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Topic Sentence

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The topic sentence

Every paragraph should include a topic sentence that

identifies the main idea of the paragraph.

A topic sentence also states the point the writer wishes to

make about that subject.

Generally, the topic sentence appears at the beginning of the

The topic sentence

A topic sentence tells readers what the rest of the

paragraph is about.

All sentences after it need to provide more information

about that sentence.

The topic sentence should not be too general or too

Identify the topic sentence
The topic sentence is…
• At or near the start of the
• A small detail from the
• One or two words.
• A complete sentence .
How to write a good topic sentence

Make it thorough:

“The first true self-driving cars appeared in the 1980s.”

“Technological advancements in the 1980s ushered in the first true
self-driving cars.”
(Susan, 2017)
How to write a good topic sentence

Make it precise:

“I am going to explain how self-driving cars are better for the


“While self-driving cars do not eliminate pollutants, their

improved efficiency is a huge step toward a cleaner future.”

(Susan, 2017)
How to write a good topic sentence

Make it brief:
“Self-driving cars should be a priority because they’re better than
environment-polluting gas-guzzlers, and in just a few years, traffic
will become so awful that no one will be able to get to where they
need to.”

“Given how much self-driving cars could positively impact society,

the automotive industry should make research and funding a
priority.” (Susan, 2017)
Choose the correct topic sentence
b) Native people in early North America liked to play games
Their favorite games were played with a stick and a ball, like lacrosse. In
lacrosse the rule is that you can't touch the ball with your hands. You catch
the ball in a net on the end of a stick and use the stick to throw the ball

a. Lacrosse is a good game.

b. Native people in early North America liked to play games.
c. You catch the ball in a net on the end of a stick and use the stick to
throw the ball.
d. Follow the rule of not touching the ball.
Choose the correct topic sentence
d) Not all plants grow in the same way.
Some plants grow and reproduce in one year and are called annuals. Some plants
grow and reproduce in two years and are called biennials. Other plants grow and
reproduce for many years and are called perennials.

a. Biennials are the plants that grow in two years

b. Perennials grow and reproduce for many years.
c. Annuals grow once a year.
d. Not all plants grow in the same way.
Choose the correct topic sentence
b) Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats.
Plant eaters (herbivores) like deer have large, flat molars for grinding plants.
Animals that eat both plants and meat (omnivores) have strong canines and
molars for tearing and grinding foods. Animals that are meat eaters
(carnivores) have canine teeth for cutting and tearing.

a. Carnivores use canine teeth for cutting and tearing

b. Herbivores use their flat molars for grinding plants.
c. Teeth can tell you what kinds of food a mammal eats.
d. Omnivores have strong canines and molars.
Choose the correct topic sentence
a) We should raise city taxes.
First, we need money to repair old roads and build new ones. We also need
money to pay teachers' salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection.
Finally, more tax money is needed to give financial help to poor citizens of the
city. It is clear that the city will have serious problems if taxes are not raised

a. We should raise city taxes.

b. City taxes are too high.
c. City taxes pay for new roads.
d. We need money for teachers’ salaries
Choose the correct topic sentence
b) Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
For example, a person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane and
have dinner in Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order
with a factory in Hong Kong by sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo
can turn on a TV and watch a baseball game being played in Los Angeles.

a. Airplanes have changed our lives.

b. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c. The fax machine was an important invention.
d. TV allows people to watch baseball games.
Choose the correct topic sentence
d) Alex was declared Most Valuable Player of the game.
He scored 8 points for his baseball team in today’s game. Alex also struck out 5
players. He hit 2 home runs and drove in 6 more runs.

a. Alex is always good player.

b. Alex hit 2 home runs.
c. Alex is a good pitcher.
d. Alex was declared Most Valuable Player of the game.
Choose the correct topic sentence
c) Dogs are often called man's best friend, but they also help humans in many
Some dogs hunt or retrieve. Some dogs guide the blind. Others guard animals and

a. Dogs can hunt.

b. Dogs help blind people.
c. Dogs are often called man's best friend, but they also help humans in many
d. Dogs help humans guard their property.
Choose the correct topic sentence
c) Thomas Alva Edison is remembered because of the huge number things he
invented which are still used today.
Thomas Alva Edison invented the light bulb. The storage battery was invented by
him. Motion pictures (movies) were another of his inventions.

a. The light bulb was a great invention.

b. Movies are possible thanks to Alva Edison.
c. Thomas Alva Edison is remembered because of the huge number things he
invented which are still used today.
d. He invented the storage battery.
Topic sentences
If you are writing an essay, the topic sentence relates to the thesis.

For example:
Topic sentence for body paragraph 1
Thesis statement:
Euthanasia should be legal because it is a way for people to end their
suffering and die with dignity.

Topic sentence for body paragraph 2

Topic sentence and controlling ideas
• Every topic sentence has:

• A topic.
• Controlling idea.

• Most often the topic of a topic sentence is its subject.

For example, “The Colorado mountains are the most beautiful in America.”
"Colorado mountains" is the subject of the sentence and the topic of this
topic sentence.
Topic sentence and controlling ideas
• The controlling idea can be an opinion or an idea that leads to other things
that are required to be developed.
• It shows what direction to take in writing about the topic.
• It helps the reader understand the purpose for writing the paragraph or
For example, in the sentence: “The Colorado mountains are the most
beautiful in America.”
"Colorado mountains" is the the topic and “the most beautiful in America”
is the controlling idea.
For example:
• Topic Sentence: Crime in poverty-stricken areas occurs as a
result of a systemic discrimination.

• The topic is “crime in poverty stricken areas" and the

controlling idea is “systemic discrimination."

For example:

• Topic Sentence: The life cycle of the frog has two stages.

• The topic is “The life cycle of the frog” and the controlling idea is “has
two stages"

For example
• Topic Sentence: Having a first child brings significant adjustments in your

• The topic is “Having a first child" and the controlling idea is “significant
adjustments in your life."

Find the topic and controlling idea

1. There are several Topic: Growing up in a small town

advantages to growing up in a Controlling idea: Several advantages
small town. Topic: Remodeling a kitchen.
2. Remodeling a kitchen Controlling idea: research and a good
requires research and a good eye.
eye. Topic: Teaching.
3. Teaching requires a number Controlling idea: different skills.
of different skills.
• Susan K. (2017) Here Is the Right Way and the Wrong Way to Write
Topic Sentences. Essay writing blog. Retrieved from:

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