CVS 4150 & 4160 Pressure Controller July 2012

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Instruction Manual

CVS 4150 and

4160 Pressure
CVS 4150 and 4160 controllers are designed to
provide years of reliable and accurate service.

These instructions cover maintenance, adjustment,

and changes in mode of control.

These instructions are intended for the controllers in

general. Any instructions that apply to specific The valve should be positioned on the line so the
controllers will be indicated by model number in the flow direction indicator corresponds to the direction
instruction. of the flow of the pipeline.

Model numbers are stamped on the nameplate If the body is flanged, the bolts should be tightened
located inside the cover of the controller (Key 29, up evenly to reduce risk of damage to the valve body
Figure 4). and the flange.

Controllers A good quality thread lubricating compound should

be used on all male connections if the body has
Inspect the controllers for shipping damage and screwed connections.
foreign debris when uncrating.

Valve Control Line Connectors

Ensure the pipeline is free of welding slag, chips and The connections should be made in an area of the
other debris by blowing out the line prior to pipeline that is free of bends and elbows. Piping
installation. connections should be made with 1/4” or 3/8” pipe or
It is recommended that a strainer be installed up
stream of the valve to protect the valve from foreign Tap the pipeline as close to the valve body as
debris in the line. CVS recommends a standard possible allowing for these limiting factors.
three-valve maintenance bypass be installed. This
allows isolation of the control valve without shutting 1. The tap area should be an area that is free from
down the pipeline system. abnormal velocities.
2. The ideal distance away from the body should be
10 x the pipeline diameter.

Head Office Calgary Sales Office

3900 – 101 Street 3516 114 Avenue SE
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5 Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (780) 437-3055 Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (780) 436-5461 Fax: (403) 291-9487

Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

Control Line Connectors cont’d Range Output
The control pressure line is run from the tapped hole
in the side or the back of the case to the main 3-15 psi 8-10 psi
pipeline. 6-30 psi 16-20 psi

Install a lock shield needle valve in the control line to

Proportional-Reset Controllers
slow down the controlled pressure or to dampen out
1. The reset dial should be set to maximum.
any pulsations. While the control valve is operational,
2. The air supply should be connected to Bellofram
the needle valve must never be entirely closed.
Type 50 filter regulator.
3. Zero the pressure setting dial and proportioned
An air vent is provided on all controllers and works
setting dial.
well when air is used as the operating medium.
4. There should be no pressure sent to the
When gas is used the vent can be removed, this
measuring element.
allows for an additional 1/4” NPT connection for gas
5. For direct or reverse acting controllers the range
to be piped away.
and output should be as follows.

Operation Range Output

Although the output for these controllers are set prior 3-15 psi 8-10 psi
to shipping, upon arrival the following items should
be checked. 6-30 psi 16-20 psi

Bellofram Type 50 Filter Regulator Start Up

Bellofram Type 50 Filter Regulator is a self- Proportional Controllers
contained filter regulator designed to deliver air or 1. The air supply should be connected to Bellofram
gas to the pilot at a constant pressure. The Type 50 filter regulator.
Bellofram Type 50 is designed to handle inlet 2. Connect the control pressure line and open the
pressures up to 250 psi The CVS Series 4150/4160 lock shield needle valve.
delivers an outlet pressure of 3 - 15 psi when the 3. Ensure all piping and connections are free from
regulator is set to 20 and it will deliver 6-30 psi leaks.
output when the regulator is set to 35 psi. 4. Set the pressure to the desired control point.
5. Proportional band should be set at 15% of the
The filter component ensures that operation is clean bandwidth.
and dry. 6. Open the manual control valves that are
upstream and downstream, at the same time
The relief valve is geared to open when the pressure close the by-pass valves.
is reduced to 1 psi above the regulator set point. 7. Set the controller near the desired control point.
When it reaches that point, begin to broaden the
Releasing the lock nut and adjusting the adjusting proportional band. Broaden the band as little as
screw located on the top of the regulator can reduce possible. The narrowest band that will not result
pressure setting for the regulator. in cycling provides the best control. This band
adjustment will affect the zero. Re-zero the unit.
Proportional Controllers 8. Test the bandwidth by changing the pressure
Most of the proportional controls will be used in setting adjustment for a moment. If this causes
applications that require a band set to approximately cycling, then broaden the proportional band and
15%. The following steps are used to test this test again. This procedure is to be repeated until
setting. stability is reached.

1. The air supply should be connected to Bellofram Proportional-Reset Controllers

Type 50 filter regulator.
2. Zero the pressure setting dial. 1. The air supply should be connected to Bellofram
3. Set the proportional band adjustment to 15% Type 50 filter regulator.
4. There should be no pressure sent to the 2. Connect the control pressure line and open the
measuring element. lock shield needle valve.
5. For direct or reverse acting controllers the range 3. Ensure all piping and connections are free from
and output should be set as follows. leaks.
4. Set pressure to the desired control point.

Proportional-Reset Controllers cont’d
5. Proportional band should be set at 100% of
6. Maximize the setting on the reset dial.
7. Open the manual control valves that are
upstream and downstream, at the same time
close by-pass valves.
8. Set the controller near the desired control point.
When it reaches that point, begin to narrow the
proportional band until a cycling condition exists.
Broaden the band slightly until a stable condition
is reached. There is no need to reset the zero in
controllers that have reset.
9. Try to obtain the fastest reset time without Figure 1: Pressure Connections for
introducing cycling control carefully by adjusting Proportional Controller
the reset rate.
10. Test the bandwidth and the reset rate by
changing the pressure setting adjustment for a
moment. If this causes cycling, then broaden the
proportional band and test again. This
procedure is to be repeated until stability is

The goal for the controller setting is to have the

narrowest proportional band and the fastest reset
rate that will not cause cycling.

Changing Controller Action

One advantage of the CVS 4150/4160 is the ease at
which you can change from one mode of control to Figure 2: Pressure Connections for
another. There is a connection for both direct and Proportional-Reset Controller
reverse action in all modes of control. There is also a
screw (key 5, figure 6) provided to plug the hole
opposite of the nozzle. It will be necessary to follow
INITIAL SETTINGS after any change in mode of
Reset Rate Adjustment
By definition the reset rate is the number of
minutes that it takes to adjust the controller to
Adjustments adjust the output pressure up or down by the
same amount of proportional change output
Proportional Band Width Adjustments caused by the process change.
The proportional band width adjustment determines
the change in control pressure required to cause the The reset rate is calibrated in minute per
control valve to travel full open or full closed. repeat.

Example: with the proportional band set @ 1 Pressure Setting Adjustment

(10%), using a Bourdon tube of 0-1000 psi that is The CVS 4150 and 4160 come with calibrated
set @ 500 psi on the pressure dial. The full set point adjustment. The dial is calibrated for
travel of the valve would occur between 450 psi pressure ratings of the measurement element.
(3 psi output) and 550 psi (15 psi output) to try to If start up instructions are followed, the
maintain the set point. pressure setting dial is correct for any settings
on proportional-reset controllers.
Using this theory, an input pressure of 500 would
give you an output pressure of 9 psi. The greater the
proportional band setting is the slower the reaction.

If there is a decrease in control pressure the above
CVS Type 4150 Pressure mentioned steps will proceed in reverse. The control
Controller pressure will bleed out through the exhaust vent (J).
The theory of operation can be broken down into Please note that the changes in pressure are
steps. Refer to the schematic diagram figure 3. continuous in nature. The process has been
explained in steps for ease of explanation.
I. The pressure first enters the Bourdon tube. As
the pressure increases the Bourdon tube As seen in the figure 3, schematic illustration of Type
straightens causing the beam (B) attached to the 4150, the output pressure from relay chamber (H)
end of the Bourdon tube to move closer to goes to both the proportional band adjustment relay
nozzle (C). three-way valve (K) and the control valve diaphragm.
2. Closing the nozzle (C) will cause a build up of The amount of feedback to the proportional bellows
pressure in chamber (D) from the constant air or (I) can be adjusted by adjusting the orifice. If valve
gas supply through the orifice (E). (K) is fully open, then the total of the diaphragm
3. The resulting pressure built up in chamber (D) pressure is sent to the bellows chamber (I).
cause the diaphragm (F) to push up and open
valve (G). This causes the beam (B) to move away from nozzle
4. An open Valve (G) will cause the constant air or (C) allowing the pressure to be released from
gas supply to flow into chamber (H). chamber (D). The result of this is 100% proportional
5. The build up of pressure in chamber (H) causes band based on the rating of the Bourdon tube.
diaphragm (F) to be pushed back to its original Closing the three-way valve (K) will result in a
position and therefore closes valve (G). lowering of proportional band response. The
6. The increase in pressure in chamber (H) sends proportional band would be approximately 3% when
the supply pressure to flow to the diaphragm of fully closed.
the control valve causing the control valve to
start to close.
7. At the same time, the pressure flows through the
three-way valve (K) causing an increase in
pressure in bellows (I).
8. The increase in the pressure bellows (I) cause
the beam (B) to move away from nozzle (C). As
a result there will no longer be a build up of
pressure in (D). The control valve is now at the
desired pressure setting.

Figure 3: Schematic Illustration of CVS Schematic Illustration of

Type 4150 CVS Type 4150
Proportional Controller Proportional-Reset Controller

CVS Series 4150/4160 Bourdon Tubes can be
CVS Type 4160 Pressure replaced. They may be replaced due to changes in
Controller pressure regulations or for maintenance.
The operation of CVS Type 4160 - proportional-reset
Replacing Bourdon Tube
controller, is the same as the CVS Type 4150 with
the addition of a reset rate adjustment (L). Follow (Refer to figure 6)
steps 1-6 from operation of the CVS 4150 then
proceed with the following: 1. Detach the connecting link and bearing (Key 37)
from the beam.
1. In step No. 7, for the CVS 4160 the pressure will 2. Unscrew the two fixing screws (Key 8) holding
flow through the three-way valve (K), to reset the tube. Detach tube from the sub-assembly.
valve (M) where a portion of pressure will be 3. Replace the Bourdon tube by removing the
diverted to the bellows (O). connecting link and bearing from the existing
2. The pressure will be built up in bellows (O) tube. Attach the connecting link and bearing on
pushing beam (B) to nozzle (C) and therefore the new Bourdon tube.
increased pressure to valve and to bellows (I). 4. Zero the pressure dial.
This process will continue until control pressure 5. Install the Bourdon tube in the sub-assembly.
is equal to the set point. Reconnect the connecting link and bearing to the
3. The proportional bandwidth determines how beam.
much the pressure will deviate from the set point. 6. Ensure that the tube is in a horizontal position
The reset determines the amount of time the and that there is tension in the connecting link.
deviation is away from the set point. The tension can be adjusted by bending the
cross springs (Key 28).
7. Adjust and calibrate for start-up.
Two steps should be carried out in regular scheduled
maintenance. A cleaner button allows you to clean Replacing Bellows
the passages in the relay orifice. This button should (Refer to figure 6)
be pushed regularly. The second step is using the
drain cock that is located on the underside of the drip 1. Detach sub-assembly from controller.
well in the Type 50 filter. This drip well, should be 2. Remove the connecting link and bearing (Key
allowed to bleed off to atmosphere to prevent 37) from the beam.
moisture from contaminating the controller. 3. Remove the bellows unit from the frame (Key 16)
4. Install the bellows in the control assembly. Begin
Troubleshooting by ensuring that the beam is horizontal and with
the pressure setting dial at zero. Then attach the
The following is a list of suggestions on where to
connecting link and the bearing link to bellows
start troubleshooting particularly immediately after
and beam. Ensure that there is tension on the
connecting link. Tension can be added by
bending the cross springs (Key 28).
1. The control valve continually cycling or hunting.
5. Adjust and calibrate for start up.
1.1. The constant cycling of a controller can
occur if the reset rate is set too fast or the
band setting is set too narrow. Calibration of Controllers
1.2. Ensure that the controller valve plug is not 1. Move the calibration adjuster (Key 30, Figure 6)
sticking. to the right or the left.
1.3. A control valve always operating near its 2. Repeat the nozzle adjustment and step 5 for
seat will indicate an oversized control valve. proportional controller or step 6 for proportional-
reset controller.
2. Incomplete Pressure Change on the Diaphragm. 3. To release the calibration adjuster, loosen the
2.1. Ensure an accurate reading is being two screws, above and below the beam, to the
displayed from the diaphragm pressure left of the nozzle.
2.2. Verify that lines and connections are free
from leaks.

Calibrate Zero on Proportional
Note 1 - These steps are to be used if the zero
Controllers setting pressure or output range is not obtained
1. Depending on the controller type the supply when maximum pressure is applied to the
pressure will be 20 or 35 psi. Attach a suitable measuring element.
pressure gauge to the output pressure. 1. Move the calibration adjuster (Key 30, Figure
2. Connect the pressure source to the pressure 6) to the right or the left.
block and set the proportional bandwidth to 15% 2. Repeat the nozzle adjustment and Step 5 for
(1.5). proportional controller, or Step 6 for
3. Zero the pressure setting dial. proportional-reset controller.
4. Raise or lower the nozzle (Key 34, Figure 6) to 3. To release the calibration adjuster, loosen
get the desired setting of zero as per chart two screws, above and below the beam, to
below. Nylon insert will hold the nozzle in place. the left of the nozzle.
5. Allow maximum pressure to the measuring
element. Set the pressure dial to maximum.
Output pressure should comply with the zero
setting column in the following table, if not go to
Note 1.
Control Output Supply Zero
Control Output Supply Zero Action Range Pressure Setting
Action Range Pressure Setting Direct 3-15 psi 20 psi 8-10 psi
Direct 3-15 psi 20 psi 8-10 psi
Direct 6-30 psi 35 psi 16-20 psi
Direct 6-30 psi 35 psi 16-20 psi
Reverse 15-3 psi 20 psi 8-10 psi
Reverse 15-3 psi 20 psi 8-10 psi
Reverse 30-6 psi 35 psi 16-20 psi
Reverse 30-6 psi 35 psi 16-20 psi

Calibrate Zero on Proportional –Reset Changing of Controller Output

1. Depending on the controller type the supply Controllers having an output range of 3-15 psi, can
pressure will be 20 or 35 psi. Attach a suitable be converted to having an output range of 6-30 psi.
pressure gauge to the output pressure. This can be done by changing the two color coded
2. Connect the pressure source to pressure block control bellows. The green bellows is for 3-15 range,
and set the proportional bandwidth to zero. and yellow bellows for 6-30 psi range.
3. Set the reset dial to .005 minutes per repeat.
4. Zero the pressure setting dial. When the pressure range is changed, it is necessary
5. Raise or lower the nozzle (Key 34, Figure 6) to to change the pressure gauges. This can be
get the desired setting of zero as per chart completed by unscrewing the old pressure gauges
below. Nylon insert will hold the nozzle in place. from their boss and screwing in the new gauges.
6. Allowing maximum pressure to the measuring
element. Set the pressure dial to maximum.
Output pressure should comply with the zero
setting column in the following table, if not go to
Note 1.

Dimensional Data

Dimensional Data

Figure 4: CVS Type 4150 Proportional Pressure Controller with Bourdon Tube Measuring Element

Parts Reference

Figure 5: Partial view of Type CVS 4160

Pressure Controller
Showing the Reset Valve and the
Arrangement of Tubing

Controller Main Assembly (Refer to Figures 4 and 5)

1 CVS1H2889 Spring Washer Steel Cd. Pl 22 CVS3H2885 Relay Base Zinc
2 CVS1H2891 Groove Pin Aluminum 23 CVS1H5269 Screw, 17 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl
3 CVS1H2886 Cover Latch Steel Cd. Pl 24 CVS4H2684 Cover Aluminum
CVS1H2712 Output Pres. Gauge 30 psi. Sub-Assy
4 25* CVS1J24075 Cover Gasket Sponge Rubber
CVS1H3048 Output Pres. Gauge 60 psi Sub-Assy
CVS1H2753 Compensator Tubing Assy Copper
CVS1H6864 Compensator Tubing Assy 304 SST
5* 26 CVS4H2699 Case Aluminum
CVS1H2966 Reset Tubing Assy Copper
CVS1H6866 Reset Tubing Assy 304 SST
CVS1C8974 Relay Gasket Neoprene
6 CVS367X3 Proportional Band Adj. Assy Sub-Assy 27*
CVS1N8738 Relay Gasket, Hi-Temp Silicone Rubber
7 CVS1H2890 Groove Pin Aluminum 28 CVS1C9419 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl
8 CVS1C8937 Screen and Elbow Assy Sub-Assy 29 CVS1H2702 Instruction Plate Aluminum/SST
9* CVS1C3286 Cont. Pres. Block Gasket Neoprene 30 CVS1H2888 Roll Pin, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl
Cont. Tubing Assy, 4150,
CVS1H3013 4160 Copper
CVS1H2887 Relay Base Gasket Neoprene CVS1H4528 Cont. Tubing Assy. Copper
10* 31*
CVS1N8737 Relay Base Gasket Hi-Temp Si Rubber CVS1H3011 Cont. Tubing Assy, 4150, 304 SST
CVS1H4526 4160 304 SST
Cont. Tubing Assy.
Cont. Sub-Assy. 4150, 4160
CVSML536X Sub-Assy.
11* CVS0T0191 Glass Gasket, 2 Req’d Neoprene 32 Cont. Sub-Assy.
CVSML536XH Sub-Assy.
Hi-Temp, 4150, 4160
12 CVS1A4658 Retaining Ring, 2 Req’d Galv, Steel Cd. Pl. 33 CVS1A3321 Screw, 6 Req’d Steel Cd Pl
CVS536X61 Reset Valve
13 CVS1A5120 Screw, 8 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 34
CVS536X15 Reset Valve, Hi-Temp
CVS1H2755 Compensator Tubing Assy. Copper
14* CVS0T0192 Gauge Glass, 2 Req’d Acrylic 35*
CVS1H6870 Compensator Tubing Assy. 304 SST
CVS1H2757 Conpensator Tubing Assy. Copper
15* CVS1C3762 O-Ring Buna-N 36*
CVS1H6870 Compensator Tubing Assy. 304 SST
16 CVS1C2256 Lockwasher, 4 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 37 CVS1H5271 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl
17 CVS1C3333 Screw, 4 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 38 CVS1H5270 Screw, 4160 Steel Cd. Pl
CVS1H2698 Cont. Pres. Block Steel CVS1A7675 Pipe Plug Steel
18 39
CVS1H2895 Cont Pres. Block 316 SST CVS1A7675 Pipe Plug 316 SST
CVS1H3435 Supply Pres. Gauge 0-30 psi Sub-Assy
CVS1H3436 Supply Pres. Gauge 0-60 psi Sub-Assy
CVS1H2759 Relay Tubing Assy Copper
CVS1H6861 Relay Tubing Assy 304 SST * Recommended Spare Parts
CVS536X47 Pilot Relay
CVS536X84 Pilot Relay Hi-Temp

Parts Reference

Figure 6 Controller Sub-Assembly for

Bourdon Tube Controllers
CVS Type 4150 and 4160

Controller Sub Assembly (Refer to Figure 6)

1 CVS1C8969 Screw, 4 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 32* CVS1H2664 O-Ring, 3 Req’d Viton
2 CVS1B2751 Screw Steel Cd. Pl 33 CVS16A0976 Nylon Insert Nylon
3 CVS1C8990 Screw, 4 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 34* CVS1U6391 Nozzle 316 SS
4 CVS1A5733 Screw, 8 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 35 CVS1H2668 Beam Steel
5* CVS1H2674 Screw Steel Cd. Pl 36* CVS1H2669 Flapper Spring Steel
6* CVS1H2673 Screw Steel Cd. Pl 37 CVS1L3796 Connecting Link 316 SS
7 CVS1H2676 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 38 CVS1C8977 Flexure Strip Base Steel, Cd Pl
8 CVS1H2677 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 39 CVS1C8978 Flexure Base Spring Steel
9* CVS1H2678 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl 40 CVS1C8975 Flexure Strip Nut, 2 Req’d Steel, Cd Pl
10* CVS1B2776 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl CVS 1R8729 Bourdon Tube, 0-30 psi
11* CVS1A3319 Screw, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl CVS 1R8730 Bourdon Tube, 0-60 psi
12 CVS1E8730 Washer, 2 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl. CVS 1R8731 Bourdon Tube, 0-100 psi

13 CVS1H2671 Washer, 4 Req’d Steel Cd. Pl CVS 1R8732 Bourdon Tube, 0-200 psi

14* CVS1H2672 Washer, 4 Req’d Acrylic CVS1R8733 Bourdon Tube, 0-300 psi

CVS1H2655 Bellows Assy. 3-15 psi, 2 Req’d CVS1R8734 Bourdon Tube, 0-600 psi
15* 41* 316 SS
CVS1H2680 Bellows Assy. 6-30 psi, 2 Req’d CVS1R8735 Bourdon Tube, 0-1000 psi

16 CVS1H2653 Bellows Frame Aluminum CVS1R8736 Bourdon Tube, 0-1500 psi

CVS1H2654 Bellows Frame Gasket Neoprene CVS1R8737 Bourdon Tube, 0-3000 psi
CVS1N8735 Bellows Frame Gasket, Hi-Temp Si Rubber CVS1R8738 Bourdon Tube, 0-5000 psi
18 CVS1D3976 Bellows Screw, 2 Req’d 18-8 SST CVS2H2883 Bourdon Tube, 0-8000 psi
CVS1D3970 Bellows Gasket, 2 Req’d Neoprene CVS2H2884 Bourdon Tube, 0-10000 psi
CVS1N8736 Bellows Frame Gasket, 2 Req’d Si Rubber CVS2H6785 Bourdon Tube, 0-15000 psi
20 CVS1H2658 Bellows Stud 18-8 SST CVS1H3044 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-30 psi
CVS1E2226 O-Ring Buna-N CVS1H3034 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-60 psi
CVS1N8387 O-Ring, Hi-Temp Viton CVS1H3035 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-100 psi
22 CVS1H2650 Bourdon Tube Mounting Bracket Aluminum CVS1J5237 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-200 psi
23 CVS2H2651 Mounting Plate Steel CVS1H3036 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-300 psi
CVS536X4 Pressure Adj. Assy. CVS1H3037 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-600 psi
CVS536X8 Zero Adj. Assy. 42 CVS1H3038 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-1000 psi Aluminum
25 CVS1H2652 Adj. Spacer 2 Req’d Steel CVS1H3039 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-1500 psi
26 CVS1J4234 Rotary Shaft Spring 302 SS CVS1H3040 Press. Adj. Dial, 0-3000 psi
27 CVS1H2659 Spacer Zinc CVS1H3041 Press. Adj. Dial. 0-5000 psi
28 CVS1H2660 Cross Spring, 2 Req’d 304 SS CVS1H3042 Press. Adj. Dial. 0-8000 psi
29 CVS1H2661 Pressure Set Arm Steel CVS1H3043 Press. Adj. Dial. 0-10000 psi
30 CVS2H2662 Calibration Adj. Zinc CVS1H6898 Press. Adj. Dial. 0-15000 psi
31 CVS1U6392 Reversing Block Assy. * Recommended Spare Part

Parts Reference
Pilot Relay Assembly
1 CVS1A3319 Screw, 4 Req’d Steel
2 CVS1H2697 Spring Plate Steel

Spring Plate Gasket,

CVS1H2696 Neoprene
Temp. To 150°F
Spring Plate Gasket,
CVS1K7000 Sil. Rubber
Temp. To 150°F-250°F

4 CVS0X0836 Valve Plug Spring Inconel

5* CVS1C8961 Relay Spring Inconel
CVS0Y0617 316 SS
6* Valve Plug
CVS0Y0617B Brass
CVS1C9370 Dia. Assy. Temp To 150°F
7 Sub Assy.
CVS1K6996 Dia. Assy. Temp 150°-250°F
8 CVS1L5556 Top Dia., Temp 150°F Buna-N
CVS1C8969 Screw Temp to 150°F 6 Req’d
9* Steel
CVS1A3294 Screw 150°F-250°F 6 Req’d
10* CVS1D6875 O-Ring Syn. Rubber
11* CVS1H8266 Restriction Plug Orifice Assy. Sub Assy.
12 CVS1E2303 Core & Wire Assy. Sub Assy.
13 CVS2H2693 Relay Body Zinc
14* CVS2K4404 Spacer Ring Zinc
15* CVS1C9369 Diaphragm Case Assy Sub Assy.
Bottom Gasket (Not Shown)
16 Temp. 150°F-250°F Sil. Rubber
CVS1K7002 Top Gasket, Temp 150°-250°F
17 CVS1P8261 Washer, 6 Req’d (Not Shown) Steel
* Recommended Spare Part

Figure 7: Exploded View of Pilot Relay

used in CVS Type 4150 and 4160

Supply Pressure Data

Maximum Allowable
Steady State Air Consumption SCFH of Air
Normal Operating Supply Pressure to
Output Signal Range at 60°F and 14.7PSIA (Normal M3/Hr of Air at
Supply Pressure (*) Prevent Internal
0°C and 1.01325 Bar)
Psig Bar Psig Bar Psig Bar MinA MaxB
3 to 15 or 0.2 to 1.0 or
20 1.4 50 3.4 4.2 (0.12) 27 (0.76)
0 & 20 (on-off) 0 & 20 (on-off)
6 to 30 or 0.4 to 2.0 or
35 2.4 50 3.4 7 (0.20) 42 (1.2)
0 & 30 (on-off) 0 & 2.4 (on-off)
* Stability and control may be compromised if pressure is exceeded.
A Proportional Band setting of 0-10
B Proportional Band setting of 5

Output Signal:
Air or Natural Gas*
*natural gas should contain no more than 20ppm of 3 to 15 psig (0.2 to 1.0 bar) or 6 to 30 psig (0.4 to
Hydrogen Sulphide 2.0 bar) pneumatic pressure signal.

Supply and Output Connections: Action:

1/4" NPT Female The control action is easily reversible from direct
acting (increasing sensed pressure produces
Supply Pressure: increasing output signal) to reverse acting
(increasing sensed pressure produces decreasing
-Normal operating pressure for 3 to 15 psig output output signal) without the need for additional parts.
signal range is 20 psig.
Proportional Band Adjustment:
-Normal operating pressure for 6 to 30 psig output
signal range is 35 psig. Full output pressure change is adjustable from 3 to
100% for a 3 to 15 psig (0.2 to 1.0 bar), or 6 to 100%
Operating Temperature Limits: for a 6 to 30 psig (0.4 to 2.0 bar) of the sensing
element range.
o o o o
-40 F to 200 F (-40 C to 93 C)*
*Standard Construction Reset Adjustment:

Operating Temperature Influence: Adjustable from 0.01 to 74 minutes per repeat

(100 to 0.01 repeats per minute)
-Proportional Control:
Output pressure changes ± 3% of sensing element
o o
range for each 50 F (28 C) change in temperature
o o o o
between -40 F and 160 F (-40 C and 71 C) if the
controller is set at 100% proportional band.

-Reset Control:
Output pressure changes ± 2% of sensing element
o o
range for each 50 F (28 C) change in temperature
o o o o
between -40 F and 160 F (-40 C and 71 C) if the
controller is set at 100% proportional band.


0.5% of sensing element range

0.1% of output span

-Frequency response at 100% proportional band:

Output to actuator: 0.7 Hz and 110 phase shift with
3 3
113 inches (1850 cm ) volume, actuator at mid
Output to positioner bellows: 9 Hz and 130 phase
shift with 3 -15 psig (0.2 to 1.0 bar) output to 2
3 3
inches (33cm ) bellows.

Head Office
3900 – 101 Street
Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6E 0A5
Office: (780) 437-3055
Fax: (780) 436-5461

Calgary Sales Office

3516 114 Avenue SE
Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2Z 3V6
Office: (403) 250-1416
Fax: (403) 291-9487

Website: E-Mail: [email protected]

Rev 1, July 2012


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