Phase Synchronization For Coherent MIMO Radar Algo
Phase Synchronization For Coherent MIMO Radar Algo
Phase Synchronization For Coherent MIMO Radar Algo
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Abstract—Multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) radar can fit within a given target beamwidth. For the case of coherent
achieve improved localization performance by employing a co- MIMO radar, the antennas are within a given target beamwidth,
herent processing approach with proper antenna positioning. and this leads to identical reflection coefficients. The optimum
Coherent processing, however, entails the challenge of ensuring
phase coherence of the carrier signals from different distributed processing of the coherent MIMO radar returns has been
radar elements. In this work, we aim to address such a challenge shown to give excellent performance in some very important
by providing a systematic treatment of the phase synchronization cases, such target localization [2], [3], but it requires phase
problem in coherent MIMO radar systems. We propose and study synchronization between the separated antenna elements1. In
three different approaches for reaching a common notion of phase fact, phase synchronization embodies a major difference be-
in coherent MIMO radar, namely, the master-slave closed-loop
algorithm, the round-trip algorithm and the broadcast consensus tween the operations of noncoherent MIMO radar and coherent
based algorithm. These algorithms range from centralized to MIMO radar, as will be mathematically demonstrated later
distributed types, and include both noniterative and iterative in this work. Unfortunately, in reality, the radar elements are
approaches. They do not require a priori establishment of the time usually operated with physically different local oscillators, and
synchronization, and thus are all time asynchronous in nature. each of them suffers from statistically independent phase offset,
Under a similar analytical framework, we mathematically charac-
terize each of these algorithms, and further derive and study the indicating that the phase of the carrier signal transmitted gets
statistical properties of a few relevant figures of merit including rotated by an unknown amount. As a consequence, practical
the resulting phase synchronization error. Simulation results are implementation of coherent MIMO radar entails the challenge
presented to validate our theoretical analysis. of ensuring phase coherence of the carrier signals from different
Index Terms—Coherent processing, multiple-input mul- distributed radar elements.
tiple-output (MIMO) radar, phase synchronization. The imperfection in phase synchronization that would in-
evitably occur in coherent MIMO radar, on the other hand,
has recently attracted the attention of some researchers. For
example, some theoretical analysis conducted on coherent
centralized to distributed types, and include both noniterative nections, such as coaxial cable or fiber optic links. For example,
and iterative methods. They are versatile and practically imple- the broadcast consensus based phase synchronization algorithm
mentable, and should cater to different needs arising as a result given in this paper is applicable to other types of media than the
of different number of MIMO radar elements, different sensor wireless environment, as long as broadcast is enabled. Addition-
placements, as well as different operational preferences. They ally, we assume sensors operate in the half-duplex mode, which
are all time asynchronous algorithms, and do not require the means that they cannot receive while they are transmitting.
establishment of time synchronization in advance. In particular, The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. In
the master-slave closed-loop algorithm and the round-trip algo- Section II, we give a brief introduction to the coherent MIMO
rithm also require no a priori frequency synchronization. Under radar model, demonstrate the difference between coherent and
a similar analytical framework, for each of these algorithms, we noncoherent processing for target localization, and most im-
derive and also provide an analysis of the statistical properties portantly, elucidate the motivation of our work. In Section III,
of some interesting figures of merit, such as the aggregate we describe a simple master-slave closed-loop phase synchro-
phase error after synchronization and the phase deviation from nization approach, and examine the statistical properties of the
consensus. Our analysis clearly reveals the impact of the phase cumulative phase error. In Section IV, we propose a round-trip
and frequency estimation errors on the phase synchronization phase synchronization algorithm, and analyze the phase syn-
accuracy. chronization error. In Section V, we propose a broadcast
Of particular note is that while each of these phase syn- consensus based phase synchronization algorithm, and study
chronization algorithms may resemble some algorithm(s) in some convergence properties of this algorithm. In Section VI,
existing works that are designed for or applied to situations we summarize and compare these three phase synchronization
other than phase synchronization in coherent MIMO radar, algorithms, and discuss some issues that may arise in practice.
they do contain distinct features and contributions when in In Section VII, we provide some simulation results on the
comparison. For example, [11] proposes a broadcast reference broadcast consensus based algorithm. In Section VIII, we end
self-cohering technique for calibrating a large, sparse, flexing this paper with some concluding remarks.
array that has a similar physical setup as the coherent MIMO
radar system. This technique directly broadcasts phase refer- II. COHERENT MIMO RADAR MODEL
ence signals from a reference element to other array elements,
In this section, we provide a concise description of the co-
which resembles our master-slave closed-loop algorithm. It,
herent MIMO radar model, and illustrate the difference between
however, requires several auxiliary beacons with either accu-
coherent and noncoherent processing in the context of target
rately known or loosely known locations to provide additional
localization. Note that to make the discussion very clear, we
phase measurements. Note that none of our proposed methods
consider here some simplified assumptions. Let us consider a
requires auxiliary beacons or alike. Another approach, similar
MIMO radar that is equipped with transmitters and re-
to our master-slave closed-loop algorithm, has been used in
ceivers. Thus, the total number of radar elements is ,
[18] to synchronize the carrier phase of a group of nodes,
and for notational convenience we denote . The
but [18] implicitly assumes the a priori establishment of time
positions of the th, transmitter and the th,
synchronization. In contrast, our work does not assume either
receiver are and , respectively,
time nor frequency synchronization, and features an asyn-
in a two-dimensional Cartesian coordinate system. The lowpass
chronous time model and timing analysis. The round-trip type
equivalent of the signal transmitted from the th transmitter is
method proposed in [19]–[22] for global clock synchronization
in sensor networks or carrier synchronization for distributed , where denotes the total transmitted energy, and
beamforming share the same essential features as our round-trip the waveform is normalized such that
algorithm, but in general they cannot be applied to our problem
in a straightforward manner. Besides, in our work, we provide
a thorough analysis of the resulting phase synchronization error
at each radar element, which is not available in these works.
Finally, the application of broadcast-based consensus algorithm Assume the target’s location and velocity are and ,
to phase synchronization and the analysis of its convergence respectively. For notational convenience, we define a parameter
behavior in the presence of nonzero-mean phase perturbations, vector as follows:
is an extension of our work in [38], and is new on its own.
Therefore, each algorithm proposed in our work represents a
unique addition to their respective category of methods. Overall,
our work, providing a practical orientation along with a theoret-
ical depth, is a first attempt to explicitly address practical issues In the coherent mode, the antennas are assumed to be all
related to phase synchronization in coherent MIMO radar. It is within the effective beamwidth of the target, if the target is
also worth noting that in our work, we only consider space as modeled as an antenna [1]. Thus, the reflection coefficient is
the transmission medium through which phase synchronization assumed to be the same for each th path, and is denoted as
is implemented, but we note that these synchronization algo- . We assume is unknown but deterministic2. Then, the signal
rithms can remain effective when phase synchronization is to 2Considering random leads to very similar results but the deterministic case
be achieved across different radar elements through wired con- simplifies the analysis.
emanated from transmitter and captured by receiver can be As the noise components are i.i.d. Gaussian, the log-likelihood
expressed as function of the received signal vector, after simplification, can
be expressed as
channel between and . Due to the channel reciprocity, we Combing (8) and (9), we have
have and thus .
Then as far as timing is concerned, we make the following (10)
proposition: (11)
Proposition 1: Each slave element , upon the conclusion
of receiving the beacon signal from the master element , (12)
needs to defer a period of time before it initiates its time slot
counting. The defer time, denoted as , should satisfy the
following condition:
where in both (11) and (13), we apply the fact that and
Remark 1: Of note is that this algorithm is also applicable
Note that Proposition 1 can make sure that each slave node to cases where the communication channels are multipath LTI
will not confuse the initial beacon signal sent by with the channels. The key is to modify and accordingly to accom-
bounced signal from any other slave node. Further, the length of modate the duration of the delay spread of the multipath chan-
the time slot needs to be judiciously designed, so that slave ele- nels, and to estimate the phase and frequency of the received
ments will not interfere with each other when they interact with signals when such signals are composed of replicas of the trans-
the master element. We assume that before the defer time ex- mitted signals corresponding to the full range of delays. We omit
pires at each slave node, each slave node has successfully gener- further discussion for the sake of brevity.
ated estimates of the frequency and phase of its received signal.
B. Phase Synchronization Error Analysis
We also assume the processing time at the master element is
. Then, we make the following proposition with regard to the In the following analysis, for simplicity we assume the overall
length of the time slot. time for phase synchronization is sufficiently short, such that the
Proposition 2: The duration of a time slot, , should satisfy oscillator phase noise [25], [26] is negligible and does not cause
the following condition: appreciable changes to both the phase and frequency informa-
tion. Let the unit-amplitude sinusoidal reference signal gener-
(7) ated at the master element using its local oscillator be given
Proof: Suppose slave sensor and are scheduled to
transmit in two adjacent time slots. Let sensor be the first one (14)
to transmit and its time slot number be , where
where and are the carrier frequency and phase of the
. Let us use the instant when the master element broadcasts
reference signal, respectively. broadcasts this signal to all
the beacon signal as the time reference point. Then the ending
the slave elements. The signal received by slave element ,
time of ’s time slot is
, can be written as
and the starting time of ’s time slot is
where . Given the noisy observation
in (15), slave element generates estimates of the received fre-
quency and phase, denoted as and , respectively. Using
Obviously when , or equivalently , there will its estimates, transmits the following signal back to in its
be no time overlap at all. But when , or equivalently designated time slot
, will start its time slot before the time slot as-
signed to ends.
To avoid collisions resulting from the overlap of time slots, The signal captured by can be written as
the duration of should include a guard time interval or cushion
duration so that even if starts its time slot before ’s ends,
no collision will happen as a result. The guard time should be at
least as long as the maximum possible length of time overlap, where . then generates an estimate
i.e. of the received phase, which is denoted as . Therefore, the
phase offset that is induced by the propagation channel can be
computed through4
Note that should include the duration of the round-trip com- (16)
munication between each slave sensor and the master sensor,
4Ideally the phase offset should be converted into a value in the radian range
and the processing time at the master sensor. This leads to
or . In this paper, for the ease of presentation, we choose not to
make such an explicit conversion, but note this radian conversion can be made
(9) after the phase synchronization process completes.
This phase offset is used for the purpose of phase pre-com- where . Specific to this case, we define the
pensation, and is incorporated into the signal to be transmitted SNR as . Then, under the assumption of reasonably high
back to . Thus, the transmit signal is expressed as SNR, ML estimates and of and can be com-
puted, respectively, through [27] [see (20) and (21), shown at the
bottom of the page, where denotes the measure-
and the received phase at is given by ment phase of ]. From (20) and (21), we can see that im-
plementation of the above ML estimators makes use of both the
(17) measurement phase and the measurement mag-
nitudes of the received signal samples
An estimate of is generated at , and is denoted as . . It, however, requires neither the knowledge of the
is the final phase at , as a result of the phase synchronization signal amplitude , nor that of the noise power . Addition-
process. ally, since the measurement phase is obtained from
In the following, we will compute the aggregate phase error the principal argument of the complex phasor , phase un-
resulting from the implementation of this synchronization wrapping [28] is necessary here, which is a process to recover
algorithm, and will also characterize its statistical properties. the absolute value of the phase angle of a continuous function
But firstly, let us examine the frequency and phase estimates at that extends over a range of more than (relative to a pre-
each radar element. In general, these estimates can be obtained defined starting point). A phase unwrapping algorithm which
through a phase-locked loop (PLL). However, as indicated in complements the frequency and phase estimation in (20) and
[18], there is significant sub-optimality in using an analog PLL, (21) can be found in [27]. Note that due to the application of
and digital processing is more preferred when better accuracy this phase unwrapping procedure, the mod- phase ambiguity
is desired. Therefore, we apply the ML estimator instead to ob- issue5, which was discussed in [11] and [18], will not be a con-
tain estimates of these unknown but deterministic parameters. cern here.
While, as it is well known that nonlinear estimation is generally Let the complex AWGN in (19) be decomposed
plagued by threshold effects, which are closely related to the into two orthogonal components, and ,
signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), we hereby assume the channel with being parallel to, and perpendicular
between the master element and each slave element has a rea-
to . Suppose and are
sonably high SNR such that the variance of the ML estimator
statistically independent with identical distribution, i.e.,
of the received frequency (phase) equals or closely approaches
its corresponding Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). and . Let the esti-
Without loss of generality, let the signal received at sensor mation errors for the received frequency and phase be defined
and sent by be given by as
(18) (22)
respectively. Then, and can be explicitly calculated we denote the aggregate phase error after implementing the syn-
through [27] [see (24) and (25) at the bottom of the page]. Thus, chronization algorithm as
it can be shown that conditioning on the magnitudes
of the received signal6, the estimation errors and are
both Gaussian distributed with zero mean. Moreover, using the
approximation , it is easy to verify that In the following theorem, we formally state some synchroniza-
the ML estimators given in (20) and (21) are both unbiased at tion related results.
high SNR, i.e., and . The quality Theorem 1: After running this master-slave closed-loop
of the frequency and phase estimates can be further evaluated in phase synchronization algorithm, all the slave elements will
terms of their variances through the CRLB bound. The results synchronize their phase, in expectation, to the master node’s
are given as follows [27]: phase , i.e.
We would like to point out that a periodic extension of the re- The signal received by can be expressed as
ceived signal can also be used as the transmit signal, as
was adopted in [21]. In particular, such a periodic extension can
be generated by using the frequency estimate and the phase
estimate to extrapolate the phase of at time . The where and . From
extrapolated phase is then given by . This extrap- , computes estimates of the received frequency and
olation approach, though, viable as it appears in practice, may phase, denoted as and , respectively. Then, can
result in degenerated accuracy in phase synchronization, as the compute its final phase through
error in estimating the carrier frequency will propagate and
accumulate over the course of extrapolation. For this reason, we
prefer to choose the transmit signal as per (30). In time slot , relays the beacon signal to .
Relay of the beacon signal is repeated for nodes The transmit signal can be written as
in time slot following the order of
. A general expression for the
signal transmitted from , is given by
The receive signal at is given by
where we have
Additionally, the phase and frequency estimates obtained from (36)
(33) are denoted as and , respectively.
In time slot , transmits the following signal to Thus, can compute their final phase simply
The signal received at sensor is given by The whole signal relay procedure ends at time when fin-
ishes its reception of the beacon signal from . then gener-
ates a phase estimate from its received signal , and
calculates its final phase through
in Section III. Thus, the frequency and phase estimates, and where and are the cumulative phase errors induced
, can be calculated from (20) and (21), respectively. The es- by the inaccurate estimation of the carrier phase and frequency,
timation errors and , as defined, respectively, in (22) and respectively, and are both Gaussian distributed with zero mean.
(23), can be shown to be both zero-mean Gaussian distributed, Proof: See Appendix II.
with variance lower bounded by the CRLB bound given in (26). A close review of (42) reveals that the mean of the final phase
In accordance with the definition of in (22), we define , , is a function of the propagation delay between each
the notations pair of neighboring radar elements. It is thus essential to en-
sure that the channels remain invariant during the period when
phase synchronization is implemented. We would also like to
point out that, similar to the master-slave method, this round-trip
phase synchronization algorithm is also applicable to multipath
time-invariant channels. In that case, each propagation delay
in (42) needs to be properly adjusted so as to accommo-
Thus, in the clockwise cycle, the true frequency of the signal date the delay spread of the multipath channels.
propagating from to is written as When examining the detailed expressions for in
Appendix II, we find that , is a sum of
phase estimation error terms, but is equal to the sum of
phase estimation error terms divided by two. Suppose the
(39) phase estimator employed at each radar element is identical,
then the variance of is the same for ,
which is twice the variance of . Whereas, we find that the
Likewise, in the counterclockwise cycle, the true carrier fre- expression for for each radar element is more complicated
quency of the signal traversing from and received by than the corresponding . This is due to the fact that
is given by involves the propagation and accumulation of the related in-
dividual frequency estimation errors in the serial transmission
process. Finally, the variances of and can be easily
computed by using the covariance results, as given in (26), for
each constituent individual’s estimation error.
(40) Remark 2: Note that in order to implement this round-trip syn-
From (39) and(40), we can see that the frequency estimation chronization algorithm, cycles which can traverse all the radar
errors in upstream radar elements will propagate and build up sensors need to be identified first. This problem can be formu-
as the beacon signal proceeds to downstream radar elements. lated into a combinatorial optimization problem, which may be
Clearly, the sequential nature of the transmissions in this round- deemed as a special case of the minimum cost-to-time ratio cycle
trip algorithm accounts for the accumulated deviation of the true problem [29, Ch. 3, Sec. 13]. The minimum cost-to-time ratio
transmit frequency from the initial reference frequency . Sim- cycle problem, first formulated by Dantzig et al. in the 1960’s
ilar phenomenon also occurs to the carrier phase at each radar [30], has been considered to be a well-solved combinatorial
element. However, unlike the carrier frequency whose deviation problem, as over the years various polynomial-time algorithms
from the initial reference ( ) is only due to the cumulative fre- have been developed, for example, see [31] for a description and
quency estimation errors, the final phase at each radar element experimental analysis of some typical algorithms. Solutions to
is subject to the accumulation of both phase and frequency es- this combinatorial problem usually do not contain any repeated
timation errors. To this end, we summarize these results in the nodes. However, for our problem of interest, a particular sensor
following theorem. can appear more than once. In other words, loops within a cycle
Theorem 2: After running the round-trip phase synchroniza- are allowed for our application. This, however, will not affect the
tion algorithm, all the radar elements will reach a consensus of efficacy of this round-trip synchronization algorithm, as long as
the carrier phase (in the statistical mean sense). More specifi- the repeated node chooses the correct phase estimates to compute
cally, we have its final phase. For example, a repeated sensor in the cycle can
choose its first and last phase estimates to compute its final phase.
node (or the master node in the first method) in both approaches Note that the absence of a common time reference implies
may fail unexpectedly, making it difficult to complete the re- that none of these sensors know the true time, and as a result,
maining synchronization procedures. Thus, both methods are they do not know the “true” initial phase of their local oscillator.
not very robust against node failures. Thus, when a sensor receives a broadcast reference signal for the
As far as robustness and scalability goes, distributed algo- first time, we choose to update its phase using only the estimate
rithms have enormous advantages, and are thus more desirable of the received phase.
for phase synchronization in coherent MIMO radar systems.
The essence of these algorithms is that one or more sensors A. Algorithm Characterization
can communicate information with its immediate neighbors in a Let an undirected and connected graph consti-
round, and the computation is distributed over all the sensors in- tuted by the radar elements be given, where is the node set
volved. In particular, when information averaging is concerned, and is the edge set. The edge formation is related to sensor
these distributed algorithms are usually referred to as distributed communication connectivity. If two radar elements are within
consensus algorithms or gossip algorithms, e.g., [32]–[40]. Dis- the transmission range of each other, an edge is then said to be
tributed consensus algorithms have been applied to a variety of formed to connect these two nodes. Note that we do not allow
network-related scenarios. For example, they have been consid- self loops in the graph. The neighbors of are denoted by
ered in [39], [40] for clock or time synchronization in wireless . Let be the adjacency
sensor networks. matrix of , where for , if , and
Among the various distributed consensus algorithms, of par- otherwise. Further, we define a diagonal
ticular note is the broadcast-based consensus algorithm, which matrix with each diagonal entry given by .
has been studied in [36] and [37] without considering the sto- Thus, the graph Laplacian of is given by . We use
chastic disturbances, and lately in [38] by taking nonzero-mean to denote the column vector in with all entries equal
stochastic perturbations into account. In this section, we present to 0 except a 1 in position , and denote as the th largest
a broadcast consensus based phase synchronization algorithm eigenvalue of a symmetric matrix.
for coherent MIMO radar systems, which is a direct extension of As a priori time synchronization is not assumed, there is no
the work given in [38]. Similar to the aforedescribed two phase common time scale established among all these sensors. Each
synchronization approaches, this algorithm assumes no a priori radar element then operates according to its own local clock
time synchronization. For the ease of exposition, we assume the which ticks independently according to a Possion process with
carrier frequency synchronization is already established, while rate . For each element, the intertick times (the time between
noting that this assumption can be also relaxed. Thus, when a two consecutive clock ticks) are exponentially distributed with
sensor receives beacon signals from its neighbors, it only needs parameter , independent over time and across sensors. This is
to estimate the received phase. equivalent to a single clock which ticks according to a rate-
In this algorithm, each element broadcasts a reference signal Possion process and whose intertick times are i.i.d. exponen-
containing its local phase information to all its immediate neigh- tially distributed with parameter [41]. Clearly, the proba-
bors. Its neighbors then average their local phase with the re- bility that one particular sensor’s clock ticks at , given a clock
ceived phase. Thus, no global operations or information ex- tick does occur at , is equal to the probability that any other
changes are required in the process. As an inherent character- sensor’s clock ticks at , which is equal to in this case. On
istic, this algorithm exploits the broadcast nature of the wireless average, there are clock ticks per unit of absolute time. Since
communication environment, and obviates the need for sophis- phase values at these radar elements are updated in a discrete
ticated underlying media access control mechanisms. Specific manner only at each time instant , for convenience, we use
to this problem, our analysis will examine in detail how the the number of clock ticks (i.e., ) as a measure of time, instead
propagation delays among neighboring sensors and the phase of the absolute time (i.e., ). This amounts to discretizing the
errors induced by inaccurate local estimation affect the phase absolute time by denoting the interval as the th time
synchronization accuracy. To this end, we briefly outline this slot. However, we would like to note that in practice, to guar-
phase synchronization algorithm, whose mathematical charac- antee a high probability of which only one clock ticks during
terization and analysis will be furnished in the sequel. each time slot, caution should be executed when selecting and
1) Sensor elects to broadcast an unmodulated reference adjusting the unit of the absolute time.
signal. Let denote the phase
2) Each neighbor of , upon receiving the broadcast refer- values of these radar elements at the end of time slot . Sup-
ence signal, generates an estimate of the received phase. pose sensor ’s clock ticks at the beginning of the th
If it is the first time for to receive a broadcast refer- time slot. Sensor then broadcasts a reference signal to all its
ence signal, it updates its phase with a weighted value of neighboring sensors, which is similar to (14) but contains its
the phase estimate; otherwise, it updates its phase with up-to-date phase information. The phase value at each sensor is
a weighted average of its current phase and the phase updated according to the following equations:
3) The phase of each of the remaining sensors, including ,
remains unchanged. (44)
4) This procedure continues, with each radar element having Here is usually referred to as the mixing parameter.
the same probability to broadcast in every round. denotes the phase estimate of the signal transmitted by
sensor and received at sensor . From Section III, it follows The expectation of can be computed by
This indicates that the mean-square deviation is pro-
portional to the average pairwise expected deviation among the A. Algorithm Comparison
node states, and can thus be interpreted as a measure of how far
Among these three approaches, the master-slave closed-loop
the components of are from consensus. In the following
method is the simplest one. It, however, can lead to the best
theorem, we provide asymptotic upper and lower bounds on
phase synchronization accuracy. This is because there are only
two (the least number) nodes which participate in each round of
Theorem 4: The limit of the mean-square phase error
the phase synchronization process, i.e., the master node and one
is upper bounded by slave node. Thus, the propagating accumulation of each indi-
vidual’s phase and frequency estimation errors is very limited,
and is less of a concern. Moreover, in this method, the phase
offset induced by the propagation channel is explicitly com-
pensated via the closed-loop operation, which further improves
the phase synchronization accuracy. Therefore, this approach the channel propagation delay, which may result from, for ex-
is particularly useful when a very precise phase synchroniza- ample, the ambiguity in the location of certain radar elements or
tion is required. It is generally applicable to situations where the mobile scatters and other propagation anomalies, can lead
a relatively powerful centralized entity exists or can be identi- to intolerable phase variations across some or all the radar el-
fied. It can also be repeatedly used in systems having tree-like ements. This is particularly true when high frequency carriers
topologies or hierarchical structures. To complete the whole are chosen as the reference signals. One way to alleviate this
phase synchronization process, a total of transmissions unfavorable effect is to use relatively low carrier frequency. If
are needed, including the broadcast transmission made by the the carrier frequency is low enough, the location uncertainty of
master node. the MIMO radar elements will not play an important role. An-
Unlike the master-slave closed-loop method, both the round- other way is to recalibrate these sensors periodically to track the
trip and the broadcast consensus based algorithms do not re- channel changes. This may induce some extra overhead, but the
quire a powerful master entity. However, the round-trip scheme accompanying benefits are in general well worth it. Besides, the
does need a global initiator to start the phase synchronization variations of the propagation channels among all these MIMO
process. In theory, the global initiator can be any radar sensor radar elements, though dependent on the specific operating en-
in the system. This round-trip method is able to synchronize all vironment, are usually very slow; it takes a relatively long time
the radar sensors to the same mean carrier phase, regardless of to reach the point where the physical changes in the medium are
the topology of these sensors as long as a cycle traversing all so pronounced that the resulting phase mismatch seriously dete-
these sensors can be identified. But since sensors in the system riorates the performance of the coherent processing, especially
participate in the phase synchronization process all together in a for applications such as target localization. Therefore, very fre-
cooperative fashion, this round-trip method may suffer from the quent phase resynchronization may not be needed.
propagating accumulation of each individual’s phase and fre- Another practical issue that merits attention is the phase dy-
quency estimation errors, as was illustrated in Section IV. As namics or phase instability [45] in the coherent MIMO radar
a result, this method may only be suitable to coherent MIMO system. In the previous sections, for simplicity we ignore the
radar systems with a limited number of sensors. In other words, phase shift due to the oscillator phase noise at each sensor by as-
it does not scale very well. However, of particular note is, that if suming such a shift is very small and negligible. However, note
the clustering infrastructure is introduced as in [44], this round- that the oscillator phase noise is always present, and is an ir-
trip method, when coupled with the master-slave closed-loop reducible error even in the absence of estimator errors. Without
approach, is also applicable to coherent MIMO radar systems loss of generality, let us take the reference signal defined by (14)
with a relatively large number of radar sensors. This round-trip as one example, where is a fixed phase reference. Consid-
method needs a total of transmissions to complete the phase ering a practical oscillator and assuming negligible amplitude
synchronization process. noise, the reference signal in (14) is more generally expressed
The broadcast consensus based method, as we mentioned ear- as
lier, is distributed and localized in nature. It needs neither a cen-
tralized entity nor a particular global initiator. It is scalable and
applicable to coherent MIMO radar systems composed of a large
number of densely scattered sensors. It is also robust to sensor where is a function of time. Oscillator phase noise can
failures. But unfortunately, the functionality of this approach is cause to drift from the desired values in a random manner,
highly dependent on, and varies from topology to topology of and can degrade the accuracy of phase synchronization. A quan-
the radar sensors. For arbitrary topologies, this approach may titative understanding of the impact of phase noise in oscilla-
be only useful when a coarse phase synchronization is required. tors requires a rigorous characterization of the phase noise’s be-
This is because Theorem 3 indicates that this algorithm, in gen- havior. In recent years, extensive research has been done in this
eral, cannot synchronize all the sensors to the same mean carrier regard; well-known references include, among others, [25] and
phase. However, for well structured sensor placements, such as [26]. In particular, [26] presents a theory for phase noise that is
those which satisfy (52), this method is able to synchronize all valid for any oscillator, regardless of the operating mechanisms.
the sensors in expectation to (or very close to) the same phase According to this theory, for a single noise source, can be
value, and thus may be used for the purpose of fine phase syn- characterized by [26]
chronization. Since this algorithm runs in an iterative manner,
it generally requires more transmissions than the other two ap- (55)
proaches to complete the whole synchronization process. Thus,
it has to be implemented at a relaxed time constraint as opposed where is an external source, noise, or otherwise; is a
to a stringent one. periodic function dependent on the oscillator’s topology, which
models the way a particular input source affects the oscillator
B. Some Practical Issues phase. Note that (55) is derived using the nonlinear perturbation
As can be seen, in each of the proposed phase synchroniza- technique. When is a stationary white or modulated-white
tion algorithms, the propagation delay for the channel between noise source, such as shot and thermal noise, it can be shown
any pair of MIMO radar elements that are involved in the ref- that becomes, asymptotically with , a Gaussian random
erence signal exchange, can be critical in determining the re- variable with a constant mean (i.e., the intended phase) and a
sulting phase synchronization accuracy. A small uncertainty in variance that is linearly increasing with time, i.e., ,
Fig. 3. Two example topologies for the simulation study. (a) A grid topology of 36 nodes. (b) A ring topology of 25 nodes.
where is a scalar constant [26]. Suppose the period of is variables7, and studied the impact of the phase synchronization
, can be expressed as [26] errors on the target localization accuracy in coherent MIMO
radar, both analytically and numerically. [5] presents some
interesting and elegant results, which dovetail our work on
phase synchronization very well (or the other way around).
We thus do not repeat or duplicate these results in this paper
Clearly, the parameter is also dependent on the specific os-
to illustrate how the phase synchronization errors affect the
cillator circuit. The methods for computing and its values for
performance of coherent MIMO radar. Interested readers are
some practical electronic oscillators can be found in [26]. Once
referred to [4]–[7] for further information. Also, as the first two
the parameter is identified, by incorporating at each
synchronization approaches can be implemented and verified
radar element into the analysis of the final phase synchroniza-
with relative ease, for brevity, in this section we only focus
tion error, one should be able to easily assess the phase noise’s
on the broadcast consensus based algorithm and study its
impact on the accuracy of each proposed phase synchronization
convergence behaviors.
algorithm. To counter the effect of phase noise in oscillators, pe-
Since the broadcast consensus based algorithm is applicable
riodic phase synchronization remains indispensable. How often
to coherent MIMO radar systems composed of a large number
the phase synchronization procedure needs to be repeated, how-
of densely scattered sensors, as we discussed in Section VI, we
ever, is dependent on, among other factors, the aggregate impact
consider here two example topologies8. The first one, as shown
of the phase noise across all the local oscillators on the phase
in Fig. 3(a), is a grid topology of 36 sensors, and the distance be-
synchronization accuracy, as well as the phase accuracy or sta-
tween any two neighboring nodes along the same horizontal or
bility requirements of the coherent MIMO radar system and the
vertical line is . The second one, as illustrated by Fig. 3(b),
specific application. It is indicated in [12, p. 261] that the phase
contains 25 sensors which are equally distributed on a circle
accuracy or stability requirements for coherent processing by a
with a radius of . We set the reliable transmit-receive range
monostatic or bistatic radar can range from less than one de-
gree to many tens of degrees of RF phase over a coherent pro- to . Thus, the grid topology in Fig. 3(a) does not satisfy (52),
cessing interval, depending on the type and duration of coherent while the ring topology in Fig. 3(b) does. In our simulations,
processing. We conjecture that similar phase accuracy or sta- the frequency of the reference signal is set to
bility requirements may hold as well for coherent processing by rad/second. We assume the SNR value of the received reference
a MIMO radar system. signal at each sensor and during each time slot is the same, and
is equal to . The sample number is set
to 10. Thus, through (26), the CRLB bound of the phase esti-
mate can be computed, which equals 0.0172. We set the mixing
In this section, we provide some simulation results to parameter to 0.5. For each example topology, we randomly
demonstrate the efficacy of the phase synchronization algo- generate a set of “true” initial phase values at these radar sen-
rithms. While it is desirable to study the relation between the sors, which are over the radian range . We conduct 2000
performance of the phase synchronization algorithms and the independent trials under the same set of initial values, and then
performance of coherent MIMO radar for applications such as 7This seems to be a valid assumption according to our analysis of the phase
target localization or detection, this line of research has been synchronization errors.
already conducted in [4]–[7]. For example, in [5], the authors 8Note these two example topologies are considered here for the purpose of
modeled the phase synchronization errors as zero-mean random illustration only; they might not necessarily be applicable in practice.
Fig. 4. Simulation results for the grid topology in Fig. 3(a). (a) Ensemble average of versus for , , and . (b) Ensemble average of versus .
Fig. 5. Simulation results for the ring topology in Fig. 3(b). (a) Ensemble average of versus for . (b) Ensemble average of versus .
compute the ensemble average of some parameters of interest acceptable under the application’s performance requirements,
as well as their corresponding theoretical results. another phase synchronization algorithm which leads to a
In Fig. 4(a), we plot the ensemble average of the phase better accuracy may be used instead. In Fig. 4(b), we plot the
synchronization error for example sensors, , , ensemble average of the squared phase error . We also plot
and . These sensors have 3, 5, and 8 immediate neighbors, the theoretical value of the upper and lower bounds on the limit
respectively, and they actually represent all the three types of of the mean-square phase error , which are computed
sensors in this grid topology. For each example sensor, we also through (53) and (54), respectively. It is observed that after the
compute the corresponding theoretical limit value of the mean algorithm converges, the mean-square phase error does fall in
phase synchronization error through (50). Their theoretical between the upper and lower bounds. This corroborates our
values are different from each other under this simulation theoretical analysis.
setup, and are plotted in Fig. 4(a) for comparison purpose. We Similarly, for the example ring topology illustrated in
can see that as the algorithm proceeds, the simulated value of Fig. 3(b), we plot both simulation and theoretical results for
the mean phase synchronization error at each sensor closely and in Fig. 5(a) and (b), respectively. In
approaches their respective theoretical limit value. But note Fig. 5(a), we pick up as the example sensors.
that since the mean phase synchronization error varies from Since this topology satisfies (52), we have . This means
sensor to sensor and not all of them approach 0, the applica- that the theoretical limit value of for each sensor in
bility of this algorithm in practice will be highly dependent on this topology is the same, and is equal to 0. Also, the lower
whether those nonzero mean phase synchronization errors are bound on the limit of reduces to 0. Again, as shown
acceptable or not. If those phase synchronization errors are not in both Figs. 5(a) and 5(b), the theoretical values exhibit a good
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ters, we have that for the carrier frequency, and is written as
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Yang Yang received the B.Eng. degree in informa- Rick S. Blum (S’83–M’84–SM’94–F’05) received
tion engineering from Xi’an Jiaotong University, the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the
Xi’an, China, in 2001, the M.Eng. degree in elec- Pennsylvania State University, University Park, in
trical engineering from the National University of 1984 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical
Singapore in 2004, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Pennsylvania in
engineering from Lehigh University, Bethlehem, 1987 and 1991, respectively.
PA, in 2009. He was a member of Technical Staff at General
From 2002 to 2004, he was with the Institute for In- Electric Aerospace, Valley Forge, PA (1984–91) and
focomm Research, Singapore, as a Research Scholar. he graduated from GE’s Advanced Course in Engi-
During summer 2007, he was an intern with Bell Lab- neering. Since 1991, he has been with the Electrical
oratories, Alcatel-Lucent, Crawford Hill, Holmdel, and Computer Engineering Department, Lehigh Uni-
NJ. He is currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate with Lehigh University. versity, Bethlehem, PA, where he is currently a Professor and holds the Robert
His research interests include communications, signal processing, and their ap- W. Wieseman Chaired Research Professorship in Electrical Engineering. He
plications to distributed sensor processing, wireless sensor networks, and en- holds several patents. His research interests include signal processing for com-
ergy/power systems. munications, sensor networking, radar, and sensor processing.
Dr. Blum is on the editorial board for the Journal of Advances in Information
Fusion of the International Society of Information Fusion. He was an Asso-
ciate Editor for the IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SIGNAL PROCESSING (2000–2002)
and for the IEEE COMMUNICATIONS LETTERS. He has edited special issues for
IN COMMUNICATIONS. He is a Member of the Sensor Array and Multichannel
(SAM) Technical Committee (2009-present); the Signal Processing for Commu-
nications (SPC) Technical Committee (1999–2001); and the Communications
Theory Technical Committee of the IEEE Communications Society. He was on
the IEEE Communications Society’s Awards Committee. He is an IEEE Third
Millennium Medal winner, an IEEE Signal Processing Society Distinguished
Lecturer (2011–2012), and a member of Eta Kappa Nu and Sigma Xi. He was
awarded an ONR Young Investigator Award (1997) and an NSF Research Ini-
tiation Award (1992). His IEEE Fellow Citation “for scientific contributions to
detection, data fusion and signal processing with multiple sensors” acknowl-
edges some early contributions to the field of sensor networking.