Cadaveric-Study-Of-Kurpara-Marma January 2020 1577785774 9806760
Cadaveric-Study-Of-Kurpara-Marma January 2020 1577785774 9806760
Cadaveric-Study-Of-Kurpara-Marma January 2020 1577785774 9806760
Original Research Paper
MD Scholar (Final Year), Department of Rachana Sharir, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved
Dr. Sahil Mehta Charak Sansthan, New Delhi
Dr. Mukesh Associate Professor, Department of Rachana Sharir, Ch. Brahm Prakash Ayurved
Kumar Sharma* Charak Sansthan, New Delhi *Corresponding Author
ABSTRACT Acharya Sushruta in Sushruta Samhita widely discusses the anatomy and provides important anatomical conceptual
information. One such concept described by Acharya Sushruta is Marma. Marma's are explained as the vital points in the
body. Marma means the conuence of Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi. Injury to these vital points may lead to death, disability and disease.
There are a total of 107 Marma in the human body. Acharya Sushruta classied marma into ve types i.e. Mamsa, Sira, Snayu, Asthi and Sandhi
Marma. Kurpara Marma is one among the twenty Sandhi Marma mentioned by Acharya Sushruta. It is a vaikalyakara marma and located at the
junction of bahu and prabahu i.e. elbow joint. So cadaveric dissection of elbow joint in relation to kurpara marma can be carried out in order to x
the exact location of kurpara marma and to nd out its components. This article describes anatomical location and contents of Kurpara Marma and
applied anatomy related to it with the help of cadaveric dissection.
b) Pain on pressure : Pressure to posterior to medial condyle of INFERENCE FROM CLINICAL ANATOMY
humerus because of presence of ulnar nerve. In almost all clinical conditions of elbow the major clinical feature is
functional deformity i.e. "Vikalta". Even after surgical repair in the
Three fully unidirectional extended fingers i.e. index, middle and ligament injuries there is some sort of pain and functional deformity
ring finger were kept from above downwards on the elbow joint left. That means injury to Kurpara Marma in the region of kurpara
that these three well close to each other. sandhi leads to Vikalta. That's why it is classied under Vaikalyakar
(Dissection was done following the steps given in Cunningham's Marma.
Manual of Practical Anatomy)
Cadaveric Study (Steps of dissection) Ÿ Kurpara Sandhi is a joint comprising of Prakoshtha & Praganda
The entire dissection was done in following steps- asthi which can be correlated to elbow joint. Angula pramana of
Ÿ Measuring and dening the Kurpara marma as dened by Acharya Kurpara Marma as mentioned by Acharya Sushruta is three (3)
Sushruta. angula. Upon analyzing the specied area in this joint, it comprises
Ÿ Drawing two horizontal planes each at a distance of one and a half of many anatomical structures (muscles, vessels, ligaments,
angula from the centre of patella. bones, joint). So all the structures present within the marked region
Ÿ Dissection initiated according to protocol laid by Cunningham's (three fully unidirectional extended ngers i.e. index, middle and
manual. ring nger kept from above downwards on the elbow joint that
Ÿ A section cut of Kurpara Sandhi was performed on the identied these three well close to each other) should be considered as
point. Kurpara Marma.
Volume-10 | Issue-1 | January - 2020 | PRINT ISSN No. 2249 - 555X | DOI : 10.36106/ijar
Ÿ According to the above research (cadaveric study) along with the
literary work done, the main clinical feature due to kurpara marma
aghata is "kuni", which means weakness (at forearm) and
functional deformity.
Ÿ One of the main clinical feature found in elbow joint injuries is
weakness and functional deformity. For example :- in
supracondylar and intercondylar fractures main clinical feature
even after repair or treatment is weakness of forearm.
1. Kurpara Marma is the region marked between three fully
unidirectional extended ngers (i.e. index, middle and ring nger)
kept from above downwards on the elbow joint and the structures
present in this area comprises Kurpara Marma.
2. By critically analysing the clinical features of elbow joint injuries
and the features mentioned in Kurpara Marma Aghata it is found
that Kurpara Marma is a Vaikalyakar Marma.
Ÿ After detailed cadaveric study and analysis of all ayurvedic and
modern literature it can be concluded that the region within three
fully unidirectional extended ngers i.e. index, middle and ring
nger kept from above downwards on the elbow joint that these
three well close to each other comprises Kurpara Marma.
Ÿ All the structures observed under this area during cadaveric
dissection can be considered as the components of Kurpara
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