porosity-thickness) and oil production.
The study area is constrained to a 110-township region (~11,000 km2) in west-central
Alberta extending from Township 35 to 45, and Range 1W5 to 10W5. This region of
Alberta contains the Willesden Green and Gilby areas, as well as the town of Rocky
Mountain House. In this area, over 2200 wells penetrate the Base of Fish Scales;
however, only 118 wells were completed in the Second White Specks zone, of which only
49 produced any significant hydrocarbon volumes (Fig. 1.2). Because these wells appear
to be confined to specific geographic areas, stratigraphic correlation on a development
well program basis (³ one well per section) was focused on the surrounding area.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Data for this study area within the zone of interest (the Second White Specks) is limited,
which reduces the number of available wells for quantitative petrophysical analysis.
Limiting factors include:
• Seven cores available in the zone of interest, of which only three have any core
analysis publicly available;
• Limited digital log data (LAS) available; only 227 out of 444 wells used for
stratigraphic correlation had LAS data (raster logs cannot be used to create static
petrophysical models);
• No dipole sonic (DSSI) logs available (these are normally used for Young’s modulus
and Poisson’s ratio calculations, which are quantitative measures of brittleness);
• Not enough photoelectric effect (PEF) and spectral gamma ray (SGR) logs available
for field-wide quantitative lithology and mineralogy calculations.
Allostratigraphic mapping was limited to horizons overlying and underlying the perceived
“pay zone” within the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations in the
Willesden Green – Gilby area. Because the goal of this thesis is to tie allomembers into
petrophysical property models, exhaustive high-resolution allostratigraphic mapping of
the entirety of the Lower Colorado Group is out of scope for this project.
Due to its anisotropic nature and fracture dependency, the Second White Specks tight oil
play lends itself well to an integrated petrophysical and stratigraphic study. This study
provides a predictive framework for reliable economic exploration, development,
completion and production of the Second White Specks Formation by revealing how
brittleness and porosity vary in the Willesden Green – Gilby areas. The framework
developed here can be extended to other areas where the Second White Specks Formation
may be economic, as well as to analogous heterolithic mudstone reservoir units in the
Western Canada Sedimentary Basin.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
Fig. 1.2: Base map of the Willesden Green – Gilby study area in Alberta, illustrating the spread of
available data across the entire area. The scale bar is in metres (m).
Although ~2200 wells penetrate the Second White Specks in this region, only about 10% (227
wells, indicated in black) had LAS data available in the interval of interest.
Solving the Second White Specks 1. Introduction
In PART III (Chapters 6 through 9), the results of data analysis of the Second White
Specks Formation in the study area from allostratigraphic correlation, isopach and isolith
mapping, petrophysical property mapping, and sweet spot maps, respectively, are
PART IV (Chapters 10 & 11) contains the discussion, limitations of, conclusions, and
recommendations for future work related to this study. Based on this work, inferences and
recommendations are drawn to inform and improve the current practice of oil exploration
and potential development of Second White Specks-targeted wells.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Chapter 2
2 Stratigraphy, sedimentology, and play analysis of the
Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations
In this chapter, the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations are placed in
their proper geologic, spatial, and temporal context in order to guide the high-resolution
allostratigraphy used later (Chapters 4 and 6), and to pose key research questions. This
chapter identifies several pressing gaps in the literature through a critical review of
previous studies of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations with regards
to their tectonic setting, environment of deposition, age, stratigraphic position, bounding
discontinuities, lithology, and petroleum system elements.
The Fish Scales, Belle Fourche, and Second White Specks Formations (lower Colorado
Group mudstones; from oldest to youngest, respectively) are the focus of this study. They
were deposited over a period of ~7.0 Ma (92.1 to 99 Ma) from the early Cenomanian to
the middle Turonian (Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). These mudstones are thickest in the
Alberta Deep Basin, where they can exceed 600 m thick (Fig. 2.1). Lower Colorado
Group mudstones appear to be largely unaffected by the subsiding Williston Basin to the
southeast, unlike the rocks that comprise the upper Colorado Group (Leckie et al. 1994;
Rokosh et al. 2009). Lower Colorado Group mudstones gradually thin eastward to about
120 m in west-central Alberta, where the study area is located, to < 50 m at the eastern
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.1: A composite map of the Second White Specks lithostratigraphic interval in southern Alberta.
The study area is situated around a cluster of localized Second White Specks oil pools in the Willesden
Green field. Modified after Creaney and Allan (1990); Letourneau et al. (1996); Rokosh et al. (2009) and
Canadian Discovery (2012).
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
The location and geometry of the forebulge in the WCSB during the Late Cenomanian
(Fig. 2.3) and Early Turonian (Fig. 2.4) is controversial (Varban & Plint 2005; Varban &
Plint 2008a; Yang & Miall 2008, 2009; Plint et al. 2012a; Percy & Pedersen 2017). The
axis and location of the forebulge in the WCSB may have moved throughout the Late
Cretaceous (Plint et al. 2012b) –as new terranes progressively accreted onto the western
margin, the thrust load would have shifted (Allen & Allen 2013). Utilizing the
palaeomagnetic observations of McCausland et al. (2006), Plint et al. (2012b) attributed
lower Colorado Group forebulge migration to progressive dextral (south and south-east)
movement of the Stikine and Yukon-Tanana terranes, which was initiated in the mid-
Cretaceous and continued into the Eocene.
The NE-SW oriented Sweetgrass Arch (SGA) and contiguous Bow Island Arch (BIA) in
Alberta and Saskatchewan may have acted as a peripheral forebulge during the Late
Cenomanian due to crustal heterogeneities that made it susceptible to flexure
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.2: Schematic of a strike-oriented cross-section through a foreland basin. Modified from DeCelles and Giles (1996), and Allen and Allen
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.3: Paleogeographic map of the WCSB during the mid- to Late Cenomanian.
Adapted from Plint et al. (2012b), Schröder-Adams et al. (2012), Jiang and Cheadle (2013), and Blakey
(2017). The study area is shown as a dashed red square; it falls within the foredeep and potentially the
forebulge region of Late Cenomanian (Belle Fourche) strata. The present-day Cordilleran deformation
front is indicated as a dark brown line.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.4: Paleogeographic map of the WCSB during the early Turonian.
Adapted from Plint et al. (2012b), Schröder-Adams et al. (2012), Jiang and Cheadle (2013), and Blakey
(2014). The study area is demarcated as a dashed red square; it falls within the foredeep of early Turonian
(Second White Specks) strata. The present-day Cordilleran deformation front is indicated as a dark brown
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
(Lorenz 1982). The SGA and BIA are oriented similarly and are geographically close to
the axis of the Late Cenomanian forebulge proposed by Plint et al. (2012b). These
structural features measurably impact upper Colorado Group strata in Alberta (Nielsen et
al. 2008), but their influence – if any – on lower Colorado Group strata has not been
Comingling of warm waters from the Tethyan Sea with the denser mid-latitude waters of
the Boreal Sea in a counter-clockwise gyre, driven by Coriolis forces and wind stresses in
the Late Cenomanian, likely initiated substantial plankton blooms via nutrient upwelling
(Fig. 2.5). This produced an oxygen-poor intermediate zone that fostered organic matter
preservation (Schlanger & Jenkyns 1976; Eriksen & Slingerland 1990; Pedersen &
Calvert 1990; Hay et al. 1993; Arthur & Sageman 2004; Hay & Floegel 2012; Schröder-
Adams 2014). Initiation of global ocean oxidation event OAE-II, an oceanographic crisis
and extinction event with biological and sedimentological consequences (Philip &
Airaud-Crumiere 1991), encouraged ocean upwelling of nutrients and enhanced organic
carbon burial by increasing sea-surface fertility and productivity (Arthur & Sageman
2004). OAE-II peaked near the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (Arthur et al. 1987).
Lower Colorado Group shales were deposited during the Greenhorn Cycle – this was a
sea-level highstand initiated during the latest Albian and coincident with OAE-II (Arthur
et al. 1987; Kauffman & Caldwell 1993; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). From the Late
Cenomanian to Middle Turonian, sea-level rose to a maximum (~250 m above present
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
day mean sea-level, PDMSL) just after the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary within the
WIS and the Second White Specks Formation was deposited (Kauffman 1977; Haq
2014). This time of relative sea-level rise was interrupted by brief periods of relative sea-
level fall when the oceanographic connection to the Tethys Ocean was lost (Kauffman
1977; Leckie et al. 1994; Bloch et al. 1999; Schröder-Adams 2014). Following the
termination of OAE-II, global sea-level had fallen by 60 m (~190 m above PDMSL) at
the end of the Turonian (Haq 2014).
Early workers characterized the lower Colorado Group as the record of deposition of fine-
grained sediment in a deep (> 200 m water depth) and quiescent marine basin dominated
by pelagic rainout of “marine snow” (Hay et al. 1993; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996; Bloch
et al. 1999). Stratal patterns of the lower Colorado Group suggest, instead, that sediments
were deposited in an epicontinental, shallow marine muddy ramp setting (< 50 m water
depth) with low relief – even greater than 250 km offshore – via wave-enhanced sediment
gravity flows, or WESGFs (Tyagi et al. 2007; Varban & Plint 2008a; Plint 2014); these
will be discussed further in Chapter 5. This places lower Colorado Group mudstones
within storm wave base for mud, which is less than 70 m (Plint et al. 2012b). The
influence of storms on the Late Cretaceous seabed in Alberta is clearly recorded even the
most distal muddy sediments of the Second White Specks-equivalent Kaskapau
Formation; these rocks contain oscillatory wave and combined-flow ripples, as well as
gutter casts (Varban & Plint 2008a).
High eustasy that led to the flooding of the WIS during the Late Cretaceous has been
linked globally to increases in mid-ocean ridge volcanism, as well as the ascent of a
mantle plume under the Pacific Ocean (Kominz 1984; Harrison 1990; Larsen 1991).
Flare-ups in continental arc magmatism during the Late Cretaceous may have enhanced
the flux of nutrients into the ocean via windblown volcanic ash, further increasing
biological productivity in the WIS and accelerating source rock deposition (Cao et al.
2017; Lee et al. 2018). Arthur et al. (1987) hypothesized that OAE-II may have been
initiated by an as-yet unrecognized volcanogenic event. Although the cause of the
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary event remains unknown, later workers connected OAE-
II to sub-oceanic eruptions that formed Large Igneous Provinces (LIPs) in the Caribbean
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
and Madagascar (Arthur & Sageman 2004; Snow et al. 2005; Kuroda et al. 2007).
Organic carbon burial in lower Colorado Group mudstones was therefore enhanced by
volcanic ash as well as by climatic changes that induced biotic crises and anoxia.
Tyagi et al. (2007) designated a prominent bentonite ash bed, the Bighorn River “red”
bentonite, as the base of the Second White Specks Formation. Prokoph et al. (2013)
determined that the eruption(s) associated with the “red” bentonite and the d13Corg-
excursion associated with OAE-II were approximately coeval – further constraining the
eruption responsible for the “red” bentonite to 94.29 ± 0.13 Ma (Barker et al. 2011). This
intimates that the eruption that initiated OAE-II predated the currently accepted age of the
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary (93.9 Ma) by 260 to 530 Kyr. The timing of OAE-II,
coupled with the age of the bounding discontinuity between the Second White Specks and
Belle Fourche Formations (which approximates the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary),
suggests that OAE-II and the eruption responsible for the “red” bentonite could have
triggered physicochemical changes in the basin (e.g., climatic, ocean chemistry,
biological activity, relative sea-level).
Lower Colorado Group stratigraphic nomenclature varies widely, both regionally and
between authors. This can be problematic to navigate when conducting larger-scale
stratigraphic studies. The discrepancy between stratigraphic subdivisions is rooted in the
application of different methods (i.e., lithostratigraphic, allostratigraphic, biostratigraphic,
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
At least eight distinct sets of lithostratigraphic terminology exist for lower Colorado
Group rocks (Caldwell et al. 1978; Stott 1982; Glass 1990; Bloch et al. 1993; Leckie et
al. 1994; Bloch et al. 1999; Roca et al. 2008); three of these are relevant in the Willesden
Green – Gilby area. Within industry, lithostratigraphic nomenclature from the Alberta
central plains (e.g., Bloch et al. 1993, 1999; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996) is favoured.
Those authors divided the lower Colorado Group from bottom to top into four
lithostratigraphically-defined shaley units: the Westgate, Fish Scales, Belle Fourche, and
Second White Specks Formations. These units were differentiated using their geophysical
wireline log signatures and bulk geochemistry. Stott (1967, 1984) subdivided the lower
Colorado Group from the bottom up into the Shaftesbury, Fish Scales, Dunvegan, and
Kaskapau Formations; this terminology is used in the northwestern plains and Foothills of
Alberta. Lastly, in the southern Foothills of Alberta the lower Colorado Group is
subdivided into the Sunkay (Westgate, Fish Scales, and Belle Fourche) and Vimy
(Second White Specks) Members of the Blackstone Formation (Simons et al. 2003).
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.6: Comprehensive table of formations for the study area, combined with WIS sea level changes from Schröder-Adams (2014) and Haq (2014).
This study uses the forebulge nomenclature from Tyagi et al. (2007) and Roca et al. (2008), even though the study area lies within the foredeep depozone .
Allostratigraphic terminology revises Bloch et al. (1993)’s placement of the Second White Specks-Belle Fourche boundary from the “forebulge unconformity”
upwards to the Bighorn River “red” bentonite, which approximates the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary; bentonite dates are from Barker et al. (2011).
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
The nomenclature used herein was adapted from the allostratigraphic framework
developed by Tyagi et al. (2007) for the distal foredeep and forebulge regions of the
lower Colorado Group. This study substitutes some names for allostratigraphic units with
the names of more familiar lithostratigraphic equivalents (i.e., substituting Second White
Specks alloformation for Kaskapau Formation). Altering the nomenclature in this way
should ensure that allostratigraphic units are assigned to consistent stratigraphic positions
between individual studies, and also preserves familiar industry terminology. This study
focuses on the lower Colorado Group only, as the lower Colorado Group contains the
main reservoir interval within the Willesden Green and Gilby areas.
The Fish Scales Formation is a siliceous, coarse-grained phosphatic unit that contains
bentonites < 1 to 30 cm thick, abundant fish skeletal remains, as well as phosphate and
chert nodules (Leckie et al. 1994; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996; Bloch et al. 1999;
Schröder-Adams et al. 1999; Schröder-Adams et al. 2001). Elevated radioactivity is
observed in this zone due to an increased abundance of fish debris relative to vertically
adjacent formations (Bloch et al. 1993; Roca et al. 2008). Although algal cysts are
abundant in this formation, it is otherwise barren of foraminifera – the Fish Scale
Formation has a reduced dinoflagellate assemblage relative to the rest of the lower
Colorado Group. It contains a mixture of Type II and III organic matter, and has total
organic carbon (TOC) up to 8 wt%, averaging 3.2% regionally (Schröder-Adams et al.
1996; Bloch et al. 1999).
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Radiometric dating of bentonite horizons within the Fish Scales Formation (Obradovich
1991; Cadrin 1992; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996), as well as studies of its dinoflagellate
assemblage and relative stratigraphic position (Singh 1983; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996;
Bloch et al. 1999) firmly establish the formation in the Early Cenomanian (97.2 to 95.8
Ma; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). Deposition of this unit corresponds with the basin-
wide disconformity and global oxidation event OAE-1d (Schröder-Adams 2014).
The base of the Fish Scales Formation (the “Base of Fish Scales Marker” or BFSM in
industry) is a diachronous surface that approximates the Albian-Cenomanian boundary in
Alberta (Stelck 1962; Stott 1982; Leckie et al. 2000; Ridgley et al. 2001; Schröder-
Adams et al. 2012), which is currently accepted to be 100.5 Ma (Cohen et al. 2013). Roca
et al. (2008) noted that the positive radioactive excursion demarcating the BFSM
becomes progressively diffuse towards northwestern Alberta, suggesting that the BFSM
in that area is a non-erosive condensed surface and disconformity. This could indicate the
onset of anoxia at the Albian-Cenomanian boundary (Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). South
and east of Roca et al. (2008)’s study area, in west-central Alberta, the BFSM is a
composite erosional and geochemical unconformity mantled by a thin bed of chert
pebbles (Tyagi et al. 2007); this may indicate the location of the Late Cenomanian
forebulge (Roca et al. 2008).
Although the top of the Fish Scales Formation (“Fish Scale Upper” or FSU) is well-
acknowledged as the base of the Belle Fourche Formation and the time-equivalent
Dunvegan Formation (Bhattacharya & Walker 1991), its chronostratigraphic significance
has been amended. Once thought to conformably underlie the Belle Fourche Formation
(Bloch et al. 1993; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996; Bloch et al. 1999; Schröder-Adams et al.
1999), the FSU is now recognized as a regional non-erosional, condensed downlap
surface for successive allomembers of the Lower Belle Fourche equivalent Dunvegan
Formation (Bhattacharya & Walker 1991; Plint 2000; Tyagi et al. 2007; Roca et al.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Although Planolites and Chondrites traces (horizontal and vertical burrows) are
ubiquitous throughout the Belle Fourche regionally, Gordia, Helminthopsis, and
Teichichnus traces (curved burrows) are only found in the western Interior Plains and
coincide with sideritic concretionary horizons (Bloch et al. 1999). The Fish Scales and
Belle Fourche Formations can be distinguished by a slight increase in both calcareous
sediment and bioturbation (Schröder-Adams et al. 1999), as well as by the presence of
inoceramids (Bloch et al. 1999). In some places, however, no compositional or textural
changes are observable over this zone (Bloch et al. 1999). TOC in the Belle Fourche
Formation is 1.7 wt% on average, and comprises a mixture of Type II and III organic
matter (Schröder-Adams et al. 1996).
The Belle Fourche Formation is Middle to Upper Cenomanian in age and was deposited
from 95.8 to 93.3 Ma (Schröder-Adams et al., 1996). This age is based on the presence of
Verneuilinoides perplexus in the Belle Fourche of Alberta and its equivalent in
Saskatchewan (Schröder-Adams et al., 1996; 1999; Bloch et al., 1999). The Belle
Fourche is subdivided into Upper and Lower portions based on Late and Middle
Cenomanian ages, respectively. These ages are derived from foraminiferal and ammonite
zoning (Ridgley et al. 2001; Tyagi et al. 2007) as well as through allostratigraphic
correlation of a correlative conformity between the AX-3 and X flooding surfaces of
Tyagi et al. (2007). Obradovich (1993) dated the X-bentonite within the Upper Belle
Fourche at 94.93 ± 0.53 Ma (Late Cenomanian); Tyagi et al. (2007) traced this bentonite
in >1000 wells through the Belle Fourche from Tp. 30 to 65, confirming that the X-
bentonite is equivalent to the A bentonite of Gilboy (1988) and lies within unit “B” of
Ridgley et al. (2001).
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Ridgley et al. (2001) and Gilboy (1988) independently noted differential loss of Upper
Belle Fourche strata beneath the Second White Specks Formation in Montana and
Saskatchewan. Loss of strata and “wedging” appeared to be controlled by major structural
lineaments, in addition to additional minor northwest-southeast-trending and northeast-
southwest-trending lineaments – potentially defining fault-bounded basement blocks.
Differential movement and rotation of these blocks may have influenced tectonic thinning
(syndepositional and post-depositional erosion; potentially ravinement) of the Upper
Belle Fourche in Saskatchewan and Montana, creating a regional erosional unconformity
between the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks (Ridgley et al. 2001; Tyagi 2009;
Hicks 2010). Although the existence of this unconformity was refuted by Yang and Miall
(2008), it has been extensively documented by other geologists (Caldwell et al. 1978;
Bloch et al. 1993; Schröder-Adams et al. 1996; Nielsen et al. 2008; Tyagi 2009).
Reassignment of the base of the Second White Specks from the prominent erosion surface
noted by Bloch et al. (1999) to the stratigraphically higher Bighorn River “red” bentonite
by Tyagi et al. (2007) paints the existence of the unconformity noted by Ridgley et al.
(2001) and Gilboy (1988) in an uncertain light. It is not clear if Unit D of Ridgley et al.
(2001) – their Belle Fourche – would be assigned to the allostratigraphically-defined
Upper Belle Fourche of Yang and Miall (2009) or the Second White Specks of Tyagi et
al. (2007). Regardless, the nature and mechanism of the contact between the Second
White Specks and the Upper Belle Fourche, whether it is unconformable or not, has not
been adequately investigated.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
The Second White Specks Formation is the only Lower Colorado Group formation that
contains coccolith assemblages (Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). It contains a large number
of calcareous nanofossils that have aggregated into white-coloured, fine to very fine-
grained fecal pellets (the so-called “white specks”) which are dispersed throughout
parallel-laminated and unidirectional rippled beds 0.25 to 2 cm thick (Leckie et al. 1994;
Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). Starved ripples and mm-thick laminae are frequently found;
some upper surfaces are potentially wave-reworked (Schröder-Adams et al., 1996). TOC
in the Second White Specks Formation is 5.1 wt% on average, and the organic matter
found within the formation is largely type II (marine, oil-prone; Bloch et al., 1999).
The Second White Specks Formation was deposited between 93.3 and 91.2 Ma
(Schröder-Adams et al. 1996). Schröder-Adams et al. (1996) recovered one ammonite
specimen of Collignoniceras woollgari at 14-29-11-28W4 in the Second White Specks
Formation, which was assigned a Middle Turonian age. An unconformity is interpreted
between the W. aprica Subzone and the V. perplexus Zone as the Late Cenomanian to
Early Turonian age C. simplex Subzone is missing (McNeil and Caldwell, 1981). A
transitional zone that includes the benthic calcareous taxon Neobulimina albertensis is
also absent (Schröder-Adams et al., 1996).
Defining the stratigraphic base of the Second White Specks Formation has proven
problematic due to the highly diachronous nature of the unit. The base should
approximate the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, which spans OAE-II. Bloch et al.
(1993) and Bloch et al. (1999) originally defined the base of the formation using the first
appearance of abundant coccoliths in the 6-34-30-8W4 type well. Many subsequent
studies used this definition (Schröder-Adams et al. 1996; Schröder-Adams et al. 1999;
Ridgley & Gilboy 2001; Ridgley et al. 2001; Simons et al. 2003; Fraser 2005). Using
allostratigraphic correlation from outcrop and subsurface data, in combination with
bentonite dating (Obradovich 1993), Tyagi et al. (2007) contended the Bighorn River
“red” bentonite best approximated the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, and was the most
practical means of tracing it in the subsurface. Furmann et al. (2014) placed the base of
the Second White Specks Formation several metres below the “red” bentonite of Tyagi et
al. (2007) based on mineralogy and organic petrography, but provided no clear
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
stratigraphic reasoning for this change. Zajac (2016) also used the Furmann et al. (2014)
definition, on the basis of changes in depositional patterns from “sheet” (Belle Fourche)
to “wedge” (Second White Specks) geometries; placing the boundary between his
allomembers V and VI. This fails, however, to reconcile with the allostratigraphic
observations made by Tyagi et al. (2007).
The maturity pattern of the Second White Specks Formation – which increases towards
the orogenic front – can be clearly seen in Figs. 2.1 and 2.7. Figure 2.7 is a 1-dimensional
burial history model illustrating the burial history of the Lower Colorado Group in the
proximal foredeep, north of the study area (100/16-18-52-5W5). The major subsidence
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.7: 1-dimensional burial history diagram (top) of 16-18-52-5W5, modified from Roberts et al.
(2005). The inset map is the same as Fig. 2.1, with the study area for this thesis outlined in orange. The
16-18 well is indicated on the inset map as a red dot.
Vitrinite reflectance (bottom left, red dots) using Sweeney and Burnham (1990) and temperature from
DSTs (bottom right, green dots) were used by Roberts et al. (2005) to calibrate the burial history model.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
period in the WCSB occurred during the Laramide Orogeny (Late Cretaceous to
Paleogene); the Second White Specks alloformation reached a maximum burial depth of
2.6 km in the Eocene in that particular well (Roberts et al. 2005); burial depths for the
lower Colorado Group in the Willesden Green area commonly exceed 3 km. Vitrinite
reflectance (%Ro, a measure of thermal maturity) in the Second White Specks
alloformation reached ~0.5% Ro in 16-18-52-5W5, suggesting that the Second White
Specks source rock did not reach sufficient thermal maturity to generate hydrocarbons in
that particular well.
Within the Willesden Green field, thermal maturity is not a limiting factor – those pools
lie within a NW-SE trending oil fairway that extends from the Peace River Arch in
northwestern Alberta to the US border (Letourneau et al. 1996). This is further
constrained eastward by Davies et al. (2013) to a NNE-trending fairway approximated by
R3-4W5. Davies et al. (2013) noted that the majority of Second White Specks cores they
encountered with recorded polished slip faces (PSF – post-depositional shear interfaces
that are approximately parallel to bedding, where frictional heating and shear have altered
kerogen in the host rock to a black, highly polished surface) were within the Tmax oil
window, and that PSF frequency increased westward toward the margin of the Mesozoic
Deformation Belt. PSF occurrence may reflect increased burial depth, increased
horizontal shear, and consequent increased maturation and generation of hydrocarbons.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.8: A comparison of different oil and gas reservoirs in terms of reservoir quality; modified
from CSUR (Canadian Society of Unconventional Resources). The Second White Specks in the
Willesden Green area has characteristics of both unconventional and conventional reservoirs and is
characterized as a “hybrid shale”.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Lower Colorado Group mudstones fall into the “hybrid shale” category of shale plays
defined by Jarvie (2012a, 2012b) because they contain interbedded organic-rich and
organic-lean intervals (Jiang 2013). Other examples of hybrid shales include the Niobrara
in Colorado, the Eagle Ford in Texas, and the Bakken in Montana (Jarvie 2012b). The
lower Colorado Group falls into the “shale oil” classification of Clarkson and Pedersen
(2011) – it is primarily self-sourced (the source rock is the reservoir) with very low
matrix permeability and high organic content (Fig. 2.8). Hybrid shales can have increased
productivity from conventional lithofacies, due to increased storage capacity from
carbonate diagenesis and primary matrix porosity that can survive deep burial (Schieber
2010; Jarvie 2012a; Jiang & Cheadle 2013).
There has been recent debate over whether commercial production rates via horizontal
drilling could be achieved in areas outside the known fault-controlled plays in Willesden
Green, where brittleness and reservoir quality (porosity and permeability) are sufficiently
high (Clarkson & Pedersen 2011; MacKay 2014). Insofar as brittleness is concerned, no
model for brittleness currently exists for lower Colorado Group mudstones. Porosity has
only been adequately examined on a well-by-well basis (Furmann et al. 2014; Furmann et
al. 2016). Furthermore, new research suggests that enhanced matrix porosity can
positively contribute to production rates, even in fracture-controlled plays
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.9: IP4 (initial average oil rate for the first 4 months) map for Second White Specks wells in the study
Black dots indicated all the 2WS penetrations, whereas grey dots indicate all the wells drilled in the area.
Yellow polygons delineate known 2WS pool boundaries.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
Fig. 2.10: Cumulative production map for Second White Specks Formation wells in the study area. Green
indicates oil production, red indicates gas production, yellow indicates condensate production, and blue
indicates water production. Most Second White Specks wells in this area are primarily oil producers and
produce negligible water and condensate, with minor gas production.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
(Schieber 2010; Clarkson & Pedersen 2011). In order to investigate this, brittleness and
reservoir quality variations across the Willesden Green field need to be understood.
Unlike most hybrid plays, which utilize horizontal drilling and multi-stage hydraulic
stimulation to optimize access to matrix porosity, the Second White Specks has been
primarily developed using vertical wells in the Willesden Green – Gilby area (Clarkson &
Pedersen 2011). Operators have historically treated the Second White Specks as a “bail-
out zone” rather than a drilling target. This is because of drilling problems such as severe
borehole instability, lost circulation, and high-pressure kicks (Letourneau et al. 1996;
Clarkson & Pedersen 2011; Fox & Garcia 2015) – these problems can make horizontal
wells more challenging (i.e., more expensive).
• Lower Colorado Group rocks were deposited in a retroarc foreland basin that
developed into a marine muddy ramp environment where water depths likely ranged
from <40 to 70 m. This depositional setting facilitated organic matter deposition and
• Nomenclature for lower Colorado Group rocks varies regionally and between authors.
The Fish Scales, Belle Fourche, and Second White Specks Formations each contain
unconformity- or disconformity-bounded coeval units that can be regionally
correlated across the WIS.
Solving the Second White Specks 2. Stratigraphy, setting, and petroleum geology
• Lower Colorado Group rocks have considerable source rock potential. They reached a
sufficient depth of burial in the study area to become thermally mature and produce
liquid hydrocarbons.
• Despite considerable hydrocarbon reserves, it has historically proven difficult to
produce oil from lower Colorado Group reservoirs. Localized natural fracture
networks provide the means for oil to flow out of the reservoir, which has low
permeability and porosity. These fracture networks are likely tied to variations in
brittleness, which are not currently understood.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Chapter 3
3 Using wellbore petrophysical data for quantitative
geological interpretation
The theoretical underpinnings of wireline petrophysical methods are reviewed, including:
the intersection of petrophysics with stratigraphy and exploration geology, the importance
of good petrophysical modelling, and the responses of basic geophysical well logs to
shaley lithologies. This sets the stage for a critical examination of stratigraphic methods
that rely on wireline log data in Chapter 4, and a review of petrophysical modelling
methods for unconventional reservoirs in Chapter 5.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
logs) to quantify the composition and reservoir quality of reservoirs rocks in the
subsurface, often without calibration data taken directly from that particular well. This is
effectively geophysical inverse modelling. Sources of data used for petrophysical analysis
and model development consist of (Ellis & Singer 2008):
• Mudlog data, drill stem tests, and drill cuttings (direct) – not included in this study
• Core and sidewall samples (direct) – extremely limited in study area
• Logs acquired via wireline logging tools (indirect) – main source of data
• Borehole seismic and 3D seismic (indirect) – not included in this study
During the exploration phase of a petroleum play, well data is extremely limited, and
knowledge of inter-well variation is even more uncertain. Extensive core extraction and
core analysis is prohibitively expensive and is only performed when deemed absolutely
necessary. Pioneers in the field of petrophysics, a term coined by Archie (1950), have
continually sought to enhance sensor capabilities, increase computing speed, and improve
measurement resolution so as to improve measurement quality with minimal incremental
cost (Bateman 2009); innovation in this field continues to this day. Modern petrophysical
analysis utilizes a strong foundation of electrical engineering combined with rock physics
principles to characterize hydrocarbon reservoirs (Doveton 2014).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Ebanks (1987) opines further that “[…] flow units do not always coincide with geologic
lithofacies”. Lithostratigraphic methods, which do not consider significant time breaks in
the sedimentary section (e.g., unconformities, hiatuses, ravinements, and flooding
surfaces), often cannot provide adequate geological and geometrical constraints for
petrophysical analysis. These breaks in the sedimentary section can be significant
impediments to the continuous flow of hydrocarbons. Flow units, therefore, are best
defined by bounding surfaces such as permeability barriers (i.e., thick mud drapes or
unconformities). Since allomembers (time-stratigraphic units) define genetically-related,
lithologically heterogeneous packages of contemporaneous strata (Bhattacharya &
Posamentier 1994), they can provide more representative bounding surfaces (or zones)
needed for petrophysical modelling within the aforementioned hydraulic flow units.
These bounding surfaces may define barriers to the flow of hydrocarbons within a zone,
depending on the vertical stacking patterns of lithofacies within separate allomembers.
Previous studies of the lower Colorado Group have used a variety of stratigraphic
divisions. Any historically reported petrophysical or geochemical data for this zone needs
to be carefully scrutinized to determine its allostratigraphic position (e.g., Belle Fourche
or Second White Specks Formation). Moreover, the absence of consistent zoning means
that previous petrophysical analyses of the Second White Specks interval have not been
placed into the appropriate flow units.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
speed, allowing for the sondes to record data at a constant sampling rate (Glover 2000;
Ellis & Singer 2008; Andersen 2011).
Data transmission and computer processing capabilities for well logging evolved from
entirely analog in the late 1960s to fully digital by the 1990s (Bateman 2009). Prior to
digital logs, if different logging parameters (e.g., a different matrix density for porosity
logs) were desired, the entire well had to be re-logged; this was rarely done (Hill 2012).
Digital library tape formats, developed first by Schlumberger in 1968, allowed for in-
house log processing of individual data tracks post-logging (Hill 2012). Library ASCII
Standard (LAS) was adopted as an industry standard for digital log formats in 1989 and is
still used today (Struyk et al. 1989; Hill 2012). In a LAS file, the data from each sonde is
stored as a separate column called a track (Struyk et al. 1989). This data can be
manipulated by the petrophysicist in a worksheet, or in sophisticated formation evaluation
programs like Schlumberger’s Techlog™ software.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
and the status of the Second White Specks Formation as a “bail-out zone” in the area,
only common measurements (caliper, gamma ray, spectral gamma ray, bulk density,
compressional sonic, and resistivity) will be discussed further. More sophisticated logs
(DSSI, PEF; pulsed neutron mineralogy; nuclear magnetic resonance) were not widely
available. Section 3.6 will cover open-hole logs from vertical wells in detail.
Petrophysical values (e.g., porosity and clay volume) are imperfect approximations of
reservoir properties. This is because petrophysical calculations are made using a limited
number of wireline log measurements that have their own sources of uncertainty. The
main characteristics that affect log quality are the depth of investigation, vertical
resolution, and logging speed. The following section summarizes the specifications and
limitations of wireline log measurements used in this thesis (Glover 2000).
Because the Second White Specks is not a primary target in the study area, drillers
sometimes “mud up”, or increase drilling mud density, while drilling through the lower
Colorado Group – this conditions the hole for optimal drilling progress and improves the
rate of penetration (i.e., drilling speed). As a result, the Second White Specks formation
may have lower reservoir quality (formation damage) in intervals where significant
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Fig. 3.1: Schematic of a centered caliper-type tool attached to an instrument assembly, with idealized
responses to beds that could potentially be encountered in the lower Colorado Group.
Modified from Glover (2000) and Krygowski (2004). As the sonde and instrument assembly are slowly
raised through the borehole, the caliper arms move if the hole size changes in any way. Breakouts in brittle
shale are of particular interest from a correlative and geomechanical perspective in this study.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
invasion has occurred. In contrast, excessive borehole breakout was encountered when
drilling operators used drilling mud with insufficient density (Fox & Garcia 2015) –
evidently, proper mud weight selection is essential to avoid drilling problems in the
Second White Specks.
Petrophysical modelling
A petrophysical model continuously describes the static properties (i.e., mineralogy and
porosity) of a formation, given a set of geophysical well logs and core data for calibration
(Doveton 2014). A good petrophysical model allows the geologist to predict variation in
reservoir properties within hydraulic flow units across large areas. This is essential for
sweet-spotting in unconventional reservoirs – especially when no seismic data is available
to verify field-scale anisotropy, and production data is scarce or nonexistent. Sweet spots
are loosely defined areas in an unconventional reservoir that produce better than others
(Glaser et al. 2013), which may be defined by a series of overlapping reservoir quality
parameters (e.g., porosity, TOC, brittleness). Identification of these regions, a process
termed “sweet spotting”, enables operators to select optimal well locations (Wang & Gale
2009; Glaser et al. 2013; Ter Heege et al. 2015). Ideally, these reservoir quality
parameters are directly correlated to hydrocarbon production data – but these data are
often difficult to obtain in North American basins due to their proprietary nature (Ter
Heege et al. 2015).
A search of publicly available geochemical and geophysical studies failed to reveal static
petrophysical models of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations at any
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
scale of observation – previously, core analyses were used to describe regional variations
in reservoir quality (Furmann et al. 2014; Zajac 2016). This reveals an opportunity to
develop a petrophysical model for an economically important mudstone reservoir, which
could potentially be used to detect areas with superior reservoir quality.
Methods for quantifying mineralogy from well logs originated in the mid-1970s – they
used log cross-plots such as density-sonic and neutron density to calculate porosity. These
methods could adequately characterize formations with two or fewer mineral components
(Clavier & Rust 1976; Schlumberger 2009). Modern commercial petrophysical modelling
software, developed in the 1980s, uses inverse linear and nonlinear modelling to solve for
mineral composition, porosity, and fluid saturation continuously (Mitchell & Nelson
1988; Doveton 1994b; Ellis & Singer 2008). These software models require a large
training database of core data and can fail in formations that are petrophysically complex
(Heidari 2011). “Petrophysically complex” reservoirs, like the organic-rich mudstones of
the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations in west-central Alberta, have the
following characteristics (Bloch et al. 1999; Ellis & Singer 2008; Clarkson & Pedersen
2011; Heidari 2011):
1) pervasive thin beds;
2) multimodal mineralogy (3 or more components), particularly clay or kerogen; and
3) multimodal porosity, especially low porosity (<3%).
A lack of core data, combined with enhanced petrophysical complexity, means that
applying an inverse model to lower Colorado Group rocks would introduce more
uncertainty into any resulting petrophysical model than it would resolve (Yin 2011). This
is because inverse linear models should be overdetermined (see section 5.6.2). Instead,
lower Colorado Group rocks present an underdetermined problem where unknowns
outnumber the available equations. Alternatively, a deterministic petrophysical model can
be built, wherein each property is independently (rather than simultaneously) derived
from log data and then calibrated to core data (Sondergeld et al. 2010).
A deterministic petrophysical model is restricted by the type, quality, and amount of data
available. Although improvements in logging technology (e.g., lithodensity logging,
formation micro-imaging, nuclear magnetic resonance imaging, and dipole sonic logs)
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
have significantly improved the quality and types of data that can be gathered from a
single wellbore, these types of logs are costly and often inaccessible to the public. Similar
issues arise with core data, which is required for calibration of log data to rock properties.
Cores are only drilled occasionally, so representative vertical sampling of any formation
(particularly mudstones, which were historically not drilling targets) is typically poor.
Furthermore, many studies are limited by the generation of the wells drilled in the area –
advanced logging methods may not have existed when those wells were drilled. Digital
log files (LAS) may not be available for many older wells, which limits the interpreter to
raster log data. As such, despite the existence of sophisticated methods for mudstone
petrophysical analysis, this thesis will only discuss those methods that can be completed
with basic, conventional well logs (resistivity, porosity, gamma ray) and limited core
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
, & × ("
!" = % +f) × ( [1]
The usefulness, physical significance, and accuracy of the Archie equation has been
thoroughly criticized by Luffel and Guidry (1992), Doveton (2001), and Sondergeld et al.
(2010), among others. Critically, the Archie equation does not account for the electrical
conductivity of clay minerals present in unconventional “shaley sand” or clay-rich
reservoirs, causing gross overestimation of !- (and therefore underestimation of oil
saturation, or !. ). Clay minerals affect resistivity readings, but they also affect reservoir
quality by degrading porosity and permeability; this is called the “shaley sand problem”
(Asquith 1990). Other rock properties can cause the Archie (1942) equation to fail – these
include thin beds, heterogeneous mineralogy, anisotropy, heavy minerals, multimodal
porosity, microfractures, variable water salinity, variable wettability, and when m and n
do not equal 2 (Bust et al. 2013). Application of the Archie (1942) equation is
inappropriate in clay-rich reservoirs, and the problems are compounded in organic-rich
mudstones where low-density kerogen complicates porosity determination.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Fig. 3.2: Comparison of general petrophysical models for Archie-type, shaley sandstone, and unconventional reservoirs in terms of
complexity. The level of petrophysical complexity increases with the number of components, which makes them more difficult to resolve.
Compiled and adapted from: Passey et al. (1990); Ellis and Singer (2008); Ambrose et al. (2010); Passey et al. (2010); Ramirez et al. (2011);
Bust et al. (2013); Crain and Holgate (2014); Doveton (2014).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
1) = +,
'( .) / × ', + 3 [2]
where 3 is the electrical conductivity contribution of the shaley portion of the reservoir.
Equation 2 is a simplified Archie equation with a shale correction added. Although ionic
double-layer water saturation equations better capture the heterogeneity of electrical
conductivity in shaley sand reservoirs, their use is limited and inefficient. This is due to a
necessary calibration to CEC – a parameter that is currently impossible to measure
directly using geophysical well logs (Doveton 2001). Doveton (2014) declared that
“clearly, the ideal shaley sandstone model has not been resolved nor ever will be.”
Despite this, the usefulness of shaley sandstone equations in optimizing water saturation
calculations is undeniable, provided that their limitations are understood.
Nuclear technology, developed in the 1940s for the Manhattan Project, was repurposed
for petrophysical logging in 1950 when a need for reliable wireline porosity measurement
arose (Hill 2012). To that end, modern gamma ray and neutron-density porosity logs
respond to the absorption or attenuation of radiation, respectively (Glover 2000). The
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
gamma ray (GR) log is particularly useful for calculating shale volume (!"# ), because it
primarily detects increases in radioactivity that can be attributed to potassium (40K) in
clay minerals (Asquith 1990). Shale volume using total GR, , !"# | 5', is calculated as
follows (Asquith 1990; Krygowski 2004):
5'%67 − 5'/9:
!"# | 5' = [3]
5'/;< − 5'/9:
where 5'%67 is the GR reading at the interval of interest, 5'/9: is the GR value in a
nearby “clean” or shale-free zone, and 5'/;< is the gamma ray value in an adjacent
shale. It has been long recognized that this linear interpolation can be an overestimate of
!"# because GR tools do not respond linearly to shaley lithologies (Asquith 1990; Ellis &
Singer 2008; Doveton 2014). Clavier et al. (1971) converted !"# to !$% (clay volume)
using the following non-linear correction, which is a pessimistic non-linear corrections of
shale volume:
Fig. 3.2 illustrates the differences in petrophysical complexity between different reservoir
types. Compared to conventional Archie-type reservoirs and shaley sand reservoirs,
unconventional reservoirs have more components and complicated pore geometry;
creating an underdetermined problem. Many petrophysical models for unconventional
reservoirs have been developed (Passey et al. 1990; Ambrose et al. 2010; Passey et al.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
2010; Ramirez et al. 2011; Bust et al. 2013; Crain & Holgate 2014). The development of
shaley sand petrophysics helped pave the way for calculations of the following
parameters using conventional well logs:
1) total organic carbon: in v/v, !EFG ; or, in weight %, TOC;
2) clay volume (!$% );
3) porosity: total (H ( ) and effective (HI ); and
4) matrix volume (!$;GJ + !KLM ).
These factors, ultimately, function as measures of reservoir quality – they can be used to
estimate brittleness, which is the end goal of this thesis.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
• High neutron-porosity response in clay-rich zones from to water bound to clays; this
can be suppressed when hydrocarbons are present (hydrogen response will be reduced
by gas and organic matter);
• Increased resistivity, due to presence of non-conductive fluid hydrocarbons and
organic matter in the rock matrix; resistivity is also increased relative to the level of
organic maturity, and conversion of kerogen to hydrocarbons (relative to organic-poor
mudrocks that have decreased resistivity due to clay conductivity).
Petrophysical modelling exploits the relationship between well log responses and specific
lithologies, like those listed in section 3.6.1. Petrophysicists attempt to estimate rock
properties indirectly using measurements of different physical properties (wireline logs)
that are proxies for lithology. At each measurement point, logging tools record a signal
from the reservoir derived from mineralogy, pore geometry, fluid composition, and
borehole conditions. A table of expected petrophysical responses for common lithologies
is available from Baker Hughes (,
although these responses are idealized and represent end member cases. The following
section considers the potential applications and drawbacks of different conventional well
logs to petrophysical modelling and geological interpretation, based on the physics of
their respective measurements (radioactivity, acoustic, and electric). Using this
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Fig. 3.3: A representative well log (7-19-45-06W5) for the Second White Specks interval.
From left to right, the tracks include caliper (CALI, in mm) shown in red, gamma ray (GR_K) in API,
volume % mineralogy, TOC (in weight percent), bulk density (DEN_K) in kg/m3, density correction
(DENC), density porosity (PHIT_D) which is overlain by core total porosity, as well as medium and deep
resistivity (RES_DEP and RES_MED, both in ohmm).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
information, subtle changes in wireline log responses – like as those illustrated in Figs.
1.1 and 3.3 – can be better understood in a geologic context (e.g., change in porosity).
The photoelectric effect is a phenomenon that occurs when a low energy photon (<0.1
MeV) interacts with a material of sufficiently high atomic number. The incident photon is
absorbed and transfers its energy to a bound electron within the material; that electron is
subsequently ejected with an energy proportional to the atomic number of the material
(Einstein 1905; Millikan 1913). Because different rock matrices have different average
atomic numbers (e.g., sandstone, limestone, dolomite), low-energy photons (in this case,
gamma rays) interact predictably with changes in lithology. The photoelectric effect is the
physical basis for PEF measurements (Ellis & Singer 2008), which will not be discussed
further here.
A gamma ray with intermediate energy (0.1 to 1 MeV) experiences Compton scattering
by colliding and subsequently transferring a portion of its energy to an orbital electron
(Compton 1923). Incident gamma rays experience a reduction in energy (attenuation) that
is directly proportional to the electron density of the material that is being traversed;
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
increased density causes more energy loss and scattering (Baker 1957). The energy of the
orbital electron is proportional to the lithology of the rock type the incident gamma ray
passed through. This electron, therefore, produces a measurable signal in petrophysical
gamma ray detectors of all types (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Similar to the photoelectric effect, pair production is a process where a gamma ray is
absorbed. In this circumstance if the gamma ray exceeds a threshold value of 1.022 MeV,
the gamma ray is replaced by an electron-positron (positively charged electron) pair
(Blackett & Occhialini 1933; Hubbell 2006). The positron is subsequently annihilated,
thereby emitting two gamma rays with reduced energies of 511 keV each (Ellis & Singer
2008). This process contributes only marginal energy to the overall signal of radioactivity
tools, so it is only consequential in very dense lithologies that are not likely to be
encountered in sedimentary rocks (Glover 2000).
For typical rock formations (no heavy minerals), the average atomic number ranges from
13 to 20. At photon energies less than 0.5 MeV, photoelectric absorption prevails over
other interactions. Compton scattering predominates gamma ray attenuation over the
energy range from 0.1 MeV to 10 MeV, but most commonly from 0.5 to 3.0 MeV
(Glover 2000). The pair production process only becomes significant for lithologies with
high atomic numbers and gamma rays surpassing a threshold of 1.022 MeV, and most
commonly at energies exceeding 3 MeV (Wilson et al. 1979; Glover 2000).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
tool is passive – it records data, instead of actively emitting radiation to induce a response
measurable by the tool (Adams & Gasparini 1970; Ellis & Singer 2008).
GR curves can be used for correlation, lithological interpretation, and shale volume (!"# )
calculation. For correlation purposes, GR curves are scanned by the interpreter for
similarities in the shape of curve deflections – matching patterns between different wells
signifies that the same unit is present in both boreholes (Krygowski 2004). In traditional
clastic sedimentology, the shape and patterns of the GR curve are used to infer
depositional processes based on vertical trends in the relative proportions of sand and clay
in vertical successions of strata. Natural formation radioactivity detected by the GR tool is
dominated by the radioactive decay of potassium (40K) in clay minerals (Rider 1990).
However, because the lower Colorado Group contains organic-rich mudstones with non-
clay components that contribute to total radioactivity, interpreting GR curves requires
caveats to avoid serious analytical pitfalls.
Natural radioactivity in sedimentary rocks comes primarily from the radioactive decay of
K in potassium-rich and, more rarely, from 232Th- and 238Ur-bearing zones. Radioactive
isotopes are more concentrated in mudstones than in other sedimentary rocks because
clays are derived from the weathering and decomposition of igneous rocks – igneous
rocks contain volumetrically significant proportions of radioactive elements from micas
and feldspars (Glover 2000). The high CEC of clay minerals allows them to retain trace
amounts of radioactive elements from their parent rocks (Ellis & Singer 2008). Quartz,
the principal component of most sandstones, does not contain any radioactive isotopes
(Andersen 2011). For this reason, GR readings are often used as a proxy for grain size:
high GR readings are attributed to high clay1 content, whereas low GR readings are
attributed to low clay content (high sandstone or carbonate content). The intensity of a
GR log is often treated as a proxy for the sand-to-clay ratio or grain size of a zone – this is
“Clay” or “mud” is used as both a textural and a mineralogical term, leading to some ambiguity when
discussing sedimentary rocks. In a textural context, “clay” refers to particles with grain sizes < 4 µm; this
may include a fraction of quartz or feldspar grains in addition to clay minerals. In this thesis, “clay” is used
only in a mineralogical sense, whereas “mudstones” will refer to fine-grained lithologies.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
a bad assumption because grain size does not always correlate with radioactivity (Rider
1990; Ellis & Singer 2008).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Table 3.1: Table of geophysical well log responses to commonly encountered minerals and compounds in
the Lower Colorado Group.
Compiled from Hurst (1990), Glover (2000), Ellis and Singer (2008), and Schlumberger (2009). Any single
well log response (e.g., gamma ray) is a result of measuring a complicated mixture of minerals with
different compositions. Travel time is in µs/ft.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
gamma rays into energy bins according to their unique pulse size or spectra (Gadeken et
al. 1991). The sum of the total GR energies from these sources is equal to the total GR
response, resulting in the following relationship to total GR in shales where 232Th is in
ppm, 238U is in ppm, and 40K is in % (Ellis & Singer 2008):
Anomalous gamma ray responses associated with uranium in organic matter can make it
difficult to quantify clay components of organic-rich formations like the lower Colorado
Group. This can be deconvolved from the total GR by utilizing the uranium-free curve
(computed gamma ray, CGR):
CGR removes radioactive anomalies associated with uranium. The Th/K ratio, in
particular, can be used to quantify radioactive mineralogy in shales, as well as
identification of mineralogical differences between zones (Ellis & Singer 2008;
Schlumberger 2009). Changes in Th/K can indicate a sudden change in depositional
environment or an unconformity (Glover 2000). Charts of Th/K are used to determine the
types of clay minerals in a mudstone from concentrations measured in the Th- and K-
energy windows with a SGR. The intersection point of Th/K for each measurement
determines the type of radioactive minerals that the rock contains. An illite-rich “shaley”
sandstone would plot between 2.0<Th/K<3.5, with clay-rich zones plotting closer to 70%
illite (pink line) and clay-poor units located closer to the origin (Schlumberger 2009).
CGR can be used to calculate clay volumes (!$% ) that are more robust than those from
total GR, because the random contribution of uranium is eliminated (Glover 2000):
where X5' = NOPQ − 8U. Clearly, SGR data is superior to total GR data in all cases for
unconventional reservoir assessment because of their utility and flexibility.
Unfortunately, few wells have SGR logs available due to cost and time associated with
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
their acquisition. When available, they can and should be used to calibrate clay volume as
well as establish radioactive mineral assemblages.
The GR tool measures the amount of gamma rays resulting from radioactive decay; since
radioactivity is a stochastic, spontaneous, and non-continuous process, GR logs contain a
significant amount of statistical noise. The only way to reduce these statistical
fluctuations is to increase the number of samples measured, either by increasing counting
times per sample or increasing radioactive source strength; the former increases time
spent logging the well and is expensive, while the latter presents potential safety risks
(Ellis & Singer 2008). Statistical fluctuations contribute ± 2 API units to GR readings in
mudstones, and ± 5 API units in non-mudstones (Krygowski 2004).
The sphere of influence of a spectral GR (SGR) log has a depth of investigation identical
to total GR tools but can have a higher vertical resolution of ~0.1 m. This is because the
tool is run more slowly than normal GR logs. SGR tool precision is slightly lower than
total GR tools, at ±5 API units (Krygowski 2004; Ellis & Singer 2008). Count rates are
also reduced by up to one-third compared to total GR tools. This increases the amount of
drilling rig time required to log the hole, significantly increasing the SGR tool’s
associated cost (Krygowski 2004). Consequently, SGR tools are not utilized as often as
total GR tools (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
SGR logs, like normal GR logs, are impacted by borehole environmental effects that
influence count rates, like changes in hole size and logging speed (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Although barite muds still impact count rates of SGR logs, the impact of KCl drilling
mud is only experienced by the 40K and total GR curves – 232Th and 238U are not affected
(Glover 2000).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Adapted from Glover (2000) and Ellis and Singer (2008). Assuming a matrix density of 2.55 g/cm3
(weighted average of mudcake and sandstone), the bulk density in the above reservoir would be
measured at 2.41 g/cm3. Adding clay or kerogen into the reservoir (like in the above brittle shale)
decreases porosity and decreases the matrix density, resulting in a lower bulk density reading.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
threshold for photoelectric absorption (Ellis & Singer 2008). The emitted gamma rays
induce a responding gamma ray emission from the formation. The returning gamma rays
undergo Compton scattering as they travel back through rock and collide with electrons.
These slower gamma rays are counted by heavily shielded short- and long-range detectors
that measure gamma radiation. The attenuation the returning particles undergo is directly
related to the electron density of the formation, such that induced gamma rays undergo
more attenuation in high bulk density formations due to high electron density, therefore a
lower gamma ray count is recorded – and vice versa (Glover 2000; Krygowski 2004).
The measured bulk density of a rock is directly related to its mineralogy, porosity, and the
density of fluids filling the available porous space (Davis 1954; Baker 1957; Edwards
1959; Pickell & Heacock 1960). The bulk density of the formation (YJ ) is a function of
matrix density (Y/; ), density porosity (HZ ), and the density of the pore filling fluid (Y[% ;
Davis 1954):
For a rock with average atomic number Z, atomic weight A, and density r, the electron
density re is equal to (Pickell & Heacock 1960):
^ [9]
YF = 2 YJ
For most light elements likely to be encountered in a formation logging scenario, Z:A is a
constant that approaches 0.5. A constant Z:A ratio is the physical basis for bulk density
logging – if Z:A deviates from 0.5, the calculated bulk density is no longer valid. This
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
relationship breaks down when hydrogen in hydrous clay minerals, formation fluids, or
organic matter are introduced (Glover 2000) – Z:A for hydrogen is closer to 1 (Gaymard
& Poupon 1968). By Equation 9, higher Z:A causes bulk density to appear low. When
substituted into Equation 8, the resulting density porosity from a high Z:A is too high. For
this reason, high porosities in low bulk density zones are invalid (Sondergeld et al. 2010).
When run at normal logging speed (396 m/hr), the bulk density tool has a vertical
resolution of 0.26 m but can resolve beds <0.15 m thick if run slowly. Due to increased
gamma ray attenuation with density, depth of investigation decreases with bulk density of
matrix. It has a relatively shallow depth of investigation of 10 cm in most reservoir rocks,
and a precision of ±0.01 g/cm3 (Krygowski 2004); this translates to an error of 0.5%
(Glover 2000). Due to invasion of drilling fluid, it is normally assumed that the zone of
investigation is saturated with mud filtrate (Krygowski 2004).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
2) Choice of drilling mud composition changes the bulk density with additives like barite
increases bulk density, because barite is an efficient absorber of gamma ray radiation
(r = 4.20 g/cm3); sylvite mud (KCl) has an anomalous Z:A from chlorine;
3) Hydrogen in light hydrocarbons and potentially organic matter decreases the
measured bulk density, making density porosity erroneously high.
Other environmental effects are caused by transforming bulk density to density porosity.
Because density porosity is calibrated to specific zones, if one of the parameters (e.g.,
lithology or fluid density) changes, the calculated porosity will be incorrect. This is
particularly common in shaley units, because of the varied nature of clay mineral
densities. Additionally, if the bulk density is incorrectly calibrated to matrix density or
fluid density, resulting density porosities will also be wrong; for this reason, it is always
critical to calibrate bulk density logs to core data if possible (Glover 2000).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
The neutron porosity responds primarily to hydrogen (Ellis & Singer 2008; Gonzalez et
al. 2013). Low neutron count rates are detected from lithologies with a large number of
hydroxyls in clay matrices, pore fluids (hydrocarbons or water), or solid hydrocarbons
(bitumen and kerogen). Hydroxyls are found in clay-rich, kerogen-rich, or porous rocks
with hydrocarbon-filled porosity In comparison, high count rates are detected from low
porosity or clay-free rocks; these lithologies have minimal hydrogen present and
experience less neutron absorption (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Because the neutron log is sensitive to hydrogen, the neutron porosity log is used as a
proxy for clay volume in concert with the density log. This clay volume is considered
superior to GR-derived clay volume, but because it requires 0% clay for calibration it can
be difficult to apply this method in unconventional reservoirs (Glover 2000).
Y [10]
D_ ∝
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
where strength is related to bulk modulus (incompressibility and stiffness) and shear
modulus (rigidity; Ellis & Singer 2008). At slow ∆t or wave velocity, the P-wave
undergoes more attenuation and dispersion, thus arriving at the receiver later; conversely,
at fast ∆t or high wave velocity, the P-wave undergoes less attenuation and dispersion,
thus arriving at the receiver earlier.
Along with being a lithology indicator, wave velocity can be used to derive porosity from
the sonic log using Wyllie et al. (1956), who related slowness (∆_) to porosity (Hg ), fluid
transit time (∆_[% ) and matrix transit time (∆_/; ) by the following equation:
although porosities derived from density logs are considered superior to porosity from
sonic (Glover 2000). Using this equation can be tricky in petrophysically complex
reservoirs because ∆_/; needs to be calibrated to the formation of interest and is
especially variable in shales (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
detectors. As a result, that first P-wave is detected in the following cycle, 40 µs later, and
∆t is perceived to be higher. This effect creates spikes in the sonic log on the order of 130
µs/m, and may indicate the presence of fractures or gas-filled porosity (Glover 2000; Ellis
& Singer 2008). Cycle skipping, however, can also be caused by enlarged borehole
conditions or improper tool centralization (Krygowski 2004).
The pioneering work of Archie (1942), followed by Winsauer et al. (1952), established an
empirical relationship between porosity and electrical resistivity. The electrical resistivity
of brine-saturated rocks was later observed to increase with pore throat constriction
(reduced permeability), reduced porosity, and elevated tortuosity – the latter is the
effective distance available for electrical current flow through a reservoir (Owen 1952;
Towle 1962; Helander & Campbell 1966). The relationship between formation resistivity,
porosity, and tortuosity can be expressed as (Helander & Campbell 1966):
where T is tortuosity and ', is the resistivity of the saturating brine. By Equation 12,
porosity is inversely related to '( and directly proportional to the square of tortuosity.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
Although tortuosity cannot be directly measured directly in the lab, it can be estimated by
the following relationship (Pérez-Rosales 1982):
H [13]
S =
where m is the cementation exponent from the Archie (1942) equation (Equation 1).
Formation resistivity, '( , can be used to calculate water saturation by taking advantage of
Equation 1 (Archie 1942; Glover 2000). As discussed previously in section 3.5.2, the
Archie (1942) equation fundamentally overlooks the elevated electrical conductivity of
certain lithologies (especially clay and organic matter). Clay minerals reduce formation
resistivity compared to equivalent clay-free zones due to enhanced conductivity from
bound water in the clay structure (Krygowski 2004). This causes Archie water saturations
to appear erroneously high (Worthington 1985; Asquith 1990). Resistivity measurements
in unconventional reservoirs, therefore, should be interpreted with caution (Bust et al.
2013). '( is affected by porosity, fluid saturation, and mineralogy (Ellis & Singer 2008):
• Low R / high conductivity: formation brines and water-based mud filtrates have low
electrical resistivity, therefore rocks with high brine saturations (high porosity) are
highly conductive;
• High R / low conductivity: matrix material (especially carbonates), hydrocarbons, and
oil-based mud filtrate all have high electrical resistivity; additionally, organic-rich
mudstones have high resistivity due to low porosity and water saturation.
Representative brine resistivity, ', , and '( values are essential for calculating water
saturation. Small changes can alter water saturation calculations by ±10% (Glover 2000).
Ideally, these parameters would be determined in a lab using water samples retrieved
from the Second White Specks Formation in the study area, but this information is not
available. There is significant potential risk of propagating error in water saturation
calculations for the Second White Specks without calibration to core data. It is more
responsible to use resistivity logs as a secondary indicator of matrix composition.
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
The deep laterolog (LLD) has a vertical resolution of 0.6 m, and a 1.5 to 2.1 m depth of
investigation. It is precise to ±0.2 ohm×m. In comparison, the shallow laterolog (LLS) has
comparable vertical resolution and precision but shallow depth of investigation (0.6 to 0.9
m). The microlog (RXO), which has closely spaced electrodes for maximum vertical
resolution (3 to 8 cm), has a significantly reduced radius of investigation (2.5 to 10 cm),
and is precise to ±0.2 ohm×m (Krygowski 2004).
Solving the Second White Specks 3. Using petrophysics to model geological properties
shale (permeable vs. non-permeable) beds can further exacerbate this problem (Minette
1990). Even if micrologs are run over the formation of interest, they do not provide
reliable formation resistivities (Glover 2000; Krygowski 2004). With current technology,
beds < 1 m thick are not easily resolved without NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) logs,
which are expensive and not commonly run in the Second White Specks interval.
Invasion of mud filtrate into permeable zones causes virgin formation fluids to be
displaced. Although the LLD normally measures deep enough to extract the true
formation resistivity (required for the calculation of water saturation), if “formation
damage” (invasion) is extreme this value may be incorrect (Glover 2000). Resistivity
curves at different depths of investigation should be identical in impermeable beds, where
invasion does not occur. In comparison, in invaded zones, an “invasion profile” is visible:
if the mud filtrate resistivity exceeds the formation resistivity then the RXO and LLS
should read higher resistivities than the LLD, and vice versa (Krygowski 2004).
• Petrophysicists assess hydrocarbon reservoirs by using indirect measurements
(geophysical wireline logs) collected from the subsurface to model rock properties.
Storage and flow capacity can be evaluated remotely using this data.
• Petrophysical models require meaningful constraints in order to accurately represent
natural variations in rock properties. Stratigraphic architecture controls
compartmentalization of the reservoir into hydraulic flow units.
• Wireline log measurements are used as proxies for reservoir quality indicators like
mineralogy, porosity, and water saturation. These tools were originally designed to
assess “conventional” reservoirs that did not contain clay or organic matter. As focus
has now shifted to low porosity “unconventional” reservoirs that contain large
amounts clay and kerogen, the tool responses to unconventional reservoirs need to be
well constrained. Elevated gamma ray, low density, slow sonic travel time, high
neutron porosity, and increased resistivity responses are expected in reservoirs with
high organic and clay content.
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
Chapter 4
4 Stratigraphic method
Allostratigraphic correlations form the basis for zonal analyses of petrophysical properties
presented in Chapters 6 through 8. The following section reviews the allostratigraphic
method used in this study to define reservoir compartments called hydraulic flow units.
Following the allostratigraphic method validates the stratigraphic picks herein.
Unconformities are stratigraphic surfaces that separate younger from older strata and
represent gaps in sedimentation (Cross & Lessenger 1988). These include but are not
limited to:
1) subaerial unconformities, sensu Sloss et al. (1949): these are unconformities that form
under subaerial conditions as a result of fluvial erosion or sedimentary bypass, among
other processes;
2) marine flooding surfaces: a surface that indicates an abrupt increase in water depth;
3) regressive surfaces of marine erosion, sensu Plint (1988): an erosional surface that
forms via wave scouring during forced regression in wave-dominated shallow water
settings due to relative sea-level fall.
A conformity is a surface that separates younger from older strata but does not indicate
erosion or significant non-deposition – this includes surfaces that experienced very slow
rates of deposition such as condensed sections (Loutit et al. 1988).
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
Controls on sedimentation
Sedimentary rocks are inherently cyclical – they exhibit specific and recognizable stratal
stacking patterns that reflect allogenic forcing (Helland-Hansen & Gjelberg 1994;
Dalrymple 2010a). These patterns, called “sequences”, are sedimentary successions
deposited during an entire cycle of change in accommodation and supply (Posamentier et
al. 1988; Galloway 1989; Catuneanu et al. 2009). Accommodation defines the available
space that sediment can fill (Jervey 1988). The major controls on accommodation are
changes in relative sea level and changes in the rate of sediment supply to the basin
(Jervey 1988; Posamentier et al. 1988; Galloway 1989; Plint et al. 1992; Schlager 1993;
Muto & Steel 1997, 2000; Catuneanu 2002, 2006; Catuneanu et al. 2011).
4.3.1 Eustasy
Eustasy is the change in sea-level relative to a fixed datum, like the centre of the earth
(Posamentier et al. 1988). Basin tectonics locally affect the elevation of the sea floor
which serves as a local datum, and the position of the eustatically determined sea surface
relative to this local datum is known as the relative sea level (Posamentier et al. 1988).
Many cyclical sedimentary patterns are observed globally and appear to be driven by
eustatic variation (Haq et al. 1987; Haq 2014). Eustatic change is primarily controlled by
fluctuations in oceanic water volumes (Donovan & Jones 1979; Miller et al. 2005) – this
flux comprises the creation or removal of accommodation within a particular basin.
Eustatic processes, once classified on the basis of their magnitude (Vail et al. 1977), are
now recognized as episodic, hierarchical phenomena that operate on a variety of
timescales. These processes are listed below, in order from low to high frequency (Vail et
al. 1977; Donovan & Jones 1979; Plint et al. 1992; Miall 2010):
1) First order (400 to 500 Myr periodicity) cycles are related to global cycles of
supercontinent formation and breakup;
2) Second order (10 to 100 Myr periodicity) cycles are linked to volume flux of mid-
ocean ridge spreading centres;
3) Third order (0.1 to 10 Myr periodicity) cycles are correlated with regional basement
tectonic plate kinematics, and;
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
4) Fourth and fifth order (10 Kyr to 500 Kyr periodicity) cycles are caused by
Milankovitch orbital forcing (Milankovitch 1941).
Only Milankovitch processes will be discussed further. Although higher order cyclicity
may have played a role in sedimentation during the Late Cretaceous, the time scales on
which higher order cycles operate is likely beyond the vertical resolution of stratigraphic
section and time considered in this thesis.
Milankovitch cyclicity has been documented in rocks from the WIS that span the
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. For example, Sageman et al. (1997) correlated
limestone/marlstone bedding couplets of the Second White Specks-equivalent Greenhorn
Formation in Colorado with Milankovitch obliquity cycles (41 Kyr). Prokoph et al.
(2001) used core from Bloch et al. (1999)’s Second White Specks Formation type well
(6-34-30-8W4) to determine that Milankovitch cyclicity was a significant control on
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
sedimentation during OAE-II, but they were unable to link overall sea-level rise during
the Late Cenomanian and OAE-II to a specific mechanism. These observations suggest
that rocks of the lower Colorado Group in west-central Alberta contain regionally
correlative cycles that are related to eustasy and changes in accommodation.
Rivers adjust their profiles as relative sea-level drops, re-equilibrating to a lower “base
level” (Nummedal et al. 1993). Shanley and McCabe (1994) defined base level as:
Lowering base level triggers the erosion of topographic highs by rivers, which then
transport sediment to the ocean. Raising base level, conversely, favors sedimentation and
stratigraphic preservation. Base level is, fundamentally, the equilibrium surface to which
rivers erode – it approximates relative sea-level in the marine realm (Wheeler 1964).
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
balanced, depositional systems will shift in space to reach equilibrium (Catuneanu 2006).
When supply exceeds accommodation (dS > dA), a regression occurs: shorelines and
facies shift seaward, resulting in progradational (lateral outbuilding) stacking patterns.
When accommodation exceeds supply (dA > dS), the shoreline experiences a landward
transgression, which also constitutes a landward facies shift – this results in
retrogradational stacking patterns (Catuneanu 2002).
Seismic stratigraphy
Based on the observations of Vail et al. (1977), Mitchum et al. (1977) introduced the
concept of “seismic stratigraphy” from their analysis of two dimensional seismic
reflection data. Surfaces of contrasting acoustic impedance (i.e., surfaces that separate
different lithologies) generate seismic reflections (Neidell 1979). Seismic stratigraphy
associates seismic reflections with unconformities and stratal surfaces – therefore
assigning time-stratigraphic significance to strong seismic reflectors (Vail et al. 1977;
Cross & Lessenger 1988). Seismic data allows for the observation of stratal terminations,
stacking patterns, and 3D visualization of stratigraphic surfaces (Posamentier 2000).
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
outcrop and well log data resulted in the creation of sequence stratigraphic concepts
(Posamentier & Vail 1988; Van Wagoner et al. 1988).
Sequence stratigraphy
Van Wagoner et al. (1988) defined sequence stratigraphy as:
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
base level after a shift in dA/dS takes time to occur – as a result, sequence stratigraphic
surfaces are inherently diachronous and may cross time lines (Cross & Lessenger 1988).
Stratal patterns observed in passive continental margin settings – which have distinct
slope-shelf breaks – formed the original basis for sequence stratigraphic models (Vail et
al. 1977; Jervey 1988; Posamentier et al. 1988; Posamentier & Vail 1988). Subsidence
patterns in foreland basins fundamentally differ from passive continental margins. In a
foreland basin setting, flexural loading by thrust sheets causes subsidence rates on the
tectonically-active side of the basin to decrease progressively with distance from the
orogenic belt (Beaumont 1981; DeCelles & Giles 1996; DeCelles 2012). Passive margin
settings, in comparison, experience increased subsidence in the seaward direction.
Depositional sequences in foreland basins will exhibit landward-thickening, wedge-like
geometries (Posamentier & Allen 1993); this is the reverse of passive margin settings.
This evidence suggests that traditional sequence stratigraphy may have limited
application to foreland basin settings.
Allostratigraphic units, or allomembers, are defined by laterally traceable bounding
discontinuities that constrain coeval rock units (NACSN 1983, 2005). Contrary to
lithostratigraphic methods, which define stratal units on the basis of similar lithologies,
allostratigraphy is predicated on the correlation of time-equivalent units regardless of
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
lateral variability – thereby assigning critical chronological and spatial context to facies
and thickness changes. Similar to seismic stratigraphy, it is assumed that allostratigraphic
surfaces correspond to physically continuous surfaces and approximate timelines
(Bhattacharya & Posamentier 1994). By constraining geological zones in this manner,
allostratigraphic maps illustrate coeval depositional systems (i.e., paleogeography) in
such a way that the influence of tectonism, changes in A/S, and erosion may be inferred
(Martinsen et al. 1993; Shank & Plint 2013). This establishes a predictive framework for
rock properties, such as clay content and thickness, based on their associations with
modern depositional environments.
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
commonly preserved within sedimentary strata in the WCSB, and so are more easily
correlated throughout the basin.
Smectite-rich volcanic ash beds (bentonites) are common in strata of Late Cretaceous age
(Kauffman 1984). Bentonites contain igneous minerals, such as zircons, which can be
isotopically dated (e.g., Barker et al. 2011). Volcanic ash, produced by explosive volcanic
events, is deposited quickly (days to weeks) and results in the deposition of bentonite
beds that are considered coeval (Obradovich & Cobban 1975). Bentonite ash beds are
mainly distributed via high altitude (10 to 15 km) winds, which can achieve ash
dispersion over large geographic regions (Slaughter & Earley 1965). Bentonite
preservation is enhanced when sedimentation rates are low, as ashfalls will condense into
composite ash beds that are undiluted by background sediments (Ver Straeten 2004).
Volcanic ash, however, may also be redistributed by current transport if it is deposited
above storm wave base – if this occurs, the ash bed will be physically reworked and non-
uniform in thickness (Knechtel & Patterson 1956; Ver Straeten 2004).
Of the volcanic events indicated by bentonite beds in the WIS, approximately 85% have
been correlated to major transgressive episodes (Kauffman & Caldwell 1993). Bentonites
contained within the Blackstone Formation were spatially associated with major flooding
surfaces, wave-rippled silty beds, and were typically non-bioturbated (Tyagi 2009). These
observations suggest that the bentonites observed by Tyagi (2009) were likely deposited
during marine transgressions above storm wave base, and bentonite preservation may
have been assisted by a lack of bioturbation (Tyagi 2009).
Solving the Second White Specks 4. Allostratigraphic method
• Sedimentary cycles, or sequences, reflect environmental responses to cyclical changes
in accommodation and sediment supply to the basin. These sequences can be
stratigraphically correlated and mapped.
• Allostratigraphic zones, which are defined by coeval depositional surfaces, best
approximate hydraulic flow units. Coeval depositional surfaces include flooding
surfaces, bentonite horizons, unconformities, and correlative conformities.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Chapter 5
5 Petrophysical method
Geological data (wireline logs and core data) was transformed into a 3-dimensional
petrophysical model for the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations that
can be used for first-pass sweet spotting, even when data is sparse. The process outlined
in this chapter integrates the allostratigraphic method outlined in Chapter 4 with the
petrophysical best practices examined in Chapter 3, resulting in a repeatable workflow
that reduces uncertainty.
Database development
The LAS files, core analysis, production data, and raster logs used in this project were
imported into industry petrophysical modelling software and geological mapping
programs (i.e., Schlumberger’s Techlog™ and geoLOGIC’s geoSCOUT™ program) in
the Petroleum Geoscience Laboratory at the University of Western Ontario and used to
build a project database of stratigraphic tops and petrophysical calculations. This database
was continuously updated and modified as correlations and parameters were refined. The
final user database is available as an attachment to this thesis.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.1: A process flow diagram illustrating the integrated petrophysical and geological workflows
used in this thesis.
Green boxes indicate raw data inputs – the green boxes on the top row are petrophysical inputs,
whereas the left-side green boxes indicate geological inputs. Purple boxes indicate volume models
that were used for the brittleness index (BI), whereas blue boxes indicate items that were not
included in the BI. The grey box encompasses all the results that were used to create sweet spot
Using geophysical wireline logs and core data as inputs, a volumetric petrophysical model that has
been corrected for clay and kerogen (Vclay + Vdol + VQFM + Vker + fE = 1) is built, and placed into
petrophysical zones (isochores). These properties are used to calculate brittleness indices (BI) for
each allomember. Lastly, each property is placed into an allostratigraphic context and overlain to
create maps of potential sweet spots.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Divestco supplied a license to their EnerGISite™ web portal in support of this research.
EnerGISite™ is an online database that contains tens of thousands of LAS curves for oil
and gas wells drilled in western Canada. Within the project area, 227 vertical wells had
LAS data available in the Second White Specks interval – this is a small fraction of the
>20 000 wells drilled in this area. To supplement this, and increase spatial control, raster
log data for a further 217 wells was sourced using geoSCOUT™. LAS data is essential
for petrophysical model development; wells with raster data only can only be used for
stratigraphic correlation. In total, 444 individual wells were correlated.
Raw LAS data was uploaded into the Techlog™ 2015 program (Fig. 5.2), where it was
standardized into log curves with universal names and units. Despite various generations
of data, differing standards, and several types of tools that were used by the different
logging companies, there are fundamental similarities in how the logging data can be used
for petrophysical analysis. Although this is a major simplifying assumption, it allows for
bulk processing of petrophysical data. In this format, LAS data can be easily manipulated
for large groups of wells and processed quickly either with Techlog’s petrophysical
workflows or by custom Python code for functions outside of Techlog’s core capabilities.
Python code written in support of this project is available as an attachment to this thesis
(Appendix B).
On average, a density of approximately three wells per township were used in cross-
sections (refer to Fig. 1.2). This afforded reasonable confidence in allomember geometry
and thickness when correlating stratigraphic surfaces across the study area. In areas like
Willesden Green (Township 41 to 42, Range 4W5 to 6W5), well density was increased to
greater than 10 wells to resolve major discrepancies (e.g., unexpected changes in
allomember thickness) over close well spacing (<1 km) and to simulate production well
spacing. Near the edges of the study area, where not many wells were drilled to sufficient
depth to reach the Second White Specks Formation, well density is typically less than one
well per township.
Due to the highly diachronous nature of some portions of the lower Colorado Group, the
Second White Specks interval is defined lithostratigraphically within geoSCOUT’s
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.2: A screenshot of the Techlog software used in this project, with individual wells in the left-hand column, the properties of any selected
parameters in the second column, and a cross-section visualized across the main section of the screen.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
stratigraphic database. This made it difficult to select cores that fell within the interval of
interest (lower interval of the Second White Specks and Upper Belle Fourche) without
first performing low-resolution lithostratigraphic correlations. Once the preliminary
correlations had been completed, it was determined that eight cores vertically intersected
the interval of interest; of those, only one covered the entire interval (07-19-45-06W5).
Only three cores from that subtotal had core analyses available within geoSCOUT. To
supplement the project database of core, five cores were logged and sampled in detail by
the author at the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Core Research Centre in Calgary,
Alberta. This process included describing the visible lithology, grain size, composition,
sedimentary and structural features, as well as the trace fossil assemblages.
Core-to-log correlation
To reduce the uncertainty associated with extrapolating sparse core data, 4 cores were
sampled for LECO TOC analysis and major element X-ray fluorescence (XRF). This
helped to constrain lateral variations in organic richness and mineralogy across the study
area, to ensure that any resulting models would represent the subsurface geology.
Although X-ray diffraction (XRD) was planned to aid in the determination of volume %
mineralogy (Quirein et al. 2010), it was not performed due to logistical issues. All of the
core data gathered for this study, including detailed core logs and core analysis, is
presented in Chapter 5.
The 100/07-19-045-06W5 core was not logged by this author, as it had been previously
logged by another student and sampled for Rock-Eval 6 analysis in 2012. There is
abundant existing data for this core in the public domain: it has been extensively analyzed
by Furmann et al. (2014) and Furmann et al. (2016) for XRD and total porosity. In
addition to that work, the AGS has published Rock-Eval data for this core.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
samples from the Second White Specks Formation. The CS-244 analyzer uses the dry
combustion-infrared absorption method to calculate total carbon. This method is a
destructive analytical technique that can be used to solve for TOC by difference using the
following relationship (Schumacher 2002):
where TIC is the total inorganic carbon (wt%; derived from carbonate minerals), TOC is
the total organic carbon (wt%), and TC is the total carbon in the sample.
Samples were powdered and weighed into 10 to 15 g aliquots. These aliquots are split –
one half (used for TOC) is treated with a HCl solution to digest inorganic carbon
associated with carbonate minerals, the other (used for TC) is not chemically treated.
These powdered samples were then oven-dried at 105oC overnight to remove excess
water. Once they were sufficiently dry, the samples were combusted at 1350oC in an
induction furnace where they were exposed to a stream of pure oxygen with catalysts
added to ensure complete combustion (LECO 1996; Schumacher 2002). The exposure of
the combusted samples to oxygen allowed for the carbon gases to oxidize, forming CO2.
The amount of CO2 produced during the oxidization process is directly proportional to the
carbon content of the sample, although it may be an underestimate if sulfur, water, and
carbonates have not been adequately removed prior to analysis (Law 1999). The resulting
CO2 gaseous phase flowed through scrubber tubes to remove unwanted moisture and
chlorine. The gaseous phase flowed into an nondispersive infrared (NDIR) detection cell
that was calibrated to CO2 (Bernard et al. 1995). The NDIR cell was tuned to the
absorption of infrared energy by CO2 (2.6 to 4 microns). As the gaseous phase entered the
NDIR cell, it absorbed infrared radiation and lost energy. This energy loss is converted by
the NDIR cell to a wt % TOC or TC; TIC is calculated using Equation 14 (Schumacher
Based on duplicate samples taken for quality assurance, the analytical errors for TOC
ranged from 0.3 to 2.3%. These issues may have resulted from the incomplete removal of
pyrite (which contains sulfur) or carbonate minerals from the sample, or due to
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
heterogeneities between sample splits. The raw LECO TOC analyses are available as an
attachment to this thesis.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
In WDS XRF spectroscopy, a single crystal is used to disperse fluorescent X-rays induced
in a rock sample via a collimated electron beam. The crystal is selected such that only
those induced X-rays with specific wavelengths can travel in the spaces between crystal
lattice planes (a phenomenon known as “Bragg diffraction”) and are reflected by the
crystal towards a detector (Bragg & Bragg 1913; Kawahara & Shoji 2007). An X-ray
detector is used to convert the energy released by the reflected X-ray into an electrical
signal, which corresponds to the concentration of a particular element in the sample
(Longoni & Fiorini 2007). Crystals with different lattice spacings are used to isolate the
concentrations of different elements (Henry & Goodge 2016).
The 51 fused samples were analyzed using the Philips PW-1480/10 WDS XRF unit for
the following major oxides: SiO2, TiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MnO, MgO, CaO, K2O, Na2O,
P2O5, Cr2O3, BaO, and SrO. 4 synthetic standards from certified reference materials (SY-
2, R.V., JB-2, and JG-1A) were used as standard samples for calibration.
Based on duplicate samples taken for quality assurance, the analytical errors for XRF
ranged from 0.2 to 3.1%. Similar to the LECO TOC analyses, these issues may have
arisen from heterogeneities between sample splits. The raw XRF analyses are available
as an attachment to this thesis.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
reactions, erosion processes, transport and depositional processes, pore water and brine
chemistry; and early through late diagenetic reactions (Kackstaetter 2014). Despite this,
Rosen et al. (2004) stated:
Kackstaetter (2014) developed a normative mineralogy method that quantifies and applies
the assumptions made by Rosen et al. (2004) to sedimentary rocks. The Kackstaetter
(2014) method partitions major element concentrations from XRF into sedimentary
minerals with idealized chemistry. This method is not proven, but it provides a first-pass
estimation of mineral composition.
Although the Kackstaetter (2014) method is fundamentally limited because the mineral
compositions it uses are underdetermined (Spencer & Weedmark 2015), it provided a
consistent match with published mineral compositions from Furmann et al. (2016) in the
key well, 07-19-45-06W5. For this reason, the Kackstaetter (2014) method was used to
convert all XRF data points into relative mineral compositions. The spreadsheet that
Kackstaetter (2014) developed and was used in this thesis is available from Ideally, the
Kackstaetter (2014) method should be supplemented with sulfur content from LECO
TOC method to estimate pyrite concentration. The Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche Formations are known to contain some amount of pyrite (~5%), but pyrite could
not be reliably modelled. As a consequence, pyrite was not included in the multimineral
Allostratigraphic correlation
The allomembers mapped in this study are extensions of and subdivide the framework
developed by Tyagi et al. (2007). This work extended their allomember VII (lower
Second White Specks) throughout the area and is bounded below by the Bighorn River
“red” bentonite. Tyagi et al. (2007)’s allomember VI (Upper Belle Fourche), which is
bounded above by the “red” bentonite and below by the K1 unconformity, is subdivided
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
in this work into three separate allomembers (Upper Belle Fourche 1, 2, and 3).
Petrophysical zonations were created by importing the allostratigraphic tops from
geoSCOUT into the Techlog project – these zones served as the vertical constraints for
the petrophysical models described below.
All of the procedures described below were implemented using built-in Techlog modules,
or custom Python code written by the author for this project. Environmental corrections
were applied when borehole conditions were poor, and where feasible with the available
log data. The petrophysical modelling process was heuristic and iterative – methods were
improved and altered as new problems were encountered and new data was introduced.
The Techlog Quanti.Elan module was used to calculate weighted averages of each
parameter within the allostratigraphic zones established in section 6.2. The project
specific parameters and techniques are summarized in Table 5.1 where they can be easily
accessed by the reader but will be described in detail in the following section.
LAS data is recorded every 0.1 to 0.2 m. The petrophysical calculations listed here, unless
derived from core data, have the same sampling rate as the raw data.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.3: Modified from Ambrose et al. (2010) – this is the petrophysical model used for the Second White
Specks in this study.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.4: Modified from Asquith (1990) – this represents the previous petrophysical model (Fig. 5.3)
within a very simplified geological context.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
where ]4D is the corrected GR in API units. The magnitude of corrections ranged from 0
to 60 API units. Where a gamma ray correction has been applied, deflections in the
character of the gamma ray curve are more likely to represent bulk lithological changes
rather than borehole breakout. This provides increased confidence to use gamma ray logs
for correlation even in poor borehole conditions.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
When a sufficient variety of geophysical well logs are available, all mineral component
volumes can be confidently resolved (Doveton 1994b). More often, however, there are
insufficient logs available to solve for the volumes of all the minerals present in a
formation. The number of linear equations based on geophysical well log responses, in
relation to the number of desired unknowns (mineral volumes), designates the system as
“underdetermined” (more volumes than well logs), “overdetermined” (fewer volumes
than well logs), or “balanced” (equal number of well logs and volumes). In balanced and
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Many algorithms exist for linear inverse estimation of mineral compositions (Mayer &
Sibbit 1980; Quirein et al. 1986; Doveton 1994b; Rabaute et al. 2003). Implicit in these
programs is the assumption that geophysical wireline log measurements (i.e., density,
PEF, neutron porosity, and sonic transit time) are linear functions of the mineral and fluid
volume concentrations in the wellbore. Light hydrocarbons, organic matter, and clay
minerals render this assumption invalid (Heidari et al. 2012), as the nonlinear responses
of those lithologies to certain well logs (e.g., GR and neutron porosity) are well
established (see section 3.6.2). This can be mitigated through the use of nonlinear
minimization and statistical algorithms (e.g., cluster analysis and principal component
analysis) to better constrain lithology (Mitchell & Nelson 1988; Doveton 1994b; Rabaute
et al. 2003). Linear inverse estimation methods also require a priori constraints (i.e., core
data) to achieve unique compositional solutions, as the system of equations used is almost
always underdetermined (McCarty et al. 2015).
Nonlinear joint inversion methods (Liu et al. 2007; Sanchez-Ramirez et al. 2009; Heidari
2011; Heidari et al. 2012; Gao et al. 2013; Heidari & Torres-Verdin 2014; Klenner et al.
2014; McCarty et al. 2015) modify the generalized nonlinear least squares method,
developed by Tarantola and Valette (1982), to obtain estimates of petrophysical
parameters from geophysical well logs. These methods have been used to estimate
mineralogy where linear methods had previously failed. Heidari et al. (2012), for
example, demonstrated that nonlinear joint inversion is viable way to estimate complex
lithology in a thinly-bedded invaded reservoir. Despite these recent successes, nonlinear
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
joint inversion methods are not always recommended for petrophysical modelling –
particularly when calibration data is scarce (McCarty et al. 2015). Application of these
methods may result in model instability (i.e., when small changes in inputs significantly
affect model outputs) and non-unique results (Tarantola & Valette 1982).
Developing a linear or nonlinear inversion method for mineralogy was beyond the scope
of this project. A deterministic method was applied instead: after determining other
volume components (kerogen volume, clay volume, porosity), quartz and carbonate
volumes were calibrated to core data and then solved by difference for the total volume.
Due to the limited geophysical log data set available for this study area, it was only
feasible to solve for volumetric components in a reservoir with five or fewer assumed
components. The petrophysical model from Fig. 4.3 was further simplified to a five-
component system because water saturation and hydrocarbon saturation could not be
reliably modelled. Each volume component (Vclay, Vdol, VQFM, Vker, and fT) was
independently calculated in Techlog using methods that will be described below. The
volume components of a formation with the petrophysical model from Fig. 5.3 (clay
volume, Vclay; kerogen volume, Vker; dolomite volume, Vdol; quartz-feldspar-mica
volume, VQFM; total porosity, fT) are expressed as fractions of unit bulk volume. This
gives rise to the following equation (Guidry et al. 1990):
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
TOC equations
Assumes inorganic
154.497 Bulk density of
Density !&" = density = 2.69 g/cm3;
A − 57.261 kerogen is low
underestimates TOC in
Schmoker and relative to matrix
where A is the bulk density clay- and carbonate-
Hester (1983) density (Tissot &
measurement from the logs rich rocks (Gonzalez et
Welte 1978)
al. 2013)
ÅÄ − Å
;IaS = Total GR is Response conflates
1.378 ∗ '
GR elevated in shales radioactivity from clay
where ÅÄ is the GR intensity of an due to clay and (40K and 232Th) with
Schmoker organic-free zone and Å is the GR organic matter radioactivity from
(1981) intensity measurement from the logs (Ellis & Singer organic matter (Fertl &
2008) Chilingar 1988)
A is a locally determined calibration
and sonic Shales have
higher resistivity Calibrated to local
Issler et al.
and increased geology, no
(2002); Crain !&" = ' ∗ (∆+ + 195 ∗ log23 4) − 31.86
sonic porosity normalization, and
and Holgate
relative to non- independent of LOM.
shaley units
Table 5.2: Table of TOC equations, with remarks related to their physical basis and limitations.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
where D}~4 is the curve separation measured in logarithmic resistivity cycles, 4 is the
resistivity measured in ohm×m by the logging tool, ∆+ is the measured transit time in µs/ft,
4c^N=KÇ_= is the resistivity corresponding with the ∆+c^N=KÇ_= value when the curves overlie
in organic-poor (non-source), clay-rich rocks.
D}~4 separation is linearly related to TOC and is a function of the level of organic
metamorphism (LOM), as well as kerogen type. The level of organic metamorphism
(LOM) represents the degree of thermal metamorphism a particular mudstone has
undergone, which increases with burial depth and increased geothermal gradients (Hood
et al. 1975). Good estimates of TOC from DlogR require a priori knowledge of y&z and
calibration to TOC from rock samples – this is difficult when geochemical analyses are
scarce. Sondergeld et al. (2010) suggested a modification to the Passey equation for y&z
to prevent underestimates of TOC in overmature gas shales, which have LOM > 14 :
where " is a multiplier > 1 that is calibrated to measured !&" from core.
The Passey et al. (1990) method is practical and easily applied. It does have drawbacks: it
requires similar clay mineralogy and conductive mineral components (i.e., pyrite) in the
source and non-source intervals. The method also assumes that the baseline shale and
organic shale have similar matrix properties (i.e., resistivity and apparent porosity). This
may not be representative of the formation’s true vertical heterogeneity. Graphical log
overlay methods like D}~4 require log normalization, and the baseline determination
can be subjective (Issler et al. 2002).
The D}~4 method can produce false positives (Passey et al. 1990). Anomalous D}~4
separation not associated with organic shales can be caused by:
1) hydrocarbon-bearing reservoir intervals,
2) poor borehole conditions,
3) uncompacted sediments,
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
1), 2) and 4) are characteristic of Lower Colorado Group shales – it is likely that using the
D}~4 method would overestimate TOC in this interval. Due to a lack of geochemical
analyses and the uncertainty introduced by the D}~4 method, this method was not used
in this thesis for evaluation of the lower Colorado Group.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.5: Issler model TOC vs. Rock-Eval TOC analyses from the core study interval in the 100/07-
19-045-06W5 well. The regression shows a strong linear relationship with a moderately high
coefficient of determination (r2 = 0.811).
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.6: A log display of the 7-19 well, showing the sonic and resistivity curves that were used as
input for the TOC model as well as the porosity model.
The track second from the right shows the Rock-Eval core data (TOC_G) as black circles overlaid
on the modelled TOC (blue and red fill) in the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks
Formations; the TOC curve reflects the log character of both the sonic and resistivity curves.
On the far right, black circles indicate the helium porosimetry data points taken from Furmann et
al. (2014). These are plotted against the kerogen-corrected total porosity model (PHIT_CORR)
and the effective porosity model, shown as blue-filled areas. The kerogen-corrected total porosity
is a good fit for the core porosities, generally agreeing within a percent.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
eligible wells with LAS, deep resistivity, and sonic; this constituted 84 of the 227 wells
with LAS data in the study area. Modelled TOC values ranged from 0.5 to 5% in the area.
Petrophysical models require components reported in volume percent, not weight percent.
To do this, TOC (weight %) must be converted to kerogen volume (;<=> ). Organic
petrography is a recommended step in developing robust kerogen density measurements
because organic maceral chemistry and LOM affect kerogen density (Stankiewicz et al.
2015). Crain and Holgate (2014) use the following equation for kerogen volume %
(;<=> ), which is derived from the work of Guidry et al. (1990):
where A<=> is the density of kerogen, and â is a kerogen conversion factor <1. Although
A<=> can be derived from geochemical data, Okiongbo et al. (2005) cautioned that
kerogen in organic shales is difficult to chemically separate from pyrite, which results in a
wide range of reported densities for kerogen in specific formations. Although estimating
A<=> becomes more difficult without organic geochemical data, Ward (2010) suggested
the following relationship between vitrinite reflectance (%4C ) and A<=> in the Marcellus
A<=> was set to 1.15 g/cm3 based on %4C data from Furmann et al. (2014) and Equation
21. This value for A<=> falls within the theoretical limits for kerogen density of 1.1 to 1.4
g/cm3 set by Tissot and Welte (1978). Lacking more %4C data for local calibration, this
A<=> value was used for the entire Willesden Green field.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
(XRD) – unfortunately, this type of mineralogical data is slow to process (i.e., in time to
influence production geology decisions) and is relatively expensive (Ellis & Singer 2008;
Doveton 2014). Similar to other geochemical data sources, XRD results may not be
representative due to vertical sampling bias. Total gamma ray scaling techniques,
developed for the purposes of shaley sand corrections (see section 3.5.2), are more
economical. These scaling techniques utilize the ability of the gamma ray log to detect
potassium associated with clay minerals (Asquith 1990; Krygowski 2004).
Total gamma ray clay volume techniques can be highly subjective and err by
overestimating clay volume. The total gamma ray curve includes uranium counts that are
not associated with clay minerals. This, however, is often the only alternative if core is
not available (Ellis & Singer 2008). Clay volume overestimation can be mitigated through
scaling techniques that use the uranium free (Th/K) curve from SGR logging when
available. Th/K is a better indication of clay volume because the uranium-free curve (see
section isolates GR intensity to potassium and thorium associated with clays
and accessory zircons (Krygowski 2004).
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
where ;çp>= , ;céK< , and ;b^l>Çå are pore volume, bulk volume, and matrix volume,
respectively. An organic-rich mudstone like the Second White Specks is normally
composed of solid clay, non-clay, and organic components, with pore space between and
within them (Ambrose et al. 2012). Ideally, porosity models should be calibrated with
porosities measured from core and log-derived porosities to ensure accuracy (Glover
2000). This is relatively easy to do in conventional plays, where core analysis is
frequently performed and readily available. The fundamental physical properties of
unconventional shales (i.e., low porosity, <10%; and low permeability, <100 nD) make
them very difficult to measure using conventional core analysis methods (Ramirez et al.
2011; Handwerger et al. 2012; Busch et al. 2017). As a result, the porosity of
unconventional reservoirs is often approximated using geophysical wireline logs.
Ac − Ab^ [23]
`è =
AgK − Ab^
The matrix and fluid densities, Ab^ and AgK , respectively, need to be assigned values to
calculate `è . A quartz matrix density of Ab^ = 2.65 g/cm3 and a fluid density of AgK =
1.00 g/cm3 (water) is commonly assigned. This, however, can be inappropriate in
unconventional reservoirs like the Second White Specks Formation, which are
mineralogically complex and contain unknown fluids. Matrix density must be determined
from core, when available, and calibrated to cross-plots of other logging measurements
(i.e., neutron porosity and bulk density). Fluid density, AgK , should approximate mud
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
filtrate density (³ 1.00 g/cm3) due to filtrate invasion into the formation. Using this
approach can be effective for generating reasonable porosity estimates (Byrnes & Castle
2000), although its application is restricted in petrophysical modelling approaches that
rely on basic log suites (Moore et al. 2016). Barring borehole environmental concerns,
organic content and clay minerals are the primary sources of petrophysical uncertainty in
the Second White Specks when trying to calculate total porosity. Calculating total
porosity with multiple independent parameters, such as with the neutron porosity and
sonic logs, can help reduce this uncertainty to some extent (Ellis & Singer 2008).
Sonic logs can also be used to calculate porosity, with some caveats (Table 4.3). Organic
mudstones can influence sonic porosity, depending on the density and volume of the clay
minerals in the reservoir, as well as their level of compaction (Wyllie et al. 1956). Lower
density and lower compaction rates increase sonic transit times, and result in higher sonic
porosities (Glover 2000). This effect could be difficult to parse in an unconventional
reservoir like the Second White Specks, which is compacted, but also rich in low-density
organic material. Zee Ma et al. (2016) noted that acoustic logs are notoriously difficult to
calibrate to reservoir properties compared to neutron and density logs. This suggests that
sonic porosity should be used with caution in organic-rich reservoirs. Finally, neither
Wyllie et al. (1956) or Raymer et al. (1980)’s method for calculating sonic porosity
should be used without numerous core data points for calibration of matrix sonic transit
time – this is not an option when core data is limited (Glover 2000).
The effect of clay minerals on neutron log porosity is well understood – emitted neutrons
are slowed by contact with hydroxyls found in the clay structure, causing an increase in
neutron porosity (see section Mud filtrate invasion and hydrocarbons have
similar effects (Glover 2000). Organic matter and thermal maturity impact apparent
neutron porosity, but their influence is less pronounced on neutron porosity measurements
compared to sonic porosity readings (Zee Ma et al. 2016). In organic-poor and clay-rich
units, neutron porosity is typically greater than density in the range of 3 to 10%; however,
organic-rich mudstones can have elevated neutron porosity in addition to elevated density
porosity (Krygowski 2004). Without a priori knowledge of TOC and clay content, this
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Porosity equations
Calculated by tool
Total porosity Neutrons are slowed by collisions with
Tool measures size of neutron cloud by hydroxyls (found in clays, pore fluid,
Neutron characterizing falloff of neutrons between drilling fluid)
two detectors
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Total porosity
`B IaS
Density, Ab^ − A ∗ dAb^ ∗ AIaS − eIaS + 1f
kerogen- =
Ab^ −AgK Corrects for kerogen contribution to
density log, resulting in a lower
where A<=> = 0.342 ∗ 4C + 0.972 porosity estimate
Sondergeld et
al. (2010) BCD∗EFGH
and ;<=> = E∗I
where K <1
porosity Corrects total porosity for porosity
`a = ` B − ;JK (`JK ) contribution from clay
Table 5.3: Table of total and effective porosity equations, with remarks related to their usefulness for
unconventional reservoirs.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
effect can be difficult to isolate without extensive local calibration in nearby organic-poor
intervals. Neutron porosities, therefore, were not used in this study.
Some lithological effects on total porosity can be corrected for, like the presence of
kerogen. Kerogen can have a significant impact on total porosity measurements that
utilize the bulk density log – resulting in `è values that are unrealistically high (Crain &
Holgate 2014). Sondergeld et al. (2010) demonstrated that the kerogen contribution to
total porosity could be suppressed by isolating the contribution of kerogen to the bulk
density measurement. They did this by combining Equations 20 and 21 with Equation 23:
e [24]
Ab^ − A ∗ dAb^ ∗ A IaS − eIaS + 1f
` B IaS =
Ab^ −AgK
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
r2 = 0.178
Fig. 5.7: A multi-well crossplot with 1946 bulk density and neutron porosity data points from 5 wells
(102/14-31-41-06W5, purple; 100/15-36-40-6W5, pink; 100/16-28-37-05W5, brown; 100/14-18-37-
7W5, yellow; and 100/10-16-042-06W5, light green) throughout the Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche intervals. The y-intercept of the regression is an estimate of the matrix density (100% rock
volume) of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
The fluid density variable, AgK , was set to a constant value of 1.05 g/cm3 to approximate
mud filtrate invasion into the formation. Fluid densities in the range of 1.02 to 1.125
g/cm3 were reported in the log headers of wells in the project area, and 1.05 g/cm3
approximated an average fluid density value. The total porosity was corrected for low-
density kerogen using Equation 24 (Fig. 5.8). Furmann et al. (2014) provided the only
available helium porosimetry data for the Second White Specks in the 100/07-19-45-
06W5 well – this data was compared with the kerogen-corrected porosity model to test
the model’s validity. The kerogen-corrected total porosity was a good approximation for
the core data (Fig. 5.7), providing the necessary confidence to use `B IaS going forward.
where `JK is the porosity associated with the immovable water bound to the clay volume
fraction, ;JK . To calculate `JK for a specific clay mineralogy, `JK can be calculated by
using the dry (Ai>jJK^j ) and wet (Ak=lJK^j ) clay densities (Doveton 2014):
Ai>jJK^j − Ac [26]
`a = ` B − ;JK h m
Ak=lJK^j − AgK
Clay densities vary depending on clay mineral type (esp. smectite) due to differences in
surface area and clay-bound water content (Chitale 2010). Dry and wet clay densities can
be determined in the laboratory on core samples by using XRD, or by using SGR log data
(Schlumberger 2009).
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.8: Histograms of uncorrected (above) and kerogen-corrected (below) modelled total density
porosities from a selection of wells in the study area within the Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche intervals, presented logarithmically.
Prior to the correction, the porosity was lognormally distributed. After the kerogen correction is
applied, fewer porosities exceed 8%, so it appears that anomalously high total porosities have been
largely suppressed.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
clay minerals (Deer et al. 1966). Without detailed clay mineralogical data, (e.g., XRD),
the only way to estimate clay mineralogy was with the Th/K curve from SGR logging
inthe target interval. This data was only available in the 100/02-14-38-06W5 well.
Plotting this data on Schlumberger Chart Lith-2 (Fig. 5.9) shows that the Th/K data from
the 100/02-14-38-06W5 well clusters largely within the mixed-layer clay field, which is
defined by 12 < Th/K < 3.5 (Schlumberger 2009). Figure 5.9 indicates that the clay
mineralogy of the lower Colorado Group in well 100/02-14-38-06W5 approaches a
mixed-layer (illite and smectite) composition, which corresponds to a Ak=lJK^j of 1.7
g/cm3 and a Ai>jJK^j of 2.7 g/cm3 (Chitale 2010). The calculated effective porosity is
consistently less than the kerogen-corrected total porosity. Unlike the total porosity,
which can be verified against routine core porosimetry analyses, verification of effective
porosity requires special core analytical methods such as mercury injection tests (Burdine
1953). This type of core analysis was not available for this study.
;ipK =
kñUT [27]
where eipK = n
!$" [28]
where TIC is the total inorganic carbon (wt %), ;ipK is the carbonate volume fraction
(v/v), eipK is the weight percent dolomite, and AipK is the density of dolomite (2.87
g/cm3). Using Equation 28, the modelled carbonate volumes from TIC published
carbonate data from Furmann et al. (2014), but only when the mineral assemblage was
simplified to only include one carbonate mineral – dolomite. Although other carbonate
minerals are contained within the lower Colorado Group, dolomite is the most
volumetrically significant (5 to 30%) in the study area (Canadian Discovery 2014).
The Jiang et al. (2017) method cannot be applied to TOC data. Only TOC had been
modelled for non-cored wells, so there was no way to calculate TIC for those wells. In
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.9: This is a thorium vs. potassium % chart with data plotted in green from well 100/02-14-38-06W5. This data plots largely in the mixed-layer clay
field, providing a basis for using a mixed-layer clay density for effective porosity.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
order to calculate carbonate volume for non-cored wells, a relationship between carbonate
volume and kerogen volume was established in wells with core (Fig. 5.10), which was
calibrated to specific allomembers:
The remaining mineral volume (!"#$ ) was solved by rearranging Equation 16 to subtract
the previously acquired volumes from unity:
5.6.3 Brittleness
Most unconventional reservoirs require flow capacity created by natural fracturing of
brittle rocks to produce oil at commercial rates (Gale et al. 2007). Rocks exhibit brittle
behaviour when they break without deformation under sufficient stress (Cho & Perez
2014). Knowing how brittleness varies with reservoir properties is key to identifying
sweet spots where natural fractures are more likely to be present, and if hydraulic
fracturing will effectively connect the borehole to the microporosity of the formation
(Jarvie et al. 2007). Brittleness, however, is difficult to quantify (Fox et al. 2013; Cui et
al. 2017) – it is a complex function of rock strength, lithology, texture, effective stress,
pressure, temperature, fluid type, diagenesis, and TOC (Wang & Gale 2009; Rybacki et
al. 2016). Determining an appropriate value for brittleness is a challenging task, because
no universally accepted, standardized definition or measurement method for brittleness
currently exists (Yang et al. 2013).
Since the first brittleness index was developed by Jarvie et al. (2007), a multitude of
brittleness indices have emerged – each with different definitions and different results,
even on identical samples (Yang et al. 2013). Three main varieties exist:
1) Static mechanical indices, based on direct measurements of rock strength on core (i.e.,
compressive, tensile, and residual strength; and fracture toughness) and strain
relations (Heidari et al. 2013; Yang et al. 2013; Hu et al. 2015);
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.10: The above graph displays a linear regression of carbonate volume computed from Jiang et al.
(2017) in addition to carbonate XRD data from Furmann et al. 2014, versus modelled kerogen for wells
100/02-14-038-05W5, 100/07-19-045-06W5/00, 102/08-15-036-05W5/00, and 102/08-36-041-07W5/00. .
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
2) Elastic moduli (Young’s Modulus and Poisson’s ratio), which are calculated from
downhole measurements (P- and S-wave sonic logs) or seismic (Rickman et al. 2008;
Jin et al. 2014a; Jin et al. 2015) and;
3) Lithological indices, based on weight or volume ratios of brittle minerals (Jarvie et al.
2007; Wang & Gale 2009; Katz et al. 2016; Mathia et al. 2016; Rybacki et al. 2016) –
these indices are summarized and compared in Table 5.4.
Mineralogical brittleness indices are popular due to their relative simplicity and
associated with lithology, which can be determined from core, cuttings, or logs (Cui et al.
2017). Lithological brittleness indices do not incorporate texture or rock fabric, which can
impact brittle rock behaviour (Katz et al. 2016). These types of indices are, in effect,
more of a brittle rock-type indicator than a direct measure of mechanical brittleness. All
mineralogical-based definitions result in a higher brittleness index assigned to quartz-rich
rocks than clay-rich lithologies (Herwanger & Mildren 2015), thereby highlighting zones
that are more easily hydraulically fractured (Mathia et al. 2016). Carbonate minerals,
especially dolomite, can further increased brittle rock behaviour, although the relative
contribution of carbonate minerals to brittleness is less than that of quartzose lithologies
(Mathia et al. 2016). Brittleness indices that include dolomite as a ductile component
rather than a brittle component (e.g., Jarvie et al. 2007), therefore, will underestimate the
brittleness of dolomitic reservoirs.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Uses wt %
Table 5.4: Table of mineralogical brittleness indices in chronological order, with their associated
innovations and limitations. Compiled from Jarvie et al. (2007), Wang and Gale (2009), Jin et al. (2014a);
Jin et al. (2014b), Katz et al. (2016); Mathia et al. (2016) and Rybacki et al. (2016).
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Most of the brittleness indices shown in Table 5.4 do not account for differences in the
relative contributions of different minerals (i.e., carbonate) to brittle rock behaviour (Gale
et al. 2014; Hu et al. 2015). This suggests that weighting factors, such as those used by
Rybacki et al. (2016), should be included to compensate for the relative differences in
mechanical strength between different minerals. Defining these weighting factors would
require extensive calibration to rock mechanical measurements from core in the study
area – this type of data was not available, so a weighted brittleness index was not used.
Although Mathia et al. (2016) did not observe a difference between brittleness values that
were calculated using volume versus weight percent, Rybacki et al. (2016) noted that in
organic-rich shales, the difference in mineral fractions in volume versus weight percent
may reach up to 8% in the case of organic matter (low density) and pyrite (high density).
Moreover, the volume fractions and relative distributions of minerals with different
brittleness likely exert control on the ability of the rock matrix to develop and maintain
open fractures (Rybacki et al. 2016). This suggests that brittleness indices that rely on
weight percentages (e.g., Jarvie et al. 2007; Wang & Gale 2009; Jin et al. 2014a,b) should
not be used in reservoirs that contain large proportions of low density or high density
minerals (i.e., organic-rich mudstones).
If the volume and distribution of minerals with different brittleness throughout a reservoir
impacts fracture propagation and preservation, the role of porosity in brittle behaviour
must also be considered. The role of porosity in brittle behaviour (poroelasticity) is
controversial: Heidari et al. (2013) and Mathia et al. (2016) did not observe any evidence
for a correlation between brittleness indices and porosity. Jin et al. (2014a,b), however,
observed a negative relationship between neutron porosity (W\ ) and brittleness (>-).
They proposed a global correlation of:
where BI is the brittleness index in volume %. This relationship suggests that lower
porosity rocks have higher brittleness. Similarly, Cho and Perez (2014) showed that
highly porous rocks are geomechanically weak, as they easily fail and fracture. A
mineralogy-based brittleness index that incorporates porosity is in the early stages of
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
development (Rybacki et al. 2016), but its practicality and applicability need to be better
established due to its reliance on weighting factors. Uncertainty clouds the role of
porosity in brittle behaviour. Porosity, therefore, was not included in the brittleness
calculation used in this study. Despite their problems, mineralogical brittleness indices
can provide necessary insight into fracability when data is limited, provided that
volumetric mineralogy can be estimated and adequately calibrated to core.
Raw, irregularly spaced data must be spatially interpolated into a regularly spaced grid
prior to geological mapping (Dubrule 1983). Gridding algorithms estimate values at grid
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Fig. 5.11: A screenshot from Surfer of the grid geometry parameters used for mapping in
this study. Using identical grid geometries for each contour map ensured they could be
accurately overlain and compared to each other.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
nodes based on weighting functions that vary according to the interpolation method. Once
grid node values (z-coordinates) are assigned to regularly spaced x and y coordinates, the
mapping software treats the grid file (x, y, z) as a continuous surface. These surfaces can
be used for mathematical operations and contour mapping (Jones et al. 1986). Common
spatial interpolation methods include kriging, nearest neighbour, natural neighbour, and
spline methods (Davis 2002). This study utilized a kriging algorithm.
First introduced by Krige (1951), kriging is a gridding method that is widely utilized for
computer mapping in the earth sciences and other fields. The characteristics of semi-
variograms, a measure of the variance between observations as a function of the distance
between them, are utilized by kriging algorithms to estimate values for the regularly
spaced grid nodes based on the weighting of irregularly spaced well data (Jones et al.
1986). Kriging methods explicitly account for the degree of spatial dependence between
data points, known as spatial autocorrelation (Clark 1979). A spatially autocorrelated data
point is assumed to be closely related to values at nearby points, and less closely related
to points that are further away (Davis 2002).
Nearest neighbour interpolation methods assign grid node values by using the closest data
point, or “nearest neighbour”, to interpolate data. This procedure extends the area of
influence of each value halfway to the closest adjacent data point, thus defining polygons
with a value at the center (Jones et al. 1986). This method is most effective for regularly-
spaced dataset, as each polygon is equally weighted. Otherwise, local variations may be
over- or under-represented (Davis 2002). Well data is not equally spaced in this study, so
the nearest neighbour method was not recommended.
Spline functions interpolate between data points by connecting them with a smooth,
continuous line that minimizes overall surface curvature (Davis 2002). This is a
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
nongridding interpolation method that can predict values that are less or greater than the
values of existing control points, due to the flexure of the spline function applied
(Burrough 1986). Despite honouring all control points, spline interpolation methods have
issues delineating local variation (Burrough 1986). Additionally, when used for surface-
to-surface operations, spline functions can produce artefacts that may not be based in
reality, such as negative values for thickness or porosity (Davis 2002).
Although kriging has been historically criticized due to its supposed subjectivity and
perceived inability to provide accurate predictions compared to other interpolation
methods (Philip & Watson 1986), it is now broadly accepted and is an option in most
geostatistical mapping programs. Error variances of kriging estimates are the minimum
possible of any existing linear interpolation method, and the error can be approximated at
the location of each kriging estimate (Nagy et al. 1999; Davis 2002). This provides a
concrete expression of the uncertainty associated with a contoured surface. Finally,
kriging can be used to estimate grid node values in a way that simulates manual or hand
contouring, because both methods account for spatial autocorrelation (Dahlberg 1975;
Dutton-Marion 1988). Using a kriging algorithm afforded increased confidence in the
reliability of the contoured data.
where the isochore thickness is the difference in the subsea elevations of the top and base
of a stratigraphic unit. Isochore maps were used in this study to identify areas of increased
or decreased stratigraphic thickness, thereby establishing the geometry of specific
allomembers Isochore maps were also used to create porosity-thickness maps by
multiplying the thickness values by the weighted average of effective porosity.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Isochore maps are often used in lieu of isopach (equal true thickness) maps because, for
vertical wells, the isochore is equivalent to the drilled distance along the well trajectory
from the top to the bottom of the stratigraphic interval of interest. If a vertical well
intersects a dipping (sub-horizontal) unit, the measured apparent thickness of a geological
unit will increase – using isochore thickness rather than isopach thickness allows for
thickness map generation without needing to correct for apparent bed thickness. Equation
35 shows the conversion from isochore thickness to isopach thickness:
For units with shallow dip (<15o) – as is the case in the study area – isochore thickness
approximates isopach thickness because cos f is greater than 0.97 (Hesthammer 1998;
Lisle 2004). Once property maps were generated, anomalous values (“busts” or
“bullseyes”) were isolated and either verified or excluded on the basis of geophysical data
Storage capacity can be estimated by calculating reservoir or porosity thickness using the
following relationship (Tiab & Donaldson 2012):
W ∗ ℎ = WN ∗ -_'Tℎ'+) [36]
where WN is the thickness weighted average of effective porosity over an interval and h is
the isochore thickness.
Faults were not mapped in this study due to a lack of spatial resolution; areas that are
faulted are not recognized by the kriging algorithm as discrete bounding surfaces (Davis
The goal of this thesis was to investigate the possible connection between well
performance from Second White Specks-targeted wells and variations in mappable
petrophysical properties via sweet spot identification. Sweet spots are arbitrarily defined
regions of a mudstone reservoir that have higher reservoir quality and production
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
Co-location pattern mining is an algorithm that can identify regions of different physical
properties that are closely located or overlapping (i.e., co-located), with the goal of
modelling the spatial correlation between the two features (Sengstock et al. 2012). This
process has clear parallels to sweet spot identification, which seeks to identify areas
where favorable reservoir properties overlap with increased hydrocarbon production.
Analyses of co-location are frequently done with categorical datasets in the fields of
natural science and geography – but in this study the modelled data is in the form of
continuous random variables, so features are not discrete (Eick et al. 2008). Isolating
“interesting” regions of petrophysical parameters requires meaningful boundary
conditions on the continuously modelled data, like cutoffs related to enhanced reservoir
quality (e.g., total porosity < 8%). Once these cutoffs are applied, isolated regions of
interest (instances of co-location) can be recognized via overlapping polygons (Eick et al.
2008). Cartographic representations like this are an effective and easily communicable
data visualization method for co-location pattern identification (Desmier et al. 2011).
In this study, co-location pattern mining was simulated by using cutoffs to identify
overlapping sweet spots – regions with enhanced reservoir quality (porosity-thickness and
brittleness) that were spatially associated with improved well performance. The resulting
polygons are effectively Boolean AND operators for well data within them. For a well to
reside within a sweet spot, it must meet at least three conditions: it must have enhanced
porosity-thickness, brittleness, and hydrocarbon production.
• Sparse core data and a limited geophysical wireline log dataset present the main
procedural challenges to petrophysical modelling in this thesis.
Solving the Second White Specks 5. Petrophysical method
• Mineral volumes were modelled using a deterministic method wherein each volume
was independently calculated and input into a five-component petrophysical model.
A lithology-based brittleness index was used to estimate variations in brittle rock
• Sweet spot delineation was achieved by overlaying areas with enhanced porosity-
thickness and brittleness with oil production results.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Chapter 6
6 Allostratigraphic correlation of the Lower Second White
Specks and Upper Belle Fourche alloformations in the
Willesden Green – Gilby region, Alberta, Canada
This chapter presents the results of core logging and high-resolution allostratigraphic
correlation of the Lower Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations in the
Willesden Green area of west-central Alberta. A shallow muddy ramp is introduced as a
depositional model for the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations.
Allostratigraphic framework
The study area overlaps with Tyagi et al. (2007)’s high-resolution allostratigraphic study
of the Blackstone Formation. Tyagi et al. (2007) mapped nine regionally correlative
flooding surfaces that bound eight allomembers in the Sunkay and Vimy Members of the
Blackstone Formation over an area of 200 000 km2. Of those allomembers, three fell
within the stratigraphic interval of interest for this study (Fig. 6.1). The surfaces used to
constrain those allomembers are the X-flooding surface, the K-1 unconformity, the “red”
bentonite, and an unnamed flooding surface above the red bentonite. These surfaces
exhibited negligible topographic relief over Tyagi et al. (2007)’s study area, suggesting
that unit was deposited on a sea floor with extremely low gradient. This is inferred from
the lack of shelf-slope physiography and little to no clinoform development, which is
typical of a shallow, epicontinental ramp setting (Asquith 1970; Varban & Plint 2005;
Midtkandal et al. 2007; Varban & Plint 2008a).
The X-flooding surface, K1 disconformity, and the “red” bentonite were traced by Tyagi
et al. (2007) from Townships 23 to 58, originating northeast of Grande Cache in British
Columbia and extending through the Alberta Foothills, and terminating in western
Saskatchewan. The X and K1 surfaces, defined by Plint (2000), were traced into the
Foothills of British Columbia and the Peace River area by Kreitner (2002). The X-
flooding surface is an important regional transgressive surface that is linked to major
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Fig. 6.1: Correlation of the allostratigraphic framework used in this thesis (left) to the framework used by Tyagi et al. (2007), using the K1 disconformity as a
datum. Dashed lines indicate the extension of the framework used in this thesis into Tyagi et al. (2007), and vice versa.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
lowstand units of the Kaskapau Formation that were mapped by Plint and Kreitner
(2005). The K1 surface is a major beveling unconformity in northwest Alberta, but
becomes a transgressive disconformity within central Alberta (Plint 2000; Kreitner &
Plint 2006) – it coincides with the top of the Pouce Coupe sandstone in northeastern
Alberta (Varban & Plint 2005).
The “red” bentonite, which approximates the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary, has been
traced by Tyagi et al. (2007) and others throughout 235 000 km2 in Alberta and British
Columbia (Stott 1963; Varban 2004; Varban & Plint 2005; Varban & Plint 2008a; Tyagi
2009; Plint et al. 2012a). Allomembers of Unit II (lower Kaskapau alloformation) from
Varban and Plint (2005) progressively downlap onto the top of the “red” bentonite
towards west-central Alberta. Extending the correlations of Varban and Plint (2005),
Tyagi (2009) interpreted the “red” bentonite surface as a basin-wide hiatal surface that
occurred during the onset of the Early Turonian – he estimated that the hiatal surface
represents approximately 500 Kyr of missing time. These observations were corroborated
by Plint et al. (2012a): they observed the expression of this hiatal surface as a minor
unconformity that was correlated from Mount Robert in northeastern British Columbia
into northwestern Alberta (well 15-34-77-1W6).
The 100/07-19-045-06W5 core and the type well extracted from by Tyagi et al. (2007)
were used to extend the allostratigraphic framework developed by Tyagi et al. (2007) into
the lower Colorado allogroup in the Willesden Green and Gilby areas by correlating the
major bounding surfaces (the X-flooding surface, the K1 disconformity, and the “red”
bentonite) through a coarse grid (1 well per township) of wells. These correlations were
used to determine the vertical stratigraphic placement of Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche Formation cores in the study area.
Tyagi (2009) subdivided the lower Colorado Group was subdivided into three
alloformations above the Fish Scales Formation: the Lower and Upper Belle Fourche
alloformations, and the Second White Specks alloformation. The Upper Belle Fourche
alloformation was further subdivided by this author into three allomembers (BF1, BF2,
and BF3). Similarly, the Second White Specks alloformation was subdivided by this
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
author into two allomembers (allomembers VII and VIII). Of these units only
allomembers VII, BF2, and BF3 were completely present in cores that were logged within
the study area. Emphasis was placed on these allomembers due to their spatial association
with the typical “Second White Specks” reservoir interval.
Many authors have described facies of the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks
Formation and their equivalents (Stott 1963, 1984; Leckie et al. 1994; Plint 2000;
Kreitner 2002; Fraser 2005; Varban & Plint 2005; Tyagi et al. 2007; Varban & Plint
2008a; Tyagi 2009; Yang & Miall 2009, 2010; Plint et al. 2012b; Jiang 2013; Jiang &
Cheadle 2013). Although high-resolution allostratigraphy of the entire lower Colorado
allogroup was out of scope for this project, defining facies and determining their
distribution across the study area was an essential step in establishing reservoir geometry.
Five facies were identified in core (Table 5.2), and were differentiated on the basis of
composition, clay content, grain size, sedimentary structures, and bioturbation (Figs. 5.2
and 5.4).
The facies of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations in this thesis
(Table 5.1) were derived from observations made from six cored wells: 102/08-15-036-
05W5, 100/02-14-038-05W5, 100/04-27-39-06W5, 102/08-36-041-07W5, 100/16-28-
041-04W5, and 100/07-19-045-06W5. The first five of these cores were logged and
sampled in detail at the Alberta Energy Regulator (AER) Core Research Centre in
Calgary, Alberta (Fig 5.2). This process included describing the visible lithology, grain
Core cross-section through the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations in Willesden Green, Alberta
Study area index map
Fig. 6.2: An approximately south-to-north oriented cross section displaying the five Second White 100/07-19-045-06W5
Specks and Belle Fourche cores logged by this author. Core photos are included for reference to facies. LLD
102/08-36-041-07W5 GR
102/08-36-041-07W5 2125
2126 100/07-19-045-06W5
100/04-27-039-06W5 1806
100/04-27-39-06W5 1803
1 2131
GR H 1805
DT 2130
Allomember VII
A 2132
2 2133
100/02-14-038-05W5 2132
Allomember VII
2052 2134
2133 1812
3 2053
GR LLD 2135
2134 40% silt & vfU sand, wavy to lenticular bedded; 1813 Fining upwards cm-scale units with mm-scale laminae,
DT bases show ss. def and have small ripups (<1cm)
~20% silt and 80% mudstone
2136 Fish scale lag
Allomember VII
2055 2137 Shell fragment lag
2136 Pyritized sand lens
GR 2056 2138
Wavy to undulating laminae,
Shell fragment lag 1812
20% silt and 80% mudstone Lithic clast lag, 1 cm tall and 5-6 cm wide clasts
DT 2137
1816 Shell fragment lag
>30% silt, wavy to undulating laminated, interbedded w/ silt
2057 25% vfU sand and silt, 10% flat lithic clasts, 65% mudstone
2139 moderate ss def.
LLD 2138 coal hz.
Allomember VII
1817 x x x x x
Allomember VII
2059 2141
Dominated by shell fragments and cc. sand, 2140
2061 2143 20% silt, 80% mudstone
planar laminated 2142
H 1821
Belle Fourche 3
cm-scale fining upwards lamina sets with scoured bases,
Belle Fourche 3
Allomember VII
rare sand beds are pyritized and oil stained 2144 Bentonite (Bighorn River “red’ bentonite)
x x x x x
2202 2143
2063 x x x x x
2203 2144
<5% silt, 95% mudstone 1823
planar laminate with rare shell fragments 1820
Pyrite and shell fragment lag
Belle Fourche 3
2204 2145
20-40% silt, brownish grey mudstone f 1821
po I
2065 2147 To lo VI
2205 x 2146 Al
x x
Bentonite (Bighorn River “red’ bentonite) 1825
Belle Fourche 3
Belle Fourche 3
x 1822
x x
2066 2148 ticl
Structureless 100% mudstone c las
2147 1826
Fish bone lag 3 cm scoured sand lens Shell fragment lag 1823
Belle Fourche 3
2067 2149
2207 2148
Very dark grey, <5% silt, 95% mudstone 1824
2068 planar laminate with rare shell fragments 2150
2069 2151
2209 2150
1829 <5% silt, 95% mudstone
planar laminate with rare shell fragments 1826
Fish bone lag 2070
2153 1832
Alternating fining-upwards and coarsening upwards sequences,
5 cm thickness with scoured bases 2073 2155
tops are moderately bioturbated 2154 1833
Trough-crossbedded sand horizon with subvertical
C 2156
2214 mud-filled burrows at the top 2155 1834
Belle Fourche 2
2075 2157
Belle Fourche 2
2156 1835
Belle Fourche 2
Rip up clasts (<4 mm)
2157 `836
Belle Fourche 2
Belle Fourche 2
Belle Fourche 2
Fish bone lag 2077 2159 disturbed bedding
2158 1837
Fish bone lag 2078 ss-def
2159 1838
Fining upwards cm-scale units with mm-scale laminae
scoured base 2079 2161
disturbed bedding 2160 1839
starved rippes
vFU sand 1836
Rare coccoliths 2080 2162
2220 2161 1840
concretion scoured b 1837
2081 2163 ss-def
2221 Mottled to indistinctly laminated 2162 1841
2163 1842
coal hz, fragmented and discontinuous
2140.14 m - erosional scour with vfU infill 2139.6 m - sub-vertical burrows
2212.13 m - alternating FU and CU beds, 2085
2160.8 m - oil-stained carbonate sand with 2141.8 m - laminae appear to have been partially
majority are fining upward, bases are scoured soft-sediment deformation lithified prior to deformation, some bioturbation 2139.75 m - large, rounded concretion (siderite?)
Fig. 6.3: An approximately south-to-north oriented cross section displaying the available LAS data for cores in the study area.
Well: 102081503605W500 Well: 100021403805W500 Well: 100042703906W500 Well: 102083604107W500 Well: 100060704202W500 Well: 100071904506W500
UWI: 102081503605W500 UWI: 100021403805W500 UWI: 100042703906W500 UWI: 102083604107W500 UWI: 100060704202W500 UWI: 100071904506W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: GREEN Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Mineral components = 1 Cumulated variables Mineral components = 1 Mineral components = 1 Mineral components = 1
Q+F Norm
Q+F Norm
Q+F Norm
Clay Norm
Clay Norm
Clay Norm
TOC Norm
TOC Norm
TOC Norm
Q+F Norm
TOC Norm
Clay Norm
CALI Vshale TOC PHIT_E_KER CALI Vshale TOC PHIT_CORR Gamma ray core CALI Vshale toc_i PHIT_E_KER CALI Vshale PHIT_CORR CALI Vshale toc_i PHIT_CORR
Q+F Norm
C Norm
C Norm
C Norm
TOC Norm
BI = 0.855 BI = 0.855 BI = 0.855 BI = 0.855 BI = 0.855
C Norm
150 MM 550 0 (VSH_GR) 1 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 150 MM 550 0 (VSH_GR) 1 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 75 (GR) 155 150 MM 550 0 (VSH_GR) 1 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 150 MM 550 0 (VSH_GR) 1 0.15 v/v 0 150 MM 550 0 (VSH_GR) 1 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0
C Norm
Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference Reference
1:200 0 GAPI 200 0 v/v 1 550 US/M 400 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 0 v/v 1 1:200 0 gAPI 250 0 v/v 1 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 V/V 0 0 v/v 1 1:200 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 V/V 0 1:200 0 GAPI 250 0 v/v 1 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 0 v/v 1 1:200 0 GAPI 250 0 v/v 1 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 0 0 v/v 1 1:200 0 gAPI 250 0 v/v 1 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 0 v/v 1
2125 1650
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
2150 1675
2175 1700
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Relative advection
Facies Description environment
(Facies association)
Bentonite ashfall
1 Bentonite beds Dispersed by wind and -
water currents
Distal offshore
Very dark grey, planar- shallow ramp
laminated mudstone Influenced by
2 interbedded with combined flows, ~70 m
siltstone water depth
Anoxic bottom water
Offshore shallow
Weakly bioturbated, ramp
medium-grey laminated
Influenced by
3 mudstone, interbedded
combined flows, 40 to
Intermediate to low
siltstone, and very fine- 70 m water depth
grained sandstone
Dysoxic bottom water
Offshore shallow
Wavy to planar-
laminated calcareous influenced by
4 mudstone, siltstone, and
combined flows, 40 to Intermediate
<70 m water depth
fine-grained sandstone
Variably dysoxic
bottom water
Marginal offshore
to mid-shelf shallow
Wavy to undulating ramp
laminated calcareous
influenced by
5 siltstone and fine-
combined flows, <40 m
grained sandstone with
water depth
frequent lag deposits
Variably oxic to
dysoxic bottom water
Table 6.1: The facies codes used in this thesis, along with their descriptions and associated depositional
environments. Facies colours reflect the colours used in later cross-sections to indicate those facies. Vertical
shifts in facies indicate lateral shift in depositional environment, which are interpreted to be driven by
changes in relative advection energy.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
size, composition, sedimentary and structural features, as well as the trace fossil
assemblages. The graphic logs from the logged cores are illustrated in Fig. 6.2. The
geophysical well logs associated with these cores (Fig. 6.3) were used to help identify
major compositional changes in the core and tie those changes to their respective log
signatures. This evidence will be discussed in section 6.5, after the facies have been
Elder (1988) determined that his B bentonite, which correlates with the Bighorn River
“red” bentonite of Tyagi et al. (2007), was derived from the western Cordilleran orogenic
belt near the border between the United States and Canada. The time interval around the
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary coincided with a major period of pluton emplacement in
the western Cordillera (Chen & Moore 1982). Elder (1988) interpreted his B bentonite as
the reflection of an ashfall event that was primarily dispersed by wind in an overall north-
to northwest wind direction, based on its geometry (uniform thickness) and a lack of
evidence for physical reworking of the bentonite.
Facies 1 is interpreted as the record of volcanic ashfall from an eruption in the western
Cordillera that dispersed smectite-rich clays across a shallow marine ramp in west-central
Alberta. Although the bentonite did not appear to be physically reworked or bioturbated,
it does vary in thickness between the cores from the study area – suggesting that currents
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
may have contributed to bentonite redistribution and therefore were within storm wave
base for silt (<70 m water depth). Ash dispersion was likely facilitated by a combination
of wind- and current-related processes. Because the “red” bentonite is concomitant with
OAE-II, the bentonite facies was likely deposited during a marine transgression when
biotic activity was relatively low.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Authigenic minerals are derived from pore water solutes, so their compositions (e.g,
siderite and pyrite) should reflect the pore water chemistry where they precipitate (Curtis
& Coleman 1986). Pyrite, a common sulfide mineral in lower Colorado Group mudstones
(Bloch et al. 1999), is an early diagenetic mineral that forms depending on the amount of
available organic matter, dissolved sulfate, and reactive iron minerals (Berner 1984).
Diagenetic pyrite is most commonly formed and preserved in anoxic environments
(Berner 1984), although pore waters were likely only anoxic at a depth of a few
millimeters below the sediment/water interface (Hudson & Martill 1991). Siderite is an
iron carbonate mineral that occurs in lower Colorado Group mudstones as concretions
(Bloch et al. 1999). Siderite concretions document the activity of anaerobic, methane-
producing bacteria at the sediment/water interface (Curtis et al. 1972). Similar to pyrite,
the precipitation of siderite concretions requires the development of strongly reducing, or
dysaerobic, bottom water conditions (Fritz et al. 1971). Other early diagenetic features,
such as early cementation, have been interpreted as the record of significant hiatuses in
sediment accumulation related to sediment bypass and winnowing of the seafloor
(Macquaker et al. 2007).
Facies 2 is interpreted as the distal expression of mud and silt deposited by combined
flows along a distal shallow ramp setting. Deposition occurred in an anoxic marine
environment that was below storm wave base for sand, and variably within storm wave
base for silt and mud (70 to 100 m water depth). This is evidenced by the lack of sandy
beds and bioturbation. The presence of pyrite and siderite, which are early diagenetic
minerals, suggests that the bottom water conditions were at least dysoxic if not anoxic.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
The presence of very fine sandy lenses and interbeds with subtle cross-stratification
suggest that deposition of facies 3 occurred between the storm wave base for sand and silt
(40 to 70 m water depth). Sandy interbeds indicate sand emplacement during storms,
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
whereas silty and muddy laminae record the waning phase of storms and periods of time
when slightly lower-energy advective flows dominated. Sub-horizontal burrows at the
tops of some beds suggest sedimentation was punctuated by periods of erosion, during
which the sediment/water interface became dysaerobic and benthic colonization could
take place. Overall, facies 3 is interpreted as a slightly shallower water facies than facies
2 and was deposited within an offshore shallow ramp setting.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Relative to the preceding facies, facies 5 comprises the highest percentage of coarse-
grained sediment and is the most frequently bioturbated. This suggests that deposition of
facies 5 occurred in shallower water than the preceding facies and approached storm
wave base for sand (~40 m water depth), where the bottom water was variably
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
oxygenated. Numerous lag horizons suggest repeated periods of sediment winnowing and
erosion by storms and combined flows. Convolute bedding and soft-sediment
deformation structures could indicate partial liquidization of unconsolidated muddy
substrate during advective flow. Facies 5 is interpreted as a shallower water facies than
facies 2 through 4 and was deposited in a marginal offshore to mid-shelf shallow ramp
The relationship between grain size and variations in sediment transport energy is the
cornerstone of fluvial, deltaic, and turbidite facies models. Gravity drives sediment
dispersal in these systems, primarily via selective deposition and preservation. This
results in an overall “down-system fining” trend, where particles tend to become finer
with distance along a particular sediment transport path (Aigner & Reineck 1982). The
energy needed to maintain grain motion decreases with particle size and specific gravity –
as a result, fine-grained particles can be transported farther by low-energy advective
conveyance mechanisms like combined flows or WESGF’s (Dumas et al. 2005;
Dalrymple 2010b; Plint et al. 2012a; Allen & Allen 2013; Plint 2014).
Using Walther’s Law, the facies association observed in core is interpreted in the context
of a depositional environment (shallow muddy ramp; Table 6.1 and Fig. 6.4). This
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
established a relationship between laterally and vertically adjacent facies, which helped to
constrain the allostratigraphic framework.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Fig. 6.4: Cartoons summarizing the paleogeography and paleobathymetry of the Kaskapau delta and its
basinal equivalent Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations – vertical scale is extremely
exaggerated. This approximates a shallow marine muddy ramp setting with a very low gradient. The
approximate location of facies 2 through 5 are shown as circled numbers.
Adapted from Varban and Plint (2008a), Plint et al. (2012a), and Plint (2014).
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
margins (Schieber 2016). This presents an intriguing problem: how could mud have been
mobilized over long distances offshore across a shallow, low-gradient ramp?
Classic models of mud deposition in low-gradient offshore settings dictate that organic-
rich mud is deposited in relatively deep water (> 100 m water depth), where continuous
pelagic rainout of sediment dominates in a relatively low-energy setting (McCave 1984;
Alldredge & Silver 1988; Potter et al. 2005). Newer studies have dispelled this notion:
low-energy depositional conditions for fine-grained sediments are the exception, rather
than the rule (Schieber et al. 2007; Bhattacharya & MacEachern 2009; Schieber 2010;
Aplin & Macquaker 2011; Laycock 2014; Plint 2014). It is now generally accepted that
mudstones can be deposited in a variety of depositional settings via relatively high-energy
processes, as well as at different water depths.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
lithified muddy substrate by storms was a widespread phenomenon during the Late
Evidence for advective mud transport in the Late Cretaceous WIS in relatively shallow
water (<100 m water depth) is well documented (Varban & Plint 2005; Varban & Plint
2008a, b; Bhattacharya & MacEachern 2009; Plint et al. 2012b; Shank & Plint 2013; Plint
2014). Plint (2014) determined that mudstone deposition on the distal prodelta, which was
greater than 120 km offshore from the Dunvegan delta of the Upper Cretaceous Colorado
Group, occurred at water depths of 20 to 70 m (SWB for mud). This process was aided by
the resuspension of fine-grained sediment aggregates by storms – it cannot be explained
by classic “marine snow” models of mud deposition. Storm waves can initiate offshore
mud deposition by triggering downslope flows of dense, fluid mud (McCave 1984;
Grabowski et al. 2011). Fluid muds are high particle-density and low wet bulk density
fluids with suspended sediment concentrations exceeding 10 g/L (Nishida et al. 2013).
Density flows of fluid mud are an important transport mechanism for fine-grained
sediment in the marine domain. Termed “wave-enhanced sediment gravity flows”
(WEGSFs) by Macquaker et al. (2010), WESGFs are recognized by a “triplet” pattern of
silt, intercalated silt and clay, followed finally by a clay drape. This pattern reflects an
initial wave-induced turbulent flow that gradually wanes in strength, eventually allowing
suspension settling to dominate.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
while maintaining basinward progradation (Cattaneo et al. 2007; Laycock 2014). Formed
during highstand system tracts, mud can develop into prismatic, shore-parallel detached
“mud wedges” or “subaqueous deltas”. These are characterized by wave-ravined muddy
clinoforms that downlap onto a sediment-starved shelf (Abbott 2000; Cattaneo et al.
2003; Cattaneo et al. 2007; Plint 2010).
Core-to-log correlation
As previously discussed in Chapter 3, cores need to be correlated to geophysical well logs
in order to ground-truth petrophysical responses. This provides a theoretical basis for
extrapolating rock properties from sparsely located control points across a large area,
particularly in the absence of outcrop information – sedimentary successions can be
associated with distinct electrofacies, or “…[a] set of log parameters that characterizes a
sediment and permits the sediment to be distinguished from others” (Serra & Abbott
1982). As this study only has limited core data, it can be difficult to establish an
association between core-derived parameters (e.g., porosity and TOC) and log-derived
attributes (Amaefule et al. 1993). Amaefule et al. (1993) recognized that by dividing
reservoirs into statistically-defined hydraulic flow units, porosity and permeability could
be estimated reasonably well with limited core data. Instead, this study uses the
qualitative definition of hydraulic flow units described by Ebanks (1987), where it is
assumed that coeval rock units (in this case, allomembers) have defined relationships
between their petrophysical properties because they are genetically related. This provides
the interpreter with a way to extrapolate the available core data to distant wells.
Figure 6.2 illustrates a S-N oriented cross-section with all the cores logged by this author
(with the exception of the 7-19 core, which was included for reference) with their
corresponding log signatures beside them. Figure 6.3 illustrates the same cross-section,
with the full suite of petrophysical parameters that were calculated for this thesis (clay
volume, TOC, total and effective porosity, volumetric mineralogy, and brittleness). In
certain places (esp. BF1), the clay volume (VSH_GR) curve was a particularly useful
addition to the normal logs used for allostratigraphy (GR, DT, and RES) as it provided a
standardized measure of clay content in a particular interval.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
6.5.1 Electrofacies Facies 1
Facies 1 is most easily identified by its spiky, high GR reading, which is associated with
K in bentonite clays. This response may be subdued if the bentonite is particularly thin
(< 10 cm), as is the case in well 100/07-19-45-06W5, due to the limited vertical
resolution of standard GR tools ( ~0.4 to 0.9 m). Facies 2
The geophysical wireline log response to facies 2 is characteristic of a clay-rich
composition: it has a relatively high GR response (lower than facies 1), reduced bulk
density, and faster sonic travel times. Despite the high proportion of organic content (a
lithology with high resistivity) in this facies, the elevated conductivity of clay minerals
present in the rock matrix likely contributes to a resistivity signature that is relatively low. Facies 3
The GR tool response to facies 3, which is intermediately high, reflects a slightly reduced
proportion of clay minerals relative to facies 2. The upward transition of facies 2 into the
coarser-grained sediments of facies 3 is reflected as a gradually suppressed GR response.
Siderite (iron carbonate) nodules have a significant impact on the log character of facies
3, as the GR response sharply decreases – although this effect is dependent on the
concentration of nodules within the particular horizon. Sonic travel times in this facies are
slightly increased relative to facies 2, which may represent a marginal increase in porosity
that is associated with reduced clay content. The resistivity reading in facies 3 is slightly
elevated relative to facies 2, potentially responding to an increase in organic content and a
simultaneously decrease in clay content.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Allostratigraphic correlation
The facies from section 6.3, the electrofacies from section 6.5.1, and the allostratigraphic
framework described in section 6.2 were integrated in order to guide regional
allostratigraphic correlations and to estimate the spatial distribution of facies throughout
the area. Fig. 6.5 summarizes the relationship between these three datasets.
Figure 6.6 illustrates the four west-east oriented and three north-south oriented
allostratigraphic cross-sections that have been included for reference (Figs. 6.7 through
6.13). In cross-section, the Upper Belle Fourche and Second White Specks allomembers
mapped in this study exhibit varied geometries. BF1 appears to fill in a limited amount of
erosional topography onto the K1 disconformity and thickens overall from southwest to
northeast. BF2, which appears to be preserved in its entirety, is relatively sheet-like
overall, but thins from west to east. In contrast, BF 3 exhibits wedge-like geometry,
experiencing pronounced thickening northwards to townships 40-43 before becoming
thinner north of township 42-43. Finally, allomember VII also exhibits a northwards-
thickening trend, without the pronounced bulge exhibited by BF3.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Highest GR of all
Upper BF units, Drapes over K1
borehole breakout is unconformity, which
common, elevated has some topographic
BF1 Flooding surface resistivity; serrated GR irregularity – this unit
pattern with no can be very thin in
apparent coarsening places but is always
upward or fining present
upward pattern
Double “spike” in
GR, DT, DEN, and Elevated GR, lower “Spike” may be subtle
Lower Belle Fourche LLD; correlates to density relative to in certain wells, can
(Lower BF) K1 unconformity Upper BF from higher confirm pick with
from Varban and organic content resistivity and sonic
Plint (2008a)
Table 6.2: Petrophysical tops guidance for the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations in
the Willesden Green – Gilby area of west-central Alberta. This includes distinguishing log characteristics in
addition to problems the interpreter may encounter while picking tops.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Fig. 6.5: A composite cross-section, using the “red” bentonite as a datum, of the Lower Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations across the study
area. Net reservoir intervals are shaded in purple (Belle Fourche) and green (Second White Specks)
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
Figure 6.5 illustrates the irregular nature of the boundary between the Second White
Specks and Upper Belle Fourche alloformations, as well as its potential relationship with
production. The boundary between Second White Specks allomember VII (green) and the
Belle Fourche is unconformable – the lower gamma ray unit at the top of the Belle
Fourche 3 allomember appears to truncate against the “red” bentonite both to the north
and south of township 41, reappearing in a condensed form south of township 38. This
electrofacies – outlined in purple – does not reappear in the 4-27 or 7-19 cores.
The 14-31 well, which is one of the best producing wells in the area, is included for
comparison to the 102/08-36 offset well – in 14-31, allomember BF3 has developed a
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
C’ D’
Wells in cross-section
Wells with core
Fig. 6.6: Reference map for summary allostratigraphic cross-sections, with core locations for reference.
Fig. 6.7: Allostratigraphic cross-section B to B’, which runs north-south.
Well: 100060304305W500 Well: 100081504205W500 Well: 100162604105W500 Well: 102060704005W500 Well: 100062303905W502 Well: 100082803805W500 Well: 102061003805W500 Well: 100072603705W500 Well: 100140103705W500 Well: 100062203605W500
UWI: 100060304305W500 UWI: 100081504205W500 UWI: 100162604105W500 UWI: 102060704005W500 UWI: 100062303905W500 UWI: 100082803805W500 UWI: 102061003805W500 UWI: 100072603705W500 UWI: 100140103705W500 UWI: 100062203605W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100
1825 1850
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
1875 1900
1900 1925
Fig. 6.8: Allostratigraphic cross-section C to C’, which runs north-south.
Scale: 1: 250
C’ Aut hor: Kienan MARI ON
(I D: kmar ion2)
Dat e: 13/ 12/ 2017
Well: 100141604404W500 Well: 100161704304W500 Well: 100160904204W500 Well: 100162804203W500 Well: 100072004104W500 Well: 100101104104W500 Well: 100082804004W500 Well: 100012103904W500 Well: 100102303804W500 Well: 100062303704W500 Well: 100031703704W500 Well: 100112503605W500
UWI: 100141604404W500 UWI: 100161704304W500 UWI: 100160904204W500 UWI: 100162804203W500 UWI: 100072004104W500 UWI: 100101104104W500 UWI: 100082804004W500 UWI: 100012103904W500 UWI: 100102303804W500 UWI: 100062303704W500 UWI: 100031703704W500 UWI: 100112503605W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100
1900 2025
1725 1675
Lorem ipsum
1775 1900
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
1975 2125
Allo VII
Allo VII
1750 1700
2000 2150
1950 2075
1775 1725
1825 1950
2025 2175
1975 2100
6.9: Allostratigraphic cross-section D to D’, which runs north-south.
D D’
Scale: 1:240 Date: 13/12/2017
Well: 100080904403W500 Well: 100020904303W500 Well: 100122004303W500 Well: 100162804203W500 Well: 100050404203W500 Well: 100141604203W500 Well: 100033504103W500 Well: 100163604103W500 Well: 100050304003W500 Well: 100072804003W500 Well: 100160504003W500 Well: 100032703903W500 Well: 100080403903W500 Well: 100060403903W500 Well: 100061703803W500 Well: 100141803803W500 Well: 100132703703W500 Well: 100010603703W500 Well: 100060603703W500 Well: 100042603603W500
UWI: 100080904403W500 UWI: 100020904303W500 UWI: 100122004303W500 UWI: 100162804203W500 UWI: 100050404203W500 UWI: 100141604203W500 UWI: 100033504103W500 UWI: 100163604103W500 UWI: 100050304003W500 UWI: 100072804003W500 UWI: 100160504003W500 UWI: 100032703903W500 UWI: 100080403903W500 UWI: 100060403903W500 UWI: 100061703803W500 UWI: 100141803803W500 UWI: 100132703703W500 UWI: 100010603703W500 UWI: 100060603703W500 UWI: 100042603603W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Empty variable Empty variable Empty variable
Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4 Reference 152.4 MM 406.4
1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:240 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100
1800 1925
1775 1750 1800
1675 1775
1675 1675
1750 1800
1775 1875 1875
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
BF_3Allo VII
BF_3Allo VII
BF_3Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
1800 1775 1825
1700 1800
1700 1700
BF_2 BF_3
BF_2 BF_3
BF_2 BF_3
1800 1900 1900
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
BF_1 BF_2
1750 1975
1825 1800 1850
1725 1825
1725 1725
1800 1850
1825 1925 1925
1775 2000
1875 2000
1850 1825 1875
Fig. 6.10: Allostratigraphic cross-section E to E’, which runs east-west.
Scale: 1: 250
E (I D: kmar ion2)
Dat e: 13/ 12/ 2017
Well: 100130704110W500 Well: 100113504109W500 Well: 100040304208W500 Well: 100093404108W500 Well: 100123304107W500 Well: 100073404107W500 Well: 102083604107W500 Well: 100040604206W500 Well: 102143104106W500 Well: 100163304102W500 Well: 100162604105W500 Well: 100062504105W500 Well: 100113004104W500 Well: 100163604103W500
UWI: 100130704110W500 UWI: 100113504109W500 Country: UWI: 100040304208W500 UWI: 100093404108W500 UWI: 100123304107W500 UWI: 100073404107W500 UWI: 102083604107W500 UWI: 100040604206W500 UWI: 102143104106W500 UWI: 100163304102W500 UWI: 100162604105W500 UWI: 100062504105W500 UWI: 100113004104W500 UWI: 100163604103W500
Short name: Short name: Field: FERRIER Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: State: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100
2325 2150
1875 1875
2125 2125 1850
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
2675 2175
1900 1900
2150 2150 1875
2375 2200
1925 1925
2175 2175 1900
2725 2225
Fig. 6.11: Allostratigraphic cross-section F to F’, which runs east-west.
Scale: 1: 250
F Aut hor: Kienan MARI ON
(I D: kmar ion2)
Dat e: 13/ 12/ 2017
Well: 100130704110W500 Well: 100113504109W500 Well: 100040304208W500 Well: 100093404108W500 Well: 100123304107W500 Well: 100073404107W500 Well: 102083604107W500 Well: 100040604206W500 Well: 102143104106W500 Well: 100163304102W500 Well: 100162604105W500 Well: 100062504105W500 Well: 100113004104W500 Well: 100163604103W500
UWI: 100130704110W500 UWI: 100113504109W500 UWI: 100040304208W500 UWI: 100093404108W500 UWI: 100123304107W500 UWI: 100073404107W500 Country: UWI: 102083604107W500 UWI: 100040604206W500 UWI: 102143104106W500 UWI: 100163304102W500 UWI: 100162604105W500 UWI: 100062504105W500 UWI: 100113004104W500 UWI: 100163604103W500 Country:
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Field: WILLESDEN GREEN Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Field: GILBY
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: State: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: State:
Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100
2325 2150
1875 1875
2125 2125 1850
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
2675 2175
1900 1900
2150 2150 1875
2375 2200
1925 1925
2175 2175 1900
2725 2225
Fig. 6.12: Allostratigraphic cross-section G to G’, which runs east-west.
G’ G
Scale: 1: 250 Dat e: 13/ 12/ 2017
Well: 100101404009W500 Well: 100022004008W500 Well: 100113104006W500 Well: 100070604105W500 Well: 100103104005W500 Well: 100030204105W500 Well: 100082804004W500 Well: 100060504103W500 Well: 100040204103W500 Well: 100063504002W500
UWI: 100101404009W500 UWI: 100022004008W500 UWI: 100113104006W500 UWI: 100070604105W500 UWI: 100103104005W500 UWI: 100030204105W500 UWI: 100082804004W500 UWI: 100060504103W500 UWI: 100040204103W500 UWI: 100063504002W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name:
0 GAPI 250
Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference 100 MM 1500 Reference Reference
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 1:250 2 OHMM 100 1:250 350 US/M 200
1850 1750
2350 2025
1875 1775
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
Allo VII
2375 2050
1900 1800
1925 1825
2425 2100
1950 1850
Fig. 6.13: Allostratigraphic cross-section H to H’, which runs east-west.
Scale: 1:250
H Author: Kienan MARION
(ID: kmarion2 )
Date: 13/12/2017
Well: 100050303809W500 Well: 100082903708W500 Well: 100141803707W500 Well: 100082703606W500 Well: 100062203605W500 Well: 102081503605W500 Well: 100112503605W500 Well: 100010603703W500 Well: 100061203702W500
UWI: 100050303809W500 UWI: 100082903708W500 UWI: 100141803707W500 UWI: 100082703606W500 UWI: 100062203605W500 UWI: 102081503605W500 untry: UWI: 100112503605W500 UWI: 100010603703W500 UWI: 100061203702W500
Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name: Short name:
eld: GARRINGTON Short name: Short name:
Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: Long name: ate: Long name: Long name: Long name:
Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 Reference 150 MM 550 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0 Reference 150 MM 550 0.15 v/v 0
1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 1:250 0 GAPI 250 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0 1:250 0 GAPI 250 350 US/M 200 2 OHMM 100 0 v/v 0.05 0.15 v/v 0
2625 2125
BF_3Allo VII
BF_3Allo VII
BF_3Allo VII
BF_3Allo V
2650 2150
2225 1975
2675 2175
2250 2000
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
thicker section of reservoir (purple). Allomember BF3 is thinner in 102/08-36 and was
not perforated, potentially indicating a bypassed pay scenario. Notably, this unit
disappears south of township 41 and north of township 42, only reappearing south of
township 38. Because the underlying Belle Fourche units are not significantly altered in
the 4-27 well, where the reservoir interval is missing, it is suspected that there has been
some type of lateral facies change or subtle regional erosion, rather than a major uplift
and/or erosional event. In contrast, in the 7-19 well, all Belle Fourche units “jump”
upwards and the top of the unit is truncated, potentially indicating erosion that occurred
prior to Second White Specks deposition.
Solving the Second White Specks 6. Core-to-log correlation and allostratigraphy
siderite lags, and erosional surfaces are interpreted to represent many cycles of combined
flow winnowing, erosion, and general predominance over settling processes. At least five
different packages can be identified in allomember VII on the basis of grain size patterns;
these may reflect cyclicity in ocean currents and climate patterns, as well as pulses of sea-
level fall.
Allomember VII is bounded by an erosive transgressive lag and a major flooding surface,
which was likely generated by a marine transgression.
• The allostratigraphic interval of interest in this study is constrained below by the K1
disconformity, and above by the allomember VII flooding surface. By extending the
allostratigraphic correlations of Tyagi et al. (2007) and subdividing his allomembers
on the basis of previously uncorrelated flooding surfaces.
• Facies observed in this study are consistent with a distal to mid-shelf, marine, low-
gradient ramp setting where water depths ranged between 40 and 70 m. Fine-grained
sediments were transported offshore by storm-generated combined flows.
• The contact between the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks alloformation,
indicated by the presence of the “red” bentonite, is unconformable and occasionally
erosional across the study area. This is consistent with the work of Tyagi et al. (2007)
and Plint et al. (2012a).
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Chapter 7
7 Depositional trends of the Second White Specks and
Belle Fourche alloformations in the Willesden Green –
Gilby region, Alberta, Canada
Structure, thickness, and isolith maps of the Lower Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche alloformations in the Willesden Green area of west-central Alberta are presented.
Structure mapping
A structure map establishes the subsurface geometry of a geologic surface, including
regional dip and areas that may be deformed or faulted (Nelson et al. 1999). In this study,
structure maps were primarily used to delineate regional dip and structural features.
Contour lines on a structure map represent lines of equal subsurface elevation or depth of
a particular allomember. The shape and location of contour lines on a structure map can
be used to infer the shape of three-dimensional structures (Lisle 2004):
• Parallel, equally spaced contours represent a uniformly dipping surface;
• Closely spaced contours represent a steeply dipping surface;
• Closed concentric arrangements of contours reveal isolated hills or bowl structures;
• Valleys and ridges, which may indicate fault locations, give rise to V-shaped patterns.
Structure maps for each allomember were generated from subsurface stratigraphic picks
using the kriging algorithm in Surfer. Changes in the geometry of surfaces bounding
individual allomembers can delineate structural features that may have influenced
deposition, and potentially identify structural traps for future petroleum exploration.
In the lower Colorado Group of west-central Alberta, the changes between structural
maps for each allomember are extremely subtle and thus only one has been included for
reference. Figures 7.1 and 7.2 illustrate the subsea elevation of allomember VII in two-
and three-dimensions, respectively. As evidenced by subparallel, approximately
equidistant contour lines of constant subsea elevation, this surface dips relatively
uniformly to the southwest up until the edge of the Mesozoic deformation front.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Fig. 7.1: 2D structure map of the top of allomember VII, with the Mesozoic deformation front for reference.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Allomember VII surface in 3D
50 R4
-5 00
- 6 50
-6 00 W5
-7 50 R5
- 7 00
-8 50
-8 00 W5
- 9 50 R6
-9 000
-1 050
-1 100 W5
-1 150 R7
- 1 200
-1 250
-1 300 W5
- 1 350 R8
-1 400
-1 450
- 1 500 W5
-1 550
-1 600
-1 650 5
-1 700 0W
- 1 750
-1 800 R1
-1 850
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
In three dimensions, the effect of the Laramide orogeny on lower Colorado Group strata
is clearly seen (Fig 7.2) – the Mesozoic deformation front is oriented approximately
NNW and dips towards the southwest. This is the prevailing dip direction and structural
style of the entire region. Localized perturbations associated with small-scale structural
relief are more easily visible in three-dimensions, particularly in townships 41 to 42 from
R6 to 7W5.
Isochore mapping
A “depocentre” refers to an area of maximum stratigraphic thickness where deposition
was concentrated (Gary et al. 1974). Basins can have multiple depocentres and their
locations may shift over time if they experience lateral changes in sediment supply, have
multiple drainage areas, or have complicated subsidence histories (Armentrout 1999). The
spatial distribution of facies within a particular depocentre in a shelf setting is controlled
by the ratio of accommodation to sediment supply (Van Wagoner et al. 1988), as well as
by the mechanism of sedimentary transport across the shelf (Armentrout 1999). By
mapping coeval stratigraphic thicknesses (i.e., allostratigraphically-defined isochores),
shifts in the extent and locations of depocentres can temporally and spatially constrained
within a particular basin (Armentrout 1999).
Contour lines on an isochore map represent lines of equal true vertical thickness (Lisle
2004). Isochore maps can be interpreted on the basis of contour spacing and geometry, as
• Parallel, widely spaced contours represent a sheet-like stratigraphic unit whose
thickness is relatively constant
• Parallel, equally spaced contours represent a wedge-like stratigraphic unit whose
thickness is changing at a constant rate;
• Parallel, closely spaced contours represent a wedge-shaped stratigraphic unit whose
thickness is changing at a variable rate;
• Closed concentric arrangements of increasing contours reveal isolated regions of
increased stratigraphic thickness, which could represent sedimentary depocentres;
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Figures 7.3, 7.4, 7.5 and 7.6 illustrate the isochore thickness of allomembers BF1, BF2,
BF3 and VII, respectively.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
between 12 and 8 m). Allomember BF2 develops a north-south oriented depocentre west
of R8W5 that stretches from T37 to 43 – although well control is poor in this region.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Isolith mapping
An isolith map made within a coeval interval can be used to reconstruct paleogeography
and establish the distribution of reservoir facies (Armentrout 1999; Tearpock & Bischke
2002). Isolith mapping are typically generated by creating a map of the “net to gross” or
“sand to shale” ratio where the thickness of “net sand” is divided by the gross isochore
thickness of the entire interval (Tearpock & Bischke 2002). Net sand is determined by
adding up the total thickness of sand, which is determined using a GR cutoff (e.g., 50
API) in a stratigraphic unit across a series of wells (Dikkers 1985). By constructing an
isolith map in this way, only geologic units that exceed a threshold GR value are
contoured (see Varban and Plint, 2008b). GR logs have varied responses to common
lithological components of unconventional reservoirs (e.g., clay minerals and kerogen
content) like the Second White Specks Formation – applying a GR cutoff, therefore, does
not adequately capture the amount of non-clay minerals in a stratigraphic zone. The net
sand method is used to establish the distribution of a particular lithology (i.e., sand)
across an area. This implies that net sand contours are associated with variations in grain
size (le Roux 1993) – grain size can only be accurately determined through observations
of measured sections, core, or drill cuttings. GR logs record variations in radioactivity,
which does not always correlate with grain size (see section
Composite isolith maps can be generated by superimposing different base maps (Sloss et
al. 1960) – this is most effective when no more than two or three maps are overlain
(Merriam & Jewett 1989). In this study, composite isolith maps were generated by
overlapping the isochore maps with weighted interval average maps of clay volume. Clay
volume is an important part of reservoir assessment as the presence of clay minerals in
the rock matrix can reduce porosity (see Fig. 5.4). Areas with low clay volume may have
higher porosity, and therefore have increased storage capacity. The composite isolith
maps are interpreted as follows:
• Areas where low clay volume values (orange) overlap with regions that have elevated
isochore thickness represent thick accumulations of clay-poor facies, where
accommodation increased and coarse sediment supply was available (i.e., facies 3
through 5);
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
• Regions with low clay volume overlapping with regions of reduced isochore thickness
represent thin accumulations of clay-poor facies, where accommodation was reduced
but coarse-grained sediment supply was still available;
• Areas where high clay volume values (grey) overlap with greater stratigraphic
thickness represent accumulations of clay-rich facies (i.e., facies 2), where
accommodation was increased but coarse sediment supply was not available;
• Regions with high clay volume that overlap with regions of reduced isochore
thickness represent thin accumulations of clay-rich facies, where accommodation was
limited, and coarse-grained sediment supply was not available;
• Shifts in the location of clay-poor facies between allomembers should indicate shifts
in sediment supply locations.
Figures 7.7, 7.8, 7.9 and 7.10 illustrate the composite isolith maps of allomembers BF1,
BF2, BF3 and VII, respectively, with clay volume in grey and orange and isochores
overlaid as transparent contours. As fewer wells were used to calculate clay volume than
were used to calculate isochore thickness, the data points that were used to generate these
maps do not perfectly overlap – although their grid geometries are identical. Only wells
that were completed in the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations have
been included on these maps.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Fig. 7.7: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF1.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Fig. 7.8: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF2.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Fig. 7.9: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember BF3.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
Fig. 7.10: Isolith (isochore thickness overlaid on clay volume) of allomember VII.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
allomember BF2 increases from west to east across the study area. The region of lowest
clay volume is best constrained by clay volume contours less than 0.22, which are
concentrated in an area west of R7W5 that is oriented approximately north-south. This
region of lowest clay volume largely overlaps with the depocentre indicated in Fig. 7.4,
which is approximated by an isochore thickness of 13 m. There is a region in the southern
part of the study area with relatively low clay volume (<0.22) and reduced isochore
thickness of BF2, which overlies with the depocentre and source of coarse sediment
indicated for BF1. This indicates that coarse sediment was still being supplied to that area
but was no longer the main sedimentary depocentre. The main depocentre and source of
coarse-grained sediment for BF2 is located in the west, representing an overall clockwise
sense of rotation of maximum accommodation and sediment supply.
Solving the Second White Specks 7. Depositional trends
• The regional structure of the study area dips gently towards the Mesozoic deformation
front in the southwest.
• Isochore maps reveal a sense of clockwise rotation and an overall northward shift in
the location of Belle Fourche and Second White Specks depocentres across the basin.
• Isolith maps, constructed by overlaying clay volume with isochore thickness,
demonstrate lateral facies heterogeneity across the study area and between
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Chapter 8
8 Petrophysical property mapping of the Lower Second
White Specks and Upper Belle Fourche alloformations
in the Willesden Green – Gilby region, Alberta, Canada
This chapter presents total organic carbon, total porosity, effective porosity, porosity-
thickness, and brittleness models of the Lower Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
alloformations in the Willesden Green area of west-central Alberta.
The hydrocarbon generation potential of a rock interval can be assessed by measuring
TOC (Law 1999). Hydrocarbon generation is caused by the thermal decomposition of
organic matter over time (Jarvie 1991). In tight oil petroleum systems like the Second
White Specks Formation, oil is generated in place and stored within low permeability
shale – so high TOC indicates elevated source and reservoir quality (Jarvie 2012b).
Organic matter enrichment is a function of biotic productivity in the photic zone, minus
any destruction or dilution of organic matter that may occur due to biotic activity or
clastic input (Pedersen & Calvert 1990; Bohacs et al. 2005). Within an individual
mudstone formation, organic richness may vary vertically on a sub-metre scale (Bohacs
1998; Bohacs et al. 2005; Passey et al. 2010; Aplin & Macquaker 2011; Jarvie 2012a).
Variations in TOC can be due to depositional environmental conditions, organofacies
differences, thermal maturity, and stratigraphic architecture (Passey et al. 2010; Jarvie
2012a). Within coeval strata, lateral TOC variations are associated with changes in the
predominance of organic matter production, destruction, and dilution (Bohacs & Lazar
2008; Guthrie & Bohacs 2009; Passey et al. 2010).
Creaney and Passey (1993) suggested that high TOC values in proximally-located source
rocks were associated with increased sediment starvation and organic matter deposition
during maximum flooding events. Decreases in TOC are associated with clastic dilution
and degradation of organic matter (Passey et al. 2010). In the Creaney and Passey (1993)
model, TOC profiles for most source rocks should exhibit a “higher at the base” pattern.
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Jarvie (2012a) cautions that laboratory measurements of TOC strictly represent present-
day TOC – in thermally mature source rocks, TOC is decreased due to the generation and
migration of hydrocarbons out of the reservoir. Decreases in measured TOC, therefore,
could be affected by subtle differences in thermal maturity.
TOC was modelled from resistivity and sonic using the Crain and Holgate (2014) and
Issler et al. (2002) method described in section Figure 8.1 illustrates the lateral
and vertical variations of TOC between allomembers in the study area: individual
allomembers have different vertical TOC profiles. The TOC of allomembers BF2 and
BF1 exhibit decreasing upwards profiles, whereas allomembers BF3 and VII demonstrate
increasing upwards profiles. Highest TOC values (2.75 to 3.5%) were recorded in
allomember VII and near the top of allomember BF3. Between wells 102/14-31-041-
06W5 and 102/08-36-041-07W5, 1.5 m of high TOC (red) at the top of allomember BF3
in 102/14-31 is no longer present in 102/08-36. This supports previous interpretations
from chapters 6 and 7 that the “red” bentonite caps an unconformity between the Belle
Fourche and Second White Specks alloformations. Most significantly, there is a stark
difference in productivity between the two wells, which can be attributed to increased
porosity-thickness and a greater thickness of high TOC in the 102/14-31 well relative to
the 102/08-36 well. The difference in the thickness of this petrophysical zone between the
two wells is less than 1.5 m, underscoring the importance of observing subtle changes
within and between allomembers.
Lower Colorado Group strata have vertical TOC profiles that are constrained to specific
allomembers, suggesting that vertical variations in TOC are primarily controlled by
genetic depositional conditions rather than thermal maturity. Allomembers BF3 and VII,
however, do not exhibit the expected “higher at the base” TOC profile described by
Creaney and Passey (1993): allomembers BF3 and VII contain more of the coarser-
grained and more proximal facies 4 and 5, and should therefore have a TOC profile that is
higher at the base and decreases upward; they instead record upwards increases in TOC.
This upwards increase in TOC may have been caused by the initiation of OAE-II, which
increased nutrient upwelling in the WIS and enhanced organic carbon burial (see section
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Fig. 8.1: Comparison of corrected GR (green and yellow colour fill, first track on the left), TOC (blue and red colour fill, second from the right), total porosity
(black line with white fill, far right) and effective porosity (far right, blue fill) for 102/14-31-041-06W5, 102/08-36-041-07W5, and 100/07-19-045-06W5.
The 14-31 and 8-36 wells were both completed and fracked by the same company within 10 days of one another. The 14-31 well was productive, whereas the 8-
36 well was not. Thinning of the high effective porosity interval in allomember BF3, indicated as an orange overlay, between these wells suggest that subtle
differences in effective porosity and porosity-thickness (m-scale) may have impacted the productivity of these wells.
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Maps of modelled TOC variation across the study area are presented for the two reservoir
allomember BF3 and VII (Figs. 8.2 and 8.3). Allomembers BF3 (Fig. 8.2) and VII (Fig.
8.3) both exhibit similar pattern of modelled TOC. TOC is highest (> 2.23 wt%) in a
north-south oriented fairway in the middle of the study area (R4W5 to R7W5) and
decreases both to the west and east of that fairway. Lateral increases in TOC may be
associated with increases in biotic production as well as decreases in clastic dilution and
organic matter degradation – these maps, therefore, demonstrate that TOC preservation
was highest in the centre fairway.
Figure 8.1 illustrates the lateral and vertical variations of total porosity (curve labelled
PHIT_CORR) between allomembers in the study area. The 100/07-19-045-06W5 well
data was supplemented with helium porosimetry data from Furmann et al. (2014) – this
data is visible as black points in the far-right hand column that have been overlaid over
the total porosity model from this project. The log-derived porosities matched this core
data, providing confidence to use this model for other wells across the study area.
Figures 8.4 and 8.5 illustrate the distributions of total porosity for allomembers BF3 and
VII, respectively. Both allomembers have highest total porosities (>9%) in a north-south
oriented central fairway that stretches from T43 R7W5 southwards to T36 R6W5. This
trend is more laterally continuous for allomember BF3 than allomember VII. This total
porosity fairway exhibits some similarities to the geometry of modelled TOC shown in
Figs. 8.2 and 8.3. In addition to the central fairway, total porosities of both allomembers
are elevated west of R9W5 and east of R3W5, where well control is relatively poor
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Figure 8.1 illustrates the lateral and vertical variations in effective porosity
(PHIT_E_KER in Fig. 8.1) across a small section of the study area and between
allomembers. Their associations with clay volume can be seen in Fig. 6.3; highest
effective porosities are associated with low clay volumes (approximately <0.2). Across
the study area, effective porosity is generally highest at the top of allomember BF3 and
throughout allomember VII, although in places (e.g., 100/07-19-045-06W5 and 102/08-
36-041-07W5) the effective porosity may be only present in streaks that are less than 0.20
m thick.
Figures 8.6 and 8.7 illustrate the distributions of effective porosity for allomembers BF3
and VII, respectively. Although the distribution of effective porosity is relatively similar
to the total porosity, their geometry is influenced by high clay volumes. For example, the
effective porosity of allomember BF3 is significantly reduced in allomember BF3 in a
west-east oriented region that stretches from T41 R7W5 to T41 R4W5. This area
corresponds with the region of high clay volume identified in Fig. 7.9. A similar effect is
observed in the effective porosities of allomember VII (Fig. 8.7), wherein effective
porosity is removed in T36 R6W5 to 5W5: this area has relatively high clay volumes (Fig
8.3.3 Porosity-thickness
Porosity-thickness (Equation 36) represents the net porous reservoir present in an
allomember, thereby quantifying its storage capacity. Reduced porosity-thickness
indicates decreased porosity and/or a decline in isochore thickness. Increased porosity-
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Figures 8.8 and 8.9 depict the effective porosity-thickness of allomembers BF3 and VII,
respectively. The porosity-thickness of allomember BF3 closely resembles the effective
porosity map shown in Fig. 8.6; this is because the isochore thickness of this allomember
(Fig. 7.5) only experiences gradual changes in thickness across the study area. In contrast,
the porosity-thickness of allomember VII is significantly reduced south of T39 – this is
due to the dramatic thinning of allomember VII past this point (Fig. 7.6).
The brittleness index used in this study was chosen to reflect the proportion of brittle
minerals (quartz and carbonate) versus non-brittle or ductile minerals (clay and kerogen)
present in the rock matrix (Equation 33). Figures 8.10 and 8.11 illustrate the model of
brittleness that was generated for allomembers BF3 and VII, respectively, across the
study area in west-central Alberta. These maps closely resemble the maps of clay volume
that were generated in Chapter 7 (see Fig. 7.8 and 7.9); high clay volumes correspond
with lower brittleness values, whereas low clay volumes are associated with higher
brittleness values (>0.81 for allomember BF3 and >0.855 for allomember VII). There is
also a strong association between higher brittleness and low TOC (see Figs. 8.2 and 8.3).
• Vertical changes in TOC within coeval strata record depositional conditions that
favoured organic matter preservation. Allomembers BF3 and VII exhibit upwards
increases in TOC that may reflect the initiation of OAE-II. Modelled TOC is highest
in a north-south oriented fairway in the centre of the study area.
• Modelled total porosity, effective porosity, and porosity-thickness for allomembers
BF3 and VII indicate that the highest proportion of porous and clay-free reservoir is
found in a NNW-oriented fairway in the centre of the study area. Low clay content
and increased stratigraphic thickness have the most positive effect on net porous
reservoir development.
• Lateral variations in brittleness are controlled by clay volume and organic richness.
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 8. Petrophysical property mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 9. Sweet spot mapping
Chapter 9
9 Sweet spot mapping of the Second White Specks and
Belle Fourche alloformations in the Willesden Green –
Gilby region, Alberta, Canada
This chapter presents sweet spot maps of the Lower Second White Specks and Belle
Fourche alloformations in the Willesden Green area of west-central Alberta.
Solving the Second White Specks 9. Sweet spot mapping
represent different measures of reservoir quality (i.e., storage and flow capacity) were
selected on the basis of defining major geometric features like fairways. Areas where
multiple reservoir quality indicators overlap are designated “sweet spots” if they coincide
with increased lower Colorado Group oil production. If no producing wells are present in
the overlapping regions, those areas delineate regions where the Second White Specks
and Belle Fourche alloformations have the potential to produce oil at economic rates and
should be investigated further. Sweet spots demarcate areas where the probability of a
vertical well intersecting a natural fracture network located in porous and permeable
reservoir is increased.
Solving the Second White Specks 9. Sweet spot mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 9. Sweet spot mapping
Solving the Second White Specks 9. Sweet spot mapping
thickness and brittleness overlap with low clay content. These polygons and define an
irregular V-shape that contains many of the wells located in group 1 (T40 to 43, R4 to
7W5). Similar to allomember BF3, wells in group 2 (T39 to 40, R8 to 9W5) are
delineated by elevated brittleness and low clay content, although the spatial association
with increased porosity-thickness is weaker for allomember VII than for allomember
BF3. South of township 39, however, only elevated TOC appears to be associated with
better producing wells.
• North of township 39, sweet spots are defined by regions where elevated porosity-
thickness and brittleness coincide with reduced clay content. These petrophysical
properties define regions where well productivity from the Second White Specks
interval is historically higher. Vertical wells that experienced increased production in
these areas are attributed to thicker units of porous and permeable reservoir that was
likely naturally fractured.
• For allomember BF3, sweet spots south of township 39 are defined either by the
intersection of elevated brittleness and increased porosity-thickness, or by elevated
TOC coinciding with increased porosity-thickness.
• For allomember VII, the sweet spot south of township 39 is best defined by modelled
TOC, although this spatial association is somewhat weaker than in the northern half of
the study area.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
Chapter 10
10 Discussion
Defining hydraulic flow units
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
likely scenario for its generation is sediment starvation during maximum sea level, such
as the global highstand associated with OAE-II. Because erosion of allomember BF3 is
sometimes observed, sediment winnowing and advective transport of fine-grained
sediment must have occurred. Figure 6.4 illustrates a scenario during a relative fall in sea-
level (generated by eustatic fall or tectonic uplift) – in this depositional model, the sea
floor can be progressively eroded by storm-driven bottom currents. The development of
the Belle Fourche/Second White Specks unconformity across a shallow epicontinental
marine shelf setting could, therefore, be generated by apparently conflicting mechanisms.
As OAE-II was a global highstand event, the mechanism for lowering base level was
likely eurybatic (local) in nature. Orogenic loading of the western margin near the
Cenomanian-Turonian boundary could have initiated subtle uplift of the sea floor into
local bathymetric highs, which could then be eroded by geostrophic flows during storms.
Small basins between these bathymetric highs would experience no sediment deposition
during lowstand or falling-stage system tracts – in these areas, a disconformity correlative
with the erosive unconformity would be recorded. Because the epicontinental shelf
gradient was so shallow, even subtle uplift or sea level fall could have significantly
impacted sedimentation in this manner. Within the study area, this unconformity
represents non-deposition and erosion that is associated with some type of relative base
level fall.
Defining the mechanism and extent of the Belle Fourche/Second White Specks
unconformity was out of scope for this study. The recognition of this allostratigraphic
surface revealed regions where erosion of allomember BF3 had removed potentially
economic, porous reservoir rock (see Figs. 6.5 and 8.1), which has not been observed in
other studies of the same rocks. The degree of erosion along the Belle Fourche/Second
White Specks unconformity, therefore, exerts control on the vertical stacking of reservoir
facies within the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks alloformations. This
observation has major implications for future exploitation of the Second White Specks
stratigraphic interval – if potential reservoir has been eroded, less net pay will be present
within that well.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
Plint et al. (2012b) demonstrated that changes in the orogenic thrust load could cause
regions of maximum accommodation (depocentres) to shift laterally between
allomembers, thereby influencing paleogeography and sedimentation patterns. Previous
studies utilized thickness (isopach or isochore) maps to estimate the location of lower
Colorado Group mudstone depocentres across Alberta and British Columbia (Kreitner
2002; Plint & Kreitner 2005; Varban & Plint 2005; Kreitner & Plint 2006; Tyagi et al.
2007; Varban & Plint 2008a,b; Tyagi 2009; Plint et al. 2012b; Zajac 2016). On their own,
thickness maps cannot quantify the lateral distribution of facies within allomembers, as
there is no way to establish lateral changes in mineralogy.
Zajac (2016) observed significant lateral facies changes within individual allomembers of
the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks alloformations in west-central Alberta. He
interpreted these variations as the result of subtle changes in water depth and sedimentary
transport processes across a shallow epicontinental shelf, which may have included
combined flows generated by storms. In his study, resistivity and gamma ray values were
considered good proxies for lithology variation within lower Colorado Group
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
allomembers. Similarly, Varban and Plint (2008b) used a gamma ray cutoff of 50 API to
estimate the distribution of net sand (rocks with >50% sand) within the Kaskapau
alloformation. These approaches do not adequately capture the mineralogical variation of
organic-rich shaley rocks: resistivity measurements and gamma ray logs are strongly
affected by organic matter and clay content as well as borehole environmental effects
(e.g., invasion and borehole breakout). To parse the individual contributions of
lithological components (e.g, clay content, TOC), these components must be modelled in
three dimensions.
Lateral facies variations were quantified in three dimensions in this study by creating
isolith maps. In these maps, isochore thicknesses (Figs 7.3 through 7.6) were overlain
with clay volume (Figs. 7.7 through 7.10). By constructing isolith maps in this way, it
was possible to discern the relative contributions of fine-grained sediment supply (clay)
and accommodation (thickness) to the facies within individual allomembers. The isochore
maps revealed a previously unrecognized clockwise and northwards shift in maximum
accommodation across the basin, which may have been caused by tectonic flexure from
subtle changes in orogenic loading (Plint et al. 2012b). Shifts in the location of clay-poor
facies (low clay volume) between allomembers were interpreted to record changes in
sediment supply locations.
Comparison of the clay volume and isochore maps revealed regions where clay volumes
were low but isochore thicknesses were reduced (e.g., the northwest corner of the study
area in Fig. 7.10) – these regions delineate places where clay was not deposited, and
accommodation space was limited. This resulted in deposition of thin and clay-poor
rocks. Alternatively, regions where isochore thicknesses were increased and clay volumes
are higher (e.g., T41 to 42 and R5 to 6W5 in Fig. 7.9) demarcate areas where
accommodation was increased but coarse sediment supply was not available. These
observations suggested there is significant lateral facies heterogeneity across the study
area and between allomembers. These maps may also be used to show the distribution of
net reservoir across west-central Alberta; increased isochore thickness and decreased clay
volume correspond with the preferred reservoir facies (facies 3 through 5) shown in Fig.
6.5. Using the repeatable and petrophysically sound methods developed in this thesis,
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
these maps have helped to establish – for the first time – the lateral facies heterogeneity of
the lower Colorado Group in west-central Alberta.
Composite isolith maps are commonly made in industry but are not frequently utilized in
the literature. This is likely because petrophysical and stratigraphic studies are most often
performed independently. These maps are relatively simple to construct and have
significant interpretive power – they should be more widely utilized in future stratigraphic
studies where lateral facies changes are under investigation.
Less than half of the wells used for isochore thickness mapping were usable for clay
volume calculation, and only one well (100/07-19-045-06W5) had clay XRD data
available for petrophysical model adjustment. This means that a denser average well
spacing was used for thickness mapping relative to clay volume calculation – the two
maps do not perfectly correspond with one another. The mismatch in resolutions could
have been rectified by removing data points associated with wells that did not have LAS
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
company it was developed by – the tool physics and design may vary on the basis of
sensitivity, accuracy, precision, or depth of penetration. The tool specifications discussed
in section 3.6.2 represent average tool configurations, and only approximate the most
likely setup of a particular sonde. To adequately characterize measurement errors from
the primary acquisition of petrophysical data, the well log dataset would have to be
restricted to wells where all the logging parameters were known – this is not feasible due
to the extremely limited nature of the well log dataset in this study.
Although some of the uncertainties mentioned above could have been resolved through a
wireline log normalization process, normalization may have potentially suppressed lateral
changes in lithology across the study area. Quantifying the error associated with
geophysical wireline logging is beyond the scope of this project – this uncertainty,
however, can be mitigated by setting reasonable constraints for well log responses in
expected lithologies for individual allomembers (Table 6.2 and Fig. 6.3). This establishes
commonalities between wells that may have had different logging configurations (e.g.,
different operators, well vintages, tool physics, calibration), thereby allowing for
correlation of hydraulic flow units between wells (Fig. 6.5) that can be used for
petrophysical modelling.
10.2.1 TOC
Although the thermal maturity of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
alloformations is well constrained (e.g., Furmann et al. 2014), variations in source rock
quality had not been previously investigated prior to this study. Figure 8.1 illustrates the
estimated TOC profiles through the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks
alloformations for three wells in the study area. The Issler et al. (2002) method was used
on the basis of a strong linear relationship between modelled values and Rock-Eval TOC
analyses from the 7-19 core (Fig. 5.5). Highest modelled TOC values (2.75 to 3.5%) were
recorded at the top of allomember BF3 and throughout allomember VII. This upwards
increase in TOC relative to the preceding allomembers (BF1 and BF2) may have been
caused by the initiation of OAE-II, which increased nutrient upwelling in the WIS and
enhanced organic carbon burial. Figures 8.2 and 8.3 illustrate the modelled distribution of
TOC throughout the study area in allomembers BF3 and VII, respectively – highest TOC
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
values occur in a north-south oriented fairway in the middle of the study area (R4W5 to
R7W5) and decreases both to the west and east of that fairway.
Total organic carbon (TOC) was modelled in this study using the Issler et al. (2002) and
Crain and Holgate (2014) method. This method relies on elevated resistivity and slow
sonic responses to detect intervals with elevated organic content. Implicit in this method
is the assumption that these well log responses are uniquely related to kerogen volume –
this is not necessarily true. Increased resistivity measurements can be produced by an
increase in carbonate mineral matrix or by non-conductive liquid hydrocarbons stored in
matrix or fracture porosity, in addition to their association with elevated organic content.
Sonic travel times, similarly, can be slowed by hydrocarbon-filled porosity, clay-bound
water, natural fractures, or low-density organic matter. Consequently, the combined Issler
method may not provide a unique solution for TOC – the TOC model presented in this
study may actually delineate the locations of open, hydrocarbon-filled natural fractures in
addition to areas with increased organic richness.
10.2.2 Porosity
Furmann et al. (2014) observed that the highest reservoir quality (elevated total porosity)
interval in the 7-19 core occurred at the top of their Belle Fourche Formation, which
approximates the top of allomember BF2 in Fig. 8.1. Although this observation is true for
the 7-19 core, it is not representative of most of west-central Alberta. Highest modelled
effective porosities (>2.5 volume %), which best approximate the potential storage
capacity of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations due to their high
clay volumes, were observed in this study in allomember VII and in the coarser-grained
facies of allomember BF3. The coarse-grained facies of allomember BF3 is not present in
the 7-19 core due to removal by the Second White Specks/Belle Fourche erosional
unconformity (Figs. 6.5 and 8.1). This unconformity was not detected by Furmann et al.
(2014) because they placed the Second White Specks – Belle Fourche boundary
stratigraphically lower compared to the “red” bentonite used by Tyagi et al. (2007) and
others, including this study.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
Lateral variations in total porosity within the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
alloformations had previously been constrained by helium porosimetry data from several
cores spread across Alberta, British Columbia, and Saskatchewan (Bloch et al. 1993,
1999; Furmann et al. 2014; Zajac 2016). Using the allostratigraphic framework to define
petrophysical zones permitted the application of a kerogen-corrected total density
porosity model across the study area, which was calibrated on the basis of helium
porosimetry data taken from one well (7-19) in the study area by Furmann et al. (2014).
Using a kerogen-corrected porosity model suppressed anomalous density porosities
associated with low-density organic matter (Fig. 5.8), resulting in a porosity model that
agreed closely with the total porosity measurements from Furmann et al. (2014). When
modelled total porosity, effective porosity, and porosity-thickness were extended across
the study area, the highest proportion of porous and clay-free reservoir within
allomembers BF3 and VII were found in a NNW-oriented fairway in the centre of the
study area.
Relying on the 7-19 core to constrain lateral variations in total porosity introduced some
uncertainty with greater distance away from the 7-19 well. In this study, lateral
constraints of porosity in this study rely on log-based calculations of density porosity,
rather than porosity analyses from other cores in the area as none were available. The
total porosity model used a matrix density (2.74 g/cm3) derived from a neutron porosity
and bulk density cross plot that used log data from four wells (Fig. 5.7) – a 1% shift in the
y-intercept (matrix density) introduces a ±0.027 g/cm3 shift in uncorrected matrix density
(no kerogen correction), which translates to calculated total density porosity variations of
±1.4%. A 1% shift in matrix density is well within the limit of neutron and density
porosity variation observed within the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche intervals
in Fig. 5.7. Without core data for calibration, however, 2.74 g/cm3 is the best available
estimation of matrix density for the study area. Establishing the confidence interval in this
chart would have helped to improve confidence in the selected matrix density value.
The kerogen-corrected density porosity equation used in this study (Equation 24) is
derived from an assumption that low bulk density readings are associated with increased
matrix porosity and reduced fluid density (i.e., the presence of hydrocarbons). This
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
assumption is not correct, because porosity modes associated with open natural fractures
and organic matter cannot be discriminated from matrix porosity using this method.
Clarkson and Pedersen (2011) demonstrated that Second White Specks wells have
production histories that reflect dual porosity modes that are most likely associated with
increased depositional porosity and fracture porosity. Porosity within organic matter in
magnetic resonance (NMR) logs are required to assess the contribution of fracture
porosity to the modelled porosities – this type of log data was not available. As fracture
porosity cannot be deconvolved from total or effective porosities without NMR log data,
the kerogen-corrected density porosity could reflect a combination of fracture and matrix
Effective porosity (Equation 26) removes the contribution of clay porosity to total
porosity, thereby establishing the storage capacity available for hydrocarbons in the
reservoir. No core calibration data was available to constrain the effective porosity model
(e.g., mercury injection tests). Higher effective porosities calculated in Chapter 8 and the
coarser-grained reservoir facies mapped in Chapter 6 overlap (Fig. 8.1), providing some
assurance that the effective porosity maps (Figs. 8.6 and 8.7) are actually capturing
variations in depositional effective porosity.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
Clay volume, Vclay, impacts effective porosity (Equations 3 and 4). Higher Vclay values
reflect a larger differential between the measured GR values and GRclean (5th percentile
clay-free gamma ray value). In organic-rich shales, the measured GR value can be
significantly increased by uranium in organic matter, thereby causing an overestimate of
Vclay and an underestimation of the effective porosity in that interval. Although this effect
can be resolved through the use of the uranium-free (CGR) curve, SGR log data was only
available for one well (2-14). As the lateral distribution of uranium in the Second White
Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations is not currently known, the modelled effective
porosity may be inaccurate in organic-rich zones. The magnitude of this effect, however,
cannot be determined with currently available core and log data.
Effective porosity is also affected by clay mineralogy (Equation 26). By Equation 26,
clay minerals with increased differences between their dry and wet densities (i.e., mixed
layer clays with more bound water) have higher clay porosities, and therefore reduce
effective porosity by a larger amount. Detailed clay mineralogy from core was not
available, so the Th/K ratio from SGR logging of the 2-14 was utilized for clay mineral
determination instead (Fig. 5.9). Figure 5.9 indicates that the clay mineralogy approaches
a mixed-layer (illite and smectite) composition, which corresponds to a !"#$%&'( of 1.7
g/cm3 and a !)*(%&'( of 2.7 g/cm3 (Chitale 2010). If no smectite is present and illite clays
dominate the rock matrix, !"#$%&'( increases to 2.5 g/cm3 and the calculated clay porosity
decreases. As Furmann et al. (2014) reported between 12 and 36 wt% illite in the 7-19
core, the !"#$%&'( used in this study may have been too low. Using an illite clay density
would significantly improve the effective porosity-thickness present in the Belle Fourche
and Second White Specks alloformations in this study, but there is no basis for changing
this until calibration to core is established.
10.2.3 Brittleness
No DSSI logs or geomechanical tests run or core were available to establish the
brittleness of the Second White Specks or Belle Fourche alloformations in the study area.
To compensate for this, Furmann et al. (2014) calculated brittleness using the lithological
index defined by Wang and Gale (2009), which uses wt %. They reported that the BI for
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
their Second White Specks Formation averaged 47% and ranged from 39 to 61%,
whereas the BI for their Belle Fourche Formation was slightly lower on average (42%)
and ranged from 25 to 46%. The slight difference in brittleness between formations was
attributed to a higher proportion of carbonate minerals in the Second White Specks
Formation relative to the Belle Fourche (Gale et al. 2014). As noted in section 5.6.3,
brittleness indices that use volume % (e.g. Katz et al 2016; Mathia et al. 2016; Rybacki et
al. 2016) are preferred for use in organic-rich reservoirs over those that use wt % (e.g.,
Jarvie et al. 2007; Wang & Gale 2009; Jin et al. 2014a,b) because the contribution of
low-density organic matter to ductile behaviour may be otherwise overlooked (Rybacki et
al. 2016). In this study, the volumetric brittleness index described by Mathia et al. (2016)
was used for the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks alloformations, thereby
resulting in average BI of 0.79 and 0.82 for those formations, respectively. The results
from Furmann et al. (2014) and this study cannot be directly compared, as the indices
used were fundamentally different and their stratigraphic zonation also differs. They do,
however, support the incremental increase in the brittleness of allomember VII relative to
The Second White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations contain pyrite, multiple
carbonate mineral phases (calcite, siderite, and dolomite) as well as different types of clay
minerals. These mineral phases may all have different contributions to brittleness
(Rybacki et al. 2016). This study assumed that all carbonate minerals were associated
with dolomite, and all clay minerals were mixed-layer clays (illite or smectite). This is a
simplification of the real mineral assemblage. XRD analysis of mineral volumes would
have enabled more accurate estimation of clay volume (ductile), pyrite (brittle) and
multiple carbonate (brittle) mineral phases, as well as their associated volumes.
The carbonate volume model used in this study (Equation 28) only works for cored wells
that have total inorganic carbon data available (Jiang et al. 2017). Because inorganic
carbon was not available for non-cored wells, kerogen volume was used to calculate
carbonate volume % using a linear regression (Fig. 5.10). In general practice, PEF logs
would be used to establish carbonate mineral volumes, so kerogen was used in their
absence. Based on the LECO TOC data that is attached to this thesis, inorganic carbon
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
was often twice as high as the TOC. As a result, the regressions shown in Fig. 5.10 likely
underestimate the percentage of dolomite present in the reservoir. The maps of brittleness
for allomembers BF3 and VII (Figs .8.10 and 8.11), however, mostly reflect the geometry
of the clay volume maps from Chapter 7 and the TOC model from Chapter 8 – thereby
suggesting that lateral variations in brittleness mostly correspond to the volume of ductile
The sweet spot maps in Chapter 9 reveal regions where modelled petrophysical properties
co-locate with successful producing wells from allomembers BF3 and VII. Producing
wells for allomembers BF3 and VII can be broadly separated by township 39. North of
township 39, elevated porosity-thickness and brittleness overlap with reduced clay
content and improved well performance – this is likely due to the presence of thick,
relatively porous and brittle reservoir that became naturally fractured. South of township
39, sweet spots are constrained best by modelled TOC. The sweet spots in this region do
not exhibit the same degree of overlap between modelled petrophysical properties as is
seen north of township 39. These fairways have not been previously delineated in any
studies that are currently publicly available.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
The sweet spot maps included in this work suffer from a certain degree of confirmation
bias, as there are not many wells located outside the delineated fairways. This is partially
due to the exclusion of commingled wells: these are wells where the Second White
Specks Formation was being co-produced with other formations in order to improve the
overall well production. In general practice, formations are commingled when any single
formation does not have sufficient reservoir quality to produce hydrocarbons at economic
rates. From an oil production perspective, these wells are problematic to deal with as the
individual contributions of each formation cannot be easily separated.
The producing wells in this study could not be separated on the basis of perforation
locations and hydraulic fracturing styles within specific allomembers due to the limited
number of producing wells in the area. Moreover, the reported position of perforations
and hydraulic fracture treatments in geoSCOUT may not actually capture the location and
extent of induced fractures: they may extend into other allomembers, particularly if
relative brittleness values between allomembers favour vertical fracture propagation.
• The sweet spots identified in this study, which likely delineate areas with increased
reservoir quality, should be high-graded as targets for three-dimensional seismic
acquisition and geophysical inversion. This should confirm if the sweet spots
identified in this thesis actually capture regions with increased reservoir quality.
Solving the Second White Specks 10. Discussion
• NMR and DSSI logs should be run in any new wells drilled in the Second White
Specks Formation in order to assess fracture porosity and elastic moduli, respectively.
This would better establish brittleness variation and potentially help avoid areas
where wellbore stability in long horizontal wells had previously caused issues.
Additionally, running borehole XRF logs would help constrain mineralogical
• Over 2200 wells in the study area penetrate the Second White Specks interval, of
which less than 5% are completed in the lower Colorado Group. Existing, non-
producing wells should be re-logged with cased hole tools to try and identify missed
pay in allomembers BF3 and VII.
Solving the Second White Specks 11. Conclusions
Chapter 11
11 Conclusions
The primary goal of this research was to find a way to reliably predict what geographic
areas and stratigraphic zones are more likely to produce consistently well from the
Second White Specks Formation. It was hypothesized that areas with higher relative
brittleness (increased silica and carbonate content) and increased porosity would co-locate
with improved inflow performance from the Second White Specks Formation. To
adequately test this hypothesis, this study sought to answer three key questions. The
answers to these conclusions are drawn from the discussion in Chapter 10.
1) Can the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations in the study area be
subdivided into allomembers that provide a framework for mapping coeval
hydraulic flow units?
• Facies observed in this study are consistent with a distal to mid-shelf, marine,
low-gradient ramp setting in a shallow (40 to 70 m water depth) epicontinental
sea. Sediments were transported offshore by storm-generated combined flows.
Isolith maps, constructed by overlaying clay volume with isochore thickness,
demonstrate lateral facies heterogeneity across the study area and between
• The contact between the Belle Fourche and Second White Specks alloformation,
capped by the “red” bentonite and spanning the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary,
Solving the Second White Specks 11. Conclusions
is unconformable across the study area. The top of allomember BF3 was, at times,
truncated by this unconformity. Across this unconformity, the depositional style of
lower Colorado Group allomembers subtly change: in the Belle Fourche
alloformation, coarser-grained “reservoir” facies do not exhibit a high degree of
amalgamation; in the Second White Specks Formation, by comparison, a higher
degree of amalgamation and vertical stacking of coarser-grained facies was
observed. This results in increased reservoir facies thickness in allomember VII
relative to allomembers from the Belle Fourche (BF1, BF2, and BF3).
• Second White Specks and Belle Fourche allomembers exhibit significant lateral
facies heterogeneity across the study area. This was established on the basis of
isolith maps. These maps illustrate changes in clay content associated with
sediment supply, and stratal thickness variations that were attributed to shifts in
the location of sedimentary depocentres.
• Allomembers of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche represent coeval
depositional units that function as hydraulic flow units for petrophysical analysis
and sweet spotting.
2) Can the petrophysical properties of the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche
Formations be reliably modelled, using limited geophysical well data and sparse
core control for calibration?
• Using the Issler method, TOC was modelled for hydraulic flow units within
allomembers from the Second White Specks and Belle Fourche Formations. This
model was in agreement with LECO TOC and Rock-Eval data collected from
cores in the study area. Elevated TOC in allomembers BF3 and VII reflect the
initiation of OAE-II near the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary. Allomembers
exhibit lateral variations in organic richness (TOC) that are likely associated with
increased organic carbon preservation in the centre of the study area.
Solving the Second White Specks 11. Conclusions
• Combining brittle mineral models with porosity-thickness, TOC, and clay volume
trends into sweet spot maps revealed potentially economic fairways in the Second
White Specks and Belle Fourche alloformations that co-located with increased
historical oil production. These trends have not been previously recognized in the
This thesis used petrophysical principles and theory to apply petrophysical methods to
real geological data. The integrated petrophysical and allostratigraphic method of sweet
Solving the Second White Specks 11. Conclusions
spot mapping established in this thesis provides a framework for delineating fairways in
underexplored unconventional basins where well log data is scarce. Although the
petrophysical models developed in this work are imperfect and potentially non-unique
responses to reservoir quality indicators, they provide critical information about
variations in reservoir quality and brittle behaviour. Sequence stratigraphic methods and
petrophysical analyses are often combined when seismic data is available for nonlinear
joint inversions. The practice of integrating petrophysics and allostratigraphy for
exploration purposes, however, is not commonly attempted. The method presented in this
thesis provides a way to estimate lateral and vertical variations in reservoir quality
without needing seismic data.
Future work
The core analysis database developed within this study should be supplemented with
several key analyses to improve the accuracy of the petrophysical models herein:
• Helium porosimetry data taken from other cores and at higher vertical resolution (<
0.5 m) to ground-truth modelled lateral and vertical variations in total porosity within
coeval strata;
• Core bulk density and core matrix density data to calibrate the matrix density used for
total porosity estimation, and to better establish pore fluid density;
• Local measurements of kerogen density to improve the total porosity correction for
organic content;
• Total sulphur measurements to estimate the distribution of pyrite;
• XRD analysis of matrix and clay mineralogy to constrain the lithological variations of
individual allomembers, especially with regards to carbonate mineralogy as it is not
easily modelled without PEF logs.
Solving the Second White Specks 11. Conclusions
Successful vertical Second White Specks Formation wells have historically accessed
natural fracture networks with enhanced flow capacity. Although this work has better
constrained lateral variations in the brittleness of the Second White Specks Formation
across west-central Alberta, the locations of those natural fracture networks remain
somewhat uncertain. High brittleness values only indicate possible natural fracture
development within an area. If 3D seismic data is available for the Willesden Green
region in the lower Colorado Group interval, an integrated petrophysical, stratigraphic,
and structural study should be undertaken within the high-graded “sweet spots” shown in
Chapter 9 to ascertain the location of fault networks and natural fractures. Trend surface
mapping (e.g., residual mapping) could help constrain the localized perturbations
associated with small-scale structural relief along major bounding surfaces – these small
variations may be associated with small faults or natural fractures. A 3D seismic dataset
would enable the use of nonlinear joint inversion methods for estimation of reservoir
quality parameters (e.g., clay volume, porosity, total organic content, and brittleness),
which could help constrain the otherwise sparsely located well data and resulting
petrophysical models of the lower Colorado Group. This could serve as a case study for
the comparison of deterministic and inverse petrophysical modelling methods. This could
also help separate the relative contributions of different petrophysical properties to
improved well performance.
Solving the Second White Specks CV
Curriculum Vitae
Name: Kienan P. Marion
Post-secondary The University of Western Ontario
Education and London, Ontario, Canada
Degrees: 2010 – 2014 Bachelor of Science (B.Sc.)
Honours Geology for Professional Registration
The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
2014 – 2018 Master of Science (M.Sc.)
Honours and Winston Karel Memorial Student Award for Best Abstract
Awards: Canadian Well Logging Society (CWLS)
2016 and 2017
Best Student Geological Oral Presentation
CSPG GeoConvention 2017: May 15 – 17, Calgary, AB, Canada
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)
SPWLA Foundation Grant
Society of Petrophysicists and Well Log Analysts (SPWLA)
Martin D. Hewitt Named Grant
AAPG Foundation Grants-In-Aid
Honourable Mention, Best Student Geological Poster Presentation
CSPG GeoConvention 2015: May 4 – 8, Calgary, AB, Canada
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)
Bronze Medal
AAPG Imperial Barrel Award Canada Region
L. Austin Weeks Undergraduate Grant
American Association of Petroleum Geologists (AAPG)
CSPG Undergraduate Award: Central/Ontario
Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists (CSPG)
Related Work Graduate Teaching & Research Assistant
Experience The University of Western Ontario
London, Ontario, Canada
2014 – 2018
Solving the Second White Specks CV
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