The Philippines is a tropical country where temperature is high especially during summer
hence Filipinos find relief by eating sweet frozen delights such as ice cream. The main market
segment for ice cream is young children whose developing bodies need the essential vitamins
and minerals for optimum growth. Several studies reveal that squash is a practical source for
these essential vitamins. It is a marginalized crop in terms of cultivation, marketing,
industrialization and research. There are few scientific studies on its physical, chemical,
physicochemical, nutrimental, functional and technological characteristics. Some scientific
literature on squash highlights its importance as a source of α and β-carotene, lutein, vitamin C,
dietary fiber, minerals, and phenolic compounds. These nutrimental and bioactive components
are very important in providing human health benefits. Different researchers agree in indicating
that more scientific studies are needed to achieve greater and better utilization of this important
crop.( Noelia et al.,2011). This experimental study uses squash as base material for artisanal ice
cream formulation The purpose of this study was to determine which proportion of squash was
most acceptable in artisanal ice cream making, determine the sensory qualities of the product as
well as its physico-chemical properties. Lastly this also determined if there existed statistically
significant differences among the ice cream samples prepared using the four formulations in
terms of appearance, taste, color, texture and aroma.
Four formulations using various proportions of squash powder (4, 5, 6 and 8 % by weight)
were the experimental lots in the preparation of artisanal ice cream making. The essential steps in
ice cream making consisted of : identification of ingredients, formulating the mix, weighing
ingredients and mixing, aging the mix, homogenization, pasteurization, freezing and extrusion,
freezing and hardening of the product. The best formulation was determined using Ranking
Preference Test while the sensory qualities were evaluated using the 7-point hedonic rating scale.
Analysis of variance was also used to determine the significant difference among the
formulations used.
Results of the study indicate that the best formulation in the preparation of squash-based artisanal
ice cream is 3% by weight of squash to total formulation weight. Results further reveal that the
squash-based ice cream is ‘extremely like’ in terms of taste and ‘moderately like’ in the sensory
attributes aroma, texture, color and appearance. Gallic acid, an essential vitamin attributable to
the squash was found to constitute 0.12 % of the total ice cream weight. Finally, Statistically
significant difference in all these sensory qualities were found when various proportions of
squash were used in the ice cream preparation.
The Philippines is a tropical country where temperature is high especially during summer
hence Filipinos find ways to counter the uncomfortably sweltering weather especially during
the summer months when ambient temperature reaches 43oC. They eat frozen food and desserts
including ice cream. Ice cream is a frozen dessert made from dairy products such as milk and
cream combined with flavorings and sweeteners . In some cases, artificial flavorings and
colorings are added instead of natural ingredients. (Moreno, 2015).
The ice cream industry in the Philippines is composed of only a few ice cream companies
who supply ice cream and dairy products in the country. The proliferation of smaller companies
offering-low price branded products in the market has been snatching sales from major brands of
ice cream resulting to Philippine government to implement ice cream regulation, the FDA has
regulations regarding ice cream so that consumers know exactly the nutritional facts of this well-
loved dessert. In the countryside, ice cream is prepared the artisanal way.
Artisanal ice cream roughly translates to “dirty ice cream” produced by using traditional
ice cream preparation in small batches and using manual method. The artisanal ice cream uses
several common tropical fruit flavors such as mango, avocado, young and young coconut
shavings. Nuts, cheese and chocolates chips and cookies are also normally added to add flavour
to ice cream. The dominant market segment for ice cream is normally children, however, adults
and young adults also relish eating the product (Muelhoff, 2013). It is therefore important that
the nutritional component of ice cream be fortified to make it a healthier product fit for
consumption of children. Ice cream can be fortified in a number of ways such as addition of
healthy vegetables like squash.
Squash has a very rich natural profile that consists of various organic compounds,
nutrients, vitamins and minerals, which are responsible for providing all its impressive health
benefits. This list includes a huge amount of vitamin A, as well as significant amount of vitamin
C, vitamin E, vitamin B6, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid and folate. (Lopez-Anido et al.,
Several processed food products using squash as the raw material have been developed
by a number of research agencies in the Philippines notable in which is the Food and Nutrition
Research Institute (FNRI), one of the country’s leading government research institutions under
the Department of Science and Technology (DOST). Examples of these processed products
include squash flour, squash juice, squash catsup, squash vinegar, squash noodles, squash chips,
squash polvoron and squash pastillas. (Department of Agriculture 2011)
In addition, various kitchen recipes were supplemented with either squash flour, freshly
grated squash or mashed squash are squash “leche flan, squash “halaya”, squash “macaroons”,
squash “halaya”, squash “suman” and squash “kutsinta”. (Pinoy Recipes 2015).
The squash as an available resource beyond the backyard can be utilized to potentially
enhance the appearance, aroma, texture and taste of ice cream as well provide nutrients. It is the
intention of the researcher to use accessible and nutritious resources to develop and improve the
regular artisanal ice cream recipes by further adding tropical fruit flavour to the squash-based
ice cream.
The principal objective of the study was to develop squash-based mango-flavored artisanal
ice cream flavored with mango. The following are the specific objectives:
2. To evaluate the sensory qualities of the squash-based, mango-flavored ice cream in terms
of appearance, color, aroma, taste and texture ;
3. Describe the the physico-chemical characteristics of the squash-flavored ice cream ; and
*Standard Formula
for Ice cream
*Squash *Product re-
*Production formulation Squash based ice
*Sensory Evaluation cream
*Health benefits
There were two phases in the study namely: 1. Determination of the most acceptable
level of squash in the formulation as flavor on artisanal ice cream and 2. Sensory evaluation of
the squash-based, mango-flavored ice cream in terms of taste, color, appearance and texture/
Phase 1. Determination of the most acceptable level of squash in the formulation of artisanal
nutritious squash based ice cream
The initial experiment was intended determine the most acceptable level of squash
powder in squash based ice cream. The proportions of the experimental lots were 150g, 200g ,
250g and 300g squash powder per batch of formulation. A standard formulation as provided in
Table 3 for plain ice cream will be used as basis in the preparation of the squash-based ice
The experimental lots used the same formulation for ice cream preparation except that
various proportions of squash were added. Table 2 details the ingredients used in the
experimental preparation of the squash-based ice cream.
Table 2. Formulations and Experimental Lots of Healthlicious Squash Based Ice Cream
After determining the most acceptable level of squash powder in artisanal ice cream, the
addition of mango puree as flavoring was done and the product was subsequently evaluated in
terms of its sensory qualities by a panel of 60 evaluators consisting of students, faculty and
Table 3. Formulations and Experimental Lots of Artisanal Squash Based Ice cream combined
with mango puree
Regulated triplicate trials based on appearance, color, taste, texture and general acceptability
of the ice cream was used in the evaluation.
The procedure for artisanal ice cream preparation was used in the study. Figure 3 shows the
process flow used in making the artisanal squash based ice cream.. The entire process flow
begins with identification of the ingredients, formulating the mix, weighing and subsequently
mixing the ingredients, pasteurization, homogenization, aging of the mix, freezing and extrusion,
freezing and hardening, and subsequently, distribution of the product.
Identification Weighing
Formulating the mix ingredients and
of Ingredients
Product Evaluation
The following methods were used to test the acceptability and sensory qualities of the
squash-based mango-flavored artisanal ice cream.
The Ranking Preference Test was used to determine which of the four formulations using
various proportions of squash powder was most acceptable to the panel of evaluators. The 20
evaluators ranked the coded samples according to their preference and the lowest total score
from the ranking preference would be the highest rank, therefore the most acceptable.
Sensory Evaluation
The 7 point Hedonic Scale was used by untrained laboratory panel to rate the appearance,
color, taste and texture of the product samples . The scale and interpretation are provided below:
Score Interpretation
Statistical Analysis
Data gathered in the sensory evaluation was analysed statistically using descriptive
statistics. Significant difference between and among the lots was tested using One-Way
Analysis of Variance, (ANOVA) Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) and Kramer’s
Ranking Test for preference. (KRT) wasbe used the degree of preference on the tropical flavour
used in the squash-flavored ice cream.
Phase 1. Determination of the most acceptable level of squash in the formulation of artisanal
nutritious squash based ice cream
Table 4 shows the results based on ranking preference test for squash-based ice cream
using four formulations, namely, Lot 1, 3% squash using 150 grams squash and Lots 2, 3 and Lot
4 using 200 grams, 250 grams and 300 grams squash powder respectively, Lot 1 had the highest
sensory evaluation making it the most acceptable among the panel of evaluators. The results
indicate that Lot 1, containing 4% squash powder by weight was the most preferable among the
proportions used. It may be noted that this formulation constituted the least amount of squash
powder among the four formulations used.
Phase 2
Sensory evaluation of the Mango-flavored squash-based artisanal ice cream.
After determining the most acceptable formulation for squash-based artisanal ice cream ,
sensory evaluation was done to determine how the evaluators perceive the squash-based ice
cream in terms of appearance, color, texture, taste and aroma.
Based from the sensory evaluation, the artisanal ice cream had the highest evaluation in terms
of taste with an overall means score of 6.8 interpreted as ‘like extremely’. The product is also
highly evaluated in terms of color, appearance, texture and aroma with overall mean scores of
6.02, 6.33, 6.27 and 6.2 respectively and all interpreted as ‘like moderately’. It may be noted that
the lowest mean score was recorded in terms of appearance. The ice cream appeared mushy with
a light yellow color attributed to the squash powder.
Attribute Mean Interpretation
appearance 6.02 Like Moderately
color 6.33 Like moderately
texture 6.27 Like moderately
taste 6.8 Like extremely
aroma 6.2 Like moderately
Table 4. Summary of Sensory Evaluation of the squash-based ice cream
Physico-Chemical Analysis
The physico-chemical and proximate analyses were determined using standard tests.
Table 5 shows the analyses made which included: Food energy, Antioxidant Activity as Gallic,
Titratable Acidity as malic, tartaric and citric, Total Reducing Sugar, Total Soluble Solids,
Moisture, Vitamin A (Retanol), Ash, Acidity, Protein, pH, calories, total carbohydrate. Of all the
physico-chemical components, Gallic acid is attributable to the squash powder.
1-.1.5 Table 5. Physico-
dislike extremely Chemical
1.6- 3.1- dislike Analysis
moderately of Healthylicious
3.1-4.6 neither Squash
like nor dislike 4.7- 6.4-like Based
moderately , 6.5- 7Ice Cream
like extremely
Studies indicate that fruits and vegetables are rich sources of phenolic compounds and
antioxidant activity (Kumar-Reddy, Sreeramulu, & Raghunath, 2010), this compound are present
in C. moschata (476.6 mg GAE/100 g –Jacobo-Valenzuela et al., 2008; Tamer et al., 2010).
Polyphenolic compounds with known health-beneficial properties, which include free radical
scavenging, inhibition of hydrolytic and oxidative enzymes, and anti inflammatory action (Ill-
Min et al., 2011), are particularly important in the pathologies of heart disease, hypertension and
age-related degeneration (Wootton-Beard, Moran, & Ryan, 2011).
Gallic Acid is often obtained by alkaline or acid hydrolysis of tannins and its derivates
are often present in the diet. Phenolic compound as natural antioxidant helps neutralize free
radicals. (Lopez, et al., 2003). The presence of this antioxidant indicates that this important
nutrient from the squash is imparted to the ice cream giving it a higher nutritional value than the
standard plain ice cream.
Significant Difference between the Treatments in terms of appearance, color, aroma, taste
and texture
Table 10b Analysis of variance ( ANOVA ) in CRD ( Complete Randomized Design ) on the
texture of squash based ice cream with varying amount of squash powder.
Source of Sum of Degree of Mean Computed Computed P-
Variance Square Freedom Square F-value value
Between Group 6.692 3 2.231 2.398 .072*
Within Group 107.900 116 .930
Total 114.592 119
1. The most acceptable formulation in preparing a squash-based artisanal ice cream is four
percent (4%) powdered ice cream by weight of the total ice cream formulation.
2. The squash-based, mango-flavored artisanal ice cream is acceptable in terms of aroma,
texture, taste and appearance.
3. The physico-chemical component of the squash-based, mango flavored ice cream is
Gallic acid which constitutes 0.012 percent by weight of the total ice cream formulation.
Water is found to be a major constituent of the ice cream.
4. Significant differences were found in the taste, appearance, color, aroma and texture
when various proportions of squash powder was used in the artisanal squash-based ice
cream formulation.
The following are recommended:
1. To determine the economic viability of mass production, the economic aspect of the
squash-based artisanal ice cream should be studied;
2. The shelf life and packaging may also be considered for further study which could
include microbiological study vis-à-vis optimum storage temperature for the longest
shelf life of the product;
3. Use of other flavorings aside from mango may be considered such as but not limited to
endemic tropical fruits such as passion fruit and kalumpit.
4. Other Mindoro fruits and vegetables may be used as base products for artisanal ice cream
production to fortify this product with essential vitamins and minerals.
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