Ocular Trauma - Banta
Ocular Trauma - Banta
Ocular Trauma - Banta
Ocular trauma
cm = centimeter, kph = kilometers per hour, mps = meters per second, g = grams.
of a major decrease in the number of severe eye 3.5 × 4.0 cm. Use of a ball, projectile, or playing
injuries, but because of changing indications object (e.g. stick, bat, racket) small enough to fit
for hospitalization.2 Patients with a traumatic within the orbit greatly increases the risk of
hyphema, now typically observed on an outpa- severe eye injury (Table 1.1). Eye injuries have
tient basis, were routinely hospitalized for 5–7 been described in virtually every major and
days in years past. Likewise, the frequency and minor sport. The most common and devastating
duration of hospitalization for open globe inju- offenders are hockey, racket sports, baseball, and
ries has decreased. more recently, paintball (often referred to as
Ocular trauma in children has been exten- ‘war games’). In our recent experience, paintball
sively studied. During the fi rst few years of life, injuries are rapidly becoming the most common
the incidence of ocular injury is essentially equal and severe of the sports-related ocular injuries
in males and females, but changes quickly to the encountered (Figure 1.1). The number of patients
male preponderance seen in adults.10 The major- and severity of injury encountered with this
ity of injuries occur at home or school.17–19 Lower activity is rapidly moving into the realm of a
socioeconomic and educational standing seem to public health crisis. As will be discussed in the
increase the risk of injury.10 Adult supervision following chapter, certain sports have shown a
clearly decreases the incidence of eye injuries in dramatic reduction in the number of eye injuries
children.10,18 Scissors and furniture were found when the proper eye protection is utilized.
to be frequent causes of severe eye injuries in Motor vehicle accidents (MVA) are another
children less than 6 years old, while toys, balls, source of eye injury that has been individually
and stones were more frequently implicated in examined. The question has arisen, ‘Do airbags
children 6 years of age or older.17 Following increase the rate of ocular injury during a motor
ocular injury in children, the rate of blindness vehicle accident?’ Confl icting results are found
(visual acuity <20/200) ranges from 1% to in the literature. A large study that reviewed
34%.10,19–21 22 236 MVA with frontal airbag deployment
Sports activities are a significant cause of ocular found an increase in minor eye injuries (specifi-
trauma. The protective bony orbit measures cally corneal abrasions) and a decrease in severe
Epidemiology and economic impact of ocular trauma
1) Check appropriate responses 2) Fill out comments 3) File bilateral injury reports seperately
4) Submit Data via WEIRONLINE.org 5) Write Down Record ID _________________________
OPEN GLOBE INJURY: Yes 18.5 Postequatorial Extension No
Patient’s Initials: __________________ 00 Hammer on Metal
10 Sharp Object* LACERATION: 00.0 Perioc. 02.0 Lacrim. 08.1 Contusion
Patient’s Home ZIP: _______________
11 Nail PARTIAL THICKNESS WOUND: 09.1 Corneal 09.2 Scleral
Medical Rec. #____________________ 25 Fall CORNEAL BURN: 12.0 Thermal 12.1 Alkal. 12.2 Acid
Age: _________ Sex: M F 20 Blunt Object* RUPTURE: 10.3 Corneal ______ mm 18.3 Scleral ______ mm
30 Gunshot 13.3 Corneoscleral ______ mm
Injury Date: ______/_______/_______
31 BB/Pellet Gun
40 Motor Vehicle Crash
10.4 Corneal _____mm 18.4 Scleral _____mm 13.4 Corneoscleral _____mm
Race:___________________________ 50 Fireworks*
IOFB: 90.0 Magnetic 90.1 Ant. Segment 90.2 Post. Segment
Initial Rx MD: ____________________ 60 Burn
91.0 Nonmagnetic 91.1 Ant. Segment 91.2 Post. Segment
70 Explosion
Initially Treated At:_________________ PERFORATING INJURY: 18.2 Perforating Injur y 18.21 Corneoscleral
90 Lawn Equipment*
Reporting MD: ___________________ 98 Unknown 18.22 Scleroscleral
Exam Date for Report: 99 Other* UVEA IN WOUND: 18.1 Scleral 10.1 Cornea 11.1 In Visual Axis
_______/________/________ *Description of Source: ___________ WOUND DEHISCENCE: 19.0 HYPHEMA: 20.0 _______%
Report Filer’s Name: _______________ ______________________________ IRIS PUPIL: 22.0 Iris Laceration/Dialysis 22.3 Afferent Pupil Defect
J TISSUES INVOL V E D : IOP: 24.0 Angle Recession 26.0 Glaucoma, Secondary 28.0 Hypotony
00 Lids LENS: 30.0 Cataract (Traumatic) 32.0 Subluxed Lens 32.1 Dislocated Lens
Contact for 6 mo F/U: ______________
09 Lacrimal System VITREOUS: 40.0 Hemorrhage 42.0 Penetration
_____________________________ 10 Cornea
RETINA: 50.0 Retinal Hemorrhage 55.5 Macular Hemorrhage
AA B I L ATERAL INJURY: Yes No 19 Sclera
51.0 Retinal Edema 55.2 Macular Edema 52.0 Retinal Defect
B EYE PROTECTION: 20 Iris 52.1 Tear 52.2 Giant Tear 52.3 Laceration 52.4 Dialysis
Yes No Unknown 22 Anterior Chamber 53.0 Retinal Detachment Number of Quadrants? 1 2 3 4
Regular Safety Sun 30 Lens
RD TYPE: 53.1 Hemorrhagic 53.2 Tract. 53.3 Rhegm. 53.5 Macular
Glass Shattered? Yes No 40 Vitreous
50 Retina CHOROID: 58.0 Hemorrhage 58.1 Rupture
55 Macula OPTIC NERVE INJURY: 82.0 Optic Nerve
Yes No Unknown 58 Choroid ORBITAL: 70.0 Fracture 71.0 Foreign Body 73.0 Hemorrhage
60 Extraocular Muscle INFLAMMATION: 95.0 Uveitis 92.0 EndophthalmitisOrganism:_________________
70 Orbit
YesList Occupation below 99.0 Other or comments: ______________________________________________
80 Optic Nerve
No Unknown _____________________________________________________________________
99 Other*
Occupation: ___________________ N INITIAL OPERAT I O N : Date: ______/______/______
*Describe: _____________________
E PLACE: REPAIR EYELID WOUND: 00.0 Full-thickness 00.1 Partial-thickness
01 Industrial Premises
K VISION (OF BOTH EYES): REPAIR LACRIMAL: 02.0 GLOBE: 18.0 Exploration of Globe
05 Farm
10 Home DATE:______/______/______ REPAIR CORNEAL: 10.4 Laceration 10.3 Rupture
20 School RE LE REPAIR SCLERAL: 18.4 Laceration 18.3 Rupture
30 Place for Recreation & Sport* 00- - - - - - NLP - - - - - 00 REPAIR CORNEOSCLERAL: 13.4 Laceration 13.3 Rupture
40 Street and Highway* 10 - - - - - - LP - - - - - - 10 IOFB: 90.1 IOFB Removal by Magnet from Anterior Segment
60 Public Building* 20- - - - - - HM - - - - - - 20 90.2 IOFB Removal by Magnet from Posterior Segment
98 Unknown 30 1/200 to 4/200 (CF) 30 91.1 IOFB Removal by Forceps from Anterior Segment
99 Other* 40- - 5/200 to 19/200 - - 40 91.2 IOFB Removal by Forceps from Posterior Segment
*Specify: _____________________ CORNEA: 19.2 Corneal Transplant 19.3 Temporary Keratoprosthesis (TKP)
____ If > 19/200 Specify Accuity ____
F I N J U R Y’S ZIP: __________________ 91 - - - Not Tested - - - 91 REPAIR WOUND DEHIS: 19.0 Dehiscence HYPHEMA: 20.0 Removal
G I N T E N T: 52 Unintentional 98- - - - Unknown - - - - 98 IRIS: 22.0 Iridectomy 22.1 Iridoplasty 22.2 Iridotomy
50 Assault 98 Unknown 99 - - - - - Other - - - - - 99 LENS: 30.0 ECCE 30.2 Phaco 30.3 Pars Plana Lensectomy
51 Self-inflicted (intentional) IOL: 36.1 AC 36.2 PC
Yes Unknown
Y N Unknown VITRECTOMY MECHANICAL: 44.0 Anterior 44.1 Posterior
Describe:______________________ No (Explain) _________________ VITRECTOMY OPEN-SKY: 44.2
ALCOHOL USE: Yes No ______________________________ ANTIBIOTICS: 45.0 Intravitreal 45.1 Intracameral
L C O M M E N T S : (Please describe the injury
Unknown RD PROPHYLAXIS: 53.0 Cryopexy 53.1 Laser 53.2 Buckle
as much as possible):
RD REPAIR: 53.01 Cryopexy 53.11 Laser 53.5 Buckle 53.3 Vitrectomy
______________________________________________________________________ 53.7 Air 53.4 Gas 53.6 Silicone Oil 53.8 Pneumatic Retinopexy
Figure 1.2 World Eye Injury Registry (WEIR) standardized reporting form for severe ocular trauma. (Data provided
by the United States Eye Injury Registry of the American Society of Ocular Trauma, through funding by the Helen
Keller Foundation, Birmingham, Alabama, USA.)
Epidemiology and economic impact of ocular trauma
REFERENCES 14. Négrel AD, Thylefors B. The global impact of eye injuries.
Ophthalmic Epidemiol 1998;5:143–169.
15. McCarty CA, Fu CLH, Taylor HR. Epidemiology of ocular
1. Klopfer J, Tielsch JM, Vitale S, et al. Ocular trauma in the
trauma in Australia. Ophthalmology 1999;106:1847–1852.
United States: eye injuries resulting in hospitalization,
16. Katz J, Tielsch JM. Lifetime prevalence of ocular injuries
1984 through 1987. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:838–842.
from the Baltimore Eye Study. Arch Ophthalmol 1993;111:
2. Tielsch JM, Parver L, Shankar B. Time trends in the incidence
of hospitalized ocular trauma. Arch Ophthalmol 1989;107:
17. Tomazzoli L, Renzi G, Mansoldo C. Eye injuries in childhood:
a retrospective investigation of 88 cases from 1988 to 2000.
3. Wong TY, Tielsch JM. A population-based study on the
Eur J Ophthalmol 2003;13:710–713.
incidence of severe ocular trauma in Singapore. Am J
18. Serrano JC, Chalela P, Arias JD. Epidemiology of childhood
Ophthalmol 1999;128:345–351.
ocular trauma in a northeastern Columbian region. Arch
4. Wong TY, Klein BEK, Klein R. The prevalence and 5-year
Ophthalmol 2003;121:1439–1445.
incidence of ocular trauma, the Beaver Dam Eye Study.
19. MacEwen CJ, Baines PS, Desai P. Eye injuries in children: the
Ophthalmology 2000;107:2196–2202.
current picture. Br J Ophthalmol 1999;83:933–936.
5. Abraham D, Vitale S, West S, Isseme I. Epidemiology of eye
20. Mela EK, Georgakopoulos CD, Georgalis A, et al. Severe ocular
injuries in rural Tanzania. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 1999;2:85–94.
injuries in Greek children. Ophthalmic Epidemiol
6. May DR, Kuhn FP, Morris RE, et al. The epidemiology of
serious eye injuries from the United States Eye Injury Registry.
21. Vasnaik A, Battu RR, Kurian M, George S. Mechanical eye
Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000:238:153–157.
(globe) injuries in children. J Ped Ophthalmol Strab
7. Glynn RJ, Seddon JM, Berlin BM. The incidence of eye injuries
in New England adults. Arch Ophthalmol 1998;106:785–789.
22. Duma SM, Jernigan MV, Stitzel JD, et al. The effect of frontal
8. Koval R, Teller J, Belkin M, et al. The Israeli ocular injuries
airbags on eye injury patterns in automobile crashes. Arch
study, a nationwide collaborative study. Arch Ophthalmol
Ophthalmol 2002;120:1517–1522.
23. Anderson SK, Desai UR, Raman SV. Incidence of ocular injuries
9. Dandona L, Dandona R, Srinivas M, et al. Ocular trauma in an
in motor vehicle crash victims with concomitant air bag
urban population in southern India: the Andhra Pradesh Eye
deployment. Ophthalmology 2002;109:2356–2358.
Disease Study. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:350–356.
24. Lehto KS, Sulander PO, Tervo TM. Do motor vehicle airbags
10. Moreira CA, Debert-Ribeiro M, Belfort R. Epidemiological
increase risk of ocular injuries in adults? Ophthalmology
study of eye injuries in Brazilian children. Arch Ophthalmol
25. McGwin G, Owsley C. Risk factors for motor vehicle collision-
11. Dannenberg AL, Parver LM, Brechner RJ, Khoo L. Penetrating
related eye injuries. Arch Ophthalmol 2005;123:89–95.
eye injuries in the workplace, the national eye trauma system
26. Schein OD, Hibberd PL, Shingleton BJ, et al. The spectrum
registry. Arch Ophthalmol 1992;110:843–848.
and burden of ocular injury. Ophthalmology
12. Yu TSI, Liu H, Hui K. A case-control study of eye injuries in the
workplace in Hong Kong. Ophthalmology 2004;111:70–74.
27. Baker RS, Wilson MR, Flowers CW, et al. A population-based
13. Voon LW, See J, Wong TY. The epidemiology of ocular trauma
survey of hospitalized work-related ocular injury: diagnoses,
in Singapore: perspective from the emergency service of a
cause of injury, resource utilization, and hospitalization
large tertiary hospital. Eye 2001;15:75–81.
outcome. Ophthalmic Epidemiol 1999;6:159–169.
Prevention of eye injuries
Paul M. Gallogly, Stephanie L. Vanderveldt, James T. Banta
Ocular trauma
Prevention of eye injuries
Ocular trauma
Prevention of eye injuries
Ocular trauma
300 50
Total 45
250 Introduction of new rules
Total number of eye injuries
players aged between 16 and 21 years found that devices for each activity. In a joint policy state-
the risk of eye injury was 4.7 times greater for ment by the American Academies of Pediatrics
players wearing no facial protection than for and Ophthalmology, specific recommendations
those wearing partial facial protection.8 Some for various sporting activities were created
debate remains as to which is more appropriate (Table 2.2). 9 This provides a handy reference in
overall, full facemasks or helmets with a visor; the office or can be given to patients as reference
but there is no question that some form of pro- material.
tection reduces ocular injuries. Protective eyewear for leisure and sports fall
Ideally, any patient participating in an ‘at-risk’ into three main categories:
sport should wear protective devices. Recom- 1. Street-wear frames with 2 mm polycarbonate
mendations for eyewear protection should be lenses. This combination is generally accept-
individualized for each patient. Collaboration able for everyday use by functionally one-eyed
with managers of community sports leagues and patients and active people in low eye risk
schools will also increase awareness of the need activities (sports not involving a thrown or hit
for eye protection. ball, the use of a bat or stick, or close aggres-
sive play with body contact).10 They may also
Eye protection for leisure and sports be acceptable for use under a facemask in
The eye professional must have a working knowl- hockey, football, or lacrosse. It is, however,
edge of the various types of eye protection. Many generally considered inadequate protection
patients will require more than one protective for the functionally one-eyed patient to use
device for differing occupational and leisure sce- street-wear frames under a facemask. A racket
narios. For instance, a welder who plays racquet- sport eye protector is advised for tennis and
ball for fitness will need different protective other racket sports.11
Prevention of eye injuries
*Eyewear that passes ASTM F803 is safer than street-wear eyewear for all sports activities with impact
(From American Academy of Pediatrics, Committee on Sports Medicine and Fitness. American Academy of
Ophthalmology, Eye Health and Public Information Task Force. Protective eyewear for young athletes.
Ophthalmology 2004;111(3):600–603, with permission from the American Academy of Ophthalmology.)
Ocular trauma
Prevention of eye injuries
Ocular trauma
Long-term visual outcome data is not available because information on the use of eyeglasses was
because the literature consists largely of case not provided at the time of data collection.20
reports and small case series. The authors are of The only realistic strategy to reduce assault-
the opinion that the life-preserving function of related eye injuries is violence prevention. If
airbags far outweighs the risk of eye injury. abuse or violence is suspected, directed ques-
Research and development by car companies and tions regarding abusive or violent situations
engineers aimed at increasing the safety profi le should be posed. When appropriate, law enforce-
of airbags while maintaining their life-preserving ment and social services should be utilized in
function is ongoing. Newer, ‘depowered’ airbags hopes of preventing further violence. Legal
are now standard on all cars produced after 1997 requirements vary, but most states have manda-
and have recently been reported to lessen the tory reporting requirements when abuse is sus-
risk of eye injury.19 pected, particularly when children and the
elderly are involved.
Prevention of eye injuries
Nonsporting activities
ASTM F803-03 Eye protectors for selected sports (racket sports, women’s lacrosse, baseball,
field hockey)
ASTM F513-00 Eye and face protective equipment for hockey players
ASTM F659-98e1 Skier goggles and face shields
ASTM F1776-01 Eye protector for use by players of paintball sports
ASTM F910-04 Face guards for youth baseball
ASTM F1587-99 Head and face protective equipment for ice hockey goaltenders
For sports with no standard (basketball, soccer, rugby) a minimal eye protector requirement
should be ASTM F803.
Ocular trauma
History and examination of
the injured eye
Alexei L. Moraczewski
Ocular trauma
3. Activity at the time of the injury 3. The animal should be located to allow testing
4. The possibility of single or multiple foreign for the presence of transmissible disease, if
bodies necessary.
5. The distance, direction, and speed traveled by A brief, directed past ocular history should
the foreign body include pre-existing ocular conditions, prior
6. The position of the patient’s head and direc- ocular surgeries, and level of vision prior to the
tion of gaze at impact trauma. Previous ocular surgery can increase sus-
7. A description and the composition of tools, ceptibility to traumatic injury. The presence of
machinery, grinding surfaces, or weapon used intraocular (e.g. intraocular lens) or periocular
at the time of the injury appliances (e.g. scleral buckle, glaucoma drain-
8. Possible contamination of foreign bodies age implant) should be noted. Any previous
with oil, grease, dirt, or vegetable matter treatment for the injury should be recorded, in-
(to determine the risk of microbiologic cluding self-administered treatment. The routes,
contamination). dosages, and timing of any administered medica-
Chemical injuries, especially with alkali sub- tions should be recorded. The names, locations,
stances, are true ophthalmic emergencies, and and phone numbers of any physicians who previ-
immediate irrigation should be initiated prior to ously treated the patient should be recorded in
obtaining a detailed history. Once initial treat- the event that they need to be contacted about
ment has been administered, the following the case.
should be performed:
1. The chemical (acid or alkali) and physical
(liquid, gel, particulate) properties of the sub- EXAMINATION
stance should be established.
2. The pH of the substance should be measured General considerations
if a sample is available. The examination of an injured eye is fraught
If the identity or characteristics of the substance with difficulty. The anxiety and pain of the
are unusual or unknown, the local poison control patient with a potentially vision-threatening
center can be extremely helpful in providing this injury often makes for a less than desirable
information. cooperative effort. It is vital to establish a rapport
In the uncommon cases of thermal burns, with the patient and family and quickly lay the
the type and temperature of the involved mate- foundation for effective communication and
rial and duration of contact should be elicited. trust. Simply acknowledging the obvious anxiety
If the trauma involves electrical burns, the and potential concern of the patient can do much
amount of electrical energy involved and the to alleviate anxiety and allow proper examina-
entrance and exit points should be determined tion. Furthermore, during the examination,
if possible. explaining each step can help calm the patient.
Following injuries from animals: In the setting of a potential open globe injury,
1. The type of animal and how the injury was everything must be done to expedite the history
infl icted (e.g. bite, scratch) should be and examination process while minimizing
identified. manipulation of the eye. We routinely put a
2. It should be determined if the attack was metal shield over injured eyes before taking any
spontaneous or provoked. history to prevent the patient from touching or
History and examination of the injured eye
Visual acuity1,2,4
The aims of visual acuity testing are to deter-
mine an estimate of the patient’s visual function
and establish a baseline to which future exami-
nations can be compared. Visual acuity is often
an important prognostic indicator of fi nal visual
Figure 3.1 Desmarres retractors are used to gently function following trauma.
open the eyelids of a patient with orbital compartment Ideally, the visual acuity should be measured
in each eye separately using a standard Snellen
visual acuity chart. The patient’s corrective
rubbing the eye. Examination should be carried glasses should be used if available. If the patient’s
out only by those specifically trained to care for glasses are not available or the patient’s refractive
ocular emergencies. error is unknown, pinhole acuity should be mea-
Extensive periorbital swelling and hemorrhage sured. If a standardized distance vision chart is
are often encountered in the acute setting. If the not available, a near vision card or representative
patient is unable to open the injured eye, the use newsprint can be substituted. Correction of
of Desmarres eyelid retractors is sometimes nec- presbyopia may be required depending on the
essary (Figure 3.1). These retractors are designed age and refractive status of the patient. The
to minimize anterior–posterior pressure on the method used to check visual acuity should be
eye while allowing access to the injured eye. documented in the medical record.
on DVD
Depending on the extent of periocular swelling, When the vision is too poor to be measured
the examiner can sometimes hold a single retrac- with a vision chart, a gross assessment of vision
tor under the upper lid and proceed with the is documented (counting fi ngers at a specified
examination one-handed. However, it is some- distance, hand motions, light perception with
times more convenient to have a second trained or without projection, no light perception). If
staff member hold the eyelid retractors so the the patient is found to have no light perception,
physician is free to use both hands. this should be confi rmed and recorded by the
Finally, common sense must be emphasized. physician using the brightest light source
Certain examination steps are sometimes de- available (usually an indirect ophthalmoscope)
ferred in the acute setting. Intraocular pressure while occluding the uninvolved eye completely.
is not checked until the structural integrity of
the eye is confi rmed. Scleral depression, color Pupils1,3,4
vision testing, and forced ductions are not neces- Examination of the pupils provides valuable
sary on every patient and should be reserved for information about potential damage to the visual
Ocular trauma
The shape of the pupil should be noted. An acuity is poor or optic nerve dysfunction is
eccentric or peaked pupil may indicate a trau- suspected.
matic iridodialysis, iris sphincter tear, vitreous Formal visual field testing (e.g. static auto-
prolapse into the anterior chamber or an open mated perimetry or Goldmann perimetry)
globe injury with iris prolapse. usually can be deferred in the emergency setting
unless it is needed for diagnostic purposes.
Brightness testing and color vision2,4 This requires that the patient is stable, coopera-
Brightness testing is a quick subjective test of tive, and can sit upright. Formal visual field
optic nerve function. A bright light source is testing can be a useful method of following
shone in the uninjured eye, and the perceived the course of traumatic conditions such as
brightness is assigned a value of 100% or $1.00. traumatic optic neuropathy. Amsler grid testing
When the light is shone in the involved eye, the can be used to detect and follow central
patient should provide the relative amount of scotomata.
brightness that is perceived (e.g. 50% or 50
Color vision testing and red desaturation testing Extraocular motility1,3,4
can help assess optic nerve function. Color vision Extraocular motility testing is especially impor-
can be tested using commercially available pseu- tant in cases of known or suspected orbital or
doisochromatic plates (e.g. Ishihara or Hardy- cranial nerve injury. Testing should be performed
Rand-Rittler). If color plates are not available, red after the possibility of an open globe injury has
desaturation testing can be used. The patient been excluded in order to minimize ocular
should look at a red object, typically the cap of a manipulation. Abnormal ductions and versions
dilating drop bottle, with each eye separately; if should be documented to allow comparison for
optic nerve dysfunction is present, the red color future examinations. In some circumstances
may appear gray or washed out compared to that (e.g. orbital fracture, traumatic 4th cranial nerve
seen by the uninvolved eye. palsy), diplopia or limitation of movement of the
It is important to note that subjective tests globe should be measured in prism diopters in
such as brightness and red desaturation testing, all directions of gaze, and the examiner should
variations in patient understanding and concom- attempt to isolate the affected extraocular
itant ocular injuries can make interpretation of muscle(s) or cranial nerves. This requires ade-
the examination unreliable. quate vision in both eyes as well as a conscious
and cooperative patient.
Visual fields1,4 If limitation of ocular motility is present,
In the emergency setting, testing visual fields forced duction testing may allow differentiation
by confrontation is effective and efficient. Each between a paretic and restrictive etiology. Forced
eye is tested separately. With one eye fully duction testing is performed as follows:
occluded, the patient should fi xate on the exam- 1. Topical anesthetic (e.g. proparacaine) is
iner’s face. The examiner’s fi ngers are presented administered.
in the four peripheral quadrants and centrally. If 2. A cotton-tipped applicator is soaked in 4%
fi ngers from both hands are presented simultane- lidocaine and placed for at least 1 minute on
ously in different quadrants, visual neglect may the conjunctiva over the extraocular muscle
be revealed. A red object may be used if visual to be tested.
Ocular trauma
3. The muscle insertion is grasped with toothed areas should be inspected for the presence of
forceps, and the eye is rotated in the direction ecchymoses, edema, ptosis, lacerations, and
opposite the muscle being tested. foreign bodies. The presence of enophthalmos or
Resistance to passive motion indicates a restric- exophthalmos should also be noted and may
tive etiology. Forced duction testing is typically require the use of a Hertel exophthalmometer.
reserved for patients with an orbital fracture and If ptosis is present, levator function and palpe-
suspected extraocular muscle entrapment. bral fi ssure size should be measured and
Intraocular pressure1,3 In the case of facial and eyelid lacerations,
It is prudent to defer measurement of intraocular dried blood may obscure the underlying tissues
pressure (IOP) until the presence or absence of and should be gently cleaned with gauze and
an open globe injury is determined. If a known sterile saline or hydrogen peroxide. The edges of
open globe injury is present, measurement of the laceration should be gently separated and the
IOP in the injured eye should be deferred until wound should be fully explored to assess its
after repair. depth and the presence of foreign bodies. Wounds
Various methods of measuring IOP are avail- that initially appear relatively superficial often
able, including Goldmann applanation tonome- are found to extend much deeper when they are
try, various hand-held tonometry devices properly cleaned and explored (Figure 3.3). In
(e.g. Tonopen), pneumotonometry, and Schiøtz cases of more severe periorbital injuries it may
tonometry. Applanation tonometry is the pre- be necessary to examine the patient under seda-
ferred method, but hand-held devices are tion or general anesthesia in order to assess ade-
extremely useful if the patient cannot be exam- quately the full extent of injury.
ined at the slit lamp. If no devices are available, Attention should be paid to lacerations that
globe palpation can provide an extremely gross involve the lid margin or the lacrimal drainage
estimate of comparative IOP. system. The use of toothed forceps to manipu-
Intraocular pressure can be low or high follow-
ing ocular trauma (Table 3.1). An abnormally
low IOP can indicate an occult open globe injury
but can also indicate ciliary body inflammation,
cyclodialysis, or a retinal detachment. A normal
or elevated IOP does not exclude the possibility of
an open globe injury. Acute elevation of IOP is
usually caused by aqueous humor outflow
obstruction in the setting of anterior chamber
inflammation, hyphema, angle closure (e.g.
pupillary block from a dislocated lens), and other
anatomic and inflammatory causes.
Figure 3.3 Eyelid lacerations must be fully explored to
External examination1,2 their fullest extent once globe integrity is confirmed
The head, face, periorbital areas, and eyelids and concomitant ocular injuries have been treated and
should be examined under good lighting. These stabilized.
History and examination of the injured eye
Table 3.1 Causes of intraocular pressure (IOP) change following ocular trauma
Causes of high IOP Causes of low IOP Causes of high or low IOP
Lens-associated Excessive filtration Traumatic iridocyclitis
• Angle closure glaucoma • Wound leak (e.g. open globe • High IOP from inflammatory
secondary to pupillary block from injury) cells in anterior chamber
subluxated or dislocated lens • Ciliochoroidal detachment • Low IOP from ciliary body
• Phacomorphic glaucoma • Cyclodialysis cleft shutdown
• Lens particle glaucoma • Retinal detachment
• Phacoantigenic uveitis
• Trabecular meshwork disruption
• Angle recession
• Peripheral anterior synechiae from
flat anterior chamber
Epithelial downgrowth
Ocular trauma
The cornea should be evaluated in a stepwise
fashion proceeding anteriorly to posteriorly. The
corneal epithelium should be examined for abra-
sions (with the use of topical fluorescein stain-
ing) and foreign bodies. The presence of either
should prompt an examination of the tarsal con-
junctiva to rule out a foreign body. Linear corneal
abrasions should increase suspicion for one or
more subtarsal foreign bodies.
The corneal stroma should be evaluated for the
presence, location, length, width, and depth of Figure 3.4 After eversion of the upper eyelid (A), a
Desmarres retractor is inserted behind the tarsal plate
foreign bodies, lacerations, and ulcerations; such
and gentle traction away from the globe is introduced
fi ndings should be drawn in the medical record. (B), exposing the superior conjunctival fornix.
If a laceration is present, a Seidel test (Figure
3.5) is used to determine if it is full thickness:
1. A dense layer of fluorescein dye is applied to
the suspicious area, which is then examined 3. It may be necessary to apply gentle pressure
under cobalt blue light. on the upper or lower bulbar conjunctiva
2. If aqueous fluid is leaking through the wound, to fully elicit a wound leak in questionable
it will be seen as a bright green stream within cases. This should be performed with great
the darker pool of dye. Fluorescein dye in high care.
concentration does not fluoresce and appears In cases of microbial keratitis (corneal ulcer), the
dark, and leaking aqueous dilutes the dye to cornea should be scraped for microbiologic iden-
a concentration that creates fluorescence. tification via smears and cultures.
History and examination of the injured eye
Ocular trauma
Gonioscopy allows examination for iridodialysis, The crystalline lens should be examined for its
cyclodialysis, angle recession, and foreign bodies position, stability, clarity, and capsular integrity.
in the angle. This is particularly important if a The presence of lens subluxation or dislocation
small full-thickness corneal wound is present should be noted. Phacodonesis, or shaking of the
without further injury to the iris or lens, as lens with eye movements, should be specifically
foreign bodies in the inferior angle can easily be tested. The presence of vitreous around the lens
missed without gonioscopy. indicates zonular rupture and lens instability. In
The anterior chamber should also be examined cases of severe trauma, the lens can be extruded
for the presence of cells and flare, indicating a completely from the eye through a scleral or
traumatic iritis. The inflammatory reaction corneal wound. In pseudophakic patients,
should be graded to allow comparison with extrusion of an intraocular lens can occur
future examinations. The presence of hyphema through dehiscence of a prior surgical wound,
and hypopyon should be noted, and the height particularly ruptured penetrating keratoplasty
of each in millimeters should be documented. or extracapsular cataract surgery wounds.
The presence of fibrin, vitreous, or foreign The clarity of the lens can be evaluated
bodies in the anterior chamber should also be with direct illumination and retroillumination.
noted. Numerous lens changes can occur after trauma,
including rosette-shaped posterior subcapsular
Iris1 cataracts, anterior subcapsular opacities, and
The iris should be inspected prior to the instil- sectoral cataracts. A contusive injury can create
lation of mydriatics, as dilation may obscure per- a Vossius ring, a brown ring of pigment on the
tinent fi ndings. The surface of the iris should be anterior lens capsule resulting from forceful
examined for foreign bodies. The contour of the iridolenticular contact (Figure 3.7).
History and examination of the injured eye
Ocular trauma
History and examination of the injured eye
be a colorful toy or an adult’s face, but should 3. The child’s head is placed on the assistant’s
not be a light source. It should be confi rmed that lap.
the child is following the visual stimulus and not 4. The caregiver holds the child’s hands and the
any auditory stimuli that may arise from it. For assistant holds the child’s head still while the
older children, visual acuity can be assessed with physician examines the child.
Allen cards, HOTV letters, the tumbling E Sometimes it is more feasible for the physician
game, or standard visual acuity charts depend- to take the place of the assistant and control the
ing on the child’s age and education level head with his legs while performing the exami-
(Table 3.2). nation (Figure 3.9).
If an infant or toddler is very uncooperative, If the above methods are not sufficient or if an
the child can be restrained in a commercially open globe injury is suspected, the child should
available or makeshift papoose. A pediatric be examined under conscious sedation or general
eyelid speculum with the use of topical anesthe- anesthesia. This should be carried out under
sia can be used, but only if an open globe injury the supervision of a qualified anesthesiologist.
is not suspected. Toddlers can also be restrained Vital signs should be monitored during the
as follows: examination, and advanced cardiopulmonary
1. An assistant and caregiver sit facing each other life support measures must be present and
at the same level. available. Pediatric clearance should be obtained
2. The child is placed supine with legs straddling prior to any examination requiring general
the caregiver’s waist. anesthesia.
Ocular trauma
History and examination of the injured eye
to serve as a material witness for any legal giver. The patient may appear withdrawn,
proceedings.6 depressed, or anxious, and the caregiver may
give an inconsistent history. As with child abuse,
the physician should intervene with the aid of
SPECIAL CONSIDERATIONS FOR the appropriate social services.7
Ocular trauma
Computed tomography2,10
Computed tomography (CT) has replaced plain
radiography as the preferred imaging modality
for ocular and periocular trauma. Both axial
(1.0–2.0 mm sections) and coronal (2.0–4.0 mm
sections) views should be obtained to best local-
ize foreign bodies or fractures in three dimen-
sions. Axial sections provide the best views of
the globe, the medial and lateral rectus muscles,
and the medial and lateral walls of the orbit.
Coronal sections provide the best views of the
superior and inferior rectus muscles and the
orbital roof and floor. Intravenous contrast is
rarely necessary in the setting of acute ocular or
periocular trauma.
1. Suspected open globe: Findings suggestive of Figure 3.11 A glass intraocular foreign body is readily
a ruptured globe include eyewall deformity seen on this coronal computed tomography scan.
or wound, intraocular air, intraocular foreign
body, and intraocular hemorrhage. 5. Visualizes fresh blood (without contrast
2. To visualize the posterior segment when it is enhancement).
not visualized on clinical examination and 6. Can be performed on patients with suspected
ultrasonography is not available. or known metallic foreign bodies, those with
3. To determine the presence and location of pacemakers, and those on life support.
suspected intraocular or intraorbital foreign 7. Compared to MRI, CT is faster, less expen-
bodies (Figure 3.11). sive, produces less motion artifact, and is less
4. To determine the presence and location of likely to induce claustrophobia.
orbital fractures.
5. To determine the presence and location of Disadvantages:
intracranial or intraorbital hemorrhage. 1. May not be readily available if the patient
presents in an office-based setting.
Advantages: 2. Generally contraindicated in pregnant women
1. Readily available at most medical facilities. due to radiation exposure.
2. No direct contact with the eyelids or globe is 3. Resolution of intraocular structures is not as
necessary. high as ultrasonography.
3. Visualizes both soft tissues and bony 4. Proper positioning for direct coronal scans
structures. may not be possible for traumatized or unco-
4. Visualizes both radio-opaque (e.g. iron, glass, operative patients. In these cases, coronal
graphite) and radiolucent foreign bodies with reconstructions from axial images may be uti-
excellent resolution capabilities. lized, but these images are of somewhat lower
History and examination of the injured eye
quality than direct coronal images. Alterna- and the most detailed anatomic information
tively, helical or spiral CT scanning can regarding the posterior segment of the eye. It
provide better coronal images if this tech- has a resolution ranging from 0.1 to 0.01 mm.
nique is available.11 Standard B-scan ultrasonography can visualize
radio-opaque and radiolucent intraocular foreign
Magnetic resonance imaging2,10 bodies as well as pathology of the following
The role of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) structures:
in the setting of acute ocular and periocular 1. Vitreous (opacities, hemorrhage, posterior
trauma is not well defi ned. MRI best visualizes vitreous detachment)
vascular lesions, intracranial processes, cavern- 2. Retina (tears, detachment)
ous sinus thrombosis, and inflammatory and 3. Choroid (serous choroidal detachment, supra-
demyelinating optic nerve conditions. choroidal hemorrhage, rupture)
4. Sclera (rupture).
Indications: It can also be used to visualize orbital structures
1. To visualize periocular soft tissues. such as the lacrimal gland, extraocular muscles,
2. To visualize suspected vascular lesions, intra- optic nerve, and orbital soft tissues. Ultrasound
cranial pathology, and optic nerve lesions. biomicroscopy utilizes higher sound wave fre-
3. To locate non-magnetic intraocular or intra- quencies to provide detailed images of the ante-
orbital foreign bodies. rior segment and its pathology, including occult
foreign bodies.12
1. Produces axial, coronal, and sagittal views Indications:
without repositioning the patient. 1. To evaluate the posterior segment when an
2. Soft tissue imaging is superior to that of CT. adequate view is not possible on clinical
3. Visualizes non-magnetic foreign bodies. examination.
4. Can be used in pregnant women. 2. To determine the presence and location of
intraocular (Figure 3.12) and intraorbital
Disadvantages: foreign bodies.
1. Not as widely available as CT.
2. Relatively long acquisition time, which can Advantages:
produce motion artifact and claustrophobia. 1. Provides the highest resolution of intraocular
3. Contraindicated in patients with suspected structures compared to CT and MRI.
magnetic intraocular or intraorbital foreign 2. Provides real-time cross-sectional and radial
bodies, pacemakers, cochlear implants, and views of the globe.
life support equipment. 3. The equipment is relatively mobile, allowing
4. Does not visualize bony structures as well as rapid imaging in a clinic setting, at the bedside,
CT. or in the operating room.
Ultrasonography2,10 Disadvantages:
Of all of the imaging modalities discussed, ultra- 1. Requires a trained and experienced techni-
sonography (US) provides the greatest resolution cian to provide optimal results, although non-
Ocular trauma
History and examination of the injured eye
External exam
• CT scan of orbit or ocular ultrasound (look for eyewall deformity or wound, intraocular air,
intraocular foreign body, intraocular hemorrhage)
Ocular trauma
• Gonioscopy (four-mirror lens that does not require gel-coupling medium) to rule out anterior
chamber angle foreign body
Definitions and classification
in ocular trauma
James T. Banta
Example 1
‘Doc, we’ve got a ruptured globe we’d like to send you. The young man has a double-penetrating,
through and through injury. The perforation is visible at the edge of the cornea.’
Working in an eye emergency room, I have often heard similar descriptions of eye injuries
from both ophthalmologists and non-ophthalmologists. Could you assess the extent of injury
from this statement? Could you determine the mechanism of injury? Is an intraocular foreign
body a possibility? Do any ancillary studies need to be performed before the patient is trans-
ferred? This example illustrates the need for a uniform classification scheme so that appropriate
triage of patients and effective communication between healthcare professionals can be
Ambiguous terminology hampers effective com- dite appropriate diagnostic procedures and
munication, particularly between healthcare referrals and, conversely, to avoid unnecessary
professionals. Never has this been more apparent tests and consultations. Ruptured globe, open
than with eye traumatology terms. Terms need globe, and globe laceration are often incorrectly
to be specific and unambiguous, both to expe- used interchangeably. Penetrating and perforating
Ocular trauma
Object strikes eye at
injuries are still frequently confused or used
high velocity causing
interchangeably. A review of past ophthalmic a sudden rise in
literature reveals many redundancies and ambi- intraocular pressure
guities, further clouding the situation. A con- depicted by arrow
certed effort in the mid-1990s led to a widely
accepted, standardized classification of ocular
Table 4.1 lists the defi nitions of the standard-
ized ocular traumatology terms. 3 Defi nitions
stem from regarding the entire globe as the tissue
of reference, rather than clouding the issue with
When the intraocular
tissue-specific descriptions. These terms should pressure is high
be committed to memory and used appropri- enough, a break
ately while abandoning ambiguous and often in the eyewall
occurs leading
incorrect terminology. Not everything is a rup-
to extrusion of
tured globe! intraocular contents
An important distinction that merits special
attention is the use of ‘rupture’ and ‘laceration’
when describing an open globe injury. Rupture
implies a severe blow from a blunt object to the
eyewall, leading to deformation of the globe. The
fluid within the eye is incompressible, creating a
After the injury,
rapid, violent rise in intraocular pressure. If the severe intraocular
pressure is high enough or the eyewall is weak disruption is present
enough, an inside-out force creates a break in the
eyewall’s weakest point. Intraocular contents are
often extruded due to the direction and force of
the energy created, frequently with devastating
effects (Figure 4.1). Conversely, a laceration is a
violation of the eyewall created by a sharp object
in an outside-in fashion. Although highly variable
Definitions and classification in ocular trauma
Ocular trauma
depending on the mechanism of injury, the vector
forces created are typically less than those seen
with blunt objects, resulting in less of an intra-
ocular pressure elevation, and oftentimes less
extrusion of intraocular contents (Figure 4.2).
A second frequent area of confusion is with the Sharp object approaches the eye at a high velocity
terms ‘penetration’ and ‘perforation.’ Penetra-
tion and perforation imply a violation of the
eyewall (open globe injury), typically by a sharp
object, but differ in the location of the entry and
exit wounds. Figure 4.3 illustrates the differ-
ence. The entry and exit wounds in a penetrating
injury are the same (Figure 4.3A), implying a
sharp object has entered the eye and then come
back out of the same wound (e.g. stab wound).
Separate entry and exit wounds are found in a
perforating injury (Figure 4.3B), implying the
same sharp object has entered the eye at one
location and had enough momentum to exit the
eye from a separate location. If the inciting object Sharp object pierces the eye, causing only a mild rise
causing the eyewall wound enters and remains in intraocular pressure
within the eye, a penetrating injury with an
intraocular foreign body is seen (Figure 4.3C).
The blame for the confusion can be laid directly
on the lack of standardized terminology over
the years. Until the mid-1990s, publications in
peer-reviewed journals of ophthalmology con-
cerning ocular trauma often used redundant
and sometimes confl icting terms, further propa-
gating the confusion. As an example, the follow-
ing is a direct quote from a paper published in
a respected ophthalmic publication: ‘In 6 cases
(2%) there was a double perforation, and the
IOFB was found behind the globe.’ What is a Sharp object is removed from the eye and only minimal
‘double perforation’? How can an intra-ocular intraocular disruption is seen at the wound
Definitions and classification in ocular trauma
Figure 4.3 Schematic illustration of the differences between an eyewall penetration (A), eyewall perforation (B),
and an intraocular foreign body (C).
foreign body (IOFB) be found behind the globe? simple yet comprehensive classification scheme
Needless to say, this ambiguous terminology is that removes ambiguity and redundancy. It has
unacceptable. been endorsed by the American Academy of
Ophthalmology, the International Society of
STANDARD TERMINOLOGY Ocular Trauma, the World Eye Injury Registry,
and the Vitreous and Retina Societies. Its
Once a unified set of defi nitions is available, a use is mandatory for publication in a multitude
coherent terminology system is possible. Created of scientific journals (e.g. Ophthalmology,
simultaneously with the accepted defi nitions Graefe’s Archive for Clinical and Experimental
described previously, the ocular traumatology Ophthalmology).
system,1–3 more recently revised as the Birming- Figure 4.4 shows the pathway to making a
ham Eye Trauma Terminology (BETT),4 is a correct diagnosis. The fi rst question faced is
Ocular trauma
Eye injury
Is a full-thickness
eyewall defect present?
No Yes
Definitions and classification in ocular trauma
always, ‘Is there a full-thickness defect of the By using the eyewall as the frame of reference,
eyewall?’ If not, the closed globe injury is sepa- confusion is limited. For example, a penetrating
rated into contusions (typically caused by a blunt scleral wound refers to an entry into but not
object) and lamellar lacerations (typically caused through the sclera. This would be a closed globe
by a sharp object). If a full-thickness defect injury (lamellar laceration by BETT), but could
(open globe injury) is discovered, the next ques- easily be mistaken for an open globe injury. Con-
tion is ‘Was the injuring object, sharp or blunt?’ versely, a perforating scleral wound implies an
As discussed previously, a contusive force entry into and through the sclera. However, since
introduced by a blunt object that induces a full- the eyewall is not used as a frame of reference
thickness defect is a rupture. Conversely, a sharp one cannot tell whether a globe laceration or an
object that induces a full-thickness defect is a IOFB is present. This could easily be a source of
laceration, but needs further distinction. Three confusion and misunderstanding that can lead to
possibilities exist: further miscommunication between healthcare
1. The entry and exit wound is the same: pene- professionals and to inappropriate or unneces-
trating injury (Figure 4.3A). sary evaluations. However, when the eyewall is
2. Separate entry and exit wounds caused by the used, this confusing situation is avoided and
same object are present: perforating injury tissue-specific terms are used only to locate the
(Figure 4.3B). entry wounds.
3. An entry wound is present and the object (or
a portion thereof) remains within the eye:
intraocular foreign body (Figure 4.3C).
Example 2
A referring doctor tells you that a patient has a scleral laceration.
The term ‘scleral laceration’ alone should not be used because of the confusion it creates.
The implication is that a sharp object has created a full-thickness defect in the sclera. However,
more information is mandatory so appropriate work-up and triage of the patient can be accom-
plished. If the laceration is into but not through the sclera, it should be referred to as a lamellar
laceration (a closed globe injury). Lamellar lacerations seldom require further ancillary testing
and can be transferred immediately. However, if the laceration is full thickness, it should be
referred to as a penetrating (open globe) injury. Further specification of the entry site is then
invaluable (i.e. scleral entry wound present 3 mm posterior to the limbus at 2 o’clock extend-
ing posteriorly approximately 2 mm). Depending on the mechanism of injury, further testing
(e.g. CT scan) is often necessary, typically before the patient is transferred, to determine
whether an intraocular foreign body is present. This example again illustrates the need for a
uniform terminology and classification scheme.
As is often the case, not all ‘real world’ injuries cause a ruptured globe and be retained as an
will fall nicely into one of the described catego- intraocular foreign body. Blast injuries can some-
ries. A blunt projectile with enough velocity can times create penetrating wounds, perforating
Ocular trauma
*Measured at distance (20 ft, 6 m) using Snellen chart or Rosenbaum near card, with correction and pinhole
when appropriate.
Confirmed with bright light source and fellow eye well occluded.
(From The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. A system for classifying mechanical injuries of the eye (globe).
Am J Ophthalmol 1997;128:820–831, with permission of Elsevier.)
wounds, and intraocular foreign bodies. These 4.2) and closed (Table 4.3) globe injuries. Injuries
sometimes are referred to as mixed-mechanism due to chemical, thermal, or electrical agents are
injuries. Nevertheless, these exceptions aside, not included in the classification. A recent study
the vast majority of injuries can be easily classi- showed that all four variables were significant in
fied and related to other healthcare professionals predicting fi nal visual outcome following open
in a uniform fashion. globe injury, although grade (visual acuity) and
pupil (presence of a relative afferent pupillary
CLASSIFICATION defect) were the most significantly predictive.5
Definitions and classification in ocular trauma
*Measured at distance (20 ft, 6 m) using Snellen chart or Rosenbaum near card, with correction and pinhole
when appropriate.
Confirmed with bright light source and fellow eye well occluded.
Requires B-scan ultrasonography when media opacity precludes assessment of more posterior structures.
(From The Ocular Trauma Classification Group. A system for classifying mechanical injuries of the eye (globe).
Am J Ophthalmol 1997;128:820–831, with permission of Elsevier.)
sudden nature of most traumatic eye injuries poor prognostic indicators for fi nal visual acuity
makes for a difficult situation. A question that outcomes. In the largest study to date, Kuhn
often occurs is ‘Will I go blind?’ or ‘Will my et al in 20029 analyzed over 2500 eye injuries.
vision recover?’ Through statistical analysis, six variables were
Being able to give a logical, scientifically based found to be of prognostic significance, and each
prognostication based on the initial examination variable was then assigned a point value (Table
allows the physician to counsel a patient and the 4.4). The mathematical sum of the given vari-
patient’s family objectively. Numerous studies ables is then broken into five categories (Table
have examined factors influencing fi nal visual 4.5) and allows the physician to estimate the
acuity following severe ocular trauma.6–8 Poor given probability of a certain level of visual
preoperative visual acuity, presence of a relative acuity recovery. This system is referred to as the
afferent pupillary defect, retinal detachment, Ocular Trauma Score (OTS) and can be posted
and large scleral lacerations were found to be in an examination area for quick reference.
Ocular trauma
Initial vision
NLP 60
LP/HM 70
1/200–19/200 80
20/200–20/50 90
≥20/40 100
Rupture −23
Endophthalmitis −17
Perforating injury −14
Retinal detachment −11
Afferent pupillary defect −10
(From Kuhn F, Maisiak R, Mann L et al. The ocular trauma score (OTS).
Ophthalmol Clin N Am 2002;15:163–165, with permission of Elsevier.)
Table 4.5 Calculating the OTS: categorization and potential visual acuity outcomes.
Calculating the OTS: conversion of raw points into an OTS category, and calculating the
likelihood of the final visual acuity in five categories
(From Kuhn F, Maisiak R, Mann L et al. The ocular trauma score (OTS). Ophthalmol Clin N Am 2002;15:163–165,
with permission of Elsevier.)
The road to recovery in severe ocular trauma sis of the severely injured eye while maintaining
is long and fraught with multiple surgeries and guarded optimism.
possible complications. Never downplay the sever- Anger and sadness are common reactions in
ity of the injury or the possibility for permanent loss the patient with a severely injured eye. Honesty
of sight. Be realistic when discussing the progno- and straightforward communication fosters a
Definitions and classification in ocular trauma
trust between the patient and physician. Insist assure them all steps are being taken to restore
the patient be involved in the decision-making sight.
process. The Ocular Trauma Score is a spring-
board for answering difficult questions, but per- REFERENCES
sonal experience and common sense should
facilitate an honest conversation and a good rela- 1. Kuhn F, Morris R, Witherspoon CD, Heimann K, Jeffers JB,
tionship between patient and physician. My per- Treister G. A standardized classification of ocular trauma.
sonal experience has been that these patients are Ophthalmology 1996;103:240–243.
often some of the most loyal and grateful patients, 2. Kuhn F, Morris R, Witherspoon CD, Heimann K, Jeffers JB,
Treister G. A standardized classification of ocular trauma.
even when their visual outcomes are poor. If the
Graefe’s Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1996;234:399–403.
patient realizes that all steps are being made to
3. Pieramici DJ, Sternberg P Jr., Aaberg TM Sr., et al. A system of
restore vision, their reaction to the physician and classifying mechanical injuries of the eye (globe). Am J
ancillary staff is typically one of gratitude, Ophthalmol 1997;123:820–831.
although their reaction to the situation may 4. Kuhn F, Morris R, Witherspoon CD. Birmingham Eye Trauma
often remain negative. Terminology (BETT): terminology and classification of
mechanical eye injuries. Ophthalmol Clin North Am
SUMMARY 5. Pieramici DJ, Au Eong KG, Sternberg P Jr., Marsh MJ.
The prognostic significance of a system for classifying
1. Strict adherence to the accepted ocular mechanical injuries of the eye (globe) in open-globe
traumatology defi nitions (Birmingham Eye injuries. Journal of Trauma-Injury, Infection and Critical
Trauma Terminology or BETT) is vital when Care 2003;54:750–754.
6. Hutton WL, Guller DG. Factors influencing final visual
assessing patients with eye injuries and when
results in severely injured eyes. Am J Ophthalmol 1984;97:
relaying information to eye care professionals.
Only when these components are fully inte- 7. Abu El-Asrar AM, Al-Amro SA, Khan NM, Dangave D. Visual
grated into the vocabularies and methodo- outcome and prognostic factors after vitrectomy for
logies of physicians caring for this population posterior segment foreign bodies. Eur J Ophthalmol
of patients can effective communication and 2000;10:304–311.
8. De Souza S, Howcroft MJ. Management of posterior segment
reliable triage of patients be accomplished.
intraocular foreign bodies: 14 years’ experience. Can J
2. Establishing an honest, therapeutic relation-
Ophthalmol 1999;34:23–29.
ship with the patient is of utmost importance 9. Kuhn F, Maisiak R, Mann L, Mester V, Morris R, Witherspoon
when facing a severe ocular injury. Involve the CD. The Ocular Trauma Score. Ophthalmol Clin N Am
patient in the decision-making process and 2002;15:163–165.
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface
(conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Kristen L. Hartley, Benjamin L. Mason, James T. Banta
Ocular trauma
TRAUMATIC SUBCONJUNCTIVAL History is the most important step in determin-
HEMORRHAGE ing the etiology of a subconjunctival hemorrhage.
Subconjunctival hemorrhage often obscures the
Introduction underlying sclera so eliciting the exact mecha-
Subconjunctival hemorrhage is a very common nism of injury can help the examiner determine
condition that presents as an ocular emergency, the risk of severe ocular damage. Occult globe
in large part due to its often dramatic appear- violation can be masked by the presence of dense
ance. The causes of subconjunctival hemorrhages subconjunctival hemorrhage and requires a high
are numerous and the severity can be variable. index of suspicion to diagnose (Figure 5.2).
Spontaneous subconjunctival hemorrhage is Careful examination technique can typically
frequently due to Valsalva maneuvers that raise detect the presence or absence of an occult globe
venous pressure such as coughing, sneezing, violation in the setting of dense subconjunctival
vomiting, or heavy lifting. Acute bacterial or hemorrhage. Examination clues include:
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Trauma to the cornea is an extremely common
cause of visits to an emergency center. Typically,
the corneal epithelium is torn away from the
underlying stroma by trauma from a foreign
object. Some of the most common reasons for
traumatic corneal abrasions include eye rubbing,
fi ngernail injuries, thrown objects, chemical
exposure, and contusive trauma (e.g. air bag
injury, 3 assault).
Ocular trauma
abrasions. A careful examination of the unin-
volved corneal epithelium should be performed.
Underlying anterior basement membrane dystro-
phy (also known as map-dot-fi ngerprint dystro-
phy) is a common association.4,5 Patients with
this condition have a weakened epithelial adher-
ence and are prone to abrasions with minimal
trauma. Associated keratitis must also be ruled
out, and if found, appropriate cultures should be
obtained. A particularly high index of suspicion Figure 5.5 A 32-year-old male presented with pain and
for keratitis is needed if the corneal abrasion was foreign body sensation in the right eye. Slit lamp
caused by contact lenses or organic material (e.g. examination revealed vertically oriented linear corneal
tree branch). abrasions (A) prompting a search of the upper tarsal
conjunctiva (B). The foreign body was removed with a
Linear corneal abrasions, particularly when
cotton-tipped swab.
oriented vertically, are a tell-tale sign of subtarsal
on DVD foreign bodies (Figure 5.5). Everting the upper
eyelid and sweeping the conjunctival fornices are treated as a routine corneal abrasion (see below).
helpful techniques to fi nd and remove residual The patient is then re-evaluated a day or two
particulate matter. later. If the dendritic appearance is unchanged
As corneal epithelial defects heal, they often or worse, a presumptive diagnosis of herpetic
take on a dendritic appearance which can some- disease can be made and appropriate work-up
times be confused with herpetic disease (Figure and management can be initiated.
5.6). History and timeline play a vital role in
differentiating the two diagnoses. Corneal abra- Treatment
sions, particularly smaller ones, heal in a matter Loose or heaped up epithelium should be
of hours. If any question exists, the lesion can be debrided to encourage re-epithelialization. Even
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Ocular trauma
causes the painful episode to be relatively short- anesthetic drop gives a ‘miraculous’ reprieve
lived. Abrasions located within the intrapal- from the pain often leaving the patient incredu-
pebral space are more symptomatic as blinking lous when they are told it cannot be used rou-
causes contact with the injured epithelium. Con- tinely. Chronic use of topical anesthetics retards
versely, abrasions located in the superior aspects wound healing and can lead to severe corneal
of the cornea tend to be better tolerated since complications such as corneal melting.8 The
the upper lid covers and protects them. We rou- authors have seen patients attempt to steal
tinely counsel patients on the expected discom- topical anesthetic bottles from the examination
fort as the abrasion heals. If the abrasion is small room. We have also seen topical anesthetics inap-
or the patient is pain-tolerant, acetaminophen propriately prescribed by non-ophthalmologists.
taken regularly during the acute phase is recom- Healthcare providers (including veterinarians)
mended. Acetaminophen should be avoided in are a high-risk group for anesthetic abuse since
patients with liver dysfunction and recom- they often have access to the medicines but are
mended dosages should be followed closely. If not always aware of its associated dangers. Spe-
the patient is in severe pain, as is often the case, cific counseling as to why the anesthetic drops
a prescription for a 2-day supply of narcotic anal- are not a part of treatment is recommended, and
gesics is given. anesthetic bottles need to be accounted for at the
end of each examination. Deterioration of the
Complications and outcomes cornea following a corneal abrasion should spur
Patients who are patched should be examined an inquiry about the inappropriate use of topical
within 24 hours. Non-patched small abrasions anesthetics.
can be given antibiotic coverage for 3–5 days
with follow-up scheduled on an as-needed basis. CORNEAL FOREIGN BODIES
For large abrasions the healing process should be
evaluated in 1–2 days. If signs of infection are Introduction
present or if the abrasion is considered high risk Corneal foreign bodies are one of the most
for infection, daily follow-up is warranted until common forms of ocular trauma, second only to
healing is complete. corneal abrasions.9 It is of utmost importance
Changes in corneal epithelial adherence can that each patient presenting with a corneal
occur following a traumatic corneal abrasion. foreign body be educated on the use of protec-
This can lead to recurrent corneal erosions in the tive eyewear, as this could prevent most com-
absence of significant trauma.4 These patients monly encountered corneal foreign body injuries
often report a history of waking from sleep with (see Chapter 2). Most corneal foreign bodies are
severe eye pain that may resolve over the next not associated with a high level of morbidity, but
few hours. If the problem is recalcitrant despite it is essential to perform a thorough examina-
appropriate lubricant use, referral to an anterior tion, including a dilated fundus examination, to
segment specialist is warranted, as various thera- rule out an intraocular foreign body.
peutic modalities are available (stromal punc-
ture, therapeutic keratectomy). Etiology
The use and abuse of anesthetic drops deserves The causes of corneal foreign body injuries are
special mention. The pain from corneal abra- numerous. Injury may occur to the unassuming
sions can be intense. The placement of a topical individual who has debris blown into the eye
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
A thorough history and full ophthalmic evalua-
tion are crucial in a patient presenting with a
corneal foreign body, and the possibility of an
open globe injury and an intraocular foreign
body needs to be fully excluded. A thorough
Figure 5.7 A metallic corneal foreign body is
history will lower (e.g. something fell into the
embedded in the nasal aspect of the cornea in a 26-
eye while walking down the street) or raise year-old male patient who suffered the injury while
(e.g. hammering metal on metal) the suspicion grinding metal without appropriate eye protection.
of a more serious injury. After obtaining a history,
full ophthalmic examination should be per-
formed. Visual acuity is an essential piece of foreign body is present. The cornea should fi rst
information and if decreased should raise the be evaluated with a wide beam and then a slit
suspicion for a more serious injury. An initial beam to determine the depth of a corneal foreign
screening slit lamp examination should be per- body. The location and properties (metallic or
formed to confi rm that no globe violation has non-metallic) of the foreign body should be doc-
occurred. Carefully document intraocular pres- umented. If the foreign body is in the posterior
sure in both the affected and unaffected eye. portion of the corneal stroma, perform a Seidel
Asymmetric intraocular pressure readings may test over the area of the foreign body before and
be an early clue that the integrity of the globe after removal to rule out egress of aqueous from
has been compromised. Full slit lamp examina- the wound. The anterior chamber should be
tion should begin with evaluation of the patient’s evaluated thoroughly, including depth of the
lids and lashes. Evert the upper lids and evaluate chamber, amount of anterior chamber reaction,
both the upper and lower tarsal conjunctiva and and evidence of hyphema or hypopyon. The iris
fornices for any evidence of retained foreign should be evaluated for the presence of trans-
bodies. Vertically oriented linear corneal abra- illumination defects and the lens for evidence
sions often coexist with subtarsal foreign bodies of anterior lens capsule disruption, intralenticu-
and are easily seen with fluorescein staining. lar foreign body, or cataractous changes. Finally,
Conjunctival chemosis should raise the suspicion a dilated fundoscopic examination should be
for a globe violation if present. The bulbar con- performed if an intraocular foreign body is a
junctiva should be thoroughly inspected for lac- possibility.
erations, foreign bodies, or debris.
Often a corneal foreign body is quite obvious Treatment
(Figure 5.7). It is of paramount importance to Most corneal foreign bodies are metal and can
continue looking for other foreign bodies or con- be removed easily at the slit lamp. Shallow
comitant ocular injuries even when an obvious foreign bodies often can be dislodged with a
Ocular trauma
moistened sterile cotton swab. Embedded foreign the eye to prevent inadvertent eye rubbing. A
bodies can be removed with a small gauge needle topical aqueous suppressant is sometimes pre-
(27- or 30-gauge), ophthalmic ‘spud,’ rotating scribed to decrease the flow of aqueous through
ophthalmic burr, or a combination of the three. the wound thereby encouraging wound healing.
In the case of a metallic foreign body, it is impor- Daily follow-up is mandatory in these cases.
tant to remove any associated rust ring to prevent Deep foreign bodies consisting of an inert
a secondary keratitis. The following steps are substance (e.g. glass, plastic) are sometimes
used when removing a corneal foreign body: left in place to be serially observed. Foreign
1. Anesthetize the eye. bodies will sometimes slowly migrate anteriorly
2. Insert a lid speculum (if the patient has diffi- with time allowing for a safer, more controlled
culty keeping the eye open). removal.
3. Place the patient in the slit lamp and locate
the foreign body (Figure 5.8A). Complications and outcomes
4. Using a needle, approach the cornea tangen- Follow-up should be tailored to each individual
tially so that no sudden movement could lead patient. If the corneal foreign body is small and
on DVD
to perforation of the anterior chamber. leaves only a small corneal epithelial defect and
5. Gently dislodge the foreign body and remove no rust ring after removal, the patient may be
it from the surface of the eye (Figure 5.8B). seen on an as-needed basis. In the case of a large
6. If metallic, the foreign body typically leaves a corneal foreign body with a large epithelial defect
rust ring in place which is removed with an after foreign body removal, the patient should be
ophthalmic corneal burr (Figure 5.8C) until followed daily to be sure the abrasion is healing
the ring is entirely removed (Figure 5.8D). with no evidence of secondary infection. If a rust
7. After the foreign body has been removed, the ring is still present at discharge, the patient
patient should be placed on an antibiotic oint- should be followed daily with continued attempts
ment (e.g., bacitracin or erythromycin) four to remove all rust from the cornea. In many
times daily and a cycloplegic, if necessary. cases, the rust is more easily removed after 1–2
8. Counseling on the necessity for protective days of observation. All patients should be
safety goggles during high-risk activities is instructed to return immediately if symptoms
vital as recurrences are common with metallic worsen (e.g. decreased vision, increased pain or
corneal foreign bodies. redness).
Deeply embedded foreign bodies can be quite
challenging to manage. When the foreign body
is greater than 80% depth, it is possible that CHEMICAL INJURIES
removal may create a small full-thickness corneal
injury. If removal is attempted, a Seidel test Introduction
should be performed immediately afterwards. If Chemical injuries are true ocular emergencies.
positive, a decision to use corneal glue or a suture Every second counts after a chemical injury since
will need to be made. Most small-caliber wound the amount of tissue damage is directly related
leaks following foreign body removal will close to the length of time the chemical remains in
spontaneously in a matter of hours and can be contact with the eye. Immediate irrigation is
closely observed with the typical regimen of vital. Ideally, irrigation should begin long before
topical antibiotics and a protective shield over a patient’s presentation to the emergency room.
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Chemical composition is also important. Alka- into the anterior chamber may occur rapidly
line agents tend to penetrate the eye more readily after some alkali injuries (e.g. ammonia), further
than acids thereby carrying a significantly higher emphasizing the importance of immediate treat-
morbidity.10–12 ment.10–12 Education, particularly for high-risk
Depending on the depth of ocular penetration, individuals such as custodians and laboratory
a chemical injury may cause damage to many workers, is very important because they need to
ocular structures including the corneal and be aware that irrigation should be started at
conjunctival epithelium, basement membrane, home or in the field immediately after exposure.
corneal stroma and endothelium, lens epithe- Prevention with appropriate eye protection could
lium, and vascular endothelium of the conjunc- prevent most, if not all, chemical injuries in
tiva, episclera, iris, and ciliary body.11 Penetration working environments.
Ocular trauma
Figure 5.9 Diffuse conjunctival ischemia, corneal haze, Figure 5.10 Moderate conjunctival injection with a
and a sterile inflammatory hypopyon are seen central corneal epithelial defect following exposure to
following a severe alkali exposure. an acidic compound during a splash injury at work. The
conjunctival injection, particularly at the limbus is a
good indication of limbal stem cell viability.
As stated previously, chemical injuries may be (Figure 5.11).11 This can be an arduous, messy
associated with either acid or alkali compounds. process that can sometimes take over an hour,
Alkalis cause the most severe damage by dis- but it is essential to minimize further damage to
rupting the corneal barrier and allowing rapid the eye.10,13,14 To achieve complete irrigation of
passage into more posterior ocular structures. the conjunctival fornices, it is often necessary
Lye (NaOH, KOH), fresh lime (CaO, found in to apply topical anesthetic (e.g. tetracaine or
plaster and concrete), and ammonia are the most proparacaine) and retract the lids with a lid
commonly involved agents.10,11 Alkalis result in a speculum or Desmarres retractor.15 Irrigation is
more severe injury as they rapidly penetrate the complete when the pH of the eye has normalized
eye, saponify cell membranes, denature collagen, and all foreign material has been removed. While
and thrombose vessels (Figure 5.9).12 Intraocular irrigation is being performed, a thorough history
pressure may be elevated initially due to shrink- should be obtained to determine the type of
age of the scleral collagen and later by sclerosis chemical involved. If a sample of the chemical is
of the aqueous outflow channels.11–13 Acids gen- available, pH testing should be performed
erally cause less damage because the hydrogen directly on the sample.
ion precipitates protein and prevents further Once irrigation is complete, a more compre-
penetration through the cornea (Figure 5.10).12 hensive examination is performed. Vision and
However, treatment and potential complications pressure should be documented, as the pressure
are similar for both alkali and acid injuries. may be acutely elevated. Attention is then focused
on the anterior segment. The lids and lashes are
Evaluation evaluated to look for any evidence of crystallized
Obtaining an initial history of chemical expo- chemicals. These are removed immediately if
sure is all that is necessary before immediate, present. The upper and lower conjunctival for-
copious irrigation with liter bags of normal saline nices should be swept with a glass rod or sterile
is initiated. The eye should be irrigated with cotton swab to remove any offending agents.
normal saline until the pH of the eye normalizes A careful examination of the conjunctiva and
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Figure 5.11 Following a chemical injury, immediate Figure 5.12 Severe conjunctival and limbal ischemia
copious irrigation of the involved eye is initiated with following an alkali injury. Notice the pruning of the
liter bags of normal saline. remaining conjunctival vessels.
Ocular trauma
tapered after that time due to the risk of impaired adrenergic agonists (e.g. brimonidine), or carbonic
wound healing with long-term use. In more anhydrase inhibitors (e.g. dorzolamide).11–13
severe injuries, high-dose vitamin C (500 mg
orally four times a day), 10% ascorbate drops Complications and outcomes
every 2 hours, and 10% citrate drops every 2 The patient should be followed on a daily basis
hours were associated with a more rapid recov- to ensure the treatment regimen is leading to
ery and better fi nal visual outcome in one study.17 clinical improvement. In severe cases with limbal
Oral doxycycline (50–100 mg orally two times ischemia or intraocular complications, daily
a day) is a potent inhibitor of collagenase and visits are essential to monitor for evidence of
may reduce the risk of corneal perforation in a corneal thinning or perforation. Rarely, immedi-
severely injured eye.18 ate surgical treatment with a temporary tarsor-
Intraocular pressure in a chemically injured eye rhaphy, corneal glue, or if these more conservative
may be high or low. Decreased pressure is usually measures fail, an emergent corneal patch graft or
due to ciliary body damage. A high IOP is most corneal transplant is necessary when perforation
likely caused by collagen shrinkage or inflam- occurs or is imminent. Consultation with an
matory debris obstructing the trabecular mesh- anterior segment specialist is often necessary for
work.11–13 Control of IOP is best achieved with long-term management, particularly when limbal
aqueous suppressants, such as topical beta- stem cell ischemia is present and/or anterior
adrenergic antagonists (e.g. timolol), alpha- segment reconstruction is necessary.
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Conjunctival lacerations are often caused by
foreign body trauma. One very frequent cause is
inadvertent fi ngernail injury, often caused by
small children inadvertently striking caretakers
or between adults during sporting events (Figure
5.14). Machine workers and other fabrication
and construction workers are also considered
Ocular trauma
initial assessment of the patient’s risk of globe lacerations should often be sutured. A horizon-
violation and infection. tally oriented laceration often comes in contact
Examination should consist of a complete with the lid margin during blinking, thus pro-
ocular examination including a dilated fundus longing healing time and increasing foreign body
examination to rule out a more serious injury. sensation. Large and/or poorly approximated
Special attention is given to the area of the lac- wounds will often eventually heal without inter-
eration. Fluorescein can help determine the size vention but can leave scar tissue and produce a
of the laceration. If the underlying sclera is lacer- chronic foreign body sensation. Absorbable
ated, a Seidel test should be performed at the suture such as polyglactic acid (7-0 or 8-0)
site to rule out an open globe injury (see Chapter should suffice to cover bare sclera and can be
3). Every conjunctival laceration should be done in a minor operating room or even at the
explored extensively under topical anesthesia. slit lamp. The authors prefer to close large con-
The length of laceration, the approximation of junctival lacerations if the approximation is poor
the wound edges, and the amount of debris and healing is likely to cause scarring if left unsu-
should be documented. Conjunctival chemosis tured. We employ multiple buried simple inter-
and surrounding subconjunctival hemorrhage rupted sutures to assure good closure and
can sometimes obscure foreign material and decrease the risk of wound dehiscence if a suture
scleral injury, so gentle probing with a cotton breaks.
swab can be useful under topical anesthesia.
Retained foreign bodies can increase a patient’s Complications and outcomes
risk of infection and persistent inflammation. Isolated small lacerations treated only with pro-
Rarely, pigmented uvea protruding through a phylactic antibiotics can be seen on an as-needed
full-thickness scleral laceration can be confused basis if their recovery is unremarkable. More
with a foreign body and requires careful exami- extensive or sutured lacerations should be re-
nation under a slit lamp to help differentiate evaluated in 5–7 days.
between the two entities.
Once the integrity of the eyewall is confi rmed, LAMELLAR CORNEAL AND
cotton swabs, forceps, or saline irrigation can be SCLERAL LACERATIONS
used to remove persistent debris or residual
chemical residue. Most small conjunctival lacera- Introduction
tions can be treated conservatively with prophy- Lamellar or partial-thickness lacerations of the
lactic topical antibiotics for 5–7 days. Antibiotic cornea and sclera are relatively uncommon (aside
ointments are often utilized as their lubricating from metallic corneal foreign bodies discussed
properties contribute to the patient’s comfort, earlier). These injuries are often caused by
although topical drops will suffice. foreign body trauma with a sharp object such as
Some ophthalmologists advocate suturing all a screwdriver or pencil (Figure 5.15).
conjunctival lacerations. Most small lacerations
(<10 mm) will heal quickly without surgical Evaluation
intervention. Larger (>10 mm), poorly approxi- History is critical, particularly the mechanism of
mated, and horizontally oriented conjunctival injury. The injuring object should be identified,
Closed globe injuries: ocular surface (conjunctiva, cornea, and sclera)
Lamellar wounds can be at an increased risk of
infection, especially if the injury involved an
organic or ‘dirty’ object. Organisms can be
seeded deeply, making them somewhat more
B resistant to topical antibiotics. For this reason
the wound should be cleaned of any foreign
material and irrigated to help the healing process
and reduce the risk of infection. Broad-spectrum
topical antibiotics should be used as prophylaxis
until the wound is completely healed.
Deep lamellar wounds at risk for subsequent
rupture with minor trauma should be protected
with an eye shield. The shield should also be
worn at night to prevent inadvertent eye rubbing.
Suturing of lamellar wounds is rarely necessary
unless the length of the wound causes significant
gaping. Corneal glue is another treatment option
if the wound is limited to the cornea and more
defi nitive intervention is required.
Figure 5.15 A 42-year-old male was struck with a tile
fragment while cutting tiles without appropriate eye Complications and outcomes
protection. A horizontally oriented corneal laceration
Deep lamellar lacerations should be followed
was noted (A). Slit beam examination revealed the
laceration was approximately 80% depth (B). A Seidel
closely for signs of infection and to ensure wound
test was negative. A shield was placed over the eye and healing is adequate. Patients should be given spe-
the patient was placed on prophylactic antibiotic cific instructions about the symptoms of infec-
drops. Serial observation was elected, and the wound tion and instructed to return immediately if such
healed without sequelae. symptoms occur. Depending on the location and
depth of the wound, lamellar corneal lacerations
often leave a scar and can sometimes induce
if possible. A thorough examination of the irregular astigmatism.
injured area is then performed to confi rm that
the wound is indeed only partial thickness. A SUMMARY
Seidel test is of utmost importance. If a wound
is considered highly suspicious yet has an ini- 1. Injury to the ocular surface (particularly
tially negative test, light globe pressure away corneal abrasion) is the most commonly
Ocular trauma
encountered sequela following ocular 5. Brown NA, Byron AJ. Recurrent erosion of the cornea.
trauma. Br J Ophthalmol 1976;60:84–96.
6. Arbour JD, Brunette I, Boisjoly HM, Shi ZH, Dumas J, Guertin
2. Appropriate eye protection could prevent all
C. Should we patch corneal erosions? Arch Ophthalmol
on-the-job ocular surface injuries. 1997;115:313–317.
3. Traumatic subconjunctival hemorrhage has no 7. Kaiser PK. A comparison of pressure patching versus no
specific treatment, but should lead to an patching for corneal abrasions due to trauma or foreign body
appropriate examination to rule out concomi- removal. Corneal Abrasion Patching Study Group.
tant ocular injury. Ophthalmology 1995;102:1936–1942.
8. Rosenwasser GO. Complications of topical ocular anesthetics.
4. Corneal abrasions typically heal quickly and
Int Ophthalmol Clin 1989;29(3):153–158.
require only prophylactic antibiotics. Loose 9. Hamill MB. Corneal injury. In: Krachmer JH, Mannis MJ,
sheets of epithelium should be debrided to Holland EJ, eds. Cornea: Fundamentals of Cornea and
promote re-epithelialization. External Disease. Vol. 2. St. Louis: Mosby; 1997;1416–1419.
5. Metallic corneal foreign bodies and their asso- 10. Ralph RA. Chemical injuries of the eye. In: Tasman W, Jaeger
ciated rust rings should be completely removed EA, eds. Duane’s Clinical Ophthalmology. Vol. 4. Philadelphia:
Lippincott, Williams, and Wilkins; 1998:1–23.
to prevent keratitis. Occasionally, recalcitrant
11. Wagoner MD. Chemical injuries of the eye: current concepts
rust rings are left in place for 1–2 days (while in pathophysiology and therapy. Surv Ophthalmology
using a prophylactic antibiotic) since delayed 1997;41(4):275–313.
removal is often much easier to accomplish. 12. Yu JS, Ralph RA, Rubenstein JB. Ocular burns. In: MacCumber
6. Irrigation of chemical injuries should begin MW, ed. Management of Ocular Injuries and Emergencies.
before the patient arrives in the emergency Philadelphia: Lippincott-Raven; 1998:163–171.
13. Pfister DA, Pfister RR. Acid injuries of the eye. In: Krachmer JH,
room and again upon arrival at the emergency
Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea: Fundamentals of Cornea
room. Irrigation should continue until the pH and External Disease. Vol. 2. St. Louis: Mosby; 1997:1437–1442.
of the eye normalizes. 14. Pfister RR, Pfister DA. Alkali-injuries of the eye. In: Krachmer
7. Small well-approximated conjunctival lacera- JH, Mannis MJ, Holland EJ, eds. Cornea: Fundamentals of
tions often heal without suturing. Cornea and External Disease. Vol. 2. St. Louis: Mosby;
15. Lubeck D, Greene JS. Corneal injuries. In: Mathews J, Zun LS,
eds. Emergency Medicine Clinics of North America:
Ophthalmologic Emergencies and Ocular Trauma.
1. Fukuyama J, Hayasaka S, Yamada K, Setogawa T. Causes of Philadelphia: WB Saunders; 1988:82–86.
subconjunctival hemorrhage. Ophthalmologica 1990;200(2): 16. Roper-Hall MJ. Thermal and chemical burns. Trans
63–67. Ophthalmol Soc UK 1965;85:631–653.
2. Pitts JF, Jardine AG, Murray SB, Barker NH. Spontaneous 17. Brodovsky SC, McCarty CA, Snibson G, et al. Management of
subconjunctival haemorrhage: a sign of hypertension? alkali burns: an 11-year retrospective review. Ophthalmology
Br J Ophthalmol 1992;76(5):297–299. 2000;107(10):1829–1835.
3. Pearlman JA, Au Eong KG, Kuhn F, Pieramici DJ. Airbags and 18. Perry HD, Hodes LW, Seedor JA, Donnenfeld ED, McNamara
eye injuries: epidemiology, spectrum of injury, and analysis TF, Golub LM. Effect of doxycycline hyclate on corneal
of risk factors. Surv Ophthalmol 2001;46(3):234–242. epithelial wound healing in the rabbit alkali-burn model:
4. Kenyon KR. Recurrent corneal erosion: pathogenesis and preliminary observations. Cornea 1993;12(5):379–382.
therapy. Int Ophthalmol Clin 1979;19:169–195.
Closed globe injuries:
anterior chamber
James T. Banta, Colleen M. Cebulla, Carolyn D. Quinn
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
1. Iris sphincter 5. Trabecular meshwork
– radial tears – TM tears
Figure 6.2 The seven areas of traumatic ocular tears with resultant findings. (Adapted with permission from
Campbell DG. Traumatic glaucoma. In: Shingleton BJ, Hersh PS, Kenyon KR, eds. Eye Trauma. St. Louis: CV Mosby;
Ocular trauma
Pathophysiology Introduction
Contusive ocular trauma causes an initial vaso- Iris sphincter tears and iridodialyses are com-
spasm of the anterior uveal vessels, followed by monly seen after contusive trauma to the eye.
hyperpermeability. 3 This permeability allows a Patients with iris sphincter tears or iridodialyses
delayed leakage of protein and fibrin into the may complain of changes to the shape of the
anterior chamber. A transient, scant release of pupil, monocular diplopia (if the tear permits
white blood cells typically occurs in this period. light to travel to the retina outside the visual
Rarely, a more severe uveitis may develop, even axis), glare, decreased vision, and sensitivity to
creating an endophthalmitis-like presentation. light.
Histopathologically, chronic inflammatory cells
are demonstrated infi ltrating the ciliary body.1 Pathophysiology
The ciliary body inflammation typically leads to Iridodialysis is the shearing of the iris from the
hypoproduction of aqueous fluid and subsequent ciliary body at the iris root. The iris is thinner
lowering of intraocular pressure. at this point, and more susceptible to injury.
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
Kumar et al experimentally examined the mech- the suprachoroidal space, is present in the gonio-
anism of this injury, exposing enucleated porcine scopic view of cyclodialysis. In iridodialysis, the
eyes to contusive trauma at either 90 or 30 iris is separated at its root (Figure 6.6).
degrees to the iris plane.7 The 30-degree approach No treatment is necessary for iris sphincter
resulted in a more severe iridodialysis, indicating tears. Any associated hyphema should be
the importance of side protection on safety managed as outlined in the hyphema section.
glasses. Iridodialysis only rarely requires treatment. The
indications for surgical repair include:
Diagnosis and treatment
Diagnosis in a patient with an appropriate history
of ocular trauma is primarily by slit lamp exami-
nation. Iris sphincter tears can present as single
or multiple point-like lesions at the pupil margin,
shallow indentations, or tears extending the
length of the iris.1 The pupil often takes on a
‘D’-shaped configuration (Figure 6.4). Small
hemorrhages on the iris, microhyphema, or
hyphema may be present. Iridodialysis may
appear as a small, crescent-shaped black area in
the anterior chamber periphery (Figure 6.5).
Large iridodialyses can lead to severe disruption
Figure 6.5 An inferior iridodialysis is seen in a patient
of normal iris architecture.8 Gonioscopy is
who was struck with a thrown rock as a child. Note the
necessary to differentiate iridodialysis from the bunching of the iris at the superior margin of the
more serious cyclodialysis.9,10 A gap between iridodialysis and the subsequent blunting of the
the sclera and the ciliary body, with widening of pupillary margin.
Ocular trauma
on DVD
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
Hyphema is a condition in which blood accu-
mulates in the anterior chamber (Figure 6.8).
Approximately two-thirds of traumatic hyphe-
mas are seen with closed globe injuries and
one-third in open globe injuries. The mean
annual incidence of hyphema is 17 per 100 000,
with a peak age between 10 and 20 years of
Presenting symptoms include pain, photopho-
Figure 6.8 A typical layered hyphema following
bia, and decreased vision. If a microhyphema is contusive ocular injury.
present (red blood cells suspended in the ante-
rior chamber with no layering of blood), the equatorial globe expansion. Depending on the
patient may have a presentation very similar to force exerted and the extent of vascular damage,
traumatic iritis. varying amounts of blood enter the anterior
Concomitant injury of the anterior chamber is chamber.22 At the time of injury, the IOP can be
exceedingly common when a hyphema is present. quite variable and does not necessarily correlate
Iris sphincter tears, iridodialyses, cyclodialyses, with the amount of bleeding. The pressure can be
and lenticular abnormalities (e.g. cataract, dislo- elevated as a result of obstruction of the trabe-
cation) frequently coexist. cular meshwork by clot, circulating red blood
cells, and/or inflammatory debris. Rarely, a collar-
Pathophysiology button-shaped clot can cause pupillary block
During a contusive injury to the eye, the ante- resulting in an elevated pressure.23 Intraocular
rior–posterior force ultimately causes disruption pressure can also be low initially due to ciliary
of the ciliary body, iris stroma, and the major body inflammation and diminished aqueous
arterial circle and its branches by simultaneous production.
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
lysis with corticosteroids may decrease the inci- 2. Cycloplegia is maintained with scopolamine
dence of rebleeding. In a retrospective report of or atropine.
463 eyes, Ng et al. reported a decrease in rebleed- 3. An eye shield is worn full-time.
ing from 12% to 5% when topical steroids were 4. Instructions are given to maintain bed rest
utilized.28 Systemic steroids have also been with minimal ambulation only when neces-
reported to reduce the rate of secondary bleeding sary (‘bathroom privileges’).
in multiple studies.21,23,29–31 No prospective 5. Patients are encouraged to remain upright or
studies have established the optimal dose or fre- keep the head of their bed angled at more
quency of topical or systemic steroids. than 45 degrees.
Aminocaproic acid is an anti-fibrinolytic agent 6. Warning signs of rebleeding and elevated
that has been utilized to reduce the incidence of IOP are fully discussed with the patient
secondary hemorrhage following traumatic (increased pain and decreased vision in
hyphema. Systemic aminocaproic acid has been particular).
shown to reduce the rate of secondary hemor- 7. The importance of daily follow-up is
rhage in a significant fashion. 32 The widespread discussed.
acceptance of this therapeutic modality has been Medical therapy for elevated intraocular pres-
hampered by frequent systemic side-effects, sure adds another level of complexity to the
expense, and difficulty obtaining the medicine. treatment strategy. It is vital to ascertain the
More recently, a topical gel formulation of possible status of sickling hemoglobinopathies,
aminocaproic acid has been studied. It currently since this has a direct impact on the types of
is not Food and Drug Administration (FDA) medication that can be utilized. Carbonic
approved for this or any medical use. In Phase anhydrase inhibitors (oral acetazolamide and
II and III FDA studies, the rate of rebleeding methazolamide, topical dorzolamide and apra-
was decreased similar to that seen with sys- clonidine) should be avoided in patients with
temic therapy. 33,34 It is possible that this will sickling hemoglobinopathies as they lower
eventually become a viable therapeutic option oxygen tension in the anterior chamber and
if and when further investigation is completed. lead to rapid sickling of red blood cells within
However, a question remains as to whether the anterior chamber. Sickled red blood cells
aminocaproic acid is superior to topical steroids, more readily block the trabecular meshwork
an alternative that has been routinely used for and can lead to rapid elevations in IOP. Fur-
many years and is readily available. The only thermore, patients with sickle cell anemia are
study comparing the two found no difference in more prone to ischemic events of the optic
the rate of secondary hemorrhage.29 nerve, even with mild rises in IOP, and must be
The authors prefer the following regimen for monitored more closely. In patients without
outpatient management of hyphema without sickle cell, all classes of IOP-lowering medica-
intraocular pressure elevation: tions can be safely used except for pilocarpine.
1. Topical prednisolone acetate 1% used four Pilocarpine should be avoided as it may incite
times daily to hourly depending on the further inflammation, increase the risk for pos-
extent of hyphema and degree of inflam- terior synechiae, and limit the examination of
mation. In patients who are unable to ad- the retina. Beta-blockers, alpha agonists, and
minister drops, systemic steroids may be carbonic anhydrase inhibitors can all be effective
used. in controlling IOP in the setting of hyphema.
Ocular trauma
Table 6.1 Commonly used agents for acute elevations of intraocular pressure
Acetazolamide 500–1000 mg Fatigue, taste Tablets: 1 hour/8–12 Initial 500 mg given acutely
(tablets or in divided disturbances hours as two 250 mg tablets;
sustained- doses Sustained-release sustained-release capsules
release capsules) capsules: 2 hours/ preferable for extended
18–24 hours use owing to longer
half-life; avoid if patient
has sulfonamide allergy
Isosorbide 1.5 g/kg as Headache, 1 hour/4–6 hours Served over ice and sipped
an oral nausea slowly over 30–60 minutes;
solution preferable over glycerin for
diabetic patients
Glycerin 1–2 g/kg Headache, 1 hour/5 hours Served over ice and sipped
as an oral nausea slowly over 30–60 minutes;
solution can cause severe serum
glucose elevations in diabetic
Although prostaglandin analogues can theore- in diabetics as it can lead to precipitously ele-
tically promote or enhance inflammation, the vated blood sugar. All hyperosmotic agents
authors routinely use them in the setting of can exacerbate congestive heart failure, pulmo-
elevated intraocular pressure associated with nary edema, or hypovolemia and should be
hyphema and have yet to recognize a detrimental used with great caution and under appropriate
effect. observation. Intravenous mannitol can rapidly
In the acute setting of severely elevated IOP, reduce the intraocular pressure and is a good
oral carbonic anhydrase inhibitors and oral or alternative for the patient with severe nausea and
intravenous hyperosmotic agents are effective in vomiting.
quickly reducing the IOP (Table 6.1). Oral Topical and oral medications can be used for
hyperosmotic agents like isosorbide and glycerin outpatient IOP control. Our typical regimen for
are often used initially if not medically contra- hyphema-related IOP elevation includes some
indicated. Glycerin should be used with caution combination of the following:
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
on DVD
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
As seen in Figure 6.1, contusive ocular injury
leads to a decrease in anterior–posterior length
and rapid equatorial expansion. Aqueous forced
into the periphery of the anterior chamber angle
Figure 6.11 Gonioscopic view of angle recession with a
can create a split in the ciliary body. The longi- broad yet irregular band of visible ciliary body. Note
tudinal muscle of the ciliary body remains the irregular, undulating contour of the iris root.
attached to the scleral spur while the circular
muscle of the ciliary body and the iris root are
forcefully separated.45 This leads to a deepening pigment deposition, tears in the iris sphincter,
and widening of the anterior chamber angle. iridodialysis, iridodonesis, phacodonesis, and
Small branches of the anterior ciliary artery are focal cataract formation are clues to prior signifi-
often injured during this process, which explains cant ocular injury.
the frequent coexistence of hyphema and angle Subtle changes include disruption of the iris
recession.46 processes from their insertion into the scleral
The development of glaucoma associated with spur and ciliary body leaving the ciliary body
angle recession is not fully understood. Scarring more exposed.51 In more severe injuries, the
of the trabecular meshwork, loss of intertrabecu- degree of angle recession may be larger and man-
lar spaces, and scarring of Schlemm’s canal ifest as a widened ciliary body band and a more
results in decreased aqueous outflow and subse- prominent scleral spur (Figure 6.11). Often it is
quent elevations in IOP.47–51 The greater the necessary to compare the width and color of the
portion of angle involved, the greater the subse- ciliary body band to the fellow eye if the entire
quent risk of glaucoma. Glaucoma rarely devel- angle is involved. It is important to assess the
ops if less than 180 degrees of angle is extent of the angle recession. The extent of angle
involved. involvement is directly correlated to the future
development of glaucoma.47
Diagnosis and treatment After establishing the extent of the angle
Gonioscopy is the mainstay of diagnosis in angle involved, it is critical to emphasize to the patient
recession. It is avoided during the acute phase of the need for lifelong follow-up. Careful docu-
ocular injury if a hyphema is present. The angle mentation of the IOP and optic nerve should be
on DVD
appearance can be quite variable after a contu- completed. Initially, the IOP can be managed
sive injury and it is best to compare the angles medically. Miotics should be avoided because
of both eyes using a Zeiss or Goldman lens. Signs they are ineffective and can rarely cause an ele-
of previous trauma including corneal scars, vated IOP due to a decrease in uveoscleral
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
increasingly difficult to visualize as time passes, ening the anterior chamber and exposing the
as peripheral anterior synechiae form and obscure cleft for laser therapy.59
the anterior chamber angle.50 Ultrasound can Although many cyclodialysis clefts respond to
facilitate diagnosis and localization in these more laser treatment, invasive surgical treatments are
difficult cases. recommended if argon laser therapy fails.59,64–67
Many treatments have been developed for The classic treatment of diathermy described
cyclodialysis.59 Observation or medical therapy by Maumenee and Stark remains a reasonable
with cycloplegics is initially attempted, but second-line therapy.63 Direct cyclopexy has been
further treatment is often required to defi ni- more recently advocated. In this technique, the
tively close the cleft. Atropine is used initially to ciliary body is sutured directly to the sclera in
maintain anatomic proximity of the ciliary body the area of the cleft by way of a partial- or full-
and scleral spur, thereby encouraging closure of thickness scleral flap. Indirect cyclopexy has also
the cleft. Corticosteroids are thought to delay been reported using a McCannel suture similar
closure of cyclodialysis clefts, and are generally to repair of iridodialysis, and this technique may
not recommended unless required for concomi- be effective for smaller clefts. Anterior scleral
tant injuries. buckle may be effective, especially if the cleft
The classic treatment of cyclodialysis for many area is very large.
years was pupillary dilation in conjunction with Other generally less invasive techniques have
diathermy applied to the cyclodialysis cleft, fol- also been reported to be successful in treat-
lowed by drainage of suprachoroidal effusions ing cyclodialysis including cryotherapy, YAG
through incisions in the sclera.63 Flattening the laser cyclophotocoagulation, and argon laser
communication with the suprachoroidal space endophotocoagulation.68–72
would often lead to reattachment of the ciliary
body and restoration of function. In an impor- Complications and outcomes
tant treatment advance, Joondeph was the fi rst Successful treatment of cyclodialysis results in
to use argon laser to successfully treat cyclodialy- closure of the cleft and an acute increase in IOP
sis.60 Argon laser applied to the cyclodialysis and eye pain.58,59 Patients should be instructed
cleft has now become the fi rst line of therapy if to contact their physician if they experience
medical management does not achieve success in severe eye pain. The rise in IOP is typically
the fi rst 4–6 weeks.58 Laser is applied to the delayed by 1–2 weeks when indirect treatments
ciliary body and scleral sides of the cleft. Recom- are used (e.g. argon laser) but can be very rapid
mended settings are: following direct cyclopexy. This ocular hyper-
1. duration of 0.1 second tensive period is typically transient and thought
2. 50–100 micron spot size to be due to delayed opening of aqueous drainage
3. 500–1500 mW power channels that collapse during prolonged hypoto-
4. approximately 100 applications. nous periods. Topical and oral aqueous suppres-
Atropine is continued after treatment. If the sants are used to manage these transient episodes.
initial treatment is unsuccessful, repeat treat- Pilocarpine can facilitate reopening of the cleft
ments often will close the cyclodialysis cleft. If and should be avoided.
the anterior chamber is relatively flat, obscuring The prognosis of cyclodialysis with treatment
the view of cyclodialysis clefts, viscoelastic injec- is surprisingly good.59 Although delayed closure
tion into the anterior chamber is helpful in deep- may reduce visual acuity, patients have been
Ocular trauma
reported to improve even after long periods of hypotony.72 Concomitant traumatic injuries of
hypotony, including one case of visual improve- the posterior segment are often responsible for
ment from 20/200 to 20/30 after 7 years of poor visual outcomes when they occur.
Closed globe injuries: anterior chamber
Ocular trauma
7. Steroids, aminocaproic acid, and cycloplegics 13. Wachler BB, Krueger RR. Double-armed McCannell suture
are accepted medical treatments for hyphema. for repair of traumatic iridodialysis. Am J Ophthalmol
Anterior chamber washout with or without a
14. Oshika T, Amano S, Kato S. Severe iridodialysis from
trabeculectomy is necessary when medical phacoemulsification tip suction. J Cataract Refractive Surg
treatments fail to maintain an appropriate 1999;25:873–875.
intraocular pressure or corneal blood staining 15. Zeiter JH, Shin DH, Shi DX. A closed chamber technique for
occurs. repair of iridodialysis. Ophthal Surg 1993;24:476–480.
8. The mainstays for visualization of cyclodialy- 16. Bardak Y, Ozerturk Y, Durmus M, Mensiz E, Aytuluner E. Closed
chamber iridodialysis repair using a needle with a distal hole.
sis clefts are gonioscopy and, more recently,
J Cataract Refract Surg 2000;26:173–176.
ultrasound biomicroscopy. 17. Erakgun T, Kskaloglu M, Kayikcioglu O. A simple closed
9. Cyclodialysis resolution can be obtained with chamber technique for repair of traumatic iridodialysis in
cycloplegia, argon laser, or surgical repair and phakic eyes. Ophthal Surg Lasers 2001;31:83–85.
success is heralded by a severe yet transient 18. Chang S, Coll GE. Surgical techniques for repositioning a
elevation in intraocular pressure. dislocated intraocular lens, repair of iridodialysis, and
secondary intraocular lens implantation using innovative
25-gauge forceps. Am J Ophthal 1995;119:165–174.
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Closed globe injuries: lens
David A. Goldman, Jennifer I. Hui
plaints include decreased vision, fluctuating the lens zonules will lead to subluxation (Figure
vision, monocular diplopia, glare, or pain. In this 7.2). Subluxation implies the crystalline lens is
chapter we will discuss the history, evaluation, still held in place by the remaining lens zonules
and management strategies associated with but is no longer centered in the pupillary space.
traumatic lens injuries and potential long-term The elasticity of the remaining lens zonules pulls
sequelae. the lens away from the site of zonular dehis-
cence. Often this is detected by visualizing the
EVALUATION curvilinear lens equator when the pupil is dilated.
Complete zonular dehiscence leads to lens dis-
History is invaluable when approaching trau- location (Figure 7.3). A dislocated lens most
matic lens injuries. The examiner must deter- frequently falls into the vitreous cavity, but
mine the time and mechanism of injury as well occasionally can prolapse forward into the ante-
as the timing, quality, and nature of the symp- rior chamber. While a subluxated lens may be
toms. In particular, the mechanism of injury will asymptomatic if minimally decentered, com-
help guide the examination and raise or lower plete dislocation of the lens into the vitreous
the suspicion of a possible eyewall violation or cavity always leads to immediately decreased
intraocular foreign body. It is not uncommon for vision, as the eye is functionally aphakic. Contu-
patients with traumatic cataracts to present with sive ocular injury can also cause diffuse damage
a remote history of trauma or sometimes a nega- of the lens zonules leading to instability of the
tive history altogether. Past ocular history, such lens and phacodonesis. Phacodonesis may range
as previous surgery, is also an essential part of from minimal shimmer of the crystalline lens to
the evaluation. frank, profound movement of the lens–iris dia-
A thorough examination of the eye, as dis- phragm. To test for phacodonesis, the patient is
cussed in Chapter 3, is mandatory following any asked to look away from the slit lamp beam and
ocular trauma. Lens injury frequently coexists then rapidly return gaze to the light. Gently
with other significant ocular injuries. A screen- pounding the slit lamp table with a closed fist
ing slit lamp examination is performed before while the patient looks straight ahead can some-
eye drops are instilled or intraocular pressure is times produce similar results. Any movement of
taken in order to determine the integrity of the the lens is attributable to zonular weakness and
Ocular trauma
Visual axis Intact zonules body but clinical suspicion remains high, a CT
scan must be obtained. Additionally, CT may aid
in determining the nature of the foreign body
(metallic vs. nonmetallic). MRI should not be
utilized if a foreign body is suspected as there is
a risk of migration with objects that are metallic
in nature.
Trauma to the lens may cause various types of
opacities as discussed below. The lens should be
examined under direct illumination and retro-
illumination to determine the presence and loca-
tion of lens opacities. The anterior and posterior
subcapsular areas are the most common sites
of traumatic cataract. Although cataracts may
not be present on initial presentation, they can
rapidly progress in hours to days depending on
the extent of injury and the integrity of the lens
Under circumstances in which examination of
the lens is prohibited secondary to hyphema,
Crystalline lens corneal disease, or anterior segment disruption,
Figure 7.1 Diagrammatic representation of the normal an imaging modality may be pursued. Options
anatomic position of the crystalline lens supported 360
include B-scan ultrasound, ultrasound biomicro-
degrees by the lens zonules (iris not pictured).
scopy, CT, or MRI. CT and MRI may provide
important information about the lens and the
should be documented at the time of initial orbit, but are seldom indicated solely for locating
examination. Other signs that are indicative of the lens. Ultrasound is more efficient and quickly
zonular weakness and often coexist with all obtained and may be performed in an office
three of these conditions include iridodonesis, setting. When the view through the anterior
asymmetric anterior chamber depth (the affected segment is clear and the lens is not visualized,
side typically has the deeper chamber), an eccen- one must consider complete dislocation of the
tric pupil, or the presence of vitreous at the lens into the vitreous cavity or through a site of
pupillary margin or within the anterior chamber scleral rupture.1
(Figure 7.4).
If a corneal or anterior scleral laceration is DIAGNOSIS AND TREATMENT
present, the examiner must carefully look for iris
transillumination defects, a disruption in the General considerations
anterior capsule or the presence of an intralen- While initial trauma to the lens may appear insig-
ticular foreign body. With an anterior laceration nificant, delayed sequelae may present days to
and a violated lens capsule, the patient is assumed months after the initial incident. These sequelae
to have an intraocular foreign body until proven are discussed below and are arranged in order of
otherwise. If ultrasound fails to reveal a foreign when they would most likely present after the
Closed globe injuries: lens
Subluxated lens
Figure 7.2 (A) Diagrammatic representation of lens subluxation (iris not pictured). Focal dehiscence of lens
zonules causes subluxation away from the dehiscence. (B) Traumatic lens subluxation.
initial injury, ranging from immediate (lens dis- by the intact zonules. The anterior chamber
location) to delayed by months or years (phaco- is often asymmetrically deep in this setting.6
lytic glaucoma). The specific treatment modalities B-scan ultrasound or ultrasound biomicroscopy
for each injury type are described in detail. may aid in localization of the lens in eyes with
a suboptimal view of the anterior chamber.7,8
Lens subluxation and dislocation If the lens cannot be visualized, extraocular
(immediate to delayed) displacement of the lens is also a consideration,
Lens subluxation or dislocation, found alone or especially in patients with a history of large-
in conjunction with other ocular injuries, is most incision surgery (e.g. extracapsular cataract
frequently caused by trauma.4 Lenticular sublux- extraction, penetrating keratoplasty). The lens
ation is not always evident with the traditional may have extruded through a previous surgical
slit lamp examination. For example, an inferior wound or another site of structural disruption.
zonular disruption may not be evident unless the Scleral ruptures are not always visible and an
patient is in a supine position. Thus, a lens with extruded crystalline lens may be found in a sub-
zonular weakness can change its position depend- conjunctival location. 9 Scleral ruptures most fre-
ing on the posture of the patient.5 If zonular quently occur between the limbus and the spiral
disruption is incomplete, the lens is typically of Tillaux in the superonasal and superotempo-
drawn away from the site of the zonular rupture ral quadrants. Lenses in the subconjunctival
Ocular trauma
Visual axis
Sclera Corneal limbus
Figure 7.4 Vitreous is seen in the anterior chamber (A) after a 50-year-old woman was struck with a thrown can of
tuna during a domestic dispute. The crystalline lens was visible on the surface of the retina (B). No inflammation
was present. Aphakic correction was provided with a contact lens and the dislocated lens was serially observed.
Closed globe injuries: lens
Ocular trauma
cataract is dense, small incision cataract surgery several days so the surgery can be performed in
is not possible, or significant vitreous prolapse is a noninflamed and normotensive eye. Routine
present preoperatively, intracapsular extraction phacoemulsification with posterior chamber
or pars plana vitrectomy and lensectomy is intraocular lens implantation can often be per-
indicated. formed depending on the mechanism of injury
The crystalline lens is more frequently dislo- and the amount of capsular disruption.
cated posteriorly into the vitreous cavity. Patients
have significant visual symptoms secondary to Traumatic cataract (days to years)
functional aphakia. The status of the lens capsule Cataracts may arise from contusive eye trauma
plays a vital role in determining appropriate treat- immediately after injury or many years later.
ment. If the capsule is intact, the lens may remain They are reported to occur in 11% of eyes with
in the vitreous cavity without inciting inflamma- closed globe injuries.2 The concept of ‘coup’ and
tion. A violated capsule frequently leads to a ‘contrecoup’ forces was fi rst described by Wolter12
variable inflammatory response requiring sur- and Weidenthal and Schepens.13 These forces,
gical lens removal after an initial course of anti- in addition to equatorial expansion of the globe,
inflammatories. A vitreoretinal surgeon provides are the postulated mechanisms of injury. ‘Coup’
defi nitive surgical care. Most lenses are removed refers to direct forces while ‘contrecoup’ refers
by phacofragmentation through the pars plana to injury occurring as a result of transmitted
after a vitrectomy has been performed. If the lens shock waves through the lens. Equatorial expan-
is too dense for phacofragmentation within the sion of the globe occurs when it is shortened in
vitreous, it may be brought into the anterior the anteroposterior direction at the time of
chamber and removed through a limbal wound.6 impact. Such expansion may result in lens cap-
sular rupture, zonular dehiscence, or both.14
Phacoanaphylactic uveitis (hours to years) Cataracts can form following disruption of the
Phacoanaphylactic uveitis is a rare, aggressive lens capsule. A capsular defect allows aqueous
immune response mounted against exposed lens humor to enter the lens, leading to increasing
proteins following traumatic lens capsule disrup- opacity until the flow of aqueous ebbs.15 The
tion. It is frequently associated with chemosis, natural history of lens capsule violation is unclear.
conjunctival injection, anterior chamber cell and The anterior capsule has a high capacity for
flare, large and multiple keratic precipitates, and healing because of the regenerative properties of
in severe cases, hypopyon. Rarely, the fellow eye the subcapsular epithelium and is less suscepti-
may develop similar inflammation. Typically, the ble to rupture given its greater thickness. If the
intraocular pressure is low; however, elevations capsular defect is <2 mm, the epithelium rapidly
can also occur (see Lens-induced glaucoma, restores continuity. Defects larger than 3 mm
below). Elevated intraocular pressure may be frequently lead to lenticular opacity. Healing of
reduced with topical beta-blockers, carbonic the capsule limits passage of free ions and fluid
anhydrase inhibitors, alpha-adrenergic blockers that may lead to cataract formation. The anterior
or prostaglandin analogues. Intraocular inflam- capsule may also spontaneously reopen, causing
mation may be alleviated with steroids, either severe inflammation and secondary glaucoma
topically, via sub-Tenon’s injection, or orally. days to months following injury.
Removal of the lens, however, is the defi nitive Most traumatic cataracts are not associated
required treatment. Surgery is often deferred for with capsular disruption. An ocular contusion
Closed globe injuries: lens
Ocular trauma
shallowing of the anterior chamber and worsen- tion of a cataractous lens offers many advantages:
ing of vitreous prolapse. Capsular dyes such as it eliminates the source of late inflammation
indocyanine green or trypan blue are used to and increased intraocular pressure and allows
assist in performing a capsulorhexis when the red earlier visual rehabilitation. Disadvantages in-
reflex is absent. If phacoemulsification is not pos- clude increased short-term postoperative inflam-
sible due to lens brunescence, an extracapsular mation, increased risk of intraoperative bleeding
extraction may be required. and the possibility that the cataract may not have
If the capsule is not intact or there is a significant become visually significant.2
degree of phacodonesis or subluxation, other Young children present a unique challenge
methods of cataract removal must be considered. given their risk of amblyopia. If pediatric
The route of removal depends largely on the cataract extraction is undertaken, many factors
experience of the surgeon. If an anterior approach require consideration. One of these concerns is
is not felt to be safe, vitreoretinal consultation is the propensity for children to develop posterior
recommended for defi nitive management. Com- capsular opacifications relatively soon after cata-
bined pars plana lensectomy and vitrectomy are ract removal.21,22 For this reason, a primary pos-
implemented with increasing frequency.20 The terior capsulotomy and anterior vitrectomy are
infusion port should be placed away from the site recommended at the time of cataract extraction
of any choroidal or retinal detachment. Perfluoro- for children not mature enough to cooperate
carbons can aid in mobilizing posteriorly dis- with a YAG laser capsulotomy (typically less
located lens fragments, supporting fragments than 6 years of age). Once determined to be the
during their removal, and protecting the retina.6 treatment of choice, cataract extraction should
Although rarely performed, intracapsular cata- be expedited to minimize disruptions in physi-
ract surgery is an option if significant zonular ologic and anatomic ocular development.
instability is present and the vitreous face is intact. Pediatric intraocular lens implantation is also
Surgeon experience plays an important role in the controversial. Of note, one study demonstrated
decision-making process. a 70% rate of visual acuity of >20/60 in children
Primary intraocular lens implantation may be with intraocular lens implantation (136 children
considered after any method of cataract extrac- between 2 and 16 years of age, one child less than
tion if inflammation is well controlled and the 2 years of age). Aphakia is generally recom-
risk of infection is deemed to be low. The lens mended for children younger than 2 years of
may be placed in the capsular bag, the sulcus, age,23 although intraocular implantation at
the anterior chamber or fi xated to the iris or younger ages is becoming more common.
sclera. If placed in the capsular bag, the haptics Ocular trauma with associated cataract is often
should be placed perpendicular to any zonular correlated with poor outcomes secondary to
defect for maximal capsular bag stabilization and posterior segment abnormalities including retinal
expansion.1 detachment, macular scarring, and traumatic
The timing of cataract removal depends on optic neuropathy. Between 50% and 70% of in-
many factors including the degree of inflamma- jured eyes have been reported to have significant
tion, need for visual rehabilitation (monocular posterior segment injuries.2,24 Preoperative
patient or a child of amblyogenic age), the need factors associated with poor visual outcomes
for further ocular procedures and the general include an afferent pupillary defect or
medical condition of the patient. Primary extrac- iridodialysis.24
Closed globe injuries: lens
on DVD
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: lens
Conversely, phacoanaphylactic glaucoma occurs glaucoma once the initial inflammatory episode
in similar situations, but is associated with a is controlled.
severe, granulomatous inflammatory reaction. For all lens-induced glaucomas, medical man-
Mutton fat keratic precipitates and posterior syn- agement is initially instituted in an effort to
echiae are common, and a hypopyon is occasion- decrease intraocular inflammation and pressure.
ally seen. The anterior chamber angle is open in In the acute phase, intravenous osmotic agents
both entities. such as mannitol or oral osmotic agents such as
Phacomorphic glaucoma is a form of secondary isosorbide and glycerin are utilized to lower
angle closure. A mature cataract is elongated the pressure. Oral acetazolamide, topical beta-
axially and may cause pupillary block or second- blockers, topical carbonic anhydrase inhibitors,
ary angle closure if the lens apparatus is and topical alpha-adrenergic blockers are used
sufficiently displaced anteriorly. Patients present to maintain a normal intraocular pressure. In
with pain and redness in an eye that demon- general, miotics are not recommended as they
strates corneal edema, a shallow anterior may worsen or induce angle closure via forward
chamber, and a dense cataract with increased rotation of the lens–iris diaphragm. Surgical
lens thickness on slit lamp examination.27 Mild intervention is typically deferred until inflam-
to moderate inflammation is often present. mation is controlled and intraocular pressure
Initial treatment includes anti-inflammatories decreases. However, if either persists, removal of
and medication to lower intraocular pressure. the cataractous lens is the defi nitive treatment
A laser peripheral iridotomy may be placed in of choice. Intraocular lens implantation may be
an attempt to relieve any pupillary block that delayed if intraocular inflammation has not been
may be present. However, cataract extraction adequately controlled, although this is rarely the
is the defi nitive treatment for phacomorphic case.
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: lens
Ocular trauma
22. Keech RV, Cibis-Tongue A, Scott WE. Complications after secondary to ocular contusion injuries. Retina
surgery for congenital and infantile cataracts. Am J 2002;22:575–580.
Ophthalmol 1989;108:136–141. 25. Filipe JC, Palmares J, Delgado L, Lopes JM, Borges J, Castro-
23. Krishnamachary M, Rathy V, Gupta S. Management of Correia J. Phacolytic glaucoma and lens-induced uveitis.
traumatic cataract in children. J Cataract Refract Surg Int Ophthalmol 1993;17:289–293.
1997;23:681–687. 26. Epstein DL. Diagnosis and management of lens-induced
24. Greven CM, Collins AS, Slusher MM, Weaver RG. Visual results, glaucoma. Ophthalmology 1982;89:227–230.
prognostic indicators, and posterior segment findings 27. De Leon-Ortega JE, Girkin CA. Ocular trauma-related
following surgery for cataract/lens subluxation-dislocation glaucoma. Ophthalmol Clin N Am 2002;15:215–223.
Closed globe injuries:
posterior segment
John J. Miller, Krista D. Rosenberg
Ocular trauma
injuries.10,11 Closed globe trauma from motor forces on the vitreoretinal interface that shear
vehicle accidents, assault,12 sports-related activi- vessels may also disrupt the normal retinal archi-
ties,13 forceps delivery,14 and paintball injuries15 tecture (e.g. macular hole).
are all reported causes of choroidal rupture. Weidenthal and Schepens described the mech-
anisms of traumatic tear formation by studying
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY pig eyes subjected to pellet gun injury. Most
peripheral retinal damage occurred from rapid
Contusive injuries to the eye cause deformation equatorial scleral expansion and rotation, while
of normal ocular architecture and, at times, dis- the vitreous and retina are pulled away from the
ruption of the vitreoretinal interface. The vitre- underlying pigment epithelium.16 Contusive
ous most tightly adheres to the retina at the ocular trauma can disrupt normal vitreoretinal
vitreous base, a band of condensed vitreous that adhesions and may cause retinal dialyses, giant
straddles the ora serrata 360 degrees (Figure retinal tears, horseshoe retinal tears, or tears in
8.1). Firm vitreoretinal adherence is also present the nonpigmented pars plana epithelium. Tears
along the retinal vasculature and at the optic in the nonpigmented pars plana epithelium are
nerve head. Vitreous hemorrhage is caused by much less common and are caused by traction at
traction or shearing of a normal or abnormal the anterior aspect of the vitreous base. A retinal
retinal vessel, frequently when traumatic separa- dialysis occurs when vitreous base traction causes
tion of the vitreous occurs. The rapid tractional a disinsertion of retina from the nonpigmented
pars plana epithelium at the ora serrata, rather
than a tear within the retina. The vitreous
Pars plan Ora serrata
remains attached in cases of pars plana tears and
retinal dialyses. Such clinical scenarios are more
common following contusive trauma in young
patients with an intact, formed vitreous. Giant
retinal tears are created when broad areas of
Vitreous base vitreoretinal adherence posterior to the ora
insertion serrata are placed under traction. Vitreous
remains attached to the anterior lip of the giant
tear while posterior vitreous detachment allows
free mobility of the posterior retinal lip. Horse-
shoe tears are created when a focal area of vit-
reoretinal adherence is placed under traction by
a surrounding vitreous detachment. This clinical
Retina scenario commonly occurs in older patients with
an evolving posterior vitreous detachment.
A few generalizations can be made regarding
Figure 8.1 Anatomical interaction of the vitreous the origins of retinal detachments and their pos-
base and ora serrata. The vitreous base extends
sible relationship to trauma. Most retinal dialy-
approximately 2 mm anterior to the ora serrata and 2–
4 mm posteriorly. This tight interface plays a major role ses and giant retinal tears are related to trauma,
in the pathophysiology of traumatic retinal breaks and although some develop without trauma. Detach-
detachments. ments related to superior or nasal dialyses, pars
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
plana tears, vitreous base avulsions, and necrotic an open globe. Examination considerations for a
retinal holes may be assumed to be of traumatic potential open globe are covered in Chapter 11.
origin, even if the history of trauma is remote or Any hyphema should be noted. Intraocular pres-
not recalled by the patient. Conversely, most sure should be measured after confi rmation of
horseshoe tear-related detachments are not asso- globe integrity.
ciated with contusive trauma. After the pupils have been pharmacologically
Choroidal ruptures occur when contusive dilated, evaluate the lens for traumatic lens opac-
forces overcome the inelastic nature of Bruch’s ities (cataract) and traumatic lens instability
membrane and the retinal pigment epithelium (phacodonesis). Both indicate significant ocular
(RPE), causing a tear in these tissues. Histo- trauma and often coexist with disruption of the
pathologic evidence reveals an intact overlying vitreous base and retina. With the slit lamp bio-
retina with variable fibroglial scarring.17 microscope, examination of the anterior vitreous
just posterior to the lens yields clues to vitreo-
EXAMINATION AND DIAGNOSIS retinal integrity. The presence of liberated retinal
pigment epithelial cells and pigment-containing
Clinical examination in the setting of ocular macrophages (also known as tobacco dust or Included
on DVD
trauma must be tailored to the clinical situation. Schafer’s sign) indicates a probable retinal break.
Contusive trauma stresses the vitreoretinal inter- These pigmented cells gain access to the anterior
face and vitreous base, increasing the risk of vit- vitreous cavity through defects in the retina. The
reoretinal interface separation. Such a disruption presence of blood (vitreous hemorrhage) may
may lead to more sinister posterior segment indicate a disruption of the ciliary body, retina,
pathology. During the post-traumatic period, or retinal vasculature.
every patient should receive a complete ocular Indirect ophthalmoscopy should be performed
examination, including scleral depression with bilaterally in a systematic fashion. Examine the
ophthalmoscopic viewing of the ora serrata and optic disc, macula, vessels, and the complete
vitreous base. However, examination in the acute periphery. Special attention should be paid to
setting may be limited by the severity of injury, whitened areas of retina indicative of commotio
patient discomfort, and clarity of ocular media. retinae and the presence of subretinal hemor-
In lucid patients, best-corrected visual acuity rhage, which may herald a choroidal rupture. In
is measured with the Snellen chart. In an emer- the presence of intraocular hemorrhage or cor-
gency room setting, a Rosenbaum near card will neoscleral compromise, scleral depression should
suffice. Careful opening of the lids with Des- be deferred until structural stability is confi rmed.
marres lid retractors may be necessary if the However, scleral depression of the retinal periph-
patient is unable to open the eye due to lid edema ery to the vitreous base and ora serrata must be
or hemorrhage. Determination of pupillary light performed at some point in the post-traumatic
reaction and evaluation for a relative afferent period.
pupillary defect should be performed on every If patient discomfort or media opacities prevent
patient, regardless of consciousness. complete viewing of the ocular fundus and
Examination of the anterior segment prior to periphery, B-scan ultrasonography should be
further manipulation prevents iatrogenic injury. used to examine the posterior segment. Ultra-
Corneoscleral integrity and anterior chamber sound, in the hands of trained ophthalmic tech-
depth should be determined initially to rule out nicians, gives a significant degree of anatomic
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
following contusive ocular trauma revealed stain- It is important to determine, if possible, the
ing of the RPE underlying the retinal whitening underlying cause of the vitreous hemorrhage,
but no leakage from retinal vessels. These results as treatment may vary. The most frequent
further suggest photoreceptor outer segment and causes of vitreous hemorrhage associated with
retinal pigment epithelium damage.24 trauma are posterior vitreous detachment, retinal
Acute vision loss may occur when commotio detachment, retinal tear, and pre-existing prolif-
retinae involves the macula, or it may be visually erative diabetic retinopathy.26–28 The presence of
asymptomatic if only the retinal periphery is vitreous hemorrhage in an infant or child should
involved. Vision typically improves as retinal alert the physician to the possibility of abuse.
whitening resolves. An experimental study of In this setting, photographic documentation
photoreceptor function reported recovery of and further investigation with a pediatrician is
normal function within 3 months. The prognosis vital.
is good for extrafoveal and mild trauma. However, Acute vitreous hemorrhage undergoes rapid
vision loss may be permanent if the fovea is clot formation and appears red with distinct
damaged. While 60% of patients in a prospective borders. Slowly, the blood begins to diffuse
study had complete recovery of vision within throughout the vitreous within the fi rst day to
weeks of injury, the remaining 40% were left week after the initial hemorrhage.29,30 In lique-
with macular damage and varying degrees of fied vitreous or a previously vitrectomized eye,
permanent vision loss. Long-term sequelae may blood clears from the vitreous cavity more rapidly
also include RPE changes and pigment migra- than in an eye with formed vitreous. 31 As red
tion. Such pigment migration in the retinal blood cells are phagocytosed and hemoglobin is
periphery may mimic the bone spicules of reti- broken down, the hemorrhage takes on a yellow-
nitis pigmentosa. Although there is no known brown hue as early as 10 days. The vitreous
treatment for commotio retinae, the frequency gel in an infant eye is more formed than in an
of concomitant ocular injury warrants close adult. Therefore, neonatal vitreous hemorrhages
observation and thorough examination. may sequester within Cloquet’s canal, remain
concentrated for long periods, and reabsorb
Traumatic vitreous hemorrhage slowly. 32
Common symptoms of vitreous hemorrhage If dense vitreous hemorrhage precludes ade-
include sudden, punctate, or web-like floaters quate ophthalmoscopic retinal viewing, ultra-
and decreased visual acuity. Sometimes patients sound provides an alternative examination.
will literally report seeing red. While the density Echography most effectively determines the
and location of the hemorrhage primarily deter- presence or absence of intraocular foreign
mine visual acuity, a small amount of blood can bodies, eyewall deformities, or retinal detach-
cause a significant decrease in vision. Thompson ments. Mild to moderate vitreous hemorrhage
and Stoessel reported that although 0.832 micro- appears as mobile opacities on B-scan and as
liters of diffuse vitreous blood caused no decrease low-amplitude spikes on A-scan, while marked
in vision, 10 microliters of vitreous blood can vitreous hemorrhage displays denser echoes on
decrease vision to hand motions or worse in a B-scan and higher amplitude spikes on A-scan.
phakic eye model. Furthermore, visual acuity If hemorrhage accumulates under the posterior
measured in light was worse than acuity mea- hyaloid, the increased reflectivity along the
sured in dark, owing to intraocular light scatter.25 hyaloid surface may mimic a retinal detachment.
Ocular trauma
However, positional shifting of the hemorrhage Vitreoretinal surgeons perform vitrectomy for
distinguishes it from the retina. 33 A-scan and B- traumatic vitreous hemorrhage only if the hem-
scan ultrasound examination of eyes with dense orrhage shows no sign of resolution. In an other-
vitreous hemorrhage often successfully identifies wise normal eye with normal serial ultrasounds,
retinal detachments, but echographic detection vitrectomy can be delayed depending on the
of retinal tears is challenging. 34 Among eyes with visual acuity in the fellow eye and the functional
dense vitreous hemorrhage, Rabinowitz reported status of the patient. Most surgeons will wait at
all retinal detachments (30 eyes) were identified least 2–3 weeks for a posterior vitreous detach-
correctly with an 18.9% false-positive rate, ment to develop and will intervene surgically
whereas only 44% of retinal tears were identi- only if the hemorrhage persists for more than
fied.8 In contrast, DiBernardo reported 10 of 11 2–3 months. 37
(91%) small retinal tears associated with vitre- If a retinal tear is identified and vitreous hem-
ous hemorrhage were diagnosed correctly by orrhage precludes laser demarcation, vitrectomy
ultrasound. 35 While ultrasonography remains is often performed within 2 weeks of presenta-
largely operator-dependent and has limitations tion, as progression to retinal detachment typi-
when ruling out small tears, it detects serious cally occurs within that period. In the setting of
posterior segment pathology that would other- traumatic vitreous hemorrhage, patients with a
wise remain hidden until hemorrhage dissolu- history of retinal detachment in the contralateral
tion or surgical exploration occurred. eye should be considered for earlier vitrectomy. 38
In a closed globe injury with vitreous hemor- In the presence of retinal detachment, early vit-
rhage but no retinal detachment or retinal break, rectomy should be performed, typically within
patients are observed to allow spontaneous clear- 1 week. Among a survey of vitreoretinal sur-
ance of the hemorrhage. 36 Bed rest and head geons, surgery for vitreous hemorrhage with
elevation are generally recommended to allow retinal tear was performed at a mean 1.7 weeks
gravitational settling of the hemorrhage. Re- and vitreous hemorrhage with retinal detach-
examination for hemorrhage resolution or retinal ment at 1 week.
detachment should be scheduled within 2 weeks Children in the amblyopic age range present a
of the initial evaluation. No topical medications therapeutic challenge. It is imperative to watch
have proven beneficial to speed the clearing of children with vitreous hemorrhage closely until
isolated vitreous hemorrhages. resolution or until the decision for surgery is
In eyes without a pre-existing vitreous detach- made. In infants, deprivation amblyopia may
ment, a posterior vitreous detachment com- occur within weeks of a dense vitreous hemor-
monly develops in the weeks following contusive rhage. 39 Mohney reported that an increase in
trauma. This independently increases the risk of axial length (averaging 3.45 mm more than the
subsequent retinal tear or detachment, making unaffected fellow eye) can occur within weeks
follow-up examinations important. If the view of vitreous hemorrhage onset.40 Such asymmet-
remains limited, the treating ophthalmologist ric axial lengths may cause anisometropia as
should perform serial ultrasound screening for great as 11 diopters. The pediatric patient’s age
posterior segment pathology. If vitreous hemor- and hemorrhage density guide the timing of
rhage remains for several weeks or if potential vitrectomy. Patients less than 1 year old
retinal pathology is detected, vitreoretinal con- develop myopic anisometropia more readily
sultation should be sought. than older patients.41 Typically, surgeons perform
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
Ocular trauma
Traumatic macular holes have a variable natural improved hole closure rates when compared
history. Spontaneous closure of traumatic with observation alone. However, critics of
macular holes with improvement in visual acuity surgery performed in the early post-traumatic
is well documented.59–65 Small case series ranging period cite similar fi nal visual acuity outcomes
from 6 to 18 eyes report spontaneous closure in patients observed versus those repaired surgi-
rates of 10–67%. The overall incidence of spon- cally. While delaying surgery for a few months
taneous closure cannot be determined without to assess for spontaneous closure has been advo-
observation of a large number of patients. cated by some, others claim that early surgery
However, those eyes that had spontaneous offers the best chance for visual recovery.
closure shared some clinical features: small hole Appropriate referral to a vitreoretinal special-
size (0.1–0.2 disc diameters), no posterior vitre- ist for defi nitive management is indicated. Repair
ous detachment, and no cuff of subretinal fluid. of traumatic macular holes includes pars plana
Spontaneous closure occurred within 1 month vitrectomy, posterior hyaloid dissection, fluid-
in 35% and within 9 months in all reported gas exchange, and long-acting intraocular gas
cases. Final visual acuity was 20/40 or better in tamponade. Anatomic closure rates following
55% and 20/100 or better in 70%. vitrectomy and gas tamponade range from 93%
Although many traumatic macular holes may to 100%. Final visual acuity improved to 20/50
close spontaneously, surgical intervention offers or better in 35–79%.66,67
Case report: traumatic macular hole and retinal tear (Figure 8.5)
A 16-year-old female was the victim of a drive-by (white arrow, B) with associated hemorrhage. The
paintball shooting. The paintball struck the left lower patient underwent a scleral buckle procedure, pars
eyelid (A) causing immediate pain and decreased plana vitrectomy with posterior hyaloid dissection
vision. Initial visual acuity was 20/200 in the involved and peeling of the internal limiting membrane,
left eye. The left pupil was enlarged and sluggish, endolaser, and injection of C3F8 gas for intraocular
but no relative afferent pupillary defect was present. tamponade. (C) Before and after ocular coherence
Anterior segment examination revealed conjunctival tomography scans reveal resolution of the macular
injection, a small hyphema, and mild traumatic hole. (D) Despite an excellent anatomic result, visual
mydriasis. Posterior segment examination revealed a acuity remained 20/200.
small macular hole and a large inferior retinal tear
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
should be performed every 6 months for the fi rst the macula, membranes nasal to the disc are
2 years following the injury to detect the devel- often observed. Occasionally, spontaneous invo-
opment of choroidal neovascularization. Careful lution occurs.
attention for the development of CNVM is war- Visual prognosis depends on the rupture size,
ranted for ruptures longer than 4000 μm or location and secondary complications (particu-
within 1500 μm of the foveal center. For these larly CNVM). Hemorrhage or edema may affect
larger ruptures, long-term follow-up is recom- vision in the acute setting, but presenting visual
mended since choroidal neovascularization has acuity is not a prognostic factor. Visual acuity
been reported to occur up to 37 years following typically recovers in eyes with non-foveal rup-
the injury.87 The treating ophthalmologist should tures. Greater rupture length portends a poor
instruct patients experiencing a decline in vision visual outcome, owing to the risk of choroidal
or metamorphopsia to return immediately for a neovascularization. Close proximity to the fovea
dilated examination. also heralds poor visual acuity from damaged
Therapeutic options for CNVM include macular photoreceptors. Furthermore, multiple
observation, photocoagulation,87 photodynamic rupture sites indicate severe ocular trauma, likely
therapy,89,90 or submacular surgical removal. The with concomitant ocular injuries. Associated
use of drugs which target vascular endothelial injuries such as macular hole, pigment epithelial
growth factor (VEGF) is a new modality that is atrophy, commotio retinae, or optic atrophy may
being investigated. Since they are distant from adversely affect visual recovery.
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
Ocular trauma
remain undiagnosed for long periods of time and Pars plan Ora serrata
may heal spontaneously. In one series of dialysis-
related detachments 37% of detachments pre-
sented more than a year following trauma. The
detachments are typically shallow and smooth,
since the intact vitreous tamponades the break
Vitreous base
and prevents large amounts of vitreous fluid insertion
from entering the subretinal space. Signs of
chronicity include: retinal macrocysts, atrophic
retina that resembles a retinoschisis, and pro-
gressive pigmented demarcation lines beneath
the retina.129
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
Ocular trauma
ment. Vitreous base avulsions have been reported nations are important as the vitreous separation
to occur in roughly half of patients with retinal evolves over days to weeks.
detachments secondary to squash ball injuries.138
The trauma associated with vitreous base avul- Pars plana tears
sion is often presumed severe considering the The non-pigmented pars plana epithelium is the
vitreoretinal adhesions are often strongest at the anterior extension of the neurosensory retina.
vitreous base. Because of this inherently strong Pars plana tears result almost exclusively from
vitreoretinal adhesion, avulsion without con- closed globe contusion. The contusive forces place
comitant pars plana tears, retinal dialyses, or traction on the anterior border of the vitreous
retinal tears is uncommon. Vitreous base avul- base, resulting in tear formation. Penetrating
sions appear as a stripe of translucent vitreous ocular injury, posterior segment surgery, and
overlying the peripheral retina or ora serrata, atopy are the only other documented causes.139–141
yielding a ‘bucket handle’ appearance. This con- Interestingly, the retinal tears and detachments
dition may be asymptomatic and requires no associated with atopic dermatitis may be con-
treatment if found in isolation. However, the sidered traumatic in origin, given the clinical
presence of this fi nding should alert the clinician nature of the tears and the propensity for vigorous
to perform a careful examination of the pars ocular rubbing seen in this population.
plana, ora serrata, and retinal periphery when Pars plana tears are uncommon, seven times
the eye becomes stable enough for scleral depres- less commonly diagnosed than retinal dialysis.
sion, as the incidence of retinal tears and dialyses However, it is likely that pars plana tears are
is very high. underdiagnosed since they are usually not associ-
ated with retinal detachment and can only be
Traumatic posterior vitreous detachment seen with anterior scleral depression. The pres-
Traumatic posterior vitreous detachment (PVD) entation and clinical course of retinal detach-
alone or in combination with vitreous hemor- ments associated with pars plana epithelium
rhage is frequently encountered following closed tears are similar to those caused by retinal dialy-
globe eye injury. Although neither condition sis. The detachments are shallow with smooth
alone causes permanent loss of function, their surfaces. They progress slowly over several
presence often heralds more sinister pathology, months and are generally asymptomatic until
particularly of the peripheral retina. Vitreoreti- they involve the macula.142 The typical shallow,
nal adhesions are much greater in young patients. slowly progressive nature of these detachments
Since trauma occurs much more frequently in is due to the absence of a posterior vitreous
young patients (particularly males), the likeli- detachment and the anterior tear location. The
hood of retinal tears in the setting of a traumatic posterior vitreous base remains attached, provid-
PVD is very high. Examination of the anterior ing a tamponade that limits access of liquefied
retina and pars plana is vital. If it cannot be vitreous to the subretinal space.
performed in the acute setting owing to con-
comitant ocular injury, patient discomfort, or a Treatment
poor view due to hemorrhage, ultrasonography Traumatic breaks that lead to rapid retinal
is an excellent tool to determine if any peripheral detachment include necrotic retinal breaks,
tears or detachments are present. Serial exami- horseshoe tears, and giant retinal tears. At times,
Closed globe injuries: posterior segment
the vitreous may remain formed in eyes with Visual acuity outcomes are variable. One large
traumatic tears, and chorioretinal adhesions may series reported that nearly 65% had a fi nal visual
form that lead to spontaneous hole closure. Such acuity of 20/200 or better with a range of 20/20
eyes should be monitored closely for progression to no light perception. Concomitant macular
to detachment. Prophylactic laser retinopexy or pathology may limit visual acuity following
trans-scleral cryopexy should be considered in repair, particularly epiretinal membranes and
all patients with traumatic peripheral retinal macular edema.
breaks in the absence of significant subretinal Anterior traumatic pathology, such as pars
fluid. Once a detachment forms, surgical inter- plana tears and retinal dialyses, may lead to a
vention is required. As in repair of non- slowly developing, asymptomatic retinal detach-
traumatic detachments, the overall goal of ment. Such breaks should be treated with
surgery is to close all retinal breaks and to relieve cryopexy or laser retinopexy in the acute post-
all vitreoretinal traction. Retinal reattachment traumatic period if no significant subretinal fluid
may be achieved through pneumatic retinopexy, is present. If asymptomatic subretinal fluid is
scleral buckling, and/or pars plana vitrectomy. detected months to years after trauma, assess for
The specific clinical situation and surgeon pref- stable chronicity of the break and subretinal
erence determine the method of repair. fluid. Signs of chronic subretinal fluid include
Giant retinal tears rarely present without con- retinal atrophy, retinal macrocysts, absence of
current retinal detachment owing to the mobile rugae, and the presence of demarcation lines. If
posterior retinal flap that allows free entry of a demarcation line has developed, the retinal
fluid into the subretinal space. Moreover, the break and subretinal fluid may heal spontane-
retina may fold upon itself preoperatively or ously, requiring only close observation. In the
intraoperatively. These tears often require presence of significant subretinal fluid without
advanced vitreoretinal techniques such as demarcation, surgical intervention is indicated.
perfluorocarbon stabilization, lensectomy, and Detachments associated with pars plana tears
silicone oil tamponade. Despite advances in or retinal dialyses may be repaired with good
vitreoretinal surgery, redetachment rates follow- results by scleral buckling with trans-scleral
ing repair may exceed 10% (Figure 8.13).143 cryotherapy or by scleral buckling with pars
plana vitrectomy, fluid–air exchange, internal
drainage of subretinal fluid, and endolaser
Ocular trauma
damage often causes multiple ocular injuries. 6. Vitreous hemorrhage is of particular concern
Although each posterior segment injury was dis- in young children since amblyopia and pro-
cussed individually, it is important for the clini- gressive myopia may develop rapidly.
cian to maintain a high level of suspicion for 7. Choroidal ruptures require serial monitor-
coexisting systemic, orbital, anterior segment, ing for the appearance of choroidal neovas-
and posterior segment injuries. cular membranes.
Manifestations of posterior segment trauma 8. Suprachoroidal hemorrhage indicates severe
without retinal breaks (vitreous base avulsion ocular trauma and portends a poor visual
and commotio retinae) may be carefully observed prognosis.
with short interval serial examinations in the post- 9. Sclopetaria is a rare but characteristic mani-
traumatic period. Examinations should include festation of high-velocity missile injury.
scleral depression to the ora serrata once the eye 10. The type of peripheral break in the retina or
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Closed globe injuries:
eyelid lacerations
Kambiz K. Parsa, Wendy W. Lee
Ocular trauma
Figure 9.1 Eyelid contusion, typical of assault-related Figure 9.3 Lacerations of the upper and lower eyelids
injuries. caused by injury with a shattered baseball bat.
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
Posterior lamella Anterior lamella
Gray line
Frontal sinus Frontalis muscle
Brow fat pad Figure 9.4 (A) The eyelid is
divided into an anterior lamella,
Levator muscle which includes the skin and the
Septum orbicularis oculi muscle, and the
Superior rectus muscle Preaponeurotic fat
posterior lamella which consists of
Levator aponeurosis
the tarsal plate and the
Müller’s muscle Orbicularis
conjunctiva. It is important to
realize that each segment has its
own blood supply and during
Tarsal plate reconstruction or laceration repair,
Meibomian glands each segment needs to be
realigned in its proper anatomic
position. (B) The tarsus, which is a
Tarsal plate semi-rigid structure, can be
thought of as the backbone of the
Inferior tarsal muscle eyelids. It extends vertically about
Inferior oblique muscle 10–12 mm on the upper eyelid
and 4 mm on the lower lid.
Inferior rectus muscle Lockwood’s
Superiorly it is attached to the
suspensory ligament
Capsulopalpebral fascia levator aponeurosis and Müller’s
Preaponeurotic fat
muscle. Inferiorly it is attached to
the lower eyelid retractors and the
inferior tarsal muscle. (C) Lacrimal
drainage system.
Ocular trauma
without use of local anesthesia. Furthermore, cating deeper orbital injury. Be suspicious of
complete inspection and cleansing of a wound is a levator aponeurosis laceration in this case.
typically not feasible without extensive mani- Horizontal upper eyelid lacerations associated
pulation. The authors prefer to anesthetize with acute ptosis may also indicate damage to
these wounds with a local injection of 2% the levator aponeurosis. However, assessing
lidocaine with epinephrine when the wound the level of ptosis may be difficult due to
must be manipulated or irrigated. Not only does severe periorbital swelling. Traumatic ptosis
this relieve pain, but it provides improved can occur without a laceration to the levator
hemostasis. muscle or aponeurosis.
• If the patient is conscious and responsive,
Inspection tips attempt to assess levator function by asking
• Anesthetize and cleanse the wound appro- the patient to look up. Horizontal lacerations
priately to allow for a more comfortable and of the levator aponeurosis often need repair,
complete examination. preferably by an oculoplastic specialist.
• Gently pull apart the wound, as fibrin may • Evaluate the degree of eyelid edema and
be holding the wound together and give the determine if wound edges can be reapproxi-
false impression that a laceration is less mated without tension. Wound tension can
extensive. lead to dehiscence and scarring.
• Inspect for foreign bodies. Retained orbital foreign bodies are a significant
• Inspect the eyelid margin. Evert the eyelid to concern as they can cause a severe inflammatory
look for posterior tarsal lacerations that may reaction or infection. If the possibility of a
not be associated with anterior lamellar foreign body exists, imaging is often employed
lacerations. to identify and localize the foreign material.
• Inspect the medial canthus carefully to look Computed tomography (CT) may confi rm or
for canalicular injuries. If you suspect a cana- reveal retained foreign bodies as well as detect
licular injury, carefully use a 00 Bowman retrobulbar hemorrhage, a violated globe or
probe inserted through both the upper and orbital fractures. If the possibility of a retained
lower punctum individually. If any portion of metallic foreign body can be eliminated by
the probe is exposed, a canalicular laceration history, examination, or plain radiographs, orbital
is confi rmed. Take care not to create a false magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has higher
passage. resolution and can sometimes detect non-
• When the lacrimal system is injured, suspect metallic foreign bodies (e.g. organic material)
medial canthal tendon injuries. The lacrimal more readily than CT.
sac lies between the anterior and posterior
limbs of the medial canthal tendon. Look for EYELID LACERATIONS: GENERAL
lateral displacement of the medial canthal CONSIDERATIONS
angle. If suspicious, consult an oculoplastic
specialist. Once an eyelid laceration is identified, a surgical
• What may appear to be a simple anterior strategy is formulated. If periorbital swelling
lamellar laceration may extend into the deep precludes immediate closure, repair can be
layers. Look for orbital fat in the wound as a delayed several days if necessary. Waiting in such
sign that the septum has been violated, indi- a case is beneficial because edema may create
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
undue tension against the newly approximated • Anesthetize the tissues prior to cleansing and
wound and may distort the anatomy making inspecting as outlined previously.
optimal closure of the proper layers difficult. • Sterilize the surgical field with povidone
Postponing closure of an eyelid laceration is pos- iodine or an appropriate alternative if the
sible because of the extensive vascularity in these patient has an allergy to topical iodine.
tissues, a unique characteristic of the eyelid and • Isolate the wound with sterile drapes.
facial soft tissue. • Inspect for foreign bodies and irrigate copiously.
Ice packs are applied to the wound to decrease • Pull lacerated tissues apart during inspection,
swelling. An antibiotic ointment is used fre- as fibrin tends to hold lacerated edges together,
quently to prevent infection and maintain lubri- causing underestimation of the actual extent
cation of the wound. Management of an eyelid of the laceration.
laceration is undertaken after the management • Inspect for tissue loss, although this is an
of any globe injury.2 If the globe is ruptured or unusual circumstance. Most of the time soft
lacerated, repair of the eyelid laceration is typi- tissue edema and retraction of the tissues
cally deferred to prevent undue pressure on the contribute to a false appearance of tissue loss.
wounded globe. If the eyelid laceration is not Once the edema subsides and the deeper
edematous and the wound can be reapproxi- tissues are reapproximated, superficial tissues
mated without tension, it can be repaired during tend to fall into place and the cut edges of the
the same visit to the operating room but after skin fit together like pieces of a puzzle.
globe repair. • Preserve and restore eyelid anatomy and
General anesthesia is recommended for most function.
children because they may not tolerate probing
of the injured tissue or local injection of NON-MARGINAL EYELID LACERATIONS
anesthetic. Older children and adult patients
with significant anxiety can benefit from local Inspection, as described above, is vital when
anesthetic with sedation (often an oral ben- approaching eyelid lacerations. Gently pulling
zodiazepine). However, most adult patients tissues apart and probing their extent is vital to
can tolerate local anesthesia without sedation. properly close all layers and prevent retention of
We routinely use lidocaine 2% with epinephrine foreign bodies. Depth of injury is particularly
to allow anesthesia with vasoconstriction. vital. If preaponeurotic fat is encountered, this
Epinephrine should be avoided in patients indicates that the orbital septum has been vio-
with uncontrolled hypertension or cardiac lated. If the upper lid is involved, the wound is
arrhythmias. inspected for a laceration of the levator aponeu-
When planning repair of eyelid lacerations, rosis. If the levator aponeurosis is injured and the
general principles to take into consideration patient has blepharoptosis, an oculoplastic spe-
include: cialist should be consulted for defi nitive repair.
• Assemble a surgical team that is familiar with Vertical aponeurotic tears usually heal without
ophthalmic instruments. treatment and do not require suture repair.
• Protect the globe. Plastic or metal protective
covers are commercially available and are Subcutaneous closure
placed on the eye before the eyelid repair to An absorbable suture such as 5-0 polyglactic acid
prevent inadvertent needle penetration. (Vicryl®, Ethicon, Somerville, NJ) on a spatu-
Ocular trauma
lated needle is our choice for deep tissue closure 5. Protect the eye. Sutures through the tarsal
in the periocular region. This suture can be used plate should be lamellar, especially overlying
for deep tissue closure above the brow. It can also the cornea, in order to prevent inadvertent
be used to anchor deep tissues to the periosteum abrasions or penetrations.
to take tension off the wound. There is no need to
place deep tissue sutures through the orbicularis Surgical repair
muscle beneath the brow unless required to • Clean, anesthetize, and inspect the eyelid
diminish tension on the skin sutures. It is also wound (Figure 9.5A).
unnecessary to suture the cut edges of the orbital • Freshen the lacerated edges and separate the
septum, as they will heal without treatment. anterior lamella from the posterior lamella
Most anterior lamellar defects can be closed using blunt dissection. Expose approximately
primarily. If there is tissue loss, an oculoplastic 3 mm of tarsal plate on both sides of the
specialist should be consulted since advanced wound.
techniques such as skin grafts or flaps may be • Approximate the tarsus by passing 5-0 poly-
necessary to appropriately close the defect. glactic acid sutures on a spatula needle through
partial thickness of the tarsal plate horizon-
Skin closure tally. Pass each suture approximately 2 mm
For most skin closures, the authors prefer 7-0 from the lacerated edge and exit mid-depth
nylon on a cutting needle below the brow and through the thickness of the tarsal plate. To
6-0 nylon above the brow. The nylon suture is prevent corneal or conjunctival abrasions,
preferred for skin closure because it creates the evert the eyelid after each pass to make certain
least amount of inflammation and scarring and sutures are not exposed on the posterior
it glides easily through the tissues. The suture is surface. Do not tie the knots until all sutures
typically removed in 1 week. Absorbable suture are in place, as this will make placement of
(e.g. 7-0 polyglactic acid) is advisable if follow- further sutures difficult. You may need as
up for suture removal cannot be assured or if many as two or three sutures passed in
suture removal might not be possible without similar fashion to properly realign the tarsus
anesthesia (e.g. in children). (Figure 9.5B). Leave the sutures untied and
direct attention to reapproximation of the
• Pass a 5-0 silk suture at the level of the mei-
Primary closure, if possible, is the ideal proce- bomian glands in a vertical mattress fashion.
dure for repairing a marginal laceration. For This has been described as the ‘far-far-near-
eyelid defects under tension or in cases with near’ technique (Figure 9.5C). Take the fi rst
loss of tissue, oculoplastic consultation is typi- pass about 3–4 mm from the lacerated edge
cally necessary. When repairing marginal eyelid and exit in the same position on the other side
lacerations, similar goals are present for each of the wound. Begin the second pass on the
case: same side the fi rst pass exited, and pass the
1. Realign the eyelid margin. suture approximately 1 mm from the lacera-
2. Restore structural integrity of the tarsus. tion on both sides.
3. Avoid eyelid notching. • Tie the 5-0 polyglactic acid sutures to approx-
4. Minimize skin and deep tissue scarring. imate the tarsal plate (Figure 9.5D).
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
• Tie the silk mattress suture so the cut edges • Finally, close the overlying skin with inter-
slightly pucker. This will ensure good reap- rupted 7-0 nylon or vicryl sutures. Incorpo-
proximation and prevent lid notching. Leave rate the tag ends of the 5-0 silk to keep its
the tails of the silk suture long and incorpo- knot away from the cornea (Figure 9.5E).
rate them into the skin sutures to prevent the
knot from rubbing against the cornea.
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
Ocular trauma
Figure 9.7 (A) A pigtail probe has been placed through the upper punctum and exits the distal cut end of the
canaliculus. A prolene suture has been threaded through the tip of the probe. The schematic portion of the
figure details the path of the pigtail probe through the canalicular system. (B) Once the prolene thread has been
placed through both ends of the injured canaliculus, the suture is used as a guide for the silicone stent
placement. The schematic portion of the figure details the path of the stent through the canalicular system. (C) A
stripper is used to cut the silicone stent to the appropriate length without cutting the underlying prolene suture.
(D) Final appearance of the donut stent in place. The schematic portion of the figure details the final position of
the stent within the canalicular system.
stent into one punctum, through the lacerated step prior to tying the stent will prevent
edges and out of the opposite punctum. unnecessarily long stents that may rub against
• Grasp both ends of the silicone stent with a the cornea.
straight needle holder to prevent the suture or • After soft tissue closure, adjust the appropri-
stent from slipping out of the system. ate length of the stent by grasping the ends
• Once the canalicular system is fully cannu- with a straight needle holder. The silicone
lated with the stent and suture, direct your stent is trimmed to the appropriate length by
attention to reapproximation of the surround- removing the excess silicone tubing with a
ing soft tissues as described above. Taking this silicone stripper. The silicone stripper allows
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
the surgeon to score and separate the silicone canaliculus and down through the nasolacri-
tubing without cutting the underlying prolene mal duct in the same manner.
suture. Grasp the stripper with your index • Retrieve the stent underneath the inferior tur-
fi nger and thumb over the most inferior holes binate to complete the intubation of the cana-
of the instrument for better dexterity and licular system (Figure 9.8B).
control of the instrument. Pinch the instru- • Reapproximate the soft tissues surrounding
ment around the tubing and gently pull the canalicular laceration as described previ-
upwards (Figure 9.7C). ously. As stated previously, deep vicryl sutures
• Once the stent is trimmed to the appropriate should be placed as close to the cut ends of
length, tie the prolene suture within the stent the canalicular epithelium as possible for the
with three knots. best approximation of the tissues (Figure
• Rotate the knot into the lacrimal sac gently 9.8C).
using the forceps and needle holders (Figure • Grasp the stent with straight needle holders
9.7D). at the entrance of the nostril and strip away
the excess tubing with a stripper as described
Crawford stent above. This excess tubing can be sterilized
A Crawford stent is typically placed under local and saved for repair of canalicular lacerations
sedation. using donut stents as previously described.
• Identify lacerated ends of the injured canalic- • Tie the suture within the lumen of the Craw-
ulus as outlined above. ford stents to itself.
• Dilate the punctum and advance the stent • Anchor the Crawford stent to the nasal vesti-
into the punctum vertically for approximately bule using a 6-0 nylon or prolene suture
2 mm and then horizontally through the passed through the loop of the stent and then
proximal end of the lacerated canaliculus. through the lateral tissues just inside the nares
• Carefully cannulate the distal end of the (Figure 9.8D). This suture will prevent the
lacerated canaliculus with the stent. stent from prolapsing through the puncta and
• Advance the stent until a hard stop is encoun- will make future removal of the stent easier
tered (Figure 9.8A). since the ends can not retract into the naso-
• Redirect the stent vertically and advance lacrimal duct.
through the nasolacrimal duct. Use a large
Bowman probe inserted underneath the infe- POSTOPERATIVE WOUND CARE
rior turbinate to ensure the placement of the
probe through the lacrimal drainage pathway The newly repaired eyelid should be kept clean
is correct. If the space underneath the inferior and dry. Postoperative edema is diminished by
turbinate is limited, the turbinate can be infra- elevating the patient’s head to 30 degrees and
ctured with a Freer periosteal elevator. applying ice packs for the fi rst 48 hours following
• Retrieve the stent underneath the inferior surgery.
turbinate with a groove director such as the Pressure patching for up to 1 week, especially
Tse-Anderson Groove director (IOWA) or a after full-thickness laceration repairs, may be
Crawford hook. necessary to immobilize the lid and prevent
• Place the other end of the Crawford stent undue tension on the newly approximated
through the uninjured punctum, through the wound. Pressure patches should be avoided in
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: eyelid lacerations
children of amblyogenic age, following open 5. Proper antibiotic coverage and immunizations
globe repair, or in monocular patients dependent should be given preoperatively if necessary.
on the eye for activities of daily living. 6. If orbital fat is apparent in an eyelid wound,
Antibiotic ointment such as ophthalmic baci- the orbital septum may be violated, and sus-
tracin or erythromycin should be applied three picion for a laceration of the levator aponeu-
times daily for 1 week. A combination antibi- rosis is heightened.
otic–steroid ointment is typically used with 7. If there is any question regarding the struc-
canalicular lacerations to lessen scarring. The tural integrity of the canalicular system,
patient should be instructed to return if any each canaliculus should be probed individu-
unexpected swelling, pain, or secretions develop. ally with a small caliber Bowman probe.
Follow-up is scheduled for 5–7 days, at which 8. Repair of eyelid lacerations can be delayed
time permanent skin sutures are removed. Eyelid for 24–48 hours if necessary because of the
margin sutures should be left in place for 2 extensive vascularity of the involved tissues.
weeks. Stents are left in place for 3–6 months. If delayed, have the patient apply ice packs
Early removal may be necessary if cheese-wiring, and an antibiotic ointment to the wound
infection, or granuloma develop. several times a day.
9. Multiple methods are available to repair
canalicular injuries, the choice of which
SUMMARY depends on both the type of injury and
surgeon experience and preference.
1. Familiarity of eyelid anatomy is essential 10. Proper alignment of tissues with minimal
prior to eyelid laceration repair. tension on the wounds is the key to a suc-
2. Thorough cleansing and inspection of an cessful eyelid laceration repair.
eyelid laceration often requires injection of
local anesthesia. REFERENCES
3. Lacerated tissues must be separated to deter-
mine the full extent of the injury, since 1. Centers for Disease Control. Diphtheria, tetanus, and
fibrin can sometimes hold tissues together pertussis: recommendations for vaccine use and other
preventive measures: recommendations of the Immunization
giving the false impression of a more super-
Practices Advisory Committee (ACIP). MMWR 1991;40
ficial injury.
(No. RR-10):1–28.
4. Thorough inspection for retained foreign 2. Mindlin AM. Prioritizing the repair of adnexal trauma.
bodies and copious irrigation with a sterile Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 1987;6:91–101.
solution is utilized for all eyelid lacerations 3. Jordan DR, Nerad JA Tse DT. The pigtail probe revisited.
prior to repair. Ophthalmology 1990;97:512–519.
Closed globe injuries:
orbital trauma
Vivian Schiedler, Thomas E. Johnson, Kenneth B. Krantz
The orbit is the protector of the eye. Its unique Orbital injury can be classified into contusive or
pyramidal shape and thick bony walls serve to penetrating injuries, although significant overlap
protect the orbital contents (Figure 10.1). Orbital exists between the two. Objects that transmit a
injuries can occur alone or in combination with force to the eye and orbit without entering the
ocular trauma. In most cases, the treatment of structures cause contusive injuries. These objects
ocular trauma takes precedence over orbital and are typically larger than the size of the orbit, for
periocular injuries. Except for a few visually- example fi sts, balls, baseball bats, bottles, and
threatening orbital emergencies which require flat surfaces such as dashboards or doors. Even
immediate intervention to prevent permanent without direct tissue penetration by the object,
visual loss, the treatment of most traumatic orbital walls can be fractured and the globe can
orbital injuries can be postponed until after the be ruptured. Objects that pass through the
eye has been stabilized. In cases involving serious orbital or ocular tissues cause penetrating inju-
neurologic injury or airway compromise, the ries. These objects often have sharp or pointed
ophthalmologist must take the patient’s global edges, but dull or rounded objects can cause
medical status into consideration when prioritiz- penetration if sufficient velocity is present.
ing examination and treatment. Penetrating objects are often, though not always,
In this chapter we will discuss the examination smaller than the orbit in at least one dimension
techniques, diagnosis, and treatment strategies and include knives, pencils, twigs, bullets,
of the most common orbital injuries. umbrella tips, and nails. Injury is determined by
the structures that lie in the path of the pene-
EPIDEMIOLOGY trating object.
When evaluating the extent of injury, it is
Orbital trauma is reported to occur in multiple important to note both the mass and velocity of
situations. Motor vehicle accidents, altercations the object responsible for orbital trauma. The
with punches to the eye, falls, and sport injuries velocity of the object is more important than
involving impact with a ball are some of the its size since the energy causing tissue disruption
most common causes of trauma to the orbit. is determined more by the velocity than by
Young males typically account for the majority the mass of a projectile (kinetic energy = 1/2
of patients presenting with orbital trauma. mass × velocity2).1 Therefore, assuming similar
When due to motor vehicle accidents, orbital mass, high velocity objects have more kinetic
trauma is typically more severe in unrestrained energy and subsequently cause more tissue
passengers. damage.
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
usually the result of extraocular muscle restric- and lateral wall are the thickest and are less
tion. This can be mild and transient if due to prone to fracture. The thinnest orbital bones are
orbital edema, but can also be more significant the floor medial to the infraorbital groove, and
and require surgical intervention if due to muscle the ethmoidal bone of the medial wall, the
entrapment within an orbital fracture. lamina papyracea. These thin walls separate the
A complete eye examination should accom- orbital contents from the maxillary and ethmoid
pany all assessments of an injured orbit. Specifics sinuses respectively. Contusive orbital injuries
of the examination for an injured eye are covered can lead to a ‘blowout’ of these thin regions. The
thoroughly in Chapter 3. Particular attention infraorbital nerve, a branch of the trigeminal
should be paid to the retina and optic nerve nerve, travels within the infraorbital canal along
examination. Elevated intraorbital pressure from the orbital floor, and exits through the infraor-
edema, hemorrhage, bony fragments, foreign bital foramen beneath the inferior orbital rim
bodies, and air can impede retinal and optic (Figure 10.3). This nerve is often traumatized
nerve perfusion. Sclopetaria, or retinal and cho- with orbital fractures, resulting in hypesthesia of
roidal rupture caused by concussive shock waves the cheek, side of nose, and teeth. The inferior
from a high-velocity intraorbital foreign body rectus runs along the orbital floor and is particu-
passing near the globe, can accompany penetrat- larly prone to entrapment following orbital floor
ing orbital trauma and should prompt investiga- fractures.
tion of retained intraorbital foreign bodies. 3
Commotio retinae, macular hole formation, and
choroidal rupture can also be seen with orbital
Radiologic imaging is a vital component of the
orbital workup following ocular trauma and is
necessary to fully evaluate the extent of orbital
injury and its possible visual implications.
Imaging also assists in the development of the
most appropriate treatment strategy, including
neurosurgical and/or otorhinolaryngological
consultation. Computed tomography (CT) of Infraorbital
the orbits and surrounding structures (paranasal foramen
sinuses and intracranial cavity) is the study of
choice for evaluating patients with orbital
trauma. CT allows superior visualization of bony
structures, particularly the orbital bones and
contiguous sinus cavities.
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
The examination for a potential orbital fracture
1. extraocular motility examination to detect
the presence of restrictions
2. external inspection for ecchymoses and
3. palpation for subcutaneous emphysema and
an orbital step-off
4. brief neurologic examination to detect the
presence of infraorbital nerve hypesthesia
5. measurement of relative proptosis or Figure 10.4 A patient with an orbital blowout fracture
was evaluated initially (A) and given appropriate
instructions and follow-up. Several days later, he
6. slit lamp examination for subconjunctival presented with massive subcutaneous emphysema (B)
hemorrhage, conjunctival chemosis and and palpable crepitus after forgetting his instructions
further ocular injury. and vigorously blowing his nose.
Ocular trauma
Systemic oral antibiotic therapy (typically a fi rst-
generation cephalosporin), nasal decongestants,
and ice packs are prescribed for the initial post-
traumatic period. One usually prefers to wait
7–10 days before initiating surgical treatment of
blowout fractures, allowing time for edema and
hemorrhage to resolve. Consultation with an
oculoplastic surgeon is necessary for defi nitive
surgical intervention.
Figure 10.5 Obvious upgaze restriction of the right eye is Initial diplopia is often due to hemorrhage and
seen on attempted upgaze following a blowout fracture
edema within the inferior rectus, and often
causing entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle.
resolves spontaneously. The timing and indica-
of the inferior orbital rim can detect a ‘step-off’ tions for surgical intervention have been
when the orbital rim is involved. Most patients debated.7–12 Indications for surgery include:
exhibit ptosis and proptosis initially due to post- 1. evidence of entrapment of the inferior rectus
traumatic edema and hemorrhage. Periorbital or its perimuscular tissues with diplopia
examination can reveal periorbital lacerations or 2. significant enophthalmos 7–10 days after
foreign bodies. About 10–30% of blowout frac- trauma (Figure 10.7)
tures are accompanied by other ocular injuries,
including corneal abrasion, traumatic hyphema,
iritis, ruptured globe, commotio retinae, retinal
detachment or retinal hemorrhage.6
When an orbital fracture is suspected, imaging
is required to confi rm the diagnosis. CT scan is
the procedure of choice (Figure 10.6). Axial and
coronal cuts are necessary to fully evaluate all of
the orbital walls, and thin sections are prefera-
ble. The medial floor and wall are inspected for
fractures and herniation of orbital contents into
the adjacent sinuses. Inspection of the bony apex
reveals the presence or absence of a posterior
ledge of non-fractured bone, an important fi nding
in planning the operative approach to the frac-
ture. The physician inspects the scans for associ-
ated facial fractures, including zygomatic and
roof fractures, as well as intracranial traumatic
injuries. Large fractures, or combined floor and Figure 10.6 Coronal CT scan reveals a displaced
fracture of the left orbital floor. The inferior rectus is
medial wall fractures, can result in significant
not entrapped within the sizable fracture, but it is
expansion of the orbital volume, a fi nding displaced inferiorly. Note the air–fluid level within the
that may influence the need for surgical maxillary sinus, a finding typical of orbital blowout
intervention. fractures.
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
aspect of the maxilla, and do not involve the single binocular vision in primary position, and
orbit. Le Fort II fractures, also called pyramidal blepharoplasty of the opposite upper eyelid to
fractures, involve the maxilla, nasal bones, infe- mask the enophthalmos of the traumatized
rior orbital rims, medial orbital walls and floors, side.7,8
and lacrimal drainage systems. A Le Fort III
fracture, also known as craniofacial dysjunction,
involves the nasal bones, medial and lateral INTRAORBITAL FOREIGN BODIES
orbital walls, and zygomatic arches, with the
facial skeleton connected to the cranium only Introduction
with soft tissue. Orbital involvement in types II The majority of intraorbital foreign bodies are a
and III can result in extraocular muscle entrap- result of assault, industrial accidents, or freak
ment and diplopia. accidents at home, at work, or during recreational
Early postoperative complications of floor and activities (Figure 10.11).24 Both sharp and blunt
medial wall fracture repair include infection, instruments have been responsible for vision loss
bleeding, loss of vision, and diplopia. If the and even death from intracranial extension.
orbital implant is too large, optic nerve compres- Examples include knives, scissors, pencils,
sion at the orbital apex can occur. Patients with bullets, BB pellets, fi shhooks, umbrellas, and
an entrapped muscle often have transient post- twigs, to name but a few.
operative diplopia due to hemorrhage and edema An intraorbital foreign body should be sus-
within the muscle. Patients with older fractures pected in patients with a remote or recent history
can have scarring and fibrosis of the inferior of trauma, no matter how trivial. Patients may
rectus, and even with complete release may con- not recall a specific traumatic event. They may
tinue to be diplopic. Strabismus surgery may be not seek medical care for small lacerations or
needed to re-establish single vision in this group puncture wounds until acute inflammation from
of patients. Adequate time after surgery, usually a retained foreign body arises. A high index of
6 months, is needed to allow postoperative suspicion is especially important in evaluating
recovery of muscle function before strabismus children with periocular inflammation. Signs
surgery is contemplated. and symptoms of retained intraorbital foreign
Late complications are usually related to the bodies include:25–28
orbital implant. They include infection, migra- 1. orbital mass
tion, and extrusion.22 Additionally, intraorbital 2. proptosis
inclusion cyst can occur, especially if sinus 3. painful or restricted eye movements
mucosa remains in the orbit after wall repair. 4. gaze-evoked amaurosis
Rarely, a late bleed into the capsule surrounding 5. diplopia
the implant occurs, and patients report pain, 6. ptosis
a pressure sensation, inflammation, and 7. lagophthalmos
proptosis.23 8. draining sinus tract
Repair of old fractures is more difficult, as 9. orbital cellulitis.
they are usually complicated by fibrosis of the
entrapped tissues as well as fat atrophy. However, Pathophysiology
good results can often be obtained. Other surgi- The size, site, and mechanism of entry as well as
cal options include strabismus surgery to restore the velocity and composition of the foreign body
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
Thin axial and coronal views should be obtained Indications for observation of intraorbital foreign
to determine the exact location of the foreign bodies include:
body and to assess the status of the cranial vault 1. small, smooth, inert, posteriorly-located intra-
and contiguous paranasal sinuses. To help guide orbital foreign bodies
surgical planning, special attention should be 2. absence of infection or inflammation
paid to affected structures, depth of the foreign 3. lack of current or potential visual
body, and extension into extraorbital spaces. compromise
Extension into contiguous sinus cavities may 4. high risk of iatrogenic injury during surgical
require a combined approach with ophthal- removal (hemorrhage or functional deficit)
mology and otorhinolaryngology. Intracranial that outweighs the benefit of removal.
involvement via the superior orbital fissure, the When observation is elected, patients should be
optic canal, or an orbital roof fracture can be monitored closely during the fi rst year for stabil-
life-threatening, requires a high index of suspi- ity. They should also be warned of the risk of
cion to diagnose, and demands neurosurgical dislodgement should they ever develop an impor-
intervention when discovered.26 tant indication for MRI (if the foreign body is
Because the orbit converges toward its apex, metallic).
long pointed objects can be directed toward the Intraorbital vegetable matter should be removed
apex by the confi nes of the bony walls. The expediently and thoroughly. Aggressive irriga-
deeper the foreign body penetrates, the more tion with antibiotics and debridement of sur-
likely a serious injury will result. Sometimes the rounding tissues is vital. Intraoperative cultures
patient will have removed a deeply penetrating should be obtained with dirty wounds and inju-
foreign body prior to examination. When the ries involving organic material. Wounds caused
history or clinical fi ndings suggest a deep orbital by wood (twigs, pencils, golf tees) often carry
injury, a minor-appearing external wound should and deposit multiple small organic particles
not fool the examiner into overlooking a more through the path of entry. Complete removal
serious underlying injury. Vital structures such can be difficult, especially since these particles
as the optic nerve, ophthalmic artery, and sensory can break into smaller pieces that are poorly
and oculomotor nerves can be injured when an imaged even with MRI and wood has a tendency
object penetrates deep into the orbital apex. to catch on orbital tissues. Retained wooden
Serious and permanent injury, such as meningitis foreign bodies have a high incidence of granu-
or brain abscess, can result from unrecognized loma, abscess, or fi stula formation and can be
intracranial extension.26 extremely challenging to manage. It is important
to avoid pushing the decomposing and disinte-
Treatment grating pieces deeper into the orbit as they may
Indications for removal of intraorbital foreign become more difficult to remove with subse-
bodies include: quent efforts and cause iatrogenic damage.27
1. easily accessible anterior location Prophylactic antibiotics are controversial for
2. organic matter or copper small, inert intraorbital foreign bodies that are
3. inflammatory reaction not causing functional deficits. However, antibi-
4. sharp edges that threaten critical structures otic prophylaxis is indicated in cases of eyewall
5. impingement on extraocular muscles or nerves violation, sinocranial involvement, or exposure
causing functional deficits. to organic material.
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
Direct optic nerve injuries are caused by penetrat-
ing orbital trauma resulting in contusion or tran-
section of the optic nerve by a foreign body, such
as a bullet or stab wound. Indirect optic nerve Figure 10.13 The optic atrophy seen in traumatic optic
injuries are caused by contusive head trauma. neuropathy is delayed by several weeks. A middle-aged
The most common mechanisms are motor vehicle male patient with a severe closed head injury had
fundus photos 3 days (left) and 3 months (right) after
accidents, falls, bike accidents, and assault.29 The
the initial injury. Visual acuity was hand motions at
incidence of optic nerve trauma as a result of both visits.
midfacial fractures is approximately 3%. 30
Most patients presenting with optic nerve
trauma are young, with a mean age of 32–34, and robulbar anesthesia, orbital apex surgery, or
approximately 81–85% are male. 31,32 Immediate reduction of midfacial fractures.
loss of vision upon impact is most common, but
some cases of delayed visual loss have been Evaluation
reported. No light perception vision upon initial By defi nition, indirect optic nerve trauma occurs
examination occurs in approximately 40–48% of in the setting of head trauma. Therefore, patients
cases. 31–33 A considerable number of cases are often have serious neurologic injury and must
associated with loss of consciousness with esti- be evaluated in conjunction with trauma phy-
mates reported around 45%. 31 Visual loss can sicians, neurosurgeons, and head and neck sur-
include loss of central visual acuity, visual field geons. If the patient is obtunded, the only clinical
defects, afferent pupillary defects and color evidence of a traumatic optic nerve injury may
vision defects. Profound visual loss is more be a relative afferent pupillary defect in the
common than mild visual loss. absence of globe injury. Evidence of optic atrophy
is delayed ophthalmoscopically for weeks to
Pathophysiology months following injury (Figure 10.13). However,
Damage to the optic nerve occurs by any com- every attempt should be made to document
bination of the following: visual acuity as soon as is clinically possible
1. direct deformation of the skull and optic and to rule out pre-existing visual loss by history.
canal The diagnosis of traumatic optic neuropathy
2. shearing of the optic nerve microvasculature cannot be made in the setting of normal visual
3. tearing of the nerve axons acuity or in the absence of a relative afferent
4. contusion of the nerve against the optic pupillary defect. While older reports in the
canal. literature suggested that all patients with trau-
The intracanalicular portion of the optic nerve matic optic nerve injuries presented with no
is the most vulnerable, in part owing to tethering light perception vision, more recent reports
of the dura by the periosteum of the optic canal. indicate that while most patients have visual loss
Iatrogenic optic nerve injuries can also occur of 20/400 or worse, some will present with mild
after ethmoidal endoscopic sinus surgery, 34 ret- visual loss. Therefore, a high index of suspicion
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
should be maintained to identify more subtle Although older literature suggests a grave
cases.29 prognosis with traumatic optic neuropathy,
Intraocular pathology may occur with or with- more recent literature demonstrates a 20–35%
out optic nerve injury and it may be difficult to improvement rate with no treatment. 35,36
distinguish the etiology of visual loss in these Several cases of spontaneous improvement
cases. However, decreased vision and abnormal despite severe vision loss (no light perception)
pupillary function without ocular injury is strongly have been reported 37 and this suggests that
suggestive of traumatic optic neuropathy. severe optic nerve trauma is not always
The diagnosis of traumatic optic neuropathy is irreversible. Observation alone may be reason-
clinical. Radiologic examination is useful in able for some patients, particularly for those
localizing the precise site and mechanism of with gastritis, diabetes, or immunosuppres-
injury and in preoperative planning. Computed sion as steroids can exacerbate any underly-
tomography is superior to magnetic resonance ing conditions and potentially lead to serious
imaging in detailing optic canal fractures or complications (e.g. GI bleeding, diabetic
impingement of the optic nerve by bony frag- ketoacidosis).
ments. MRI is superior in delineating optic nerve The rationale for treatment with high-dose
sheath hemorrhage. High resolution paraconal steroids is based on results from the second
oblique views may be necessary to distinguish National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study
intrasheath from extradural hemorrhage. (NASCIS II). NASCIS II was a multicenter,
randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled
Treatment study. It demonstrated that patients who received
The optimal treatment of traumatic optic neu- methylprednisolone (30 mg/kg initial dose
ropathy is unknown. Unfortunately, no random- followed by 5.4 mg/kg/hr) within the fi rst 8
ized controlled prospective trials have been hours after spinal cord injury had improved
feasible to date because of the difficulty in enroll- motor and sensory function when compared
ing traumatized patients, relative rarity of the to patients who received placebo, naloxone, or
condition, and controversy over optimal treat- high-dose steroids after 8 hours. 38 Animal
ment strategies. The biochemical and patho- models of spinal cord injury show that pre-
physiological mechanisms of optic nerve injury treatment with high dose methylpredniso-
are poorly understood and our knowledge in this lone prevents free radical damage and improves
area lags far behind our knowledge of brain and spinal cord blood flow. One animal model of
spinal cord injury. It is unknown whether current crush injury to the optic nerve showed preserva-
medical or surgical interventions improve the tion of optic nerve head blood flow when pre-
outcome when compared to the natural history treated with dexamethasone. 39 No prospective
of traumatic optic neuropathy. There is currently clinical studies similar to NASCIS II have been
no standard of care with regard to treating trau- feasible on patients with acute optic nerve
matic optic nerve injuries. injuries.
Management strategies currently include: High-dose methylprednisolone therapy for
1. observation traumatic optic nerve injury has recently been
2. high-dose corticosteroids called into question. Since the spinal cord is a
3. optic canal decompression. mixed gray and white matter tract and the optic
Ocular trauma
nerve is a purely white matter tract, the clinical fractures with bony fragment impingement
benefits of high dose steroid therapy may not of the optic nerve and for intrasheath
translate to the optic nerve. In addition, one hemorrhages.
recent animal study of crush injury to the optic In the future, neuroprotective agents may rev-
nerve showed a dose-dependent decline in the olutionize the treatment of acute optic nerve
number of surviving axons that were treated injuries. This will require a more complete
with methylprednisolone,40 suggesting a poten- understanding of the pathophysiologic mecha-
tial harm of this treatment. A recent prospective nisms of primary optic nerve injury and second-
randomized controlled trial on early high-dose ary mechanisms that perpetuate the damage and
methylprednisolone treatment after acute head contribute to the death of surrounding yet unin-
injury was actually ended early because cortico- jured axons.
steroids were found to have an adverse effect on It is difficult to predict an individual patient’s
survival.41 However, the mechanism by which prognosis following a traumatic optic nerve
corticosteroids may increase mortality in the injury. Although not always readily available,
setting of acute head trauma is unknown. In flash visual evoked potentials have been shown
summary, it remains unknown to date whether to have prognostic value in obtunded patients
high-dose methylprednisolone provides any with unilateral traumatic optic neuropathy and
benefit to the acutely traumatized optic nerve. in some cases may help guide management.42 It
The authors advocate using the NASCIS II is clear now that traumatic optic neuropathy
regimen only for stable patients with severe encompasses a spectrum of clinical outcomes
vision loss and without systemic contraindica- and the possibility for partial recovery is present.
tions. If there is no visual improvement within A poor prognosis is associated with:
2–3 days, the corticosteroids should be 1. no light perception vision immediately after
discontinued. trauma
Optic canal decompression may be of benefit 2. advanced age
to certain patients with delayed visual loss 3. a large relative afferent pupillary defect42,43
presumably attributable to secondary mecha- 4. impingement of the optic nerve by bony
nisms of optic nerve damage. Primary damage fragments
to optic nerve axons at the moment of injury 5. intrasheath hemorrhage that is not promptly
may be irreversible, but the subsequent cascade evacuated.
of inflammation, edema, ischemia, and meta-
bolic dysregulation within the unyielding ORBITAL HEMORRHAGE AND
bony optic canal may in turn further damage COMPARTMENT SYNDROME
surrounding axons. While no prospective studies
have proven this therapy to be clearly beneficial, Introduction
it is an accepted management strategy for Orbital hemorrhage is an uncommon entity,
patients who have no response to high dose but it can cause severe vision loss if managed
methylprednisolone, cannot be tapered from inappropriately. Patients typically present fol-
high dose methylprednisolone without loss of lowing facial trauma with pain and decreased
vision, or have stable visual loss followed by vision.
subacute worsening. Optic canal decompres- Trauma is the most common cause of orbital
sion should also be considered for optic canal hemorrhage. Other etiologies include:
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
Initial emergency therapy is canthotomy and percent lidocaine with epinephrine is infi ltrated
cantholysis of the lateral canthal tendon. A thor- into the lateral canthal region both subcutane-
ough description of this procedure is found ously and subconjunctivally. If possible, 15
below. Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis works minutes should be allowed for the epinephrine
by increasing orbital volume and allowing the to take effect. If cautery is available it should be
eye to move anteriorly. Success is judged by at hand. If cautery is not available, the procedure
decreased intraocular pressure, improved visual should be performed using simple pressure for
acuity, and reversal of an afferent pupillary hemostasis.
defect. An inferior cantholysis is initially per- Clamping of the lateral canthus with a hemo-
formed. If further decompression is necessary, a stat may be performed to reduce the likelihood
superior cantholysis can also be performed. If of bleeding but usually is not necessary. A Stevens
the compartment syndrome is not alleviated by scissors is placed with one blade on the conjunc-
these interventions, emergent consultation with tival side of the lateral canthus and one blade on
an oculoplastic surgeon is mandatory. An oculo- the skin side of the lateral canthus. Lateral pres-
plastic surgeon can further decompress the orbit sure is applied to the scissors as the canthotomy
by using the following methods: is performed.
1. create a lid crease incision and open the orbital At this point the broad lateral canthal tendon
septum has been cut in half horizontally. There is little
2. explore the inferotemporal orbit through an decompression of the orbit as it has not been
inferior subciliary incision separated from the lateral wall of the orbit. To
3. surgically decompress the bony orbit. perform a complete inferior cantholysis, the infe-
Successful orbital decompression should be fol- rior lateral canthal tendon is strummed with the
lowed by careful monitoring as patients may scissors within the canthotomy wound. A fi rm,
redevelop orbital compartment syndrome if tense, cord-like attachment will be felt. These
further bleeding occurs. Lateral canthotomy and fi rm attachments are cut with scissors until the
cantholysis procedures are easily reversed by an lower lid becomes completely free from its lateral
oculoplastic surgeon once the acute episode has attachments. This may take several snips as
resolved. the lateral canthal tendon is wide and spreads
as it approaches the lateral orbital tubercle
Lateral canthotomy and cantholysis posterior to the lateral orbital rim. Hemostasis
If possible, proper informed consent is obtained. is obtained. The patient is then re-examined for
The region of the lateral canthus should be improvement in signs of orbital compartment
prepped and draped in a sterile fashion. Two syndrome.
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
Extraocular motility disturbances are common
following orbital injury. Most are transient in
nature due to orbital edema and congestion. The
primary symptom is diplopia. If diplopia is
present, the examiner should determine if a
motility disturbance exists and whether the dip-
lopia improves or declines in certain directions
of gaze. Common causes of motility disturbances
following orbital trauma include:
1. orbital inflammation, edema, and congestion
2. orbital floor fracture causing entrapment of
the inferior rectus muscle
3. extraocular muscle laceration or avulsion
4. neurogenic injury
5. extraocular muscle hemorrhage (Figure 10.15)
or inflammation.
Neurogenic motility disturbances and extraocu-
lar muscle avulsions are rare. Direct damage to
the orbital muscle cone can affect multiple extra- Figure 10.15 Hematoma of the inferior rectus and
ocular muscles, cause severe motility problems orbital floor fracture associated with contusive orbital
and can be very challenging to repair.
Closed globe injuries: orbital trauma
Ocular trauma
22. Mauriello JA Jr, Hargrave S, Yee S, Mostafavi R, Kapila R. 38. Bracken MB, Shepard MJ, Collins WF, et al. A randomized,
Infection after insertion of alloplastic orbital floor implants. controlled trial of methylprednisolone or naloxone in the
Am J Ophthalmol 1994;117:246–252. treatment of acute spinal-cord injury. Results of the Second
23. Rosen CE. Late migration of an orbital implant causing National Acute Spinal Cord Injury Study. N Engl J Med
hemorrhage with sudden proptosis and diplopia. Ophthal 1990;322(20):1405–1411.
Plast Reconstr Surg 1996;12: 260–262; discussion 263. 39. Lew H, Lee SY, Jang JW, et al. The effects of high-dose
24. Simonton JT, Arthurs BP. Penetrating injuries to the orbit. corticosteroid therapy on optic nerve head blood flow in
Adv Ophthalmic Plast Reconstr Surg 1987;7:217–227. experimental traumatic optic neuropathy. Ophthalmic Res
25. Fulcher TP, McNab AA, Sullivan TJ. Clinical features and 1999;31(6):463–470.
management of intraorbital foreign bodies. Ophthalmology 40. Steinsapir KD, Goldberg RA, Sinha S, Hovda DA.
2002;109(3):494–500. Methylprednisolone exacerbates axonal loss following
26. Bard LA, Jarrett WH. Intracranial complications of penetrating optic nerve trauma in rats. Restor Neurol Neurosci
orbital injuries. Arch Ophthalmol 1964;71:332–343. 2000;17(4):157–163.
27. Liu D, Al Shail E. Retained orbital wooden foreign body: 41. Roberts I, Yates D, Sandercock P, et al. Effect of intravenous
a surgical technique and rationale. Ophthalmology corticosteroids on death within 14 days in 10008 adults with
2002;109(2):393–399. clinically significant head injury (MRC CRASH trial):
28. Wesley RE, Wahl JW, Loden JP, Henderson RR. Management randomised placebo-controlled trial. Lancet
of wooden foreign bodies in the orbit. South Med J 2004;364(9442):1321–1328.
1982;75(8):924–926, 932. 42. Holmes MD, Sires BS. Flash visual evoked potentials predict
29. Steinsapir KD, Goldberg RA. Traumatic optic neuropathy. visual outcome in traumatic optic neuropathy. Ophthalmic
Surv Ophthalmol 1994;38(6):487–518. Plast Reconstr Surg 2004;20(5):342–346.
30. Ashar A, Kovacs A, Khan S, Hakim J. Blindness associated with 43. Alford MA, Nerad JA, Carter KD. Predictive value of the initial
midfacial fractures. J Oral Maxillofac Surg 1998;56(10):1146– quantified relative afferent pupillary defect in 19 consecutive
1150; discussion 1151. patients with traumatic optic neuropathy. Ophthal Plast
31. Levin LA, Beck RW, Joseph MP, et al. The treatment of Reconstr Surg 2001;17(5):323–327.
traumatic optic neuropathy: the International Optic Nerve 44. Stern JH, Meyer DR. Orbital barotrauma. Ophthal Plast
Trauma Study. Ophthalmology 1999;106(7):1268–1277. Reconstr Surg 1995;11(1):49–53.
32. Levin LA, Joseph MP, Rizzo JF, 3rd, Lessell S. Optic canal 45. Bains RA, Rubin PA. Blunt orbital trauma. Int Ophthalmol Clin
decompression in indirect optic nerve trauma. 1995;35(1):37–46.
Ophthalmology 1994;101(3):566–569. 46. Krohel GB, Wright JE. Orbital hemorrhage. Am J Ophthalmol
33. Mauriello JA, DeLuca J, Krieger A, Schulder M, Frohman L. 1979;88(2):254–258.
Management of traumatic optic neuropathy: a study of 23 47. Liu D. A simplified technique of orbital decompression for
patients. Br J Ophthalmol 1992;76(6):349–352. severe retrobulbar hemorrhage. Am J Ophthalmol
34. Neuhaus RW. Orbital complications secondary to endoscopic 1993;116(1):34–37.
sinus surgery. Ophthalmology 1990;97(11):1512–1518. 48. McIlwaine GG, Fielder AR, Brittain GP. Spontaneous recovery
35. Seiff SR. High dose corticosteroids for treatment of vision loss of vision following an orbital haemorrhage. Br J Ophthalmol
due to indirect injury to the optic nerve. Ophthalmic Surg 1989;73(11):926–927.
1990;21(6):389–395. 49. Petrelli RL, Petrelli EA, Allen WE, 3rd. Orbital hemorrhage with
36. Lessell S. Indirect optic nerve trauma. Arch Ophthalmol loss of vision. Am J Ophthalmol 1980;89(4):593–597.
1989;107(3):382–386. 50. Rubin PA, Bilyk JR, Shore JW. Management of orbital trauma:
37. Wolin MJ, Lavin PJ. Spontaneous visual recovery from fractures, hemorrhage, and traumatic optic neuropathy.
traumatic optic neuropathy after blunt head injury. Focal Points 1994;XII(7):1–17.
Am J Ophthalmol 1990;109(4):430–435.
Open globe injuries:
ruptures and lacerations
Daniel M. Miller, Charles W.G. Eifrig, James T. Banta
It is difficult to estimate the number of open Distinct mechanistic differences exist between
globe injuries in the United States because of ruptures and lacerations, and these differences
significant variability in case reporting. However, have significant bearing on evaluation, operative
the involvement of an increasing number of planning, and repair. Ruptures are normally
hospitals and physicians in the World Eye Injury caused by blunt objects, have stellate, ragged
Registry (WEIR) will continue to improve our edges and frequently create significant intrao-
understanding of the incidence and prevalence cular disruption. Conversely, lacerations are
of open globe injuries. caused by sharp objects, have cleaner edges, and
A review of the National Hospital Discharge cause less intraocular disruption than com-
Surveys (NHDS) from 1984 to 1987 revealed an parably sized ruptures. Rupture sites are usually
incidence of approximately 4.6/100 000/year for located at the weakest point of the sclera. Figure
open globe injuries.2 In a smaller series in Alle- 11.2 shows the most common sites of globe
gheny County, Pennsylvania, the incidence of rupture. Surgeries with long incisions (extra-
open globe injury was 3.5/100 000/year between capsular cataract and penetrating keratoplasty
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
presentation. Vision less than 20/400 and/or the When there is no obvious laceration or rupture
presence of a relative afferent pupillary defect after slit lamp examination, the IOP should be
(RAPD) often coexist with an occult globe measured, as relative hypotony is a key fi nding
rupture.7,8 A patient’s inability to provide an in the diagnosis of an occult open globe. We
accurate visual acuity due to I.V. sedation, intu- recommend that an ophthalmologist perform
bation, or intoxication should be documented in IOP measurement in the setting of a potential
the medical record. Visual acuity can be checked open globe. Anterior-to-posterior pressure on
with standard Snellen acuity in an eye examina- the globe or orbit should be minimized.
tion room, but a near acuity card may be used if A thorough slit lamp examination is then per-
the examination is in another setting. It is critical formed. The slit lamp exam is particularly helpful
to obtain the most accurate visual acuity possi- in diagnosing an open globe in the absence of an
ble, as initial visual acuity is an important prog- obvious rupture or laceration site. Several spe-
nostic indicator. Visual acuity should be measured cific examination fi ndings are often seen in this
with spectacles when possible. Pinhole acuity setting:
should be recorded if spectacles are unavailable. 1. 360 degrees of subconjunctival hemorrhage.
In eyes with severely limited visual acuity, the 2. 360 degrees of profound conjunctival chemo-
perception of hand motions should be tested in sis, also known as ‘jelly-roll’ chemosis (Figure
all four quadrants of peripheral vision. If hand 11.5).
motions vision is not found, perception of light 3. Relative asymmetry in anterior chamber (AC)
should be assessed with a bright light source (e.g. depth. If the globe violation is anterior to the
indirect ophthalmoscope). The differentiation ciliary body, the injured AC is frequently
between light perception and no light perception shallow, often with peaking of the iris towards
is very important, so the uninvolved eye should the wound (Figure 11.6). If the full-thickness
be completely occluded to prevent any test injury occurs in the posterior segment, the
errors. AC is frequently deeper than the fellow eye.
Assessment of pupillary function is critical
in the evaluation of the open globe patient and
may aid your assessment of the intubated or
sedated patient. The swinging flashlight test
with a bright light source such as the indirect
ophthalmoscope is used to detect an RAPD.7
In the setting of an irregular or fi xed pupil in
the injured eye (efferent pupillary defect), the
consensual response in the uninvolved eye can
be used to determine whether an afferent defect
is present (sometimes referred to as an ‘RAPD
by reverse’).
Intraocular pressure should always be recorded
in the uninvolved eye. Measuring intraocular
pressure in the injured eye may be deferred in Figure 11.5 ‘Jelly-roll’ chemosis is frequently associated
the case of obvious globe rupture or laceration. with open globe injuries.
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
on DVD
to perform a safe, controlled examination of a for surgical exploration and/or repair are being
child with a potentially open globe. In the made.
authors’ experience, children often ‘grasp’ the
gravity of the situation and with the supportive PREOPERATIVE MANAGEMENT
encouragement and participation of family AND COUNSELING
members, a brief yet adequate examination can
often be performed at the slit lamp. However, After the examination is complete and the
maneuvers normally employed to examine an surgical plan is being formulated, avoid further
uncooperative child must be avoided in case an manipulation of the eye.10 A protective shield
open globe is present. In this situation, an exam- (e.g. Fox shield) is placed over the injured eye
ination under anesthesia (EUA) is often required (Figure 11.8) and the patient is instructed not to
to diagnose and potentially repair a full- eat or drink. Most anesthesia fasting guidelines
thickness eyewall injury. The potentially injured require no food or drink for a minimum of 6
eye should always be shielded while preparations hours before general anesthesia. According to
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
The patient presenting with a severe ocular and surgical repair are described below within
injury has just incurred a potentially life-chang- each category of laceration or rupture.
ing event. The potential for a permanent loss of
vision and its attendant psychosocial issues must Corneal lacerations
be fully grasped by the surgeon and an appropri- Small, self-sealing, clean corneal lacerations
ately frank discussion with the patient and family without iris incarceration or other ocular injuries
must be undertaken.24 Realistic goals and a may be closed with cyanoacrylate glue.25 In our
guarded prognosis are topics to be broached experience, this represents a small subset of
before surgery. corneal lacerations. However, it may be an effec-
The Ocular Trauma Score was developed to tive way to stabilize a wound without a trip to
provide an objective guideline that predicts the the operating room. The key to this technique is
likelihood of visual recovery after severe eye to apply a uniform amount of glue to the wound.
injury.10 Ocular Trauma Score tables can be We utilize a combination of a cotton swab, baci-
posted in the examination rooms for easy refer- tracin ointment, and fi lter paper or plastic surgi-
ence and are helpful in providing patients and cal drape to serve as the glue applicator. By gently
families with concrete, objective data. The tables pressing on the cornea with this applicator the
can be seen in Chapter 4. glue is distributed evenly across the wound
(Figure 11.9). After removing the fi lter paper or
surgical drape, a bandage contact lens is placed
SURGICAL MANAGEMENT and topical antibiotics are prescribed. Close
observation is mandatory to make certain the
Repair of corneal lacerations, corneal–scleral glue stays in place and the eye remains formed
lacerations, scleral lacerations and globe ruptures and free of infection.
involves similar perioperative considerations. For larger or more complicated corneal lacera-
After sterile preparation of the eye, carefully tions, surgical management is required. The fi rst
avoiding undue pressure to the globe, the step involves creating a limbal paracentesis site
authors examine the eye under the operating with a paracentesis blade. A cohesive viscoelastic
room microscope and devise a surgical strategy. (preferred because of its easy removal without Included
on DVD
The goal of primary repair for an open globe extensive turbulence or vacuum) is injected
injury, whether rupture, penetration or perfora- through the paracentesis to stabilize the anterior
tion, is to: chamber, viscodissect iris incarcerated from
1. close the globe with minimal manipulation the wound, and protect the corneal endothelium
2. reposit or excise exposed intraocular and crystalline lens. Hyperinflation should be
contents avoided, particularly if the possibility of a pos-
3. explore the globe for unrecognized injuries terior rupture exists. A cyclodialysis spatula or
4. decrease the risk of endophthalmitis and the viscoelastic cannula is then inserted through
maximize the chance of functional recovery the paracentesis to free incarcerated iris or break
by restoring ocular integrity. adhesions. Balanced salt solution may also be
Obvious lacerations or rupture sites should be used to irrigate through the wound and free
repaired fi rst, usually proceeding from anterior incarcerated iris. If uvea appears necrotic or does
to posterior. The specifics of instrumentation not reposit easily, excision may be required.
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: ruptures and lacerations
Figure 11.13 Visual recovery after corneal laceration repair often centers on correction of induced astigmatism.
A 53-year-old male underwent uncomplicated repair of an inferotemporal corneal laceration (A). Corneal
topography before suture removal revealed nearly 8 diopters of induced irregular astigmatism (B). After suture
removal, rigid gas-permeable contact lens fitting was performed with excellent visual results.
ment of a retinal detachment are poor prognostic in the unaffected eye and can cause permanent
signs.28–33 loss of vision. In a severely injured eye with little
Endophthalmitis following open globe injury is or no visual potential, the risk of sympathetic
a feared complication. The incidence of trau- ophthalmia must be discussed with the patient
matic endophthalmitis after penetrating ocular and be part of the decision-making process. The
trauma is low, occurring in approximately 5–14% specifics of sympathetic ophthalmia are dis-
of eyes. 34–40 The risk factors portending a greater cussed in detail in Chapter 13.
risk of endophthalmitis include intraocular Isolated corneal lacerations often have a better
foreign bodies, delay in wound closure greater prognosis than more extensive corneoscleral lac-
than 24 hours, injury in a rural setting, and dis- erations and ruptures. However, corneal scars
ruption of the crystalline lens.34–40 The most following laceration repair often lead to irregular
common organisms causing post-traumatic endo- astigmatism and frequently involve the visual
phthalmitis are Bacillus species, Staphylococcus axis (Figure 11.13). Rigid gas-permeable (RGP)
species, and other gram positive cocci. 34–40 Pro- contact lenses can often dramatically improve
phylactic intravitreal or intracameral injection of vision, even when the visual axis is involved. If
antibiotics (ceftazidime and vancomycin) is con- an RGP contact lens is unsuccessful, penetrating
sidered in patients with an intraocular foreign keratoplasty is often required for visual
body or a potentially contaminated wound. rehabilitation.
Traumatic endophthalmitis is discussed in detail
in Chapter 13. CONCLUSIONS
Sympathetic ophthalmia is a rare granuloma-
tous inflammatory disorder that usually occurs Open globe injury is one of the more harrowing
following ocular trauma. In these rare instances, diagnoses an ophthalmologist will face. A sys-
the injured eye incites an inflammatory response tematic approach to an injured eye is mandatory.
Ocular trauma
Proper classification, examination, counseling, 3. Landen D, Baker D, LaPorte R, Thoft RA. Perforating eye injury
repair, and postoperative management are im- in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Am J Public Health
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and potential function. Despite appropriate de Juan E. Open-globe injury: update on types of injuries
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SUMMARY 7. Levatin P, Prasloski PF, Collen MF. The swinging flashlight test
in multiphasic screening for eye disease. Can J Ophthalmol
1. Proper classification of open globe injuries has 1973;8:356–359.
a direct impact on surgical planning and 8. Werner MS, Dana MR, Viana MAG, Shapiro M. Predictors
of occult scleral rupture. Ophthalmology 1994;101:
2. A complete and systematic examination of an 9. Hatton MP, Thakker MM, Ray S. Orbital and adnexal trauma
injured eye will prevent missing the diagnosis associated with open globe injuries. Ophthal Plast Reconstr
of an open globe. Surg 2002;18:458–461.
3. Never ignore the fellow, seemingly uninjured 10. Kuhn F, Morris R, Witherspoon CD, Heimann K, Jeffers JB,
eye. Treister G. A standardized classification of ocular trauma.
Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol 1996;234:399–403.
4. Specific examination fi ndings can aid in the
11. Warner MA, Caplan RA, Epstein BS, et al. Practice Guidelines
diagnosis of the open globe without a visible for Preoperative Fasting and the Use of Pharmacologic
laceration or rupture (see Evaluation). Agents to Reduce the Risk of Pulmonary Aspiration:
5. Perioperative planning (e.g. intravenous anti- Application to Healthy Patients Undergoing Elective
biotics, type of anesthesia, timing of surgery) Procedures. A Report by the American Society of
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depending on the type and cleanliness of
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study of penetrating ocular trauma at the Wilmer literature. Clin Exp Ophthalmol 2000;28:437–442.
Ophthalmological Institute. Ann Ophthalmol 1987;19:104–106. 36. Eisner G. Eye Surgery: An Introduction to Operative
25. Abu el-Asrar AM, al-Amro SA, al-Mosallam AA, al-Obeidan S. Techniques. New York: Springer-Verlag; 1990.
Post-traumatic endophthalmitis: causative organisms and 37. Sternberg P, de Juan E, Michels RG, Auer C. Multivariate
visual outcome. Eur J Ophthalmol 1999;9:21–31. analysis of prognostic factors in penetrating ocular injuries.
26. Olson JC, Flynn HW, Forster RK, Culbertson WW. Results Am J Ophthalmol 1984;98:467–472.
in the treatment of post-operative endophthalmitis. 38. De Juan E, Sternberg P, Michels R. Penetrating ocular injuries:
Ophthalmology 1983;90:692–699. types of injuries and visual results. Ophthalmology 1983;90:
27. Esmali B, Elner SG, Schork A, Elner VM. Visual outcome and 1318–1322.
ocular survival after penetrating trauma. Ophthalmology 39. Hutton WL, Fuller DG. Factors influencing final visual
1995;102:393–400. results in severely injured eyes. Am J Ophthalmol
28. Brinton GS, Aaberg TM, Reeser FH, Topping TM, Abrams GW. 1984;97:715–722.
Surgical results in ocular trauma involving the posterior 40. Groessl S, Nanda SK, Mieler WF. Assault-related penetrating
segment. Am J Ophthalmol 1982;93:271–278. ocular injury. Am J Ophthalmol 1993;116:26–33.
29. Reynolds DS, Flynn HW Jr. Endophthalmitis after penetrating
ocular trauma. Curr Opin Ophthalmol 1997;8:32–38.
Open globe injuries:
intraocular foreign body
James T. Banta, Jeffrey K. Moore
Penetrating ocular trauma with retained intra- Entry into the eye by an IOFB usually occurs
ocular foreign body (IOFB) remains one of the because of small size, sharp edges, and rapid
most challenging and dramatic events encoun- velocity. This is particularly true in accidents
tered by ophthalmologists. The diagnosis requires involving hammering metal on metal, chiseling,
a detailed history and examination. Radiologic or operating a metal grinder. Small sharp objects
imaging is often necessary to confi rm the diag- with rapid velocity enter the eye with minimal
nosis. Once the diagnosis is confi rmed, appropri- disruption of surrounding tissues. Oftentimes,
ate management varies depending on the location small corneal or corneoscleral entry wounds will
of the IOFB and concomitant ocular injury. Con- be self-sealing.
sultation with a vitreoretinal specialist is recom- Conversely, large IOFB, particularly those
mended for management of posterior segment without sharp edges (e.g. BB), require a tremen-
foreign bodies. dous amount of force to enter the eye. The con-
cussive effect on the eye leads to tremendous
concomitant ocular disruption and poor visual
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
Figure 12.5 Intraocular air masquerading as IOFB. An Figure 12.6 Anterior chamber foreign bodies are
experienced ultrasound technician is vital in properly uncommon. Cilia as an anterior chamber foreign body
utilizing and interpreting ocular ultrasonography. is exquisitely rare.
directed towards the commonly encountered anterior lens capsule. Viscoelastic can also be
organisms found with open globes. Antibiotic used to manipulate and move small foreign
use is controversial and is covered later in this bodies, providing for safe and efficient removal.
chapter. If visualization is problematic, a surgical gonios-
The fi nal resting position of the IOFB and the copy lens (e.g. Koeppe lens) is utilized to directly
degree of concomitant injury determine the visualize the foreign body to lessen the risk of
approach and extent of surgical intervention. iris damage with blind attempts at grasping the
Anterior chamber, intralenticular, and posterior IOFB. Once the foreign body is localized, it is
chamber foreign bodies raise different surgical grasped under direct visualization with forceps
challenges and management considerations. and removed through the limbal incision, enlarg-
ing as necessary. Bimanual techniques are some-
Anterior chamber foreign bodies times needed to extract a foreign body imbedded
One-quarter to one-third of IOFBs will remain in the iris. A metallic foreign body can some-
anterior to the posterior lens capsule11 (Figure
times be removed with an intraocular magnet. on DVD
Ocular trauma
on DVD
cataract surgery is performed, conventional Thus, if the risk of infection is small, inflamma-
phacoemulsification can typically be performed tion is limited, ILFB composition is acceptable,
with forceps removal of the foreign body.25 Small and cataract formation is not visually significant,
intraocular foreign bodies may resorb spontane- cautious observation is a viable option for the
ously, become encapsulated, lose magnetic prop- ILFB. However, if the ILFB is ferromagnetic,
erties and become radiolucent to X-rays. Such serial electroretinograms (ERG) should be per-
intralenticular foreign bodies can be tolerated for formed every 2–3 months to monitor for sidero-
years without surgical intervention.26 Case sis bulbi. 30,31 This feared sequela of a ferromagnetic
reports in the literature include an 18-year-old intralenticular foreign body is characterized by
male with an intralenticular foreign body and iris heterochromia, mydriasis, cataract, chronic
20/20 visual acuity 13 years after injury,27 a 61- uveitis, secondary glaucoma, retinal pigmentary
year-old male with 20/25 vision 23 years follow- degeneration, and optic disc swelling. ERG
ing injury,28 and a 58-year-old male who retained changes noted in siderosis include a large a wave
good vision without siderosis for 40 years.29 It is and normal b wave early in the course with
thought that small wounds of the anterior lens diminished (or possibly extinguished) b wave
capsule can self-seal and re-epithelialize allow- amplitude later in the course. Siderosis bulbi is
ing the foreign body to remain sequestered. discussed further in Chapter 13.
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
on DVD
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
Ocular trauma
Open globe injuries: intraocular foreign body
22. Ta CN, Bowman RW. Hyphema caused by a metallic 32. Chow DR, Garretson BR, Kuczynski B, et al. External versus
intraocular foreign body during magnetic resonance internal approach to the removal of metallic intraocular
imaging. Am J Ophthalmol 2000;129:533–534. foreign bodies. Retina 2000;20:364–369.
23. Kelly WM, Paglen PG, Pearson JA San Diego AG, Soloman MA. 33. Pavlovic S, Schmidt KG, Tomic Z, et al. Management of intra-
Ferromagnetism of intraocular foreign body causes unilateral ocular foreign bodies and endophthalmitits. Ophthalmology
blindness after MR study. Am J Neuroradiology 1986;7: 1990;97:1532–1538.
243–245. 34. Mester V, Kuhn F. Ferrous intraocular foreign bodies retained
24. Essex RW, Yi Q, Charles PG, Allen PJ. Post-traumatic in the posterior segment: management options and results.
endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology 2004;111:2015–2022. Int Ophthalmol 1998;22:355–62.
25. Arora R, Sanga L, Kumar M, Taneja M. Intralenticular foreign 35. Mieler WF, Ellis MK, Williams DF, Han DP. Retained intraocular
bodies: report of eight cases and review of management. foreign bodies and endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology
Indian J Ophthalmol 2000;48:119–122. 1990;97:1532–1538.
26. Lee LL, Briner AM. Intralenticular metallic foreign body. 36. Kazokoglu H, Saatci O. Intraocular foreign bodies: results of 27
Australian NZ J Ophthalmol 1996;24:361–363. cases. Ann Ophthalmol 1990;22:373–376.
27. Keeney AH. Intralenticular foreign bodies. Arch Ophthalmol 37. Hariprasad SM, Mieler WF, Holz ER. Vitreous and aqueous
1971;86(5):499–501. penetration of orally administered gatifloxacin in humans.
28. Macken PL, Boyd SR, Feldman F. Intralenticular foreign bodies: Arch Ophthalmol 2003;121:345–350.
case reports and surgical review. Ophthalmic Surg 1995;26(3): 38. Meredith TA, Aguilar HE, Shaarawy A, et al. Vancomycin levels
250–252. in the vitreous cavity after intravenous administration. Am J
29. Cazabon S, Dabbs TR. Intralenticular metallic foreign body. Ophthalmol 1995;119:774–778.
J Cataract Refract Surg 2002;28:2233–2234. 39. Jonas JB, Knorr HL, Budde WM. Prognostic factors in ocular
30. O’Duffy D, Salmon JF. Siderosis bulbi resulting from injuries caused by intraocular or retrobulbar foreign bodies.
an intralenticular foreign body. Am J Ophthalmol Ophthalmology 2000;107:823–828.
31. Sneed SR, Weingeist TA. Management of siderosis bulbi due
to a retained iron-containing intraocular foreign body.
Ophthalmology 1990;97(3):375–379.
Delayed complications of
ocular injury
James T. Banta
Ocular trauma, as illustrated in the previous A cataract may develop any time following a
chapters, is a diverse spectrum of disease pro- traumatic injury. The timeframe depends pri-
cesses affecting all portions of the eye. Most marily on the mechanism of trauma. Direct
injuries lead to a rapid onset of symptoms and injury to the lens capsule often leads to immedi-
diagnostic dilemmas are fairly unusual once ate formation of cataract, whereas mature cata-
a familiarity with the various conditions is racts can present decades after a contusive
obtained. It is important to note, however, that injury. It is important to elucidate a history of
multiple pathologic conditions do not present trauma when planning cataract surgery since
acutely. Many can be delayed by days (traumatic antecedent trauma predisposes to zonular injury
iritis) to months (traumatic cataract) to years and intraoperative complications. Symptoms
(angle recession glaucoma). are usually limited to diminished vision. Signs
In this chapter, we will describe ocular com- include phacodonesis, iridodonesis, lens sublux-
plications of ocular trauma that are not necessar- ation/dislocation, vitreous prolapse or a monoc-
ily present on initial examination and which ular mature cataract. Traumatic cataract is
require prolonged follow-up. These entities covered in detail in Chapter 7.
range from self-limited to vision-threatening and
require diligence on the part of the physician to DELAYED TRAUMA-RELATED
correctly diagnose and treat. Diagnoses covered GLAUCOMA
in prior chapters will be mentioned briefly and
cross-referenced to the chapter containing a Glaucoma can occur via multiple mechanisms
detailed description. following ocular trauma. Some forms of glau-
coma may occur months to years following the
TRAUMATIC IRITIS inciting injury, re-emphasizing the importance
of appropriate long-term follow-up after ocular
Traumatic iritis is a very common condition trauma.
that typically occurs hours to days after a contu-
sive injury to the eye. Typically, an antecedent Angle recession glaucoma
history of ocular injury, often mild, is elucidated. Contusive ocular injury can lead to a rapid equa-
Common presenting symptoms include photo- torial expansion of the eye. One manifestation
phobia, blurry vision, and pain. Examination of this injury type is a traumatic separation of
fi ndings include conjunctival injection and an the longitudinal and circular fibers of the ciliary
anterior chamber cellular response. Treatment body. Angle recession has a characteristic gonio-
involves cycloplegia plus or minus steroid drops. scopic appearance and should be specifically
Traumatic iritis is covered in detail in Chapter 6. ruled out after any substantial contusive eye
Ocular trauma
injury. Angle recession is covered in detail in degree of clinical suspicion. A thorough history
Chapter 6. is of the utmost importance since the inciting
injury can be fairly remote.
Vitreous hemorrhage-induced glaucoma
Following traumatic vitreous hemorrhage, par- Lens-induced glaucoma
ticularly in patients with disruption of the Trauma to the crystalline lens can cause glau-
anterior hyaloid face and zonular apparatus, red coma by a variety of open and closed angle
blood cells (RBC) and RBC breakdown products mechanisms. The primary clinical entities
can freely fi lter into the anterior chamber and include:
obstruct the trabecular meshwork. Three dis- 1. Phacolytic glaucoma. Elevated IOP caused by
tinct entities have been described depending on leakage of lens proteins through the intact
the level of RBC breakdown that has occurred: capsule of a hypermature cataract.
1. Ghost cell glaucoma. RBCs undergo a step- 2. Phacomorphic glaucoma. Elevated IOP caused
wise degradation as they remain in the vitre- by angle closure induced by a mature or
ous cavity. Dehemoglobinized cells are more rapidly evolving traumatic cataract.
rigid and spherical than regular RBCs and 3. Lens particle glaucoma. Elevated IOP caused
mechanically block the trabecular meshwork by mechanical blockage of the trabecular
when introduced to the anterior chamber. meshwork by liberated lens particles following
Khaki-colored cells can often be seen circulat- trauma.
ing in the anterior chamber and sometimes 4. Phacoanaphylactic glaucoma. Elevated IOP
layer out as a pseudo-hypopyon. caused by profound granulomatous inflamma-
2. Hemolytic glaucoma. Further degradation of tory response to liberated lens particles.
RBCs leaves cellular debris, free hemoglobin, Lens-induced glaucoma is covered in detail in
and macrophages laden with breakdown prod- Chapter 7.
ucts to mechanically obstruct the trabecular
3. Hemosiderotic glaucoma. Iron freed during RETINAL DETACHMENT
the breakdown of RBCs can be toxic to the
endothelium lining the trabecular meshwork Retinal detachment is the fi nal common pathway
months to years after vitreous hemorrhage. for an array of trauma-induced peripheral retinal
This toxicity can lead to sclerosis and mal- injuries. Vitreoretinal attachments are much
function of aqueous egress from the eye with stronger in young patients, the demographic
subsequently elevated intraocular pressure. representing most ocular traumas. When
Treatment for each of these forms of glaucoma these attachments are traumatically disrupted, a
begins with standard medical therapy to slow variety of injuries occur including:
aqueous production and facilitate outflow. If 1. retinal dialysis
these measures are unsuccessful, as they 2. giant retinal tear
frequently are, surgical intervention with pars 3. horseshoe tear
plana vitrectomy and anterior chamber washout 4. pars plana tear
is frequently necessary. The diagnosis of these 5. necrotic retinal break
very rare forms of glaucoma requires a high 6. vitreous base avulsion.
Delayed complications of ocular injury
Careful peripheral retinal examination is vital clinical evaluation is critical for the diagnosis of
following ocular injury. If a view to the posterior an intraocular foreign body given its propensity
segment is obstructed or scleral depression is not for infection and toxicity. Most IOFB are metal-
possible due to concomitant injuries, ultrasound lic and occur in young males hammering metal
can be used to monitor the status of the retina. on metal or grinding. The composition of an
Traumatic retinal detachment is covered in IOFB determines its toxicity to the eye (Table
detail in Chapter 8. 13.1). Precious metals such as gold and platinum
are well tolerated in the posterior segment.
METALLOSIS BULBI Foreign bodies containing iron or copper are
common and can lead to severe ocular toxicity
Retained intraocular foreign body (IOFB) occurs and potential blindness.
in 5–40% of all open globe injuries. Careful
-ethylene and -amides)
Ocular trauma
Iron Six reactions: (1) none (2) delayed inflammation (3) spontaneous
expulsion (4) dissolved (5) sympathetic (6) siderosis
Delayed complications of ocular injury
Figure 13.2 Diffusely supernormal responses are seen in the left eye of a young man who was being serially
followed for a metallic intralenticular foreign body. The findings were consistent with the acute phase of siderosis
and prompted surgical extraction of the foreign body in conjunction with cataract extraction.
Ocular trauma
Delayed complications of ocular injury
Ocular trauma
cated by the increased prevalence of HLA-A11 strategies. Enucleation of a severely injured eye
in sympathetic ophthalmia patients.10 is thought to prevent sympathetic ophthalmia if
Sympathetic ophthalmia is rare. The incidence performed within 10–14 days of injury. However,
following open globe injury is approximately with current medical and surgical care, improved
0.2%11 to 0.5%.12 The time to onset following visual outcomes are being seen following severe
injury is highly variable, typically ranging ocular trauma. Enucleation is typically reserved
from 2 weeks to 6 months with most cases for eyes with no hope of visual recovery and
presenting within 3 months of injury. However, prominent intraocular disorganization. A candid
it has been reported to occur as early as 10 days discussion with the patient regarding the risks of
and as late as many decades following the sympathetic ophthalmia is mandatory if enucle-
inciting event. ation is being considered following open globe
The clinical onset is often insidious over days repair.
to weeks. Mild, vague complaints are often Once active sympathetic ophthalmia has been
encountered early in the disease course. Mild diagnosed, treatment consists primarily of immu-
pain, photophobia, and mildly decreased vision nosuppressive agents. The use of enucleation to
are common presenting symptoms. The symp- remove the exciting eye is controversial and
toms predominate in the sympathizing eye since unlikely of any benefit.13 In some circumstances,
the exciting eye often has poor vision and mild, after the disease has progressed, the exciting eye
chronic discomfort. This reinforces the need for can maintain better visual acuity than the sym-
careful examination of the uninjured eye follow- pathizing eye. Current medical regimens rely
ing an open globe injury, particularly if the heavily on steroids in high doses with long,
injured eye has protracted inflammation and gradual tapers. Steroid sparing agents such as
pain following surgical repair. cyclosporine, azathioprine, chlorambucil, and
The clinical appearance of sympathetic oph- methotrexate have all been used with success.
thalmia is variable, but typically involves a granu- Although the exact regimen is controversial,
lomatous panuveitis with a prominent vitritis and aggressive therapy in a timely manner is vital to
characteristic changes of the posterior pole. clinical success. Long-term follow-up is required
Mutton-fat keratic precipitates are often seen on as long periods of remission may punctuate epi-
the corneal endothelial surface in the active phase sodes of activity.
of the disease. The choroidal lesions are often Outcomes in sympathetic ophthalmia prior to
multifocal, placoid, and cream-colored. The cho- the routine use of high dose steroids were uni-
roidal lesions correspond to Dalen–Fuchs nodules, formly poor. Refi nements in medical therapy
a histologic diagnosis. Optic nerve hyperemia have improved the visual outcomes significantly.
and swelling are sometimes present. Fluorescein A review of 32 sympathetic ophthalmia cases
angiography reveals multiple hyperfluorescent treated with systemic steroids showed 50%
sites that leak late in the angiogram. recovered vision of 20/40 or better; however,
Treatment of sympathetic ophthalmia can be 31% had a fi nal visual acuity less than
broken up into preventative and active treatment 20/200.14
Delayed complications of ocular injury
Ocular trauma
Delayed complications of ocular injury
what controversial, although nearly universally versy surrounding the prophylactic treatment
utilized. Some studies have shown a decline in of post-traumatic endophthalmitis in further
post-traumatic endophthalmitis rates with the detail along with authors’ recommendations for
routine use of prophylactic antibiotics.23 However, treatment.
the antibiotic selection and preferred route of The visual prognosis for post-traumatic endo-
delivery vary greatly from practitioner to practi- phthalmitis is often poor. Multiple studies have
tioner. Topical antibiotics are used in all cases shown a wide range of visual outcomes, mostly
and are often supplemented with intravenous, dependent on the virulence of the organisms
subconjunc-tival, intracameral, intravitreal or isolated. Visual acuity ≥ 20/400 was seen in
oral antibiotics. Chapter 14 discusses the contro- 22–75% of cases.17,18,21,22,24,25
Ocular trauma
It is difficult to give specifics on the appropriate 1. Red blood cell breakdown products can cause
interval for follow-up after ocular trauma because glaucoma by directly blocking the trabecular
of the immense diversity in presentation and meshwork.
severity. Follow-up must be tailored to the indi- 2. Iron- and copper-containing foreign bodies
vidual situation. The authors recommend goni- can lead to severe toxic reactions in the eye if
oscopy and dilated fundus examination in every not expediently removed.
patient with ocular trauma a month after pre- 3. Sympathetic ophthalmia is a feared complica-
sentation if the inciting injury was of significant tion of ocular trauma and often directs the
force to cause intraocular inflammation (iritis) management of the severely injured eye.
or disruption (commotio retinae). Of particular 4. The incidence of traumatic endophthalmitis
concern are high-velocity contusive injuries. has fallen since the widespread use of prophy-
Gonioscopy is performed to determine if angle lactic antibiotics in the setting of an open
recession has occurred. A dilated fundus exami- globe, although the selection and route of
nation is important to evaluate the lens for cata- antibiotic delivery remains controversial.
ract and the peripheral retina for possible tears,
dialyses, or detachments.
Delayed complications of ocular injury
REFERENCES 15. Brinton GS, Topping TM, Hyndiuk RA, et al. Posttraumatic
endophthalmitis. Arch Ophthalmol 1984;102:547–550.
16. Verbraeken H, Rysselaere M. Post-traumatic endophthalmitis.
1. Begle HL. Perforating injuries of the eye by small steel
European J Ophthalmol 1994;4:1–5.
fragments. Am J Ophthalmol 1929:12:970–977.
17. Essex RW, Yi Q, Charles PGP, Allen PJ. Post-traumatic
2. Tawara A. Transformation and cytotoxicity of iron in siderosis
endophthalmitis. Ophthalmol 2004;111:2015–2022.
bulbi. Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 1986:27:226–236.
18. Thompson WS, Rubsamen PE, Flynn HW Jr., Schiffman J,
3. Talamo JH, Topping TM, Maumenee AE, Green WG.
Cousins SW. Endophthalmitis after penetrating trauma:
Ultrastructural studies of cornea, iris and lens in a case of
risk factors and visual acuity outcomes. Ophthalmol
siderosis bulbi. Ophthalmology 1985;92:1675–1680.
4. Davidson M. Siderosis bulbi. Am J Ophthalmol
19. Soheilian M, Rafati N, Peyman GA. Prophylaxis of acute
posttraumatic bacterial endophthalmitis with or without
5. Kuhn F, Witherspoon CD, Morris R, Skalka H. Improvement of
combined intraocular antibiotics: a prospective, double-
siderotic ERG. Eur J Ophthalmol 1992;2:44–45.
masked randomized pilot study. Int Ophthalmol 2001;24:
6. Duke-Elder S, MacFaul PA: Injuries: mechanical injuries.
In: Duke-Elder S, ed. System of Ophthalmology. St Louis:
20. Kunimoto DY, Das T, Sharma S, et al. Microbiologic spectrum
CV Mosby Co, 1972;14:512–523.
and susceptibility of isolates: part II. Posttraumatic
7. Beckerman BL. Intraocular foreign body extraction in early
endophthalmitis. Am J Ophthalmol 1999;128:242–244.
chalcosis. Arch Ophthalmol 1972;87:444–446.
21. Abu El-Asrar AM, Al-Amro SA, Al-Mosallam AA,
8. Rosenthal AR, Marmor MF, Leuenberger P. Chalcosis: a study
Al-Obeidan S. Post-traumatic endophthalmitis: causative
of natural history. Ophthalmology 1979;86:1956–1972.
organisms and visual outcome. European J Ophthalmol
9. Pollack AL, Mcdonald HR, Ai E, et al. Sympathetic ophthalmia
associated with pars plana vitrectomy without antecedent
22. Affeldt JC, Flynn HW Jr., Forster RK, et al. Microbial
penetrating trauma. Retina 2001;21:146–154.
endophthalmitis resulting from ocular trauma. Ophthalmol
10. Reynard M, Shulman IA, Azen SP, Minckler DS.
Histocompatability antigens in sympathetic ophthalmia. Am J
23. Joosse MV, Van Tilburg CJG, Mertens DAE, et al.
Ophthalmol 1983;95:216–221.
Endophthalmitis: incidence, therapy and visual outcome
11. Liddy N, Stuart J. Sympathetic ophthalmia in Canada. Can J
in the period 1983–1992 in the Rotterdam Eye Hospital.
Ophthalmol 1972;7:157–159.
Doc Opthalmol 1992;82:115–123.
12. Holland G. About the indications and time for surgical
24. Peyman GA, Carroll CP, Raichand M. Prevention and
removal of an injured eye. Klin Monatsbl Augenheilkd
management of traumatic endophthalmitis. Ophthalmology
13. Winter FC. Sympathetic uveitis: a clinical and pathologic
25. Nobe JR, Gomez DS, Liggett P, Smith RE, Robin JB. Post-
study of the visual result. Am J Ophthalmol 1955;39:
traumatic and postoperative endophthalmitis: a comparison
of visual outcomes. Br J Ophthalmol 1987;71:614–617.
14. Chan C, Roberge FG, Whitcup SM, Nussenblatt RB. 32 cases
of sympathetic ophthalmia, a retrospective study at the
National Eye Institute, Bethesda, Md, from 1982 to 1992.
Arch Ophthalmol 1995;113:597–600.
Ocular trauma controversies
Andrew C. Westfall, Matthew S. Benz
Nevertheless, maintaining an ongoing discourse
on these subjects will hopefully lead to consen-
Ocular trauma remains a prevalent and largely sus agreements on the most appropriate methods
preventable cause of visual morbidity. As you of medical and surgical intervention, even if true
have read in previous chapters, traumatic injuries prospective data are unavailable. It is for these
of the globe range from simple corneal abrasions reasons that this chapter has been included, not
to complex corneoscleral lacerations. Such inju- to give defi nitive answers, but to continue the
ries are suffered by children and adults of all dialogue.
ages, in the home as well as at work and on holi-
days. While the types of eye trauma suffered by INTRAOCULAR FOREIGN
patients and the treatment concerns of clinicians BODY REMOVAL
are similar to those of years past, treatment
options and technology have undergone a tre- Intraocular foreign body (IOFB) is an uncom-
mendous evolution. Due to the unpredictable, mon type of ocular trauma but accounts for a
varied and often urgent nature of ocular trauma, large portion of the cases requiring extensive
a paucity of prospective outcomes data exists surgical intervention. The epidemiology, patho-
and controversies persist. Below, we present a physiology, evaluation and initial management of
discussion of current topics in ocular trauma, an IOFB have been thoroughly discussed in
with particular attention to controversies over Chapter 12. However, significant controversies
management. Most controversies involve differ- exist concerning the timing of posterior segment
ences in opinion on the best way to preserve IOFB removal and the most appropriate method
vision while minimizing the number of surgeries of foreign body removal, especially with mag-
and avoiding undue stress on a compromised netic intraocular foreign bodies.
The subjects discussed in this section are Timing of IOFB removal
advanced issues and are directed primarily at the Several items often dictate the timing of IOFB
sub-specialist ophthalmologist who will be inter- removal:
vening surgically. The timing and extent of initial 1. IOFB composition and toxicity
surgical intervention has long been controversial 2. the risk of infection
and most eye surgeons who deal with surgical 3. the presence or absence of a posterior vitreous
eye trauma base their methods on experience detachment (PVD)
and anecdotal information. It will be difficult to 4. the risk of suprachoroidal hemorrhage.
ever have a defi nitive answer to many of these The composition of a foreign body determines
questions given the lack of similarity from injury the potential for toxicity, inflammation, or infec-
to injury and the resultant difficulty in planning tion, thereby dictating the immediacy of surgical
and carrying out any sort of prospective study. intervention. If the foreign substance is soil,
Ocular trauma
vegetable matter, or copper, then few would dis- 1. Frequent clinical examinations are necessary
pute the need for immediate removal given the to detect evolving retinal tears, retinal detach-
tremendous risk of infection with organic mate- ment, ocular toxicity and infection. If a
rial and the severe toxic reactions encountered view of the posterior pole is limited by
with copper foreign bodies (see Chapter 13). vitreous hemorrhage, traumatic cataract or
With foreign bodies that have less potential for corneal opacity, then serial ultrasounds are
ocular toxicity (e.g. glass, plastic, or steel), the necessary.
issue becomes less clear. Some practitioners 2. Appropriate coverage with systemic antibiot-
advocate postponing IOFB removal until a PVD ics with proven intravitreal penetration should
can be documented by examination or ultra- be utilized.
sound, and the risk of choroidal hemorrhage is 3. If the foreign body is ferrous, serial electro-
decreased.1–4 retinograms should be performed to detect
Advocates for immediate foreign body removal signs of toxicity.4
cite the risk of intraocular infection as being 4. Vitrectomy should be performed expedi-
too high (3–17%) to wait for a PVD to occur tiously once a PVD has occurred since vitre-
without an unacceptable risk of permanent vision ous organization will occur approximately 14
loss.5–17 Theoretically, by removing the IOFB days post-injury and the risk of tractional
and using antibiotics within 24 hours of the retinal detachments will increase thereafter.
injury, it is possible to significantly reduce
the risk of infection.5,9,10 In addition, immediate Instrumentation for IOFB removal
IOFB removal limits the formation of fibrin The ability to successfully remove foreign bodies
around the IOFB, thereby facilitating removal. from the posterior segment has advanced over the
Another argument for early removal is earlier years with the progress of surgical technology.
recovery. Once a patient sustains injury from Prior to vitrectomy, an external magnetic was
an IOFB, the road to recovery can be long and used for the removal of all magnetic IOFBs.19–21
fi lled with multiple surgeries. If removal of the With external magnets, Snellen visual acuity
IOFB is possible at the time of primary closure, of 20/40 was achieved 55–60% of the time.22
healing and visual recovery can sometimes be However, most authors believe the use of magnets
expedited.18 external to the globe poses unnecessary risks
Vitreoretinal surgeons in favor of delayed IOFB to the retina, including retinal tears and detach-
removal prefer waiting for a spontaneous PVD ments, vitreous hemorrhage, cataract formation,
which frequently occurs between 10 and 14 days new contusion injuries, and retention of
after the initial injury. Waiting for a PVD is IOFBs.6,18,22,23
reasonable, particularly in young patients where With the advent of pars plana vitrectomy, it
a pre-existing PVD is unlikely and creating a became possible to use internal magnets or intra-
mechanical PVD is not always possible. Postop- ocular forceps to remove foreign bodies from the
eratively, an intact posterior hyaloid face increases posterior segment under direct visualization
the risk for proliferative vitreoretinopathy and (Figure 14.1).8,12 Although a defi nitive study has Included
on DVD
subsequent tractional retinal detachment. not been performed which demonstrates the
If delayed IOFB removal or observation is superiority of vitrectomy techniques versus the
chosen over immediate removal, several items use of an external magnet, it is clear that
must be assured: ancillary damage such as cataracts, vitreous
Ocular trauma controversies
Figure 14.1 Closed vitrectomy techniques allow removal of posterior segment foreign bodies in a controlled
fashion and under direct visualization. A pars plana vitrectomy is initially performed to clear the vitreous cavity
and locate the foreign body (A). The foreign body is then brought into the anterior vitreous cavity with an
intraocular magnet (B) before being transferred to intraocular forceps and removed through a sclerotomy (C).
(After Recchia FM, Aaberg Jr T, Sternberg Jr P. Trauma: Principles and techniques of treatment. In: Ryan SJ, ed.
Retina, 4th edn. Philadelphia: Elsevier Mosby; 2004:2391, with permission from Elsevier.)
hemorrhage, retinal tears and detachments can instrumentation, perfluorocarbon can now be
be prevented when using direct visualization used when non-metallic foreign bodies are
possible only with closed vitrectomy tech- present. This allows ‘floating’ of objects off the
niques.23 Also, vitrectomy allows for removal of retinal surface. The suspended object can then
encapsulated foreign bodies and intraretinal be grasped with intraocular forceps and subse-
foreign bodies which may not always be possible quently removed without making contact with
with the use of external magnets.6 Theoretically, the retinal surface.20,21
one can also decrease the risk of endophthalmitis
by reduction or removal of the inciting organisms PROPHYLACTIC SURGICAL TECHNIQUES
from the vitreous cavity.5 Despite the more con- IN THE OPEN GLOBE
trolled extraction of foreign bodies with vitrec-
tomy, fi nal visual acuity (60% with > 20/40 If an eyewall violation has occurred posterior to
Snellen visual acuity) when compared to use of the limbus and vitreous has presented to the
external magnets is similar; however, the rate wound, the risk of concurrent or delayed retinal
of enucleation is lower in the vitrectomy detachment is high.26–28 Due to this increased
group.6,22,24,25 In practical terms, the use of exter- risk of retinal detachment, there is controversy
nal magnets has all but stopped in the era of about repair strategies for posterior globe lacera-
closed vitrectomy and is primarily of historical tions or ruptures. Specifically, many surgeons
interest. prefer to primarily close the wound only, while
When a metallic IOFB is present, an intrao- others place a prophylactic scleral buckle and/or
cular magnet (rare earth magnet) and/or intra- perform a vitrectomy at the time of primary
ocular forceps can be used to lift the IOFB wound closure.
from the retinal surface once vitreous removal Proponents of prophylactic scleral buckling
is complete.8,12 In addition to new surgical cite studies showing approximately 60–70% of
Ocular trauma
posteriorly traumatized eyes will eventually visual axis due a disrupted lens, and in perforat-
require a scleral buckle.26–28 Vitreous disruption ing ocular injuries.5,6,8,18,24,32,33,35–39 In performing
and/or incarceration at the site of primary injury a primary vitrectomy, potential areas of vitreo-
leads to vitreous-eyewall adhesions and overlying retinal adhesion can be eliminated, theoretically
vitreous organization and contraction. An adja- reducing the likelihood of a delayed tractional
cent or distant tractional retinal detachment retinal detachment. 30,40–42 However, performing
can result from the combined forces of the new vitrectomy at the time of primary repair can be
vitreous adhesion to the eyewall, the vitreous difficult. Challenges in primary vitrectomy
contraction, and the contraction of the posterior include induction of a PVD mechanically (par-
hyaloid (in the absence of a PVD).29,30 By placing ticularly in young patients), a limited view of the
a scleral buckle, it is possible to reduce the ante- posterior segment due to poor corneal clarity,
rior–posterior traction that results from vitreous concern for a large choroidal hemorrhage and the
contraction, theoretically reducing the risk of inability to maintain a constant intraocular pres-
tractional retinal detachment. Additionally, an sure if leakage occurs at a penetrating or perfo-
encircling scleral buckle will reduce the effects rating injury site. 36
of centripetal forces at the vitreous base that Alternatively, some practitioners advocate
develop with vitreous contraction and organiza- early vitrectomy, but not at the time of primary
tion of the anterior vitreous. Other reports favor globe repair. In this case, a delayed vitrectomy
prophylactic scleral buckle placement at the time is performed approximately 7–10 days after
of primary repair because ocular muscles are injury.26,27,36 Proponents feel that posterior vitre-
frequently already exposed during surgical ous separation has likely occurred while signifi-
exploration and future placement can be more cant vitreous organization and contraction has
difficult due to subsequent scarring.28 yet to occur. In addition, if subretinal and/or
Scleral buckle placement at the time of open choroidal hemorrhage is present, then delaying
globe repair is not without risks. Since intraocu- vitrectomy permits spontaneous resolution.
lar pressure may be reduced, the extra manipula- Finally, delaying vitrectomy allows time for
tion required to place the scleral buckle increases reduction in uveal congestion, which theoreti-
the chances of a choroidal hemorrhage or extru- cally reduces the incidence of intraoperative
sion of intraocular contents through an occult hemorrhage. 36
posterior eyewall defect. Furthermore, if the Finally, whether to use a scleral buckle and
globe anatomy is significantly altered after repair, pars plana vitrectomy despite the absence of a
anchor scleral suture placement can be more dif- retinal detachment is also controversial. Argu-
ficult to execute, and the risk of a full-thickness ments for using a scleral buckle at the time of
suture pass may increase. In addition to the vitrectomy include:
intraoperative difficulties inherent in placing a 1. The retinal periphery is often difficult to visu-
scleral buckle, the usual postoperative issues alize and peripheral pathology can possibly be
such as induced myopia and diplopia remain. missed.24,43
Vitrectomy alone is sometimes advocated at 2. A scleral buckle gives support to the vitreous
the time of primary open globe repair. 31–34 Most base as the vitreous contracts.24,43
agree that vitrectomy benefits eyes with IOFB, 3. A scleral buckle can prevent traction on the
endophthalmitis secondary to trauma, occluded vitreous base created by incarcerated vitreous
Ocular trauma controversies
in the sclerotomies or at the initial injury retinal detachment, and there are no signs of
site.24,43,44 endophthalmitis.
Most studies suggest that adding a scleral
buckle at the time of vitrectomy can reduce the ENDOPHTHALMITIS
chance of a retinal detachment two to three
times.1,26,27,43,45–47 However, confl icting results Prophylaxis
have done little to ameliorate the controversy.48 In evaluating treatment options for an open
globe injury, the practitioner must determine
INTRAOCULAR LENS IMPLANTATION whether antibiotics are necessary as a preventa-
DURING OPEN GLOBE REPAIR tive measure. Endophthalmitis following an open
globe injury occurs in 2–13% of cases (Figure
Traumatic cataracts are a common occurrence 14.2).14,54 In eyes with retained intraocular
with open globe injuries. If the crystalline lens foreign bodies, the rate of endophthalmitis is
is removed at the time of primary repair, then usually even higher (7–30%), particularly if
the decision to place an intraocular lens (IOL) organic contaminants are introduced into the
at the time of the surgery has to be made. Con- eye.5–17 Currently, in the setting of an open globe,
current IOL placement may allow for more antibiotics are often used despite the lack of
rapid visual rehabilitation. Most published defi nitive evidence to support the practice.
reports have limited investigation to cases in Determining the spectrum of coverage and route
which the trauma involves only the anterior of delivery are thus the main questions that
segment or the eyewall violation is confi ned to arise.
the cornea.49–53 When lacerations or ruptures When choosing an antibiotic, the spectrum of
extend beyond the limbus, the rate of complex coverage is most frequently determined accord-
retinal detachments and proliferative vitreoreti-
nopathy are increased. Subsequent vitreoretinal
intervention can potentially be more compli-
cated with an IOL in place.49
Potential disadvantages to primary IOL implan-
tation include: 49
1. build-up of inflammatory debris on the IOL
2. difficulty in implanting the correct IOL
3. the potential need for future posterior segment
4. endophthalmitis.
Currently, in open globe cases with a concurrent
traumatic cataract, caution and careful case Figure 14.2 This 17-year-old male developed fulminate
endophthalmitis following ruptured globe repair. No
selection are required before IOL implantation.
prophylactic intraocular antibiotics were used at the
The authors recommend limiting primary IOL time of repair. Controversy exists as to whether such
implantation to eyes where the eyewall violation cases could be minimized with the routine use of
is limited to the cornea, there is an absence of prophylactic intraocular antibiotics.
Ocular trauma
ing to the method of injury and the organism directly into the vitreous cavity 3–4 millimeters
found most frequently in that type of injury. For posterior to the limbus. Our fi rst line choice of
example, in trauma, the most common organism intravitreal antibiotics in a traumatic setting are
is Staphylococcus epidermis (20.8%). Propionibac- vancomycin (1 mg in 0.1 cc) and ceftazidime
terium acnes (14.6%), other coagulase negative (2.25 mg in 0.1 cc). We prefer to inject antibiot-
Staphylococcus species and Streptococcus viridans ics at the end of the case, after the wound is
group (12.5%) species are also prevalent, though closed. With the availability of a fourth-
infections from the last are found more often in generation fluoroquinolone with known intravit-
children than in adults.54 Aerobic gram positive real penetration and broad-spectrum coverage,
rods (12.5–25%), such as Bacillus species, are the authors also recommend both peri- and post-
also cultured with regularity in open globe inju- operative oral antibiotic coverage. Specifically,
ries, more commonly associated with injuries we prefer to dose gatifloxacin 400 mg daily by
involving soil contamination.54 mouth for 7–10 days after surgery.
Though most practitioners employ subcon-
junctival antibiotics following open globe repair,
there is no consensus about the necessity for Management
intravitreal antibiotics. In cases where there is a Management of post-traumatic (as well as post-
grossly contaminated wound or a high index of operative) endophthalmitis remains contro-
suspicion for organic contamination, the use of versial despite a prospective, randomized,
intravitreal antibiotics is warranted. Vancomycin multicenter study. The Endophthalmitis Vitrec-
and cefazolin have good gram positive coverage. tomy Study (EVS) investigated the issue in the
Ceftazidime has good gram negative coverage. non-traumatic post-cataract surgery setting.
Aminoglycosides are usually contraindicated In the EVS, vitreous tap and injection appeared
intravitreally due to retinal toxicity. Animal as effective as vitrectomy when the visual
models suggest that fluroquinolones can be used acuity is equal to or better than hand motions
and can provide broad-spectrum microbial cov- at presentation. Eyes with light perception
erage. Caution is necessary with any intravitreal vision fared better with vitrectomy.55 Whether
injection if the view of the posterior pole is the results of the EVS can be extrapolated
obscured. Inadvertent injection into the wrong into other clinical scenarios such as trauma is
compartment of the eye can occur due to unrec- unknown.
ognized hemorrhagic or serous choroidal detach- In post-traumatic endophthalmitis, the ratio-
ments. Direct retinal toxicity from the antibiotics nale for vitrectomy over vitreous tap and injec-
is also a concern, particularly if full doses of tion is the mechanical removal of toxins, debris,
intravitreal antibiotics are used in an eye with a and infectious organisms. Removing the vitreous
decreased vitreous volume (e.g. traumatic retinal may also allow better dispersion of antibiotics in
detachment). the vitreous cavity.
In the setting of open globe injury, the authors In cases of traumatic endophthalmitis, the
recommend the use of intraocular antibiotics in authors typically recommend vitrectomy if a safe
certain high-risk clinical settings, such as intra- view of the posterior segment is at all possible,
ocular foreign body, a dirty wound involving as most patients with traumatic endophthalmitis
plant or vegetable matter, or a wound involving will eventually require vitrectomy for visual
the lens. Antibiotics are typically injected rehabilitation.
Ocular trauma controversies
PRIMARY ENUCLEATION AFTER SEVERE be made on an individual basis with careful con-
OCULAR TRAUMA sideration to the individual patient and the status
on the injured globe. In our experience this is an
In cases of severe ocular trauma resulting in unusual occurrence typically reserved for devas-
severe loss of ocular tissue, complete destruction tating injuries with massive loss of tissue (e.g.
of the globe, expulsive choroidal hemorrhage, or gunshot wounds).
severing of the optic nerve, the chances of visual
recovery can be zero. In cases where visual recov- SUMMARY
ery is not possible following severe ocular trauma,
previous studies have recommended enucleation 1. The timing of IOFB removal is dictated by
within 2 weeks due to the risk of sympathetic IOFB composition, risk of infection, and sur-
ophthalmia. Most cases of sympathetic ophthal- gical risks.
mia occur between 2 weeks and 3 months (65– 2. Vitrectomy has revolutionized the removal
80%) post-trauma.56,57 of ferromagnetic posterior segment IOFB,
Loss of light perception is not a contrain- although an improved rate of visual acuity
dication to globe-salvaging surgical repair, as outcomes has never been shown compared to
reversal of loss of light perception has been use of an external magnet.
reported.58 Multiple factors, including anato- 3. IOL implantation at the time of open globe
mical status of the injured eye, mental status of repair is typically reserved for traumatic cata-
the patient, and status of the other eye should racts associated with lacerations or ruptures
be considered in determining the appropriate confi ned to the cornea.
surgical plan. 4. Although controversial, prophylactic scleral
Controversy exists over the use of enucleation buckle following open globe injury may
as a primary procedure. When patients have sus- decrease the rate of subsequent retinal detach-
tained severe and irreparable injuries to the ment, particularly when vitreous incarcera-
globe, they are often sedated with pain medica- tion of the wound is encountered.
tions, unconscious, or even intoxicated. Due to 5. Theoretic advantages of vitrectomy for post-
their altered mental status, they may be tempo- traumatic endophthalmitis include mechani-
rarily incapable of comprehending the severity of cal removal of debris and infectious material
their injuries, and may also be incapable of giving as well as better dispersion of intravitreal
informed consent for globe repair, much less antibiotics.
removal. In such cases, most practitioners advo- 6. Primary enucleation following open globe
cate a primary closure attempt. If the globe injury is seldom performed.
cannot be closed, enucleation can be discussed
after restoration of decision-making ability. At REFERENCES
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