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Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 11/1 (2018) 33-39

DOI: 10.2478/cjece-2018-0006

Simulation of Downlink of 10G-PON FTTH in the

city of Košice
1st Tomáš Huszaník 2nd Ján Turán 3rd Ľuboš Ovseník
Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and Department of Electronics and
Multimedia Communications, Multimedia Communications, Multimedia Communications,
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and
Informatics, Technical University of Informatics, Technical University of Informatics, Technical University of
Košice, Košice, Košice,
Košice, Slovakia Košice, Slovakia Košice, Slovakia
[email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Abstract—Optical fiber has the great advantages of capacity used exclusively in backbone and metropolitan networks [3].
and reliability. That is why network providers started to deploy However, thanks to their performance - price and capacity
FTTx (Fiber-To-The-x) optical access using various PON (Passive enhancement capabilities, they have become the standard for
Optical Network) architectures. The leading technology right now access networks.
is Gigabit PON (GPON). However, with increasing amount of
multimedia we need to further develop existing technologies to go
In this paper we analyzed a real Ethernet-PON in the city of
on with these high demands. Fiber-To-The-Home (FTTH) using Košice using optical time domain reflectometry. Using results
10G-PON technology for broadband access application is effective from optical reflectometry, we built corresponding downlink
solution for high speed networks with high capacity. In this paper, simulation model. The experimental results are presented in
we look at the passive optical network in the city of Košice and form of BER and Q factor analysis.
based on the real network we created simulation model of
downlink of 10G-PON based FTTH with triple-play service. II. OVERVIEW ON TECHNOLOGY DESCRIPTION
PON represents the optical distribution network (ODN)
Keywords—10G-PON, FTTH, OptSim, OTDR, passive optical
between optical line terminal (OLT) and optical network units
(ONUs) and does not contain any active electronic devices but
instead uses connectors and optical splitters to direct the signals
I. INTRODUCTION of individual wavelengths to end users. Optical splitters can
Optical networks have grown rapidly in past few years. The share network transmission capacity for up to 256 end-users in
Internet has produced high demands for broadband services. uplink and downlink data streams. A disadvantage over active
This led to the extensive growth of IP (Internet Protocol) data optical networks (AON) is that PON networks only share
transmission which means that service providers had to upgrade (divide) the given optical signal without any intervention or
their existing networks. At present, we are seeing ever- modification. The term "intervention" or "modification" means
increasing demands on data transmission, whether via cable signal amplification using optical amplifiers, or signal
lines or wireless transmission. One of the most important events regeneration by optical repeaters. These components are listed
in telecommunications was the introduction of optics into the as active. Theoretically, an optical signal in PON networks can
data transmission concept. Optics have brought a new and more only be propagated within 20 km, while AON networks can
promising way of communicating, increasing the amount of cover a distance of approximately 100 km. This means that with
data transmitted, increasing transmission speed, providing AON networks, end users may be further away from the signal
faster, better quality and scalable services that are accessible to source [3-5].
a large number of end users. Compared to a metallic conductor Most of the recently deployed PONs in Europe are based on
cable optical fiber has several advantages, including larger Gigabit PON (GPON) standardized by G.984 recommendation
bandwidth, greater security of data transmission, smaller by ITU-T. The latest generation of broadband passive optical
operating dimensions, and hence smaller weight and one of the access standard G.984.7 was ratified in 2010. Within the GPON
most important advantages is ability to transmit information technology, we can reach up to 2.488 Gbps in the downstream
over long distances. Because of its versatility and almost direction at 1480 nm, the transmission speed in the upstream
unlimited bandwidth, optical fiber becomes an ideal transfer direction is around 1.244 Gbps at 1310 nm. GPON provides a
medium [1], [2]. full quality of service assurance (QoS), asynchronous transfer
Optical access network (OAN) is a network distribution mode (ATM) and the Gigabit-capable Passive Optical Network
infrastructure that mediates connectivity between the end user Encapsulation Method (GEM) [4]. The principle of the GEM
and the network (telecommunication service provider) through method is based on encapsulation of the data of characteristic
optical fiber. Until recently, fiber-optic technologies have been GPON frames. The result of data encapsulation is that the end-

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Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 11/1 (2018) 33-39

user can use provided services, such as IPTV (Internet Protocol Using optical time domain reflectometry (OTDR) we
Television), video on demand (VoD), Internet, voice or data obtained a backscatter curve at a logarithmic scale and a table
transmission [5]. with values corresponding to the events in this specific optical
Ethernet Passive Optical Network (E-PON) is a technology path. Optical distribution network (ODN) of PON network
based on the 802.3ah specification of the Institute of Electrical interconnecting Košice nad Lorinčík was tested using optical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE). EPON network is sometimes time domain reflectometry (OTDR) so that the real results can
used to be referred to as Ethernet in first mile fiber (EFMF). The be impleneted to the simulation model which is later described.
principle of EPON is based on this concept, so that Ethernet OTDR device used for this purpose was EXFO FTB-200. The
reflection curve of PON between Košice and Lorinčík is in
cable can be introduced to end users up to a maximum of 20 km
Fig. 2.
form the source. The transfer rate in symmetrical case in
practice is 1.25 Gbps. EPON is fully compatible with other One of the most important parameters of each optical
standards using Ethernet. Therefore, no conversion and network is attenuation on the optical path, which can be
encapsulation with the GEM method is required after characterized by the following well known relationship:
connecting to the EPON [3-5]. (1)
The 10 Gbps Passive Optical Network (10G-PON) is the = 10 ,
next-generation passive optical network technology. Today we
can choose from two possible configurations – asymmetric and
symmetric. Asymmetric configuration is standardized by IEEE where Pin is the input power and Pout is the output power [1]. The
802.3av (XGS-PON) and increases the data rate of EPON form attenuation rate expressed per unit length is determined as:
1.25 Gbps to 10 Gbps in downstream direction. Transmission 1 (2)
rate in upstream direction stays at 1.25 Gbps. In the symmetrical = 10 / ,
configuration, characterized by ITU-T G.987 (10-Gigabit-
capable passive optical network (XG-PON) systems),
transmission rate in downstream and upstream direction is Then, the power at the end of the optical path is expressed as:
10 Gbps. The configuration of XG-PON enables the
coexistence of 10G-PON and GPON using wavelength (3)
= 10 = 10 .
selective filters. The latest architecture developed for 10G-PON
is NG-PON2 (2015) which is capable of supporting multiple
channels with maximum of 40 Gbps data rate. Unfortunately, The overall attenuation on the optical path is determined by the
sum of the attenuations created on the fiber itself, connectors and
there is still debate on the best architecture to be deployed for
welds [1]. The attenuation budget of PON network between
10G-PON [3-6].
Košice and Lorinčík is following:
III. ANALYSIS OF PON IN THE CITY OF KOŠICE • Single Mode Fiber G.652.D – 0.3 dB/km,
The construction of the PON network connecting Košice and • SC/APC connectors – 0.3 dB,
Lorinčík was completed in 2008. The network connects the local • AWG (Arrayed Waveguide) – 4 dB,
Internet connection provider based in Košice on the Čárska • Optical Line Terminal (OLT) – maximum transmitting
Street and the city district Lorinčík. Later, based on the citizens' power – 5.5 dBm (3.55 mW),
initiative, the connection provider connected the city district on
• Optical Network Unit (ONU) – maximum transmitting
the optical network. During the first phase of construction, only
the local office in Lorinčík joined the optical network. In the next power – 8 dBm (0.16 mW).
stages of implementation of the PON network in this area, other
end-users joined the optical network. The geographical
distribution of the PON network is shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 2. The reflection curve of PON between Košice and Lorinčík

Fig. 1. The geographical distribution of PON Košice - Lorinčík

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Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 11/1 (2018) 33-39

Total optical fiber loss is 8.411 dB, with an average fiber designs, or testing optical communication systems before they
attenuation of 0.572 dB/km. The total length of the evaluated are implemented in practice. The downside is that OptSim does
singlemode optical fiber with a core diameter of 9 μm was not support measuring optical communication systems with
14.708 km, the evaluation time was 30 seconds and a test OTDR devices [6-9].
impulse width was 1 μs. The OTDR has recorded 14 sections Passive optical network (PON), as standardized by
(see figure 2.) that correspond to different types of phenomena. International Telecommunication Union (ITU), provides
The individual loss values in a given PON network and their broadband services to end users through the optical fiber access.
exact location are recorded in Table I. The major advantage of passive network over active one is the
lack of active network components which significantly reduce
TABLE I. THE REAL VALUES OF PON FORM OTDR the cost of the solution. PON architectures are mainly used in
Distance Loss Cumulation fiber to the home (FTTH) technologies. FTTH infrastructure
Section Type of phenomena
(km) (dB) (dB) can carry multiple services - plain old telephony service
Measurement start --- 0.000 (POTS), voice over IP (VoIP), video, data and telemetry data
1 0,000
SMF (0.531 km) 0.113 0.113
[1], [4].
Reflection -0.063 0.050
2 0.531
SMF (1.955 km) 0.230 0.279 The simulation model of 10G-PON FTTH system is shown
No reflection 0.192 0.472 in Fig. 3. The simulation model consists of three parts – central
3 1.726
SMF (0.467 km) 0.090 0.562 office (CO), optical distribution network (ODN) and optical
4 2.195
No reflection 0.048 0.610 network terminals (ONTs). Central office is located at
SMF (0.463 km) 0.100 0.710 provider’s site controlling the bidirectional flow of data across
Refelection 4.300 5.010
5 2.657
SMF (1.472 km) 0.308 5.318
the optical distribution network. Our central office contains two
No reflection 0.065 5.383 wavelength channels. The first channel, operating at 1480 nm,
6 4.129 provides 10 Gbps data stream. This channel corresponds to the
SMF (1.815 km) 0.396 5.779
7 5.945
No reflection 0.676 6.454 Internet and VoIP service. In this case, this channel uses NRZ-
SMF (0.527 km) 0.114 6.568 OOK modulation and transmitting power is set to -10dBm
No reflection 0.101 6.669
8 6.473 (0.1 mW). The second channel is there to simulate 10Gbps
SMF (4.510 km) 0.872 7.541
No reflection 0.083 7.624 video broadcasting. In PONs, cable television is often
9 10.983 broadcasted on 1550 nm wavelength. It is so in this case as well.
SMF (1.553 km) 0.268 7.892
10 12.536
No reflection 0.034 7.926 These two channels represent sought after triple-play service
SMF (0.793 km) 0.161 8.087 (Internet+VoIP+CATV). The two channels are then
No reflection 0.068 8.155 multiplexed and amplified via EDFA (Erbium Doped Fiber
11 13.329
SMF (0.541 km) 0.103 8.258
No reflection 0.053 8.312
Amplifier) to the desired level.
12 13.869 Optical distribution network (ODN) is based on the real
SMF (0.281 km) 0.055 8.367
Reflection -0.071 8.296 optical path between Košice and Lorinčík. The attenuation
13 14.151
SMF (0.557 km) 0.115 8.411 value of the real ODN is 8.411 dB (measured via OTDR). The
Fresnel's reflection attenuation of the simulated ODN is 9.832 dB which is
14 14.708 from the end of the --- 8.411
SMF approximately 1.4 dB more than the real ODN. The difference
is due to the presence of SC/APC optical connectors with an
The current PON between Košice and Lorinčík deploy E-PON insertion loss of 0.5 dB and that the OptSim does not support
(Ethernet PON) that delivers maximum 1 Gbps symmetrical optical line testing using the OTDR (when testing with OTDR,
bandwidth. According to the local provider, the network would there is a reflection from the OTDR’s connector which could
be sufficient to support G-PON and hypothetically 10G-PON. not be simulated in OptSim).
At the end of the ODN, there is a passive splitter that splits
IV. THE SIMULATION MODEL OF 10G-PON FTTH SYSTEM the signal to multiple optical network terminals (ONTs). ONT
OptSim, from the company RSoft, is a professional is placed directly at end users home (or office). The main
simulation software that is used for advanced simulation of fiber purpose of ONT is to provide optical connection to ODN. ONT
optic and wireless-optic communication systems. OptSim has supports various services including Ethernet rates T1 or E1
found its application not only in the industrial but also academic (1.544 or 2.048 Mbps) and E3 or DS3 (33.368 or 44.736 Mbps)
fields. OptSim enables the design and simulation of DWDM telephone connections, ATM interfaces (155 Mbps), 2.4 and
and CWDM systems using optical amplifiers. OptSim is also 5 Ghz WiFi, and digital and analog video formats. In our 10G-
used for passive and active fiber optic designs or for optical PON FTTH system we simulate only one ONT. Signals
networks designed for cable television networks. Simulation in received by ONT 1 are then analyzed and discussed in the
OptSim is based on block theory. This means that every following sections of this paper.
component in the network, respectively subnet or subsystem in The aim of the simulation is to provide the experimental
the network is represented by one block. The simulation runs results of the 10G-PON standard so that it can be applicable to
independently of blocks. Advantages of this program that we a specific network. Presented simulation model of 10G-PON
can include are – ability to import Matlab files, optimizing FTTH system provides only downlink simulation.

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Fig. 3. Simulation model of 10G-PON FTTH system

signal comes in count when distance, accumulated chromatic

V. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION dispersion and intersymbol interference start to increase. This
The simulation of 10G-PON based FTTH with triple play result in higher Q factor and lower BER. Exact implemtation of
service is divided into two parts. In the first part, we tested four CRZ-DPSK used in this simulation is following: the original
optical modulation techniques as shown in Fig. 4 – NRZ-OOK data are first encoded to form two complementary NRZ signals.
(Non-Return-to-Zero On-Off Keying), optical duobinary One signal stream is modulated by MZM. Output of this
modulation, two state NRZ-DPSK (Non-Return-to-Zero modulator is used as a carrier wave for optical phase modulator
Differential Phase Shift Keying) and two state CRZ-DPSK when modulating the second signal stream [11], [12]. Launch
(Chirp-Return-to-Zero-Differential Phase Shift Keying). The power is -10 dBm (0.1 mw) for all transmitter configurations.
emission frequency of CW laser is 1480 nm and output power
is -10 dBm (0.1 mW).
Signal waveform of NRZ-OOK transmitter is generated by
modulating NRZ shaped electrical signal by optical Mach-
Zehnder modulator (MZM) [7], [8].
In case of duobinary transmitter, randomly generated data
are split to two arms. Using logical NOT component, the logical
state of data is inverted in one of the two arms. Signals in both
arms are then driven through NRZ modulator driver and
modulated using optical dual-drive Mach-Zehnder modulator
(DDMZM) [10]. Theory wise, duobinary modulation provide
higher spectral efficiency than NRZ based modulation as well
as higher tolerance to chromatic dispersion. It uses R/2 Hz
bandwidth compared to NRZ-OOK, where R are number of bits
transmitted per second. In simple term, duobinary modulation
Fig. 4. Transmittres used for 1480 nm channel
can be described as an amplitude modulation in which the bit
stream is manipulated to reduce the bandwidth to overcome NRZ-OOK modulation is considered to be the industry
inter symbol interference. standard as far as fiber optical systems go. And yet the
NRZ-DPSK modulated signal is generated as a NRZ shaped simulation proves its superb performance. Input and output
electric signal modulated by optical phase modulator based on spectra of 10G-PON using different optical modulations on
electro-optic effect. The last transmitter is based on CRZ- Internet+VoIP signal stream (1480 nm (around 200 THz)) is on
DPSK. CRZ encoding technique comes form family of return Fig. 5. The second channel (1550 nm (193.40 THz)) remains
to zero encoding family. Typical for this encoding technique is the same using 16-QAM-OOK modulation.
that signal frequency of an optical carrier is changed and return
to zero is applied. The phase change induced by such a method
is 1.5 RAD. That leads to the wide optical spectra and thus
worse spectral efficiency. Implementation of CRZ requires
another optical modulator. CRZ provides increased
performance compared to NRZ. Qualities of CRZ encoded

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Then, Q factor can be calculated using following equation:

= (5)

In this equation, I1 and σ1 are mean values and variance output

by Gaussian pulse 1 and I0 and σ0 are mean values and variance
output by Gaussian pulse 0.
Eye diagrams of received signals of 1480 nm channel using
various optical modulations are illustrated in Fig. 6. Eyes of
NRZ-OOK and duobinary modulation are the most open which
predisposes low BER and high OSNR (Q factor) values. The
performance of NRZ-DPSK channel is a lot under excepted
BER value (1e-012) of modern optical communication systems.
Its value is 2.59e-003. This drawback is refined by CRZ-DPSK.
All values of BER and Q factor of 1480 nm channel using above
mentioned modulations are in Table III.

Fig. 5. Input and output optcal spectra of 10G-PON

We can see from the figure above and the Table II below,
the power level of NRZ-OOK and duobinary modulation (200
THz) is higher than NRZ-DPSK and CRZ-DPSK. NRZ-DPSK
modulation offers low signal level (-14.254 dBm) at the output
of the proposed ODN. This shortcoming has been removed by
implementation of chirped return to zero DPSK (-12.949 dBm).
The variation in input and output power is caused due to
modulation process. The power levels of input and output
spectra are in Table II.


Modulation Input Power Output Power
Level Level
7.001 dBm -11.955 dBm
0.501e01 mW 0.638e-01 mW
Fig. 6. Eye diagrams of 1480 nm channel for various optical modulations
7.006 dBm -10.658 dBm
0.502e01 mW 0.859e-01 mW The second part of simulation focuses on 1550 nm channel
which is used for broadcasting video (CATV). The
7.001 dBm -14.254 dBm configuration of braodcasting video channel is following: Bit
0.501e01 mW 0.375e-01 mW rate of randomly generated data is 10 Gbps, data are then
electricaly modulated by 16-QAM (16-Quadrature Amplitude
7.001 dBm -12.949 dBm Modulation) and in the second setup by 64-QAM. Rectangular
0.501e01 mW 0.507e-01 mW
constelation is considered in both cases. This type of
modulation is used also in the real IPTV systems. Electricaly
The end user performance was tested after opto-electronic modulated signal is then modulated to an optical carrier
conversion using eye diagram analyzers. By analyzing eye (1550 nm) using MZM. The BER and Q factor performance is
diagram display we can extract various parameters. Generally, recorded in Table III. We can see that 16-QAM OOK and 64-
thicker the lines are, bigger the BER (bit error rate) and smaller QAM OOK have very similar values of BER and Q-factor and
OSNR (optical signal to noise ratio). OSNR is often expressed they both record the values above the limit of aceptance (BER
via Q factor. Q factor is a function of OSNR and it is in very – 1e-012, Q factor – 16.94 dB). This shows that even lower
close relation to BER: quality stream provides sufficient transmission quality over
relatively short distnce (14.708 km). Eye diagrams of received
1 1 (4)
= ≈ − , signals are in Fig. 7.
2 √2 √2 2

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Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 11/1 (2018) 33-39

TABLE III. BER AND Q FACTOR VALUES FOR DIFFERENT OPTICAL for EPON can easily support next generation PON technologies
with high transmission rates as presented in our paper.
Service Modulation BER Q factor [dB]
Internet+VoIP NRZ-OOK 1.00e-040 34.642 ACKNOWLEDGMENT
(1480 nm) Duobinary 1.00e-040 33.327
NRZ-DPSK 2.59e-003 10.086
This work was supported by following research grants:
CRZ-DPSK 1.96e-016 18.189 KEGA 023TUKE-4/2017 and VEGA 1/0772/17.
Broadcast 16-QAM OOK
Video I 4.16e-020 19.345 REFERENCES
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In this paper we investigated 10G-PON FTTH system. The Tomáš HUSZANÍK (Ing.) received Ing. (MSc.) degree with
proposed simulation model is based on the real optical honors from multimedia communication in
distribution network in the city of Košice. This paper presents 2017 at Department of Electronics and
the possibility of conversion of EPON to 10G-PON. In the Multimedia Communications, Faculty of
simulation we tested various modulation techniques that can be Electrical Engineering and Informatics of
used in 10G-PON. Internet+VoIP channel (1480 nm) shows the Technical University of Košice. Since
best performance using NRZ-OOK and duobinary modulations. September 2017 he has been at Technical
Differential phase shift keying does not show convincing University of Košice as PhD. student. His
performance reaching exceptionally high probability of error. research interest is mainly focused on all
However, the weak performance of NRZ-DPSK can be optical fiber networks and mitigation and degradation
improved by implementation of CRZ-DSPK. The second mechanisms in all optical WDM systems.
channel (1550 nm – video broadcast) shows great performance
independently form the modulation technique. The simulation
results show that optical distribution network originally build

ISSN 1844 – 9689 38 https://www.degruyter.com/view/j/cjece

Carpathian Journal of Electronic and Computer Engineering 11/1 (2018) 33-39

Ján TURÁN (Dr.h.c., prof., RNDr., Ing., DrSc.) received Ing. Ľuboš OVSENÍK (doc., Ing., PhD.) received Ing. (MSc.)
(MSc.) degree in physical engineering with degree in radioelectronics from the
honours from the Czech Technical University of Technology, Košice, in 1990.
University, Prague, Czech Republic, in He received PhD. degree in electronics
1974, and RNDr. (MSc.) degree in from University of Technology, Košice,
experimental physics with honours from Slovakia, in 2002. Since February 1997, he
Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, has been at the University of Technology,
in 1980. He received a CSc. (PhD.) and Košice as Associate Professor for
DrSc. degrees in radioelectronics from electronics and information technology.
University of Technology, Košice, Slovakia, in 1983, and 1992, His general research interests include optoelectronic, digital
respectively. Since March 1979, he has been at the University signal processing, photonics, fiber optic communications and
of Technology, Košice as Professor for electronics and fiber optic sensors.
information technology. His research interests include digital
signal processing and fiber optics, communication and sensing.

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