Architectural History Reflection Paper Sample

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Architectural history research helps me to understand the landscape and urban built

environment, beginning with the ancient times and progressing to the contemporary life.
Knowing such history is critical in cultivating understanding of how underlying institutions in a
broader cultural sense influence our lives.

Us, architecture students typically covering regional architecture, such as Islamic, Indian,
Japanese, Chinese, Thailand, Nepal or Tibet, Cambodia and Indonesian structures and
architecture of the time, including ancient and modern techniques. As this field of study
requires extensive past research, we must have or be able to acquire strong skills in
communication, learning, reading and writing.

For me, studying the history of architecture is extremely important since the aim is for me to
understand how architecture affects society and our culture, unlike studying history in other
disciplinary categories. In other words, we should research the architectural past to understand
how and why each age has developed its own distinctive style since the beginning of time.

However, as with any other method of historical research, architectural history is subject as a
discipline to the limitations and subjectivity of the past. It is necessary to understand why a
building in any given point in history was built in a certain way; for example, feudal castles were
constructed not only with a view to protection but also to enable civilians and livestock to enter
during the war; while gothic architecture was designed to evoke reverence in the minds of the
congregation if anyone saw them. Even today this wonder lingers with us.

Studying architectural background can also be a good way to encourage us, modern-day
architects to try out new design methods. Without exposure to various architectural styles, we
will become stagnant and locked into a single form of building. For nothing else, the study of
historical architecture will help activate the creative juices in the of our minds and that will
usually make us more innovative and versatile.

Dade I love you galingan mooooo hahahhaha

Pakiss :*

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