The Road To Glory
The Road To Glory
The Road To Glory
An Autobiography
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From eternity’s point of view, all our lives are but stories. Stories of our
successes and stories of our failures; stories with tears and stories with
laughter; stories of joy and stories of pain. But in the end there can and
should only be one story. The story of how our Lord Jesus Christ triumphed
though all our lives and succeeded in making us all conformed to His image
in Christlikeness (Romans 8:28, 29). His Story in us.
I have added on to this story since 19 March 2007 when the above was
written up to Chapters 8. Chapters 9 onwards have been written in 2014.
Aurlieus and James sensed that something had happened that morning.
When I told them what took place and how the Lord was calling me into the
ministry, they encouraged me to follow the Lord’s call. That was the middle
of 1975 and I was already doing some study courses in Singapore. When I
broke the news to my father later that day, he was very upset and angry. He
threatened to disown me and wanted to drive me out of the house. Not
knowing what else to do about my call, I consulted with the Baptist Church
pastor in Johor Bahru where I was attending. He and his wife, Agnes, were
one of the most gracious couples I have ever met. He took me under his
wings and guided me in applying for the Baptist Theological Seminary in
Penang. The months following were filled with many memorable times that
I spent with him as he encouraged me to play an active role in the youth
ministry. We had many meetings and the one that stood out in my mind was
an all-night of prayer that we organized in the premises of the Baptist
church. We prayed, we cried and there were times when the joy of the Lord
would fill us and we laughed out loud for joy. Not having much extra
clothes, one of the brothers gave me two new blue shirts used by factory
workers and Aurlieus took me to Singapore and bought me a pair of red
Over the next few days, I packed all my belongings into one little suitcase
and my father, who had calmed down by that time, drove me to the railway
station to send me off to Penang. I put on a brave face as I said good bye to
all the people who had come to see me off. As the train pulled away from
town, the tears flowed freely as I started on the journey of faith not knowing
what the future had in store for me. I had no promise of financial support
from anyone, nor had I ever been on my own before. At nineteen, I had
turned down a bright future in the secular world to follow a call that still
rings in my heart. I knew that Jesus was real and that if I ever had any need,
He would take care of me. All my worldly possessions were in the little
suitcase next to me.
Arrival in Penang
In the first year of my Seminary, I met two other students from East
Malaysia. They were Michael Duis and Annie Tuah. Something about their
lives and conversation drew me to them. They had a hunger for the Lord
especially for revival like me. We used to hang out together in fellowship
and prayers. Michael spoke of many of the visitations of the Lord in his life
and ministry before he came to Seminary. He was a powerful evangelist to
the Kadazan people and had experienced angelic visitations and miracles.
Annie was always prayerful and prophetic. One day when she was praying
for me, she cried and said that I was going to face much persecution. I
hungered for what they had and every day would spend a long time on my
knees crying for revival.
Salvation of Family
It was during one of the times of personal prayer that I found myself
speaking in a language that I did not understand. Not being a Pentecostal, I
did not know that it was the baptism in the Spirit. In the first year that I was
in Seminary, I was determined to seek the Lord with all my heart. That year
in 1976, I took on a forty day fast on bread and water. The lady who
prepared the meals for the students was so concerned for me that she asked
about my welfare when she saw me missing at the table. She thought that I
did not have enough money to pay for the food. Indeed, that first month
when all my money ran out, I trusted the Lord for the next month’s
payment. To my utter surprise, every month since I left home, it was my
father who faithfully sent me M$150 a month to cover my expenses. In spite
of all the scolding that I received from him for following the call of the
Lord, he still supported me financially. I used to cry every month when I
received the money order from him.
One day, I cried for hours saying to the Lord that my father was
supporting me when he did not know anything about Jesus Christ. I cried
because I wanted him to know the same Jesus whom I met. During one of
those times when I had cried and prayed for my father, I felt a deep peace
enter my heart. As I walked from the room to the choir practice in the music
room, I knew that my father would come to know Jesus. At the end of each
year, the Seminary choir would do a tour through various Baptist churches
in Malaysia and Singapore. When we were in Johor Bahru, my father
attended the choir presentation held at the premises of the Presbyterian
church. The choir continued a few more days in Singapore and when it
dispersed for the year end holidays, I returned home for a few weeks. I was
Subsequently, my mother also had a dream about heaven. She told me that
she was in a most beautiful place that was as beautiful as the dawn of the
morning. In it was a path with many trees. She said that the trees were so
beautiful and each leaf was particularly pretty. She was standing on the path
admiring the beauty of the leaves when she heard a voice that said that I had
gone through this path ahead of her. She knew then the reality of God and
became a committed believer in Jesus. My sister, Betty, also had an
experience of the Lord in her life sometime after I came to know the Lord. I
used to accompany my father to bring my sister to the Chinese medicine hall
to buy Chinese medicine for her because she experienced a lump in her
breast. One day, she saw in a dream a white knife come and cut her, and a
black substance was taken out from her. The next day, when she woke up,
her lump was gone. When the Lord also called her to the ministry, she
started in the Tamil Bible School and was a blessing there. When my
mother at first opposed her going to fulltime ministry, the Lord gave my
mother a dream. In the dream she saw me and my sister Betty. We were
both holding a piece of red cloth. My cloth was opened but Betty’s was not.
When my mother told me the dream, I explained to her that the Lord had
also called Betty to the ministry and that she needed to let her go. Her
unopened cloth meant that she had not yet followed the call. When my
mother heard that, she immediately stopped her opposition and consented to
let Betty go into fulltime ministry. One by one all my family members came
to know Jesus in answer to the prayers of both Betty and myself, the first
two who came to know Jesus in our family.
During the first year of ministry, I was actively travelling to a nearby town
for weekend ministry at the Bukit Mertajam Baptist Church. As always, I
called people to pray for revival for the church. A small group of us would
gather together after Sunday service to pray for revival. After some months,
the Lord started manifesting to some in the group. They were getting dreams
and visions. Some who opposed the meetings were told in a dream not to
oppose it as it was of the Lord. It was during these meetings that the
During some of these weekend travel times, I was very short of finances.
Once I had just enough money to travel there and did not have enough bus
fare to return. Yet by faith, I was determined to go on knowing that the Lord
would not fail anyone who trusted in Him completely, especially when one
is serving Him. I used to stay in one of the rooms at the side of the church
and was sitting down alone that day without any money for food. Just at that
moment, one of the church sisters brought in a huge Chinese steam bun. I
accepted it graciously and when she left, I fell on my knees and wept and
cried before the Lord, thankful for His provision. The next day, on Monday,
I was wondering how I was going to get back to Penang as I had no bus fare
and I did not want to tell anyone except the Lord. A brother came by on his
motorbike and said that he was going to Penang. He asked whether I would
like to go with him. I immediately gave thanks to the Lord and was taken all
the way back to the Seminary. Later when I shared the testimony of how the
Lord provided for me, word got back to the church and the committee in the
church decided to start giving me some regular offering which helped me in
my travel expenses to the church. At the peak of the revival prayer meetings
in the church, there was a decision made to stop the prayer meetings. When
the decision was made, I decided to also stop going to the church and started
looking for another place for ministry.
One of the senior students of the Seminary told me of the need for more
help in a northern town of Malaysia as he would soon graduate and leave for
East Malaysia where he was from. Towards the end of the first year and
during my second year in Seminary, I started travelling to Kangar every
weekend. It was a two hour bus ride with a change of bus in Sungei Patani
on Fridays. I always enjoyed the trip as the sun would usually be setting
when we were two thirds of the way there. The brilliant colours of the
setting sun against the silhouette of the rice fields and little hills were scenes
that stirred my heart in praises to God. In Perlis Baptist church, there was a
group of young people who were as hungry for the Lord as I was. Before
long, we were having prayer meetings for revival. Michael Duis also used to
join me for the weekend ministries to this church. We used to sit around the
table tennis table, which was also used as a normal table to serve food, and
On one of those nights, Michael was praying outside on the swing in front
of the church while the rest of us were fellowshipping around the table
tennis table. When he came in all of us saw a bright glow over his face. We
knew something supernatural had occurred and asked him about it. He told
us that he had seen a vision from the Lord. Another memorable incident was
when we were on holidays and spending it at the church premises. Michael
Duis, Choong Beng and myself were sleeping in one of the rooms upstairs
when I distinctly heard the voice of the Lord telling me to fast for three days
without food and water. When I came down in the morning, I told those
who were already sitting around the table tennis table having breakfast that I
was going to obey the Lord’s call to fast for three days without food and
water. When I told this to the group, Michael told me that he had an
impression to fast but did not do so. Choong Beng exclaimed that he also
heard the voice of the Lord to fast but when he came downstairs and saw the
Malaysian breakfast dish called “nasi lemak”, he just ate his delicious
breakfast. In the end, they all agreed that I should go on the fast and they
would all support me in prayer. This was my first experience of fasting three
days and three nights without food and water. The first day went without
incident and on the second day, although I felt weak, I had a vision of the
Lord at night.
I was taken to a wide plain between two mountains. There on the plain
was an enormous building under construction. Only the pillars and structure
of the building had been laid. The walls and other parts of the building were
not completed yet. Each of those pillars were the size of a six lane highway
with some bigger than that. It was a very tall building which seemed to
reach into the sky. I was placed at the foot of the building and looking up,
saw a group of people standing about halfway up on the building on one of
the huge pillars. They were all waving to me from above. I recognized some
of them. They were the previous generation Asian ministers whom God had
used mightily. I recognized two of them as John Sung and Watchman Nee.
When I came out of that vision, I did not fully understand what this vision
meant. I heard the voice of God speak and was told that the pillars are
pillars of prayer and that the building was the church with the two
mountains symbolising the first and second coming of Christ. Scriptures
from the gospel of John came to me when I came out from the vision:
It was nearly fifteen years later that I understood that in this vision, God
was calling me to continue to build and complete the work of others who
have gone before me, especially John Sung and Watchman Nee. The work
of completing the walls of the church belongs to all of us in this present
revival who are called to the fivefold ministry. On the third day of the fast,
when it was completed at the stroke of midnight, the sisters in the church
had prepared many sumptuous foods. However, I could not eat and told
them that the hunger for the Lord was still too strong, everyone wept and
cried and felt convicted. We had a great prayer meeting instead and had the
food in the morning.
Events of 1978
A small band of Christians from the local church continued to meet and
pray together with me in a rented house. Together, we formed the Alleluia
Christian Missions with a vision of establishing fivefold ministers who
would go to and fro in the land ministering to the body of Christ. By that
time I had met and known Amy for two years in the Seminary who, despite
pressure from the principal, stood with me and later became my wife in
1981. She asked God to show her whether I was the one for her and God
showed her a vision of thousands of people clothed in white gathering to
hear me. She knew then that God had called her to be my life partner and to
stand spiritually with me. During the period from 1978 to 1979, I started
learning about the principles of meditating on God’s Word through reading
out loud personalized Scriptures. I had a frightening vision of what my spirit
man looked like – it was skinny and without strength – and it shook me into
finding ways to strengthen my inner man. I was in a bit of a shock because
at that time I already had three years of theological training and yet my
spirit man was not really fed. And I was an extremely good student who did
well in all my academic theological studies. If that was my true spiritual
condition, then what would a Christian without the knowledge of the word
be like?
I took one whole year not reading anything except the Word of God. Most
days, I spent about 14 to 16 hours a day just reading the Bible and reading
out loud personalized Scriptures. The Word of God was my constant
thought from morning till night. One day about two thirds of the way into
this remarkable year of the Word, I felt something imparted into my mind. It
was like a light bulb had been turned on in my mind. Suddenly the written
On the first day of ministry there, God moved and many saw the word of
knowledge and the gift of healing operated by a young Malaysian preacher.
The presence of the Lord was there in the meetings. Hundreds of doors
opened after that. Very memorable were the times of ministry in the homes
of Dr Lim and Ang Chui Lai. The crowds of people overflowed to the
outside of their homes and the Spirit of the Lord moved mightily. People
were hungry for more ministry and each time I travelled down from Penang
for ministry I used to stay in the homes of Dr Peter Tong, Timothy Phua,
Ang Chui Lai and Dr Lim on different occasions. Dr Peter Tong, who was
the president of FGBMFI at that time, took a liking to me and he would take
It was around the early 1980s that opposition against teachings like the
Word of Faith by Kenneth Hagin was spreading throughout the world.
Although we had discovered the importance of meditation and the
confession of God’s Word on our own through our own spiritual
experiences, for some reason, because of the similarities of the emphasis on
the literal application of the Word of God to all aspects of life and ministry,
we became the forefront ministry that was bringing the Word of Faith to
Asia. The Assemblies of God denomination locally came out with a united
stand against the Word of Faith movement. Soon the FGBMFI would also
have to choose what their stand would be in relationship to the Word of
Faith movement. Mr Choo, the local Baptist church chairman in Penang,
had requested a meeting with the leaders of FGBMFI in regard to me.
Together all of us met at the Alleluia Christian Missions rented home and
although there were no grounds for accusations, it turned into a character
issue of differing personalities. Being young and only twenty-two years of
age at that time, I knew nothing better than to weep and cry. That night after
everyone left, the tears continued to flow like water. For the first time, I
experienced what it was like to weep for 24 hours. Soon after that, I was
told that the next Saturday, where I had a pre-arranged meeting at the
Abundant Life Centre, was to be my last meeting there. At the end of that
meeting and after everyone had left, I knelt at the altar and wept my heart
out. I did not realize that the cries were loud enough to attract the attention
of a young doctor who was there. I did not know how long it was that the
tears flowed like a steady river of water but when I had poured my heart out
to God in prayer, there was a pool of water formed by the tears at the place
where I knelt. When I got up, I saw the young doctor beside me and he, too
was in tears. He told me that when he heard my tearful prayers, he came and
knelt beside me and suddenly felt like a supernatural burden of prayer came
upon him. It was so strong that he was brought down to his knees and he
said that he had never in his life cried with such tears in prayer.
We took several months off from ministry in 1981 and my wife and I
travelled to the United States to visit various ministries: John Osteen,
Kenneth Hagin, etc. We were accompanied by Albert Antoni, who had been
touched by the ministry and had become one of the strong supporters of our
ministry. In Houston, we stayed in the guest mission quarters of Lakewood
Church arranged by the mission director of their church, William Dearman.
We went with the gardener of the church there for street witnessing. Of all
the churches that we visited in the United States of America, this was the
most friendly and warm church. The genuine love that John Osteen had for
people and for missions was flowing out strongly through all the members
of his church. We were very touched by the warmth and genuineness of the
people. We made an appointment to see Ps John Osteen and while there he
laid hands on us and prayed over us. I felt a pastoral anointing came upon
me from that day onwards and while in the mission quarters at the church
site, I had a vision to start a church.
At the peak of the ministry of The Word Centre in 1986, the Lord
appeared in a vision to me. It was in the morning of January 17th 1986. I was
seated on my favourite sofa chair upstairs in the rented house praying in
tongues for hours, which was my usual routine in the morning. About a
week before this, at the same place of prayer, I saw a vision of a principal
territorial demon and after rebuking it and seeing it flee, thought nothing of
it. On that morning, I was just deep in prayer and enjoying the presence of
the Lord when suddenly a bright light came and formed right in front of me.
I felt an extremely strong presence of the Lord and somehow my spirit
discerned that it was the Lord Jesus standing in front of me. Looking
towards the bright light standing in front of me, I stretched out my hand and
said to the Lord, “I am ready.” In my mind, I thought that the Lord was
going to take me for an experience in heaven, something that I had been
praying about for some years prior to that moment. The Lord smiled at me
and said that it was not time yet, instead He spoke to me about the anointing
of the Holy Spirit. It took me two more years to put some of the things He
said into my book, “The Anointing of the Holy Spirit.”
After the Lord left, I was in the Spirit most of the time and could hardly
go about my natural activities. I told no one about this and that night I could
not sleep because the Spirit of the Lord was heavy upon me. I sat at the edge
of the bed and continued praying and worshipping the Lord. I lost track of
time and did not know whether it was still night or early morning when I
saw a ball of light come into the room. It came and stood in front of me but
remained a ball of light. The presence of the Lord was there in the room
with me. Then I said, “Lord, I know that it is you. I love You, Lord.”
Immediately, the ball of light spread out into the words “Holiness unto the
Lord” and it moved closer to me. When it touched me on my forehead, I
was caught up in the Spirit.
It seemed as if I was suspended in space and looking down upon the earth.
As I looked over the surface of the earth, I felt a great surge of the love that
God had for the people on the earth. It was a deep pulsating love that took
over my entire being. It is very hard to describe what it felt like but I will
I long for closeness with God. God must be beyond all man’s definition.
The definition of God would only be a touch or a glimpse of who He really
is. But I do know that God wants me to know Him as a person even though
my small human mind might not understand all of Him.
I believe that all the healing ministries around the world up to this day
have as yet not really fully touched but the hem of God’s glory and power. I
would like, O God in Jesus Name, to walk with you the closest possible for
a man on this earth to do so.
I know God hears and sees my inner thoughts and will answer
Behind all the miracles we wrought in Jesus Name. Behind all the success
we receive in Christ’s ministry is the heart of love – the very heart of God. It
is all because He loves us; He loves and wants us well. He wants us to know
He loves us. He wants us to reach out to Him and return His love.
All that I am today was and is the result of what Christ has done and is
doing through this body. There is nothing at all which I have actually done.
There is in me a deep longing for God. No definition of God no matter
how close to Truth. No book or writing of any man of God can ever satisfy
this deep hunger for God. Only God Himself can satisfy this longing. Only
the personal manifestation of Jesus in all His glory of the Father can satisfy
this heart of mine. Only experiences satisfy the heart, knowledge only
creates more hunger for what knowledge itself points to.
The experience of God in man, with man is indefinable. It defies all our
explanation. No definition can satisfy the spiritual hunger of man for that
personal experience with God. For to experience Him is to know Him. I
cannot explain it but God’s working in man is in a mystery. There is glory
that cannot be explained but only to be experienced. It does something to a
man. We cannot pinpoint exactly what it does to a man but we can see the
results. We may try to explain it and try to pinpoint it but the fact that we
cannot show forth the same glory that emits from a man who has the touch
of God, is sufficient argument to prove that we haven’t pinpointed it – for if
we had, we should have it to show in experience.
God give me tears to cry for Your creation. Tears of compassion. Tears of
love. For I know that tears touch and proceed from the well springs of our
A broken contrite spirit, O Lord is what you use. Your glory dwells, O
Lord, upon a broken and contrite spirit. God does not use a person because
he is doctrinally perfect but because the person has love and compassion.
Lord, I have no tears of my own. Give me your tears to cry.
Teach me, O Lord, the infinite worth of a human soul. Teach me, O Lord,
the greatness of Your love. A love that breaks. Father God, Your heart was
broken when Jesus died for us. When Your only begotten Son was cut off
from You. When He cried for You and though You wanted to help, yet for
our sake, refrained because of us. Teach me, O Lord, the love that could
cause Jesus to give His life for me, to leave His throne in glory to come
among us sinful men. Teach me, O Lord, Your great love. Let me have it
according to Ephesians 3 and John 17. Let this same love that broke Your
heart, that broke Jesus heart, break mine, too. That I may remain ever a
broken, humble and contrite spirit before You. In Jesus Name I ask.
I thought of what Paul meant when he said that we are seated in heavenly
places in Christ Jesus. My spirit, soul and body are here so how am I seated
in heavenly places? As I pondered, God showed in Ephesians Chapter 1 that
Christ was risen above and He is our head and the church is His body and
the fullness of Him. In the sense that the body is related to the head, so am I
seated in heavenly places while my spirit, soul and my body are here. To
realize this blessing and authority that I have in Christ in heavenly places, I
only need to learn to let Christ be my head and learn to be His body. The
body does not decide, direct or initiate but only responds to what the head
There is a sense of being not of this world that one must develop in order
to develop one’s love for Jesus. We must come to the place where we have
no lover but Jesus. No one but Jesus. Jesus our lover and Him only.
Two weeks later in June 1986, we advertised in the papers and launched
our new church, Tabernacle of Glory, in the premises of a rented hotel. One
hundred and fifty people gathered together for our first meeting. Every week
the Spirit of the Lord moved and we saw many miracles and deliverances.
In one particular case, a demon possessed person literally leapt onto the
platform and when the demon was cast out, he accepted the Lord and
became a follower of Jesus. As the church grew we moved from using hotel
premises on Sundays to renting an abandoned warehouse on top of a car
service centre in 1988. We renovated the place to seat 1,200 people. In
1989, I published our second book, “The Anointing of the Holy Spirit”
followed by a whole series of teaching books. The tape ministry was also
expanding and we were selling books and tapes by the thousands. It was
unusual in those days for a local Asian ministry to have their own ministry
One of the highlights of that year was the coming of Benny Hinn to our
church. At that time, he had never been to Asia before and we especially
sent one of our Associate Pastors, Rustum Jeffrey, all the way to Orlando to
invite Benny Hinn over. He accepted and when he came to Malaysia, there
were thousands squeezed into the church premises and its overflow facilities
and thousands more who couldn’t get in. In 1989 and in 1990, we held
many Conferences and saw many international speakers come and go. Many
independent Charismatic churches were being established and we formed
the Fellowship of Charismatic Ministers (FCM) in order to encourage the
growth of local fivefold ministers. They came from all the various Asian
countries: Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, India and as far away
as Korea. The Lord was blessing in every way and the ministry income from
donations, books and tapes was as large as and sometimes larger than that of
our local church. For the first time, it would have been possible for us to go
to any local venue or convention hall in Asia and know that thousands of
people would turn up just to be blessed by a local Asian ministry.
Ministry in Singapore
My speaking schedule was booked two years ahead and many local
churches were calling for help. Every week I was travelling and speaking in
a different place while pastoring the local church in Kuala Lumpur. One of
those times was when I was already pre-scheduled to minister in the New
I had a private talk with Pastor Henry Yeo and we both came to agree that
he needed to stand aside for another more pulpit type of ministry to ensure
growth in the church. In order to mitigate this process with the utmost
sensitivity and respect, a position as Administrative Pastor was created for
him and Pastor Joseph Prince was appointed the new Senior Pastor of New
Creation church. All this was arranged and re-structured on the final day of
the church camp with the blessing and sending out of Pastor Ron and Pastor
Jedidiah to start their own church ministry. To this day, I highly commend
the humility and graciousness of Pastor Henry Yeo. There are not many
founders and Senior Pastors who are willing to step aside to make room for
another associate who carries the gift of the pulpit ministry. There was a
time when I was sitting next to Pastor Henry in a major Conference
overseas, and as we looked up towards the stage of a local church which had
just lost one of its leaders, that he turned to me and said, “I am so glad that I
stepped out away from something which I did not have the gift and
anointing for; and into something in the background which I am more gifted
in.” Such is the graciousness of that man. With the church re-structure,
Pastor Joseph Prince was able to take the church into a growth expansion
phase which continues today. I rejoice to see the new heights in which he
has taken both the church and his personal ministry.
I was actually praying for the Convention meeting that night and was
spending time worshipping and getting deeper into God. Going to the
Throne room or any other visitation was the least of my expectations. As I
was deep in worship, suddenly my spirit was caught up into the Throne
room. I saw the glory of God upon His throne brighter than a million suns,
yet it did not hurt my eyes. It seemed like the Throne was only a
manifestation of infinity because I could not see what was behind the
Throne of God. It was like clouds of highest glory shielding the mysteries
and secrets of eternity behind the Throne. I was expecting that one day God
would allow me a glimpse of heaven but it was most unexpected to be
brought straight to the Throne room. Somehow, my attention was taken to
Jesus who was standing next to a seat to the right of the Throne. My spirit
was drawn to Him and instantly I knew that He wanted me to experience
what it was like to sit there. The moment I sat on it, a mighty blaze of glory
filled me both inside and outside. Suddenly, it seemed as if knowledge and
wisdom about everything in the Universe was available to me. It seemed as
if time stood still or did not exist at all. All of the past, all of the present and
In the church when I was doing a series on the Second Coming of Christ, I
received a vision while preparing to teach, in which I was taken into the
Spirit. I was looking down on the earth and saw a huge white building. As I
was looking at it, I heard a voice on my right saying, “New Zealand one
dollar is to Malaysian three dollars.” I had no idea what this meant and took
it that somehow the white building, whether natural or spiritual, would be
built when the exchange rate was such. Also since, New Zealand was
mentioned; I always thought that it would be in New Zealand that this
would take place.
When I look back from 2007 at the vision of the white building (which at
this point has not fully come to pass yet), I begin to understand that it was
speaking about more than being involved in an outreach work in a foreign
country. Part of its message was that my ministry was to be based in another
country. It was in August 1997, after I had left Malaysia permanently and
settled in Australia, that the angel of the Lord who used to appear in my
ministry from time to time came and spoke to me. I was told that I was
where I was supposed to be and that although it looked like circumstances
Vision of Self
One of the strangest visions that I had was in early 1995. In deep prayer at
home, I suddenly found myself at the Throne room. I was standing in one
section and looking towards the Throne. There at the Throne was another
image of me kneeling at the Throne in worship. I immediately knew that
that it was me from another future time period. The future me turned around
and look at me and smiled. It seemed that there were some things that he
knew that I, the present me in 1995, did not. It was not until 2005, when I
had gone through what I experienced in the decade of pruning, that in prayer
I again suddenly found myself at the Throne room. But this time in 2005, I
was the person kneeling at the Throne and looking back at the other me
from 1995. So much had changed, within and without. As I look back from
2007 with the insight of the Spiritual World given to me, I knew that God
was teaching me His omnipotence through time and space. No matter what
wrong choices we make, no matter how many mistakes we make, no matter
how much we think He is not in control, He knew us before the foundation
of the world and knows how to bring us back to Him as long as our heart
continues to choose to love Him. For God works out all things for good to
those who love Him and are called according to His purpose (Romans 8:28).
When I was going through the most difficult times in my life over the
decade of 1996 to 2006, this vision kept coming back to me from time to
time like a constant reminder that I would be back worshipping before His
I should have been more sensitive to the winds of change that God wanted
to bring into my life. From 1995 to 1996, I was drifting away from God’s
perfect Will in my life. It did not happen overnight but it was a gradual
process. Please understand that I am not willing to share the details of it as it
does not edify anyone and I do not want to justify what happened nor hurt
others who are involved who might think that my perspective does not put
God’s perfect Will involves primarily our heart condition and not our
outward circumstances. The outward circumstances will always take care of
themselves; it is the inward condition of the heart that determines our ability
to handle all manner of circumstances successfully. Abraham was called to
get out of his country; from his family and from his father’s house to a land
that God would show him (Genesis 12:1). This call was given twice: once
before he was in Haran (Acts 7:1-7) and another time after he was in Haran
(Genesis 11:31 – Genesis 12:1). Like Abraham, God was calling me out of
the country but I was not hearing it. Sometimes we all could be like the
widow whom Elijah met, God said that He had commanded her to provide
for Elijah but she apparently did not hear God nor was she preparing to
obey; for when Elijah found her, she was preparing to die (1 Kings 17:9,
12). Through my own lack of sensitivity to hearing God, and nobody else’s
fault but mine, I was not hearing this call even though the open door and
opportunity was standing right there before me. What the heart does not see,
the eyes cannot see; especially when it comes to spiritual things.
By late 1996, things were chaotic and I was completely out of God’s
perfect Will. It seems that everything was falling apart; family, friends,
church, etc. Although there were many tears shed and much crying before
the Lord, it was all to no avail unless I was prepared to move into God’s
perfect Will in my heart and in my circumstances. Conflicting counsel was
given to me, to my wife and all those around me. There was much anger
expressed by everyone and the desire to punish, to humiliate and to destroy
was clearly expressed by some. There were those who tried to do what was
right but their voices were not heard by those with the greatest power to
make the decisions. No one seemed to be thinking clearly. Worse still, no
one seemed to care. No one was truly praying for God’s solution. As if my
not hearing God was not enough; now nobody seemed to be hearing from
God as to what to do. Everyone was reacting. It was like a thermonuclear
chain reaction that was unstoppable.
It was on one of those nights in the midst of all the reactions, that a
supernatural occurrence took place in our home. At that time my son, who
was still very young, used to sleep occasionally with my wife and I in our
master bedroom. In the master bedroom was a huge paper box which used
Moments later, I too was awakened by a loud bang. It was like lightning
had struck the room and produced a thunderclap. And it came from the box.
My wife and son were also awakened by the loud sound the second time. I
went over again to check the box. It was empty. And nothing in the room or
outside the room or house could have caused the loud bang, which only the
three of us seemed to have heard. Puzzled by this, we all prayed and went to
sleep. The next day, our whole family took a pre-arranged trip to Penang for
our vacation that we had arranged months before. My wife and I puzzled
over the supernatural sound that we heard coming from the box. Our main
impression was that God wanted us to pack all our things and move out of
the country. When we came to that agreement, we told that to our children
and made preparations to leave the country the moment we got home from
Thus we packed our bags and left the country, not knowing what the
future would hold. Knowing only that if we kept God in our hearts and
lives, everything else would work out fine. Now looking back, I realized
that it was an angel of God that had caused the supernatural sound. Since
our hearts and minds were too weighed down with grief by all that was
happening to hear His voice in our hearts, God in His mercy had
communicated to us in very supernatural manner; that we were to pack our
things in a box and leave the country.
Made this day a day of purification. Prayed that God through His power
would so transform my innermost being to His very purity and image. That I
might have purity of soul.
Got up at 4:20 am. Managed to spend some time in prayer. Giving myself
to God. Prayed for a sovereign move of God. Desired greatly after God’s
perfect Will.
Pondering over my life, I realize that the sermons I preached flow on what
occupies my mind and heart most at that season of time. Since all good
sermons will be full of Jesus, I must occupy my heart and mind with His
person and presence, and then it will flow into my sermons. I notice that I
could chart my own spiritual growth by the sermons I had preached through
the years. They were different from year to year according to my growth.
Therefore I must worship and be in His presence at all times.
There are two areas of developing fellowship with God: in quiet times
alone with Him and in learning His abiding presence in our daily activities.
I woke up early this morning and went downstairs on the mattress to pray.
As I prayed, I kept calling on God as my Papa. I knew that He is the God
who created the Universe and He is great in glory and might but I also know
that He is my Father through Jesus – my Papa.
Then came a longing for Him so great that I cried and cried for Him. After
some time, a great light shone from His throne and came upon me. I basked
in His glory and light. Then came an overwhelming powerful tongue that
broke forth from my being. I was like an observer, detached and separated
from my being, yet I could stop everything if I wanted to. My will and
control was still intact. But I did not want to stop. I yielded utterly and a
language of tongues poured out from me to the Father. I felt exactly like the
disciples did on the day of Pentecost. I was shaking, filled and overcome
with His great holiness, wisdom, glory, anointing, love and power. It went
through all of my being. I heard the Holy Spirit pray through my lips,
“Father, exalt Jesus through this vessel” several times. Then I fell under the
power of God.
It is the small incremental victories that we have won that are really
important to the big picture. Every small success, every small victory goes a
long way. When failures come, they also come through small incremental
steps. Pursue every victory no matter how small relentlessly.
At the end of the two years probation, I asked for ministerial credentials in
order to minister again. Pastor Sean and Pastor Colin supported my
application with the Assemblies of God and Pastor Keith Ainge, who was at
that time on the National Board, also supported my application. However,
the State Board or Council did not support my application. Apparently you
need all three: local, state and national to get the proper ministerial
credentials. By late 1999, I had become acquainted with Pastor Brian
Medway who encouraged me to help start a local church in one of the small
motels. The church started in the year 2000 and in late 2005, it was handed
over to a local pastor as by then I understood that I was in the ten year
period of the blood and needed to seek God to discover how to flow into the
next ten year phase from 2006 to 2016.
About six months after I landed in Australia, the angel of the Lord who
frequently appeared in my ministry appeared to me in the early hours of the
morning. This was an encouragement to me because for many months, all I
felt was that I wanted to die. Deep inside me, I was wounded by how I was
treated by those whom I had greatly helped. During the peak of my ministry,
I had helped some of these in their most difficult times, the least I would
expect from them would be that they do not seek to harm me or my family.
Yet the most vicious comments flowed from those who were once close to
me in the ministry. And those who did not want to see me hurt remained
By the time the angel of God appeared to me, I really needed the
encouragement. I was told that my life was made up of ten year phases and
that I was not obedient to move out of the country in 1995 to begin my next
phase in 1996. He also told me that God has work for me in the last days in
preparing the church for His coming. I was shown glimpses of the last days
before Christ came. It was like the end time church knew that Christ was
about to return (in the vision it was like we had just one last week before
Jesus came), and people were gathering in teams and travelling all over the
world to preach the gospel like in Matthew 10 and Luke 9 and 10. Some
were even transported in the Spirit like Philip (Acts 8:39). There were
supernatural creative miracles taking place. The glory of God was visible as
the gospel was preached. I wept and prayed. I repented and re-consecrated
my life to God. And then I wept and prayed again. By the time I looked up
from the floor where I had poured my heart out to God, it was already
One of the first things that God showed me in the decade of blood was
that the church would come into twenty-four hour praise and worship. I saw,
in a vision, pillars of light coming forth from all the state capitals of
Australia and also from the national capital. I was told that these pillars of
light were the praises of God’s people. The pillars of light then curved and
formed the shape of a crown. Then suddenly a blaze of light came forth and
filled the whole land with the glory of God. I was then given to understand
that this would be the same for every country of the world. In the Old
Testament, we know that the zenith of Israel’s greatness was in the time of
David with Solomon receiving the overflow. The spiritual strength behind
all these was the 24 hour worship team instituted by David (1 Chronicles
Worship has always been in the heart of God. Jesus said that the Father
seeks those who worship Him in spirit and in truth (John 4:23, 24). This is
worship from deep within our heart and spirit and not just an outward form.
It has taken me these ten years of the blood to develop the art of meditation
Who we are in life comes from God and not from men or organisations.
Before we came into this world, we were given abilities and talents that
would most suit our vocations. This was even determined before the
foundation of the world and are written in books of the works that God has
prepared for us (Ephesians 1:4; 2:10; Revelation 20:12). Humans and
organisations might strive to take everything that you have away from you
but they cannot rob you of your innate abilities and talents. With the God-
given innate abilities and talents hidden in your spirit, you can always rise
Enjoy the quiet life and prepare for the next phase.
There are things that one can’t do when one becomes famous or is in high
demand in a big organisation. The most obvious is lots of “free” time and
quietness away from the hustle and bustle of activity. I have also come to
understand that this is essential in between phases. The Lord programmed
this need for rest and relaxation into us when He instituted the seven day
week with a Sabbath, the rest period for cultivation of land, the seven feasts
of Israel and the fiftieth Jubilee ( Hebrews 4:1-4; Leviticus 23 & 25). Even
Jesus called on His disciples to come aside and rest (Mark 6:31). I have
learned to treasure and enjoy the times of relaxation. We used to take one or
two weeks break in the past but it is nothing compared to months of
relaxation time to do nothing (and having no organisational responsibilities)
but wait upon the Lord and read the Bible.
Ever since this visitation, the manifestations of the Spiritual World have
become a daily part of my life. Sometimes for weeks in a row, there will be
constant spiritual communions and then there will be gaps of quietness. I
have continued to be astounded by the many things that were revealed of the
Spiritual World. There were so many things that I have put some of the
revelations that God permits to be shared separately in the book ‘The
Spiritual World.’ It seems as if God had prepared my whole life just for
these spiritual encounters; each of which I carefully checked with the
Scriptures to maintain a biblical perspective to all revelations. The
During the year 2006, we took in James Soo as a fulltime Bible school
student and also started an Online Bible school. James’ wife, Joanne took
fulltime studies in one of the Australian Universities but joined us whenever
she could in some of the Bible studies. We had an enjoyable time sharing
the Word of God and it was remarkable that James was chosen of God to be
with us during the year of the Lord’s visitation. We also opened our home to
small groups of close Christian friends who were interested in what we had
to share regarding the Spiritual World. I was quite reluctant to share some of
the things God showed me but James shared during one of the Home
Fellowship sessions that he had a dream of Sadhu Sundar Singh delivering a
package to me. I knew then that it was permitted to share some of the
revelations of the Spiritual World. Chris and Mei with their daughter came
from Perth and joined us for one of those sessions together with Dr Soo and
his wife from Melbourne, and other local Christians. The small group
sessions were good because they provided for me the testing ground for
sharing some of the remarkable revelations of the Spiritual World from a
biblical perspective. It has taken nearly two years to slowly absorb and
understand some of the things that God was showing regarding the Spiritual
World. During this time, I searched through the Scriptures to see what the
Bible said about some of these revelations. As always with the things of
God, one finds that it is already there in the Bible but yet not perceived by
men. We are many times blinded by our own assumptions of the Spiritual
World and our unquestioned traditional beliefs. We always need the opening
of our understanding by the Holy Spirit to understand the Scriptures (Luke
There will be a first wave of healing revival of such power that we will
see all the healing signs and wonders that Jesus performed in His earthly
ministry: the blind see, the dumb speak, the deaf hear, the paralysed raised
and a few raised from the dead (Luke 4:18-19; 7:21-23). Signs and wonders
are not an end in themselves; they are signs which point to the message of
God’s Word. They are the Holy Spirit bearing witness to the message of the
Word of God (John 5:36; Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; Hebrews 2:4; 1 John 5:6-8).
The word that was used to refer to these signs and wonders that will take
place in the first wave of healing was the word ‘notable miracles’ (Acts
4:16). I was informed that these notable miracles have already been
predestined by God and those whom God has desire to perform these
mighty works in their lives have already been chosen and ordained (John
9:3; Ephesians 2:10). Their testimonies of the greatness of God’s love
towards them and His mighty works of miracles upon them will cause the
faith of others to increase such that it would be a ‘common’ thing to see the
blind see, the dumb speak, the deaf hear, the lame walk and the paralysed
As a result of the faith level increase of the first wave of healing, God will
do more and more special miracles many of which have not been seen
before (Acts 5:15-16; 19:11). The Word of God will grow and prevail (Acts
19:20). At the peak of the first wave of healing miracles, God will release a
second wave of signs and wonders. The second wave of miracles will
include creative healings. People whose limbs have been amputated will
receive new limbs and those who have had their physical organs removed or
become dysfunctional through sicknesses will receive new organs and
tissues. There are a series of rooms in the Spiritual World where the limbs,
organs and tissues are being prepared which will be released to the earth as
gifts to the recipients during the creative miracle waves. I was informed that
At the beginning of the church in Acts, after the prayer of 120 disciples in
the upper room, there was a harvest of 3,000 souls to the Lord (Acts 2:41).
After the notable miracle at the Gate, the number of souls increased to 5,000
(Acts 4:4). After the re-structuring of the church with new ministries added,
the church multiplied (Acts 6:7). If they had multiplied by 2 (double) it
would have doubled to 10,000 and if they had multiplied by 4 (quadrupled),
they would have been 20,000 strong. Mega churches were normal and
common phenomena in the book of Acts. In visions of this coming wave of
revival, I saw churches that grew to be 100,000s in attendance and even
millions of souls. Churches of more than a million members were not
unusual during this great revival. The fivefold ministry was fully restored
and travelled (some supernaturally) in teams throughout the earth sharing
the gospel of Christ.
During the waves of this revival, people valued spiritual things more than
natural things and many of them shared all that they had with one another in
the love of Christ (Acts 4:34). There was a great spiritual unity that went
beyond all natural and social barriers (John 17:20-24). There were
manifestations of God’s glory and it was like a cloud had covered all the
people as they gathered together in worship and fellowship. Many visions
and visitations were given to the people, especially to the children and the
youth, as they were taken by angels and ministering spirits into the heavenly
realm. Sometimes the glory of the Lord would remain for days upon such
and there was a supernatural light that constantly surrounded them for some
time after their spiritual experiences.
One of the things the Lord showed me was the three waves of spiritual
hunger and revival which affect the world and the church differently. The
first wave began in the mid-twentieth century. In the church it resulted in
the various expansions of Pentecostal, Charismatic and renewal movements
that impacted on Christendom. In the world, there was a growing spiritual
hunger which unfortunately led some into the occult and new age
movement. Towards the end of the twentieth century (about a forty year
cycle in each wave), there was a second wave that came forth from the Sprit
realm. In Christendom, instead of hungering for more of God and pressing
deeper into Him, many did not yield correctly to this second wave and
instead hungered for outward and worldly success. On the other hand, those
in the world who felt the hunger of God began to have an interest in Jesus
and God, with many finding the truth in Jesus. The Holy Spirit also began to
reveal Jesus to all those outside traditional Christianity; especially the truths
of loving God and Jesus and loving one another.
The above are some of the visions which God has shown in regard to the
work of God in these coming decades. For the moment, we conclude this
section of the book with a quote from Ephesians 4:11-13:
And God gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and
some pastors and teachers, for the equipping of the saints for the work of
the ministry, for the edifying of the body of Christ till we all come to the
unity of the faith, and of the knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man,
to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ.
During the years 2008 to 2010, I settled into a routine of travelling twice a
month between Sydney and Singapore. Even in the natural it was a
challenge but I did not foresee the test that was coming within my own
home and family. By then my children had grown up and were independent.
It was obvious that I would soon be confronted with the same challenges
and tests of being surrounded by people of both sexes and by fame. I
suddenly found myself in a situation where I was constantly being
chaperoned. When I questioned those doing it both my wife and the sister
involved point to each other as the source of the instructions to do so; no
one accepting the responsibility for such actions based on insecurities. In the
end this controversy caused a tension in our marriage almost ending it by
December 2009 and leading to another crisis in 2010 (there was no physical
relationship, only an emotional one). Different leaders and people took
different sides in Sydney but none dealt with the hurts and healings of the
past which were the root source of family tensions and expressed in nine
pages of negative writing. In the midst of the Sydney crisis, an associate
pastor sought to take over the whole church and boot me out. And he was
supposedly the counsellor to my wife but he had actually sought to divide us
further by using whatever information he had to completely remove me
from ministry permanently and forever. This time, unlike the past where I
would usually give way and start anew, I stood my ground and said that it
was he who should leave.
When the Sydney crisis ended, Sebastian Ng and Michael Tan who had
more understanding of the root source of the crisis, helped managed the
crisis and took on more responsibilities. Meanwhile, the former associate
pastor who had failed to take over the Sydney church kept on petitioning
Singapore church leaders to remove me also from Singapore church. He
succeeded six months later to shake all the leaders by various
Lessons Learned
Gamaliel has said wisely in the Bible that if a work is of God no man can
stop it and those who oppose it need to watch less they be opposing God
Himself (Acts 5:34-39). Looking at crisis past and recently, and with an eye
to the future knowing that there can be many varied types of crisis and
challenges, the most important factors below are often forgotten and
ignored. There are Bible principles to handling crisis and controversies:
chief amongst them are Matthew 18 and that the whole matter be handled in
love and all are given a fair hearing. Additionally, actions and decisions
made must be prayed over first and checked with the Word of God as to
whether the course of action taken is biblical. And above all, emotions must
be held in check. There were a lot of emotions running high during the
Gentile controversy in Acts 15. There were those who definitely were
wrong (the Judaizers), and those who were right (Paul and Barnabas), and
those who were emotionally loyal to Judaism and traditions. The Bible
stated that there was much dispute yet they resolved the crisis with love,
with the Word of God and with a balanced decision that was acceptable to
the Jews and the Gentiles (Acts 15:7). The only group that was not happy
was the group called the Judaizers (pro-circumcision group) who later
becoming the enemies of the apostle Paul. Paul called them dogs in his
writings (Philippians 3:2).
It was during the trip to the seven churches that things took on a different
turn. The trip to the seven churches was from 29 January 2012 at Ephesus
and Smyrna to Pergamos on 9 February 2012, which coincided with the
fortieth day of our forty-day fast; and continued to Thyatira, Sardis,
Philadelphia and Laodicea by 21 February 2012. One of the strange
occurrences that Ps David saw was how my spirit was also with him
together throughout the whole trip. At Ephesus when he first saw my spirit
present with him, he was told that I had been obedient and was given
revelation of all these things that are happening. I was literally with him
throughout the whole journey in spirit form. It was at Pergamos that
Archangel Uriel revealed his real name. From the trip to the seven churches
besides prophecies, many beautiful revelations were given, including
Noah’s Ark, Old Testament and New Testament Panorama.
From the time of the seven churches trip to the delivery of the Seven
Thunders prophecy on 14 November 2012, I had to sift through all the
various downloads and revelations, added some of my own downloads, and
slowly taught the revelations that were in line with the written Word of God.
It was during one of those teachings where I was covering the book of
Revelations that it triggered the Seven Thunders revelation when I
mentioned that it would have to do with the total defeat of Satan on planet
earth. One Sunday, I heard an angel spoke to the worship leader, whose
name was Linus, and called him ‘Melchizedek’ and on that Sunday, I
officially gave him the name. Immediately after that Uriel instructed us to
get ready for the Seven Thunders revelation. That was when 14 November
2012 was chosen as the day for it to be delivered in the presence of all the
highest angels once again in our modern era. The last time this was given
was to John the Apostle on the island of Patmos and he was told not to
write it down (Revelation 10:1-7).
Hi Ps Peter.
Been having lots of dreams again, writing them down faithfully. But last
night had a special dream.
Please give me your interpretation.
A hand placed a thick book, title "Prophecies" and a voice said, "Read and
My feel is that the church camp would be the launching time for me into this
ministry. This is why I am reading up the old dairies and asking the Lord to
return to me those dreams that I had deleted away.
More and more the Lord is revealing the work of mission in Middle East to
me and I am praying about them. These prophecies would be instrumental
in this mission work.
I suggested going back to Seoul again as I sensed that some things were
not completed as we had failed to build an altar for the Lord in Bukhansan.
The Lord’s downloads continued to flow and I was taken to see another
dimension from heaven’s perspective (what we called the Third Cube) and
we have continued in the prayer walks and mandates that had been received.
It was after the second Seoul trip on 18 September 2013, the Lord told me to
build altars in every state in Australia and then continue on to finish phase
three and four to position the End Time move and revival. One of the things
the Lord also revealed was that when there is an abundance of revelations,
there will always be a testing to ensure that one is not puffed up. This was
described by the apostle Paul who spoke in the third person of going to the
third heaven, caught up into Paradise and heard inexpressible words which
is not lawful for man to utter (2 Corinthians 12:4). And then Paul mentioned
that lest he be exalted above measure by the abundance of revelations, a
thorn in the flesh was given to him, a fallen angel from Satan to buffet him,
lest he be exalted above measure (2 Corinthians 12:7).
One great lesson to learn from this experience is that no matter how
spectacular the manifestation, how supernatural the encounters, and how
awesome the revelations, everything is for the exaltation of Christ and never
for the exaltation of the human vessel by which it came through. Humility
will always be the spiritual legal licence to drive the move of God, with love
being the fuel, faith the engine and the whole vehicle giving glory to the
Lord. The road travelled must only be the perfect Will of God our Father
being done and not the will of men. Whether in Christianity or in the world,
God still resists pride and exalts humility (1 Peter 5:5-6; James 4:6-8). In
both instances of the apostles Peter and James exhorting for humility, the
From September 2013 to December 2013, we continued to sift out all the
revelations received thus far and continued to move on into new things
which the Lord had revealed. On the all night prayer meeting between 13
and 14 December 2013, the Angel of Australia made an appearance after the
teaching session that night and it was revealed to me that he was actually the
Seven Thunders Archangel in the book of Revelations (Revelation 10:1-3).
It was revealed in March 2013 Ayers Rock that the Angel over Australia at
Ayers Rock was mentioned once in the Bible. We were not told where in the
Bible and I had left the matter at that without seeking to pursue it. Suddenly
on 14 December 2013, it was revealed to me that he was the Seven
Thunders Archangel!
Once I had received that revelation, the first thing he told me was that I
am now called John as I now also stand in the place of the apostle John to
receive the Seven Thunders revelation. I was stunned. Never in my entire
life or ministry had I conceive that I had to take on a new name as I was
happy with my name as it stood at that time. Throughout the rest of the
night, I prayed and not wanting a common name John added to my already
common name Peter, I sought permission to use the name John but in other
language derivation with the same meaning. By the next day, Saturday, I
had settled on the name Johann. On that Sunday, 15 December 2013,
Melchizedek the Cherub came and also said that I had to take on the name
Melchizedek. I was stunned. Two names in one go. How was I to take on
two names? After the ministry on Sunday, I returned home and prayed over
the whole matter and finally settled on Johann Melchizedek Peter, which I
sensed pleased the Lord, too. I was also told that after I had my name legally
changed that I was to go to Pergamos at the end of the forty-day fast and
have it sealed by the Lord. There were several other assignments given to
me, including one in which I had to re-write my entire meditation file with
the new name and complete it before 9 February 2014. Together with three
witnesses, I journeyed to Pergamos to be there by that day and received a
second call, now standing in three anointings, that of John the apostle, Peter
the apostle and Melchizedek the Cherub. It was a powerful sealing and upon
my return to Singapore on Thursday 14 February and Sydney on 16
February, I blessed the congregation including those online that had
supported the ministry in various ways over the many years with the
threefold anointing.
We did feel an enormous surge of energy that lasted for several days after
that event. The angels explained to us that what they did was to take a frame
from Point B and joined it to Point A as we travelled. Physical reality was
made out of frames of energy, time and mass (Hebrews 11:3). They also
said that was how Adam, before the fall, could travel anywhere he wanted to
on the planet or in the Universe. All he had to do was to see the frame and
enter into it. He lost this ability after the fall. Our Lord Jesus was able to do
so but mainly did it in the absence of His disciples. In the endtimes, the
glorious church will be taught how to travel in this manner through the
empowerment of the Holy Spirit and the angels of God. Close to Point B,
we met another archangel (Australia was assigned two archangels) who was
especially assigned to prepare Australia and the people of God for this
endtime move.
You have heard the Word of God spoken. You are willing to pay the price
but the price is is so great...but the Lord said My Will, will be
done. You are willing to pay the price. This is My anointing, says the Lord,
My power will come with this anointing. When you take of it, you shall be
filled with His power and you shall do My work faithfully. From this day,
In March 2013 at Ayers Rock, we were there to meet with the Lord and
His angels and built three altars to the Lord. On 27 March 2013 in the early
morning at about 2:20am and 4:20am, I was visited by the Archangel over
Australia and then by the Archangel from the Guardian section of the
Universe who was one of three archangels from the Universe assigned over
the planet earth. The impartations given were so strong that I spent three
days fasting to absorb it. On 12 April 2013, I was again visited by three
archangels, the Archangel over Australia, the Archangel located near
Canberra in charge of Australia’s endtime destiny, and the angel of
Pergamos. They each imparted something and spoke to me some
instructions. I was told by the Archangel over Australia that the judgment
and shaking of the earth in 2029 would be caused by him and not by the
devil. It is part of God’s cleansing of the earth. The Archangel in charge of
Australia’s endtime destiny told me to go to Canada and anoint the altar
with the same anointing oil that I had used. The angel of Pergamos told me
to ensure that the church is prepared to enter into the period of the glory of
God which will begin to manifest when we complete phase 3. Once again
the impartations were so strong that it took three days of fasting to absorb.
On 11 May 2014, we finally completed the prayer walk over the state
capitals of Australia and headed for Ayers Rock on 12 May 2014. On 13
May 2014, we built another altar to the Lord in Ayers Rock and as I sat next
to the altar to pray, the Lord spoke and said, “Take off your shoes for the
place where you are standing on is holy ground.” I took off my shoes and
socks and sat on a rock beside the altar and placed my bare feet on a rock
next to it and prayed for one hour in the Spirit. There was a tremendous
impartation and revelations and it took several days to digest everything.
One of the things that took place was a portal had been opened in the Spirit
dimension to God the Father. There were also revelations given on the
destiny of mankind in the millennium.
There has also been a change since I took on the new name in my ten year
cycles. It now flows with the seven churches of Revelation chapter two and
three, where we will see the glory of the seven heavens and the fullness of
the seven Spirits of God: this present time to 2020 is the revelation of peace,
love and glory; 2020 to 2030 is the revelation of the power of God; 2030 to
2040 is the revelation of the life of God; 2040 to 2050 is the revelation of
the wisdom of God and 2050 to 2060 is the revelation of the mercy of God,
followed by the last years of the endtimes. We are indeed in the end of times
and everyone who has an ear to hear, need to hear what the Spirit is saying
to the churches. Those who do not will die and not see the glorious church.
It has come to the time for the manifestation of the glorious church, the holy
and perfect bride of Christ. The Spirit and the Bride will soon say, “Come!”
(Revelation 22:17). Amen.
One of the things the Lord showed was that the midnight hour has come
upon the planet earth on September 18th 2014, and the Lord will begin to
separate the wheat from the tares (Matthew 13:24-30). The time of the
harvest has come and the reapers will be sent from that date. As it is the
pattern in the Bible, the moment the sickle is put to the grain, seven weeks
will be counted (Deuteronomy 16:9). The Lord reminded me of the vision I
saw in 1997 of the last week before the Rapture (the second coming of Jesus
in the air). Like the prophecy of Jeremiah revealed to Daniel, the last week
that I saw was actually seven weeks of years – 7 times 7 years (Daniel 9:2,
24). It is like the last week of Noah before the great flood when God told
Noah to move into the ark together with the animals (Genesis 7:4). From
September 18th 2014 onwards there will be seven cycles of seven years
marking the end of days for the planet earth (Daniel 12:13). The first cycle
is like the seven years of prosperity in Joseph’s time (2014-2020), the
second cycle is like the cycle of famine in Joseph’s time (2020-2027), and
the third cycle will be a period of wars and turmoil on the earth (2027-2034)
(Genesis 41:25-36). The other cycles that God has shown, will be revealed
when the time is closer.
It is from 18th September 2014, that I enter into the fullness of the calling
of the voice that cries at midnight (Matthew 25:6). On 9th February 2014,
when I was in Pergamos having my new name sealed by God, I was told
that there were two prophecies in the book of Isaiah regarding my calling:
Declaring the end from the beginning, and from ancient times things that
are not yet done. Saying, ‘My counsel shall stand, and I will do all My
pleasure.’ Calling a bird of prey from the east, the man who executes My
counsel, from a far country. Indeed I have spoken it; I will also bring it to
pass. I have purposed it, I will also do it. – Isaiah 46:10, 11
As I write this chapter we are about seven days from September 18th and
on the thirty-fourth day of a forty-two day fast. So many things have
happened and so many changes had taken place that it looks like all things
have been renewed. The Lord also revealed that after September 18th, the
apostate church will rise as the wheat separate from the tares and the tares
gather together into the apostate church (2 Thessalonians 2:3). During the
church age which ends in the Rapture, the antichrist is held back by the
Holy Spirit and the church working together with the angels of God and
only the apostate church is allowed to manifest first before the antichrist
reveals himself as god after the rapture at the beginning of the Great
Tribulation of Daniel (2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, 7; Daniel 7:20; 11:36).
However, the apostate church will rise first then after that the manifestation
of the antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
The Lord showed me five judgments that will come upon the present
Repentance for not having first love, otherwise the lampstand will be
taken away (Revelation 2:4-5).
Repentance for the sin of Balaam (the love of money, the
merchandising of the anointing and the giftings of the Holy Spirit)
and for holding the doctrine of Nicolaitans (the rule of laity not
recognizing the many appointed men and women of God whom God
sent as His voice to them), otherwise He will come with a sword
against them (Revelation 2:14-16).
Repentance for sexual immorality and spiritual idolatry, otherwise
He will bring the sentence of death upon them (Revelation 2:20-23).
Repentance for being dead spiritually, otherwise they will not be part
of the Rapture (Revelation 3:2-3).
Repentance for being lukewarm, otherwise they will be vomited out
by Jesus and cast out of His church (Revelation 3:15-17).
The forty day fast that began on 9th August 2014 on the day that we
travelled to Ayers Rock and will end on Mt Nebo, Madaba where we will
have an evening of prayer on September 20th is in three cycles of 14 + 14 +
14 = 42. When we began the fast we did not realize the significance of the
forty two days. Without purposefully planning it, at the end of the first cycle
of fourteen days (August 22nd to 23rd), we had water baptism and three of us
went up to Bukit Timah hill and built an altar to the Lord. The angels in
Singapore moved to that hill as a staging ground and continue to do so until
Singapore has completed its part in the end times. At the end of the second
cycle of fourteen days, we celebrated with communion in church after the
all night prayer meeting (September 5th to 6th). The number fourteen is a
number of the Passover when the Israelites first came out of the land of
Egypt (Exodus 12:8). It is also the remarkable number of three cycles of
fourteen generations from Abraham to Christ (Matthew 1:17). We will have
seventy-seven people in all night prayers on Mount Nebo on September 18th
2014, the night of the crossover into Midnight hour for the planet earth. All
things on planet earth will change from thus forth. The Lord showed three
different groups of mighty angels who have been reserved for the end times
released: a group that executes judgment, a group that joins themselves to
the glorious church and a group that joins themselves to the existing angels
who have been serving on planet earth since the days of Noah, and some
before that.
There are so many other things that have taken place by this crossover
point on 18th September 2014 that we will teach in time to come. For us it is
the end of phase three. Now we understand that phase one was for the glory
of God to come at Pergamos, phase two was for the release of the Seven
Thunders, and phase three was the entrance into the Midnight Hour for the
planet earth; resulting in the final closure of all time in seven cycles of
seven years. The Great Tribulation in itself is in quantum time which ends
the complete annihilation and removal of all evil on earth and in the
Universe. What a glorious moment in human history to live at the crossover
time! While evil is allowed by the permission of God to be gathered
together, in the church it is time for the glory of God to rise upon each and
every member, in exceeding glory (Haggai 2:7-9; 2 Corinthians 3:9).
I am writing this chapter about 70 days after 18th September 2014 (date of
writing 26th to 27th November) as it has taken time to absorb the revelations
before committing it to writing. All 77 participants have also gone through a
forty day test (from 18 Sept 2014 to Korean altar building trip on 27th to 29th
October 2014). So far three have failed the test and their destinies have
changed. There are certain things that are now allowed to be revealed now
that we have entered into the Great Harvest periods of seven times seven
years. Firstly, I had been modest in telling people that I only stood in three
offices like the apostle Paul (apostle, teacher and evangelist) but from my
meditation files from 1979, I had actually been meditating on all fivefold
offices. The Lord revealed to me that in order to train the ten million
Before coming to planet earth he was a detail organizer of planets &
energies in the creation of the universe. He was also the spirit being working
with Joseph in the book of Genesis. When God created the heavens, there
were sections and each section were under the archangels, and each section
was also having spirits beings. Archguraelyal was under Archangel Raphael.
He is the Spirit of wisdom organising the planets, the energies, the universe.
They were doing that in the early part of creation. He is hands on in every
detail of creation. He was one of those three who visited Abraham. Lucifer
was not able to influence any of the spirit beings of wisdom. Lucifer was
only able to influence some of them involved in creation and other things. It
was shortly after I picked up the stone in Bangsar, Malaysia in 1979 and
engraved my name on it that he was joined with me. Because of the
similarity of spiritual frequency, he is joined spiritually with me and in
visions would appear to be a bright being residing in me, although he can
easily come forth and appear as normal angel. For those reading this who
are puzzled, just remember that spiritual dimensions are different from
physical dimensions and they are not limited to the same time, space and
bodily constrains of our human perception. Elijah was also joined with a
spirit being of a different category.
He has been my main guardian angel watching over me since birth. He is
one of the holy angels who preside over the spirits of men and their
development in the Universe and on earth. He also presides over all the
afflictions and the sufferings of mankind. He was also the archangel
commissioned to bind the fallen angel Azazyel (Azazyel, a leader of the
fallen angels, had corrupted men before Noah’s flood with false teachings in
misapplications of the secrets of heaven and taught men weapons of
Tccasurael was a separate grouping. He was assigned about the same time
when Melchizedek took on the high priest work on earth. Tccasurael was
with Christ. He has an end time assignment. There was a different batch of
angels after Adam was created. The archangels were the first batch at
creation with angels under them but Tccasurael was among a different batch
after Adam’s creation. He is in charge of Christ’s priestly work and always
stand on my left side with a scroll, writing the Word of God spoken through
my lips under the unction of the Holy Spirit. He came to join with me after
the first trip to Madaba in August 2012. He was among the scroll angels I
was with before I came to the earth, preparing for the endtime move. It is
good to have him here on earth working in this endtime move. He
coordinates the library of books of human lives that are a part of the
archives kept in heaven and adjusts them according to the additions or
deletions on earth.
He presides over repentance and the hope of those who inherit eternal life.
This involves renewal of the mind, soul and the reception of the holy life of
God. Being in charge of the holy presence of God, he was the archangel that
prevented the fallen angels from entering the presence of God. Together
with Michael, Gabriel and Raphael, he works with the Ancient of Days.
Phanuel was the archangel who had worked with William Branham (before
William Branham went astray with wrong teachings and died in a car
accident in 1965). Phanuel will be assigned permanently to work with me
during the super growth period of Cathedral of Glory (COG) churches from
2022 but will be making appearances now and then until he is permanently
assigned to stand on my right side as I bring this message of the endtimes to
the public domain of the world. From the time of our trip to Israel and
having built the altar there on 16th September 2014, he was activated and
there is now standing on my right side an angel to bear witness to the
message of the voice that cry at midnight until Phanuel comes permanently.
In signs and wonders, we also work with several Spirit Beings, three of
whom work with Jesus in His ministry and help create the works of Jesus.
Working together with these same Spirit Beings, who are present each time
I stand and declare the Word of God, we are able to do the works of Jesus
and the greater works of Jesus. The Spirit Beings work together with all the
various archangels and angels that have been assigned to this ministry.
When God created the Universe and the earth, and before the earth was
inhabited, He was the care-taker of the earth. When Satan moved in with his
When Satan approached the main archangels during the fall (to
unsuccessfully get them to follow him), Raguera’ael was among the higher
group with them. Raguera’ael came from the group of guardian archangels
of the Universe. His generals all came from there. The archangel who is in
the atmosphere now over Australia is actually a guardian archangel
channelling the guardian archangels’ energy from the universe towards
Raguera’ael. When the worlds were formed, certain angels direct the
energies. The angels under Uriel knew how to direct the energies correctly,
and also maintaining the energies that continue to sustain. In order to direct,
they must have be able to absorb and harness the energies. Raguera’ael does
not look like most warring archangels but he does have great power to direct
He is a general under Archangel Gabriel. When he was with one of the
leaders of the thirty mighty men, Eliezer, he was downloading military
strategies to him. Eliezer was commanding the mighty men. Knowing what
needs to be done and to get it done. He was assigned the title of general after
the creation of Adam. Before that in the universe under Archangel Gabriel,
he was like a quality surveyor. After everything was done, he would inspect
the work. He was with Mordecai. He was also with Haggai the prophet. It
was a temporary role like a surveyor making sure that all the other prophets
receive the same theme while under Haggai. He was depositing consistency
of the same revelation. He was like a personal angel to Haggai but moving
amongst the rest of the prophets. He was among the angels with Paul. Paul
had many angels with him and was like a New Testament Enoch. He was
not assign as a personal angel to Paul but more tasked with the alignment of
the teams sent by Paul. In modern times, his sphere of influence was in
Africa and was with the evangelists in Africa (amongst them Reinhart
Bonke). He will be working alongside us to ensure consistency of revelation
amongst all those in COG church.
Ever since the midnight hour is crossed, many groups of angels from the
three sectors of the Universe (guardian, boundary and warring) have been
coming to the earth plus a group that came from Christ’s domain especially
for the glorious church. We are back to the days of the Bible where angels
With so much energy that proceeds from working together and merging
with God the Father, Jesus our Lord, the Holy Spirit, and all the various
angels, the physical body is renewed to the extent that not only sicknesses
and diseases cannot touch the physical body but the body becomes ageless
and youth is renewed like the eagles (Psalm 103:5; Isaiah 40:31). For the
Rapture generation, death is conquered not by dying and resurrection for
Jesus has already paid the price for that; rather death is finally conquered in
the physical body while we are alive and the body is immortalized into a
perfect type of spiritual-physical body (1 Corinthians 15:51-55). My
translation, sometime before the Rapture, is a first fruit of this (perpetually
look like thirties, the ideal age of Jesus at ministry time). Since taking the
role of the voice that cry at midnight, this energizing has begun even now.
In the Old Testament we have a few samples of this when the physical
bodies of Joshua and Caleb were offset by 40 years (the wandering time in
the wilderness) and it was like the process of aging stopped for them and
they were the only two who entered into the land of Canaan from the first
generation looking as young as they were forty years prior (Joshua 14:7-11).
Moses was also affected by the same youth renewal process and at hundred
and twenty years of age had perfect eyesight and a perfect body
(Deuteronomy 34:7).
I have come to understand that this process of youth renewal is the power
of the resurrection power of Christ conquering the process of death, aging
and decay even while we are still alive physically (Romans 8:11). The
whole creation since Adam’s time, when death entered into the world, had
been groaning and waiting for a generation that will never die but will
conquer death while still alive (Romans 8:18-23). The apostle Paul had that
revelation and the hope that began in his time for the body of Christ has
materialized to faith in this endtime generation. Imagine all of us being
young like Jesus in His thirties! It is being like Jesus, the Word becoming
flesh (John 1:14). Since the day of Pentecost and throughout church history
there has been some degree of the Word becoming flesh in various
individuals keeping them from diseases and illness. In the Old Covenant,
God kept nearly three million people free of sicknesses, diseases and decay
(Exodus 15:26; Deuteronomy 8:4). The New Covenant is far greater than
the Old and the conclusion of this New Testament period is the complete
conquest of all sin, sicknesses and diseases and being transformed into the
We all know that we have existed in God before the foundation of the
world (Ephesians 1:4; Psalm 139:16; Jeremiah 1:5). Our memories of what
occurred before coming to earth were suspended so that it would not hinder
our progress on planet earth. From time to time, by the permission of God
our Father, we are allowed to know certain portions of such memories
especially when we have reached the stage of spiritual development where
such knowledge would not hinder us but help us progress even further in the
knowledge of God. I needed a confirmation of the timing to reveal this
knowledge and when three of those amongst the members of the church
started seeing portions of these knowledge revealed to them independently
(the scroll visions seen by various members of COG church), it was the
signal I needed from God to reveal this knowledge. This knowledge is
revealed in order to help gather all those who have especially been trained in
Christ before coming to the earth to be part of this endtime move.
Before coming to the earth, I was like a scribe, a recorder of God’s Word
especially for the work of the endtimes. I have been under training in a
section of heaven where one of my angels, Tccasurael came from. I was
predestined in Christ to lead this move even before the foundation of the
earth. Many spirits of those coming to the earth were also trained under me
and we have been led of God the Father to be born in different parts of the
earth to different parents over a time span of many decades apart (some
coming earlier than others). After the midnight hour when I had come into
the realization of my call as the forerunner of the Rapture of the church I
was to call them all together to form the glorious church. This is similar to
the 144,000 being chosen to come to earth. They will be born between the
years 2015 to 2029 and will be gathered together before the Rapture by a
Jewish Rabbi who has been predestined for this purpose. After the Rapture,
the Jewish Rabbi with his family will be martyred. Enoch and Elijah who
will lead the 144,000 will be appearing to this Rabbi and instructing him
during the church age. The fact that all the 144,000 of Revelation chapter
seven will be born in our time should be an indicator to all those alive today
Vision of Melissa
This is the vision I saw on 28 Mar 2014 during All Night Prayer
I saw you in a white robe and seated at a desk in a white room. You were
scribbling on pieces of scrolls with a white feathered pen with golden tip.
The scribbles were not English, rather they looked like some ancient letters,
Hebrew or Greek. Standing to your left was a tall angel and he was looking
at you as you scribbled away. It seemed to me that he was waiting for you to
finish writing and give him the scrolls.
Visions of Sam
All of the above visions seen by three witnesses are true and the spiritual
events that are seen did take place. There were more than three people who
had seen me in visions with the scrolls. As our Father God saw it
expeditious to reveal such things at this time, this portion of revelation is
given forth. It will divide many people because it is controversial (but not
unbiblical or contrary to biblical theology for the Bible is silent on many of
these heavenly things) and hard to accept. But we have no more time to
waste and it is time to rally the glorious church to come together. As you
read this, and if you are among the members of the glorious church that are
called to join with me together in preparing for the final revival in these
endtimes and the Rapture, then repent for not loving God with first love, set
your house in order and prepare for the second coming of our Lord in the
Rapture. Deep in your heart and soul, you will know if you are amongst
those that God is calling to be part of this revival. Some of you have
forgotten why you came here to planet earth, while others are distracted
with the temporal things of this life. It is time to Awake! Awake! For the
midnight hour has come and our Lord Jesus Christ is coming soon to gather
His glorious church unto Himself (Matthew 25:6; 2 Thessalonians 2:1).
Awake! O church of our Lord Jesus Christ to your eternal glorious destiny!
Amongst the next group of people working with these are the seventy and
the hundred and twenty. The twelve are divided into four groups, each led
by one of the four living creatures around the Throne (Revelation 4:7-8).
They will be strengthening the four groups with the glory of God. In
December 2014 around Christmas period, Arion, who was with us in the
Madaba and Mukawir trip, learned to hear and talk in Spirit, through the
permanent energizing of one of the living creatures. Sam had already started
to communicate with me through the Holy Spirit and he had seen some of
the twelve (Arion was one of those whom we saw). All the twelve are like
my sons and daughters from pre-earth days training with me and in this
earthly plane, also my spiritual sons and daughters. The two main leaders of
these twelve are Sam, who is overall in charge of the twelve and works with
OthoJacEl, the manifestation of the Lion of the four living creatures, and
Arion, who is second in command and works with JamiaJacEl, the
manifestation of the Ox of the living creatures. Each of the living creatures
can manifest in either four formats of ox, man, lion or eagle but they take
certain glory forms to imbue that particular energy and life into their
charges. We have been discovering several of those amongst the twelve this
year and also those amongst the thirties and the seventies of the first and
second generations.
Note: The group of balloon indicators in the smaller triangle are the 7 churches
After this secret trip, the Lord started to reveal about future events
happening in the world and more details of how the endtime move will take
shape and form. These revelations have continued from the end of February,
throughout March, April and May (which is the date of the writing of this
chapter – 21st to 22nd May 2015, just before the altar building trip to North
and South America).
During the forty day fast in January 2015, Elijah introduced us to the
angel he worked with, his name was Astacuta’el. Astacuta’el works in doing
acts of power and wonders in the physical realm; he works in energizing and
helping men do acts of power in the physical realm. He was the angel who
fed Elijah before the journey to Horeb and energized him to run faster than a
horse (1 Kings 18:46; 19:6-8). He was also the angel who strengthened
Samson to do all the mighty works (Judges 14:6; 15:14-15; 15:18-19; 16:3).
In the week before the secret trip and towards the last week of the forty
day fast, God had continued to reveal more angels, spirit beings and their
names. Because of the need to establish the planting of churches, one of the
revelations was the name of the main general under COG Archangel (he has
ten generals under him for the ten main branch churches over the ten
thousand). He was sent over during the fast to meet with Arion in USA
because even though we did not know it yet in February, God knew that we
were going to plant the church in USA. His name is Ussasumael and he is
the team leader over the ten general angels. Also because of the work that
God will be doing through Arion, he was introduced to Estaterriel, who is
the spirit being under Raguera’el. Phanuel, the archangel who is going to
work with me in signs and wonders, also introduced Rovashael, an angel
under him to Arion; and Rovashael will be working with Arion just as
Phanuel will be working with me. They are angels from the Spirit of
Holiness. All the miracles of Jesus were done through the Spirit of Holiness.
During the last three weeks of February to the first week of March 2015, I
had been praying to Father God and also speaking to some of the archangels
who had been working with us from the beginning of this endtime revival.
On 8th March 2015, Archangel Uriel was reassigned by the Father God and
he came and spoke to Arion. Arion felt the presence of the room changed
and a holy presence that came with reverential fear. It was Archangel Uriel
and he said, “I have come to introduce myself to you. I am to let you know
that I am will be working with Ps Johann and you and I will be the one who
strikes down any of those who come against and oppose the work of the
Lord.” Then he left and was gone. He visited Arion three days later and
since then Archangel Uriel has been visiting and working with me, Arion,
Sam and all of the other twelve. Sometimes they know it and sometimes
they don’t.
It was Archangel Uriel who revealed the names of the other Angels in
charge of the nations of USA, Canada, Mexico and various other nations.
We have come to understand that the main angels in charge of nations have
a correspondent Spirit Being under them whom they worked with. The
Archangel over USA is Tussayulazzulael and the Spirit Being under him is
Ramulacmael; the Archangel over Canada is Aruectmael and the
corresponding Spirit Being under him is Ukmatucmael; the Archangel over
Mexico is Sumaetmael and the Spirit Being under him is Sussuma.
Archangel Uryaluzzael, who is the Archangel over the planet earth and also
over Australia, also made an appearance during the introduction of the
Angels’ names and he said, “I am here because the Angels that you are
meeting are the Authorities over these nations and are under me. Nothing is
allowed to happen in these nations without the permissions from these
Angels.” In the order of God’s dispensation on planet earth, nothing
happens without permission from Uryaluzzael on the earth and in the
nations nothing happens without permission from the Authorities over these
nations (Daniel 10:20-2; 11:1-2; 12:1). The introduction of the Spirit Beings
under the Archangels over nations was done by Uccatucmael, which
following the protocol of the Spiritual World, shows the seniority of
Archangel Uriel was there and he said, “Father God has permitted the
revelation of the Elders’ names so that understanding can come with what is
about to be released. These two elders are channeling that glory to the Earth.
They have been assigned to send this energy and glory to the earth and they
are channeling all the energy down through the Universe to the planet
While my spirit man was watching invisibly from the Throne Room of
God, Archangel Uriel said to Arion who was inside the cube, “Arion, you
are familiar with the Scripture of seven times brighter than the sun?” (Isaiah
Arion replied, “Yes in relation to the Glory of God.” Then Uriel said,
“These Elders are assigned to channel in ‘Genesis-seed form’ of this energy
this year (2015) the seven times brighter than the sun glory to combat the
darkness that is being released.”
There was like a river of light, glory and energy being pulled from the
throne room through the Elders down through the layers of heaven to the
earth and it was all over the earth.
Archangel Uriel said, “This will be released in the North and South
American altar building. You must know and confirm this with Ps Johann
the timing for when this will happen. Things that have not been permitted
before will be permitted and things not allowed will be allowed.” The
conversation went on and there were other things revealed that I will write
about separately.
Towards the end of February 2015 and early March, after the secret trip,
there was a revelation of what was going to take place in USA over the next
two cycles of seven years. God revealed about the coming civil war that will
take place in USA and also the political leadership that will exist during the
next two cycles before USA collapse as a nation in 2027. We were told that
the enemy is trying to start the civil war early and that we had to pray
otherwise the riots will begin even as early as the first cycle of seven years
(likely in 2018 to 2020). Upon that revelation, we called a three day fast for
USA from March 28th to 30th after the delivery of the prophecy for USA on
March 27th during all night prayer on Friday. By Sunday after the first day
of the fast on Saturday, the Lord revealed that He had heard our prayers and
pushed back the beginning of civil war to only begin during the second
cycle (2020-2027). We were told to focus our prayers on the saving of souls
in USA and the establishing of the COG churches there. The events of the
three day fast, the prophecy for USA and the evening gathering to pray on
the third day fast have all been uploaded to the website for those who want
to look through them. We had a second three day fast from April 4th to 6th
with the objectives for the fast stated in the all night Friday prayer meeting
on April 3rd. In the second three-day prayer fast, we prayed for Canada, and
the establishing of COG churches throughout the whole planet earth. The
prophecy for USA, the prayer items for the two three-day fast is in the
appendix of this book.
There was also a revelation of the coming rise of darkness and satanic
worship propagated by fallen angels in the rise of the antichrist (after his
birth in the year 2015). All this false worship of satan would be clothed in
modern terms under various formats (Jedi force, new age powers, powers of
more advance alien civilizations, advancement of mankind into spiritual
powers, evolution of mankind to greater heights, the natural genetic
progression of mankind to mental power over matter, etc.) but they will all
be the revival of the worship of Baal like in biblical times. We were shown
that Baal worshippers will perform false signs and wonders in the rise of
antichrist (2 Thessalonians 2:9). They like the Egyptian magicians will turn
rods into snakes and water into blood (Exodus 7:11-12). They will levitate
objects and seem outwardly to heal cancer but the person healed will
actually be dominated by a greater evil power that will consume them in the
end (a lesser evil power causing the sickness yielding to a greater dominion
evil power). They will make inanimate idols talk. Mankind will as a whole
move from the age where all things are based on the law of physics to the
actualization of physical manifestation through spiritual forces that they
think is purely a higher alien source of energy. Some will directly worship
Baal to tap on these powers. The Lord in showing these endtime things
The Lord first revealed that we would be empowered all over again like
Moses confronting the magicians of Egypt to confront the worshippers of
Baal. The three signs that Moses did were allowed to be done once again in
these endtimes: the sign of the rod turning into snake, the turning of water
into blood and the sign of the leprous hand. During the signs performed in
the modern days, God would allow scientists and doctors and laboratory
technicians to be present to allow them to examine all these signs under the
microscope. When the Lord showed to Arion and me the desire of the
enemy to increase Baal worship, we sought the Lord for His wisdom in how
to combat the rise of the enemy during these times of the antichrist rising.
The Lord showed three ways in which we are to combat the enemy:
Judgment, Greater Power and Praise Worship (bringing in the new glory of
the Lamb of God in New Jerusalem). Judgment includes the need to call
down fire (only under instruction from the Lord) to consume the idols of the
false worship of Baal, the ten plagues of Moses, angels striking people
down like an angel struck down Herod, etc. after giving a chance for
repentance to all like Elijah did. Greater power involves the demonstration
of signs and wonders and creative healings. Praise and worship involves the
release of the glory of the Throne room from the four living creatures and
the new glory of New Jerusalem where the Lamb of God is manifest.
During the revelation of the events taking place in USA, the Lord also
revealed that there will be two main rebellions that will take place in COG
churches throughout the world. The reason He revealed it early is so that we
can start praying over it to minimize its impact as by then we will be
millions, and possibly billions in number by that time. The first rebellion
will be in two parts and will take place during the war years of 2027 to
2034. My spirit man saw these things from the Throne Room but they have
also been given to Arion, one of my twelve sons in the Lord. I will leave it
in his words as it is a prophecy for him to deliver that must be recorded
Then Jesus came and said, “I want to tell you of what is to come in the
church. In the period of wars from 2027 to 2034 there will arise a rebellion
in the church where the enemy will try to split the church. There will be two
times this will happen in this period. Then in the time where Pastor Johann
is taken up, there will be a similar time when Sam takes the Leadership of
the church and the sign that is given must be done again to settle the
Jesus went on to say, “In the mid part of the 7 years, Ps Johann will make
a decision that many will not like but be assured it is from Me and it is to be
done. When this happens, there is a level of leadership that is underneath
the 500, they are a group that is skilled in politics and management of the
church bodies in different regions. There will be a group of them that will
get upset and angry with Ps Johann and the top leadership of 12 and 30.
They will influence one in the 70 and one in the 120. I want you to pray
about all this and be interceding for it. Although these two will fall, I have
prepared a plan for them to be restored. I will have mercy on them if they
repent because of the anointing I have put on them. And like Miriam who
was put out the camp for 7 days, these must be put out for 7 months. They
must go through the time of separation and obey the discipline of the Lord if
they do pass they will be allowed back in and restored. However, if they
continue to rebel and do not repent they are to be judged and Ps Johann is
to call down this judgment on them. The ground will open up and swallow
them. This is wet cement. If prayers and intercession and the warnings are
heeded then only those two of the 70 and 120 will fall, but if not more in the
70 and 120 will fall and if they do not repent they will be judged and this
judgment will happen. This is only given for Ps Johann to do and it will be
given as a judgment if they don’t repent.”
Jesus said, “If more end up falling from the groups of the 70 and 120 then
they are all to be judged this way. If they do not repent they all will be
swallowed up in this way. And if these are not restored and they continue in
the rebellion not only will they die but then they are to be replaced as Judas
was by Matthias.”
“This is how it will happen, once the decision is given from Me and given to
Ps Johann and Ps Johann releases it in the church. This group will get
angry about it and open the door in their heart to the spirit of the Anti-
Christ and the Enemy. They will get so angry about it that they will start to
entertain the enemy. At this point they can still repent of the thoughts and
intents of their hearts and they will not enter into Judgment. But if they
don’t stop these thoughts and cast them down and extinguish the anger in
their hearts then they will go out of their houses to spread this rebellion. At
this point in time as they go out of their house to spread this or if they
contact another while they are in their house to spread it the enemy will
enter them and they will now be one with the influence of the enemy and I
will judge them and they must be judged. At this point in time, when they
reach this point of attacking the church Leadership and spreading the attack
to turn others hearts against My established leadership, they are to be
judged harshly with fire like the sons of Korah. At this point they have
crossed over from dealing with it with Me and being able to get it right. I
will let them know by My spirit what is right. However, when they reject My
word to them they will then be siding against Me and joining the enemy.
These leaders do not know that the fallen angels will be looking for vessels
of entrance and that they have just given them place. They will become like
those who are judged because they didn’t let go of their idol who talks
Jesus continued, “The reason why the ones in the 70 and 120 will have
opportunity to repent and have mercy is they are not the instigators and the
anointing I have placed on them will protect them from the Fallen angels
entering them, that is if they repent. The ones of the 70 and 120 will be
turned by pride and anger because they would have done signs like the top
but only a few and not to the extent of the 12 and 30 and especially Ps
Johann. The group who comes to them will ask why they haven’t been part
of the 12 and 30 and that they should be taking care of this matter. If they
were taking care of this matter then they would have done the right thing
and this wouldn’t have happened. But they speak against My will.”
Jesus continued, “I am the One who gave the direction and command in the
first place. Then they will question why they were not part of the 12 or 30
because the instigators will be like Absalom and speak flattering words to
them to take advantage. One will have a rod that they have used to do
signs.” “This is what is to happen,” Jesus said, “when this rebellion comes,
and these two rise up to question why they were not put in these Leadership
positions and they challenge Me and My decisions. Then Ps Johann is to
take a rod and depending on how far the rebellion grows all the rods of
those who challenge the leadership and put them before Me in the Church of
My choosing. Then the one that buds like Aaron’s rod will be the sign of My
leadership. If the two or more who fall do not repent at this point they are
to be swallowed up. The ones who started the Rebellion are to have fire
called down on them because they are now one with the fallen angels and
are not to be shown mercy. This is the first rebellion that will take place
which will happen in the middle of the years of war. The second one will
happen at the end because many will be upset at the loss of those who came
against Me and not dealt with their hearts properly because they will forget
the fear of the holiness of God. This rebellion will only happen amongst
those under leadership and in those who are not leaders. After the first,
rebellion those in leadership of the 500 will not allow themselves to go that
way again and most the church. The second rebellion will happen in the
same way but not to the fullest extent. These who rise up will publically
come against the Leadership and Ps Johann but really they will be coming
against Me. It is an attack on Me, Arion. These are to be judged with the
spoken word so that the enemy will not get in their hearts in the same way.
These will be struck down by My angels like Herod. The impression was this
will all happen publically - the protest and the Judgment. Then great fear
will fall on the church like after Ananias and Sapphira.”
Then Jesus said, “During this time you are to give your rod to Sam as a
sign that you support him. You will not even put your rod with the others or
consider doing it. I was given the impression that even though some have
heard all these years Sam would lead because of grief would question him. I
also got the impression that if anyone supported Sam the sign of support
was to give them their rods. Sam would use his own rod for the sign but all
of ours who knew and obeyed Jesus would give our rods to Sam.”
After I heard this I was just shocked; I was like after everything, Lord, we
still got to do this again. I had an impression it would not be like the first
rebellion, it seemed more of a question of let’s make sure and get God to
pick. After this happened everything would be fine. Then it was time to go
and the vision stopped.
In the revelation of the coming tests and rebellions in the glorious church,
the Lord also showed specific individuals used by the enemy and fallen
angels (unknown to the individuals due to their ignorance that their anger
and thoughts are stirred by the devil). I knew some of the individuals
personally and was so grieved to see their loss of salvation in the rebellion;
so much that during the three day fast I prayed and cried for the individual
and spoke with the individual’s personal guardian angel whom I knew. I
reasoned with the angel assigned that his failure would also reflect on the
angel, too and it is better to have this person go home earlier than to have
this person lose the salvation. I prayed with the Father God pleading his
case and over the period of the fast, the Father God answered and showed a
vision of this person and his family all being taken home early before the
period of rebellion. With this person gone, the rebellion, although it must
take place (Jesus said that the only wet cement is the number of people
involved), now only involves a smaller group of people and is not as strong
Release of the New Glory of New Jerusalem and the Lamb of God
During the first three-day fast, I prayed fervently for the release of the new
glory of Jerusalem as Father God had revealed that this was one of the third
main ways to prevent the enemy from coming into places where the glorious
church is established (the restraining of evil and the spirit of antichrist – 2
Thessalonians 2:6-7). The new glory of new Jerusalem and of the Lamb
belongs to the future new heavens and new earth but Father God had
revealed that it was important to ask for the powers of the age to come now
in order to prevent the enemy from trespassing into the domain of the
glorious church (Hebrews 6:5; Revelation 21:27). I had a supernatural
experience of it being released which was beyond description. As I was also
involved in experiencing the two thirds saved (which was seen later in a
vision by Arion about a month later) during this supernatural week of two
three-day fasts, there were so many impartations and spiritual experiences
some of which are beyond recording. Like the Apostle Paul, I saw things
which were inexpressible in words and which were unlawful for man to
utter (2 Corinthians 12:4).
I would like to leave the telling of this experience in the words of one of
my spiritual sons, Arion. Just like Jesus just lived His life and left the telling
of the gospels to His twelve disciples, I would leave a lot of the telling and
witness of such spiritual experiences to my twelve spiritual children and
disciples who bear witness of the same experiences that have occurred. It is
the protocol of the spiritual realm to do this both now and in the future of
this revival and part of the training for those who are discipled through this
endtime move of God. Of course, this includes all those of the five hundred
and the three billion disciples we will raise for God as part of the glorious
bride of Christ. There will be many more miracles and supernatural events
that take place that will be witnessed by those who follow closely this move
of God, such that if all were to be recorded, the world would not contain the
books of the acts of the glorious church and bride of Christ; for we are to do
the works of Christ and the greater works of Christ (John 14:12; 21:24-25).
Thankfully, the angelic watchers keep an archive and record of all that is
recorded down. Also in Chapter 13, I have introduced some of the
revelations and downloads from my spiritual son, Sam, so now in Chapter
14, I would like to introduce readers to another of my spiritual son, Arion.
Three weeks later on 22nd April 2015, Arion also visited the new
Jerusalem where he met up with me. He also bore witness to the vision of
the worship of the four living creatures giving life to the entire Universe as
described in one of the visions shared during preaching. Arion’s account,
which included a beautiful visit to the Garden of Eden and to the
Millennium period, is an accurate description of what these places are like
including the New Jerusalem:
I saw an entrance to what looked like a garden. It reminded me of the other
day when I had a flash vision about the Garden of Eden. This entrance had
this gate-like thing that seemed like solid white stone substance. I looked at
one of the Pillars of the gate on my left side and it had like a ball on the top
and then a squared shaped long piece that was on it. I then began to walk
toward it. I noticed now that I was accompanied by Uriel, I tried to look
more at his detail but my soul kept projecting things that I knew were not
right and Uriel said, “Just enjoy don’t try to make out the detail, see what
you can see.”
So I said, “Yes, sorry.” Then as we were going through the gate, it looked
like a ladder formed but it was like step-like stairs. And I saw this stairs
begin to expand. I realized there was a distance and as we were between it,
it was like the stairs grew and I saw the real geographical distance except it
wasn’t really affected by the distance. It reminded me of Jacobs’s ladder. I
saw as we were going down into this garden when I looked back that I was
coming from the Throne room down to the earth to this garden. Along the
way I saw Enoch and said, “Hi Enoch,” and Enoch said, “Hi,” and then I
saw what I believe was Elijah but we were all going to the earth with Uriel
by my side. I then saw massive big trees on my way down. It looked like the
rainforest canopy but there was no darkness. I realized I saw grey and dark
Between the two three-day fast from 28th March 2015 and the seven day
fast from 24th April to 1st May 2015, the boldness of God came to claim for
two thirds of the endtime population to be saved during the period of the
glorious church following the decree Ancient of Days that it is the time for
the saints to possess the kingdom. I reasoned with Father God that during
the time of the satanic rebellion pre-Adamic time, only one third of angels
was lost. Surely, it would be unglorious of the glorious church to only
escape with a remnant or a small percentage of humans saved in their work
of endtime evangelism. I also reasoned with the Father God that it would
not show forth the glory of God if satan succeeds in taking more souls than
the glorious church can win. Also with the release of the Spirit of Elijah to
turn the hearts of the people back to God, it would not have shown success
if it failed to turn back the hearts of the people and the majority of them are
lost forever. I also reasoned that to possess the kingdom of God on earth
now in this lifetime, the glorious church must succeed and must succeed
gloriously. Throughout all the history of mankind from Adam’s time to the
present, the people who walked with God and love God have always been a
minority of the population of the earth. I reasoned with the Father God that
this has not been good and it showed the lack of power amongst those who
walked with God. It also reflects on God that good has not overcome evil
especially when evil is always in the majority of the population. Surely,
Christ’s redeeming death on the cross and His resurrection power from the
dead can be released into this present generation such that it effect the
conviction and conversion of two thirds of the present population from now
to the end of days, to turn to the God who created them and gave them life.
In tears and prayers, I pleaded my case before the Father God that the
glorious church, which should be greatest glory that God ever manifest on
the earth, would be a lesser glory than the angels if we do not have the same
two thirds saved on earth and preserved; especially when the Scriptures
showed that the glory of Christ and His church are far greater than the glory
of the angels (Hebrews 1:4-14; 2:5-15; Ephesians 1:21-23). I felt the Spirit
of Christ interceded through me with fervent prayers and cries and tears.
I heard a rumbling in the Spirit World and it was like the heavens opened
and I saw the whole of the Universe was shaken as the Father God
answered. It was like the whole Universe shook and was re-arranged. It was
like finally, the crown of God’s creation, humanity redeemed by the blood
of Christ, had the faith and boldness to claim what rightfully belonged to
Finally, on 14th April 2015, Arion also saw it in vision, and this is his
I was listening to Kenneth Hagin’s ‘Knowing God as your Father.’ I was
listening and loving the Father. And I was taken in the Spirit. I saw Jesus
come up to me. Jesus took me and was talking with me, I didn’t hear what
He was saying at first, He brought me to come sit down. We sat on a cross
that was lying on the ground. I thought this was strange to be sitting on a
cross lying on the ground.
And Jesus said to me, “Arion, I am going to show you that you are crucified
with Me, buried with Me and raised with Me. And you are in Me, Arion.”
I said, “Yes, Lord.”
Then Jesus lay back on the cross and I was taken into Him lying down on
the cross and we were crucified together. I was in Him, and I saw through
His eyes.
Then Jesus said, “It is finished.”
And then I was taken with Him from the Cross in Him to down below to
Abrahams bosom or Paradise. And I saw Paradise in the centre of the earth.
And I saw the divide between that and hell. I only saw a little of hell, the
flames of hell and hear faintly some cries. But I was taken around the
paradise and saw a light in the midst of this great darkness in the centre of
the earth. Then I saw Jesus come into paradise and said, “I am the
Messiah” and some other things I didn’t get to hear it all. It was like what
was being shown to me was in fast forward. It would slow down and play in
the parts the Lord wanted me to see. I saw all the saints in paradise cheer
and praise Jesus as He preached to them.
And then I was taken up with Jesus and we went into the tomb where His
body was. We walked around it and Jesus said, “Look” and I saw myself in
Jesus buried with Him in that tomb. Next me and Jesus entered His body
and at the same time; I saw the stone rolled away and one of the big
massive angels came in and looked at us and bow a knee to Jesus and went
back and stand outside.
Then there was a movement of energies and light. It was more like an
explosion but because it was harmonious and musical I called it an
explosive movement of sounds, lights, energies, plasma, dimensions and
creations. Every movement produced life and all of the heavens and the
earth were created. I remembered the first amongst the creations were the
twenty-four Elders, the foundations of the Universe and immediately were
the worship beings to contain the energies released through worship, then all
the Angels and Spirit Beings simultaneously. All light, life and love filled
the Universe and the whole Universe was like a song in which God
composed and sang. All this movement was like God through the Holy
Spirit, which had Seven Harmonies (Seven Spirits) sang. Even though
creation was perfect with the life and song of God, every single spirit being
had consciousness and continue to enjoy existence in contributing to the
Just prior to the Lucifer's heart becoming dark, God had already assigned
a group of Angels to boundaries and the time it took Lucifer to persuade
others to follow him and his demise when he tried to persuade the rest of the
Angels to follow him was about a million years (but about a billion years
our time as a day in heaven was like a thousand years because of the
activities possible). Comparatively, before the fall of satan the Universe had
existed in a pristine state for billions of years (trillions of years in our time).
There were activities and the pushing back of worlds and solar systems, and
the identification of them as to where they belong. The angelic rebellion
shook the whole Universe and infected it except for the pristine section
which God had separated out. There were gigantic beings who hold systems
of stars together who remain incorruptible (for example, like the planet
earth, if considered a being, is in itself not corrupt although the individual
life forms existing on it became corrupt - that is why the earth groans). In
the judgment of satan, who had made the earth his headquarters, two of the
moons of earth were destroyed. Satan rebelled outside of the earth's solar
system but made the earth his Headquarters because he noticed that God had
sent Uryaluzzael to planet earth. It was like Uryaluzzael was capable of
The third major event was the re-creation of the planet earth. Satan and his
fallen angels had been judged and the whole Universe remained in a state of
three sections: the pristine and the warring section with the boundary section
in between. The warring section had been cut off from the light which was
the life of God. In Genesis when God said 'Let there be light,' light flooded
the whole warring section once again. All creation was amazed when they
saw the earth restored into a pristine state and the creation of man began. It
was almost like God had this on schedule and despite the rebellion of fallen
angels, God was continuing His plans to reveal Himself. Of course, some
including satan, thought it was only the restoration of the fallen section to its
former pristine state. All the creation that was dedicated to mankind - the
animals which Adam named - was not just for planet earth but it was to fill
the whole section of worlds in the warfare section. It was also the first time
that creatures like Adam were split into male and female components but
yet given authority and power to effect its mark on creation. Angels and
spirits have no gender and it was a wonder to see Adam, who was like an
angel before Eve came out of him, becoming male and female in its perfect
state. However, within three days (though it was like three thousand years)
satan, through the serpent that he planted into the Garden of Eden, caused
Adam and Eve to fall. When Adam and Eve fell, it was like all their DNA of
their spirit, soul and body was affected. Death came. This major event
affected all of the warfare section again and the fall was felt in all the
warfare section of the Universe. All the enemies of God were in evil glee as
they made use of all the resources that God had given to Adam to forge a
new rebellion against God. However, God continued to send His Angels
who were all redeployed into different responsibilities when Adam and Eve
fell. The story of redemption then progressed as written in the Bible but
watched by all the Universe.
The fourth major event was the coming of Christ to the world. All the
Angels and Spirit Beings were amazed at the revelation of God in the fourth
dimension (The Word made flesh). Not all the Angels understood what was
happening and the earth had all the attention of the Universe during the
manifestation of the Word in the flesh living on planet earth. The whole
Universe shook and vibrated over every event in Jesus's life. The pain that
The twenty-four Elders could not weep nor do Angels or Spirit Beings
have the ability to cry watching Christ on the cross. Only the human race
had the ability to express the sorrow felt in the Universe at the moment of
Christ's suffering and death on the cross. So I wept. So John the apostle
wept. We weep for the twenty-four Elders who could not express the sorrow
in tears. We weep for the four living creatures who could not express their
sorrow in tears. We weep for the Angels and the Spirit Beings who could
not express their sorrow in tears. We of Adam's race weep at this titanic
event that was needed to restore back the fabric of the fallen Universe. All
the Universe could do was keep silence. But we humans, we weep, we cry,
we groan and we are deeply touched and affected; for God has given us the
ability to express with our tears the thought and the sight of this moment
when Christ died for us, to give us the righteousness of God and bring us
into the holiness of God.
The fifth major event is when Christ rose from the dead. It shook and
transformed the fabric of the Universe. It was not only the resurrection of
Christ. It was like Christ had come into the very atoms and molecule of
creation and transformed it. When Christ rose from the dead, He resurrected
every atom and molecule and infused the nature of Christ in seed form into
it. The blood of Christ was taken to the very Throne of God and it was
absorbed and transformed and changed even the manifestation of the
Ancient of Days. Although the word 'changed' cannot apply to God because
God changes not, but it was like a new dimension of the revelation and the
manifestation of God came through when Christ rose from the dead. With
His blood sprinkled onto all the Universe, the life giving DNA of the
expression of the fourth dimension of the Godhead came into everything
and every single creation was touched from the twenty-four Elders to the
four living creatures to the furthest atom and molecule of the Universe. As
The sixth major event that shook the Universe was when the Ancient of
Days decreed that it is time for the saints to take the Kingdom in Daniel
7:22 (released on the earth in our time dimension of 9-11 February 2015)
and we the saints on earth, the glorious church responding to this by
claiming that two thirds of the earth should be saved as is the pattern in
heaven when two thirds of the Angels remained true to God. It was a
Universe shaking event that caused every single Angel and Spirit Being to
be re-aligned to expand and receive a new life and energising from God to
make this possible on planet earth and in heaven. Every single life form has
been redeployed to release this coming of age of the manifestation of the
sons of God. The rise of the glorious church with the new glory of Jesus has
been long awaited for since the beginning of time (Romans 8:18-19;
Ephesians 1:4-5; 3:8-11).
The seventh major event that involved the whole redeployment of the
whole Universe is the second coming of Christ. All the Angels and Spirit
Beings of the Universe march with Jesus in victory as He comes and brings
the Throne room glory to planet earth. The extinguishing of all evil takes
place (including those from the end of the millennium sent back by quantum
time to the second half tribulation to be vanquished and exterminated at
Christ's second coming to planet earth).
The last and final event would be the ripping of the fabric of the Universe
at the end of the Great White Throne judgment, and the unveiling of the new
heavens and the new earth with the Bride of Christ, the New Jerusalem,
shining with the fullness of the glory of God the Father and of Christ the
Lamb of God as in Revelation chapters 21 and 22.
On the evening of Tuesday 28th April 2015, I was sitting on the piano
bench praying during the evening corporate gathering for prayers and
enjoying the atmosphere and sense of prayers and worship in the Spirit that
was going on when the glory of God from new Jerusalem came upon me.
On the previous evening of 27th April 2015 that same new glory had
enveloped me and taken me into a place in God, and when I returned into
my physical body towards 9pm, I had told the congregation that I saw the
three glories that surround the glorious church: the inner layer being Christ
and I was one in Him, and the second layer being the four living creatures
and the third layer being all the other archangels and spirit beings. On
Tuesday evening of 28th April 2015, I was again covered by this new glory
and as I was beholding Christ’s face shining with the face of the Father, a
part of me was seeking to know Him more and understand His fullness. I
was searching out in the Spirit the revelation of His new name in Revelation
chapter 3:12 which had been sealed upon my forehead. While enjoying His
glory and His love flowing with oneness in the Father, it suddenly shone
upon me and it was like I saw a beam of light spell out His name in golden
glory – The Lamb of God! I was stunned at first. It was so simple yet so
deep. It was all the time in the written Word but we dare not say ‘that was
it’ without revelation. For who would have the audacity to claim to know
the new name of our Master and Lord Jesus Christ without Him actually
telling us His new name. It was like a rush of fresh new energies from the
glory of New Jerusalem and New Heavens and New Earth came upon me.
Inside me, I was trembling from the revelation of His holy new name. Every
strand of DNA within me was like singing unto the Lamb of God as it felt
the impact of the revelation of His new name.
In every spiritual development of His people in the Bible, God has always
revealed more of Himself (to Abraham, the name El Shaddai; to Moses, the
name Yahweh, in the New Testament, Jesus Christ, etc.). Now in this
endtime move, we finally know the new name of our Lord Jesus Christ! The
glorious church can now march forth into the glory of the new heavens and
new earth name of Christ! This is so glorious and wonderful. There were
At the time of writing of this chapter, we are about to set off for the altar
building trips in North and South America. Already, I have seen numerous
visions of the activities of Angels and Spirit Beings. There is a sort of sense
of spiritual excitement (if that is the right word) amongst the Angels and
Spirit Beings for the last time the seven times glory had shone on earth was
during the pristine state of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Now this
seven times glory had a new element of the Christ factor and the new glory
of New Heavens and New Earth. The manifestation of the Sons of God had
finally come! (Romans 8:19-21). It was like Christ had sown Himself into
us, and now the seed of God in Christ has grown to fullness within us, His
beloved Bride and church. It was time to gather us unto Himself in a final
march of glory towards the Rapture harvesting the souls of men unto Christ.
All the works of Christ and the greater works will be manifested in powerful
and abundant fullness in this end of days.
1. To receive and absorb fully the glory of Father God, the Lamb of
God and new Jerusalem and bring it into manifestations within the
glorious church of Jesus in the present time and increased into the
fullness of it, and maintain it right up to the Rapture (Hebrews 6:5;
Revelation 21:22-27; 22:3-5).
2. To create an atmosphere, a covering, a canopy, a cathedral of
holiness and worship of the heavenly holy of holies and of the glory
of the powers of the age to come of new Jerusalem within, upon and
around the glorious church of Jesus – upon Ps Johann, all the twelve,
the 30s, the 70s X2, the 120s X2, and upon all the captains and
leaders of millions, captains of hundreds of thousands, captains of
tens of thousands, captains of thousands and hundreds, all 10,000
pastors of the ten thousand churches, the 10 million fivefold
ministers, over every single individual and member of the glorious
church. That the highest dimension of holiness from the very holy of
holies of God Almighty and of the glory of New Jerusalem, would
be received, and absorbed into the DNA of every single member of
the glorious church and all would be perfectly one with Jesus and
with the Father (John 17:21-24).
3. To release the pillars of fire and of glory, the clouds of glory of the
holy of holies and of the powers of the age to come of the glory of
new Jerusalem permanently upon all of the glorious church 24 hours
every day until the Rapture (Colossians 3:16; Ephesians 5:18-20;
Revelation 3:7, 12; Acts 15:16 – the key of David, the tabernacle of
David - establishment of 24 hours praise and worship both
corporately and individually); resulting in 24 hours worship on
planet earth to the glory of our Father God and of the Lamb.
4. For the supernatural manifold wisdom of God ( Ephesians 3:9-11;
Proverbs 8:12-36; 1 Corinthians 1:30; Colossians 3:16) to be
released upon Ps Johann and all the five hundred governors (from all
of the twelve, thirties, seventies X 2, one hundred and twenty x 2
and others) over the nations of Cathedral of Glory (6 billion plus
strong), and the hundreds of thousands of governing bodies and
departments of Cathedral of Glory to administrate the multifaceted
aspects of the glorious church in all spirit, soul and body needs of
every single individual member of the church, the bride of Christ,
spread across all the nations of the planet earth; including the
administration of the facilitation of the present premises of the
church in Sydney & Singapore and every other church to be planted
henceforth from the hundreds now into the six billion plus and more
at the Rapture. That every need of the individual members – spirit,
soul and body – would be properly administrated and cared for liken
Between the two three-day fasts and these seven day fast, we received the
faith to have two thirds of the population of planet earth saved and
converted (at least six billion souls, with three billion made into disciples of
Christ). This was sealed and released on earth on 24th April 2015, during
this seven day fast. Also the new name of Jesus in Revelation 3:12 was
revealed to me on the evening of 28th April 2015.
So, this president is going to rule in these years of prosperity and 4 years
into the years of famine.
The Lord says that the next president will be allowed to be strong and
powerful because the Lord will allow him to hold back Russia for a time.
Remember the years of prosperity and the years of famine in the time of
Joseph. Those things are going to occur all over again. Remember the
prophecies in the book of Daniel, where the archangel Gabriel (who is here
with us tonight) spoke to him and revealed to him about the 4 empires - the
kingdom of Babylon, followed by the Median-Persian Empire, followed by
the Greek empire, followed by the Roman Empire. Daniel existed and he
was used by God during the Babylonian empire and during the Median-
Persian Empire. After that, the Greek empire came. When Gabriel brought
forth the message, the enemy (the Prince of Persia) tried to hinder Gabriel
from bringing the revelation to Daniel. Michael the archangel came and
Gabriel continue to fly towards Daniel to deliver the revelation. After 21
days of fasting by Daniel, Gabriel came and he brought the message to
Daniel. All these stories are in the book of Daniel.
Now the elections will be in 2016. If you add 8 years, it will only bring you
to 2024. This president lasted until 2027 (the invasion of Spain, as in other
prophecies mentioned earlier) because civil war will break out and martial
law will be declared. Because martial law will exist in his second term, he
will extend his presidency for another 3 years until 2027.
Right now, with the sanctions, the ruble has taken a hit and it has made it
harder for the average Russian to buy food. During the next year, 2016,
Putin will be forced to step down 2 years ahead of schedule because the
average Russian cannot afford food. There will be hardship in Russia and
nothing that Putin does will be able to prevent the crash. This will cause the
whole of Russia to revolt and in certain places for a time major riots will
arise, so much that they will be starving for a time. And he will not be able
to quell the anger. There will be much rioting for Putin to step down
because they will be angered by him that he has so much and they have
nothing. Putin will be forced by his leaders to step aside early. When this
happens, a new leader will arise in Russia; and Russia will be pushed back
to await its appointed time.
In the meantime, the American president that will be elected end of next
year will grow strong to keep the Russians and Chinese at bay through two
secret weapons. That is the main reason why the American leadership will
become haughty and proud because of these weapons. These weapons are so
catastrophic to the world and they alone possess these weapons at this time.
They are not normal weapons that are even known and allowed by the
governments of the world today. In fact, they are only known by the
Russians and the Chinese in theory through covert reports. This technology
is only known by the Americans. That’s how the Americans can face the
build-up of the Russians and the Chinese militarily and remain proud. Now
the Lord says, He wants to tell us about the story of these secret weapons
because it is the story of these secret weapons that is going to affect the next
8 years to the next 10 years of the future of the world.
The first weapon is a nuclear weapon that is so powerful that it can lay
waste to the whole world. It is like a nation or continent killer, more
powerful than the nuclear weapons that we have that can destroy an entire
city. These are specially configured so that they can destroy an entire
country, an entire continent, an entire world.
However, the Russians and the Chinese do not know that Jesus will not
allow this. So, they are afraid that this weapon will be used. Even the allies
of the United States of America are not sure how they will be protected in
the event of another war, if these weapons are used. None of the nations of
the world can confirm these weapons exist, or what their limitations are.
However, the Americans will leak just enough information to keep everyone
in fear - that it is not just a theory although they don’t prove it.
But these weapons do exist. They are not theory. The Americans will have a
protocol on how to use these weapons: If the nations of the world rise up
and attack the United States of America, and the United States of America is
at stake of losing in an all-out war, then it will use these weapons as a
deterrent measure. This is the protocol that exists.
The Russians and the Chinese will know about this protocol and have a
secret arrangement against the United States to fund and help create a civil
There are many USA government leaders who are bought off by the
Chinese and some by the Russians. They will pretend to do the best for the
United States but will be selling secrets, obeying orders, making deals of all
kinds to their own destruction. Each faction will have its own agenda and
will play its cards against the other for dominance of the world, and the
destruction of United States.
The United States and Europe will be allies until the years of famine, when
a wedge will be driven between them. They will not directly fight until
China attacks USA in 2027. Then, Europe will attack while the Chinese
play their part in the plan. Europe will have a strategy against USA, Russia
and China. Russia will have its own strategy against Europe, against
America, against China. China will have its own strategy against Europe,
against America, against Russia. Each one is playing against each other and
that will be the world that you will be living in during the next coming
The Russians will be building their weapon arsenal and work to find out the
secrets of these two secret weapons to disable them. They will make a deal
with China to give the lands of the USA to the Chinese to dominate once the
civil war has weakened the nation and the secret weapon protocol goes into
effect. The first goal of Russia and China is to find out where the designated
submarines are and destroy them before they are able to fire the secret
weapons. Then, the next goal of the factions against America is to destroy
the satellite where they warehouse the special nukes in space and destroy it.
The problem here is this: Europe will be allied with the USA. However,
during the time of famine when USA invades Spain, Europe will make a
deal with Russia and China to use the banking system against the USA and
provide the secret information they need to sink the submarines and destroy
the satellite. Europe will allow the Chinese to be the attack dog to attack
The goal of Europe is to wait until the last American special submarine with
the special weapons is destroyed by the Chinese. Europe will pretend to be
neutral until the last moments, when the Chinese have sunk the last
submarine and destroyed most of the American fleet; completely destroy the
American naval power. Then when the Chinese have done this with some
loss, Europe will attack the Chinese counterparts, and destroy the power of
their navy and push the Chinese back but only because at the same time,
Europe will surprise attack the American base in Europe to get hold of the
last remaining secret weapon that is in the continent of Europe. And they
will use that to keep the Russians and the Chinese in retreat. The Chinese
will turn back temporarily defeated.
Russia will be waiting to collect the spoils of war. They will recover the
weaponry in the sunken submarines and then realize that Europe does not
have the ability to crack the American system protocol so fast. They will
know it because Europe will play their hand first. Remember the prophecy
about the seven meteorites that will hit Russia, with two hitting the areas
where the two fallen angels are released? After the meteorites hit Russia,
Europe will take that chance to attack Russia. When they attack Russia,
Russia will know they don’t have the technology to use the secret weapons;
which is why they resort to conventional war in attacking Russia. Russia
will attack back.
Russia will have bought and paid for many American scientists and military
officers to help them. Once the American naval power is destroyed, it will
be the culmination of American defeat. They will never rise again after
2027. By this time the United States will have been destroying each other
from within. They will not see the secret attack coming or believe it is
possible because they are too distracted and spread out to be able to see this
coming. They will think their allied relationship with Europe and their
economic relationship with China will keep them from being attacked and
from the war. They are wrong.
At this time, the Chinese will be allowed to attack the USA by Europe
provoking them to be the attack dog. America will be starving and under
martial law, fighting each other and killing one another. In one last attempt
to try to unite the nation, the president will go to Spain as peacekeeper to try
to secure food. That is when the Europeans will decide to go forward to
betray their allies. Europe’s main strategy against the USA is to break up
their banking system and provide secret military intelligence to the Chinese
to thwart the Russians, not knowing the Chinese have made a secret deal
with the Russians to destroy USA and divide the spoils. The Russians will
get back their former Soviet territory and the Chinese will get Taiwan and
major American investment centres.
Europe will not see this coming. They will think they have secured the
power to keep Russia at bay and also have destroyed Chinese naval power.
They will be wrong. Once Europe defeats China and pushes them back, they
will be at odds with Russia. They are no more Americans in the way and the
secret weapon belongs to them. However, Europe will realize they have a
secret weapon they cannot use. So, they will pretend that they know how to
use it. This strategy will work until they attack Russia. They will be
mobilizing their military to establish dominance. When Russia is hit by the
meteorites, they will decide it is time to hit at Russia. As they momentarily
win, conquering all the way to Moscow, Russia will figure out that Europe
did not have the technology to the USA weapons and know that they can’t
use it. Then Russia will attack back and defeat them. As they are defeated,
the Tsunami takes place. 2029 comes along.
Then the Lord showed a map, I saw at first a large Map of America, The
west side was coloured red and had a massive soldier figure from the
revolutionary war facing the east side he held an old time musket and
bayonet toward the east side. Then the East side was in blue and had the
same kind of revolutionary soldier with old time musket and bayonet facing
the West side. The two sides were divided by what looked like lightning. I
Then the Lord said, this civil war will not be like any before. It will be
worse and there will be more than two sides fighting each other. Then the
Lord showed a new map of the USA. He showed that there would be five
sections, every section He showed became highlighted as group of states
that formed together as one. First He showed Texas and the states to the
right all the way to Florida and including Florida; they turned red and the
Lord said this is the Southern States Faction. Then from the main line down
where (it looked like the original 13 states from a distance plus some more)
all the way up to the Southern States faction line and it was highlighted in
Blue and the Lord said this is the Eastern States Faction. Then the Lord
showed the West which included California and the west Coast all the way
to Texas and said this is the West States Faction. Then the Lord showed the
North West States section; it was above the West part. Then there was an
open space in the mid to northern states; it had no colour. And the Lord said
that these sections will not be in one group. Some will be fighting each other
and some will be allied with others. This is the chaos zone and where the
Civil war will start from. It was hard to tell the lines that divided the states
because these sections became colours and it looked like new boundary
lines were drawn. Almost like the zones in some areas split the state lines,
like the Southern group section looked like part of Oklahoma was in the
The Lord said the timing of the Civil war will be in the second term of the
new president. Then the Lord showed what will lead up to the civil war.
This time will be the time of the riots which will lead into anarchy which
will lead into the civil war. All these times are subject to the prayer of the
Church. If the church does not pray, the years of the riots will come two
years early into the years of prosperity, which will then start the time of
anarchy which will begin the years of the Civil war earlier and will prolong
the time of the Civil war. If it is prayed and pushed back the time of the
riots, anarchy and civil war will be pushed back and held in to the years of
the famine. The prayer is to prevent it from starting earlier. (Note: There
was a call to a three day fast for USA from Saturday March 28th to Monday
March 30th 2015, and during the fast, the Lord said on Sunday that from the
first day of prayer, He has already answered and the years of the civil war
will be pushed back to begin only during the second term of the last
president of USA).
Then the Lord said that when the time of the riots starts there will be 5
things that will cause this. The first is the price of food will increase and
Then the Lord showed me the new president. The Lord said during the time
of riots the President will be used to take more and more freedom and will
transfer the private resources of the nation to the government. This will all
be under the desire to quell the riots and violence and fighting and respond
to the famine. Then the Lord said during this time the Government will
align with the Apostate Church and freedom of speech and righteousness
will be fought against. The Lord said the riots will hit a point where they
begin to take freedom away from citizens. In an effort to stop the violence,
the government will promote the doctrine of the Apostate church and align
with it. They will promote false love and all the abominations of the
Apostate Church in the attempt to keep people distracted and tied up in
fulfilling their fleshly desires. Drugs, fornication, prostitution and many
The landscape of USA was shown. An angel with wings who had a sword
drawn the river. Then the river started to dry up and stopped flowing such
that the river bed was dry and cracked. I then started to see all the water in
America dry up. I saw many Angels going through the land striking the
water supplies in regions. I then saw other of the same kind of Angels go
and strike things. One Angel struck the trees, One Angel struck a field of
wheat, one struck the green grass, and I saw the land turn from lush green to
brown till I didn’t see any vegetation is was like a desert.
This message is delivered together with other messages that prepare the
Bride of Christ to be ready for His Coming. Please also listen to the other
positive messages as to how to be part of this revival that is beginning this
year with creative signs and wonders. Many other things have been revealed
and many messages from God have been delivered to the people of God. In
the light of this and in obedience to God, we are launching COG, USA on 7
February 2016 with Sunday services followed by miracle services where
God will confirm His endtime word with signs and wonders (John 10:37-38;
The Lord is coming for His Bride, go out to meet Him (Matthew 25:6)