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Sunscreening Agents
A Review
Global Medical Affairs, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad, India; bDepartment of Dermatology, Fr. Muller Medical College, Mangalore, India;
Department of Dermatology, Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd., Hyderabad, India; dClinical Research Consultant, Hyderabad, India;
Department of Pharmacology, Azeezia Medical College, Kollam, India
The increasing incidence of skin cancers and photodamaging effects caused by ultraviolet radiation has increased the
use of sunscreening agents, which have shown beneficial effects in reducing the symptoms and reoccurrence of these
problems. Many sunscreen compounds are in use, but their safety and efficacy are still in question. Efficacy is measured
through indices, such as sun protection factor, persistent pigment darkening protection factor, and COLIPA guidelines.
The United States Food and Drug Administration and European Union have incorporated changes in their guidelines to
help consumers select products based on their sun protection factor and protection against ultraviolet radiation, whereas
the Indian regulatory agency has not yet issued any special guidance on sunscreening agents, as they are classified under
cosmetics. In this article, the authors discuss the pharmacological actions of sunscreening agents as well as the available
formulations, their benefits, possible health hazards, safety, challenges, and proper application technique. New
technologies and scope for the development of sunscreening agents are also discussed as well as the role of the physician
in patient education about the use of these agents. (J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2013;6(1):16–26.)
hotoprotective agents protect the skin by preventing Effects of UVA manifest usually after a long duration of
and minimizing the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) exposure, even if doses are low. It has been postulated that
rays of natural light. They can be used as sunblock, UVA up regulates the formation of matrix metalloproteinase
which is opaque when applied over the skin and blocks a (MMPs), enzymes that degrade the matrix protein’s elastin
higher percentage of light as compared to sunscreens, which and collagen, which, if not prevented, can result in marked
are translucent and require frequent reapplication for reduction in skin elasticity and increased wrinkling. UVA
optimum efficacy. Photoaging—manifested as sagging, radiation damages skin by penetrating into the layers of skin
wrinkling, and photocarcinogenesis—is caused by damage to and producing reactive oxygen resulting in acute and chronic
cells and deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). It has been observed changes.2 UVA radiation can induce polymorphous light
that sunscreens increase skin’s tolerability to UV rays.1 eruptions (PMLE) in sensitive skin,3 but in some it has also
UV radiation has broad spectrum, ranging from 40 to shown to reduce PMLE.4 UVA can also cause exacerbation of
400nm (30–3eV), which is divided into Vacuum UV cutaneous lupus erythematoses, whereas solar urticaria can
(40–190nm), Far UV (190–220nm), UVC (220–290nm), UVB be caused by both UVA and UVB radiation.5
(290–320), and UVA (320–400nm), of which the latter two are Studies have shown that UVA impairs the antigen
medically important. There are two distinct subtypes of UVA presenting cell (APC) activity of the epidermal cells and
radiation. Short-wave UVA (320–340nm) and long-wave UVA thereby causes immune suppression, thus contributing to the
(340–400nm), the latter constituting most of UVA radiation. growth of skin cancer. Sunscreening agents have shown to
The amount of exposure to UVA usually remains constant, provide significant protection against epidermal APC activity
whereas UVB exposure occurs more in the summer.2 induced by high UVA dose.6 Mutation occurring in human
DISCLOSURE: Dr. Latha, Ms. Sham Shinde, Dr. Bellary, and Mr. Rao are employed by Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. and are stakeholders in Dr.
Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. Dr. Krishnankutty, Dr. Kumar, and Mr. Varughese were former employees of Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. and are
presently not stakeholders in Dr. Reddy’s Laboratories Ltd. Dr. Martis, Dr. Bangera, and Dr. Shobha report no relevant conflicts of interest.
ADDRESS CORRESPONDENCE TO: Dr. M.S. Latha; E-mail: [email protected]
melanocyte due to damage caused to DNA by UVA radiation is method of application, reapplication, and the importance of
one of the proposed reasons.7 In summary, UVA radiation can patient education in all populations in order to reduce the
cause nuclear and mitochondrial DNA damage, gene damaging solar effects on skin.
mutations and skin cancer, dysregulation of enzymatic chain
reactions, immune suppression, lipid peroxidation (membrane COMPOSITION AND MECHANISM OF ACTION
damage), and photoallergic and phototoxic effects. Sunscreening agents contain titanium dioxide (TiO2),
UVB radiation can also cause acute changes, such as kaolin, talc, zinc oxide (ZnO), calcium carbonate, and
pigmentation and sunburn, and chronic changes, such as magnesium oxide. Newer chemical compounds, such as
immune-suppression and photocarcinogenesis. Both UVA bemotrizinol, avobenzone, bisoctizole, benzophenone-3 (BZ-
and UVB radiation can cause sunburn, photoaging reactions, 3, oxybenzone), and octocrylene, are broad-spectrum agents
erythema, and inflammation.2 and are effective against a broad range of solar spectrum both
Sunburn is the most commonly encountered skin damage in experimental models and outdoor settings. Ecamsule
caused by natural light. Improper sunscreen usage and (terephthalylidene dicamphor sulphonic acid), dometrizole
inadequate application also contribute to the increased trisiloxane, bemotrizinol, and bisoctrizole are considered
prevalence of sunburn, despite the frequent use of organic UVA sunscreening agents. Classification12 of
sunscreening agents. Available evidence indicates that sunscreening agents is shown in Figure 1. Commercial
sunburn is more commonly seen in white-skinned people and preparations available in the market include a combination of
young people with sensitive skin. Sunburn is common in the these agents to cover a wide range of UV rays.
United States with 34.4 percent of adults affected.8 In Composition and mechanism of action of sunscreening
Sweden, children are frequently affected, and use of agents vary from exerting their action through blocking,
sunscreen among children has been found to be protective.9 reflecting, and scattering sunlight. Chemical sunscreens
With the increased incidence in skin cancer cases, such as absorb high-energy UV rays, and physical blockers reflect or
squamous and basal cell carcinomas, reported worldwide, scatter light. Multiple organic compounds are usually
use of photoprotective agents has increased over the incorporated into chemical sunscreening agents to achieve
years.10,11 There has been symptomatic improvement and protection against a range of the UV spectrum. Inorganic
inhibition of reoccurrence of these conditions when particulates may scatter the microparticles in the upper
photoprotective agents are used either therapeutically or layers of skin, thereby increasing the optical pathway of
prophylactically, indicating the need to promote and photons, leading to absorption of more photons and
regularize their application. enhancing the sun protection factor (SPF), resulting in high
The authors intend to spread awareness among physicians efficiency of the compound.13,14
regarding the amount of sunscreening agents needed, Researchers are postulating that the generation of
Labels claiming sunscreens are “waterproof,” “sweat compound when the transmission of sunlight between a
proof,” or “sun blocks” are not legally permitted as these wavelength of 320 and 360nm (at a path length of 8µm) is
claims overemphasize the product’s efficacy. If a product less than 10% (of the incoming light that is passing
claims to be water resistant, the label should clearly indicate through).
the duration of effectiveness (e.g., 40 minutes or 80 minutes) New Australian guidelines have set SPF 50+ as a
during activities such as swimming. If the product does not benchmark for sunscreening agents. It has also endorsed
claim to be water resistant, consumers should be instructed to the revisions by international standards on terminology,
use a water-resistant sunscreen during swimming and those such as “water resistant,” “waterproof,” “sun block,” and
activities that produce sweat. Reapplication for better efficacy “sweat resistant,” as these terms are misleading to
has to be mentioned on the label, and manufacturers are not consumers. High requirements have been set by the
allowed to claim sun protection lasting more than two hours guideline regarding water resistance as per their lifestyle
without reapplication. Claims, such as instant protection, are requirement.33
also not permitted. If any such claims are made, supporting Japanese regulatory guidelines34 describe the method of
data should be submitted to obtain FDA approval. testing the photoprotection factor of UVA (PFA) as the amount
Labels should also include standard drug facts. Products of product to be applied, dose of radiation, and radiation field.
containing an SPF of more than 50 should mention in the These guidelines define minimal persistent pigment darkening
label that there is a lack of evidence to support that (MPPD) dose as the minimum dose of UV rays required to
sunscreens with an SPF of more than 50 have better efficacy produce slight darkening over the whole radiation area within
than those containing SPF 50 or below. Manufacturers have 2 to 4 hours after exposure. The guidelines also define the time
to submit supporting data if the formulation is a spray or to measure MPPD and who should measure it. PFA is
another dosage form of which comparison with the regular calculated using the following formula:
dosage form, such as cream or lotion, is not possible. These PFA = MPPD of protected skin/MPPD of unprotected skin.
new rules became effective June 18, 2012. Products are graded based on the PFA value (Table 1).
EU guidelines. Revised EU guidelines31,32 mandate a Korea follows Korean measurement standards for UV
minimum level of UVA protection in terms of SPF. The UVA protection effects (KFDA) and has standards for UVB
protection factor measured by PPD (in vivo) or COLIPA (in protection (SPF measurement) and protection grade of
vitro) must be at least one-third of the SPF in-vivo value. UVA (PA). On labels, SPF should be listed for UVB and PA
Products with SPF 6, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 50, 50+ are permitted for UVA.35
for consumer use and are categorized as low (SPF 6, 10), India guidelines. In India, there are no industry guidelines
medium (SPF 15, 20, 25), high (SPF 30, 50), and very high for standardizing sunscreen agents and there is no detailed list
(SPF 50+). Compounds should provide protection against a of approved products. The Indian regulatory agency’s official
minimum critical wavelength of 37nm, which is also under website lists only two combination products as approved drugs
consideration. Products that meet the regulatory standard (Table 2). Many products are classified as cosmetics and are
will have the UVA seal. not listed in this section. Apart from routinely used agents,
Actual protection against UVA is represented by a star such as BZ-3, ZNO, and TiO2, other agents, such as camphor
system for easy understanding by consumers. This measure benzalkonium methosulfate (6%), octyl salicylate (5%),
was developed by Boots Company in Nottingham, United camphor derivatives, and broad-spectrum UV filters (i.e., bis-
Kingdom, and was based on Diffey’s UVA/UVB ratio. The star ethylhexyloxyphenol mcthoxyphcnyl triazine [10%] and
system ranges from one to five stars where 1=minimum sun methylene bis-benzotriazolyl tetramethylbutylphenol [10%])
protection, 2=moderate, 3=good, 4=superior, and 5=ultra. are widely used. Table 2 lists some of these agents, which are
Guidelines from other countries. Japan, Australia, manufactured by pharmaceutical companies and are available
and New Zealand have their own indices on UV protection in India. Most of the products available are combination
factor.12 Australian standards define UVA protection in a products.
Octinoxate + Avobenzone + Oxybenzone + Octocrylene + Zinc Oxide lotion (approved on March 19, 2009) 7.5+2+3+3+2
Octinoxate + Avobenzone + Oxybenzone + Titanium dioxide lotion (approved on March 23, 2009) 7.5+3+3+2
Tinosorb M +Octinoxate 30
Source: Central Drugs Standard Control Organization, New Delhi, India
Although many sunscreening products are available in India, composition details are not available, as they are marketed as cosmetics. The
authors have mentioned only a few agents for which composition details are available. Most of the products are combination products and a
branded product containing one active ingredient other than ZnO is rare in the Indian market.
PHARMACOKINETICS and excreted, even after five days after the last application.37
It was observed that lipid microparticles loaded with In another study, pharmacokinetics of BZ-3 was studied in 11
ethylhexyl methoxycinnamate (EHMC), which filters UVB, healthy volunteers after topical application. After 48 hours,
and butyl methoxydibenzoylmethane (BMDBM), which the average amount of BZ-3 excreted in urine was 11mg
filters UVA, had reduced skin penetration, thus preserving (median=9.8mg). In some volunteers, BZ-3 was excreted
the UV filter efficacy and limiting potential toxicological even after 48 hours. This study showed that BZ-3 undergoes
risks.36 Gonzalez et al37 studied the percutaneous absorption conjugation and converts to a water-soluble compound. The
of BZ-3 after repeated whole-body applications, with and age at which liver attains maturity and is able to metabolize
without UV irradiation in 25 volunteers. They observed that these chemicals and conjugate is unknown. Therefore, it is
large amounts of BZ-3 is absorbed, accumulated in the body, recommended that physical filters (i.e., zinc oxide, titanium
prevention of these skin cancers. sunburn. The formation of freckles in the Asian population is
Kuhn et al49 assessed the exclusive use of a broad- encountered much less frequently. However, overexposure to
spectrum sunscreen in preventing the skin lesions in patients sunlight can cause photodamaging effects, including skin
with different subtypes of cutaneous lupus erythematosus cancers. Hence, it is advisable for Asians to use sunscreening
(CLE) induced by UV irradiation under standardized agents regularly as a preventive measure just as it is in other
conditions in 25 patients. They concluded that use of broad- parts of the world. However, since Asian skin is more prone
spectrum sunscreening agents prevents skin lesions in these to hypersensitivity reactions, cosmetic products should be
patients. Efficacy of sunscreens depends upon skin type, used with care.
amount and frequency of application, exposure to sunlight
and time of day, environmental factors, and the amount of SUNSCREEN USE IN SPECIAL POPULATIONS
product absorbed by the skin. Studies have shown that dialysis and organ transplant
patients, including renal transplantation patients, should follow
SAFETY photoprotective measures, as they are more prone to develop
The safety of sunscreening agents is determined by skin cancers. Use of sunscreening agents have prevented the
toxicity studies, ability to cause irritation, sensitization, development of premalignant skin changes in these
phototoxicity, and its impact on environment. Hayden et al50 patients.53,54 Hence, physicians should educate these patients
studied the safety of five commonly used sunscreen agents regarding the regular use of preventive measures against sun
(avobenzone, octinoxate, octocrylene, BZ-3 [oxybenzone] damage, including the regular use of appropriate sunscreens.
and padimate O) by determining the penetration of topical
agents and found that BZ-3 penetrated the epidermis the FORMULATIONS
most after 24 hours of exposure; however, the concentration Generally, sunscreens are available in the form of creams,
in the stratum corneum was too low to cause toxicity. lotion, gels, ointments, pastes, oils, butters, sticks, and
Toxicities have been reported with BZ-3, which has been sprays, which are considered over-the-counter (OTC)
associated with anaphylaxis.51 The inhalation of spray products. Less frequently used products include wipes,
sunscreens can pose a danger as well. McKinney et al towelettes, powders, body washes, and shampoos, which are
observed pulmonary and cardiovascular changes in rats on considered non-OTC products by the FDA. Of late, these
inhalation of a product containing TiO2 nanoparticles. types of products have been marketed as multifunctional
cosmetic formulations incorporated into other cosmetics,
USE OF SUNSCREENING AGENTS IN ASIAN SKIN such as moisturizers, facial foundations, and foam
Asian skin is classified as type IV,26 which is darker in color, foundations (mousse). Spray or gel-based sunscreens are
rarely burns, and is more prone to rapid tanning. Asian skin preferred in oily skin and acne. New sunscreens with
is comparatively smoother, with a slight yellowish tinge and is microfine particles are found to be safe and effective in
more prone to pigmentation. Presence of protein melanin in patients with acne and rosacea. Sunscreen filters are also
the skin of Asians differentiates it from the skin of added to hair care products, such as shampoo, to minimize
Caucasians. It has been observed that melanin equally filters sun damage to hair.
all wavelengths of light, thereby receiving five times less UV Sunscreen-containing moisturizers usually have SPFs
radiation. This protein provides photoprotection to a certain between 15 and 30. Coverage foundations are transparent
extent, minimizing phototoxicity and making the skin less formulations containing titanium dioxide with an SPF of 2
vulnerable to the acute and chronic phototoxic effects.52 while moderate coverage foundations are usually translucent
Nevertheless, this population shows the effects of with an SPF of 4 to 5.
photodamage in terms of pigmentation, wrinkling, and Gogna et al55 observed that the use of polymethyl-