Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 15 - 12
Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 15 - 12
Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 15 - 12
See Page B2 for details
121 Parks Street, Duxbury, MA
Sponsored by Journey Community of Faith
ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.00
Volume LX No. 50 “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” ––Charles Dickens Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Optimism on
the budget
Most town departments will see
some increase over last year
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff $700,000, over the current fis-
[email protected]
cal year 2011.
In his annual budget pre- While that increase may
sentation Monday night, Town seem small, certain individual
Manager Richard MacDonald budgets, such as the school
painted a rosier picture for the department and public safety
town’s finances than in years will see increases they haven’t
past, with most town depart- seen in years.
ments showing budget in- In his presentation, Mac-
creases. Donald told selectmen to IT’S A VERY DUXBURY CHRISTMAS: Cheryl and Robert Schraut took their time to look at a nautical-
The town’s operating bud- consider this balanced budget themed tree during the 21st Annual Festival of Trees at Plimoth Plantation. The event is a fundraiser
get for fiscal year 2012 totals “preliminary,” because it may for Cranberry Hospice and is a holiday tradition for Duxbury residents, many of whom serve on the
$54.7 million, which is a 1.3 Cranberry Hospice board. Photo by Karen Wong
percent increase, or almost continued on page 22
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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Duxbury Almanac
PILGRIM PAVING Jingle Jam set Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing
- Winter Special -
for Dec. 19 High
High Low Low
YBSFBMBZFSTPGBTQIBMUPWFSHSBWFM Teens bring on a rockin’ Thurs. Dec. 16 6:57 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:05 a.m. 1:45 p.m.
$695 holiday season with “Jingle Fri. Dec. 17 7:46 a.m. 8:22 p.m. 1:55 a.m. 2:37 p.m.
Jam,” a one-time edition of
ESJWFXBZTtQBSLJOHMPUTtTUPOFESJWFXBZTtTFBMDPBUJOHtGSFFXSJUUFOFTUJNBUFT South Shore Conservato- Sat. Dec. 18 8:33 a.m. 9:11 p.m. 2:44 a.m. 3:26 p.m.
ry’s popular EUnderground Sun. Dec. 19 9:19 a.m. 9:58 p.m. 3:32 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
781.982.9898 Open Mic series for teen- Mon. Dec. 20 10:04 a.m. 10:44 p.m. 4:18 a.m. 4:58 p.m.
www.pilgrimpaving.com agers to be held on Sunday, Tues. Dec. 21 10:49 a.m. 11:29 p.m. 5:04 a.m. 5:43 p.m.
Dec. 19 from 3-5 p.m. at
Wed. Dec. 22 11:34 a.m. -- 5:50 a.m. 6:28 p.m.
South Shore Art Center at
the Shipyard, 18 Shipyard Thurs. Dec. 23 12:14 a.m. 12:21 p.m. 6:38 a.m. 7:14 p.m.
Drive, Hingham. Admission Fri. Dec. 24 1:00 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 7:27 a.m. 8:01 p.m.
Teens age 12 to 18 are Sunrise Sunset
welcome to perform or
Thurs. Dec. 16 7:04 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
chime in on their favorite
holiday songs. Sound sys- Fri. Dec. 17 7:05 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
tem and keyboard accom- Sat. Dec. 18 7:05 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
paniment are available for Sun. Dec. 19 7:06 a.m. 4:13 p.m.
instrumentalists and singers Mon. Dec. 20 7:06 a.m. 4:13 p.m.
alike. Registration is walk- Tues. Dec. 21 7:07 a.m. 4:14 p.m.
in, musicians bring their own Wed. Dec. 22 7:07 a.m. 4:14 p.m.
instruments to perform.
Thurs. Dec. 23 7:08 a.m. 4:15 p.m.
All attendees may enter
a free raffle to win a $50 gift Fri. Dec. 24 7:08 a.m. 4:15 p.m.
certificate towards South
Shore Conservatory pro- ALAN HURLEY 8F"DDFQU
grams. “Jingle Jam” is spon-
sored by South Shore Con-
servatory’s TEMPO popular
performing arts programs.
For more information,
Up to $500 Off on Complete New Roof
M & F JEWELRY call South Shore Conserva-
CORNER OF RT. 53 & 139
tory at 781-749-7565, visit tBMBO!BMBOIVSMFZSPPmOHDPN
5 SCHOOSETT ST. our Web site at sscmusic.org
781.826.6421 Shore Conservatory” on Fa-
cebook. 1. Unbroken, by Lauren Hillenbrand 2. I Remember Nothing, by
Nora Ephron 3. Barefoot Contessa: How Easy is That?, by Ina
U.S. P
©All rights reserved ANDORA.NET
‘A Christmas U
Well worth the Stop!
Carol’ on the Antiques
radio Dec. 17 Reproductions
Cross Stitch
The Duxbury Free Li-
brary teen department an- Leslie Cook – Owner & Unique Gifts
nounces a Readers Theater n
rendition of Charles Dick- Pembroke Crossing • 15 Columbia Road, Unit 5 • Pembroke • 781-826-6022
ens’ Christmas ghost story,
“A Christmas Carol,” put on
by the newly formed high
school group, The Radio
Faces. This 40-minute oral
production, written by Tony
Palermo, will be dramati-
Fast-teks Sells Computers Too!
cally read with music and
sound effects. A free perfor- Sometimes the cost of repairing your computer can outweigh
mance, it is appropriate for the cost of replacing it. Fast-teks can help!
all ages and will be broad-
cast on WATD (95.9 FM) We make sure that our clients have the right models available to
during the holiday season. them with specifications that are tailored to meet their needs
Join us for a tale of redemp- We can install all hardware
tion and holiday spirit on
We will transfer all data & settings from your old computer
Friday, Dec. 17, from 4-5-
to your new computer.
p.m. in the Merry Meeting
Room, lower level of the We can set up security software,
Duxbury Free Library. connect to the internet & install
the printer
Smile Train charity. Smile Train raises money for surgery to help
children born with cleft lips and palates. His initial goal was to raise
$250, the cost of a surgery for a child in need –– and he’s exceeded
that goal, raising $349 so far. Zackary is a first grade student at
Sacred Heart in Kingston. For more information visit smiletrain.org 781-934-6568 www.fastteks.com
and look for Zackary around town!
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MON - SAT 8 to 5
NEWSMEN OF THE FUTURE: Cub Scout Pack 1776 came to visit the Clipper last week, and got a tour of 638 Summer St. (Rt. 53) • Duxbury, MA 02332
the pressroom. Left to right: Charlie Cotter, William Cline, Chris Bizzozero, Nicholas Savage, Robby
Dimler, Manny Essley, Tim Cleary and Zak Maxey. 781-585-2175
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Sunday Salon:
Half an Hour
a Day on Foot
with John
On Sunday, Jan. 9, at 2
p.m., The Duxbury Free Li-
brary will present noted natu-
ralist, historian and author,
On Dec. 7, Newcomers’ kids decorated giant gingerbread people at John Galluzzo. John will not
Sugar Plum Bakery. only discuss the many walk-
ing adventures included in his
Newcomers’ Club
newest book “Half An Hour A
Day On Foot; An Obsessive
Exploration Of The Nature
Book/Cupcake Club: Book club will meet Wednesday, And History Of The South
Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss “Little Women” by Louisa Shore Of Boston,” but he’ll
May Alcott. A list of each month’s selected books is avail- take readers there in a slide-
able at Westwinds Bookshop, the Duxbury Free Library and show presentation. “Half an
on the Newcomers’ Club Web site at duxburynewcomers.com Hour a Day on Foot: An Ob-
under the interest groups and Book Club section. Newcomers’ sessive Exploration of the Na-
members receive a 10 percent discount on the selected book ture of the Northeast” is John’s
at Westwinds. Our December cupcake sampling will be from travelogue of varied experi-
Kick*** in Needham. RSVP to Gina Hager-Moitoso at gmoito- ences and adventures, through
[email protected]. all seasons, in 365 different
places. Books will be avail-
Volunteer Outreach: Please drop off a new, unwrapped toy able for purchase and signing.
to the Coldwell Banker Real Estate office on Depot Street. The Get inspired to begin walking
toys collected support “Big Wishes for Little Wanderers Gift in the New Year! To reserve
Drive.” Gift cards and gifts for teenagers are especially in need. your free ticket, call the library
Donations will be accepted until Dec. 14. There is also an ongo- at 781-934-2721, x108.
ing coat drive. Donate your gently used coats (any size) to the
Cleanist Dry Cleaner on Chestnut Street by Dec. 31. They will
clean your coat(s) and donate them to the program “Giving to
the Heart.”
I D A Y LIS Give the Gift they will All Enjoy!
Ladies’ Basketball: A great opportunity for those that ever HOL d
om & Da
enjoyed playing basketball in high school or college, here is qM Milepost Gift Certificates
your chance to play again! On Sunday nights, there is a ladies chers
only pickup basketball game at the Kingston Sports Center in q Tea
Kingston. (AKA the Plymouth Rock Courts/MVP sports/home
to Evolution fitness). The cost is $5 per week. qB u s D
s Macdonald SpecialQuarts
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