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Sample Persuasive Letters

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Sample Persuasive Letter to Government

April 17, 2012

Stephen Carol
495 Jaybird Lane
Wilmington, TN 59283
Tennessee Department of Transportation
Attn: Colin Bennigan, Director
100 Municipal Drive
Nashville, TN 49234

Dear Mr. Bennigan,

I am a resident of the neighborhood of Birdsong Hills on the outskirts of Wilmington,
near the newly completed extension of Highway 14. I am writing with some concerns
my fellow residents and I have regarding the high number of trucks that travel this

We have seen a tremendous increase in truck traffic since the newly completed
highway opened, and with it there has been an increase in the deterioration of the
existing surfaces, presumably due to the weight of the heavy trucks. In addition, the
noise of the trucks that travel through the area late at night has become quite a
nuisance to area residents. Another concern is the increased potential for exposure to
dangerous goods in the event of an accident involving a truck that might be
transporting them.

In my opinion, a logical solution to all of these problems would be the establishment of

a truck route that would send these vehicles through the more industrial and less
populated Highway 79 area. If needed, I can provide testimonials or petitions from
fellow residents. Please also let me know if there is any other way in which I can be of
assistance. I will call your office in the next two weeks to follow up and see what
consideration has been given to this request.
Stephen Carol

Sample Persuasive Letter to Professor

April 2, 2012
Brian Keller
100 University Drive
College Town, MI 39762
Professor Thomas Wainwright
200 College Avenue
College Town, MI 39762

Dear Professor Wainwright,

I am a student in your 10:00 a.m. Political Economy class and am writing you
concerning our upcoming midterm exam. As you may be aware, presidential candidate
John Meriwether will be speaking at the Student Activities Center on Thursday, April
14, 2012, the date on which the exam is scheduled. The event will begin at 9:30 a.m.
and is expected to last over an hour.

I would like to propose some options that would allow students to attend this event
without jeopardizing their grade in your class. One suggestion would be to delay the
exam until the next class meeting, on Tuesday, April 19, 2012, and cancel class for the
day of the event. This would enable all of your students, as well as yourself, to be
present for Mr. Meriwether’s speech. If this is not an option, another solution might be
to administer the exam as planned and allow students who wish to attend the speech
to make it up at another scheduled time.

If you find one of these options to be suitable, please advise us at our next class
meeting on Tuesday, April 5, 2012. I sincerely hope that we can find a solution that will
not prevent students from attending this monumental event.

Thanks for your consideration,

Brian Keller

Sample Persuasive Letter to Employer

January 17, 2013
Karen Underwood
17 Clear Branch Drive
Springtown, LA 39612
Premier Financial - Facilities Department
Attn: Jim Loudon, Supervisor
100 Corporate Drive
Springtown, LA 39612

Dear Mr. Loudon,

I have been an account representative at Premier Financial since 2009 and am writing
you on behalf of the deteriorating state of the employee parking area outside the west
entrance to the building. I, as well as many of my coworkers, have concerns with the
safety of the parking lot that we would like your department to address.

The first of our concerns is the general upkeep of the lot itself. There are many areas
where the concrete is cracked or uneven, presenting a trip-and-fall hazard. This is
problematic for both the safety of the employees, as well as the liability exposure of the
company. A second area of concern is the lack of adequate security. This is an even
greater issue due to the increasing number of thefts in the area surrounding the office.
While a single guard does patrol the parking lot until the office closes at 5:00 p.m.,
there are often employees working late who consequently have no protection as they
walk to their vehicles under even more dangerous conditions than those who left on
time. This directly relates to the third item, which is the inadequate lighting. Many
employees have noticed that, of the twelve security lights spread throughout the
parking area, there are usually no more than seven that are in operation. Whether due
to needed repairs or simply a light bulb that has burned out, this seems to be a simple
way to greatly increase parking lot safety.

I am also expressing my concerns to Premier’s Corporate Facilities Department at the

company headquarters. I anticipate a response by February 1, 2013, detailing how the
Facilities Department plans to address these issues for the short- and long-term. I
know that Premier values the health and safety of its employees, and I look forward to
the solutions you will propose. Please contact me if I can be of further assistance.

Karen Underwood

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