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IS 651 : 1992

( Reaffii~ed 1997 )

Indian Standard
( Fifth Revision )
Third Reprint DECEMBER 1998

uDC 621.643.032.5

B CJ H E A IJ 0 I’ 1 Iv D I A N S ‘I’ A N D A R 11 S
NEW DELHI 110002

Alwch 1992 Price Group 8

Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee, CED 3


This Indian Standard ( Fifth Revision) was adopted by the Bureau of tndian Standards
after the draft finalized by the Sanitary Appliances and Water Fittings Sectional Committee had
been approved by the Civil Engineering Division Councii.

This standard was first published in 1956. First, second, third. and fourth revioions of the- stani:d;‘i$
were issued in 1962. 1965, 19’71and 1980 respectively.

In this revision, the following major modifications have been made:

a) Classification of pipes and fittings which earlier was in two grades has been dispensed with.
b) Tests for acid resistance and alkali resistance for pipes and fittings which earlier were
optional have now been made mandatory.

c) In addition to,general updation, the values have now been given in SI units.

For the purpcse of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the
final value, observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test or analysis. shall be rounded off
in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules for rounding off numericat values ( revised 1’. The number of
significant places retained.in the rounded off values should be the same as that of the specified
values in this standard.
IS 651 : LWb

Indian Standard
Revision )
1 SCOPE conformity to dimensional specifications is not
required to be so awurate as for those in Section A.
I .I. This standard covers dimensions and performance
requirements for the following salt glazed stoneware. 2 REFERENCES
$~s and fittings: 2.1 Tbe following Indian Standards are the necessaq
a) Straigbt pipes; adjunct to this standard:
b) Bends;
c) Taper bend; IS IVO. Title
d) Junctions; X08 : 1989 L>imensions for hot rolled steel beam,
e) Half-section channels, straight and taper; column channel and angle section
f) Channel junctions; : third revision )
g) Channel bends; 2730 : 19?7 Magnesium sulphate (epsom salt)
b) Channel interceptors; ; firsr revision )
j) Gully traps; and 2-T: :Y75 ~bSil~ Of krmS Mhtiq t0 CeI?lJIUC
k) Inspection pipes. ware ( jirsl revision )
1,P.f The pipes as covered in this standard .;:d 35;
meant for,potable water applitatic-xi.
3,1 FOI &hrpuqm~ of tbis standard, the definitions of
I,2 Dimensions of glazed stoneware pipes aird i&rr*gs :r’r~n~ gx~cn in IS 2781 : 1975 shall apply.
are grouped into two Sectrons, A&B. Scclron W
covexs dimensions of straip,l:t pi;xs and ski :.ii<h 4 %8(;H’F-It4ND AND LEFT-HAND FITTINGS
fittings which normally form part of pipe-11nc :i:.d 4.1 A Tight-band fitting is such that when viewed
,‘>;hich are subject to same mnditicm. specificati~::i~s t’r~an the spigot towards the socket, the arm of a
scd tesLs as straight pipes. Se&on 13 inc?u.les iu~aion or the sockrt of a bend projects to the righ
dimenxtcions of fittings wbici, are comr~.only uscc :lut : SW I-ig. 1.4 2nd 13 . A Ml-hand fitting is such tha
Jo not form a part of the norms1 pipe-iitse. IYbefi?t~ll~x ~:ii,:n viewed 7~ atlctvr, rhc at-m of socket projec s tc
is? Secti~n B being hand_moulded articles, tb~r the left.

1A Channel Junction 18 Channel Bend


IS 651 : 1992

7.3 Absorption Test

5.1 All pipes and fittings shall be sound and free from The test pieces for testing shall be tahen from the body
visible defects which impair the strength, durability ofthe pipe or fitting but not from within 150 mm of the
and serviceability. The glaze of pipes and fittings shall end.
be free from crazing. The pipes and fittings shall give
a sharp clear note when struck with a iight h;%mmer. l!ach test pieces shall be of the whole thickness of the
wall of thr pipe or fitting and shall have two glazed
5.2 For pipes and fittings, a maximum of 10 percent surfaces each h::ving an area i)f not less than 50 cm2
shall be acceptable with any one of following blem- aud not more thau 130 cd. The test pieces shall be
ishes which do not impair the strength, durability and cleaned by wire brush to dislodge au~‘:nose particles
serviceability provided these pipes and fittings satis- ~+!lich may increase loss of liiass during boiling. ne
factorily pass the hydraulic test specified in 7.2: testpicccshallhedrirdatatc~~~peratureofnotlessthan
1So;‘C until MI furthrr loss ofntass is noted and cooied
a) A thin chipping not exceeding one quarter of
in a desiccator to the rmnl temperature and the speci-
the thickness of the body and not exceeding 10
IW!I weighed to au accuracy of 0.1 g. The test piere
c&on the outside of spigot or on either side of
may be suitable suspcndcd in cold Distilled water by
the socket;
means of thread so that the test piece may not strike
One blister, unbroken, not more than 3 mm against each other or tt,c container and incur loss in
high not more than 40 mm in largest dimrn- mass and the water in the container shall then be
sion inside or outside of the pipe; and brought to the boiling point. The water shall be main-
taiued at that !rmperaturr for 1 hour and after it has
c) Hairline surface cracks. been allowed to cool to room temperature, the test
pieces shall be removed carefully wiped with a dry
5.3 Colour of pipes/fittings may vary from yellow to cloth and then the mass determined. The percentage
dark brown/black. increase in mass of each test piece by absorption of
water shall not exceed the following values:
Thickness of Pipe increase in Mas.s
6.1 The interior and exterior surfaces of the pipes and,
or Fitbng, 111111 Percrnt
fittings which remain exposed after jointing, shall be
glazed. The portion which remains covered afterjoint-
Up to and including 20 6
ing may or may not be glazed. The glaze shall be 7
Over 20 and up to 25
obtained by the action of fumes of volatized COII~IOII
Over 25 dnd up to 32 8
salt on the material of the pipes and fittings during the 9
Over 32 and up to 38
process of burning ( see Note ).
Over 38 IO
NOTE - Alternatively glaze shall be ceramic glaze consisbn$of
glazing material. applied prior IO firing. 7.4 Test for Acid Resistance

7 TESTS Pipes and fitt;,lgs shall be tested for acid resistance

with hydrocholoric or nitric or sulphuric or acetic acid
7.1 Testing Facilities in accordance with the procedure given in Annex A.
The loss in mass shall not exceed 0.25 percent.
De manufacturer shall, at his premises and at his own
cost, provide the necessary gauges, supply and prepare 7.5 Test for Allurli Resistance
all test.pieces and supply all labour and apparatus for
testing which may be necessary for carrying out the Pipes and fittings shall be tested to the action of
tests as required by this standard. magnesium sulphate in axordance with the procedure
given in Amiex B. There shall be no evidence of
7.2 Hydraulic Test pitting, softening, spalling or cracking in the pipe or
When subjected to the hydraulic test straight pipes fitting after the test.
shall withstand an internal hydraulic test pressure of:
7.6 Crushing Strength Test
a) 0.15 MPa* on the barrelsand fittingsspecified
in Section A, and When tested along the full length of the pipe barrel
from shoulder to spigot in accordance with Annex C,
b) 0.07.5 MPa for fittings covered in Section 8.
the pipe tested shall have a minimum crushing strength
of 16 k N/m length.
Without showing signs of injury or leakage. The pres-
sure shall be applied on pipes and fittings at a rate not
exceeding 0.075 MPa in 5 seconds, and futl pressure
shall be maintained forat least 5 seconds. Care shall be
taken toensure that all air is expelled before the test is
8.1 The method of drawing representative samples
and the criteria for conformity shall be as przscribed
in Annex D.
ll MPa = 10.2 kg/cm*.

IS 651 : lM2
9 MARKING a) Name or trade-nI:Irk of Ihe rnantifachmr, and
b) Size (Internal D~‘;I).
9.1 Every pipe and fitting shall have legibly 9.1.1 Each pipe and fitting ~llny also be marked with
impressed upon it More firing the following: the Standard Mark.


10 IN-I’ERNAL DIAME’IXR lnterntrl Dinmclcr Permissible

of Pips Tolcrcrnce
10.1 The internal diameter of the barrels of straight 111111 111
pipes, junctions and bends shall be as specified in
co1 1 of Table 1. 100 +3
150 z5
10.2 Permissible Tolerances 200, 230 +6
250 to 350 +8
the following tolerances:specified in 10.1 shall be within
internal diameters 400,450 210
500, 600 ?I2

Table 1 Dimensions of Barrels and Sockets

10.1, 10.2,11.1, 13.1, 13.1.1, 13.2, 14.1 crnd 1X.1 )

All dimensions in millimetres.

1lltcnlid Mean Thlck- Intcnlal Excess L-gtbQf

Diameter DCSSof Rarrei Depth of Sbouldcr Groovhg of
and of Socket, Socket, M~SUMUCII~ wtel
Min Min Mlll Min
A B c D(l’/,B)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

100 12 30 10 75
150 15 57 11 85.5
200 16 63 12 94.5
230 t 19 63 12 94.5
250 20 IO 16 105
300 25 70 16 105
350 30 75 16 113.5
400 35 75 16 112.5
450 37 76 16 114
500 40 80 19 120
600 43 90 19 135

*E = widthofshoulderof socket whichshall exceed the mean thicknessof the barrel offhe pipc(ascerlained asdirected in 11.1) by not less than
Ihe values for C given in co1 4.

t This is non-preferred size and has been included to facililafe replacements.

%S651 : 1392
It.1 ?T-!e ;~n+qh of the barrels of straight and taper
11.1 The mean thickness of the barrel and the socket
pipes, junctions and half-section channels, exclusive
f the pipes junctions and bends shall not be less than
of the ;nt$,rn;lI rlcp~;~of the socket, shall be 600,750 or
the means thickness given i;a co1 2 of Table 1. Such
mean thickness of the barrels or sockets of any individ-
ual pipe juctions and bends shall be ascertained by 12.2 PernTasFible Tolerance on Length
making several minimum4 measurements and adding
the measured minimum thickness (not in the groove) The permissible tolerance on length shall be within
to the maximum thickness and dividing the sum by ~10 mm for pipes of 600 and 750 mm length and
kwcp.The mean thickness of the barrel and socket shall rt 15 mm for pipes of 900 mm fength.
be determined separately. 12.3 Permissible Deviafion From Straightness

11.2 Permissible Variation The maximum permissible deviation from straight-

ness of the barrel of a pipe, measured on the inside of
The difference between the minimum and maximum the curve and lested by means of a straight edge, for all
measured thicknesses mentioned in 11.1 shali not diameters of pipe, shall be 5 mm for pipes of 600 mm
exceed the amounts given below: length, 6 mm for pipes of 750 mm length and 7 mm for
pipes of 900 mm length.
internal Diameter Permissible Variation in
of Pipe Thickness of Barrel and 13 TAPERS, RENDS AND JUNCTIONS
13.1 I&ernal diameters of taper pipes (seed and D of
mm mm Fig. 2), half-section straight channels (scle Dof Fig. 3),
half-section taper channels (seed and D of Fig. 4) and
Not exceeding 450 2 junctions (see Fig. 5 and Fig. 6) shall be selected from
thosexiven in co1 1 of Table 1. Dimensions of bends
500 and 600 3 shall be in accordance with Tables 2 to 6.



d-fitiif- - --- --+ D


IS 651 : 1992


NOTE - The socket of rhe branch arm should IX as close to the main socket as possible. The barrels and branches of junclions may
be of any of fhe diameters shown in co1 1 of Table 1 but the diameter ‘d’ of ihe branch shall not exceed that of the barrel ‘D’. The length
of the barrel may be 600 mm, 750 mm or 900 mm.


?_ 45’ OR 90”

NOTE - The socket of the branch arm should he.as close lo the main socket as possible. The barrels and branches ofjunctions may
bcofanyof thediametersshownincoi lofTable 1 butthediameter’d’cfthe branchshailnotexccedrhatofthebamldia’D’.Bnnches
up to and including 200 mm diameter form an-angle of approximately 45Oand branches over 200 mm diameter form an angle of
approximately 55“to 60” IO the barrel, according IO size.

TipMe 2 Dimensions of One-Quarter Bends
(Clause 13.1)
All dimensions in millimerres.


(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

100 90 140 150 19b 215 255

1so 150 190 190 230 230 ?65

200 215 265 -

230, 215 265

255 305
2so >
330 390 465 -

400 420 495

450 455 530

500 490 570

600 550 640 -

W is a non-preferred size and has been included to facilitate replrcemen~~.

, -
IS 651: I992

Table 3 Dimensions of One-Eighth Beads Table 4 Dimensions of One-Sixteenth Bends

(Clause 13.1) (Clause 13.1)

All dimensions in millimettes. All dimensions in millimetres.

Short MCdlUlBl Long lmkrnd Lnameter I

I r r
(8 (2)
(2: (3) (4’1 100 750

1o.i 250 380 5ix. 150 900

1%) 3RO 460 5i.J 200 1050

2tM - 530 “-
230’ 1050
230 * - 530 -
__ 610 _- 300 1200
350 lSO0
350 640 -.

400 - 400 1800


450 700 - 450 2 150

SOCI 735 500 2600

600 785 -
600 3 050

*This is a non-preferred swe and ha been included IO facilitate *This is a non-prefwrd SIP w-t has hen included (0 hdlitatc
.Jacements. replacements.
Table 5 Dimensions of One-Quarter Taper Bends
(Clause 13.1)

All dimensions in millimetres

Ir.Iemd Dluda I a
c I
1 D
(1) (2) (3) (4)
100 150 150 190

150 230 199 230

Table 6 Dimensions of One-Eighth Taper Bends

(Chtse 13.1)

in millimetres.


-1 D

0) (2) (3)

100 150 380

IS 651: 1992
13.1.1 The barrels and branches of half-section chan- and half times the depth of sockets, and the depth of
nel junctions may be of any of the diameters shown in such grooves shallbe between 1 inm to 25 mm.
co1 1 of Table 1 but the diameter of the branches shall
not exceed that of the barrel diameter (see Fig.7). The
angle at junction shall be 4S” z 3Oor 900 2 3O.

132 Taper pipes, and half-section taperchannels may

be ordered in any normal combination of diameters
and lengths. The other dimensions shall be within the
limits of pipe size given in Table 1 and under 11 and

14 socKETs

14.1 The interior of the sockets shall be conical, hav-

ing a minimum taper of 1 mm, measured on the
diameter, per 15 mm length (that is, 1 in 30); this the
diameter of a socket 50 mm deep will be at least 3 mm
greater at the top than at the bottom. The depth ok the
sockets shall be in accordance with Table 1. The width
of the shoulder of socket of any individual pipe or
fitting shallexceed the mean thickness ofthe barrel by
not less than the values given in co1 4 of Table 1.


15.1 The interior of the sockets and exterior of the

spigots shall be grooved circumferentially, and such
groovingon the spigot shall be for a lengthequal toone FIG. 7 HAIJ-SECllON CHANNEL JUNCXSON


16 GENERAL for quality. It includes inspection pipes (see Fig. 8)

16.1This section deals only with designs and dimen- straight and taper channels, junctions and channel
sions of fittings and it does not embody specifications bends, channel interceptors and gully traps.

All dimensions
in millimctns
17 DIMENSIONS to the appropriate corresponding dimensions of straight
pipes and sockets given in Table 1.
17.1 The dimensions of fittings shall be as given in
Table 7 to Table 12 and Fig. 8 within practical limits 19 GROOVING
without affecting the utility or serviceability of the
fittings. 19.1 The interior of the sockets and the exterior of the
spigots shall be grooved circumferentially. Where
18 SPIGOTS AND SOCKETS OF FITFINGS applicable such grooving on the spigots shall be for a
length equal to one and a half times the depth of the
18.1 Thespigots and sockets of fittings, except where sockets, and the depth ofsuch grooves shall be 1 mm
otherwise provided for in this standard, shall conform to 2.5 mm.

Table 7 Dimensions of Half-Section One-Quarter Channel Eznds

(C&we 17.1)

All dimensions in millimetrcs.

(1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (6) (7)

100 190 220 260

lso 230 230 270
200 2c5 -

230 270
230 30s
300 305 -

3so 465
400 495
430 530
So0 570
600 640
IS 651: 1992

Table 8 Dimensions of Half-Section One-Eighth Table 9 Dimensions of Half-Section

Channel Bends One-Sixteenth Channel Bends
(C/mm 17.1) (Clause 17.1)

A!1dimensions in nlillinletrcs. All dimensions in millimeWes.

htecrd sbesi lmtumdDbml@a r

Dhmeter I
(1) (2)
(1) (2) (3) 100 750

loo 250 380 150 900

150 380 460 200 lo50

200 SO 230 lOSO
230 xw 2so 1200
250 610
300 1200
300 610
350 1XlO
350 640
400 18lUl
400 670
450 21so
450 700
SO0 2600
500 735
600 3060
600 78s
lThii is l non-prefemd size rod br kcll itch&d to facilitate

Tabk 10 Dimensionsof Channel Intmepbrs
(Chuse 17.1)

Ail dictions in millinetres.


(3 (6) (7)
100 20 7s

lso 610 7s 65 100 20 7s

230* 790 75 65 100 20 90

WJ.& isa nom-preferred

andItmbeeniocludad to f&lime replac~~mnts.

IS 651: 1992

Table 11 Dimensions of Round Mouth Gully Traps

(Chse 17.1)

All dimensionsin millimetres.

.--- -


P-TYPE,1 /


TW size A c D E F F’ G
11) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11)

100x loo 330 165 100 100 100 75 - - 360

P 125xlcO 355 185 100 125 100 75 340

150x loo 343 200 100 150 100 75 - - 385

Q 125x100 330 175 100 125 100 - 75 - 340

lOOx loo 305 165 100 100 100 - 120 360

S 150x loo 343 200 100 150 100 - 115 385

150x 150 405 255 150 150 150 110 460

{ .

IS 651: 1992
Table 12 Dimensions of Square-Mouth Gully Traps
jc%US~ 17.1)


Typr sh? A c d D E F F’ G
u-.w (fw

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (‘5) (8) (9? (1Oi (11)

100x loo 305 175 100 100 65 - - 330

12.5xlcn 265 165 100 125 60 - - 345

P 150x 100 330 165 100 ! 50 75 - - 346

180x 100 320 200 100 180 65 - ._ 380

180 x 150 405 270 150 ! 8C 15 - -_ 520

Q 125X100 330 16s 100 125 100 - 80 - 345

125x100 290 165 100 125 loo - - loo 345

s 150x 100 330 165 100 150 100 - - 115 346

180x 150 445 275 150 180 i 5;: - - 12s 520

IS 651: 1992

(Ckmse 7.4)


A-O.1 The test specimen is completely immersed in

A-3.1 The weighing shall be made on a balance accu-
rate to 0.01 g when loaded with 200 g.
the test solution and the resistance to acid is deter-
mined as the percentage of acid soluble matter ex-
pressed as sulphate.
A-l.1 The specimens to’be tested shall be dried to a
A-l REAGENTS cc;nstant mass (M,) at a temperature not less than
‘,5@C. The specimens upon reaching constant mass
A-1.1 Nitric Acid - 6.30 percent, specific gravity shall1be completely immersed in the test solution at the
1.42. ambient temperature for a period of 48 hours. Then
removed from the solution and carefully and fhor-
A-l.2 Acetic Acid - 6.00 percent, specific gravity oughly washed with hot distilled water, allowing the.
1.05. wash to run into the solution in which specimens were
immersed. The solution shall be filtered and to the
A-l.3 Hydrochloric Acid - 3.65 percent, specific filtrate shall be added 5 ml of concentrated sulphuric
gravity 1.19. acid. The tilutioe shall then be evaporated (avoiding
loss by ignition) and heated cautiously to dryness. It
A-L4 Sulphuric Acid - 4.90 percent, specific grav- shall then be ignited to constant mass (MJ.
ity 1.84.
A-2 PREPARATION OF TEST SPECIMEN A-5.1 The pe~~ntage of acid soluble matter,eqmssed
as sulphate shall be calculated as follows:
A-2.1 Test specimen shall be sound tiith all edges
freshly broken, free from cracks or shattered edges,
Mass of residue (MJ
Loss in mass % = xl00
about 5 cm square, not more than 200 g in mass, and
Mass of dry specimen (M,)
shall be thoroughly cleaned with wire brush,

(Clawe 7.5)



B-0.1 The resistance of stoneware pipes or fittings to B-3.1 Heat the magnesiumsulphatc solution (specific
alkali is determined by reacting it with magnesium gravity 1.295 to 1.3Ot3)to the boiling tempentu=.
sulphate solution. Place the test sample in a wire bsket and submerge it
into the boiling solution; continue heating for two
B-l PREPARATION OF SAMPLE hours, Then remove the. sample and bring it to a
constant mass in a drier or oven at a temperature ‘not
B-l.1 Test samples measuring not less than 75 cm2 less than 110%. Subject the test sampk to at least five
and not more than 130 cm2 shall be broken from the cycles using fresh solution for each cycle. After the
pipe or fittings. The samples shall be sound, free from completion of five cycles remove the saqle fmm the
cracks or surface defects. solution, wash it and bring it to constant mass in a drier
or oven at a temperature not less &an 1UPC. Air cool
B-2 REAGENTS the sample and ohserve.

B-2.1 Saturated Solution of Magnesium Sulphate B-3.2 There shall be no evidence of pitting, softc~
--Conforming to IS 2730 : 1977. spalling or cracking.

IS 651: 1992



strips are symmetrically disposed parallel to a vertical

C-l CRUSflING STRENGTH TESTING plane passing tbrougb the longitudinal axis oftbe pipe,
MACHINE and an upper member also being a rigid bram, on
which one bearing strip is centrcd and disposed so that
C-l.1 While the pipe to be tested is supported in a it lies in the vertical plane passing througb the longitu-
horizontal position on two hearings parallel to its axis, dinal axis of the pipe (see Fig. 9).
the load shall be applied to it along the length of the
barrel through a third hearing on top of the barrel (see C-l.5 The beam on which the hearing strips arc dis-
Fig. 9). posed shall be structural steel beams single or of
compound sections having moments of inertia about
C-l.2 Any testing machine having a device that the vertical and horizontal axis of the cross section not
will apply the load at a uniform rate of abou! less than those of WB250(se~ IS 808 : 19S9) arid \\ irt
30 (kN/m) min, or in increments of not more than a width of flange not less than 200 mm.
SOONat thesamerate, maybeused formaking the test.
C-l.6 Mild steel, teak ot similar hardwood shall b<
C-13 The testing machine shall be substantial and used to face the upper flange oftbe bottom beam. The
rigid throughout, so that the distribution of the load facingsball be straight and free nfwarpingor twisfing
will not be affected appreciably by the deformation or andsballbecentrallylocatedontbe flangeofthebcam
yieldingofrny part. Th,e bearings shall be as specified by means of hardwood strips attached to its lower face
in C-1.4, C-1.5, C-l.6 and C-2.1, and shall be attached and in contact with the edges o!‘Ihc flange. The cross
to the. machine so as to receive and uniformly transmit section of the facing may have either of two shapes at
maximum loads required in the tests without lost the discretion of the pipe manufacturer.
motion, vibrations, or sudden shock. The machine and
bearings shall he designed to transmit the load in a Shape A shall be rectangular 280 x 35 111111mini-
vertical plane through the longitudinal centre lines of mum, without a joint. Shape B is shown in Fig. 10.
the bearings and pipe.
A similar facing of shape A may be used to face
C-l.4 The three hearings shall consist of a lower
the lower flange of the uppet beam if dcsircd.
member, being a rigid beam on which two hearings

fo01~7 0f A~PLI~A~I~N-.+




IS 651 : 1992

to the upper beam, by adhesive if desired, provided,

such method of attachment results in the strip reniain-
C-2.1 ‘J‘ht bearing strips’shall consist of tubber cut or ing firmly fixed in position whet) carrying the maxi-
formed front material having sufficient h,rdness. The mm load.
strips shall be of rectangular cross seci;ou having a
width of 30 mm and a thickness of not less than 25 nun C-3 APPLlCATION OF LOAD
c,t more than 40 nm. The two bottom strips shall be of
equal thickness. C-3.1 The load shall be applied to the top bearing at a
point distant front the spigot and of the pipe equal to
C-2.2 The single top bearing strip shall be used with
one-half of the overall length of the pipe including the
the 50 nmdinteusion in contact with the pipe. It may
socket if any. The test load shall be applied to the top
be positioned 011 the bearing by the use of wood or
bearing in such a way that the bearing is free to rotate
metal strips along its outside edges, provided the in vertical plane through tbe longitudinal centre line,
thickness of the positioning strips does not exceed
of the top artd bottom bearings. In testing a pipe that is
one-half the thickness of the rubber bearing strip.
not straight it shall be placed betwee.n the bearings in
the position that appears to give the most favourable
C-2.3 The two lowerbearingstrips shall be laid on the
bearing conditions for fair test.
50 nm diutensiou and may be positioned on the
bearing with wood or metal strips between them and
c-3.2 The ‘,~~.,~!ig of the pipe shall be a continuous
adjacent to their outside edges, provided the thickness
operation, and the pipe shall not be allowed to stand
of these positioningstrips does not exceed one-half the
under load longer than is required lo apply the load and
thickness of these rubber bearing strips. The two strips
record the observations.
‘. ,.bitll ‘9, spaced a distance apart of approximately
1 m311per 12 nuu of pipe diameter but in no case has C-4 EVALUATION OF CRIJSHING STRENGTH
than 2.5 mm. When used with Sbape B they shall be
parallel and 25 mm apart for all pipe diameters. C-4.1 The ultimate crushing strength in kN per linear
nletre shall be calculated by dividing the total applied
C-2.4 The rubberbearingstrips may be attached to the load at fracture by the inside length of the barrel of the
facings, or in the case of the single upper strip, directly sa n?p!e bmkezl.
KS 651 : f992

(Ch~e 0.1)


D-l SCALE OF SAMPLING Lot Size Number of Sitw

to be Testegf
D-1.1 Lot
up $0 150 2
!5! ” 300 3
301 ” 500 4
type, size and manufactured under similar conditions
of production, shall be grouped together to constitute 501 ” 1 CIOO
a lot. 1001 ” 3OcKl 5
3 001 and above 8
D-l.2 The number of pipes or fittings to be selected at These pipes may be selected at random from those
random from the 10,t depends upon the size of the lot already selected in D-l.2 and suitable test specimens
and shall be in accordance with co1 1 to 4 of Table 13. shall be selected from them.
D-2.1 All the pipes or fittings selected as in D-l.2 shall
be inspected for general quality (see S.l), dimensions D-3.1 A lot shall be considered as conforming to the
(see Secticn A or Section B). requirements of ;he specification, if the conditions
mentioned in D-3.2 to D-3.5 are all satisfied.
D-2.2 The number of pipes or fittings to be tested for
hydraulic test (see 7.2) shall be 5 percent of the lot, as D-3.2 General Quality (see 4.1) and Dimensions
prescribed in D-2.2. (sqe Section A and Section B)
These pipes may be selected at random from those
The number of pipes and fittings in the first sample
already selected in D-l.2 and suitable test specimens
(seecol2 and 3 of Table 13) shall be first selected and
shall be selected from them.
subjected to inspection for general quality and dimen-
D-2.3 The number of pipes or fittings to be tested for sions. If in the first sample the number of defectives,
absorption (see 7.3) for resistance to action of acids that is those failing either for general quality or dimen-
(see 7.4) and of alkali (SW 7.5) and crushing strength sions, is less than or equal to the corresponding accep-
{see 7.6) shall be as given below: tance number a, (co1 5 of Table 13) the lot shall be

Table 13 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity

(Clause D- 1.2)

IArt Slzc SBmplc SSWlDlC C~UlatlVC Genunl Qunllty Minor Blanlsha

SL Sample (5.1) and Dtmawioms (5.2)
She (Secttom A & B)

A- W--
% rl 5 I:

(1) (2) (3) (4) (3 (6) (3 (8)

up lo 150 Firs1 13 13 0 2 2 5
Second 13 26 1 2 6 7

51 to 300 First 20 20 0 3 3 7
Second 20 40 3 4 8 9

301 lo500 First 32 32 1 4 5 9

Second 32 64 4 5 12 13

501 to 1000 First 50 50 2 5 7 11

Second 50 100 6 7 18 19

lcmJ1103cm First 80 80 3 7 11 ! :.,

9 26 .?
Second 80 160 8

3 001 and First 1’5 125 5 9 17 L,J

above SecUIh? 125 250 12 13 37 38

___- _-“- _-_..

considered as conforming to the requirements of corresponding rejection number rz (co1 8 ofTa5k I?‘),
general quality and dimensions. If the number of the lot shall be considered as not conforming, If the
defectives in the first sample is greaterthan oresual to number of defectives in the first san9ple lies between
the correspond9r9g rejection number rl (co1 6 of’Tabte the corresponding 0, and I,, a secono sample (see co1
13). the lot shall be considered as not conforming. If 2 and 3 of Table 13) shall bk selected and subjected to
the number of defectives in the first sample lies be- Inspectron. !f in the combined sample. the numoer or‘
tween the corresponding (I, and I-,, a second sample defectives is less than 01 equal to the corresy>ontding
(see co! 2 and 3 of Table 13) shall be selected bnd acceptance number cl;, the lot shall be considered
subjected to inspection. Ifin the combined sampie, the conforming, 2nd ifthe number of defectives s greater
number of defectives is !ess than or equal to the thanor equal to the corresponding rejection :ILL~~SCI r:,
corresponding rejection ilumber r9, the lot shall be the iot shall be considered as not conformin~~
considered as not conforming.

D-3.3 h&nor Blemiskes (SW 4.2:

The number of pipes and fittings in the first samp?e

(see co! 2 and 3 of Table 13) shall be first selected and
subjected to inspection for blemishes which do snot
impair the strength, durability and serviceabiiity. 3f in
the first san99ple the numberofdefectives is less thanor
equal to the corresponding acceptance number a,
(CO! 7 of Table 13), the jot shall be considered as con- D-3.6 For resistance 90 action of acids nr9d of macne-
forming to the requirements. If the number of defec- siun9 sulphate; all test specimens shail satisfy-the
tives in the first sample is greater than or equa! to the seqr:irements specified in ‘7.Xend 7.5 respectivea?.
Bureau of Indian Standards

BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau of Indian Standards Act, 1986 to promote
harmonious tl: \ elopmeni of the activities of standardization, marking and quality certification of goods
and attending to conneiied matters in the country.


BIS has the copyright of all its publications. No part of these publications may be reproduced in any form
without the prior permission in writing of BIS. This.does not preclude the free use, in the course of
implementing the standard, of necessary details, such as symbols and sizes, type or grade designations.
Enquiries rckiting to copyright be addressed to the Director (Publications), BIS.

Review of Indian Standards

Amendments are issued to standards as the need arises on the basis of comments. Standards are also
reviewed periodically; a standard alon, 0 with amendments is reaffirmed when such review indicates that
no changes are needed; if the review indicates that changes are needed, it is taken up for revision. Users
of Indian Standards should ascertain that they are in possession of the latest amendments or edition by
referring to the latest issue of ‘BIS Handbook’ and ‘Standards: Monthly Additions’.

This Indian Standard has been developed from DOC : NO. CLL, 3 ( 5035 I

Amendments Issued Since Publication

Amend No. Date of Issue Text Affected



Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi 110 002 Telegrams : Manaksanstha
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Regional Offices : Telephone

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Printed at Ptitograph, New Delhi, Ph : 5726847

(Fifth Rrvisim)

( First covet page ad page 1, Tide ) - Substitute the following for the
(Page 1, clause 1.1, line 2) - Delete the word ‘salt’.
[ Page 1, clause 1.1(a) ] - SUbStiNk ‘Straight and taper pipes‘ for ‘Straight
( Page 1, clause 2.1 ) - Add reference to ‘IS 4905 : 1968 Methods for
( Page 2, clause 6.1 ) - Delete the ‘NOTE’ appearing at the end of the
clause and add the following at the end of the clause in place of the wotds ‘(see
’ ‘or glaze shall be ceramic glaze consisting of glazing material, applied prior to
(Page 2, clause 7.2 ) - Suktitute the following for the existing:
‘7.2 When subjected to hydraulic test, straight pipes shall withstand the internal
hydraulic test pressure of 0.15 MPa on the barrels and fitting covered in
Section A and 0.075 MPa for fitting coveted in Section B, without showing signs
of injury or leakage. The pressureshall be applied on pipes and fittings at a rate
not exceeding 0.075 MPa in 5 set and full pressure shall be maintained for
atleast 5 sec. Care shall be taken to ensure that all air is expelled before the test
is commenced.’
( Page 2, clause 7.4 ) - Substitute the following for the existing:
‘7.4 Pipes and fittings shall be tested for acid resistance in accordance with the
procedure given in Amtex A. The loss in mass shall not exceed 2.5 percent.
(Page 2, clause 8.1) - Substitute the following for the existing:

Amend No. 1 to IS 651: 1992

‘8.1 Scale of sampling and criteria for conformity of a lot shall be as prescribed
in Annex D’
(Page 7, Tables 3 and 4, co1 1) - Put a bracket against Internal Diameters
250 and 300 as shown below:
‘250 ’
( Page 9, clause 13.2 ) -Add the following matter after 13.2 as follows:
‘13.3 Permissible Tolemnce on Bends
133.1 Tolerance on angles of bends shall be within t 3’.
133.2 Tolerance on dimension ‘t’ and ‘a’ of bends shall be as follows:
Dimenkms r and a, mm Permissible Variation, mm
up to loo *3
101 to 300 i5
301t0600 *7
(Page 9, clause 15.1, line 5 ) - Substitute ‘2.5 mm’ for ‘25 mm’
( Page 15, clause A-l ) - Delete clauses ‘A-1.1, A-l.2 and A-11.3’ and
retain ‘A-W without clause No.
( Page 18 and 19, Annex D ) - Substitute for following for the existing
(Clause 8.1)
AI1 the pipes or fittings of the same type, size and manufactured under similar
conditions of production, shall be grouped together to consitute a lot.
The number of pipes or fittings to be selected at random ( see IS 4905 : 1%8 )
from the lot depends upon the size of the lot and shall be in accordance with co1
Arnend No. 1 to IS 651: 1992


D-3.1 All tbe pipes or fittings selected as in D-2 sball be inspected for general
quality (see 5) and dimensions (see Section A or Section B, as relevant ).
D-3.2 The number of pipes or fittings to be tested for hydraulic test ( see 7.2 )
shall lx 5 percent of the lot, as prescribed in D-l. These pipes may be selected at
random from those already selected in D-2.
D-33 Tbe number of pipes or fittings to be tested for water absorption ( see
7.3 ), for resistance to action of acids ( see 7.4), for resistance to action of alkali
( see 7.5 ) and crushing strength (see 7.6) sball be as given below:
Lot Size Number of P;pes
to be Tested
up to 150 3
151 to 1200 5
1201to10ooo 8
These pipes may be selected at random from those already selected in D-2 and
suitable test specimens prepared.
D-4.1 A lot shall be considered as conforming to the requirements of tbe
specification, if the conditions mentioned in D-4.2 to D-4.6 are satisfied.
D-4.2 Gene& Quality ( see 5 ) and Dimensions ( see Section A and
Section B )
The number of pipes or fittings in the first sample ( see co1 2 and 3 of Table 13)
shall he first selected and subjected to inspection for general quality and
dimensions. lf in the first sample the number of defectives, that is, those failing
either for general quality or dimensions, is less than or equal to tbe
corresponding acceptance number a, ( co1 5 of Table 13 ), tbe lot sball be
considered as conforming to the requirements of general quality and dimensions.
If the number of defectives in the first sample is greater than or equal to the
corresponding rejection number re ( co1 6 of Table 13 ), the lot shall lx
considered as not conforming. lf the number of defectives in the first sample lies
between the corresponding ac and re, a second sample (see co1 2 and 3 of Table
13 ), shall be selected and subjected to inspection. If in the combined sample,
the number of defectives is greater than or equal to the corresponding rejection
number re, the lot shall be considered as not conforming.
Amend No. 1 to IS 651: 1992

D-4.3 For the hydraulic test, all tbe specimens shall satisfy the requirements as
specified in 7.2.
Table 13 Sample Size and Criteria for Conformity
( Chses D-2 and D-4.2 )

Lutsizc Smpk Sampk CUmUktiVC Ga~emlQuality

size Sample (serS)~dDimensiam
size (SectioasA&B)
c .
ac r=’
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5 ) (6)
up to 150 First 20 20 1 4
S@YJod 20 40 4 5
151tO280 First 32 32 2 5
SecOnd 32 64 6 7
281 to 500 First 50 50 3 7
scmiKl 50 100 8 9
501 to t 200 First 80 80 5 9
80 160 12 13
12Olto3200 First 125 12.5 7 11
SWlld 125 250 18 19
3201to10m First 200 200 11 16
swlld 200 400 26 27

D-4.4 For water absorption test, the mean and the range (difference between the
highest and tbe lowest value ) of the test results obtained shall be calculated and
( mesn +. 0.6 range ) shall be less than or equal to tbe maximum limit specified
in 73.
D-4.5 For resistance to actions of acid and of alkali, all test specimens shall
satisfy the requirements specified in 7.4 and 7.5 respectively.
D-4.6 For crushing strength test, all the test specimens shall satisfy the
requirements as specified in 7.6.’


Printed at Printograph, New Delh, PI.: 5726847


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