Reading Essentials 6-1 and 6-2 The Environment and Change Over Time
Reading Essentials 6-1 and 6-2 The Environment and Change Over Time
Reading Essentials 6-1 and 6-2 The Environment and Change Over Time
earlier, or ancestral, group of birdlike organisms. As this quiz each other using your
group evolved into different species, birds developed flash cards.
different sizes, colors, songs, and ways of eating. Yet, they
kept their key bird traits.
How do species evolve? Charles Darwin, a scientist,
worked to answer this question. Darwin was an English
naturalist who, in the mid-1800s, developed a theory of how
evolution works. A naturalist is a person who studies plants and
animals by observing them. Darwin spent years studying plants
and animals in nature before developing his theory. Recall
that a theory is an explanation of the natural world that is Key Concept Check
well supported by evidence. Darwin’s theory of evolution was 1. Describe Who was
not the first, but his theory is the one best supported by Charles Darwin?
evidence today.
Darwin knew that individual members of a species have
slight differences, or variations. A variation is a slight difference
in the appearance of individual members of a species. Variations
arise naturally in populations. They occur in the offspring as
a result of sexual reproduction. You might recall that
variations are caused by random mutations, or changes, in
genes. Mutations can lead to changes in phenotype. Recall
that an organism’s phenotype is all of the observable traits
and characteristics of the organism. Genetic changes to
phenotype can be passed on to future generations.
Natural Selection
1 Reproduction 2 Variation
A population of A tortoise is born
tortoises produces with a variation
many offspring that that makes its neck
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
3 Competition 4 Selection
Due to limited Over time, the
resources, not all variation is
offspring will inherited by
survive. An offspring more and more
with a longer neck offspring.
can eat more cacti Eventually, all
than other tortoises. tortoises have
It lives longer and longer necks.
produces more
Artificial Selection
Adaptations show how closely Earth’s species match their
environments. This is exactly what Darwin’s theory of
evolution by natural selection predicted. Darwin gave many
examples of adaptation in On the Origin of Species, the book
he wrote to explain his theory. Darwin wrote his book
20 years after he developed his theory. He spent those years
collecting more evidence for his theory.
Darwin also had a hobby of breeding pigeons. He bred
pigeons of different colors and shapes. In this way, he
produced new, fancy varieties. The breeding of organisms for
desired characteristics is called selective breeding. Like many
plants and animals produced from selective breeding,
Copyright © Glencoe/McGraw-Hill, a division of The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
1. Review the terms and their definitions in the Mini Glossary. Describe a living organism
that depends on camouflage or mimicry to survive.
2. Write a letter in each box to show the correct sequence that demonstrates the process of
natural selection.
a. Birds eat more light green beetles. Dark green beetles live longer and reproduce more.
b. A beetle is born with a variation in its color: It is dark green.
alive at the same time. They are related to one another highlighted copy to review
because each descended from a common ancestor. what you studied in this
Living species that are closely related share a close
common ancestor. How closely they are related depends on
how closely in time they diverged, or split, from that
Make a table with five rows
ancestor. Evidence of common ancestors can be found in the
and three columns. Label the
fossil record and in living organisms. rows and columns of the table
as shown below. Give your
Comparative Anatomy
table a title.
It is easy to see that some species evolved from a common
ancestor. For example, robins, finches, and hawks have Explanation Example
similar body parts. They all have feathers, wings, and beaks. Comparative
The same is true for tigers, leopards, and house cats. But how Vestigial
are hawks related to cats? Developmental
Studying the structural and functional similarities and Molecular
differences in species that do not look alike can show the
relationships. The study of similarities and differences among
structures of living species is called comparative anatomy.
Ambulocetus natans
Vestigial pelvis
Rates of Evolution
No No No Visual Check
variation variation variation
10. Analyze What does a
flat (horizontal) line mean in
Rapid change
comparative anatomy: the study of similarities and vestigial (veh STIH jee ul) structure: a body part that has
differences among structures of living species lost its original function through evolution
1. Review the terms and their definitions in the Mini Glossary. Use one of the terms to
write your own sentence.
2. Use what you have learned about analogous, homologous, and vestigial structures to
complete the table. The last row has been completed for you.
structure or function
3. How did highlighting the main idea in each paragraph help you study this lesson?