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ESLSCA Rules & Regulations

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Rules and Regulations


Admission Requirements


Academic Standards

Class Attendance


Graduation Requirements

Student Rights and Responsibilities

Administrative and Financial Regulations

Admission Requirements
The Admissions Committee welcomes applications from individuals who possess solid record of
academic and professional achievements and can demonstrate their ability and potential to do high
quality academic work.

We carefully review all factors indicating the MBA applicant's potential to succeed in a demanding
program of study and a professional career after graduation. We assess each MBA candidate in her/his
totality and do not reduce the individual to a mere test score or a grade point average. Therefore, we
evaluate each candidate on the basis of the following criteria:

1.   A minimum of an undergraduate degree, a bachelor or the equivalent, from a recognized

institution of higher education and a solid record of academic achievements on a consistent basis:
We welcome applicants with diverse academic backgrounds including liberal arts, physical sciences,
social sciences, engineering and law. Prior coursework in business administration, management or
economics is not required for admission.

2.   Evidence of managerial and professional potential: The goal of the Admissions Committee is to

admit students who possess well-defined career goals and a high potential for success at work. We
glean applicants' essays, letters of evaluation, and résumé (C.V.) to ascertain a consistent pattern of
self-improvement, introducing change, and taking initiatives. Prior work experience is not an
admission requirement; however, it provides students with a solid frame of reference to graduate
coursework and is, therefore, encouraged.

3.   Personal qualities: The Admissions Committee looks for applicants who are mature, honest,
intellectually curious, flexible, and personable. Evidence of applicant's personal qualities will be found
in application essays, letters of evaluation and the résumé.

4.   Fluency in written and spoken English: The Admissions Committee evaluates the English level
during the personal interview and matches it according to the program applied to. Native English
speakers are exempted from the aforementioned English proficiency requirements.

     Nondiscriminatory Policy

ESLSCA is committed to using the same admissions standards for all applicants.

Registering in Courses

Before attending classes each term, students must officially register, in person, during the registration
period by completing and submitting a Course Registration Form and paying the full tuition fees.  Credit
will not be given for work done in any course for which a student is not officially registered, even though
the student may have entered the course with the approval of the instructor.

Prior to the registration period, the ESLSCA International Graduate Education Office publishes the
Academic Schedule and issues the necessary instructions regarding registration.  Students should become
thoroughly acquainted with all requirements of their degree or certificate program as well as with all
registration materials.  They are expected to study carefully the requirements of all courses in which they
intend to enroll. 

Students that are allowed to conditionally register for a semester must adhere to the limitations set by
ESLSCA International Graduate Education Office. If at anytime a student changes his/her registration
status from "Conditional Registration" to "Normal Registration", the normal student rights are to be

Students have the opportunity to benefit from academic advisement as they select their courses and plan
their schedules.  They are, however, responsible for planning their courses. 

Early and Late Registration

Students are encouraged to pre-register according to time appointments announced by the school.  For
continuing students, early registration dates are determined by the number of credits completed by the

Students may register after the designated registration dates but will be subjected to a 10% late
registration fee.

Cancellation of Registration

ESLSCA will cancel the registration of those students who become academically ineligible.  Furthermore,
students are not officially enrolled until their registration has been cleared by the Accounting Office.

Continuous Enrollment

Students are considered to pursuing degrees when they are formally enrolled, on a continuous basis. 
Students who fail to register are no longer considered enrolled in a degree program.

Registration for each academic term is required for students who work on their master’s project, even if
they are not enrolled in any course.

Taking Courses after Graduation

ESLSCA Graduate Education alumni who want to take courses must apply for admission. Approval of such
requests is very restricted, and is based upon the course availability and current student enrollment.

 Retaking Courses

Students may retake a failed course (a course in which a grade of F was earned) if they wish to do so, and
must retake a failed course if it is a degree requirement or a prerequisite or co-requisite to other courses
that students wish to elect.

Students may retake a course in which a low passing grade was received (C+ or C) if the desire is to
strengthen knowledge or improve the grade.  The higher grade received will replace the lower grade on
the official academic record and will count in the calculation of the grade point average.  The credit will,
however, be counted only once toward degree requirements.

These rules also apply to the master’s project when students have received a failing or low passing grade.

Retaking courses and redoing the master’s project usually extend the period of studies beyond that
normally expected for graduation.  Each course and the master’s project may be repeated only once. 
Students may retake a total of 3 courses over the duration of their degree program.

In general, courses designated “Special Topics” may be retaken for credit if the course content is different
from when it was taken previously. 

Course Offerings

Most courses listed in the program structure are offered every year.  ESLSCA reserves the right to modify
curricula, course offerings, course requirements and program structure at any time.

When curriculum or course changes take place after a student commences a program, every effort will be
attempted to implement such changes in the student’s best interest. ESLSCA’s Academic Board is
authorized to accept requests from students for course replacements as long as it is well justified and
academically fits the program design.

 Student Course Loads

The normal full-time course load for master’s programs is 4 courses per academic term unless otherwise
specified in the program’s bulletin. The amount required for full-time student status can be reduced due to
course waivers and transfers. Full-time students, who wish to register for more courses than the
maximum or for fewer courses than the minimum specified in the program’s bulletin, are required to
obtain the approval of the Director of the program. 

Academic Credits

The unit value of ESLSCA International Graduate Education courses is credit hours.  Each academic credit
represents a minimum of one hour of class period per week for each week in the academic term.

Graduate courses in the main areas of study normally require at least one contact hour each week for one
credit.  For example, a 3 credits business course will consist of 32 – 36 contact hours (class time and
exam periods) per term.  Certain courses do not grant academic credit such as Presentation skills
and some prerequisite courses (for non- business graduates which is held before starting the

Recommended Preparation

Recommended preparation refers to course work or specific background that is advisable but not
mandatory in preparing the student for the designated course.  


Prerequisites are courses and specific background required of students prior to advancing to the next
course in a prescribed sequence of courses.  The Director of International Graduate Education may waive
prerequisites in exceptional cases.

Academic Standards

Course Grading System:

The grade of a student in any course is calculated as follows:

 Attendance                    10%
 Participation           20%
 Mid Term Exam      30%
 Final Exam             40%
 Total                    100%

Definition of Grades

Students enrolled in ESLSCA International Graduate Education courses will receive one of the following
grades per course, and the corresponding grade points.  Grade points are assigned for each unit of the
credit value of a course and are used to compute a student’s grade point average. 

Grade Description Points Range

A Excellent 4.0 90-100

A- Very good 3.7 85-89

B+ Good 3.3 80-84

B Satisfactory 3.0 75-79

B- Fair 2.7 70-74

C+ Poor 2.3 65-69

C Low pass 2.0 60-64

In addition, occasions arise that necessitate assigning symbols that fall outside the standard range.  These
are: (S), (V), (I) and (E), as explained below.

Satisfactory (S)

The (S) designates performance that meets all the standard requirements of the course. 

Waiver (V)

The (V) is given to courses transferred from another institution.

Incomplete (I)
The symbol (I) indicates that students have satisfactorily met all course requirements except the final
exam.   An (I) is usually assigned when students cannot take the final exam due to circumstances beyond
their control such as illness or some other emergency.  In such cases, students must present sufficient
documentation to the Office of the Dean.

An (I) may be removed by taking a makeup exam within three weeks of the original exam date;
otherwise, it automatically converts to an (F).

Grade Point Average

The GPA is used to determine students’ academic standing.  It is computed at the end of every
academic term by multiplying the number of credits taken by the grade points earned.  The
figure is then divided by the total number of credits completed. 

The cumulative GPA is computed in a similar manner for all coursework completed, and is used to
determine eligibility for graduation.  The GPA does not include coursework transferred from other
institutions including exchange partner institutions. 

Disputing a Grade

Instructors assign all grades.  It is understood that instructors have the right to determine grading policies
for their classes, and their evaluation of students’ performance is the final basis for assigning grades.

A student who believes that she or he has been unfairly graded have access to submit an Exam Review
Request.  If the student wishes to appeal a grade, she or he should first request a breakdown of the grade
and then a verbal explanation from the instructor.

If the discussion with the instructor is not satisfactory, the student should submit a letter outlining the
disagreement to the instructor within 6 weeks of the following academic term.  A copy of this letter should
be submitted to the Director of program.  The letter shall specifically cite the evidence by which the
student alleges that an impermissible element existed in the instructor’s evaluation of the student’s course
work and that it influenced the grade assignment to the detriment of the student.  The burden of proof
shall fall upon the student.

If after receiving instructor’s written response a satisfactory resolution is not reached, the student may
make an appeal in writing to the Director of program within one week of receiving the instructor’s written
reply.  If, in the judgment of the Director of program, the evidence cited by the student is insufficient to
warrant further investigation of the charges, the appeal shall be denied.  Otherwise, the Dean will seek the
intervention of the ESLSCA Academic Standards and Discipline Committee.   The Committee will examine
the fairness and effectiveness of the instructor’s grading procedure.  The Committee’s decision will be
final, and will be communicated in writing to the student. 

Correction of Grades

No grade may be changed after it has been submitted to the ESLSCA Registrar without the approval of the
Director of program.  The Director is not authorized to change a grade submitted to the Registrar except
when an instructor certifies that, because of an error in calculation or in transcription, an incorrect grade
has been submitted.  Grade change also happens when an (I) is replaced by a regular grade.

Grades may be changed within one academic term following the course after which they become a
permanent part of the academic record. 

Dean’s Honor List

Dean’s Honor List requires successful completion of all courses and a 3.5 grade point average for a given
academic term.  Only full-time students qualify.  This distinction is noted on the academic transcript and
becomes a part of the permanent record.
Class Attendance
Absences and Missed Work

ESLSCA International Graduate Education assumes that all students have freely accepted personal
responsibility for regular class attendance.  Regular class attendance is expected, with three absences per
course considered the maximum. Absences before and after vacations are treated like any other absence
during the academic term. 

In the event of unavoidable absence, students are expected to inform the instructor in advance. 
Instructors may accommodate any student who is absent from class or misses a work assignment for
reasons beyond the student’s control such as illness, death in the family, or other such emergency.  The
student must provide an explanation to the instructor and supply supporting evidence as required by the
instructor.  For purposes of fairness, the evidence required should be the same for all students.  The
student must also make arrangements with the instructor to make up missed work.

Any absences as a result from formal participation in activities sponsored by the school will be arranged
with the instructor.  For any class time missed, reasonable accommodation will be provided if necessary.

If a student’s absence reaches the maximum allowed, the instructor shall report this fact to the Director of
International Graduate Education who will send a Notice of Excessive Absence to the student. Student is
subjected to Forced Withdrawal after the fourth absence (i.e. fourth class missed), and the Student Affairs
Office will apply immediately the Forced Withdrawal without the student being notified.

Continuous and Complete Presence in Classes

Students are expected to be in attendance during the entire scheduled class session in order to be
considered present (except for courses offered through a virtual learning environment where digital
attendance is accepted).  Students may be counted absent if they arrive more than fifteen minutes late,
depart the class session early, or leave the class session for a considerable time.

In cases of emergency, students must inform the instructor in advance of their intention to be late, leave
the class temporarily, or depart early from class.

Exclusion from Classes

An instructor may exclude from class a student whose behavior is detracting and creating an environment
not conducive to learning for other students.

Class Participation
Class participation is a principal component of all courses in the program.  Course grades reflect the
quality of students’ academic performance as a whole, which normally includes regular participation in the
total class experience and are evaluated accordingly.  Instructors should explain their grading criteria and
their expectations in terms of class participation on the first day of class as well as in their course syllabi. 
Midterm Examinations

ESLSCA-International Graduate Education has a flexible policy on midterm examinations.  It is in the

discretion of instructors to require a midterm exam and assign the weight that it will carry in the student’s
overall evaluation. Instructors are expected to explain their grading criteria and their expectations in
terms of midterm examinations and other tests and quizzes on the first day of class as well as in their
course syllabi.

Midterm exams may be held on the regular class time if their duration does not exceed 90 minutes.  For
more extensive midterm exams, special exam sessions are scheduled by the Academic Affairs office
outside the regular class schedule. 

If for any reason the student did not attend the midterm examination session and his or her
request for a makeup was accepted, the maximum allocated grade for that exam will be (B).  

   Final Examinations

Final examinations are given in courses during designated times at the end of each semester as listed in
the Academic Schedule.  Instructors are not authorized to change the announced times of their
examinations unless they receive the approval of the Director of the program, and only for compelling

Students are not permitted to take a final examination before its regularly scheduled time. 
When genuinely serious conditions exist, students, with the consent of the course instructor,
may be allowed to postpone a final examination until after the regular exam period.  Students
must submit a request for a makeup for a final exam to Academic Affairs office.  If the request
is accepted, students will be assigned a grade of (I). The maximum allocated grade for such an
examination will be (B). Unexcused absence from a final examination results in an automatic
grade of (F) on that exam. 

If take-home examinations are assigned, they are to be submitted at the time and date of the regularly
scheduled final examination.

Students enrolled in a Master’s program will be allowed a maximum of 5 makeup examination sessions
throughout the duration of the program. Students enrolled in a Diploma program will be allowed a
maximum of 3 makeup examination sessions throughout the duration of the program. Each request for a
makeup session (midterm or final) must be approved by the instructor and the Director of ESLSCA
International Graduate Education and will be counted towards the maximum number of sessions allowed
and allocated the maximum possible grade of (B).

Graduation Requirements

Graduation requirements consist of academic credits, time limit requirements, and academic eligibility. 

Academic Credit Requirements

Required Credits & Curriculum

The minimum number of credits required and the prescribed curriculum for each graduate degree is
outlined in the description of the program.

Credit Transfers

Transfer Credit: Request for transfer credit will be accepted if the course work fits into the program for the
degree being sought, with course content and level of instruction at least equivalent to those of ESLSCA.
Moreover, transfer work must have been completed within seven years of admission to ESLSCA. Students
seeking transfer credit should provide: published course description; course reading list; course
requirements, including assignments and grading criteria; and official transcript noting earned credit for
the course. Grades on transferred work must be equivalent to B+ or better. Credit earned for any thesis or
master's project is not transferred. Courses taken on a Pass-Fail or Satisfactory-Unsatisfactory basis may
not be included in transfer credit. Transfer course work is recorded as (V), waiver, on the academic
transcript and is not included in the calculation of GPA.

ESLSCA does not grant transfer credit for life experience, correspondence courses, extension programs, or
corporate training programs. 

Transfer credits and course waivers are decided on an individual basis and must be approved by the
Director of International Graduate Education. The previous rules are not applied on credits transferred
from within the different schools of ESLSCA.

Academic Exchanges

Exchange credits applying towards degree programs vary according to the length of the exchange. Credits
are based on the average full-time course schedule of the exchange institution.
Time Limit for Completion

Maximum Time Allowed

Students must complete all the requirements for programs in which they are enrolled within a specified
time. The maximum time limit allowed for the degree is usually greater than what is needed to complete
all requirements. The time limit for completing master's degrees is three years for full-time students and
five years for part-time students. Approved registration break are not counted in the time allowed for
completion of degree requirements.

 Registration Break

It is possible to take a leave of absence from the ESLSCA-International Graduate Education programs.
Interruptions of enrollment, however, can cause problems in the continuity of course work and, therefore,
registration break are generally discouraged. Common reasons for leave include short-term job
opportunities, family crises, pregnancy, sustained ill health, and pursuit of educational interests at another
educational institution. 

Students who wish to take a break must discuss their intentions with the Director of the program, and
complete an application for registration break form available at the ESLSCA Student Affairs office. Where
possible, students should attach any relevant documents to support their application.

Considering that full-time students enrolled in master's programs must complete their degree within two
years, they may take a registration break for no more than two academic semesters and return to ESLSCA
without the need to reapply.

Students on leave are not eligible for the use of any school facilities normally available to registered

Failure to comply with the above regulations will subject a student to dismissal from the school. Any
student who leaves ESLSCA without having obtained a formal permission is recorded as having been
dismissed. A student who has been dismissed is not automatically readmitted. A student wishing to apply
for readmission must submit an Application for Admission. 


Academic Eligibility

Academic Standing and Satisfactory Progress

All students enrolled at ESLSCA-International Graduate Education are expected:

1.    To maintain a good academic standing at all times defined as a cumulative grade point average of at least
3.00 on all work undertaken at ESLSCA toward a degree or a certificate  

2.    To make satisfactory progress towards their stated degrees. Progress is measured from the beginning of
the first course at ESLSCA and is defined as: 

  A- A minimum grade of (C) in all courses attempted to receive graduate   credit. Work       graded (C) is
not acceptable for credit toward any degree program. 

  B- Student's grades must exceed a minimum defined by the following "Academic Demerit Point" (ADP)

 -  For each grade of (C+) and (C), in any course, 1 ADP is assigned. 
 -  For each grade of (F), in any course, 2 ADPs are assigned.

Students whose academic performance is less than satisfactory are reviewed and subject to probation or
possible dismissal. Less than satisfactory performance is determined:

Thus, for example, a student who earns one (F) and two (C)s in the first term of the program, will be
automatically dismissed. A student who earns one (C ) in the first term, and one (F) and one (C ) in the
second term would not. The student would be, however, placed under probation. 


   Students are placed on probation in either of the following cases:

  Their cumulative grade point average falls below 3.00 

  They earn academic demerit points above the permitted thresholds

  They fail in their master's project

  Probationary students will be notified by the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee,
acting on the behalf of the faculty, that they have been placed on probation.

Probationary students must meet with the Director of International Graduate Education,
acting on the behalf of the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee, in the first week
of a probationary term to draw up an action plan for improving their academic performance.
The probation plan may specify requirements agreed on by the student and the Director,
limitation of credit load, limitation on work, registration in a skills class, etc. The action plan
should be acceptable to the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee, in order for the
student to continue in the program. 

Academic Dismissal 

Students become academically ineligible and are dismissed in either of the following cases:

  They fail to satisfactory complete a probationary term


  They earn academic demerit points beyond the permitted thresholds


  They fail the master's project for a second time

Students will be notified by the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee, acting on the behalf of
the faculty that they have become academically ineligible and are dismissed from ESLSCA. 


Students who have become ineligible may petition to be readmitted in a subsequent term. The appeal
must contain documentation as to why circumstances have changed, to allow for successful completion
of the degree. The Academic Standards and Discipline Committee will examine all information relevant
to the student's appeal, consult with instructors who had the student in their courses, have the option
to interview the student, and make a decision to support or deny the request. 

If reinstated, students are placed on probation. Reinstatement is normally conditional upon earning no
more grades below (B-), and may include more conditions such as additional course work or
counseling. Students must meet the conditions of their reinstatement at their own expense.

If any reinstated student fails to demonstrate a noticeable improvement in performance, the student
will be dismissed for a second time. A second dismissal is final and may not be appealed.

  Graduation with Honors

Academic achievement is recognized through designations in the granting of degrees.  The award is
indicated on the transcript when the degree is conferred, and three distinctions exist:

Outstanding Academic Achievement Award

The award is presented to the student who attained the highest academic record.  A gift accompanies the

Distinguished Service Award

The award is presented to the student in the graduating class who contributed the most to the quality of
the degree program in which he or she is involved.  The award includes a gift and a certificate. 
Student Rights and Responsibilities
The ESLSCA Department of International Graduate Education students have the same rights and
protections Furthermore, ESLSCA is dedicated to maintaining a scholarly community which - as its
central purpose - promotes the creation and dissemination of knowledge.  The Department seeks to
maintain an environment where students have the following rights:

Expression: Students can freely examine and exchange diverse ideas inside and outside the classroom.

Education: Students have access to excellent faculty, academic technology, the University Library, and
other resources necessary for the learning process.

Fair and Equal Treatment: Students have the right to be treated equally, fairly and with dignity, and
can expect to participate fully in the ESLSCA without discrimination.

Information: Students have the right to be informed of the standards of performance and evaluation,
and their modification, in all courses and academic programs on timely and accurate manner.

Student Responsibilities

The exercise and preservation of students’ rights require a respect for the rights of all members of
ESLSCA.  Students enrolling in ESLSCA assume an obligation to conduct themselves in a civil manner that
is respectful to others, and compatible with ESLSCA function as an educational entity.  In order to fulfill its
functions of gaining and sharing knowledge, ESLSCA has the authority and responsibility to exclude those
who are disruptive of the educational process.

 Student Standards of Conduct

The ESLSCA International Graduate Education is an academic and social community dedicated to the
creation and dissemination of knowledge.  Its members (faculty, students and administrators) are
committed to promoting an environment of tolerance, civility and trust.  Students are, therefore, expected
to uphold the Department’s standards of academic integrity, honest work and mutual respect.  They are
expected to abide by the ESLSCA policies.

Any student who accepts admission to ESLSCA International Graduate Education commits to ethical
conduct and a willingness to subscribe to, and be governed by, ESLSCA regulations.  Every student also
acknowledges the right of ESLSCA to take disciplinary actions deemed appropriate for failure to abide by
such regulations.

Before matriculating, each student shall sign a statement indicating acceptance of the provisions of the
ESLSCA International Graduate Education regulations without reservation.
ESLSCA Department of International Graduate Education specifically prohibits the following forms of

Lying defined as communicating untruths in order to gain an unfair advantage.  Examples of lying are:

 Misrepresentation in applying for admission.

 Misrepresentation in applying for an internship or an employment.

Cheating defined as the use or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information or study aid in any
academic exercise.  Examples of cheating are:

 Unauthorized use of notes, text or other aids during an examination.

 Copying from other student’s examination during an exam.

 Talking during an examination.

 Hiding notes in a calculator for use during an examination.

 Copying from other person’s – including a more senior student’s - research paper, case write-up,
homework, computer disk, etc.

 Submitting the same paper for more than one course without the explicit permission of the

Fabrication defined as intentional and unauthorized falsification, misrepresentation, or invention of any

information, data or citation in an academic exercise.  Examples of fabrication are:

 Making up the data for a research paper.

 Altering the results of a survey.

 Listing a citation for a source not used.

Plagiarism defined as the intentional representation of another person’s words, thoughts, or ideas as one’s
own without providing proper documentation of source by way of a footnote or endnote.  Examples of
plagiarism are:

 Word for word quotation from a source, including an electronic source.

 Paraphrase: using ideas of others in one’s own word.

 Representation of interviews, radio and television programs, etc.

Unauthorized collaboration defined as collaboration with other students in preparing an assignment when

separate reports are submitted and sole authorship is claimed.
Participation in dishonest activities such as:

 Forgery, falsification, or fraudulent misuse of, or obtaining unauthorized access to, ESLSCA
documents, computer files or systems, and credentials such as identification cards and

 Damage to, or destruction, theft or other misuse of ESLSCA property or the property of another
member of ESLSCA community.

 Misuse of the materials or facilities of the University Library.

 Unauthorized use of ESLSCA services, equipment, or facilities.

 Violation of rules for using information technology services and facilities (see Rules and
Regulations on Computer Usage).

Uncivil Actions defined as behaviors disruptive to other members of ESLSCA.  Examples are: 

 Physical assault, coercion, harassment or intimidation of another person.

 Verbal abuse, intimidation or harassment of another person.

 Participation in or encouragement of any effort to disturb a class or other school functions.

 Smoking and eating in classrooms and other premises where it is explicitly forbidden.

 Receiving or sending cellular phone calls in classrooms and other premises where it is explicitly

Facilitating Academic Dishonesty defined as intentional assistance to violate the provisions of this policy. 
Examples include:

 Inaccurately listing another student as co-author of a paper, case write-up or project whereas the
other person did not contribute.

 Sharing a take-home examination, homework assignment, case write-up, report, etc., with
another student without expressed permission from the instructor.

 Taking an examination or writing a paper for another student.

 Unauthorized providing of material or information to another student.

In addition, any person having knowledge of any offense without reporting it shall be considered as
accessory to the violation and subject to penalty.

Procedures and Sanctions

If any member of the ESLSCA International Graduate Education believes that a violation of the above
regulations has occurred, he or she is expected to bring the matter to the attention of the Director of the

In case of minor violations, the Director may impose one or both of the following two sanctions:

Admonition: An oral statement to a student that he or she is violating or has violated a specified rule.

Warning: A written notice to a student who has violated a specified rule, including the possibility of more
severe disciplinary sanctions should another violation occur.

In cases of a severe violation or a repeated minor violation, the Director of program will refer the matter
to the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee.  The Committee will investigate the matter and,
consequently, will hold a formal hearing to which the accused student may be invited to participate.

In the event of a decision against a student, the Committee will determine the appropriate sanction and
notify, in writing, to the student.   Sanctions are designed to promote the Department’s educational
mission as well as deter similar conduct.  In cases of severe violation, the Committee may require that the
conviction be noted on the academic transcript of the student.

The Academic Standards and Discipline Committee may impose one or more of the following sanctions for
prohibited conduct:

Reprimand: A written notice for violation of the specified standards of conduct placed in the student’s
record; including the possibility of more severe disciplinary sanctions should another violation occur.

Restitution: Compensation for loss, damage, or injury to the appropriate party in the form of service,
money, or material replacement. Completion of a project specifically designed to help the student
understand the deficiency of his/her conduct.

 Immediate Suspension

In extraordinary circumstances, the Director of International Graduate Education can immediately

suspend the student pending a meeting of the Academic Standards and Discipline Committee.

Other Rules and Regulations  

Use of Equipment
ESLSCA-International Graduate Education equipment, materials and supplies may not be used for
personal purpose unrelated to the School’s mission or for commercial purposes.

Equipment may not be used by individuals and groups who are not part of ESLSCA without the prior
approval of the Director of International Graduate Education.

Computer Usage

The ESLSCA International Graduate Education computer facilities including its computer lab serve to
support classroom instruction and interpersonal communication of its members: students, faculty and the
administration.  Class related activities take precedence over personal use of the computers.

The computer facilities may not be used for commercial purposes.  Playing of games and using chat rooms
are prohibited.  Any individual who is not part of ESLSCA is not permitted to use the lab.  This includes
guests of current students.

The opening and closing times are posted in the computer lab or on the entrance door.  The lab may be
closed at other times for maintenance.

At times when the demand for computers is high, a “sign in” system may be implemented. Everyone
entering the lab must sign on the "sign in" sheet and sit at the corresponding numbered computer.  Users
must sign out when leaving.  A 1-hour time limit will be placed on use of all computers.  This will ensure
that students have fair access to computer facilities.  Students who have not signed in when entering the
lab, will be required to leave the lab regardless of the actual length of time they have spent in the lab.

The computer lab serves as a shared study area, where noise must be kept to a minimum.  In
consideration of other students working in the lab, students are expected to speak softly and limit
conversation with others.  Students may not play music in the lab unless they use headphones.  For the
protection of the lab equipment, absolutely no food and beverages are allowed in the lab.  The computer
lab is a smoke-free zone.

ESLSCA enforces legal protections provided by copyright and licensing of computer programs and data. 
Copying of any software from the computer lab is strictly prohibited.

Students must respect the integrity of the computing systems and facilities.  Downloading and saving any
programs or files on any computer hard drive, and reconfiguring or deleting existing software are
prohibited.  Users may create and save personal files to their assigned accounts or portable diskettes.

Students who want to connect their laptop computers to the network are required to obtain a separate IP
Safety and Security

Students are expected to familiarize themselves with the rules and regulations on safety and security
posted in each classroom.

Conduct in Classroom

Students are expected to respect the basic rules of order and courtesy in class.  Under no circumstances
shall a student disturb the normal conduct of a class.  They are also expected to comply with all the
prohibitions posted on classroom walls.

Official Notice Boards

Official bulletin boards outside ESLSCA Registrar’s Office and International Graduate Education Offices
post all items of importance to students.  Students are expected to check these boards regularly for all up-
to-date requirements and information.  

Changes of Address and Telephone Number

Students are required to notify the Student Affairs office of a change of home (permanent) or local
(current) mailing address, local fixed line and portable telephone numbers, and main email address within
3 days of such a change.

The students bear full responsibility for any consequences resulting from official ESLSCA communications
not received due to an incorrect address.

Student Identification Cards

Students are issued ESLSCA student identification cards that they should carry at all times.  The cards are
means of identification for library privileges and other ESLSCA functions and services available to them as
Administrative and Financial Regulations

 An official Identification Card will be issued for each student for gaining access to classrooms, library,
computer lab, midterm exams, and any other services provided by the program. The eligible students for
ESLSCA IDs are those who have both Administrative clearance from the administration office, as well
as Financial Clearance from the financial office.

 Students are required to submit each Semester’s Registration Form to MBA program officer during the
announced registration period.

 Requests for a Leave of Absence Form should be submitted in writing to the program officer and will
be considered during the semester only in case the presented excuse is unavoidable.

 Students with outstanding administrative or financial obligations will not have access to the portal,
receive grades, transcripts, or any other documents till reconciliation of their accounts. Every student is
requested to get an Administrative Clearance Form as well as a Financial Clearance Form the
Program Officer in order to access the midterm and/or final exams.

1.    Administrative and Financial Clearance:

1.1 Receiving Administrative Clearance:
Administrative clearance will be granted when the students submit the following requirements:
  An Original English/Arabic Copy of Graduation Certificate
OR An Original English Copy of Transcript
  Passport copy

To register, students must complete all steps required for the Admissions process.  Students should
check their acceptance letter for any contingencies to their admission to the school. Contingencies may
include but are not limited to documentation of official test scores, official transcripts, and conferral of
the undergraduate degree. Students who have not satisfied contingencies in their acceptance letter  or
who have failed to submit admission materials will be allowed to register conditionally till the midterm
exam of the first semester.
Students, whose files are lacking documents such as original transcripts or graduation certificates, are
requested to complete their files before the 3rd lecture, otherwise, they will be placed on a probation for
2 weeks during which they should fulfill their requirements or they will be prohibited from entering the
mid-term exam even if they have no outstanding financial obligations.
1.2  Receiving Financial Clearance:
         Degree candidates must pay full tuition for the designated number of courses, depending on their
degree program and their registered number of courses.
         Students are required to fully pay the tuition fees per each semester.
         The fees per each credit hour are announced for every academic year. This rate is subjected to
change. In this case, the modified rate will be only applicable on prospective students.
         Students are required to pay the full tuition rate for each registration period as outlined below in
the Tuition and Fees Scheme. Failure to pay during the announced registration period will subject
the student to a late registration fee of 10% on the total fees of the semester.
1.3    Students are considered financially cleared if they have fulfilled their financial obligations at the due
times specified for payments.

 1.4  Tuition fees must be paid before the starting date of the semester. Students who are late in
paying their tuition fees till end of the registration period will be notified that they are violating the
ESLSCA regulations and shall be penalized by an additional 10% charge as late registration fees.

1.5  Students who have not finished their Project during the last semester are
allowed an additional semester without paying any fees. Failure to finish their
Project within the 5th semester will result in the student registering six credit
hours in the 6th semester and paying the equivalent tuition fees.
 1.6  Every student is requested to get an Administrative Clearance Form from the Student Affairs
Office as well as a Financial Clearance Form from the Financial Assistance Office in order to validate
his/her Semester Registration Form as well as to access the library, attend the mid-term exam.

2.    Refunding Regulations:
2.1           Withdrawals:

2.1.1     Students who withdraw in accordance with the withdrawal regulations and wish to register in the
next semester, the course balance will be forwarded for the next semester’s account after
deducting the amount as shown in the following table. The course rate at the time of retaking it
will be applied on the student regardless of his/her original rate when starting the program.
2.1.2         For the students who have paid the course fees in advance and wish to withdraw from the
program, the refunded amount will be as follows:

Percentage of
Withdrawal Time
Fees Refunded

After Registration 90%

One week from starting date 75%

Two weeks from starting date 50%

Three weeks from starting date No Refund

3.   Course Evaluations:

 3.1  Instructors Evaluation Forms represent the students' ratings of courses taught during the

3.2  Evaluation Forms are processed through the administration of the program immediately before end of
the semester (during the 7th or the 8th lecture in the absence of the instructor) and then forwarded
sealed to the Registration & Documentation Office for data entry and compilation of findings.
3.3  The evaluation questionnaires are anonymous and the findings are analyzed and confidentially feed-
backed to the Dean but never returned to the instructor unless a conclusion or a decision is indicated
to adjust the academic integrity of the course.
4.   Delivery of Degree Certificates (Graduation Certificates and Transcript):

 To receive their degree certificates, graduates must:

4.1  Pay all dues to the University in full and provide documentation to the Student Affairs Office to that
4.2  Return their Identification Card to the Students Affairs Office before they pick up their certificates at
the Commencement.

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