Duxbury Clipper 2010 - 15 - 12

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The December 19th at 10am

Nativity The Ford Center Miramar Retreat Center,

See Page B2 for details
121 Parks Street, Duxbury, MA
Sponsored by Journey Community of Faith

ON THE WEB: www.duxburyclipper.com E-MAIL: [email protected] Newsroom: 781-934-2811 x25 Advertising: 781-934-2811 x23 Newsstand: $1.00
Volume LX No. 50 “I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.” ––Charles Dickens Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Optimism on
the budget
Most town departments will see
some increase over last year
By Susanna Sheehan, Clipper Staff $700,000, over the current fis-
[email protected]
cal year 2011.
In his annual budget pre- While that increase may
sentation Monday night, Town seem small, certain individual
Manager Richard MacDonald budgets, such as the school
painted a rosier picture for the department and public safety
town’s finances than in years will see increases they haven’t
past, with most town depart- seen in years.
ments showing budget in- In his presentation, Mac-
creases. Donald told selectmen to IT’S A VERY DUXBURY CHRISTMAS: Cheryl and Robert Schraut took their time to look at a nautical-
The town’s operating bud- consider this balanced budget themed tree during the 21st Annual Festival of Trees at Plimoth Plantation. The event is a fundraiser
get for fiscal year 2012 totals “preliminary,” because it may for Cranberry Hospice and is a holiday tradition for Duxbury residents, many of whom serve on the
$54.7 million, which is a 1.3 Cranberry Hospice board. Photo by Karen Wong
percent increase, or almost continued on page 22

A closer look at fire plans Schools look to

Planning Board hears station renovation pitch
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
[email protected]
close budget gap
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor $700,000 for the schools, Nau-
The Public Safety Build- [email protected] man said. The schools will dip
ings Committee brought the The Duxbury schools are into a 2010 stabilization grant
plans for the main fire station looking to close a shortfall as for an additional $250,000,
renovation before the Plan- they work on the budget for but that still leaves a gap of
ning Board Monday night. fiscal year 2012. $450,000 that will have to be
Committee Chairman The total proposed budget made up through reductions or
Andre Martecchini explained for FY 2012 is $29,308,500, additional funding.
the basic outline of the reno- according to a budget presen- “We have two different
vation, which centers around tation dated Nov. 17. The in- numbers, we have to come to
the construction of new gen- crease over last year’s figure is an agreement. Before we start
der-appropriate crew quarters $1.3 million, School Business talking about what we need to
that will have public-accessi- Manager Sue Nauman said at cut, we have some more work
ble spaces like administra- Wednesday’s School Commit- to do.” said School Commit-
tion on the first floor. Cur- tee meeting. tee Chairwoman Anne Ward.
Landscape architect Bill Murray explains the fire station renovation However, the town has “The town will have some op-
plans to the Planning Board on Monday night.
continued on page 14 only budgeted an increase of continued on page 17


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2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Duxbury Almanac
PILGRIM PAVING Jingle Jam set Sponsored by Alan Hurley Roofing

- Winter Special -
for Dec. 19 High
High Low Low
YBSFBMBZFSTPGBTQIBMUPWFSHSBWFM Teens bring on a rockin’ Thurs. Dec. 16 6:57 a.m. 7:30 p.m. 1:05 a.m. 1:45 p.m.
$695 holiday season with “Jingle Fri. Dec. 17 7:46 a.m. 8:22 p.m. 1:55 a.m. 2:37 p.m.
Jam,” a one-time edition of
ESJWFXBZTtQBSLJOHMPUTtTUPOFESJWFXBZTtTFBMDPBUJOHtGSFFXSJUUFOFTUJNBUFT South Shore Conservato- Sat. Dec. 18 8:33 a.m. 9:11 p.m. 2:44 a.m. 3:26 p.m.
ry’s popular EUnderground Sun. Dec. 19 9:19 a.m. 9:58 p.m. 3:32 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
781.982.9898 Open Mic series for teen- Mon. Dec. 20 10:04 a.m. 10:44 p.m. 4:18 a.m. 4:58 p.m.
www.pilgrimpaving.com agers to be held on Sunday, Tues. Dec. 21 10:49 a.m. 11:29 p.m. 5:04 a.m. 5:43 p.m.
Dec. 19 from 3-5 p.m. at
Wed. Dec. 22 11:34 a.m. -- 5:50 a.m. 6:28 p.m.
South Shore Art Center at
the Shipyard, 18 Shipyard Thurs. Dec. 23 12:14 a.m. 12:21 p.m. 6:38 a.m. 7:14 p.m.
Drive, Hingham. Admission Fri. Dec. 24 1:00 a.m. 1:10 p.m. 7:27 a.m. 8:01 p.m.
Teens age 12 to 18 are Sunrise Sunset
welcome to perform or
Thurs. Dec. 16 7:04 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
chime in on their favorite
holiday songs. Sound sys- Fri. Dec. 17 7:05 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
tem and keyboard accom- Sat. Dec. 18 7:05 a.m. 4:12 p.m.
paniment are available for Sun. Dec. 19 7:06 a.m. 4:13 p.m.
instrumentalists and singers Mon. Dec. 20 7:06 a.m. 4:13 p.m.
alike. Registration is walk- Tues. Dec. 21 7:07 a.m. 4:14 p.m.
in, musicians bring their own Wed. Dec. 22 7:07 a.m. 4:14 p.m.
instruments to perform.
Thurs. Dec. 23 7:08 a.m. 4:15 p.m.
All attendees may enter
a free raffle to win a $50 gift Fri. Dec. 24 7:08 a.m. 4:15 p.m.
certificate towards South
Shore Conservatory pro- ALAN HURLEY 8F"DDFQU
grams. “Jingle Jam” is spon-
sored by South Shore Con-
servatory’s TEMPO popular
performing arts programs.
For more information,
Up to $500 Off on Complete New Roof
M & F JEWELRY call South Shore Conserva-
CORNER OF RT. 53 & 139
tory at 781-749-7565, visit tBMBO!BMBOIVSMFZSPPmOHDPN
5 SCHOOSETT ST. our Web site at sscmusic.org
781.826.6421 Shore Conservatory” on Fa-
cebook. 1. Unbroken, by Lauren Hillenbrand 2. I Remember Nothing, by
Nora Ephron 3. Barefoot Contessa: How Easy is That?, by Ina
U.S. P
 ©All rights reserved  ANDORA.NET

Garten 4. The Ugly Truth: Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book No. 5, by

Jeff Kinney 5. Cutting for Stone, by Abraham Verghese 6. Wild
MKTG07531_MFJEWL.indd 1 11/10/2010 10:55:32 AM
Christmas Reindeer, by Jan Brett 7. Major Pettigrew’s Last Stand,
by Helen Simonson 7. The Art of Racing in the Rain, by Garth Stein
8. Rescue, by Anita Shreve 9. Decision Points, by George W. Bush
10. Fall of Giants, by Ken Follett
–– Westwinds Bookshop

Real Estate Transactions

55 Cross St. $430,500 Thomas A. Biffar and Marlene M. Biffar to
Silvio Porciatti and Mia A. Santoscoy-Doughert
4 Elder Brewster Rd. $575,000 Urban L. Bobseine to Mark J.
Bobseine and Ellen P. Keir
58 Moulton Rd. $917,366 Paul C. Gisholt and Rebecca M. Minard
to Paul C. Gisholt
Open Sundays until Christmas
Need a few gift suggestions?
High Low Rainfall Snowfall 6 a.m. Sky
The Studio has quite a few! Conditions
• Simon Pearce • Flameless Pillar Candles • Table Mats & Linens Saturday 39 32 -- -- Overcast
Glassware • Nambé Metal and • Chilewich Table Mats Sunday 43 30 -- -- Scattered clouds
• Bookends Glassware • Mussels and More Monday 35 26 -- -- Scattered clouds
• Raika Albums • Caldrea Household Pottery Bakeware Tuesday 36 26 -- -- Clear
• Vera Bradley Cleaners • Picnic Totes Wednesday 36 26 -- -- Scattered clouds
• Candles • Picture Frames • Bedford Cottage Thursday 33 22 -- -- Scattered clouds
• Avoca Scarves • Margaret Furlong Throws Friday 28 17 -- -- Clear
Angels • Willow Tree Angels
• Dog Collars Totals: 0.00” 0.0”
• Bananagrams • Board Games
• Byers’ Choice
• Gallery Leather • Steiff
• Pewter Like Christmas Averages & Comparisons
Window Lights • Woodbury Pewter • Vietri Pottery
• Juliska Tableware • Men’s Belts • Barware Avg High Above Week 35.7
• Tea Forté • Mariposa • Gurglepots Avg High Same Week Last Year 56.3
• Fine Crafted Jewelry • Colby Smith Door Avg High Same Week 1990 35.9
Knockers Christmas
• Cape Cod Weather – Wayne Heward
Instruments • Woolrich Blankets Decorations of
• Harbor Sweets Candy • Chappy Wraps
• Stoneware Kitchen The Duxbury Clipper is
published weekly by
Clipper Press, 11 So.
DUXBURY MARKETPLACE Station Street, Duxbury,
25 Depot Street MA 02331. Periodical
postage permit
Mon. - Sat. 10-5:30 • Sundays 12noon - 5pm (USPS#163-260) paid at
781-934-2121 Duxbury, MA.
POSTMASTER: Please send address changes to Duxbury Clipper
at PO Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

‘A Christmas U
Well worth the Stop!
Carol’ on the Antiques
radio Dec. 17 Reproductions
Cross Stitch
The Duxbury Free Li-
brary teen department an- Leslie Cook – Owner & Unique Gifts
nounces a Readers Theater n
rendition of Charles Dick- Pembroke Crossing • 15 Columbia Road, Unit 5 • Pembroke • 781-826-6022
ens’ Christmas ghost story,
“A Christmas Carol,” put on
by the newly formed high
school group, The Radio
Faces. This 40-minute oral
production, written by Tony
Palermo, will be dramati-
Fast-teks Sells Computers Too!
cally read with music and
sound effects. A free perfor- Sometimes the cost of repairing your computer can outweigh
mance, it is appropriate for the cost of replacing it. Fast-teks can help!
all ages and will be broad-
cast on WATD (95.9 FM) We make sure that our clients have the right models available to
during the holiday season. them with specifications that are tailored to meet their needs
Join us for a tale of redemp- We can install all hardware
tion and holiday spirit on
We will transfer all data & settings from your old computer
Friday, Dec. 17, from 4-5-
to your new computer.
p.m. in the Merry Meeting
Room, lower level of the We can set up security software,
Duxbury Free Library. connect to the internet & install
the printer

Congratulations All this starting at just $599

(including tax & labor)
Duxbury Dragons
on the big
Zackary Stewart, 7, is selling his joke book around town. He wrote
the jokes in the book a year ago, and was going to try to sell it to
Superbowl win!
make money for himself when he read a magazine article about the

Smile Train charity. Smile Train raises money for surgery to help
children born with cleft lips and palates. His initial goal was to raise
$250, the cost of a surgery for a child in need –– and he’s exceeded
that goal, raising $349 so far. Zackary is a first grade student at
Sacred Heart in Kingston. For more information visit smiletrain.org 781-934-6568 www.fastteks.com
and look for Zackary around town!

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4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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NEWSMEN OF THE FUTURE: Cub Scout Pack 1776 came to visit the Clipper last week, and got a tour of 638 Summer St. (Rt. 53) • Duxbury, MA 02332
the pressroom. Left to right: Charlie Cotter, William Cline, Chris Bizzozero, Nicholas Savage, Robby
Dimler, Manny Essley, Tim Cleary and Zak Maxey. 781-585-2175
Reservations Accepted Pick-Up & Delivery Available!

Puppetry at the Duxbury Free Library

The captivating Pumper- presented with a cast of large, ing the audience some insight
nickel Puppets will recreate colorful puppet characters, into what happens behind the
the story of The Frog Prince audience participation, live scenes. Advance reservations
for children in preschool voices, sound effects and fast are required online at the li-
through grade 2 with an adult paced scripts that not only en- brary Web site (click calen-
on Tuesday, Dec. 28 at 10:30 tertain, but stimulate children’s dar), by phone, 781-934-2721
a.m. in the Merry Room of the imagination and creativity. x115, or in person at the chil-
Duxbury Free Library. Pum- A demonstration period fol- dren’s reference desk.
pernickel Puppet shows are lows every performance, giv-

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Sunday Salon:
Half an Hour
a Day on Foot
with John
On Sunday, Jan. 9, at 2
p.m., The Duxbury Free Li-
brary will present noted natu-
ralist, historian and author,
On Dec. 7, Newcomers’ kids decorated giant gingerbread people at John Galluzzo. John will not
Sugar Plum Bakery. only discuss the many walk-
ing adventures included in his

Newcomers’ Club
newest book “Half An Hour A
Day On Foot; An Obsessive
Exploration Of The Nature
Book/Cupcake Club: Book club will meet  Wednesday, And History Of The South
Dec. 15 at 7:30 p.m. to discuss “Little Women” by Louisa Shore Of Boston,” but he’ll
May Alcott. A list of each month’s selected books is avail- take readers there in a slide-
able at Westwinds Bookshop, the Duxbury Free Library and show presentation. “Half an
on the Newcomers’ Club Web site at duxburynewcomers.com Hour a Day on Foot: An Ob-
under the interest groups and Book Club section. Newcomers’ sessive Exploration of the Na-
members receive a 10 percent discount on the selected book ture of the Northeast” is John’s
at Westwinds. Our December cupcake sampling will be from travelogue of varied experi-
Kick*** in Needham. RSVP to Gina Hager-Moitoso at gmoito- ences and adventures, through
[email protected]. all seasons, in 365 different
places. Books will be avail-
Volunteer Outreach: Please drop off a new, unwrapped toy able for purchase and signing.
to the Coldwell Banker Real Estate office on Depot Street. The Get inspired to begin walking
toys collected support “Big Wishes for Little Wanderers Gift in the New Year! To reserve
Drive.” Gift cards and gifts for teenagers are especially in need. your free ticket, call the library
Donations will be accepted until Dec. 14. There is also an ongo- at 781-934-2721, x108.
ing coat drive. Donate your gently used coats (any size) to the
Cleanist Dry Cleaner on Chestnut Street by Dec. 31. They will
clean your coat(s) and donate them to the program “Giving to
the Heart.”
I D A Y LIS Give the Gift they will All Enjoy!
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6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Hopping into children’s lit

By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
[email protected]

It started out as a bedtime

story, a soothing tale to help
his son sleep.
Andrew Firnrohr’s son AJ
often asked him to make up
stories as he fell asleep. And
Firnrohr, a lawyer with no real
creative writing experience,
would oblige.
“I’d come up with some
god awful rip off, something AMERICAN
with dragons,” Firnrohr joked.
One day, however, he
started to invent a tale of a
young grasshopper, who got
lost while playing in a field. Duxbury resident Andrew Firnrohr recently published his first chil-
“I just made up this story, dren’s book, “Greenie the Grasshoper.”
and kind of fumbled through “It wasn’t too hard to re- readers, ages seven and under.
it,” he said. “At the end, I member,” he said. “I liked it He’s had a good experience
thought, it’s not half bad, it’s enough that I thought maybe I working on the first book, and
got some flow to it.” could do something with it.” is already thinking about other
Firnrohr’s protagonist, He connected with artist stories he could put to paper.
Greenie, meets a cast of char- Lee Gullens, who has expe- “I like writing in general,”
acters on his way home, and rience illustrating children’s he said.
is fascinated by the way they books. In addition to her art- As for the subject of his
move. For example he, as work, Gullens also offered next book, he’s not sure yet.
a grasshopper, naturally as- valuable insight to Firnrohr He’s considered expanding
sumes everyone hops, but on how to navigate the self- on some of the characters in
meets a slithering snake, a publishing process, eventually “Greenie,” giving them their THE SPARROW HOUSE
jumping frog and others. connecting him with editor Jill own story. And while his son 42 Summer Street, Plymouth
“It’s a little bit of the inno- Ronsley. AJ was the inspiration for this
cence of a child, seeing some-
508-747-1240 • www.sparrowhouse.com
“Really it’s just a process story, his daughter Anna often
thing for the first time, they of just going through it and comes up with wild stories and OVER 200 ARTISTS WORK, SINCE 1932
don’t comprehend because learning how to do it,” Firn- characters of her own.
they just assume everybody rohr said. The book is currently avail-
does things the same way that He said he did some pre- able for purchase at Westwinds
they do,” he said.
Firnrohr, a Duxbury resi-
liminary sketches, more of a
story board, to give Gullens
Bookshop and Once Upon A
dent who works in town and an idea of how he wanted the 2 Months of
grew up nearby in Marshfield, book’s illustrations to flow. He Pilates Reformer
told the story to his son in went back and forth with the Classes*
2005, but didn’t write it down artist for about a year before
until almost a year later. Still,
it stuck with him right from
the project was completed. $199
Firnrohr said the book is
the beginning. (that's 50% OFF!)
really geared toward younger
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Spirit of the holidays:

Just a song away!
By Su D’Ambrosio, Special to the Clipper
ast month South Shore Conservatory commemorated
its 40th anniversary celebration with the premiere of
“Music Is …”, a piece composed by Conservatory
Wishing you all the joys of the
pianist and composer John Kramer. This performance was a
tribute to the power of music to bring people together in peace,
Holiday Season and a
harmony and joyful celebration. When you think about it,
there are very few songs in the entire history of music that are happy, healthy NewYear!
universal and invite all who hear them to join in without regard
to how the singers feel about their singing voices. Songs that
come to mind are: “Happy Birthday,” “Twinkle Twinkle Little
Jennifer Antaya, Realtor®
Star,” our National Anthem, “Sweet Caroline” during a Red [email protected] • 978-502-4146
Sox game seventh inning stretch and, of course, “Jingle Bells.”
Notes from the Conservatory
In the movie Elf we hear, “The quickest way to spread
Christmas cheer is by singing loud for all to hear.” At the end This Holiday Season let
of the movie it is indeed music that saves the day as all of New
York City joins a crowd of strangers in Central Park as they
sing “Santa Claus is Coming to Town.” This impromptu sing-
along is not presented by professional singers or a choir, but by do the cooking!
all the characters, young and old, in all their average-singing
glory. This is one song that all generations are familiar with c 9JE J=K@.MJC=QK
and can sing. For one moment the entire city is united by the c,G9KL=<.MJC=QK
power that only music seems to have to bring us together on a
deep, spiritual level. In other words, music is ... magic! c!J9NQ-LM>>AF?
As we all get caught up with the nitty-gritty of the holi- c'9K@=<*GL9LG=K
days: shopping, lines, crowds, consumerism, etc., it is nice to cMLL=JFML-IM9K@
know that the spirit of the holidays is just a song away. Wheth-
er it’s a family sing-along in your living room, a community c.MJC=Q*GL*A=K
coming together to worship in church or synagogue, children c=KK=JL*A=K'GJ= GIFT CERTIFICATES
singing in a choir at the mall or just you finding yourself hum-
ming along with the radio in the privacy of your own car, let
music be the oasis of joy that keeps you grounded in the true
meaning of the holidays.
Assunta “Su” D’Ambrosio is the Conservatory’s Director Bongi’s Turkey Roost
of Programs and Curriculum. Known as “Miss Su” by SSC’s
preschool and kindergarten students, she is the classroom (781) 585-2392 / www.bongis.com
music specialist and teaches Drum! Sing! Dance!. She lives
in Plymouth with her husband, Bob, and her two daughters, ,GML=
Maria and Rosa.
Massachusetts Grown...and freshest
Library is open Sundays
The Duxbury Free Library announces that it is open on
Sunday afternoons from 1-5 p.m. now through April 10. Reg-
ular business hours for the winter are Monday 2-8 p.m.; Tues-
day-Thursday, 10 a.m.-8 p.m.; Friday-Saturday:,10 a.m.-5
p.m.; and Sundays from 1-5 p.m.
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8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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Colby Badeau, back row, left end, a senior member of Boston College High School’s International Concert ,IBERTY3T 2OUTEs(ANSONs  
Choir, recently traveled to San Francisco. The 23 young men in the choir, under the direction of Dr. Marina w w w. c o u n t r y t h y m e s h o p . c o m
Rozenberg, performed at Muir Woods, at the Alcatraz Ferry and had the opportunity to additionally per-
form for and sing with the University of San Francisco Choirs.
➢➢ Mary Donovan, class of Helping Our Clients to Make Good Decisions Since 1967
2013, daughter of Margaret
Donovan, has achieved aca- Gapstur – Ulvila
demic honors during the fall tri- Home, Auto, Business, Marine, Life
mester at Kimball Union Acad-
emy in Meriden, N.H. Lougee Insurance Agency, Inc.
24 Bay Road, PO Box AC
Duxbury, MA 02331-0630
A Mazing A Cappella WWW.LOUGEE.NET
Ph 781.934.6500 ext. 14 fax 781.934.5012
The Paul S. Fortini Foun-
dation announces the second
annual A Mazing A Cappella
Celebration to be held on Jan.
5, 2011. The inaugural concert
was a success, audiences filled
the Performing Arts Center.
The Studio The Studio The Studio The Studio
Thanks to the generous sup-
port of local businesses and
townspeople, the Foundation
Just in time for
was able to make its first gift
to the Duxbury music and
drama departments this fall:
$5,000 gift for the purchase of
a new rehearsal piano for the
Duxbury High School orches-
tra and chorus room. This gift

replaced a 40-year-old piano,
long needed but outside of the ames and Isabelle Gapstur of Duxbury are pleased
school budget. to announce the engagement of their daughter, Ali-
The Paul S. Fortini Foun- cia, to Eric Ulvila of Pembroke, son of Ann and the
dation for Music and Drama late Harry Ulvila. Alicia is a graduate of Wheaton College
is a 501(c)(3) non-profit, all in Norton, and earned her RN at Cape Cod Community Col-
volunteer organization with a lege. Eric is a graduate of Massachusetts Maritime Academy
mission of fulfilling the vision and earned a degree in Marine Engineering. Alicia is a nurse
set forth by Paul’s family. This at Gosnold Treatment Center in Falmouth, and Eric is the
vision is to provide alternative Chief Engineer at the Boston Park Plaza Hotel and Towers.
monetary support to the Dux- The couple are planning a fall wedding on Cape Cod.
The Studio and The Newcomers Club are again
bury Schools’ performing arts,
something which was very
pleased to offer The Duxbury Necktie. The tie
dear to Paul. was designed by Newcomers and produced by
The foundation’s goal is
directed at providing tangible
assets to the music and drama
departments which may be
outside of school budgets. The It depicts Bug Light, The Welcome to Duxbury sign,
foundation seeks for every
student to continue to have the and an oyster with pearl, Island Creek....of course.
best opportunities, tools, and Two colors are featured,
environment to continue the
excellence which has been es- Blue and Raspberry
tablished within these depart-
ments. A portion from the sale of the ties at The Studio is given to
Again this year, the a cap- The Newcomers Club for their contribution to various charities.
pella concert will be held at the
Duxbury Peforming Arts Cen-
ter. The concert will feature a DUXBURY MARKETPLACE
number of talented collegiate $EPOT3TREETsWWWTHE3TUDIOOF$UXBURYCOM
groups from the Northeast, as /PEN-ON &RI  3AT s3UN 
well as Duxbury High’s PAC-
MEN will be performing as
Clydesdales from Hobby Knoll Stables of Duxbury carry visitors of  
Winterfest through the Whitman Town Park last Sunday afternoon.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9

Warmington & Santa

are delivering FREE
on Christmas Eve!

299 459 Plain Street, Rte 139, Rockland
Open DAILY 9:00-5:30
Çn£‡nÇn‡xÇx™ÊUÊ£‡nää‡È™È‡xÇx™ Sunday 12:00-4:00
Martin Drilling, President Steve Dubuque, Pattie Quigley and Rick
Hummrich at a recent meeting.


P Dole & Dowd Jewelers

attie Quigley was the speaker at the last meeting of

the Duxbury Rotary Club, held at the Duxbury Senior
Center. She brought the club up to date on Razia Jan’s


, T
Foundation, the Ray of Hope, and the progress being made on
the girls’ school in Afghanistan. Expansion is being considered,

as the enrollment over three years has gone from 150 to 300
students. Quigley reports that the girls are not only learning in Thursday, December 16th 5-8pm
their own language but are also studying English. The use of
computers is also being considered to facilitate communicat- Refreshments & Gift Wrap
ing with the rest of the world. There are 325 private schools
in Kabul and only Razia’s school is tuition free. The founda-
tion is looking for sponsors of students at a cost of $250 each,
which covers food, clothing, and supplies. The author of “The

Kite Runner,” Khaled Hosseini, has donated $45,000 through
the Hosseini Foundation. Be-
cause Razia is a member of the

Duxbury Rotary Club, she is

eligible to receive funds from
the Rotary Foundation. Helping Athletes &

President Steve Dubuque

Never will Christmas have

Patients of All Ages!
thanked Paul Brogna, chairman

of the Tree Lighting Commit- Certified in the Graston®

such a ring to it!
tee, for his work in connection Technique ‘the soft tissue

with the recent tree lighting
injury solution”
ceremony at the Town Green.
He also thanked Michelle, the

Hundreds of styles to choose from in all price ranges.
police and fire departments,

the school choir and all the Alison Austin, DC   s7ASHINGTON3TREET $UXBURY -!
Rotarians who helped make 33 Railroad Avenue,
In other business, Martin duxburywellness.com CHRISTMAS HOURS: - MON. -SAT. 10AM TO 5PM s SUN. 1-5PM
Drilling and Rick Hummrich
were guests of President Steve
Dubuque, and Vice President
Abdul Hamadeh acknowledged
celebrating his 44th wedding
anniversary and his birthday.
TJODF &2)#(2)34-!3%6%!- 0-s#,/3%$#(2)34-!3$!9

Woodbridge (all varietals) ...........................................1.5L ........$9.99 Absolut Vodka .......................................................... 1.75L .......$29.99
Beringer Founders (cabernet, chardonnay, merlot).............1.5L .......$13.99 Ketel One Vodka..................................................... 1.75L .....$35.99
Clos du Bois Chardonnay ................................ 750ml .........$8.99 Captain Morgan Spiced Rum .................................. 1.75L .....$26.99
œ“i E Cupcake Wines (all varietals) ................................. 750ml .........$8.99 Bacardi Flavored Rum Limon, Rock Coconut, Others... 750ml .......$14.99
>À`i˜ *iÃÌ
œ˜ÌÀœ Toasted Head (Chard, Cab, Merlot, Shiraz, Viognier, Red Blend)750ml .........$9.99
Beefeater Gin.......................................................... 1.75L .....$28.99
Canadian Club Whisky .......................................... 1.75L .....$18.99
BV Coastal (cabernet, chardonnay, merlot, pinots).......... 750ml .........$7.99
5SFF4QSBZJOHGPS Dewar's White Label Scotch ................................ 1.75L .....$31.99
$BUFSQJMMBST Ravenswood Vintner's Blend (all varietals) ........ 750ml .........$7.99
Chivas Regal Scotch............................................. 750ml .....$28.99
Lindemans Bins (chard, cab, merlot, pinot grigio, shiraz, blends)1.5L .........$8.99
Bailey's Irish Cream.............................................. 750ml .....$23.99
)PVTFIPME 1FTU $POUSPM Yellow Tail (all varietals) ..............................................1.5L .........$8.99 Grand Marnier Orange Liqueur ........................... 750ml .....$28.99
GPS 5FSNJUFT "OUT  Oyster Bay (sauvignon blanc, chardonnay, merlot).......... 750ml .........$8.99
Andeluna (malbec, cabernet, chardonnay, merlot, torrontes)..... 750ml .......$10.99
Sam Adams all flavors............................ 12pk bottles ......$12.99 + dep.
.PTRVJUP  5JDL $POUSPM Gabbiano (chianti, pinot grigio).......................................1.5L .........$9.99
Blue Moon all flavors ............................. 12pk bottles ......$12.99 + dep.
t 4FBTPOBM1SPHSBNT Cavit (Pinot Grigio, Chard, Cab, Merlot, Pinot Noir) ................1.5L .......$10.99
Heineken/Heineken Light/Amstel 24 loose bottles/cans ....$22.99 + dep.
t 0OFUJNF Moet & Chandon Imperial Champagne....... 750ml .......$29.99
Newcastle Brown Ale......................... 12pk bottles.......$12.99 + dep.
ZBSEUSFBUNFOUTGPS Zonin Prosecco................................................... 750ml .........$7.99
Saranac 12 Beers of Winter* ............ 12pk bottles.......$12.49 + dep.
PVUEPPSFWFOUT Sale prices in effect thru Sunday, December 26th * Free glass with purchase

'SFF FTUJNBUFT Summer Hill Plaza s Kingston (next to Stop & Shop) 781-422-9999
Hours: Tue. through Fri., 10-1; Sat., 9-3.

New Covenant Fellowship

Tarkiln Community Center, Rte 53, Summer St
10 Duxbury Clipper
David Woods, Pastor Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Phone: 585-8628
Send obituary nOtices
to [email protected]
Sundays: Contemporary praise and worship at 10. Sunday
school and youth group after opening worship. Communion
Joan K. Hoover, 78
THE Deadline is first Sun. of the month. Women’s Discovery and men of Joan K. Hoover of Duxbury died Nov. 17, 2010 at the Cape
Monday at noon. Promise homegroups. Cod Hospital at the age of 78. She leaves her husband of 58
years, C. Jackson Hoover, Sr.; and her children, C. Jackson
South Shore Worship Hoover, Jr. and Reid Allen Hoover.
Amy Jealous Rose,Congregation
worked in Duxbury
Hayam, P.O. Box 2727, DHS02331,guidance
Phone: 781-582-2700
A memorial service for family and friends will be held Dec.
18 at 11 a.m. in the Clifford Hall at Duxbury Bay Maritime
Amy Jealous Rose, Mrs. Rose was active in the Stephen Min-
a longtimeZion resident of istry, via the Pilgrim Church in Duxbury, and
Lutheran Church School, 457 Washington St. RSVP to Mrs. Kelli Hoover at jk-
Duxbury, 386 died
CourtatSt.,her Cranberry
No. Plymouth, Hospice.
Rev. C. Robert She 508-746-3041
Stott, Phone: worked in the guid- [email protected] or call 781-934-6820. Contributions in Mrs.
home on Dec. 7, sur- ance office at Duxbury High School for many Hoover’s memory may be made to the Duxbury Bay Maritime
rounded by her fam-
Congregation years.
Beth Jacob School, Crossroads for Kids, or the charity of your choice.
ily, after aSynagogue:
nine-month She leavs
8 Pleasant St. Plymouth, her husband
Community of 30 years
Center, Court/Brewster St. Alexan-
battle withSilverman,
cancer.Rabbi, Phone: der508-746-1575.
Stewart Rose, and her three children, Eliza-
She was born July beth “Betsy” Jane Rose of Cambridge, Alexan-
26, 1952South in Shore
Boston,Quaker der “Sander” Stewart Rose, Jr. of Boston, and
MacDonald Funeral Home
daughter Phone:
of the late Bradford
781-749-4383, George
Turkey Hill Lane, Hingham,Rose(off of
228 at the library/town hall 1755 Ocean St. Marshfield
Bradford complex
and offJane
Levitt St., up theAhill
to Turkey Hillservice
Lane). was held on Dec. 11 at
(Harvey) Jealous. Mrs. 1 p.m. in the Pilgrim Church in Duxbury, fol-
Rose was a graduate of the Daycroft School
Church of JesusinChristlowing a private
of Latter-Day burial. Donations in her mem-
Saints (Mormon)
Greenwich, Conn., Bradford College, and St.,
379 Gardner theSo. Hingham,
ory may be John
Bishop madeHowe,toPhone:
Operation Smile,
781-293-2520, www.
Katharine Gibbs School in Boston.year round: Family worshipoperationsmile.org.
at 10 am. “Excellence in Service with Understanding”

Jane M.St.261(MacDonald)
Mark of Epheseus Orthodox Mission
Allen, 92
Main St., Kingston, Rev. Terrence McGillicuddy, Phone: 781-585-8907
Directors: Joseph L. Davis, Richard W. Davis


Jane M. (Macdonald) Allen, 92, of Duxbury, of her children and grandchildren.
formerly of Centerville, died Dec. 5, 2010.
Islamic Center She Mrs.Mosques
of New England Allen leaves her children, Candace Traditional Funerals Cremations Pre-Need Funeral Planning
was the wife of the late Lloyd E. Allen, III, sis-
470 South St., Quincy, 671-479-8341, 74her
Crowley and husband,
Chase Kevin
Dr., Sharon, of Key Largo,
ter of Daniel Macdonald of Wellesley, and the Fla., Richard Allen and his wife, Joan of Co- 373 Court Street 619 State Road (Rt. 3A)
late Claire Pieper.   Manomet
Safe Harbor Church hasset, Christopher Allen and his wife, Carol N. Plymouth
Mrs. Allen was born in Boston 52
Main3,St.,1918 ofPastor
Marshfield, Duxbury, and the
Mark Eagling, late Lloyd Allen, Jr.; seven
781-837-9903 (508) 746-2231 1-800-770-2231 (508) 224-2252
and grew up in Brookline, attending Brookline grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren.  
High School. She married Lloyd Allen, also A memorial service will be held on Sunday,
of Brookline, on Jan. 4, 1945 while he was Dec. 19 at 3 p.m. at The Pilgrim Church, 404 John L. Woods
stationed at Fort Hood, Tex. They raised their Washington St., Duxbury.   In lieu of flowers, ATTORNEY AT LAW
four children in Ashland and moved to Center- donations in her memory may be made to The
ville in 1978. Following her husband’s death, Hole in the Wall Gang Fund, 555 Long Wharf 24 BAY ROAD, DUXBURY
Mrs. Allen moved to the Village at Duxbury in Drive, New Haven, CT 06511 or The Jimmy 781-934-9495
2002. Fund, 10 Brookline Place West, 6th Floor, FREE INITIAL CONSULTATION
Mrs. Allen was an avid reader and swim- Brookline, MA 02445.  For online condolenc-
mer. She received a certificate of Reiki at the es, go to shepherdfuneralhome.com.  Wills Trusts
Estate & Medicaid Planning
age of 80. She was actively involved in the lives Elder Law

Hugo Francke, 53, mental health worker

Real Estate Matters

Hugo Francke, 53, of Holyoke, died Eric of Plymouth, and Jon of Washington, D.C.; The 12 Days of Duxbury Christmas
Wednesday, Dec. 8 at his home following a five sisters, Heidi Francke of Dorchester, Lucy
long illness. He was born in Boston, son of Belanger of Kingston, Wendy Francke of Ven-
Joan (Crowley) Francke of Duxbury and the tura, Calif., Amy McCullough of Cary, N.C., SEVEN nights booked for your guests at Powder Point
late Hugo Francke. He was a graduate of Dux- and Julie Veach of Ohio. Services and burial Bed & Breakfast or The Winsor House Inn
bury High School, and attended the University will be private. Barry J. Farrell Funeral Home EIGHT lobsters from Snug Harbor Fish Company
of Massachusetts. Mr. Francke was a longtime of Holyoke is handling arrangements. In lieu of NINE great gifts from at Cottons, Once Upon a Time, ONE,
supervisor in the mental health field, and had flowers, memorial contributions are requested or The Studio
lived in Holyoke for many years. to Partners in Health, P.O. Box 845578, Bos- TEN life jackets from Bayside Marine Corp or Long Point Marine
In addition to his mother, Mr. Francke ton, MA 02284. ELEVEN paintings or photos from Anne Henning
leaves three brothers, H. Gilbert of Duxbury,
Photography and Gallery or Bettina Lesieur Gallery

Stanley Grant Helmsdorff, 94, TWELVE months of shopping in your own home town!

earned Distinguished Flying Cross Support local businesses:

Stanley Grant Helmsdorff, 94, of Duxbury, Typographical Union and worked many years
died Sunday, Dec. 12 after a long illness. He as a compositor at the Herald Traveler and the
was the widower of Barbara Sutton Helmsdorff, Boston Herald. He retired in 1980.
his wife of 40 years, who died July 2, 2010.
He was born April 24, 1916, the son of Carl
He was an avid boater, fisherman and sun-
bather. He loved to travel with his wife, visit-
and Dagney Helmsdorff. He attended Boston ing the Caribbean, Mexico and Europe, in ad-
Public Schools and was a graduate of the Me- dition to their extended stays at Marco Island Guess Who’s Suit
chanic Arts High School in Boston. He lived in Florida.
for many years in Needham and Westwood He was preceded in death by his two sons, We Clean?
before retiring to East Falmouth. He moved to Bruce and Brian Helmsdorff and his first wife,
Duxbury in 2005. Pearl Peterson Helmsdorff. He leaves two step- (but only once a year!)
He was a veteran of World War II, serving daughters, Marianne Reinhalter of Duxbury and
with the 57th Bomb Wing of the 12th Air Force Patricia J. Casey of Dartmouth; their spouses
in the African, Mediterranean and European and their five children.
Theaters. A first lieutenant and a B-25 pilot, he A visiting hour will be held at the Rich-
served in the 379th Bombing Squadron of the ard Davis Funeral Home, 373 Court Street (Rt
310 Bomber Group. He was awarded the Dis- 3A), N. Plymouth, from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. on
tinguished Flying Cross for his actions during Wednesday, Dec. 15, followed by a funeral
an attack on a railroad bridge Aug. 6, 1944 at Mass at Holy Family Church in Duxbury at 11
Avignon, France. a.m. Burial is private.
He was a member of Local 13 of the Boston

Edna (Pomfert) Morrison, 93

Edna (Pomfret) Morrison died Dec 11 at the nieces Diane Johnson of Mattapoisett and Bev-
age of 93. She was the wife of the late Clifton T. erly Marsh of New Bedford; a great-niece and
Morrison for 63 years. Mrs. Morrison was born great-great-nephew. Funeral services are pri-
in New Bedford. She and her husband spent vate. In lieu of flowers contributions may be
many winters in Florida while summering in made in her memory to St. Martin’s Episcopal Free Pick-Up and Delivery!
Duxbury. Church, PO Box 40148, New Bedford, MA  16 Chestnut Street, Hall’s Corner, Duxbury
Mrs. Morrison leaves her son David and 02744.
daughter-in-law Millie Morrison of Plymouth;    6ALET  sWWWTHECLEANISTCOM
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11

Around Town Hall Build a strong, lean, flexible, balanced

body for optimal health
School Building Committee: Wednes-
day, Dec. 15, 7 p.m. at Duxbury High Every BODY benefits:
School, room 106 Golfers, athletes, seniors, people with sports, back &
Private/group classes up to four
Alternative Energy Committee: joint injuries, and healthy adults getting in shape
Personal attention to individual needs
Wednesday, Dec. 15, 7:30 p.m. at the Se-
nior Center Betty DeLisle, Certified Pilates Trainer Comfortable, fully equipped studio
Community Preservation Commit- 781-934-9959 Classes in Duxbury –
tee: Thursday, Dec. 16, 8 a.m. in the Mural Room at Town Hall
Pilates is exercise for life...
[email protected] Call for Appointment
Historical Commission: Thursday, Dec. 16, 7 p.m. in the small
conference room at Town Hall. Discussion of the demolition of 24
Standish Street.
Conservation Commission: Tuesday, Dec. 21, 7 p.m. in the Mu-
ral Room

Central Chrysler Jeep Dodge

56 U.S. Route 1 - The Automile
Norwood, MA 02062
Phone: 781-762-2200
Fax: 781-2559537
ROBERT MCDANIEL Email: [email protected]
Sales Consultant Online: www.central.us

Country Store
featuring Specials of the week
Three Olives Vodka............1.75L...$19.99 less $5.00 mail-in rebate....final cost.$14.99
Johnnie Walker Red Label Scotch........................1.75L......................................$32.99
Blackstone Merlot.................................................................750 ml.........................................$7.99
Mirassou Pinot Noir............................................................750 ml.........................................$7.99
LaCrema Chardonnay or Pinot Noir...............750ml.......................................$15.99
Lindeman's Australian Wines......................................1.5L..........................................$9.99
Corona or Corona Light.............................................12 pk. bottles.................... ..$12.99+dep
all prices plus sales tax - prices good through 12/21/10



Jonathan William Mark has joined Vantage Point Realty Advisors
in Duxbury. Jonathan, a third generation Duxbury native gradu-
ated Duxbury High School in 2000. In 2003 Jonathan moved to
Naples, FL, and began his sales career. He worked his way up to
Sales Manager at large multi-franchise auto dealership, and left six
years later to pursue his passion for real estate. Jonathan worked
for Waterfront Realty in downtown Naples, and will continue to
serve clients in both locations. Jonathan serves buyers, sellers, investors, and first time
homebuyers, with professionalism and appreciates the opportunity to help anyone with
their real estate needs. Please feel free to call Jonathan anytime at 781-733-7717.

Open 235 Depot Street Duxbury Open

House OPEN HOUSE 1-3 Sunday House

22 Depot Street, Duxbury • 781-934-2588 // 99 Derby Street, Hingham • 781-749-0778

327 Washington Street, Norwell • 781-659-2599
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Man escapes from ambulance,

runs across Route 3 southbound
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor with the paramedics was transported to the hospi-
[email protected]
“They were having dif- tal, according to Chubb.
A Marshfield man being ficulty with the patient be- “It was a case of one out
taken to the hospital early ing difficult and combative,” of control individual,” he
last Wednesday morning as- Chubb said. said.
saulted his ambulance crew Eventually, Hale forced State Police said Thurs-
and jumped out of the vehicle his way out of the ambulance day morning that preliminary
on Route 3, and was arrested and ran across all four lanes charges against Hale would
by state police. of the highway, holding up include two counts of as-
At 7:50 a.m., Wednesday traffic. sault and battery on an EMT,
Dec. 8, Marshfield fire-para- “He was pounding on hindering a firefighter, car-
medics were transporting someone’s car in the middle jacking, disorderly conduct
William Hale, 50, of Marsh- of the highway,” Chubb said. and disturbing the peace. Lt.
field to Jordan Hospital, ac- Duxbury Police and Chubb said some charges
cording to Lt. Lewis Chubb Marshfield Police, as well may be forthcoming from
of the Duxbury Police De- as state troopers, arrived on Duxbury but he deferred to
partment. the scene and tried, unsuc- the state police.
When the ambulance was cessfully to calm Hale down.
traveling on Route 3 south- Eventually, State Police
bound, Hale started to fight placed Hale in custody. He

Sunday Salon: A virtual tour of WIEMEYER DENTISTRY

Newport set for Jan. 2 Winter Savings: $150 off

The Duxbury Free Library presents a virtual tour through
historic Newport with well-known tour guide Heide Has- KöR at-home only whitening.
selmann on Sunday Jan. 2 at 2 p.m. Hasselmann has been
conducting tours of the greater Boston area for years. Her Regularly $795.
newest venture in developing slide shows to reach a wider Offer ends February 14, 2011.
audience has become extremely popular. Each presentation Cannot be combined with other offers.
is accompanied by a lively commentary rich in historical
background, facts and stories. Reserve your ticket today by 104 TREMONT STREET, SUITE 4, DUXBURY MA 02332

calling the library at 781-934-2721, x108.

781 934 5292

W I E M E Y E R D E N T I S T R Y. C O M

Brian Molisse
Cell: 781-831-4754
[email protected]

Molisse Realty Group, LLC

18 Snow Road, Marshfield
Phone: 781-837-5600
636 Middle Street, Weymouth
Phone: 781-331-3900


601 Tremont Street, Duxbury - 781-934-5055
Gift of
Hope and Life!
Christmas Eve Mass Schedule Friday, Dec 24th
Mass at 4 pm – Main Church
Mass at 4 pm – Parish Center
Uganda Rural Fund Women’s Health Van
Mass at 6 pm – Main Church
Mass at 8 pm – Folk Group Concert at 7:30 pm Contribute to help secure a Women’s Health Van that
Mass at Midnight – Youth Choir Concert at 11:45 pm
will get rural women with serious medical conditions to the care
Christmas Day Mass Schedule Saturday, Dec 25th they need. This van will save lives by transporting women and
Mass at 9:00
Mass at 11 am - Adult Choir Concert at 10:30 am children at risk from complicated births, HIV, STD’s, TB and
Cancer to medical treatment they cannot reach on foot.
Feast of the Holy Family
Masses will be on Sunday, December 26 at 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am. This is truly a gift of life to some of the poorest people
There will be no 5:00 pm vigil Mass on Saturday, December 25.
in the World, living in Southeastern Uganda.
Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God is not a Holy Day
of Obligation this year
Mass of the Solemnity will be on Saturday, January 1st For a Gift Card and Contribution Envelope Contact:
at 8:15 a.m. in the Chapel.
Dan Hall - [email protected]
Feast of the Epiphany Chris Blake - [email protected]
Masses will be on Saturday, January 1st at 5:00 pm and on
Sunday at 7:00, 8:30, 10:00 and 11:30 am 508-783-4707
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13

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14 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Fire station plans outlined

continued from page one its use in nitrogen calculations.
The Planning Board seemed
rently, people wanting to talk What concerned, however, that the
to the chief have to go up to
committee did not have the
the second floor. do you full details (the town’s limit
“If you’ve ever gone up the
stairs, it’s pretty tough even for think? for nitrogen discharge is strict,
a healthy person,” Martecchini less than half the state stan-
said. Got an opinion you want to share? dard) and asked Martecchini’s
There will also be a new Sound off on this or any other issue. group to come back with more
bay, added on to the back of
Send your comments to: information at the next meet-
the building, that will house E-mail: [email protected] ing. Planning Board Member
the departments’ smaller ve- Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331 George Wadsworth also asked
hicles like boats and trailers. that monitoring wells be in-
The current vehicle bay “Duxbury’s unique in a stalled on the site to keep tabs
area and emergency opera- situation where that’s been an on water quality. The fire sta-
tions center will remain mostly established past practice,” he tion does have two gas pumps,
untouched, although an illegal said. “In this town there’s a and when the tanks there were
maintenance pit will be filled. tremendous amount of walk-in recently replaced, some con-
Martecchini said the cost emergencies.” taminated soil was found and
capped off.
Murray also described, in
“We’re hoping it will be substantially below that [4.4 great detail, the site’s ground-
million] given the good bidding climate.” water system. Because the fire
station is in the aquifer protec-
–– Andre Martecchini tion district, the regulations

estimate for the total project is

4.4 million.
He added that residents
don’t like to have emergency
are strict, however he said the
water plan is thorough.
“Every drop of rain that
Let Your Christmas
“We’re hoping it will be
substantially below that given
the good bidding climate,” he
vehicles on their street and
will often drive to the station,
even if they are in distress, to
hits this site is contained with-
in the site, and treated before
it hits the ground,” Murray
said. “This is designed for a
Begin Here!
said. seek medical treatment. UÊ
…ÀˆÃ̓>ÃÊ/Àiià UʈÃȘ}Ê >Ã
The Planning Board also The existing access off 100 year storm. ... Public safe-
ty facilities are unique, this UÊ >Ã>“ʈÀÃÊEÊÀ>ÃiÀʈÀà UÊ>À>˜`Ã
heard details of the site (the Tremont Street will be kept,
Planning Board’s jurisdiction and there will be two new en- thing has to be available for all UÊ7Ài>̅à UÊ,œ«ˆ˜}
is site plan approval) from trances off Mayflower Street, events.”
Martecchini said the town
UÊ*œˆ˜ÃiÌ̈>¿Ã UÊ
i“iÌiÀÞÊ >ÎiÌÃ
landscape architect Bill Mur- one for the public and one for
ray. fire personnel. is planning to put the project
ÕÃ̜“Ê>`iÊ œÜÃÊEÊ7Ài>̅Ã
The new addition will Murray said the site is ac- out to bid in the beginning of -i>ܘi`ʈÀiܜœ`ÊÛ>ˆ>Li
raise the number of parking tually composed of three sepa- January. They should get bids
spaces on site from 29 to 41, rate parcels, including a sliver back in mid-February and ˆvÌÊ
all paved and fully painted. At of land under the jurisdiction will come to Town Meeting
the entrance to the new addi- of the cemetery trustees that in March to seek construction (IGH1UALITYs%XCELLENT3ERVICEs2EASONABLE0RICES
tion, which will be the new was “orphaned” when May- funds. /PEN$AILYATAMs  
front entrance of the station, flower Street was moved. The The meeting was contin- WWWNESSRALLASCOM
ued to Jan. 10 at 7 p.m.
JH_TMC_5.9x7_ob-gyn_release.qxp:Layout 1 12/9/10 2:45 PM Page 1
there will be six spaces for fire station will be taking the /CEAN3T 2TE -ARSHFIELD
emergency access. Although parcel in a land swap, and a
Murray said this is not the member of the trustees present
way fire stations are typically at Monday’s meeting said he
designed, Duxbury Fire Chief was OK with the plan. my
Kevin Nord asked for this spe- The new sliver is impor- team.
cifically. tant, Murray said, because of my
hospital. SM

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15

Homes for the

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DUXBURY – This classic 4BR Colonial on a cul-de-sac DUXBURY – One of Duxbury’s finest historic homes DUXBURY – A Dramatic 9rm Waterfront Contempo-
features formal LR & DR; large eat-in kitchen; cathedral built during the shipbuilding era, this stately 11rm Co- rary with amazing views & luxurious lifestyle! Soaring
FR w/built-ins & fireplace; plus a 3 season sun room. lonial has been restored with superb attention to period ceilings, open floor plan, custom kitchen w/granite coun-
Central air, walk-out lower level play room w/full bath, details while incorporating amenities for today’s lifestyles. ters & stainless appliances, fabulous heated indoor swim-
professional landscaping & a private heated in-ground Handcrafted kitchen, sail loft, detached barn, and tennis ming pool, & a walk-out LL game room & guest suite.
gunite pool. Offered at $749,000 court. Offered at $1,350,000 Rare offering on 3 private acres! Offered at $1,695,000

DUXBURY – A winding drive leads to this 4BR Con- DUXBURY – Value Range Pricing! Impressive 4BR in- DUXBURY – Location! Location! Desirable Prior Farm
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pond. Great room opens to deck; cherry & granite kitchen tail throughout. This spacious home has a gorgeous skylit Colonial set on a gorgeous manicured lot w/an in-ground
w/fireplaced eating area; screen porch; cathedral master; kitchen; cathedral family room; private master suite; beau- pool. Formal LR & DR; kitchen w/updated appliances
fabulous walk-out lower level; and a 2-car garage. tiful landscaping w/fenced yard & an in-ground pool! open to FR w/built-ins; enclosed screen porch; 2-car ga-
Offered at $489,900 Offers Considered - $899,900 - $935k rage; & perennial gardens. Offered at $689,000

DUXBURY –Enjoy coming home to the “Bay Farm” leisure DUXBURY – Come home to the carefree lifestyle at DUXBURY – Stunning Townhouse with 3 levels of liv-
lifestyle offered at this one bedroom Condo with high ceil- SouthScape - in-ground pool, tennis courts, clubhouse, ing. Two bedrooms on the 2nd level - each w/private bath.
ings, crown molding, fireplace LR, built-in bookcases, and a & walking trails! This well-maintained 2BR, 2 ½ bath Large windows offer views to conservation land & beyond
balcony. Special amenities include: IG pool, tennis courts, Townhouse offers a fireplaced LR, DR, kitchen, private to Kingston Bay. New flooring & freshly painted through-
clubhouse, & walking trails. Convenient to the Rte. 3 and balcony, & a one-car detached garage. Freshly painted & out most of the living areas - ready to move right in!
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Offered at $389,000


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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Duxbury High School Honor Roll

High Honor Roll Demos, Clark Michael Clinton, Savannah Marie Reale, Mackenzie Rose Hovey, Robert Alec Clancy, Deveyn Marie
Grade 12 Desmarais, Gillian Marie Coakley, John Beatty Rosenfeld, Olivia Ruth Hurvitz, Jonathan Reed Collins, Elizabeth Leah
Andren, Kristofer Glynn DiPrima, Aidan Phillips Connolly, Brendan Christopher Rourke, Timothy Edward Johnson, Christopher Gregory Congdon, John Joseph
Casey, Kevin Alan Dobbins, Maggie Elizabeth Coonan, Andrew John Ruggles, Kelsey Christine Jones, Amanda Elizabeth Connolly, Brianna Maureen
Gerraughty, Lorin Elizabeth Dobens, Abigail Ann Craig, Zachary Wagner Scandone, Dayna May Juliano, Kelly Elizabeth Connor, Sydney Rose
Haffey, Kane Bernard Doherty, Elizabeth Ann Crane, Mason Thomas Scanlan, Ryan Patrick Kite-Powell, Johannes Ludwig Cowden, Ryan Christopher
Kravitz, Leyla Gail Dow, Wesley John Crane, Megan Olivia Scanlon, Sandra Jean Koplovsky, Aiden Coyman, Victoria Rose
Kuckuk, Kevin Woodrow Dowd, Michaela Elizabeth Currul, Amanda Marie Schroeder, Benjamin Dargin Kravitz, Steven Alexander Dame, Kelly Elizabeth
Mahony, Kevin Patrick Draper, Cameron James Daley, Cameron Steven Schupp, Sara Elizabeth Lannon, Micaela Rose Davis, Gabriella Gail
Moore, Jennifer Irene Duggan, Colman Wyse Doherty, Christine Marie Scott, Andrew Tyler Lawrence, Drew Fitzgerald DeChellis, Kaylee Marie
Perry, Joshua Robert Dunn, Maggie McNamara Dowling, Kristofer Richard Serres, Nora Rose Leaverton, Alexandra Elizabeth Dever, Ashley Christine
Rana, Maheen Akbar Dwinell, Hanna Meredith Doyle, Emily Grace Shay, Caela Ann Lloyd, Carson Channing DiVasta, Luke Daniel
Reinhart, Casey Anne Errasti, Kayla Elizabeth Dudley, Amelia Lyn Sheehan, Samantha Alyce LoConte, Christopher John Dobens, John Tenney
Riccio, Tessa Nicole Fahy, Patrick Thomas Duffy, Erin Anne Showstead, Steven Ronald Lynch, Brianna Ashley Dorsett, Jason Daniel
Su, Barry Falcone, Kara Anne Duffy, Laurel Elizabeth Siefert, William Clifford Macaluso, Madeline Jeanne Dow, Christian James
Farquharson, Emma Louise Fariello, Stephanie Robin Smith, Linsin Ann MacDonald, Liam Matthew Doyle, Michael Brian
Grade 11 Feeney, Lauren Elizabeth Farina, Allison Elizabeth Smith, Rachael Jacqueline MacKinnon, Megan Hope Duddy, Kyleigh Elizabeth
Angell, Jason Philip Finn, Katherine Ross FitzGerald, Adam Russell Stefanski, Kasey William Mackin, Kelley Rose Duffy, Sarah Maria
Benson, Hunter James Fiset, Daniel Patrick Fitzpatrick, Sophia Rose Stillman, Gerry Murphy MacLennan, Patrick Ryan Duggan, Brady Patrick
Dennison, Catherine Bryce Gabrielli, Michael William Foley, Caroline Claire Su, Arthur MacLeod, Kyle Philip Duggan, Monica Clancy
Farina Jr, David Stephen Gallagher, Emily Kate Gaita, Jeffrey Michael Sweeney, Katherine Mary Marcello, James Stephen Eagan, Kathryn Ann
Hanrahan, Nicole Elizabeth Garvey, Kirsten Dahlen Garran, Alejandra Ranjo Cowal Sweet, Samuel Christopher Mattes, James Elliott Lindsley Elliott, Mackenzie O’Grady
Hansman, Emily Jean Gavin, Melissa Lynne Garrity, Aidan Martin Therrien, Emma Rose McAdams, Mathew Doyle Falcone, Margaret Fitts
Johnson, Robert Forrest Gino, Zachary Scott Gavin, Timothy Edward Thomas, Stephen Jerome McCarthy, Joseph Gerard Farina, Andrew Philip
Munson, Emilie Calvin Goldberg, Sarah Jeanne Gearin, Patrick Daniel Tougas, Samantha Nicole McCarthy, Marshall Patrick Fassnacht, Rachael Stefani
North, Brendan John Grady, Lauren Elizabeth Gillis, Brendan Jeffrey VanUmmersen, Caroline Long McCarthy, Veronica Mikaela Feldman, Benjamin Gustav
O’Keefe, Connor Richard Grant, Roger Ian Glatthorn, Luke Benjamin Vuilleumier, Kelton Gage McCourt, Ian Walter Ford, Gregory James
Riddle, Avery Elizabeth Hanlon, Sarah Elizabeth Goldman, Leigh Constance Walsh, Courtney Elizabeth McSherry, Caroline Kay Gately, Christopher James
Seewald, Lindsay Annika Harasimowicz, Brett Mason Goldner, Cassidy Nicole Waltz, Brandon Victor Miller, Kayleigh Renee Gearin, Caroline Nelligan
Sharpe, Mackenzie Hewitt Harvey, Kaitlyn Elizabeth Gomer, Jonathon David Weil, Lilly Anna Moniri, Joshua Michael Gisholt Minard, Chandler Eliza
White, Kyli Metcalf Hickey, Margaret Mae Goyette, Alexa Susan White, Ian Charles Morgan IV, Alfred George Glattstein, Megan Elise
Hill, Carlie Leah Greenwood, Kara Marie Williams, Christopher Ryan Mulrenin, Samantha Anne Hadley, Drew Harrison
Grade 10 Hutchinson, Emily Jean Grunwald, Peter Thomas Williams, Derek Carlson Murphy, Peter McHenry Hammel, Alexandra Lynn
Barrett, Allison Mary Jernigan-Smith, Sally Allegra Guilfoile, John Michael Williams, Gregory Jackson Murphy, Ryan Patrick Heath, Ian Burke
Brennan, Claire McGovern Jewell, William Robert Hagan, Matthew Christopher Wood, Tanner Whiffen Mutkoski, Emily Anne Hutchinson, Hannah Elizabeth
Cook, Max Louis Kazanowski, Michelle Kathleen Hannon, Alexandra Lee Woomer, Madeleine Anne Myette, Cameron Raymond Johnson, Ethan Mullins
Feeney, Lindsay Marie Kelly, Aidan Patrick Harrison, Timothy John Zahnzinger, Alexandra Nee, Laura Michelle Keating-Wood, Reilly Patrick
Griffin, Christine Grant Kornberg, Dylan Eliot Hart, Russell Thomas Zelvis, Benjamin Paul North, Michela Jane Kelly, Lauren Elisabeth
Jones, Rachel Braga Lenhardt, Stephanie Marie Hartford, Hannah Elizabeth Zisko, Broderick Charles Norton, Katelyn McNeeley King, Sydney Alyssandra
McLaughlin, Hannah Louise Maguire, Denis Tobin Haynes, David Frederick Nutter, Kathryn Alexandra Librett, Cari Elisabeth
Sahlberg, Linnea Jean Martin, Allison Leah Hines, Rebecca Lee Grade 10 O’Connor, Brendan John Linskey, Sabrina Magada Lene
Sylvester, Jillian Emma Matthews, Timothy James Homan, Colby Peter Abbott, Matthew Bradford O’Neal, Meghan Elizabeth Lirosi, Melissa Paige
Ward, George Henry McCarthy, Olivia Kiley Hunter, Sarah Whittier Abbott, Michaela Elizabeth Palfrey, Alexander Gorham MacNab, Ainsley May
McElduff, Kelly Marie Husted, Laura Naomi Aittaniemi, Chester Henry Pattison, Amelia Gale Marcotte, Bradford Bennett
Grade 9 McKinley, Jonathan Patrick Hyland, Meaghan Jane Allen, Katherine Ann Perkins, Cody Bradford McCarthy, Brooke Taylor
Austin, Abigail Barker McLaughlin, Laurie Ikeda, Ian Crawford Alvarez, Priscilla Yvette Phelan, Hana Lea McCarthy, Sean Daniel
Baker, Andrew Richard Meehan, Brendan Gerard Jacobson, Kenneth David Archambault, Kyle Robert Powers, Molly Coughlin McClintock, Kaeden Luc
Bartlett, Helen Patricia Minahan, Christopher Brayden Jacobson, Samuel Michael Aylmer, Brittany Ann Puopolo, Michelle Marjorie McCluskey, Anne Marie
Bylo, Bridget Renee Morrison, Ashley Elizabeth Jones, Kyle David Balzotti, Christina Marie Rader, Shelby Ayers McDaniel, Nicole Monika
Callahan, Vincent Joseph Nachmann, Joel Dexter Jordan, Lindsay Catherine Barker, Cayla Marie Rice, Sydney McCarthy McDonough, Luke Hamilton
Coakley, Kevin Keating Nee, Julia Marisa Juliano, Gerard Christopher Bates, Sarah Anne Morrison Ronne, Deanna Lynn McKim, Lauren Krista
Coghlan, Jill Leigh Nolan, Kevin Henry Kangos, Nicholas James Beatson, Liam Robert Rotman, Heather May McLaughlin, Haley Ann
DiBona, Kevin Christopher Norton, Maggie Basford Katz, Natalie Rebecca Bentsen-Bush, Alexandra Ann Ruggles, Lauren Michelle Morreale, Stephen Kerwin
Dowling, Spencer Jeffrey O’Day, Emily Metcalfe Kellar, Edward Wallace Bertoni, Lauren Elizabeth Sarles, Thomas Peter Morris, Michaela Anna Hui
Foote, Jake Joseph Pasquale Monk, Julia Marie Kelley, Brian James Blanchard, Thomas Paul Scholberg, Hanna Louise Murray, Megan Elizabeth
Garrity, Madison Lee Phillips, Chandler Erin Kelley, Michelle Elizabeth Bosworth, Lindsay Hope Schroeder, Emma Anne Myette, Rachel Leigh
Gerraughty, Kevin Lyons Poore, Alexander Richard Lake, Michaela Colorinda Bouchie, Stephen Michael Scott, Jessica Elizabeth Nelson, Jessica Lynn
Goldberg, Jessica Leigh Rodriguez, Chandler Quintin Lannon, Jamie Elizabeth Brady, Patrick John Shally, Samantha Jayde Neprud, Janine Ruth
Golden, Kelsey Caitlin Rollock, Cassandra Lee Lawson, Madison Sands Buell, Patrick John Siciliano, Keenan William Ng, Joshua Gregory
Goldner, Maxwell Winston Runci, Elizabeth Austin Leese, Parker Gordon Butcher, Georgia Baldwin Snelling, Zachary Michael Nichols, Emily Cornelia
Hanrahan, Jacqueline Connor Sahlberg, Brett Edward Levesque, Victoria Elizabeth Butler, Greyson Murphy Sotir, Stephanie Nicole Nolan, Jacquelyn Rose
Hansman, Sarah Grace Schofield, Austin Welles Lewine, Benjamin Mark Button, Rachel Rose Stewart, Alexander Michael Nudd, Evan Loring
Healy, Sean Francis Segalla, Michele Joyce Librett, Krista Emilie Caliendo, Drew Philip Stinebiser, Chloe Logan O’Brien, Trevor James
Huang, Matthew Davis Sowa, Christopher Frederick Linskey, Mikkel Timothy Campbell, Carlon Elizabeth Sullivan, Meghan Elizabeth O’Connor, Caroline Anne
Hunt, Shannon Jean Stayton, Jessica Marie Lougee, Marshall Gilman Carpenter, Alyssa Anne Swem, Madeleine Parrish O’Connor, Caroline Elizabeth
Klein, Aaron Rothwell Cameron Stoner, Rosemary Elizabeth Bartlett Lovett, Taylor Belanger Carpenter, Analee Jayne Tarbox, Evan James O’Neil, John Patrick
Larsen, Catherine Burnham Sullivan, Christopher John Macaluso, Alexis Margaret Casey, Sean Michael Tokarski, Cameron Mark O’Sullivan, Connor Walsh
Lema, Kevin Joseph Surette, Kristina Lynn Manning, Caroline Coakley, Kevin Christopher Tonis, Matthew Steven Pelletier, Julien Francis
McElduff, Benjamin Doerre Sweeney, Patrick Edward Marino, Jason Anthony Cobb, Lindsey Lee Towers, Acacia Isabel Perry, Jacquelyn Victoria
McLellan, Amandalyn Kathleen Tillotson, Carly Rose Marino, Justin Anthony Connelly, Thomas Joseph Turner, Samuel Robert Pittore, Daniel Peter
Najarian, Samantha Anne Tinkham, Nicholas Padula McDermott, Jonathan Francis Connolly, Michael Charles Walker, Mckenzie Lynn Powers, Tyler Austin
O’Rourke, Caroline Jeanne Tobias, Karli Nichole McGeady, Anna Colleen Conway, Madeline Newman Weckbacher, Casey Hart Quinzani, Wesley
Puatu, Alexandra Joy Wahl Tsinzo, Devon Victoria McGill, Andrew James Crandon, Earl Nguyen-Rand Weiss, Julianne Gwynne Rayfield, Connor Francis
Riddle, Hannah Lacey Varano, Sara Morgan McHugh, Kristin Mary Cronin, Kelly Rose Weld IV, William George Ricciardi, Drew Nicholas
Rooney, Conor Joseph Vitaro, Katherine Ann McKenna, Haley Daly, Caitlin Elizabeth Wilson, Ian MacDonald Richardson, Sarah Catherine
Shaunessy, Caroline Jeanne Walker, Emily Suzanne McKinney, Colleen Elizabeth Dame, Kylie Caldwell Wojciechowski, Emilia Ona Robinson, Patrick James
Smith, Katherine McIntosh Walsh, Kristina Lynn Meehan, Emily Mary Davidson, Kelsey Theresa Wolff, Alyson Elizabeth Saia, Matthew Ming
Sohmer, Harry Brown West, Nina Marie Mohrman, Chase Cummings Delagrange, Dean Matthew Wooley, Rachel Elizabeth Schwanke, Noah David
Tougas, Michael Roger Willauer, Peter Gryska Moriarty, Zoe Nicole DiMartinis, Peter Joseph Wyatt, Sam Sinnott, Jackson Thomas
Urann IV, Marcus Morton Williams, Jessica Diane Muller, Davis Timothy Doherty, Mary Catherine Yanulis, Sarah Grace Smith, Olivia McIntosh
Walters, Angus Maclean Wong, Jacob Stephen Mullins, Charles Arthur Dwinell, Haley Rebecca Stames, Henry Calder
West, Joshua Harrison Muncey, Peter Naylor Ederle, Samuel Mara Grade 9 Sullivan, Montana Jean
White, Hallie Marie Grade 11 Murphy, Deirdre Marie Edgar, Malcolm Hart Antonino, Alexis Drea Sweeney, Ann Connolly
Armstrong, Abigail Ellen Murphy, Elizabeth Eberhard Emmett, Jared Carver Barry, Evan Patrick Swensen, Jake Henry
Honor Roll Averna, Julia Hodgkinson Murphy, John Southard Farquharson, Madeline Priscilla Berry, Mitchell Robert Tileston-Connolly, Hayley Vaughn
Grade 12 Barrington, Mitchell Allen Murphy, Keelan Patrick Federoff, Sarah Rose Blair, Nicholas John Turok, Caitlin Elizabeth
Bahr, Devan Virginia Barrington, Trevor John Najarian, Alexandra Marguerite Fiskio, Emma Marie Boucher, Maxfield David VanDingstee, Miranda Rose
Berry, Paige Nicole Bernard, Vanessa Catherine Naton, Reilly Charles Fitzgerald, Brendan Scott Boynton, Miranda Leigh VanUmmersen, Madeline Long
Bone, Hilary Campbell Biagini, Nicholas Richard O’Keefe, Matthew Francis Gallagher, Erin Elizabeth Briggs, Henry William Vetsch, Nicoletta Lee
Brady, Alexandra Joyce Bishop, Brooke Elizabeth O’Leary, Kara Kennedy Geary, John Joseph Brown, Ian Andrew Walker, Garrett Lewis
Brasington, Hunter Samuel Bittrich, Lauren Christine Odier, Justine Monroe Geiger, John Patrick Buchanan, Madeline Katherine Walsh, Halle Elizabeth
Bray, Gregory Michael Boyle, Robert Charles Owen, Curtis Michael Gibbs, Gabrielle Susan Buckley, Elizabeth Marie Waltz, Nicholas John
Brook, Emily Margaret Buckley, Dylan Francis Padula, Andrew Joseph Giumetti, Emily Grace Bulman, Carter Thomas Weimer, Emily Ann
Brooks, Colleen Ruthann Buonagurio, Henry Ryan Page, Victoria Ingrid Griffin, Matthew Warren Burger, Matthew Preston Weld, Robert Thomas
Carleton, Jacob Daniel Burke, James Kilduff Pedulla, Grayson Merrill Griffin-Crane, Faith Dowling Burke, Brendan Scott Williams, Tanner James
Cipolletti, Charlotte Anne Buron, Andrew James Peterson, Lily Susanne Guilfoile, Joseph Patrick Butler, William Raymond Woodgate, Jillian Rose
Connolly, Briana Lee Casey, Alena Joy Phillips, Matthew Christopher Hanlon, Rebecca Kate Cadorette, Hannah Elizabeth Wyllie, Ian James
Copp, Samantha Pulcheria Cazeault, Elizabeth Marie Phinney, Caroline Anderson Hannon, Thomas Anthony Cardelle, Michael John Zaverucha, Meghan Kate
Coyne, Joseph Allen Chappuis, Ashleen Powell, Wilson Hunt Hofmaier, Madeline Grace Casey, Peter Allan Zelvis, Olivia Mae
Cushing, Melissa Denise Chatlin, Haley Erin Randall, Maxwell Scott Hopkins, Mark Duffy Chappuis, James Martin Zisko, Emily Ann
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 17

Schools looks to close gap GOODRICH

continued from page one
portunity to meet us, hopefully
more than halfway.”
Superintendent of Schools
nology (upgrading the net-
work and wireless, replacing
computers and laptops and
more), $35,000 to construct
Dr. Benedict Tantillo pointed classrooms due to the popu-
out that the district’s negoti- lation changes, $10,000 for 40 INDEPENDENCE ROAD • KINGSTON
ated increases –– things like white boards and $124,075 for (Rte 53 near Duxbury/Kingston Line)
salary increases that have been lighting upgrades at Alden. 781-422-0131
negotiated through contracts In other business the
–– are $900,000, more than To read the full budget summary,
the town is budgeting for the
year-to-year increase.
“The town’s allocated in-
visit duxburyclipper.com
upcoming fiscal year were to
preserve class size/staffing
School Committee:
• Heard an update from
Ward on the school building
project. Ward said school of-
R 5Ęĕ-đħ0ĖĖęēĕ
 3ĕĞĕĕ,.đĘğĞĕĩ
crease doesn’t cover the un- ratios, invest in technology, ficials met with representa-
avoidable increases that we maintain appropriate levels of tives from the Mass. School      
have,” said School Committee textbooks and supplies and to Building Authority, after be- t$ğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕt$ĘęĜĔ$ĥģĤğĔĩt1đĤĕĢĞęĤĩ
ing invited to participate in t1đĢĕĞĤęĞė1ĜđĞģt.ğĔęĖęēđĤęğĞģt6ĞēğĞĤĕģĤĕĔ%ęĦğĢēĕ
“I know times are tough but we still have to operate the the model school program. t$ĘęĜĔ4ĥĠĠğĢĤt1đĢĕĞĤđĜ3ĕĜğēđĤęğĞt$ğĞĤĕĝĠĤģt.ĕĔęđĤęğĞ4ĕĢĦęēĕģ
schools.” (The program would add an #VTJOFTT-JOF 5PMM'SFF
additional reimbursement to &NBJM3FOFF!.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN
––Dr. Benedict Tantillo. XXX.BIPOFZ'BNJMZ-BXDPN
any new school building proj-
ect.) The next step will be to
member Gary Magnuson. “It’s maintain the district’s facili- invite four architects to give
not a level service budget. ties.
Because of enrollment
presentations on how their Farfar’s &
Once Upon a Time
We’re going to have to elimi- model school designs would
nate things.” changes, the schools are look- fit Duxbury. The model school
A level-service budget de- ing to add a full-time employ- districts are Whitman-Hanson, Invite you to a Reading & Book signing
scribes a budget that is raised ee at Chandler, they will lose Ashland, Hudson and Ips- by Duxbury resident and author
to account for things like sal- one at Alden, and there will be wich. There will be an article Andrew C. Firnrohr
ary increases and utility costs, no change for regular educa- on the Town Meeting warrant
but no new staff or services. A tion at the middle school. Two in the spring that will seek de-
level-funded budget means a full-time special education sign fees, which will be a per-
budget that is the same as the employees will be added at centage of construction costs.
previous year, implying that Duxbury Middle School and Ward said Wednesday she did
cuts will have to be made to one will be added at the high
&/,33(5 not have exact figures.
account for fixed increases. school.
[ • Opened the meeting with
“I know times are tough To read the full budget a moment of silence for Amy
but we still have to operate the summary, visit duxburyclip- Rose, a former guidance em-
schools,” said Tantillo. “Hope- per.com. ployee who recently died.
fully we can work out a few On Wednesday, Nauman • Recognized the Abigail
more dollars from the town.” also presented the capital bud- Adams Scholarship recipients Andrew will read his new children’s book
In a budget summary get for Fiscal Year 2012. She as well as the All-American “Greenie the Grasshopper”
presented at a recent School identified several things as a and All State Soccer recipi- Join Andrew for 2 readings at
Committee meeting, Nauman high priority for the district, ents, Emily Gallagher, Melis- Farfar’s on Saturday, Dec. 18th
said the schools’ goals for the including $265,200 in tech- sa Gavin and Justin Reneau. 1:00pm & 3:00pm.

Help keep a needy Try a short-term stay

neighbor warm this in our newly decorated
winter season respite apartment
This winter could be
a difficult time for some
of our neighbors to keep
their homes heated. Last
year, nearly 150 families in
Duxbury asked for fuel as-
sistance from the Duxbury
Interfaith Council and the
South Shore Community
Action Council. The DIC
depends on donations to
meet these heating needs.
Anyone can help sup- Perfect for when

port a new fuel assistance • caregivers are away.
fund this holiday season • transitioning from a hospital/
with the purchase of a gift
certificate for “ the person
rehab stay.
who has everything.” Con- • you wish to experience our
sider making a donation lifestyle before making a
in their name to the Dux- commitment to Assisted Living.
bury Fuel Assistance Fund.
Stop by The Duxbury Se- A close-knit community offering engaging activities, delicious dining
Winter reservations available –
nior Center to purchase the call Irene today.
decorative certificate that with friends and an attractive private apartment – plus the peace of mind
you can give announcing 781-585-7136, ext. 121
that a donation had been that comes with knowing that help is always there if it’s needed.
given in the recipients name
to support The Duxbury ...all the ways Allerton House
Fuel Assistance Fund. The
money raised supports the
Outreach Committee of the
Assisted Living at The Village at Duxbury
Duxbury Interfaith Council,
which among other things,
helps seniors live more independently. Owned and managed by
Welch Healthcare & Retirement Group
provides fuel assistance for
those in need in our com- 290 KINGS TOWN WAY • D U X B U RY, MASSACHUSETTS 02332
18 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

DAA Craft Show and Sale

Sue Clark of “Maddy and Me” with her mother Nancy Schmidt, daughter Maddy
and sister Jayne Rinaldi.

DAA board members Karen Matthews and Nancy Scheerer with DAA
director Mary Beth Brown.

Elizabeth and Lucy Cushing were out for a day of shopping. The Kailee Collins finds a pink flower
show featured over 70 artisans. head band a perfect fit.
Jodie Cash, owner and designer of Kinsale Designs jewelry, with
her stepdaughter Meredith Eddy.

Duxbury photographer David Grossman, second

from left, with admirers of his work.

Rosa Galeno, owner of “Rosa”s Food

Shop” with Patsy Savard. The baked
goods had customers coming back for
more all weekend.
Marilyn Quilty owner of “Simply Beads,” helps Amy Burns and
her daughter Carleigh find the perfect belt. Photos by Deni Johnson

Potters Judy Rossman and Abby Fasarella had creative pottery

designs available.

Checking out the soap at Back Porch Soap are Alana Fitzgerald, Nicole Quinlan, Charlotte Wahle and
Kaley Rudicus. Katie and Chris Daley did some Christmas shopping at the show.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 19

Tarkiln reopening celebration

The public is invited to the grand re-opening celebration

of the Tarkiln Community Center on Saturday, Jan. 8, from 12
noon-2 p.m.
Come see the amazing transformation inside Duxbury’s
own community center made possible through a combination
of Community Preservation Act funds and a tremendous grass-
roots volunteer effort. The interior of the Tarkiln Twin School-
house has received a facelift consisting of fresh paint through-
out, brand-new handicapped accessible restrooms, new period
lighting and bead-board wall coverings as well as sparklingly
refinished antique wood floors.
Come be a witness to history as Tarkiln, 245 Summer Street/
Route 53, opens its doors to the public for the first time since
its closure in 2006. Refreshments will be served at the open
house. 09DF005_clipper_open_7.9x10:09DF005 9/8/09 1:58 PM Page 1
Tarkiln is perfect for workshops, classes, recitals, lectures,
parties and functions and is
available for rent through the
Recreation Department office
at 781-934-7034.

Uno, Dos, Tres,

Spanish fun at
the library
Registration has begun for
a series of six bilingual Span-
Now world-leading
ish storytimes for children
ages 3 to 5 at the Duxbury Free
Library. The series will be held
cancer care is right in
on Wednesdays, Jan. 5 through
Feb. 9, 10:15-11:15 a.m. These
are stay-alone story times but
your backyard.
caregivers need to stay in the
library during the program. Introducing the most advanced cancer care available on the South Shore.
Children must be able to at-
tend all six weeks. The instruc- Dana-Farber Cancer Institute, Brigham and Women’s Hospital and South
tor, Maureen Holbrook, is a Shore Hospital are collaborating to provide the highest level of care
licensed and certified Spanish
teacher. Each program will in- south of Boston.
clude music, movement, pup-
pets, and a craft with a new The new center at South Shore Hospital brings the first choice in cancer
theme each week. Registration
needs to be done in person in care closer to you – including many of the innovative treatments available
the children’s department. For at Dana-Farber/Brigham and Women’s Cancer Center in Boston.
more details, check the chil-
dren’s department Web site
program page or call 781-934- Call 781-624-5000 for an appointment or visit www.dfbwcc.org/southshore
2721, x115. for more information.

School vacation
family concert
Twelve Days of Recess, a
seasonal non-religious, partic-
ipatory concert by American
songwriter, guitarist, and re-
cording artist Jay Mankita, will
be held at the Duxbury Free
Library, 77 Alden Street, Dux-
bury on Tuesday, Dec. 28 at
6:30 p.m. in the Merry Room. Focused on cancer. Focused on life.
Considered by Pete Seeger to
be “one of the half dozen best
songwriters today,” Mankita’s
concert will be a lively, family
event featuring a combination
of singalong songs and stories.
Reserve free tickets: 781-934-
2721, x115 or online at the li-
brary Web site duxburyfreeli-
brary.org, click calendar.
20 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Send items for the
opinion page to
[email protected]

John & Bobbie Cutler, Founders The Deadline for all

David S. Cutler, Publisher Emeritus letters & commentaries
Benjamin D. Cutler, President is Monday at noon.
Justin M. Graeber, Editor-in-Chief
What’s Yours? Share your views in our sounding off section
Phone: 781-934-2811
E-mail: [email protected]

Don’t cave to
vocal minority
aven’t we learned our lesson? Twice, plans for a
new police station have come before the voters
of Duxbury. And both times, the voters have sent
a clear message to town officials: we want the cheapest option
Yet last week, a dozen or so people showed up to a public
hearing at the Senior Center and said they didn’t like the idea
of a police station on Mayflower Street, and that they would be
willing to pay up to a million dollars more for a new two-story
station at the current site on
What West Street.
Haven’t we learned, by
do you some painful examples, that
think? taking a poll of two dozen
people at a public hearing is
Got an opinion you want to share?
Sound off on this or any other issue. not an accurate representation
Send your comments to: of the wishes of the general
E-mail: [email protected] electorate? The true test of
Mail: P.O. Box 1656, Duxbury, MA 02331
Duxbury’s collective public
opinion is at the ballot box, and
there, the message is loud and clear: we don’t want to spend a
penny more than we have to. The group willing to spend up to
a million dollars more for a police station on West Street is a
See our special commemorative section this
vocal minority and should be treated as such. week detailing the Dragons’ run to greatness!
One person involved with the new station discussion
expressed frustration that people would now show up and say
Community shined during painful loss ————
they’d be willing to pay more money for the West Street site,
his note is very sional and at the same time so Duxbury Youth Football for
after years and years of crying out for cuts to the project. The painful for me but compassionate. I will never be many years and then became
Building Committee took great pains to slash about $800,000 I need to express able to thank you enough for Duxbury High School football
off the price tag, cutting needed items in the process. Now my thankfulness to this com- all you did. All other towns team’s biggest fan. With that
munity that I am so proud to should be so lucky to have in mind, I cannot even begin
people are saying it’s no problem to pay an extra million for the
call my home. When the most half of what we have here in to tell you how touched I was
site they’d prefer? That just doesn’t add up. Not to mention that dreadful thing happened to me Duxbury. at the way the whole foot-
the police themselves, the people whose opinion holds the most and my family, the outpouring The Sheriff’s Department, ball team (including coaches)
weight in this matter, don’t like West Street and that a two- of support I received from this my goodness, they went above came and showed their sup-
community was incredible. and beyond to show my hus- port. From showing up at my
story police station is not ideal for modern police work.
No words could ever express band how important he was house, to filing into the funeral
If the Building Committee caves to this minority and to “everyone” how thankful not only to them but to the home dressed so sharply and
reconsiders the site, one doesn’t need to be Nostradamus to we are for the love and com- community he served and pro- then to see them in church was
predict what will happen: Town Meeting will pass the project, passion that was shown to us. tected every day. I am still in just so heartwarming. I know
When word got out of what awe over the tribute that was how proud John would be to
as it has before. Then it will fail at the town election, as it has happened to my husband, the given to him. I just hope he re- see what amazing men “his
before, as the much put-upon taxpayers scream in protest. And outpouring of support for my alized how much he was loved boys” have become. Please
Duxbury and its police department will be at square one; after family was incredible. When by all. I could never put in know that I realize it was spirit
years of work they will have nothing to show for it. tragedy strikes a family, it’s words how much I appreciate week and a lot of kids missed
amazing how the little things all that was done. They made out on participating, I thank
Is the Mayflower Street site perfect, without any negatives? that are done show how much the most painful thing in my you from the bottom of my
Of course not. There’s no such thing as a perfect site. But it’s we are loved and cared about. life a little easier and I thank heart for making that sacrifice
the best site. No more dilly-dallying, let’s move forward on a Whether it was in the form of them for taking on that burden for my family.
food, flowers, fruit baskets, for me. When they say “we are Please know that I am
long-overdue project and get the police the new station they
phone calls or just someone family” they mean it. thankful to all of you. I did not
deserve. coming by to lend a shoulder The Duxbury schoolteach- want any more time to go by
–– J. Graeber to cry on. ers were there to show support without letting you know how
I will try my best to per- as well. I was just amazed that thankful I am and how proud I
sonally thank each and every they cared so much to take am to call Duxbury my home.
one of you that showed us the time out of their lives to come Please say a prayer for
Contact the ombudsman utmost love and compassion
but it is far too big to thank
and pay their respects. I thank
each and every one of you, it
John and I hope you all have a
Happy and Safe Holiday Sea-
Have a question, concern or complaint about the Clipper’s everyone without missing cer- meant the world to myself and son.
coverage? Former Boston Globe writer Tony Chamberlain is tain people. my children. Cindi, Dylan and
the Clipper ombudsman. I have to give a big thanks Those who knew John Madison Buckley
Contact him at [email protected]. to the emergency response know how important foot- Summer Street
team. They were so profes- ball was to him. He coached
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 21

This photo was incorrectly captioned in last week’s paper as being from an event with the Mass.
Memories Road Show. It was actually a visit to the library from Jay Santini, a local book dealer, who
provided an informal valuation of books. Pictured are Cindy Ladd Fiorini, Rick Fiorini, Diane Nee and
Eileen Rich with Santini. Photo by Julius A. Prince, Jr.

Audio books now available at

the library
Searching for the Perfect Gift?
Just in for the holidays, a collection of 34 young adult
(teen) interest titles in the Playaway format is available at
the library. These are individually packaged mp3 devices
that have a single title loaded on them for listening while
A South Shore Skin
you walk, ride, sit. They come with ear phones and an ex-
tra AAA battery if you need it. Listen to a popular current
teen title or some of the books on the high school reading
Center & Spa
list while you do other things. To browse the collection, go
to the teen lounge on the upper level of the Duxbury Free
Library and look under the window. They can be checked
Gift Certificate...
out for two weeks.

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pecans, 10 grain pancake and
to use as you choose.
Green Bean Casserole ..............$7/$9
waffle mix, orange maple Offer good till December 31, 2010.
Red Bliss Mashed Potatoes .....$6/$11
cranberry syrup ...................$27
Apple Stuffing..........................$7/$9 Sampler Box: Apple butter,
Turkey Gravy ... (16 oz.) $5 (32 oz.)$7
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sweet onion jam, hot pepper Purchase your customizable Gift Certificate online at
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22 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Manager outlines budget prospects

continued from page one In other business, selectmen:
• Announced that the re-opening of the Tarkiln Community Center
change as the state govern- will take place on Saturday, January 8 from 12-2 pm. The center on
ment’s budget changes. He Summer Street, which has been closed since 2006, was refurbished
said that the budget, especially with a combination of Community Preservation Act funds, volunteer
revenues figures, are “very labor and donations. The interior has been completely upgraded and
fluid.” the building, which dates to 1871, will be available for rent by the
“I say ‘preliminary’ be- public by calling the Recreation Department.
cause this year, more than any
other year, we are receiving water, fire and library depart- The member benefits, in-
some very contrasting infor- ments because they became surance budget and the debt
mation from Beacon Hill,” too understaffed. service budgets show decreas-
MacDonald said. MacDonald said the over- es. MacDonald said this is due
MacDonald cited the bet- all budget of fixed costs and to a reallocation of expenses.
ter state unemployment fig- debt shows an increase of over Starting in FY12, the water
ures and extra revenue of $413 $1.3 million or 3.25 percent. enterprise fund, the pool en-
million the state discovered in The general government bud- terprise fund and other grant
October, but also a possible get will rise 6.7 percent, to funds will directly expend always the perfect gift
$2 billion budget deficit that $2.1 million, a $137,613 in- such items as health insurance
would probably require cuts crease. and property and liability in-
in state aid up to 12 percent to For the town’s education surance and Medicare. This
close the gap. budget, MacDonald has pro- is being done to keep current
This uncertain budget cli- vided a 2.5 percent increase of with state Department of Rev-
mate could affect Duxbury’s over $700,000, which is 133 enue guidelines.
FY12 budget for the better or percent greater than the cur- The debt service line item
worse, said MacDonald. rent year’s budget increase for has decreased by 2.5 percent
“I am recommending that the schools. In MacDonald’s and this is due to declining
this year, we leave the door balanced budget, the school debt balances.
open to any further good news budget totals $28.6 million. MacDonald praised the
that may come our way in the However, School Com- town for holding its health in-
near future,” said MacDon- mittee member Gary Mag- surance appropriation to only
ald, “and that we take a long nuson told selectmen that his a minimal increase of just over
hard look at any new revenue committee passed a $1.3 mil- one percent for FY12. The
reports, consider our options lion increase to their budget, town’s health insurance costs
and adjust our budgets accord- although they later cut that of $6.4 million represents 11
ingly.” figure down to $1.1 million. percent of its total budget,
MacDonald is proud that This means there is an almost which according to a Boston
for the past four years, Dux- $400,000 shortfall between Globe survey, is less than the
bury’s operating budget has MacDonald’s education bud- average community’s 14 per-
been funded by renewable rev- get and the school committee’s cent.
enue and not one-time fund- budget. For the FY2012 capital
ing, such as free cash. This School Superintendent budget, the town plans to use
revenue includes taxation, lo- Ben Tantillo said he has ne- $1 million from free cash to
cal receipts and state aid. For gotiated $961,000 in salary fund capital requests. This
FY2012, the town’s revenues increases for union employees is the second year that Mac-
currently total $55.8 million. and he must find the money to Donald has used free cash for
Despite this optimism, cover that. improvements to the town’s
MacDonald is sticking to his “It would be premature buildings and equipment. This
conservative budgeting, es- for me to say that there will be year there were $1.6 million in
pecially when it comes to the no layoffs or furloughs in the capital requests.
town’s revenues and state aid school district yet” because of MacDonald stressed that
in particular. He is project- this budget gap, he said. his balanced budget was very
ing that state aid for Duxbury Four of the town’s depart- preliminary and that he recog-
will be nearly 10 percent less ments will receive additional nized that “we still have a lot HOME MADE JAMS,
than the town is scheduled to funding this year. The public of work to do.” JELLIES & RELISHES
receive for the current budget safety budget of $6.1 million “Overall, even though we
year. shows a 6.7 increase, or a posi- have begun to see signs of
Seventy-nine percent of tive dollar change of $390,620. economic improvement, we
the town’s revenues come The public works budget only continue to be cautious,” said
from property taxes. This fig- has a slight increase of .5 per- MacDonald. “We have not
ure has increased slightly each cent, or $18,623, for a total of strayed from our commitment
year, although the numbers for $3.7 million. The library and to be more efficient. We still
new growth, or taxation on recreation budget will rise 3 believe that there is always a
new construction, have fallen percent to $1.36 million, an better way to do what we do
over the past four years. addition of almost $40,000. best and that is to deliver ser-
Local receipts comprise 12 Human services will increase vices to the residents of Dux-
percent of the operating bud- 11 percent to $565,597. bury.”
get. This revenue source has
also declined over the past few
years, said MacDonald. Local
receipts are the funds the town HOLIDAY CUTS RAW BAR
takes in from beach and trans-
fer station sticker fees, ambu- Long or Short! For as few as 10 people - or as many as you like!
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as well as licenses, permits, A clean cut is always in style! 4ISJNQ4OPX$SBC$MBXT 
taxes. Plates, Napkins, Forks and Condiments all included.
MacDonald said that in
2010 the Cash for Clunk- 781-826-8719
AC 3.9x2 Size_rev090409.pdf 9/4/09 9:34:04 AM
ers program gave Duxbury a NEXT TO POOPSIES ON THE MARSHFIELD LINE menszoomgroom.com
“slight bump” in motor vehi- 4ISJNQ
cle tax revenues but he knows $PVOUt$PPLFEUPPSEFS
that will not last. $PNFTXJUIPVS)PNFNBEF
For expenditures, Mac- $PDLUBJM4BVDF P[

Donald noted Duxbury’s abil- MC.JOJNVN0SEFS1JFDFT

ity to “buck the trend” and MC 
not layoff or furlough any
employees. He said his policy Delivered Duxbury Only
of refusing to fill positions www.SchucksCatering.com
made vacant through attrition 0GmDFt$FMM
has helped with budgeting, 3BX#BS4QFDJBMJTU
although the town has had to 1MFBTFHJWFIPVSBEWBODFEOPUJDF
hire some employees in the
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 23

Planning Board states its case

on River Lane building permit
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor not to change it. building be brought into com-
[email protected] “The zoning bylaw, it’s not pliance with the bylaw. There
The Planning Board is hop- a perfect document, but there’s are a couple ways to do this,
ing that their efforts to shine not a place that any of us could including asking for a vari-
the light on what they say is find that said you could have ance, physically attaching the
a lack of zoning enforcement more than one dwelling,” she two structures, or removing
around town have caught the said. sufficient amenities to make
town’s attention. Members, however, agreed it a true accessory building.
Some members of the Plan- that their issue was more with They added that attaching a
ning Board will attend Thurs- Lambiase than the residents at deed restriction to the property
day night’s public hearing in River Lane. would not be enough, but said
front of the Zoning Board of “One of the victims in this they are not recommending the
Appeals on 21 River Lane, the whole thing ... is the appli- building be torn down.
marquee case for what Plan- cant,” said MacNab. “We’ve got the exposure
ning Board members say is “They did what they we wanted to bring this issue
an ongoing problem around thought they were allowed to to the town’s attention,” said
town. do,” added Broadrick. Broadrick. “Now it’s incum-
“Our duty as a planning Planning Board member bent upon us to solve the big-
board is to uphold the zoning Josh Cutler said he was wor- ger issue.”
bylaw ... we got the conversa- ried about protecting the town
tion going. What we are seek- if the residents take legal ac-
ing is zoning enforcement.” tion.
said Planning Board Chair- “You’re penalizing the ho-
woman Amy MacNab. meowner for the transgression
MacNab says the town’s
bylaw is clear that people are
not allowed to build two dwell-
ings on one lot. Others say the
of the building inspector,” he
Broadrick said that Zoning
Board Chairwoman Judi Bar-
All I want for Christmas....
town’s definition of what com- rett was looking to close the * Diamond Studs
poses an accessory structure is public comment part of their
unclear. meeting on Thursday, but they * 3 Stone Ring
The issue came to a head likely wouldn’t make a ruling Diamond Studs
when the Planning Board ap- because of the absence of one
pealed the building inspector’s of their members. *Anniversary Ring
issuance of a building permit MacNab and other mem-
at 21 River Lane. Planning bers said they were uncom-
Board members say that the fortable with the idea that the 3 Stone Ring
inspector, Scott Lambiase, in- ZBA might be worried about
correctly allowed the residents making a ruling without know-
there to build what amounts to ing what the possible remedy
a second single family dwell- would be. M&F Jewelry
5 Schoosett Street
ing on their property. “First you’ve gotta stop the Pembroke, MA 02359
“With the accumulation of digging, they you’ve got to fig- 781-826-6421 Anniversary Ring
amenities [things like a kitch- ure out how to fill in the hole,”
en, stove, heating, plumbing, MacNab said.
etc.] ... it turned this into a sec- The board decided to com-
ond single family home,” said pose a statement for the ZBA
Town Planner Tom Broadrick. asking them to rule that there
MacNab said a zoning by- was indeed a zoning violation
law study group that recently on the property. If that hap-
examined the bylaw decided pens, they will request that the

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24 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

The Treaty of Tordesillas Art booster TIME TO ORDER

organization HOLIDAY ICE CREAM

Perhaps your third grader CAKES & PIES!
wants to be the next Picasso.
All Orders Must be Made by Saturday December 18th
Or maybe your senior plans on
majoring in Fine Arts in col- our
Call Us With Y
lege. Or you just think that art Order Today! 781-934-5152
is an important part of a well-
rounded education. If so, we
want you! An Art Boosters or-
ganization is being formed and
we are looking for volunteers
to serve in many different roles
including board of directors,
fundraising, event support, etc.
Parents and community mem-
bers are being asked to contact of Cohasset Village since 1931
Linda Garrity at 781-837-6194
if you are interested. You’ll find the perfect gift
at Fleming’s…
Transfer station and great decorative accents to
holiday hours make your home sparkle!
The Duxbury Transfer Sta- • Holiday serving pieces, table linens and ornaments
tion will close at noon on Fri- • Hand-blown glass dog breed ornaments
Mr. Armandi’s seventh grade World Cultures and Geography class day, Dec. 24 and will be closed • Fireplace tools and screens
was using the Internet in the library to research The Treaty of all day on Christmas Day. It • Occasional tables and mirrors
Tordesillas. In addition to honing their basic research skills, stu- will re-open at 8 a.m. on Sun- • Mariposa, Dedham Pottery and Mandy Bagwell
dents were asked to think about how this treaty, signed in 1494, day, Dec. 26. Also, the transfer • Vast selection of quality table and floor lamps
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on the languages currently spoken in South America? Want to know Dec. 31 and will be closed all • Beautiful chandeliers, pendants, sconces, star lights
more? Ask one of Mr. Armandi’s seventh grade students! Pictured
working with Mr. Armandi are Kurt Kennelly, Danny Gerraughty,
day on New Year’s Day. Nor-
24 elm street cohasset village
Cam Homan, and Mike O’Neal. mal operating hours will re-
781-383-0684 flemingslighting.com
sume on Jan. 2, 2011.

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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 25

Parent involvement needed Happy Holidays from

The Law Offices of
Thomas H. Tucker
in anti-bullying measures
By Justin Graeber, Clipper Editor
Small Business, Estate Planning and Probate,
Real Estate & Zoning, Corporate, Securities Arbitration, Employment,
Probate Litigation, Litigation and Consumer Issues.
[email protected] Legal counseling by experienced and sophisticated professionals
in a convenient local setting at reasonable rates.
The School Committee
continued to work on its anti- Thomas H. Tucker Of Counsel
Audrey LaRowe Nee Deborah Hill Bornheimer
bullying policies, holding a Kathryn B. Palmer
second policy reading at their Welch & Donohoe, LLP
meeting Wednesday night.
Some members wanted 459 Washington Street, Suite 27, Duxbury, MA
to make sure the policy, an Tel: 781-934-8200 • Fax: 781-934-8205
internal school district docu- DUXLAW.COM
ment, matched up with the
anti-bullying plan required
by a new state law. ROCK FISH MA
Governor Deval Patrick NT RK
signed a bill into law ear-
lier this year that requires all

school districts in the state
to have a bullying response
and prevention plan in place.
Duxbury appointed a task Students attended Wednesday night’s School Committee meeting to For the Holidays
force, led by Assistant Su- be recognized as Adams Scholarship recipients or as exceptional
perintendent Edwin Walsh, student athletes. Shrimp, Lobster Meat
to create a plan using guide- ed Connolly. “The main goal
lines supplied by the state.
“That might be a good
is to have the bullying stop. reason to get the parents
& Scallops
Some questions have So if you notify the parent’s involved early on, before
arisen, however, over lan- initially, hopefully that’s the it gets to that,” responded Please Order Early!
guage in both the plan and response you want to hap- Heinstadt. (For Your Convenience & Ours)
the policy. pen.” Walsh also said he hopes 781-834-6231
School Committee mem- Committee member John the curriculum changes the We will be open December 22-24
ber Maureen Connolly want- Heinstadt said he wants to district is making as part of 9:00 am to 6:00pm
ed to make sure parents were make sure the policy isn’t the community’s focus on December 25th 9:00am to 12:00
notified as early as possible used too broadly in the case bullying will help teachers
in the case of any bullying of incidents2010.SNFRehab.ads:2010.SNF.Rehab.ads
that aren’t re- and staff identify bad behav-
7/4/10 11:48 AM Page 3
Brant Rock
investigation by the school. ally bullying. He agreed with ior earlier. Fish Market
“In order for [anti-bully- Connolly that involving par- “That’s where the rubber
ing measures] to be success- ents is one way to make sure hits the road,” he said. The Finest Seafood... Deliberately!
ful, I think it’s very important the district doesn’t find itself 267 Ocean Street, Brant Rock, Marshfield
that parents are involved ear- struggling against parents of Regular Hours: Tuesday-Sunday 9am-6pm
ly on,” she said. children accused of bullying.
The language in question “This law could quickly
involved the use of the word set up an adversarial rela-
“viable,” with the policy stat- tionship between the aggres-
ing that parents would be no- sor’s parents and the school F
tified after a viable report of system,” he said. “It’s almost B P
bullying. Connolly wanted like the school administration
to make sure the parents are has to put itself in the role of IGH H ARKS M
notified before an investiga- the police department. I think
tion, rather than after one is that’s going to be a difficult
Walsh suggested chang-
line to walk.”
Walsh said that he has
ing the language to “substan- been stressing, in his talks
tiated report,” saying that is to parent groups and school of the people
how he was reading the lan- councils, that bullying is not surveyed would
guage anyway. a crime, unless it rises to the recommend
“I think we are trying to level of assault or criminal
say the same thing in two harassment. Bay Path
different places,” said Gary “The determination will Rehabilitation &
Magnuson, talking about the be made by the police, not Nursing Center
difference between the poli- the school department, if it is to a friend or
cy and the plan. “Is there any a crime,” Walsh said, adding
reason we can’t use the same that if school officials believe family member.
wording?” bullying behavior is escalat-
“I just think we should be ing to the level of a crime,

consistent throughout,” add- they can contact the police. Individuals responsible for the care and
well-being of their loved ones gave Bay
Path a very high satisfaction score.
Wyman’s Christmas Shop Open
Results were based on the recently
released Massachusetts Department
of Public Health 2009 Nursing Home
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26 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Duxbury School Calendar

Thursday Dec. 16
5th Grade Concert 6 p.m. PAC
6th Grade Concert 8 p.m. PAC
Monday Dec. 20
DHS Holiday Concert 7:30 p.m. Send School news & Photos to
Tuesday Dec. 21 [email protected]
DHS Ensemble Concert 7:30 p.m. the Deadline is Monday at noon.
Friday Dec. 24- Sunday Jan. 2
No School - Winter Break
Thursday Jan. 6
DHS School council 5 p.m. Rm. 106
DMS students helping others
Monday Jan. 10
SEPAC Meeting, Chandler School
Alden school council meeting 3:45 p.m. MS Holiday Can
Chandler school council meeting 6 p.m. Drive: From Dec
DHS PTO meeting 7 p.m.
8-15, students
brought non-perishable food
School Lunch Menu items to their homerooms.
Helping others is its own re-
Week of Dec. 20-24 ward, but as added incentive,
the homeroom collecting the
DHS and DMS most donations wins a special
Monday: Cheesy macaroni, carrot fries, whole
wheat bread stick, warm cinnamon spiced ap- breakfast. DMS will share
ples. the success of this year’s food
Tuesday: Tex Mex bowl, nachos with Mexican
drive, and the winning home-
meat and cheese served with baked tortilla room, will be featured in a fu-
rounds, rice and beans, salsa. ture Clipper issue and in our
Wednesday: Italian pasta bar, choice of mari-
school newsletter. Sponsored
nara, Italian meat or alfredo sauce. by DMS RAP.
Adopt-a-child Update: Seventh graders with toys to be donated to families in need. Students
Thursday: Chicken parmesan, seasoned pasta, shown left to right: Luke Herlihy, Ben Sanchez, Aby Luscko, Abbie
seasoned green beans, holiday cookie. This year, the Middle School
McDaniel and Julia FitzGerald.
community participated in
Friday: No school the Adopt-A-Child program was set this year. The DMS holiday greeting cards to sol-
All lunches served with choice of milk. through the Interfaith Council. Guidance Department thanks diers currently serving in Iraq
Cold fruit and vegetable bar, fresh food grab-n-go specials daily. Thirty-two homerooms and 25 everyone for their support and or Afghanistan to thank them
additional faculty members wishes all a Happy New Year! for their service and/or wish
Alden and Chandler Schools chose to participate and con- Letters to Soldiers: Ms. them a happy holiday. Thank
Monday: Grilled cheese, chicken noodle soup, green bean salad.
tributed to make this commu- Pratti’s eighth grade Health/ you to all DMS parents, staff,
nity service project a success. Family Consumer Science and students who participated
Tuesday: Nachos with beef, beans and cheese sauce, peas, fiesta rice, DMS was excited to see the classes have completed their and/or donated to this worthy
fruited Jello.
many games, stuffed animals, Soldiers’ Angels project. They cause.
Wednesday: Whole grain pizza dunkers, marinara dipping sauce, carrot sporting goods, sweatshirts, sent 465 thank you cards and
fries, fresh apple. pajamas, scarves, gloves,
Thursday: Whole grain pasta with Italian sauce and meatballs, garlic books, and over $1445 in gift
breadstick, seasoned green beans, mixed fruit and holiday cookie. cards. The generosity of the
Friday: No school DMS students and faculty was
Assorted fruit and veggie selection daily. uplifting, especially during
these difficult economic times.
All lunches served with choice of milk.
A new record of participation
and monetary contributions

Before and
After Dark
drivers ed
Registration for the win-
ter session of Drivers Edu-
cation begins on Thursday, THE DMS LIBRARY IS A BUSY PLACE: Mrs. North’s eighth grade
Dec. 9 at 8 a.m. in the Before English class was working in groups to edit papers on the computer.
and After Dark office at the Here are Erik Cox, Matt Doheny, and Peter Gandt. The students had
Alden Elementary School. just finished reading a short story and were referring to the text to
The winter session will run examine how the author built suspense.
from Jan. 4-March 11, on
Tuesday and Wednesday
evenings from 6-8 p.m. at
Duxbury High School. The s0ELLET3TOVES
program includes 30 hours
of classroom instruction, 18 s7OOD3TOVES
hours on the road and a man-
datory parents’ class. Regis- s'AS3TOVES
tration forms may be picked
up in the DHS guidance of- & Inserts
fice or at the Before and Af-
ter Dark office in the Alden Take advantage of $1500 s#HIMNEY
School.  Students must be Tax Credit before it is over
15 years 9 months of age by December 31st! Fireplace
Duxbury Music Students Sydni Tougas, Alex Hansman and Katie Jan. 4  to be eligible for the
Coakley display the XBox Kinect, t-shirts that will be packaged with class. This class fills very s-ASONRY
Red Sox and Celtics tickets, unique items, and gift baskets that quickly, and enrollment is
will be auctioned during the Music Promoters’ silent Aauction and limited to 38 students, with Repairs
Duxbury fifth and sixth grade music concerts held Thursday, Dec. 16
Duxbury residents given
at 6 and 8 p.m. and the high school music concerts at 7:30 p.m. on
Dec. 20 and 21. Surprise someone with box tickets for the Celtics first priority. For details and s,INERS)NSTALLED
or Bruins. Bring your checkbook and check off the perfect gifts for pricing information, call the 1127 Main Street
friends and family of all ages from a selection of over 120 donated Before and After Dark office Hanson
items that will be auctioned and closed at the end of each concert. at 781-934-7633 or visit the 888-70-MASON
Concert information is detailed in the Clipper calendar and on the program’s Web site link at www.linwoodstove.com 3HOWROOM
Duxbury School Web site. duxbury.k12.ma.us.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 27

Duxbury police log

Thursday Dec. 2 11:41 a.m. Small brush fire near
Criminal Defense
10:48 a.m. Caller heard shotgun dumpster by red building on Rail- Peter M. Bizinkauskas
noise from woods in the area of road Avenue. Extinguished same.
85 Samoset Street
Keene Street. Officer heard same. 3:50 p.m. Ambulance requested Plymouth, MA
No shotgun hunting aloud in that on Tremont Street. Transported
area. Unable to locate hunters. party to Jordan Hospital. (508) 830-0019
ble water main leak on Elm Street.
11:50 a.m. Caller on Old Farm Water department notified. 11:07 p.m. Caller requested help
Available 24 Hours for Urgent Matters

Road reported missing property with party threatening suicide. peterbizlaw.com

from home.
3:11 p.m. Motor vehicle accident
on Summer Street. Fire and police spoke to party. All
2:49 p.m. Small white puppy okay.
found in area of Cedar Street. An-
4:01 p.m. Minor motor vehicle
accident on St. George Street.
imal control officer notified. Wednesday Dec. 8
4:55 p.m. Suspicious motor ve- 4:02 p.m. Caller reported kitchen 4:33 a.m. Caller reported water
fire on Franklin Street. main break on Bailey’s Circle. Louis J. Vanrenen
hicle in area of Harden Hill Road.
Spoken to. 5:31 p.m. Suspicious motor ve- Water department notified.
hicle parked at the Town Hall. 7:49 a.m. Marshfield Fire De-
5:26 p.m. Ambulance called to Item logged.
Standish Street for allergic reac- partment requested officer assis-
tion. Party transported to hospi- 6:51 p.m. Suspicious motor ve- tance for unruly patient on Route
tal. hicle at Loring Street field. Spo- 3 south. Services rendered.
ken to. New Location - 274 Washington Street, Pembroke, MA 02359 781-826-7606
8:35 a.m. 911 call for party on – 25 Years of Experience –
Friday Dec. 3 7:07 p.m. Suspicious person in Chestnut Street unresponsive but
3:36 a.m. Ambulance requested motor vehicle on Alden Street. breathing. Transported to Jordan
on Laurel Street. Party transport- Spoken to. Hospital.
ed to Jordan Hospital. 8:48 p.m. Officer requested ser- 8:41 a.m. Duxbury Harbormas-
ter reports minor motor vehicle Help us give back to our community by
6:33 p.m. State police reports geant with shot gun for deer struck
erratic operator at Exit 10. Area by car. Notified animal control accident of town vehicle at rear of participating in a food drive to benefit
search negative. officer. Animal put down. building on Tremont Street. Ac- the Pilgrim's Hope Food
cident occurred on Route 3 north-
9:13 p.m. Caller into station to bound near exit 10. Pantry & Shelter in Kingston.
report suspicious motor vehicle in Monday Dec. 6 We will be collecting non perishable food
the area of Christina Court. 12:52 p.m. Motor vehicle acci- 4:52 p.m. Party threatening sui-
dent with injuries on Kingstown cide transported to Jordan Hospi- items for holiday food baskets.
Way. Ambulance transported tal. All are encouraged to drop off items
Saturday Dec. 4 one to Jordan Hospital. Vehicle 6:32 p.m. Caller on Bianca Road
7;20 a.m. Motor vehicle accident at our office.
towed. reported her house was egged.
on Harrison Street. Vehicle towed
and tree department notified. 11:58 p.m. Plymouth police re- 8:23 p.m. Motor vehicle accident
port past assault in Duxbury. One on Tremont Street. No injuries. COMPLIMENTARY CONSULTATIONS
1:45 p.m. Caller reports fight male party arrested and charged Vehicle towed. OPEN MON., THURS., FRI. 8AM-5PM
with mother, mother left to bring a with assault and battery and as- TUES. 8AM-1PM
friend home. Caller reports afraid sault and battery with a dangerous
of mother’s return. Officers on weapon.
11:35 p.m. Motor vehicle stop
on Tremont Street. Party from
Tuesday Dec. 7
8:41 a.m. Motor vehicle found
PJ the DJ
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Plymouth under arrest for past
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warrants. Vehicle towed. Book your Holiday Parties now!
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2:43 p.m. Marshfield police re- the scene.
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ported erratic operator on Trem- 11:10 a.m. State police requested 1510 Tremont Street Duxbury, MA 02332
ont Street. Spoken to. assistance with search of vehicle
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3:07 p.m. Caller reported possi- www.pjthedj.org
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28 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

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sports • calendar • classifieds
Section B • Wednesday, December 15, 2010 781-5

Lady Dragons win hockey opener www.bongis.com Rt. 53, Duxbury, MA 02332

Girls hockey rallies for 4-1 win over Barnstable at the Bog SEACOAST
By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
[email protected] t$JWJM
A freshmen-laden DHS t%PDLT
girls’ varsity hockey team t&OWJSPONFOUBM
opened its season with a 4-1 5JUMF7%FTJHOt1FSNJUT
come-from-behind win over
Barnstable on Saturday night 1BVM#SPHOB 1&
at The Bog.

Girls hockey
Duxbury Now Has FiOS
Do You?
The Red Raiders have been TV • Internet • Phone
one of the tougher teams on the
Lady Dragons’ schedule since
the two teams started playing
each other. But since last sea-
son’s 2-1 opening night loss to
Barnstable, the Lady Dragons
look to be on the verge of turn- OFF TO A GOOD START: Teammates surround freshman goaltender Rachel Myette after she back- KINGSTON • 781-585-0003
ing the tide on their opponent’s stopped the Lady Dragons to a 4-1 opening night win over Barnstable. Photo by Jim Tarbox
dominance, having split last nior captains Keri Gould and of returnees. son. The true test at how far
Kingsbury Plaza
year’s series with a 3-2 win Briana Connolly, who along Add to that quartet a group Weiler’s squad has come could
in January and opening with a with junior defenseman Mar- of eight talented freshmen happen Wednesday night
win on Saturday. tha Findley and high-scoring who made it through tryouts, when the Lady Dragons travel
Coach Friend Weiler has forward sophomore Hannah and things are looking very to Lynn to take on Division 1
some seasoned veterans in se- Murphy make up a solid corps optimistic for this year’s sea- continued on page 5

Youth adds depth to Lady Dragons hockey team ALAN HURLEY

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor
[email protected]
The fruits of those efforts
are now being harvested, and
in every game.
With just four seniors on
“She’s one of our toughest
players and her motor never
In his 10th year behind the 2010-11 promises to be a his 25-player roster, Weiler is stops running.” WINTER SPECIAL
Lady Dragon hockey bench turning point in the program, destined to have a solid team Murphy was the team’s
with a record of 96-68-20, UP TO $500 OFF ON
where DHS hockey will now for the next few years, with No. 2 scorer as a freshman,
Coach Friend Weiler has seen be viewed as an example of 15 sophomores and freshmen and she looks like she is off COMPLETE NEW ROOF
the program grow from its in- how to build a program. dotting the roster. and running once again after We Accept Credit Cards
fancy into a legitimate Divi- The wait for youth hockey “Our first line, condition- her performance in the opener, 781-826-1601
sion II hockey power. players to make their way to ing, and defensive depth will where she displayed her speed [email protected]
the high school in large num- go a long way in building a and deceptive moves.
Winter preview bers has finally arrived, and successful season for us this While Connolly does not
Like most of the school’s
teams, Weiler scheduled the
combined with the veteran
leadership of defenseman Keri
year,” said Weiler.
That first line will feature
have the notoriety of her line-
mates, her speed and moves,
best opponents that were Gould, center Briana Connolly, Connolly at center , flanked by when added to her work ethic, CONSTRUCTION
available in hopes of improv-
and junior defenseman Martha speedy sophomores Hannah make the Lady Dragons’ first
ing their caliber of play and at- Findley, Weiler now has the Murphy on the right side and line a headache for any oppo- NEW HOMES
tracting the type of player that depth and talent to take on any Lily Connolly on the left. nent. RENOVATIONS
would help build the program Massachusetts High School “Briana is our catalyst and ADDITIONS
into prominence. program and to be competitive spark plug,” says her coach. continued on page 5 CUSTOM INTERIOR FINISHES
Little white lights abound Holy Family Church until 4 p.m. on,
• Lunch
• Dinner
• Bar & Lounge

By Bruce Barrett, Clipper Columnist
[email protected] Wednesday, Dec. 15. Too late to bake? Open 7 Days
hristmas is all about I have a hunch that Oreos and Nutter Gift Certificates
traditions – barring all that Butters can still make the cut.
133 Ocean Street • Brant Rock 781-834-9144
religious stuff – and in Here’s the best news: Volunteers
Duxbury that means little white lights are needed to sort, wrap, and pack
in the windows. For me it also means
WHAT’S GOING gifts today from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m., sort
procrastinating, and unless you were ON HERE? and pack food and gifts from 9 a.m. to
paying better attention than I was, it 3 p.m. on Thursday, Dec. 16, and on Free Pickup & Delivery
help with the Winter Holiday food Friday, Dec. 17 from 9 a.m. to 12 noon
means it’s too late to ... baskets! Mon/Thurs
Wait! Stop the presses! It’s not to pack turkeys and baked goods.
Alright, the deadline for non- That’s when the fun begins. or
too late! Like Scrooge on Christmas perishable food was Monday, but if Tues/Fri
morning, I didn’t miss everything! The Loads of really strong volunteers are
you scurry like a Christmas bunny 16 Chestnut St. Duxbury
Duxbury Interfaith Council still needs you can still drop off baked goodies at 1-800-79-Valet
continued on page 4 www.thecleanist.com

Find help fast in the Service Directory … page 13

2 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010
Thursdays, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more

Religious Send church listings to

[email protected]
or fax to 781-934-5917.
information about the program or
admission requirements contact
Lucille Brogna, Intermissions

Program Coordinator at 781-934-
the Deadline 5774 x107 or Donna Ciappina,
is Friday at noon. Outreach Coordinator at x105.

C l i pp e r
St. John the A cal
Du x b u n d a r f o r Friday Dec. 24
First Baptist Evangelist Episcopal
m u n i ty ry e
me e t ve n t s, Luminary display. From 4:30-8
C om c l a s s i ng s,
p.m. enjoy the luminary display

a r
e s, c o in Tinkertown and the Clearwater
n d
wo r k u rs e s,
l e
Dr. Kevin Cassidy

781-934-6523 Drive area. Remember to lower
Pastor Brent Van Wyke, Youth Asst. s
Sunday Worship 9:30 a.m. Sunday services 8 a.m. and p l ays h o p s, your headlights as you drive
10 a.m. Sunday school at 10 , through.
with Adult and Youth Bible Fel-
a.m. Wednesday: Men’s Bible and v dance s
lowships following. Childcare o
o pp o r l u n te e r TOPS Support Group. Take Off
is provided during the morning study 6:30 a.m., Coffee and con-
versation 9 a.m., Holy Eucharist t uni t Pounds Sensibly, TOPS, offers
service with age appropriate ie s ! diet, nutrition and weight loss
classes for young children. First with healing 10 a.m., Adult Ed
11 a.m. and 7 p.m., Children’s support and education o Fridays
Baptist offers many opportuni- at the Duxbury Senior Center.
ties for youth, men and women. choir rehearsal 6 p.m., Youth
Weigh-in between 9-9:45 a.m.,
Check the Web site for details choir rehearsal at 7 p.m. Thurs-
day: Adult choir rehearsal 7 le n d a r i t e ms by followed by the meeting from 10-
or call the office today. Good
p.m. Friday: AA meeting at Se nd c a o e ve n t s@
11 a.m.
Shepherd Christian Academy
r id a y t
is a ministry of First Baptist 7:30 p.m. Dec. 24, Children’s
Christmas pageant at 2 p.m., no on F s s .c om . s.
Church. Dec. 24, Christmas
Family service at 5 p.m., Can- cli p p e r p r e Saturday Dec. 25
Eve Service at 6 p.m. a ble b asi
dlelight service at 10 p.m. Dec. sp ace av a il
ish ed on a even ts .
ems a re publ erci a l Dux bu ry-b ase d Merry Christmas!
25, Holy Eucharist at 9 a.m. Ca le n da r it om m
is fo r n on-c
Holy Family Church Sunday Dec. 26
Rev. Robert J. Deehan
First Parish Church Art Complex Museum. The
Rev. Seán Maher duxburyuu.org Art Complex Museum is open
781-934-5055 Rev. Catherine Cullen Sundays from 1-4 p.m. Current
exhibits include “Darkness,
Weekend Mass: Saturday, 781-934-6532
5 p.m., Sunday, 7 a.m., 8:30 Sunday Worship Service Thursday Dec. 16 Sunday Dec. 19 Darkness” and “Simply Shaker.”
a.m. (family Mass), 10 a.m. and and Church School at 10:30 a.m.
Buddhist meditation, Sundays at Duxbury 5th Grade Concert. Emerging Voices Project Kickoff
11:30 a.m. Babysitting avail-
able at the 8:30 and 10 a.m. 7 p.m. Thursdays, book group To be held in the PAC at 6 p.m. Concert. Opera singer Elisabeth Upcoming
at 9 a.m., sewing group at 10 Duxbury Music Promoters’ Silent Halliday and saxophonist Zach
Masses. The rosary is prayed Herchen of Duxbury present an Children’s Program: Twelve
a.m. Dec. 16. Senior men’s hol- Auction will open at 5:30 p.m.
after daily Mass. Adoration of afternoon concert of contemporary Days of Recess with Jay
the Blessed Sacrament, Fridays iday gathering at 11 a.m. Dec. Mankita. Songwriter/guitarist
19, no morning worship, pag-
Duxbury 6th Grade Concert. classical music for voice and
at 9 a.m. Daytime Bible study, To be held in the PAC at 8 p.m. saxophone at 2 p.m. at Dr. Brian Jay Mankita presents his holiday,
Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. Evening eant at 4 p.m. Dec. 21, Winter non-religious concert, with a
Duxbury Music Promoters’ Silent Whitfield’s music salon at 26 North
prayer group Wednesdays at Solstice celebration at 7:30 p.m. combination of sing-along songs,
Auction will be open. St., Plymouth. There is a suggested
7:30 p.m. Men’s prayer group Dec. 24, Christmas Eve service $10 donation. For more information, and stories on the changing of
Fridays at 6:45 a.m. Christmas at 5:30 p.m. Senior Breakfast. 8:30 a.m. at visit emergingvoicesproject. the seasons for kindergarten and
Masses: Dec. 24, 4 p.m., 6 p.m., the Duxbury Senior Center. In blogspot.com. up with a registered adult on
8 p.m. and midnight; Dec. 25, 9 recognition of all the December Tuesday Dec. 28 from 6:30-7:30
religious and cultural holidays,
a.m. and 11 a.m. St. Paul’s Church of members of the Duxbury Monday Dec. 20
p.m. in the Duxbury Free Library
Merry Room.  Register in person,
the Nazarene community will lead an informal
High school
by phone or online.
discussion about the various DHS Concert.
Pilgrim Church stpaulsnazarene.org
holidays and cultures, including concert groups holiday concert at Puppet show. Pumpernickel
Rev. David Troxler
Chanukah, the Baha’i and 7:30 p.m. in the Performing Arts Puppets will recreate the story of
[email protected] 781-585-3419
Muslim faiths. Call ahead to Center. Duxbury Music Promoters “The Frog Prince” for children in
Rev. Todd Vetter, Senior Pastor Sunday worship, 11 a.m. silent auction opens at 6:45 p.m.
Rev. Eloise Parks, Associate Pastor Sunday school classes and Bible reserve your spot for breakfast at preschool through grade 2 with
781-934-6591 study, 9:45 a.m. Nursery is pro- 781-934-5774, ext.100. The cost an adult on Tuesday, Dec. 28 at
Sunday Worship Service at for breakfast is $4. 10:30 a.m. in the Merry Room
10 a.m. Church office hours,
vided for all services. Wednes- Tuesday Dec. 21 of the Duxbury Free Library.
days, Sacred Youth Ministry at
Monday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., Tues- the teen center at 6:30 p.m. and DHS Ensemble Concert. High Advance reservations required
day-Friday, 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Men’s Bible study at 7 p.m. Di- Friday Dec. 17 school concert groups holiday either online at the library Web
Pilgrim childcare and preschool, vorceCare for adults, Tuesdays concert at 7:30 p.m. in the site (click calendar), by phone
Monday-Friday, 7 a.m-6 p.m. Meet your Rep. Representative Performing Arts Center. Duxbury 781-934-2721 x115, or in person
at 7 p.m. Dec. 24, Christmas Tom Calter will be at the Senior
Bible study, Wednesdays at 10 Eve service at 7 p.m. Music Promoters silent auction at the children’s reference desk.
a.m. Advent Bible study, Sun- Center to meet with community opens at 6:45 p.m.
days at 8:30 a.m. Dec. 15, Ad- members at 9 a.m. Christmas Tree Pick up. On
vent candlelight Taizé service
Social Day Program for Jan. 1 and 2, Cub Scout Pack 62
at 7 p.m. Dec. 24, Christmas First Church of Teen readers theater presents persons with memory loss. and Boy Scout Troop 62 will pick
“A Christmas Carol.” Performed The Duxbury Senior Center up Christmas trees. To schedule
Music at 7:30 p.m., Lessons and by the high school group, “The
Carols at 8 p.m., Communion Christ, Scientist Radio Faces,” this 40-minute oral
offers a program for persons
with Early Stage Alzheimer’s
pick up, call Ann or Jeff Loreaux
Service at 10:30 p.m. at 781-582-2572.
781-934-6434 production is read with music Disease or related Dementia on
Sunday worship service and and sound effects and will be Tuesdays and Thursdays, 9 a.m. Sunday Salon Series Presents
Sunday School for Ages 3-20, broadcast on WATD (95.9 FM) – 3 p.m. For more information Newport: A Virtual Tour. The
10:30 a.m. Mid-week testimony during the holiday season. Free about the program or admission Duxbury Free Library presents
United Methodist meeting on Wednesday, 7:30 performance from 4-5 p.m. in the requirements, contact Lucille a virtual tour through historic
Church p.m. Christian Science Reading
Room open to all, 15 Standish St.
Merry Meeting Room, lower level Brogna, intermissions program
coordinator at 781-934-5774 x107
Newport with well-known tour
highstreetumc.org of the Duxbury Free Library. guide Heide Hasselmannon
Halls Corner, Tuesday through or Donna Ciappina, Outreach Sunday Jan. 2 at 2 p.m. Reserve
Rev. Dr. Alex K. Musoke Saturday 10 a.m.-1 p.m. Coordinator at x105. tickets by calling the library at
Office hours are Monday-
Christian Science Sentinel
Radio on WATD 95.9 FM Sun-
Saturday Dec. 18 781-934-2721, x108.
Thursday from 9 a.m. to 12
p.m. Sunday worship service
day mornings at 9 a.m. Read to a Dog in Plymouth. Read Wednesday Dec. 22 Spanish Fun at the Library.
to a Dog at the Plymouth Public Registration is open for Unos,
and Sunday school, 10 a.m., fol- Library from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 YA Bookmarks. Talk, review, Dos, Tres, a series of six Spanish
lowed by fellowship, adult choir p.m. Children ages six years and
plan events, volunteer to help with storytimes for children ages 3 to
rehearsal, 8:45 a.m. with coffee Journey older are welcome to sign up for
library projects. The young adult
book club meets at the Duxbury 5 at the Duxbury Free Library
hour following. Third Friday of
each month we serve dinner at Community of Faith a 15-minute time slot to read to
Sophie, a Sussex Spaniel and
Free Library every Wednesday to be held on Wednesdays, Jan.
5 through Feb. 9, 10:15-11:15
Mainspring Shelter, Brockton. www.journeyduxbury.com from 2-4 p.m. in the young adult
service dog. Participants may area. a.m. These are stay alone story
Last Wednesday of the month is Rev. David Woods register for one slot only, as space times, but caregivers need to stay
ladies’ luncheon at 12 p.m. Dec. 781-585-8295
will be limited each day. This in the library during the program.
21, caroling at 4 p.m. Dec. 24, Sunday, 10 a.m., Ford Cen-
Christmas Eve Candlelight Ser- ter at Miramar. Dec. 19, movie,
program is free and registration
may be done in person or by phone. 
Thursday Dec. 23 Children must be able to attend all
six weeks. Registration must be
vice at 6:30 p.m. “The Nativity Story” at 10 a.m.
For more information or to register, Social Day Program for persons done in person in the children’s
Friday, Dec. 24, Service of Car- with memory loss. The Duxbury
contact the PPL Youth Services department. For more details, call
ols and Candles at 9 p.m. Senior Center offers a program
Department at 508-830-4250. 781-934-2721, x115.
for persons with Early Stage
Alzheimer’s Disease or related
Dementia on Tuesdays and
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 3

Question of the Week by Sarie Booy

(All opinions offered here
What holiday treat do people break their teeth on most? by the Duxbury Dental
Christmas Elves)

Candy and nuts! Scrambling for the mistletoe! Hopefully something sugar-free! Toffee! The nuts!
Judy Schimmels Russell Harrington Matt Clark Karen Armstrong Mary Ruprecht
Bay Road Hornbeam Road Bay Road Bay Road Bay Road

Learn to Skate in 2011. Pilgrim For more information, contact 6:30-8 p.m. Contact Joan Wright, Book a Librarian. The Duxbury
Skating Club offers Learn to Skate Ongoing Sandi Wright or Eilish Broderick- Norwell VNA, at 781-659-2342, Free Library reference department
lessons on Wednesdays from 5:35- Clothing collection. The Murphy, at 781-585-2397 or call for additional information. is offering 30 minute one-on-one
6:30 p.m. from Jan. 5 through Feb. Plymouth branch of Rockland Bay Path at 781-585-5561. sessions to assist patrons in using
16, or Saturdays from 12:30-1:20 Help with Medicare Annual computers. Sessions will be tailor
Federal Credit Union, located Social Day Program for persons Open Enrollment. The open
p.m., Jan. 8 through Feb. 19, seven inside Walmart at 300 Colony made to address individual needs.
weeks for $135 (plus $15 annual with memory loss. The Duxbury enrollment period began Nov. 15 Please call 781-934-2721 x100 to
Place, is collecting new winter Senior Center offers a program and continues through Dec. 31.
registration fee for new students). clothing items (hats, mittens and book a Librarian.
All classes held at Hobomock for persons with Early Stage Navigating the insurance options
scarves) and nonperishable food Alzheimer’s Disease or related can be confusing. Call Peggy Library Netbook Program. For
Arena in Pembroke. For more items to assist those in need.
information, call 781-294-7575 Dementia on Tuesdays and at the Duxbury Senior Center at users without laptops, the Duxbury
Donations will be collected for Thursdays, 9 a.m. – 3 p.m. For more 781-934-5774 x104 and ask for Free Library reference department
or visit pilgrimskatingclub.com. the Plymouth Area Coalition for information about the program or a Serving Health Information will loan an Acer Netbook for in-
Sunday Salon Series Presents the Homeless through Dec. 21. admission requirements contact Needs of Elders (SHINE) library use. Patrons must be 16
Half an Hour a Day on Foot with For more information contact Lucille Brogna, Intermissions appointment. Specially trained years of age or older. Come to the
John Galluzzo. On Sunday, Jan. Amy Lawson at 1-800-562-7328 Program Coordinator at 781-934- and certified volunteers offer free Reference Desk on the upper level
9, at 2 p.m., The Duxbury Free x205. 5774 x107 or Donna Ciappina, confidential counseling to seniors to check out the Netbook. A valid
Library will present naturalist, Bodner Exhibit. The Helen Outreach Coordinator at x105. on Medicare. OCLN library card is required. A
historian and author, John Bumpus Gallery will be showing two hour per day maximum time
Galluzzo, who will discuss and Duxbury Caregiver Support Friday Night Entertainment. limit will be enforced.
an exhibit entitled “Simple Notes” Group. If you are caring for From 9 p.m.-12:30 a.m., at the
present a slideshow on the many by pastel artist Christine Bodnar
walking adventures included in an elderly parent or spouse and Winsor House on Washington Transportation to medical
during the months of January would like to talk about and share Street, featuring Sean McLaughlin, appointments. The Duxbury
his newest book, “Half An Hour and February 2011. The Helen
A Day On Foot; An Obsessive experiences with other caregivers, Irish folk guitarist and vocalist. Senior Center offers transportation
Bumpus Gallery is located on the the Duxbury Senior Center is to local medical appointments
Exploration Of The Nature And main level of the Duxbury Free Duxbury Camera Club. Meets
History Of The South Shore Of offering a support group the to seniors and handicapped
Library. second Thursday of each month the first Wednesday of each individuals on Tuesday and
Boston.” To reserve a free ticket, month, from 7-9:15 p.m. in the
call the library at 781-934-2721, “Darkness, Darkness” exhibit. from 1:30-3 p.m. Contact Donna Thursday from 8 a.m.-4 p.m.,
Ciappina, Outreach Coordinator Merry Room of the Duxbury and Friday mornings from 8-11.
x108. The work of a varied group of Free Library. Guests are always
artists who explore the themes at 781-934-9774, x105, for Rides must be scheduled 72 hours
additional information or to join welcome at the regular meetings. in advance by calling Becky Ford
Artist reception and of night photography will be on For more information, visit
demonstration. The Helen view at the Art Complex Museum the group. An evening Caregiver at 781-934-5774 x117.
Bumpus Gallery will be showing Support Group also meets the duxburycameraclub.org.
now through Feb. 13.
an exhibit entitled “Simple Notes” third Thursday of the month from
by pastel artist Christine Bodnar Alzheimer’s support group.
during the months of January Duxbury House Alzheimer’s Care
Bumpus Gallery presents pastel paintings
and February 2011. The artist Center will be hosting a monthly
will demonstrate her painting Alzheimer’s support group in the
techniques at a reception to be tavern at Bay Path Rehabilitation he Helen Bum-
held at the Gallery on Saturday, and Nursing Center, 308 pus Gallery will
Jan.15, from 2-4 p.m. The Helen Kingstown Way. The group will be showing an
Bumpus Gallery is located on the meet on the first Tuesday of each exhibit entitled “Simple
main level of the Duxbury Free month, from 7-8:30 p.m. and is
Library, 77 Alden St. open to all families, friends, and Notes” by pastel artist
caregivers who have a loved one Christine Bodnar during
affected by Alzheimer’s disease. the months of January and
February in 2011.
Christine Bodnar has
worked in all media but
pastel painting is her me-
dium of choice. She re-
ceived her B.A at Central
Michigan University with
a studio major in painting
and subsequently attended
the Massachusetts College
of Art and the School of
the Museum of Fine Arts
in Boston. Her artwork has
been selected for exhibi-
tion in many national and
international juried pastel
exhibits, and she has received awards from numerous art associations and publications, includ-
I wish you a happy and healthy holiday season! ing the International Association of Pastel Artists and Artists Magazine.
The artist will demonstrate her painting techniques at a reception to be held at the Gallery on
Saturday, Jan. 15, from 2-4 p.m. Complimentary refreshments will be served and all are invited
to attend.
The Helen Bumpus Gallery is located on the main level of the Duxbury Free Library, 77
#OMMERCIALs0ORTRAITSs3PORTSs%VENTSs4HEATRE Alden Street. The exhibit may be viewed during regular library hours.
4 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Little white lights Duxbury’s Early Settlers:

abound in Duxbury Peter Browne, part 2
continued from page one [This is a continuation of
needed Friday, Dec. 17 from noon to 5 p.m., with especially a story that appeared in the
strong volunteers needed from noon to 3 p.m., at which time

Dec.8 Clipper about the Peter
deliveries will begin. Loading into cars begins at noon, and Browne landgrant. -Ed.]
turkeys are heavy. urplus Street is prob-
You might say it’s a way to put some color into Duxbury’s ably one of the old-
little white lights in the windows. In this darkest time of year, est roads in town. It
setting out lights for the comfort and safety of strangers and has an interesting and storied
sojourners goes back to ancient times. It was a way of telling history. Probably it was an
those who might need shelter that they would be safe and cared Indian trail to get from Pem-
for in their need. Of course, the same is true for neighbors and broke (Mat-
family. takeeset) to
the shore in
“We’ll keep the light on for you,” is a way of saying to
the summer-
friends and family that they have a standing invitation, that
time. It was
they’ll be welcome whenever they do arrive. For them, there is definitely
no deadline for hospitality. used at the 338 Washington St., where Ahira Wadsworth’s widow, Olive,
Ancient pagans set lights against the winter darkness, time of the acquired her right of dower in 1867 that afforded her the right
no doubt to brighten the eyes and hearts of little young By Lamont “Monty” s e t t l e m e n t to move into part of the house occupied by Martin Waterman’s
pagans. Christians kept the tradition. When Christians were Healy
of Duxbury widow, Lydia (Soule) Waterman.
a persecuted insurgency, they found it safer to join in the as an access to the shore. by the Bosworth house, which
prevailing Saturnalia when they wanted to celebrate the birth Even though all of the shore was also built in 1794. Job was
of Christ. Jews have their festival of lights – Chanukah – lots were granted to individu- a descendent of pilgrim Henry
around the same time to take away the winter blues. Muslims als, provisions were made Samson through Henry’s son
use a lunar calendar without an annual solar correction, so for roads to the bay and spe- Caleb. At the time he bought
their religious holidays line up with different seasons each cifically mentioned in deeds. the Water Street property it
year. Observant Muslims, however, love hospitality and giving Eventually, the road was used contained over four acres on
shelter to those who seek it, and I’ve read that many Muslim for access from the “Bosworth the north side the Street and
families welcome Yuletide traditions with open arms, without house to the (third and fourth) the property included (or later
the Christian overlay. meeting house.” included) a wharf or “landing
Some people are crabby these days when they hear phrases The almshouse was also place” that was jointly owned
like “Happy Holidays” or “Seasons Greetings.” Fiddlesticks! originally located on the road, by several neighbors. The cur-
Bah! Humbug! Why be crabby when the world doesn’t wallow but after it burned, the “new” rent owners of 12 Water St. are
in your own take on holidays? Yes, it is actually wrong to poorhouse was built on Depot John and Betsey Hagerty. It is
assume that everyone around is Christian, or Muslim, or Street at the corner of what is appropriate that John should
for that matter, pagan or atheist. On the other hand, there’s now Prior Farm Road, and is own a house that is over 200 William H.S. Bartlett’s grave-
something right about looking up, being curious, and asking now a private residence. Dur- years old, as he was the owner stone does not contain an
ing the shipbuilding era the of Cohasset Colonials, a colo- exact date of death –– because
strangers if they celebrate Christmas, Yule, or any other holiday
area was known as “Devil’s nial furniture business.
this time of year. Kwanzaa is a pan-African winter holiday he got on a train to New York
Corner,” “Hell’s Corner” and The house currently owned one day and disappeared, so
based on the traditional values of unity, self-determination, sometimes as “Sodom” or by the Riegel family (William his relatives in Duxbury never
collective work and responsibility, cooperative economics, “where the wicked people and Nancy) at 14 Surplus St. learned his exact fate.
purpose, creativity, and faith. It was developed by Dr. Maulana lived,” probably the source was built by Joseph S. Thomas
Karenga, Professor of Africana Studies at California State of Wicked Hill off Partridge in 1824. Joseph, a blacksmith name of Bumblebee Lane as
University – Long Beach for African Americans (or anyone) Road. The respectable women and veteran of the Mexican the several “Bouncing Bets”
who feels constricted by other Winter Holiday traditions. Will of the town always requested War, built the house for his plants in the area attracted the
it survive the mocking it receives from many in America? I’m escorts when walking in the new bride, Betsey Holmes, on bees. But, none of this is the
sure it will. After all, people who celebrate it light candles, area. land owned by Betsey’s father, mystery associated with these
welcome cold strangers, and love their families. We believe that Sur- Bradford Holmes. Inexplica- two houses.
plus Street got its name from bly, after living in the house Henry Bartlett, Seth’s
President Andrew Jackson’s for only two years, and with only surviving son, married
Back Yard declaration of a surplus of 36
million dollars in 1836 to be
an infant child, Joseph and Be-
tsey decided to sell the “dwell-
Jones Stowall of New
They had three chil-
Etta E., William H.S.,
Ice Skating Rinks divided amongst the 26 states
by their federal representation.
Massachusetts returned its por-
ing house, blacksmith shop
and coal house” back to Mr.
Holmes. As far as we know
Bradford Bartlett.
Bartlett died in
Stocking many sizes, tion, $1,338,173.58, to the cit- there was no trouble between 1884 he left both houses to his
ies and towns in proportion to the two families, business was wife, Nancy, and then after her
heavy duty white liner panels death to Henry in trust for the
their populations. Duxbury’s good, and the neighborhood
improved road thus became pleasant. Still, they left the three children. Henry lived in
617-282-1150 Surplus Street. The street was new house and moved to an- the house at 37 but both hous-
www.JFreeman.com accepted in 1882, probably af- other part of town. Everything es show his will in the chain
ter being called Surplus since indicates that Betsey remained of title (Very strange, but I’m
1837. on good terms with her family not doing a title exam here).
There are more “date and shared in her father’s es- After Henry died in 1896 his
boarded” houses on this grant tate, yet no family stories give wife, Emma, lived there until
than on any other in town. any reason for the sudden sale her death in 1935 at the age of
There are at least 35 houses of the Thomas’ new house. 94. Her son Charlie, who was
deemed old enough to show Another mystery sur- deaf, lived with her, as did her
their history on the front of the rounds the houses at 33 Sur- son William – for a time! Wil-
house. The area of Surplus and plus St., currently owned by liam was a courier for a Bos-
Washington streets was, for a Charles (celebrated Clipper ton bank and one day he got
time, referred to as the “Vil- cartoonist) Rogerson, and 37 on a train to New York with
lage” and for the first part of Surplus St., currently owned a satchel of money, and as the
the 19th century was the most by Vance and Carolyn Loi- Kingston Trio song “Charlie
densely populated part of Dux- selle. Both of these houses are on the MTA” goes – “never
bury. shown as being built by Seth to return”! Emma waited “’til
The continuation of a road Bartlett in 1833. This is most her dying day” for him to re-
down to the bay seems to be by likely true, but probably 37 turn. Before she died, she had
Water Street (thus how it got its was built as the dwelling and a gravestone made and placed
name). Further evidence of this 33 was built as a “carriage in Mayflower Cemetery with
is that the house at 12 Water house” and later converted William’s name, birth date and
Street was built by Job Samp- to a residence. There is some a death line with just “19__”.
son in 1794 several years be- thought that the carriage house This says a great deal about
fore the existence of Washing- was moved from Bumblebee a mother’s love. Now here is
ton Street. The road to the bay Lane across the street. Local a research project, where did
might have been jogged to get history has the source of the William H.S. Bartlett go?
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 5

Dragons’ Den Sports Editor Mike Halloran • [email protected]

Lady Dragons get ready for St. Mary’s

continued from page one Connolly was stopped in front
by Romiza, who would see the
superpower St. Mary’s of Lynn Lady Dragons go on the power
at 8 p.m. play with 5:47 left in the first
St. Mary’s has won three period.
straight Division 1 titles and Rookie forward Carolyn
has not been beaten since Shaughnessy was manning the
March 7, 2007, winning over point on her team’s first power
60 straight games during that play, and it was obvious why
time span. she earned the spot, as she
While Duxbury fell behind blasted a shot from the left
in its home and season opener point that beat Romiza just 12
less than two minutes into the seconds after the penalty call
contest on an Alisa Peteroskie and tied the game at 1-1 with
goal, this year’s team seems to assists going to Findley and
have the firepower to never be freshman Zoe Griffin.
out of any contest. Duxbury came out with
Penalties seemed to be the plenty of intensity in the sec-
bane for Duxbury throughout ond period, earning another
the first two periods. But after power-play opportunity five
killing off the first one at the minutes into the period.
12:07 mark of the opening pe- With 10:14 showing on
riod, the high-energy line of the clock, Lily Connolly gave
Murphy, Connolly and sopho- Duxbury a 2-1 lead at the left
more Lily Connolly pressured post with Olivia McCarthy and
netminder Melissa Romiza Ally Hammel registering as- THE FIRST OF MANY: Sophomore Hannah Murphy beats Barnstable goaltender Melissa Romiza to
and let her know she was in for sists. give Duxbury a 3-1 lead. Photos by Jim Tarbox
more. Their newfound lead was the period, as the Lady Drag- great chance to add to its lead Two more Duxbury power
Just minutes later, Lily threatened with 8:22 to go in ons were hit with three consec- starting the third when it went plays put Barnstable at a dis-
utive penalties that left them on the power play less than advantage for most of the final
shorthanded for close to three two minutes after the face-off. period and Murphy sealed the
minutes. No sooner had Dux- Murphy had the best scoring Red Raiders’ fate with 1:21 left
bury done an excellent job of chance on the man advantage, when she stole the puck at the
penalty-killing then they were and the defense pitched in for blue line and went in alone on
shorthanded for the final three another scoring bid, only to Romiza for an insurance tally
and a half minutes of the pe- see Romiza keep her team in and a 3-1 lead.
riod while clinging to their 2-1 the game with some brilliant Briana Connolly would
lead. net work. finish off the scoring with an
Having survived the sec- Murphy would have anoth- empty-netter, with the assist
ond period, Duxbury had a er scoring chance in a short- going to Gould.
handed situation with 11:53 After Wednesday night’s
MEETING HER MATCH: left in the game when she broke match-up with St. Mary’s, the
Duxbury’s Briana Connolly into the offensive zone with team returns home for an 8:30
gets around her Barnstable Briana Connolly, but Romiza p.m. battle with Whitman-
defender. came up big again. Hanson on Saturday night.

Freshmen add to hockey team’s depth

continued from page one to our season,” says the Dux- While Duxbury appears
bury coach. well-stocked at both ends of
Junior Colleen Leddie will Another is the defensive the ice, it could all boil down
assume a leadership role as the pairing of Findley and Gould, to goaltending.
second line center with a pair who provide the perfect mix- Having had the luxury of
of freshmen on the wings in ture for a defensive pairing. Julia Hannon for the previous
Jacqui Nolan on the left side “Martha and Keri are prob- four years, Duxbury will now
and Zoe Griffin skating on the ably one of the best defensive turn to freshman netminder
right. pairs in the league,” said Weil- Rachel Myette for its goalten-
“Colleen is a real hard er. “Martha is our QB, who can ding duties, while sophomore
worker, while Nolan can pass generate offense from behind Tori Sanchez will see spot duty
the puck and Griffin is a posi- the blue line, while Keri is a during the season as the team’s
tive player who is strong along leader on and off the ice and back-up.
the boards.” a solid stay-at-home defense- “Rachel has shown to be
The third line features vet- man.” technically sound and funda-
eran junior Katie Powers at Senior Olivia McCarthy mentally strong. She’s a real
center, surrounded by fresh- will pair with sophomore Carly presence back there in net,”
man Liz Collins on left wing Campbell as the No. 2 defen- said her coach, as exemplified
and sophomore Katie Fallon on sive tandem and both provide by her opening night win over
the right side. solid and intelligent play in Barnstable.
“Collins has been the big- front of the net, according to Other forwards on the ros-
gest surprise so far,” said Weil- their coach. ter include: junior Meghan Hy-
er. “A lot of our kids played What could make the de- land, sophomores Shelby Pol-
club hockey, but Liz played fense the strongest part of the lack and Emily Giumetti, and
youth hockey with the boys. team is the addition of fresh- junior Amelia Dudley, along
I had heard she was good and men Caroline Shaugnessy and with freshman Haley Connolly.
she has shown herself to be a Ally Hammel as the No. 3 On the defensive end senior
solid two-way player.” duo. Kayla Errasti and freshman
Weiler likes Powers’ hustle “Caroline is solid on her Montana Sullivan will battle
and her ability to defend, while skates, is great at taking the for playing time, while junior
Fallon is a digger in the corners puck out of the defensive Cory Connolly will crack the
and comes to play with a posi- zone, and has a great shot from lineup once she comes off the
tive attitude. the point, while Ally is very injury list. CENTER OF ATTENTION: Junior center Colleen Leddie will lead a
“We’re stacked on defense poised, reliable and a really pair of freshmen wings on the second line.
and that will be one of the keys strong skater.”
6 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

COLLEGE CORNER Donovan wins KP tournament

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor By Wendy Generoux
[email protected] Clipper Contributor
Senior Alexander Boardman (DHS Duxbury senior wrestling
’07) was elected senior captain of the 2010- captain Pat Donovan put all
2011 Harvard University men’s alpine ski his eggs in one basket, giv-
team. The team’s competitions start Janu- ing up football and lacrosse
ary 14 at Whiteface Mountain, Lake Plac- to devote the off-season to
id, NY, where they compete against EISA honing his wrestling skills.
members St. Lawrence, Dartmouth, Mid- Donovan attended the inten-
dlebury, St Michael’s, UVM, UNH, Bates, sive 28-day J. Rob Camp in
Colby, and Williams… Junior Mike Slat- Minnesota and trained at both
tery (DHS ’06) is playing defense on the Wadsworth and Dungeon
Southern NH University men’s hockey
Wrestling Clubs in hopes
team… Freshman
Jenica Casey (DHS Boardman of making his senior year a
’10) is on the swim team at Gordon College memorable one.
and finished sixth in the 50-yard freestyle The senior captain reaped
in Gordon’s 123-116 win over Bridgewa- the rewards of his hard work
ter State … Freshman Kaitlin Buckley in the off-season by winning
(DHS ’10) had a busy week for the Bryant the 140 lb. weight class of the
University swim team in its 145-119 loss Jeff Parker Memorial Tour-
to URI. Buckley finished second in the 8 nament at King Philip Re-
x 50 medley relay, second in the 3 x 100 gional High School in Wren-
backstroke relay, second in the 3 x 100 tham on Saturday. Teams in
breaststroke relay, attendance were Metro West
A. Buckley and fourth in the 3 powerhouses Franklin and
x 100 medley relay… Holy Cross senior Framingham, as well as No.
Ashley Buckley (DHS ’07) finished 29th 8-ranked Natick, Walpole,
out of 46 hurdlers in the preliminaries of Brockton, Everett, KP, and
the 60M hurdles at the Harvard Open on Duxbury.
Saturday in Cambridge. She also finished After squeaking by
19th out of 31 entrants in the high jump… Brockton’s Eric Bergeron 3-2
Senior Mike Baran (Thayer ’07) assisted in the quarterfinals, Donovan
on Amherst’s third goal in an 8-0 rout of went on to blank KP’s Matt
Salve Regina on Sat- Schlabach with an 8-0 major
urday in Amherst… decision in the semifinals,
Bates’ senior Mark Baran
setting up an exciting match
Brust (DHS ’08) had a busy week for the
in the finals against Frank-
Bobcats, scoring 11 points and getting 2
steals in a 76-69 win over UMaine-Farm-
lin’s Dillon Gallagher. Don-
ington, followed by a 10-point/ 2 assist ovan was down 2-0 after the
effort in an 85-75 win over UMaine-Fort first period, but tied the score
Kent. Brust missed Bates’ 68-66 loss to at 2-2 after a second period
Husson due to an injury… Senior Sam reversal. Gallagher would
Herrick (DHS ‘06) scored 19 points and earn a one-point escape for
hauled down 8 rebounds in Wentworth’s a 3-2 lead, but the Duxbury
Herrick 66-52 loss to Connecticut College… senior captain turned it up a
notch in the third period with
Do you have a son or daughter that plays or coaches col- an escape and a two-point
lege sports? I want to hear about it. E-mail me your student- takedown to secure the win
athletes name and college to [email protected]. and the championship.
Also in the finals for
Duxbury was sophomore
Jake Genereux, who is the
LEADING BY EXAMPLE: Senior captain Pat Donovan won the 140
team’s lone returning league lbs. weight class at the Jeff Parker Memorial Tournament.
All-Star. After wrestling at Courtesy photo
112 as a freshman, Genere- ing up on the losing end of an as the Duxbury junior injured
ux jumped up three weight 11-4 decision. his shoulder and had to settle
classes to wrestle at 130. Ge- Duxbury junior Brendan for a fourth-place finish.
nereux cruised in the quarter- Gillis turned in a gutsy perfor- Rounding out the scor-
finals with a 15-0 technical mance in the 119 lbs. weight ing for Duxbury were soph-
fall over Franklin’s Brendan class after losing by pin in omores Nick Kates (103),
Creavin, and won by an 11-0 the second round to Brock- Cody Dormady (171) and
major decision in the semi- ton’s John Pires. Gillis, who Owen Grey (heavyweight),
finals. However, Genereux had only one week to prepare along with junior Bobby
would meet his match in the for the tournament due to the Boyle (215). The Duxbury
finals against Framingham extended football season, grapplers hope to have senior
senior captain Gil Sa. It was showed no ill effects from a captain Alec McKenzie back
clear from the start that Sa lack of practice, as he earned from an ankle injury when
had the upper hand, but the two major decisions and beat they compete in the Patriot
Duxbury sophomore never Walpole’s Eric Jansen with League Tournament on Sat-
gave up, scoring four points an 8-3 decision. However urday at W-H Regional High
in the third period, but com- the win proved to be costly, School.

Boys’ hoops opens with win

By Mike Halloran, Sports Editor Curtis Owen in their Patriot through with a winning per-
[email protected] League opener, while fresh- formance.
The Duxbury boys’ bas- man guard Kai Perry directed Last night the team trav-
ketball team got its season the Duxbury offense with 12 elled to Nauset to take on the
off to a successful start with a assists and contributed seven Warriors, and they’ll return
Cole Biggins was honored to be chosen as this year’s recipi- 59-50 road win over Hanover points. to the area for Friday night’s
ent of the Phil Bolster President’s Award for his Duxbury on Friday night. With the extended foot- game in Kingston versus
Youth football team, the Division 2 Mites (fourth grade). The Coach Gordon Cushing’s ball season, Cushing had Silver Lake starting at 6:30
award was presented by Head Coach, Chris Chin and his young Dragons rode the 29- little time to practice before p.m.
Assistant Coaches at the end-of-season celebration. point effort of junior guard Friday’s opener, but came
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 7

Dragons selected to BAKING FOR

Globe All-Scholastic teams A CAUSE: The
Duxbury United
The Duxbury Dragons were well represented on the 2010 girls U12 soc-
Boston Globe All-Scholastic team this past week, with one glar- cer team raised
ing exception: the omission of DHS football Coach Dave Maim- more than $100
aron as the Globe’s Division IIA “Coach of The Year.” for The Home for
Little Wanderers
In a surprising selection, the Globe staff opted for Concord-
at a bake sale in
Carlisle Coach Mike Robichaud, who saw his Patriots manhan- front of the Girl
dled by the Dragons, 35-13, in losing the Super Bowl title at Scout House on
Gillette that left C-C at 10-3 for the year. Sunday. The team
Conversely, Maimaron guided his team to a 13-0 record and is one of the few
his third Super Bowl title with a roster that included 32 sopho- club squads in the
mores and just 14 seniors. state comprised
Other DHS student/athletes and coaches who were selected of players entirely
to the various Globe teams included: from a single
Senior Jonathan Stoddard – Golf: Stoddard led the Drag- town.
ons to their second straight Division II state golf title and a 17-3

Dragons Winter Sports Schedule

record while finishing third for the individual title with a 76.
Coach Jack Stoddard – Golf Coach: Named Division II
“Coach Of The Year” in his 21st year at the helm while winning
his fifth state title. Schedule revised as of December 13
Senior Melissa Gavin – Soccer: The leading scorer in the BOYS’ BASKETBALL BOYS TRACK
Dec. 14 Whitman-Hanson R. Lewis 4:30
Patriot League with 29 goals and 15 assists, Gavin led her team Dec. 10 Dux over Hanover 59-50 1-0
Dec. 22 Silver Lake R. Lewis 5:00
Dec. 14 Nauset Regional Away 6:30
to the Division II South Sectional finals and will be attending Dec. 17 Silver Lake Away 6:30 Jan. 5 Hingham R. Lewis 5:00
Yale in the fall of 2011. Dec. 23 Marshfield Home 6:30 Jan. 12 Middleboro R. Lewis 5:00
Jan. 25 North Quincy R. Lewis 4:30
Junior Don Webber – Football: Webber was Duxbury’s Dec. 29 Marshfield Tournament Away TBA
Feb. 11 All League Meet R. Lewis 5:00
deep threat in their 13-0 Super Bowl season, setting school re- Dec. 30 Marshfield Tournament Away TBA
cords in receptions with 52, TD receptions with 10, and receiv- Jan. 4 Whitman-Hanson Home 6:30 GIRLS TRACK
ing yardage with 921 yards. Jan. 7 North Quincy Away 6:30 Dec. 14 Whitman-Hanson R. Lewis 4:30
Jan. 11 Hingham Away 6:30 Dec. 22 Silver Lake R. Lewis 5:00
– M. Halloran Jan. 17 Scituate Home 3:30 Jan. 5 Hingham R. Lewis 5:00
Jan. 21 Hanover Home 6:30 Jan. 12 Middleboro R. Lewis 5:00
Jan. 25 Middleboro Away 6:00 Jan. 25 North Quincy R. Lewis 4:30
Jan. 28 Quincy Home 6:30 Feb. 11 All League Meet R. Lewis 5:00
Feb. 1 Pembroke Away 6:30
Feb. 4 Silver Lake Home 6:30 BOYS ICE HOCKEY
Feb. 11 Whitman-Hanson Away 6:30 Dec. 15 Barnstable Away 6:00
Dec. 18 St. Marys Home 6:30
Feb. 15 North Quincy Home 7:00
Dec. 22 Coyle Cassidy Away 7:00
Feb. 17 Hingham Home 6:30 Dec. 27 Hingham Away 7:00
Feb. 20 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA Dec. 29 Taylor Tournament Hingham TBA
Feb. 21 IAABO Tournament at Bridgewater State TBA Dec. 31 Hanover Home 12:20
Jan. 3 Braintree Away 5:00
GIRLS’ BASKETBALL Jan. 8 Bridgewater-Raynham Home 7:50
Dec. 17 Silver Lake Home 6:30 Jan. 10 Sandwich Away TBA
Dec. 18 Martha’s Vineyard Bridgewater State 12:00 Jan. 15 St. John’s Home 5:15
Dec. 22 New Bedford Away 7:00 Jan. 17 Marshfield Home 1:00
Dec. 30 Rockland Away 3:00 Jan. 22 Whitman-Hanson Home 2:10
Jan. 4 Whitman-Hanson Away 6:30 Jan. 26 Concord-Carlisle Home 5:10
Jan. 7 North Quincy Home 6:30 Jan. 29 St. Peter Marian Home 8:00
Feb. 2 Woburn Away 6:00
Jan. 11 Hingham Home 6:30
Feb. 5 North Quincy Home 8:00
Jan. 13 Marshfield Home 6:30 Feb. 9 Xaverian Brothers Away 6:00
Melissa Gavin Jonathan Stoddard Jan. 17 Scituate Away 3:00 Feb. 12 Scituate Home 5:15
Jan. 21 Hanover Away 6:30 Feb. 16 Pembroke Away TBA
Jan. 24 Rockland Home 6:30 Feb. 19 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
Jan. 25 Middleboro Home 6:30 Feb. 21 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
Jan. 28 Quincy Away 6:30 Feb. 23 Cape Cod Classic Falmouth TBA
Jan. 31 New Bedford Home 6:30
Feb. 1 Pembroke Home 6:30 GIRLS ICE HOCKEY
Feb. 4 Silver Lake Away 6:30 Dec. 11 Dux over Barnstable 4-1 1-0
Feb. 11 Whitman-Hanson Home 6:30 Dec. 15 St. Marys Away 8:00
Dec. 18 Whitman-Hanson Home 8:30
Feb. 15 North Quincy Away 6:30
Dec. 22 Scituate Away 4:00
Feb. 17 Hingham Away 6:30
Dec. 30 Canton Home 12:40
Feb. 21 Winter Classic Foxboro TBA Jan. 5 Hingham Home 8:00
Feb. 22 Winter Classic Foxboro TBA Jan. 8 Marshfield Away 8:40
Jan. 12 Falmouth Away 6:20
BOYS SWIMMING & DIVING Jan. 15 Sandwich Home 2:25
Dec. 14 Pembroke Home 4:00 Jan. 17 Marshfield Away 3:30
Dec. 16 Middleboro Home 4:00 Jan. 17 Wellesley Away 3:40
Jan. 4 Silver Lake Home 4:00 Jan. 22 Martha’s Vineyard Away 1:00
Jan. 7 Hingham Away 6:30 Jan. 26 Whitman-Hanson Away 4:00
Jan. 11 Randolph Home 4:00 Jan. 29 Scituate Home 2:25
Jan. 13 Quincy Home 4:00 Feb. 5 Falmouth Home 5:15
Feb. 9 Barnstable Away 4:00
Jan. 25 Hanover Home 4:00
Don Webber Jack Stoddard Feb. 12 Martha’s Vineyard Home 2:25
Jan. 27 Scituate Home 4:00
Feb. 16 Sandwich Away 5:30
Jan. 27 Cohasset Home 4:00

Feb. 19 Marshfield Home 1:00
There’s no better Feb. 1 Norwell Home 4:00 Feb. 22 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA
edge than Blue! Feb. 3 Barnstable Home 4:00 Feb. 24 Cougar Classic Rockland TBA


Dec. 14
Dec. 16
Dec. 11
Dec. 18
King Phillip Tournament Away
Patriot League Tournament W-H
9 am
8 am
Jan. 4 Silver Lake Home 4:00 Dec. 22 Hanover Home 7 pm
We go beyond simply teaching RMV requirements and Dec. 27 Marshfield Tournament Away 8 am
preparing students for their road test. Our goal is to ensure that Jan. 7 Hingham Away 6:30
Jan. 11 Randolph Home 4:00 Dec. 28 Marshfield Tournament Away 8 am
each student has the knowledge, skills, and confidence they need Jan. 5 Whitman-Hanson Away 7 pm
to obtain their Massachusetts Driver’s License Jan. 13 Quincy Home 4:00
Jan. 8 Whitman-Hanson Tournament Away TBA
and become safe, responsible and defensive drivers. Jan. 25 Hanover Home 4:00 Jan. 12 Hingham Home 7 pm
AT BLUE ALL OF OUR INSTRUCTORS Jan. 27 Scituate Home 4:00 Jan. 15 Waltham Quad Meet Away TBA
ALL STUDENTS WILL TRAIN AT OUR PRIVATE SKILLS TRACK. Feb. 1 Norwell Home 4:00 Jan. 26 North Quincy Away 7 pm
Feb. 3 Barnstable Home 4:00 Jan. 29 Duxbury Tournament Home 9 am
CLASSES STARTING NOVEMBER 16 Feb. 2 Silver Lake Home 7 pm
20 Tremont Street, Building 9 Suite 17, Duxbury DHS Athletic Department • 781-934-7668
8 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

“Ahoy, mate, them’s Weekend

bargains ahead!” Duxbury Moving Sale
68” Wesley Hall fabric sofa, beige

American Coins Wanted
w/pink/green flowers, $500; 2
twin bed sets never used, $175 Private grandfather collecting
each (will sell separately); 3 a/c U.S. coins 1964 or earlier for
energy saving units, 4000, 5000, my grandchildren - looking for
10,000 btu @ $25, $50, $75; dollars, half dollars, quarters &
farm house green 46”x 36” table dimes - will pay cash 12-17
w/2 chairs $150; 2 white wicker times face value with legible
chairs with blue cushions, $75 dates. Please call Jack,
set; another in cranberry with lt. 978-460-0737.
blue cushions, $95 set. Also
many misc. items: end tables,
lamps, dishes, linens, Christmas
decorations, drop leaf table,
bakeware, bookcase, small open
hutch $20; white iron day bed,
$30, yard furniture, oil rdiator
heaters, etc. All items priced to
sell or b/o. Please call to drop in
781-934-8176 or stop by Sat. Curio Cabinet
12/18, from 8am to 12 noon at 72" by 34" Cherry, Mirrored, 4
611 Bay Road. shelved curio cabinet in perfect
condition. Excellent for
Is Your Attic Overflowing? collectables, china or glassware.
Is it becoming as cluttered as $275. Call 781-934-2563.
your basement? Advertise your
yard sale in this space and turn
those useless items into a special Holiday Gifts
treat for yourself or family. Give the gift of massage therapy.
$5 off all gift certificates. Please
Treasure stop by Healing Hands Massage
Therapy at 178 St. George St.,
Chest Duxbury (side entrance) or call

781-934-9191 to arrange.
iscover a lost treasure. Find a new home or a
.60 Ct Ladies Diamond Ring
used car. Land a new job or a large fish. Clean Ladies Diamond engagement
Patriot Tickets
Sunday Night, December 19 vs.
your gutters or stretch your mind. Tune your ring,14 kt. white gold. Center the Green Bay Packers. 2 tickets,
diamond is .60ct European cut first row in upper deck for face
piano. Tame your computer. Find a painter, a petsitter diamond with 2 single cut value. $89 each. Call
diamonds, .02cts total. Appraised
or a property manager. Market your summer by Reed Jewelers in Duxbury for
781-248-6954. Will go fast.
Great Xmas gift.
cottage or your cottage industry. Sell the couch, $2500, asking $1750. Call
buy the treadmill. Learn Spanish, algebra or
a new operating system. Hire a yard Duxbury Miniatures
By Phil Fontaine, available at #9
service. Host a yard sale. Take sailing at Hall’s Corner and Winsor
House Inn. Hand carved local
lessons. Buy a sailboat. Peddle your landmarks: Sweetsers, FarFar’s,
putters. Plug your Persian. Pitch your piccolo. Clean churches, etc. New Red Sox
items also available. Phil’s Fun Boys 8-piece Oak Bedroom Set
out the house. Find a housecleaner. Buy the puppy, sell Wear and Paragon Park items. Broyhill. Beautiful condition
includes captains bed w/two
the rugs. Trim your hedges, your hems, or your sails. storage draws underneath,
Buy some firewood. Have a firesale. Sell the antiques matching 3-draw dresser
w/hutch, 3-draw bureau
in your attic. Sell the whole darn with/large attached mirror,
house. If it rocks, rolls, motors, student 4-draw desk w/hutch and
chair. Mattress available if
meows pedals, putters, swings, desired. Retails for $3000, asking
$700. 781-934-5832.
sings, barks, brakes, sails or shakes, you can Solid Cherry Queen Bed
find-it, buy-it, swap-it, sell-it, hire-it, hawk-it, or trade-it in the Kincaid solid cherry queen 4
poster bed. Retails $1000. 70-Gallon Aquarium
Clipper Classifieds. One Small Town. One Big World. $500/bo. 781-934-7384. Bow-front aquarium with stand.
All interior components included.
Valued at $1200, will sacrifice for
Reach your neighbors around Cohasset Goldens
Champ line, amazing, AKC, ready
$300. Call 781-934-2810.

Big Wheel Wanted

the block, or around the world. for Christmas, 8wks, shots. Only
for loving home, $1,400. Please
call 781-383-2071
Grandmother looking for a used
big wheel in decent condition.
Please call Amy, 781-837-0365.
There’s no better value than the Clipper Classifieds.
Your message reaches thousands of loyal Clipper readers Ethan Allen Furniture
Seven piece Farmhouse Pine
for as little as $7.50 a week. Plus you get added exposure family room set includes two end
from our award-winning web site at no extra charge. Add tables, mirror, two audio
our sister publications in Hanson, Whitman and cabinets, sofa, video cabinet..
Pembroke for a small extra charge. It’s all part of the Asking $2500 for all, or will sell
package when you sail with the Clipper Classifieds! separately. Excellent condition.
Call 781-585-7188.
Kitchen Table and Chairs
Solid birch table top on Dining Room Set
decorative steel pewter base with 6’ trestle table with six oak
four solid birch matching chairs. ladderback chairs. All newly
Your price, $200; Jordan’s refinished and new reed seats in
Furniture price, $1150. Good the six chairs. Excellent condition.
shape. Emailed photo available $750. Call 781-582-5233.
upon request. Call 617-875-1990.

Place your order: 781-934-2811

Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 9


Chest Bound
Misc Furniture/Play Structure Duxbury 4 Bedroom SPECIAL
In Duxbury. 1 old, small dark On Powder Point. Seasonal
wood hutch; 1 old armoire, monthly rental, furnished,
w/mirror closet, 3 drawers, upper washer/dryer, large yard, newly
cabinet; 1 toybox; 1 antique renovated, $2,900 plus utilities.
sewing table w/glass top; Little Seasonal monthly rental available
Tykes 2-level Treefort (needs new
tarp optional). Make an offer; Call
Feb. 1 through June 18. One
month rentals welcome. Call YARD
cell: 781-910-9668. 781-934-2449. SALE
Duxbury Home For Rent
Prime location, water views. Up
to six bedrooms, 3 full baths, If your garage sale, craft
barn, walk to schools. show, neighborhood fair or
$1900/month short term through yard sale gets rained out,
June, 2011. Pets okay. Call Chris, the next week is free!
WR Real Estate, 781-760-2205. Package includes full exposure for 1
week in the Clipper & Express classifieds
For Sale Transitional/Short Term Respite and website. Add an attention-grabbing
A nice collection of antique Marshfield apartment,: 1BR, 1BA, border at no extra cost.

console wind up phonographs. all utilities, kitchen/livingroom

They are in good condition with
some blemishes. They come with
combo, W/D, A/C, furnished. No
smoking, no pets. Owner
many records and 100 new occupied. Separate entrance. DON’T LET IT RAIN
needles. From $75 to $175. See Perfect for two. A respite during
your renovations. View: ON YOUR PARADE!
and try before you buy. Mark
homeway.com <http://homeaway
Wedding Dress
.com> #322866.
Assoc. 781-834-0035
Gorgeous formal ivory, size 6,
bride’s gown. This long-sleeved, One Bedroom Apt Halls Corner CHEST
satin and lace beaded gown is
perfect for a late fall or winter
...TO TEXAS Second floor, sunny, convenient
location, parking. $900/mo. Small
pets okay. 781-789-3995 or
wedding. Asking $750 or BO.
Must see. Please call 781-934-5569.


Four season, five bedroom home,
close to ski areas, indoor/outdoor
pools, hot tubs, fitness room,
Climbing the Homeward lake, tennis, basketball, game
room, fully equipped.
Sell those treasures in your
Career Ladder Bound 781-837-5840 or e-mail attic with our guaranteed
Anderson Sliding Doors [email protected]. classified deal. Your package
Babysitter Needed Bay Farm Townhouse Rental includes full exposure in all of
New in cartons, 400 series. Duxbury family with two girls, Master bedroom and second Plymouth Center Waterview
French wood. Storm watch Downtown Plymouth multi-use our award-winning
five and twelve, needs babysitter bedroom, each with full bath on publications and website.
protection. 5’ 11.5” wide x 6’ 7.5” to help put children on and top floor; eat-in kitchen, living buildings with water views.
high. High-Eco Excel energy occasionally off the bus. Hours room with dining ell and Offering furnished offices, You may change prices, wording or
remove items, but new items cannot be
performance. Pine interior, roughly 7:30-9:00 M-F, hardwood floors, powder room, unfurnished office suites, from added. Limit of 40 words or fewer.
off-white exterior. High afternoons flexible. Hourly salary deck with seasonal views of 600 - 30,000 sq. ft. Prime retail
performance glass, doors only. negotiable. Job to start in early Duxbury Bay on main floor; space from 1400 - 15,000 sq. ft. INCLUDES
Six doors (twelve panels). Retail, January. Email walk-out recreation room on For sale or lease. Call PHOTO!!!
$1700/per set; asking $600/per [email protected] or lower floor; great storage space; 781-789-6711. Customer must supply photo.
May be digital or print.
set. Accessories extra. 781-837-9289 all appliances including W/D; F/P;
781-934-7515. Waterfront Home for Rent
central air; one-car garage. Magnificent 5BR home on 4+acre GUARANTEED
Climbing the Tennis court, pool, and exercise setting. Private first floor master UNTIL IT’S SOLD!
Career Ladder Homeward room use included. No pets.
$2400/month covers all condo
suite. Shared dock, 5 fireplaces, PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY
3+ Bths. Landlord will maintain
Bound fees. Utilities not included. grounds and pool. $5900/mos
Nanny Needed
In our home in Duxbury for our
6-month-old son. Monday thru
House to Share
Comfortable home on 2.5 acres
781-934-0040 or 781-934-0901
or [email protected].
yearly rental. Call Macdonald &
Wood Sotheby’s Realty. WHEEL DEAL!
Friday, 7:30 am to 3:30 pm, near Rt. 3, beach, school and
Village Center. Furnished, Room For Rent Duxbury
March thru mid-June. References
freshly-painted bedroom $625 Nice, fully furnished room with Small Duxbury Cottage
required. Please call Katie at
per month (first and last); TV and house privileges. On Powder Point. Seasonal
646-554-6626 or email
includes utilities (A/C), WIFI, Utilities included. $150 per monthly rental, washer/dryer,
[email protected].
cable, and bi-monthly week. Male non-smoker. Call dishwasher, very private, small
housecleaning. Non-smoker 781-934-2879. yard, newly renovated, $1200
Be A Process Server please. Prefer mature, working includes utilities. Available Dec. 1 GUARANTEED AUTO
Earn up to $50/hour. Serve professional. Gardening talents a Duxbury Office or Retail Space through June 18. One month PACKAGE WITH PHOTO
papers for lawyers, full or plus. 781-934-6432, leave Snug Harbor. First floor, street rentals available. Call
part-time from home, in your exposure. Currently divided into 781-934-2449. Your car, truck, or boat gets
own business. Must be over 18 3 sections: private rear office, premium exposure with our
years old and have own Oceanfront Home For Rent storage, and retail front area, all Guaranteed Auto Deal.
transportation. No risk-the For the Holidays. 2 BR, 1 bath, within 540 square feet. Parking. Office Space for Rent Your package includes full
courts are busy. Call furnished, washer/dryer. $900 Available now. $1060 per month. Duxbury, Millbrook area. Second exposure in all of our
617-365-2646 (24 hrs). weekly. Call Anna, 781-585-6189. Call 508-747-3814. floor, 300 sq. ft. Call award-winning publications
781-934-0809. and website. Best of all you
Apartment for Rent can put a photo of your
STANDARD RATES 2 BR 2nd floor. Beautiful, sunny,
spacious apartment available. 33
vehicle right in your ad.
There’s no better way to sell
Enterprise St., Duxbury. Call your car, truck or boat.
All standard
classifieds include EXTRAS! 781-934-5900. We’re so confident you’ll
agree that we guarantee to
40 words or less.
run your ad until the
Each additional � Add dingbat House Swap vehicle is sold!
word is 25 cents. $1 a week Ex Duxbury resident living in
One Paper Two Papers All Papers Luxembourg is looking to swap
1 WEEK $
10 00 $
13 00 $
15 00 � Add border house next summer. Luxembourg
is located in the heart of Europe

$2 a week Customer must supply photo.

$ 00 $
1200 $
1400 � Reverse ad
20 minutes from French,
Belgium, and German border, 2
hours to Paris by train. Contact
May be digital or print.

$ 50 $
1050 $
1250 $4 a week [email protected] UNTIL IT’S SOLD!
10 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Homeward At Your At Your

Bound Service Service
Southern Island Paradise Organizing Fairy Firewood (Oak and Maple)
Experience private island Let me help you pack or unpack 16-18” cut/split. 128 cu. ft. Fully
vacationing on beautiful Kiawah your home! Need help cleaning seasoned, $295. 1/2 cords, $160.
Island, SC. A spectacular beach, your closets? Highly organized Free delivery. Stacking available.
5 championship golf courses, 2 Duxbury resident, willing to assist Call Greg Fairbanks,
tennis villages, fine dining and you with home projects. Available 781-585-6923.
more...2 BR condo with nights (after 7pm) and weekends.
picturesque views of lake and
island wildlife. Across the street
$20/hour. 2 hour minimum.
Please call 508-451-8860.

from the beach. Available year Licensed & Insured Electrician
round by calling 781-585-6203 or Local electrician looking for
Wallpapering/Interior Painting residential and commercial work
Ceiling, walls, woodwork, drywall servicing South Shore and
Hilton Head Vacation Rental repairs, touch-ups, cleanouts Boston. Call Mark for an estimate
Luxury 3-bedroom, 3 bath villa done at low, reasonable prices. at 781-826-6543. References
w/fully stocked kitchen, also 2 MC and Visa accepted. Free available.
pullout sofabeds. Sleeps 9. Rent estimates. Call Debbie,
by week/month. Christmas week, At Your At Your 781-585-8043.
Fall Clean Ups
Jan & Feb still available. Inquire
re. spring and summer rates. Service Service Handyman Services
Big jobs, small jobs, odd jobs.
S.P.M. Enterprises is a full
Call Jeannie, 339-793-0043. service landscape/tree company
Professional Painter Experienced in carpentry, that offers fall cleanups, fall
Driveway Plowing
Get your home ready for the painting, electric, and plumbing. hedge trimming, lawn mowing,
Winter’s coming. Experienced
holidays. Fast and reliable Powerwashing. Install windows, tree removal, pruning and much
and reliable plow driver, I will
service. Call Friendly Painting, doors, new decks. Storm doors, more. We are fully insured and
be there when you need me.
508-584-1970, ask for Shawn. deck and home repairs. Floating offer free estimates. Call Shawn
Will do a neat, clean and
floors. Positive attitude, easy to today 781-264-5595 or email
thorough job. Call Jonathan,
talk to. Call Rick Shea. [email protected]
Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 774-454-7548, 508-224-9036.
Pet odor removal. Leather Childcare Grades 1-5 Tutor
FOR RENT cleaning. I guarantee you will like College Senior and Junior Retired school psychologist, Have Truck
the way your carpets look. Call available to care for/ entertain former elementary school College students have truck and
2 OFFICE SUITES Craig at Quality Carpet, teacher, who has been tutoring will help move or dispose of
1600 sq. ft. Office Suite your children during the holiday
508-580-4777. season. Available December 16th individual children, has openings household items. Need help
with Water Views cleaning out basement, attic,
Includes: through January... any and all to assist your child with reading,
days/nights. Call Erin and/or Matt literacy skills, math, homework garage, bedroom? How about
Reception Area, 4 Offices, Fall Yard Cleanups dump runs, stacking wood,
Kitchen/Conference Room at 781-934-2533. and organization. Please call
We specialize in raking and Terry, 781-585-9022. cleaning yard or interior
and Private Deck Tree Service
removing leaves, small trees, painting? Call Shawn,
or Tree removal and pruning. Skilled Affordable Roofing
branches and yard debris. Any 339-933-0804, 781-934-9449.
5 Individual Offices, aborist with over 20 years Roofs starting at $4,000,
and all junk removed, inside
experience, UMass degree in
Various Sizes
and out. We also clean gutters,
Urban Forestry. Free estimates.
repairs starting at $50. Year
round. Commercial/Residential.

install gutter guards, and wash
First Floor Suite Call Steve at 781-733-0429. Call for free estimate - Car & Truck Cleaning/Detailing
windows. Please call Mike at
1300 sq. ft. 781-789-3612. Gutter Cleaning 781-733-2156 On completion Over 20 years experience.
Water Views We clean gutters, install gutter of job, get a 32” plasma TV Interior-steam cleaning, leather
–––––––––––––––––––– guards, and wash windows. (excludes repairs). Call for best treatments and odor removal,
Painting Etc. We also specialize in raking and prices for your vinyl siding. Exterior-waxing, polishing and
Call: 781-934-6000 Very affordable. compounding. Entire job
50% off interior painting removing leaves, small trees,
booked this winter. branches and yard debris. Any completed by J. Scott Russell,
Specializing in interior/exterior and all junk removed, inside The Paint Saint Jr., owner. Local pick-up and
Office Space For Rent
painting, power washing, and out. Please call Mike at Professional interior/exterior delivery. Gift certificates
370 sq. ft. of space in great
gutters, carpentry, dump runs, 781-789-3612. painting, gutter cleaning, power available. For appointments/
condition. 1500 Tremont St.,
and window washing. Free washing and window washing. information, 781-424-9113.
Duxbury. $475/month plus
utilities. Additional 600 sq. ft. estimates, best prices Best prices and service always Duxbury Native Handyman
abutting space available as well. guaranteed. Fast and reliable Custom Interior Woodworking with a smile. Will paint your All phases of home repair. 20+
Call 781-934-2186. service. Please call Mike, Alterations and interior finish home like it was our own. Call years of experience. Tim D.,
781-789-3612. work, built-in cabinets and media Andrew for your free estimate. 781-706-1133.
systems, historic restoration, 781-264-3628.
Sewing For Your Home
period design, free design and
Yard and Leaf Cleanup Former Boston Costume
drafting service. See me at
Prompt professional service. designer is now available to
Also, power wash decks and vinyl sew your window treatments,
Call Dave Drew, (h)
siding. Call Steven Shaevel home furnishings and
781-545-4246 or (c)
508-889-1198. alterations at rates you can
afford. Call Hilary to discuss
your project. 617-869-6499 or
TREASURE CHEST visit www.h2sew.org
Private Duty Eldercare
Companion, available evenings
and overnights. Experienced with
elders and have excellent local
references available. Call Laurie,
339-832-0020 (cell phone).
College student looking to babysit
over winter break December 14 -
January 16. Own transportation
and great references. Call Monica
Window And Gutter Cleaning
Let local firefighters brighten your
GUARANTEED TREASURE CHEST PACKAGE day! Residential and storefront.
Pressure washing - house, patio,
Sell those treasures in your attic with our guaranteed deck, etc. Free gutter cleaning
classified deal. Your package includes full exposure in with every full house window job.
all of our award-winning publications and website. Reasonable rates. References
available. Fully insured. Keith
You may change prices, wording or remove items, but new items cannot be added. Limit of 50 words.
McWalter. 781-340-5183 or
PRIVATE PARTIES ONLY cell-781-690-2000.

$39 95 Piano Tuning

PHOTO!!! Martin Snow, RPT, Craftsman
Member Piano Technicians Guild,
Customer must supply photo. May be digital or print. plus complete piano rebuilding
GUARANTEED UNTIL IT’S SOLD! service, sales. 781-837-6531.
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 11

At Your Planes, Train Planes, Train

Service & Automobiles & Automobiles

Driveway Snowplowing
Don’t get stuck in the snow,
schedule plow service now. Ten
years of plowing experience.
Reliable service, great references.
Servicing the Duxbury area. Call
James, 781-258-7369. Starter Boat, Motor, Trailer
4 Sail $2,200 'Crestliner' 14' aluminum open
Duxbury Computers 1988 Hunter '23 Free winter runabout with 15HP electric start
Get expert computer and storage. Nissan 8.9 outboard; Suzuki and a Venture trailer. All in
networking help and advice. Three sails; Free boat stands. excellent condition. All extras
Your Microsoft Small Business Available in Duxbury for viewing. including anchor, lines, oars etc.
Specialist and QuickBooks Pro Kevin, 617-620-9479 or Ron, $3500. Call 781-934-1332.
Advisor in Duxbury. Just call 781-724-1270.
Will Zachmann at Canopus
Research, Inc., 781-934-9800. At Your At Your
Bettencourt’s Walls & Ceilings Service Service
Spruce up for the Holidays.
Painting, drywall finishing, Local Small Engine Repair Piano/Keyboard Lessons
sheet-rocking, water damage, Lawn mowers, riders, snow Children and adults. 20+ years
wallpaper stripping. Specializing blowers. Chain saws repaired experience. BA Music. Classical
in interior work. Skim coating and sharpened. Outboards, 15hp or pop. Music theory, sight
over horsehair plaster and or under, light welding. Free reading, ear training. Great
textured ceilings a specialty. 25 estimates. All work guaranteed. foundation for other
years experience. Call Steve, Pickup and dropoff available. Call instruments or just for fun.
508-833-0546 or 617-922-0944 James, 781-936-8724. [email protected]
(cell). or call 781-789-6140.
A Grade Above Tree Service
Is your child struggling in S.P.M. Enterprises is now Seasoned Firewood
school? Does your child need to offering tree services. We offer Cut and split 14”-16” lengths.
improve test scores? Does your tree removal, ornamental Buy an order of seasoned
child need help with pruning, large plant transplanting, firewood now, you’re
organizational and study skills? vista pruning, land clearing, automatically entered into
Experienced tutors for all major stump removal, excavation and raffle to win a free cord of
subjects. One-on-one tutoring for more. Fully insured. Call Shawn, seasoned firewood, cut and
Grades K-12. For more 781-264-5595 or email split. Proceeds go to
information, call 781-829-9829. [email protected]. Marshfield Community
Michael’s Windows & Gutter Christmas. Call Nessralla’s
Cleaning Snowbirds To Florida Farms in Marshfield,
A local service. Windows start at South Shore based company 781-834-2833, or visit
$5 each. Also, repair loose and providing auto transport service www.nessrallas.com.
leaking gutters, and can install to Florida and nationwide. Great
rates and reliable, safe Removal
gutter screens. Also, repair
door-to-door transport. Call Nasty vines, sheds, boats,
window and door screens. (A
DWO Auto Transport Services, stumps, brush, pools, brick and
great gift idea!) I answer my
954-648-3677. Mention ad for rubble, appliances, swing sets.
phone. Cell 508-523-9927.
$25 discount. Insured men promptly removing
Gutter Cleaning junque. Many years of local
Do you need your gutters HOW TO PLAY: Each row must contain the numbers 1 to 9; each
Need Help Around The House? service. Call Chuck T., column must contain the numbers 1 to 9, and each set of 3 by 3
cleaned this fall? Call Andrew, JK Handyman Services offers: 781-424-8844.
781-264-3628. Average house boxes must contain the numbers 1 to 9.
Light electrical, plumbing, Absolute Removal
is $100. For an additional $25 carpentry; blinds and curtain rod Large or small cleanouts of
we will clean the mildew off installations; maintain gardens basements, attics, sheds, yards.
your gutters with TSP. and shrubs; garage, basement, Small construction sites. Storage
painting and closet shelving. Reorganize
attics, basements, garages;
Install/remove Christmas lights;
units. We do the work or you can
make a pile and we’ll take it away.
Fast reliable service seven
Duxbury Construction
Wallpapering/Interior Painting
property security checks. days/week. Free estimates.
Ceiling, walls, woodwork, drywall
Vacation home property 781-588-4036. South Shore.
repairs, touch-ups, cleanouts
management. Reasonable rates.
done at low, reasonable prices.
Small jobs welcome. Jack Kilduff, Planes, Train
MC and Visa accepted. Free
Call Debbie,
& Automobiles Happy Holidays!
Junk Busters
Website Design
Web design, graphic design, 2001 Nissan Altima
80,000 miles, Silver, no dents or
Thank your for
Junk removal, specializing in
cleanouts of basements,
website maintenance.
consultation. Call
now, rust, good AC, great commuter
car. Ellent condition. $5495.
your patronage.
garages, attics, yard debris, 781-452-7027.
odds and ends. We also Call Tom at 617-817-4299.
specialize in carpentry, Tutoring
painting, gutter work, and Remediate, review, advance.
window washing. Best prices, Elementary, intermediate, high
free estimates. Please call or school. Certified classroom
Freeman Boynton, Jr. 934-0000
leave a message for Mike, teacher, Masters in education and
781-789-3612. organization. Support w/all
curriculum including reading,
C&M Painting Duxbury language arts, science, ESL,
Interior painting. No job too study skills, time management,
small. Save thousands on your test taking and SAT prep.
kitchen cabinets by painting and Physicist available for high
changing hardware. Call Conor, school/college math. 2002 Hitchhiker 5th Wheel
781-834-9709. 508-830-0305. 31.5’ long, 3 slides, glide ride
Cleaning Service hitch, new tires, new water
House and office cleaning. Plantation Shutters & Blinds heater, rebuilt furnace.
References available. Call Rose, Hunter Douglas blinds and Propane/electric refrigerator and
774-269-6646. shutters. Specializing in heater. Queen-size bed
plantation shutters in real w/upgraded matteress. Double
Home Improvement wood, composite, and vinyl. sleeper sofa. TV and stereo
Semi-retired remodeler with 30 Free in-home consultation, system. Desk station set up for
plus years experience. Design free installation. Call for computer. Storage inside and
and build. Bath, kitchen, tiling, in-home quote. We offer out. Excellent condition, asking
family room etc. Your lowest prices on shutters and $19,999. 617-538-2113.
problems, our solution. Call blinds. Call 781-985-5480
Larry McCarthy, 508-746-7829. Frugalblindsandshutters.com Call Now Toll Free Pager: 508.866.6860
12 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Planes, Train Planes, Train Planes, Train Planes, Train Legal

& Automobiles & Automobiles & Automobiles & Automobiles Notices
18' Marshall Sanderling Catboat MORTGAGEE’S
2005 Toyota Camry XLE 1974 catboat; 6 HP Yamaha
Car in good condition, excellent outboard, 1994 trailer included; NOTICE OF SALE
Carfax report. 75,00 miles, heated
seats, leather, moon roof,
both trailer and boat updated; OF REAL ESTATE
Presently on mooring In Duxbury; By virtue and in execution
$10,500. 617-680-9792. $11,000. Call 781-934-6417
of the Power of Sale
contained in a certain
Halmatic 8.80 Motor Sailer
2004 Pursuit 2270
Center console. Low hours,
Everything Else Mortgage given by John J
You could buy a new 14’
outboard or, for the same price,
T-Top, 225 Yamaha 4-stroke, Under the Sun Murphy and Monica D.
Murphy to Mortgage
color fishfinder, GPS, live bait
my motor sailer which sleeps 5 in well, brand new aluminum Wanted - 8mm Projector Electronic Registration
full-length berths. Recently rebuilt Venture tandem trailer with disc To rent, buy, or borrow. 8mm Systems, Inc., dated May 27,
40HP diesel engine, 3 sails, 2003 GMC Yukon Denali XL brakes. $26,900. Call George, projector with super 8 and 2005 and recorded with the
shallow draft. Galley, head, Alpine white w/sandstone leather. 781-561-5995. regular 8 capability. Call Plymouth County Registry of
equipped. Ideal for local waters. Capt. chairs. New (9/10) factory 781-447-2299. Deeds at Book 30665, Page
$19,950. 781-934-2132. installed trans. w/3yr. 100k mi. 148 of which the Mortgage
Acura MDX 2002 warranty. Always garaged dealer
2002 Acura MDX For Sale. Good serviced. 84k mi. Excellent Legal the undersigned is the present
holder for breach of the
condition. Title in hand.
condition, 132k miles.
exterior, beige interior.
4wd. $15,500/b.o. Call 781-820-8874. Notices conditions of said Mortgage
and for the purpose of
Fold up 3rd row of seats. $7,500. COMMONWEALTH
Call 781-934-0803. foreclosing same will be sold
Shaw 24’ Classic Yawl OF at Public Auction at 03:00
Built 1961 Jensen in Denmark. MASSACHUSETTS PM on January 5, 2011 at 12
Midget ocean/racing cruiser. Pilgrim By Way, Duxbury,
Mahogany, oak, sitka, teak, MA, all and singular the
double planked mahogany. Teak THE TRIAL COURT premises described in said
2006 Mini Cooper S Convertible centerboard, bronze centerboard Mortgage, to wit:
Excellent condition, 44,200 miles, trunk, 1500 lb. slotted lead keel. The land with the buildings
Great Christmas Gift 6-speed manual, traction control, Accomodations: four berths, PLYMOUTH thereon situated on the
2006 Mazda Miata MX5. Silver
with black top, 5-speed manual,
leather interior, dual front and galley, head. $6000. PROBATE AND northwesterly side of Pilgrim
side airbags, alloy wheels, ABS, 508-747-1235.
A/C, 17,000 miles. Superb cruise control, run flat tires, rear FAMILY COURT by-Way, in Duxbury,
condition. $13,500 or best offer. parking sensors, 4 new tires, 52 Obery Street Plymouth County and State of
Call Ed, 508-947-8662. Minimal winter use. Garaged. Massachusetts, being known
$17,250. 781-424-1102.
Suite 1130 as 12 Pilgrim By-Way,
1997 Jeep for Sale Plymouth, MA 02360
Jeep Grand Cherokee, 4D, containing 20,000 square feet,
2001 Nissan Altima
automatic,original owner,serviced 80,000 miles, Silver, no dents or (508) 747-6204 more or less, and bounded
by dealer and Bennetts, 154,000 rust, good AC, great commuter and described as follows:
miles, great extra car. Kelly Blue car. Ellent condition. $5495. 2005 Acura Only 15,000 Miles Beginning at a stake in the
Docket No. PL10P2085EA
Book: $2800. Make offer. Call cell Call Tom at 617-817-4299. Meticulously maintained, Florida northwesterly line of said
617-293-6340. In the Estate of: Mary
car, one owner, all the extras, Pilgrim By Way located south
luxury package, leather heated
Louise Gallant
49 degrees west 110 feet from
SUDOKU ANSWERS seats, moonroof, AC, steering
wheel controls, 6-CD changer,
Late of: Duxbury, MA
the stake in the said
northwesterly line of Pilgrim
AM/FM cassette, front and side Date of Death: 02/24/2010
By-Way which marks the
airbags, alloy wheels, ABS. NOTICE OF PETITION
southerly comer of land
Lowered to unbelievable $19,500. FOR PROBATE OF WILL
Call 781-447-7890. conveyed to Louis C.
To all persons interested in
Gallerani by deed dated
the above captioned estate, a
February 14, 1948, and
petition has been presented
recorded in Plymouth County
requesting that a document
Registry of Deeds in Book
purporting to be the last will
1990, page 464; Thence
of said decedent be proved
running north 49 degrees 33
and allowed, and that
minutes east of said Pilgrim
Christopher Sherman of
By-Way, 110 feet to said
Duxbury, MA and Nancy
stake at the southerly comer
Gallant Black of
36’ Sabre “Spartina” of said land now or formerly
Framingham, MA be
1986. Excellent condition, fully of said Gallerani; thence
equipped. Great boat for cruising appointed executor/trix,
turning and running north 58
couple or family. Roller furling named in the will to serve
degrees 35 minutes west by
main and genoa. Full electronics Without Surety.
land now or formerly of said
(radar, GPS chart plotter, IF YOU DESIRE TO
Gallerani 207.43 feet to a
autopilot...) power windlass, OBJECT THERETO, YOU
stake and land now or
ESPAR hot air heating system OR YOUR ATTORNEY
etc. Price drastically reduced, MUST FILE A WRITTEN formerly of Pilgrim Church;
$59,000. 781-452-7321. Thence turning and running
south 19 degrees west by said

land now or formerly of said
Pilgrim church, 110 feet to a
TREE & CONSTRUCTION stake; thence turning and
MORNING (10:00 AM) ON:
running in a generally
TREE REMOVAL SEPTIC SYSTEM southeasterly direction by a
1998 Buick LeSabre In addition, you must file a
Pruning & Trimming Repair & Installation straight line to a stake in the
Meticulously maintained. Runs written affidavit of objections
Hazardous Removals Title V Cert. Septic great, ready to go. 94,000 miles. to the petition, stating specific
said northwesterly line of
Vista & Land Clearing Inspector Averaged about 8,000 miles per facts and grounds upon which Pilgrim By-Way marking the
Stump Grinding & New Design year. Asking $3700. Call the objection is based, within point of beginning.
Removals Backhoe & Perc Test 781-582-2065 or 339-788-0685. Tax Id#: 190-037-013
thirty (30) days after the
The premises are to be sold
Aerial Work Demolition & Grading return day (or such other time
subject to and with the benefit
as the court, on motion with
Christopher Phillips • 781-934-7255 notice to the petitioner, may
of all easements, restrictions,
building and zoning laws,
allow) in accordance with
unpaid taxes, tax titles, water
Probate Rule 16.
bills, municipal liens and
WITNESS, Hon, Catherine
assessments, rights of tenants
P Sabaitis, First Justice of this
Pick-Up Truck For Sale
and parties in possession.
1997 blue 3/4 ton V-8, 8' bed, TERMS OF SALE:
Date: November 23, 2010
143,000 miles, 1 owner. In good A deposit of FIVE
Robert E. McCarthy
condition. $4,500 or best offer. THOUSAND DOLLARS
Register of Probate
Call Bob, 781-447-0026 AND 00 CENTS ($5,000.00)
Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 13

Legal Legal Legal Legal Legal

Notices Notices Notices Notices Notices
in the form of a certified the purchase price shall be sale and to amend the terms Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or announced at the sale.
check or bank treasurer’s paid within thirty (30) days of the sale by written or oral the Mortgagee’s attorney.
check will be required to be from the sale date in the form announcement made before or The description of the GMAC Mortgage, LLC
delivered at or before the time of a certified check, bank during the foreclosure sale. If premises contained in said Present Holder of
the bid is offered. The treasurer’s check or other the sale is set aside for any mortgage shall control in the said Mortgage,
successful bidder will be check satisfactory to reason, the Purchaser at the event of an error in this By Its Attorneys,
required to execute a Mortgagee’s attorney. The sale shall be entitled only to a publication. TIME WILL BE Orlans Moran PLLC
Foreclosure Sale Agreement Mortgagee reserves the right return of the deposit paid. OF THE ESSENCE. P.O. Box 962169
immediately after the close of to bid at the sale, to reject any The purchaser shall have no Boston, MA 02196
the bidding. The balance of and all bids, to continue the further recourse against the Other terms if any, to be Phone: (617) 502-4100


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“Mouldings Matter” s7ALKWAYSs0ATIOS s'UTTER#LEANING Duxbury, MA
We Exceed Your Expectations!
& Snow Plowing
ADVERTISER OF THE WEEK Hydroseeding & Lawn Care
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s0ROFESSIONAL7ORKMANSHIP A name you can trust,
Since 1970.

Free Estimates!
GUTTER CLEANING 781-934-2186

Complete Electrical Service
054!#(!2'%).4/9/52"53).%33 • Fall Clean-ups
7)4(/523%26)#%$)2%#4/29 Audio Visual Sales & Installation 7)4(/523%26)#%$)2%#4/29 • Leaf Removal
&INDOUTHOW You rake ’em, we take ‘em!
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• Refinishing !
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! Walls

! nUps
9/5.%%$).4(% &2%%%34)-!4%3
0/4%.4)!,#534/-%23 9/5.%%$).4(%
Brian Maddock & Son • Plymouth
3%26)#%$)2%#4/29 "%44%27!94/ 781-826-1118
BUSINESSINTHE 781.934.2001 Chad Frost
)"/%:."/ 2%!#(9/52 $IRECTORY

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9/5.%%$).4(% Çn£‡™Î{‡Ón££
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Wednesday, December 15, 2010 Duxbury Clipper 15




got leaves?
Fall Cleanups • Snow Plowing
Curb-side Leaf Pickup t1SVOJOH5SJNNJOH
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Licensed and Fully Insured (Interior/Exterior) efficient tilt-in windows. Federal
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• Power Washing Çn£‡™Î{‡Ón££ 2%!#(4(/53!.$/&
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• Gutter Cleaning 0/4%.4)!,#534/-%23
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Call for FREE Estimate
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Brighten your day!
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“Talk with the guy who actually does the work”
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Skilled Craftsmen
Many roof repairs under $200. Thirty-years new
roofs, gutter cleaning and repair.
All carpentry: decks, porches, clapboard,
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& Insured &).$4(%(%,0
!.$'%4 781-293-4648
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16 Duxbury Clipper Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Massage Gift
Perfect for everyone on your Holiday list!

Angie Clive, LMT Jennifer Savage, LMT

We Welcome Rachael Brink

Rachael Brink, LMT

Alison Austin, DC
33 Railroad Avenue, Suite 3, Duxbury

Duxbury Computers Happy Holidays

An operation of Canopus Research Inc. Joyeuses Fêtes

Holiday Ideas from

Bûches de Noël...Gourmet cake in the shape of a log
Rich european dark chocolate mousse, chocolate genoise cake
& chocolate syrup or...
Need Help With Computers? Networking?
White chocolate ganache with a hint of rum, coffee genoise
cake covered with meringue
Why settle for geeks?
Expert, professional, experienced, Petits Fours...Selection of mousses, napoleons, macarons,
and affordable computer and networking services fruits, chocolates, lemon cream & more
for home and business are available Fruit Tarts & Pies
right here in Duxbury! Croissants...Many flavors including chocolate and almond
Mousse Cakes & Cheesecakes
Duxbury Computers is your local
Microsoft Certified Small Business Specialist and Gift Certificates and many other products available. Please
QuickBooks Pro Advisor firm.
place your order early. We will be open December 24th
until 5 pm for your fresh holiday pick up.
You can always rely on us for all your computer and
networking needs – as well as for instruction, web We will be closed Christmas Day.
site development, and programming services.
Call today: 781-934-9800! 781-784-0900
459 Washington St. Duxbury, MA
3 Post Office Square | Sharon, MA

Duxbury Business Association


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