How Does The Bilingual Experience Sculpt The Brain?
How Does The Bilingual Experience Sculpt The Brain?
How Does The Bilingual Experience Sculpt The Brain?
and Japanese6. This capacity to differentiate The ability to discriminate between their environment at an early stage and that
between two languages is not restricted to more-similar languages, such as English early exposure to a bilingual environment
humans. Previous studies have reported that and Dutch or Spanish and Italian, develops does not hinder this ability.
cotton-top tamarin monkeys7 as well as a bit later, at around 4–5 months of age, in However, the bilingual experience does
Long-Evans rats8 can discriminate between both monolingual and bilingual infants, if seem to affect the way in which language
Japanese and Dutch. Thus, the initial lan- they have previously been exposed to at least discrimination is achieved. One study 9
guage discrimination capacities of humans one of the languages in question9–11. Thus, involving bilingual and monolingual
may have nothing to do with previous it seems that infants are able to notice that 4–5-month-olds showed that monolin-
exposure to language. there are two different language systems in gual infants orientated faster to a familiar
–0.5 these structural changes are also sensitive to
the proficiency level in the second language,
(French )
–1.0 Monolingual further suggesting that they are indeed
related to the use of a second language rather
than to other potentially uncontrolled vari-
ables59. Thus, although it is difficult to give
a complete and coherent picture of the rela-
Figure 1 | Two experiments comparing monolingual and bilingual Nature infants’Reviews
capacities to discrimi-
| Neuroscience tionships between some of these structural
nate between languages. a | In the first study, Spanish or Catalan monolingual and Spanish–Catalan changes and their functional roles, it seems
bilingual 4–5‑month-old infants were presented with English sentences (an unknown language to the
that the learning and continuous use of two
infants) or with sentences of their maternal language (either Spanish or Catalan)9. These sentences
from each language were randomly presented from one of two loudspeakers that were hidden behind languages have pervasive effects on the func-
pictures of women that were arranged on either side of a central screen (two colourful, dynamic tional and structural properties of various
images were successively displayed on the screen at the beginning of each trial (that is, before a sen‑ cortical and subcortical structures.
tence was played) to attract infants’ attention). Previous research with monolingual infants150 had The current evidence is sufficiently
established that infants orientate their gaze faster to the familiar than to the unfamiliar language. consistent to suggest that bilingualism does
Indeed, monolingual Catalan and monolingual Spanish infants displayed the expected pattern (in indeed have behavioural and neural func-
blue). However, Spanish–Catalan bilingual infants showed the opposite pattern: they orientated faster tional consequences for language processing
to the unknown language than to the maternal one (in red). b | In other studies, infants were familiar‑ even in a bilingual’s first and dominant lan-
ized with silent video clips of individuals speaking either French or English. Infants first saw silent video guage. This is not to say, however, that such
clips of three different French–English bilingual speakers speaking either in French or in English and
an experience leads to fundamental differ-
their attention to the images was measured (looking times). Once their attention declined (habituation
criterion), half of the infants saw new sentences in the same language and half of the infants saw new ences in the way that the first language is pro-
sentences in the other language. At the test phase, monolingual and bilingual infants before the age cessed, unless extensive exposure to a second
of 8 months looked longer when presented with video clips from a different language from the one in language causes first-language attrition.
the familiarization phase, indicating that all infants were able to discriminate between the languages.
However, at 8 months of age, only bilingual infants seemed to be able to discriminate between the Beyond language
silent video clips14,15. Furthermore, previous experience with the languages in the silent video clips did As we have discussed, bilingualism affects
not seem to have any marked influence on the capacity of bilingual 8‑month-olds to discriminate the brain activity related to language pro-
between them. The capacity to discriminate French from English visually was equivalent for infants cessing, probably as a result of an increase in
exposed to French and English and for infants exposed to Spanish and Catalan. The bar chart shows language-processing demands. Given that
the increment (or decrement) in looking times between the last trials of the habituation phase and the
exchanging linguistic information is one of
trials in the test phase (when a language change was introduced) for monolingual and bilingual infants
aged 8 months old. As can be seen, only the bilingual infants markedly increased their looking times. the most frequent cognitive activities that
The graph in part a is reproduced, with permission, from REF. 9 © (1997) Elsevier. The chart in part b is humans perform, the question arises as to
reproduced, with permission, for REF. 15 © (2012) SAGE Publications. whether bilingualism affects other cognitive
processes. Research on this issue is perhaps
the topic in the field that is receiving the
that both of these structures are involved in that the increase in processing demands most attention from both the scientific
keeping the two languages apart during lan- associated with bilingualism can also lead to community and the general public at the
guage processing, at least in contexts in which some processing benefits. For example, early moment. In this section, we first review the
both languages are engaged (see REF. 57 for highly proficient bilinguals show increased current evidence regarding the behavioural
similar evidence with bimodal bilinguals — subcortical representation of linguistic consequences of bilingualism in relation to
individuals who can sign and speak the same sounds, as revealed by a larger electrical the efficiency with which executive control
language). However, it must be mentioned brain response in the range of the sounds’ processes work, and then we turn to the
issue of how bilingualism affects the neural prevent interference from the language that executive control processes. These observa-
circuitry that sustains the executive control is not in use, to update working memory tions nicely complement the behavioural
system across the lifespan. continuously and/or to attend to the relevant effects of bilingualism on the executive con-
linguistic features of each language (for exam- trol system reviewed above (see also REF. 31).
Behavioural consequences of the bilingual ple, the different phonological repertoires) The effects of long-life bilingualism on
effect on executive control processes. The mul- when learning the two languages. However, neural circuitry have been shown to promote
tifactorial executive control system involves the link between the processes engaged cognitive reserve in elderly people66. Elderly
processes such as inhibition (BOX 1), flexible during bilingual language production and bilinguals outperform elderly monolinguals
switching between tasks, working memory comprehension and their potential effects on on executive control tasks66,85, despite the fact
and monitoring 64,65, which may be assigned each of these executive components is poorly that bilinguals recruit certain brain areas,
to any given behavioural task to facilitate its understood79,80. such as the left lateral frontal cortex and cin-
completion. It has been hypothesized that Further complicating this picture is the gulate cortex, to a lesser extent than mono-
these domain-general executive control observation that the cognitive effects of linguals86. Also, bilingualism promotes the
mechanisms are recruited in a more taxing bilingualism are already present in infants. maintenance of white matter integrity of the
manner during bilingual than during mono- Simultaneous bilingual infants are able to corpus callosum in elderly people63, a finding
lingual language processing. Hence, con- switch their attention more efficiently than that has further increased our understanding
tinuous recruitment of these mechanisms monolingual infants in non-linguistic tasks of the basis of cognitive reserve (BOXES 1,5).
during bilingual language processing may at the age of 7 months74, and at 18 months In this context, a striking observation
affect the development and efficiency of the of age, they appear to have more-developed that has deservedly captured media atten-
multifactorial executive control system43,55,66. memory generalization processes81. These tion is that bilingualism seems to delay
Some behavioural evidence supports this observations suggest that an explanation the behavioural symptoms associated
hypothesis: bilinguals experience less inter- of the bilingual effect only in terms of the with neurodegenerative disorders such as
ference in conflict resolution tasks than do need to control their two languages during Alzheimer’s disease87–89. The estimated age
monolinguals66–70 (see REF. 31 for an excellent speech production is not tenable anymore, of onset of the disease and the age of the
review of the scope of the bilingual effect given that these infants do not yet engage in first medical appointment related to cogni-
on cognitive control) and, in some contexts, speech production. tive symptoms associated with dementia are
bilinguals seem to be more flexible when The reviewed evidence strongly sug- about 4–5 years later in proficient bilinguals
switching between non-linguistic tasks71,72. gests that bilingualism has behavioural than in monolinguals. This is not to say that
These effects of bilingualism on the execu- consequences for the mechanisms involved bilingualism protects against the develop-
tive control system have been observed in a in executive control processes. Given these ment of neurodegenerative diseases. Rather,
wide range of tasks with little or no linguis- behavioural observations, it is important the symptoms associated with such diseases
tic content, such as Stroop-like tasks66–68,73. to understand the way in which bilingual- may be delayed in bilinguals because of the
Furthermore, these effects seem to be present ism alters the neural circuitry that sustains presence of greater cognitive reserve caused
not only in simultaneous bilinguals but also executive control processes. by the bilingual experience. However, caution
in successive ones, and across the lifespan; needs to be exercised when trying to general-
that is, from infancy to elderhood66,74. The effects of bilingualism on executive con- ize these latter sets of results, as other studies
Nevertheless, there are certain difficulties trol circuits. The study of how bilingualism have either failed to find this protective effect
when interpreting the results outlined above. affects the neural basis of executive control of bilingualism or have identified a weakly
First, serious concerns have been raised about processes has only recently commenced. protective effect90–93.
the robustness and reliability of the reported Nevertheless, these early studies indicate that In summary, there seems to be sufficient
cognitive effects of bilingualism — especially early bilingualism not only alters the func- experimental evidence supporting the notion
in young adults — and in particular about tional involvement of certain brain areas in that bilingualism has an impact on cognition
which of the different control processes the performance of executive control tasks82–84 beyond language processing, especially on
engaged by bilingual language processing but also induces experience-related changes those processes involved in executive control
actually generates these advantages75–78. in brain structure63,83. For example, when per- and their corresponding brain structures.
Second, our current knowledge about the forming non-linguistic switching tasks, early However, why, how and to what extent bilin-
nature of the different components of the bilinguals recruit larger proportions of the left gualism affects these cognitive processes
executive control system and their interac- hemisphere brain areas related to language and the corresponding brain structures is far
tions with each other is rather limited, mak- control, such as the left striatum and the left from being fully understood.
ing it difficult to relate them to the processes inferior frontal lobe, than do monolinguals82.
involved in bilingual language control. Often, Moreover, early bilinguals seem to recruit Conclusions
our understating of the crosstalk between fewer brain resources in conflict monitor- In the first section of this article, we have
the two systems seems to depend on the use ing tasks than monolinguals, as revealed by argued that currently available evidence
of relatively underspecified terms such as a reduction in brain activity in the anterior suggests that bilingualism does not seem to
‘inhibition’ and ‘monitoring’. Third, it is not cingulate cortex 83. Indeed, the anterior cin- compromise language acquisition, although
immediately obvious which (and how many) gulate cortex seems to be specially tuned by the bilingual input seems to induce specific
aspects of bilingualism might enhance execu- bilingualism, given that its grey matter density adaptations in the mechanisms that underlie
tive control processes. The bilingual effect on (volume) is greater in early bilinguals than in this process. In subsequent sections, we have
the executive control system may come about monolinguals83. Thus, neuroimaging studies described how becoming bilingual affects
because of the need to decide which language convincingly show that bilingualism does first-language processing and executive
to use for each particular interlocutor, to have effects on brain structures involved in control processes in adulthood. Across the
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