Ndic MFL A 10rev03!26!2010 Signed
Ndic MFL A 10rev03!26!2010 Signed
Ndic MFL A 10rev03!26!2010 Signed
ID: MFL-A-10
REV. NO.: 0
NDIC DATE: 3/31/2010
Revision History
Revision No.: 0
Issue Date: March 31, 2010
REV. NO.: 0
NDIC DATE: 3/31/2010
1.0 Purpose 3
2.0 Scope 3
3.0 Responsibility 3
4.0 General 3
5.0 Reference 4
6.0 Equipment 4
13.0 Reporting 9
2.1 This examination procedure shall be used when utilizing any of the
MFE 2412/1212 series of scanning systems for the inspection of
tank floors looking for under floor corrosion.
4.1 All personnel shall be qualified and certified to an appropriate
level in accordance with NDIC’s Written Practice which shall
meet the requirements of the American Society for
Nondestructive Testing, Recommended Practice No. SNT-TC-
1A, 2001 edition.
5.2 “The Truth about Magnetic Flux Leakage as Applied to Tank Floor
Inspections” - paper presented by D. M. Amos, MFE Enterprises
Incorporated at the International Chemical and Petroleum Industry
Inspection Technology IV, ASNT Topical Conference, Houston,
Texas, June 22, 1995.
6.1 The equipment utilized for the Magnetic Flux Leakage inspection
of tank floors using this procedure shall be any of the MFE
2412/1212 scanning systems currently available.
6.2 This equipment uses very powerful rare earth magnets in order
to near saturate the plate in the area of the scanning head. Coil
sensors placed between the poles of the magnetic bridge detect
the flux leakage fields and provide a low voltage output signal to
the electronic module for processing and real time display.
6.4 The effective scan width of the MFE 2412 scanner is 12 inches
and the MFE 1212 scanner is 6 inches. The real time LED
display has twelve channels, one for each inch of scan width in
the case of the MFE 2412 and for each half inch in the case of
the MFE 1212.
6.6 Proper use of this equipment does not require the setting of
calibration thresholds as the amplitude of the signal is an
unreliable indicator of remaining wall thickness.
7.4 Every effort must be made to ensure that the top surface is as
clean as possible and free from any product residue, rust or
loose scale.
7.5 The effect of any undulations or bucking of the floor plates must
be taken into account in the assessment of indications and in
the scanning method..
8.2 There are reasons for the generation of Magnetic Flux Leakage
signals other than from plate corrosion. Localized changes in
material properties, weld scars and arc strikes can also cause
significant indications. This must be born in mind during the
inspection process and the cause of signals properly evaluated.
11.1 Each plate within the tank must be scanned in a logical manner to
ensure the maximum coverage possible. The use of the smaller
scanning head may be required adjacent to welds, obstructions and
the floor to shell areas which are difficult to get to using the large
scanning head.
11.2 Scanning across the weld areas is not possible owing to scanner
clearance limitations. The entire floor is scanned on a plate by plate
basis, the scanning head being moved clear of the weld area whilst
transitioning from plate to plate.
11.3 Full coverage of the floor area using these systems is virtually
impossible due to the many and varied access limitations. If full
coverage is required it is possible to manually scan the omitted
areas using ultrasonics.
11.4 The systems are optimized for a medium walking pace. Once
properly set up variations in speed will affect the amplitude of the
signal but not the detection capability of the machine. Faster
speeds will result in much higher amplitude signals. This is also
true of the background noise levels. An optimum speed giving the
best signal to noise ratio is preferred. In a very high noise
environment it is sometimes necessary and acceptable to reduce
scanning speeds and increase the electronic gain to optimize the
REV. NO.: 0
NDIC DATE: 3/31/2010
signal to noise ratio. This optimum set up may vary from floor to
floor and even from plate to plate.
11.5.4 Locate and mark the exact position of pitting corrosion and
outline any area of lake type corrosion for further
investigation to determine the worst case occurrences
within the area marked.
11.8 Magnetic Flux Leakage cannot differentiate between top side and
under side corrosion. With these systems the response to topside
indications is often less than those obtained from an equivalent
bottom side indication. This must be born in mind when topside
corrosion is present. When high amplitude signals are obtained
from the same area it will be necessary to investigate further and to
determine whether bottom side indications also exist at that
REV. NO.: 0
NDIC DATE: 3/31/2010
The MFE 2412 and 1212 scanning systems are ideally set up for the
detection of isolated pitting corrosion. Isolated pitting with a small base
area and large through wall dimension are often difficult to find and
measure ultrasonically. The reason for this is that sufficient sound energy
must be returned from the area of the greatest through wall penetration
point to give a readable response. If the right equipment and technique is
not applied in the ultrasonic prove up of flux leakage signals significant
errors can occur.
12.2 Digital displays with very slow screen rewrite frequency are difficult
to use as they preclude any real time scanning capability.
12.7 The instrument must be properly calibrated and the ultrasonic prove
up carried out in accordance with a specific procedure.
REV. NO.: 0
NDIC DATE: 3/31/2010