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17 July 2017


1. Nama lengkap : Prof. Dr. Mochammad Hatta, Ph.D., SpMK (K)

2. Jenis kelamin : Laki - laki
3. Tempat/tgl lahir : Makassar, 16 April 1957
4. Unit kerja : Fakultas Kedokteran Universitas Hasanuddin
5. NIP/NIDN : 19570416 198503 1 001/ 0014045703
6. Pangkat/Golongan : Pembina Utama/ IVe

7. Bidang keahlian : Mikrobiologi Klinik, Molekuler Biologi, Epidemiologi

dan Imunologi Penyakit Infeksi

8. Pendidikan terakhir : Dokter, PhD, SpMK, Konsultan Bakteriologi (K)

9. Nama lembaga/Alamat : Laboratorium Biologi Molekuler dan Imunologi, Bagian
Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Hasanuddin. Jl. Perintis Kemerdekaan, Km10, Makassar,
Ketua Program Studi S3 (Doktor), Fakultas Kedokteran,
Pascasarjana , UNHAS

10. Tel/Fax : 411-5204009/411-586971

11. E-mail : [email protected] dan [email protected]


SCOPUS ID : 8134403900

13. Wesite scientific recognition/publication :

1. ORCID : http://orcid.org/0000-0002-8456-4203
2. Mendeley : https://www.mendeley.com/profiles/mochammad-hatta2/
3. Scopus : http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=8134403900
4. Google scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=DR-bC-AAAAAJ
5. Research gate, UK :
6. NCBI pubmed : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/sites/entrez?
db=pubmed&cmd=search&term=hatta%20 m.
7. Wikigenes, UK : http://www.wikigenes.org/e/author/e/440926.html
8. Biomed expert profile:
9. Scirus for scientific information only : http://www.scirus.com/srsapp/search?
10. Index Copernicus profil: http://my.indexcopernicus.com/hatta
11. Italian scientific website : www.imbiomed.com/1/1/articulos.php?
method=showListAuthor&id_revista=173&id seccion=&idejemplar=5153
12. Maven Semantic Medical Database (USA) : www.mavensemantic.com/
13. Labome Organization expert (USA):
14. Royal Tropical Institute (KIT) Amsterdam, The Netherlands :
15. Biohelokon : Immunity and Diseases Journal:
16. Life science network (USA) :
URL to share your profile: http://www.lifescience.net/profile/mochammad- hatta-
17. EJC search result international journals USA :


1. Dokter, di Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS, Makassar pada tahun 1983.

2. Ph. D dalam bidang Molekuler Imunologi, di Fakultas Kedokteran , Toyama Medical &
Pharmaceutical University, Jepang, pada tahun 1992.
3. Research and Development (R&D) syndicate. NATO Blood Transfusion. Queen Asrid
Military Hospital, Brusel, Belgia, 1992 ( 3 bulan)
4. Visiting Research fellow on Molecular Epidemiology of leprosy, di Royal Tropical
Institute, Amsterdam, Belanda, pada tahun 1993 (4 bulan)
5. Short course on Molecular genetic di Latrope University, Merlbourne, Australia, pada
tahun 1994 (2 bulan).
6. Science and Technology Award of Research Fellow on Molecular Immunology of
Leprosy, di National Institute for Leprosy Research, Tokyo, Jepang, pada tahun 1995 (5
7. Research fellow on DNA typing and Genetic diversity of S. typhi di Imperial College
Science & Technology, London, Inggris, pada tahun 1997 (3 bulan).
8. Research collaborative fellowship on rekombinan DNA BCG vaksin, di Nagasaki
University, Jepang, pada tahun 1998 (4 bulan).
9. Visiting Research Fellow on Development simple method for detection of Salmonella
typhi infection. Biomedical Research, KIT, Amsterdam, Belanda, 1999 (3 bulan).
10. Dokter Spesialis Mikrobiologi Klinik (SpMK), Kolegium Perhimpunan Ahli
Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI), 2001
11. Visiting Professor for senior researcher, International Medical Research Center and
Treatment (ICMRT). Universitas Kobe Jepang. 1 Juli-30 September 2005 (3 bulan).
12. Visiting Professor for senior researcher, International Medical Research Center and
Treatment (ICMRT). Universitas Kobe Jepang. 1 April-31 Juni 2007 (3 bulan).
13. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Molecular Basis of Bacterial Infection: Basic and
Applied Research Approaches. Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge,
United Kingdom (UK), 11-17 May 2008.
14. Visiting Professor for senior researcher, International Medical Research Center and
Treatment (ICMRT). Universitas Kobe Jepang. 1 Maret-31 Maret 2009 (1 bulan).
15. Konsultan Spesialis Mikrobiologi Klinik, SpMK (K). Kolegium Perhimpunan Ahli
Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI). Surabaya, 9 September 2009.
16. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Genomics and Clinical Microbiology. Wellcome
Trust Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK), 23-28 January
17. The Open Door Course : Working with the Human Genome Sequence. Oxford
University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi
Minh City, Vietnam, 3- 6 December 2012.
18. Workshop on Biorisk Management Program - What Makes IT Effective & Sustainable.
June 23-24, 2015, JPark Resort, Cebu, Phillipines


1. NATO Blood Transfusion Committee, Brusel, Belgia, expert, 1992 – 2002.

2. Kepala Instalasi Mikrobiologi Klinik, RSUP. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, 1994
– 1998
3. Kepala Bagian Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS, Makassar, 1998-2007
4. Kepala SMF Mikrobiologi Klinik, RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, 1998-
5. Ketua Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI) Cabang Sulawesi
Selatan, 2012 – sekarang
6. Anggota Komite Medik RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar, 1998 – 2009.
7. Kepala SubUnit Mikrobiologi Klinik, RS Perjan Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar,
2003 – sekarang
8. Research project leader Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR), Leprosy research
programme, Belanda, 1992 – 2006
9. Research project leader International Coorporation with Developing Countries (INCO-
DC) on Salmonella typhi research, European Commission, United Kingdom-The
Netherlands, 1998 – 2005
10. Project leader Japan Indonesia Leprosy research, Jepang, 1993 – 2003.
11. Ko-promotor, Program Doktor, Pasca Sarjana UNHAS, 1995 – sekarang
12. Ko-promotor, Program Doktor, Pasca Sarjana Universiytas Udayana, 2002 – 2006
13. Penguji Eksternal, Program Doktor, Pasca Sarjana Universitas Airlangga 2001 – sekarang
14. Co-promotor on Ph.D course di Amsterdam Medical University, Belanda, 2004
15. Co-promotor on Ph.D course di Vrije University, Belanda, 2005
16. Full Senior Researcher Member of US-Japan Medical Research cooperative Program,
1996 –sekarang.
17. Staff pengajar Bagian Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS, 1983 – sekarang
18. Staff pengajar Program Pasca Sarjana UNHAS, 1996 – sekarang
19. Ketua Program Biomedik Konsentrasi Mikrobiologi, Pasca Sarjana UNHAS, 2004-
20. Penanggung Jawab Bagian Mikrobiologi, Program Studi Ilmu Kedokteran, Universitas
Mulawarman, Samarinda. 2003-2006.
21. Pegurus Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI) Wilayah Sulawesi Selatan, 1995 – 2009
22. Research Project leader of Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences (KNAW
research project), 1995 – 2010.
23. Indonesia research project leader WOTRO grant for molecular genetic of leprosy, The
Netherlands, 2002 – 2007.
24. Research Project leader on Development of Salmonella typhi vaccine, Hubrecht Jansen
Foundation, Belanda. 2002 -2009.
25. Anggota Komite Ahli GERDUNAS TB, Jakarta, 2002 – 2012.
26. Research evaluation member KNCV Tuberculosis programme, Indonesia-Netherlands,
27. Consortium member of International research cooperation on Initiative for Diagnostic
and Epidemiology Assay for Leprosy (IDEAL), WHO, England. 2004-sekarang
28. Indonesia research project leader WOTRO grant for epidemiology and efficacy of
vaccination of typhoid fever, The Netherlands, 2004 – 2007.
29. Guru Besar Bagian Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS, 2004-sekarang
30. Project leader for snp S. typhi in Indonesia. The Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute
(WTSI). Cambridge, UK, 2006 – 2012.
31. Project scientific leader KNAW for Clinical and Molecular characterization of S. typhi in
Indonesia. 2006.
32. Sekretaris Bagian Mikrobiologi, Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS, Makassar, 2007-sekarang
33. Principal Investigator Riset Operasional Penanggulangan Tuberkulosis di daerah
terpencil dan kepulauan Indonesia. Global Fund-Depkes. 2008.
34. Peneliti Malaria project pada Program Hibah Kompetisi Berbasis Institusi (PHK-I).
Dikti, Jakarta, 2009- 2011.
35. Research collaborator of chemoprophylaxis project, NLR, The Netherlands, 2006-2011.
36. Anggota POKJANAL Kusta. Kementerian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia. Jakarta, 2011-
37. Consortium member of Map of Drug Resistance in Enteric Fever and the Application to
the MRC/DFID/WT Global Health Trials. 2012- sekarang.
38. Ketua Program Studi Doktor (S3) Kedokteran, Program Pascasarjana, Universitas
Hasanuddin, 2014-sekarang
39. Anggota Dewan Riset Universitas Hasanuddin, Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengembangan
Pada Masyarakat (LPPM) UNHAS. 2014- sekarang
40. Tim Penyeleksi/Reviewer Beasiswa LPDP. Kementerian Keuangan RI. 2016-sekarang


1. Aspek Biologi Molekuler dan Imunologi dari Mycobacteria, Salmonella typhi dan
2. Pengembangan simple diagnostic test untuk lepra, leptospirosis, demam tifoid dan
3. Pengembangan rekombinan DNA BCG vaccine.
4. Molekuler epidemiologi penyakit lepra, demam typhoid.
5. Genetic host susceptibility penyakit infeksi lepra, tuberculosis, demam tifoid.
6. Pengembangan vaksin dan evaluasi keberhasilan vaksin Salmonella typhi .
7. Molekuler genetik penyakit lepra dan penerapan chemoprophylaxis lepra.
8. The Sanger Wellcome Trust genome snp analysis for S. typhi di Indonesia
9. Riset Operasional Tuberkulosis di daerah kepulauan Indonesia.
10. Penemuan baru : simple diagnostik untuk demam tifoid and chemoprophylaxis Kusta.
11. Riset Bioremediasi and Ecotoxicology pada limbah. Linnaeus Palme Program, Swedia



1. Test-itTM Lateral Flow Rapid Tests (RDTs) for typhoid fever in humans.
Product code: TYP001.Diproduksi oleh : Life Assay Diagnostics (Pty) Ltd, Cape Town,
South Africa. 2009

2. Rapid One Step Malaria test. Paper code: 1/09. Diproduksi oleh : Arista Biologicals Inc.
Allentown, PA.USA.
WHO Malaria RDT Web Reviews. Review Coordinator Summary: Final. 2008.


1. Editorial Board of Edorium Journal of Molecular Biology, Canada. 2013-sekarang.

2. Academic Editor (AE) of International Journal of TROPICAL DISEASE & Health
formerly known as : American Journal Tropical Medicine and Public Health. SCIENCE
DOMAIN International, UK and USA. 2012-sekarang.
3. Editor Board of American Journal of Microbiology, USA, 2013-sekarang
4. Editorial Board of Mycobacteria Disease Journal, USA, 2010-sekarang
5. Editor Board of Biohelikon: Immunity and Diseases, USA, 2012 – sekarang.
6. Speciality Advisory Board of Webmed Central, UK, 2010-sekarang
7. Editor Board of Global Journal of Dermatology & Venereology. Japan. 2012- sekarang
8. Editorial Board of Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine. Elsevier, Singapore,
9. Editorial Board of American Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology (AJMB).
American Association for Science and Technology (AAST) USA, 2013-sekarang
10. Editorial Board of ISRN Infectious Diseases. USA. 2012-sekarang.
11. Editorial board of Medical Science Monitoring (USA) 2008- sekarang
12. Editorial Board of African Biotechnology Journal (ABJ), 2006- sekarang
13. Editorial Board of Education Research and Reviews Journal, 2006- sekarang
14. Peer reviewer Journal Clinical Infectious Diseases (CID), USA, 2005-sekarang
15. Peer reviewer Monitoring Biomedical Science. New York, USA, 2007-sekarang.


1. Assises de la Cooperation Franco-Indonesia. Joint Working Group for Indonesian-

French Cooperation, April 5-6. 2016. Universite de La Rochelle, Prancis.
2. The Autumn Seminar for Linnaeus Palme, Minor Field Studies, SIDA Travel Grant and
TheYouth Trainee Programme. September, 21st-22nd, 2015, The auditorium of SIDA,
Stockholm, Sweden.
3. Research activities in Medical Faculty of Hasanuddin University. System Biology
Seminars. Linnaeus-Palme exchange program – Visiting Professor. 14th September
2015. University of Skövde, Sweden.
4. Linnaeus-Palme Teachers and Students Exchange Program. University of Skövde,
Sweden. 01-27 September 2015.
5. Invite 10th Annual Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association (A-PBA) Conference. June, 25-
26, M.L. Quezon Highway, Brgy.Maribago, JPark Resort and Waterpark, Cebu,
6. BEP Roundtable Discussion. Asia-Pacific Biosafety Association (A-PBA). June,22,
2015, Cebu, JPark Resort, Phillippines.
7. Workshop on Shipping and Transportation of Infectious Material - A certificate course.
24 June, 2015. JPark Resort, Cebu, Phillipines
8. Workshop on Biorisk Management Program - What Makes IT Effective & Sustainable.
June 23, 2015, JPark Resort, Cebu, Phillipines
9. Invite speaker DAAD Summer School Program IGHEP (Indonesia Germany Health
Education Partnership) 2013. Samarinda dan Bali, 17-27 November 2013.
10. International scientific meeting of Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA) under Partner Driven Cooperation. University of Skövde, Sweden, 25
May – 3 Juni 2013.
11. Pembicara. Scientific Seminar on Bioremediation workshop in University of Skövde,
Sweden. Linnaeus-Palme programme. Skövde , 29- 30 May 2013.
12. Academic scientific Committee. The Siriraj International Microbiology and
Immunology Competition (SIMIC) 2013. Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, 14th - 17th March 2013
13. Invitated Research collaborator. Swedish International Development Cooperation
Agency (SIDA) Development Partners Annual Meeting. Embassy of Sweeden and
BAPPENAS. Swedish Residence. Jakarta. 6 Februari 2013.
14. Pembicara. The Open Door Workshop : Working with the Human Genome Sequence.
Oxford University Clinical Research Unit (OUCRU), Hospital for Tropical Diseases,
Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 3- 6 December 2012.
15. International Conference on Pulmonary & Respiratory Medicine” (Respiratory
Medicine-2012). DoubleTree, Hilton Philadelphia Center City, USA. August 27-29,
16. Pembicara. BITs 2nd Annual World Congress of Microbes 2012 (WCM-2012).
Guangzhou, China. July 30-August 1, 2012.
17. Pembicara. The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases of the Institute of
Health (NIH/NIAID). Nicosia, Cyprus. 31 Januari- 3 Februari 2011
18. Pembicara International meeting Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Genomics and
Clinical Microbiology. Hinxton, Cambridge, UK, 23-28 Januari 2011
19. 10th Anniversary symposium of the UBS Optimus Foundation. Wolfsberg, Zurich,
Switzerland, 24-27 November 2010.
20. 41st Union World Conference on Lung Health. International Union Against
Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. Berlin, Germany. 11-15 November 2010
21. Pembicara International symposium of Indonesian Society of allergy and Immunology
(PERALMUNI), Makassar, 17 Oktober 2010.
22. Workshop Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy (IDEAL),
Beijing, China, 23-25 Agustus 2010.
23. Pembicara Conference “Bacterial Waterborne and Emerging Infectious Diseases in
North Africa and Middle East : Opportunity for Colaboration”. Department of Health
and Human Service, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, National
Institute of Health (NIH), USA. Rabat, Morocco, June 28- July 1, 2010.
24. 6th for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy (IDEAL), Bejing Tropical
Medicine Research Institute, Beijing, China, 23-25 August 2010.
25. Pembicara Annual scientific meeting Internatinal Center for Medical Research and
Therapy. Kobe University. Kobe, Japan, 30 March 2009.
26. Workshop Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy (IDEAL),
Cebu, Philipines. 28 January 2009.
27. Pembicara. Workshop on Recent advances in diagnostic and management of enteric
fever. India Habitat Center, New Delhi, India. 20 November 2008.
28. Pembicara 1st World Summit of Antivirals (WSA-2008), Combating Severe Viral
Infections. Kunming&Tibet, China, 20-26 July 2008.
29. International meeting Wellcome Trust Advanced Course. Wellcome Trust Genome
Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK), 14 May 2008
30. Symposium Initiative for Diagnostic and Epidemiological Assays for Leprosy
(IDEAL), Hyderabad, India. 26 Januari 2008
31. Workshop on chemoprophylaxis in leprosy control. Royal Tropical Institute (KIT),
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 13-14 Desember 2006.
32. 55th Annual Meeting of American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. Atlanta
Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 12-16 November 2006.
33. Workshop on International research cooperation on Initiative for Diagnostic and
Epidemiology Assay for Leprosy (IDEAL), Rio de Jenairo, Brasil. 7-11 November
34. Workshop on Leprosy sustainbility and based problem. The Netherlands Leprosy
Relief (NLR). Malino, 12-15 Maret 2006.
35. International workshop on data base of leprosy. Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-5
April 2005.
36. 1st International scientific meeting of Indonesia Society of Surgical Oncology (ISSO)
conjunction with Word Federation of Surgical Oncology society (WFSOS). Jakarta,
Maret 25-27, 2005
37. Workshop on International research cooperation on Initiative for Diagnostic and
Epidemiology Assay for Leprosy (IDEAL), Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. 22-29 Oktober
38. The 17th Annual Meeting on Netherlands Leprosy Relief (NLR) Project Leader in
Indonesia. Makassar, 28-30 September 2004.
39. The 1st International Congress of The Asian Society of Clinical Pathology &
Laboratory Medicine (ASCPALM), Medan, 30 September- 3 Oktober, 2004.
40. Open Science Meeting, BPPT and KNAW, Jakarta 1-2 September 2003
41. Scientific programme Indonesia-Netherlands (SPIN), Jakarta, 31 Agustus 2003.
42. Second Eijkman Symposium. Bogor, 2-6 September 2001.
43. 4th International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim.
Madras, India, 7 – 9 Januari 2000.
44. 4th National Congress of the Indonesian Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and
Infectious Diseases and 3rd Joint Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and
Infectious Diseases Society of The Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23
November 1998.
45. NSL Meeting for leprosy research programe. Malino, 13-15 Oktober 1998
46. 15th International Leprosy Congress. Beijing, China, 7 – 12 September 1998.
47. 3rd International Conference on Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim. Bali,
23-28 Maret 1998.
48. Third Asia-Pacific Symposium Typhoid fever and other Salmonellosis. Bali, 8-10
Desember 1997.
49. 9th Annual Conference of Australian Society for HIV Medicine. Adelaide, SA,
Australia, 13-16 November 1997.
50. 5th West-Pacific Allergy Symposium and 7 th Korea-Japan Joint Allergy Symposium.
Seoul, Korea, 11-14 Juni 1997.
51. 14th International Scientific Meeting of the International Epidemiological Association.
Nagoya, Jepang. 27-30 Agustus 1996.
52. The United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program. Thirty-first Joint
Conference on Tuberculosis and Leprosy, Memorial Hall, Nagasaki, Jepang.17-19
53. 24th International Congress of Blood Transfusion. Tokyo. Jepang, 1 Maret- 5 April 1996.
54. Second Asian Pacific Congress of Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Taipei,
Taiwan, 18-22 November 1995.
55. International Symposium Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Approaches on Ageing.
Bandung, 20-21 September 1995.
56. 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical Genetic and Eijkman Symposium on the
Molecular Biology of Disease. Jakarta, 19-23 September 1995.
57. The United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science Program. Thirtieth Joint
Conference on Tuberculosis and Leprosy. NIH. Colorado, USA, 24-28 Juli 1995.
58. KONAS VI Perhimpunan Mikrobiology Indonesia dan 2nd Asean Meeting on
Microbiology. Surabaya, 2-4 Desember 1993.
59. 2nd NATO Blood Transfusion Congress, Bruxels, Belgia. 11-13 Mei 1992.
60. 37th Congress of Japanese Society of Immunology, Osaka, Jepang. 26-29 Maret 1991.
61. 27th Congress Japanese Society for Bacteriology, Tokushima, Jepang. 28-29 Oktober
62. 26th Congress Japanese Society for Bacteriology,Toyama, Jepang. 9-10 November,
63. 25th Congress Japanese Society for Bacteriology,Gifu, Jepang. 27-28 Oktober 1988.
64. 47th Japanese Congress of Cancer Association, Tokyo, Jepang. 20-22 September 1988.
65. 24th Japanese Society for Bacteriology Congress, Fukui, Jepang. 26-27 Oktober 1987.


1. Pertemuan Uji Publik Penilaian Hasil Penelitian dan Pengabdian Pada Masayarakat
(PHPPPM), Badan Standar Nasional Pendidikan (BSNP). Hotel Aston, Makassar, 20
Agustus 2016.
2. Workshop Penyamaan Persepsi Tim Penyeleksi Beasiswa LPDP. Kementerian
Keuangan. The Papandayan Hotel, Bandung, 3-5 Agustus 2016.
3. 9th National Congress of Indonesian Society for Clinical Microbiology (PAMKI). JW
Marriot Medan, 29 -31 Oktober 2015.
4. Invite speaker The 2nd Manado Surgical Forum in Conjunction with the 1 st Meeting of
Indonesian Society of Surgical Infection 9-11 April 2015, Prof. R.D Kandou Hospital
and Peninsula Hotel/ Manado, Indonesia.
5. Kursus LEMHANNAS. Pemantapan Nilai Kebangsaan. Jakarta. 11-17 September 2014
6. Pembicara. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi Laboratorium Bakteriologi se
Indonesia. Teknik Diagnosa Leptospira. BBVeteriner. Maros, 19-23 Mei 2014.
7. Pelatihan Mini Minaut (Problem solving and decision making). PPM Manajemen.
Jakarta, 10-12 Januari 2014.
8. Workshop ke 7 ”Menjadi Penulis dan Editor Buku”. Hotel Aston, Makassar, 28-30 Juni
9. Scientific Seminar “2 Windu Kemitraaan” Enseval-BioMerieux. Four Seasons Hotel,
Jakarta, 27-28 March 2013.
10. Pembicara. 8th National Congress of Indonesian Society for Clinical Microbiology
(PAMKI). Plaza Discovery Hotel, Kuta-Bali, 1-3 November 2012.
11. Pembicara 1st Makassar Annual meeting on Clinical Nutrition. Hotel Clarion, Makassar,
2 - 3 Maret 2012.
12. Pembicara Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Association of Clinical Microbiology
2010. Bandung, 5-7 Agustus 2010.
13. Pembicara Simposium Diagnosa Dini dan Penatalaksaaan Mutakhir Penyakit Kusta,
Hari Kusta Tahun 2010. IDI Wilayah Kaltim, 30 Januari 2010
14. Kongres Nasional VII dan Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan PAMKI. Perhimpunan Dokter
Spesialis Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia. Hotel Inna Garuda, Yogyakarta, 12-14
November 2009.
15. Pembicara Pertemuan Penyakit infeksi Bakteri se Indonesia. Balai Besar Veteriner
Maros, Makassar, 4 November 2009.
16. Pembicara Pertemuan POKJA Peneliti Riset Operasional TB (TORG) Global Fund-
DepKes and KNCV, Jakarta 3 February 2009
17. 5th Symposium 5th of Indonesia Antimicrobial Resistance Watch (IARW). Perhimpun
Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI). Jakarta, 24-25 January 2009.
18. Pembicara Seminar Ilmiah Deteksi dan Identifikasi Bakteri pada penyakit Infeksi. IDI
Sulawesi Tenggara. Kendari, 29 Januari 2008.
19. Pertemuan Kelompok Kerja Ilmiah Kusta se Indonesa. DepKes. Depok, 24-27
November 2007.
20. Pembicara Pertemuan teknis dan Apresiasi Laboratorium se Indonesia. BPPH, Maros,
27-01 September 2007
21. Instruktur Workshop Virologi dan Bioteknologi Veteriner se Indonesia. BPPH
Lampung, 3 – 7 Juli 2007.
22. Pertemuan Kelompok Kerja Ilmiah Kusta se Indonesia. DepKes. Hotel Permata
Bidakara, Bandung, 12- 13 Januari 2007.
23. Pelatihan Peningkatan Keterampilan Teknik Laboratorium Bagi Staf Bagian
Mikrobiologi, Universitas Mulawarman, Samarinda, 4 -10 Desember 2006.
24. Pertemuan Kelompok Kerja Ilmiah Kusta se Indonesia. DepKes. Hotel Horison,
Jakarta, 4- 7 Juni 2006.
25. Symposium dan Workshop Tes Dipstick : Demam berdarah dengue, demam typhoid,
malaria dan tuberculosis. Makassar, RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. 19 Desember
26. Workshop Konvensi Senjata Biologi. Departemen Luar Negeri, Jakarta, 1-4 Desember
27. Kursus singkat mikroorganisme probiotik asal produksi pangan fermentasi. Makassar,
UNHAS. 21 November-03 Desember 2005
28. Pertemuan Kelompok Kerja Nasional Kusta. Bandung, 26-29 Mei 2005. Seminar
update news about leprosy. Manado, 4-5 Maret 2005
29. Workshop Penyusunan Pedoman Penatalaksanaan Klinis Demam Berdarah Dengue
(DBD) di Institusi Pelayanan Kesehatan. Bogor. 24-26 September 2004.
30. Pertemuan Nasional Komite Ahli GERDUNAS TB. Jakarta 7-8 Juli 2003.
31. Semiloka Model Operasional Komite DOTS Sulawesi Selatan, Makassar, 12 Mei 2003
32. Seminar Peringatan Hari Kusta Sedunia. Makassar, 25 Januari 2003.
33. Kursus Singkat Teknik Dasar Isolasi DNA Genom pada organisme Prokariot.
Makassar, 30 April - 12 Mei 2001.
34. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala, Fakultas Kedokteran UNHAS. Makassar, 1-4 September
35. KONAS Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropis Indonesia (PETRI) X, Palembang, 5-8
Agustus., 2004
36. Symposium on Antimicrobial and Infectious diseases and the First International courses
on Tropical diseases. Makassar 27-28 Maret 2004.
37. Seminar Ilmiah dan Workshop Diagnosis dan Penanggulangan penyakit infeksi serta
kegawatan medik. RSUP. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar 13 Maret 2004
38. Seminar Pendidikan Dokter Spesialis di Indonesia. Surabaya, 27 April 2001
39. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan (PIT) Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik (PAMKI).
Surabaya, 28 April 2001
40. KONAS IV Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik (PAMKI). Semarang, 23-25 Maret
41. KONAS V PETRI dan KONAS VIII P4I. Makassar, 18-21 November 1999.
42. Workshop Standarisasi Pelayanan Medis. Makassar, 17 November 1999.
43. Semiloka Nasional Jaringan Epidemiologi Nasional (JEN). Makassar, 8-9 November
44. Simposium Masalah dan Penanggulangan Infeksi Nosokomial. Jakarta, 8 Oktober 1999.
45. Rapat Kerja Nasional Perhimpun Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI).
Jakarta, 7-8 Oktober 1999
46. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin.
Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember 1998.
47. Seminar XIV-Kongres IX Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia
(PBBMI). Bandung, 12 Desember 1998
48. KONKER VII Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti
Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. Banjarmasin, 28-30 November 1997.
49. Seminar Nasional Mikrobiologi Kelautan & Bioremediasi, Ujung Pandang, 6-7
Desember 1995.
50. Seminar XIII-Kongres VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia
(PBBMI), Surabaya, 7-9 Juli 1997
51. KONAS II Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI).
Surabaya, 6-9 Desember 1996.
52. Simposium Cakrawala Baru Ilmu Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi. Ujung Pandang, 16
November 1996.
53. Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI). Malang, 12-13
November 1996.
54. KONAS III Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI). Jakarta, 3-5
Juli 1995.
55. KONAS III Perhimpunan Alergi Imunologi Indonesia (PERALMUNI). Bandung, 22-
26 Juni, 1993.


1. Full member of International Society of Developmental and Comparative Immunology

(ISDCI), 1983 - sekarang.
2. Member of International Society of Blood Transfusion (ISBT), 1983 - sekarang
3. Member of Japanese Society for Bacteriology, 1987 - 1993.
4. Member of Japanese Leprosy Association, 1992 - sekarang.
5. Member of International Leprosy Association (ILA), 1992 - sekarang
6. Member of International Epidemiology Association (IEA), 1987 - sekarang.
7. Member of American Association for the Advancement of Science, 1995 - sekarang.
8. Anggota Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropis dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI) 1996-
9. Ketua Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia (PAMKI) Cabang Makassar,
2012 – sekarang
10. Anggota Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI), 1995 – sekarang
11. Anggota Ikatan Dokter Indonesia (IDI), 1983 – sekarang
12. Member of IDEAL (Initiative for Diagnosis and Epidemiology Assays for Leprosy)
2003- sekarang.
13. Member of Global Innovation through Science and Technology Initiative (GIST).
USA, 2010- sekarang.
14. Member of International of typhoid fever consortium. Wellcome Trust Genome
Campus, The Sanger Institute, Cambridge, UK, 2012- sekarang.


1. Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya XXX Tahun. Presiden Republik Indonesia.
No. 29550/4/2017. Jakarta 03 April 2017
2. Top 1000 download access of Chapter metrics for “Diagnostic evaluation of
Tuberculosis, Published Book in Tuberculosis – current issues in Diagnosis and
Management. InTech Open Access Company, Croatia, Europe. 09 April 2013.
3. Tanda Kehormatan Satyalancana Karya Satya XX tahun. Presiden Republik Indonesia.
Jakarta 6 Agustus 2012.
4. International Health Professional of the Year 2012. International Biographical Centre,
Cambridge, UK. 27 Januari 2012.
5. Penerima Insentif Penerbitan Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal Internasional. DirJen Dikti.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2010, Jakarta, 7 Oktober 2010.
6. Great Minds of the 21th Century Award. American Biographical Institute. University of
Cambridge, England. May 7, 2010.
7. The Marquis Who,s Who Publications Board in World. USA, 2010.
8. The Marquis Who,s Who Publications Board in Medicine and Heathcare. Seventh
Edition 2009-2010. USA, 2009.
9. Penerima Insentif Penerbitan Artikel Ilmiah pada Jurnal Internasional. DirJen Dikti.
Departemen Pendidikan Nasional. 2008, Jakarta, 03 November 2008.
10. 2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009 Award. International Biographical Centre, Great
Britain, 2008
11. International Health Professional of the year 2007 Award. Cambridge, 2007, United
Kingdom (UK).
12. International Scientist of year 2006 Award, IBC, Cambridge, England
13. Asian Scientist Award, Cambridge, 2006, United Kingdom (UK)
14. Penghargaan Alumi Berprestasi di Bidang Penelitian Biomolekuler. 50 Tahun Hari
Ulang Tahun Fakultas Kedokteran, Unhas, Makassar, 28 Januari 2006
15. International Scientist Award. 2004. Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK)
16. Marquis’s Who’s Who Bibliography in Medicine and Healthcare in the World Recorded.
USA, 2004-2005.
17. Marquis’s Who’s Who Bibliography in Science and Engineering in the World Recorded.
USA, 2003-2004.
18. Tanda Kehormatan Satya Lencana Karya Satya X tahun. Presiden RI. Indonesia, Jakarta,
2 Mei 2001.
19. Research fellowship for visitor of US-Japan Medical Research cooperative, Nagasaki,
Japan, 2000
20. Young travelling fellowship of West-Pacific Allergy and Korea-Japan Joint Allergy
Association, Seoul, Korea, 1997.
21. Research Publication Program URGE Award. DIKTI DEPDIKNAS Indonesia. 1996.
22. Senior researcher travelling fellowship of International Epidemiological Association
(IEA), Nagoya, Japan, 1996
23. Research fellowship for visiting of US-Japan Medical Research coorporative, NIH, Fort
Collins, Colorado, US, 1995.
24. Certificate of Entrustment, Governor of Toyama Prefecture, Toyama, Japan, 1993 - 2004.
25. Young travelling fellowship of International Congress of Blood Transfusion Society
(ISBT), Tokyo, Japan, 1995.
26. Science and Technology agency (STA) Award, Japan International Science and
Technology Exchange Center, (JISTEC), Tokyo, 1995.
27. Certificate of Entrustment, Governor of Toyama Prefecture, Japan, 1992.



H1.2. RESEARCH GATE: RG Score: 36.02 CITATION: 2621



1. Mochammad Hatta, Eko E. Surachmanto, Andi Asadul Islam, Syarifuddin Wahid.

Expression of mRNA IL-17F and sIL-17F in atopic asthma patients. BMC Research
Notes.10:202. DOI: 10.1186/s13104-017-2517-9. Published: 12 June (2017)
2. Muhammadong, Alimin Maidin, Anwar Daud, Mochammad Hatta. Management
Model Development of Prospective Pilgrim Coaching as a Waiting Time Optimalization
Strategy in South Sulawesi. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
Research (IJSBAR) Volume 34, No 2, pp 251-259 (2017)
3. Tjondro Setiawan, Bachtiar Murtala, Andi Fachruddin Benyamin, Mochammad Hatta,
Ali Suyono Purwita,Taufan Tenggara, Egi Edward Manuputty, Gatot Susilo Lawrence.
PCA3 Blood Level Correlates Positively with Prostate Non Contrast Multiparametric
MRI Score. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7,
Issue 6, 701-704. ISSN 2250-3153. www.ijsrp.org. June (2017)
4. Lenny Irmawaty Sirait, Emma Kamelia, Tigor Peniel Simanjuntak, Muh Nasrum Massi,
Syahrul Rauf, Rosdiana Natzir, Mochammad Hatta, Sri Rahayu, Teti Aritonan.
Animal Modeling Try Strain Balb/c Mice with Gardnerella Vaginalis. International
Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 34, No 1, pp
261-267. (2017)
5. Tjondro Setiawan, Bachtiar Murtala, Andi Fachruddin Benyamin, Mochammad Hatta,
Ali Suyono Purwita,Taufan Tenggara, Egi Edward Manuputty, Gatot Susilo Lawrence.
Pilot Study of PCA3 Quantitative Analysis in Peripheral Blood with Real Time PCR
and Non-Contrast Multiparametrics MRI for Prostate Cancer Detection. International
Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 32, No 3, pp
365- 575. (2017)
6. Prihantono Prihanto, Christian Binekada, Mochammad Hatta, Daniel Sampepajung,
Andi Asadul Islam. Correlation of BCL-2 and ERα mRNA Expression with the Clinical
Chemotherapeutic Response in Breast Cancer. J. Med. Sci., 17 (1): 31-37. DOI:
10.3923/jms.2017.31.37. January-March, (2017).
7. Hendrawan S, Yusuf I, Mochammad Hatta, Aman M, Patellongi I, Serra AL,
Lawrence G, Weber U, Sutedja B, Baer HU. Allogeneic islet cells implant on poly-l-
lactide matrix to reduce hyperglycaemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat.
Pancreatology. 17 (2017): 411-418. 2017 Mar 1. pii: S1424-3903(17)30042-X. doi:
10.1016/j.pan. 2017.02.017. [Epub ahead of print]. PMID:28347646 (2017)
8. Heber B. Sapan, Idrus Paturusi, Irawan Jusuf, Ilhamjaya Patellongi, Nasrum Massi,
Mochammad Hatta, Aryono D. Pusponegoro, Syafrie K. Arief, Ibrahim Labeda, Andi
A. Islam, Leo Rend Interleukin-6 and interleukin-10 gene polymorphisms and their
plasma level after polytrauma. International Journal of Surgery Open. Volume 7, 5-9,
http://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijso.2017.04.001, 3 April (2017)
9. Yuyun Widaningsih, Rosdiana Natsir, Mansyur Arif, Uleng Bahrun, Hasyim Kasim,
Nursin Abdul Kadir, Fitri Hamka, Nadyah Haruna, Mochammad Hatta, Andi Nilawati
Usman. Foxp3 Serum Levels in Contrast Induced Nephrophaty Patients After the
Administration of Contrast Media. International Journal of Biomedical Materials
Research. 5(2): 25-28 http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ijbmr.doi: 10.11648/
j.ijbmr.20170502.12 ISSN: 2330-7560 (Print); ISSN: 2330-7579 (Online) (2017)
10. Budi Lamaka, Arsunan Arsin, Gemini Alam, Hasanuddin Ishak, Mochammad Hatta,
Prihantono Prihantono. Plasmodium Falciparum Gene Polymorphisms Pfmdr1 N86Y
and Drug Self-medication in the Endemic Areas of West Papua Region, Indonesia.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 33,
No 1, pp 103-111 (2017)
11. Tjondro Setiawana, Bachtiar Murtala, Andi Fachruddin Benyamin, Mochammad
Hatta, Ali Suyono Purwita, Taufan Tenggara, Egi Edward Manuputty, Gatot Susilo
Lawren. Pilot Study of PCA3 Quantitative Analysis in Peripheral Blood with Real Time
PCR and Non-Contrast Multiparametrics MRI for Prostate Cancer Detection.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 32,
No 3, pp 365- 373 (2017)
12. Yuyun Widaningsiha, Rosdiana Natsir, Mansyur Arif, Uleng Bahrun, Hasyim Kasim,
Fitriani Mangerangi, Nursin Abdul Kadir, Fitri Hamka, Nadyah Haruna, Mochammad
Hatta, Andi Nilawati Usman. Analysis of Serum Creatinine Level and Contrast Volume
in Contrast Induced Nephrophaty Incidence after Percutaneus Coronary Intervention.
International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 32,
No 3, pp 186-193 (2017)
13. Budy Utomo,Andi Zulkifli Abdullah,Ansariadi, Sukri Palutturi, Mochammad Hatta,
Andi Nilawati Usman. The Relationship between VDR Gene mRNA Expression and
Incidence of Stillbirth. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research
(IJSBAR) Volume 32, No 2, pp 33-42.(2017)
14. Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Marni Br Karo, Andi Asadul Islam, Mochammad
Hatta. The Effect of Leaf Extract of Centella Asiatica on Neurogenesis and Bdnf Level
in Hippocampus Cell Culture in Young Mice. Clinical Neurology and Neuroscience.
Vol. 1, No. 2, 2017, pp. 14-19. doi: 10.11648/j.cnn.20170102.11 Received: January 5,
2017; Accepted: January 21, 2017; Published: March 15, (2017)
15. Christian, B., Daniel Sampepajung, Mochammad Hatta, Rosdiana Natzir, Prihantono,
Burhanuddin Bahar. MDR1 mRNA expression by realtime-PCR and relationship with
clinical response before and after giving Neoadjuvant chemotherapy regimen
cyclophosphamide–Doxorubicin-5FU CDF) in local advanced breast cancer (LABC).
International Journal of Recent Advances in Multidisciplinary Research. vol. 04,
Issue 02, pp.2266-2269, February (2017).
16. Marni Br Karo, Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Tigor Peniel Simanjuntak,
Mochammad Hatta. Effects of Herbal Plants on Candidiasis Vulvovaginalis Therapy.
American Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 3, 2016, pp. 65-68.. Received:
November 8, 2016; doi: 10.11648/j.ajlm.20160103.14: January 4, (2017)
17. Simanjuntak, T.P, Mochammad Hatta, Sirait, R.H., et al. Analysis Concentration of
Toxoplasma gondii on Anti-Toxoplasma IgG-IgM Antibody Levels, and the Outcomes
of Pregnancy in Mice Balb/c. Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 7, 281-289.
https://doi.org/10.4236/ojog.2017.73030 March (2017)
18. Robert Hotman Sirait, Mochammad Hatta, Muhammad Ramli, Tigor Peniel
Simanjuntak, Bambang Suprayogi, Andi Asadul Islam, Syafrie Kamsul Arief. The
Analysis of the Effective Systemic Lidocaine Dosage on the Expression of HMGB1
mRNA on Mice with Sterile Musculoskeletal Injury. Open Journal of Anesthesiology,
2017, 7, 35-41. http:// www.scirp.org/journal/ojanes. DOI: 10.4236/ojanes.2017.72004
February 27 , (2017)
19. Prihantono Prihantono, Mochammad Hatta, Daniel Sampepajung, Andi Asadul Islam,
Warsinggih Rahardjo, Haryasena Haryasena, William Hamdani, Berti Nelwan.
Association of Dual Specific Phosphatase 4 (DUSP4) Expression and Anthracycline-
Based Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Response in Breast Cancer. International Journal
of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 31, No 3, pp 125-133.
20. Prihantono Prihantono, Daniel Sampepajung, Andi Asadul Islam, Mochammad Hatta,
Warsinggih Rahardjo, Christian Binekada, Eddy Herman Tanggo. Profile of mRNA
Expression of Ki-67 in Breast Cancer Patients Pre- and Post- Chemotherapy. American
J Clin Experimental Medicine. Pages: 10-14 Published Online: Jan. 19, (2017)
21. Farida Tabri, Mochammad Hatta, Khaeruddin Djawad, Siswanto Wahab, Ilhamjaya
Patellongi. The Relationship Between Serum Level of Interleukin-10 and State of the
Disease with Atopic Dermatitis and Helminth in Children. International J
Immunology. Pages: 73-77 Published Online: Jan. 19, (2017)
22. Marni Karo, Wa Ode Salma, Emma Kamelia, Ilhamjaya Patellogi,, Rosdiana Natzir,
Maria Bintang, Mochammad Hatta. Effects of ethanolic extract of Miana (Coleus
scutellariodes [L] Benth) leaf on IgM profile in Balb/c mice with systemic of
vulvovaginal candidiasis. Der Pharmacia Lettre, 9 (1): 6-11 (2017)
23. Fias, Mochammad Hatta, Andi Asadul Islam, Rahmawati Minhajat, Maryunis
Maryunis. Detection Salmonella Typhi RNA from Suspect Typhoid using Reverse
Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction. International Journal of Sciences: Basic
and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 31, No 2, pp 99-107 (2017)
24. Prihantono Prihantono, Mochammad Hatta, Daniel Sampepajung, Andi Asadul Islam,
Warsinggih Rahardjo, William Hamdani, Burhanuddin Bahar, Eddy Herman Tanggo,
Upik Anderiani Miskad Correlation of Baseline BCL-2 mRNA Expression and Clinical
Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy in Breast Cancer. International Journal of
Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 31, No 1, pp 157-164 (2017).
25. International Typhoid Consortium, Vanessa K. Wong […], Mochammad Hatta, […],
Gordon Dougan. An extended genotyping framework for Salmonella enterica serovar
Typhi, the cause of human typhoid. Nature Communication. 7, Article number: 12827
(2016) doi: 0.1038/ncomms12827. On line 05 October (2016)
26. International Typhoid Consortium, Vanessa K. Wong, Stephen Baker, […].
Mochammad Hatta, […], Gordon Dougan. Molecular Surveillance Identifies Multiple
Transmissions of Typhoid in West Africa. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.
DOI:10.1371/journal.pntd.0004781 September 22, (2016)
27. Marni Br Karo, Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Tigor Peniel Simanjuntak,
Mochammad Hatta. Effects of Herbal Plants on Candidiasis Vulvovaginalis Therapy.
American Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 65-68.doi:
10.11648/j.ajlm.201601 03.14 (2016)
28. Annisa, Mochammad Hatta, Rosdiana Natzir, Gatot S Lawrence. Expression Analysis
of mRNA Interleukin-8 and (mRNA) Monocytes Chemo Attracting Protein-1 (mRNA
MCP-1) in Bruise Age Determination. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and
Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 29, No 3, pp 196-201(2016)
29. Helda Nouvy Warouw, Suryani As'ad, Mochammad Hatta, Veni Hadju. The Effect of
Snack Head Fish Extract Supplements to the Enhancement of Nutritional Status, Levels
of Albumin, Hemoglobin and Levels of CD4 on Pregnant Women with HIV AIDS Who
Acquire Antiretroviral Therapy in Papua. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and
Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 30, No 4, pp 384-397(2016)
30. Marni Br Karo, Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Tigor Peniel Simanjuntak,
Mochammad Hatta. Effects of Herbal Plants on Candidiasis Vulvovaginalis Therapy.
American Journal of Laboratory Medicine. Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 65-68.doi:
10.11648/j.ajlm.201601 03.14 (2016)
31. Jacob Manuputty, Irawan Yusuf, Suryani As’ad, Mochammad Hatta. Factors
Associated with UKDI Score amongst Medical Student in Indonesia. American Journal
of Educational Research. Vol. 4, No. 19, , pp 1307-1310. doi: 10.12691/education-4-
19- 5. (2016)
32. Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Marni Br Karo, Mochammad Hatta. Neurogenesis and
brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in herbal. Int J Res Med Sci. 2016; 4(11):
4654-4658. doi: 10.18203/2320-6012.ijrms 20163757therapy (2016)
33. Wahyu Hendrarti, Rosdiana Natzir, Rizalinda Sjahril, and Mochammad Hatta.
Antimicrobial Resistance in Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi mediated by efflux
pump in Makassar Sulawesi Selatan. Journal of Chemical and Pharmaceutical
Research, 8(8):1203-1206 (2016)
34. Sandra Alba, Mirjam I Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Pauline FD Scheelbeek, Ressy
Dwiyanti, Romi Usman, Andi R Sultan, Muhammad Sabir, Nataniel Tandirogang,
Masyhudi Amir Yadi Yasir, Rob Pastoor, Stella van Beers, Henk L Smits. Risk factors
of typhoid infection in the Indonesian archipelago. PLOS One. 9;11(6):e0155286. doi:
10.1371/journal.pone.015528 (2016)
35. Frans Manangsang, Arsunan A. A, Mochammad Hatta, Andi Armyn Nurdin. Behavior
Model Analysis and Risk Factors of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Transmission of Honai
Residents in Wamena, Jayawijaya District, Papua. International Journal of Sciences:
Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 30, No 3, pp 209-221 (2016)
36. Elizabeth Catherine Jusuf, Mochammad Hatta, Nusratuddin Abdullah, Jayalangkara
Tanra. Relationship between Beta Estrogen Receptor Polymorphism and Psychosocial
Stress on Menopausal. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
Research (IJSBAR). Volume 29, No 1, pp 104-111 (2016)
37. Marni Karo, Wa Ode Salma, Emma K, Maria B, Mochammad Hatta. Determination of
OD Value and CFU Dilution for Modeling the Infection of Vulvo vaginal Candidiasis
on Experimental Mice. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied
Research (IJSBAR). Volume 28, No 2, pp 233-242 (2016)
38. Emma Kamelia, Hadiyat Miko, Marni Br Karo, Sinar Pertiwi, Cahyono Kaelan,
Andi Asadul Islam, Mochammad Hatta. Beta Amyloid Peptide Role in Animal
Modeling Trial of Alzheimer's Disease. International Journal of Sciences: Basic
and Applied Research (IJSBAR). Volume 28, No 2, pp 90-99 (2016)
39. Hafsah Katu, Sumintarti Sumintarti, Indya Kirana Mattulada, Rasmidar Samad,
Mochammad Hatta, Suryani As’ad. Inhibitory Concentration and Minimum Contact
Time Gambir Extract (Uncaria gambier Roxb) Against Bacterial Growth Enterococcus
faecalis. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR).
Vol.27, No 3, 239-246 (2016)
40. Heber Bombang Sapan, Idrus Paturusi, Irawan Jusuf, Ilhamjaya Patellongi, Muh
Nasrum Massi, Aryono, Syafrie K Arief, Ibrahim Labeda,, Andi Asadul Islam, Leo
Rendy and Mochammad Hatta. Pattern of cytokine (IL-6 and IL-10) level as
inflammation and anti- inflammation mediator of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome
(MODS) in polytrauma International J Burn Trauma; 6(2):37-43 (2016).
41. Lenni Indriani, Mochammad Dharmautama, Edy Machmud, Muhammad Natsir Djide,
Mochammad Hatta. Effect of Roselle Extract in Expression of Matrix Metallo
Proteinase - 8 (MMP-8) in Gingival Creviculer Fluid (GCF). American Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Volume 4, Issue 3, Pages: 56-62. (2016)
42. Yuliana Syam, Andi Nilawati Usman, Rosdiana Natzir, Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo,
Mochammad Hatta, Elly L Sjattar, Ariyanti Saleh, Mukhtar Sa’naNutrition and pH of
Trigona Honey from Masamba, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Journal of
Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR) Volume 27, No 1, pp 32-36.. (2016)
43. Yuliana Syam, Rosdiana Natsir, Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo, Andi Nilawati Usman, Ressy
Dwiyanti, Mochammad Hatta. Effect of Trigona Honey to mRNA Expression of
Interleukin-6 on Salmonella Typhi Induced of BALB/c. American Journal of
Microbiological Research. Vol. 4, No. 3, 77-80. DOI:10.12691/ajmr-4-3-2. (2016)
44. Andi Nilawati Usman, Mochammad Hatta, Rosdiana Natsir,Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo,
Yuyun Widaningsih, Yuliana Syam, Ainurrafiq, Hariati Lestari,, Hartati Baha. Trigona
Honey, a Natural Bee Product Promotes mRNA Foxp3 Expression in Healthy in Mice
Balb/c Strain. International Journal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research
(IJSBAR) Volume 27, No 1, pp 167-173. (2016)
45. Andi Nilawati Usman,Yuliana Syam, Rosdiana Natzir, Sutji Pratiwi,Rahardjo,
Mochammad Hatta, Ressy Dwiyanti, Yuyun Widaningsih, Ainurafiq, Prihantono. The
Effect of Giving Trigona Honey and Honey Propolis Trigona to the mRNA Foxp3
Expression in Mice Balb/c Strain Induced by Salmonella Typhi. American Journal of
Biomedical Research., Vol. 4, No. 2, 42-45. DOI:10.12691/ajbr-4-2-3 (2016)
46. Syarif Ibrahim,Rosdiana Natzir, Andi Asadul Islam,Tjakra Manuaba, A. Benyamin
Fachruddin, Burhanuddin Bahar,William Hamdani, Husni Cangara, Mochammad
Hatta. Correlation Between GATA-3, Ki67 and p53 Expressions to Histopathology
Grading of Breast Cancer in Makassar, Indonesia. Cancer Research Journal.; 4(3): 43-
47.doi: 10.11648/j.crj. 20160403.1.1 (2016)
47. Berti Nelwan, Ilhamjaya Pattelongi, Muhammad Nasrum Massi, Tjakra Manuaba,
Cahyono Kaelan, Suryani As’ad,Johanna Kandouw, Syarifuddin Wahid, Mochammad
Hatta. Relationship Between Estrogen Receptor Co-regulators and Histological Grade
in Estrogen-Dependent Invasive Breast Cancer. American Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine.Volume 4, Issue 3, pages: 34-42. DOI: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20160
403.11, May (2016 ).
48. Vanessa K. Wong, Stephen Baker, Derek Pickard […], Mochammad Hatta, [.. ],
Gordon Dougan. Phylogeographic analysis of the dominant multidrug resistant H58
clade of Salmonella Typhi identifies unappreciated inter-and intra-continental
transmission events. Nature Genetics. Vol. 47, No.6; vol 47, no.6: 632-6390, published
online 11 May 2015; doi:10.1038/ ng. 3281 (2015)
49. Yusriani Mangarengi, Ressy Dwiyanti, Nataniel Tandirogang, Muhammad Sabir,
Rosdiana Natzir, Mochammad Hatta, Yadi. Evaluation of Dri-Dot OMPs Salmonella
Typhi in Suspected Typhoid Fever Patients as an Immunodiagnostic Kit. American
Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences. 3(4): 87-90. Published onlineAugust 11,
2015 (http://www. science publishinggroup. com/j/ajbls) .doi:
10.11648/j.ajbls.20150304.14 (2015)
50. Sesilia Rante Pakadang, Chatarina Umbul Wahjuni, Hari Basuki Notobroto, Dwi
Winarni, Ressy Dwiyanti, Yadi, Muhammad Sabir, Mochammad Hatta.
Immunomodulator Potential of Miana Leaves (Coleus scutellarioides (L) Benth) in
Prevention of Tuberculosis Infection. American Journal of Microbiological Research,
2015, Vol. 3, No. 4, 129-134 Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajmr/3/4/2.
DOI:10.12691 /ajmr-3-4-2 (2015)
51. Arif Risdianto Karim, Muh Dali Amiruddin,Farida Tabri,, R. Satriono,, Mochammad
Hatta, Marianti Manggau. The Analysis of the Mycobacterium leprae Resistance
Against Ofloxacin After the Rifampicin Ofloxacin Minocycline (ROM) Therapy.
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine 2015; 3(4): 167-171.
Published online June 20, 2015 (http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajcem). doi:
10.11648/ j.ajcem.20150304.17 (2015)
52. Arthur Elia Mongan, Irawan Yusuf, Isra Wahid, Mochammad Hatta. The Evaluation
on Molecular Techniques of Reverse Transcription Loop-Mediated Isothermal
Amplification (RT-LAMP), Reverse Transcription Polymerase Chain Reaction (RT-
PCR), and Their Diagnostic Results on MinIONTM Nanopore Sequencer for the
Detection of Dengue Virus Serotypes. American Journal of Microbiological Research,
Vol. 3, No. 3, 118-124. Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ajmr/3/3/4. doi:10.
12691/ajmr-3-3-4. (2015)
53. Nataniel Tandirogang, Yadi Yasir, M. Sabir, Masyhudi Amir, Mochammad Hatta.
Distribution Flagellin Gene Variants of Salmonella Typhi in Patients with Typhoid
Fever in West Kutai, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. American Journal of Biomedical
and Life Sciences. 3(5): 98-103. doi: 10.11648/j.ajbls.20150305.12. Published online
October 12, (2015) available o n line at http://www.sciencepublishinggroup.com/j/ajbls
54. Jimmy Panelewen, Aryono Djuned Pusponegoro, Ibrahim Labeda, Andi Asadul Islam,
Mochammad Hatta. Analysis of expression of mRNA Matrix Metalloproteinase
(MMP)-8 gene and Tissue Inhibitors of Metalloproteinase (MMP)-1 in Intraperitoneal
Adhesion after Usage of Hyaluronate acid- Carboxymethylcellulose (HA-CMC) or
Virgin Coconut Oil (VCO). American Journal of Medical and Biological Research,
Vol. 3, No. 4, 113-116. Available online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ ajmbr/3/4/ 6.
doi:10.12691/ajmbr-3-4-6 (2015)
55. Victor Pontoh, Daniel Sampepajung, Andi Asadul Islam, Mochammad Hatta. Profile
of mRNA Expression of IL-6 and IL-10 in Breast Cancer Patients with or Without
Chemotherapy. American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. Vol. 3, No.
3, 2015, pp. 99-104. doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.20150303.15 (2015).
56. Lukman M, Muhammad Rusdi, Mochammad Hatta, Latifah Rahman, Subehan,
Marianti A.Manggau. Anti proliferation activity of Nanoencapsulated Bioadhensive
vaginal gel of isolated active compound (BV103) from Boehmeria virgata (Forst) Guill
leaves against human cancer cervix HeLa cells. International Journal of Pharma
Sciences and Research (IJPSR). Vol 6 No 05: 836-839, May (2015).
57. Irene E.Rieuwpassa, Ressy Dwiyanti, Yadi Yasir, Muhammad Sabir, Mochammad
Hatta. Topoisomerases II Mutations in Ciprofloxacin-resistant Clinical Isolates of
Pseudomonas aeruginosa in Makassar, Indonesia. American Journal of Infectious
Diseases and Microbiology, Vol. 3, No. 3, 91-94. DOI:10.12691/ajidm-3-3-1. (2015)
58. Cut Muthiadin, Rosdiana Natsir,, Rosana Agus, Muhammad Nasrum, Ressy Dwiyanti,
Muhammad Sabir, Yadi Yasir, Mochammad Hatta. Identification and Characterization
of Antigenic 36 Kda Outer Membrane Protein (OMP) of Salmonella enterica serovar
Typhi (S.typhi) from Makassar, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. American Journal of
Biomedical Research, vol. 3, No. 1, 9-12. online at http://pubs.sciepub.com/ ajbr/3/1/3.
DOI:10.12691/ajbr-3-1-3. (2015)
59. Ressy Dwiyanti, Yadi Yasir, Muhammad Sabir, Rosdiana Natzir, Sutji Pratiwi
Rahardjo, Nur Indah Purnamasari, Juhri Saning, Mochammad Hatta.Titer IgG anti-
flagellum Antibody and Flagellin Gene Variants of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi
as Risk Factor for Typhoid Fever Carriers. American Journal of Infectious Diseases
and Microbiology, 2015, Vol. 3, No. 2, 65-69. DOI:10.12691/ajidm-3-2-1
60. Yadi Yasir, Ressy Dwiyanti, Muhammad Sabir, Andini Febrianty, Ahmad Adhyka, Nur
Indah Purnamasari, Muhammad Reza Primaguna,Nataniel Tandirogang, Masyhudi
Amir, Syamsu Rijal, Rosdiana Natzir, Sutji Pratiwi Rahardjo, Mochammad Hatta.
Monitoring microbiological response to antituberculosis therapy by Real-Time PCR.
American Journal of Clinical and Experimental Medicine. 2015; 3(1): 1-5. doi:
10.11648/ j.ajcem.20150301.11
61. Martha Kaihena. Syamsu, Yadi Yasir, Mochammad Hatta. The Effect of the
Petroleum Ether Extracts from Mangosteen Pericarp (Garcinia mangostana L.) on
Interferon-gamma and, Interleukin-12 Activities in Albino Wistar Rats (Rattus
norvegicus) Infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis. American Journal of
Microbiological Research, 2015,
Vol. 3, No. 1, 8-13. DOI:10.12691/ajmr-3-1-2
62. Lucia Winata Muslimin, Abdul Wahid Jamaluddin, Ressy Dwiyanti, Mochammad
Hatta. Antimicrobial inhibition on zoonotic bacterial Escherichia coli O157: H7 as a
cause of food borne disease. American Journal of Biomedical and Life Sciences. 2014;
2(6): 163-166. Published online January 07, 2015. doi: 10.11648/j.ajbls.20140206.15
63. Asmawati Amin, Bahruddin Thalib, Mochammad Hatta. The Analysis Mutation of the
CARD15 Gene Variants in Chronic Periodontitis. American Journal of Clinical and
Experimental Medicine. Vol. 2, No. 6, , pp. 117-122.(2014) doi: 10.11648/j.ajcem.2014
64. Muhammad Sabir, Ressy Dwiyanti, Andini Febrianty, Nataniel Tandirogang,Yadi
Yasir, Masyhudi Amir, Andi R Sultan, Nur Indah Purnamasari, Muhammad Reza
Primaguna, Munawir Muhammad, Mochammad Hatta. Relationships between
Flagellin Genes Variants of Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi and Severity of Illness
from Acute and Carriers State of Typhoid Fever. American Journal of Infectious
Diseases and Microbiology Vol. 2, No. 4, 74-80 (2014). DOI: 10.12691/ajidm-2-4-1.
65. Pauline FD Scheelbeek, Aleid JG Wirix, Mochammad Hatta, Romi Usman, Mirjam I
Bakker. Risk factors for poor tuberculosis treatment outcomes in Makassar, Indonesia.
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health. Vol 45 No. 4 page 853-858 (July 2014).
66. Mochammad Hatta, Andi Rofian Sultan, Ressy Dwiyanti, Muhammad Sabir, Andini
Febrianty, Ahmad Adhyka, Nur Indah Purnamasari, Muhammad Reza Primaguna, Juhri
Saning, Yusriani Mangarengi, Munawir Muhammad, Nataniel Tandirogang, Yadi Yasir,
Masyhudi Amir. The Reproducibility of the Multiplex RAPD-PCR assay in Genotyping
of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates from Sulawesi, Indonesia. American Journal of
Clinical and Experimental Medicine (AJCEM) 2014. Vol. 2, No. 2,:page 14-21. DOI:
10.11648/j.ajcem.20140202.(12 March 2014).
67. Mochammad Hatta, Ratnawati, Motoko Tanaka, Jun Ito, Toshiro Shirakawa, Masato
Kawabata. NRAMP1/SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms and host susceptibility to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and leprae in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Abstract Book
IDEAL 2008-2013. Design & Realization Senseys, Woubrugge, NL. Print Drunkkerij
De Bink, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2013, hal 34.
68. Mochammad Hatta, Makino M., Ratnawati, Mashudi, Yadi, Sabir M., Tandirogang N.,
Rusyati L.M.M., Kai M., Fukutomi Y., Miyamoto Y., Mukai T., Maeda Y. Detection of
serum antibodies to M. leprae Major Membrane Protein-II in leprosy patients from
Indonesia. Abstract Book IDEAL 2008-2013. Design & Realization Senseys,
Woubrugge, NL. Print Drunkkerij De Bink, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2013, hal 29.
69. Anand Iyer, Marco van Eijk, Eliane Silva, Mochammad Hatta, William Faber,
M.F.G. Aerts, Pranab Kumar Das. Increased chitotriosidase activity in serum of leprosy
patients: Association with bacillary leprosy. Abstract Book IDEAL 2008-2013. Design
& Realization Senseys, Woubrugge, NL. Print Drunkkerij De Bink, Leiden, The
Netherlands, 2013, hal 29.
70. Muflihanah, Mochammad Hatta, Ente Rood, Pauline Scheelbeek, Theresia H. Abdoel,
Henk L. Smits. High Seroprevalence of Brucella abortus biovar 1 Genotypes and
Reproductive Failure of Cattle in South-Sulawesi, Indonesia. BMC Veterinary
Research. UK (IF=1,86). vol 9 (1): 233. doi:10.1186/1746-6148-9-233, (26 November
71. Mochammad Hatta and Andi R Sultan. Main Issues Behind our Ongoing Failure
against Tuberculosis. Editorial. Journal Mycobacterial Diseases. vol 4, Isssue 2. e125.
doi: 10.4172/2181-1088.1000e125. December 15, (2013)
72. Asaad Maidin, Agnes Lidjaja, Mochammad Hatta. Random Amplified Polymorphic
DNA Analysis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates Resistant to Isoniazid in
Indonesia. Journal of Tuberculosis Research (JTR). Vol.1, No.2, 10-13.
http://dx.doi.org/10.4236/jtr.2013.12003 September (2013)
73. Latre Buntaran, Mochammad Hatta, Andi R. Sultan, Ressy Dwiyanti, Muhammad
Sabir. Sccmec type II gene is common among clinical isolates of Methicillin-resistant
Staphylococcus aureus in Jakarta , Indonesia. BMC Research Notes, 6:110
doi:10.1186/1756-0500-6-110, 23 March (2013).
74. Mochammad Hatta, R. Pastoor, Pauline FD Scheelbeck, A.R. Sultan, Ressy Dwiyanti,
Ibrahim Labeda, H.L. Smits. Multi-Locus Variable-Number Tandem Repeat Profiling of
Salmonella enterica Serovar Typhi Isolates from Blood Cultures and Gallbladder
Specimens from Makassar, South-Sulawesi, Indonesia. PloS ONE (Public Library of
Science ONE). Vol 6 (9): e24983, 1-11, September 15 (2011)
75. Mochammad Hatta, Andi Rofian Sultan, Rob Pastoor, Henk L Smits. New Flagellin
Gene for Salmonella enterica subspecies enterica serovar Typhi from the East
Indonesian Archipelago. American Journal Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. Vol 84:
429-434 (2011)
76. Mustafa, H, Mochammad Hatta. Analysis polymorphism of nucleotide binding
oligomerization domain 2 (NOD2) gene locus exon 4 802 on leprosy patients in
Makassar. 7th European Congress on Tropical Medicine and International Health. 03-06
October 2011, Barcelona. Tropical Medicine & International Health. 16. Supplement
1:188, [Abstract No. 1.3-074], 3 OCT 2011 | DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-3156.2011.02857.x.
October (2011).
77. Mochammad Hatta, Andi Rofian Sultan, Nataniel Tandirogang, Masjudi and Yadi.
Detection and identification of mycobacterium in sputum from suspected tuberculosis
patients. BMC Research Notes, vol. 3: 72 (2010).
78. Mochammad Hatta, Ratnawati, Motoko Tanaka, Jun Ito, Toshiro Shirakawa, Masato
Kawabata. NRAMP1/SLC11A1 gene polymorphisms and host susceptibility to
Mycobacterium tuberculosis and leprae in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Southeast Asian
J. Trop Med Public Health. Vol. 41 No. 2 : 1-9 (2010) .
79. Mochammad Hatta, Makino M., Ratnawati, Mashudi, Yadi, Sabir M., Tandirogang
N., Rusyati L.M.M., Kai M., Fukutomi Y., Miyamoto Y., Mukai T., Maeda Y.
Detection of serum antibodies to M. leprae Major Membrane Protein-II in leprosy
patients from Indonesia. Leprosy Review. Vol 80:402-209 (2009).
80. Mochammad Hatta, Mirjam Baker, Stella van Beer, Theresia H Abdoel, Henk L
Smits. Risk factors for clnical typhoid fever in villages in Rural South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. International Journal of Tropical Medicine. Vol 4 (3): 91-99, (2009)
81. Anand Iyer, Marco van Eijk, Eliane Silva, Mochammad Hatta, William Faber,
Johannes M.F.G. Aerts, Pranab Kumar Das. Increased chitotriosi dase activity in serum
of leprosy patients: Association with bacillary leprosy. Clinical Immunology Jun;131(3):
501-9 (2009).
82. Mochammad Hatta and Ratnawati. Enteric fever in endemic areas of Indonesia: an
increasing problem of resistance. J. Infection Developing Countries (JIDC). Vol 2(4);
298-301 (2008)
83. Ratnawati, Mochammad Hatta, Henk L. Smits. Point-of-care testing for malaria
outbreak management. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and
Hygiene. Vol 102:issue 7; 699-704 (2008).
84. Ratnawati, Mochammad Hatta, Henk L. Smits. Point-of-care testing for malaria
outbreak management. WHO Malaria RDT Web Reviews. Review Coordinator
Summary: Final. Paper code: 1/09 (2008)
85. Mochammad Hatta. Antibody response in typhoid fever in endemic Indonesia and
relevance of serology and culture to diagnosis. www.slidesonline.org. In slide pdf (2008).
86. Rob Pastoor, Mochammad Hatta, Theresia H. Abdoel, Henk L. Smits. Simple, rapid
and affordable point-of-care test for the serodiagnosis of typhoid fever. J. Diagnostic
Microbiology and Infectious Disease. 61; 129-134 (2008).
87. AA Suryanto, Jacques van den Broek, Mochammad Hatta, Richard de Soldenhoff, MJ
van der Werf. Recurrence of tuberculosis in patients treated with single-dose drugs in
Combi-packs and fixed-dose combination (4FDC) drugs in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease, vol 12 (2) :174-179
88. Mochammad Hatta and Henk L Smits. Detection of Salmonella typhi by nested
Polymerase Chain Reaction in blood, urine and stool samples. American J. Tropical
Medicine Hygiene.vol : 76 : hal 139-143 (2007).
89. Nurhayana, Nur Afiah, Mochammad Hatta, Mansyur Arif, Ibrahim Abd Samad,
Ruland DN Pakasi, Baharuddin Bahar, Benny Rusli, Harjoeno. Detection of
Mycobacterium tuberculosis from sputum and lymph node aspiration by microscopic
and rapid ICT test compared with PCR test on suspected TB patients. The Malaysian J.
Pathology, vol 29: 148 (2007)
90. Anand Iyer, Mochammad Hatta, Romi Usman, Silvia Luiter, Linda Oskam, William
Faber, Geluk A, PK Das. Serum levels of IFN-gamma, TNF-alpha, soluble IL-6R and
soluble cell activation markers for monitoring response to treatment of leprosy
reactions. Clinical and Experimental Immunology, British Society for Immunology,
London,UK. Blackwell publishing, vol 150 : 210 -216 (2007)
91. Oskam L & Bakker M on behalf of the workshop Participants (M Bakker; W van
Brakel; S.Buhrer; E.Declercq ; JW.Dogger; A.Engelhard; W.Faber; P. Feenstra P.Fine;
E.Fischer; Mochammad Hatta; Hernani ; B.Ji ;E van Kan; H.Moet;H deNeeling;L
Oskam;D Pahan;E Post; JH Richardus; R Schuring; C Smith;J Velema. R Verstappen).
Report of the workshop on the use of chemoprophylaxis in the control of leprosy held
in Amsterdam, the Netherlands on 14 December 2006. Leprosy Review. 78, 173–185
92. Theresia H. Abdoel, Rob Pastoor, Henk L. Smits, Mochammad Hatta, Laboratory
evaluation of a simple and rapid latex agglutination assay for the serodiagnosis of
typhoid fever. Transactions of the Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
vol. 101 (10), 1032-1038 (2007).
93. Tetsuo Takata, Toshiro Shirakawa, Jun Ito, Asako Okamoto, Muh Nasrum Massi,
Shohiro Kinoshita, Mochammad Hatta , Masato Kawabata, SCCmec typing and
detection of VISA-related genes in methicilline-resistant Staphylocccus aureus clinical
strains from Kobe University Hospital, Japan. The Southeast Asian Journal of
Tropical Medicine and Public Health. vol 37 : 6, hal 1-7 (2006).
94. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Petra van Mosseveld, William
R Faber, Paul R. Klatser, Linda Oskam. Risk factors for developing leprosy – a
population based cohort study in Indonesia. Leprosy Review,77 ; 48-61 (2006).
95. Mirjam I. Bakker, Linda May, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Paul R. Klatser,
Linda Oskam, Jeanine J. Houwing-Duistermaat. Genetic, household and spatial
clustering of leprosy in an island population in Indonesia : a population-based study.
BMC Medical Genetics,6.40;1-10 (2005).
96. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Birgitt H.B.van Benthem,
Stella M van Beers, Paul R. Klatser, Linda Oskam. Prevention of leprosy using
rifampicin as chemoprophylaxis. American J. Trop Med.& Hyg. vol 73 (4) : 443-448
97. Muhammad Nasrum Massi, Toshiro Shirakawa, Akinobu Gotoh, Mochammad Hatta,
Masato Kawabata. Identification and sequencing of isolates of Salmonella enterica
serotype typhi obtained from patients with perforation and non-perforation typhoid
fever. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. vol 36, hal
118-122 (2005).
98. Muh. Nasrum Massi, Toshiro Shirakawa, Akinobu Gotoh, Acharya Bishu,
Mochammad Hatta, Masato Kawabata. Quantitative detection of Salmonella typhi
from blood of suspect typhoid fever by Real-time PCR. International J. Medical
Microbiology. vol 295, hal 117-120 (2005).
99. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, William R. Faber, Stella M
van Beers, Paul R. Klatser, Linda Oskam. A population survey to determine risk factors
for leprosy transmission and infection. International Journal of Epidemiology
(London,UK). 33: hal. 1329-1336 (2004) .
100. Mochammad Hatta. Present situation of leprosy in Indonesia and future prospects:
Molecular and seroepidemiological study of leprosy in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Epidemiology of leprosy and socio-legal problems. Asian Pacific Education (APE)
Press Limited. England, hal 11-18 (2004)
101. Muh. Nasrum Massi, Toshiro Shirakawa, Akinobu Gotoh, Acharya Bishnu,
Mochammad Hatta, Masato Kawabata. Rapid diagnosis of typhoid fever by PCR
assay using one pair of primers from flagellin gene of Salmonella typhi. Journal
Infection and Chemotherapy vol 9, no.3, hal 233-237, (2003).
102. Mochammad Hatta. Epidemiology of leprosy : Molecular Biological and
immunological approach. Advance Experiment in Medical Biology. Kluwer
Academic Press / Plenum Publishers, New York . London . Dordrecht . Boston .
Moscow, vol 531 : hal 269-278, (2003)
103. Mochammad Hatta, Mubin Halim, Theresia Abdoel, Henk L. Smits. Antibody
response in typhoid fever in endemic Indonesia and relevance of serology and culture to
diagnosis. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public Health. vol 33
no, 4, hal 182- 191 (2002)
104. Mirjam Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Paul Klatser, Linda Oskam.
Epidemiology of leprosy on five isolated islands in the Flores sea, Indonesia. Tropical
Medicine & International Health. vol 7, no 9, hal 780-787 (2002).
105. Mochammad Hatta, Marga D.A Goris, Evy Heerkens, George C Gussenhoven, Jairo
Goosken, Henk L Smits. Simple dipstick assay for the detection of Salmonellla typhi-
specific immunoglobulin M antibodies and the evolution of the immune response in
patients with typhoid fever American J. Tropical Medicine and Hygiene. vol 66, no,4,
hal 416-421 (2002).
106. Mirjam Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Paul Klatser, Linda Oskam. Agnes Kweenang.
Screening and evaluation of prophylactic treatment for contact in leprosy hyperendemic
area. International J. Leprosy. vol. 69, no. 2, S211, hal 340 (2001)
107. S. Izumi, T. Budiawan, K. Saeki, M. Matsuoka, Mochammad Hatta. Serology and
PCR as applied to the epidemiology and prevention of leprosy. International J.
Leprosy. vol. 69, no. 2, S114, hal 73 (2001)
108. Mochammad Hatta, Henk L Smits, George C Gusenhoven, Jairo Gooosken.
Introduction of a rapid dipstick assay for the detection of leptospira-specific
immunoglobulin M antibodies in laboratory diagnosis of leptospirosis in hospital in
Makassar, Indonesia. Southeast Asian Journal of Tropical Medicine and Public
Health. Vol 31, no 3, hal 515-520. September (2000).
109. Stella M. van Beers, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Seroprevalence rates of
antibodies to Phenolic Glycolipid-I among schoolchildren as an indicator of leprosy
endemic. International J. Leprosy. vol. 67, no. 3, hal 243-249, September (1999).
110. Stella M. van Beers, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Patient contact is the major
determinant in incident leprosy : Implications for future control. International J.
Leprosy. vol.67, no.2, hal 119-128, Juli, (1999).
111. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi, Masanori Matsuoka, Stella van Beers, Paul R
Klatser. The application of Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination (MLPA) test
and enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on distribution and persistence IgM
antibodies among individuals in leprosy endemic area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
International J. Leprosy, vol 66, no. 4, hal 95A, Desember (1998).
112. Richard de Soldenhoff, Mochammad Hatta, T Weling. Choosing the decolouriser and
its strength to stain Mycobacterium leprae. Does it actually matter. Leprosy Review. vol
69, no 2, hal 128-133, Juni (1998).
113. Mochammad Hatta, Stella M. van Beers, Baedah Madjid, Achmad Djumadi,
Madeleine Y.L. de Wit, Paul R Klatser: Distribution and persistence of Mycobacterium
leprae nasal carriage among a population in which leprosy is endemic in Indonesia on
Leprosy : Epidemiological studies of infection and disease. Dissertation by SM van
Beers (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Ponsen & Looijen, Wageningen, The
Netherlands, hal 77-84, Desember (1998).
114. Stella M. van Beers, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Patient contact is the major
determinant in incident leprosy : Implications for future control. Dissertation by SM
van Beers (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Ponsen & Looijen, Wageningen, The
Netherlands, hal 97-108, Desember (1998).
115. Stella M. van Beers, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Seroprevalence rates of
antibodies to Phenolic Glycolipid-I among school children as an indicator of leprosy
endemic. Dissertation by SM van Beers (Universiteit van Amsterdam). Ponsen &
Looijen, Wageningen, The Netherlands, hal 85-96, Desember (1998).
116. Shinzo Izumi, M. Matsuoka, Mochammad Hatta, K. Kawatsu. Detection of PGL-I and
LAMB-B antibodies among community in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Japanese J.
Leprosy. vol 65, no. 1, hal 49, (1997).
117. Shinzo Izumi, Matsuoka Masanori, Mochammad Hatta, Tanaka Mitsui, Kawaguchi
Sawaguchi. Molecular epidemiological study of leprosy in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Japanese J. Leprosy. vol 66, no. 1, hal 49, Maret (1997).
118. Izumi S, Mochammad Hatta, Matsuoka M, Teky B, Kawatsu K. Epidemiological study
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499, Desember (1996),
119. Mochammad Hatta, Stella van Beers, Baedah Madjid, Achmad Djumadi, Madeleine
Y.L. de Wit, Paul R Klatser: Distribution and persistence of Mycobacterium leprae
nasal carriage among a population in which leprosy is endemic in Indonesia.
International J. Leprosy. vol. 64, hal 114-115, Maret (1996).
120. Shinzo Izumi,Mochammad Hatta, Masanori Matsuoka. Kunio Kawatsu. Detection of
PGL-I and LAM-B antibodies among community in South Sulawesi, Indonesia (in
Japanese). Japanese J. Leprosy. vol.65, No. 1, hal 50 , Maret (1996).
121. Shinzo Izumi, Mochammad Hatta, Kunio Kawatsu, Masanori Matsuoka :
Seroepidemilogical study of M. leprae infection in the inhabitants of endemic villages
in South Sulawesi,Indonesia.International J. Leprosy, vol. 63, no.4, hal 650, Desember
122. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi and Paul R Klatser. Evaluation of the
Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination test as tool in the epidemiology of leprosy
in high prevalence village in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. South-east Asia J. Tropical
Medicine and Hygiene, vol 26, no.4 hal 631-635, Desember (1995).
123. Mochammad Hatta. Antitumor mechanisms of Eubacterium lentum and Its
Components. Asian-Pasific J. Allergy and Immunology. vol 13, No. 2, hal. 129-137,
Desember (1995).
124. Mochammad Hatta, Stella van Beers, Baedah Madjid, Achmad Djumadi, Madeleine
Y.L. de Wit, Paul R Klatser: Distribution and persistence of Mycobacterium leprae
nasal carriage among a population in which leprosy is endemic in
Indonesia.Transaction Royal Society Tropical Medicine & Hygiene. (London). vol. 89,
hal 381-385 (1995).
125. Mochammad Hatta, et al. Antitumor activity of Eubacterium lentum (TYH-11) and Its
effective Components. Japanese J. Bacteriology. vol.46 , hal 396 (1991).
126. Mochammad Hatta, et al . Antitumor activity of Eubacterium lentum (TYH-11) and
Its effect of fractionation. Japanese J. Bacteriology. vol 46 , hal 670-671 (1991).
127. Sakamoto, K ; Yamamoto, K; Mochammad Hatta. Shimada, K; Konishi, K : Study
of antitumor activity of intestinal micro flora : Effects of Eubacterium lentum (TYH-11)
on Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte (CTL) activity.Japanese J. Bacteriology. vol 45, hal 764


128. Mochammad Hatta and Andi R Sultan. Chapter 9. Diagnosis evaluation of

tuberculosis in Tuberculosis-Current Issues in Diagnosis and Management. ISBN
978-953-51- 1049-1, edited by: Bassam H Mahboud and Mayank G.Vats. Published :
InTech Open Science Open Minds. InTech Open Access Company, Croatia, Europe,
http://dx.doi.org/10.5772/56396; page 153-162 (20 March, 2013).
129. Maarten van Cleeff, Pierpaolo de Colombani, Alex Gatherer, Mirtha Del Granado,
Mochammad Hatta, et al (external review committee, expert) . Guideline for control of
tuberculosis in prisons. Tuberculosis Coalition for Technical Assistance and
International Committee of the Red Cross. The Global Health Bureau, Office of
Health, Infectious Disease and Nutrition (HIDN), US Agency for International
Development, financially
supports this document/ through TB CAP under the terms of Agreement No.GHS-A-00-
05-00019-00. (January 2009)
130. Mochammad Hatta. Present situation of leprosy in Indonesia and future prospect :
Molecular epidemiological and seroepidemiological study of leprosy in South
Sulawesi, Indonesia in Leprosy. ISBN : 974-92118-3-9 Edited by :Yoshiko
Kashihabara, Hajime Saito, Kunio Aoki, Published : Asia Pacific Education (APE)
Press Limited, England, hal : 11-18 (2004)


131. Siufui Hendrawan, Irawan Yusuf, Mochammad Hatta, Makbul Aman, Ilhamjaya
Patelongi, Andreas L Serra, Gatot Lawrence, Ursula Weber, Barlian Sutedja, Hans U
Baer. Allogeneic islet cells implant on Poly L Lactide matrix to reduce Hyperglycemia in
Streptozotocin-induced Diabetic Rat. Digital Poster Presentation World Pancreas
Forum 2017. Online:http://www.worldpancreasforum-
poster.ch/fileadmin/files/documents/pdfs- wpf-2017/ 111.pdf.
132. Cut Muthiadin, Hartina, St Aisyah S, Muhammad Khalifah Mustami, Isna Rasdianah
Aziz, Mochammad Hatta. Immunoreactivity of 36 kDa Outer Membrane Protein
(OMP) Antigen Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi as Candidate immunodiagnostic of
Typhoid Fever. 5th National and International Conference - "Research to Serve
Society" - Huachiew Chalermprakiet University. Huachiew Chalermprakiet University,
Bangphli District, Samutprakarn, Thailand, 26 May 2017 page: 88-94
133. Mochammad Hatta, Andi R Sultan, Ressy Dwiyanti, Muhammad Sabir, Musjaya Gali,
Nataniel Tandirogang, Yadi Yasir, Masyhudi Amir, Nur Indah Purnamasari, Henk L
Smits. Utility of serological test on diagnostic of typhoid fever. DAAD Summer School
Program IGHEP (Indonesia Germany Health Education Partnership) 2013.
Samarinda dan Bali, 17-27 November 2013. Samarinda dan Bali, 17-27 November 2013.
134. Mochammad Hatta, Andi R Sultan, Ressy Dwiyanti, Muhammad Sabir, Musjaya Gali,
Nataniel Tandirogang, Yadi Yasir, Masyhudi Amir, Nur Indah Purnamasari, Henk L.
Association of Severe Typhoid with Salmonella Enterica Serovar Typhi Genotypes
Harboring a Second Flagellin Gene. DAAD Summer School Program IGHEP
(Indonesia Germany Health Education Partnership) 2013. Samarinda dan Bali, 17-27
November 2013.
135. Mochammad Hatta. Molecular Biological aspects of Microbial Biodegradation on
human healthy. Scientific Seminar on The Workshop on anthropogenic pollution in
University of Skövde, Sweden. SIDA/Linnaeus-Palme programme. Skövde , 29- 30 May
2013. Page 11.
136. Mochammad Hatta. Genetic polymorphms and host susceptibility to typhoid fever in
the endemic area of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The Open Door Workshop : Working
with the Human Genome Sequence. Oxford University Clinical Research Unit
(OUCRU), Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 3- 6 December
2012, page 2.
137. Firzan Nainu, Graham W Burgess, Elly Wahyudin, Mochammad Hatta,Sartini, Rina
Agustina, Rochmat Himawan, Andi D Permana, Suryadi, Ferliem. Development of High
Resolution melting assay for detection of Flouroquinolone resistant strains of Salmonella
enteritica serovar Typhi. 5th International Seminar of Indonesia Society for
Microbiology.Manado, 20-222 September 2012, hal 70.
138. Mochammad Hatta amd Ressy Dwiyanti. . Evaluation of Rapid Diagnostic Test for
Malaria Outbreak Management in High Endemic Area, Indonesia. BITs 2nd Annual
World Congress of Microbes 2012 (WCM-2012). Guangzhou, China. July 30-August 1,
2012. SAP2-16.
139. Mochammad Hatta. Early diagnosis and molecular epidemiological study of S.typhi in
endemic areas, Indonesia. Conference “Bacterial Waterborne and Emerging Infectious
Diseases in North Africa and Middle East : Opportunity for Colaboration”. Department
of Health and Human Service, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases,
National Institute of Health (NIH), USA. Hilton Cyprus Hotel, Nicosia, Cyprus. 31
Januari- 3 Februari 2011, hal 48.
140. Mochammad Hatta. Increasing MDR S.typhi in Indonesia. International meeting
Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Genomics and Clinical Microbiology. Hinxton,
Cambridge, UK, 23-28 Januari 2011, hal 56
141. Mochammad Hatta and AR Sultan. Explorative study on epidemiology and prevention
of tuberculosis in isolated islands of Indonesia archipelago. 41st Union World
Conference on Lung Health. International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung
Disease. Berlin, Germany. 11-15 November 2010; hal 114
142. Mochammad Hatta and Henk L Smits. Diversity flagella variants and MDR of S.
enterica serovar Typhi in Indonesia archipelago. Conference “Bacterial Waterborne and
Emerging Infectious Diseases in North Africa and Middle East : Opportunity for
Colaboration”. Department of Health and Human Service, National Institute of Allergy
and Infectious Diseases, National Institute of Health (NIH), USA. Rabat, Morocco,
June 28- July 1, 2010, hal 23..
143. Mochammad Hatta. Cytokine related gene profiling and its relationship to soluble
cytokine level in human infectious diseases. Annual scientific meeting International
Center for Medical Research and Therapy. Kobe Univerrsity. Kobe, Japan, 30 March
2009. Hal 1-9
144. Mochammad Hatta. How diversity flagella variants of S. Typhi strains in Indonesia
Archipelago?. Wellcome Trust Advanced Course: Molecular Basis of Bacterial
Infection: Basic and Applied Research Approaches. Wellcome Trust Genome
Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, United Kingdom (UK), 11-17 May 2008. hal 12-13.
145. Mochammad Hatta. What tests are needed for enteric fever ?. Workshop on Recent
advances in diagnostic and management of enteric fever. India Habitat Center, New
Delhi, India. 20 November 2008. Hal 23-26
146. Mochammad Hatta. Cytokines therapy in viral infections. How the realistic
mechanisms ?. 1st World Summit of Antivirals (WSA-2008), Combating Severe Viral
Infections. Kunming&Tibet, China, 20-26 July 2008. hal 67-68
147. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Linda Oskam. Long term
Effects of Chemoprophylaxis. 17th International Leprosy Congress. Hyderabad,
India. 20 January-4 February 2008. hal111.
148. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Paul R. Klatser, Linda
Oskam. Prevention of leprosy using rifampicin as chemoprophylaxis:
results after 6 years follow-up. Workshop on chemoprophylaxis in leprosy control.
Royal Tropical Institute (KIT), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 14 Desember 2006.
149. Mirjam I. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Paul R. Klatser, Linda Oskam.
Prevention of leprosy using rifampicin as chemoprophylaxis:
results after 6 years follow-up. American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.
55th Annual Meeting. Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, Georgia, USA, 12-16
November 2006. hal 1064.
150. Abdul Karim, Harjoeno, Ibrahim Abd Samad, Mochammad Hatta. Analysis of culture,
resistance and Polymerase Chain Reaction tests of Salmonella typhi in children to
Typhoid fever at the Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital in Makassar, Indonesia.
International Conference on typhoid fever and other salmonellosis. hal 59-60. Guilin,
China. November ,12-14, 2005.
151. Daniel Sampepayung, W Hamdani, Haryasena, Mochammad Hatta. BRCA-1 gene
mutation of cancer patient and their relatives in Makassar, Indonesia. 1st International
scientific meeting of Indonesia Society of Surgical Oncology (ISSO) conjunction with
Word Federation of Surgical Oncology society (WFSOS). Hal 59, Jakarta, Maret 25-27,
152. Mochammad Hatta. Prevention of leprosy : chemoprophylactic?. Seminar Update
news about leprosy. World Leprosy Day. Manado, 4-5 Maret 2005
153. Abdul Karim, Ibrahim Abd Samad, Mochammad Hatta. Evaluation of culture and
PCR Salmonella typhi on children patients fever in Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo Hospital,
Makassar. Proceed. The 8th International Congress of Asian Society of Clinical
Pathology and Laboratorium Medicine. hal 91. Medan 29 November - 2 Desember
154. Anand Iyer, Romi Usman, Linda Oskam, William Faber, Tom Otternhoff,
Mochammad Hatta, Pranab Kumar Das. Serum Cytokines And Relevant Soluble Cell
Surface Markers In Leprosy Patients: Questionable Significance In The Diagnosis Of
The Disease State. Proceed Uniting Streams Symposium Research for better health in
Tropical Medicine and International Health. Amsterdam, 19 Mei 2004
155. Mochammad Hatta , Halim Mubin , Hardjoeno, Henk L Smits. Lepto dipstick, Lepto
latex and typhoid dipstick comparing these test simple data-results with hospital and
primary health care standard procedure diagnostic results in South Sulawesi, Indonesia.
Proceed The 1st International Congress of The Asian Society of Clinical Pathology &
Laboratory Medicine (ASCPALM), Medan,. 30 September- 3 Oktober 2004.
156. Mochammad Hatta. Leptospirosis. Symposium on Antimicrobial and Infectious
diseases and The First International courses on Tropical diseases. Makassar 26-28
Maret 2004.
157. Iyer A., Oskam L., Mochammad Hatta, Faber W., Ottenhoff T. and Das PK. Etiology
and diagnosis of reactions in leprosy. Poster presented at the Dutch Society for
Immunology (NVVI) Wintermeeting, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherlands; 18-19
December 2003.
158. Oskam L, Mochammad Hatta, Pranab Das, Anand Iyer, Tom Ottenhoff. Etiology,
diagnosis and treatment of reversal reactions in leprosy: a multidisciplinary approach
Scientific programme Indonesia-Netherlands (SPIN) & Open Science Meeting, BPPT
and KNAW, Jakarta 31 Agustus-2 September 2003
159. M. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, A. Kwenang, L. Oskam. Epidemiology of leprosy on
five isolated islands in Indonesia International Congress of Leprosy . San Paolo, Brazil
160. M. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, A. Kwenang, L. Oskam. Prevention of leprosy by
Chemoprophylactic treatment of contact. International Congress of Leprosy . San
Brazil 2001
161. M. Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, A. Kwenang, L. Oskam.The analysis of spatial
patterns of seropositivity of leprosy with Geographic information systems (GIS).
International Congress of Leprosy . San Paolo, Brazil 2001
162. Mochammad Hatta. Epidemiology of leprosy : Molecular Biological and
immunological approach. Second Eijkman Symposium. Bogor, 2-6 September 2001,
hal 51.
163. Mirjam Bakker, Mochammad Hatta, Agnes Kwenang, Paul Klatser, Linda Oskam.
Epidemiology of leprosy on five isolated islands in the Flores sea, Indonesia. Asian
Congress of Leprosy. Agra, India, 23-26 Agustus 2001, hal 36.
164. M. Nasrum Massi , Rizalinda, Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta. The relationship
between Mycobacterium leprae DNA from house dust and specific IgM antibody from
members of the houshold on community in leprosy endemic area of Indonesia. 3rd Asia
Pacific conference on Travel Health and 6th National Congress of Tropical and
Infectious diseases. Bali, 21-23 Juli 2001, hal 128.
165. Agnes Kwenang, M. Nasrum Massi, Mochammad Hatta. The influence of BCG
vaccination to serum MLPA titeer among schoolchildren in leprosy endemic area of
South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 3rd Asia Pacific conference on Travel Health and 6 th
National Congress of Tropical and Infectious diseases. Bali, 21-23 Juli 2001, hal 127.
166. Mochammad Hatta, Ohara Naoya, Yamada Takeshi. Effects of recombinant DNA
BCG vaccine and its transmissions of leprosy. 4th International Conference on
Emerging Infectious Diseases in the Pacific Rim, Madras, India, 7-9 Januari 2000.
167. A Halim Mubin, Hasyim Kasim, Mochammad Hatta. Lepto Dipstick test in healthy
people, fever patients and Weils's disease. 4th National Congress of the Indonesian
Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases and 3rd Joint
Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases Society of The
Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23 November 1998, hal 192.
168. Muhammad Nasrum Massi, Mochammad Hatta. Seroprevalensi antibodi IgM terhadap
antigen Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) Mycobacterium leprae dari mahasiswa
Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, 1998. 4th National Congress of the Indonesian
Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases and 3rd Joint
Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases Society of The
Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23 November 1998, hal 199.
169. Rizalinda, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil Polymease Chain Reaction (PCR)
dan pewarnaan tahan asam untuk mendeteksi Mycobacterium leprae pada penderita
Kusta. 4th National Congress of the Indonesian Society for the Study of Tropical
Medicine and Infectious Diseases and 3rd Joint Meeting of the Study of Tropical
Medicine and Infectious Diseases Society of The Netherlands and Flanders.
Semarang, 20-23 November 1998, hal 198.
170. Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta. Determination of the leprosy high risk by using
PCR, MLPA and CD4/CD8 cell subset techniques in the population within the leprosy
endemic area in South Sulawesi: A longitudinal study. 4th National Congress of the
Indonesian Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases and
3rd Joint Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases Society
of The Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23 November 1998, hal 196-197.
171. Mochammad Hatta. New simple method for diagnosis of leptospirosis. 4th National
Congress of the Indonesian Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious
Diseases and 3rd Joint Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious
Diseases Society of The Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23 November 1998,
hal 68.
172. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi, Masanori Matsuoka, Stella van Beers, Paul R
Klatser. The application of Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination (MLPA) test
and enzym linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) on distribution and persistence IgM
antibodies among individuals in leprosy endemic area, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 15th
International Leprosy Congress, Beijing, China, 7- 12 September 1998, hal 95.
173. Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Molecular Biology and Immunology approach for
diagnosis of leprosy in endemic area of Indonesia. 4th National Congress of the
Indonesian Society for the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases and
3rd Joint Meeting of the Study of Tropical Medicine and Infectious Diseases Society
of The Netherlands and Flanders. Semarang, 20-23 November 1998. hal 50.
174. Mochammad Hatta. Epidemioogical Research-immunology and the role of contact,
Diagnosis of infection or disease ? and Implication for early diagnosis. NSL Meeting
for leprosy research programme, Malino, 13-15 Oktober 1998, hal 1-10.
175. Stella M. van Beers, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser. Patient contact is the major
determinant in incident leprosy : Implications for future control. 15th International
Leprosy Congress, Beijing, China, 7-12 September 1998, hal 76.
176. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Henk L Smits. Evaluation Salmonella
Dipstick for detection IgM antibodies from suspect typhoid fever patients. Third Asia-
Pacific Symposium Typhoid fever and other Salmonellosis, Bali, 8-10 Desember 1997,
hal 96.
177. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Henk L Smits. New simple method for
detection Salmonella typhi infection on human. Third Asia-Pacific Symposium
Typhoid fever and other Salmonellosis, Bali, 8-10 Desember 1997, hal 82.
178. Mochammad Hatta. Mutation in the rpoB gene of Rifampicin resistant Mycobacterium
tuberculosis isolated from Ujung Pandang, Indonesia. 9th Annual Conference of
Australian Society for HIV Medicine, Adelaide, SA, Australia, 13-16 November 1997,
hal 121.
179. Mochammad Hatta. Characterization of the phenotype and target specificity of the
cytotoxic lymphocytes induces by Eubacterium lentum on tumor bearing rats. 5th West-
Pacific Allergy Symposium & 7th Korea-Japan Joint Allergy Symposium,
Seoul,Korea, 11-14 Juni 1997, hal 100.
180. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi. Present situation of leprosy in Indonesia and future
prospect : Molecular epidemiological and seroepidemiological study of leprosy in
South Sulawesi, Indonesia. International Scientific Meeting of International
Epidemiological Association. Nagoya, Japan, 27-30 Agustus 1996, hal 120.
181. Izumi S, Mochammad Hatta, Matsuoka M, Teky B, Kawatsu K. Epidemiological
study on M. leprae infection and distribution of M. leprae in the enviroment of highly
endemic area of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The United States-Japan Cooperative
Medical Science Program. Thirty-first Joint Conference on Tuberculosis and
Leprosy. Memorial Hall, Nagasaki, Japan 17-19 Juli 1996, hal 9-13
182. Mochammad Hatta : Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for detection
of DNA Mycobacterium leprae from swab on leprosy patient. Proceed International
Symposium Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Approaches on Ageing. Bandung,
20-21 September 1995, hal 19-20.
183. Mochammad Hatta, Idrus Paturusi, Chairuddin Lakare : Polymerase Chain Reaction
for detection of Mycobacterium leprae in peripheral nerve from leprosy patients.
Proceed. 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical Genetic and Eijkman Symposium
on the Molecular Biology of Disease. Jakarta, 19-23 September 1995, hal 126.
184. Mochammad Hatta. Effect of blood transfusion on macrophages and T lymphocyte
treated by Corybacterium parvum in animal models. Proceed. 24th International
Congress of Blood Transfusion. Tokyo. Japan, 31 Maret- 5 April, 1996, hal 128,.
185. Mochammad Hatta. Effector mechanisms of tumor rejection following a Eubacterium
lentum cell wall injection in mice. Proceed. Second Asian Pacific Congress of
Allergology and Clinical Immunology. Taipei, Taiwan, 18-22 November, 1995, hal 94.
186. Mochammad Hatta : Application of Polymerase Chain Reaction for detection of
Mycobacterium leprae DNA in nasal swab specimens from untreated leprosy patients.
Proceed. 2nd Asian-Pacific Conference on Medical Genetic and Eijkman Symposium
on the Molecular Biology of Disease. Jakarta, September, 19 -23 1995, hal 127.
187. Shinzo Izumi, Mochammad Hatta, Kunio Kawatsu, Masanori Matsuoka :
Seroepidemilogical study of M. leprae infection in the inhabitants of endemic villages
in South Sulawesi,Indonesia.The United States-Japan Cooperative Medical Science
Program. Thirtieth Joint Conference on Tuberculosis and Leprosy. NIH. Fort Collins,
Colorado, USA. 19-21 Juli 1995, hal 132-136.
188. Agnes Kweenang, Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi, Paul R Klatser : Detection of
531-bp DNA Mycobacterium leprae from nasal swabs on population where leprosy is
endemic in the area of South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Proceed. International Symposium
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Approaches on Ageing. Bandung, 20-21
September 1995, hal 19.
189. Mochammad Hatta: Effect of heat-treated Corynebacterium parvum on hypovolemic
shock after acute blood loss. Proceed. KONAS VI Perhimpunan Mikrobiology
Indonesia dan 2nd Asean Meeting on Microbiology, Surabaya, 2-4 Desember 1993,
hal 140.
190. Mochammad Hatta: Effect of heat-treated Corynebacterium parvum on hypovolemic
shock after acute blood loss.Proceed. 2nd NATO Civil-Military Blood Conference,
Military Hospital Queen Astrid, Brussels, Belgium, 11-13 Mei, 1992, hal 25-26.


191. M.Sabir,, Asri Ahram Efendi, Rahman, Mochammad Hatta. Variasi gentik dan factor
risiko gen flagelin Salmonella typhi pada demam tifoid akut dan karier di Sulawesi
Tengah. Jurnal Kesehatan Tadulako Vol. 1 No. 1, 70-84, Januari (2015)
192. Muflihanah, Mochammad Hatta, Henk L Smits, Lucia Muslimin, Muh Nasrum Massi,
Saifula Azis, Haeriah, Abdul Rahman, Fitrah Hadiyani, W. Yorya. Deteksi Brucella
abortus dengan teknik Polymerase Chain Reaction pada target gen omp2, BSCP31 dan
Eri dari isolate lokal di Sulawesi Selatan. Diagnosa Veteriner. Vol 11 no: 1, page 1-13
193. Muflihanah, Mochammad Hatta, Siswani, Rosmiaty, Faizal Zajaria, Iryadi, Henk L
Smits. Kajian Serologi (Lateral flow Assay, RBT, CFT) Kejadian Brucellosis didaerah
endemis Kabupaten Pinrang sebagai acuan dalam pengendalian Brucellosis di Sulawesi
Selatan. Diagnosa Veteriner. Vol 9 no: 1, page 1-15 (2011)
194. Nurlindah Hamrun, Mochammad Hatta. Polimorfisme gen Vitamin D Reseptor pada
penderita Periodontitis Kronis. JST Kesehatan, Juli 2011, vol.1 no.2 hal 165-172
195. Hasri Alang, Mochammad Hatta, Nasrum Massi. Analisis polimorfisme gen Vitamin
D Reseptor (VDR) Exon 9 352 pada penderita Kusta di Makassar. JST Kesehatan,
April 2011, vol.1 no.1 hal 77-84 (2011)
196. Adriani, Mochammad Hatta, Nasrum Massi. Analysis of Nucleotida Binding
Oligomerization Domain 2 (NOD2) Gene Polymorphism In Tuberculosis Patients In
Makassar. JST Kesehatan, April 2011, vol.1 no.1 hal 68-76 (2011)
197. Cut Muthia, Nasrum Massi, Mochammad Hatta. Comparison of dipstick and nested
PCR methods in diagnosing typhoid infections. (in Indonesian). The Indonesian
Journal of Medical Science. Vol 1 (7) : 381-384 (2010)
198. Irene R Riewpassa, Mochammad Hatta. Detection of mutation gyrA of
Porphyromonas Ginggivalis resistance to Cirprofloxacin by Polymerase Chain
Reaction. YARSI Medical Journal, vol 17, hal 11-20 (2009).
199. Sri Purwanti S, Mochammad Hatta, Laily Agustina. Penggunaan ramuan herbal untuk
meningkatkan produtifitas dan kualitas Broiler. http://repository.unhas.ac.id/handle/
123456789/3733. LLPM UNHAS (2009).
200. Rosana Agus, Asaad Maidin, Mochammad Hatta, Debbie S Retnoningrum. Cloning of
Open Frame (orf) of ESAT-6 (Early Secretory Antigenic Target-6) from
Mycobacterium tuberculosis into Escherichia coli BL21 (DE3). YARSI Medical
Journal, vol 16, hal 157-164 (2008).
201. H.R. Agung Saifullah, Idrus Paturusi, Edu Tehupeiory, Mochammad Hatta. Studi
imunomolekular osteoartritis sendi lutut melalui pengamatan profil mRNA IL-1 dan
mRNA IL-10 Jurnal Ilmu Bedah Indonesia (JIBI) IKABI, vol 34, no. 4, hal 105-110,
Oktober- Desember (2006)
202. Sabir, M., Syamsul Rizal, Mochammad Hatta. Analisis tes serologi Dipstik dan Widal
dalam dalam pengenalan dini demam . Ebers papyrus, Jurnal Kedokteran dan
Kesehatan Universitas Tarumanagara, vol. 12. no.2, hal 77-83 (2006).
203. Mochammad Hatta. Pendekatan Biologi molekuler dan imunologi pada penyakit
infeksi. Pengukuhan Guru Besar UNHAS 2005. Website : http://med.unhas.ac.id/
index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=237&Itemid=48 (last update 20
November 2006). Jurnal Medical Nusantara, vol 25, no 3 (supplement) (2005)
204. Mochammad Hatta, Eka Wisdawati, Zaraswati Dwiyana, Rosana Agus, M Sabir, Yadi,
Mashyudi. Pengaruh dekontaminasi dalam identifikasi Mycobacterium tuberculosis
dengan pewarnaan ZN dan teknik PCR. YARSI Medical Journal, vol 12, hal 17-24
205. Batari Todja Umar, Rukiah Syawal, Halimah Pagarra, Mochammad Hatta.
Identification of the DNA Mycobacterium leprae on the aqueous humor of leprosy
patients with Polymerase Chain Reaction technique. Majalah Ophthalmologica
Indonesiana (MOI). Perhimpunan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia PERDAMI. Vol 31,
no. 2, hal.117-121. Mei-Agustus (2004)
206. Sabir, M., Yadi, Firdaus,.Mochammad Hatta, Perbandingan tes serologi Dipstik dan
Widal untuk diagnosis demam tifoid, Jurnal Kedokteran Trisakti. vol 22, no.3, hal 83-
86, (2003).
207. Jamilah, Mochammad Hatta, Dirayah R Husain, Rosana Agus.. Deteksi DNA
Salmonella typhi dengan menggunakan nested Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). J.
Pharmacy & Pharmacology, vol 7, no 2, hal 58-60, Juli (2003).
208. Abdul Karim, Benny Rusli, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. Tes tifoid. In.
Interprestasi Hasil Tes Laboratorium Diagnostik. Harjoeno. Lembaga Penerbitan
Universitas Hasanuddin (LEPHAS). 335-352 (2003)
209. Abdul Karim, Ruland DN Pakassi, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta, Halim Mubin,
Henk L Smits. Tes saring penderita suspek demam tifoid dengan typhoid dipstick. In.
Interprestasi Hasil Tes Laboratorium Diagnostik. Harjoeno. Lembaga Penerbitan
Universitas Hasanuddin (LEPHAS). 437-448 (2003)
210. Yadi, M Sabir, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil Pemeriksaan ELISA dan
MLPA untuk mendeteksi IgM Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) pada penderita lepra
multibasiler. YARSI Medical Journal, vol 11, no 1, hal 43-46, April (2003).
211. Jamilah, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil Isolasi DNA Darah dengan
menggunakan Tehnik Ekstraksi Fenol dalam suhu inkubasi yang berbeda. J. Pharmacy
& Pharmacology, vol 7, no 1 hal 19-23. (2003).
212. Mochammad Hatta. Detection of DNA Mycobacterium leprae from water in leprosy
endemic area. Biosintesis. Majalah Bioteknologi dan Kesehatan, vol. 4. no.2, hal 250-
259, April (2002)
213. Mochammad Hatta, Yadi, M. Sabir, Firdaus, HA Halim Mubin, Henk L Smits.
Detection of IgM to Leptospira agent with ELISA and Leprodipstick method. Ebers
Papyrus. vol 8, no 1, hal 21-27, Maret, (2002)
214. Nasrum Massi M, Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta. Identification of IgM
antibody by MLPA test and the relationship with DNA Mycobacterium leprae from
housedust in leprosy endemic area. Medika Nusantara. Vol 22, no.2, hal 319-323
215. Mochammad Hatta . Prevalensi hasil tes MLPA positif dalam mendeteksi IgM
antibody terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) pada anak sekolah dasar didaerah
hiperendemik Kusta. Udayana Medical Journal, vol 32, no 112, hal 94-100, April
216. Mochammad Hatta . Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding Enoyl CoA
hydratase of Mycobacterium leprae. The Electronic Journal of The Indonesian
Medical Association (e-JIMA), vol 2, no 1, hal 1-6, Oktober (2000).
217. Alexander Rantetondok, HM. Natsir Nessa, Lucia Muslimin, Akbar Tahir,
Mochammad Hatta. Pengaruh Imunostimulan B-glucan and lippolisakarida terhadap
respon imun : Aktifitas bakterisidal pada udang windu (P. monodon fabricius). Buletin
Penelitian, Universitas Hasanuddin, vol 16, no 41, hal. 54-62 Juni (2000).
218. Mochammad Hatta. HIV Infection and leprosy: Serological study for detect antibodies
to gp 41 (HIV-1), gp 41 (HIV-1 subtype O), gp 36 (HIV-2) and Phenolic Glycolipid-I
(PGL-I) Mycobacterium leprae from leprosy in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. Majalah
Kedokteran Universitas Brawijaya Malang. Vol.XVI, no.1, hal 12-16, April (2000)
219. Mochammad Hatta. Activity of macrophage-lymphocyte interaction induced by
Corynebacterium parvum in animals model. Jurnal Kedokteran Trisakti , vol 19, no1,
hal 23-28 (2000).
220. Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta. Penentuan Resiko Tinggi Lepra di daerah
endemik dengan parameter : Rasio subset limfosit T, Titer MLPA serum dan PCR
hapusan hidung. Majalah Kedokteran Trisakti, vol 18, no 3, hal 131-136 (1999).
221. Nasrum Massi M, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil tes Mycobacterium leprae
particle agglutination (MLPA) antara penderita Kusta dan individu normal. Majalah
Kedokteran Bandung (MKB). vol 31, no 3, hal 161-166 (1999).
222. Mochammad Hatta. Deteksi DNA Mycobacterium leprae dengan menggunakan
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) pada anak sekolah dasar di Sulawesi Tenggara dan
Sulawesi Selatan. Majalah Kedokteran Bandung (MKB). vol 31, no 3, hal 136-147
223. Rizalinda, Mochammad Hatta. Comparison of Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and
Acid Fast Bacilly (AFB) staining for detection of Mycobacterium leprae in leprosy
patients. Ebers papyrus, Jurnal Kedokteran dan Kesehatan Universitas
Tarumanagara, vol. 5. no.2, hal 107-112 (1999).
224. Henru Kisdianto, T. Tjambolang, John Pieter, Mochammad Hatta, M. Nadjib Bustam.
Validitas CRP dibandingkan lekosit dalam diagnosis apendisitis akut. J. Medika
Nusantara., vol.20, no.3, Juli-Sept, hal. 132-139 (1999).
225. Mochammad Hatta . Cloning and sequencing of the gene encoding Enoyl CoA
hydratase of Mycobacterium leprae. YARSI Medical Journal, vol 7, no 3, hal 86-92,
Sept-Des, (1999).
226. Mochammad Hatta. Evaluation of anti-phenolic glycolipid-I IgM and CD4/CD8 T cell
subsets value as high risk determination indicator for individuals residing in a leprosy
endemic area in Indonesia. Medical Journal Indonesia. vol. 8, no.3, Juli-September, hal
160-165 (1999).
227. Muhammad Nasrun Massi, Mochammad Hatta. The Seroprevalence of IgM anti
Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) antibody in medical students of Hasanuddin University.
YARSI Medical J. vol.7, no. 2, hal 1-8 (1999).
228. Mochammad Hatta. Studi Seroepidemiologi kusta pada anak sekolah dasar di
Kecamatan Bantimurung, Sulawesi Selatan. Ebers papyrus, Jurnal Kedokteran dan
Kesehatan Universitas Tarumanagara, vol. 5. no. 1, hal 23-30 (1999).
229. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Henk L Smits. Evaluation Salmonella
Dipstick for detection IgM antibodies from suspect typhoid fever patients. Medical
Journal of Indonesia, vol . 7, supplement 1, hal 252, P-2, Oktober (1998).
230. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Henk L Smits. New simple method for
detection Salmonella typhi infection on human. Medical Journal of Indonesia, vol . 7,
supplement 1, hal 208, D2-2, Oktober (1998).
231. Mochammad Hatta. Detection of IgM antibodies to Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I)
using filter paper from leprosy patients. YARSI Medical J. vol 6, no 2, hal 1-12 (1998).
232. Mochammad Hatta. Distribution and Persistence of antibodies to Phenolic Glycolipid-
I among individuals in an area in which leprosy is endemic. Indon J. Epidemiology.,
vol 2 ed 2, hal 27-35 ((1998).
233. Mochammad Hatta. Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination (MLPA) test and
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) for diagnostic tool of leprosy. Ebers papyrus,
Jurnal kedokteran dan Kesehatan Universitas Tarumanagara, vol. 4. no.3, hal 185-
194 (1998).
234. William Hamdani, Achmad M. Palingrungi, Mochammad Hatta. Timing Pencabutan
kateter uretra dan drain suprapubik pasca prostatektomi transvesikal di Ujung Pandang.
J. Medika Nusantara .vol 19, no 2 hal 75-78, April-Juni, (1998) .
235. Amri Junus, A.J. Rieuwpassa, Mochammad Hatta, M.N. Bustan. Identifikasi bakteri
pada luka bakar derajat II-III yang dirawat pada Rumah Sakit di Ujung Pandangg. J.
Medika Nusantara vol 19, no 2 hal 84-89, April-Juni, (1998).
236. MA Maidin, Amir Abdullah, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. The relationship
between INH susceptibility test and catalase test against TB strain in Ujung Pandang.
YARSI Medical J. vol 6, no 2, hal 42-47(1998).
237. Mochammad Hatta. Enhancement of Mycobacterium leprae Polymerase Chain
Reaction (PCR) by Uracil-N-Glycosylase on DNA detection. J. Kedokteran YARSI. vol
5, no.1, Jan-April hal 94-105 (1997).
238. Mochammad Hatta. Monitoring of the efficacy Multidrug Therapy (MDT) using
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Mycobacterium leprae particle agglutination
(MLPA) test in leprosy patients. Medical J Indonesia. vol. 6, no.4, hal 208-215.
Desember (1997).
239. Mochammad Hatta.Comparison of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and
serology for detection of DNA Mycobacterium leprae and IgM antiPhenolic Glycolipid-
I (PGL-I) antibodies titer on individuals in the leprosy endemic area, Indonesia.
Lontara J. Hasanuddin University. vol II, no 1 hal 57-69 (1997).
240. Mochammad Hatta. ELISA and Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination Test
(MLPA) to detect Ig M against Phenolic Glycolipid-I using eluates of blood spots on
filter paper from leprosy patients. Indonesian J. Clinical Pathology. 4: (1), hal 11-17
241. Mochammad Hatta. Comparison of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and
serology for detection of DNA Mycobacterium leprae. Lontara J. Hasanuddin
University. vol II, No. 1 hal 57-69 (1997).
242. Mochammad Hatta. Monitoring of the efficacy of Multidrug Therapy (MDT) by
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) and Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination
(MLPA) test in leprosy patients. Medical J. Indonesia, vol.6, no.4, hal 208-215,
Desember (1997).
243. Idrus A Paturussi, Amri Junus, Mochammad Hatta. Identifikasi kuman penyebab
infeksi pada fraktur terbuka tipe II dan III di Rumah Sakit Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo
Ujung Pandang, April 1995- Maret 1996. Jurnal Medika Nusantara, vol 17, no 3, Mei-
Juni, hal. 113-119 (1996).
244. Mochammad Hatta. Antitumor activity of Eubacterium lentum on various tumor cell
lines. Medical J. Indonesia. vol 5, no.3, hal 135-141(1996)
245. Mochammad Hatta. Aktifitas Sel Natural Killer ( NK ) dan Mekanisme Molekuler
terhadap Efek Sitotoksiknya (in Indonesian). Lontara J. Univ. Hasanuddin. no.1, hal
57-67 (1996).
246. Mochammad Hatta. Schoolchildren survey and community survey for the
determination of seroprevalence against IgM anti Phenolic Glycolipid-I antibody in
leprosy endemic areas, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. A Comparative study. Medical J.
Indonesia. vol 5, no.4, hal 203-209 (1996).
247. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi, Paul R Klatser, Stella van Beers. The comparison
of Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination Test (MLPA) and ELISA by finger
prick blood collection on community survey in Leprosy endemic area, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. Journal Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia, vol. 7, No. 2, hal 11-15, Desember
248. Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser, Stella van Beers, Shinzo Izumi.
The Influence of BCG vaccination to titer of IgM PGL-1 antibodies on schoolchldren
which leprosy is endemic in North and South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 1995. Jurnal
Mikrobiologi Klinik Indonesia. vol.7, No. 2, hal 16-20, Desember (1995).
249. Mochammad Hatta. Antitumor effects of Eubacterium lentum fractions and Its
Correlation with the Macrophages, Natural Killer Activities in Mice. Medical J. Univ.
Indonesia. vol. 3 , hal 85 -92 (1994)
250. Mochammad Hatta. Antitumor Activity of Normal Intestinal Microflora in Human
and Animals. Medical J. Univ. Indonesia . vol 3 , hal 213-219 (1994).
251. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, P.H. Sasabone, Kunar Abadi, Ratnawati.
Toxoplasma gondii vaksin: III. Inokulasi Intraperitoneal bentuk takizoit Toxoplasma
gondii pada mencit albino.Lembaga Penelitian, Universitas Hasanuddin, Laporan
Hasil Penelitian Dana OPF (1994).
252. Mochammad Hatta. Kultur in vivo bentuk takizoit Toxoplasma gondii pada mencit
albino. Lembaga Penelitian Universitas Hasanuddin, Laporan Hasil Penelitan Dana
DPP (1993).
253. Mochammad Hatta. Effect of heat-treated Corynebacterium parvum on hypovolemic
shock after acute blood loss. J. Hasanuddin Univ. vol.1, hal 11-21 (1993).


254. Mochammad Hatta. Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Lanjutan. ISBN : 978-602-0924-39-7.

Masagena Press. (2017)
255. Mochammad Hatta. Mikrobiologi Kedokteran Dasar. ISBN : 978-602-9023-47-3.
Masagena Press. (2013)
256. Abdul Karim, Ruland DN Pakasi, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta, Halim Mubin, Henk
L Smits. Tes saring penderita suspek demam tifoid dengan typhoid dipstick. Judul Buku
Interpretasi Hasil Tes Laboratorium Diagnostik. ISBN: 979-530-055-5. Editor :
Hardjoeno. Lembaga Penerbitan Universitas Hasanuddin (Lephas). Hal : 437-448.


257. Mochammad Hatta. Leptospira dar aspek Mikrobiologi. Workshop Peningkatan

Kompetensi Laboratorium Bakteriologi se Indonesia. Teknik Diagnosa Leptospira.
BBVeteriner. Maros, 19-23 Mei 2014.
258. Mochammad Hatta. Kejadian Leptospirosis pada manusia. Workshop Peningkatan
Kompetensi Laboratorium Bakteriologi se Indonesia. Teknik Diagnosa Leptospira.
BBVeteriner. Maros, 19-23 Mei 2014.
259. Mochammad Hatta. Distinguishing Leptospirosis. Workshop Peningkatan Kompetensi
Laboratorium Bakteriologi se Indonesia. Teknik Diagnosa Leptospira. BBVeteriner.
Maros, 19-23 Mei 2014.
260. Mochammad Hatta. Teknik Diagnosa laboratorium Leptospira.. Workshop
Peningkatan Kompetensi Laboratorium Bakteriologi se Indonesia. Teknik Diagnosa
Leptospira. BBVeteriner. Maros, 19-23 Mei 2014.
261. Mochammad Hatta and Ressy Dwiyanti. The relationship between VDR gene and
osteophorosis. 1st Makassar Annual meeting on Clinical Nutrition. Makassar, 2-3 Maret
2012. hal 1-4.
262. Mochammad Hatta, Rob Pastor, Henk L Smits. Molecular Epidemiology of Typhoid
fever in Indonesia. Annual Scientific Meeting, Indonesian Association of Clinical
Microbiology 2010. Bandung, 5-7 Agustus 2010.
263. Mochammad Hatta. Penatalaksaan dan Khemoprophylaksis sebagai pencegahan
transmisi Kusta di Indonesia. Simposium Diagnosa Dini dan Penatalaksaaan Mutakhir
Penyakit Kusta, Hari Kusta Tahun 2010. IDI Wilayah Kaltim, 30 Januari 2010.
264. Mochammad Hatta. Teknik Pembuatan Antigen Salmonella typhi dan uji Dipstick.
Pembicara Pertemuan Penyakit infeksi Bakteri se Indonesia. Balai Besar Veteriner
Maros, Makassar, 4 November 2009.
265. Mochammad Hatta. Studi exploratif dalam bidang epidemiologi dan pemberantasan
penyakit TB paru pada daerah kepulauan di Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia. Pertemuan
Peneliti TB Global Fund- DepKes, Jakarta 12 February 2009.
266. Mochammad Hatta. Peranan Kultur Darah dalam deteksi dan identikasi Bakteri
Seminar Ilmiah Deteksi dan Identifikasi Bakteri pada penyakit Infeksi. Kendari, 29
Januari 2008, hal 1-6.
267. Mochammad Hatta. PCR typhoid dan tuberculosis sebagai sarana diagnostik.
Symposium dan Workshop Tes Dipstick : Demam berdarah dengue, demam typhoid,
malaria dan tuberculosis. Makassar, RSUP Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo. 19 Desember
2005, hal 1-5
268. Mochammad Hatta. Peranan plasmid dalam rekayasa genetika. Kursus singkat
mikroorganisme probiotik asal produksi pangan fermentasi. Makassar, UNHAS. 21
November- 3 Desember 2005, hal 1-6.
269. Mochammad Hatta, Halim Mubin , Theresia Abdoel, Henk L Smits. Comparative
studies of diagnosis procedures of typhoid fever. Proced KONAS PETRI X, 2004,
Palembang, 5-8 Agustus, hal 64.
270. Mochammad Hatta. Salmonella Dipstik sebagai diagnosa penunjang pada penderita
suspek demam. Seminar Ilmiah dan Workshop Diagnosis dan Penanggulangan
penyakit infeksi serta kegawatan medik. RSUP. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, Makassar
13 Maret 2004, hal 1-5.
271. Mochammad Hatta. Chemoprophylactic treatment on leprosy in endemic area.
Seminar Peringatan Hari Kusta Sedunia. 2003, Makassar, 25 Januari. hal 1- 8.
272. Jusniati, Benny Rusli, Adriani, Harjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil
typhoid Dipstick dengan tes Widal pada penderita suspek Demam Tifoid. Pertemuan
Ilmiah Tahunan I Perhimpunan Dokter spesialis Patologi Klinik Indonesia (PDS
PATKLIN). 2002, Surakarta, 20-22 September. hal 277-282.
273. Abdul Karim, Harjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. Deteksi Virus hepatitis B pada suspek
Hepatitits B kronik berdasarkan tes HbsAg dan teknik PCR di Perjan RS Dr. Wahidin
Sudirohusodo. Pertemuan Ilmiah Tahunan I Perhimpunan Dokter spesialis Patologi
Klinik Indonesia (PDS PATKLIN). 2002, Surakarta, 20-22 September. hal 233-237.
274. Mochammad Hatta. Tehnik Isolasi dan Pengukuran Konsentrasi DNA. Kursus
Singkat Teknik Dasar Isolasi DNA Genom pada organisme Prokariot. 2001,
Makassar, 30 April
- 12 Mei. hal 1-9.
275. Mochammad Hatta. Rekayasa Genetika dan Aplikasinya. Kursus Singkat Teknik
Dasar Isolasi DNA Genom pada organisme Prokariot. 2001. Makassar, 30 April - 12
Mei. hal 10-20.
276. Mochammad Hatta . Biomolekuler Mycobacterium tuberculosis. KONAS IV
Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik (PAMKI). 2000, Semarang, 23-25 Maret. hal 35
277. Agnes Kwenang, Nasrum Massi, Mochammad Hatta. Deteksi DNA Salmonella typhi
pada darah dari penderita suspek demam tifoid. Seminar Ilmu-Ilmu Bioteknologi
Mutakhir. 2000, Jogyakarta, 18 Maret. hal 34.
278. Mochammad Hatta. Recent development in diagnosis of leprosy. Kongres Nasional V
Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (KONAS V PETRI)
dan KONAS VIII P4I dan KONAS I PKWI, 1999, Makassar, 18-21 November. hal 70.
279. M. Assad Maidin, Amir Abdullah, Mochammad Hatta. The detection of the resistance
of mycobacteria strains to INH and rifampicine with multiplex PCR test. Kongres
Nasional V Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (KONAS V
PETRI) dan KONAS VIII P4I dan KONAS I PKWI, 1999, Makassar, 18-21
November. hal 75.
280. Muh. Nasrum M, Yanti Leman, Mochammad Hatta. Deteksi IgM anti PGL-I antibodi
Mycobacterium leprae dengan test leprosdipstik pada mahasiswa kedokteran angkatan
1998 Universitas Hasanuddin. Kongres Nasional V Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit
Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (KONAS V PETRI) dan KONAS VIII P4I dan KONAS
I PKWI, 1999, Makassar, 18-21 November. hal 137.
281. Mochammad Hatta. Penerapan Molekular Biologi dan Imunologi dalam diagnosa
penyakit infeksi. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran,
Universitas Hasanuddin, 1998, Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember, hal 29.
282. M. Assad Maidin, Amir Abdullah, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. The relationship
between Mycobacterium strains susceptibility against INH and catalase test in Ujung
Pandang. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Hasanuddin, 1998, Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember, hal 128.
283. Rizalinda, Mochammad Hatta. Polymease Chain Reaction (PCR) dalam mendeteksi
DNA Mycobacterium leprae dari penderita Kusta dan individu normal. Pertemuan
Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, 1998,
Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember, hal 129.
284. M. Assad Maidin, Amir Abdullah, Hardjoeno, Mochammad Hatta. Detection of
Mycobacterium strains susceptibility against INH by using multiplex PCR. Pertemuan
Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas Hasanuddin, 1998,
Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember. hal 146.
285. Muhammad Nasrun Massi, Mochammad Hatta. Perbandingan hasil tes
Mycobacterium leprae Particle agglutination (MLPA) dari penderita kusta dan individu
normal. Pertemuan Ilmiah Berkala XI (PIB XI), Fakultas Kedokteran, Universitas
Hasanuddin, 1998, Ujung Pandang, 10-13 Desember. hal 147.
286. Mochammad Hatta. Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction. Pelatihan Biologi
Molekular dalam Bidang Ilmu Hayati, Fakultas Kedokteran, UNHAS. 1997, Ujung
Pandang, 14-15 Februari, hal 1-10.
287. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati. Deteksi IgM
terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-1 (PGL-1) dari tetesan darah pada kertas saring dengan
memakai tehnik ELISA Seminar XIII-Kongres VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan
Biologi Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI), 1997, Surabaya, 7-9 Juli, hal 11.
288. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati. Deteksi IgM
terhadap Phenolic Glycolipid-I (PGL-I) dengan menggunakan Leptodipstick pada
penderita kusta. Seminar XIII-Kongres VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi
Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI), 1997, Surabaya, 7-9 Juli, hal 12.
289. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati. Pemurnian DNA
Mycobacterium leprae dari spesimen hapusan hidung penderita Kusta untuk
penggandaan DNA dengan tehnik Polymerase Chain Reaction. Seminar XIII- Kongres
VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI), 1997,
Surabaya, 7-9 Juli, hal 34.
290. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati. Polymerase
Chain Reaction (PCR) untuk mendeteksi DNA Mycobacterium leprae dari hapusan slit
skin smear penderita Kusta. Seminar XIII-Kongres VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan
Biologi Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI), 1997, Surabaya, 7-9 Juli, hal 14.
291. Agnes Kwenang, Nurdin Mappewali, Ratnawati, Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin
Lakare. Penentuan resiko tinggi lepra didaerah endemik dengan parameter rasio subset
limposit T, titer MLPA serum dan PCR hapusan hidung. Seminar XIII-Kongres VIII
Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI), 1997, Surabaya,
7-9 Juli, hal 10.
292. Rony R Abuthan, Yangki Hashumal, Mochammad Hatta. Kadar Gama-Glutamil
Tranpepridase (GGTP) pada peminum alkohol di Ujung Pandang. Seminar XIII-
Kongres VIII Perhimpunan Biokimia dan Biologi Molekuler Indonesia (PBBMI),
1997, Surabaya, 7-9 Juli, hal 40.
293. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Asaad Maidin, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati.
Identifikasi strain Mycobacterium dengan tehnik Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction.
KONKER VII Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti
Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. 1997, Banjarmasin, 28-30 November. hal 67.
294. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Asaad Maidin, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati.
Penerapan Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction dalam mendeteksi strain
Mycobacterium yang diisolasi dari penderita suspek tuberkulosis paru. KONKER VII
Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit
Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. 1997, Banjarmasin, 28-30 November. hal 99.
295. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Asaad Maidin, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati.
Tehnik spolingotyping dalam menentukan kuman Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
dari penderita tuberkulosis paru. KONKER VII Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan
KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. 1997,
Banjarmasin, 28-30 November, hal 97.
296. Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare, Asaad Maidin, Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati
Henk L Smits. Evaluasi Leptodipstick pada penderita suspek penyakit Weil. KONKER
VII Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit
Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. 1997, Banjarmasin, 28-30 November, hal 34.
297. Agnes Kwenang, Ratnawati, Mochammad Hatta, Chairuddin Lakare. Deteksi infeksi
subklinis Lepra melalui analisa rasio CD4+ dan CD8+, titer antibodi IgM PGL-I serum
dan PCR hapusan hidung pada daerah hiperendemik lepra, Sulawesi Selatan, Indonesia.
KONKER VII Persatuan Ahli Penyakit Dalam dan KONAS III Perhimpunan Peneliti
Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia. 1997, Banjarmasin, 28-30 November. Hal 67.
298. Agnes Kweenang, Mochammad Hatta, P. R. Klatser, Stella van Beers, Shinzo Izumi.
The influence of BCG vaccination to titer of IgM PGL-I antibody on schoolchildren in
high and low endemic area of leprosy at Sulawesi, Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar
Nasional Mikrobiologi Kelautan dan Bioremidiasi, 1996, Ujung Pandang, 6-8
Desember, hal 22-33.
299. Mochammad Hatta. Molecular biology and immunology approach of leprosy :
Prospect research of molecular and seroepidemiology of leprosy in Indonesia.
Simposium Cakrawala Baru Ilmu Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi. 1996, Ujung Pandang,
16 November, page 1-7.
300. Mochammad Hatta. Penerapan Polymerase Chain reaction (PCR) dalam mendeteksi
DNA Mycobacterium leprae dari biopsi kulit penderita lepra. Seminar Nasional
Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI). 1996, Malang, November, 12-13. hal
301. Agnes Kweenang, Mochammad Hatta, Stella van Beers, Paul R Klatser. Hubungan
antara status gizi dan titer antibodi phenolic glycolipid-I pada anak dekolah dasar
didaerah hiperedemik lepra, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan
Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI). 1996, Malang, November, 12-13. hal 75.
302. Mochammad Hatta. Molecular Biology approach to identifying route of transmission
of leprosy in the community which endemic area, Indonesia. Seminar Nasional
Perhimpunan Mikrobiologi Indonesia (PERMI). 1996, Malang, November, 12-13, hal
303. Mochammad Hatta. Follow up of leprosy patients using Mycobacterium leprae
agglutination test (MLPA) test during multidrug therapy (MDT). 1996. Proceed
Seminar Nasional Mikrobiologi Kelautan & Bioremediasi, 1996, Ujung Pandang, 6-8
Desember, hal 114-121.
304. Mochammad Hatta. Isolation and identificaton of DNA Mycobacterium leprae using
glass max and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) from skin biopsy specimens of
tuberculoid leprosy patients. KONAS II Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan
Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI). 1996, Surabaya, 6-9 Desember, hal 105.
305. Mochammad Hatta. Studies on Molecular Biology of Mycobacterium leprae --
Cloning of a gene of M. leprae. KONAS II Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan
Infeksi Indonesia(PETRI). 1996, Surabaya, 6-9 Desember, hal 106.
306. Mochammad Hatta. Determine the number of CD4/CD8 subset cell T by
immunomagnetic method in lepromatous leprosy. KONAS II Perhimpunan Peneliti
Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI). 1996, Surabaya, 6-9 Desember, hal
307. Mochammad Hatta. Henk L Smits, Paul R Klatser. New methods for detection
Leprospira specific Ig M antibodies using LEPTO Dipstick.KONAS II Perhimpunan
Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI). 1996, Surabaya, 6-9
Desember hal 117.
308. Agnes Kweenang, Mochammad Hatta, Stella van Beers, Paul R Klatser, Shinzo Izumi.
Hubungan antara status gizi dan titer antibodi Phenolic Glycolipid-I pada anak Sekolah
Dasar didaerah Hiperendemik dan hipoendemik lepra Sulawesi, Indonesia. KONAS II
Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI). 1996,
Surabaya, 6-9 Desember, hal 108.
309. Halim Mubin, Mochammad Hatta. Henk L Smits, Paul R Klatser. Hubungan antara
pemeriksaan IgM antibodi dengan menggunakan tehnik Lepto Dipstick dan
mikroskopik pada penderita suspect Weil. KONAS II Perhimpunan Peneliti Penyakit
Tropik dan Infeksi Indonesia (PETRI). 1996, Surabaya, 6-9 Desember 1996, hal 113.
310. Mochammad Hatta. Pemeriksaan bakteriologi pada ruangan operasi dan perlengkapan
operasi di RSUP. Dr. WahidinSudirohusodo, Ujung pandang. Seminar hasil Penelitian
RSUP. Dr. Wahidin Sudirohusodo, 1996, Ujung Pandang, 22 Oktober. hal 1-12.
311. Mochammad Hatta. The relationship between DNA positive Mycobacterium leprae
and IgM antiphenolic glycolipid-1 ( PGL-1 ) antibodiy titer on community in leprosy
endemic area of Indonesia. Proceed. KONAS III Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi
Klinik Indonesia, 1995. Jakarta, Juli,3-5, hal 95.
312. Mochammad Hatta, Shinzo Izumi, Paul R Klatser, Stella van Beers. The comparison
of Mycobacterium leprae Particle Agglutination Test (MLPA) and ELISA by finger
prick blood collection on community survey in Leprosy endemic area, South Sulawesi,
Indonesia. Proceed. KONAS III Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik, 1995. Jakarta,
Juli, 3-5, hal 94.
313. Agnes Kwenang, Mochammad Hatta, Paul R Klatser, Stella van Beers, Shinzo Izumi.
The Influence of BCG vaccination to titer of IgM PGL-1 antibodies on schoolchldren
which leprosy is endemic in North and South Sulawesi, Indonesia. 1995. Proceed.
KONAS III Perhimpunan Ahli Mikrobiologi Klinik. 1995. Jakarta, Juli, 3-5. hal 93.
314. Mochammad Hatta. Antitumor Mechanisms of Eubacterium lentum on Augmentation
of NK activity . Proceed. KONAS III Perhimpunan Alergi Imunologi Indonesia
(PERALMUNI), 1993, Bandung, Juni, 22-26, hal 158.

Yang membuat

Prof. dr. Mochammad Hatta, PhD, SpMK (K)

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