Methodology Classroom Management
Methodology Classroom Management
Methodology Classroom Management
Any average person in this country can tell you what teaching is about: a teacher
speaking in front of a large number of pupils who sit in rows at their desks; the pupils listen
or not. If the teacher knew how to make her pupils listen to her, education would be better.
In reality, what happens in the classroom is not so simple. The teacher is trying to
achieve several objectives at the same time. Her first task is to provide a range of learning
experiences to her pupils. Then, she needs to cater for individual differences by organizing
activities that make use of various learning resources and different tasks. She needs to
provide opportunities for the pupils to take responsibility of their own learning, while still
managing the classroom activities. In one word, she manages classroom learning.
The skills of creating and managing a successful class may be the key to the
teacher‟s success. An important part of this is to do with the teacher‟s attitude, intentions
and personality, and with her relationships with the learners. Another important part is the
organizational skills and techniques that the teacher uses, often grouped under the heading
of „classroom management‟.
Classroom management emphasizes the complexity of classroom life and focuses on
the managerial skills that the teacher needs to have and on the systematic way in which
she coordinates classroom variety and complexity. The teacher is the coordinator of a
varied and complex environment; she sets objectives, plans activities, attends to
communication and motivation and evaluates performance.
Classroom management involves both decisions and actions. The actions are what is
done in the classroom. The decisions are about whether to do these actions, when to do
them, how to do them, who to do them, etc. The essential basic skill for classroom
management is therefore to be able to recognize what options are available, to make
appropriate decisions between these options and to turn them into effective and efficient
actions. As the teacher grows in experience her awareness of possible options will also
The aim of this lecture is to help you become aware of the lesson management skills
that you need to develop. After you have completed the study of this unit on classroom
management, you should be able to:
explain what makes a lesson effective
classify patterns of interaction
explain the advantages and disadvantages of various patterns of classroom interaction
use various patterns of classroom interaction to involve all the pupils in your lessons
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Your lessons should be prepared thoroughly: materials, activities, and assessments.
When the pupils feel that you are filling time, or when you have to change activities because
you cannot find the materials, or if you are unprepared for the problems that may emerge,
you may lose your pupils‟ respect and confidence. A good idea is to prepare for each lesson
more than you need. It is always good to have a reserve activity ready in case of extra time.
As you are planning a lesson, note in advance which component(s) of the lesson you will
sacrifice if you find yourself with too little time for everything.
During the lesson, keep a watch or clock easily visible, and make sure you are aware
throughout how time is going relative to your plan. It is difficult to judge intuitively how time
is going when you are busy, and the smooth running of the lesson depends to some extent
on proper timing.
Try to create a serious impression of purpose by your contributions and by the
demands made on your pupils. This means attention to detail, and an assumption that your
pupils will take their work seriously and with a sense of responsibility. At every point in the
lesson a teacher has options. To say one thing or to say something different; to stop an
activity or to let it continue, to take some time to deal with difficult questions or to move on
with what you had previously planned. There is no single correct answer, no single route
through a lesson – though some routes may in the end prove to be much more effective
than others. Different people and different situations will create different solutions. The
lesson is created by these choices.
Long-term strategies can help you build up good standards of personal relationships
that result in good classroom atmosphere. Nevertheless, pupils are not always capable of
coping with all the stresses of their lives and they may react by laziness, insubordination,
defiance, aggression, or destructiveness. Such pupil behaviour will undermine the building
up of good classroom practice, and the effectiveness of your classes. What can you do?
Unfortunately, advice about classroom tactics is less reliable than advice about
general strategies.
The complexity of classroom life is responsible for many difficult situations.
Classroom life is multidimensional, with many different kinds of activities, many different
objectives, and many people having different needs and different styles. At any one time
you need to consider what to do next, thinking ahead of the development of the lesson,
watching the pupils‟ progress, looking out for what might disrupt the flow of the lesson.
There may be numberless unpredictables, interruptions, unforeseen difficulties, or minor
incidents. In such a context your action and reaction are driven by intuition more than by
deliberate thinking about alternative courses of action. Moreover, advice from other
teachers may not be reliable, as different teachers use different tactics with equal
Becoming an effective teacher is partly a matter of increasing your awareness of
what options are available. It is also about the skilful selection of the most appropriate
option at each point and efficiently, effectively turning these into actions.
What informs and influences a teacher‟s decisions between different options? Here
are some factors to bear in mind: (Scrivener, J. Learning Teaching, p. 11)
what is the aim of the activity?
What is the objective of the whole lesson?
Is what we are doing useful?
What is hindering the effectiveness of what we are doing?
What have I planned to do?
What would be the best thing to do now?
Is it time for a change of mood or pace?
Are we using time efficiently?
How do the students feel?
How do I (the teacher) Feel?
What are the possible outcomes of my actions?
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Classroom decisions and actions are influenced by the teacher‟s own attitudes,
intentions, beliefs and values: what she thinks about learning, what is important for her in
learning, what she genuinely feels towards the students.
1.4 Transitions
It is a good idea to mark transition moments, using transition signals, e.g.: Right.
We’ve finished…, so we’ll leave our books for today and go on to… I want you to listen to…
and decide… There is little point in beginning a new activity while some pupils are still trying
to work out what they must do. For this reason, it is well worth checking and confirming that
everyone has understood.
Always try to move from one part of the lesson to another without allowing a gap to
occur. It is quite difficult to regain the attention of a class, particularly a large one.
Sometimes you can prepare for the next activity while the pupils are busy finishing
the previous one(e.g. you can write something on the board). It is important not to reveal all
the idea for a lesson at the beginning of the period. For instance, if you intend to use a
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picture, do not put it on show from the beginning of the class: pin it up and cover it with a
large sheet of paper that can be removed easily. When you show it to the class, the pupils
will have something fresh to focus on and their motivation will be helped. In the same way, if
you are going to use handouts, keep them until the time they are to be used arrives.
Overhead projectors are especially useful in this respect because you can prepare the
material in advance and reveal it to the class bit by bit.
Pictures and handouts should be made visible or available to all the pupils as quickly
as possible. When you have handouts or other papers to distribute to a large class, do not
try to give every paper yourself to each pupil. A number of handouts can be given to pupils
at different points in the class, asking them to take one and pass the rest on. Then wait
quietly for a few moments so that the pupils have time to look at what they have received. If
you begin speaking at once, many pupils will simply not listen as they will be preoccupied
with what they are looking at. Do not forget that for most people the eyes almost always
take precedence over the ears.
2 Patterns of Interaction
Classroom interaction is central to effective instruction. However, your pupils work
better in some circumstances than in others: some pupils may prefer a collaborative and
conversational style, with interruptions and more than one pupil talking at a time. Others
tend to be less active and yet others more independent.
The most common type of classroom interaction is that known as „IRF‟: Initiation
Response Feedback. The teacher initiates an exchange, usually in the form of a
question, one of the pupils answers, the teacher gives feedback (in the form of assessment,
correction, or comment), then initiates the next question, and so on. There are however,
alternative patterns: the initiative does not always have to be in your hands. Interaction may
be between pupils, or between a pupil and the material.
Here are some interaction patterns ordered from most teacher-dominated to most
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Teacher talk: the teacher is talking or reading aloud with all pupils listening. There may
be some kind of silent pupil response, such as writing from dictation or making notes in
notebooks. There is no initiative on the part of the pupils.
Closed-ended teacher questioning: the teacher asks a question which can get only
one „right‟ response.
Open-ended teacher questioning: the teacher asks a question to which there are a
number of possible „right‟ answers, so that more pupils answer each cue.
Choral response: the teacher gives a model which is repeated by all the class in
chorus; or gives a cue which is responded to in chorus.
Pupil initiates, teacher answers: the pupils think of questions and the teacher
responds. Such an interaction pattern can be found in guessing games. The teacher
decides who asks the question.
Five types of student grouping are common in the classroom:
Whole-class interaction: the whole class is working together with the teacher; the
pupils debate a topic or do a language task as a class. The teacher may intervene
occasionally to stimulate participation or to monitor.
Individual work: the teacher gives a task or set of tasks, and the pupils work on them
independently. They may also mix together as individuals. The teacher walks around
monitoring and assisting where necessary.
Collaboration or pair work: the pupils do the same sort of tasks as in „individual work‟,
but work together, usually in pairs. The teacher may or may not intervene. This is
different from group work where the task itself necessitates interaction.
Group work (done in small groups of three to eight pupils): the pupils work on tasks
that entail interaction, conveying information or making decisions. The teacher walks
around listening and intervenes little if at all.
Self-access: the pupils choose their own learning tasks, and work autonomously
Varying groupings is one way of enabling a variety of experiences for the learners.
The range of activity patterns is infinite, but we can group them into two main
1. whole class teacher-led activities
2. pupils‟ independent activities
teacher presentation
whole class class dialogue
pupil activities
Teacher-led activities
tutorial reviewing
3 Teacher-Led Activities
3.1 Whole Class Activities
Whole class activities play an important part in classroom management. They can be
very attractive and powerful, and they can be an opportunity for you to show your charisma.
A teacher’s presentation can be very effective if it is done for short periods and with
sparkle. The pupils can be inspired and stimulated by the charisma of a teacher with
good presentation skills.
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Class dialogue (also known as the “Socratic method”) is a very useful method. By
skilful questioning, you can lead the thinking of the class. Class dialogue is best when it
is lively and motivating for the pupils. However, it needs firm and careful handling, as it
can lose its vitality and become mechanical and repetitive.
Pupil activities, that is giving the pupils something to do, help to bring variety into
whole class teaching. The pupils may all repeat something in the chorus; or respond to
a cue, they may take notes, or write after dictation. The teacher remains in control of
what is happening, but the pupils are given opportunities to be active.
3.2 Tutorials
Not as common as whole class teaching, mostly used in private schools, tutorials
(extra-class small group work) are also teacher led. Tutorials can make a real difference to
the quality of the pupils‟ learning. During tutorials, you can help the pupils to prepare for
their next assignment, give them guidance, indicate resources, possible problems or
standards. Reviews can also be organised during tutorials to look back at the work which
has been completed, and to assess it. Tutorials can be organised to encourage the pupils to
talk about their work, and to explore issues and ideas together, or to allow you to help them
overcome their difficulties. Working in a small group, during tutorials it is easier to identify
problems and to offer pupils more personal and individualised support.
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Teacher roles. During presentations, you are the focus of attention, playing a
number of related roles: organizer, information source, or discussion leader. The pupils are
relatively passive, listening, following instructions, responding to questions, and making
contributions when you invite them to do so.
Here are a few suggestions:
Get the attention of your class before you start. Either insist on their paying attention to
you or give them something to do (e.g. writing a title, an introductory example or
statement). This will bring the class into the work frame of mind.
Your first sentences must be attention holding. Appeal to their curiosity, surprise them,
intrigue them or move them emotionally.
Keep your voice level to the minimum necessary. A low voice creates a feeling of
expectancy, gives a sense of importance to the occasion, and builds a sense of mutual
confidence, a serious and trusting atmosphere.
Vary the volume and pace to give variety.
Occasionally, make appeal to feelings and use a more theatrical language. Temper
your projections of personality with sensitivity.
Do not forget that there is virtue in silence. A pregnant pause in a presentation can be
effective. Offer silence to your pupils so that they can reflect and consider their
responses. Build in pauses in which you invite the pupils to summaries what you have
said so far.
Be simple, be brief and be human. Start with plenty of examples and then gradually
introduce new vocabulary or more complex statements.
Remember that much communication is non-verbal; how you look, where and how you
stand, how you move are all observed and registered by the pupils.
Remember that no matter how good your presentation is, you cannot use it for
lengthy periods, as their span of attention is limited. It is better to introduce variety and more
pupil participation. The most common way of doing this is by using class dialogue.
(questions from Howard Beckerman, Family Album, U.S.A, Editura Univers, 1993)
An effective questioning technique is one that elicits fairly prompt, motivated, relevant
and full responses. If your questions result in long silences, are answered by only the
strongest pupils, bore the class, or elicit only very brief or unsuccessful answers, then there
is probably something wrong. Effective questioning should follow a few criteria:
Clarity. The pupils should immediately grasp what the question means, and what kind
of answer is required. The language must be simple, clear and unambiguous.
Learning value. The questioning should start with an invitation to observe or identify.
The question should stimulate thinking and responses that will contribute to further
learning of the target material. It shouldn‟t be irrelevant, unhelpful or merely time-filling.
The key word is What?
What are the people in the picture doing?
What is the difference between these two animals?
What surprised you in this anecdote?
What is this?
Interest. The pupils should find the question interesting, challenging, stimulating.
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Availability. Most of the pupils in the class should be able to answer the question.
However, allowing a few seconds‟ wait-time before accepting a response can make the
question available to a larger number of pupils.
Extension. The question should invite and encourage extended and/or varied answers.
Try to eliminate questions which can be answered simply by Yes or No, or by any single
word. Questions likely to get fuller answers often start with Why…?, How…?, What
would happen if…?
Grading. The questions should build up to higher levels of thinking.
The way you respond to your pupils‟ answers will affect the way they perform at the
time but also the way they will perform in the future. You will need to respond to content not
only to the language form. If there is no answer at all during questioning, if your pupils
cannot think of what to say, prompt them forwards. This kind of help has to be offered
gently, with tact and discretion.
Here are a few suggestions for managing your pupils‟ answers:
Be prepared to wait for an answer. Refrain from filling the gap immediately if the
question is met with initial silence. During the silence, use non-verbal communication,
give encouraging nods or raise your eyebrows. You may also try a short prompt. Signal
that you are actually enjoying the silence and are not in the least embarrassed or
Encourage pupil answers. Praise the good answers and preserve the self-esteem of
those who give wrong answers. The pupils should be sure that their responses will be
treated with respect, that they will not be put down or ridiculed if they say something
inappropriate. Give help if you see it is needed during an answer.
Try to get answers from as many pupils as possible. Responding only to the bright and
eager tends to focus attention on them at the expense of the others. A reluctant pupil
can be helped by being nominated to answer an easy question.
Encourage answers which express the pupils‟ personal thoughts or feelings, or which
are bold and imaginative. Even if it is incorrect, such an answer deserves praise.
Encourage respect for the contribution of others. Set a good example of respect,
courtesy and constructiveness and then expect it of the pupils. Do not tolerate sarcasm,
aggression, or destructive criticism.
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differences are ignored and their motivation may decrease. However, class teaching has its
place in the repertoire of a teacher, provided it is not the only method in use!
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However, when working individually, the pupils may feel deprived of the stimulus of
working with other people, or they may find out that they are unable to make decisions and
are still dependent on your directions.
Here are a few suggestions for how you can reduce the pupils‟ dependence on the
brief thoroughly before the task
allocate enough time for the task
make sure the task is at the right level and the pupils can cope with it and the resources
necessary for it
encourage the pupils to seek help from each other
spend time listening to individual pupils, encouraging them to expand on their difficulties
and their problems
refrain from answering a pupil‟s question directly; try to get the same pupil to answer
the question or get another pupil to join in
intervene by asking questions of your own to find out how well they have understood
the task
do not revert to class teaching, although this may seem an economical way of solving
keep a low profile, monitoring quietly and unobtrusively
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5 Pupil Groupings: Pair Work and Group Work
In pair and group work pupils perform a learning task through interaction. Both pair
and group work are forms of learner activation that are of particular value in the practice of
oral fluency. They have the added advantages of fostering learner responsibility and
independence, of improving motivation and contributing to a feeling of cooperation and
warmth in the class.
Pair and group work can mark a transition from one stage of the lesson to the next.
During pair and group work you have an opportunity to work with individual pupils
whom you feel would benefit from your help. Do not spend too long with one pair or group
as this sometimes leads to other pupils losing interest in the task as they feel you have lost
interest in them. Pair and group work which goes on for too long causes problems as the
pupils get bored.
If you have set a time limit, this will help you to draw the activity to a close at a certain
point. In principle, you should try to finish the activity while the pupils are still enjoying it and
interested, or only just beginning to flag.
A frequent problem is that some pairs or groups will finish earlier than others, and will
want or need to do something else. When they are tired, some will be happy to just wait for
the others to finish. In other circumstances, you may ask them all to stop the activity after
the first pairs or groups have finished. This solution removes the problem of boredom, but it
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may de-motivate those who have not yet finished. It is wise to have a reserve task planned
to occupy the members of groups who finish earlier than expected.
Some teachers may be hesitant about using pair work and group work with very
large classes. They fear that they will have difficulty in controlling the pupils. There is no
doubt that collaborative work can lead to a lot of noise if it is not controlled carefully. For this
reason, you may find it useful to explain why you want to do pair work and group work and
to impress upon the class the need to behave in a responsible way. On the first one or two
occasions when you organise pair or group work, you should be especially firm in dealing
with noisy or troublesome pupils.
Some thinking needs to be given to the life-span of the group. While permanent
groups may not be the best solution, constant changes are not advisable, either.
A group should start with a clearly defined task to be done within a defined time. This
helps the pupils build a sense of team identity but also removes the fear of being locked into
a grouping which an individual may feel uncomfortable with. While the pupils are working in
pairs or groups, you need to observe how well they interact together. You will need to
change the pairs to groups in future if you notice that some pupils cannot concentrate on
the task and talk about something else (usually in Romanian), that one pupil dominates the
group, or that some weaker pupils are lost.
The advantages of pair and group work soon become apparent. Questions directed
at the pairs or at the teams can anticipate longer, more thoughtful answers, which are the
result of group deliberation. This overcomes the main disadvantage of the class dialogue
which can degenerate into a succession of short questions, with one-word answers
supplied by the bright and eager, and the teacher jumping from one student to another in
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search of the right answer. In the collaborative work approach, different solutions can be
explored, and pupils can learn to justify their arguments to their fellow group members.
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If you tend to echo what the students say, start to control this; the students will get
more talking time and they will start to listen to each other more. When you echo they will
learn that they don‟t need to listen to anyone except the teacher, because they know the
teacher will repeat everything.
Helping the students with sentence completion
Often the teacher is so desperate for the students to say what she wants them to say
that she predicts the words the student will produce and often adds „tails‟ to sentence after
sentence. This kind of „doing the hard work‟ for the students is counter-productive for them.
Pupils need to learn to finish off their own sentences, using their own words and their own
Complicated and unclear instructions
Unplanned, unstructured instructions are extremely confusing to students. They
understand a small percentage of what the teacher is saying and guess only from one or
two words they catch what the teacher is trying to say. Work out what is essential for them
to know and tell them only that.
Not checking understanding of instructions
Even the clearest instructions can be difficult to understand foe some students. So,
after you‟ve given them, check that they have been understood. A simple way is to ask a
student or two to repeat them back to you. In this way you satisfy yourself that the task has
been understood,
Asking Do you understand?
When you want to check the pupils‟ understanding, a question such as Do you
understand? is often useless. A Yes may mean “I don‟t want to seem stupid”, or “I don‟t
want to waste the class time” and not necessarily “I think I understand”. The best way to get
clear information about what students have taken in is to get them to demonstrate their
understanding, by giving examples, by repeating an instruction, by explaining their
interpretation of an idea. This provides real evidence rather than possibly untrue
Fear of genuine feedback
In an active, forward-moving class the learners give constantly their teacher
feedback on what they have understood, what they think, what they need, how they feel.
Many teachers believe in the importance of open, honest feedback but find it hard to get.
This is partly due to classroom atmosphere, partly to the questions asked, and mainly to the
teacher‟s attitude and response to feedback received. If the teacher sees feedback as a
threat to herself or her position she will avoid feedback, or will defend herself against
perceived attack when she gets feedback. If she can open up to pupil feedback without self-
defence, justifications or arguments, she will find that she can start to find out what the
students are really thinking, and that she can work on responding appropriately to that.
Insufficient authority and over-politeness
Too much politeness (e.g. if you don’t mind, it would be nice if you could just... if you
feel that’s OK) can be a way in which teachers undermine themselves. A teacher needs to
be clear and say directly what needs to be done. An imperative like Stop now, please, is a
sign of natural authority.
Lack of confidence in self, learners, material, activity, etc.
A common cause of boredom in the classroom is when the material used is too
difficult and hard to recognize or too easy and unchallenging. A teacher should try to keep
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the level of challenge right, be demanding and believe that her pupils can do more than
they are aware of being able to do – and help them to do it.
Over-helping and over-organizing
When you give pupils a task to do in a group, it‟s often best to let them get on with it.
A lot of teacher help, although well-intentioned can be perceived as „teacher interference‟
and gets in the way of students working on their own. As long as you are around they will
look for guidance, control and help. When you are not there they are forced to do the work
themselves (and learning may happen!). For teachers it can be a difficult lesson to learn –
but sometimes the students will do much better without us, if only we have the courage to
trust them.
Flying with the fastest
If you only listens to the first pupils who speak, it‟s very easy to get a false
impression of how difficult or easy something is. You may find that the strongest and fastest
students dominate and you get little idea of how the majority of the class finds the work.
This can lead you to fly at the speed of the top two or three students and to lose the rest
completely. Make sure you get constant answers and feedback from many students. Try
directing questions at individuals and sometimes actively „shh!‟ the loud ones – or simply
don‟t „hear‟ them.
No really listening (hearing language problems but not the message)
We can easily become overconcerned about the accuracy of what is said and to fail
to hear the person behind the words. Teachers frequently fail to hear what the learners say.
However, the point in learning a foreign language is to be able to communicate and receive
messages, and the mechanical production of correct English should not blind us to the
message conveyed.
Weak rapport – creation of a poor working environment
If rapport seems to be a problem, then plan work designed to focus on improving the
relationships and interaction with the class. Until the relationships are good within the class
the learning is ;likely to be of a lower quality – so it‟s worth spending time on this.
Remember that a teacher should be authentic, respectful and emphatic.
Effective lesson management needs careful planning. The cornerstone of effective
management is a clearly understood and consistently monitored set of rules and
procedures that prevents management problems in all stages of the lesson. These take into
account both the characteristics of the pupils and the physical environment of the
classroom. Lesson rules and procedures are the steps for the routines the pupils follow in
their learning activities.
While in whole class teacher-led activities opportunities for pupil participation are
limited, collaborative learning activities (pair work and group work) rely on interaction to
promote cooperative knowledge construction, increased motivation and interest.
Key Concepts
lesson management
patterns of interaction
whole class teacher-led activities
pupils‟ independent activities
class dialogue
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teacher feedback
supervised learning
supported independent learning
pair work
group work
Further Reading
1. Harmer, Jeremy (2001) The Practice of English Language Teaching, Longman
2. Scrivener, J. (994) Learning Teaching, Heinemann
3. Underwood, Mary (1987) Effective Class management. A Practical Approach,
4. Ur, Penny (1996) A Course in Language Teaching. Practice and Theory,
Cambridge University Press
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