Behavioural Theories of Leadership 1

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Theories of

By : Malvika Singh
BA(hons) Business Economics
Behavioral theory promotes the
value of leadership styles with an
emphasis on concern for people
and collaboration. It
promotes participative decision
making and team development by
supporting individual needs and
aligning individual and group
objectives. Behavioral Theories of
Leadership, also known as “The style
approach to leadership” focuses on
Behavior is the range of actions and mannerisms
made by organisms, systems, or artificial entities
in conjunction with their environment, which
includes the other systems or organisms around as
well as the physical environment. 


Human behaviour refers to the range of
behaviours exhibited by humans which are
influenced by culture, attitudes, emotions, values,
ethics, authority, rapport, hypnosis, persuasion,
coercion and/or genetics. In humans, behaviour is
believed to be controlled primarily by the
endocrine system and the nervous system.
Behaviours can be either innate or learned.  
What is Behavioral
Theory of Leadership?
Behavioral Theory of Leadership is a leadership theory
that considers the observable actions and reactions
of leaders and followers in a given situation. Behavioral
theories focus on how leaders behave and assume that
leaders can be made, rather than born and successful
leadership is based on definable, learnable
behavior. Behavioral theories of leadership are classified as
such because they focus on the study of specific behaviors
of a leader. For behavioral theorists, a leader’s behavior is
the best predictor of his leadership influences and as a
result, is the best determinant of his or her leadership
These theories concentrate on what leaders actually do
rather than on their qualities. Different patterns of behavior
are observed and categorized as 'styles of leadership'.  This
area has probably attracted most attention from practicing
Overview of Behavioral Theory
of Leadership: 
Behavioral Theory of leadership is a big leap from Trait
Theory, in that it assumes that leadership capability can be
learned, rather than being inherent. This theory is based on
the principle that behaviors can be conditioned in a manner
that one can have a specific response to specific stimuli.
Rather than seeking inborn traits this theory looks at what
leaders actually do by studying their behaviors in response
to different situations, assessing leadership
success by studying their actions and then correlating
significant behaviors with success. The practical application
of the theory is that leader’s behavior affects their
performance and different leadership behaviors could
be appropriate at different times. The best leaders are
those who have the adaptability to flex their behavioral
style, and choose the right style suitable for each situation.  
According to this theory, people can learn to become
leaders through teaching and observation and certain
of Behavioral Theory

of Leadership
Behavioral theory promotes the value of leadership
styles with an emphasis on concern for people
and collaboration.
• It promotes participative decision making and team
development by supporting individual needs and aligning
individual and group objectives.
•  It helps managers evaluate and understand how their
behavioral style as a manager affects their relationship
with the team and promotes commitment and
contribution towards organizational goals. 
• This theory helps managers find the right balance
between different styles of
leadership, and helps them decide how to behave as a
leader, depending on concerns for people and for
Criticism / Arguments
against - Behavioral
Theory of Leadership
As there were inherent limitations with the Trait
approach to leadership, when early researchers ran out
of steam in their search for traits, they turned to what
leaders did, how they behaved and came with
behavioral theory of leadership. This became the
dominant way of approaching leadership within
organizations in the 1950s and early 1960s but this
theory too had its own limitations. 
• Behavioral Theory of
Leadership proposes leadership styles but a specific
leadership style may not be best in all circumstances.
• While behavioral theories may help managers develop
particular leadership behaviors but they provide little
guidance as to what constitutes effective leadership in
Criticism / Arguments
against - Behavioral
Theory of Leadership
• (cont.)
There were lots of differences and
inconsistencies between studies. It was
difficult to say which style of leadership was
significant in enabling one group to work
better than another.
• The styles that leaders can adopt are far more
affected by what they are working with, and
the environment they are operating within,
than had been originally thought. Most
researchers today conclude that no one
leadership style is right for every manager
under all circumstances.
Two Important
Behavioral Studies
Although many research studies could be
categorized under the heading of the behavioral
approach, the Ohio State studies, and the
Michigan studies,are strongly representative of
the ideas in this approach. By looking closely at
each of these groups of studies, we can draw a
clearer picture of the key concepts and
implications of the style/behavioral approach to
leadership. Of these the two Key Studies in
behavioral theory at the University of Michigan
and the Ohio State University became famous in
the next generation of leadership research. These
studies identified two key behavioral categories -
orientation toward task and orientation toward
Two important
Behavioral studies
1) Ohio State University (1940s)

As leadership studies that were aimed at identifying the appropriate

traits didn't yield any conclusive results, a group of people from Ohio
State University developed a list of 150 statements from their
generated responses that included 1,800 statements. The list was
designed to measure nine different behavioral leadership dimensions.
The resulting questionnaire is now well-known as the LBDQ or the
Leaders Behavior Description Questionnaire.
As part of the study, the LBDQ was administered to various groups
of individuals ranging from college students and their administrators,
private companies including military personnel. One of the primary
purposes of the study was to identify common leadership behaviors.
After compiling and analyzing the results, the study led to the
conclusion that there were two groups of behaviors that were strongly
correlated. These were defined as Consideration (People Oriented
behavioral Leaders) and Initiating Structure (Task Oriented
Task oriented leaders
(Initiating Structure)
The task concerned leaders are focusing their
behaviors on the organizational structure, the
operating procedures and they like to keep control.
Task-oriented leaders are still concern with their staff
motivation; however it's not their main concern. They
will favor behaviors that are in line with:
• Initiating
• Organizing
• Clarifying
• Information Gathering
People oriented leaders
The people oriented leaders are focusing their
behaviors on ensuring that the inner needs of the
people are satisfied. Thus they will seek to motivate
their staff through emphasizing the human relation.
People oriented leaders still focus on the task and
the results; they just achieve them through different
means. Leaders with a people focus will have
behaviors that are in line with:
• Encouraging
• Observing
• Listening
• Coaching and Mentoring
Ohio State University stated that because a
leader can be on high or low sides of initiating
structure and/or consideration, they developed four
leadership styles as follows:
• low initiating structure and high consideration,
• high initiating structure and high consideration,
• low initiating structure and low consideration, and
• high initiating structure and low consideration.
Leaders with high structure and low consideration
behaviour use one-way communications, and
decisions are made by the managers, whereas
leaders with high consideration and low structure
use two-way communications and tend to share
decision making.
2) University of Michigan
• A well-known series of leadership studies that commenced at
the University of Michigan in the 1950s by  Rensis Likert, with the
objective of identifying the principles and types of leadership styles
that led to greater productivity and enhanced job satisfaction among
workers. The studies identified two broad leadership styles - an
employee centered and a job centered. They also identified three
critical characteristics of effective leaders - task-oriented behavior,
relationship-oriented behavior and participative leadership. Task-
oriented behavior -in which the leader focuses on the tasks that
need to be performed in order to meet certain goals, or to achieve a
certain performance standard. Relationship-oriented behavior- in
which the leader focuses on the satisfaction, motivation and the
general well-being of the team members. Participative
leadership- is a managerial style that invites input from employees
on all company decisions. The staff is given pertinent information
regarding company issues, and a majority vote determines the
course of action the company will take. Their main objectives are:
• To classify the leaders as effective and ineffective by comparing the
behaviour of leaders
• To determine reasons for effective leadership.
Similarities between Leadership Models and
Their Contributions

•  Both of the universities have developed a questionnaire and

conducted a research that have same objective which is to
determine the behaviour of effective leader
•  Both researches are conducted in same period between 1940s
to 1950s.
•  Both universities developed leadership model that emphasis on
same definitions which are on task-oriented and people-oriented
style of leadership, even though used term is different.
University Task oriented style
People oriented style

University of Michigan Job-centered Employee-

Ohio State University Initiating structure Consideration
Differences between Leadership Models and
Their Contributions

• The Ohio State and University of Michigan leadership

models are different in that the University of Michigan
places the two leadership behaviours at opposite ends of
the same continuum, making it one-dimensional. The Ohio
State University Model considers the two behaviours
independent of one another, making it two-dimensional.
• University of Michigan’s one dimensional model proposed
two leadership styles (1) employee-centered and (2) job-
centered while Ohio State leadership model has four
leadership styles as follows, (1) low initiating structure and
high consideration, (2) high initiating structure and high
consideration, (3) low initiating structure and low
consideration, and (4) high initiating structure and low

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