7 01 Master and Chief Mate PDF
7 01 Master and Chief Mate PDF
7 01 Master and Chief Mate PDF
ISBN 92-801-6103-2
The purpose of the IMO model courses is to assist maritime training institutes and their
teaching staff in organizing and introducing new training courses, or in enhancing, updating
or sqpplementing existing training material where the quality and effectiveness of the training
courses may thereby be improved.
It is not the intention of the model course programme to present instructors with a rigid
"teaching package" which they are expected to "follow blindly". Nor is it the intention to
substitute audio-visual or "programmed" material for the instructor's presence. As in all training
endeavours, the knowledge, skills and dedication of the instructors are the key components
in the transfer of knowledge and skills to those being trained through IMO model course
The educational systems and the cultural backgrounds of trainees in maritime subjects vary
considerably from country to country. For this reason the model course material has been
designed to identify the basic entry requirements and trainee target group for each course in
universally applicable terms, and to specify clearly the technical content and levels of
knowledge and skill necessary to meet the technical intent of IMO conventions and related
This is the first major revision to this Model Course. In order to keep the training programme
up to date in future, it is essential that users provide feedback. New information will provide
better training in safety at sea and protection of the marine environment. Information,
comments and suggestions s h o ~ ~be l d sent to the Head of the STCW and Human Element
Section at IMO, London.
To use the model course the instructor should review the course plan and detailed syllabus,
taking into account the information provided under the entry standards specified in the course
framework. The actual level of knowledge and skills and the prior technical education of the
trainees should be kept in mind during this review, and any areas within the detailed syllabus
which may cause difficulties, because of differences between the actual trainee entry level and
that assumed by the course designer, should be identified. To compensate for such
differences, the instructor is expected to delete from the course, or reduce the emphasis on,
items dealing with knowledge or skills already attained by the trainees. He should also identify
any academic knowledge, skills or technical training which they may not have acquired.
By analysing the detailed syllabus and .the academic knowledge required to allow training in
the technical area to proceed, the instructor can design an appropriate pre-entry course or,
alternatively, insert the elements of academic knowledge required to support the technical
training elements concerned at appropriate points within the technical course.
Adjustment of the course objective, scope and content may also be necessary if in your
maritime industry the trainees completing the course are to undertake duties which differ from
the course objectives specified in the model course.
Within the course plan the course designers have indicated their assessment of the time which
*should be allotted to each area of learning. However, it must be appreciated that these
allocations are arbitrary and assume that the trainees have fully met all entry requirements of
the course. The instructor should therefore review these assessments carefully and may need
to re-allocate the time required to achieve each specific learning objective or training outcome.
Lesson plans
Having adjusted the course content to suit the trainee intake and any revision of the course
objectives, the instructor should draw up lesson plans based on the detailed syllabus. The
detailed syllabus contains specific references to the textbooks or teaching material proposed
to be used in the course. Where no adjustment is found necessary in the learning objectives
of the detailed syllabus, the lesson plans may simply consist"of the detailed syllabus with
keywords or other reminders added to assist the instructor in making his presentation of the
The presentation of concepts and methodologies must be repeated in various ways until the
instructor is satisfied, by testing and evaluating the trainee's performance and achievements,
that the trainee has attained each specific learning objective ortraining outcome. The syllabus
is laid out in learning objective format and each objective specifies a requiredperformanceor,
what the trainee must b e able to do as the learning or training outcome. Taken as a whole,
these objectives aim to meet the knowledge, understanding and proficiency specified in the
appropriate tables of the STCW Code.
For the course to run smoothly and to be effective, considerable attention must be paid to the
availability and use of:
Thorough preparation is the key to successful implementation of the course. IMO has
produced a booklet entitled "Guidance on the implementation of IMO model courses", which
deals with this aspect in greater detail.
In certain cases, the requirements for some or all of the training in a subject are covered by
another IMO model course. In these cases, the specific part of the STCW Code which applies
is given and the user is referred to the other model course.
Course objective
This model course comprises three functions at the management level. On successful
completion of the course and the requisite watchkeeping experience, officers will be capable
of taking full responsibility for the safety of the ship, its passengers, crew and cargo. They will
In this model course, one combined course has been written for both chief mate and master.
The material is set out so that it can b e h n separately .from the course for officer in charge of
a navigational watch, but this is not intended to imply that it has to be run separately. It has
been written in this manner so as to give Administrations the opportunity to arrange a structure
best suited to their needs.
The teaching'schemes should be carefully scrutinized to ensure that all of the tabulated
training outcomes are covered, that repetition is avoided and that essential underpinning
knowledge at any stage has already been covered. A certain amount of duplication under
different subjects will probably occur. Providing it is not excessive, the different approaches
can provide useful reinforcement of work already learned. Care should be taken to see that
items not included in the syllabus or treatment beyond the depth indicated by the objectives
have not been introduced except where necessary to meet additional requirements of the
Adrr~inistration.The teaching scheme should be adjusted to take account of those matters and
the timing of any modular courses (such as training in Fire Fighting, Medical Care ) which are
to be included.
Entry standards
Entrants should have successfully completed a course covering the minimum standards
required for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross
tonnage or more (see IMO Model Course No. 7.03, Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch).
During practical sessions and group activities there will be additional restraints on class size.
Where applicable, a recommendation on class size is contained in theframeworks for each
of the individual functions.
References to books are made in the syllabuses of the individual subjects to aid both
instructors and trainees in finding relevant information and to help in defining the scope and
depth of treatment intended.
The mention of a particular textbook does not imply that it is essential to use that book, only
that it appeared to be best suited to the course at the time of its design. In many instances
there are a number of suitable books, and instructors are free to use whatever texts they
consider to be most suited to their circumstances and trainees.
Every effort has been made to quote the latest editions of the publications mentioned but new
editions are constantly being produced. Instr~ctors~should always use the latest edition for
preparing and running their courses.
Full use should be made of technical papers and other publications available from maritime
and other professional organizations. Such papers contain new developments in techniques,
equipment, design, management and opinion and are an invaluable as set to a maritime
training establishment.
English language
The requirements for knowledge of the English language are the same at the management
level as they are at the operational level. However, Administrations may consider that a
knowledge of English at a higher level would be desirable for a master and chief mate and may
wish to include a further course in English for conducting ship's business, as outlined below:
- reads and understands charter parties, bills of lading, mate's receipts, marine insurance
clauses, port and canal regulations
- writes reports on damage to ship or cargo, on and off-hire surveys accidents and
- writes letters to agents, port authorities and stevedores concerning ship's business and
reads replies from them
- writes requests for surveys and interprets requests and instructions from surveyors
- requests fuel, water, ship's stores and spares, verbally and in writing
In view of the rapid growth of information technology (IT) and widespread use of computers
aboard ship, it is recommended that at the discretion of the Administration, computer
applications at an advanced level should be included in the training for master and chief mate.
If this topic has not been covered during training as officer in charge of a navigational watch
some basic training will also be required.
Particulars of the training will depend upon the computer facilities available and .the needs of
the trainees. The following outline provides guidance on topics which could be included.
- The care and storage of magnetic media; use of simple utility programs for identifying
disk problems and fixes; LAN maintenance; back-up management; virus protection.
- IT and the use of applications, for communications (e-mail, data, etc), the internet,
intranets and the world-wide web (WWW).
- representation of data by bits, bytes and words, binary and hexadecimal representation
- block diagrams of computer supervisory control systems and direct digital control
The use of multi-media applications can enhance learning in topics in many areas of
knowledge and prove of value to junior officers and crew members. Many of the IMO rules
and Assembly Resolutions are available on CD-ROM. Up to date details may be found on the
IMO web site at http://www.imo.org
Shipping economics
The following general objectives provide guidance on topics which could be included . Matters
of national or regional interest regarding local trade and the operation of shipping should be
incorporated where appropriate:
schedules economic purchasing of stores, bunkers etc based on the ship's area of
establishes the safe and economic manning of a ship based on valid arguments and
proper usage of repair and maintenance assistance
describes the operation of the freight market with reference to the price elasticity of
supply and demand
identifies cost elements on which the shipboard management team can influence the
explains how voyage costs are influenced by the operation of a ship and describes
measures which can be taken to minimise those costs
describes how costs are apportioned under the various types of charter party.
In common with the Convention, the course is organised under the seven functions at three
levels of responsibility. Specifically, this course covers the minimum standard of competence
for masters and chief mates on ships of 500 gross tonnage or more, see STCW Code Table
For ease of reference, the course material is organised in .three separate Functions as per the
STCW Code. These functions are:
Part A provides the framework for the course with its aims and objectives and notes on .the
suggested teaching facilities and equipment. A list of useful teaching aids, IMO references
and textbooks is also included.
Part B provides an outline of lectures, demonstrations and exercises for the course. No
detailed timetable is suggested. From the teaching and learning point of view, it is more
important that the trainee achieves the minimum standard of corr~petencedefined in the STCW
Code than that a strict timetable is followed. Depending on their experience and ability, some
students will naturally take longer to become proficient in some topics than in others. Also
included in this section are guidance notes and additional explanations.
A separate IMO model course addresses Assessment of Competence. This course explains
the use of various methods for demonstrating competence and criteria for evaluating
competence as tabulated in the STCW Code.
Part C gives the Detailed Teaching Syllabus. This is based on the theoretical and practical
knowledge specified in the STCW Code. It is written as a series of learning objectives, in other
words what the trainee is expected to be able to do as a result of the teaching and training.
Each of the objectives is expanded to define a required performance of knowledge,
understanding and proficiency. IMO references, textbook references and suggested teaching
aids are included to assist the teacher in designing lessons.
There are new competence requirements in STCW 1995 concerning masters and chief mates,
that did not appear in the 1978 Convention. These new requirements include:
These new training requirements are addressed in the appropriate parts of the detailed
teaching syllabus.
The Convention defines the minimum standards to be maintained in Part A of the STCW
Code. Mandatory provisions concerning Training and Assessment are given in Section A-116
of the STCW Code. These provisions cover: qualification of instructors; supervisors as
assessors; in-service training; assessment of competence; and training and assessment within
sn institution. The corresponding Part B of the STCW Code contains guidance on training and
The criteria for evaluating competence specified in the minimum standard of competence
tables of Part A of the STCW Code are to be used in the assessment of all competences listed
in those tables.
Responsibilities of Administrations
Administrations should ensure that training courses delivered by colleges and academies are
such as to ensure officers completing training do meet the standards of competence required
by STCW Regulation Ill1 paragraph 2.
The information contained in this document has been validated by the Sub-committee on
Standards of Training and Watchkeeping for use by technical advisers, c,onsultants and
experts for the training and certification of seafarers so that the minimum standards
implemented may be as uniform as possible. Validation in the context of this document means
that no grounds have been found to object to its content. The Sub-committee has not granted
its approval to the document, as it considers that this work must not be regarded as an official
interpretation of the Convention.
Master and Chief Mate
Function 1 :
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge,
understanding and proficiency in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995 for the function Navigation at the
Management Level.
This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter II, Section A-
1112. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes
related to the Navigation at the Management Level.
-his section provides the background knowledge to support the tasks, duties and
responsibilities in:
Entry standards
-his course is principally intended for officers for certification as master and chief mate on
ships of 500 gross tonnage or more (see IMO Model Course No. 7.03, Officer in Charge of a
Navigational Watch).
Course certificate
On s~~ccessful completion of the course and assessments, a document may be issued
certifying .that the holder has successfully completed a course of training which meets or
exceeds the level of knowledge and competence specified in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995, for
the function Navigation at the Management Level.
Staff requirements
Instructors shall be qualified in the task for which training is being conducted and have
appropriate training in instructional techniques and training methods (STCW Code Section A-
116). Depending on the complexity of the exercises set, an assistant instructor with sirr~ilar
experience is desirable for certain practical exercises.
COLREGS '72 - a set of table-top models displaying proper signals or lights, a magnetic
board or a navigation light simulator
Iblanoeuvring - a set of models to represent ships, jetties, piers and other dock
configurations, which can be used on a table top to illustrate ship handling techniques
V i d e , cassettes
~ ,I,
Assembly resolution A.648 (16) - General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and
Ship RepdPting Requirements, including Guidelines for Repd'pting Incidents Involving
Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine Pollutants
Assembly resolution A.626 (15) - Amendments to the lnternational Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
Assembly resolution A.678 (16) - Amendment to the International Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
Assembly resolution A.601 (15) - Provision and display of manoeuvring information on
board ships
Assembly resolution A.160 (ES.IV) - Recommendation on data concerning
manoeuvring capabilities and stopping distances of ships
Assembly resolution ~ 1 2 6 (VIII)
9 - Recommendation for skippers of fishing vessels on
ensuring a vessel's endurance in conditions of ice formation
Assembly resolution A.275 (VIII) - Recommendation on performance standards for
mechanical pilot hoists
Assembly resolution A.426 (XI) -Arrangements for embarking and disembarking pilots
in very large ships
Assembly resolution A.528 (13) - Recommendation on weather routeing
Assembly resolution A.667 (16) - Pilot transfer arrangements
Assembly resolution A.439 (XI) - IMCO Search and Rescue Manual
Assembly resolution A.530 (13) - Use of radar transponders for search and rescue
MEPC.14(20) Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78
MEPC.16(22) Amendments to Annex ll of MARPOL 73/78
MEPC.21(22) Amendments to Protocol I to MARPOL 73/78 and the text of the Protocol,
as amended, annexed thereto
IMO/ILO Document for Guidance, 1985 (IMO Sales No. 935)
Mersar Manual, 1993 (IMO-963)
IAMSAR Manual, 1998 (IMO Sales No. 960,962)
Details of distributors of IMO publications ,that maintain a permanent stock of all IMO
publications may be found on the IMO web site at http://www.imo.org
T34 Kemp, J.F.and Young, P. Notes on Compass Work. 2nd ed. London, Stanford
Maritime, 1972; reprinted 1987 (ISBN 0-5400-0362-X)
T38 MacElvrey, D.H. Shiphandling for the Mariner. 3rd ed. Centreville (Maryland, US),
Cornell Maritime Press, 1995. (ISBN 0-8703-3464-6)
T42 Maritime Meteorology, 2nd. Ed. 1997. Thomas Reed Publications
(ISBN 0- 9012-8167-0)
T46 Merrifield, F.G. Ship Magnetism and -The Magnetic Compass, Pergamon Press
T47 Meteorological Office, Marine Observer's Handbook. 1l t h ed. (Met.0.887). London,
HMSO, 1995 (ISBN 0-1 140-0367-X)
T48 Meteorological Office, Meteorology for Mariners, 3rd ed. 8th impression. London,
HMSO, 1978 (ISBN 0-1140-0311-4)
T53 Rowe, R.W. The Shiphandler's Guide. The Nautical Institute. 1996. (ISBN 1-870077
35 0)
T57 Swift, Capt. A.J. Bridge Team Management. - A Practical Guide. The Nautical
Institute, 1993. (ISBN 1-8700-7714-8)
T59 Tetley, L. and Calcutt, D. Electronic Aids to Navigation : Position Fixing. 2nd ed. 1986
London, Edward Arnold, 1991 (ISBN 0-3405-4380-9)
r61 The Mariner's Handbook. (NP 100). 6th ed. Taunton (UK), Hydrographer of the Navy,
T66 Taylor, D.A. Introduction to Marine Engineering. 2nd ed. London, Butterworth. 1990.
(ISBN 0-4080-5706-8)
Secondhand copies of out of print books may be available from the Warsash Nautical
Bookshop, 6 Dibles Road, Warsash, Southampton SO31 9HZ, UK. Tel: 44 1489 572 384
Fax: 44 1489 885756 E-mail: [email protected] URL: www.nauticalbooks.co.uk
',,, 1: Navigation at the Manageqent Level
No formal example of a timetable is included in this model course.
Development of a detailed timetable depends on the level of skills of the officers entering the
course and the amount of revision work of basic principles that may be required.
Preparation and planning constitute an important factor which makes a major contribution to
the effective presentation of any course of instruction.
As far as possible, lectures should be presented within a familiar context and should make use
of practical examples. They should be well illustrated with diagrams, photographs and charts
where appropriate, and be related to matter learned during seagoing time.
Course Outline
The tables that follow list the competencies and areas of knowledge, understanding and
proficiency, together with the estimated total hours required for lectures and practical
exercises. Teaching staff should note that timings are suggestions only and should be
adapted to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment
and staff available for training.
.1 Routeing 15
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
See I M O Model Course No. 1.08 a n d STC W Reg. 1/12 -
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
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Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
Guidance Notes
The following notes are intended to highlight the main objectives or training outcomes of each
part of the function. The notes also contain some material on topics which are not adequately
covered in the quoted references.
This function covers the theoretical knowledge, understanding and proficiency for the safe
navigation of a ship in coastal waters and in the open ocean.
The officer will be able to fix posi,tions and analyse in a practical way the quality of the fix,
make great circle calculations, read tide tables and predict times and heights of tides at
different ports worldwide.
Officers will be thoroughly conversant with the International Regulations for Preventing
Collisions at Sea (COLREG 1972) and interpretations of them arising from court decisions.
They will be able to apply them correctly in all situations as master of a ship.
Officers will be able to arrange and monitor the keeping of a safe navigational watch at sea
and an effective deck watch in port taking account of the standards regarding watchkeeping
in the STCW Code Chapter VIII. They will have a knowledge of all modern navigational aids,
enabling them to navigate safely in all parts of the world. They will have specific knowledge
of operating principles, limitations, sources of error, detection of misrepresentation of
information and methods of correction to obtain accurate position fixing. Officers will
appreciate the danger of exclusive reliance on information gained from instruments and the
necessity for calibration and frequent checking of the instruments.
On completion of the function officers will have a thorough knowledge of the theory of
magnetism as applied to the earth's field and magnetic conditions aboard ship. They will
understand the reasons for the change of compass deviation with time and position and the
need for routine checking of the ship's deviation. They will also be able to produce and
analyse a deviation table, make a tentative adjustment of the ship's compass and understand
the further adjustments to make in the light of deviations experienced. Officers will have a
knowledge and understanding of gyro-compass errors and will be able to evaluate possible
errors and appreciate the limitations of the instrument.
- possess a general understanding of the elements and processes which determine the
weat her:
- be able to draw conclusions on the basis of observations made on board and from
information available;
- be able to utilize information from weather and wave charts; and
- have a basic knowledge of the elements of oceanography.
This knowledge will, as part of the training programme as a whole, enable the trainee to take
into account climatic condi.tions, the weather prognosis, ocean currents and information on the
presence of ice for the safe operation of the ship.
The officer will understand and interpret a synoptic chart, predict area weather, have a
knowledge of the characteristics of various weather systems and ocean current systems and
be able to use all appropriate navigational publications.
Officers will also be aware of all of the factors affecting the manoeuvringand handling of ships.
They will be able to plan berthing or anchoring procedures, taking account of prevailing
conditions of wind and tide and ,their own ship's characteristics, and to make use of assisting
tugs when necessary. They will, after having gained seagoing experience ortraining on a ship-
handling simulator, also be able to handle a ship so as to minimize the risk of damage or
stranding resulting from heavy weather. Officers will be aware of the dangers to be
encountered when navigating in ice or conditions of ice accumulation on board and the
precautions to take for the safety of the ship and crew.
Officers will know the procedures to use in VHF communications and be able to use
radiotelephones, particularly with respect to distress, urgency, safety and navigational
messages. 'They will also know the procedures for emergency distress signals by
radiotelegraphy, as prescribed in the Radio Regulations, and will be able to send a distress
call by using an automatic keying device and the emergency transmitter.
involving maritime shipping legislation and other regulations and on keeping log-books in
normal circumstances.
The importance of preparing oneself and the vessel before setting off on a sea passage is
irrefutable, especially on a coastal passage where the sheer number and proximity of hazards
can quickly spell disaster for the unprepared.
Weather routeing
The procedures forweather routeing by a shore-based service should be covered in this topic.
On-board routeing can be carried out by the master if the ship is equipped with a facsimile
receiver and is in a region for which the necessary prognostic charts are available.
Ocean voyage
Because traffic concentrations are low and navigational hazards are relatively few on an ocean
crossing, the main data to be appraised are environmental, such as seasonal prevailing
weather, local and actual weather, ocean currents, tides, ice, etc. In addition, data of the
ship's characteristics, cargo and navigational/operational data need to be taken into account.
The main reason for selection of alternative routes is one of safety and economics. Route
selection is to some extent regulated by insurance restrictions, load-line zones, IMO routeings
~ n similar
d regulations.
A thorough analysis of all of the conditions relevant to passage planning should be covered
in this subject area. Such an analysis may start with calculating distances of possible tracks
and then evaluating weather conditions, current, characteristics of the ship and of its cargo,
regulations, etc. Very often the "best" route is not the shortest.
Ship reporting systems
Instructors should note that ref R3 contains full information on ship's routeing and reporting.
A new part G to this publication includes descriptions of ship reporting systems and mandatory
routeing measures.
A new voluntary ship movement reporting scheme (MAREP) has been established in the
English Channel and it is recommended that all merchant ships of 300 gross tonnage and over
participate in the scheme.
The latter is a very important task. As far as mathematical knowledge permits, statistical
methods may be used. A more practical approach to the problem may in most cases be more
fruitful. The trainees' ability to make critical judgements and to adopt a critical attitude should
be encouraged. In particular, the understanding of possible errors, limitations of accuracy and
the need for repeated observations must be stressed.
Calculation of the course, distance and intermediate positions should be practised by working
a sufficient number of exercises. The choice of formulae and the method of calculation are
optional. In the case of a pocket calculator being chosen, which these days is a natural
choice, use of the cosine formula for the distance and of the cotangent formula for the course
is convenient. The cotangent formula cannot be used close to the equator, where the great-
circle method is of little or no benefit. Except for this restriction, the formulae can be used in
any position.
Despite great-circle sailing having the advantage over Mercator sailing for a shorter distance,
the method has certain disadvantages. In some cases, use of the method may lead to a
latitude which is too high, and composite sailing has to be used. Discussion of routes and the
analysis of ,the optimum track may start in this subject area and continue in the subject area
of voyage planning.
The main objective of this subject area is that the trainee shall gain knowledge and ability in
position fixing by using stars and planets.
To compute the altitude of the celestial body, three methods are available:
- the cosine formula and a pocket calculator
- the haversine formula and logarithmic tables
- pre-computed altitude and azimuth tables.
Which of these should be chosen is optional. After having introduced these methods, it is
recommended to select one of them and specialize on that particular method. These days,
with universal access to inexpensive pocket calculators, the first method may be preferable.
The Marcq St. Hailar's method of position fixing is ur~iversaland can be utilized for any
celestial body in any direction, the body in the meridian included. It is recommended that
position fixing using celestial bodies that are out of the meridian is restricted to this method.
Fixing positions might be carried out as geometrical problems, preferably on an ocean plotting
sheet or the navigation chart used (if scale permits).
compzsite exercises, including various observation methGds, dead reckoning and great-circle
sailing, should be a part of the learning process.
The variation of water level can be interpreted as being made up of two components, i.e. the
astronomic component (tide) and the meteorological component. The tide is predicted to a
reasonable accuracy for different ports around the world. The meteorological component
cannot be predicted, at least not for longer periods than normal weather prediction. This latter
component is added to or subtracted from the predicted height. It is therefore important to
emphasize that the predicted height of the tide is not an accurate value.
Exercises in the use and calibration of instruments are suitable for group activities.
Calculations of the change in value of the coefficients with change of position should be
undertaken to demonstrate the effects on deviation of poorly adjusted compasses, particularly
the effect of incorrect compensation of coefficient B. Trainees should be aware that a
compass adjuster is unable to separate the permanent and induced parts of coefficient B other
than by examining the ship's record of deviations. In the absence of such records, as for
example with a new ship, the correction is based on the adjuster's experience with similar
ships but may prove to be seriously in error when a large change of magnetic latitude is made.
The master is better placed to make a correct separation of the two components of coefficient
B, especially when a voyage crosses the magnetic equator, where there is no induced B. If
coefficient B is made zero there by the use of magnets and if any subsequent error is removed
by adjusting the Flinders bar, the compass will have been correctly compensated for the two
effects. Trainees should be warned that deviations on other headings should be checked after
moving any correctors, since the induction caused by the magnets in the soft iron correctors
may have changed.
necessary to makCit available for practice outside of timetabled hours.'*~oassist trainees who
may be working on their own, a card, listing step-by-step the procedure to follow, should be
Overall the required performance will lead to an officer demonstrating adjustment of the
compass by the tentative method, using longitudinal, transverse and vertical permanent
magnets, the 'quadrant balls' and Flinder's bar. To this end the following may contribute to the
underpinning knowledge for this topic:
states the equation for the deviation of a given heading in terms of the coefficients
describes the conditions which give rise to each of the coefficients
explains the use of the approximate coefficients A, B, C, D and E
describes why coefficients A and E may exist at a badly sited compass
explains the non-magnetic causes of an apparent coefficient A
explains the coefficient B results partlyfrom the ship's permanent magnetism and partly
from induced magnetism
explains that induced magnetism may also contribute to coefficient C in a badly sited
Defines the constant lambda h
Defines the constant mu IJ.
Although the magnetic compass is mainly used only as a stand-by for the gyro-compass, its
errors should be regularly checked and recorded. Readjustment should be carried out when
necessary, to ensure that a reliable and predictable instrument is available in the event of
failure of the gyro-compass.
The errors and the methods of correcting or limiting them should be treated non-
mathematically. The various errors may be referred to the performance standards for gyro-
corrlpasses to give trainees an indication of the limits of the accuracy that can be expected.
Volume Ill, Mobile Facilities, is intended to be carried aboard rescue units, aircraft and vessels
to help with performance of a search, rescue or on-scene co-ordination function, and with
aspects of SAR that pertain to their own emergencies.
The attention of trainees should be drawn to collision cases and court judgements when
discussing their answers and the actions they propose.
When dealing with the use of and manoeuvring in traffic separation schemes, particular
attention should be drawn to the proper use of inshore traffic zones where they exist.
Exercises should involve planning passages during which it would be necessary to join or to
leave lanes, including cases which involve crossing the other lane.
The use of radar for collision avoidance in restricted visibility is covered in IMO Model Course
1.09, Electronic Navigational Aids, but some attention should be paid to the posting of look-
outs, the proper use of sound signals, the actions to take on hearing the fog signal of another
ship and other matters which do not lend themselves to simulation.
The references provide examples of strandings which became the subject of official
investigations. In most cases, a failure to keep an adequate navigational watch caused or
contributed to the accident. A criticism made in a number of cases was the absence of
master's standing or special orders and the lack of any routine regarding effective navigational
and watchkeeping procedures such as the planning of passages in confined waters and the
checking of courses and positions on the chart. In other cases, there was uncertainty about
zalling the master and confusion about who was conning the ship after the master had come
to the bridge.
Officers should have sufficient knowledge of the requirements for maintaining an adequate
engineering watch to be able to decide, in consultation with the chief engineer, what the
composition of the watch should be.
Exercises should include the planning of bunkers and water, taking account of their availability
at calls en route, maximum draughts allowed in the load-line zones through which the ship will
pass and the need for an adequate reserve for unforeseen emergencies and delays.
The master should inform the chief engineer when he requires under-way watches to be
maintained at unsheltered anchorages.
1.6 Maintain Safe Navigation 'Through the Use of Radar and ARPA and
Modern Navigational Systems to Assist in Command Decision-Making
See IMO Model Course 1.08 Radar Navigation - Management Level and STCW Reg 1/12
A qualitative treatment of the various forces which give rise to surface winds is intended.
Trainees should have a general idea of the climate of the oceans and the seasonal changes
to be expected. The Mariner's Handbook (T61) contains world climatic charts.
1.72 C H A R A C T E R ~ S ~ VARIOUS
Tropical revolving storms 5
The instructor should make use of drawings of the structure of a tropical storm, graphical
representations of temperature, pressure and wind speed, satellite pictures and charts
showing actual storm tracks.
Trainees should be fully conversant with the means of avoiding tropical storms, where to find
details of radio storm warnings and the information which should be transmitted if the master
has good reason to believe that a tropical storm is developing or exists in the neighbourhood.
Weather forecasting
If a facsimile receiver is available, receiving and interpreting the weather chart of the day
should be part of the training process. 1
Ocean currents
Trainees should possess sufficient knowledge of ocean currents and sources of information ?
on currents to enable them to select an optimal route for a sea passage and season.
The dangers of crossing areas of shallow water in heavy weather should be stressed.
If facsimile wave charts of the area are available, trainees should make use of them in weather
Mariner's Handbook (T61) contain the Ice flomenclature drawn up by the World Meteorological
Trainees should also recognize the conditions which may give rise to severe accumulation of
ice on the ship.
A loss of stability similar to that experienced on taking the blocks in dry-dock will occur. If the
ship has a large trim or the slope of the bottom is large, a heavy list may develop as the tide
,]Is. The ship will list similarly when one end lifts again on the rising tide. Transfer of ballast
or flooding a compartment may be necessary to prevent the list becoming excessive.
Beaching with the ship parallel to the beach may avoid that problem; the ship will settle with
a list equal to the slope of the beach. If boats are to be used to transfer passengers or non-
essential crew members ashore, the broadside-on position will provide a lee from onshore
waves and surf for the boatwork.
On the other hand, a ship end-on to the beach with ground tackle laid out to keep ,the stern in
place would be better able to withstand heavy onshore weather and would be easier to haul
off eventually.
Many of the actions to take after beaching a ship apply also to stranding.
The release or probable release of oil or other harmful substances should be reported at once
to the nearest coast radio station. Where a serious threat of pollution exists, the coastal State
involved may intervene in the salvage operations.
There may also be national requirements regarding the recording and notification of collision
accidents. In any case, full details of the collision, engine and helm orders prior to impact,
estimates of the heading and speed at the time of impact and the angle of contact with the
oYher ship should be entered in the log-book for futu7e reference. The trace from the course .
recorder should be appended to the log-book.
The release or probable release of oil or other harmful substances should be reported to the
nearest coast radio station at the first opportunity.
It is unlikely that jury steering can be arranged for a large deeply loaded ship, such as a VLCC
or a bulk carrier, which would be effective in conditions of strong wind. Recognizing that, the
most prudent course of action would be to call for tug assistance at an early stage, before a
dangerous situation has developed.
Before undertaking a tow, the master should check that he is permitted to do so by the terms
of the charter-party or bills of lading. In any case, he should contact the owners for their
agreement. They will have to arrange additional insurance.
Towing for the purpose of saving life is always permitted. For example, towing a disabled
vessel away from a lee shore may be the safest way of saving the crew in some
The master should also be satisfied that the towing operation has a reasonable chance of
successful completion. He should consider the relative sizes of the ships, the power of the
engines, fuel reserves, equipment available and distance to a safe port.
The towing wires used by salvage tugs are much longer than the towing wires carried by
merchant ships, which do not have sufficient weight on their own to provide a catenary to
absorb shock loadings. To provide the extra weight it is usual to shackle the towing wire to the
anchor cable of the towed ship and to walk back the cable sufficiently to keep the towing wire
submerged throughout the towing operation.
When starting to tow, the weight should be taken up gradually, the speed being slowly
increased until towing speed is reached. Care should be taken to avoid jerking the tow wire
on first taking the weight. The towing speed is adjusted so that the tow wire remains
submerged. If the tow wire shows signs of clearing the water and straightenirrg, the engine
revolutions should be reduced until a catenary has been restored.
A method of slipping the tow in an emergency (such as the foundering of the towed vessel, for
example) should be decided and known to all of the watchkeepers.
Disconnecting the tow, particularly in confined waters at a port approach, can be a critical
operation and should be planned and agreed between the two vessels. Speed will have to be
reduced gradually over a long distance. As the depth of water decreases, the towed shTp
should shorten the tow by heaving in cable, to prevent the tow line fouling on the bottom.
Harbour tugs should be arranged to assist with manoeuvring during disconnection and to take
the tow into a berth. Alternatively, both ships may be brought to anchor before disconnecting.
The instructor should impress on trainees that the passage plan should extend to the berth and
not finish at the pilot station. The officer in charge of the navigational watch will need the plan
to monitor the ship's progress to the berth, (T53).
Exercises in anchoring are particularly suitable for practice with a training vessel where one
is available. Trainees should be required to produce a plan for anchoring in a given position
and then carry out the plan, acting as a bridge team. Their roles in the bridge team would be
rotated in subsequent exercises. Mention should be made of the importance of checking
lateral as well as fore-and-aft movement when anchoring very large ships.
Stability during dry-docking and the practical implications should be pointed out to trainees.
Diesel engines
The principles of the working of 2-stroke and 4-stroke diesels should be covered, together with
their essential services such as fuel, lubricating and cooling systems. Details of particular
makes of engines are not required. Trainees should be aware of the procedures for preparing
the engine for use and the change-over from full sea speed to manoeuvring, with the likely
times involved. -They should also know what is involved in starting and controlling the engine.
The rules regarding the capacity of the starting air reservoir are laid down by the classification
Before starting the main engine, ,the propeller pumps should be running and a check made that
control is possible from all control positions. During starting, control will be from the machinery
control room. The propeller should be set for zero thrust and a check made that it is all clear
to start the propeller turning. After starting, control is transferred to the bridge.
Before letting go or weighing anchor, the officer of the watch should check which position has
control, and that it is effective, by making a small movement of the pitch control and observing
the result. Before entering harbour or restricted waters, a check should be made on the
control of engine speed and propeller pitch while sea rom is still available.
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Throughout this section instructors should keep in mind that officers shoula be able to explain
the principles of operating and maintaining marine power plants. Officers should be familiar
with the correct and commonly used engineering terminology in this context. The officer must
have sufficient knowledge to be able to understand and manage the issues - he therefore
does not need to have a detailed engineering knowledge. It is important that he understands
the consequences of any malfunctioning and the actions to be taken to restore proper
operations, or avoid problems if the machinery cannot be restored.
Bridge control
Technical details are not required. Trainees should be able to draw block diagrams of the
systems, showing the information paths between the various components. The requirements
for bridge indicators and alarms and the emergency stop are set out in SOLAS Regulations.
Trainees should be able to draw simple line drawings of boilers and heat exchangers. Today,
when most ships are equipped with diesel main engines, their use is restricted to providing
ship's services. In tankers, the use of steam is important for heating cargo and for the driving
of cargo pumps.
Instructors should keep in mind that officers should be able to explain the principles of
operating and maintaining auxiliary machinery. Officers should be familiar with the correct and
commonly used engineering terminology in this context. The officer must have sufficient
knowledge to be able to understand and manage the issues - he therefore does not need a
detailed engineering knowledge. It is important that he understands the consequences of any
malfunctioning and the actions to be taken to restore proper operations, or avoid problems if
the machinery cannot be restored.
As an alternative to traditional distillation methods, reverse osmosis process may be used for
generating fresh water at sea and should be mentioned.
Steering gears
The operation of ram and rotary-vane hydraulic steering gears and how the power required is
supplied by variable-delivery pumps should be known. Trainees should also be able to explain
how the SOLAS requirements for auxiliary steering and emergency control of steering gear are
met. They should also be aware of fie requirements for testing the steering gear and h'aving
drills in the change-over to auxiliary steering gear. Records of the tests and drills should be
entered in the log-book.
During charging, lead-acidbatteries evolve hydrogen, which is easily ignited over a wide range
of concentration. The electrolytes of both acid and alkaline batteries are highly corrosive to
many materials and to the person. In addition, there is a risk of electric shock from large
installations such as the transitional sources of electrical power.
Mechanical ventilation systems for ships' holds often incorporate remote-reading dewpoint
sensors and drying units for the circulated air to maintain the dewpoint in the hold below the
temperature of the cargo and of its steelwork, so as to prevent condensation damage.
The quantity of water and the setting of the control valves of flume stabilizers need to be
adjusted to the ship's condition of loading, which determines its natural rolling period.
Adjustment may be necessary after an alteration of course which produces a large change in
wave encounter period.
The approval for an 'bily-water separator includes the pump supplying"it. No other pump
should be used with it. Even when used correctly, a separator may fail to reduce the oil
content to the required limits if the oil is emulsified or the water contains a lot of particulate
matter to which the oil adheres.
An incinerator can be used to burn residual oil and sludge collected from oil purifiers and the
oily-water separator. It can also be used for the disposal of sewage sludge and rubbish. A
ship 'fitted with an incinerator may not be dependent on the availability of shore reception
Deck machinery
The requirements for windlasses vary between the classification societies, but, basically,
require that:
- the windlass brakes are able to control the running anchor and cable when letting
- the windlass can heave a specified weight of cable and anchor at a specified speed,
typically between 4 and 6 times the weight of one anchor at a speed of between
0.12 and 0.2 m/s.
Hydraulic systems
'The majority of marine hydraulic systems are medium-pressure systems and may be either
open- or closed-circuit.
Accumulators damp out fluctuations in pressure which may occur in the pressure line. They
may also be used to provide a small store of pressurized fluid which can be used in an
emergency. One example is for the closing of watertight doors after power to the hydraulic
purrlp has been lost.
Hydraulic systems also contain nonreturn valves, to prevent reverse flow, and pressure-control
valves, including pressure-relief valves.
Dirt or sediment in a system causes abrasion of moving parts and blockage of control valves,
leading to a failure of the machinery. Filters are fitted at pump suctions and upstream of
control valves. When any part of the system is disconnected for repair or replacement, it is
important to cover and seal openings through which dust or water could enter. Hydraulic
systems should not be opened up or reassembled when other work in the vicinity is creating
dirty conditions.
A ship lying in wateibofhigh temperature for some time may attract conzderable fouling of the
hull and propeller, resulting in increased fuel consumption during the subsequent passages.
Generally, performance falls off with time since the previous dry-docking. Clearly, the state
of maintenance of .the engine also affects fuel consumption.
When it is known that the ship cannot be berthed or is not required before a certain time at the
next port, fuel may be saved by reducing speed, to arrive shortly before the required time,
rather than proceeding at full speed and waiting at anchor.
~ a r f " ~Detailed
1: Teaching Syllabus
The detailed teaching syllabus is presented as a series of learning objectives. The objective,
therefore, describes what the trainee must do to demonstrate that the specified knowledge or
skill has been transferred.
In order to assist the instructor, references are shown to indicate IMO references and
publications, textbooks and teaching aids that instructors may wish to use in preparing and
presenting their lessons.
The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching
syllabus; in particular,
The header of the first column denotes the COMPETENCE concerned. Each function
comprises a number of competences. For example, the Function 1, Navigation at the
Management Level, comprises a total of ten COMPETENCES. Each competence is uniquely
and consistently numbered in this model course.
The first is Plan a Voyage and Conduct Navigation. It is numbered 1. I , that is the first
competence in Function 1. The term competence should be understood as the application of
I Morrison, W.S.G. Competent crews = safer ships. Malmo, WMU Press, 1997 (ISBIV
Shown next is the required TRAINING OUTCOME. The training outcomes are the areas of
knowledge, understanding and proficiency in which the trainee must be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding. Each COMPETENCE comprises a number of training
outcomes. For example, the competence Plan a Voyage and Conduct Navigation comprises
a total of ten training outcomes. The first is in VOYAGE PLANNING AND NAVIGATION FOR
ALL CONDITIONS. Each training outcome is uniquely and consistently numbered in this
model course. That concerned with Voyage Planning and Navigation for all Conditions is
uniquely numbered 1.1 .l. For clarity training outcomes are printed in black on grey, for
Following each numbered area of Required performance there is a list of activities that the
trainee should complete and which collectively specify the standard of competence that the
trainee must meet. These are for the guidance of teachers and instructors in designing
lessons, lectures, tests and exercises for use in the teaching process. For example, under the
topic 1.1.I .2 Navigational Planning for all Conditions, to meet the Required performance, the
trainee should be able to:
and so on.
IMO references (Rx) are listed in the column to the right hand side. Teaching aids (Ax), videos
(Vx) and textbooks (Tx) relevant
< --<+ to the
,,% a- G! -
traininq- outcome and required performances are placed
<em, &-A"> A** X-
It is not intended that lessons are organised to follow the sequence of Required performances
listed in the Tables. The Syllabus Tables are organised to match with the competence in the
STCW Code Table A-1112. Lessons and teaching should follow college practices. It is not
necessary, for example, for celestial navigation to be studied before tides. What is necessary
is that the material is covered and that teaching is effective to allow trainees to meet the
standard of the Required performance.
Required performance:
- plans navigation in restricted waters by night, using the same navigation means as
in the above objective but with special emphasis on the characteristics, colours and
sectors of lights
Textbooks: T2, T 3
Teaching aids: A1 , A3, A1 1, A1 2, A1 3, A23, A24
Required performance:
- uses pilot charts and other publications such as sailing directions, Notices to
Mariners and the like to determine areas of ice and iceberg danger
- uses pilot charts and other information sources to determine areas in which
visibility is likely to be reduced
Textbooks: T 3
Teaching aids: A1 , A3
Required performance:
'" COMPETENCE 1.2 Determine Position and the Accuracy of Resultant Position IMO Reference
Fix by any Means
COMPETENCE 1.2 Determine Position and the Accuracy of Resultant Position IMO Reference
Fix by any Means
Required performance:
- uses the Mercator formula to calculate course and distance between two positions
- uses the Mercator formula to calculate the final position, given the initial position,
course and distance
- explains how errors may occur in position fixing, and explains how to minimise the
probability of errors
- calculates intermediate positions on the great circle and the course at these points
- demonstrates the use of gnomonic charts for plotting the great circle between two
- finds and applies the half convergency correction to a great-circle bearing to obtain
the Mercator bearing to plot
- defines the curve of constant bearing and calculates the direction of the position
line In the vicinity of the D. R. Position
COMPETENCE 1.2 Determine Position and the Accuracy of Resultant Position IMO Reference
Fix by any Means
- states Kepler's laws of planetary motion and defines the terms perihelion, aphelion
and eccentricity
- determines the time of visible rising and setting of the sun by use of the Nautical
- determines the azimuth and hour angle of true rising and setting of the sun
- defines the concepts of civil, nautical and astronomical twilight and their
- explains the influence of latitude on the duration of twilight, including the conditions
necessary for twilight all night, continuous daylight or continuous darkness
- explains the relation between time and longitude and between time and hour angle
- calculates position lines by means of all of the celestial bodies in any position
- identifies stars by means of a star chart, a star finder and by calculation (declination
of the star)
- determines height and time for high and low water in secondary ports
COMPETENCE 1.2 Determine Position and the Accuracy of Resultant Position IMO Reference
Fix by any Means
1.5 Loran-C System (6 hours)
- describes the principles of time difference used in the Loran-C system
- shows how ambiguity occurs when two radio stations are transmitting signals
- describes the pulsing system and cycle matching used in the Loran-C system
- explains the possibility of sky wave interference and use of extended mode
- states the limitations of the system and the reason for frequent checking
- describes the configuration of satellite orbits and the periods of the satellite
vehicles (SVs)
- states that at least four SVs at a usable elevation should be visible to the receiving
antenna at any point on the earth's surface at any time
- states that SV positions are accurately controlled from the ground Master Control
- states that the Master Control Station also provides data which are sent to the SVs,
stored and later transmitted as a data frame to receiving stations for use in
calculating position
- states that civilian sets will probably work on one frequency, using the 'course and
acquire' code (CIA code) only
- explains why an extremely stable clock is essential in the SV, while a less stable
one is acceptable in the receiver
- describes briefly how pseudo-ranges are measured by matching the received code
with the same locally generated code
- states that simultaneous pseudo-ranges to three SVs are sufficient to fix the
position of the earth's surface and determine the receiver clock error from GPS
time but four are required to obtain height
- lists and describes the main sources of error in the determined position
- states that the system is expected to have an accuracy of about 100 metres (95%
COMPETENCE 1.2 Determine Position and the Accuracy of Resultant Position IMO Reference
Fix by any Means
- states that measured Doppler shifts can be processed to provide speed and
direction outputs
COMPETENCE 1.3 Determine and Allow for Compass Errors IMO Reference
Table A-1112
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
-- -
COMPETENCE 1.3 Determine and Allow for Compass Errors IMO Reference
Required performance:
R2, Ch. V
1.1 Magnetic Compass Error and Correction (25 hours)
Reg. 12
- explains how a ship acquires its permanent magnetic field R6
- explains how the ship's permanent magnetic field may be resolved into three
components, designated P, Q and R
- explains how the ship's induced magnetism may be represented by soft iron rods
- states the equation for the deviation of a given heading in terms of the coefficients
- explains that coefficient B results partly from the ship's permanent magnetism and
partly from induced magnetism
- describes how the deviation associated with the coefficient permanent B varies
with magnetic latitude
- describes how the deviation associated with the coefficient induced B varies with
magnetic latitude
- describes the causes of heeling error and how it varies with heel, course and
magnetic latitude
- describes the correction of heeling error and why the correction does not remain
effective with change of magnetic latitude
- explains how the soft iron spheres increase the mean directive force towards
magnetic north and that the value of A with the spheres in place is called the ship's
multiplier (A2)
- describes the vertical force instrument and its use in correcting heeling error
"'I '8"
COMPETENCE 1.3 Determine and Allow for Compass Errors IMO Reference
- states that anything which could affect the deviation of the compass should be
stowed in its sea-going position before correcting it
- carries out an adjustment of the compass by the tentative method and obtains a
table of residual deviations
- states the order in which corrections should be made and explains why they are
made in that order
- explains why a large coefficient B may appear after a large change of magnetic
latitude and how to correct it
- states that deviations may be affected by cargo of a magnetic nature, the use of
electro-magnets for cargo handling, or repairs involving hammering or welding of
steelwork in the vicinity of the compass
- states that requirements for the carriage of magnetic compasses as set out in
Required performance:
- explains how a free gyroscope is made north seeking under the influence of gravity
- explains why a gyro-compass that is damped in tilt will settle with its spin axis at a
small angle to the meridian, except when at the equator
- states that the resulting error is known as latitude error or damping error and varies
directly as the tangent of the latitude
- states that latitude error can be removed by a manual setting that mechanically
moves the lubber line and the follow-up system to show the correct heading
- states that compasses damped in azimuth settle in the meridian and are free from
latitude error
- states that course and speed error is caused by the tilting of the spln axis, resulting
from the ship's motion over the surface of the earth
- states that the rate of tilting, in minutes of arc per hour, is equal to the north-south
component of the ship's velocity
- explains how the tilt causes precession in azimuth to the west on northerly
headings and to the east on southerly headings in compasses with liquid ballistic
- derives the equation for course and speed (velocity) error from a vector triangle of
- states that the velocity error is removed by manual settings of latitude and speed to
offset the lubber line and the follow-up system in liquid-controlled compasses
- explains how the correction is made in compasses that employ other methods of
detecting tilt
- states that ballistic deflection results from changes in the ship's north-south
component of velocity
- explains that the precession resulting from ballistic deflection may be arranged to
move the compass to the correct settling position, after allowance for the change in
course and speed error, by choosing a suitable period for the compass
- explains that the relationship in the above objective is exact for one latitude only,
usually 45", and that there is a small wander of the compass to the final settled
position in other latitudes
- explains that the pendulum of a tilt detector will be thrown out of the vertical during
a change of course or speed, producing an error in its output
- explains that the method used i n the above objective is not applicable for
compasses without liquid ballistic control since course and speed error is fully
corrected for all headings
- explains that errors are limited by damping the pendulum and limiting the applied
torque for large deflections of the pendulum
- states that the sensitive element of a gyro-compass is made such that its moment
of inertia about any axis is the same, thus preventing any tendency to turn when
swinging pendulously as a result of rolling or pitching
- describes the effect of rolling on a liquid ballistic for various ship's headings
- explains why the movement of the liquid causes an error except on the cardinal
- states that intercardinal rolling error does not occur in compasses having no
gravitational control attachments to the gyroscope
- states that errors caused by acceleration of the compass during rolling and pitching
can be reduced by siting the master compass low down, near the rotational centre
of the ship
- outlines the performance standards for gyro-compasses
,l,i '
COMPETENCE 1.3 Determine and Allow for Compass Errors IMO Reference
Required performance:
3.1 Systems Under the Control of the Master Gyro and the
Operation of the Main Types of Gyro-compasses in Use At
Sea (2 hours)
- defines the main systems under the control of the master gyro
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of: Table A-1112
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
1.5 Establish Watchkeeping Arrangements and Procedures IMO Reference
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
1.1 COLREGS 1972 and Amendments (30 hours) R1, R8, R15,
- identifies the lights and shapes by any type of vessel and their meaning, including
the additional signals for fishing vessels-fishing in close proximity
- demonstrates how to determine the risk of collision and the proper action to take to
avoid collision in restricted visibility
- describes fully the use of, and manoeuvring in, traffic separation schemes
Required performance:
- lists factors to be taken into account when deciding the composition of the watch on
the bridge
- states that watch duties should be so arranged to comply with rest periods
prescribed in the STCW Code
- plans an intended voyage taking into account weather and ice conditions, tidal
streams, traffic separation schemes and other navigational factors
- states that the master should ensure that officers in charge of watches know the
location and operation of all navigational and safety equipment and can take
account of the operating limitations of such equipment
- states that the officer in charge of a navigational watch should not be assigned or
undertake any duties which interfere with the safe navigation of the ship
- writes standing orders for a deck watch at anchor and a navigational watch
' n
Required performance:
- states that any special conditions of weather, tidal currents, depth or marine traffic
which may be expected should be discussed
- states that the master should provide the pilot with the pilot card and make
available the manoeuvring booklet or, in their absence, provide him with details of
the ship's particulars and manoeuvring characteristics, including information on the
ship's response to wind forces; special characteristics related to squat should be
- states that the master should inform the pilot of any unusual handling
characteristics, machinery difficulties or problems with navigational equipment
which could affect the operation, handling of safe manoeuvring of the ship
- states that the pilot should give information on the intended use of tugs, if any
- states that the master and pilot should discuss, if applicable, special consideration
concerning passing or overtaking of other vessels in narrow channels
- gives examples of error chains and explains how they can be avoided
- explains the need for adequate information flow between team members
- explains that failure to monitor the ship's position and communicate effectively has
lead to casualties
Teamwork (2 hours) R1
- explains the need for effective planning including: Sect ion A-V11112
time constraints Part 3-1
required navigational route
need to monitor external communications
makes allowance for traffic density
makes provision for integrating the pilot into the bridge team
prevailing weather conditions
- understands the importance of correctly handing the conn between members of the
bridge team including the pilot.
COMPETENCE 1.6 Maintain Safe Navigation Through the Use of Radar an'ci IMO Reference
ARPA and Modern Navigation Systems to Assist Command
Required performance:
- compares the actual wind and pressure distribution with the above
- draws the global mean surface pressure distribution together with the oceanic wind
for January and July.
- describes the characteristics and location of the doldrums, ITCZ, Trade Winds, Sub
tropical oceanic highs, westerlies and polar easterlies
- explains qualitatively the monsoon type weather along the North East coast of
1.2 The Weather Associated with the Principal Air Mass Types R1
(2 hours)
- analyses qualitatively the formation of an air mass
- describes the characteristics of a region acting as the source region for an air mass
- describes the subsequent modification of an air mass by the nature of the surface
over which it travels
- determines the geostrophic and approximate surface wind speeds from the chart by
use of the geostrophic wind scale
- determines the weather associated with specific places within the plots
- evaluates the information given in surface synoptic and prognostic fax charts
- evaluates the use of 500 hPa charts in forecasting the progress of depressions
- discusses the normal seasons and probable tracks of North Atlantic bergs from
origin to decay
- defines the outer limits of the area in which icebergs may be encountered in the
North Atlantic
1.7 Forecast Weather and Oceanographic conditions IMO Reference
- discusses the normal and extreme limits of iceberg travel in the southern oceans
during summer and winter
- discusses the seasonal development and recession of sea ice on the coastlines of
the northern oceans, and in the latitude of the normal trade routes
1.6 The Guiding Principles Relating to the Safety of Navigation in R1, R2 Ch. V
the vicinity of Ice (1 hour)
- states the signs which may indicate the proximity of ice on clear days and nights
- defines the ranges at which observers may expect to detect ice visually in varying
conditions of visibility, see 161
- states the precautions to be taken when navigating near ice, and when ice is
suspected in the vicinity
- describes the use of data in the Mariner's Handbook, for estimating the rate of ice
Required performance:
a rn
COMPETENCE 1.7 Forecast Weather and Oceanographic Conditions IMO Reference
- explains with the aid of a diagram, the structure of an idealized cold front
- explains the sequence of weather associated with the passage of an idealized cold
- explains with the aid of diagrams, the formation of, and weather associated with a
'line squall'
- describes with the aid of diagrams, the structure of an idealized warm front
- explains with the aid of diagrams, the orientation of isobars which cross a front
- describes with the aid of diagrams, the weather at the Inter Tropical Convergence
Zone, both when it is close to, and more than 5" from, the equator
2.2 The Formation of, and Weather Associated with, Frontal and R1
Non-Frontal Depressions (2 hours)
- explains qualitatively why the polar front is a favourable breeding ground for frontal
- describes, with the aid of diagrams, the formation, development and decay of
frontal depressions
- draws a typical synoptic pattern showing a family of frontal depressions and the
associated pressure distribution
- explains qualitatively, with the aid of diagrams, the formation of warm occlusions
and cold occlusions
- draws cross sections through warm and cold occlusions showing temperature
distribution, and cloud and precipitation areas
- describes the weather experienced during the passage of warm and cold
occlusions with reference to objectives in the previous section
- draws a synoptic pattern of frontal and non-frontal troughs, for both northern and
southern hemispheres, showing isobars, wind circulation and, if applicable, front
- explains the weather associated with the passage of a trough of low pressure
- defines an anticyclone
- draws a synoptic pattern of a ridge contained between two lows, showing isobars
and wind circulation, for northern and southern hemispheres
- explains the weather associated with both types of ridge of high pressure
- defines col
- states the conditions associated with the formation of tropical revolving storms
- describes with the aid of diagrams typical and possible tracks of TRS
1.7 Forecast Weather and Oceanographic Conditions IMO Reference
- draws a plan of a TRS showing isobars, wind circulation, path, track, vortex or eye
trough line, dangerous semicircle, dangerous quadrant and navigable semicircle
(for north and south hemisphere)
- draws a cross section through a TRS showing areas of cloud and precipitation
- describes the characteristics of a TRS, ie size, wind, pressure, eye, cloud and
precipitation sequence
- describes the signs which give warning of the approach for the TRS
- explains the method of determining in which sector of a TRS the ship is situated
- given the position and direction of travel of a TRS and ship's voyage information,
describes appropriate measures to avoid the danger sector of a TRS
Required performance:
- discusses the generation of gradient currents resulting from the indirect effect of
wind causing a piling up of water on windward coasts as in the case of the
Equatorial Counter Currents
- relates the general pattern of surface water circulation to the atmospheric pressure
- constructs a chart showing global surface water circulation applicable to the above
- describes the seasonal changes in the above in areas under the influence of the
Asiatic monsoons
- analyses the causes of individual currents where explicitly stated in Meteorology for
- describes the form in which surface current data is presented in current atlases and
on routeing charts
- shows the meaning of the term constancy when applied to predominant currents
- compares qualitatively the values of the information given by the current rose, the
predominant current and the vector mean current as aids to passage planning
- appraises the relative merits of ship and shore based routeing, and their limitations
- explains the decay of swell waves as they travel from the area of origin
Textbooks: T I
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- evaluates qualitatively the effect of persistent winds on tide levels and tidal times
Textbooks: T I
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
5.1 Apply tide and current data from nautical publications and R1
charts (2 hours)
- uses tidal height calculations in passage planning, with regard to limiting draughts
and times of available depth of water
- uses tidal stream information in passage planning, with regard to effect on course
made good, and effect on speed, timing of events
- uses current information in passage planning, with regard to effect on course made
good, and effect on speed, timing of events
' COMPETENCE 1.8 Respond to Navigational ~mer@ncies IMO Reference
' tn
Required performance:
- states that a gently shelving beach of mud, sand or gravel should be chosen if
- states that, when trimmed heavily by the head, beaching stern first may be
- states that wind or tide along the shore will quickly swing the ship broadside-on to
the beach
- describes measures which can be taken to prevent the ship driving further ashore
and to assist with subsequent refloating
- states that all tanks and compartments should be sounded and an assessment
made of damage to the ship
- states that soundings should be taken to establish the depth of water round the ship
and the nature of the bottom
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- states that the engineers should be warned to change to high-level water intakes
- states that a distress or urgency signal should be transmitted and survival craft
prepared if necessary
- states that all tanks and compartments should be sounded and the ship should be
inspected for damage
- states that soundings should be taken to establish the depth of water round the ship
and the nature of the bottom
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- describes the use of the main engine in attempting to refloat and the danger of
building up silt from its use
Required performance:
- states that in calm weather the colliding ship should generally remain embedded to
allow the other ship time to assess the damage or prepare to abandon ship
- states that survival craft should be made ready for abandoning ship or assisting the
crew of the other ship
- states that requests for information may be received from coastal States
- states that, if not in danger, own ship should stand by to render assistance to the
other for as long as necessary
- -
- states that any discharge or portable discharge of harmful substances should be R14
reported to the nearest coast radio station
- states that the owners should be informed and all details of the collision and
subsequent actions entered in the log-book R1
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- describes how to change from bridge control to local control in the steering gear
- states that, when appropriate, a disabled ship should report to a coastal State that it
is a potential hazard to other ships or to the environment R14
- lists possible course of action which may be taken by a disabled ship
- describes methods of securing the rudder in the event of a broken rudder stock
- explains that, in the event of the loss of the rudder, jury steering may be achieved by
providing a drag on either side of the ship
- describes a jury steering arrangement using materials normally found aboard ship
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- states that a coastal State may intervene when a disabled ship presents a potential
risk to the environment \,
- states that early communication should be established between the vessels to agree
on the method of connecting the tow
- states that both vessels should have everything prepared and have agreed on
communication before the arrival of the towing ship
- describes how to approach a disabled vessel and pass the first connection by line-
throwing apparatus or other methods
- states that the tow normally passes a messenger followed by a wire messenger to
the towing vessel to haul across the towing line
- explains why the wire is usually shackled to the anchor cable of the tow
- states that the towing wire should be protected from chafing at fairleads
- states that wires and cables should be inspected frequently and the nip freshened if
any sign of wear or chafe is found
- describes the emerging towing arrangements for all tankers of not less than SOLAS Ch 11-1
20,000dwt Res. 35(63)
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
Table A-1112
COMPETENCE 1.9 Manoeuvre and Handle a Ship in all Conditions IMO Reference
Required performance:
- states that the pilot station should be contacted about 2 hours before the expected
arrival time R2, R20, R21,
- describes the preparations for picking up a pilot
- states that a second steering-gear power unit should be in operation where possible
- states that steering should be changed to manual in ample time and tested R2
- states that anchors should be cleared and ready for letting go
- explains how to reduce speed when approaching the pilot station, taking account of
wind and tidal set
- explains why the ship's speed should be reduced to a suitable speed for the pilot
boat to come alongside
- states that extra care should be taken after dropping the pilot until clear of inward R1
ships manoeuvring to embark pilots
COMPETENCE 1.9 Manoeuvre Snd Handle a Ship in all Conditions IMO ReTerence
- defines squat as the reduction of under-keel clearance resulting from bodily sinkage
and change of trim which occurs when a ship moves through the water
- states that the squat in shallow water (ratio of water depth/draught = 1.2) may be
double that in deep water
- explains how squat and trim effects increase with blockage factor
- describes the reduction in keel clearance resulting from rolling and pitching and heel
or list
- states that speed should be moderate in rivers, estuaries, etc. to reduce shallow-
water effects and to provide reserve power for correcting a sheer
- describes how to round bends in a channel with a current in either direction, taking
account of the effect of wind
- describes how to turn short round in a narrow channel, with or without a wind
- describes how to judge the correct execution of a constant rate turn by visual means
- describes how radar can be used to assist in monitoring a constant rate turn
- describes how to determine the wheel over position bearing for a constant rate turn
- describes how a constant rate turn is effective in helping a vessel maintain its
planned trail
- explains how a ship will respond to helm before increasing speed when using a kick-
- identifies the danger of taking a sheer in shallow water and what corrective action
can be taken
- describes how tugs can be used to assist in maintaining slow speed control
COMPETENCE 1.9 " ' Manoeuvre and Handle a Ship in all Conditions IMO Reference
- explains and describes the interaction between ships when meeting end-on
- explains the particular dangers of interaction when working close by other craft such
as tugs
- describes the pattern of pressure changes round the hull of a moving ship
- explains the interaction between a ship and nearby banks (bank cushion and bank
- explains that shoal patches may give rise to bank cushion or suction, resulting in an
unexpected sheer
- states that lateral thrusters cease to be effective above a certain speed, which has
to be determined by trial
- describes, with reference to ship type and trim, the likely effect of wind on a ship
when moving ahead or astern and when stopped
- describes the different ways in which tugs may be made fast and used
- explains fully how to use engine, helm, tugs, anchors and mooring lines to berth and
unberth under various conditions of wind and tide at:
- river berths
- piers
- locks
- enclosed docks
- a single buoy
- two buoys
- multibuoy berths
- Mediterranean moorings
- describes the mooring lines to be used, their leads and methods of securing at the
berths listed above
'"I <"I
- describes the use of dynamically positioned vessels and their control systems
Anchoring (6 hours)
- explains how to choose an anchorage and lists the factors which influence the
- states that an anchoring plan should be prepared in advance, showing the direction
and speed of approach and the dropping position(s), with check bearings
- describes the preparation of anchors, including walking the anchor back for
anchoring in deep water
- explains that positions should be obtained on letting go and again when brought up
- lists the factors to consider in determining the length of anchor cable to be used as:
-the nature of the bottom
- the strength of current or wind
-the exposure of the anchorage to bad weather
-the amount of room to swing
-the expected length of stay at anchor
- explains how excessive yawing may break the anchor out of its holding and
describes measures to control yaw
Dry-Docking (2 hours)
- lists the information required by the dry-dock authorities as:
- length, beam and rise of floor, if any
- draughts and trim
- position of bilge keels and appendages such as a bulbous bow
- whether single or twin screw
-the weight and disposition of any cargo on board
- position of any hull damage for inspection or repair
- --
COMPETENCE 1.9 Manoeuvre and Handle a Ship in all ~ondi"tions IMO Reference
- states that a plan showing the position of bulkheads, main structural members and
drain plugs is required for the preparation of beds and shores when dry-docking in
the loaded condition
- explains why a slight trim by the stern is the ideal condition for dry-docking
- explains the need for adequate statical stability and states when the most critical
condition occurs
- describes the use of bilge blocks, breast shores and bilge shores and their
placement during pumping out
- states that all tanks should be sounded and the readings recorded when the ship
takes the keel blocks
- explains that tanks and movable weights should be restored to their original
condition before flooding the dock to ensure the same trim and zero list on refloating
- explains how an adequate supply of water for fire frghting and a telephone for calling
emergency services should be arranged
- lists the precautions to be taken and the preparations to be made before flooding
the dock
- describes how excessive speed into head seas can cause severe panting and
slamming stresses
- states that excessive slamming may be almost unnoticed on the bridge of a very
large ship
- explains that heavy pitching also gives rise to high longitudinal stresses, racing of
the propeller and the shipping of water
- explains that a reduction in speed combined with an alteration of course can reduce
the danger of broaching-to and of being pooped
- describes how to turn a ship in heavy seas
- states that a ship may be hove-to with the wind on the bow or on the quarter or
- -
- describes the circumstances in which each of the methods above may be used
- describes methods of turning a disabled ship's head to keep it out of a sea trough
and of lessening lee drift
- explains that a ship may drift at an angle to the downwind direction and that its
direction of drift will depend upon which side it has the wind
- describes how to use oil to reduce breaking seas when hove-to and when
manoeuvring in heavy seas
- describes the effect of speed and the effect of flowlines around the vessel
- describes how to determine and plot the results of trial turning circles
- states that turning circles in shallow water at various manoeuvring speeds should be
recorded when possible
- explains how trials of stopping ability under various conditions should be recorded
- states that the effect of wind on the behaviour of the ship should be recorded, in
-the drifting behaviour when stopped
-the speed at which steerage is lost in various conditions of loading and wind
-the behaviour of the ship when making stern way
- states why the minimum operating revolutions of the engine and the resulting speed
should be checked
- states that any details of manoeuvring behaviour which would be useful to a pilot or
future master should be recorded
- states that STCW Code recommends additional training for masters and chief mates
of large ships and ships with unusual manoeuvring characteristics Section B-V/a
1.13 Damage Due to Own Ship's Bow and Stern Waves (1 hour) R1
- explains damage to shore due to excessive bow waves and stern waves
1.9 Manoeuvre and Handle a Ship in all Conditigns IMO Reference
- states the precautions that should be taken by ships alongside to minimize the effect
of passing traffic
- states that, when ice is reported on or near the course, the master of every ship is
bound to proceed at a moderate speed or to alter course so as to go well clear of
the danger zone
- explains that radar may not detect small icebergs and growlers
- states that navigation marks may be removed without warning in coastal areas
threatened by ice
- states that no attempt should be made to enter a region of thick ice in a ship not
specially strengthened for navigation in ice
- explains that leads through the ice show well on radar when set to short range
- explains precautions to be taken to avoid damaging the propeller and rudder when
manoeuvring in ice
- states that it is important to follow the ice-breaker's instructions regarding speed and
- states that fenders should be ready for use when negotiating sharp turns in leads
- describes the need to keep a look-out, when hove-to at night, for large ice drifting
through the pack
- states that a change of course or speed should be made to reduce the shipping of
freezing spray
- states that accumulated ice and snow should be cleared away as quickly as
- discusses the actions that can be taken to manoeuvre the vessel in case of
- describes the information that may be required by VTS officers before entering
leaving or manoeuvring within a VTS controlled area
COMPETENCE 1.10 Operate Remote Controls of Propulsion Plant and IMO Reference
Engineering Systems and Services
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of: Table A-1112
COMPETENm 1.10 Operate Remote Controls of Propulsion Plant agd IMO Reference
Engineering Systems and Services
Required performance:
Diesel Engines
- uses generally accepted engineering terms
- explains the cause of scavenge fires and how they are dealt with
- states that the number of starts is limited by the capacity of the starting air reservoir
- describes the procedure for warming through a steam turbine ready for manoeuvring
- describes how the propeller shaft is supported between the thrust block and the
stern tube
- calculates the ship's speed, given the engine revolutions per minute, mean pitch
and percentage slip
Bridge Control
- describes a control system for the main engine, including control from bridge,
machinery control room, engine control local and changeover controls
I Administrations may wish to provide specialized training in bridge control systems for
personnel who are to serve on higher technology ships fitted with complex bridge control
Textbooks: T58
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- describes steam-to-steam generators and explains where and why they are used
- describes a boiler fuel oil supply system
- describes the effect of dissolved salts in the feedwater and how it is treated
- states that carry-over of water may cause serious damage to turbine blading and to
steam cylinders
- describes the head losses in a pumping system and how they are expressed
- explains net positive suction head and its significance in pump operation
- describes a typical bilge system and ballast system for a dry cargo vessel
- states that the engine-room emergency bilge suction is connected to the main
circulating pump in the engine-room
COMPETENCE 1.10 Operate R e m o t e Controls o f P r o p u l s i o n P l a n t a n d IMO Reference
E n g i n e e r i n g Systems a n d Services
Steering Gear
- describes ram-type hydraulic steering gear
- describes the IMO requirements for auxiliary steering gear and how they are met by
ram-type and rotary-vane steering gear
- explains how the change from remote to local control in the steering-gear
compartment is made
- states the IMO requirements for testing steering gear and for drills
- describes and draws a navigation light circuit with indicators and alarm, showing an
alternative power supply
- describes the construction and operation of fin stabilizers
- explains why oily-water separators, even if well maintained and correctly operated,
may not function properly
- describes the functioning of a waste incinerator
Deck Machinery
- states that the design and performance of anchor windlasses is subject to approval
by a classification society
- sketches and describes a windlass driving two de-clutchable cable lifters and
warping drums
- explains the gearing necessary between the prime mover and cable lifters
- describes an arrangement that uses two mooring winches to drive windlass units
- states that both winches may be coupled mechanically to provide either a stand-by
drive, in case one prime mover should fail, or the power of both prime movers on
one windlass, if required
- describes the arrangement of vertical anchor capstans with driving machinery below
- describes a spooling device to distribute the wire evenly on the drum of a mooring
- briefly explains the advantages and disadvantages of steam, electric and hydraulic
drive for mooring winches and capstans
- sketches and describes a slewing deck crane, its motors and its controls
Hydraulic Systems
- states that a hydraulic system consists of an oil tank, pumps, control valves,
hydraulic motors and pipework
- explains how the variable-stroke pump can act as controller and power supply
- sketches and describes a simple spool valve with shutoff and control of flow
- states that hydraulic systems can provide stepless control of speed for:
- winches, cranes and other lifting devices
- states that cooling of the hydraulic oil is necessary during operation to maintain the
correct viscosity of the oil
- states that the oil may need to be heated before starting from cold
- states that cleanliness of the oil is essential for satisfactory operation and that all
systems contain filters
Textbooks: T58
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- defines mass, force, work, power, energy, pressure, stress, strain and heat and
states the units in which each is measured
COMPETENCE 1.10 Operate Remote Controls of Propulsion Plant and IMO Referen2e
Engineering Systems and Services
fuel consumption2 I
fuel consumption = displacement'
- explains that:
voyaqe consumption1=
voyage consumption2
[ displacement2
displacement1 2/3 x {speed1
] x voyaqe distance1
voyage distance2
- explains that, for fuel economy, the actual speed at any stage of a voyage should be
as near as practicable to the required average speed
- explains how the condition of the hull affects the fuel coefficient and the fuel
- explains that keeping the leading edges and tips of propeller blades dressed and
polished improves propeller efficiency and reduces fuel consumption
Master and Chief Mate
Function 2:
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge,
understanding and proficiency in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995 for the function Cargo Handling
and Stowage at the Management Level.
This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter Ill Section A-
1112. This functional element provides the detailed knowledgeto support the training outcomes
related to Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Management Level.
This section provides the background knowledge to support the tasks, duties and
responsibilities in:
- planning, safe loading, stowage, securing and care during the voyage and unloading
of cargoes
- the carriage of dangerous goods.
This includes topics such as ship trim, stability, ballasting, cargo securing, tankers and tanker
operations and carriage of dangerous, hazardous and harmful cargoes.
Entry standards
Entrants should have successfully completed a course covering the minimum standards
required for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross
tonnage or more (see IMO Model Course No. 7.03, Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch).
In addition they should have completed approved seagoing service as officer in charge of a
avigational watch in accordance with STCW 1995 regulation 1112, paragraph 2.
Course certificate
On successful completion of the course and assessments, a document may be issued
certifying that the holder has successfully completed a course of training which meets or
exceeds the level of knowledge and competence specified in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995, for
the function Cargo Handling and Stowage at the Management Level.
Staff requirements
Instructors shall be qualified in the task for which training is being conducted and have
appropriate training in instructional techniques and training methods (STCW Code Section A-
116). Depending on the complexity of the exercises set, an assistant instructor with similar
experience is desirable for certain practical exercises.
- a collection of photographs, drawings and plans, illustrating various types of ship and
constructional details, should be provided
- a floating ship stability demonstration model and a flotation tank are recommended.
The model should be capable of demonstrating the effects of adding or removing
masses, of shifting masses, of suspending masses and of free surface liquid
- workirrg models of heavy-lift derricks
- a ship's loading instrument or manufacturers' descriptions of examples of them
- capacity plans and hydrostatic data for one or more ships
- electronic calculators.
Video cassettes
V1 Preparing the defence (IMO Code No. VID-301)
R27 Regulations for the Control of Pollution by Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk - Annex o
Details of distributors of IMO publications that maintain a permanent stock of all IMO
publications may be found on ,the IMO web site at http://www.imo.org
Textbooks (T)
TI1 Derrett, D.R Ship Stability for Masters and Mates, 4th ed. Butteworth-Heinemann,,
1984 (ISBN 0-7506-0380-1)
T31 International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals. 4th ed. ICS/OCIMF. London,
Witherby & Co. Ltd 1996 (ISBN 1-85609-081-7)
T32 Immer, J.R. Cargo Handling. Marine Education Textbooks, 1984
(ISBN 1-877977-806-8)
T41 Morton, G.S. Tanker Operations. A Handbook For The Ships Officer 3rded., 1992
(ISBN 0-87033-432-8)
T44 McGuire and White. Liquefied Gas Handling Principles on Ships and Terminals.
2nd ed. London, Witherby. 1996 (ISBN 1-8560-9087-6)
T63 Thomas, O.O., Agnew, J. and Cole, K.L. Thomas' Stowage : The Properties and
Stowage of Cargoes, 3rd ed. Glasgow, Brown, Son & Ferguson, 1996
T68 Guidelines for the Inspection and Maintenance of Double Hull Tanker Structures.
OCIMF. London, Witherby. 1995 (ISBN 1-8560-9090-9)
T69 Bulk Carriers: Guidance and information on bulk cargo loading and discharging to
reduce the likelihood of overstressing the hull structures. IACS. London 1997
No formal example of a timetable is included in this model course.
Development of a detailed timetable depends on the level of skills of the trainees entering the
course and the amount of revision work of basic principles that may be required.
Preparation and planning constitute an important factor which makes a major contribution to
the effective presentation of any course of instruction.
As far as possible, lectures should be presented within a farrliliar context and should make use
of practical examples. They should be well illustrated with diagrams, photographs and charts
where appropriate, and be related to matter learned during seagoing time.
Course Outline
The tables that follow list the competencies and areas of knowledge, understanding and
proficiency, together with the estimated total hours required for lectures and practical
exercises. Teaching staff should note that timings are suggestions only and should be
adapted to suit individual groups of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment
and staff available for training.
~ ~E@~~ D I & ~ ~ @ S ' ~ N Q - S T R E ~ S -E6UIPMENT
.1 Shear forces, bending moments and torsional moments 8
.2 Compliance with minimum freeboard requirements of the
Loadline regulations 6
.3 The use of vector diagrams to calculate stresses on
cargo gear 6
.4 Use of ADB equipment 2
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors maybe adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
,l" t 1"
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
Guidance Notes cm
The following notes are intended to highlight the main objectives or training outcomes of each
part of the function. The notes also contain some material on topics which are not adequately
covered in the quoted references.
On completion of training for this function, officers will be able to use cargo plans and tables
or diagrams of stability and trim data to calculate the ship's initial stability, draughts and trim
for any given description of cargo and other weights. They will also be able to determine
whether stresses on the ship are within permitted limits by the use of stress data or calculation
equipment, or software.
Officers will be able to plan and supervise the stowage of cargo, taking account of all relevant
regulations and safety codes. They will also be able to make ,the necessary calculations to
ensure adequate stability and to check that shear forces and bending moments are within
permitted limits.
The safety precautions before entering enclosed or potentially contaminated spaces will be
understood and applied.
Officers will be able to supervise the preparation and dunnaging 0.1 holds and the operation of
ships' cargo gear and will be aware of the importance of adequately securing cargo to prevent
damage to the ship of cargo. They will identify dangerous goods and use the IMDG Code (R7)
to ensure such cargoes are stowed and separated correctly. They will know the hazards
related to some bulk cargoes and the precautions to take during their loading, carriage and
discharge. They will also have a basic knowledge of the pipirlg and pumping arrangements
of oil tankers.
2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care During The
Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
Instructorsshould referto the many IMO references concerning this topic and design exercises
to let officers practice using information contained in the Code of Safe Practice for Cargo
Stowage and Securing and in a typical cargo securing manual.
When calculating draughts and trim, solutions are simplified, especially when using calculators
or computers, by the consistent use of signs. The convention signs used are:
loading + discharging -
by the head + by the stern -
forwardof + abaft -
starboard + Port -
hogging + sagging -
It has been assumed that trainees will already have some experience in using vector diagrams
and that the exercises in finding stresses on cargo gear will be applications of that knowledge.
Alternatively, that of the syllabus could be taught as part of the training in the use of vector
2-13 $$f@f~~&(15~$4@.
Shear firce, bending moments and torsional moments
The load curve is given by the difference between the weight and buoyancy curves.
Conventions on the sign of the load and hence on which side of the axis to plot the value vary
between authors. The convention chosen is not important, but it is recommended that the
chosen one is used consistently to avoid confusing trainees.
During the instruction the following properties of the curves should be pointed out to trainees:
- the total area under the weight curve equals the total area under the buoyancy curve;
- the area under the load curve above the axis equals the area below the axis;
- the maximum values of shear force occur where the load curve crosses the axis;
- the maximum values of bending moment occur where the shear-force curve crosses
the axis; and
- the shear force and bending moment are zero at each end.
'The classification society requirement for the carriage of a loading instrument for calculating
shear forces and bending moments is commonly satisfied by the provision of a personal
computer with approved programs on discs. In addition to calculating shear forces and
bending moment, programs normally include the calculation of transverse stability, draught and
trim. Other facilities to assist with cargo planning are also provided.
The program is arranged to perform a self-check on starting up, with a warning being given to
the user if data corruption has occurred. A new copy of the master disc can be made and run
to rectify that fault. If a printer is connected, a hard copy of results can be obtained.
Torsional stresses tend to produce twisting of the ship's hull about the longitudinal centreline.
All ships experience torsional stresses when subject to oblique sea waves. At a particular
instant, the sea may-beattempting to roll the forwardend to starboard-whilethe after end is
trying to roll to port. The ship's structure is designed to withstand this wave-induced torsion.
For most ships, normal cargo operations do not induce torsional stresses but in container ships
it is possible that an excess of weight to one side at one bay is balanced by an excess to the
other side at another bay, thus setting up a torsional stress.
Because of their very large hatch openings, container ships are particularly liable to structural
damage, such as cracking at hatch corners, resulting from torsional stress. The classification
societies state maximum permissible cargo torsion values. They also recommend that uneven
transverse distributions of weights should be avoided and that excess torsion should be
monitored for each load condition by means of calculation sheets and graphical representation.
If the torsional moments exceed the permissible level, water ballast can be added at
appropriate positions to reduce them.
The levers for each row are printed on the sheet, the weights are entered and the products are
calculated. The resulting moment for each bay is found and recorded, with the correct sign.
The accumulated moment for each group of bays is plotted on a graph, as Figure 3
(page 105).
Example of loading
Column 2 shows a total listing moment of 1450 metre-tonnes to starboard and an excessive
torsional moment at bays 25 to 31.
Water ballast is added or the anti-heeling tanks are adjusted to reduce the listing moment to
zero and at the same tlme to reduce the excessive torsional moment. In this case, a moment of
1450 metre-tonnes to port has been introduced at bays 21/23.
Columns 1 and 2 are amended to take account of the ballast and are shown as columns 3 and
4. The graph Is then redrawn.
Figure 2
Figure 1
Trainees should realize that bills of lading are negotiable documents and provide title to
ownership of the goods described in them. A cargo may be bought and sold on the evidence
of the bill of lading and it is therefore essential that it provides a true and accurate description
of the goods. Any damage or evidence of poor condition should be noted on the mate's
receipts from which the bills of lading will be drawn up. The acceptance of letters of indemnity
in return for clean bills for goods which are not in apparent good condition could be construed
as compounding a fraud. When bills of lading contain descriptions which cannot be verified
by the ship's officers, e.g. the quality of wheat in a grain cargo, they should be qualified by the
inclusion of "said to be ....ll, "contents unknown, said to contain .." and similar expressions.
Where boat notes are signed as mate's receipts, care should be taken not to sign a duplicate
note for the same consignment. That could lead to eventual claims for the complete loss of
the consignment.
Containers are frequently shipped on through bills of lading which have been issued prior to
their arrival at the ship. A check should be made that seals and locks are in place at shipment.
Trainees should be reminded that empty bags or other packages found during discharging
should be landed and a receipt obtained for them to ensure that the freight earned on their
carriage is obtained. Sweepings should be collected separately, put into bags and discharged
as such, V8.
Measurestaken for the care of cargo during the voyage, such as the use of ventilation systems
or inspections of lashings, should be entered in the log-book. Entries should also be made if
ventilation is suspended due to heavy weather or any other circumstances which may have
an adverse effect on the cargo. The master will include such entries in the log extracts to
support the noting of protest.
In some ports, the trades union representative of the dock labour force may insist on sighting
the register and rigging plan before work commences. It is important that changes in items
such as blocks and shackles attached to a derrick are noted on the rigging plan.
In combination carriers, the proper sealing of hatches is essential to prevent the release of
flammable vapour at deck level and for the maintenance of a small positive pressure by the
inert gas system.
Terms and4&finitions
Instructors will find much of the material for the basis of lectures in T31.
Contents and application of the InternationalSafety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals
This section is intended to provide a general introduction to tanker operations and the
guidance available in the ISGOTT.
Chemical tankers
This section provides a general introduction to the construction and equipment of chemical
tankers as set out in the IBC Code. Only a simple treatment of operations is intended since
officers who will serve in such ships are required to undertake additional specialized training.
Further information on cargoes and operations may be found in reference Textbook Ref.T26
and video V6.
Gas tankers
This section provides a general overview of the different types of gas tanker, their construction
and their equipment as set out in the IGC Code. The treatment should take account of the fact
that officers who will serve in gas tankers will undertake further specialized training, (V7).
It should be pointed out to trainees that safety in the handling and carriage of dangerous goods
is primarily ensured by the specification of stringent packaging requirements. Damaged
packages should not be accepted for loading.
A ship may be required to carry a substance not included in the Code. The master should
obtain all relevant information about its properties before loading it. The type of information
included in the Code should be used as a guide to what questions should be asked.
Previous loading practices and maintenance activity appear to be important factors in the
safety of dry bulk carriers. lnstructors should explain the problems suffered by some single
skin dry bulkers in the early 1990s. The majority were over 15 years of age and were carrying
iron ore at the time of the loss. Masters and chief officers should be able to identify potential
weak points and carry out routine inspections to detect unsafe conditions and take appropriate
actions. Focus should be on the structural arrangements and hull integrity with emphasis on
the critical areas of the structure: hatch corners, coamings; main frames and brackets; topside
tanks; transverse bulkheads and any damage caused during cargo handling.
IACS classification societies introduced an enhanced survey programme (ESP) for bulkers and
tankers in 1993 covering the preparation and planning of hull surveys, harmonized bottom
survey in dry dock with class renewal survey, maintenance of a survey documents file on board
and corrosion prevention measures (T69, V4). This was adopted in Chap XI of SOLAS as
regulation 2 Enhanced Surveys, applicable to oil tankers and bulk carriers from July 1998.
In order to assist the instructor, references are shown to indicate IMO references and
publications, textbooks and teaching aids that instructors may wish to use in preparing and
presenting their lessons.
The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching
syllabus; in particular,
The information on each table is systematically organised in the following way. The line at the
head of the table describes the FUNCTION with which the training is concerned. A function
means a group of tasks, duties and responsibilities as specified in the STCW Code. It
describes related activities which make up a professional discipline or traditional departmental
responsibility on board.
The header of the first column denotes the COMPETENCE concerned. Each function
comprises a number of competences. For example, the Function 2, Cargo Handling and
Stowage at the Management Level, comprises two COMPETENCES. Each competence is
uniquely and consistently numbered in this model course.
The first is Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage and Securing, Care During the
Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes. It is numbered 2.1, that is the first competence in
Function 2. The term competence should be understood as the application of knowledge,
understanding, proficiency, skills, experience for an individual to perform a task, duty or
responsibility on board in a safe, efficient and timely manner.
Shown next is the required TRAINING OUTCOME. The training outcomes are the areas of
knowledge, understanding and proficiency in which the trainee must be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding. Each COMPETENCE comprises a number of training
outcomes. For example, the above competence comprises a total of six training outcomes.
STANDARDS. Each training outcome is uniquely and consistently numbered in this model
course. That concerned with application of international regulations, codes and standards
concerning safe handling, stowage, securing and transport of cargoes is uniquely numbered
2.1 .l. For clarity training outcomes are printed in black on grey, for example TRAINING
Following each numbered area of Required performance there is a list of activities that the
trainee should complete and which collectively specify the standard of competence that the
trainee must meet. These are for the guidance of teachers and instructors in designing
lessons, lectures, tests and exercises for use in the teaching process. For example, under the
topic 2.1.1 . I Plans and actions conform with international regulations, to meet the Required
performance, the trainee should be able to:
and so on.
IMO references (Rx) are listed in the colurnn to the right hand side. Teaching aids (Ax), videos
(Vx) and textbooks (Tx) relevant to the training outcome and required performancesare placed
immediately following the $ F @ $ I N ~ T ~ G ~ title.
ue ~~~OME
The columns to the right hand side list IMO references (Rx), textbooks (Tx) and teaching aids
(Ax) relevant to the competence, outcome and required performance.
Note, it is not intended that lessons are organised to follow the sequence of Required
performances listed in the Tables. The Syllabus Tables are organised to match with the
competence in the STCW Code Table A-1112. Lessons and teaching should follow college
practices. It is not necessary, for example, for celestial navigation to be studied before
terrestrial and coastal navigation. What is necessary is that all the material is covered and that
teaching is effective to allow trainees to meet the standard of the Required performance.
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Sate Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
Required performance:
- plans cargo stowage and carriage in compliance with the Code of Safe Practice R2
for cargo stowage and securing Res A.714 (1 7)
- states that an approved cargo securing manual is required to be carried on
board all ships except those engaged solely in the carriage of bulk cargoes
- lists the information provided in the cargo securing manual
- uses data from the cargo securing manual to plan securing a range of cargo
- lists the certificates required for inspection by port state control officers
Required performance:
- - -
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- calculates how to divide a given mass between two given locations to produce
a required trim or maximum draught after loading
- calculates the locations at which to load a given mass so as to leave the after
draught unchanged
- given a ship's hydrostatic data and the disposition of cargo, fuel and water,
calculates the metacentric height (GM)
- calculates the arrival GM from the conditions at departure and the consumption
of fuel and water
- identifies when the ship will have the worst stability conditions during the
- calculates the maximum weight which can be loaded at a given height above
the keel to ensure a given minimum GM
- constructs a GZ curve for a given displacement and KG and checks that the
ship meets the minimum intact stability requirements
Required performance:
3.1 Shear Forces, Bending Moments and Torsional Moments R1, R4, R5
(8 hours)
- states that the carriage of loading calculators in large ships carrying dry or
liquid cargo in bulk is a requirement of the classification societies
- states that the maximum permissible values of shear force and bending
moment in harbour and at sea are laid down by the classification societies
- states that maximum torsional moments are also laid down for some container
- describes the use of typical cargo loading instruments and lists the information
obtainable from them
- explains that harbour stress limits should not be exceeded during loading,
discharging or ballasting operations and that it is not sufficient just to finish
within the limits
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- explains that sufficient information to arrange for the loading and ballasting of
the ship in such a way as to avoid the creation of unacceptable stresses should
be on board, unless the Administration considers it unnecessary for that ship
- given the ship's hydrostatic data and the daily consumption of fuel and water,
determines the minimum departure freeboard and quantity to load, taking into R1, R4, R5
account the zones, seasonal zones and areas through which the ship will pass
- determines the values in the above, making an allowance for friction at moving
- explains why the angle between the runners should not be allowed to exceed
- use of stress indicators and loading programmes in planning for the safe
carriage of dry and liquid cargoes
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
Required performance:
- states that vibration and movement of the ship in a seaway compacts the stow
and slackens the lashings
- explains the dangers of heavy seas breaking aboard and how to minimize that
- describes the requirements for fencing, for provision of walk-ways and for
access to the top of the cargo
- describes the requirements when loading to timber load lines
- explains the actions to take in the event of the ship developing an angle of loll
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- states that the ship's tally should be compared with that of the cargo interests
and agreed or any differences investigated
- states that valuable cargoes should be tallied by a ship's officer and stowed in
- explains that bills of lading are drawn up from mate's receipts and the
importance of endorsing mate's receipts for the condition of goods and
- describes the endorsement of mate's receipts for cargoes where the weight
and quality are not known to the ship
- explains the actions to take when a clean mate's receipt or bill of lading is
demanded for cargo which is not in apparent good condition
- explains why letters of indemnity offered in return for clean bills of lading should
be refused
- states that a note should be made in the tally book when a mate's receipt is
issued to prevent the possibility of signing a second receipt for the same
- states that containers should have their seals and locks in place when loaded
- - -'
states that, if damage to cargo is suspected, protest should be noted before
commencing discharging
- states that broken or broached packages should be placed in a locker until the
contents can be checked and agreed with a representative of the receiver and
a receipt obtained for them
- explains how to deal with empty bags or packages, sweepings and other loose
- describes the procedure for claiming for damage done to the ship during
loading or discharging
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- describes the precautions to avoid crushing and chafing damage and states
which cargoes are most liable to be affected
- describes how cargo can be damaged by dust and the precautions to take
when carrying commodities giving rise to dust
- states which cargoes are particularly liable to damage by ship or cargo sweat
and explains how to minimize the risk of sweat damage
- explains that any goods containing liquids are liable to leak and describes the
stowage required to prevent any leakage damaging other goods
- states that high temperatures also occur on the underside of steel decks
exposed to tropical sunshine
- describes the damage to cargo which can result from the use of fork-lift trucks
and similar machinery in cargo spaces and methods of preventing it
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
states that machinery includes mechanized hatch covers and lifting appliances
states the requirements for the marking of beams and portable hatch covers
states that only an authorized person, preferably a member of the ship's crew,
should be permitted to open or close power-operated hatch covers and
equipment such as doors in hull, ramps and car decks
describes the requirements for the testing of lifting appliances and loose gear
before they are used for the first time
- describes the records and certificates which should be kept in respect of tests,
thorough examinations and inspections of lifting appliances and loose gear
- describes the marking of safe working loads required on lifting appliances and
loose gear
- states that every ship must have a rigging plan and relevant information
necessary for the safe rigging of derricks and accessory gear
- describes the amendments to be made to the rigging plan when a wire rope is
- lists the points to look for during inspection or maintenance of cargo blocks
- explains that blocks should be lubricated daily while in use for cargo handling
- states that loose gear should be checked to see that there is no distortion to
such items as chain links or shackles
- states that shackles should be checked to ensure that they are fitted with the
correct pins
- states that all gear should be checked to ensure that the safe working load and.
where appropriate, identification marks are readable
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- states the requirements for the annealing of wrought iron loose gear
- describes the precautions to be taken when working aloft for the overhaul of R20
cargo gear
- states that wheels, gears, racks and pinions and other moving parts should be
kept lubricated
- states that side cleats and cross-joint wedge mechanisms should be kept
- states that drainage channels should be cleaned out and drainage holes
checked on weather-deck hatches
- describes how to check that compression bars are making complete contact
with sealing gaskets
Textbooks: T62
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
5.1 Loading, Stowage and Discharge of Heavy Weights (3 hours) R1, R17, R23
- explains how a load should be spread over an area of deck or tank top by the
use of dunnage to avoid heavy point loading between beams and floors
- states that special supports or cradles will need to be built for awkwardly
shaped lifts
- explains the use of shoring in a tween-deck to spread the load over a larger
part of the ship's structure
- states that the ship's stability should be checked to ensure that the resulting list
will be acceptable
- states that the weight of the lifting gear should be included in the weight of the
lift, both for stability calculations and during consideration of safe working loads
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- explains why double-bottom tanks should be full or empty and the ship upright
before starting to load or to discharge
- describes the rigging of a heavy-lift derrick
- states that all shrouds should be checked and set up to carry an equal load
- states that the derrick and all attachments should be thoroughly inspected
before use
- states that the derrick should be slewed to its full out-reach and back to ensure
that the heel fitting is free and that guy leads are clear before lifting the load
- describes the use of two derrick cranes in tandem and methods of ensuring
that the load is equalized between them
- states that only experienced winch drivers should be allowed to handle heavy
- states that all movements should be controlled and steady, avoiding rapid
stops and starts
- explains how slewing guys attached to the lower cargo block produce lower
stresses than guys at the derrick head
- states that the guys should not be allowed to become slack
- states that steadying lines should be attached to the load when possible
- states that lifting should be stopped as soon as the weight is taken, to check
the slinging arrangements and the derrick gear under load
- describes how to stow and secure containers on deck on vessels which are not
specially designed and fitted for the purpose of carrying containers
- describes the stowage and securing of containers and other cargo units in
ships other than cellular container ships
- describes the contents of the cargo-securing manual and its use
- lists the elements to be considered by the master when accepting cargo units
or vehicles for shipment
- states that cargo spaces should be regularly inspected to ensure that the
cargo, cargo units and vehicles remain safely secured throughout the voyage
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- describes recommended methods for the safe stowage and securing of:
- portable tanks
- portable receptacles
- wheel-based (rolling) cargoes
- coiled sheet steel
- heavy metal products
- anchor chains
- metal scrap in bulk
- flexible intermediate bulk containers
- unit loads
5.3 Methods and Safeguards When Fumigating Holds (2 hours) R1, R14
- explains the reasons for the control of pests
- describes the methods for the prevention of insect infestation and states the
areas to which particular attention should be given
- states that all persons not directly involved in the application should be
evacuated from the areas being treated for a period not less than that
recommended by the manufacturer of the pesticide
lists the information about the fumigation which should besupplied tothe
states that fumigation of empty cargo spaces should always be carried out in
states that crew should remain ashore until the ship is certified gas-free, in
writing, by the fumigator-in-charge
states that entry to spaces under fumigation should never take place except in
case of extreme urgency and lists the precautions to be taken if entry is
states that fumigation in transit should only be carried out in ships approved for
such process by the flag State Administration and that the application should
be with the agreement of the port State Administration
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
states that at least two members of the crew, including one officer, who have
received appropriate training, should be designated as the trained
representative of the master responsible for ensuring safe conditions after the
fumigator-in-charge has handed over that responsibility to the master
- states that the trained representative should brief the crew before a fumigation
- describes the procedures for the fumigation and the handing over of
responsibility from the fumigator-in-charge to the master
describes the procedures to follow prior to and on arrival at the discharging port
describes the precautions to be taken during the discharge of cargo until the
ship is certified free of fumigants
states that the master should be informed prior to loading such freight
containers, barges and transport units and that they should be identified with
suitable warning labels showing the identity of the fumigant and the date and
time of fumigation
- describes the methods which may be used for the control of rodents
- '
describes the use of baits by the ship's crew and the precautions to observe
- explains that the use of pesticides is regulated by Governments, and their use
may be limited by the regulations and requirements of:
-the country where the cargo is loaded or treated
-the country of destination
-the country of registration of the ship
describes the use of pesticides by the ship's crew and the precautions to
states that, if contact insecticides are to be applied to grain during loading, the
master should be provided with written instructions on the type and amount of
insecticide to be used and on the precautions to be taken
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
Textbooks: T 3 1 , T 4 1
Teaching aids: A 1 , V 1 , V6, V7
Required performance:
- states that petroleum gases, principally methane, are extracted from crude oils
before shipment
- explains that 'spiked crude' has additional petroleum gas, usually butane,
dissolved in it before shipment
states that products derived from crude oil include naphtha (gasolines),
kerosine, gas oil, diesel oils, lubricating oils, waxes and residual oils such as
fuel oil and bitumen
explains why the pressure in a tank is not necessarily the same as the RVP of
the oil it contains, even at the standard temperature
states that the flashpoint of a liquid is the lowest temperature at which it gives
off sufficient gas to form a flammable mixture in a flashpoint apparatus
defines 'upper flammable limit', 'lower flammable limit' and 'flammable range'
and states approximate values for petroleum products
calculates the volume of dry residue as a uniform layer on the tank bottom
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
6.2 Contents and Application of the International Safety Guide for R1, R28
Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT) (2 hours)
- explains that ISGOlT contains operational guidance for the safe handling of
petroleum on tankers and at terminals
- states that Part I deals with operations and Part II contains supporting technical R1
- states that terminal, local or national regulations may also be applicable and
should be known by those concerned
- outlines the general precautions to be taken on tankers regarding:
-smoking, matches and cigarette lighters
- naked lights
-the galley
- electrical equipment
- use of tools
- entry to enclosed spaces and pump-rooms
- lists the information which should be exchanged between the ship and the
terminal before arrival
- states that safety procedures are agreed between the tanker and the terminal
and include:
- means of summoning emergency services
-availability and use of fire-fighting and other emergency equipment
-actions to be taken in case of fire or other emergency
- emergency evacuation of the berth
- states that fire-fighting equipment should be ready for immediate use
- states that main engines and other equipment essential for manoeuvring
should be ready for use at short notice and the written agreement of the
terminal and port authority should be obtained for any work or repairs which
would immobilize the ship
- states that detailed loading or discharging plans are agreed between the ship
and the terminal
- explains that safety measures against pollution and actions to take in case of
an accident are agreed before transfer of cargo commences
- states that, before starting cargo transfer, the responsible officer and the
terminal representative must formally agree that they are ready to do so safely
- states that the terminal should be notified of the intention to use crude oil
washing (COW) at least 24 hours in advance
- explains that tanks should be maintained in an inert condition throughout all
operations except when entry to tanks for inspection or repair is necessary
- explains that the inert gas should have an oxygen content not exceeding 5% by
- states that the oxygen content of cargo tanks should not exceed 8% by volume
-- -
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
describes the safety aspects relating to the operation of double hull tankers
outlines the change-over from oil to dry bulk cargo and from dry bulk cargo to
- briefly describes an inert gas system (IGS) and sketches the distribution of
inert gas to tanks
states that in crude oil tankers equipped with COW the additional ballast would
be carried in tanks that have been washed with crude oil
explains why a ship may have only clean or segregated ballast on board upon
arrival at a loading port
states the criteria for the discharge of oil from cargo-tank areas of oil tankers
states that, before loading clean ballast, cargo pumps and lines to be used are
flushed with clean water into a dirty ballast or slop tank
states that a final flushing of cargo pumps and lines to be used for discharge of
clean ballast is made to the sea through the oil monitoring and control system
explains that the operation of discharging dirty ballast, decanting the slop tanks
and flushing lines must be done when more than 50 nautical miles from the
nearest land and outside a special area
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- briefly describes crude oil washing and the reasons for requiring it in crude oil
tankers of 20,000 dwt and above
- states that crude oil washing can only be carried out with fixed washing
machines in inerted tanks
- states that the oil residues in the slop tank resulting from tank cleaning and
disposal of dirty ballast may be:
- pumped ashore at the loading terminal
- retained on board and segregated from the next cargo
- retained on board and the new cargo loaded on top of them
- states that the process of tank cleaning, changing ballast, decanting the water
from slop tanks and loading the next cargo over the retained oil is known as the
load-on-top procedure
- explains why inert gas is used to purge the tanks of hydrocarbon vapours
before introducing air on suitably equipped ships
- states that a mechanical fixed system is used or portable fans are used
- states that the supply of inert gas to the tank is shut off
- states that cargo calculation is carried out as if the oil were at a standard
- understands that the volume of the oil must be corrected from its actual
temperature when measured to the standard temperature
- states that the cargo calculation is carried out as if the density of the oil was
that at the standard temperature
- explains that the density of oil must be corrected from its actual density to that
at the standard temperature
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- - -
understands the difference between mass and weight in air and that one or the
other may be required by different administrations
- explains that dedicated service usually means that the tanker is designed for
the carriage of a particular type of chemical and transports the same type of
cargo on each voyage
lists the most important of the rules governing chemical tankers as:
- international rules and regulations
- national rules and regulations
- classification society rules
states that the sea transport of liquid chemicals in bulk is internationally
regulated, as regards safety and pollution aspects, through Conventions
adopted by the lntemational Maritime Organization (IMO)
states that the IMO Conventions covering the carriage of chemicals in bulk are: R2
-the lntemational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS),
1974, as amended, Chapter VII
-the InternationalConvention for the Prevention of Pollution from R27
Ships, 1973, as modified by the 1978 Protocol (MARPOL 73/78), as
amended, Annex II
states that the most important Codes and standards covering the transport of
liquid chemicals are:
-the Bulk Chemical Codes
- Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships Carrying
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code)
- International Code for the Construction and Equipment of
Ships Carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (1%) Code
- Standards for Procedures and Arrangements for the discharge of Noxious
Liquid Substances (P and A Standards)
defines a chemical tanker as a cargo ship constructed or adapted and used for R25
the carriage in bulk of any liquid product listed in Chapter 17 of the IBC Code
explains that products are included in the list in Chapter 17 because of their ~ 2 5
safety hazards or because of their pollution hazards or both
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- states that, in addition to the survey requirements for any ship, chemical R25
tankers must undergo surveys of the cargo-containment and handling
arrangements for the issue of an International Certificate Fitness for the
Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk
- explains that the Bulk Chemical Codes divide tankers into three ship types,
Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3, which reflect the hazard ratings of the cargoes R25
which may be carried
- states that the division into ship types is based on the ship's capability to
survive specified damage caused by collision or stranding and the location of
the cargo tanks in relation to such damage
illustrates, by means of sketches, the location of tanks for each type of ship
states that some ships have stainless-steel tanks for the carriage of cargoes
which cannot be contained in mild steel
explains that mild-steel tanks are normally coated, to protect cargoes from
contamination by steel and to make cleaning, gas-freeing and inspection
states that no single coating is suitable for all cargoes and that the coating
manufacturer's compatibility data must be used when planning a cargo
explains that cofferdams and other void spaces may be included in the cargo-
tank area to provide segregation of groups of tanks
- states that the heating medium may be steam, water or thermal oils
- explains that the heating system may use coils fitted inside the tank or a heat
exchanger placed outside the tank
- describes, with the aid of a drawing, a cargo heating system that uses a heat
exchanger placed outside the tank
- states that there is suitable protective clothing on board which must be worn by
all personnel engaged in loading or discharging operations
- states that, for certain cargoes, there must be respiratory and eye-protection
equipment for every person on board for emergency escape
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- describes how to use an absorption tube gas detector for measuring the
concentration of a gas
states that information for each product may be found on cargo data sheets
contained in safety guides or provided by the manufacturer or shipper
states that, if sufficient information necessary for the safe handling and
carriage of a cargo is not available, the cargo must not be loaded
states that information necessary for the safe carriage of a cargo includes:
- a full description of the physical and chemical properties, including reactivity,
necessary for its safe containment
- action to take in the event of spills or leaks
- countermeasures against accidental personal contact
- fire-fighting procedures and fire-fighting media
- procedures for cargo transfer, tank cleaning, gas-freeing and ballasting
- details of the stabilizer or inhibitor added to those cargoes, which require one
(on the manufacturer's certificate, in the absence of which the cargo should be
- First Aid procedures, including the use of specific antidotes for poisons
states that tanks are normally subject to thorough inspection and testing for
cleanliness before loading
explains, with the aid of a simple drawing, how cargo is routed from the
manifold to tanks on a chemical tanker with separate lines for each tank
explains, with the aid of a simple drawing, a 'closed circuit' loading operation
using a vapour-retum line
states that samples are taken from the lines and tanks during loading for
purposes of quality control
states that visual and audible high-level alarms and a tank overilow control
system are required for many chemicals
states that personnel involved in unloading should check the information in the
relevant data sheets and take all necessary precautions, including the wearing
of appropriate protective clothing
states that, prior to discharging, samples from tanks and lines are analysed to
check if the product has been contaminated on board during the passage
explains, with the aid of a simple drawing, how cargo is routed from tank to the
manifold on a tanker with deepwell pumps and separate lines from each tank
states that, in tanks containing cargoes that present a major fire hazard, inert
gas or nitrogen is used to maintain a small positive pressure during unloading,
to prevent air from entering the tanks
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
6.5 Tank Cleaning and Control of Pollution in Chemical Tankers R1, R27
(2 hours)
- states that different cargoes require different tank-cleaning procedures
- states that most tank cleaning can be done with hot or cold seawater or fresh
water, or by ventilation alone, although a few cargoes require special solvents
- states that Annex II of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention contains regulations for
the control of pollution by noxious liquid cargoes carried in bulk or tank
washings from such cargoes
states that, for the purposes of Annex II, noxious liquid substances are divided
into four categories, A, 6, C and D, such that substances in Category A pose
the greatest threat to the marine environment and those in Category D the
least threat
states that each ship which is certified for the carriage of noxious liquid
substances in bulk must be provided with a Procedures and Arrangements
(P and A) Manual that has been approved by the Administration and a Cargo
Record Book
states that the master must ensure that no discharges into the sea of cargo
residues or residuelwater mixtures containing substances of Category A, 6, C
or D take place unless they are made in full compliance with the P and A
- 7.-
states that carrying out operations in accordance with the ship's P and A
Manual ensures that the pollution regulations are complied with
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- states that entries should be made in the Cargo Record Book, on a tank-to-
tank basis, of:
- loading
- internal transfer of cargo
- unloading
- mandatory prewash in accordance with P and A Manual
- cleaning of cargo tanks
- discharge into the sea of tank washings
- ballasting of cargo tanks
- discharge of ballast water from cargo tanks
- accidental or other exceptional discharge
- control by authorized surveyors
- states that liquefied gas products transported by gas tankers are listed in
Chapter 19 of the IGC Code
- states that some of those substances are also covered by the IBC Code
- divides gas cargoes into four groups as:
- liquefied natural gas (LNG)
- liquefied petroleum gas (LPG)
- liquefied ethylene gas (LEG)
- chemical gases
- states that LNG is natural gas from which impurities have been removed, and
consists mainly of methane
- states that LPG is the common name for petroleum gases consisting mainly of
butane and propane
- lists chlorine, ammonia and vinyl chloride monomer as examples of chemical
- states that, in addition to the surveys required for all ships, gas tankers must R26
undergo surveys of the cargo-containment equipment and cargo-handling
arrangements for the issue of an International Certificate of Fitness for the
Carriage of Liquefied Gases in Bulk
- states that the Certificate of Fitness lists the cargoes which may be carried by
the ship and may also stipulate conditions for carriage
- explains the following terms used in the IGC Code:
- boiling point
- cargo area
- cargo containment system
- gas carrier
- gas-dangerous space or zone
- gas-safe space
- hold space
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- interbarrier space
- primary barrier
- secondary barrier
- tank dome
explains that the IGC divides ships into four types, IG, 2G, 2PG and 3G
states that the division into ship types is based on the ship's capability to
survive specified damage caused by collision or stranding and the location of
the cargo tanks in relation to such damage
- states that the boiling point of gas cargoes ranges from about -162°C for
methane to 0°C for butane
- states that all connections and access to a cargo tank are via the tank dome
states that a cargo tank has shut off valves located as close to the tank as
possible for all liquid and vapour connections except for safety relief valves
states that the operation of the ESD system also stops pumps and
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
- states that all cargo tanks must be provided with a pressure-relief system
- states that all equipment and piping which can be isolated when full of liquid
must be provided with a pressure-relief system
- states that cargo pumps are usually centrifugal, either deepwell pumps or
submerged electric pumps, in the tanks with deck-mounted booster pumps, if
- explains the effect of transfer of heat to the cargo on cargo temperature and
tank pressure
- states that, except for fully pressurized vessels, means for controlling the
pressure must be provided
- states that the indirect system is only used for those products which cannot be
compressed for safety reasons
- states that inert gas is used to inert hold spaces and interbarrier spaces and to
purge tanks
- states that most gas tankers are fitted with an inert-gas generator
- states that the liquid level in cargo tanks is commonly measured by means of
float gauges
- states that each cargo tank is fitted with a high-level alarm and automatic
shutoff valves to prevent overflow
- states that each cargo tank is fitted with means for indicating the temperature
and pressure
- explains how cargo leakage through the primary barrier can be detected
- states that gas tankers have a fixed gas-detection system that gives audible
and visual alarms of the accumulation of gas in enclosed spaces such as cargo
pump-rooms, compressor rooms, hold spaces and interbarrier spaces
- describes briefly the arrangements for fire fighting on deck in the cargo area
COMPETENCE 2.1 Plan and Ensure Safe Loading, Stowage, Securing, Care IMO Reference
During the Voyage and Unloading of Cargoes
states that products that react when mixed should only be loaded if the
complete cargo systems are separated
states that personnel should be made aware of the hazards and be required to
use the appropriate protective equipment provided
states that the master should ensure proper liaison between the ship and the
terminal before and throughout cargo-transfer operations
states that some gas cargoes are subject to the regulations of Annex II R27
of MARPOL 73/78
states that such cargoes must be handled in accordance with the Procedures
and Arrangements Manual
understands that the mass of vapour present in the ullage space is included in
the calculation of liquefied gasses
Table A-1112
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- plans loading, stowage and segregation in accordance with the IMDG Code
Textbooks: T32
Teaching aids: A1 , V2, V4
Required performance:
- explains that the IMDG Code should be followed to ensure compliance with the
-1- requirements of SOLAS for the carriage of dangerous goods in packaged form
- --.
- . expla~nsthat the Code ensures safety mainly by stipulating the packaging
required and the segregation from other cargoes with which there could be an
adverse reaction
- states why damaged or leaking packages should not be accepted until they
have been checked and repaired and declared to be in satisfactory condition
for carriage
- states the requirement for a dangerous goods manifest or stowage plan and
describes how they should be prepared
- given a loading list of dangerous goods, uses the IMDG code to plan a stow ~ 7 ~, 9 ~, 1 0
and segregation and extracts the relevant references to Ems and MFAG
- states that a port authority will normally require notification at least 24 hours in
advance of the transport or handling of dangerous substances, including those
which are not for discharge at that port
- states that the regulatory authority may require signals to be shown while
transporting or handling dangerous substances
states that at all times there should be sufficient crew on board to maintain a
proper watch and operate appliances in the case of an emergency, taking into
account the nature and quantity of dangerous substances on board
- - states that the main hazards associated with the shipment of bulk solids are:
- structural damage due to improper distribution of the cargo
- loss or reduction of stability during a voyage
- chemical reactions
explains how to distribute a high-density cargo between holds when detailed
information is not available
states that the loading calculator should be used to check the suitability of a
proposed stow for stresses and stability
states that the data in the ship's stability information book should be used
where appropriate
describes precautions to take before, during and after loading of bulk cargo
describes the health hazards which may be associated with bulk materials
states that safety precautions and any appropriate national regulations should
be complied with during the handling and carriage of bulk materials
states that a copy of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in Accidents Involving R9
Dangerous Goods should be on board
lists the information which should be supplied by the shipper to the master
before loading
states that the BC code contains a method for determining angle of repose on
board ship
states that cargoes which may liquefy should not be carried with a moisture
content above that of the transportable moisture limit
explains that such cargoes may look relatively dry when loaded but liquefy as a
result of compaction and vibration during the passage
states that such cargoes should be trimmed reasonably level, regardless of the
angle of repose stated
explains the precautions to be taken to keep liquids out of holds where such
cargoes are carried and the danger of using water to cool a shipment of these
states that specially fitted or constructed cargo ships may carry materials with a
moisture content above the transportable moisture limit if approved by their
describes the test for approximately determining the possibility of flow which
may be carried out on board ship
states that some materials transported in bulk present hazards because of their
chemical properties
explains that some materials are classified as dangerous goods in the IMDG R9
code while others are 'Materials Hazardous only in Bulk' (MHB)
explains the use of the tables for segregation between incompatible bulk
materials and between bulk materials and dangerous goods in packaged form
- -
- states that the IMDG code should also be consulted for additional requirements
regarding the stowage and segregation of packaged dangerous goods
- states that particular care should be taken with the segregation of toxic
substances and foodstuffs
states that the Regulations stipulate the minimum level of acceptable stability
for the carriage of grain in terms of initial metacentric height, angle of heel due
to assumed grain shift and residual dynamic stability
states that the Grain rules apply to all ships to which the SOLAS regulations
apply and to cargo ships of less that 500 gross tons
states the intact stability requirements for a ship carrying bulk grain
states that the ability to comply with the stability criteria may have to be
demonstrated before loading
states that the master should ensure that the ship is upright before proceeding
to sea
describes the use and fitting of longitudinal divisions in both filled and partly
filled compartments
states that the scantlings for uprights and shifting boards are contained in Part
C of the Grain Rules
describes the use of bagged grain or other suitable cargo stowed in the wings
and ends of a compartment to reduce the heeling effects of a grain shift
states that the hatch covers of filled compartments which have no cargo
stowed over them should be secured as laid down in the document of
explains that all ships loaded with bulk grain should have a document of
authorization issued by or on behalf of their Administration
states that the document of authorization refers to the ship's grain loading
stability booklet and associated plans
explains that the grain loading stability booklet and associated plans contain all
of the information necessary to check that a proposed loading plan complies
with the stability requirements of the Regulations at all stages of the voyage
states that the plans show the arrangements and scantlings of temporary
fittings to meet the requirements of the Regulations
states that in some countriesa certificate of loading, certifying that the cargo
has been loaded in compliance with the Regulations, is required before sailing
explains the conditions which must be met before a ship without a document of
authorization may load grain
given a ship's data and details of consumption of fuel and of fresh water for an
intended voyage, prepares a stowage plan for a cargo of bulk grain and
performs the calculations to check that the proposed stowage complies, at all
stages of the voyage, with the stability criteria set out in chapter VI of SOLAS
Master and Chief Mate
Function 3:
Function 3: Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons
on Board at the Management Level
This model course aims to meet the mandatory minimum requirements for knowledge,
understanding and proficiency in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995. This function provides the
background knowledge to support Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons
on Board at the Management Level.
This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention Chapter II, Section A-
1112. This functional element provides the detailed knowledge to support the training outcomes
related to Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the
Management Level.
This section provides the background knowledge to support the tasks, duties and
responsibilities in:
This includes topics such as ship construction and stability, dry-docking, search and rescue,
personnel management and contingency planning.
This syllabus covers the requirements of the 1995 STCW Convention - Chapter II, Section A-
Entry standards
Entrants should have successfully corr~pleteda course covering the minimum standards
required for certification as officer in charge of a navigational watch on ships of 500 gross
tonnage or more (see IMO Model Course No. 7.03, Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch).
In addition they should have completed approved seagoing service as officer in charge of a
navigational watch in accordance with STCW 1995 regulation 11/2, paragraph 2.
Course certificate
On successful completion of the course and assessments, a document may be issued
certifying that the holder has successfully completed a course of training which meets or
exceeds the level of knowledge and competence specified in Table A-1112 of STCW 1995, for
the function Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on Board at the
Management Level.
Staff requirements
Instructors shall be qualified in the task for which training is being conducted and have
appropriate training in instructionaltechniques and training methods (STCW Code Section A-
116). Depending on the complexity of the exercises set, an assistant instructor with similar
experience is desirable for certain practical exercises.
Video cassettes
V1 IMO - Safer shippiqg and cleaner seas (IMO Code No. VID-202)
V2 Preparing the defence (IMO Code No. VID-301)
Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement, 1971 & Rules, 1971 (STP 1971)
(IMO Sales No. 727)
1973 Protocol on Space requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships, 1973, &
Rules, 1973 (SPACE STP 1973) (IMO Sales No. 734)
Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers & their Luggage by Sea,
1974 (PAL 1974) (IMO Sales No. 436)
lnternational Convention on Tonnage Measurement of Ships, 1969 (TONNAGE 1969)
(IMO Sales No. 713)
IMO Assembly resolution A.494(Xll) - Revised interim scheme for tonnage
measurement for certain ships
IMO Assembly resolution A.541(13) - Interim scheme for tonnage measurement for
certain ships for the purposes of the lnternational Convention for the Prevention of
Pollution from Ships, 1973, as modified by the Protocol of 1978 relating thereto
Convention on Facilitation of lnternational maritime traffic, 1965 (FAL 1965) as
amended (IMO Sales No. 354)
IMO Assembly resolution A.647(16) - IMO Guidelines on Management for the Safe
Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976 (LLMC 1976)
(IMO Sales No. 444)
ILO, Maritime Labour Conventions & Recommendations,2nd ed. (Geneva, ILO 1988)
(ISBN 92-2-106340-2)
WHO, InternationalHealth Regulations (1969), 3rd annotated ed. (Geneva, WHO 1983)
(ISBN 92-4-158007-0)
Comite Maritime International, lnternational Conventions on Maritime Law (Antwerp,
CMI Secretariat (Firma Henry Voet-Genicot, Borzestraat 17, B-2000 Antwerp), 1987)
United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, Official Records Volume II Plenary
Meetings. Geneva, 1958 (United Nations Publications Sales No.58.V.4, Vol. 11,)
Geneva Convention on the Territorial sea & the Contiguous Zone, 1958
Geneva Convention on the High Seas, 1958
Geneva Convention on the Continental Shelf, 1958
United Nations Convention on the law of the Sea. New York, 1983 (United Nations
Publications Sales No. E.83.V.5)
IMO Assembly resolution A.441 (XI) -Control by the Flag State over the owner of a ship
IMO Assembly resolution A.443(XI) - Decisions of the shipmaster with regard to
maritime safety & marine environment protection
IMO Assembly resolution A.671(16) - Safety zones & safety of navigation around
offshore installations & structures
IMO Assembly resolution A.466(Xll) - Procedures for the control of ships
IMO Assembly resolution A.597(15) - Amendments to the procedures for the control
of ships
IMO Assembly resolution A.648(16) - General principles for ship reporting systems &
ship reporting requirements, including guidelines for reporting incidents involving
dangerous goods, harmful substances and/or marine pollutants
MEPC. 14 (20) - Amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78
MEPC. 16 (22) - Amendments to Annex ll of MARPOL 73/78
MEPC. 21 (22) - Amendments to Protocol I to MARPOL 73/78 and the text of the
Protocol, as amended, annexed thereto
MEPC. 47 (31)* - Amendments to the annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the
lnternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (New
regulation 26 and other amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78)
MEPC. 51 (32)* - Amendments to the annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the
lnternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (Discharge
criteria of Annex I of MARPOL 73/78)
MEPC. 52 (32)* - Amendments to the annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the
lnternational Convention for ,the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 (New
regulations 13F and 13G and related amendments to Annex I of MARPOL 73/78)
MEPC. 58 (33) - Amendments to the annex of the Protocol of 1978 relating to the
lnternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973
(Revised Annex Ill)
MEPC.22 (22) - Guidelines for Reporting Incidents involving Harmful Substances and
the text guidelines annexed thereto
IMO Assembly resolution A.587 (14) - Arrangements for Combatting Major Incidents
or threats of marine pollution
IMO Assembly resolution A.674 (16) - lnternational Co-operation on Oil Pollution
Preparedness and Response
MEPC. 54 (32) -Guidelines for the Development of Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency
Assembly Resolution A.113 (V) - Revised International Code of Signals
International Convention on Salvage, 1989. The London Salvage Convention
IMO Assembly Resolution A.769 (18) - Procedures and arrangements for issuing
GMDSS certificates to holders of non-GMDSS certificates
Details of distributors of IMO publications that maintain a permanent stock of all IMO
publications may be found on the IMO web site at http://www.imo.org
No formal example of a timetable is included in this model course.
Development of a detailed timetable depends on the level of skills of the trainees entering the
course and the amount of revision work of basic principles that may be required.
Preparation and planning constitute an important factor which makes a major contribution to
the effective presentation of any course of instruction.
As far as possible, lectures should be presented within afamiliarcontext and should make use
of practical examples. They should be well illustrated with diagrams, photographs and charts
where appropriate, and be related to matter learned during seagoing time.
Course Outline
The tables that follow list the competencies and areas of knowledge, understanding and
proficiency, together with the estimated total hours required for lectures and practical
exercises. Teaching staff should note that timings are suggestions only and should be
adapted to suit individual groups of officers depending on their experience, ability, equipment
and staff available for training.
Total hours Total hours for each
Knowledge, understanding and proficiency for each topic subject area of
Required performance
.1 Effect on trim and stability of a ship in the event
of damage to and consequent flooding of a
compartment and countermeasures to be taken 9
.2 Theories affecting trim and stability 2
.1 Certificates and other documents required to be carried
on board ships by internationalconventions 1
.2 Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the
International Convention on Load Lines 1
.3 Responsibilities under the relevant requirements of the
lnternationalConvention for the Safety of Life at Sea 2
.4 Responsibilities under the International Convention
for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships 3
.5 Maritime declarations of health and the requirements of the
International Health Regulations 4
.6 Responsibilities under international instruments affecting
the safety of the ship, passengers, crew and cargo 23
.7 Methods and aids to prevent pollution of the marine
environment by ships 2
.8 National legislation for implementing international
agreements and conventions -
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
See IMO model courses 2.03 and 1.23 and STCW Code Sections A-V1/3 and A-V1/2
.* ...,6,sm
- -
See 1MO model courses 2.03 and 1.23 and STCW Code Sections A-V1/3 and A-V1/2
See 1MO model course 2.03 and STCW Code Section A- Vl/3
< + T 8 > >?,?%* 4-
3:4.4 F U ~ Q J ~ ~ @ & @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ + @ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
See IMO model course 1.23 and STC W Code Section A- V1/2-1
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
Total for Function 3: Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care
for Persons on Board at the Management Level
Teaching staff should note that the hours for lectures and exercises are suggestions only as regards sequence
and length of time allocated to each objective. These factors may be adapted by lecturers to suit individual groups
of trainees depending on their experience, ability, equipment and staff available for teaching.
Guidance Notes
The following notes are intended to highlight the main objectives or training outcomes of each
part of the function. The notes also contain some material on topics which are not adequately
covered in the quoted references.
On completion of training for this function officers will have a knowledge of the principal
structural members of a ship and methods of construction. They will understand the theory
of stability and trim and be able to use tables, diagrams and stress calculators to plan loading
and ballasting so as to maintain satisfactory stability and trim (taking account of applicable IMO
recommendations concerning intact stability) and to ensure that hull stresses remain within
acceptable limits.
The effects of damage to, and the consequent flooding of, a compartment on the trim and
stability of a ship and the counter-measures to be taken will be understood.
Officers will also be thoroughly conversant with the certificates required to be on board, their
periods of validity and the procedures for their renewal.
The officers will also be aware of their legal obligations and responsibilities concerning
international provisions for the safety of the ship, crew, passengers and cargo and for the
prevention of pollution from the ship.
They will also be able to follow the correct proceduresfor all matters concerning the crew; their
engagement and discharge, treatment of wages and deductions, discipline and dealing with
disciplinary offences, the discharge of a sick seaman abroad, repatriation, deceased seamen
and engagement of substitutes.
Officers will have sufficient knowledge of shipping documents related to cargo and the
shipowner's liabilities and obligations in respect of charter parties and the carriage of cargo to
enable them to protect the ship's interests.
Officers will be capable of organizing and managing the crew for the safe and efficient
operation of ,the ship and be able to draw up an organization for dealing with emergencies.
Officers will also knowthe requirements fortraining in the operation and maintenanceof safety
equipment and be able to implement that training on board.
On completion of training for this function officers will be able to use plans and tables or
diagrams of stability and trim data to calculate the ship's initial stability, draughts and trim for
any given disposition of cargo and other weights. 'They will also be able to determine whether
stresses on the ship are within perrrlitted lirrlits by the use of stress data, calculating equipment
or software. The fundamental actions to take in the event of partial loss of intact buoyancy will
be understood.
Training concerned with fire prevention and firefighting is covered in IMO model course 2.03.
Trainirlg concerned with proficiency in medical care on board ship is covered in IMO model
course 1.15.
Function 3: Controlling the Operation of the Ship and Care for Persons on
Board at the Management Level
High tensile steel (HTS) has a low corrosion margin and poor resistance to fatigue failures.
However, due to a lighter weight of material, compared with mild steel, for the equivalent
strengthjchas been widely used in ship construction.
Brittle fracture occurs when a normally elastic material fractures without any sign of
deformation before failure. The structure may not even be highly stressed at the time. The
fracture is often initiated at a small notch in a plate edge or at a small fault in a weld. The
tendency to brittle .fracture is much greater at low temperatures and there is a temperature,
depending upon the particular properties of the steel, above which it will not occur. The class-
ification societies specify the use of grade E steel, which has high notch ductility, for those
parts of ships above a certain length where thick plates subject to high stresses are found.
If the training institute has an engineering department with welding facilities, the opportunity
to use their expertise and equipment should be taken.
The subdivision of passenger ships is dealt with in subject area, Ship construction and
Damage Control.
Many paints contain poisonous substances and release toxic fumes as solvents evaporate.
The vapours of most paint solvents will produce flammable or explosive mixtures with air in
poorly ventilated spaces.
The risks are greatest when using spray equipment in enclosed spaces. Personnel must wear
breathing apparatus, sources of ignition must be excluded and ventilation must be provided
while work is in progress. Precautions for entering enclosed spaces should be taken after
painting has been completed until the paint has thoroughly dried and no risk of release of
vapour remains. Manufacturers' instr~~ctions regarding protective clothing and safety
precautions should be followed.
The hardeners that are used in two-pack (or bi-pack) polyurethane and epoxy paints are toxic
and may also cause allergic reactions following contact with skin. Protective clothing and
disposable gloves should always be worn when working with these paints.
Calculations on box-shaped vessels have been introduced at a number of places in this
syllabus. They are included to illustrate basic principles and to aid trainees' understanding of
actual ships' data. The appendix to this instructor manual contains stability data and capacity
tables for use in the preparation of exercises. Instructors should make a collection of data for
other ships as the opportunity arises. The application of the principles of stability to
determining the final draught, trim and initial GM for a given complete distribution of cargo is
included in the function, Cargo Handling and Stowage.
The use of Simpson's rules is required for finding areas under a GZ curve, for checking
compliance with recommendations on intact stability. Trainees should also be able to apply
them for calculating areas of decks and volumes of compartments aboard ship.
Effects of density
In tidal estuaries the density of the water may vary considerably according to the state of the
tide. When checking draughts or freeboard near completion of loading it is essential to check
the density at the same time: using a density obtained earlier in the day could lead to
appreciable error.
The term 'inertia' and the abbreviation 'I' are used in keeping with common practice. They may
also appear in a ship's hydrostatic data. Strictly, it is the transverse second moment of area
of the tank which is involved. Trainees should understand the concept of second moments
of area but the method of determining them in general is not required. 'The formula for a
rectangular surface should be known.
GZ curves will normally be constructed from KN curves, but trainees should be able to correct
a GZ curve when the value of KG differs from that used in drawing the curve, either by drawing
a new curve or by superimposing the curve of GG,sin (angle of heel) on the original. The initial
GM should be used as an aid to constructing the curve at small angles of heel. Trainees
should not be expected to deduce the GM from a given curve.
Figure 1
Figure 1 shows a ship with its centre of gravity, GI, at a distance GG, horizontally from the
centreline. When inclined to an angle 8, the righting lever is G,Z,.
G,Zl = GZ- GY
= GZ - GG, cos 8
The values of GZ derived from KN curves can be reduced to GG, cos 8 before plotting or the
curve GG, cos 8 can be superimposed on the GZ curve, as shown in Figure 2.
GZ range of stability
- - * m is the maximum righting lever
0 10 1
20 30 40 50 1 60 \ 70 heel in degrees
angle of angle of
list vanishing
Figure 2
A list reduces the righting levers and the range of stability when heeled towards the listed side.
When heeled in the opposite direction, righting levers are increased.
Data necessaryto maintain sufficient intact stability under service conditionsto enable the ship
to withstand the critical damage assumptionsof SOLAS would be provided in passenger ships.
Figure 3 shows a ship on a even keel with longitudinal centres of buoyancy and gravity
indicated. The weight and buoyancyforcesform a couple, called the trimming moment, equal
to the product of the displacement and the horizontal separation between B and G, in this case
acting to trim the ship by the stern. The ship will trim until the centre of buoyancy of the new
underwater volume is in the same vertical line as G, which is fixed.
The trim is given by trimmina moment where the MCT is taken for the displacement of the ship.
MCT 1cm
Figure 3
The position of the longitudinal centre of buoyancy (LCB), for an even-keel condition, depends
upon the ship's draught and is given in the hydrostatic data as a distance, either from the after
perpendicular or from amidships.
The position of the longitudinal centre of gravity is found by taking moments of mass, about
the after perpendicular or about amidships, of the light ship and all of its contents. The LCG
for the light ship is included in the hydrostatic data. LCG's of tanks and holds are given in the
capacity plans or can be measured from the profile plan.
To find the draughts at each end, the trim is divided in the usual way, according to the
proportionate distances of the perpendiculars from the centre of flotation, and applied to the
ship's true mean draught.
When a ship is hogged or sagged there is a difference between the mean draught calculated
from the draughts at the ends and the draught amidships. The difference is the amount of hog
or sag. Taking the case of a ship with a sag, the draught amidships is greater than the mean
draught. The ship's displacement lies between the values obtained for the two draughts and
corresponds to some intermediate draught.
Aweightedaverage of the mean draught and draught amidships is used. The commonly used
values arb.:
These amount to applying %, in the first case, or '/3, in the other, of the hog or sag to the
amidships draught.
A method known as the mean of mean of means is sometimes used. The mean of the forward
and after draughts is found, the mean of that and the draught amidships is found and the
mean of that with the draught amidships again gives the required draught. The result is the
same as for the first equation above.
Nemoto's formula
When utmost accuracy is required, as in draught surveys for quantity loaded or discharged,
a second correction for trim, using Nemoto's formula, may be applied to the displacement. It
is usually only applied when the trim exceeds 1% of the ship's length.
- - (tonnes) = t 2x50 - dM
--- L dZ
where: t is the trim in metres
L is the length between perpendiculars in metres
d is the mean draught
Dynamical stability
In calculating the area under a GZ curve to a given angle, using Simpson's rules, the interval
between ordinates may be expressed in degrees.
The calculated area would be expressed in metre-degrees, which can be converted to metre-
radians, if required, by dividing by 57.3. -The dynamical stability is the area under the curve
The area under the GZ curve to a given angle represents not only the work done in heeling the
ship to that angle but also the potential energy available to return the ship to the upright. By
the principle of conservation of energy, the potential energy is converted into rotational energy
as the ship moves towards the upright. When upright, all of the energy is in the form of
rotational energy, so the ship continues to roll until an angle is reached where the area under
the curve is equal to that rotational energy. The energy used in overcoming friction between
hull and water and in creating turbulence reduces the angle to which the ship will roll.
The wind exerts a horizontal force on the above-water area of the ship and deck cargo which
can be considered to act at the centre of the projected area. That force is resisted by the
water acting on the underwater area on the other side, usually considered to act at about half
the draught. The two forces form a couple inclining the ship until the righting moment is equal
to the inclining couple. In the Recommendation on a Severe Wind and Rolling Criterion for the
Intact Stability of Passenger and Cargo Ships-of24 metres in Length and Over, no allowance
is made for a reduction in the projected lateral area or the vertical separation between the
centres of areas, above and below 'the waterline, as the ship heels. The wind pressure used
in the recommendation corresponds approximately to storm force 10 on the Beaufort scale.
List should always be removed before sailing and cargo should be adequately secured to
prevent a shift producing a listed condition while on passage.
Inclining test
The purpose of the inclining test is to determine the displacement and position of the ship's
centre of gravity in an accurately known condition. It is usually carried out when the ship is as
nearly complete as possible, small corrections being made for any components still to be fitted
or shipyard stores aboard at the time to obtain values for the light ship condition.
The draughts and water density are carefully measured for use with the ship's lines plan to
calculate the displacement, the height of the transverse metacentre above the base (KM) and
the position of the longitudinal centre of buoyancy.
The test consists of moving weights across the deck under controlled conditions and
measuringthe resultant angle of list. The angles are deliberately kept small and are measured
by long pendulums suspended down holds or engine-room skylights.
The mean value of GM calculated from the deflections is subtracted from the KM to give the
vertical height of the centre of gravity. Since the centre of gravity and centre of buoyancy are
in the same vertical line for a ship in equilibrium, the position of the LCG can be calculated
from the previously determined LCB.
Recommendations o n intact stability for passenger and cargo ships under 100 metres
in length
The recommendations are contained in R6. Instructors should refer to the stability
requirements of the Administration for ships of 100 metres in length and over.
Rolling of ships
A mathematical treatment of rolling is not required. Trainees should know that the natural
rolling period is inversely proportional to the square root of the GM. Rolling in a seaway is a
forced oscillation, the period depending upon the period of encounter of the waves or swell as
well as thenatural rolling period. when the period of wave encounter equals the natural rolling
period, synchronization occurs. Very heavy rolling can be induced by a moderate sea. An
alteration of course or speed, or both, changes the encounter period of the sea and breaks the
The equation in this objective produces a result in force units (kilonewtons in this case), hence
the balancing heeling couple must be expressed in the same units in the equation in the
objective relating to the righting moment equalling the heeling couple, by multiplyingthe usual
mass moment by g, the acceleration due to gravity.
In the unusual event of the centre of gravity falling below half draught the heel would be
towards the turn.
In the unusual event of the centre of gravity falling below half draught the heel would be
towards the turn.
The stability of a ship grounded at a point on the centreline is treated in exactly the same way
as the dry-docking problem. A ship grounded forward, say, on a falling tide, would experience
a reducing righting lever and the point could be reached at which it became zero. Providing
the ship did not touch bottom elsewhere, it would flop over to an angle of loll or possibly
When grounded at a point off the centreline, a heeling moment is also produced. Considering
the case where only heeling moment is involved, at the point of capsize the upthrust from the
bottom becomes zero, therefore the ship would not capsize until heeled to its angle of
vanishing stability when afloat. In most circumstances, cargo would have shifted, water
entered through non-watertight openings or the ship would have slid off before reaching that
angle. When the grounding force causes trim as well as heel the angle of vanishing stability
may be much smaller.
It should be recalled that buoyancy is provided by the vertical component of water pressure
on the ship's hull. When a ship is grounded on firm sand or a bottom of similar nature, water
is unable to exert any pressure on the grounded portion and there is a loss of buoyancy
compensated by an increased upthrust from the ground. If a ship is grounded over the whole
of its bottom there is a large loss of buoyancy for any drop i n water level, however small.
Stability is not a problem in that circumstance but the fact that nearly all the weight of the ship
is supported by the ground must be considered when deciding how to refloat her.
The methods of calculating transverse stability, list and trim in a damaged condition are based
upon the principles used 6 the textbook T2, but the problem has been approached in a way
more applicableto the use of a ship's hydrostatic data, although still confined to compartments
with roughly rectangular waterplanes.
Flooding of compartments
The requirements for the watertight subdivision of passenger ships are set out in SOLAS.
Depending upon the type of service and its size, the ship will be required to withstand the
flooding of one, two or three adjacent main compartments.
The International Convention on Load Lines, lays down requirements for the survivability of
ships of type 'A', if over 150 metres in length, and for ships of type 'B' which are over 100
metres in length and are assigned freeboards less than the tabularfreeboards for type 'B'
Classification society rules stipulate the minimum number of bulkheads to be fitted in dry cargo
ships, depending upon length, but do not specify that they should be fitted in such a way that
the ship could withstand flooding of a main compartment.
Proposed amendments to the SOLAS Convention will provide regulations governing the
subdivision and damage stability of cargo ships. They will apply to ships over 100 metres in
length intended primarily for the carriage of dry cargoes, but will exclude those ships already
covered by other damage stability regulations in IMO instruments.
The proposed regulations are based on consideration of the probability of the location and
extent of damage and the probability of survival after damage. The probabilities of survival
conditional upon each possible damage configuration for compartments, singly or in adjacent
groups, are summed for the summer draught and for a draught intermediate between light and
loaded. -The average of the two sums gives a value known as the "attained subdivision index,
A" which must not be less than the "required subdivision index, R", which is a function of the
If a compartment is holed so that water can flow freely in and out of it, that compartment can
be considered as part of the sea and no longer part of the ship. The buoyancy of the space
up to the water level before damage is lost and the waterplane area of the ship is reduced by
the waterplane area of the damaged compartment. These changes give rise to changes in the
hydrostatic data needed to calculate the transverse stability and trim. The mass of the ship
and its centre of gravity remain unaltered. Such a treatment is known as the 'lost buoyancy ,
method' and is the one used in this course and in the textbook T I 1.
The lost buoyancy, expressed in tonnes, is the mass of water which could enter the space up
to the original waterplane, i.e. the volume x permeability x density of water in which the ship
is floating.
The lost waterplane area is the area of the bilged compartment at the original waterplane. If
the compartment is completely contained below the waterline, e.g. adouble-bottomtank, there
is no loss of waterplane area provided the tank top remains intact. The original waterplane
area may be given in the ship's data or it can be calculated from
Of the two corrections in this objective, the first is the second moment of lost waterplane area
about its own centroid, the second a correction to give the loss about the new centroid of the
intact waterplane. In the case of symmetrical flooding, the second correction is zero. For wing
compartments, the second correction is very much greater than the first, even for
compartments extending half the breadth of the ship.
Generally, the displacement of the ship and the position of the centre of gravity will remain
unchanged after bilging. However, if a tank containing a liquid is bilged, the weight of the tank
contents is lost, causing a reduction in displacement and a shift in the position of the ship's
centre of gravity. The lost buoyancy would be comparable with the lost weight, causing a
similar shift in the centre of buoyancy with the result that there would be little change of
draught, trim or list. The loss of waterplane area would result in a reduction of GM.
The permeability of a space is the percentage or fraction of the space which could be occupied
by water. The lost buoyancy equals the permeability x the volume. If a cargo was stowed
solidly, with no space for water in infiltrate, it would occupy rn 3 ~ t
The space occupied in the hold by one tonne is its stowage factor, so the space available to
water = stowage factor -
The proportion of the stow which could be occupied by water, i.e. the permeability, equals
stowage factor - 1
stowage factor
For example, a cargo has a stowage factor of 1.2 m3/t and a density of 2.5 t/m3.
1 - I - 0.4m 3/t
density 2.5
Notice, if a cargo has a permeability of 0.4 but only occupies half of the compartment, the
permeability of the whole compartment is 0.4 x 0.5 + 0.5 = 0.7.
The loss of waterplane area is taken to be permeability x waterplane area of the compartment,
but if the water level is above the top of the cargo the whole area is lost.
Angle of heel
Buoyancy is lost at the damaged compartment and an equal amount of buoyancy is gained
at the position of the new centre of flotation. The transverse shift in the ship's centre of
buoyancy is, therefore, lost buoyancy x transverse distance from centre of flotation divided by
the displacement. On the assurr~ptionthat the centre of gravity is still on the centreline, the
shift in buoyancy is the heeling arm.
The angle of heel would be given by the intersection of the GZ curve for the damaged ship with
the heeling-arm curve BB, cos 0. Since KN curves for the damaged condition are not
available, the GZ curve has to be constructed, using values for the intact ship at a
displacement corresponding to the damaged draught and a KG chosen to give the modified
value of GM. The angle of heel read from the curve will be approximate. If the angle is small
it can be calculated from, tan 0 = 13B1
Buoyancy has been lost at the damaged compartment and replaced at the centre of flotation,
hence the trimming moment is the product of lost buoyancy and the distance from the centre
of the damaged compartment to the new centre of flotation. The change of trim and the
draught at each end are then calculated in the usual way.
Flooding of a compartment near an end of the ship causes a large shift in the centre of
flotation away from the damaged end and a large reduction in MCT Icm. Combined with the
sinkage due to lost buoyancy, this may produce a large increase in draught at the damaged
end. The original trim of the ship will influence the chances of the ship surviving the damage.
A ship already trimmed towards the damaged end is more vulnerable than one on an even
keel or trimmed the other way.
In passenger ships, the guidance in the damage control booklet should be followed. The same
applies to cargo ships where damage control information is provided.
In nearly all cases, damage will result in sinkage, list and trim, loss of stability and loss of
longitudinal strength. Corrective action for one condition will affect the others.
Excessive list or trim should be corrected by moving weights, fuel, water or liquid cargoes,
when possible. If ballast is added, it increases the sinkage. In some cases it may be possible
to pump out ballast to improve list or trim and lighten ,the ship at the same time. If the ballast
is taken from double-bottom tanks, however, the stability will be further reduced.
Stability may be improved by transferring fuel from wing or cross bunker tanks to double
bottoms if suitable tanks are empty. Efforts should be made to reduce ,free surface to a
minimum. Water accumulating in upper decks as a result of fire fighting should be drained
to the lowest level possible if means of pumping it out of the ship cannot be arranged.
After collision or stranding damage, particularly near the middle length of the ship, the
longitudinal strength will be impaired and account should be taken of that when deciding on
the transfer or addition of weights.
Cases have occurred where a slow leakage of water has been absorbed by a cargo, such as
grain, w i b n o water reaching the drain wells. The added weight, high on one side of the hold,
has led to a steadily increasing list and eventual capsizing. As the source of the leakage was
inaccessi&le, nothing could be done. Cargo spaces should be thoroughly inspected whenever
they are empty for signs of leakage, indicating cracks or damage to overside discharge valve
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Instructors should refer to the IMO publications referenced in the detailed teaching syllabus.
Those parts of the Geneva Conventions on Law of the Sea of 1958 and the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea, 1982, which are relevant to the conduct of a voyage have
already been covered at the operational level. Some brief revision may be necessary with an
emphasis placed on the master's legal obligations concerning the requirementsfor certificates
and other documentation, the survey requirements, the provisionfor inspections bythe master
or an officer delegated by him, the maintenance of equipment and the records that are
required to be kept.
The technical details, where appropriate, are mainly dealt with under other relevant subjects.
The lnternational Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea are covered entirely in the
function Navigation.
We also deal with the necessary basic knowledge of law concerning carriage of cargo and
marine insurance. Those subjects, together with a few others, are supplementary to the
STCW 1995 requirements and are indicated as such below and in the Detailed Teaching
Syllabus in Part C with an asterisk, *.
Instructors should note that the following areas are covered in the training at the operational
level. Some areas are covered again with emphasis on the master's responsibilities.
4. Passengers
4.1 Special Trade Passenger Ships Agreement and Rules, 1971
4.2 Protocol and Rules on Space Requirements for Special Trade Passenger Ships,
4.3 Athens Convention relating to the Carriage of Passengers and their Luggage by
Sea, 1974
Relatively-new requirements include the Safety Management Certificate denoting that the
company+andits shipboard management operate in accordance with the approved safety-
management system. A copy of the Document of compliance shall also be kept on board the
ship in order that the master can produce it for verification.
may note that SOLAS Annex 3, (R2) contains a list of the certificates and
documents required to be carried on board ships.
In Section C the certificates are listed for convenience of reference. The requirementsfor their
issue and renewal are dealt with under the appropriate conventions, except for those
mentioned below.
A certificate of nationality, often called the ship's register, is required by the Geneva
Convention on the High Seas, 1958, and by the UNCLOS, 1982. 'The form of certificate and
the conditions for its issue are determined by each national government. In some cases it
remains valid until the ship is scrapped or changes ownership or nationality, in others it is
subject to regular renewal.
The Panama and Suez Canal Tonnage Certificates are included for completeness; they are
not required by international conventions. Any ship wishing to traverse either canal must be
measuredand obtain the appropriate certificate before doing so. In general, they remain valid
until alterations to the ship's structure or in the use of spaces are made.
The International Tonnage Certificate remains valid until alterations in construction or the use
of spaces are made, the subdivision load line is changed or the ship is transferred to the flag
of another State.
The licence for the ship radio station is required by the radio regulations of the ITU. The form
of the licence is determined by the national government which issues it.
The documents listed as a minimum additional documents required at arrival or departure are
those mentioned in the Convention on Facilitation of international traffic, the international
health regulations and the dangerous goods manifest required by SOLAS.
Of all the international conventions dealing with maritime safety the most important is the
lnternational Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, better known as SOLAS which covers
a wide range of measures designed to improve the safety of shipping.
The convention is also one of the oldest of its kind: the first version was adopted in 1914
following the sinking of the SS Titanic with theloss of more than 1,500 lives. Since then there
have been four more versions of SOLAS. The present version was adopted in 1974 and
entered into force in 1980. Some recent additions are covered in V8 and the 1996
Amendments in R2.
Referenceshould be made to the International Safety Management (ISM) Code in Chapter IX,
which sets out the master's responsibility with regard to safety and environmental protection,
see V8 and V14.
Under Annex IV ships are not permitted to discharge sewage within four miles of the nearest
land, unless they have in operation an approved treatment plant. Between 4 and 12 miles
from land, sewage must be comminuted and disinfected before discharge.
Annex VI, when it comes into force, will set limits on sulphur oxide and nitrogen oxide
emissions from ship exhausts and prohibit deliberate emissions of ozone-depleting
Tanker officers who have had responsibility for loading, discharging and handling cargo will
have completed an approved specialized training programme. This includes instruction in
pollution prevention relevant to tankers, V1, V2.
Examples of checklists can be found in the references. More extensive checklists are used
at many oil installations and include, amongst other things, a list of equipment on board and
ashore, whether it is fully operational or not, the communications to be used and emergency
procedures. The completed checklists are signed by the responsible persons from the ship
and the installation when it is agreed to start the operation.
The annexes to the Convention contain the applicable technical regulations. These are:
Annex I -Oil
Annex II - Noxious liquid substances in bulk
Annex Ill - Harmful substances carried by sea in packaged forms
Annex IV - Pollution by sewage from ships
Annex V - Pollution by garbage from ships
Annex VI - Air pollution from ships and NO, technical code
1.5 Maritime Declarations of Health and the Requirements of the lnternational Health
Arrival Documents and Procedures: these are all very practical requirements that have to be
Officers should be aware that many states will require forms and declarations in addition to
those mentioned in the FAL and in the lnternational Health Regulations. The ship's agents
should be consulted for the current requirements at any port.
Noting protests: the need to note or extend protests varies from country to coun.try. In many
countries it is essential to do so to protect the interests of the ship. For example, failure to do
so could debar the master from collecting general average contributions from the cargo. The
owner's agent should be able to advise the master regarding the procedure and the number
of crew members required as witnesses, if any.
1.6 Responsibilities under lnternational Instruments affecting the Safety of the Ship,
Passengers, Crew and Cargo
Maritime Labour Conventions and Recommendationscovered here includethe following. This
is an extensive list, but increasingly crew conditions of service and accommodationare coming
under scminy and these areas are covered in the following legislation.
Those areas supplementary to the STCW 1995 requirementsand are indicated as such below
with an asterisk,
Convention concerning Annual Leave with Pay for Seafarers, 1976 (No. 146)
Convention concerning the Repatriation of Seamen, 1926 (No. 23)
Convention concerning the Repatriation of Seafarers (Revised), 1987 (No. 166)
Recommendations concerning the Repatriation of Seafarers (Recommendation No.
Convention concerning Food and Catering for Crews on Board Ship, 1946 (No. 68)
Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Revised 1949) (No. 92)
Convention concerning Crew Accommodation on Board Ship (Supplementary
Provisions), 1970 (No. 133)
Recommendations concerning the contents of Medicine Chests on Board Ship
(Recommendation No. 105)
Convention concerning the Prevention of Occupational Accidents to Seafarers, 1970
(No. 134)
Recommendation concerning the Prevention of Occupational Accidents to Seafarers,
1970 (Recommendation No. 142)
Convention concerning the Compulsory Medical Examination of Children and Young
Persons Employed at Sea, 1921 (No. 16)
Convention concerning the Medical Examination of Seafarers, 1946 (No. 73)
Convention concerning Health Protection and Medical Care for Seafarers, 1987 (No.
Convention concerning the Liability of the Shipowner in Case of Sickness, Injury or
Death of Seamen, 1936 (No. 55)
Convention concerning Sickness lnsurance for Seamen, 1936 (No. 56)
Convention concerning Social Security for Seafarers (Revised), 1987 (No. 165)
Convention concerning Seafarers' Welfare at Sea and in Port, 1987 (No. 163)
Recommendationconcerning SeafarerslWelfare at Sea and in Port (Recommendation
No. 173)-
Convention concerning Freedomof Association and Protectionof the Right to Organise,
1948 (No. 87)
Convention concerning the Application of the Principles of the Right to Organise and
to Bargain Collectively, 1949 (No. 98)
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims, 1976 (LMC 1976)
Classification Societies
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to
Bills of Loading, as Amended by the Protocol of 1968 (Hague-Visby rules)
Charter Parties
Hamburg Rules
General Average and Marine Insurance
The York-Antwerp Rules, 1974
Marine Insurance
In covering the ILO Labour Conventions and recommendations,the relevant national laws and
regulations or collective bargaining agreements, where applicable, should be dealt with . The
administrative procedures involved, e.g. the correct procedures for signing off a sick seaman
abroad, the disposal of a deserter's wages and effects or the engagement of replacements
abroad and similar procedural matters, should be included in detail. Reference should also
be made to arrangements to safeguard the shipmaster in the proper discharge of his
responsibilities in regard to maritime safety and protection of the marine environment, as
recommended in Assembly resolution A.443(XI), R39.
Convention No. 147, Merchant Shipping (Minimum Standards), brings together the standards
laid down in the list of conventions, concerning employment and social aspects of maritime
labour, which appear in the appendix to the Convention. The appendix also includes
conventions on 'freedom of association, the right to organize and collective bargaining.
Convention 147 requires States ratifying it either to have ratified the conventions in the
appendix or to have national legislation substantially equivalent to them.
The IMO/ILO Document for Guidance, 1985, contains recommendations for .training leading
to the qualification for an able seaman certificate in Section 26.
The lnternational Medical Guide for Ships (IMGS), 2nd edition (Geneva, World Health
Organization, 1987) is designed to meet the requirements of paragraph 3 of the
recommendation. 'The Guide was prepared jointly by ILO and WHO. Chapters 17,18 and 19
of the Guide contain recommendations on the contents of ships' medicine chests.
Chapter T4 of the IMGS contains a checklist of information to be prepared before calling for
medical advice by radio.
Reference should be made to the ILO Code of Practice Accident prevention on board ship at
sea and in port and to any relevant national code of safe working practice, for example see
The master's responsibilities under the Convention on the lnternational Regulations for
Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972, are fully covered in the function, Navigation at the
Management Level
Masters atid shipowners would have a duty to arrange salvage assistance and to co-operate
with the savors to prevent or minimize damage to the environment.
The draft Convention also made provision for special compensation to a salvor in cases where
the salvor has carried out salvage operations in respect of a ship or cargo which threatened
the environment but has failed to earn a reward for physical salvage. The lnternational
Convention on Salvage, 1989, was adopted by a diplomatic conference in March 1989 and
entered into force on 14 July 1996.
Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement (LOF) is widely used throughout the world. LOF
1990 takes account of the main changes included in the 1989 Salvage Convention and
incorporatescertain of the Convention Articles, including Article 14, which makes provision for
the award of special compensation in cases where the salvor, by his salvage operations, has
prevented or minimized damage to the environment. Since a large proportion of ,the world's
salvage is undertaken under the LOF, the use of LOF 1990 will give effect to the main
provisions of the 1989 Salvage Convention, see Appendix.
Submarine cables
In the event that a ship breaks or injures a submarine cable so as to interrupt or obstruct
telegraphic ortelephonic communications, or similarlythe breaks or injures submarine pipeline
or high-voltage power cable it must be understood that this is, except for the purpose of saving
lives or ships, a punishable offence.
However, owners of ships who can prove that they have sacrificed an anchor, a net or any
other fishing gear in order to avoid injuring a submarine cable or pipeline should be
indemnified by the owner of the cable or pipeline, provided that the owner has taken all
reasonable precautionary measures beforehand.
Classification Societies
Classificationsocieties are independent, normally non-commercial organizations. They were
originally establishedto designate minimum standards on which underwriters could rely before
insuring a vessel but have, over the years of their existence, developed into standard-setting
institutions for every section of the shipping community. Through their rules for construction
and a regime of periodical surveys they are in a position to enhance ship construction and
operation. They supervise all stages of the construction or major repairs of a ship, even to the
extent of ensuring that the right materials are used. A ship so constructed is assigned a class
in accordance with some code.
In order to retain its class, the vessel must be presented for survey at periodical intervals as
specified in the rules. Failure to meet these terms or to comply with recommendations issued
may result in the suspension or cancellation of its class.
Although it is not a legal requirement to be classed, practically all ships are. It is usually a
condition for marine insurance or a maritime mortgage that the ship is classed and is
maintained so as to retain her class.
The large classification societies have surveyors stationed a the major ports round the world
who, in addition to classification work, carry out statutory surveys required by international
conventions under authority delegated to them by national maritime Administrations.
A brief description of the use of documentary credit has been included to show how the bill of
lading is involved as security for the sale of goods and how important it is that the description
of the goods shown in the bill of lading is correct.
a on-disclosure does not include circumstances which the shipowner could not know about.
However, dt has been held that non-disclosure of circumstances which should have been
known but-were not, possibly due to the master's failure to keep the owner informed, would
be grounds for the insurer to avoid the insurance contract.
The "duty of assured" clause is intended to encourage the assured to take all reasonable
measures to avert or minimize the damage or loss which will form a claim on the policy.
Claims under this clause are treated separately from others and are payable in addition to
other claims, even in the event of total loss. It is said that the assured should behave as if
Protection and Indemnity Associations and the cover provided by them are dealt with in
references below:
Use of maritimetransport. A guide forshippers, freight forwarders and ship operators, Volume
2, UN Econorr~icand Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (STlESCAPl516).
Hudson, NG and Allen, JC Marine Claims Handbook 5th ed. London, LLP Limited, 1996
(ISBN 1 85978 048 2).
Aragon, James R., Shipmaster's handbook on ship's business, 2nd ed. (Centreville, Maryland,
Cornell ~ a & m ePress, 1988 (ISBN 0-87033-378-X). This book is based on United States
laws and regulations but contains much sound general advice for masters on legal matters and
Hill C., Robertson B., and Hazelwood S.J., An introduction to P&l, 2nd ed. LLP Limited,
London, 1996 (ISBN 1-850440883-3).
1.7 Methods and Aids to Prevent Pollution of the Marine Environment by Ships
This covers the following IMO conventions:
Convention on the Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes and Other
Matter (London Dumping Convention)
International Convention Relating to Intervention on the High Seas in Cases of Oil
Pollution Casualties, 1969
International Convention on Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage, 1969
The InternationalConventionforthe Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973, and the Protocol
of 1978 relating thereto (MARPOL 73/78) has been covered earlier.
3.3 Maintain Safety and Security of Crew and Passengers and the
Operational Condition of Safety Systems
a,& ~ [ ~ E & & ~ ~ ~ @ ~ ~ ~ @ ~ N c ~ ~ ~ ~ @ u @ ~ ] ~
The requirement of ,the STCW Convention is covered by IMO Model Course 1.23, Proficiency
in ~u'ival Craft and Rescue Boats other than Fast - ~ e s c u eBoats. Trainees who have
successfully completed that course and have been issued with a certificate of proficiency in
survival craft have demonstrated the ability and knowledge necessary to satisfy the
requirements of the regulations concerning life saving.
The obligations and responsibilities of the master under the requirements of the life-saving
appliance regulations of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974, as
amended, are dealt with in the subject, Maritime Law, of this course.
Direct transfer of survivors from a wreck to the ship requires nearly calm conditions and,
normally, rescue boats or motor lifeboats will be used.
It is unlikely that the disabled ship or wreck will be drifting at the same rate as the rescue ship
so, if time permits, it is a good idea to try to get an estimate of their relative drift rates before
launching ,the boats. At the same 'time, the rescue ship should reconnoitre the area around
the wreck to see if there are any obstructions which might hamper the boats.
During the launching of boats, lifelines, lifebuoys, ladders and nets should be ready in case
somebody falls overboard or a boat overturns.
Goirlg alongside a wreck may be difficult. On ,the lee side the approach may be obstructed by
wreckage, and if the wreck is drifting quickly the boat will have difficulty getting away from the
side. Sea conditions may make it impossible to approach from the weather side and, since
the wreck will probably drift faster than the boat, it will be difficult to remain close enough to
transfer survivors. An approach from the weather side is the only possibility when the wreck
is on fire or releasing toxic fumes, in which case survivors may have to jump into the water to
be picked up by the boats.
If weather5conditionsmake the use of boats too hazardous, and it is not possible to wait for
conditions to moderate, a liferaft on a stout line may be towed or floated to the wreck or may
be hauled out to the wreck after making connection by line-throwing apparatus. The painter
fitted to the liferaft is not heavy enough to be used in this manner.
At the rescue ship, preparations for the transfer of survivors include the provision of a boat
rope, nets, ladders, lines and crew standing by to assist. The use of a liferaft alongside as a
landing stage releases the boat quickly if it is necessary to make several journeys. Survivors
who have been in the sea or survival craft for some time may be suffering from cold, fatigue
and sea-sickness and be unable to do much to help themselves.
Man-overboard procedures
The standard man-overboard manoeuvres were dealt with in Model Course 7.03, Officer in
Charge of a Navigational Watch, see V9.
The standard full-speed man-overboard manoeuvres, such as the Williamson turn, are not
possible in very heavy weather. Turning at speed into a heavy see and swell could cause
serious tiahage to the ship. The turn should be made in the safest way possible in the
conditions and the ship manoeuvred into a position to windward of the person in the water.
The ship'will quickly drift down to him. A few fit crew members, wearing immersion suits,
lifejackets and lifelines, should be standing by to help the person on board. Use may also be
made of the line-throwing apparatus, with a buoyant head, to drift a line to the person in the
water. It is essential to keep the person in sight throughout the operation, and this is difficult
in a heavy sea and swell, so any crew not otherwise occupied in the rescue should be posted
as look-outs.
When a person is reported to the master as missing, it may reasonably be assumed that
efforts have already been made to find him. A final call on the public address system should
be made and if there is no response the ship should be turned into its wake and a search
along the reciprocal course made. At the same time, a through search of the ship should be
organized and the time at which the missing person was last seen should be established. The
track should be searched back to the position where it is known the person was still on board.
An urgency call requesting other ships in the vicinity to keep a look-out for the person should
be made.
It is important to keep observation on damaged areas and temporary repairs, to ensure that
there is immediate warning of a worsening situation.
When the condition of the ship is such that sinking or breaking up is inevitable, the ship should
be abandoned in time to get clear of her before she sinks or before wreckage makes the
launching of survival craft dangerous. In the event of fire or explosion or of the release of toxic
fumes it may be essential to get clear of the ship as quickly as possible.
Consideration should be given to the method of passivg the 'abandon ship' signal. It should
be distinctive, so that it is not confused with other signals or instructions which may be given
in an emergency. The instruction to abandon ship may have to be given by word of mouth if
other communication systems have broken down.
The duties of the emergency party should include provision for the shutting down of any
machinery, as required.
Plans for dealing with fires in specific areas should be considered. Actual plans would depend
upon the construction and arrangement of a particular ship, but principles such as containment
of a fire, escape routes, access for fire fighters and the medium to be used can be dealt with.
Trainees should be reminded that drills at sea should put these plans into action and that a
different location for the fire should be chosen at each practice. It may be found that the plans
need revising in the light of practice drills (V11).
Similarly, boat drills should sometimes be organized on the assumption that certain survival
craft have been destroyed or are not usable for some reason.
The ship safety committee should be involved in the organization of emergency drills and the
evaluation of the plans in the light of those drills. Representatives can bring any difficulties or
deficiencies to the attention of the committee and suggest solutions to the problem. The
committee can increase awareness of the actions required from crew members through their
The control centre for the command team in port should normally be at main deck level, at a
location suitable for liaison with shore authorities. It should have a shore telephone connection
and have emergency equipment and information stored there ready for use.
There should also be a good opportunity to establish useful facts on the varying conditions of
employment experienced by the group of trainees and perhaps to learn something of the
advantages and disadvantages of the various systems which the trainees might find to be
helpful in the course of their duties.
If time permits, the trainees should be given group assignments to recreate and learn how to
deal with some of the typical arguments and problems which occur on board ship, (V4).
Organization of Staff
Once again, the experience of the trainees can be used as a basis to develop the various
aspects of organizing staff. It is a wide subject and will vary according to the type of ship and,
in some cases, the requirements of an Administration.
Nearly all of thetraining undertaken aboard ship will be on-the-job training, i.e. the trainee uses
the normal ship's tools, equipment and materials during the ordinary running of the ship.
Off-the-job training will probably be restricted to the use of video cassettes.
For trainee watchkeepers the STCW Convention requires that an approved programme of on
board training is supervised and monitored and is adequately documented in a training record
book (STCW Code Section A-1111, paragraph 6). An example of one such book is that
produced by the International Shipping Federation, see T71. Extensive guidance regarding
training is given in the STCW Code Section B-1111.
Before starting training, the instructor should prepare what he wishes to teach, decide the
order of the instruction and make a note of the important points to be emphasized. Any tools
or materials which are needed should be ready to hand and equipment, such as video players,
should be tested to ensure that it is working.
Methods of training
For training to be effective, the trainee must be able to see that it is relevant to him and his
work or duties on the ship. The instructor should question the trainees before starting to
establish what they already know and can do and to explain why the task is-necessary.
Nearly all on-board training is of an informal nature, often one-to-one, so trainees should be
encouraged to ask questions or have demonstrations repeated, if necessary, during the
training. 'The instructor should also question or test the trainees at suitable intervals to make
sure that they have understood, or are able to perform the skill being taught, up to that point.
Where appropriate, provide the trainee with a written note to support the tuition.
Changing attitudes
An attitude is an individual's habitual mode of responding to an object or situation. Attitudes
are developed by experience within social groups, including those of the work place, and may
become firmly implanted. To produce a change of attitude by training is therefore difficult and
cannot be done quickly.
A crew member may know the correct safe working practice to adopt for a particular task and
yet ignore it when not being directly supervised. The necessary insistence on following safe
working practices will not necessarily change a careless attitude to safety. A discussion of the
consequences to himself and his family of an accident resulting in permanent disablement
might be more effective. Officers should remember that theirown attitudes and behaviour help
to form those of .traineesand new entrants, who will not develop desirable attitudes to required
standards if their seniors do not adopt them orif they ignore breaches of them by others, see
Training in skills
On-the-job training usually consists of putting the trainee to watch and work with an
experienced person (e.g. a cadet, watchkeeping with a qualified officer). 'This arrangement
fails if the experienced person uses incorrect methods in his work.
In teaching a particular skill, such as a manual task, the instructor should divide the task into
self-contained stages, each of which can be taught as a unit. He should identify any critical
points at each stage. The job is demonstrated and explained to the trainees in stages, with
emphasis on the critical points. The trainee then carries out the job under the supervision of
the instructor. Stages are repeated as necessary until the trainees' performances are
satisfactory, (V13).
Training in knowledge
In the majority of cases aboard ship this will involve an officer or petty officer describing
equipment or a particular task to others, for example, instruction in how to launch an inflatable
liferaft and board it, and how to survive when in it. Trainees should be encouraged to
participate in the instruction by asking questions or making suggestions. Sufficientquestions
should be directed to trainees to test that the necessary knowledge is being transferred.
Knowledge which is not often used (how to survive in a liferaft, for example) is forgotten with
the passage of time, hence the necessity for repeating such instruction at intervals.
Each trainee should deliver a short training session (about 10 minutes would be sufficient) to
the other members of the class. Subjects, which should be drawn from those which would be
undertaken aboard ship, should be assigned to the trainees well in advance to allow them
ample time for preparation.
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In addition to the national laws implementing the international conventions and agreements,
the following areas of concern to a ship's master, not touched upon in the syllabus, are
i Uppor Wn 3, l u p p e r W4 2
7 - -.
: Hold 3 j Hold 2
I Db. tank 7 Db. lank 6 Db. lank 5 Db. lank 4 Db. lank 3 Db. tank 2 Db. lank 1
Totd : 207.7
Loading scale
Ships data
LOA --
159.4 rn
Net -
Gross = 11 182 tomes
5971 tomes
A (s) = 21 441 tonnes
Cb (S) = 0.765
Light ship:
Displacement 4 895 tonnes
Draught F 0 2 5 rn, A 4.62 rn. M 2.43 rn
VCG 7.8 rn
LCG from AP 61587 rn
Cargo holds:
KN Curves
Tables of changcs in ccntimctres of draught forward and aft for each 100 tonnes loaded.
-: -
I r
; Upper Wn
5 : Upper
HoM 4
-. i
Wn 4
7 -
Hodd 3
1 r
Upper Wh 3, *per
j Hodd 2
6 :LowrWfi5
- -t-.- -- .-- - L -
-. .
- B
. 7
~ b tank Db.tank 6 Db. lank 5 Db. tank 4 ~ btank
. 3 Db. tank 2 DO.tank 1
3.0m Drought
F -16 -13 -10 -6 -1 +4 +9 +14 -18 +23 1F
6.0m Draught
F -15 -10 -8 -4 o iI +4 +a +12 +16 +20 F
A +23 +19 t17 +13 +8 i +4 o -4 -9 1-12 A
9.0m Draught
Example - Find the draughts after loading 250 tonnes in No. 2 hold.
In order to assist the instructor, references are shown to indicate IMO references and
publications, textbooks and teaching aids that instructors may wish to use in preparing and
presenting their lessons.
The material listed in the course framework has been used to structure the detailed teaching
syllabus; in particular,
The header of the first column denotes the COMPETENCE concerned. Each function
comprises a number of competences. For example, the Function 3, Controlling the Operation
of the Ship and Care for Persons on board at the Management Level, comprises a number of
COMPETENCES. Each competence is uniquely and consistently numbered in this model
In this function the competence is Control trim, stability and stress. It is numbered 3.1, that
is the first competence in Function 3. The term competence should be understood as the
application of knowledge, understanding, proficiency, skills, experience for an individual to
perform a task, duty or responsibility on board in a safe, efficient and timely manner.
Shown next is the required TRAINING OUTCOME. The training outcomes are the areas of
knowledge, understanding and proficiency in which the trainee must be able to demonstrate
knowledge and understanding. Each COMPETENCE comprises a number of training
outcomes. For example, the above competence comprises three training outcomes. The first
is concerned with the fundamental principles of FUNDAMENTAL PRINCIPLES OF SHlP
CONSTRUC'rION,TRIM AND STABILITY. Each training outcome is uniquely and consistently
numbered in this model course. That concerned with fundamental principles of Ship
Construction, Trim And Stability is uniquely numbered 3.1 .I. For clarity training outcomes
are printed in black on grey, for example TRAINING OUTCOME.
Following each numbered area of Required performance there is a list of activities that the
trainee should corr~pleteand which collectively specify the standard of competence 'that the
trainee must meet. These are for the guidance of teachers and instructors in designing
lessons, lectures, tests and exercises for use in the teaching process. For example, under the
topic 3.1 .I
.I,to meet the Required performance, the trainee should be able to:
- states that steels are alloys of iron, with properties dependent upon the type and
amounts of alloying materials used
- states that the specifications of shipbuilding steels are laid down by classification
- states that shipbuilding steel is tested and graded by classification society
surveyors who stamp it with approval marks
and so on.
IMO references (Rx) are listed in the column to the right hand side. Teaching aids (Ax), videos
(Vx) and textbooks (Tx) relevant to the training outcome and required performancesare placed
immediately following the JMI~~N~P@~YTCOME title.
It is not intended that lessons are organised to follow the sequence of Required performances
listed in the Tables. The Syllabus Tables are organised to match with the competence in the
STCW Code Table A-1112. Lessons and teaching should follow college practices. It is not
necessary, for example, for ship building materials to be studied before stability. What is
necessary is that all the material is covered and that teaching is effective to allow trainees to
meet the standard of the Required performance.
Required performance:
- explains that mild steel, graded A to E, is used for most parts of the ship
- states why higher tensile steel may be used in areas of high stress, such as the
sheer strake
- explains that the use of higher tensile steel in place of mild steel results in a
saving of weight for the same strength
- explains:
-Z ---
-yield point
z-=- - ultimate tensile stress
- modulus of elasticity
- states why mild steel is unsuitable for the very low temperatures involved in the
containment of liquefied gases
- states that aluminium alloys are tested and graded by classification society
- describes the special precautions against corrosion that are needed where
aluminium alloy is connected to steelwork
- describes briefly the automatic welding processes, electro-slag, TIG and MIG
- explains how welding can give rise to distortion and describes measures which
are taken to minimize it
- states that transverse bulkheads serve to subdivide a ship against flooding and
spread of fire, to support decks and superstructures and to resist racking
- defines:
- margin line
- bulkhead deck
- weather tight
- states that watertight floors are fitted directly below main watertight bulkheads
- explains that oil tight bulkheads and bulkheads forming boundaries of tanks are
built with heavier scantlings than watertight bulkheads
states that all types of watertight doors should be capable of being closed with
the ship listed to 15" either way
states that hinged watertight doors are only permitted above a deck at least 2.0
metres above the deepest subdivision load line
states that drills for the operating of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and
other closing mechanisms must be held weekly
states that all watertight doors in main transverse bulkheads, in use at sea,
must be operated daily
- states that watertight doors and their mechanisms and indicators, all valves the
closing of which is necessary to make a compartment watertight and all valves
for damage-control cross-connections must be inspected at sea at least once
per week
states that records of drills and inspections are to be entered in the log, with a
record of any defects found
- explains what is meant by erosion of metals and gives examples of where this
is likely to occur
- describes the formation of a corrosion cell and defines anode, cathode and
- states that corrosion takes place at the anode while the cathode remains
- given the galvanic series, states which of two metals will form the anode in a
corrosion cell
- explains that cathodic protection can only be used to protect the underwater
hull or ballasted tanks
- states that both of the methods mentioned above are normally used together
- explains what mill scale is and states that it is cathodic to mild steel
- describes the treatment of steel in a shipyard and the use of .holding primers
(shop primers)
- explains that the required preparation of steelwork depends upon the type of
paint to be applied
- states that many modern paints, such as epoxy and polyurethane, need to be
applied to a very clean shot-blasted surface
- states that paints consist mainly of a vehicle, a pigment and a solvent, and
explains the purpose of each
- describes the use of self-polishing anti-fouling paint, and the proposed banning
of Tributyltin (TBT)
explains why anodes of magnesium and of magnesium alloy are not permitted
in cargo/ballast tanks and in adjacent tanks in tankers
states that good electrical contact between the anode and the hull or tank is
states that electrical connection with the hull via slip rings and brushes on the
rudder stock and propeller shaft ensures protection of the rudder and propeller
- states that too high a current can result in damage to paintwork and a chalky
deposit on areas of bare metal, which has to be removed before repainting can
be carried out
-. states that a protective shield of epoxy resin is applied for about 1 metre
around the anodes to withstand the alkaline conditions there
- states that continuous hull survey, in which all compartments are examined
over a 5-year period, may replace the special surveys
- states that the inspections listed above are also required for the annual
inspection under the International Convention on Load Lines, 1966
calculates paint quantities, given the formula for wetted surface area as:
uses the trapezoidal rule to find the area under a curve defined by given
- writes down the repeated first rule for any odd number of ordinates
- uses Simpson's first rule to find the area under a curve defined by an odd
number of ordinates
- states that the area is exact for a linear, quadratic or cubic curve but an
approximation otherwise
where: A = area
h = interval length
y,, y, y, y, are ordinates
- writes down the repeated second rule for 7, 10, 13, etc. ordinates
- uses Simpson's second rule to find the area under a curve defined by a
suitable number of given ordinates
- states that the area is exact for linear, quadratic or cubic curves
- states that the first rule has smaller errors that the second and should be used
in preference where possible
- uses Simpson's rules to find the area under a curve defined by any number of
- explains that the volume of a body may be calculated by using Simpson's rules
with cross-sectional areas as ordinates
Effects of Density
- given the density of the water in the dock, calculates the displacement for a
particular draught from the seawater displacement for that draught extracted
from hydrostatic data
- calculates the TPC for given mean draught and density of the dock water
salt water in tonnes at the summer load line and TPC is the tonnes per
centimetre immersion in salt water at the summer load line
- states that FWA only applies when the ship is floating at or near its summer
load line
- explains why the density of the water in the dock should be taken at the same
time as the draughts are read
- states that the rise of G due to free surface affect (in metres)
- states that the inertia of the tank (I) is the second moment of area of the liquid
surface about a fore-and-aft axis through the centre of area
L = length of tank
b = breadth of tank
I = second moment of area about a fore-and-aft axis through the centre
deduces from the above objective that halving the breadth of a tank reduces
the free surface effect to one eight of its original value
- deduces that subdividing a tank at the centre reduces its free surface effect to
one quarter of that of the undivided tank
states that the quantity 'inertia x density of liquid' is called the 'free surface
moment' of the tank, in tonne-metres
states that information for calculating free surface effect is included in tank
capacity tables
- states that the information may be given in one of the following ways:
- inertia in metre4
- free surface moments for a stated density of liquid in the tank
- as a loss of GM, in tabulated form for a range of draughts (displacements)
for a stated density of liquid in the tank
- corrects free surface moments when a tank contains a liquid of different density
from that stated in the capacity table
- given a ship's displacement and the contents of its tanks, uses the information
from a capacity table to calculate the loss of GM due to slack tanks
- given a ship's departure conditions and the daily consumption of fuel, water
and stores, calculates the GM on arrival at destination
states that, for moderate and large angles of heel, values of GZ found by
calculating the position of the centre of buoyancy are provided by the
shipbuilder for a range of displacements and angles of heel for an assumed
position of the centre of gravity
explains how to use the initial metacentric height as an aid to drawing the curve
identifies from the curve the approximate angle at which the deck edge
describes the effect of increased freeboard on the curve of statical stability for a
ship with the same initial GM
states that the righting lever, GZ, may be found from the wall-sided formula up
to the angle at which the deck edge is immersed
uses the wall-sided formula for calculating the angle of loll of an initially unstable
compares the result in the above objective with that obtained by connecting a
curve of statical stability
states that cross-curves and KN curves are drawn for the ship with its centre of
gravity on the centre line
- demonstrates how to adjust the curve of statical stability for a ship with a list
- states that cross-curves and KN curves are drawn for the ship at the designed
trim when upright
- states that righting levers may differ from those shown if the ship has a large trim
when upright
- states that a deadweight moment is mass in tonnes x vertical height of the mass
above the keel
- states that free surface moments are to be added to the deadweight moments
when using the diagram of maximum deadweight moment
-., . states that if,for a stated displacement or draught, the total deadweight moment
or KG is less than the maximum permissible value, the ship will have adequate
..- -. >
- given the masses loaded, their heights above the keel and the free surface
moments of slack tanks, calculates the deadweight moment and uses the result
with the diagram of deadweight moment to determine if the stability is adequate
- uses the diagram of deadweight moment to calculate the maximum mass that
can be loaded in a given position to ensure adequate stability during a voyage,
making allowance for the fuel, water and stores consumed and for any resulting
free surface
- states that a ship trims about the centre of flotation until LCG and LCB are in the
same vertical line
- states that the distance of the LCB from amidships or from the after perpendicular
is given in a ship's hydrostatic data for the ship on an even keel
- explains that the LCG must be at the same distance from amidships as LCB
when the ship floats on an even keel
where GG1 is the horizontal distance between the position of LCG for the even-
keel condition and the actual LCG
- states that if the actual LCG is abaft the tabulated position of LCB, then the trim
will be by the stern, and vice versa
- using a ship's hydrostatic data and a given disposition of cargo, fuel, water and
stores, determines the trim, the mean draught and the draughts at each end
- calculates the mass to move between given positions to produce a required trim
or draught at one end
- given the distance of draught marks from the perpendiculars and the length
between perpendiculars, corrects the draughts indicated by the marks
- given draughts forward, aft and amidships, states whether or not the ship is
hogged or sagged and the amount
- given the forward and after draughts, the length between perpendiculars and
hydrostatic data, calculates the correction for trim to apply to the displacement
corresponding to the draught amidships
- states that a second correction for trim, using Nemoto's formula, may be applied
to the displacement
- calculates the maximum list during loading or discharging a heavy lift, using a
ship's derrick, given the relevant stability information and the dimensions of the
- calculates the minimum GM required to restrict the list to a stated maximum when
loading or discharging a heavy lift
- calculates the quantities of fuel oil or ballast to move between given locations
to simultaneously correct a list and achieve a desired trim
- explains how to distinguish between list and loll and describes how to return
the ship to the upright in each case
- by making use of curves of statical stability, including those for ships with zero
or negative initial GM, determines the equilibrium angle of heel resulting from
a transverse moment of mass
Dynamical Stability
- defines dynamical stability at any angle of heel as the work done in inclining
the ship to that angle
states that the dynamical stability at any angle is given by the product of
displacement and the area under the curve of statical stability up to that angle
given a curve of statical stability, uses Simpson's rules to find the area in
metre-radians up to a stated angle
explains that the dynamical stability at a given angle of heel represents the
potential energy of the ship
states that the rotational energy when the ship is upright causes it to continue
states that, in the absence of other disturbing forces, the ship will roll to an
angle where the sum of the energy used in overcoming resistance to rolling
and the dynamical stability are equal to the rotational energy when upright
states that a beam wind exerts a force equal to the wind pressure multiplied by
the projected lateral area of the portion of the ship and deck cargo above the
- explains that a heeling moment is formed, equal to the force of the wind
.- --- multiplied by the vertical separation between the centres of the lateral areas of
the portions of the ship above and below the waterline
- states that the heeling lever equals the heeling moment divided by the ship's
- states that a steady wind will cause a ship to heel to an angle at which the
righting lever is equal to the heeling over
- states that a ship under the action of a steady wind would roll about the
resulting angle of heel
- summarizes the recommendation on severe wind and rolling criterion for the R6
intact stability of passenger and cargo ships
- defines the rolling period as the time taken for one complete oscillation from
the extreme end of a roll to one side, right across to the extreme on the other
side and back to the original position
- states that for small angles of roll in still water, the initial metacentric height,
GMo is given by:
GMo =
- states that the displacement and KM are calculated from the observed
draughts and the ship's lines plans, making allowance for density of water and
- states that the position of the centre of buoyancy is calculated to enable the
LCG for the light ship to be determined
- given the mass and the distance through which it was moved, the
displacement, length of the plumb line and the deflection, calculates the KG
- states that the values obtained in a test are corrected for masses to be
removed and added to obtain the KG and LCG for the light ship
- states that, at periodical intervals not exceeding five years, a light ship survey R2
must be carried out on all passenger ships to verify any changes in light ship
displacement and longitudinal centre of gravity
- given the initial metacentric height and the GZ curve, determines whether the
ship meets the recommended criteria
- states that criteria are laid down for ships carrying timber deck cargoes
- states that the information includes a curve or table giving, as a function of the
draught, the required initial GM which ensures compliance with the
recommendations on intact stability
- states that before loading bulk grain the master may be required to
demonstrate that the ship will comply with the stability criteria at all stages of
the voyage
- states how the vertical shift of grain surlaces is taken into account in filled
compartments and in partly filled compartments
- draws the heeling-arm curve on the righting-arm curve for a given ship and KG,
corrected for free surface liquid, and:
- determines the angle of heel
- using Simpson's rules, calculates the residual dynamical stability to the
angle laid down by Regulation 4 of SOLAS chapter VI
- compares the results of the calculations in the above objective with the criteria
set out in Regulation 4 and states whether the ship complies with the
requirements or does not comply
Rolling of Ships
- describes the effect on G M of rolling
- describes how the distribution of mass within the ship affects the rolling period
- describes how bilge keels, anti-rolling tanks and stabilizer fins reduce the
amplitude of rolling
- states that, while turning, the ship is subject to an acceleration towards the
centre of the turn
- states that the force producing the acceleration acts at the underwater centre of
lateral resistance, which is situated at about half-draught above the keel
- states that the force in the above objective is called the centripetal force, given
by F = K
- explains how the force acting at the centre of lateral resistance can be replaced
by an equal force acting through the centre of gravity and a heeling couple equal
to the force x vertical separation between the centre of lateral resistance and the
centre of gravi ,
Mv2 KG - 4
r 2 P
Cos 8
- states that the ship will heel until the resulting righting moment equals the
heeling couple, i.e.
states that part of the weight is taken by the blocks as soon as the ship
touches, reducing the buoyancy force by the same amount
states that the upthrust at the stern causes a virtual loss of metacentric height
explains why the GM must remain positive until the critical instant at which the
ship takes the blocks overall
explains that a ship with a large trim will develop a large upthrust, which may
damage the stern frame, trip the blocks or lead to an unstable condition before
taking the blocks overall
by taking moments about the centre of buoyancy, shows that, for a small angle
of heel, 8 ,
shows that the righting lever is that for the ship with its metacentric height
reduced by P x KM
by using the equation in the above objective and KM + KG + GM, shows that
righting moment = (A - P) x GM sin 0 - P x KG sin 8
- shows that the righting lever is that for a ship of displacement (A - P) and with
metacentric height reduced by P x KG
A -P
calculates the minimum GM to ensure that the ship remains stable at the point
of taking the blocks overall
calculates the maximum trim to ensure that the ship remains stable on taking
the blocks overall for a given GM
calculates the virtual loss of GM and the draughts of the ship after the after
level has fallen by a stated amount
explains that the stability of a ship aground at one point on the centre line is
reduced in the same way as in dry-docking
states that when grounding occurs at an off-centre point, the upthrust causes
heel as well as trim and reduction of GM
- explains that the increase in upthrust as the tide falls increases the heeling
moment and reduces the stability
- states that the shear force at a given point of a simply supported beam is equal
to the algebraic sum of the forces to one side of that point
explains that, for a beam in equilibrium, the sum of forces to one side of a point
is equal to the sum of the forces on the other side with the sign reversed
states that the bending moment at a given point of a beam is the algebraic sum
of the moment of force acting to one side of that point
states that the bending moment measured to opposite sides of a point are
numerically equal but opposite in sense
draws a diagram of shear force and bending moment for simply supported
states that the bending moment at any given point is equal to the area under
the shear-force curve to that point
uses the above objective to show that the bending-moment curve has a turning
point where the shear force has zero value
explains that shear forces and bending moments arise from differences
between weight and buoyancy per unit length of the ship
states that the differences between buoyancy and weight is called the load
draws a load curve from a given buoyancy curve and weight curve
states that the shear force at any given point is equal to the area under the load
curve between the origin and that point
- draws a diagram of shear force and bending moment for a given distribution of
weight for a box-shaped vessel
- explains how wave profile affects the shear-force curve and bending-moment
- states that each ship above a specified length is required to carry a loading
manual, in which are set out acceptable loading patterns to keep shear forces
and bending moments within acceptable limits
- states that the classification society may also require a ship to carry an
approved means of calculating shear forces and bending moment at stipulated
- states that the loading manual and instrument, where provided, should be used
to ensure that shear forces and bending moments do not exceed the
permissible limits in still water during cargo and ballast handling
- states that wave-induced torsional stresses are allowed for in the design of the
Textbooks: T I 1
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- states that free surface moments for any compartment that is flooded by salt
water can be approximated by
- states that when a compartment is holed the ship will sink deeper in the water
. .. until the intact volume displaces water equivalent to the mass of the ship and
its contents
states that the volume of lost buoyancy for a loaded compartment is equal to
the volume of the compartment x the permeability of the compartment
calculates the permeability of cargo, given its density and its stowage factor
states that if the lost buoyancy is greater than the reserve buoyancy the ship
will sink
states that the centre of buoyancy moves to the centre of immersed volume of
the intact portion of the ship
states that when a compartment is hold the ship's displacement and its centre
of gravity are unchanged
- states that the area of intact waterplane is reduced by the area of the flooded
spaces at the level of the flooded waterline multiplied by the permeability of
the space
- states that if the flooded space is entirely below the waterline there is no
reduction in intact waterplane
- calculates the increase in mean draught of a ship, given the TPC and the
dimensions of the flooded space, using
- states that the height of the centre of buoyancy above the keel increases by
about half the increase in draught due to flooding
- uses the formula BM =Ito explain why the BM of a ship is generally less
when bilged that when intact
- explains why the bilging of empty double-bottom tanks or of deep tanks that
are wholly below the waterline leads to an increase in GM
- calculates the reduction in BM resulting from lost area of the waterplane, given
the following corrections:
- second moment of lost area about its centroid/displaced volume;
this is for a rectangular surface
for a rectangular surface, where d is the distance of the centre of the area
from the centreline
- deduces that the second correction applies only in the case of asymmetrical
- calculates the shift (F) of the centre of flotation (CF) from the centreline, using
F = M
where: a is the lost area of waterplane
A is the original waterplane area
d is the distance of the centre of lost area of waterplane from the
- explains how the reduction in intact waterplane reduces the MCT 1cm
- calculates the reduction of BML , given the following corrections:
- second moment of lost area about its centroid/displaced volume;
this is bL3 for a rectangular surface
-for a rectangular surface, where d is the distance of the centre of area from
the original centre of flotation
- given the dimensions of a bilged space and the ship's hydrostatic data,
calculates the draughts in the damaged condition
- describes the effect of water absorption by deck cargo and retention of water on
- lists the main factors which affect the rolling period of a vessel
- explains the term synchronous rolling and describes the dangers associated with
Text books:
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- states the minimum IMO stability requirements with respect to wind heeling R6
under current regulations
Textbooks: T I 9
Teaching aids: A l , V3, V5, V6, V7, V8
Required performance:
- states that a ship to which the Convention applies must comply with the
requirements for that ship in the zones and areas described in Annex II, as
- eplains the treatment of a port lying on the boundary between two zones or
- shtes that the appropriate load lines on the sides of the ship corresponding to
the season and to the zone or area in which the ship may be must not be
submerged at any time when the ship puts to sea, during the voyage or on
- slates that when a ship is in fresh water of unit density the appropriate load line
may be submerged by the amount of the fresh water allowance shown on the
International Load Line Certificate (1966)
- stales that when a ship departs from port situated on a river or inland waters,
deeper loading is permitted corresponding to the weight of fuel and all other
- rnaerials required for consumption between the point of departure and the sea
- describes the requirements for initial and periodical surveys
- describes the requirements for periodical inspections and lists the fittings and
appliances which are inspected
- states that the periodical inspections should be endorsed on the International
Load Line Certificate (1966)
- states that after any survey has been completed no change should be made in
the structure, equipment or other matters covered by the survey without the
sanction of the Administration
states that an International Load Line Certificate (1966) should be issued to
every ship which has been surveyed and marked in accordance with the
Convention or an lnternational Load Line Exemption Certificate should be issued
to a ship which has been granted exemption
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that when ice is reported near his course, the master of every ship at
night is bound to proceed at a moderate speed or to alter his course so as to
go well clear of the danger zone
- states that the use of an international distress signal, except for the purpose of
indicating that a ship or aircraft is in distress, and the use of any signal which
may be confused with an international distress signal are prohibited
- states the obligations of the master of a ship at sea on receiving a signal from
any source that a ship or aircraft or a survival craft thereof is in distress R2 Ch.V
- explains the rights of the master of a ship in distress to requisition one or more Reg.10
ships which have answered his call for assistance
- explains when the master of a ship is released from the obligation to render
- states that all equipment fitted in compliance with Reg. Vl12 must be of a type
approved by the Administration
- states that in areas where navigation demands special caution, ships should R2
have more than one steering gear power unit in operation when such units are
capable of simultaneous operation
- describes the procedure for the testing of the ship's steering gear before
- lists the entries which should be made in the log-book regarding the checks
and tests of the steering gear and the holding of emergency drills
- states that all ships should carry adequate and up-to-date charts, sailing
directions, lists of lights, notices to mariners, tide tables and other nautical
publications necessary for the voyage
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- explains the Parties to the Convention must apply the requirements of the
Convention to ships of non-Parties to ensure that no more favourable treatment
is given to such ships
Annex I - Oil
- states that, after survey has been completed, no change should be made in the
structure, equipment, fittings, arrangements or materials without the sanction of
the Administration, except the direct replacement of equipment and fittings
- states that the dates of intermediate and annual surveys are endorsed on the
IOPP Certificate
- states that a record of construction and equipment is attached as a supplement
to the IOPP Certificate
- explains the duration of validity of the IOPP Certificate and the circumstances
in which the IOPP Certificate will cease to be valid
- states that all new crude oil tankers of 20,000 tonnes deadweight and above
must be fitted with a crude oil washing system
- states that the competent authority of the Government of a Party to the
Convention may inspect the Oil Record Book while the ship is in its part or
offshore terminals and may make a copy of any entry and may require the
master to certify that the copy is a true copy of such entry
- states that the master should be provided with information relative to loading
and distribution of cargo necessary to ensure compliance with the regulation on
subdivision and stability and the ability of the ship to comply with the damage
stability criteria
- states all ships of 400gt or more must carry an approved shipboard oil pollution
emergency plan (SOPEP)
Annex IV - Sewage
- defines, for the purposes of Annex IV:
- holding tank, sewage and nearest land
- states the ships to which the provisions apply
- states that ships to which the regulations apply are subject to surveys for the
issue of an International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate (1973)
Annex V - Garbage
- explains that when garbage is mixed with other discharges having different
disposal requirements, the more stringent requirements apply
- describes the provisions for disposal of garbage from off-shore platforms and
from ships alongside or within 500 metres from them
- suspect
- valid certificate
states that a health authority should, if requested, issue, free of charge to the
carrier, a certificate specifying the measures applied to a ship or container, the
parts treated, methods used and the reasons why they have been applied
states that a health authority may take all practicable measures to control the
discharge from any ship of sewage and refuse which might contaminate the
waters of a port, river or canal
- describes the measures which the health authority of a port may take with
respect to departing travellers
- states that no health measures should be applied by a State to any ship which
passes through waters within its jurisdiction without calling at a port or on the
- describes the measures which may be applied to a ship which passes through
a canal or waterway in a territory of a State on its way to a port in the territory of
another State
- explains that the master should make known to port authorities, as long as
possible before arrival, any case of illness on board, in the interests of the
patient and the health authorities and to facilitate clearance of the ship
- states that a ship should not be prevented for health reasons from calling at
any port, but ~fthe port is not equipped for applying the health measures which
in the oplnion of the health authority of the port are requ~red,the ship may be
-- ordered to proceed at its own risk to the nearest suitable port convenient to ~t
- explains the actions open to a ship which is unwilling to submit to the measures
required by the health authority of a port
- states that, for the purposes of the Regulations, the incubation period of plague
is six days
- states that during the stay of a ship in a port. infected by plague, special care
should be taken to prevent the introduction of rodents or1 board
- states that ships should be permanently kept free of rodents and the plague
vector or be periodically deratted
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that, for the purposes of the Regulations, the incubation period of
cholera is five days
Yellow Fever
- states that, for the purposes of the Regulations, the incubation period of yellow
fever is six days
- states that vaccination against yellow fever may be required of any person
leaving an infected area on an international voyage
- states that every member of the crew of a ship using a port in an infected area
must be in possession of a valid certificate of vaccination against yellow fever
- states that bills of health or any other certificates concerning health conditions
of a port are not require from any ship
- states that the master and the ship's surgeon, if one is carried, must supply any
information required by the health authority as to health conditions on board
during the voyage
- states that no health document, other than those provided for in the
Regulations, should be required in international traffic
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- lists the documents which should be the only ones required by public
authorities for their retention on arrival or departure of ships to which the
Convention applies
explains that the provisions do not preclude the requirement for the
presentation for inspection by the appropriate authorities of certificates and
other papers concerned with registry, measurement, safety, manning and other
related matters
Noting Protests
- explains that a 'note of protest' is a declaration by the master of circumstances
beyond his control which may give, or may have given, rise to loss or damage
- states that protests are made before a notary public, magistrate, consular
officer or other authority
- states that protests should be noted as soon as possible, and in any case,
within 24 hours of arrival in port
- states that, at the time of noting protest, the master should reserve the right to
extend it
- -.-
states that protests concerning cargo damage should be made before starting
to unload
- explains that statements under oath are taken from the master and other
members of the crew and that such statements must be supported by
appropriate entries in the log-book, which must be produced
- states that certified copes of the note of protest should be forwarded to the
owners and one copy retained on board
- explains why protest should be noted at each discharging port and not just at
the first port of call
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that the master should consult his owner's agent about the local
requirement and practice for extending a protest
- states that national laws or regulations should determine when ships are to be
regarded as sea-going ships
- states that national laws and regulations should also be laid down regarding
shipboard conditions of employment and shipboard living arrangements
- states that a reporting procedure should be established for dealing with certain
- states the undertaking to hold an official inquiry into any serious marine
casualty involving ships registered in its territory, particularly those involving
injury or loss of life
- explains the procedure which may be followed by a Member which has ratified
the Convention on receiving a complaint or obtaining evidence that a visiting
ship does not conform to the standards of this Convention
- states that the seaman should sign the agreement under conditions prescribed
by national law and adequate supervision by the competent authority
- states that the prescribed conditions should be deemed to have been fulfilled if
the competent authority certifies that the provisions of the agreement have
been laid before it in writing and have been confirmed both by the shipowner of
his representative and the seaman
- states that national law should make adequate provision to ensure that the
seaman has understood the agreement
- states that the agreement should contain nothing contrary to national law or the
provisions of the present Convention
- states that the agreement should not contain any stipulation by which the
parties purport to contract in advance to depart from the ordinary rules as to
jurisdiction over the agreement
- states that the agreement may be made either for a definite period or for a
voyage or, if permitted by law, for an indefinite period
- states that the agreement should state clearly the respective rights and
obligations of each of the parties
- lists the particulars which the articles of agreement should in all cases contain
- states that the circumstances in which the owner or master may immediately
discharge a seaman are determined by national law
- states that the circumstances in which the seaman may demand his immediate
discharge are determined by national law
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- describes certain social and welfare cases in which a seaman may claim his
- states that the seaman in such cases is entitled to his wages up to the time of
leaving his employment
- explains that whatever the reason for the termination of the agreement, an entry
should be made in the document issued to the seaman in accordance with
Article 5 and, at the request of either party, be endorsed by the competent
public authority
- states that a seaman has a right, in addition to the record mentioned above to
obtain from the master a separate certificate as to the quality of his work or,
failing that, a certificate indicating whether he has fully discharged his
obligations under the agreement
Convention Fixing the Minimum Age for the Admission of Children R33
to Employment at Sea (Revised 1936) (No.58)
- states that children under the age of fifteen years shall not be employed or work
on vessels, other than vessels upon which only members of the same family
are employed
- states that each Member which ratifies this Convention must specify a minimum
age for admission to employment which in any case should not be less than
fifteen years
- explains that no person may be engaged as ship's cook on board any vessel
unless he holds a certificate of qualification as a ship's cook granted in
accordance with the provisions of the present Convention
- states that the competent authority should make specified arrangements for the
holding of examinations and for the granting of certificates of qualification
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that no person under the age of sixteen should work at night
- explains that every ship to which the Convention applies should be sufficiently
and efficiently manned for the purposes of:
- ensuring the safety of life at sea
- giving effect to the provisions regarding hours of work
- preventing excessive strain upon the crew and avoiding or
minimizing as far as practicable the working of overtime
- states that efficient machinery for the investigation and settlement of complaints
and disputes regarding manning should be maintained and should involve
participation of representatives of organizations of shipowners and seafarers
- states that no person may be required to take the vacation due to him at a port
other than a port in the territory of engagement or a port in his home territory
- states that a seafarer should receive his usual remuneration for the full period
of the vacation due
- states that any agreement to relinquish the right to an annual vacation holiday
with pay or to forgo such a holiday is void
- states that, in general, the annual leave with pay should be an uninterrupted
period and a seafarer taking annual leave should be recalled only in cases of
extreme emergency, with due notice
- states where a seafarer may be required to take annual leave due to him and
the provisions which apply if a seafarer is required to take leave from a place
other than that permitted
- defines:
- vessel
- seaman
- master
- home trade vessel
- explains that the competent authority of the country in which the vessel is
registered is responsible for supervising the repatriation of a crew member
whatever may be his nationality
- states that laws or regulations or, in the absence of such laws and regulations,
collective agreements must provide for inspection at prescribed intervals by the
master, or an officer specially deputed for the purpose by him, together with a
responsible member of the catering department of:
- supplies of food and water
- all spaces and equipment used for the storage and handling of food and
water, and galley and other equipment for the preparation of meals
- states that the master, or an officer specially deputed for the purpose by him,
accompanied by one or more members of the crew must inspect all crew
accommodation at intervals of not more than one week
- states that special provisions should be made for the custody, by the master or
other responsible officer, of medicaments the use of which is restricted
- states that all medicine chests should contain a medical guide which is
sufficiently detailed to enable persons other than a ship's doctor to administer
to the needs of sick or injured person on board with and without supplementary
medical advice by radio
- states that the rules and regulations should provide for proper maintenance and
care of the medicine chests and their contents and their regular inspection at
intervals not normally exceeding 12 months by person authorized by the
competent authority
- explains that there is an up-to-date and complete list of radio stations from
which medical advice can be obtained and that this list should be carried on
each ship equipped with a radio installation
states that provision should be made for the appointment, from amongst the
crew of the ship, of a suitable person or suitable persons or of a suitable
committee responsible, under the master, for accident prevention
states that all appropriate and practicable measures should be taken to bring to
the attention of seafarers information concerning particular hazards, for
instance by means of official notices containing relevant instructions
- states that the employment of any child or young person under the age of
eighteen years of age on any vessel, other than vessels upon which only
members of the same family are employed, is to be conditional on the
production of a medical certificate attesting fitness for such work, signed by a
doctor approved by the competent authority
- states that no person to whom this Convention applies may be engaged for
employment in a vessel to which this Convention applies unless he produces a
certificate attesting to his fitness for the work for which he is to be employed at
sea signed by a medical practitioner or, in the case of a certificate solely
concerning his sight, by a person authorized by the competent authority to
issue such a certificate
- explains that the nature of the examination should take into account the age of
the person and the nature of the duties to be performed
- states that, in particular, the medical certificate should attest that the hearing
and sight of a person, and where appropriate, the colour vision are all
- states that the medical certificate should attest that the person is not suffering
from any disease likely to be aggravated by, or render him unfit for, service at
sea or likely to endanger the health of other persons on board
- states that the medical certificate will remain in force for a period not exceeding
two years from the date on which it was granted
- states that a medical certificate relating to colour vision will remain in force for a
period not exceeding six years from the date on which it was granted
- states that every ship must carry a medicine chest, the contents of which and
the medical equipment on board are to be prescribed by the competent
authority, taking account of the WHO International Medical Guide for Ships and
the WHO list of Essential Drugs
- states that the contents of the medicine chest are to be properly maintained
and inspected at regular intervals, not exceeding 12 months, by responsible
persons designated by the competent authority
- explains that, where a dangerous cargo is to be carried which has not been
included in the most recent edition of the Medical First Aid Guide for Use in
Accidents involving Dangerous Goods, the necessary information on the nature
of the substances, the risks involved, the necessary personal protective
devices, the relevant medical procedures and specific antidotes is to be made
available to the master, seafarers and other interested persons
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that specific antidotes and personal protective devices must be on board
whenever dangerous goods are carried
- states that every ship must carry a ship's medical guide adopted by the
competent authority
- states that all ships carrying 100 or more seafarers and engaged on
international voyages of more than three days' duration must carry a medical
doctor as a member of the crew responsible for providing medical care
- states that ships which do not carry a doctor must carry as members of the
crew one or more specified persons, who have completed an approved course
in medical skills, in charge of medical care and the administering of medicines
as part of their regular duties
- states that ships must provide all possible medical assistance, where
practicable, to other vessels which may request it
- states that any ship of 500 or more gross tonnage, carrying 15 or more
seafarers and engaged in a voyage of more than three days' duration, must be
provided with separate hospital accommodation
- defines 'medical care and maintenance at the expenses of the shipowner' in the
context of this Convention
- describes the liability of the shipowner to defray the expense of medical care
and maintenance of sick or injured persons
- states that the shipowner is liable to defray the expense of repatriating every
sick or injured person who is landed during the voyage In consequence of
sickness or injury
- states that the shipowner is liable for the burial expenses in case of death
occurring on board, or in the case of death occurring on shore if at the time of
his death the deceased person was entitled to medical care and maintenance
at the shipowner's expense
- states that national laws or regulations must require the shipowner or his
representative to take measures to safeguard property left on board by sick,
injured or deceased persons
- states that the Convention applies equally to the treatment of all seamen
irrespective of nationality, domicile or race
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that when the insured person is abroad and by reason of sickness has
lost his right to wages, the cash benefit or part of it should be paid to his family
until his return
- states that national laws should prescribe the conditions under which an
insured woman is entitled to maternity benefit
- states that the right to insurance benefit extends to the normal interval between
- states that the insured persons and their employers are to share in providing
the financial resources of the sickness insurance scheme
- states that this Convention provides for the application of either minimum
standards or superior standards in respect of at least three branches of social
security listed in Article 3
- states that legislation should provide for seafarers' social security protection not
less favourable than that enjoyed by shoreworkers
- explains that the Convention contains provisions to protect the right of foreign
or migrant seafarers, their dependants and survivors to benefits enjoyed by
states that each Member for which this Convention is in force undertakes to
ensure that adequate welfare facilities and services are provided for seafarers
both in port and on board ship
states that each Member undertakes to ensure that welfare facilities and
services are provided for all seafarers in appropriate ports of the country
states that each Member undertakes to ensure that the welfare facilities and
services on every seagoing ship registered in its territory are provided for the
benefit of all seafarers on board
- - states that workers' and employers' organizations have the right to draw up
their constitutions and rules and run their organizations without interference
from public authorities which would restrict this r~ghtor impede its lawful
states that, in exercising the rights provided for in this Convention, workers and
employers and their respective organizations must respect the law of the land
states that each Member undertakes to take all necessary and appropriate
measures to ensure that workers and employers may exercise freely the right to
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that if collision is caused by the fault of one of the vessels, liability to
make good the damage attaches to the one which committed the fault
- explains the apportionment of liability when two or more vessels are in fault
- explains that liability attaches where the collision is caused by the fault of a pilot
even when the pilot is carried by compulsion of law
- explains that the Convention extends to the making good of damages which a
vessel has caused to another vessel or to goods or persons on board either
vessel, either by the execution or non-execution of a manoeuvre or by the non-
observance of regulations, even if no collision has actually taken place
- states that nothing in the present Convention is to prevent any State from
permitting its own authorities, in case of collision or other incidents of
navigation, to take any action in respect of certificates of competence or
licences issued by that State or to prosecute its own nationals for offences
committed while on board a ship flying the flat of another State
- states that the Convention does not apply to collisions or other incidents of
navigation occurring within the limits of a port or in inland waters and that the
High Contracting Parties are at liberty to reserve to themselves the right to take
proceedings in respect of offences committed within their own territorial waters
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- describes the duties of the salvor, of the owner and of the master
describes the reasons for the court to set aside the agreed remuneration in
whole or in part (salvor's fault, neglect, fraud or dishonesty)
states that no remuneration is due from persons whose lives are saved except
as provided in national law
describes the rights of salvors of human life who have taken part in the salvage
- explains the provision of security by the owner and the application of the
salvor's maritime lien
- states that the provisions of the Agreement apply to salvage services, or any
part of such services, referred to in the Agreement which have been already
rendered by the Contractor at the date of the Agreement
- states that English Law is the governing law of the Agreement and of arbitration
under it
- describes the obligation of the owners, their servants and agents to co-operate
with the salvors
- explains that the owners of the vessel, their servants and their agents should
use their best endeavours to ensure that cargo owners provide their proportion
of security before the cargo is released
- explains that, pending the completion of the security, the Contractor has a
maritime lien on the property salved for his remuneration
- states that the master or other person signing LOF on behalf of the property to
be salved enters into the agreement as agent for the vessel, her cargo, freight,
bunkers, stores and any other property thereon and the respective owners
thereof and binds each to the due performance thereof
- states that when there is no longer any reasonable prospect of a useful result
leading to a salvage reward in accordance with Convention Article 13 the
owners of the vessel shall be entitled to terminate the services of the Contractor
by giving notice to the Contractor in writing
- describes the provisions for special compensation set out in Convention Article
- explains that, except for claims in respect of death or injury of passengers, the
calculation of limits of liability is based on the ship's gross tonnage
- explains that the limit for claims in respect of death or injury of passengers is
based on the number of passengers the ship is authorized to carry, subject to a
maximum sum
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- explains that equipment refers to anchors, chain cables, mooring ropes and
wires, mooring arrangements, windlasses and mooring winches
- states that, if requested, the classification societies will also survey and
certificate cargo-handling equipment
- states that on satisfactory completion of surveys and sea trials the society
issues certificates of class, which are kept aboard ship, and enters the
particulars of the ship in its register
- states that a classification society will also survey an existing ship providing it
meets the society's rules regarding scantlings, materials, workmanship and
condition, assign a class to it
- states that to retain its class a ship must undergo periodical surveys as laid
down in the society's rules
- states that repairs or alterations must be carried out under survey and to the
satisfaction of the society's surveyors
- states that classification societies carry out surveys for the issue of statutory
certification on behalf of many governments
- states that a classification society may be asked to conduct the loading port
survey on its classed refrigerating machinery
- explains that, when convenient, the loading port survey may be combined with
a periodical survey for classification
* Cargo (5 hours)
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of
Law Relating to Bills of Loading, as Amended by the Protocol of
1968 (Hague-Visby Rules)
- defines:
- carrier
- contract of carriage
- goods
- ship
- carriage of goods
- lists the duties of the carrier to make the ship seaworthy and fit for the carriage
of cargo
- describes the duty of the carrier, master or agent of the carrier to issue a bill of
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
explains that a bill of lading is prima facie evidence of the receipt by the carrier
of the goods as described in it and proof to the contrary is not admissible when
the bill of lading has been transferred to a third party acting in good faith
explains that the shipper is deemed to have guaranteed the accuracy of marks,
number, quantity and weight as furnished by him, and that the shipper is to
indemnify the carrier against loss arising from inaccuracies in such particulars
explains the duty of the carrier, master or agent to issue a 'shipped' bill of
lading after the goods are loaded, provided the shipper surrenders any
previously taken up document of title
explains the carrier's liability for loss or damage arising or resulting from
states that whenever loss of damage has resulted from unseaworthiness, the
burden of proving due diligence is on the carrier
explains the shipper's responsibility for loss or damage sustained by the carrier
or ship
states the right to deviate for the purpose of saving life or property
explains the limitation of liability for loss or damage and the circumstances in
which benefit of limitation is lost
explains that this Convention does not apply to charter-parties, but, if bills of
lading are issued under a charter party, they must comply with the terms of this
states that any lawful provisions regarding general average may be inserted in
a bill of lading
explains that the Rules do not prevent a carrier or shipper entering into any
agreement regarding loss of damage to goods prior to the loading on, and
subsequent to, the discharge from the ship on which the goods are carried by
states that the Convention does not affect the rights and obligations of the
carrier under any statute relating to the limitation of the liability of owners of
sea-going ships
describes briefly the system of documentary credit in the sale of goods during
explains that the shipowner remains responsible for the operation of the ship
and the costs involved, but the charterer sometimes pays the stevedoring
states that contracts are normally drawn up using standard charter-party forms
amended as required by alterations and additional clauses
explains that if the ship is not ready to receive cargo, whether alongside or not,
by the cancellation date the charterer may cancel the charter
explains what is meant by laytime and the terms 'running dayslhours', 'Sundays
and holidays excepted' and 'weather working days'
states that the laytime for loading and discharging may be stated separately or
as a total
states that all times relevant to cargo working should be recorded in the log-
book and time sheets for the calculations of laytime completed as a check on
the charterer's laytime statement
explains that if cargo work is not completed within the permitted laytime, the
charterer is liable to pay demurrage at the agreed rate per day or hour until it is
explains that time lost due to defects of the ship or its equipment is not counted
in the laytime
explains that in the event of cargo work being completed before the expiration
of laytime, despatch is usually payable by the shipowner to the charterer
states that bills of lading are normally issued under a voyage charter-party and
signed by the master or on his behalf
explains that the bills of lading may incorporate the terms of the charter-party
which, in any case, takes precedence over the bills of lading as between
shipowner and charterer
explains that when bills of lading have been transferred to a third party they
constitute the contract between the shipowner and that party
states that in a time charter-party the charterer agrees to hire the ship for a
specified period of time
explains that the charterer may use the vessel for any voyage he wants within
the trading area agreed in the charter-party
explains that the charterer pays for bunkers and for cargo loading and
discharging, port dues, canal dues and pilotage
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that owners pay crew costs and for provisions, necessary stores,
insurance of the ship and the costs of maintaining the ship in class and keeping
it in an efficient condition to carry out the charterer's wishes
- states that the charter-party contains a description of the ship, including its
speed and fuel consumption
- states that crew overtime in connection with the cargo is usually for the account
of the charterer, and separate time sheets should be kept
- explains that the off-hire clause states the circumstances in which payment of
hire ceases during time lost to the charterer
- explains that off-hire deductions may be made for time lost due to reduced-
speed resulting from defects of ship or machinery, for the cost of additional fuel
and for extra expenses
- states that the master is usually required to sign bills of lading as presented to
him by the charterer or the charter-party may give the charterer the right to sign
them on his behalf
- states that a time charter-party may be used for a single round voyage
- states that the master and crew are employed by the charterer, to whom they
are responsible as if he were the owner
- explains that the contract does not name particular ships and the shipowner is
free to use any suitable ship, his own or chartered, for each shipment
- states that the loading dates are specified and that punctual performance is
- explains the need to inform P & I Club where goods are carried under Hamburg
states that general average sacrifices and expenses are to be borne by the
different contributing interests on the basis of these Rules
explains that only such losses, damages or expenses which are the direct
consequence of the general average act are allowed as general average and
that no indirect loss whatsoever will be admitted
- explains that rights to contribution in general average when the event which
gave rise to the sacrifice was due to the fault of one of the parties to the
states that the onus of proof is upon the party claiming in general average to
show that the loss or expense claimed is properly allowable as general average
states that any extra expense incurred in place of another expense which would
have been allowable as general average is deemed to be general average, but
only up to the amount of the general average expense avoided
- explains the duty of the master to see to it that general average contributions
(average bonds) are collected for the benefit of those entitled to them, whether
they are cargo owners or shipowners, exercising the shipowner's lien on the
cargo, where necessary, until they are paid
Marine lnsurance
- explains in general terms the purpose of marine insurance
describes briefly how insurance is arranged through brokers
explains what is meant by deviation and how the insurer is discharged from
liability from the moment a ship deviates
- - --
- explains that a deviation clause will often permit the assured to extend his
cover at a premium to be arranged, provided the insurer is given prompt notice
of the deviation ('held covered' clause)
- distinguishes between partial loss, total loss and constructive total loss
- states that the dumping of wastes or other matter in whatever form or condition,
as listed in annex I, is prohibited
- states that the dumping of wastes or other matter listed in annex II requires a
prior special permit
- states that the dumping of all other wastes or matter requires a prior general
-. explains that the appropriate authority of a Contracting Party should issue prior
special or general permits in respect of matter intended for dumping:
- loaded in its territory
- loaded by a vessel flying its flag when the loading occurs in the territory of a
State not party to the Convention
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- describes the provisions which a coastal State should apply when exercising
the right to take measures in accordance with Article I
- explains that the Protocol extends the rights and obligations of coastal States to
cases involving imminent threat of pollution by substances other than oil
explains that, with certain exceptions, the owner may limit his liability by
constituting a fund for the sum representing the limit of his liability with the
Court of a Contracting States where the action is brought
explains that where a fund has been constituted and the owner is entitled to
limit his liability, no person having a claim for pollution damage resulting from
that incident is entitled to exercise any rights over other assets of the owner
and that the ship or any other property belonging to the owner should b e
states that the owner of a ship registered in a Contracting State and carrying
more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo is required to maintain insurance in
the sum of his limit of liability
states that the certificate should be carried on board ship and a copy deposited
with the relevant authorities
states that a Contracting State must not permit a ship under its flag to which
this Article applies to trade without a certificate
COMPETENCE 3.2 Monitor and Control Compliance with Legislative IMO Reference
- states that Contracting States must ensure under their national legislation, that
insurance or other security is in force in respect of any ship, whenever
registered, entering or leaving their ports of offshore terminals if the ship
actually carries more than 2,000 tons of oil in bulk as cargo
COMPETENCE 3.3 Maintain Safety and Security of Crew and Passengers and IMO Reference
the Operational Condition of Safety Equipment
Table A-1112
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
COMPETENCE 3.3 Maintain Safety and Security of Crew and Passengers and IMO Reference
the Operational Condition of Safety Equipment
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
Required performance:
Required performance:
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1 , V9
Required performance:
- states that communications should be established between the ships and the
method of rescue agreed upon when time permits
- states that unnecessary equipment should be removed from the boats and
replaced by lifejackets, lifebuoys, blankets and a portable VHF radio
- states that the rescue vessel should reconnoitre the area to see if there is any
wreckage which could be a danger to boats
- describes the preparations for taking survivors on board from the boats
- describes how boats should approach the wreck and pick up survivors
- describes the methods of rescue which may be used when sea conditions are
too dangerous to use boats
COMPETENCE 3.3 Maintain Safety and Security of Crew and Passengers and IMO Reference
the Operational Condition of Safety Equipment
Man-overboard Procedure R1
- describes methods of recovering a person from the sea when heavy weather
prevents the use of the normal manoeuvres and boats
- describes and explains the actions to take when a person is reported missing at
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
5.1 Actions to Limit Damage and Save the Ship following a Fire, R1
Explosion, Collision or Grounding (4 hours)
- states that cooling of compartment boundaries where fire has occurred should
be continued until ambient temperature is approached
- explains the dangers of accumulated water from fire fighting and describes how
to deal with it
- states that watch for re-ignition should be maintained until the area is cold
- outlines the measures to be taken when the inert-gas main and gas lines to a
mast riser are fractured
- states that continuous watch should be kept on the damaged area and
temporary repairs
- states that course and speed should be adjusted to minimise stresses and the
shipping of water
COMPETENCE 3.3 Maintain the Safety and Security of Crew and Passengers IMO Reference
and the Operational Condition of Safety Equipment
- states that a distress call should be transmitted by all available means until
- describes the launching of boats and liferafts when the ship is listing heavily
- describes the use of oil to calm the sea surface and explains why fuel oil is not
COMPETENCE 3.4 Develop Emergency and Damage Control Plans IMO Reference
Table A-1112
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
- -
COMPETENCE 3.4 Develop Emergency and Damage Control Plans IMO Reference
Textbooks: T I 0
Teaching aids: A1, VIO, V11
Required performance:
describes the division of the crew into a command team, an emergency team, a
back-up emergency team and an engine-room emergency team
states that crew members not assigned to emergency teams would prepare
survival craft, render first aid, assemble passengers and generally assist the
emergency parties as directed
- designates muster positions for the command team, both at sea and in port
- -.- states that the engine-room emergency team would take control of engine-room
emergencies and keep the command team informed
- states that good communications between the command team and the
emergency teams are essential
COMPETENCE 3.4 Develop Emergency and Damage Control Plans IMO Reference
- describes action which should be taken when fire occurs on a nearby ship or an
adjacent port facility
- describes the circumstances in which a ship should put to sea for reasons of
- describes the actions which can be taken to avoid a ship dragging anchor
towards own ship in an anchorage
- describes the actions and precautions to take when a submarine cable is lifted
by the anchor
Teaching aids: A1
Required performance:
- states the final conditions of the ship after assumed damage and, where
applicable, equalization of flooding
- states that the master is supplied with data necessary to maintain sufficient
intact stability to withstand the critical damage
- distinguishes between ships of Type 'A' and Type 'B' for the purposes of R5
computation of freeboard
-- p~
COMPETENCE 3.4 Develop Emergency and Damage Control Plans IMO Reference
- describes the extent of damage which a Type 'A' ship of over 150 metres length
should withstand
- explains that a Type 'A' ship of over 150 metres length is described as a 'one-
compartment' ship
- describes the requirements for survivability of Type 'B' ships with reduced
freeboard assigned
- states that damage to compartments may cause a ship to sink as a result of:
- insufficient reserve buoyancy, leading to progressive flooding
- progressive flooding due to excessive list or trim
- capsizing due to loss of stability
- structural failure
34.3 @ J @ , O ~ ~ ~ A ~ ~FOR
I D SPREVENTION,:~I%~TION Table ~ - 1 1 , ~
Teaching aids:
Required performance:
Text books:
Teaching aids:
Required performance:
Textbooks: T72
Teaching aids: A1 , V12, V13, V14
Required performance:
Staff Attitudes
- states that the reasons why people work include the following:
-the need to earn money
- t h e need to be a useful member of society
- the need for security of their standard of living
- - the need to use their manual and mental skills and to derive satisfaction
from them
- the need to achieve their ambitions and improve their status
- t h e desire to have authority over other people, even for an indirect reason
such as avoiding being controlled by a bully
Exercise of Authority
- explains why a person must make his own authority, and states that:
-the appointment oi a person to a higher rank gives potential authority only
- the real authority of a rank is achieved when the person concerned
demonstrates that he is fit for the rank by showing that:
- he knows the work
- he is decisive
- his decisions are generally correct
- his orders are clear and are quickly carried out without argument
- he seeks advice when necessary and helps others
- he can accept orders from superiors and carry them out
-the need for a person to be accepted by those with whom he works
Group Behaviour
- states that group behaviour, discipline and the amount of work done by the
crew are affected by:
-the need for a person to be accepted by those with whom he works
-the identification of the main groups on a ship, e.g. deck department officers
and crew, and similarly, for other departments, depending on how the ship is
- unofficial groupings, for example by nationality or religion
-keeping the aims of the groups in line with the well-being of the ship, its
commercial success and with the aims of the owning company
- conflict between a self-chosen leader of a group and the appointed leader
- describes how the performance of individuals can be affected by conforming to
the behavioural patterns of the group
Conditions of Employment
- lists methods for obtaining officers and crew as:
- direct employment by a shipping company
- employment through a national organization
- employment through a trade union
- employment through an agency
- employment through a combination of any of these methods and discusses
how attitudes to work vary with the method of recruitment
- states that conditions of service can vary between countries and between
companies, but may include:
- salary scales for officers and crew
- a career structure for officers and crew
- salary scales which show 'begin at' rates, with increments for seniority and
- leave scales, showing how the leave is earned and paid
- other allowances, showing items such as subsistence allowances, where
applicable, and paid study leave when studying for Certificates of Competency
issued by an Administration
- other benefits, such as insurance and pension arrangements, whether
contributory or not, or whether included in salary payment
- other information, such as whether overtime is paid separately and at what
- states that, for safety and operational reasons, the officers and crew must be
able to communicate with each other in a common language and those
responsible for the mustering and safety of passengers must be able to
communicate effectively with them
- states that officers and crew should have had the necessary training
appropriate to their duties
- states that officers and crew must be informed as to the scope and methods
used for training aboard the ship
Analysis of Work
- states that the following should be included:
- statutory and non-statutory requirements
- watchkeeping
- maintenance
- cargo work
-testing systems
-training for emergencies
-training for the education and training of others on board
- associated work, in particular:
- mooring and unmooring
- food and hygiene
- storing and bunkering
- preparing for dry-docking and surveys
- administration
- evaluation of personnel
- hours of work
Allocation of Staff
- states that the master is responsible for the allocation of all staff duties, but that
the following arrangements are typical:
- a conventional departmental system in which:
-the chief engineer officer is responsible for all work associated with
machinery, including deck machinery
-the chief officer, in addition to watchkeeping, is responsible for all work
associated with deck equipment and cargo handling
-the purserlcatering officer is responsible for all work associated with
obtaining, storing and processing food
- each of the above is responsible for all work associated with training and
the prevention of unhygienic conditions and accidents in their respective
- a general-purpose crew:
- as per company practice
- preparation and display of the muster list and the distribution of muster cards
to all staff
- checking that all fire-fighting and emergency equipment, including survival
craft, is serviceable
- holding fire and abandon ship drills as soon as is practicable after the crew
joins the ship, in accordance with SOLAS requirements
Ship's Records
- lists the records and certificates which have to be kept on board and maintained
in good order, including:
- document of nationality (ship's register)
- official log-book
- drawings and diagrams supplied by the shipyard
- instruction books supplied by the shipyard
states that the chairman and composition of committees should be agreed with
the master except where stipulated by national rules, e.g. election of
representatives to the safety committee
states that the basics on which the meetings are run should include:
- producing an agenda which will limit the scope of a meeting
-the keeping of minutes and their confirmation by the committee concerned
- restricting the duration of a meeting to about one hour
states that the minutes of meetings should be sent to those persons who
attended the meeting and, after confirmation, to others as required by the
. ... Techniques
- describes the influence of training on meeting technique and on how a person
must conduct himself
- describes:
-the ideal size of a group
-the duration of a group meeting
Training Methods
- explains the purpose of on-board training
- states why training should be relevant to the trainees' work and duties aboard
- describes how to maintain interest in routine training such as fire drills and
abandon ship drills
- lists the areas in which training is required and areas in which it is desirable
- states that training in the use of life-saving appliances and on the best method
of survival should be based on the training manual on the ship and should
include the following:
- donning of lifejackets and immersion suits, as appropriate
- muster at the assigned stations
- boarding, launching and clearing the survival craft and the rescue boats
- method of launching from within the survival craft
- release from launching appliances
- methods and use of devices for protection in launching areas, where
- illumination in launching areas
- use of all survival equipment
- use of all detection equipment
- with the assistance of illustrations, the use of radio life-saving appliances
- use of drogues
- use of engine and accessories
- recovery of survival craft and rescue boats, including their stowage and
- hazards of exposure and the need for warm clothing
- best use of survival craft facilities in order to survive
- states that abandon ship drills must be carried out monthly on cargo ships and
weekly on passenger ships
- states that:
- instructions in the use of the ship's life-saving appliances and in survival at
sea should be given at the same interval as the drills
- individual instructions may cover different parts of the ship's life saving system
- - all of the ship's life-saving equipment and appliances must be covered within
any period of 2 months
Emergency Drills
- states that drills should be carried out as follows;
- routine exercises
-essential tasks should be repeated at each drill, including:
- operation of emergency bilge pump
- operation of remote shut-off valves and remote stop switches
- checking for ingress of air when handles of fire flaps are in 'closed' position
- lists essential tasks as:
- donning compressed-air breathing apparatus (CABA)
- preparing hoses and nozzles
- collecting foam compound
- collecting fire extinguishers
- collecting first-aid gear
- collecting evacuation equipment
- states that emergency teams are assembled in accordance with the muster list
- states that it may be necessary to improvise when persons are absent from
emergency teams
Teaching aids: A1, V14, V15
Required performance:
STCW Convention
- explains the principles underlying the STCW Convention
- explains the principle of Port State Control with particular reference to:
-operation of above
-terms of reference
-master's responsibility
-legal standpoint
- states that after.1 February 2002 all seafarers' watchkeeping certificates will be
required to be endorsed by the flag state
- states that seafarers new to a particular type of vessel require ship specific
shipboard familiarization
- describes what shipboard familiarization may involve for watchkeeping officers Reg. 1114
- describes what tasks or duties elementary basic safety familiarization involves
for a watchkeeping officer
- states that penalties are prescribed for breaches of STCW 95 requirements and
that these are determined by the flag state
- states that for STCW 1995 national legislation is subject to scrutiny and
checking by IMO appointed persons
~ -
COMPETENCE 3.6 Organize and Manage the Provision of Medical Care on IMO Reference
Table A-1112
Demonstrates a knowledge and understanding of:
COMPETENCE 3.6 Organize and Manage the Provision of Medical Care on IMO Reference
~ ~ V @ L ~ I N G ~ D A ~ G ~GOODS
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Required performance:
Appendix 1
The new Model Form of Register and Certificates can be used by the
competent authority of a member State in prescribing the form provided for
in Article 25(2). They replace those drawn up in application of the
Protection against Accidents (Dockers) Convention (Revised), 1932 (No. 32).
which were standardised and issued by the ILO in 1956.
As in the case of the earlier model documents, they have been prepared
in English only. It has been the general practice for the competent national
authorities to issue their own Register taking account of the model recommended
by the ILO and using the English text of the letter side by side with a
translation into their own language.
Form No. 1
I d e n t i t y o f N a t i o n a l A u t h o r i t y o r Competent Organi s a t i o n
Name o f S h i p
O f f i c i a1 Number
C a l l Sign
Port o f Registry
Name o f Owner
Regi s t e r Number
Date o f I s s u e
I s s u e d by
S i g n a t u r e and Stamp
- T h i s R e g i s t e r i s t h e s t a n d a r d i n t e r n a t i o n a l f o r m as recommended by
t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l Labour O f f i c e i n accordance w i t h ILO Convention
No. 152.
Genera 1
1. I n t t i a l examinatlon and c e r t l f l c a t i o n
( a ) t h e p o s l t l o n of guys;
2. Periodic e x m i n a t l o n s and r e - t e s t i n g
2.1 A1 1 l l f t i n g appliances and every item of l o o s e gear s h a l l be thoroughly examlned by
a canpetent person a t l e a s t once i n every 12 months. The p a r t i c u l a r s of t h e s e
thorough e x m i n a t I o n s s h a l l be e n t e r e d i n P a r t I of t h e Register.
2.2 Re-testing and thorough examination of a l l l i f t i n g appliances and every Item of
loose gear i s t o be c a r r i e d out:
3. Inspections
3.1 Regular v i s u a l i n s p e c t i o n s o f e v e r y i t e m of l o o s e g e a r s h a l l be c a r r i e d o u t by a
..responsible p e r s o n b e f o r e use. A r e c o r d of t h e s e r e g u l a r i n s p e c t i o n s i s t o be
- e n t e r e d i n P a r t I 1 of t h e R e g i s t e r , b u t e n t r i e s need o n l y be made when t h e i n s p e c -
t i o n h a s i n d i c a t e d a d e f e c t i n t h e item.
4. Certificates
Note 1: If a l l t h e l i f t i n g a p p l i a n c e s a r e thoroughly examined on t h e same d a t e i t w i l l be
s u f f i c i e n t t o e n t e r i n column (1 "All l i f t i n g appliances and loose g e a r " . I f n o t ,
t h e p a r t s which have been thoroughly examined on t h e d a t e s s t a t e d must be c l e a r l y
(a) Initial
( b ) 12 monthly
(c) Five y e a r l y
(dl Repair/damage
(el M h e r thorough examinations including t h o s e a s s o c i a t e d w i t h h e a t treatment.
Form No. 2
I d e n t i t y of n a t i o n a l a u t h o r i t y or competent organisation
Kote: T h i s C e r t i f i c a t e i s the s t a n d a r d i n t e r n a t i o n a l form a s recomnended by t h e I n t e r n a t i o n a l
Labour Office i n accordance w i t h ILO Convention No. 152.
1. Every l i f t i n g appliance shall be tested-with a t e s t load which shall exceed the safe
working load (SWL) as follows:
- Test 1oad
Up t o 20 tonnes 25 per cent in excess
20 t o 50 tonnes 5 tonnes in excess
Over 50 tonnes 10 per cent in excess
2. In t h e case of derrick systems the t e s t load shall be l i f t e d with t h e s h i p ' s normal tackle
with t h e derrick a t t h e minimum angle t o t h e horizontal f o r which the derrick system was
designed (generally 15 degrees), or a t such greater angle as may be agreed. The angle a t which
the t e s t was made should be s t a t e d i n t h e c e r t i f i c a t e of t e s t . After t h e t e s t load has been
l i f t e d i t should be swung as f a r as possible in both directions.
2.1 The SWL. shown i s applicable t o swinging derrick systems only. When derricks are
used i n union purchase the SWL (U) i s t o be as shown on Form 2 ( U ) .
2.2 In the case of heavy derricks, care should be taken t o ensure t h a t the appropriate
stays are correctly rlgged.
3. In t h e case of cranes, t h e test load i s t o be hoisted, slewed and luffed a t slow speed.
Gantry and travelling cranes together with t h e i r trolleys, where appropriate, are t o be
traversed and travelled over t h e f u l l length of their track.
3.1 In the case of variable load-radius cranes, the t e s t s a r e generally t o be carried
out with t h e appropriate t e s t load a t maximum, minimum and a t an intermediate radius.
3.2 In the case of hydraul i c cranes where limitations of pressure make i t impossible t o
l i f t a t e s t load 25 per cent i n excess of the safe working load, i t will be
sufficient t o l i f t t h e g r e a t e s t possible load, but in general t h i s should not be l e s s
than 10 per cent i n excess of t h e safe working load.
4. As a general rule, t e s t s should be carried out using t e s t loads, and no exception should
be a1 lowed i n the case of i n i t i a l t e s t s . In the case of repairs, rep1 acement or when the
periodic examination c a l l s f o r r e - t e s t , consideration may be given t o t h e use of spring or
hydraulic balances provided t h e SWL of the l i f t i n g appliance does not exceed 15 tonnes. Where
a spring o r hydraulic balance i s used i t shall be calibrated and accurate t o within + 2 per -
cent and the imindicator should remain constant for f i v e minutes.
4.1 I f t e s t weights are not used t h i s i s t o be indicated i n column ( 3 ) .
5. The expression "tonne" shall mean a tonne of 1,000 kg.
6. The terms "competent person", 'thorough examination" and " l i f t i n g applianceu are defined
i n Form No. 1.
Note: For recomnendations on t e s t procedures reference may be made t o t h e ILO document
Safety and Health i n Dock Work.
I d e n t i t y of n a t i o n a l a u t h o r i t y o r competent organi s a t i on
1. Before being taken into use, the derricks rigged i n union purchase shall be tested with
a t e s t load which s h a l l exceed the safe working load (SKI- ( U ) as follows:
SWL Test 1oad
Up t o 20 tonnes 25 per cent in excess
20 t o 50 tonnes 5 tonnes in excess
Over 50 tonnes 10 per cent in excess
2. Tests are t o be carried out a t the approved maximum height of the t r i a n g l e plate above
the hatch coaming or a t the angle between t h e cargo runners and with the derrick booms i n
t h e i r working positions, t o prove the strength of deck eye plates and the union purchase
system. These heights or angles must not exceed the values shown on t h e rigging plan.
5. The t e r n s "competent person", "thorough examination" and " l i f t i n g appliance" are defined
i n Form No. 1.
Note: For recomnendations on t e s t procedures reference may be made t o the ILO document
Safety and Health in Dock Work.
Form No. 3
I d e n t l t y of n a t l o n a l authority o r competent o r g a n i s a t i o n
1. Every item of loose gear i s t o be tested and thoroughly examined before being p u t i n t o
use f o r t h e f i r s t time and a f t e r any substantial a l t e r a t i o n O r repair t o any part l i a b l e t o
affect i t s safety. The t e s t loads t o be applied shall be i n accordance w i t h the following
Note: 1. The SWL f o r a single sheave block, including single sheave blocks with beckets, i s
t o be taken as one half of the resultant load on the head f i t t i n g .
Note: For r e c m n d a t i o n s on t e s t procedures reference may be made t o the ILO document
Safety and Health in Dock Work.
Form No. 4
I c e r t i f y t h a t t h e above particulars are correct, and t h a t the rope was tested and
thoroughly examined and no defects affecting i t s SUL were found.
1. Wire rope shall be tested by sample, a piece being tested t o destruction.
2. The t e s t procedure should be in accordance with an international o r recognised national
3. The SUL of t h e rope i s t o be determined by dividing the load a t which the sample broke,
by a c o e f f i c i e n t of u t i l i s a t i o n , determined a s follows:
Item Coefficient
These coefficients should be adopted unless other requirements are specified by a national
5. The terms "competent person", "thorough examination" and " l i f t i n g appliance" are defined
i n Form No. 1.
Note: For reconmendations and t e s t procedures reference may be made t o t h e ILO document
Safety and Health i n Dock Work.
A -w'! &.--.A
- :Lower Wn6
Low. wn 5 - -- .-- ..- -.. - - - -
I Db. tank 7 Db. lank 6 Db. tank 5 Db. tank 4 . 3
~ btank Db. tank 2 Db.lank 1
Angle of heel. 8
sn in ma
Cub. oil
(p 0.9) -
Diesel oil
(p 0.9)
Fuel oil
(p = 0.95) -
Fresh w.
(p 1 .o)
Ballastw. VCG
(p = 1.02) (metes)
From AP
I = I x b3 m'
Db. tank No. 1
Db. lank NO. 2
Db. tank No. 3
Db. tank No. 4
Db. tank No. 5
Db. tank No. 6
Db. tank No. 7
Lower Wlt. No. 5
Lower W.I No. 6
wn. Eng. R w m
Upper Wlt. No. t
Upper wn. No. 2
Upper Wll. No. 3
Upper Wlt. No. 4
Upper Wlt. No. 5
Upper WII. No. 6
Swim. pool
Freshw. Pnk
Daily d~eseltank
1 Daily luel oil tank
Diesel 011lank
Lub. od rank
Lus. 011tank
Loading scale
All mecnu5 n nm
Ships data
LOA = 159.41~1
LBP = 149.351~1
= 20.4 m
0 = 12.5m
Gmss = 11 182 tonnes
Net = 5 971 tonnes
A (S) = 21 441 Ionnes
Cb (s) = 0.765
Light ship:
Displacemenr 4 895 tonnes
Draught F 0 2 5 m. A 4.62 m. M 2.43 m
VCG 7.8 m
LCG from AP 61.587 m
Cargo holds:
KN Curves
A , , , I
3 4 5 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 2b '122 24
Displacement in lhousand lonnes 21441 Ionnes
LC0 - I
75.0 i5 5 76.0 i6 5 77'0
LCF --'
Ah - 3 2 1 C 1 ? - - Ford
, m
Main particulars:
LOA E 327.00 m
Lpp = 313.000 m
B = 48.200 m
D = 25200 m
d(s) = 19.507rn
DW(s) = 218344axlnes
A(S) = 251244,V18nes
%(S) = 0 .a322
Load Lines:
Light SMp:
WLS = ALS = 32900 1onnes
MLS = 0.5 (MLSF + MLSA) = -1324925 Dnne -m
dm (even keel) = 2.883 rn
LC6 is 14.87m forward of U2
LCF is 15.73m forward of L12
Lighr ship
General arrangement:
Tank information:
Cargo tanks
Tank Frame CFdes
LCG from U2 (m)
Nos. (m .100%)
C.T. No. 1 89-101 3471 7 2 104.15-F
C.T. No. 2 7-9 31449.7 50.50 F
1225 F
C.T. No. 4 64-74 31449.7 25.98 A
C.T. No. 5 53-64 33222.0 78.49 A
TOTAL 146563.5
W.T. No. 1 P. 89101 15678.4 10221 F
W.T. No. 2 P. 79-89 15594.9 50.50 F
W.T.No. 4 P. 64-74 15S3.1 25.98 A
W.T. NO.5 P. 56-64 11329.0 71.08 A
Slop tank P. 53-56 3110.9 99.45 A
TOTAL P. 8 S. 122572.6
Cargo total capacity 269136.1
Hydrostatic Tables
Ullage Tables
(metres) 4W 5W SLOP
2545 2369 2380 2475 2475 2475 2551 2551 2041 2014 1586 658 6777
(24.5) 28.9 27.4 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 25.5 20.0 20.8 15.0 4.8 (44.4)
Table 1
Interrelation of Units of Measurement
T o Convert
Multiply By T o Convert Multiply By
T o hfeters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.91440
I To Liters ....................... 3.78533
To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42t
To Cubic Inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9702t
To Cubic Feet .................. 5.6146
To Imperial Gallons ............ 34.9726
To Liters ....................... 158.984
T o Centimeters . . IMPERIAL GALLONS:
To Cubic Inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277.42
To Cubic Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.160544
To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20094
WEIGHT To U.S. Barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.028594
To Liters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.54596
T o Convert
Multiply By CUBICFEET:
T o Imperial Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . .
To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To U.S. Barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To Liters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
0.1781 1
T o Pounds (Avoirdupois). . . . . 2240 To Cubic Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.028317
T o Short Tons ................. 1.12
T o Metric Tons (Tonnes) . . . . . . 1.01605
To Imperial Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . 0.00360463
SHORTTOSS: To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.0043290
T o Pounds (Avoirdupois) . . . . . . . 2000 To Liters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.016387
T o Long Tons .................. 0.892857
To Metric Tons (Tonnes) ....... 0.907185 IAITERS
To Cubic Inches . . . . . . . . . . .
METRICTONS(TONNES): To Cubic Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
T o Long Tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.98421 To Imperial Gallons . . . . . . . .
T o Short Tons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10231 To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . .
To U.S. Barrels . . . . . . . . . . . .
T o Kilograms . . . . . . . . . . 0.45359'2 To Imperial Gallons . . . . . . . . . . 219.97
To U.S. Gallons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264.17
KILOGRAMS : To U.S. Barrels . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.2898
T o Pounds (Avoirdupois) . . . . . . 2.20462 To Cubic Feet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35.315
' These factors are solely for conversion at the same temperature .
t This relationship iu exact by definition .
Table 2
Temperature Conversions
The temperature to be convened from degrees Fahrenheit to degrees Celsius, or v i a versa, is found in h e c m m l column and the convencd tcmpcnmrc
is rrad to h e left for degrees Celsius or to h e right for d c g n c s Fahrcnhci~
01 0'061 - AlISN3a
OS'LL LL66'0 9166'0 9L66'0
SL'PL 2000' 1 2000' 1 2000' 1 2000 ' L 2000 :L 2000 ' 1 2000 ' 1 2000 ' 1 2000' 1 2000' 1 S l 'PL
0s' PI SOOO' 1 SOOO' 1 SOOO' 1 SOOO' 1 SOOO' 1 SOOO' 1 so00 ' 1 SO00 ' 1 S000'1 S000'1 OF'PL
S2'?1 L000' 1 L000' 1 L000' 1 L000' 1 L000'1 L000'1 LO00 ' 1 L000' 1 L000'L 1000'L SZ'PL
OO'PI 6000'1 6000'1 6000'1 6000' 1 0100' 1 0100' 1 0100' 1 0100'1 0100'1 0100'1 OO'PL
SL'EL 2100' L ZLOO' 1 2100' 1 2100' 1 2100' 1 2100' 1 2100' L 2 LOO' 1 2100'1 ZLOO'L SL'EL
OS'EI P100' 1 P100' 1 P100' 1 P100' 1 PLOO' 1 PLOO' 1 P100' 1 S1OO' 1 SLOO' I SLOO'L S100'1 OS'C1
SZ'EL 9L00'L 9100'1 LlOO'l L 100' 1 L100' L 1100' 1 L LOO' 1 LLOO' 1 1100'1 LLOO'L LLOO'L SZ'EL
OO'Cl 6100'1 6100'1 6100'1 6100' 1 6100' 1 6100' 1 6 LOO' L 6100' 1 6100'1 0200'1 0200'1 OO'EL
SL'ZL LZOO'L 1200'1 1200'1 1200' 1 L200'1 2200'1 2200' 1 2200 ' 1 2200 ' 1 ZZOO'L 2200'1 SL'ZL
OS'21 EZ00' 1 EZOO' 1 PZOO' 1 PZOO' 1 PZOO' L PZOO ' 1 PZOO ' L PZOO ' 1 VZOO' 1 VZ00'1 SZOO'L OS'ZL
S2'21 9200' 1 9200' 1 9200' 1 9200' 1 9200' 1 9200' 1 9200 ' 1 1200' 1 1200'1 1200'1 1200'1 SZ'ZL
00'21 0200' 1 0200' 1 8200' 1 0200' 1 6200' 1 6200' 1 6200' 1 6200' 1 6200 ' 1 6200' 1 6200' 1 OO'ZL
SL'11 OE00'1 IEOO'L 1E00'1 LEOO' 1 lC00'1 IC00'1 lC00'1 1E00' 1 EEOO ' 1 ZCOO'L 2E00'1 SL'LL
OS'11 CEOO' 1 EE00' 1 EEOO' 1 EEOO' L CEOO'1 PEOO'L PEOO ' 1 PEOO' 1 PEOO ' 1 PEOO' 1 PEOO' 1 OS'11
SZ'IL SEOO' L SEOO ' 1 SEOO ' 1 9E00' 1 9E00'1 9E00'1 9E00' 1 9E00' 1 9E00 ' 1 LEOO'L LEOO'L SZ'LL
LEOO' L -8E00' 1 0EOO' 1 0EOO' 1 8E00' 1 0EOO' 1 6EOO' 1 6E00' 1 6E00' 1 6E00' L OO'LL
OPOO' 1 OPOO' L OPOO' 1 OPOO'L 1PO0'1 LPO0'1 1P00'1 1PO0'1 ZP00'1 ZPOO'L SL'OL
PP00' 1 PPOO' L SP00' 1 PPOO' 1 PPOO' 1 9POO' 1 9POO' 1 9POO' 1 9P00'1 LPOO'L SZ'O1
L P 0 0 ' 1 LPOO'L LPOO'L LPOO'L BPOO'L 0P00.1 0tO0'1 0VOO'L 6POO' 1 6POO' 1 00'01
D E N S I T Y AT 15 C
TEMP 796.0 798.0 800.0 802.0 804.0 TEMP
' h i s Table must IIC used wid1 a value of dcnsity at 1SC (see Table 5312) and with an observed temperature
o w g - m e - ~ w o c nm o m w 0 -maw- m c w ~ or - m o o m u-,
. o o o m m
mamma m m h h c
mmmmm mmmmm
. . . . . m. a. m. m.a . m
ooooo ooooo ooooo
. m. m. m.m .
. . . . .
nmnmm o o w o o
mmmmm mmmmw
m a m m a mmmmm
. . . . . . . . . .
ooooo ooooo
o m ~ o m nm o m a m -mwo-
.O o o o m m mmmmm mr-ccc W W W W ~
- Y 9 mmmmm mmmmm mcmmm mmmmm
on mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm mmmmm
,-, m, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
mwm-m -CYmr-V)
wwwwn 9 0 m o 0
mmmmw mmmmm
m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m.
. -~. m. m.m .
~ mmmmm mmmmm
. . . . . . . . . . . . . .
~ ~
D E N S I T Y AT 1 5 C
TEMP 796.0 798.0 800.0 802 .O 804 . O TEMP
40.00 0.9752 0.9754 0.9755 0.9756 0.9757 0.9759 0.9760 0.9761 0.9762 0.9763
a cd
O - 0 - N
- 3 V , W P
C I - C C C C C C C C
C C C C C C C C I - C
Q - 0 - N
w s m w c
9 - 0 - N
- * C Q O Q 0
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-a W 0 - ~ n aI
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.D**** C C C C P C C C C C
2 **w** .'?ww-* **w-aw *w*wa *w-D** ***-a* *
..... -----
. . . . . -----
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. . . . . .-----
. . . . "l?YN.
d f ~ n nn n m m m
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o m
C C C C C C C C C C QC.000 OOQQO am-em mO.0.e- 0
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C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C C reef-C I - C C C C C
The "WS"... (see Appendix 2) is to load a cargo of wheat in Montreal, Canada, for Hamburg
in Germany, during the month of August.
At departure Montreal the ship has fuel, water and stores as follows:
Fuel oil 500 tonnes
Diesel oil 130 tonnes
Fresh water 200 tonnes
Stores etc. 200 tonnes
Stowage factor of wheat is 1.3 m3/tonne.
If there is a part-filled hold it is to be No. 3 hold and the grain depth is to be 9.0 m, with
VCG = 6 m.
At arrival Hamburg, assume the following:
Stores etc. 200 tonnes VCG = 9.15 m
Fuel oil (W/T Eng. Room) 200 tonnes density = 0.95 t/m3
Diesel oil (D.B. No. 7) 80 tonnes density = 0.9 t/m3
Fresh water (After Peak) 100 tonnes
The VCG of tanks is as given in the tank capacity table.
The following Upsetting Moments for Holds are taken from the ship's "Grain Stability
Hold No. 1 Full: 250 m4
Hold No. 2 Full: 293 m4
Hold No. 3 Slack: 3710 m4
Hold No. 4 Full: 293 m4
Hold No. 5 Full: 293 m4
Hold No. 6 Full: 293 m4
The ship is required to perform a type 4 calculation (Full), and tables 11, Ill, IV, V, VllB and IX
are to be filled in (see 'Instructions to Masters Loading Grain in Canada', overleaf).
a) How many tonnes of wheat are to be loaded?
b) Fill in the tables in the approved way.
Calculation of amount of grain to be loaded
Deadweight (summer) -
- 16546 tonnes
Fuel, stores, etc. -1 030 tonnes
.-.Available deadweight - 15516 tonnes
Total volume of holds = 20852 m3
Capacrty of holds (2085211.3) - 16040 tonnes
Available deadweight - 15516 tonnes
:.Reduce capacity of No. 3 hold by 524 tonnes
Department of T r a n s p o r t
GRAIN I?r: ACCORDANCE W I T H S h i p S a f e t y Branch
You a r e r e q u i r e d t o c o m p l e t e a s t a b i l i t y c a l c u l a t i o n p r i o r t o t h e commencement o f
loading. T h i s i s t o i n d i c a t e your v e s s e l ' s worst c o n d i t i o n d u r i n g t h e forthcoming voyage.
The c a l c u l a t i o n s h o u l d b e made on t h i s f o r m and resented t o t h e S o r t Warden b e f o r e t h e
v e s s e l c a n b e i s s u e d w i t h a C e r t i f i c a t e o f R e a d i n e s s t o Load. I f t h e r e a r e any s u b s e q u e n t
c h a n g e s t o t h e o r i g i n a l s t o w a g e p l a n , ( t o n n a g e s , c o m m o d i t i e s o r s t o w a g e f a c t o r s ) , you
should p r e p a r e a c o r r e c t e d p l a n f o r t h e P o r t Warden's a p p r o v a l .
The manner i n w h i c h t h i s c a l c u l a t i o n i s made w i l l depend upon
(a) Your t y p e o f v e s s e l
Cb) The g e o g r a p h i c a l p o s i t i o n of y o u r l o a d i n g p o r t , and
(c) T h e t y p e o f g r a i n s t a b i l i t y i n f o r m a t i o n w i t h which y o u r v e s s e l h a s been p r o v i - d e d .
I f y o u r v e s s e l i s a b u l k c a r r i e r and a n " e x i s t i n g s h i p " u n d e r t h e p r o v i s i o n s o f IyCO
R e s o l u t i o n A264 ( V I I I ) P a r t B , S e c . V(B), you a r e r e q u i r e d t o p r o v e t h a t y o u r v e s s e l ' s
a n g l e of h e e l , i f g r a i n s h i f t s , w i l l n o t e x c e e d 5'. Your s t a b i l i t y i n f o r m a t i o n w i l l
i n d i c a t e i f y o u r v e s s e l i s of t h i s t y p e a n d i f s o you s h o u l d c o m p l e t e only T a b l e s I , 11, 1 1 1 ,
I V and V I I A.
I f y o u r v e s s e l h a s t o meet t h e p r o v i s i o n s of R e g u l a t i o n 4 o f t h e above . R e s o l u t i o n , i - e .
Haximum V a l u e s o f ( a ) A n g l e o f H e e l l Z O , a n d Minimum V a l u e s o f ( b ) R e s i d u a l S t a b i l i t y 0.075
m e t r e r a d i a n s a n d ( c ) GM 0.30M, you s h o u l d c o m p l e t e t h e form by o n e of t h e f o l l o w i n g m e t h o d s .
I f your v e s s e l ' s g r a i n s t a b i l i t y i n f o r m a t i o n c o n t a i n s a t a b l e of Allowable U p s e t t i n g
Moments c o m p l e t e o n l y T a b l e s I , 11, 111, 1 V . V and V I .
I f you a r e n o t p r o v i d e d w i t h a t a b l e o f A l l o w a b l e U p s e t t i n g Moments c o m p l e t e
T a b l e s I , 11, 111, IV, V , V I I B a n d V I I I .
I f however t h e GZ c u r v e d e p i c t e d i n y o u r g r a i n s t a b i l i t y i n f o r m a t i o n b o o k l e t t h a t i s
c l o s e s t t o y o u r p r o p o s e d l o a d i n g c o n d i t i o n i s n o t o f a normal c o n f i g u r a t i o n , or
t h e maximum
G Z v a l u e o f s;ch c u r v e o c c u r s b e f o r e 40°, t h e n you s h o u l d c o m p l e t e :
I n t h i s c a s e c o m p l e t e T a b l e s I , 11, 111, IV, V , V I I B and IX.
I f y o u r v e s s e l i s a t a n k e r a l l t a n k s e x c e p t two ( t w o wings o r two c e n t r e s ) must b e
trimmed f u l l o r you w i l l b e r e q u i r e d t o meet t h e c o n d i t i o n s d e s c r i b e d i n TYPE I a b o v e
Your A d m i n i s t r a t i o n may h a v e p r o v i d e d you w i t h a s t a t e m e n t s t a t i n g t h a t y o u r v e s s e l
a t a l l t i m e s m e e t s t h e r e q u i r e d c o n d i t i o n s f o r d r a f t a n d i n i t i a l GM v a l u e s a n d i n t h i s c a s e
no c a l c u l a t i o n i s n e c e s s a r y . A l t e r n a t i v e l y you may h a v e i n f o r m a t i o n e n a b l i n g you t o c o m p l e t e
a TYPE I C a l c u l a t i o n . I f n o t you s h o u l d c o m p l e t e o n l y T a b l e s I , 11, 111, a n d VIIC.
TANKER O T ~ E RI l n d i c a t s Type1 - . ,
8.9B m
3.54 rn
16544 /TOM.% 19 JJ&CMS 27.7
/."''+ n/O 3 do 2 u" 1
S e c - r e d by
F u [( Fu I ( -
b a 3 9 ~ dJ - * - Fu I ( FU[ [
/ / ///.
1 I I
I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 I I I I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 l 1 1 l 1 1
CREW L STORES ICONSTANTI 200 BALUST NIL DPt 1 , 2. 3 . 4. 5 . 6 OR OTHER Ilndsc.ta Trml
BUNKERS 63 0 CARGO 15516
77 A w y 1990 MONTB&AL
"C'. OR "V..
3 80 1887
S U B - T O T A L111 + 206 11
sun-TOTAL 11) + 149859
. 393
TOTAL 7 51 700
.'.LEAST GM = 1 .2 H m I U U ~NOT BE LESS WAN 12 1 n c h ~ s 1 0 3 M . I 1. 20
TOTAL U P S m I N G MOMENT 3 q h 7-7
A --
--- ,-----..
--,x d 1.12 = 31 9 6 . 3
= -
= .0177 X I L I XI01 XlBl I101
- I N G L f DF H E E L -
. .0l77 X I L I XIBI Xlll Xlll FT. TONS
. .W X I L I Xlll Xl8I XIS1
. . ---,
IMO Instruments
One of the primary objectives of the International Maritime Organization is "to provide
machinery for co-operation among Govemmonts in the field of governmental regulation
and practices affecting shipping engaged in international tradewby, inter alia, providing for
"the drafting of conventions, agreements, or other suitable instruments." In discharging
this mandate, IMO has developed a large body of international instruments covering all
aspects of shipping and related maritime activities. These agreements may be grouped
into two main categories.
The most significant instrument is the international convention or other treaty instrument.
The Committees and subsidiary bodies of the IMO act as forums for drafting conventions
on technical and legal matters relating to safety of navigation and protection of the marine
environment. The draft conventions are submitted to diplomatic conferences which adopt
the final text of the convention and determine the conditions for its entry into force, i.e. the
number of States which must signify their consent to be bound and, in some cases, the
share of the tonnage of the relevant shipping which must be registered in all the States
bound by the convention or in any one of them. Consent to be bound by a convention is
signified by ratification, acceptance, or approval or by accession. The effect of all these
acts is the same, except that States which did not sign the text of the convention can only
accede to it. When a sufficient number of States have signified their consent to be bound,
the convention can come into force according to its terms. In addition to conventions, IMO
adopts other treaty instruments such as Protocols and Agreements. The legal status and
implications of all such instruments are the same as those of a convention.
to qualify the exercise of its sovereignty, in accordance with limits or conditions set by the
terms of the convention This is done by the parties undertaking, implicitly or explicitly, to
implement the requirements of the convention and enforce them within their sphere of
jurisdiction This meansthat they will take appropriate and necessary steps to make the
of the convenf0n Pafi of their national legal regime.
c o ~ ~ ~ address
~ m amatters
Y of public law or private law questions.
public law conventions @entiallydeal with matters involving the relationship between
&ies and pubic bodie!private law treaties, on the other hand, establish rules and
concerning rights and obligations between persons or entities in their
~~pacities- In s@cases, a convention will have both public and private
aspects; all cases, a convention will have public law elements and
implications since it is Qreement between sovereign States.
vention ion may proit SOme part thereof is optional. This means that a State may
become a pa* to thetion but may decide to exclude that part from the obligations
it undertakes under thntion- This may be done by declaring that the part of the
convention is not inclhe expression of the consent to be bound or by a
reservation with respet Part of the provision. However, such partial acceptance or
reservations can only Provisions in respect of which the power to do so is
available to States, ei@convention itself or under the general international law of
Some conventions are brought up to date by lneans of a protocol. Changes may be made
in a convention, subsequent to its entry into force, by means of protocols or through
amendments adopted in accordance with the procedure specified in the convention. (In
some cases it may be necessary to revise a convention even before it has entered into
force, for example, in order to make it more acceptable to a greater numbe; of States.
This practice is highly discouraged by IMO (in Assembly resolution A.500(Xll)). However,
where the need is compelling, such revision may be made by means of a "Protocol
Relating ton the convention.
This procedure is, however, only used to amend purely technical provisions. The formal
treaty articles are usually amended by the traditional method which requires that
amendments will enter into force after they have been formally accepted by a specified
number (usually two thirds) of the States parties. This latter method is not used in respect
of technical provisions because it has been found that it is not appropriate, since it entails
long delays in bringing into force changes which are considered to be necessary and
Of the conventions and treaty instruments developed under the auspices of IMO since it
commenced operation in 1959, thirty-four are now viable internationally. A number of
others have been superseded, wholly or partially. Of the thirty-four instruments, however,
twenty-four will be in force as at 26 October 1990. These, and the instruments not in
force, remain under constant review by the relevant bodies of IMO and amendments or
revisions are considered and adopted as and when necessary.
The other form in which international regulations are adopted by IMO is the "non-treaty"
instrument. This may have several different names, such as Codes, Recommendations,
Guidelines, etc. This form is used when Governments conclude that a regulation,
standard or practice, or suggestion for uniform policy or approach, may be adequate or
appropriate to achieve the objective of improving safety at sea or the prevention of
pollution, without necessarily being embodied in a formal treaty instrument. This may be
because it is considered that the issues are not sufficiently clear to be formalized in treaty
language; or there is not sufficient consensus in which to establish a clear rule which will
be accewble to a sufficient number of States as a mandatory rule. It may also be
thought that the formality of a convention would be too complex to deal with a matter
which may be more suitable for, or require, speedy action on a provisional basis, or the
parties to a convention may believe that a provision needs clarification rather than formal
amendment and that this could more or equally effectively be done by means of an
"agreed or uniform interpretation" coupled with a recommendation that States implement
the regulations or standards as thus interpreted.
Where, for whatever reasons, it is considered that the non-treaty approach is preferable,
the regulations or standards in question developed in the appropriate Committee of IMO
are adopted by a formal resolution and communicated to Governments.
Where "recommendations" deal with technical issues in a major field of activity, such as
the construction and equipment of particular types of ships, or the carriage of specific
types of cargoes and dangerous goods, they are issued in the form of a Code. These are,
however, of the same status as other "recommendations", except that they tend to be
- more widely known. In some cases, the Codes eventually become part of the treaty
instruments to which they relate, either by being incorporated in the regulations of the
treaty or by provisions which state that the requirements of the Code are jncluded in the
"obligations" undertaken by States parties.
In some cases, the regulations-in an IMO Recommendation or Code may indeed be the
only international rules and standards on the matter, and States cannot realistically
disregard them iftheir maritime activities are to conform to internationally agreed
LOF 1990
The Council of Lloyd's have approved a revised Lloyd's Standard Form of Salvage Agreement
to be known as L.O.F. 1990 following recommendations received from the Lloyd's Form
Working Party under the Chairmanship of the Lloyd's Appeal Arbitrator. Mr G.R.A. Darling,
The following notes are to direct attention to the principal changes. It is necesary to refer to
the full text for the terms and effects of these changes.
The format has been revised to set out in a more logical sequence the provisions of the
Agreement At the same time wherever possible the language has been simplified. It is hoped thar
the revised format will make the document more readily understandable particularly by those
whose native language is not English.
(a) The provisions of the International Convention on Salvage 1989 which apply to the
relationship between salvors and the owners of salved praperty have been incorporated.
The main consequence of that is to empower arbitrators to award special compensation
in certain cases where the salved property threatened damage to the environment or
while damage was prevented or minimised while the salvage operation was in progress.
(See clauses 1(a) and 2.)
(b) With the prior agreement of the salvor security provided from sources outside the
United Kingdom will be accepted by the Council of Lloyd's. (See clause 4(c)).
(c) In limited circumstances the owner of the ship is empowered to terminate the services.
*-- (See clause 18).
The Council have also approved Procedural Rules the aim of which is to ensure that at the
outset the Arbitrator gives directions designed to lead to the most expeditious and cost effective
conclusion having regard to the circumstances of a particular case (See clause 9(a)(ii)).
LOF 1990
I . Iu:nna'nrofp~rronrigrri. c n & b r /
of0wn"sofproprryro & r d r e d . j k ~ u r t r
rhoulds&#nw l w n u p o u i b l e .
2. T k C o ~ ~ ~ o r i ~ r h u l d d w o p &
w u u d * 1 k 4 a n d w k n t 3 c v r k A ~ r ~ istm~
d@b&Mmq&S+ wtI(rclkr
~ m ~ q ' & C ( ~ ~ J u ~ . u ~ &
orreror orkrprrron w r dm & w t n t d in
lirv 4 befort r k wor& 'for d m behd of
T k W r d r 'for and on k h o l / o ~ - r h o i d
&l.udwkrt aC o ~ ~ o r i # ~ p c r s d l y .
3. I u t r r p l a u ifa#reed in clavtr I I a X i )
STANWRD FORM OF L Y d ~ w t ~ u Ja#rrcdm
-y c h e I(t).
cargo freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon (hereinafter collectively called "the Owners")
and .........................................................
for and on behalf of ..................................................
'SIC Nor<Z
...............................................hereinafter called "the Contractor".) that:-
1. (a) The Contractor shall use his best endeavours:-
(b) Subject to clause 2 incorporating Convention Article 14 the services shall be rendered and
accepted as salvage services upon the principle of "no cure - no pay."
(c) The Contractor's remuneration shall be fixed by Arbitration in London in the manner hereinafter
prescribed and any other difference arising out of this Agreement or the operations thereunder shall
be referred to Arbitration in the same way.
(d) In the event of the services referred to in this Agreement or any part of such services having been
already rendered at the date of this Agreement by the Contractor to the said vessel and/or her cargo
freight bunkers stores and any other property thereon the provisions of this Agreement shall apply
to such services.
(e) The security to be provided to the Council of Lloyd's (hereinafter called "the Council") the Salved
Value(s) the Award and/or any Interim Award($ and/or any Award on Appeal shall bc in
I S M Notr 3
~ b a #...........................................currency.
( f ) If clause l(e) is not completed thcn the security to be provided and the Salved Value(s) the Award
and/or lnterim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal shall be in Pounds Sterling.
11 1 1 1
10 16
1 0Y)
I1. 6~) (g) This Agreement and Arbitration thereunder shall except as otherwise expressly providcd bc
W 11 61
U113 1 0l
governed by h c law of England. includ~ngh c English law of salvage.
3. TheQnes their Servants and Agents shall co-operate fully with the Contractdr in and about the salvage
includingW i n g entry to the place named or the place of safety as defined in clause 1. TheCbntractor may make
enabl\se of the vessel's machinery gear equipment anchors chains stores and other appllrtenances during and
for the Pbe. of the salvage services free of expense but shall not unnecessarily damage abandon or sacrifice the
s m e or aproperty the subject of this Agreement
4. (a) 'Contractor shall immediatelyafter the tamination of the senices or sooner notifythe Council and where
p-acti~ab owners of the amount for which he demands security (inclusive of costs expenses and interest) from
a -- ,&I of tspective Owners.
@) sthe exception to the principle of "no cure - no pay" under Convention Article 14 becomes likely to
appkhe owners of the vessel shall on the demand of the Contractor provide security for the Contractor's
= special mation.
(c) mount of any such security shall be reasonable in the light of the knowledge available to the Conmtnr
at the 9Ihe demand is made. Unless otherwise agreed such security shall be provided (i) to the Council (ii)
in a foIpved by the Council and (iii) by persons firms or corporations either acceptable to the Contractor or
d='L 'red Kingdom and acceptable to the Council. The Council shall not be responsible far the sufficiency
(wheth unt or otherwise)of any security which shall be provided nor for the default or insolvency of any
person, rpration providing the same.
( d w of the vessel their Servants and Agents shall use their best endeavours to ensure that the cargo
ownedlheir proportion of security before the cargo is released.
5- (akurity has been provided as aforesaid the Contracux shall have a marime lien on the p r o m Salved
for hishion. The pmpexty salved shall not without the consent in writing of the Contractor (which shall not
be withheld) be removed from the place to which it has been taken by the Contractor under clause l(a).
h t y is not provided within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdaysand Sundays or other days observed as
general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the termination of the services or
he has reason to believe that the removal of the property salved is contemplated conaary to clause 5(a)
----- A.
,..-..e any aaempt is made to remove the property salved contrary to clause 5(a).
(c) LfbitsatOTappointed under clause 6 or the Appeal Arbinator(s) appointed under clause 1 l(d) shall have
Power i d l u t e disuetion to include in t
kamount awarded to the Conmtor the whole or part of any expenses
a n a C u r r e d by the Contnctor in:-
.. demanding and obtaining the amount of security reasonably required in accordance with
( enforcing andlor protecting by insurance or otherwise or taking reasonable steps to enforce andlor
Protect his lien.
7. The Contram's remuneration shall be fixed by the Arbitrator appointed under clause 6. Such remunea-arion shall
not be diminished by reason of the exception to the principle of 'no cure - no pay' under Convention Article 14.
8. Any party to this Agreement who wishrs to be heard to adduce evidence shall nominate a person in the United
Kingdom to represent him failing which the Arbitrator or Appeal Arbitrator(s) may p& as if such party had
renounced his right to be heard or adduce evidence.
9. (a) The Arbitrator shall have power to :-
(i) admit such oral or documentary evidence or information as he may think fit
(ii) conduct the Arbitration in such manner in all respects as he may think fit subject to such procedural
nrtes as the Council may approve
(iii) condemn the Contractor in his absolute discretion in the whole or pan of the expense of providing
excessive security and deduct the amount in which the Contractcu is so condemned from the salvage
remunemtion andlor special compensation
(iv) make Intaim Award(s) on such terms as may be fair and just
(v) make such orders as to costs fees and expenses including those of the Council charged under clauses
9(b) and 12(b) as may be fair and just.
(b) The Arbitrator and the Council may charge reasonable fees and expenses for their services whether the
Arbitration proceeds to a hearing or not and all such fees and expenses shall be treated as part of the costs of the
(c) Any Award shall (subject to Appeal as provided in this Agreement) be final and binding on all the parties
concerned whether they were represented at the Arbitration or not.
10. Interest at rates per annum to be f u e d by the Arbiwtor shall (subject to Appeal as provided in this Agreement)
be payable on any sum awarded taking into account any sums already paid:-
(i) from the date of termination of the services unless the Arbitrator shall in his absolute discretion
othenvisedecide until the dare of publication by the Council of the Award andlor Inteaim Award(s) and
(i) kern the expiration of 21 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or other days o b m e d as general
holidays al Lloyd's) after the date of publication by h e Council of the Award andlor Interim Award(s)
until the date payment is received by the Conrractor or the Council both dates inclusive.
11. (a) Notice of Appeal if any shall be given to the Council within 14 days (exclusive of Saturdays and Sundays or
other days observed as general holidays at Lloyd's) after the date of the publication by the Council of the Award andl
or Interim Award(s).
(b) Noticeof Cross-Appeal if any shall begiven to thecouncil within 14 days (exclusiveof Saturdays and
Sundays or other days o k e d as general holidays at Lloyd's) afier notification by the Council to the parties of any
Notie of Appeal. Such notificaion if sent by post shall be deemed received on h e worldng day following he day of
(c) Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal shall be given to thecouncil by letter telex facsimile or in any other
permanent form.
(d) Upon receipt of Notice of Appeal the Council shall refer the Appeal to the hearing and determination of the
Appeal Arbitrator(s) selected by it.
(el If any Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal is withdrawn the Appeal hearing shall nevertheless proceed in
respect of such Notice of Appeal or Cross-Appeal as may remain.
(f) Any Award on Appeal shall be final and binding on alI the parties to that Appeal Arbitration whether they
were represented eitha at the Arbitration or at rhe Appeal Arbitration or n o t
12. (a) The Appeal Arbitrator(s) in addition to the powers of the Arbitrator un&r clauses 9(a) and 10 shall have
power to :-
(i) admit the evidence which was before the Arbitrator together with the Arbitrator's notes and reasons
for his Award and/or Interim Award($ and any transcript of evidence and such additional evidence
as he or Lhey may think fit
(ii) confim increase or reduce the sum awarded by the Arbitrator and to make s ~ c order
h as to the pay-
ment of interest on such sum as he or they may think fit
(iii) c d u m revoke or vary any order and/or Declamory Award made by the Arbitrator.
(b) The Appeal Arbitrator(s) and thecouncil may chargereasonable fees and expenses for their servicesin
connection with the Appeal Arbitration whether it to a hearing or not and all such feesand expenses shall
be treated as part of the costs of the Appeal Arbitration.
13. (a) In case of Arbitration if no Notice of Appeal be received by the Council in accordance with clause 1l(a) the
Comil shall call upon the party or parties carcemed to pay the amount awarded and in the event of non-paymentshall
subject to the Contnxtor first providing to the Council a satisfactory UndertaLing to pay all the costs thereof realize
or e n f m the security and pay therefrom to thecontractor ( w h a receipt shall be a good discharge to it) the amount
awarded to him together with intaest if any. The Contnxtor shall reimburse the parties concerned to such extent as
the Award is less than any sums paid on account or in respect of Interim Award@).
(b) If Notice of Appeal be received by the Council in accordance with clause 11 it shall as soon as the Award on
Appeal has been published by it call upon the party or parties concerned to pay the amount awarded and in the event
of non-payment shall subject to the Conhactor first providing to the Council a satisfactory Undemkhg to pay all the
costs thereof realize or enforce the security and pay therefrom to the Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good dis-
charge to it) the amount awarded to him together with inmest if any. The Conhactor shall reimburse the parties con-
cerned to such extent as the Award on Appeal is less than any sum paid on account or in respect of the Award or In-
terim Award(s).
(c) If any sum shall become payable to the Contractor as remuneration for his services and/or interest and/or
costs as the result of an agreement made between the Contractor and the Owners or any of them the Council in the
event of non-payment shall subject to the Contractor fmproviding to the Council a satisfactory Undertaking to pay
all the costs thereof realize or enforce the security and pay thaekom to h e Contractor (whose receipt shall be a good
discharge to it) the said sum.
(d) If the Award and/or Interim Award($ and/or Award on Appeal provides or provide that the costs of the
Arbitration and/or of the Appeal Arbitration or any part of such costs shall be borne by the Conhactor such costs may
be deducted from the amount awarded or agreed before payment is made to the Conmctor unless satisfactory security
is provided by the Contractor for the payment of such costs.
..@. Without prejudice to lhe provisions of clause 4(c) h e liability of h e Council shall be limited in any event t~
h e i k i u n t of security provided to it.
14. The Master or other person signing this Agreement on behalf of the property to be salved enters into this
Agreement as agent for the vessel her cargo freight bunkers stores and any olher property thereon and h e respective
Owners thereof and binds each (but not the one for the oher or himself pemally) to the due performance lhereof.
15. In considering what sums of money have been expended by the Contractor in rendering lhe senices and/or in
fixing the amount of the Award and/or Interim Award(s) and/or Award on Appeal the Arbitrator or Appeal
Arbitrator(s) shall to such an extent and in so far as it may be fair and just in all the circumstances give effect to lhe
consequences of any change or changes in the relevant rates of exchange which may have occurred between the date
of termination of the scnices and the date on which the Award and/or In~erimAward(s) and/or Award on Appeal is
16. Any Award notice authority order or olherdocument signed by h e Chairman of Lloyd's or any pcmn authoriscd
by the Comil fcr the purpose shall be d m e d to have been duly mde or given by h e Council and shall have the m e
force and effect in all respccts as if it had becn signed by every member of the Council.
17. The Contractor may claim salvage and enforce any ward or agreement made between the Contractor and the
Owners against security provided under clause 4 if any in the name and on behalf of any S u b C o n W m Servants
or Agents including Masters and members of the crews of vessels employed by him or by any Sub-contractors in the
services pmvided that he f m provides a reasonably satisfactory indemnity to the Owners against all claims by or
liabilities to the said persons.
18. When the^^ is no longer any reasonable p m of a useful result leading to a salvage reward in accordance with
Convention Article 13the ownen of the vessel shall be entilled to terminate the services of the Contractor by giving
notice to the Contractor in writing.
19. No person signing this Agreement or any party on whose behalf it is signed shall at any time or in any manner
whatsoever offer provide make give or promise to provide demand or take any form of inducement for entering inlo
this Agreement.
Article 1
(a) Salvage operarwn means any act or activity undertaken to a& a vessel or any other property in danger in
navigable waters or in any other waters whatsoever
(b) Vessel means any ship or craft,or any structure capable of navigation
(c) Propeny means any property not pamanently and intentionally aaached to the shoreline and includes freight
(d) Damage t o the environment means substantial physical damage to human health or to marine life or
resources in coastal or inland waters or areas adjacent thereto. caused by pollution. contamination. fire. explosion
or similar major incidents
(e) Payment means any reward, remuneration or compensation due under this Convention
1. The salvor shall owe a duty to the owner of the vessel or other property in danger.
2. The owner and master of the vessel or the owner of other property in danger shall owe a duty to the salvor:
(a) to co-oprate fully with him during the course of the salvage operations;
(b) in so doing. to exercise due care to prevent or minimize damage to the environment; and
(c) when the vessel or other property has been brought to a place of safety, to accept redelivery when reasonably
requested by the salvor to do so
Article 13
Criteria for furing the reward
1. The reward shall be fixed with a view to encouraging salvage operations. laking into account the following
criteria without regard to the order in which they are presented below:
2. Payment of a reward fixed aanrding to paragraph 1 shall be made by all of the vessel apd other property inrerests
in proportion to their respective Salved values
3. The rewards, exclusive of any interest and recoverable legal costs that may be payable thereon, shall not exceed
the salved value of the vessel and other property
Article 14
Special Compensation
1. If the salvor has canied out salvage operarions in resped of a vessel which by itself a its cargo threatened damage
to the environment and has failed to earn a reward under Article 13 at least equivalentto the special compensation
assessable in accoldance with this Anicle, he shall be entitled to special compensation from the owner of that vessel
equivalent to his expenses as herein defmed
2. If, in the circumstancesset out in paragraph 1, the salvor by his salvage operations has prevented or minimized
damage to the environment the special compensation payable by the owner to the salvor under paragraph 1 may be
increased up to a maximum of 3040 of the expenses incurred by the salvor. However. the Tribunal. if it deems it fair
and just to do so and bearing in mind the relevant criteria sa out in Anicle 13,paragraph 1, may increase such special
compensafion fiather,but in no event shall the total increase be more than 100%of the expenses incurred by the salvor
3. Salvor's expenses for the purpose of paragraphs 1 and 2 means the out-of-pocket expenses reasonably incurred
by the salvor in the salvage opemion and a fair rate for equipment and personnel actually and reasonably used in the
salvage operation, taking into consideration the criteria set out in Article 13, paragraph 101). (i) andm
4. The total special compensation under this Anicle shall be paid only if and to the extent that such compensation
is greater than any reward recoverable by the salvor under Article 13
5. If the salvor has been negligent and has thereby failed to prevent or minimize damage to the environment he may
be deprived of the whole or part of any special compensation due under this Article
6. Nothing in this Article shall affect any right of recourse on the part of the owner of the vessel
For and on behalf of the Contractor For and on behalf of the Owners of property t o
be salved.
.................................................................... ........................................................................
(To besignedeitherby theContractorpersonally or (To be signed by the Master or other person whose
by the Master of the salving vessel or other person name is inserted in line 1 of this Agreement.)
whose nameis insenedin line4 of this Agreement.)
1. The Arbitrator appointed by Council under clause G of LOF 1990 shall within six weeks of his appointment
or so soon thereafter as can reasonably be arranged hold a preliminary meeting unless aconsent order shall
have been agreed previously between the parties and approved by him.
2. With a view to ensuring that the arbitration proceeds as speedily and economically as possible, the
Arbiuator shall at such preliminary meeting give all such directions as may be fair and just having particular
but no exclusive regard to:-
3. In caseof non-complianceand/or latecomplianc~:withany such order the Arbitrator shall fix such terms
as may be fair and just
4. Nodung in the foregoing shall prevent any party fmm making application(s) for other preliminary meetings
or restrict or curtail the existing powers of the Arbilramr.