The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
• Based on the application of CCS technologies Trump administration’s coal revival.8 The “magic” of
to meet 2018 electricity demands, Food & Water CCS is also increasingly embraced by natural gas
Watch found that while renewable energy technol- proponents.9
ogies can virtually eliminate greenhouse gas emis-
When CCS is combined with biofuels (like biomass)
sions from electricity, equipping coal- and natural
or direct air capture (catching CO2 dispersed in the
gas-fired plants with CCS would only reduce
atmosphere), it unlocks dangerous and specula-
greenhouse gas emissions by 39 percent. Such
tive “negative emissions” narratives — fables that
a scenario could support a 35 percent increase
delay real climate action with the promise of a super
in coal production and a 13 percent increase in
technology that would stop the climate crisis.10
natural gas production. CCS is particularly incom-
The World Coal Association notes that even the
patible with a transition to natural gas. Replacing
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
all coal- and natural gas-fired plants with natural
supports CCS, particularly in combination with
gas-fired CCS plants would only reduce emis-
biomass (see page 5)11 — a polluting energy such
sions by 25 percent and would enable natural gas
as burning wood. Subsequently, some well-funded
production to increase by 33 percent.
national environmental organizations have uncriti-
• If all power plants used CCS, they would burn cally swallowed the fallacious talking point that CCS
39 percent more natural gas and 43 percent more is both necessary and capable of meeting climate
coal, thereby exacerbating air and water pollution demands.12
impacts, which fall disproportionately on lower-
income people and communities of color. And in the face of the industry’s self-induced financial
crisis,13 CCS soothes investors. These financial inter-
• Large quantities of captured CO2 create a new
locks could explain the bipartisan effort to jam CCS
dirty infrastructure footprint. Unproven schemes
subsidies into federal legislation.14 At the state level,
that store CO2 mean more groundwater contami-
industry is beginning to extract tax concessions,
nation, air pollution and earthquakes.
dangerous liability reforms and pooling reforms that
would force partial owners to accept carbon storage
Carbon Capture: A Lifeline
on their property.15
for the Fossil Fuel Industry
CCS is an unproven technology that would prop up Climate Safety Should Not
polluters and boost fossil fuel demand. Widespread Be Held Hostage by CCS
adoption would be a windfall for fracking and coal
Dirty industries say CCS is necessary to meet climate
corporations as CCS-equipped power plants burn
goals, dismissing real solutions.16 Technology exists to
more fuel to produce the same amount of electricity.5
support a transition to 100 percent clean, renewable
Pipeline companies would also benefit from a CCS
energy backed up by storage and transmission at
building spree.6 By retrofitting industrial emitters
prices lower than current energy costs.17 While some
with CCS technology, potentially at tax- or ratepayer
contend that renewables require dispatchable gener-
expense, companies would profit from the very
ation to function, a variety of energy storage technol-
investments responsible for climate chaos.
ogies can provide cost-effective, reliable, long-term
Despite climate concerns, major energy companies backup for a 100 percent renewable energy system.18
dump billions into new fossil fuel projects while This use of electricity storage has been demonstrated
investing less than 1 percent of their capital in at scale and is energetically more efficient than CCS.19
low-carbon energy.7 CCS is a useful way for fossil
Experts agree that the cornerstone of climate action
fuel companies to avoid a write-down of their toxic
is decarbonizing the electric grid, which will foster
assets. Producers increasingly pitch “clean coal”
the decarbonization of other sectors like transporta-
(capturing carbon emissions from burning coal and
tion and buildings through electrification.20 The most
storing them underground), a central part of the 2
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
Demand for Fossil Fuels SOURCE: Food & Water Watch analysis of EIA data.
From capture to injection, CCS requires huge Figure 2: 2020 Electricity Emissions Technology
amounts of electricity.25 A fraction of the fuel must Comparisons (Metric Tons CO2eq/MwH)
be dedicated to CCS operations, which reduces a
power plant’s electric output (otherwise referred
to as the “energy penalty”.)26 To compensate for
decreased efficiency, generators must expand and
burn more fossil fuels to produce the same amount of 1.5
electricity.27 This means that when CCS proponents
point to “CO2 captured” as a metric of success, they
hide the increase in CO2 emissions from additional 1.0
combustion.28 For example, our nation’s only success-
fully retrofitted CCS power plant built an entirely new
polluting power plant to run the capture system.29
Based on our analysis, retrofitting natural gas and coal
plants with CCS while producing the same amount of
electricity could raise natural gas and coal production
by 13 percent and 35 percent, respectively.30 If all coal Natural Gas Coal Coal CCS Natural Gas CCS
and unequipped natural gas plants were replaced
CO2 Emitted Methane Emissions CO2 Captured
with natural gas CCS facilities, gas production could
increase by 33 percent.31 Our analysis also found that SOURCE: Food & Water Watch analysis of EIA data.
after accounting for increased methane emissions, emissions by only 25 percent (see Figure 1).33 Due to
full deployment of 90 percent-effective CCS would increasesed methane emissions, equipping natural gas
reduce power sector emissions by only 39 percent.32 plants with CCS only reduces greenhouse gas emis-
Switching to an all-gas CCS system would reduce sions by 18 percent (see Figure 2). 3
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
Compounding Environmental
Impacts from CCS
Power plants and their supply chains are respon-
sible for ongoing, large-scale pollution. They taint
air and water with dangerous byproducts of fossil
fuel combustion and harm exposed communities.
Not only will CCS keep these plants open, but if all
power plants used CCS, they would burn 39 percent
more natural gas and 43 percent more coal.34
Power plants need large quantities of low-tempera- SRZHUSURGXFWLRQIDFLOLWLHVLQWKH8QLWHG6WDWHV
ture water for cooling.35 Thermoelectric power plants Without new scrubbers, additional fuel consumption
are one of the largest water users,36 accounting to offset the energy penalty will increase these emis-
for 38 percent of all U.S. freshwater withdrawals in sions.48 In addition to emissions associated with fuel
2010.37 Power plants not only drain water resources, combustion, emission of carbon separation solvents
but increased water shortages undermine their long- such as monoethanolamine (MEA, a compound
term cost effectiveness and reliability.38 From 2007 about as toxic as cyanide) could cause toxic expo-
to 2008, warmer, drier periods caused U.S. plants sure and smog formation.49
to cut production, conditions that can send prices
soaring.39 Researchers found that climate change will
make extreme shortages (defined as a 90 percent or Extraction of vast quantities of fossil fuels for
greater reduction in power production) three times electricity production shifts intense health and
more likely.40 In addition to preserving an unsustain- environmental burdens onto the communities where
able electricity system, CCS will further increase production takes place. Communities plagued
power plant water usage.41 by fracking experience well-documented, severe
environmental impacts.50 Black lung impacts an
In addition to water use, coal plants produce poten- increasing proportion of coal miners,51 and mountain-
tially hazardous unburned coal residue that can top mining increases hazardous dust exposure and
contain arsenic, boron, cadmium, chromium, iron, stream pollution with serious potential for human
copper, lead, manganese, mercury and selenium.42 health impacts. Researchers have also found higher
CCS would produce a new stream of untreated birth defect and respiratory illness rates in areas with
wastewater.43 Scrubbing chemicals emitted mountain-top mining, compared to those without.52
in low quantities from carbon capture devices
could contaminate water supplies with probable The purported climate benefits of carbon capture
carcinogens.44 are offset by the increased emissions from produc-
tion, processing and transportation. Both coal
Air Pollution
mining and natural gas production emit large quanti-
Power plants release air pollutants like mercury, ties of methane, a greenhouse gas that is 86 times
particulate matter, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen as potent as CO2 over 20 years and 34 times as
oxides (NOx).45 Their SO2, NOx and particulate matter potent over 100 years.53 Methane emissions add up
pollution contributes to respiratory health prob- quickly. For natural gas, a loss rate of 2.3 percent of
lems (such as chronic bronchitis, asthma, emphy- methane emissions from the supply chain produces
sema and existing heart disease), causes labored the same amount of warming as the CO2 emitted
breathing and reduces life expectancy.46 Particulate from combustion.54 Recent research finds a 4.0
matter pollution from power plants is responsible for percent leakage rate for shale (fracked) gas and a
15,000 premature deaths annually.47 2.67 percent leak rate for other natural gas.55 4
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
Negative Emissions:
Dangerous, Costly, Unproven
Carbon Capture Negative emissions technologies can supposedly
Is Insufficient to Address remove CO2 from the atmosphere. They may also
Other Industrial Emissions produce energy in addition to clawing back CO2. But
their promise is an excuse to delay urgently needed
While clean electricity can be an antidote to the en-
emission reductions.
ergy sector and provide carbon-free heat,
14 percent of industrial carbon emissions are intrin-
sic to the core chemistry of these industries.56 CCS
Capturing Dirty Bioenergy
could theoretically be applied to a range of industrial Despite the technical barriers to biomass energy and
practices that emit CO2, such as the production of its extravagant land-use requirements, the IPCC’s fifth
fertilizer, plastic, steel and cement.57 In some cases, assessment report heavily promotes the develop-
alternative ways of supplying these end products ment of dirty bioenergy combined with CCS.68 While
exist, but in others, continued research and develop- capture of carbon emissions from conversion of
ment is urgently necessary. biomass to liquid fuel is possible, the resultant biofuel
Petrochemicals. Much of the petrochemical indus- emits CO2 when burned.69
try can be scaled back without resorting to CCS by
producing fewer unnecessary products, such as dis-
Bioenergy’s supposed carbon neutrality hinges on
posable single-use plastics.58 (Increased petrochemi- the faulty assumption that growing plants offsets fuel
cal manufacturing is projected to drive a 40 percent combustion.70 While combustion emissions are imme-
increase in global plastics production over the next diate, it may take years for photosynthesis to reabsorb
decade.59) For necessary plastics (such as medical equivalent emission amounts.71 For example, using
devices or building materials), carbon-free alterna- wood instead of coal increases short-term carbon
tives exist. It is possible to produce plastic and other emissions.72 U.S. pellet plants (which supply genera-
complex hydrocarbons using renewable electric- tors) overwhelmingly source from trees rather than
ity.60 Companies are already investing in large-scale from waste residues or byproducts.73
renewable-powered manufacture of hydrogen to
replace traditional petrochemicals.61 Bioenergy production competes with land uses for
habitation, conservation and food production.74
Cement and Steel. Key construction materials like
steel and cement need real decarbonization solu-
Deriving less than 10 percent of global energy from
tions, not false promises. Steel, cement and iron the most efficient biofuel sources would require
have very diluted carbon emission streams, making between 11 percent and 14 percent of arable land
carbon capture challenging.62 While carbon-free and between 18 percent and 25 percent of current
steel production methods need new research and human water consumption.75 Heavy use of biofuels
development, some methods show promise. In could require up to 80 percent of current crop-
2013, MIT researchers laid the groundwork for an land.76 To give a sense of the land requirements,
affordable, entirely electrified, carbon emission-free bioenergy ambitions are limited by the existence of
steel production technique.63 Another method uses natural parks.77 This increased land scarcity would
renewably-produced hydrogen to produce steel have catastrophic impacts on food availability and
from iron.64 Carbon capture in the cement industry biodiversity.78
faces unique challenges.65 Technologies capable of
reducing emissions by more than 64 percent remain Bioenergy CCS is likely an expensive boondoggle.
prototypes.66 Alternative cement production meth- Capturing CO2 adds costs to the already expensive
ods and products are still undergoing research, but biofuel technology.79 U.S. biofuels are also poorly
several carbon-free options appear viable.67 suited to CCS because they need substantial energy
inputs relative to the energy they generate.80 Far from
being carbon negative, biofuel’s low energy content 5
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
and high moisture content could make the net CO2 By 2012, 4 of the 10 predicted projects were
reduction from capturing biomass worse than fossil- cancelled or mothballed, 5 of which received a
fueled CCS.81 Additionally, biomass air emissions combined $2 billion in DOE funding.93 Only three
include many of the same pollutants as coal plants, projects came to fruition.94 One, the Petra Nova
with some worse respiratory effects.82 power plant, captures a tiny fraction of site emissions
at an astronomical cost.95 Another captures the emis-
Direct Air Capture sions from a hydrogen production facility.96 The third
One of the most speculative carbon capture captures easy-to-trap biofuel refining emissions from
schemes, direct air capture (DAC), involves pulling an Archer Daniels Midland (ADM) plant to produce
carbon directly out of the atmosphere.83 This process fuel that will emit CO2 when burned.97
is incredibly inefficient because CO2 in ambient air is Between 2014 and 2016, less than 4 percent of the
100 to 300 times more diluted than typical smoke- planned CCS capacity was deployed.98 Now, after
stack emissions.84 DAC plants are massive and require support from both the Bush and Obama administra-
colossal amounts of energy to operate.85 Functional tions, cost estimates for power plants with CCS are
DAC is essentially bad energy storage that requires substantially higher than in 2005.99 Despite lackluster
a fully renewable grid; if powered with natural gas results, the DOE continues to dump millions on
or coal, the process releases more CO2 than it speculative carbon capture ventures.100
Based on the current pace
Existing pilot-scale DAC of demonstration projects,
facilities are surprisingly Based on the current pace a deployment schedule
huge, and full-scale plants that meets climate
would consume as much of demonstration projects,
demands is increasingly
land as the coal plants a deployment schedule that implausible. In 2012, energy
that they would offset.87 researchers heralded that
Contemporary air capture
meets climate demands is
it was the “last chance for
also uses as much as 50 increasingly implausible. CCS.”101 The International
tons of water for every Energy Agency has steadily
ton of CO2 captured.88 revised CCS deploy-
These limitations mean that DAC cannot be feasibly ment targets downward as progress has slowed.102
deployed at a scale sufficient to meaningfully impact And despite ongoing public proclamations, large
atmospheric CO2 levels.89 utilities and oil companies have abandoned CCS
without subsidies.103 In an extensive evaluation of
CCS: Expensive and Ineffectual the divergence between CCS predictions and actual
Despite billions in government handouts, power plant deployment, a Global Environmental Change article
CCS technology remains prohibitively expensive remarked that “CCS hype was driven by the expecta-
and has not lived up to optimistic projections over tions and commitments of the close-knit community
the past two decades.90 In 2009, President Barack of expert-advocates that formed around CCS in the
Obama’s energy secretary, Steven Chu, predicted early to mid-2000s.”104
that the United States would have 10 coal-fired plants
Continued optimism around natural gas CCS is
with CCS in service by 2016.91 Between 2005 and
remarkable since no commercial-scale gas-fired
2012, the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) spent
power plants have successfully adopted carbon
$6.9 billion attempting to demonstrate the feasibility
capture, and capturing the diluted CO2 from gas-fired
of CCS for coal.92
power plants may be harder than capturing CO2 from
coal plants.105 Without scientific breakthroughs, CCS
may remain perpetually “one decade away.”106 6
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution 7
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
CO2 enhanced oil recovery (EOR) is an oil produc- Unavoidable CO2 Infrastructure Leaks
tion method that uses captured carbon injected into
CCS infrastructure poses numerous health and
mature, low-pressure oil reservoirs to drive remaining
safety risks because carbon is prone to leakage
oil to the surface. EOR operations often mix CO2 with
during transport, injection and long-term storage.142
hundreds to thousands of tons of dangerous surfac-
Concentrated CO2 is denser than air, and exposure to
tants and nanoparticles underground to increase oil
concentrations higher than 10 percent is potentially
output.133 Release and leakage of these surfactants
fatal.143 The impact of CO2 leaks can be dire. In 1986,
poisons wildlife, and while the human health impacts
Lake Nyos in Cameroon released a large bubble of
of nanoparticle additives are poorly understood, new
CO2 that had accumulated from volcanic activity.144
research demonstrates potential liver and kidney
The CO2 formed a low-lying cloud, spreading and
impacts from exposure.134
killing 1,746 people (some more than 15 miles away)
The primary goal of EOR is maximizing oil production, and displacing 4,430 more.145 Captured CO2 may also
not storing carbon.135 Mature oil fields in which EOR contain dangerous impurities such as volatile organic
typically takes place pose unique challenges and are compounds (VOCs), mercaptans, mercury and nitrous
less studied than the salt water reservoirs frequently oxides, and removing them increases the energy
examined for storage.136 Maximizing oil production may penalty and other environmental impacts of carbon
also require injecting CO2 at pressures capable of frac- capture.146 Unremoved, some impurities are corrosive,
turing underground rock formations that contain CO2, increasing the odds of leakage.147
which would enable rapid leakage.137 In one studied oil
To ensure climate safety, polluters must guarantee
field, EOR operators were unable to account for 22 to 96
that carbon can be stored for thousands of years,
percent of the CO2 they injected after a short period.138
but long-term stable storage of CO2 remains largely
EOR results in more carbon emissions than it stores. unproven.148 Existing storage projects have not been
A ton of CO2 produces 2 to 3 barrels of oil when able to prove that CCS actually works because under-
injected; when burned, that oil emits around 1.2 tons ground CO2 imaging technology is nascent.149 Despite
of CO2.139 Demand for EOR is insufficient to financially this, pro-CCS state legislators are moving bills that
support capturing carbon. As of 2018, 140 CO2 EOR would shift the financial liability of long-term storage
projects produced approximately 0.35 percent of onto the public.150 Storage optimists cite efforts to
global oil production.140 Even the most (unproven) control methane leakage as purported proof that
optimistic projections of carbon capture supporters CO2 leakage is fixable, despite ongoing substantial
admit that EOR could only utilize around six years of methane emissions from natural gas production.151
U.S. CO2 emissions.141
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
Well failure during injection or a blowout could Much like natural gas, CO2 pipelines require
release large amounts of CO2.152 Injection pressure compressor stations to maintain pressure.169 These
can also reactivate fracture networks or deform the facilities are integral to moving content through
sealing layer, allowing leaks.153 CO2 must be injected pipeline networks, but emit air pollutants like NOx,
under sufficient pressure to displace existing fluids. In fine particulate matter, carbon monoxide, benzene
small spaces, this can create rapid pressure increases and formaldehyde (some of which are associated
that fracture containment layers.154 Earthquakes from with an increase in ambient ozone).170 In Pennsylvania,
injection could also rupture storage seals, allowing noisy compressor stations are the leading cause of air
CO2 to leak.155 The increased pressure is compounded pollution from oil and gas production.171
by chemical reactions between the brine, CO2 and
minerals that can increase the permeability of the CO2 Storage and
sealant layer.156 Injection Is Shaky at Best
Natural variations in subsurface geology potentially Another caveat to CCS is inadequate space for safe
allow CO2 to rise to the surface unless trapped by underground carbon storage. Pro-CCS studies tend
sealing layers of rock.157 For example, CO2 can flow to evaluate only abstract CO2 storage capacity (such
through water channels that may be connected to the as global and national capacities) without regard to
surface.158 Slower leakage along fractures and unde- practical limitations (such as transportation of CO2
tected faults is also possible.159 Dependent on rock and conflicting land uses).172 In commercial settings,
permeability, as much as 10 percent of stored CO2 suitable CO2 storage reservoirs may be far from
may leak over 30 years.160 These unknown factors are carbon-emitting sources or functionally limited due to
amplified by natural disasters such as earthquakes.161 injection rates (the reservoir can only accept CO2 at
a lower rate).173 Injecting CO2 at rates above the pres-
Since many storage locations are in and around fossil
sure tolerance of a specific reservoir can crack seals,
fuel reservoirs, abandoned oil and gas wellbores
activate faults and cause earthquakes and leaks.174
provide a pathway for CO2 leaking to the surface.162 Any
Sequestration also fails to provide a global answer to
old, unsealed or defectively-sealed wells are essentially
the climate crisis since some countries do not have
pipelines to the surface.163 CO2 can also slowly escape
rocks suitable for CO2 storage.175
along well linings and has been shown to corrode
materials used in well casings and seals.164 Undetected Extensive research has also linked high-volume injec-
leaks can completely undermine a storage operation’s tion (for wastewater disposal and natural gas storage)
efficacy.165 Optimists reference similarities to natural gas to earthquakes. Carbon sequestration plans would
storage, ignoring the disastrous Aliso Canyon blowout inject CO2 at volumes higher than activities already
that spewed methane for months.166 Storage leaks could linked to seismicity.176 Not only is CO2 injection very
also contaminate groundwater and soil.167 similar to wastewater injection, but reducing pres-
sure to inject CO2 may require extracting wastewater
CO2 Pipelines, Like Natural Gas from the reservoir and reinjecting elsewhere.177
Pipelines, Would Be Faulty Extensive research links fluid injection and disposal to
A buildout of CCS infrastructure could propel pipeline
companies into a pipeline building bonanza. Like Research links injection of CO2 to seismecity.179 Events
natural gas pipelines, CO2 leaks are likely to occur in with magnitude as high as 4.4 have been recorded
every stage of the CCS network — from EOR wells at CO2 injection sites, which is near levels that can
to pipelines to compressor stations to power plants damage buildings and infrastructure and contaminate
and their storage facilities. Moreover, CO2 pipeline drinking water.180 These seismic risks will increase if
accidents could release large quantities of dense gas, CCS is commercialized and volumes of injected CO2
which may temporarily accumulate in low-lying areas grow beyond what occurs at current demonstration
as incredibly dangerous ground-level CO2 clouds.168 projects.181 9
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
Conclusion Methodology
Despite the proven viability of every technological Food & Water Watch used the electricity emissions
component necessary for a rapid transition to 100 model from our report Fracking’s Bridge to Climate
percent clean, renewable energy,182 embedded Chaos: Exposing the Fossil Fuel Industry’s Deadly
interests continue to promote carbon capture and Spin to estimate the impact of CCS on emissions
storage as a solution to climate change. Successful and fuel use (assuming the technology was deployed
deployment of this technology would result in large on the 2020 fleet of natural gas- and coal-fired
increases in pollution associated with the extrac- power plants). The model was updated to include
tion, transportation and combustion of fossil fuels, uncounted leakage from the portion of natural gas
burdens that are borne disproportionately by the least fuel lost between production and delivery at electric
well-off in society. At the same time, CCS would fail to power plants. Tonnes of methane were converted to
meaningfully reduce emissions to stave off the worst tonnes of CO2 equivalents using the 20 year global
effects of climate chaos. warming potential of methane. The model uses data
Carbon capture and storage relies on unproven and from the Reference Case projections of the Energy
dangerous technologies that cannot survive without Information Administration’s Annual Energy Outlook
government support. Continued subsidies for this 2020 released January 2020.
failed technology only serve as an excuse to defer Food & Water Watch used an energy penalty of 30
meaningful climate action. A reckless push for CCS percent for coal based on the retrofit at Boundary
would sacrifice important regulatory guardrails Dam and a review of estimated penalties for retrofits
and expose the public to increased water pollution, found in the literature.183 Due to the lack of scale
induced earthquakes and potentially catastrophic demonstrations of CCS at natural gas-fired power
releases of CO2. plants, our analysis used a high estimate (28 percent)
for the energy penalty of natural gas plants.184 Our
results are likely conservative as energy penalty
calculations do not always include the energy use
associated with pipeline transport, pressurization
and injection.185 Our analysis assumed that reduced
output was met by a corresponding increase in
output from the same type of plant, also equipped
with carbon capture (for example, a 30 percent
reduction in output from a CCS equipped coal plant
would be met with a corresponding increase in
generation from a CCS-equipped coal plant). 10
The Case Against Carbon Capture: False Claims and New Pollution
6 Bui, Mai et al. “Carbon capture and storage (CCS): The way forward.” mitigation of emissions.” PNAS. Vol. 116, No. 18. April 2019 at 8775;
Energy & Environmental Science. Vol. 11, Iss. 5. May 2018 at 1063 and U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO). “Water in the energy
1109. sector.” GAO-15-545. August 2015 at Highlights; Dominion. “Coal
7 Tabuchi, Hiroko. “Oil giants, under fire from climate activists and Ash Management Report 2014.” 2014 at 1 to 2.
investors, mount a defense.” New York Times. September 23, 2019. 24 Massetti, Emanuele et al. Prepared by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
8 van der Ploeg, Frederick and Armon Rezai. University of Oxford. Vi- for the U.S. Department of Energy. “Environmental Quality and the
enna University of Economics and Business. “The Risk of Policy Tip- U.S. Power Sector: Air Quality, Water Quality, Land Use and Environ-
ping and Stranded Carbon Assets.” CESifo Working Paper No. 7769. mental Justice.” ORNL/SPR-2016/772. January 2017 at 85; Food &
July 2019 at 1 to 3; Plumer, Brad. “What ‘clean coal’ is — and isn’t.” Water Watch (FWW). “Pernicious Placement of Pennsylvanian Power
New York Times. August 23, 2017; Sanderson, Henry. “Coal industry Plants.” June 2018; FWW. “Cap and Trade: More Pollution for the Poor
stakes survival on carbon capture plan.” Financial Times. August 20, and People of Color.” November 2019.
2019. 25 Bui et al. (2018) at 1109 and 1110.
9 Mooney, Chris. “First large ‘clean coal’ plant in U.S. declared op- 26 Kemp, John. “Carbon capture’s energy penalty problem.” Reuters.
erational.” Washington Post. January 11, 2017; Haszeldine, R. Stuart. October 6, 2014.
“Carbon capture and storage: How green can black be?” Science. 27 Muratori et al. (2017) at 866 to 868.
Vol. 325, Iss. 5948. September 2009 at 1647.
28 Ibid.
10 Lenzi, Dominic et al. “Weigh the ethics of plans to mop up carbon
29 Schwartz, John. “High-stakes test for carbon capture.” New York
dioxide.” Nature. Vol. 561. September 2018 at 303 to 305.
Times. January 3, 2017.
11 World Coal Association. “Driving CCUS Deployment: The Pathway to
30 See methodology on page 10.
Zero Emissions From Coal.” November 2018 at 10 and 11.
31 Ibid.
12 Cohen, Rachel M. “The environmental left is softening on carbon-
capture technology. Maybe that’s ok.” Intercept. September 20, 2019. 32 Ibid.
13 van der Ploeg and Rezai (2019) at 1 to 3. 33 Ibid.
14 Dillon, Jeremy. “Groups push for CCS language in Pentagon reautho- 34 Ibid.
rization.” E&E News. September 3, 2019. 35 van Vliet, Michelle T. H. et al. “Vulnerability of US and European elec-
15 Cleveland, Megan. National Conference of State Legislatures. “Car- tricity supply to climate change.” Nature Climate Change. Vol. 2. June
bon Capture and Sequestration.” April 14, 2017 at 1 and 2. 2012 at 1.
16 Martínez Arranz, Alfonso. “Hype among low-carbon technologies: 36 Ibid.
Carbon capture and storage in comparison.” Global Environmental 37 GAO (2015) at Highlights.
Change. Vol. 41. November 2016 at 130. 38 Newiadomsky, Charlotte and Andreas Seeliger. “Security of energy
17 Diesendorf, Mark and Ben Elliston. “The feasibility of 100% renewable supply: Will it stand the test of climate change — and what will it
electricity systems: A response to critics.” Renewable and Sustain- cost?” Electrical Engineering. Vol. 98, Iss. 4. December 2016 at 2, 4
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review of the feasibility of 100% renewable-electricity systems.’”
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. Vol. 92. September 2018 40 Ibid.
at 840 and 841; Iaconangelo, David. “Cheap batteries could soon 41 Chandel, Munish K. et al. “The potential impacts of climate-change
replace gas plants — study.” E&E News. March 26, 2019; Schmidt, policy on freshwater use in thermoelectric power generation.” En-
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technologies.” Joule. Vol. 3, Iss. 1. January 2019 at 85 and 86; Lazard. 42 Dominion. “Coal Ash Management Report 2014.” 2014 at 1 to 2.
“Lazard’s Levelized Cost of Energy Analysis — Version 12.0.” Novem-
43 Zhang, Yuanyuan et al. “Environmental impacts of carbon capture,
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transmission, enhanced oil recovery, and sequestration: An overview.”
18 Schmidt et al. (2019) at 85 and 86; Crampes, Claude and Jean-Michel Environmental Forensics. Vol. 14. November 2013 at 301 and 302.
Trochet. “Economics of stationary electricity storage with various
44 Hillebrand, Marcus et al. “Toxicological risk assessment in CO2 cap-
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4. April 2019 at 456.
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