Research Hypothesis & Types
Research Hypothesis & Types
Research Hypothesis & Types
using the color of the background for a Web site discussed previously, the
researcher may use theoretical reasoning to develop the following hypothesis:
• H1: A website with a blue background will generate more sales than an otherwise identical
website with a red background
✓Tentative statements
✓Answering the questions
✓Proposed solution to a problem
✓Statements which are to be tested
✓To be accepted of rejected
✓To be verified empirically on the basis of sample
ii. Causal: there is an implication that the existence of or a change in one variable causes or leads to
a change in the other variable.
Example According to a study- “Poor parenting linked to underachievement at
school” (University of London’s Institute for Education)
# large numbers of brothers and sisters, parents with poor literacy skills had a negative impact on results
in higher education
# parental divorce or constant arguing among parents after the age of 7 was closely associated with “lower
educational attainment”
# over-protected by parents
3. Null Hypothesis – it points out there is no difference between two populations
in respect of same property.