Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence
Topic Sentence
Make it thorough:
Make it precise:
(Susan, 2017)
How to write a good topic sentence
Make it brief:
“Self-driving cars should be a priority because they’re better than
environment-polluting gas-guzzlers, and in just a few years, traffic
will become so awful that no one will be able to get to where they
need to.”
For example:
Topic sentence for body paragraph 1
Thesis statement:
Euthanasia should be legal because it is a way for people to end their
suffering and die with dignity.
• A topic.
• Controlling idea.
For example:
• Topic Sentence: The life cycle of the frog has two stages.
• The topic is “The life cycle of the frog” and the controlling idea is “has
two stages"
For example
• Topic Sentence: Having a first child brings significant adjustments in your
• The topic is “Having a first child" and the controlling idea is “significant
adjustments in your life."
Find the topic and controlling idea