Drugs of Abuse
Drugs of Abuse
Drugs of Abuse
Specimen considerations
o Alcohol in blood samples may be analyzed even
after a moment of delay provided the samples
in tubes remain sealed.
o Urine temperature is a vital factor.
o Aspiration of gastric contents or vomitus may
reveal tablets or capsules
Sample requirements
o Urine
o Serum
o Hair
o Nails
o Whole blood or plasma
o Sweat
o Saliva
o Urine sample for toxicology assay has the
o Once a urine specimen is collected, it is
subjected to concentration and extraction
o Examination of the blood has the advantage of
identifying currently circulating drugs.
o -Advantage of knowing the complete composite
of drugs that have been ingested over a long
period that blood samples.
o -in extraction procedures, acidic drugs are
separated from the basic ones
- And this is to design treatment plans
and monitoring the success of
2 basic techniques
o Immunochemical
o Chromatography
McPherson, R. A., & Pincus, M. R. (2017). Henrys clinical
diagnosis and management by laboratory methods.
Philadelphia, PA: Elsevier.
Ferrer, Ma. Riamyr T.
Reyes, Mary Grace C.
Reyes, Reyza Jane B.
Windesi, Susanthi I.L