Basketball Passing Lesson Plan Basketball Pass Tag

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University of Texas at El Paso

Kinesiology Physical Education Teacher Education

Learning Experience Plan

Teacher​: Michel, D. Date​:
Grade Level: K-2 Time:
Activities: Passing Drills/ Number of Students: 30
Basketball Pass Tag
Equipment: Basketballs, one per student. Cones
Equipment provided by me: Music
Facility: GYM

OBJECTIVES (2-3 per domain):

1. Students will demonstrate the ability to pass the basketball using the correct
2. Students will continue demonstrating the ability to improve their dribbling
techniques by following cues.

1. Students will comprehend the importance of communication when it comes to
passing in basketball.
2. Students will be able to recite cues from different skills such as thumbs down,
extend arms, waist level, etc.

1. Students will demonstrate good sportsmanship during all activities.
2. Students will show respect to the teacher when they are giving instruction.

K.1 (A) travel in different ways in a large group without bumping into others or falling.

K.1 (F) demonstrates a variety of relationships such as under, over, behind, next to,
through, right, left, up, down, forward, backward, and in front of.

1.1 (A) demonstrate an awareness of personal and general space while moving at
different directions and levels such as high, medium, and low

1.1. (H) demonstrate on cue key elements in overhand throw, underhand throw, and

1.3 (A) describe and select physical activities that provide opportunities for enjoyment
and challenge

1.5 (A) use equipment and space safely and properly

1.6 (A) demonstrate starting and stopping signals

1.6 (B) explain boundaries and rules for simple games

1.7 (A) follow directions and apply safe movement practices

2.1 (L) perform rhythmical sequences such as simple folk, creative, and ribbon

2.1 (N) demonstrate on cue key elements of hand dribble, foot dribble, kick and strike
such as striking balloon or ball with hand

National Standards:

● Dribbles a ball with one hand, attempting the second contact. (S1.E17.K)
● Dribbles continuously in self-space using the preferred hand. (S1.E17.1)
● Dribbles in self space with preferred hand demonstrating a mature pattern.
● Dribbles using the preferred hand while walking in general space. (S1.E17.2b)

Warm-Up:​ Dribbling Around Court

Skill Building:​ Passing Drills

Skill Application:​ Basketball Pass Tag

Lesson Plan Content
Time Content Development Management 1. Task Analysis
and Safety; 2. Teaching
includes cues/Refinement
Let students know that One whistle- Go/
communication in basketball is Change locomotor
super important. Ask students to movement
give examples of communication.

Attention Getter: STOP SIGNALS

Teacher “Ready to Rock!” Two whistles-
Students “Ready to Roll!” Freeze/ Ready

In this lesson, students will be
practicing how to pass in
basketball. They will practice
different drills with partners to get
them familiar with passing in
different levels, up, down, side to
side, in front, and behind. Students
will then play a game that
incorporates basketball passing
along with dribbling which was
already learned in a previous

WARM-UP(includes purpose) Transition 1​: Fingertips
As students are walking in they will Dribbling around the Eyes forward
get a basketball and begin dribbling court Mirror
around the court while performing Knee up
different locomotor movements On knees
such as walking, skipping, Sit down
galloping, and jogging. This will SAFETY: Extend
warm up the students entire body Students need to
for the upcoming activities that will keep their personal Refinement:
include different movements and space when dribbling Students need to be
dribbling skills. around the court. reminded that they
need to remember
Possible Student their home formation
Clarification: for the upcoming
What part of the activities.
activity might need
more explanation/
more clarification?


BUILDING ACTIVITY Around the gym floor Spread fingers along
Basic Passing Exercises: in partners the sides of the
Sitting Down- Start the ball at chest
● Standing, back to back with SAFETY: level.
partner, hand ball side to side Proper Keep the knees bent.
● Standing, back to back with communication with Release the ball by
partner, hand over the top then their partners will extending arms
underneath keep them safe. downwards.
● Sitting down, back to back with Talk! Upon release, turn
partner, bounce on the ground, palms outward towards
hand over the top Possible Student the floor.
● Sitting down criss-cross, facing Clarification: Ball should contact
partner, roll around to yourself Make sure students ground two-thirds of
then partner know that it isn’t a the way to the
● Sitting down criss-cross, facing race, they need the receiving player.
partner, bounce to yourself practice! (Bounce Pass)
then roll or pass to partner.
Standing Up- Refinement:
● Standing about five steps away This is not a race!
from each other Make sure they are
● Bounce pass to each other working on their
continuously technique.
● Chest passes to each other
continuously. TASK ANALYSIS:
Observe students. On
a notepad, make
DIFFERENTIATION sections for each cue,
Students can do these drills at their and tally each time you
own pace. There are different sized see an error. A couple
basketballs that students have the minutes in, see which
choice in choosing. cue has the most
errors, stop the lesson,
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS: and reteach that point.
Expect students to start doing the
drills slow. After a couple of reps,
though, students should get the
hang of it and should start showing
signs of competency in the skills.

Bouncing the ball, passing the ball.

Understanding the different kinds of
passes in basketball.

Giving their peers feedback and

Time Content Development Management 1. Task Analysis

2. Teaching
Basketball Pass Tag: Entire basketball Fingertips
court. Eyes forward
● Select 2-5 taggers depending Mirror
on the size of the group. Give Knee up
these students a pinnie or On knees
flags. Sit down
● All students must dribble the Extend
basketball around the playing SAFETY: Spread fingers
area and avoid the taggers. List any safety Keep the knees bent.
● Taggers must dribble the precautions to let Release
basketball at all times. students know about.
● If a student is tagged they must Refinement:
stop and place the ball on the When a student is
floor between their feet. Possible Student tagged, they need to
● Freeing process: A different Clarification: place the basketball on
student passes the ball to the Make sure the the ground between
caught player, who must catch students understand their feet.
it, and return the pass back. that they are working
Distance must be no closer on communication,
than 2 giant steps. dribbling, and TASK ANALYSIS​:
● No guarding caught players. passing in Observe students. On
● Students freeing caught basketball. a notepad, make
students cannot be tagged. sections for each cue,
● If a ball is dropped, then it must and tally each time you
be picked up and dribbling see an error. A couple
continues. minutes in, see which
● If all students are caught the cue has the most
game is over errors, stop the lesson,
and reteach that point.

Students can do these drills at their
own pace. There are different sized
basketballs that students have the
choice in choosing. Students could
also do the basketball passes at
whichever distances they would like

Students should be able to dribble
around the playing area and should
be able to complete passes to their

Running and dribbling around the
playing area, passing with their
peers. Chasing and fleeing.

Students will understand they are
practicing dribbling, passing, and

Encouraging their teammates and
giving them positive feedback.

Debrief/Closing/Cool Down Transition 4:

(what, so what, now what): Center Circle.
What skills did we practice in the
first set of drills?
What skills did we practice in the
game at the end? Skill from a
previous lesson?

What are the rules of the Basketball
Pass Tag game?
What do you think the importance
of communication in basketball is?

Why do you think it’s important to
encourage others when playing

Next class we will continue to
rehearse for the Ramona Finals.
Tell students to remember that
respect is important when their
families come to watch them

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