TOEFL - Review Skill 1-8 - Skill 9

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The assignment encompasses the structure skills 1 through 9.

Use your TOEFL book as a reference to

complete this assignment.

Read the instructions carefully and answer the questions correctly.


Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence by yellowing it. Number 1
has been done as an example.
1. The three basic chords in ______ the 6. The Sun’s gravity severely distorted the
tonic, the dominant, and the subdominant. path of the comet _____ entered its wildly
(A) functional harmony erratic orbit around Jupiter.
(B) functional harmony is (A) it
(C) functional harmony are (B) when
(D) functional harmony they are (C) after the comet came into it
(D) once the comet

2. ______ Hale Telescope, at the Palomar 7. Each object ______ Jupiter’s magnetic
Observatory in southern California, field is deluged with electrical charges.
scientists can photograph objects several (A) enters
billion light years away. (B) it enters
(A) The (C) entering
(B) With the (D) enter
(C) They use the
(D) It is the

3. Without the proper card installed inside the 8. As its name suggests, the Prairie Wetlands
computer, ______ impossible to run a Resource Center ______ the protection of
graphics program. wetlands on the prairies of the Dakotas,
(A) is definitely Montana, Minnesota, and Nebraska.
(B) because of (A) it focuses
(C) it is (B) focuses on
(D) is (C) focusing
(D) to focus on

4. The charter for the Louisiana lottery was 9. One of the largest and most powerful birds
coming up for renewal, _____ spared no of prey in the world, ______ a six-foot
expense in the fight to win renewal. wingspan and legs and talons roughly the
(A) the lottery committee size of a man’s arms and legs.
(B) so the lottery committee and (A) so the harpy has
(C) so the lottery committee (B) the harpy having
(D) the lottery committee made (C) with the harpy having
(D) the harpy has

5. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple 10. ______ creation of such a community was
star, ______ to the naked eye to be a a desirable step, the requisite political
single star. upheaval had to be accepted.
(A) it appears (A) Since the
(B) but it appears (B) The
(C) appears (C) Later, the
(D) despite it (D) It was the


Each of the following sentences contains more than one clause. Determine whether the sentences are
correct (C) or incorrect (I). If the sentence is incorrect, write the reason why. Number 1 and 2 have been
done as examples.
NO C/I Sentences Reason
1 C When the season starts is determined by the weather. -
The second clause
2 I The manual how the device should be built.
has no subject.
The schedule indicated if the teams would be playing in the
final game.
He refused to enter a plea could not be determined by the
5 Talked about where should go for lunch.
Why the condition of the patient deteriorated so rapidly it was
not explained.
Whether or not the new office would be built was to be
determined at the meeting.
8 That the professor has not yet decided when the paper is due.
The contract will be awarded is the question to be answered at
the meeting.
He always talked with whomever he pleased and did whatever
he wanted.

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