This document provides information on the name, dose, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities for several drugs. It includes the antispasmodic hyoscine-N-butylbromide which works by blocking muscarinic receptors and relaxing smooth muscle. It is indicated for gastrointestinal and genitourinary spasms. The broad-spectrum penicillin co-amoxiclav combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid to treat bacterial infections resistant to other penicillins. Adverse effects include diarrhea and rash. Nurses should monitor for signs of colitis. Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that selectively inhibits the
This document provides information on the name, dose, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities for several drugs. It includes the antispasmodic hyoscine-N-butylbromide which works by blocking muscarinic receptors and relaxing smooth muscle. It is indicated for gastrointestinal and genitourinary spasms. The broad-spectrum penicillin co-amoxiclav combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid to treat bacterial infections resistant to other penicillins. Adverse effects include diarrhea and rash. Nurses should monitor for signs of colitis. Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that selectively inhibits the
This document provides information on the name, dose, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities for several drugs. It includes the antispasmodic hyoscine-N-butylbromide which works by blocking muscarinic receptors and relaxing smooth muscle. It is indicated for gastrointestinal and genitourinary spasms. The broad-spectrum penicillin co-amoxiclav combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid to treat bacterial infections resistant to other penicillins. Adverse effects include diarrhea and rash. Nurses should monitor for signs of colitis. Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that selectively inhibits the
This document provides information on the name, dose, mechanism of action, indications, contraindications, adverse effects, and nursing responsibilities for several drugs. It includes the antispasmodic hyoscine-N-butylbromide which works by blocking muscarinic receptors and relaxing smooth muscle. It is indicated for gastrointestinal and genitourinary spasms. The broad-spectrum penicillin co-amoxiclav combines amoxicillin and clavulanic acid to treat bacterial infections resistant to other penicillins. Adverse effects include diarrhea and rash. Nurses should monitor for signs of colitis. Celecoxib is a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory that selectively inhibits the
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TION OF , ROUTE, ACTION TY DRUGS DURATION OF ADMINISTR ATION Brand Name: Dosage: 10mg It blocks the Indicated for the - Myasthenia CNS: dizziness, Drug Buscopan (3 dose) muscarinic relief of spasm of gravies, anaphylactic compatibility receptors the genito-urinary - megacolon reactions, should be Generic Name: Route: PO found on the tract or gastro- - hypersensitivity to anaphylactic shock, monitored Hyoscine-N- smooth muscle intestinal tract and drug contents increased ICP, closely in butylbromide Frequency: walls which for the - narrow angle disorientation, restl patients requiring Every 2 hours means symptomatic relief glaucoma essness, irritability, adjunctive Classification: its blocks the of Irritable Bowel - prostate dizziness, therapy Antispasmodics action of Syndrome hypertrophy with drowsiness, Avoid driving acetylcholine urinary retention headache, & operating Pregnancy on the - mechanical confusion, machinery after Category: C receptors stenosis in the GI hallucination, parenteral found within tract delirium, administration. Availability: the smooth - tachycardia impaired memory Avoid strict Tablet 10 muscle of the CV: hypotension, heat mg,Ampule gastrointestina tachycardia, Raise side rails 20mg l and urinary palpitations, as a precaution tract and thus flushing because some reduces the GI: Dry mouth, patients become spasms and constipation, temporarily contractions. nausea, epigastric excited or This relaxes distress disoriented and the muscle and DERM: flushing, some develop thus reduced dyshidrosis amnesia or the pain from GU: Urinary become drowsy. the cramps and retention, urinary Reorient spasms. hesitancy patient, as Resp: dyspnea, needed, bronchial plugging, Tolerance may depressed develop when respiration therapy is EENT: mydriasis, prolonged dilated pupils, Atropine-like blurred vision, toxicity may photopobia, cause dose increased related adverse intraocular reactions. pressure, difficulty Individual of swallowing. tolerance varies greatly Oerdose may cause curare-like effects, such as respiratory paralysis. Keep emergency equipment available NAME AND DOSE, MECHANIS INDICATIO CONTRAINDICATI ADVERSE NURSING CLASSIFICATI FREQUENCY, M OF NS ONS EFFECT RESPONSIBILI ON OF DRUGS ROUTE, ACTION TY DURATION OF ADMINISTRATI ON Generic name: Dosage: 625mg - An - Known or - Penicillin - Lethargy - Assess bowel Co-Amoxiclav antibiotic that suspected hypersensitivity. - hallucinations pattern before and Route: PO combines amoxicillin- - seizures during treatment Proprietary amoxicillin resistant - History of co- - glossitis as names: Frequency: Every and infections amoxiclav-associated - sore mouth pseudomembrano - Augmentin, 8 hours clavulanic including or penicillin-associated - furry tongue us colitis may Augmentin-Duo. acid. It respiratory jaundice or hepatic - black “hairy occur. destroys tract, skin and dysfunction. tongue” Classification bacteria by soft tissue, - Report - nausea and - Broad-spectrum disrupting genitourinary, haematuria or vomiting penicillin. their ability and ear, nose oliguria as high - diarrhea to form cell and throat doses can be walls. infections. - abdominal nephrotoxic. pain - Clavulanic - Effective - bloody - Assess acid blocks against strains diarrhea respiratory status. the chemical of - enterocolitis defence, Escherichia - Observe for known as coli, Proteus anaphylaxis. beta- mirabilis, lactamase, Haemophilus - Ensure that the that some influenzae, patient has bacteria have Streptococcus adequate fluid against faecalis, intake during any penicillins. l Streptococcus diarrhoea attack. Co- pneumoniae amoxiclav is and some active against beta- bacterial lactamase- infections producing that have organisms. become resistant to amoxicillin. NAME AND DOSE, MECHAN INDICATI CONTRAINDICA ADVERSE NURSING CLASSIFICATIO FREQUENCY, ISM OF ONS TIONS EFFECT RESPONSIBILITY N OF DRUGS ROUTE, ACTION DURATION OF ADMINISTRA TION Generic Dosage: 200mg Inhi Reli Hypersensiti CNS: dizziness, - Instruct patient to take Name :celecoxib bits the ef of vity; headache, insomnia celecoxib exactly as Route: PO enzyme signs Cross- directed. Do not take more Brand Name: CV: HF, Myocardial than prescribed dose. COX-2. and sensitivity may Celebrex Frequency: QD Infarction, Stroke, Increasing doses does not This sympto exist with other Thrombosis, edema, appear to increase Classification Duration: enzyme ms of NSAIDs, hypertension effectiveness. Use lowest Therapeutic class : Unknown is osteoarth including effective dose for shortest antirheumatics, required ritis, aspirin; Derm: Exfoliative period of time. nonsteroidal anti- for the rheumat History of dermatitis, Stevens- - Advise patient to notify inflammatory agents synthesi oid allergic-type Johnson Syndrome, health care professional Pharmacologic: Toxic epidermal promptly if sign or s of arthritis, reactions to COX-2 inhibitors necrolysis, rash symptom of GI toxicity prostagl ankylosi sulfonamides; (abdominal pain, black andins. ng History of F and stools), skin rash, Has spondyli asthma, E: hyperkalemia unexplained weight gain, analgesi tis, and urticaria, or edema, or chest pain c, anti- juvenile allergic-type GI: GI bleeding, occurs. Patients should inflamm rheumat reactions to abdominal pain, discontinue celecoxib and atory, oid aspirin or other diarrhea, dyspepsia, notify health care flatulence, nausea professional if signs and and arthritis. NSAIDs, symptoms of antipyre Man including the hepatotoxicity (nausea, tic agement aspirin triad fatigue, lethargy, pruritus, properti of acute (asthma, nasal jaundice, upper right es. pain polyps, and quadrant tenderness, flu- Therapeut includin severe like symptoms) occur. ic g hypersensitivity - Advise patient to notify Effect(s): health care professional if primary reactions to Dec pregnancy is planned or dysmeno aspirin); suspected. reased rrhea. Advanced pain and renal disease; inflamm Severe ation hepatic caused dysfunction; by Coronary arthritis artery bypass or graft (CABG) spondyl surgery; itis. OB: Dec Should not be reased used in late pain. pregnancy (may cause premature closure of the ductus arteriosus). NAME AND DOSE, MECHANISM INDICATION CONTRAINDICATIO ADVERSE NURSING CLASSIFICATIO FREQUENCY, OF ACTION S NS EFFECT RESPONSIBILIT N OF DRUGS ROUTE, Y DURATION OF ADMINISTRATIO N Generic Name: Dose: 200mg • Prevention • Hypersensitivity • Dizziness • Advise patient to Ferrous sulphate Elevates the and treatment • Severe hypotension. •N&V take medicine as Route: serum iron of iron • Nasal prescribed. Trade Name: PO concentration deficiency Congestion • Caution patient to Feosol which then helps anemias. • Dyspnea make position Frequency: to form High or • Dietary •Hypotensio changes slowly to Classification: OD trapped in the supplement for n minimize Iron Preparation reticuloendotheli iron. • CHF orhtostatic al cells for • MI hypotension. storage and • Muscle • Instruct patient to eventual cramps avoid concurrent conversion to a • Flushing use of alcohol or usable form of OTC medicine iron. without consulting the physician. • Advise patient to consult physician if irregular heartbeat, dyspnea, swelling of hands and feet and hypotension occurs. • Inform patient that angina attacks may occur 30 min. after administration due reflex tachycardia. • Encourage patient to comply with additional intervention for hypertension like proper diet, regular exercise, lifestyle changes and stress management. NAME AND DOSE, MECHAN INDICAT CONTRAINDICATIONS ADVERSE NURSING CLASSIFIC FREQUENC ISM OF IONS EFFECT RESPONSIBILIT ATION OF Y, ROUTE, ACTION Y DRUGS DURATION OF ADMINISTR ATION Generic Name: Dosage: Inhibits prost Short-term - This drug should be use - Respiratory: - Monitor BP upon Ketorolac 30mg (4 aglandinsyn manageme administration. Tromethamine doses) thesis, produ nt of pain cautiously with patients who rhinitis, < 90/80never cing periph (not to have impaired hearing, allergies, hemoptysis, administer. Brand Name: Route: erallymediat exceed and dyspnea - Refer to doctor.- Toradol IVTT edanalgesia- 5days total Patients who have cardiovascular/gastrointestinal/he - GI: GI pain, Also has for all asthma, aspirin- Classification Frequency: antipyretic routes patic conditions. diarrhea, vomiting, induced allergy, and : Every 6 hours and anti- combined) - It is contraindicated during labor nausea nasal polyps are at Anti-pyretic inflammatory CNS: increased risk and delivery and mothers who - NSAID properties. for developing Therapeutic gives breastfeeding to their baby. dizziness, fatigue, hypersensitivity effect: - Contraindicated to patients who insomnia, headache reactions. Decreased wears soft contact lenses. - Hematologic: - Assess pain for rhinitis, - Contraindicated to patients who neutropenia, asthma, and use NSAIDS simultaneously. leukopenia, urticaria. - Contraindicated to patients who decreased Hgb or - Assess pain (note have a history of gastrointestinal Hct, bone marrow type, location, and intensity) bleeding or peptic ulcer. depression prior to and1-2 hr - Contraindicated to patients who - Dermatologic: following administration. are suspected or confirmed sweating, dry - Ketorolac therapy cerebrovascular bleeding. mucous membrane, should always be pruritus given initially by the IM or IV route. - Oral therapy should be used only as a continuation of parenteral therapy. - Caution patient to avoid concurrent use of alcohol, aspirin, NSAIDs, NAME AND DOSE, MECHANIS INDICATIO CONTRAIN ADVERSE NURSING RESPONSIBILITY CLASSIFICATIO FREQUEN M OF NS DICATION EFFECT N OF DRUGS CY, ACTION S ROUTE, DURATION OF ADMINIST RATION Generic Name : Dosage: Tramadol Relief of Suicidal Sweating • Assess type, location, and tramadol 60mg (4 inhibits moderate to patients, , dizziness, intensity of pain before and 2-3 hr hydrochloride doses) reuptake of moderately acute nausea, (peak) after administration. Brand norepinephri severe pain alcoholism; vomiting, • Assess BP & RR before and Name: Ultram Route: ne, serotonin head injuries; dry mouth, periodically during administration. IVTT and enhances raised fatigue, Respiratory depression has not Classification serotonin intracranial asthenia, occurred with recommended doses. Therapeutic class: Frequency: release. It pressure; somnolence • Assess bowel function routinely. Analgesics Every 6 alters severe renal , confusion, Prevention of constipation should Pharmacologic hours perception impairment; constipatio be instituted with increased intake class: Synthetic and response lactation. n, flushing, of fluids and bulk and with laxatives centrally active to pain by headache, to minimize constipating effects. analgesics binding to vertigo, • Assess previous analgesic history. mu-opiate tachycardia, Tramadol is not recommended for Pregnancy Category receptors in palpitations patients dependent on opioids or C the CNS. , miosis, who have previously received insomnia, opioids for more than 1 wk; may orthostatic cause opioid withdrawal symptoms. hypotensio • Prolonged use may lead to n, seizures, physical and psychological CNS dependence and tolerance, although stimulation these may be milder than with e.g. opioids. This should not prevent hallucinatio patient from receiving adequate ns. analgesia. Most patients who Potential receive tramadol for pain d not ly develop psychological dependence. Fatal: Resp If tolerance develops, changing to iratory an opioid agonist may be required depression. to relieve pain. • Tramadol is considered to provide more analgesia than codeine 60 mg but less than combined aspirin 650mg/codeine 60 mg for acute postoperative pain. • Monitor patient for seizures. May occur within recommended dose range. Risk increased with higher doses and inpatients taking antidepressants (SSRIs, tricyclics, or Mao inhibitors), opioid analgesics, or other durgs that decrese the seizure threshold. • Overdose may cause respiratory depression and seizures. Naloxone (Narcan) may reverse some, but not all, of the symptoms of overdose. Treatment should be symptomatic and supportive. Maintain adequate respiratory exchange. • Encourage patient to cough and breathe deeply every 2 hr to prevent atelactasis and pneumonia. NAME AND DOSE, MECHANI INDICATIONS CONTRAINDICATI ADVERSE NURSING CLASSIFICATI FREQUENCY, SM OF ONS EFFECT RESPONSIBILI ON OF DRUGS ROUTE, ACTION TY DURATION OF ADMINISTRATI ON Generic Name: Dosage: Inhibits cell- Treatment of Contraindicate GI: Monitor ampicillin 2g wall infections caused d with allergies to diarrhea, sodium level sodium synthesis by susceptible penicillins, nausea, because each Route: during strains cephalosporins, or pseudomem gram of Brand IVTT(-) ANST bacterial of Shigella, other allergens. branous ampicillin Name: Ampicin multiplicatio Salmonella, Use cautiously colitis, sodium (CAN), Apo- Frequency: n. Escherichia coli, with renal abdominal injections Ampi (CAN), Every 6 hours Haemophilus disorders. pain, black contains 2.9 Novo-Ampicillin influenzae, hairy mEq of (CAN), Nu-Ampi Duration: Proteus tongue, sodium. (CAN), Penbritin Unknown mirabilis, enterocolitis If large doses (CAN), Principen Neisseria , gastritis, are given or if gonorrhoeae, ent glossitis, therapy is Classification erococci, gram- stomatitis, prolonged, Therapeutic positive vomiting. bacterial or class: Antibotics organisms Hematol fungal Pharmacologic (penicillin G– ogic: superinfection class: sensitive leukopenia, may occur, Aminopenicillins staphylococci, thrombocyto especially in Pregnancy streptococci, penia, elderky, Category B pneumococci) thrombocyto debilitated, or Meningitis penic immunosuppre caused purpura, ssed patients. by Neisseria anemia, Watch for meningitidis eosinophilia signs and Unlabeled use: , haemolytic symptoms of Prophylaxis in anemia, hypersensitivit cesarean section agranulocyt y, such as in certain high- osis. erythematous risk patients Other: maculopapular hypersensiti rash, urticarial, vity and reactions, anaphylaxis. over growth Monitor of patients nonsuscepti CDAD, which ble can be fatal organisms and can occur even more than 2 months after therapy ends. Antibiotic may need to be stopped and other treatment begun.