Pediatric Surgery Handbook For Residents and Medical Students (2017)
Pediatric Surgery Handbook For Residents and Medical Students (2017)
Pediatric Surgery Handbook For Residents and Medical Students (2017)
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Pr. Sofien Ghorbel, Pr. Frederic Auber
Master surgeons, teachers, mentors, and friends
Preface xi
Introduction xvii
List of Contributors xix
Part One: Common Pathology 1
Chapter 1 Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 3
Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Chapter 2 Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele 13
Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 3 Umbilical Hernia 23
Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Chapter 4 Intussusception 27
Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 5 Appendicitis 37
Henri Kotobi and Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 6 Testicular Torsion 47
Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Chapter 7 Ovarian Torsion 55
Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
Part Two: Neonatal Surgery 65
Chapter 8 Esophageal Atresia 67
Benoit Parmentier
Chapter 9 Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 89
Naziha Khen-Dunlop
Chapter 10 Neonatal Intestinal Occlusion 97
Naziha Khen-Dunlop
viii Contents
This book provides a didactic and fluid approach for medical students and interns, and
enables them to understand and integrate the major themes of pediatric surgery. It includes
the most common pathologies (hernia, testicular ectopia, etc.), the neonatal pathologies,
pediatric surgical oncology and a comprehensive chapter on the surgical approach to child
injury. The objective of this book is to allow the reader to have a clear and rational approach
to the condition being treated. It is not a manual of surgical techniques or pathophysiology,
but rather a practical book that attempts to explain in a simple and efficient manner, the
diagnostic approach and therapeutic principles in the pediatric surgery field.
Several international teams from different countries who share this aim participated in the
conception of this work, offering students a manual to guide them in their daily practice of
pediatric surgery.
Chapter 1 - Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS), is defined as a condition where there is
a hypertrophy of the two muscle layers of the pylorus. The pyloric canal lengthens, the whole
pylorus thickens, and the mucosa become oedematous causing obstruction of the gastric
Chapter 2 - A hernia is defined as a protrusion of a portion of an organ or tissue through
an abnormal opening (defect) in the cavity containing it. In children, the abnormal defect,
which is congenital, is usually at the internal inguinal ring. In 1807, Cooper identified the
transversalis fascia and the ligament associated with his name (Cooper's ligament). Cloquet
observed in 1817 that the processus vaginalis is often patent at birth; he also described the
femoral hernias.
Chapter 3 - Umbilical hernia is a common disorder in infants and young children. The
hernia sac protrudes through a defect in the umbilical ring. Although the defect is present at
birth, unlike other hernias of childhood, an umbilical hernia may resolve without the need for
Chapter 4 - Intussusception is the acquired invagination of one portion of the intestine
(the intussusceptum) into the adjacent bowel (the intussuscipiens) with a further motion of the
intussusception into the intussuscipiens by peristalsis. The most common form is ileocolic in
80-90% of cases, the ileo-ileal form occurs in up to 15%. The caeco-colic, colo-colic and
jejuno-jejunal forms are rare.
Chapter 5 - Acute appendicitis (AA) remains the most common visceral paediatric
surgery emergency in developed countries. Since the 90s, the radiological progress allowed a
xii Taieb Chouikh
pregnancy, and both may be surgically challenging when the visceral volume outside the
abdominal cavity increases. Otherwise, these two malformations are radically different.
Chapter 12 - Advances in antenatal imaging over the past 10 years have dramatically
changed diagnosis and management of congenital lung disease, especially for the two lesions
most commonly detected: congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), previously
named congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations (CCAM), and bronchopulmonary
sequestrations (BPS). If early surgical excision is required for all symptomatic malformations,
management of asymptomatic cases is still controversial. Complete regression of
sequestrations or clinical and morphological improvement in congenital lobar emphysema
pleads for clinical watching. On the other hand, resection is advocated for cystic
malformations, because of an increased risk of acute respiratory distress, later infections and
the possibility of malignant transformation. Further studies and long term follow up are still
needed. The natural history and consequences of late complications of lung malformations
has to be compared with the benefits of elective resection and surgical morbidity.
Chapter 13 - GERD is defined as the pathologic effects of involuntary passage of gastric
contents into the esophagus. Ultimately, the pathophysiologic alteration that is responsible for
the development of GERD is incompetence of the antireflux barriers that exist between the
lower esophagus and the stomach.
In adults, the consequence of this refluxate in the esophagus is primarily limited to
erosive esophagitis, esophageal stricture, and Barrett’s esophagitis. In children, its detrimental
effects are much broader. Also, associated physiologic, anatomic, and developmental
abnormalities co-exist in children that make GERD and its consequences much more
Many children with GERD have significant neurologic impairment. These children can
have increased spasticity with retching and related increased abdominal pressures.
Sometimes, a hiatal hernia develops, further predisposing to GERD. Congenital
anomalies such as esophageal atresia (EA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula (TEF),
duodenal and proximal small bowel atresias, congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH), and
gastroschisis/omphalocele all predispose to the development of GERD.
Chapter 14 - Achalasia is a motility disorder of the esophagus; dysphasia is the most
common sign. The diagnosis is usually suspected on clinical history or in cases of associated
malformations and confirmed by the study of the esophagus motility. The management aims
to relief the esophagus obstacle and to allow an appropriate oral feeding.
Chapter 15 - Biliary atresia (BA) is a progressive obliterating inflammatory
cholangiopathy, affecting both intra and extra hepatic part of the biliary tree. If not treated, it
will lead to cirrhosis, liver failure and ultimately death in few months or years.
Chapter 16 - Choledochal congenital malformation refers to an abnormality characterized
by a unique or multiple communicating cystic dilations of the extrahepatic biliary duct,
associated or not with a dilatation of the intrahepatic left and right channel.
It is a rare condition in Western Europe and North America, more common in Asia; the
treatment is always based on surgery.
Chapter 17 - Intestinal duplications are rare congenital malformations that can take many
forms and may occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Symptoms
vary according to the duplication’s position, size, type and histology. Multiple duplications
can occur in the same patient, and other congenital anomalies may be present.
xiv Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 18 - Anorectal malformations (ARM) concern all anorectal tract defects. Their
prevalence is approximately 1/3000. It is a broad spectrum of malformations with
heterogeneous functional prognosis, associated in 60% of cases with other malformations.
Nearly 30% of cases are well-identified syndromes. It is thus important that newborns with
ARM are referred to an expert center to provide early and complete care.
Although the surgical treatment based on the type of the malformation is now well
codified, and aims to reproduce normal anatomy, mechanical defecation process remains
altered. Postoperative management and follow-up have an important place, to keep these
patients, if not continent, at least with socially acceptable cleanliness.
The therapeutic strategy should be based on a multidisciplinary follow-up over a long
time which is the guarantee of a satisfactory functional outcome in adulthood, involving the
intervention of a visceral surgeon, and also urologist, neurosurgeon, orthopedist, and
cardiologist depending on the associated malformations. The place of supportive care is also
fundamental: dietician, psychologist, social worker at different ages and physiotherapist (after
the age of 7 years old). In this respect, the development of therapeutic education programs
can be of great value to accept constraints of support and management.
Because disability generated by these defects is not visible, the impact can be relevant in
everyday life. Wandering and isolation of patients are still significant and can lead to extreme
situations. The labeling of the French National reference center MAREP (for anorectal
malformations and rare pelvic anomalies) has demonstrated the important role of medical and
para medical care for this surgical pathology and of developing networks of medical and
supportive care throughout the country.
This requires a tight collaboration between pediatric and adult teams to build program of
transition to adulthood and conversely to better identify the late sequelae of these pathologies.
Chapter 19 - The multicystic dysplastic kidney disease (MCDK) is one of the most
common malformations of the urinary tract, grouped under the term of Congenital
Abnormalities of Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT). It must be differentiated from
polycystic kidney disease which is mostly inherited diseases of the cilia proteins. Its incidence
is estimated at one per 4,300 live births. Boys are more commonly affected, with a sex ratio
of 1.48. The left kidney is more frequently involved (55% of cases). Bilateral involvement is
rare and lethal. Some forms of MCDK may be familial, but most are sporadic. The MCDK is
nevertheless exceptionally responsible for an end-stage renal failure (ESRD), the prognosis
depends on the contralateral kidney.
Chapter 20 - In Europe, prenatal uropathy is found in 3,1 over 1000 live birth. This is a
common cause for prenatal consultation for a specialist in fœtal medicine or pediatric
surgeon. The aim of this chapter is to introduce the management of prenatal cases of upper
tract dilation.
Chapter 21 - Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) refers to the retrograde passage of urine from
the bladder into the ureter. The aim of the management in this pathology is to prevent from
the acquired part of the reflux nephropathy, and to reduce the morbidity of the repeated
infection of the urinary tract, based on endoscopic or surgical procedures.
Chapter 22 - Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) is the most common cause of lower urinary
tract obstruction. This malformation is one of the rare prenatal surgical newborn life-
threatening conditions. 60 to 80% of patients with PUV have a prenatal diagnostic and early
Preface xv
diagnosis can be made during the surgical exploration of an acute abdomen with non-specific
Chapter 28 - The most common pelvic tumors in the pediatric population are
rhabdomyosarcomas, sacrococcygeal teratoma, teratomas, and ovarian tumors. Genetic,
identification, histology type, location, and extension of the tumors represent the most
important prognosis factors in the management of the pelvic tumor. The chemo sensibility of
most of these lesions changed their surgical approach. The survival rates have improved
during the last decades with the most current protocol therapy.
Chapter 29 - A broad spectrum of tumors arises in the retroperitoneal area in infants and
children ranging from benign to some of the most malignant tumors seen in children. Wilms’
tumor is the most common renal tumor in childhood and is the second most common
abdominal tumor presenting in infants and children after neuroblastoma.
Today the vast majority of children with these tumors can be cured by multidisciplinary
therapy. Their treatment is based on multiple randomized therapeutic trials which have
established the basis for current treatment. In this chapter, the two most common retro
peritoneal tumors are presented with a review of the current treatment algorithms.
Chapter 30 - Testicular tumors are rare in children. Pediatric testis tumors are
pathologically and clinically different from the adult’s tumors, so their management needs to
be different.
Chapter 31 - Pediatric trauma kills 875,000 children and injures an additional 10-30
million children each year, resulting in a tremendous life years lost and cost to society. The
care of the pediatric trauma patient is unique given the myriad anatomic and physiologic
differences between children and adults. However, the basic principles of trauma care are
familiar with the goals of restoring and maintaining oxygen delivery, diagnosing and treating
life-threatening injuries in a timely fashion and minimizing secondary injury. This process
involves trauma team preparation, a primary survey, a secondary survey, and the use of
adjunct procedures and resources. Special populations include those with solid organ injury,
burns and victims of child abuse.
Chapter 32 - Children are curious and like to explore their surroundings. A child’s
sensitive skin burns far more easily than adult. Burns and scalds are a major cause of serious
injury in children from newborn to 14 years old. Children under four years, especially those
aged between one and two years are most at risk due to their increased mobility and natural
A severe scald or burn can inflict serious injury and may mean a long stay in the hospital.
It may also require painful skin grafts and years of treatment, and can result in permanent
Chapter 33 - The management of abused children is particularly challenging. The
diagnosis is commonly delayed. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they
have to heal. By learning about common signs of abuse and what can be done, a huge
difference in a child’s life can be made.
This textbook offers an exciting learning experience for pediatric surgeons in training as
well as for experienced clinicians wishing to be updated on the current state of the art and the
latest developments in the field of pediatric surgery.
The aim of producing this textbook is our wish to create a stimulating and up-to-date
pediatric surgery textbook that will help the reader to understand the common pathology
faced in our daily practice. The spirit of this book is based on a simple philosophy: provide a
practical resource of approaches for the pediatric surgery residents and medical students, with
an emphasis on the special considerations surrounding the surgical care of children. We did
our best to offer this information in an accessible and pleasing format, written by an
experienced and international group of surgeons and clinicians.
Taieb Chouikh MD
Benoit Parmentier, MD
Special Registrar, Pediatric Surgery Department,
Hôpital Universitaire Armand Trousseau,
Av du Dr Arnold Netter 75012, Paris France
Chaima Mrad, MD
Pediatric Surgery Resident
Sousse School of Medecine Ibn Al Jazzar University Sousse Tunisia
Christine M. Leeper, MD
General Surgery Resident
Department of Surgery, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine
Research Fellow, Division of Pediatric General and Thoracic Surgery
Children's Hospital of Pittsburgh of UPMC
One Children's Hospital Drive, 4401 Penn Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15224, USA
Claire Raquillet, MD
Pediatric Surgeon
Chief of the Department of Pediatric surgery, Hopital Robert Ballanger,
BD Robert Ballanger.Aulnay sous bois 93602 France
xx Taieb Chouikh
Fatma Trabelsi
Pediatric Surgery Resident
Pediatric Surgery Department, Habib Thameur Hospital, Tunis Tunisia
Habib Bouthour, MD
Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor
Tunis School of Medecine University El Manar
Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Surgery Department, Habib Thameur Hospital, Tunis Tunisia
Henri Kotobi, MD
Pediatric Surgeon, Pediatric Surgery Department
Hôpital Universitaire Armand Trousseau, 26 Av du Dr Arnold Netter 75012, Paris France
Khadidja Khadir, MD
Pediatric Surgeon, Department of Pediatric surgery,
Centre Hospitalier Univeristaire le Kremlin Bicetre
78 Rue du Général Leclerc, 94270 Le Kremlin-Bicêtre France
Hopital Robert Ballanger, Bd Robert Ballanger.Aulnay sous bois 93602 France
Samer Bostame, MD
Pediatric Surgery Resident
Pediatric Surgery Department, Habib Thameur Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia
Al Najah National University Palestine
Taieb Chouikh, MD
Special Registrar
Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor,
Tunis School of Medicine, University El Manar Tunisia
Department of Paediatric Surgery, Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants malades Hospital,
149 rue de Sevres, 75015 Paris, France
Hopital Robert Ballanger Bd Robert Ballanger 936020, Aulnay sous bois France
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 1
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis (HPS), is defined as a condition where there is a
hypertrophy of the two muscle layers of the pylorus. The pyloric canal lengthens, the
whole pylorus thickens, and the mucosa become oedematous causing obstruction of the
gastric outlet.
The incidence of HPS is 2 per 1,000 live births in western countries; and is less common
in other parts of the world [1, 2].
The incidence of HPS might vary seasonally. Summer and autumn are the seasons with
the highest incidence of HPS. Confirmation of seasonal variation may lead to studies
Special Registrar, Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor. Corresponding author: [email protected].
4 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
assessing the impact of seasonally related variables such as infectious disease in the causation
of pyloric stenosis [3].
Males outnumber females in every series by a ratio of 4-5/1. There is a higher risk of
developing HPS in offspring of parents with this condition and, in many series, first-born
males are frequently encountered [4]. Presentation is usually between 3 and 5 weeks of age,
and approximately 95% of cases are identified in those aged 3-12 weeks [5]. Risk Factors for
HPS include family history, gender, younger maternal age, being a first-born infant, and
maternal feeding patterns.
HPS is considered as a complex disorder that results from genetic and environmental
factors [6].
Maternal smoking and alcohol consumption during pregnancy might be environmental
factors that contribute to HPS [7]. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to medication and
hyperacidity in neonates has been the subject of research, and the role of early exposure to
erythromycin in the pathogenesis of HPS deserves consideration. Erythromycin is an agonist
of motilin that is known to induce contractions of the gastrointestinal tract causing active
gastric and pyloric contractions, that may eventually lead to hypertrophy of the pylorus [8].
Several genetic loci have been implicated, including HPS1, where a deficient production
of neuronal nitric oxide synthase causes impaired relaxation of the pyloric smooth muscle [9].
Numerous clinical syndromes are associated with HPS that result from mutations in
genes affecting different pathophysiological pathways. (X-linked myotubular myopathy 1,
Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, Smith–Lemli–Opitz syndrome) [10].
History of Symptoms
The classic clinical presentation of HPS is a full-term neonate who is between 2 and 8
weeks old presenting a recent onset of vomiting. This vomiting is forceful nonbilious,
typically described as “projectile.” it contains gastric contents, which may become blood
tinged with protracted vomiting, likely related to gastritis. Initially intermittent and may
appear to be reflux. However, the frequency of vomiting increases to follow all feedings. The
child exhibits a voracious appetite, since the inability to achieve adequate nutrition. Weight
loss may be extensive, and the infant may be below birth weight at the time of presentation.
In patients who present late, there is a disappearance of subcutaneous fat and wrinkled skin.
Stools become infrequent, dry and firm. Jaundice occurs in about 2% of the cases, due to a
decrease in glucoronyl transferase, as a consequence of starvation.
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 5
Physical Observation
The abdomen is completely exposed, and visible peristaltic waves may be present
appearing in the upper left quadrant and moving slowly to the right across the epigastrium.
The palpation of the hypertrophic pyloric muscle mass (also called the olive) in the
epigastrium or upper right quadrant is pathognomonic for the diagnosis of HPS. Several
methods for olive palpation are recommended
1. Remove the child’s clothing so as to expose the abdomen. Allow patient to relax by
sucking on sugar water while lying supine in the parent’s lap.
2. Gently elevate the child’s feet and flex the legs (this relaxes the abdominal wall).
3. Place examining hand between the child’s legs so that the fingers rest on the
abdominal wall. Using fingertips, palpate the inferior margin of the liver edge,
4. Slide fingertips under the liver edge and superiorly under the liver, then posteriorly to
the back of the abdomen.
5. With fingers flexed and palpating the posterior abdomen, draw fingers inferiorly
along abdominal wall. The “olive” will pop under the fingers. The olive is palpable
in most cases just above the umbilicus at the lateral border of the rectus muscle
below the liver edge.
Laboratory Test
Radiologic Assessment
Endoscopy has been advocated by some investigators [11] as a successful tool in the
diagnosis of HPS. However, the invasiveness and expense of this procedure do not seem to
justify its use when other diagnostic methods are available. At present, there are two valid
methods for the imaging diagnosis of HPS, the upper gastrointestinal study (UGI) and
sonography. UGI is superior to the US in diagnosing some other conditions associated with
vomiting in infants, such as gastroesophageal reflux, malrotation, and gastric webs. However,
sonography has certain advantages over UGI, including the absence of ionizing radiation
exposure and lack of oral contrast use that eliminates the risk of barium aspiration or
6 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
intraperitoneal barium spillage during surgery. It led the US becoming the standard or
preferred initial imaging method when HPS is the most likely diagnosis [4]. Sonographic
examination demonstrates the thickened pre-pyloric antrum bridging the duodenal bulb and
distended stomach. A pyloric thickness of 3 mm or higher and length of 15 mm or larger by
ultrasonography is widely accepted as diagnostic criteria for [12]. The classic target sign is
seen in the transverse view (Figure 1 a-b).
Also, several recent studies have suggested that the pyloric muscle thickness and length
directly correlate with age and weight [13]. Other positive sonographic findings include
observation of the lack of opening of the pyloric channel and the lack of visualization of
passage into the duodenum [14].
The specificity and sensitivity of ultrasound in diagnosing HPS, in the hands of
experienced pediatric radiologists, are very high with 98 and 100%, respectively [15].
Figure 1. Ultrasound images of HPS (a) Longitudinal view (b) Transverse view.
Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis 7
Once diagnosis is made, all feeds are stopped. It is helpful to aspirate all gastric content
by nasogastric tube (NGT). Keeping the stomach empty would help prevent aspiration from
vomiting. Gastric losses are monitored and replaced milliliter for milliliter with 0.9% saline.
Surgical correction of pyloric stenosis is not an emergency, and therefore the electrolyte
disturbances can and should be meticulously corrected before operation. Blood chemistries
are evaluated for chloride, bicarbonate, sodium, and potassium. Administration of fluid
containing potassium chloride is essential to help resolve the chloride-responsive alkalosis.
Prompt IV access should be established even though it may prove to be difficult because of
the dehydration. When serum chloride and serum bicarbonate are corrected, performing
anesthesia and surgery are safe [16].
Pyloroplasty became the procedure of choice in the 1st decade of the 20th century and
was applied by Dent, Heineke, Mikulicz, Nicoll, Fredet, and Weber, with variations on the
theme of incising and resuturing the pyloric muscle 18. In 1911, Conrad Ramstedt performed
his first operation for HPS, and, having difficulty resuturing the muscle, did not complete the
process [19]. Since then, the Ramstedt procedure has been considered as the standard of
surgical treatment of HPS.
Traditional surgical access has included right upper abdominal transverse muscle-
splitting incision (Rickham in 1940) [18] (Figure 2a). In 1986, Tan and Bianchi introduced
the circum- umbilical incision for pyloromyotomy [20] (Figure 2b). Alain and coworkers first
described a laparoscopic approach to pyloromyotomy in 1991(Figure 2c) [21]. This approach
has since gained popularity among pediatric surgeons.
The Procedure
A nasogastric tube must be placed before the induction of anesthesia. The patient is
placed in the supine position. The stomach is identified and grasped proximal to the pylorus
with non-crushing clamp and brought through the wound; The pylorus is held with surgeon's
thumb and forefinger to stabilize and assess the extent of hypertrophied muscle (Figure 3a).
In the laparoscopic approach, the pylorus is grasped with an atraumatic grasper (Figure 3b).
(a) (b)
(a) (b)
Figure 4. (a) (b) (c) Spreading the pyloric muscle loose prolapsing of the mucosa.
A sero-muscular incision is made over the avascular area of pylorus with a scalpel,
starting 1-2 mm proximal to the gastric antrum. The incision should go far enough on the
gastric antrum at least 05-1 cm from the antropyloric junction (Figure 3c). In Laparoscopy, a
nonretractable arthrotomy blade is used to incise the pyloric muscle. The scalpel handle is
used to split further the hypertrophied muscle down to the submucosal layer. Then pyloric
muscle is spread widely; the spreader is placed at the midpoint of incision line, and muscle is
divided perpendicularly and continuing proximally and distally Figure 4a-b. Gentle spreading
is required to obtain a complete myotomy. Loose prolapsing of intact mucosa is evidence of a
satisfactory myotomy. Figure 4c.
To test the mucosal injury, the stomach is inflated through the nasogastric tube, and
passage of air through the pylorus to duodenum is confirmed. The pylorus is dropped back
into the abdomen and incision is closed in layers.
Complications [22]
repair. If the perforation is large or located in the middle of the myotomy; the myotomy
should be closed. A new myotomy can be made 90 to 180 degrees from the original incision.
Feeding should be held for 24 hours and then restarted.
A variety of postoperative feeding regimens have been used after pyloromyotomy. More
contemporary thoughts suggest that early feedings within a few hours after recovery are safe
and effective at starting the patient’s progress to discharge. The use of ad libitum feeds in the
early postoperative period results in a faster time to full feeds and quicker discharge [14]. The
patient is expected to vomit postoperatively. The stomach is irritated and if over distended,
will likely result in vomiting. Continuing to feed the child will result in more food being
tolerated as the postoperative period continues.
When the child is afebrile, able to tolerate maintenance feeds, has acceptable pain
control, and does not have other problems, such as apnea, the child can be safely discharged
home, approximately 2-4 days after surgery
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[18] Ian Davies Infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Anaesthesia tutorial of the week
276.26 TH November 2012.
[19] Leaphart CL, Borland K, Kane TD, et al. Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis in newborns
younger than 21 days: remodeling the path of surgical intervention. J Pediatr Surg
[20] Aspelund G, Langer JC. Current management of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Semin
Pediatr Surg 2007;16(1): 27-33.
[21] Coran AG, Caldamone A, Adzick NS, et al. Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis. In:
Pediatric Surgery. Elsevier Saunders, Philadelphia, PA, USA 2012;1021-8.
[22] Forster N, Haddad RL, Choroomi S, et al. Use of ultrasound in 187 infants with
suspected infantile hypertrophic pyloric stenosis. Australas Radiol 2007;51:560-3.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 2
A hernia is defined as a protrusion of a portion of an organ or tissue through an
abnormal opening (defect) in the cavity containing it. In children, the abnormal defect,
which is congenital, is usually at the internal inguinal ring. In 1807, Cooper identified the
transversalis fascia and the ligament associated with his name (Cooper's ligament).
Cloquet observed in 1817 that the processus vaginalis is often patent at birth; he also
described the femoral hernias [1, 2].
The incidence of congenital indirect inguinal hernia in full-term neonates is 3.5-5%. The
incidence of inguinal hernia in preterm infants is considerably higher and ranges from 9-11%.
The incidence approaches 60% as birth weight decreases from 500 to 750 g. Inguinal hernia is
more common in males than in females. Most series report a male predominance over females
ranging from 5-10-1. Co-morbidities such as chronic lung disease associated with prematurity
may play a substantial role in the development of an inguinal hernia in this population
(elevated intra-abdominal pressure) [1]. Other entities are associated with an increased
incidence of inguinal hernia (Table 1).
14 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Failure of obliteration of the PV (or canal of Nuck) leads to the occurrence of hernias and
hydroceles. Obliteration of the distal PV with the proximal portion still patent will lead to
intestines herniating into it, resulting in the formation of an indirect inguinal hernia confined
to the inguinal region (Figure 1c).
a b c d
In the case of complete failure of obliteration of the whole PV with a wide neck, an
inguino-scrotal (complete, scrotal) hernia will be the outcome (Figure 1d). Congenital
hydroceles formed after the failure of fusion of the PV may be communicating or
noncommunicating (Figure 1a-b). In the case of females in which the canal of Nuck is patent,
a hernia (usually containing intestine or ovary and fallopian tube) will form [3].
Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele 15
Inguinal Hernia
Physical Examination
The physical examination of a child with an inguinal hernia typically reveals a smooth
mass originating from the external ring lateral to the pubic tubercle. Occasionally, the
examining physician may feel the loops of intestine within the hernia sac. In girls, feeling the
ovary in the hernia sac is not unusual [4]. One of the following procedures will increase the
intra-abdominal pressure in order to demonstrate a groin mass.
Lie the infant supine with the hands held above the head and the lower limbs held
straight down. This makes the child strain or cry, causing the bulge to appear if it is
actually present. Standing the patient upright may help at times.
Ask the older child to jump or bounce up and down
Ask the older child (>6 years of age) to cough or blow up a balloon [3].
In the case where there is no bulge but there is the suspicion that a hernia sac may be
present, gentle but firm palpation the cord structures in the male child or the round ligament
of the ovary in the female child, sliding the structure over the pubic bone beneath the index
finger medially and laterally. This will elicit a palpable thickening of the cord (or ligament of
the ovary), the sensation may be similar to that of rubbing two layers of silk together. This
finding is known as the “silk sign” or “silk glove sign” and is highly suggestive of an inguinal
hernia [3]. An inguinal hernia, if present, may be reducible or irreducible. A reducible IH is
one in which the contents of the sac return spontaneously to the peritoneal cavity or will do so
with gentle manual pressure when the child is recumbent. In such situations, there is usually
no pain associated with the mass. For an irreducible inguinal hernia, the lump will not reduce
spontaneously when the child lies supine, but may sometimes be reduced if some amount of
pressure is exerted. The contents of the sac are trapped by a narrow neck. An irreducible
hernia may or may not be tender. In the case of irreducible hernia, the herniated viscera
(usually loops of intestines) become engorged, edematous, and trapped inside the inguinal
canal. Severe tenderness of the bulge will occur, and oedema and erythema of the overlying
skin will appear. In such a case, the child may pass bloody stools. Ischemic necrosis and
intestinal perforation may result, representing a true surgical emergency.
16 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
History and clinical examination is important when differentiating hydrocele from hernia.
Parents often describe a painless swelling within the scrotum appearing larger in the evening
than the morning or following a viral infection. Examination reveals a fluctuant painless
swelling, which may be reducible. Trans-illumination reveals a fluid filled scrotum, which
may be bilateral. Palpation above the swelling is possible, except in the case of a large
abdominoscrotal hydrocele. Trans-illumination has been advocated as a means of
distinguishing between hydrocele and hernia. However, in cases of inguinal hernia
incarceration, trans-illumination may be equivocal, because any viscera that are distended and
fluid-filled in the scrotum of a young infant may also trans-illuminate [4, 5].
The diagnosis of inguinal hernia in the majority of cases is clinical (history and
examination). In the few cases where the diagnosis cannot be made immediately, the child
needs to be re-examined over a period of time to make a definitive diagnosis (2-3 weeks).
Some authors advocate the use of ultrasound in detecting contralateral PPV prior to hernia
surgery in children.
Complications of an inguinal hernia include incarceration, intestinal obstruction,
strangulation, gangrene of bowel, perforation of bowel, peritonitis, intraabdominal abscess
formation, infarction of the testis, testicular atrophy, gangrene of the ovary and/or fallopian
tube, and infertility.
Inguinal hernias do not heal spontaneously and must be surgically repaired because of the
ever-present risk of incarceration. In case of premature infants, with significantly increased
incidence of bowel incarceration, many institutions use 2 Kg as a lower limit for repair (in
asymptomatic and otherwise relatively healthy new-born). Hydroceles that are asymptomatic
should be observed until the child is about 2 years old, at which time the patent processus
vaginalis should close spontaneously. If a hydrocele does not resolve spontaneously by then,
surgery is advised [1].
The incidence of incarceration is variable and ranges from 12 to 17% [1]. Younger age
and prematurity are risk factors for incarceration. Monitored conscious sedation is used after
Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele 17
intravenous access and rehydration. If the incarcerated hernia is on the right side, the thumb
and index finger of the left hand are placed on either side of the external inguinal ring (where
the mass is usually obstructed). The fingers of the right hand compress the fundus of the
hernia gently but firmly. The pressure should be gentle, firm, and sustained. Meanwhile, the
thumb and the index finger of the left hand attempt to disimpact the neck of the hernia from
the narrow external inguinal ring and also prevent the contents of the sac from spreading to
the sides and outwards Successful reduction is usually confirmed by a sudden “pop” of the
contents back into the peritoneal cavity. 90-95% of incarcerated hernias can be successfully
reduced, only 8% require emergency operation. If the incarcerated hernia is reduced, a delay
of 24 to 48 hours to allow resolution of edema is recommended [1]. The presence of
peritonitis or septic shick is an absolute contraindication to attempt reduction. Symptoms of
bowel obstruction are a relative contraindication.
The infant is placed in the supine position, a 1.5 cm transverse inguinal skin cease
incision is placed above and lateral to the pubic tubercle (Figure 2a). The subcutaneous fat
and the fascia of Scarpa are opened. The external oblique aponevrosis and external ring are
exposed. Depending on the size of the hernia and the age of the child, a decision is made
whether to open the external oblique aponevrosis or not. In neonates and infants, the external
inguinal ring almost overlies the internal inguinal ring, so there may not be the need to open
the aponeurosis. In large hernias, it is advisable to incise the aponeurosis (Incision in the long
axis of its fibers, care is taken to minimize injury of the ilio-inguinal nerve).
The external spermatic fascia and cremaster are separated along the length of the cord.
The hernial sac is seen and gently separated from the vas and vessels (Figure 2b). The sac is
divided between the clamps and twisted (to reduce its content into the abdominal cavity)
(Figure 2c).
The sac is transfixed with a stitch at the level of internal ring. The sac beyond the stitch is
usually excised.
In the case of hydrocele, the distal part of the sac is widely slit allowing adequate
drainage of the fluid.
Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele 19
In girls, there is no risk for the vas or the vessels, and the external orifice can be closed
after excision of the sac. Subcutaneous tissues are approximated using two to three
interrupted stitches; the skin is closed with a continuous subcuticular suture. Findings in a
hernia sac may include intestines, ovary with the fallopian tube, uterus (rare), ovotestis,
omentum (in older children), appendix (Amyand’s hernia) Meckel’s diverticulum (Littre’s
hernia), or Richter’s hernia (entrapment of a portion of the antimesenteric wall of the bowel in
the hernia sac). A controversial topic concerns the routine exploration of the contra-lateral
side for an inguinal hernia. It is known that more than 50% of children younger than 2 years
of age have a patent processus vaginalis, but only about 10% will eventually develop a
clinical hernia. Younger age, female gender and a left-sided unilateral hernia are used as
selection criteria for contra-lateral exploration [1].
Laparoscopic Approach
The technique affords confirmation of the diagnosis as well as inspection of the
contralateral side for the presence of a hernia or patent processus vaginalis.
A 5-mm laparoscope is inserted at the umbilicus, and 2 additional 3-mm trocars are
placed at the left and right midabdomen. If bowel or ovary was found in the hernia sac, it was
pulled back.
The internal inguinal ring is closed with sutures starting laterally and including some
tissues from medial to the epigastric vessels. We take care to create a loose fold around the
gonadal vessels and the vas to avoid mechanical pressure on both structures when the knot is
closed [8].
Post-Operative Care
Most patients who undergo elective repair of an inguinal hernia are discharged from the
hospital shortly after surgery. Overnight observation is indicated only in small premature
babies who are at risk for postoperative apnea. Scrotal swelling and bruising after surgery are
very common and may last for 1–3 weeks.
Figure 3. Continued
20 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Hypo fertility or infertility if injury to the vas deferens is bilateral or is to the vas
deferens of a solitary testis
Inguinal Hernia and Hydrocele 21
[1] Holcomb III, George W., Jerry D. Murphy, and Daniel J. Ostlie. Ashcraft's Pediatric
Surgery: Expert Consult. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.
[2] Van Hee, R. “History of inguinal hernia repair.” Journal de Chirurgie 7.3 (2011).
[3] Abantanga, Francis A., and Kokila Lakhoo. “Inguinal and femoral hernias and
hydroceles.” Paediatric Surgery: A Comprehensive Text for Africa. Seattle,
Washington: Global Help (2010): 358-65.
[4] Mattei, Peter. Fundamentals of pediatric surgery. Springer Science and Business
Media, 2011.
[5] International, Pediatric Endosurgery Group. “IPEG Guidelines for Inguinal Hernia and
Hydrocele.” Journal of laparoendoscopic and advanced surgical techniques. Part A
20.2 (2010).
[6] Heineman, E. “Pediatric surgery, springer surgery atlas series. P. Puri and M. Höllwarth
(eds) 205× 275 mm. Pp. 632. Illustrated. 2006. Springer: Heidelberg.” (2006).
[7] Grosfeld, J. L., SCOTT A. Engum, and PAUL KH Tam. Hernias in children. Eds. L.
Spitz, and A. Coran. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013.
[8] Schier, Felix. “Laparoscopic inguinal hernia repair—a prospective personal series of
542 children.” Journal of pediatric surgery 41.6 (2006): 1081-1084.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 3
Umbilical hernia is a common disorder in infants and young children. The hernia sac
protrudes through a defect in the umbilical ring. Although the defect is present at birth,
unlike other hernias of childhood, an umbilical hernia may resolve without the need for
surgery [1].
E-mail: [email protected].
24 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
may predispose to herniation at the umbilicus. In an umbilical hernia, the hernia protrusion is
composed of peritoneum adherent to the undersurface of the umbilical skin.
The incidence of umbilical hernia in the general population varies with age, race,
gestational age, and coexisting disorders. The incidence in Caucasian newborns is
approximately 5–10% and 2-18.5%; a greater incidence of 26.6% and 25-58% has been
recorded in African infants [4].
There is a close association between umbilical hernias and low birthweight. Vohr et al.
reported that 75% of infants with a birth weight of less than 1500 g presented with an
umbilical hernia by 3 months of age [5]. Infants with certain other conditions have an
increased incidence of umbilical hernia, such as Beckwith-Wiedemann syndrome, Hurler's
syndrome, various trisomy conditions (trisomy 13, 18, 21), congenital hypothyroidism,
mucopolysaccharidoses, presence of ascites and children requiring peritoneal dialysis [1].
Umbilical hernias are most often noted after separation of the umbilical cord remnant.
The umbilical bulge becomes more apparent during episodes of crying, straining, or even
during defecation, and may result in considerable protrusion of the sac and, at times, visceral
contents through the ring. The hernial protrusion is composed of peritoneum adherent to the
undersurface of the umbilical skin [2].
An umbilical hernia may cause considerable parental anxiety and often results in requests
for operative repair in early infancy. Because most umbilical hernias will close
spontaneously, it is very safe to simply observe the hernia until age 3 to 4 years to allow
closure to occur. Pressure dressings and other devices to keep the hernia reduced do not speed
the resolution and may result in skin irritation and breakdown and are therefore not advisable.
Spontaneous resolution rates range from 83-95% by 6 years of age [1]. Hernias with a
diameter greater than 1.5 cm are less likely to close on their own. “Proboscoid” hernias that
turn inferiorly as they protrude are less likely to resolve spontaneously [3]. Persistence of the
hernia is the most common reason for operation. If the hernia persists as the child approaches
school age (4-5 years of age), repair is recommended. Earlier repair (at age 2-3 years) is
warranted if there is no reduction in the size of the hernia defect with serial observations.
Fascial defects greater than 2.0 cm and “giant proboscoid hernias” should also be considered
for earlier repair [3].
Incarceration of an umbilical hernia is rare. Lassaletta et al. reported 28 cases of
incarceration in 377 umbilical hernias, an incidence of 7.4%. Strangulation of hernial
contents, intestine or omentum, is extremely rare and was found in only one case (0.26%) [7].
Umbilical Hernia 25
Postoperative complications after umbilical hernia repair are uncommon but include
wound infection (0.8%) and hematoma (1.3%). Recurrence of the umbilical hernia is rare,
occurring in one out of 377 repairs in the series from Lassaletta et al. [7].
[1] Holcomb I. I. I., George W., Jerry D. Murphy, and Daniel J. Ostlie. Ashcraft's Pediatric
Surgery: Expert Consult. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.
[2] Grosfeld, J. L., SCOTT A. Engum, and PAUL KH Tam. Hernias in children. Eds. L.
Spitz, and A. Coran. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, 2013.
[3] Cilley, Robert E., and Serene Shereef. "Umbilical hernia repair". Operative Techniques
in General Surgery, 6.4 (2004): 244-252.
[4] Crump, E. P. Umbilical hernia. I. Occurrence of the infantile type in Negro infants and
children. J. Pediatr., 1952; 40:214–223.
[5] Vohr, B. R., Rosenfield, A. G., and Oh, W. Umbilical hernia in the low-birth-weight
infant (less than 1,500 gm). J. Pediatr., 1977; 90:807–808.
[6] Cilley, R. E. and Krummel, T. M. Disorders of the umbilicus. In O’Niell, J. A. Jr.,
Rowe, M. I., Grosfeld, J. L., Fonkalsrud, E. W., and Coran, A. G., eds. Pediatric
Surgery. Mosby, 1998; 1029–1043.
[7] Lassaletta, L., Fonkalsrud, E. W., Tovar, J. A. et al. The management of umbilicial
hernias in infancy and childhood. J. Pediatr. Surg., 1975; 10: 405–409.
26 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
[8] Taieb Chouikh, Ahmed Khan, Belkhir Dahmane, Anis Echaieb, Dany Haddad, Georges
Audry, Claire Raquillet Uncommon complication of pediatric umbilical hernia:
Spontaneous evisceration. Case report and literature review Journal of Pediatric
Surgery Case Reports Published online: October 9 2015.
[9] Zendejas, Benjamin, et al. "Fifty-three–year experience with pediatric umbilical hernia
repairs". Journal of pediatric surgery, 46.11 (2011): 2151-2156.
[10] Puri, Prem, and Michael E. Höllwarth. Pediatric surgery: diagnosis and management.
Springer Science and Business Media, 2009.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 4
Intussusception is the acquired invagination of one portion of the intestine (the
intussusceptum) into the adjacent bowel (the intussuscipiens) with a further motion of the
intussusception into the intussuscipiens by peristalsis [1, 2, 3]. The most common form is
ileocolic in 80-90% of cases, the ileo-ileal form occurs in up to 15%. The caeco-colic,
colo-colic and jejuno-jejunal forms are rare [2].
Intussusception occurs most commonly between the ages of two months and two years,
with 50% of cases occurring between three and ten months of age [4, 5].
The condition has been described in premature infants and has been postulated as the
cause of small bowel atresia in some cases [6]. Most patients are well-nourished and healthy
children [1].
* Corresponding
author: [email protected].
28 Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
The antegrade peristalsis of the bowel moves a segment of intestine forward into the
adjacent distal intestine. As the proximal segment invaginates into the distal bowel, the
mesentery, and the vessels are compressed between the layers of the bowel, which provokes
an impaired venous return, edema, and congestion.
The proximal small intestine becomes dilated, and if the reduction of the intussusception
does not occur, arterial insufficiency will ultimately lead to ischemia and bowel wall necrosis.
The innermost layers of the bowel are the first to undergo vascular compromise and
perforation. The outer layers of the intussusception rarely lose their viability. Although
spontaneous reduction undoubtedly occurs, the natural history of intussusceptions is to
progress to a fatal outcome as a result of sepsis [1, 4]. Moreover, there is bleeding and
discharge of mucus, which has been described as red currant jelly stool.
The vast majority of cases of intussusception (80-90%) does not have a pathologic lead
point and are classified as primary or idiopathic [3]. Lymphoid hyperplasia within the
intestine may result in enlarged Peyer’s patches, which serve as the lead point for
intussusception in these cases [4].
The seasonal increase of intussusception in spring and winter suggests a link with viral
respiratory and enteric infections.
Adenovirus and Rotavirus have been identified in 50% of children with gastroenteritis
who develop intussusceptions. Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) and human herpes virus
6 (HHV-6) have been reported as associated with higher rates of intussusception as well [7, 8,
9, 10].
Secondary Intussusception
An identifiable lesion serves as a lead point, drawing the proximal bowel into the distal
one by peristaltic activity. A pathological cause is present in 1.5 to 12% of cases [1]. It occurs
more commonly outside the typical age range and in recurrent intussusception [4]. The
following table shows the common pathological lead points in intussusception (Table 1):
Meckel’s diverticulum
Polyps (Peutz–Jeghers syndrome)
Submucosal haematomas
Henoch-Schonlein purpura
Duplication of the bowel
Cystic fibrosis
Lymphomas and melanomas
Intussusception 29
The classic presentation is a sudden onset of symptoms in a previously healthy infant
between five and nine months of age.
80 to 100% of children have intermittent abdominal pain, usually with episodes of
screaming and anorexia every 15–20 minutes. Typically these attacks cease as promptly as
they started, and the child is quiet in between.
Vomiting of undigested food is noted in 80% of the cases.
The passage of blood and mucus (redcurrant jelly) may be seen in up to 60% while
diarrhea is present in 20% of cases. The complete triad of vomiting, colicky pain, and bloody
stools is observed in approximately one-third of patients [4]. Subsequently, the child becomes
lethargic between episodes, develops increasing abdominal distension, bilious vomiting, and
In an early course of the disease, the child's vital signs are usually normal, and the
physical examination may be unremarkable.
Careful abdominal examination in a quiet and cooperative infant may reveal the presence
of mass at the right upper quadrant. The right lower abdominal quadrant may appear flat or
empty (Dance’s sign) as the intussuscepted mass is pulled up [1]. On rectal examination,
blood-stained mucus or blood may be encountered [2]
Palpation of the intussuscepted mass on bimanual examination is possible.
Rarely a cervix-shaped mass is seen protruding beyond the anus.
If there has been a delay in seeking medical attention, dehydration may occur, with a
profoundly lethargic child.
The presence of fever and tachycardia may reflect bacteremia.
Laboratory Tests
Electrolyte abnormalities due to dehydration can be found and are associated with
delayed forms. Anemia and/or leukocytosis can also be found in laboratory studies.
Abdominal X-Ray
distal end of the intussusception (Figure 1). However, the most common finding is a normal
plain film. Recent studies suggest that the abdominal radiography is inaccurate in the
diagnosis of intussusception. Others showed that the abdominal x-rays have a sensitivity of
only 29% to 50% [1, 11, 12, 13].
The value of US in the diagnosis of intussusception has been well documented in the
literature, with a high reported sensitivity (98–100%) and specificity (88–100%) [14, 15, 16].
The intussusception is usually discovered on the right side of the abdomen. The characteristic
US features of intussusception include a hypoechoic outer rim of homogeneous thickness
with a central hyperechoic core on a transverse plane: doughnut or target sign (Figure 2) and a
hyperechoic tubular center covered on each side by a hypoechoic rim on a longitudinal plane:
pseudo kidney or sandwich sign (Figure 3) [17].
The amount of free fluid within the peritoneal cavity can be determined, and Doppler can
be used to record blood flow within the intussusception. Abdominal Ultrasound is useful not
only for diagnosing intussusception but also for identifying the pathologic lead points of the
intussusception. Although computerized tomography and magnetic resonance imaging can be
used for diagnosis, it is often not necessary given the diagnostic accuracy of ultrasonography.
Intussusception 31
Intravenous access should be obtained and fluid resuscitation initiated. A nasogastric tube
is inserted to decompress the stomach.
Non-Operative Management
Absolute contraindications of non-operative reduction are intestinal perforation (free
intra-abdominal air), peritonitis, or persistent hypotension.
Hydrostatic Reduction
The hydrostatic reduction can be performed with barium under fluoroscopic guidance or
with water-soluble isotonic contrast (which is preferred because of the potential risk of
barium peritonitis in patients with perforation). The enema has a diagnostic and therapeutic
interest. After adequate resuscitation, in a pre-medicated child, a large, lubricated catheter is
inserted into the rectum. The hydrostatic reduction is kept at a height of 3 feet above the
32 Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
patient and no more than three attempts, with each attempt no more than 3 minutes. At this
height, the pressure exerted on the intussusception is 120 mmHg. Under fluoroscopic
evaluation, the contrast agent is observed until a concave filling defect is seen. This has been
described as the crab claw sign. (Figure 4) Constant hydrostatic pressure is continued as long
as reduction is occurring [1, 3].
Reduction Criteria
The hydrostatic reduction is complete when the contrast medium freely flows the
ileocaecal valve into the terminal ileum (Figure 5). Successful reduction in uncomplicated
patients is seen in about 85% of cases (42-95%).
Intussusception 33
Recurrent Intussusception
Recurrent intussusception has been reported in 10% of children who undergo pneumatic
or hydrostatic reduction. Although 30–60% of recurrences occur within 72h, [3] recurrences,
have been reported up to 36 months after reduction. The success rates of nonoperative
reduction for recurrent intussusception are the same as with the first episode. There is no
indication for a laparotomy in recurrent intussusception unless there is suspicion of a
pathological lead point as is the case in children over three years of age and in children with
multiple recurrences [2].
Operative Treatment
Open Surgery
The site of the incision must be adapted to the position of the apex of the intussusception.
As soon as abdominal cavity is entered, free peritoneal fluid is aspirated.
The manual reduction has to be performed very carefully and slowly. Taking the apex of
intussusception between fingers and cup of the surgeon's hand at the distal end, the
intussusception is squeezed gently in a retrograde direction distally to proximally.
Excessive force or pulling is avoided to prevent injury or perforation of the bowel.
Appendectomy is usually performed.
Inability to manually reduce the intussusception, the finding of ischemic bowel, or
identification of a pathologic lesion requires surgical resection and bowel anastomosis or
diversion, depending on the condition of the intestine and the child.
Laparoscopic Approach
Laparoscopy might be a diagnostic or therapeutic tool. Various techniques have been
reported, but the majority of minimally invasive procedures describe the use of three
abdominal ports. The laparoscopic reduction is accomplished by applying gentle pressure
distal to the intussusceptum using atraumatic graspers.
Careful inspection is then performed to evaluate for any signs of ischemia, necrosis or
If a resection is required, this can be accomplished by exteriorizing the bowel through the
periumbilical incision. If this cannot be accomplished safely, the operation should be
converted to an open laparotomy.
Post-Operative Care
In cases without resection, a nasogastric tube is kept for 1 to 2 days and patients are kept
on intravenous lines.
In cases of resection, the post-operative course is prolonged.
Patients may be discharged as soon as taking sufficient fluid and having a bowel motion.
Parents should be informed whether an appendectomy has been performed or not, they
should also be told about the risk of recurrence of intussusception.
Intussusception is very common among infants. Clinical signs are variable and often
incomplete. When diagnosed, the non-operative reduction is possible.
Surgery includes manual reduction or resection of the bowel.
[1] Holcomb III, G. W., Murphy, J. D. and Ostlie, D. J. (2014). Ashcraft's pediatric
surgery. Elsevier Health Sciences.
[2] Höllwarth, M. E. and Puri, P. (Eds.). (2006). Pediatric Surgery: Springer Surgery Atlas
Series. Springer.
Intussusception 35
[3] Puri, P. and Höllwarth, M. E. (Eds.). (2009). Pediatric surgery: diagnosis and
management. Springer Science and Business Media.
[4] Burge, D. M., Griffiths, M. D., Steinbrecher, H. A. and Wheeler, R. A. (Eds.). (2005).
Paediatric surgery. CRC Press.
[5] Takeuchi, M., Osamura, T., Yasunaga, H., Horiguchi, H., Hashimoto, H. and Matsuda,
S. (2012). Intussusception among Japanese children: an epidemiologic study using an
administrative database. BMC pediatrics, 12(1), 36.
[6] Chouikh, T., Charieg, A., Mrad, C., Ghorbel, S., Saada, S., Benkhalifa, S. and Jlidi, S.
(2014). Intestinal atresia caused by intrauterine intussusception: A case report and
literature review. Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports,2(4), 203-205.
[7] Hsu, H. Y., Kao, C. L., Huang, L. M., Ni, Y. H., Lai, H. S., Lin, F. Y. and Chang, M. H.
(1998). Viral etiology of intussusception in Taiwanese childhood. The Pediatric
infectious disease journal, 17(10), 893-898.
[8] Bines, J. E., Liem, N. T., Justice, F. A., Son, T. N., Kirkwood, C. D., De Campo, M.
and Intussusception Study Group. (2006). Risk factors for intussusception in infants in
Vietnam and Australia: adenovirus implicated, but not rotavirus. The Journal of
pediatrics, 149(4), 452-460.
[9] Moore, F. O., Berne, J. D., Slamon, N. B., Penfil, S. H. and Dunn, S. P. (2006).
Intussusception in a child with respiratory syncytial virus: a new association. Delaware
medical journal, 78(5), 185-187.
[10] Lappalainen, S., Ylitalo, S., Arola, A., Halkosalo, A., Räsänen, S. and Vesikari, T.
(2012). Simultaneous presence of human herpesvirus 6 and adenovirus infections in
intestinal intussusception of young children. Acta Paediatrica,101(6), 663-670.
[11] Weihmiller, S. N., Buonomo, C. and Bachur, R. (2011). Risk stratification of children
being evaluated for intussusception. Pediatrics, peds-2010.
[12] Tareen, F., Mc Laughlin, D., Cianci, F., Hoare, S. M., Sweeney, B., Mortell, A. and
Puri, P. (2016). Abdominal radiography is not necessary in children with
intussusception. Pediatric surgery international, 32(1), 89-92.
[13] Mendez, D., Caviness, A. C., Ma, L. and Macias, C. C. (2012). The diagnostic accuracy
of an abdominal radiograph with signs and symptoms of intussusception. The American
journal of emergency medicine, 30(3), 426-431.
[14] Del-Pozo, G., Albillos, J. C., Tejedor, D., Calero, R., Rasero, M., de-la-Calle, U. and
López-Pacheco, U. (1999). Intussusception in children: current concepts in diagnosis
and enema reduction. Radiographics, 19(2), 299-319.
[15] Hernandez, J. A., Swischuk, L. E. and Angel, C. A. (2004). Validity of plain films in
intussusception. Emergency radiology, 10(6), 323-326.
[16] Verschelden, P., Filiatrault, D., Garel, L., Grignon, A., Perreault, G., Boisvert, J. and
Dubois, J. (1992). Intussusception in children: reliability of US in diagnosis--a
prospective study. Radiology, 184(3), 741-744.
[17] Lim, K. J., Lee, K., Yoon, D. Y., Moon, J. H., Lee, H., Kim, M. J. and Kim, S. S.
(2014). The role of US in finding intussusception and alternative diagnosis: a report of
100 pediatric cases. Acta Radiologica, 0284185114524088.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 5
Acute appendicitis (AA) remains the most common visceral paediatric surgery
emergency in developed countries [1]. Since the 90s, the radiological progress allowed a
considerable improvement in the diagnosis of acute paediatric appendicitis. Nevertheless,
it is not always easy to have an accurate diagnosis.
Two risks persist in the management of acute paediatric appendicitis: the delay in the
diagnosis and a high rate of false positive diagnosis, which justifies being interested in
this entity in all points of view (epidemiological, diagnosis and therapeutic management).
Since the beginning of the 2000s, clinical features seem to have passed in the background
in the diagnosis of AA. The Reasons for such evolution are numerous: Physical examination
is subjective and depends on the examinator. Radiological explorations are often prescribed
by the emergency doctors before the surgeon examines the patient. Moreover the existence
ofmissed diagnosis, and the obligation to make diagnosis, pushes the clinicians to lean on
radiological explorations to decide about the management of the patients. Despite this,
MD, Pediatric Surgeon.
MD, Special Registrar, Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor.
38 Henri Kotobi and Taieb Chouikh
Blood tests should be performed each time an acute appendicitis is suspected. Full blood
count and C-reactive protein analysis will search for the inflammatory syndrome. These
biological tests are easy to complete and are not expensive. They are rarely normal in case of
acute appendicitis (if we exclude the first 24 hours of evolution) and are not very disturbed in
case of viral infection. Furthermore, they can be repeated after 24 or 48 hours; that increase
their sensibility [2]. Nevertheless, these parameters remain with a low rate of specificity that
justify to always correlating them to the physical examination. The Research for more
specific biological markers is promising (granulocyte colony stimulating factor [3],
procalcitonin [4], myeloid-related-protein 8/14 [5], fibrinogen [6]. Or D – Dimers [7].]) Even
if no new marker had imposed himself in the daily practice.
Plain Abdominal X-Ray
pain. It’s not relevant to do it just to make the diagnosis of constipation. In practice, only a
few situations need a plain abdominal X-ray (Intestinal occlusion, suspicious cases to help
distinguish between febrile gastroenteritis and acute peritonitis). To avoid over-prescription,
this X-ray should clearly be prescribed by the surgeon.
Abdominal Ultrasound
Repeat the ultrasound after 24h or 48 h will raise the sensitivity without any over cost
[11]. Differential diagnosis of adenolymphite mesenteric remains the first cause of acute
abdominal pain in children. However, this finding in abdominal ultrasound will not exclude
the diagnosis of appendicitis especially if they are located only in the right iliac fossa.
MRI is a no irradiating exploration and has a sensitivity of 96% and a specificity of 97%
[13-14]. However, it is not usual to use it in daily practice in the management of acute
abdominal pain, probably because of the difficulty of immediately accesses and availability
Most of the suspected cases of paediatric AA are first checked by a family doctor,
emergency doctor or a paediatrician and not by the surgeon. The use of clinical score was
proposed, aiming to establish prescription criteria for radiological explorations and to select
the cases that will need a surgical advice.
In Paediatric population, two scores are the most common.
Pediatric appendicitis score (PAS) [15] exclusively for children and Alvarado score [16]
more frequently used in adult population but also in children since he was first developed in a
mixed population Pediatric/Adult.
Many studies showed that these scores allow, to limit the prescription of radiological
examinations and to decrease the number of excessive appendicectomies [17]. These scores
are an efficient tool particularly in their extreme values, less or equal to 3 (PAS) or 4
(Alvarado) to exclude the diagnosis of AA and equal or above 6 (PAS) or 7 (Alvarado) to
confirm the diagnosis of AA.
When the score is between 3 and 6 (PAS) and 4 and 7 (Alvarado) [18-19], these tools
become less sensitive and specific for the diagnosis of AA. Radiological explorations are very
useful in these cases.
Appendicitis 41
Non Perforated Appendicitis
Treatment of choice in these cases remains the appendectomy. Antibiotics are prescribed
at the induction, or before if the surgeon indicates surgery. Most of the times there is no need
to continue the antibiotics after this single dose. A 48 h antibiotics cure is prescribed by the
surgeon if there is a pre-perforated appendix, in cases of omentum contamination during
surgery, or in the presence of purulent fluid. In this latter case, an analysis of the specimen
allows the adaptation of the post-operative antibiotics according to the bacteriological
findings. The laparoscopic approach is the most common to perform this appendectomy with
a proved benefit in obese patients [22], pre-female pubertal patients (help for the differential
diagnosis) and in the presence of an ectopic appendix [23]. In the other cases, classic
laparotomy approach (Mac Burney) has a comparable result with laparoscopy and remains
widely practiced. Progressive food introduction is started the day after surgery, and the length
of hospital stays is now between two and three days on average. In some reports, the
appendectomy is performed in one-day surgery wards [24-25].
Generalized Peritonitis
Since a decade, the management is medical on a first line [26] based on a broad spectrum
intravenous infusion of antibiotics for at least five days (Piperacillin or 3 rd generation of
cephalosporins and metronidazole), followed by oral antibiotics (Amoxicillin with clavulanic
acid) for five days. Then a scheduled laparoscopic appendectomy is performed 8-12 weeks
later [27]. When the acute episode is controlled by medical treatment (in about 80% of cases),
the profit is important. It allows reducing the rate of deep abscesses, wound infections and
postoperative occlusion and among this subgroup of patients significantly.
Even if some authors suggest to leave in place the appendix once the abscess managed,
due to the low rate of recurrence [28-29], this attitude remains controversial because of the
risk of leaving a carcinoid tumor of the appendix [30] In addition to that, the risk to develop a
carcinoid tumor on chronic appendicular mucous lesions after a medical treatment of an
appendicalur abscess is unknown but real [31].
Since the use of prolonged antibiotic therapy (like for the treatment of appendicular
abscess), the surgery became exceptional. However, it is helpful to discuss a radiological
drainage of the abscess, when the access is easy and when the patient remains symptomatic
despite broad-spectrum antibiotics [32].
In 2016, the diagnosis of AA is sometimes difficult to establish in children. Clinical
examination remains essential to orientate further investigations. The use of clinical and
laboratory scores limits radiological explorations and reduce the rate of an unnecessary
appendectomy. Ultrasound is the first-line pediatric radiologic examination.
Treatment of AA remains surgical using a laparoscopic or a Mac Burney Approach
depending on the location of the appendix and the surgeon’s experience.
In the cases of an abscess or an appendix mass clinically well tolerated and confirmed by
radiological explorations, surgical treatment may be deferred for 2 to 3 months after effective
medical treatment.
[1] HAS - Appendicectomie. Eléments décisionnels pour une indication pertinente.
Rapport d’évaluation technologique. Novembre 2012:1-142.
[2] Wu HP, Chen CY, Kuo IT, Wu YK, Fu YC. Diagnostic values of a single serum
biomarker at different time points compared with Alvarado score and imaging
examinations in pediatric appendicitis. J Surg Res. 2012 May 15;174(2):272-7.
[3] Allister L, Bachur R, Glickman J, Horwitz B. Serum markers in acute appendicitis. J
Surg Res. 2011 Jun 1;168(1):70-5.
[4] Yu CW, Juan LI, Wu MH, Shen CJ, Wu JY, Lee CC. Systematic review and meta-
analysis of the diagnostic accuracy of procalcitonin, C-reactive protein and white blood
cell count for suspected acute appendicitis. Br J Surg. 2013 Feb;100(3):322-9.
[5] Huckins DS, Simon HK, Copeland K, Spiro DM, Gogain J, Wandell M. A novel
biomarker panel to rule out acute appendicitis in pediatric patients with abdominal
pain. Am J Emerg Med. 2013 Sep;31(9):1368-75.
[6] Feng S, Wu P, Chen X. Hyperfibrinogenemia in appendicitis: a new predictor of
perforation in children. Pediatr Surg Int. 2014 Nov;30(11):1143-7. Epub 2014 Aug 13.
[7] Cayrol J, Miguez MC, Guerrero G, Tomatis C, Simal I, Marañón R. Diagnostic
accuracy and prognostic utility of D Dimer in acute appendicitis in children. Eur J
Pediatr.2015 Sep 12.
[8] Mittal MK, Dayan PS, Macias CG, Bachur RG, Bennett J, Dudley NC, Bajaj L,
Sinclair K, Stevenson MD, Kharbanda AB; Pediatric Emergency Medicine
Collaborative Research Committee of the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Performance of ultrasound in the diagnosis of appendicitis in children in a multicenter
cohort. Acad Emerg Med. 2013 Jul;20(7):697-702.
44 Henri Kotobi and Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 6
Acute testicular torsion in children is an emergency and has to be diagnosed
urgently. Late presentation or failure to diagnose and correctly manage this condition
leads to loss of the testis on the affected side. The incidence of testicular torsion is at least
3.8 per 100,000 males younger than 18 years old. There is a bimodal distribution of
testicular torsion, with one peak at age 1 month and another at age 12 years, which may
reflect the clinical distinction between extravaginal torsion in newborns, and intravaginal
torsion in older infants and children [1].
Keywords: acute pain, emergency, testicular torsion, pre Adult boy, surgery
Testicular torsion can be classified as intravaginal or extravaginal.
The intravaginal torsion is more common and occurs when the spermatic cord twists
within the tunica vaginalis. (Figure 1A) This is predisposed by abnormal fixation of the testis
Corresponding author: [email protected].
48 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
and epididymis. Normally, the tunica will invest the epididymis and posterior surface of the
testis, fixing it to the scrotum with a vertical lie. Abnormal fixation occurs when the tunica
vaginalis attaches more proximally on the spermatic cord, creating a long mesorchium on
which the testis can twist; the testis will then lie horizontally, in this situation, the pendulous
testis is predisposed to twisting with leg movement or cremasteric contraction.
The extravaginal torsion is a perinatal event that occurs when the spermatic cord twists
proximal to the tunica vaginalis. (Figure 1B) [2].
The twisting of the spermatic cord leads to a compromised testicular blood supply and
subsequent testicular infarction. The consequent ischemic damage affects testicular
morphology and sperm formation. Studies suggest that spermatogenic and Sertoli cells are
destroyed after a 4-h period of ischemia [3].
Typically, the clinical presentation of testicular torsion involves a sudden onset of severe,
unilateral pain in the testis, lower thigh, or lower abdomen. The shorter pain duration in
patients with testicular torsion is probably resulting from the ischemic nature of the pain [4].
Episodes of intermittent testicular pain may precede the acute presentation, suggesting
prior incomplete torsion and spontaneous detorsion [2].
Nausea and vomiting are present in 26% to 69%, they are caused by reflex stimulation of
the celiac ganglion. The presence of nausea and vomiting is a high indication of the presence
of testicular torsion with a positive prediction value of 74% to 96%.
The spiral cremasteric muscle fibers are wrapped around the spermatic cord and will
move the testes upward and out of the scrotum. Thus, if twists occur within the spermatic
cord, the cremasteric reflex will be absent on clinical examination.
51%-100% of patients with testicular torsion lack a cremasteric reflex [7-8-9-10].
The testicular position can suggest torsion, because the torsed cord shortens, pulling the
testis higher in the scrotum. The testis is retracted up toward the inguinal region with a
Testicular Torsion 49
transverse orientation and an anteriorly located epididymis. (The positive predictive value is
36%-80% [5-10].
Diagnostic Imaging
The imaging methods MRI and nuclear scintigraphy have very high accuracy rates, with
a sensitivity and specificity of 93 and 100% and 100 and 59%, respectively [11-12].
However, these methods are expensive, no universally available, time-consuming and may
thus significantly delay diagnosis and treatment.
Moreover, scintigraphy involves exposure to ionizing radiation. Doppler ultrasonography
(US) is increasingly used in the management of patients with suspicion of testicular torsion.
Ultrasonography has a reported sensitivity of 69–90% and specificity 98–100%. [13-14].
Ultrasonography can detect testicular hyper or hypoechogenity (heterogenicity) (Figure 3A)
in testicular torsion. The involved testicle is enlarged in comparison with the other side.
Doppler US show reduced central perfusion of the affected testis. (Figure 3B)
Figure 3. Ultrasonographic aspect of testicular torsion: A: Normal left testicle and right testicular
torsion (hypoechogenicity of the right testicle) B: Right testicular perfusion and the left testicle is not
Testicular Torsion 51
Manual Detorsion
Surgical Exploration
Once testicular pain starts, there is a 6 hours window to detorse the testicle and reinstate
blood flow, otherwise, atrophy or loss of the testicle is imminent.
Exploration is performed using an incision in the scrotum. This incision is carried down
through the skin, dartos fascia and tunica vaginalis of the affected testicle.
The testicle is brought out of the scrotum. Usually there is a 360° in the spermatic cord.
The testis is then untwisted, which usually involves lateral turning of the testis. It is placed in
warm, moist sponges. If the testis appears clearly nonviable, orchidectomy must be
considered. Some authors suggest the orchidectomy to avoid potential damage to the
contralateral testis mediated by antisperm antibodies (demonstrated by animal studies) [15].
While others suggest that this antibodies formation is not physiologically significant in
humans. If the torsed testis becomes reporfused or bleeding is noted from a cut surface, it
should be fixed. A three-point fixation must be performed to prevent the recurrence of
torsion. The fixation is performed using non-absorbable suture. The sutures are placed
through the tunica albuginea and dartos muscle medially and laterally. The contralateral side
must be fixed in the same fashion.
Acute testicular torsion in children is an emergency where a surgical exploration is
recommended whenever testicular torsion is suspected.
[1] Zhao, L. C., Lautz, T. B., Meeks, J. J. and Maizels, M. (2011). Pediatric testicular
torsion epidemiology using a national database: incidence, risk of orchiectomy and
possible measures toward improving the quality of care. The Journal of urology,
186(5), 2009-2013.
[2] Holcomb III, George W., Jerry D. Murphy, and Daniel J. Ostlie. Ashcraft’s Pediatric
Surgery: Expert Consult. Elsevier Health Sciences, 2014.
[3] Weiss, A. P. and Van Heukelom, J. (2012). Torsion of an undescended testis located in
the inguinal canal. The Journal of emergency medicine, 42(5), 538-539.
[4] Beni-Israel, T., Goldman, M., Chaim, S. B. and Kozer, E. (2010). Clinical predictors for
testicular torsion as seen in the pediatric ED. The American journal of emergency
medicine, 28(7), 786-789.
[5] Ciftci, A. O., Senocak, M. E., Tanyel, F. C. and Büyükpamukçu, N. (2004). Clinical
predictors for differential diagnosis of acute scrotum. European journal of pediatric
surgery: official journal of Austrian Association of Pediatric Surgery... [et al.] =
Zeitschrift fur Kinderchirurgie, 14(5), 333-338.
[6] Jefferson, R. H., Perez, L. M. and Joseph, D. B. (1997). Critical analysis of the clinical
presentation of acute scrotum: a 9-year experience at a single institution. The Journal of
urology, 158(3), 1198-1200.
[7] Yang, C., Song, B., Tan, J., Liu, X. and Wei, G. H. (2011). Testicular torsion in
children: a 20-year retrospective study in a single institution. The Scientific World
Journal, 11, 362-368.
[8] Rabinowitz, R. (1984). The importance of the cremasteric reflex in acute scrotal
swelling in children. The Journal of urology, 132(1), 89-90.
[9] Kadish, H. A. and Bolte, R. G. (1998). A retrospective review of pediatric patients with
epididymitis, testicular torsion, and torsion of testicular appendages. Pediatrics, 102(1),
[10] Van Glabeke, E., Khairouni, A., Larroquet, M., Audry, G. and Gruner, M. (1999).
Acute scrotal pain in children: results of 543 surgical explorations. Pediatric surgery
international, 15(5-6), 353-357.
[11] Terai, A., Yoshimura, K., Ichioka, K., Ueda, N., Utsunomiya, N., Kohei, N., ... and
Watanabe, Y. (2006). Dynamic contrast-enhanced subtraction magnetic resonance
imaging in diagnostics of testicular torsion. Urology, 67(6), 1278-1282.
[12] Hod, N., Maizlin, Z., Strauss, S. and Horne, T. (2004). The relative merits of Doppler
sonography in the evaluation of patients with clinically and scintigraphically suspected
testicular torsion. IMAJ-RAMAT GAN-, 6(1), 13-15.
Testicular Torsion 53
[13] Kalfa, N., Veyrac, C., Baud, C., Couture, A., Averous, M. and Galifer, R. B. (2004).
Ultrasonography of the spermatic cord in children with testicular torsion: impact on the
surgical strategy. The Journal of urology, 172(4), 1692-1695.
[14] Lam, W. W. C., Yap, T. L., Jacobsen, A. S. and Teo, H. J. E. L. (2005). Colour Doppler
ultrasonography replacing surgical exploration for acute scrotum: myth or reality?
Pediatric radiology, 35(6), 597-600.
[15] Koşar, A., Küpeli, B., Alçıgır, G., Ataoglu, H., Sarıca, K. and Küpeli, S. (1999).
Immunologic aspect of testicular torsion: detection of antisperm antibodies in
contralateral testicle. European urology, 36(6), 640-644.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 7
Ovarian torsion is an emergency that needs early diagnosis and management to avoid
adnexal injury.
Because the symptoms of ovarian torsion are nonspecific and can be related to other
gynecologic, urologic, or gastrointestinal causes, the diagnosis remains a challenge for
primary care physicians.
The actual incidence has not been well defined, but studies have estimated 5 cases per
100,000 females aged between 1 and 20 years. Pediatric cases account for approximately 15%
of all cases of ovarian torsion [1, 2]. It can occur at any pediatric age (infants to 18 years). Up
to 52% of torsion cases in children occur between 9 years and 14 years of age, with a median
age of 11 years. A bimodal age distribution has been described, with one peak in children
younger than one year and the second peak in children aged 12 years [3]. Neonatal ovarian
torsion (in girls younger than one month) is rare, approximately 16% of pediatric cases occur
in girls younger than one year [2].
Corresponding author: [email protected], Special Registrar. Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor
Tunis School of Medecine University El Manar Tunisia, Department of Paediatric Surgery, Hôpital
Universitaire Necker-Enfants malades Hospital, 149 rue de Sevres, 75015 Paris, France, Hopital Robert
Ballanger Bd Robert Ballanger 936020, Aulnay sous bois France.
56 Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
The usual mobility of the fallopian tube can lead to rotation of the ovary along with its
vasculature; this leads to the obstruction of venous outflow, infarction, and eventual necrosis,
infection, peritonitis or loss of the adnexa. This is especially dangerous for young children, as
the entity can go unrecognized because of the rarity and the nonspecificity of its presentation.
This can delay surgical intervention and lead to a greater risk of complications. Most cases of
torsion occur in ovaries containing masses, such as functional cysts and neoplasms.
True isolated ovarian torsion (without any mass), is defined by the twisting of the ovary
alone, which occurs as the ovary twists on the mesovarium. This form of torsion is rare
because of the total attachment of mesovarium to the rest of the broad ligament. Torsion is
reportedly more common on the right side than the left [3 to 2]. This is possibly due to either
the sigmoid colon on the left limiting movement or a hypermobile cecum on the right that is
more permissive to movement. The pathophysiology may be different in neonates and infants,
where two mechanisms are speculated for ovarian torsion.
The prenatal descent of the ovaries from the abdomen might allow an initial increase in
gonadal mobility [4]. Alternatively, maternal-hormone-induced stimulation with resultant
ovarian enlargement and cyst development could lead to torsion [5]. The incidence of fetal
ovarian cysts detected in utero has increased with the use of ultrasound. They are usually seen
at the end of the second trimester during a routine prenatal ultrasound. They tend to regress
after birth once the stimulation has decreased. Ovarian torsion is the most common
complication of an untreated ovarian cyst. Diagnosis of ovarian torsion is critical for timely
management and is frequently detectable with the use of ultrasound. The twisted ovary may
develop adhesions with surrounding organs and lead to serious complication.
Management of foetuses with ovarian cysts is highly debated, and recommendations
ranging from the expectant follow-up, a perinatal aspiration to selective or systematic surgery.
Clinical History
The symptoms can mimic many abdominal or pelvic medical or surgical diseases.
The main symptom of acute ovarian torsion is the abdominal or pelvic pain. It is
variously described as sudden onset, waxing and waning, or gradual and severe, sharp, dull.
Pain is often described as radiating, sometimes to the back or thighs. It may be relapsing and
remitting for days or even months [6]. Nausea and/or vomiting are present with the pain in
about 70% of patients.
Fever occurs in about 20%, it appears late after the onset of the pain and is thought to be
due to the tissue necrosis [7]. In neonates, the most common clinical features associated with
ovarian torsion are the presence of an abdominal mass, feeding intolerance, or ovarian
abnormalities on prenatal imaging [3].
Ovarian Torsion 57
Physical Examination
Laboratory Tests
Laboratory tests will not diagnose ovarian torsion but will augment the clinical evaluation
of a young female presenting with abdominal pain. Leukocytosis is reported in 21% to 82%
of children with ovarian torsion [8, 9]. There is no documented correlation between the level
of leukocytosis and the rate of ovarian viability [10].
If an ovarian mass is identified on palpation or present on imaging, tumor markers such
as α-fetoprotein (AFP), quantitative β-human chorionic gonadotropin (βHCG), inhibin B or
cancer antigen-125 (CA125) should be undertaken.
Imaging Studies
Abdomino-Pelvic Ultrasound
Ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice in girls with pelvic pain and clinically
suspected ovarian torsion. The unilateral enlarged ovary (Figure 1) is the most common
finding in the case of a twisted ovary [2, 11, 12]. The length measurement of a normal ovary
is not well-established for children. However, a study by Oltmann et al. [3] found that in the
pediatric population older than one year of age, the presence of a pelvic mass larger than 5 cm
had the highest diagnostic sensitivity for ovarian torsion.
A median volume ratio of the abnormal ovary compared to the standard adnexa of 20 or
more is associated with an underlying ovarian mass [2]. In addition to ovarian enlargement,
peripherally displaced follicles secondary to a stromal edema can be visualized in more than
74% of ovarian torsion cases [13] (Figure 1).
Venous compromise on Doppler is seen in up to 93% of cases [11], but the addition of
color Doppler ultrasound has not been found to improve diagnostic accuracy. It should be
noted that the presence of blood flow on Doppler ultrasound does not rule out ovarian torsion.
The “swirl” or “whirlpool” sign, when present, corresponds to the axis of actual vascular
pedicle torsion [14] (Figure 2).
58 Chaima Mrad and Taieb Chouikh
Figure 1. Abdominal Ultra sound: enlarged left ovary [1] with peripheral follicles [2].
The midline position of the ovary, the displacement of the uterus off the midline and free
pelvic fluid are potentially helpful ultrasound signs sometimes seen in ovarian torsion cases.
Ovarian Torsion 59
Contrast-Enhanced Ultrasound
MRI should not be used in the setting of suspected acute ovarian torsion, predominantly
because of availability, cost and timing issues. However, when the diagnosis is unclear, as, in
cases of subacute or intermittent ovarian torsion, MRI can be useful to delineate further the
anatomy. An enlarged ovary with peripherical displaced follicles secondary to edema are
features commonly reported in ovarian torsion [16].
The mainstay of treatment is diagnostic laparoscopy with detorsion of the ovary. (Figure
3, 4). In neonates, the management of prenatal ovarian cysts will depend on the presence or
not of indicators of complex form on the ultrasound. The standards of the management are
summarized in Figure 5.
Figure 4. Peri Operativ aspect of twisted ovaria (immediately after laparoscopic detorsion).
In the past, apart from neonatal cases, the management of ovarian torsion consisted of
resection of the entire ovary without detorsion. It was believed that a hemorrhagic ovary
represented nonviable tissue, and that simple detorsion would lead to thromboembolism. A
further fear was leaving a malignancy in situ [19]. But given the low frequency of
malignancy, [8, 19, 20] a more conservative approach consisting of detorsion with or without
cystectomy has been used over the last 20 years. (21) The normal ovarian function has been
reported after up to 72 hours of torsion [22]. In several studies, follow-up evaluation has
demonstrated sonographic evidence of apparently healthy and well-perfused ovaries
following detorsion despite their macroscopic appearances [20, 23, 24]. An ultrasound
performed six weeks postoperatively can rule out any suspicion of neoplasm so that it may be
resected without the technical difficulties associated with a hemorrhagic ovary [19].
Regarding the contralateral ovary, ovarian fixation remains controversial but is often
considered in cases of recurrent torsion.
On the following chart (Figure 6), we report the guidelines for the management of
suspected cases of ovarian torsion.
Ovarian torsion should be considered in any female child with acute onset lower
abdominal pain accompanied by vomiting. Ultrasound is the most useful initial diagnostic
modality, but the absence of flow on Doppler imaging is not always present. Conservative
management with detorsion is recommended.
[1] Guthrie, B. D., Adler, M. D. and Powell, E. C. (2010). Incidence and trends of pediatric
ovarian torsion hospitalizations in the United States, 2000–2006. Pediatrics, 125(3),
[2] Servaes, S., Zurakowski, D., Laufer, M. R., Feins, N. and Chow, J. S. (2007).
Sonographic findings of ovarian torsion in children. Pediatric radiology, 37(5), 446-
[3] Oltmann, S. C., Fischer, A., Barber, R., Huang, R., Hicks, B. and Garcia, N. (2009).
Cannot exclude torsion—a 15-year review. Journal of pediatric surgery, 44(6), 1212-
[4] Chinchure, D. and Ong, C. L. (2011). Neonatal ovarian cysts: role of sonography in
diagnosing torsion. Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology, 37(8), S77.
[5] Crombleholme, T. M., Craigo, S. D., Garmel, S. and D'Alton, M. E. (1997). Fetal
ovarian cyst decompression to prevent torsion. Journal of pediatric surgery, 32(10),
[6] McGee, D. M., Connolly, S. A. and Young, R. H. (2003). Case 24-2003: a 10-year-old
girl with recurrent bouts of abdominal pain. New England Journal of Medicine, 349(5),
[7] Anders, J. (2009). Ovarian torsion in the pediatric emergency department: making the
diagnosis and the importance of advocacy. Clinical Pediatric Emergency Medicine,
10(1), 31-37.
[8] Kokoska, E. R., Keller, M. S. and Weber, T. R. (2000). Acute ovarian torsion in
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[9] Chang, Y. J., Yan, D. C., Kong, M. S., Wu, C. T., Chao, H. C., Luo, C. C. and Hsia, S.
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 8
Benoit Parmentier, MD
Special Registrar, Pediatric Surgery Department,
Hôpital Universitaire Armand Trousseau, Paris France
Esophageal Atresia is a life threatening congenital anomaly that requires prompt
management. Prenatal diagnosis of EA remains challenging and inconstant. The
Prognosis of EA is linked to several factors and has dramatically improved over the last
decades. The management is based on surgical repair but in most of the cases; the surgery
is a step of a global and adequate management.
Esophageal Atresia (EA) is a congenital anomaly with a live-birth prevalence in
developed countries of 1.7 to 1.8 per 10000 births, and a sex ratio (Male/Female) of 1.2 to 1.3
[1, 2]. Malformation is characterized by anatomical discontinuity of the esophageal lumen
often associated with Tracheo-Esophageal Fistula (TEF). Anatomical classifications are based
on the TEF characteristics.
The main classifications are Ladd [3] (Figure 1) and Gross (4) (Figure 2) classifications,
resumed in table 1.
68 Benoit Parmentier
Description Upper and TEF between TEF between the lower portion Upper and
lower portion the upper of the esophagus ant the trachea lower portion
of the portion of the (distal TEF) of the
esophagus both esophagus and esophagus both
ends in a blind the trachea communicates
pouch (proximal TEF) with trachea
(proximal and
distal TEF)
Ladd Type I Type II Type III Type IV Type V
classification TEF is located TEF is located
[3] above carina at the carina o
lower on the
right main
Gross A B C D
Frequency (%) 10-11* 1-4* 86-87* 0-1*
Rate of associated malformations is close to 50% in two recent series remarkably similar
[1, 2]. VACTERL association is present in 13 to 23% of cases. The main rates of associated
malformation are resumed in table 2.
70 Benoit Parmentier
Other malformations, not included in VACTERL association, are met in 21% of cases
(duodenal atresia, labiopalatine cleft, central nervous system anomalies, genital anomalies,
diaphragmatic defect and CHARGE syndrome). Chromosomal anomalies are found in 0 to
8% of cases [1, 2, 17]. There is no difference in term of associated malformations between
EA with or without TEF [1, 2].
Prenatal diagnosis of EA is difficult and inconstant. The findings that suggest the
possibility of esophageal atresia are:
small or absent stomach bubble
pouch sign [18, 19]
These findings are more frequent in case of EA without distal TEF (type I and II of
Ladd’s classification) with a prenatal detection rate of 75%. On the other hand, when a distal
TEF is present (type III, IV and V of Ladd’s classification), post-natal diagnosis occurs in
75% of cases [20].
Fetal MRI may be a useful additional tool to assess malformative anatomy in case of
echographic anomalies [21–23].
Polyhydramnios is present in 52% to 73% of cases [20, 24] and has a very low specificity
[25, 26]. Small or absent stomach bubble and pouch sign are more specific but have a low
sensitivity [18]. Positive predictive value of ultra sound examinations is estimated between 44
and 56% combining polyhydramnios and small or absent bubble stomach [27, 28]. In difficult
or doubtful cases, biochemical markers of amniotic fluid may be assayed on the occasion of
amniocentesis for karyotype study. An EA index based on 5 biochemical markers has been
described with 98% sensitivity and 100% specificity using the appropriate cutoff [29].
There is no specific prenatal treatment of EA besides amnioreduction in cases of
symptomatic polyhydramnios. The family should be referred to a tertiary center. Fetal
echocardiography and amniocentesis for assessment of karyotype should be organized and a
prenatal counseling should be proposed [18].
Esophageal Atresia 71
If EA is confirmed, the newborn must be kept in a sitting position and the upper pouch
should be suctioned via a 10F Replogue® tube to reduce the risk of aspiration. The child must
be promptly referred in a tertiary center with pediatric surgery and neonatal intensive care
unit. Intravenous access must be established and a fluid therapy to maintain electrolytes and
Esophageal Atresia 73
glucose balance should be started. Newborn with EA is subjected to cooling and preventive
measures must be implemented. Vitamin K should be administrated prior to surgery. General
clinical examination of the newborn must be performed with a special focus on associated
malformations and respiratory status. Positive-pressure ventilation must be avoided if distal
TEF is present to limit abdominal distension disturbing respiratory mechanics. A wide-broad
antibiotherapy is administrated.
Echocardiography is performed pre operatively if possible, with a special focus on the
search for a right aortic arch which would make consider a left thoracotomy. A spinal X-ray,
a renal ultrasonography and a karyotype analysis are performed before discharge from
hospital to assess the existence of others associated malformations [19].
The aims of surgical treatment are:
EA with TEF
Presence of a distal TEF requires early intervention to reduce the risk of inhalation
through the fistula and gastric distension. The procedure can be conducted either by
thoracotomy or thoracoscopy. Gold standard procedure is performed through right sided
posterior thoracotomy [39] in the 4th intercostal space on a child placed in left lateral position
(Figure 5). Cooperation with the anesthesiologist is essential to obtain optimal operating
conditions. Endotracheal tube must be placed carefully to limit gas leak through the fistula to
the stomach and tidal volume should be as limited as possible to facilitate exposition.
74 Benoit Parmentier
Since first publication in 1999 [42], thoracoscopy gained popularity for EA repair. Many
publications demonstrated thoracoscopic EA repair to be an effective and safe procedure [43–
47] and recent studies even concluded of superiority of thoracoscopy over thoracotomy [48,
49]. Thoracoscopy offers a magnified vision of anatomy with less thoracic wall damages and
is believed to decrease post-operative pain, orthopedic consequences (scapula alta, rib fusion,
scoliosis) and even duration of mechanical ventilation. Cosmetic appearance is the most
evident benefice but, as pain consideration, remains difficult to assess scientifically and there
is a lack of evidence [39]. thoracoscopic repair of EA is recognized to be a very
challenging procedure because of the lack of space (workspace) within thoracic cavity of
neonates. Thus, high rates of anastomotic complications such as fistula, recurrence of TEF or
strictures have been reported in the beginning of the learning curve [50, 51]. Moreover,
thoracoscopy does not allow extra-pleural approach. Then, there have been some concern
about per operative hypercapnia related to CO2 insufflation but there is no proof of clinical
consequence [52]. In a recent worldwide survey, 30% of responders performed thoracoscopic
repair as a gold standard. This reports certainly does not reflect reality since surgeons
surveyed did not correspond to a representative panel of the entire surgical community but it
suggests a trend toward development of thoracoscopic EA repair [37]. Nevertheless, 10 to 20
procedures are required to complete the learning curve making the development of this
technique difficult for many surgeons because of the rarity of the disease and the need for
significant expertise in mini-invasive neonatal surgery [39].
Very low birth weight (VLBW) neonates (< 1500grams) with EA TEF represent a high-
risk group. Surgical management of these patients is not consensual but recent studies suggest
that early intervention to close the TEF must be performed [53, 54]. TEF can be closed
without section and anastomosis is ideally scheduled when the baby reaches 2000 grams, or
anastomosis can be attempted but if technical or anesthetics difficulties are encountered,
lower pouch is anchored to the spine with moderate traction, a gastrostomy is performed and
anastomosis is delayed [55]. When the expected time before corrective intervention is long,
an esophagostomy can be discussed to limit orality disorders related to prolonged fasting with
a Replogue® tube but leads to a loss of length and high rate of vocal cord paresis [56, 57].
EA without TEF
a LGEA, 33 (70%) have been treated initially in a conservative way who all succeeded but
two (personal data). In the purpose of limiting the delay before esophageal repair, Foker has
proposed a mechanical traction on the pouches to induce esophageal growth [62]. He reported
surprisingly good outcomes with all gap being bridged after a median duration of traction of
14 days [61]. Some authors emphasized the risk for sutures tearing off the esophagus wall and
requiring additional procedures as a major inconvenience [45, 64]. Thus, 25% of surgeons
using this technique admit to not be completely satisfied [65]. In an other hand, a meta-
analysis comparing delayed anastomosis with or without traction concluded in favor of the
Foker’s procedure [66].
Kimura described an extrathoracic esophageal lengthening technique consisting of
performing a cervical esophagostomy which is then gradually moved caudally to bridge the
gap [67]. This strategy is sometimes useful in very unfavorable cases but necessitates many
general anesthesia with a high rate of post-operative related complications such as vocal cord
paresis [56, 67, 68]. Very long gap EA may be managed with a combination of Foker’s and
Kimura’s techniques [69]. Recently, Van Der Zee reported his initial experience of
thoracoscopic Foker’s procedure. To limit the risk of sutures cutting through esophageal wall,
he proposed to never apply additional tension on the traction stitches. When the pouches,
marked with metal clips, no longer seem to get closer on the daily chest X-ray, he suggested
to go back to perform adhesiolysis to facilitate further traction and elongation. The procedure
is performed as often as necessary until esophageal repair is achievable [70]. These results are
very promising but need to be confirmed in larger series.
The alternative to a conservative management by elongation or spontaneous growth is
esophageal replacement. Many techniques have been described including gastric transposition
[71–73], jejunal graft [74, 75], oesophagocoloplasty [76, 77], and gastric tube [78, 79] in
particular. The literature does not provide sufficient scientific evidence to fairly compare
these techniques [80–82]. Each provide theoretic specific advantages and disadvantages and
there is an agreement that a surgeon should perform the procedure he feels the more
comfortable with.
After surgical correction of EA, baby should be admitted to intensive care unit. A full
term newborn may be extubated within the few hours following surgery. Non-invasive
positive pressure ventilation should be avoided to prevent anastomosis leakage. In case of
anastomotic tension, it has been described to keep the baby paralyzed with a neck flexion for
a few days. Chest drain should be kept a few days and can be removed if there is no evidence
for anastomotic fistula (sepsis, air or saliva in the drainage, pneumothorax). A trans-
anastomotic nasogastric tube placed during surgery should be kept in suction can allow early
continuous enteral feeding with small volumes 48 hours after surgery [83]. Oral feeding is
authorized after esophagogram performed in majority of cases 5 to 7 days after surgery [40].
Parenteral nutrition support should be administrated until oral feeding allows a sufficient
calorie intake. Gastro esophageal reflux is very frequent and should be treated by medication
to limit the risk of anastomotic stricture.
Esophageal Atresia 77
Figure 6. Post operative contrast study with major anastomotic leak (managed conservatively.
78 Benoit Parmentier
Prognosis of EA has dramatically improved on the last decades. Two recent large series
report a survival rate comprised between 95 and 97,5% in western countries [1, 2]. This
improvement is due to earlier diagnosis and transfer, making respiratory complications from
aspiration less common, better understanding of newborn specificity leading to specialized
training of neonatal surgeons, paediatric anaesthesits and neonatal intensive care personnel
and advances in neonatal supporting-life technology [95]. Thus, first prognostic classification
proposed by Waterston in 1962 (96) and the Spitz classification described in 1994 [97],
resumed in table 3 are probably outdated and need to be revised.
Since the 90’s, it seems that low birth weight premature survival rate has improved
leading some authors to describe a revised Spitz classification [98, 99]. A more modern
classification is resumed in table 4.
These classifications clearly indicate that birth weight and associated anomalies
(specially cardiac malformation) are the two mains prognosis factor. However, a third
important prognosis factor should be kept in mind. Indeed a link between the length of the
gap, anastomotic tension and post-operative complication rate has been demonstrated. LGEA
are also known to have a worse survival rate compared to standard EA. In France, on a 3
years period between 2008 and 2010, 49 LGEA have been treated and the survival rate after a
median 3 years follow up was 88% (personnal data).
GERD and Barrett’s Esophagus
GERD is associated with EA repair. Symptoms are described by 76% of children [100]. It
is a major concern because GERD does not seem to improve spontaneously with the growth
[101], and it may lead to severe esophageal complications. Persistent GERD 10 years after
surgery have been described in two recent studies affecting 40 to 45% to patients with
esophagitis being present in 67% of cases in a systematic histologic study [101, 102].
Persistent GERD is known to lead to Barrett’s esophagus and thus to be a risk factor for
esophageal adenocarcinoma. Routine endoscopic assessment of Barrett’s esophagus is
controversial. Prevalence of Barrett’s esophagus in a young adult population was 43% with
metaplasia present in some patients with no clinical complaint of GERD [102]. The authors
concluded in favor of a long-term systematic follow-up of the esophageal mucosa including
multistaged biopsies. On a other hand, other endoscopic study only demonstrated metaplasia
in 4% of kids (103). Anyway, Barret’s esophagus is a real concern for long term cancer
development. Thus, esophageal cancer has only been described a few times after EA repair
[104–106], and Rintala et coll. did not found out any esophageal cancer in the 272
consecutive finish EA surviving more than 7 days treated between 1949 and 1978 [107].
Anyway, the risk of progression to cancer probably exists; a recent study of 10 cases of
pediatric Barret’s esophagus showed genetic markers in 50% of them, which were also
identified in adult patients with Barrett adenocarcinoma [108].
A long term endoscopic follow up is proposed, every 3 years in absence of metaplasia
and twice a year in case of metaplasia by some authors [109]. Surgical treatment of persistent
GERD is required in almost 40% of patients born wih EA [110].
Respiratory Outcomes
Follow up
Despite drastic improvements in the management of babies born with an EA in the last
decades, leading to previously unexpected survival rate in Western countries, long term
morbidity persists. A multidisciplinary follow up including surgeons, gastroenterologists,
pneumologists and paramedical staff is mandatory to ensure a global management. French
authorities have edited a national protocol of follow up to guide the clinicians [116]. An
initial close clinical follow up with consultations at 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months are proposed.
Then a 24 hours pH-metry is advocated in absence of medical treatment for GERD between 2
and 3 years old. Then the children should be seen every one or two years with pulmonary test
function between 7 and 9 years old and at least a gastro esophageal endoscopy with
systematic biopsies between 16 and 17 years old. The follow up must be extended in
adulthood and probably throughout life. A particular attention should be paid to prepare
transition to adult centers to avoid a break in the follow up in these still very young patients.
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 9
Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) affects about 1/ 2500 births [1]. Two forms
are described: the posterolateral defect in 80% of cases (Bochdalek hernia) and the
anterior defect in 20% of cases (Morgani-Larrey hernia). Because of its frequency and its
severity, posterior Bochdalek hernia focuses the interest and is usually confound with the
denomination of “congenital diaphragmatic hernia” (Figure 1).
Although the etiology of the malformation remains unknown, the cause is a disturbed
separation of the thoracic and abdominal compartments during the 8th week of gestation with
a failure of the fusion of the septum transversum and the pleuroperitoneal folds [2]. The
hernia is mainly observed on the left side (80-85%) but may also concern the right side (10-
15%) or be bilateral (1%).The physiologic positive abdominal pressure leads to intrathoracic
ascension of abdominal content and impairment of lung development [3]. Depending on the
level of the compression, the lung hypoplasia may be ipsilateral or bilateral with decreased
pulmonary weight and bronchial branching. Lung vascularization is also affected with
abnormal arterial muscularization causing postnatal pulmonary hypertension [3]. Pulmonary
hypoplasia and pulmonary hypertension are responsible for the severity of CDH.
90 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
Figure 1. Chest X-ray. Left postero-lateral diaphgramatic hernia. Neonatal form. The trachea and the
heart are shifted to the right. Aeric images are seen in the left hemithorax corresponding to bowel loops.
About 70% of CDH are diagnosed prenatally. The first US sign is usually a mediastinal
shift at the first or second trimester exam. The detailed morphological analyze of the stomach,
the liver and the bowel positions leads to the diagnosis of the ascension of the abdominal
content. The diaphragmatic muscle is difficult to explore on US. Complementary data can be
obtained on MRI, especially for diaphragmatic and lung description. During the prenatal
period, 3 points are essential:
1/ Fetal tolerance has to be evaluated. Cardiac function, fetal movements and
polyhydramnios have to be assessed and followed as reflect of mediastinal compression when
apparition of hydrops is the sign of fetal distress and fatal prenatal issue.
2/ As for all congenital disease, exploration of associated malformation is necessary.
Heart malformations are about 15% (ventricular septal defect, tetralogy of Fallot, double
outlet right ventricle, transposition of the great vessels, …). The classically observed left
ventricular hypolpasia has not to be included, as it appears as a consequence of the hernia
compression and as it reverses after hernia repair. Genetic syndromes or chromosomal
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 91
anomalies are often associated with other morphological anomalies (central nervous system,
craniofacial defect, genitourinary or skeletal) leading to the denomination of non-isolated
CDH [5]. About 50 genetic syndromes have been associated and among them Fryns
syndrome, Donnai-Barrow, Beckwith-Wiedeman, Cornelia de Lange and Simpson-Golabi-
Behmel, Pallister-Killian, Trisomy 18, 13 and 21 and Tetrasomy 12p are also classically
associated to CDH and checked with prenatal karyotyping, either realized for all CDH or only
in case of non-isolated CDH, depending on medical teams practice [5].
3/ Estimation of lung volume is the best prognosis factor. The degree of pulmonary
hypoplasia is estimated on the measurement of visible lung volume, which can be measured
by ultrasound and normalized to the cephalic circumference. It is the absolute lung to head
ratio (LHR). Observed/expected lung-to-head ratio (o/e-LHR) was secondary developed,
reporting the lung-measured volume to the theoretical lung volume for the term [6]. Severe
forms are defined by an absolute LHR < 1 or o/e-LHR < 25%.
Diaphragmatic hernia may be diagnosed at the early postnatal period because of acute
respiratory distress. Delayed diagnosis can also be made, classically on mild respiratory
distress or feeding problems. Theses postnatal forms are mainly explained by small
diaphragmatic defect without technical difficulty for the surgical repair. Their respiratory
prognosis is excellent but they can be complicated by gut or stomach infarction (Figure 2).
Figure 2. CT scan scoot view. Left diaphragmatic hernia. Post-natal diagnosis at 13 months. The
esophagus is shifted to the right. The stomach is pulled up in the chest with a compression of the upper
and lower lobes.
92 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
Prenatal Management
Fetal surgery was developed by North American teams with as a pioneer Michael
Harrison in San Francisco and the staff of Children's Hospital of Philadelphia with Alan Flake
and Scott Adzick [7].Fetal interventions are cons-indicated if there are chromosomal
abnormalities, multiple pregnancy, fetal malformations associated or maternal risk
factors.Gradually open surgery, because of the high risks of prematurity and uterine sequelae,
gave way to interventions by fetoscopy for the vast majority of interventions [8].
The first attempts to diaphragmatic repair in utero failed due to fetal death during hepatic
reduction, probably on creating an obstacle to the umbilical venous return [9].Tracheal
obstruction by fetoscopy was developed by the team of Jacques Jani and Jan Deprest in
Belgium since the late 1990s [8]. The tracheal obstruction by a balloon leads to an increase in
intra-pulmonary pressures that stimulates lung growth, thanks to lung fluid secretion. This
growth, however, is at the expense of the maturation of type II pneumocytes and therefore the
synthesis of surfactant. The efflux of fluid from the lung is necessary for cellular
differentiation, expression of growth factors and normal lung development [10, 11].Thus the
ideal sequence that allows dynamic exchanges of fluid comprises an obstruction between 27
and 30 weeks gestation (PLUG) followed by removal of the balloon at 34 weeks (UNPLUG).
The rate of premature rupture of membranes is about 17% at the first week and 50% at 30
days after the procedure.The median time of birth after PLUG is of 35 weeks with a birth
before 34 weeks in 30% of cases. The risk of prematurity is directly related to the duration of
the procedure and therefore to the operator experience [12]. This procedure, reserved to very
few specialized centers, has been validated as part of a randomized trial, showing
improvement of the survival of severe forms of CDH [8].
Postnatal Management
Neonatal management of newborns with CDH is now well codified. The principles are to
minimize the pulmonary stress, hypoxia and acidosis to limit pulmonary hypertension and to
reduce the risk bronchopulmonary dysplasia [13]. This management starts at the delivery
room with analgesia, sedation and intubation for immediate ventilation.The initial monitoring
for 24 to 48 hours in the intensive care units, allows assessing the quality of the lung
parenchyma and the degree of hypoplasia before surgery. Recommendations are based on
permissive hypercapnea strategies and “gentle ventilation” to prevent pulmonary barotraumas
and to preserve best lung exchanges as possible. Pulmonary hypertension is manage in
parallel, first with inhaled nitric oxide (NO) and if persistent with Sidenafil. In case of
refractive pulmonary hypertension, extracorporeal membrane oxygenation can be proposed.
Right CDH are classically repaired by right thoracotomy or right laparotomy and left
CDH by transverse laparotomy. The intervention can also performed by thoracoscopy during
the neonatal period, but the difficulties of exposure, the longest duration of action and 3 fold
higher risk of recurrence in further limits the indications even for trained teams [14].
Moreover, one other limit is that thoracoscopic repair of CDH was associated with
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 93
intraoperative hypercapnia and acidosis compared with open surgery, with potential
neurologic consequences [15].Systematic CO2 monitoring has thus to help to define the
conditions and the safety of this approach.
The procedure begins with the reduction of herniated organs: the small intestine and
colon, often spleen and stomach, sometimes the liver and the kidney more rarely.The
exploration of the diaphragm is the essential time. The posterior edge is always hypoplastic
but in various degrees. The size of the defect determines the type of repair.With a good
diaphragmatic quality, direct repair is done. When the diaphragm is too hypoplastic, the
closure of the defect requires tensioning and causes significant thoracic deformity. A
prosthetic patch has to be used. A hernial sac may be found and resected or plicated at the
Prenatal prognosis factors have been developed to try and predict the severity of CDH
and to help prenatal counseling.The most important appears to be the evaluation of the lung
volume with the LHR. It is a strong factor and routinely used by all the teams with quite
clear-cut offs [16]:
The presence of the liver in intrathoracic position constitutes itself as a severity criterion,
with a global survival about 75% when the liver is down (intra-abdominal) and 50% when it
is up (intra-thoracic) [16]. Certainly the volume of the displaced liver has an importance but
complementary evaluation are still necessary to precise this point.
Early diagnosis seems also associated to more sever forms probably linked to a longer
compression time and higher level of lung hyploplasia. Diagnosis of the first trimester is to
consider as a poor prognosis factor [17].
Among postnatal factors, prematurity has a very important influence on CDH evolution,
adding lung immaturity to hypoplasia. A birth as latter as possible has to be preferred as
premature delivery in CDH infants has been associated with a lower survival rate [18].
Considering this point, particular attention should be paid to PLUG.After the fetal procedure,
premature birth are expected in about 20% in the first week and in about 50% at 30 days with
one third of the births before 34 weeks and a median birth at 35 weeks [8].
Long-Term Morbidity
Recurrences of the hernia are observed from 10 to 40% with an increased risk in case of
patch repair or thoracoscopic procedures, with about 70% occurred within 2 years following
repair [19]. The need of re-intervention and its timing has to be discussed, regarding the
volume of the hernia and clinical signs [19]. Because associated symptoms may be mild,
regular chest X-rays are recommended until the end of the growth.
Pulmonary outcome are the first point of concern with recurrent cough reported in 10 to
50% of school-age children and wheezing episodes in 20 to 40% and about 30% of the CDH
survivors demonstrate obstructive signs on pulmonary testing. [20, 21]. CDH patients with
severe lung hypoplasia and among them those who received ECMO support showed chronic
lung disease and appeared to deteriorate over time [22]. For the other, pulmonary
repercussion was shown to improve over time with the growth of the lungs and the bronchial
tree, and pulmonary signs decreases as well as catch-up of lung volumes are reported during
childhood [20, 23]. However, because of the bronchial reactivity, careful pulmonary follow-
up is needed during childhood.
Chest wall deformity is observed in 40 % of the patients, pectus excavatum in 20% and
scoliosis in 10%, but the severity is variable and increases with the severity of the CDH and
patch repair [20]. Thus numerous materials are proposed, new ones are tested and the place of
muscle flaps is still discussed. As the best patch that will be able to grow with the chest is still
to be find, lung hypoplasia or neonatal chest infection may play a role in the lack of lung
developement and thus chest growth.
CDH patients experience gastro-esophageal reflux (GER) at very high rates. While
symptoms are described from 20 to 50%, pH probe and impedance analysis showed 86% of
children had documented reflux with a need of surgery for GER about 20-30% [22, 24]. As
for the other babies, reflux decreases or disappeared within the first year of life in half of the
cases. Associated nutritional and pulmonary consequences of GER are added to the
morbidity. Failure to thrive is being present in more than 30% of patients that remain below
the 25th percentile of weight, managed in most severe cases with gastrostomy tube placement
[24]. Small bowel obstruction is observed in 15-20% of cases [24]. It is the first cause of
reoperation CDH patients. It may be an isolated band or most often a volvulus with a high
risk of ischemia, intestinal perforation and sepsis.
Neurodevelopmental squeal are observed in 10 to 30% of CDH survivors with
neuromotor delay, learning difficulties and hearing impairment. There are from a combined
origin: constitutional and potentially linked to a syndromic form but also secondary to the
prematurity and the ressucitation period. ECMO treatment, right-sided CDH, intrathoracic
liver position, patch repair and oxygen use on day 30 of life was shown to be correlated with
neurodevelopmental defects [22].
CDH stays a lethal congenital malformation with a highly unpredictable evolution.
Despite the progress in the perinatal management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, many
unsolved problems remains and understanding of congenital diaphragmatic hernia
Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia 95
physiopathology stays one of the first challenges for pediatric surgeons and neonatologists.
The long-term monitoring is an essential part of the care because of respiratory squeal,
nutritional consequences, and neurological impairment and thoracic and spine deformity has
to be managed until adulthood [25].
[1] Torfs C. P., Curry C. J., Bateson T. F., Honoré L. H. A population-based study of
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survival for patients with prenatally diagnosed congenital diaphragmatic hernia. J.
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[7] Adzick N. S. Open fetal surgery for life-threatening fetal anomalies. Semin. Fetal
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[8] Deprest J. A., Devlieger R., Srisupundit K., Beck V., Sandaite I., Rusconi S., Claus F.,
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[9] Adzick N. S., Harrison M. R. Fetal surgical therapy. Lancet, 1994; 343: 897-902.
[10] Kitterman J. A. Fetal lung development. J. Dev. Physiol., 1984; 6:67–82.
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[15] Bishay M., Giacomello L., Retrosi G., Thyoka M., Garriboli M., Brierley J., Harding
L., Scuplak S., Cross K. M., Curry JI., Kiely E. M., De Coppi P., Eaton S., Pierro A.
Hypercapnia and acidosis during open and thoracoscopic repair of congenital
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trial. Ann. Surg., 2013;258:895-900.
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[19] Jancelewicz T., Langer J. C., Chiang M., Bonnard A., Zamakhshary M., Chiu P. P.
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[20] Delacourt C., Hadchouel A., Toelen J., Rayyan M., de Blic J., Deprest J. Long term
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 10
Digestion is a primordial function that sets up early in the fetal life. From 15 weeks
gestation swallowing is present as a reflex mode and prenatal US shows that intestinal
contractions are present since 25 weeks, initially uncoordinated until an effective
peristalsis at 32-33 weeks. In the last trimester, amniotic fluid digestion contributes to the
intestinal maturation but also participates in the nutrition of the fetus.
Most of neonatal occlusions are a prenatal event. Depending on the level of small bowel
atresia (duodenal, jejunal, ileal), the impact on the gut varies prenatally. Postnatally, the
consequences are also variable but it requires an intervention in most of case that will
allow the restoration of digestive continuity. Depending on the global quality of the
bowel and its length, parenteral nutrition support may be necessary for a more or less
long period. Congenital colonic occlusions account for half of all cases of neonatal
occlusion and can be classified into two major groups: functional or mechanical. Main
functional obstructions are Hischsprung diseases, chronic pseudo-obstruction or
microcolon syndrome.
The goal of the post-natal management is double. First, it should prevent the
secondary intestinal damages, with a gentle per-operative manipulation, and minimal
intestinal resection. Secondly, it has to optimize the functional maturation with an early
enteral nutrition but without overload, a quite delicate balance.
Figure 1. Prenatal US (Dr JP. Bernard). Diagnosis of duodenal atresia with a typical imaging of a
double bubble.
The prevalence of duodenal atresia is about 1/2 500 births. The diagnosis is made during
the second or the third trimester, based on ultrasound detection of simultaneous gastric and
duodenal distension: the double bubble sign (Figure 1). Polyhydramnios is usually associated
because of amniotic fluid transit interruption, especially at the third trimester [1].
The cause of the duodenal obstruction remains unclear. Because of a high rate of
associated malformations, duodenal atresia differs from other atresias and one of the
hypothesis is an early developmental disorder as an insufficient vacuolation of the epithelium.
However, the hypothesis of vascular accident is also proposed. Although the annular pancreas
may be associated, it seems to be a consequence of the local duodenal reorganization more
than the cause of the obstruction.
Figure 2. Duodenal atresia. X-Ray at birth showing the abdominal double bubble with a hair-liquid
level and without bowel aeration downstream.
Neonatal Intestinal Occlusion 99
The prevalence of small bowel atresia is about 3/10 000 births. The diagnosis is generally
made during the second or third trimester, based on ultrasound detection of bowel dilation [1].
Polyhydramnios is observed in about 50% of cases in proximal intestinal obstruction and
about 10% in distal ileal atresia [1]. Cystic fibrosis is associated in about 10% of intestinal
atresia and has to be checked prenatally. Genetic factors are not involved, except in very rare
syndromic forms of multiple atresia [6]. The obstruction is related to a fetal vascular event
secondary to mesenteric ischemia, intestinal volvulus, intussusception or strangulation [7].
Surgical repair of the atresia is necessary soon after birth because of the bowel
obstruction, and usually consists on a gut resection-anastomosis. In more than 75% of cases,
there is one unique atresia and the bowel length is normal. In 10% of cases there are multiple
atresias and in 15% an apple peel syndrome. These two particular forms are those among
which short bowel syndrome may be an exceptional but serious complication.
Surgical repair is followed by severe intestinal dysmotility in about one-third of cases,
necessitating prolonged parenteral nutrition [8]. These neonates are at risk of sepsis and
parenteral nutrition-induced liver disease, and require lengthy and costly inpatient
management. The pathologic mechanisms underlying these motility disorders are unclear, and
treatment is therefore empirical and ill defined. Recent studies have shown that activity-
dependent and nutrition-dependent mechanisms can participate in the regulation of
100 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
neuromediator expression in the enteric nervous system (ENS) in embryonic neurons [9]. The
ENS is an integrative network made up of neurons and glial cells derived from the neural
crest. It is located all along the gut and regulates intestinal peristalsis and secretion [10]. It
comprises the myenteric plexus, which primarily controls motor functions, and the
submucosal plexus, which regulates electrolyte transport, intestinal barrier permeability and
mucosal blood flow.
Amniotic fluid has been indeed reported to contain various neurotrophic factors that
participate in the maturation of gut functions and could enhance ENS maturation by
activating enteric neurons, leading to increased expression of enteric neuromediators [11].
Atresia results in an interruption of amniotic fluid below the obstruction thus phenotypical
changes could also be the direct consequences of the intestinal obstacle. Initiation and
regulation of small-bowel motility depends on normal functioning of several structures, and
particularly ENS. On the other part the lack of mechanical or nutritional stimulation in the
distal segment, that is mandatory for phenotypic and functional maturation, also contribute to
significant alteration of the part below the obstruction.
Chronic bowel distension leads to parietal alteration of the proximal dilated segment with
intestinal muscles elasticity impairment that can be irreversible (Figure 3). If the length is
limited, resection of the hypotonic intestinal loop is realized before the anastomosis to avoid
intestinal fluid stagnation and bacterial pullulating. As in duodenal distension, if the dilated
part is too long, tapering seems to be a good option as reduction of intestinal diameters
improves the global capacity of propulsion.
Figure 3. Jejunal atresia. Persistent bowel dilation despite a permeable anastomosis. The hypo-
contractility leads to obstruction syndromes. A longitudinal tapering was proposed.
Neonatal Intestinal Occlusion 101
Prognosis of midgut volvulus is linked to the extension of vascular compromise of the
intestine. Anomalies of gut development, causing a narrowed small bowel mesenteric root,
results to an instable position which is considered as the major cause of midgut volvulus with
risk of extensive intestinal necrosis. Complete midgut volvulus can then lead to irreversible
intestinal necrosis and extensive resection may be needed. Thus, complete midgut volvulus is
recognized as one of the three most common causes of short bowel syndrome in the pediatric
population after necrotizing enterocolitis and intestinal atresia and delayed diagnosis remains
a dramatic situation [12].
There is no case of prenatal description of complete midgut volvulus. Regarding prenatal
diagnosis of intestinal malposition, the sensitivity of prenatal US anomalies is low and that
only indirect signs can be seen [13]. The midgut volvulus, i.e. bowel obstruction, seems to be
a post-natal event. In 80% of cases, complete volvulus occurs before the first year of age and
among them, 60% are diagnosed before the end of the first month of life, when this
anatomical condition may remain completely asymptomatic [14]. Ultrasound examinations
classically show inversion of mesenteric vessels position or more rarely the typical “whirlpool
sign” [15]. But the mesenteric vessels could appear in normal location and the whirlpool sign
could be missed on US exam [14]. The upper gastrointestinal contrast still remains the most
accurate and sensitive method for volvulus diagnosis and should be performed in case of
discrepancy between clinical presentation and US conclusions [16].
Contrary the total midgut volvulus, segmental volvulus mainly occurs during the prenatal
period and it is associated to atresia in half of the cases. Contrary to “simple” atresias, it is a
quite late prenatal event and launching premature delivery for an early surgery at birth is
proposed to prevent intestinal necrosis. The promptness of infarction constitution after
segmental volvulus may likely explain the poor chances to obtain intestinal recovery by early
neonatal surgery. As fetal demise has been reported, cautious fetal survey remains however
mandatory to propose emergency delivery in case of persistent fetal distress [17].
Postnatally, the clinical presentation of complete and segmental volvulus is somehow
similar: recurrent vomiting or bilious vomiting and abdominal pain, with the exception that
abdominal distension is usually absent in complete volvulus.
While nearly 50% of congenital obstructions of the small bowel are diagnosed prenatally,
cases related with colonic involvement are almost non-existent, except for anorectal
malformations [18]. Current knowledge of the physiology of fetal intestine remains too
limited to explain why a complete colonic obstruction, that will become symptomatic at birth,
is not associated to prenatal intestinal dilatation, even when it is a complete colonic atresia. In
the same way, prenatal diagnoses of Hirschsprung disease are total forms and only the signs
of the small bowel occlusion lead to the diagnosis [19].
102 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
Figure 4. Colonic atresia with mesenteric vascular anomalies. The vascular pedicle is all along the gut
(black arrow).
Colonic atresias are the less frequent form of intestinal atresia (5-10%), with an estimated
incidence of 1/20 000 births. As for small bowel atresia, their origin is attributed to
mesenteric vascular accident causing intestinal ischemia with a subsequent fibrous scar. In
80% of cases, mesenteric attachment anomalies are found (Figure 4).
Half of the cases are isolated forms and the other half cases are mainly related to
gastrointestinal diseases: multiple intestinal atresia, gastroschisis or Hirschsprung disease
[20]. When isolated, the diagnosis is made on postnatal occlusion signs that associate bilious
vomiting, abdominal distention and lack of meconium pass. Because of the distal location of
the obstruction, the first symptoms appear several hours after birth, sometimes even after days
of evolution, and usually the first food intake are quite well tolerated [20]. This delay in the
diagnosis and the significant colonic associated distension, led to propose bowel diversions as
first treatment. But this attitude is no longer systematic and depending on the peroperative
findings, the anastomosis can be performed immediately [21].
Colonic atresias are also described in gastroschisis, at the time of the parietal closure. The
incidence is about 5%. Checking the colonic permeability has always to be done during the
closure procedure, because of gut kicking on the parietal ring.
The association with Hirschsprung's disease is also classical, although very rare. In this
case, the diagnosis of aganglionosis may be delayed for a few days or even several years.
Hirschsprung's disease should always be suspected, not only in case of complications after the
colonic atresia repair, such as in cases of postoperative fistula or secondary bowel
obstruction. A rectal biopsy has thus to be performed [22].
Colonic atresias have good prognosis when early managed, with mortality under 10%.
But this rate may reach 25%, if the diagnosis is made after the 72th hour, due to septic
syndromes, secondary to intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or perforation [23].
by lack of transit. For others, it is a primary colonic functional disorder that gives the
microcolon and then meconium plug is subsequent [24]. Although the origin of this disease is
unknown, there is a maternal terrain favoring since 5-10% of maternal diabetes and 10-15%
of maternal hypertension are reported and a left microcolon (symptomatic or asymptomatic)
was found in approximately 50% of newborns of diabetic mothers [25].
The clinical presentation is that of an early neonatal occlusion: abdominal distension,
vomiting and lack of transit. But in 20% of cases a first meconium is observed [26]. The
initial tolerance is good, with no signs of inflammation or intestinal parietal pneumatosis. But
abdominal distension may be poorly tolerated, because of ventilatory restriction or septic
The diagnosis is made after washing the distal colon by a nursing, with or without enma
that facilitates the evacuation of the meconium plug by a local osmotic effect. When
performed in radiology, the images show a small caliber left colon upstream of a compliant
rectum without other morphological anomalies. A microcolon extended to the whole colic
questions the diagnosis and evokes a nonfunctional colon obstruction as high colonic atresia,
Hirschsprung disease or cystic fibrosis. Persistent bowel dysfunction after the evacuation
should also alert and thus lead to perform a rectal biopsy, as 10-15% of meconium plug
syndrome are associated to Hirschsprung's disease [26].
Meconium plug is true mechanical obstruction but that do not require surgery ... The
evolution is simple as long as the treatment is fast and effective but as with all the occlusions,
there is a risk of perforation if the obstruction is not removed.
This syndrome is the most severe form of congenital intestinal obstruction of the
newborn but also the most rare. About 200 cases have been published, with a clear
predominance in girls (70%) [27]. It belongs to Chronic Intestinal Pseudo Obstruction but in
an extreme form and corresponds to a total functional failure of visceral contractility whose
origin remains misunderstood: neurogenic? myogenic? genetic? hormonal? [28]. Although
clinical observations are in favor of an autosomal recessive disorder and candidate genes have
been proposed by animal models, none has been formally involved in humans [29].
Unlike other causes of colonic obstruction, the diagnosis may be suspected prenatally
before an isolated megacystis, and can lead, given the severity of the condition, to an abortion
[30]. The biochemical prenatal study may be helpful in combining the analysis of amniotic
fluid (with a bowel obstruction profile) and analysis of urine bladder (normal except
hypercalciuria) [30].
In post-natal period, diagnosis is made on the combination of an occlusive presentation or
sub-occlusive microcolon with no mechanical barrier, and megacystis without urethral
anomalies, discovered during the morphological explorations or peroperatively [31].
The mortality rate is around 80%, the vast majority secondary to septic complications due
to digestive origin or translocations from the central lines. Among survivors, the care is
fraught with the use of parenteral nutrition for all life-long or bowel transplantation, and in
addition the management of bladder dysfunction by intermittent catheterization [32].
104 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
The incidence of Hirschsprung's disease is estimated at 1/5000 births with a sex ratio 4
boys to 1 girl but this proportion decreases with the length of the affected segment and goes
to 1: 1 in the extended forms. It represents a quarter of neonatal occlusions after small bowel
atresia and anorectal malformations [33/27]. Intestinal obstruction is the result of
hypertension in the aganglionic gut devoid of intrinsic innervations (= the enteric nervous
system). The muscular walls are then only submitted to the sole extrinsic nerve supply, which
the dominant is cholinergic and constrictive. In 80%, the form is extended to the sigmoid, in
5% of cases extended to the whole colon and in 1% of cases the aganglionosis is extended to
the small intestine, and in exceptional cases up to stomach [34/29].
The classical clinical presentation is early neonatal occlusion, with a distension of the
colon upstream, and a meconium emission beyond the first 48 hours of life. But the
constitution of the occlusion can also be delayed, typically at weaning from breastfeeding.
Abdomen radiography displays an overall digestive distension with no rectal aeration.
Provided that it is a short form (ie in at least 80% of the cases), that the rectal nursing can
reach the retention area, and leads to immediate a gas and stool debacle. In case of uncertain
diagnosis, an anorectal manometry can be proposed. But this technique is difficult to interpret
in the newborn, due to the neuromuscular immaturity. The barium enema, which especially
helps in assessing the length of the aganglionic area, shows in the classical rectosigmoid form
a small caliber distal colon but without stenosis or intrinsic obstruction with distended colon
upstream (Figure 5). In total aganglionic forms, imaging may be misleading because the
colon is steady, without variation in size but with a rigid tubular appearance and associated
with a disappearance of the sigmoid loop.
The formal proof of Hirschsprung's disease is based on rectal biopsy confirming the
absence of ganglion cells normally present in the submucosa and hyperplasia of cholinergic
nerve fibers in acetylcholinesterase immunostaining. This technique is difficult, considering
the size of the samples and the small diameter of the nerve cells in the neonatal period,
particularly in the submucosa. Other markers are regularly evaluated, as calretinin for
example [35/39]. Surgical biopsy, performed in the operating room, has the advantage of
being larger and deep, containing the two plexus: mucous and inter-muscular. However, it
requires general anesthesia and is therefore carried out in second intention.
In case of delayed diagnosis or delayed care, the risk is the occurrence of enterocolitis.
This is observed in 15-20% of neonatal forms. It is secondary to gastrointestinal stasis and
bacterial overgrowth. As with all colonic obstructions, perforations are rare (5%). They can
be spontaneous or secondary to nursing either because of inadequate equipment or because of
a weakening of the colonic wall by inflammation [36/42].
The treatment of Hirschsprung's disease is surgical: excision of the aganglionic zone with
a colo-anal anastomosis in normal segment, controlled histologically. Surgery can be offered
from the neonatal period without special technical features. However for some authors, and in
all cases if the neonatal clinical status is precarious, within 3 to 6 months will get a good child
growth and support intra- and postoperative in good conditions. In this case, nursings will be
performed at home by parents, educated in the initial hospitalization, 3 to 4 times a day, under
regular medical supervision, until the intervention.
Neonatal Intestinal Occlusion 105
Figure 5. Barium enema showing a small caliber of the distal colon, without stenosis or intrinsic
obstruction and a distended segment upstream in favor of a classical rectosigmoid form.
The good quality of the current management has limited the mortality in Hirschsprung
disease under 5%. It especially occurs after post-operative complications or when associated
malformations are present [37/44]. Surgical treatment is not always synonymous with
complete recovery and monitoring over several years is required. It can detect and help to
manage the residual bowel dysfunction [38/45].
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 11
Omphaloceles and gastroschisis are congenital malformations interesting the ventral
abdominal wall. Both are nowadays prenatally diagnosed in the first trimester of
pregnancy, and both may be surgically challenging when the visceral volume outside the
abdominal cavity increases. Otherwise, these two malformations are radically different.
Omphaloceles are various visceral herniations within the umbilical cord (Figure 1). The
viscera are thus covered by a sac, or amniotic remnants if the sac has ruptured. The umbilical
vessels do not join tightly entering the abdominal cavity. The liver is herniated in up to 60%
of the cases, and all forms can be observed ranging from single intestinal loop herniation to
major visceral extrusion.
110 Sylvie Beaudoin
Figure 1. Omphaloceles.
Gastroschisis on the other hand is a raw defect along an otherwise normal cord, almost
always right-sided.
The bowel is herniated without any covering, and the liver remains abdominal in all
cases. Internal genitalia may be exteriorized when the defect is large and so is the top of the
bladder in some cases (Figure 2). Clinical heterogeneity relies solely on the bowel injury
subsequent to the herniation, and is related to the degree of bowel matting.
Omphaloceles and Gastroschisis 111
Figure 2. Gastroschisis Left side: Thin bowel and mesentery; Right side: Congestive and peel covered
From 4 to 6 weeks of development (WD) the body stalk, future implantation of the
umbilical cord, is large and quite short, with a still unclosed abdominal cavity. The intestinal
loops elongate within the cord, giving the physiological umbilical hernia that will close
around 12WD. It has been emphasized that the umbilical hernia is physiologically located on
the right side of the cord, because after 6 WD the left umbilical vein becomes predominant.
The normal cord can be divided in two parts, a left part “pars vasculosa”, and a thin
“pars flaccida” wherein the developing midgut appears on the right side of the left umbilical
A rupture of the cord in this place would allow the bowel to keep growing outside the
hernia, without mesenchymal edge on the left side of the defect, nor amniotic remnants upon
the loops: these are the typical features of gastroschisis. The common view that omphalocele
112 Sylvie Beaudoin
is a persistent physiological hernia does not hold because to persist with the liver within, the
hernia has to be not physiological in the first place.
Omphaloceles are very early disorders of the embryonic delimitation. They occur in
about one of 5000 live births and are as we saw very heterogeneous in their severity. 20 to
40% of the cases are classified as giants according to the volume or abdominal/visceral
Half of the cases are associated to one or more malformations. One third has
chromosomal anomaly, such as trisomy (13, 18, and 21), one fourth has congenital heart
disease. Various syndromes include omphalocele, out of which the Beckwith-Wiedmann
syndrome (BWS) stands out because of its tumoral risk in infancy and childhood. In BWS
genetic support may be but not always found in 11p15. IGF2 regulation is abnormal, leading
to neonatal hypoglycemia. Clinical specifics include macrosomia, macroglossia,
visceromegaly, hemi-hypertrophy and particular ear feature (Figure 3).
Newborns affected by gastroschisis seldom display associated extra-digestive
malformations. The karyotype is normal and there are no syndromic forms. The malformation
occurs in about 1 of 8000 live births, with some tendency to increase in the last decades,
possibly due to a toxic factor yet unidentified.
Figure 3. Beckwith-Wiedmann syndrome (note the macroglossia and characteristic ear lobe).
Omphaloceles and Gastroschisis 113
Gastroschisis is likely due to an amniotic rupture along the umbilical cord in its pars
flaccida between 8 and 11 WD. As a consequence, the midgut elongates freely out of the
abdominal cavity, stretching outside its mesentery. With subsequent fetal growth the intestine
might suffer vascular compression, especially of venous and lymphatic flows, both by a little-
sized defect and mainly consistent with chronic intestinal volvulus. In some cases this leads to
more or less bowel ischemia and either intestinal shortening or atresia. These malformations
are thus to be considered as accompanying more than associated anomalies. The newborns
usually present with some degree of growth retardation, due to intestinal malfunction, and the
spontaneous labor onset is observed around 36.5 weeks of amenorrhea.
Most of abdominal wall defect cases are nowadays prenatally diagnosed in the first
trimester in developed countries where systematic ultrasound monitoring of pregnancies is
available. Special regards must be then given to the bladder, especially when the exam
conditions are difficult, to avoid any confusion between gastroschisis and ruptured
omphalocele with inferior celosomia.
As gastroschisis is a developmental hazard, no further investigation is needed. Prenatal
monitoring will focus on fetal growth, amniotic fluid amount, and signs of intestinal suffering
such as bowel thickness and bowel dilatation. Prenatal MRI may also help giving additional
analysis of the mesentery. In case of oligoamnios in the third trimester, amniotic infusion(s)
can be offered to prevent further intestinal damage. Weekly monitoring of fetal cardiac rate is
proposed in late third trimester.
In omphaloceles, fetal karyotyping is mandatory, along with thorough study for
associated malformations especially of the heart. Regardless of the herniated visceral volume,
these malformations indeed alter the prognosis, and may lead to choose termination of
pregnancy in some cases.
Figure 4. (Continued)
114 Sylvie Beaudoin
Figure 4 A. Gastroschisis: note the free loops outside the abdomen; B: Omphalocele: the viscera are
enclosed within the cord; C: Ruptured omphalocele with bladder exstrophy, misdiagnosed for
Omphaloceles and Gastroschisis 115
The delivery route might be either vaginal or by C-section depending of the institution,
without any demonstrated benefit of one or the other for the newborn. Babies with
omphaloceles are usually delivered by term. Early pre term delivery for gastroschisis cases
has been recently advocated for by some authors to minimize intestinal injury, but the results
remain controversial. For now, it seems wiser to choose this option in very few selected cases
when the fetal well-being is compromised with certainty.
Surgical Treatment
In the delivery room the newborn is enclosed within a sterile dressing to avoid septic
contamination, dehydration or heat loss. Venous access and gastric suction tube are placed
and the patient brought to the operating theater. (Figure 5).
Depending on the visceral herniated volume, the abdomen may or not be closed
immediately after birth. Primary closure is achieved in about 80% of the cases irrespective of
the pathology.
When the abdomino-visceral discrepancy is too great to allow safe primary closure, even
with a parietal prosthesis, alternative staged procedures can be chosen in omphaloceles.
Conservative treatments use the sac itself as a dressing, waiting for the skin to cover it with
various topics applied to enhance the process. These methods lead to large eventrations that
will be cared for months or years later. Artificial silos are more commonly used since their
116 Sylvie Beaudoin
description by Allen and Wren. Progressive reduction is then made at bedside and allows
secondary closure, with or without parietal prosthesis, about a week later.
In gastroschisis the only option is temporary enclosure within an artificial silo. This latter
might be either preformed or tailored and stitched to the muscular layer around the defect. In
all cases extra care must be given to avoid abdominal hyperpressure which could lead to
vascular impairment, bowel necrosis, renal failure and eventually death.
Post-Operative Care
In minor omphaloceles the post-operative course is usually uneventful and the baby
might be early enterally fed then discharged, provided that no major associated anomaly is
found. WBS cases need nevertheless a thorough follow-up by abdominal ultrasound every 4
months until 3 years of age, and every 6 months the 3 years after, to prevent unknown tumor
Giant omphaloceles on the other hand suffer some degree of pulmonary hypoplasia and
sometimes severe gastro-esophageal reflux (GER), which combination delay both respiratory
and alimentary autonomy. About 15% of the cases need fundoplication, gastrostomy and/or
tracheotomy placement, and represent the “high morbidity” group in this malformation.
In gastroschisis the bowel injury explains malabsorption and ileus. When the abdomen is
closed, daily enemas are performed to help intestinal recovery, while minimal enteral feeding
is started with mother milk or formulas without cow milk proteins. Parenteral nutritional
support is of the utmost importance as long as intestinal function is restored. Full enteral
feeding will be achieved after carefully monitored implement. GER may occur in about half
of the cases but does not require further surgery as in omphaloceles.
Gastroschisis has a survival rate over than 90%. The morbidity is mainly digestive, and
only few cases with prenatal volvulus or post-natal necrotizing enterocolitis suffer from short-
bowel syndrome. The remaining children will fully recover and have normal growth and life,
provided that neonatal management is optimal and nutrition respectful of the intestinal initial
Omphaloceles and Gastroschisis 117
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 12
Advances in antenatal imaging over the past 10 years have dramatically changed
diagnosis and management of congenital lung disease, especially for the two lesions most
commonly detected: congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM), previously named
congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations (CCAM), and bronchopulmonary
sequestrations (BPS). If early surgical excision is required for all symptomatic malformations,
management of asymptomatic cases is still controversial. Complete regression of
sequestrations or clinical and morphological improvement in congenital lobar emphysema
pleads for clinical watching. On the other hand, resection is advocated for cystic
malformations, because of an increased risk of acute respiratory distress, later infections and
the possibility of malignant transformation. Further studies and long term follow up are still
needed. The natural history and consequences of late complications of lung malformations
has to be compared with the benefits of elective resection and surgical morbidity.
Foetal lung malformations are relate about 1/20 000 pregnancies and are classified into
two major types based on their sonographic appearance: cystic or echogenic. Cystic lesions
are in the vast majority of cases congenital pulmonary airway malformation (CPAM),
previously named congenital cystic adenomatoid malformations (CCAM). Hyperechogenic
lesions may correspond to CPAM, bronchopulmonary sequestrations, congenital emphysema
or bronchial atresia.
CPAM are one of the most frequent lesions visualized during prenatal ultrasound [1].
Mediastinal shift is observed in 50% of cases and polyhydramnios in 20% of case, because of
126 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
a mass effect on mediastinum or oesophageal compression. These both signs do not have to
be interpreted as complications and do not lead to impaired lung development or foetal
distress. On the opposite, hydrops is present in about 10% of cases and is a sign of poor
cardiac tolerance either by decreased venous return or direct myocardial compression.
Hydrops is associated in more than 95% of case to foetal or neonatal death [2,3].
Bronchopulmonary sequestrations are the second malformations diagnosed prenatally.
The aspect is the same as the microcystic forms of CPAM or congenital lobar emphysema,
and only the visualisation of a feeding systemic artery can affirm the diagnosis. Despite their
volume, bronchopulmonary sequestration is usually well tolerated by the foetus and do not
lead to prenatal or post-natal symptoms. However, complications such as hydrothorax or
hydrops are reported but stay exceptional [4]. If persistent, they can also lead to pre or post-
natal death. Because of their reduced size during foetal life, bronchogenic cysts are rarely
diagnosed prenatally, and compressive effects in the foetus are very uncommon [2,5].
Prenatal diagnosis of lobar emphysema is rare and unspecific [6,7].
Two indications for prenatal intervention are identified: hydrops, due to the significant
risk of death, and persistent mediastinal compressive effect because of the risk of pulmonary
hypoplasia. However, a decrease in the volume of the malformations is usually observed
during pregnancy after the 30th week of gestation, resulting in an improvement in the
appearance of the lung parenchyma and foetal tolerance [2, 5]. Given the importance of
spontaneous regression in the third trimester of pregnancy, procedures are usually performed
after the 30th week and after the first test of maternal corticosteroids. In cystic lesions, a
simple puncture has little interest because of the high risk of secondary recurrence. Provided
that there is a large or dominant cyst, drain into the amniotic cavity achieves a survival rate of
70% when hydrops regresses, and the drainage is effective, with a collapse of the cyst and a
shift of the mediastinum. A second drainage may be required due to an exclusion of the drain,
which occurred in 1/3 of the cases [8]. Drains can also be placed to evacuate pleural effusions
compression, which can complicate pulmonary sequestration [9, 10].
Prenatal treatment of hyperechogenic lesion is still debated. Sclerosis of the mass or
coagulation of vascular pedicles has been proposed by some teams with mixed results [2].
The “disappearance” of congenital malformations of the lung on last prenatal ultrasound
was classically described and interpreted as a complete regression of the malformation. This
evolution, although such exceptional, was documented for sequestrations [11] but not for
cystic malformations, for which the US disappearance is attributed to changes in prenatal
morphologic feature at the third trimester. Thus, post-natal thoracic imaging (MRI or CT
scan) is required to check the persistence of congenital lung malformations, regardless of the
prenatal evolution.
Cystic lesions are congenital lung malformations for which complications are most often
reported (Figure 1). In the neonatal period, respiratory distress secondary to compression of
the lung parenchyma is the main symptom, described in 15 to 20% of the neonates. It leads to
an emergency operation in the first month of life in about 5% of the cases [6].
Congenital Lung Malformations 127
On the opposite bronchogenic cysts are small in the neonatal period and thus remain
asymptomatic long after birth (Figure 2). Gradually, intracystic secretions lead to cystic
growth and tensioning. This increase can be rapid and significant with symptoms related to
the compression of adjacent structures: the trachea in most cases, more rarely the oesophagus
or the vena cava and the myocardium. Cysts located just under the carena are particularly at
risk and life threatening because of the simultaneous compression of both bronchi [12, 13].
Although exceptional, symptoms can also be secondary to a fistula in the tracheobronchial
tree, oesophagus or lung tissue [14, 15].
128 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
After the neonatal period, infection is the most common complication of cystic
malformations. It can be manifested by febrile episodes but also by recurrent respiratory
symptoms that are usually diagnosed and treated as asthma [14]. Chronic inflammation may
remain latent or be complicated by hemoptysis or pneumothorax [16, 17]. In all these cases,
the diagnosis of the malformation, if undetected prenatally, or the confirmation of the
complication is made on the chest CT scan.
To date, fifty cases of malignant degeneration of cystic malformations have been reported
in children, the youngest age at diagnosis was 1 year [18, 19]. Three kinds of tumours are
described: pleuropneumoblastoma, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma and rhabdomyosarcoma.
These tumours have been mainly described in CPAM but also, even though exceptional in
bronchogenic cysts [20, 21]. In CPAM, the risk seems to depend on the type of cystic
malformation: clearly associated to type 1 and type 4 CPAM when type 2 CPAM seemed not
involved [22, 23]. Intracystic mucinous cell clusters, with K-ras mutations, have been
described in type 1 CCAM, making these lesions potential precursors of bronchioalveolar
carcinoma [24]. These concordant data strongly suggest that CPAM (at least type 1 CCAM)
may predispose to malignant transformation. But the incidence of malignant transformation is
still difficult to estimate: on systematic histological analyzes, it was evaluated up to 4% in
children’s CPAM and 20% in adults’ CPAM [25, 26] and such differences maybe reflecting
the evolution with time of congenital cystic malformations [27, 28].
Figure 3. CT Scan. Intralobar bronchopulmonary sequestration of the left lung with a large systemic
artery. In this case, the anomaly of the lung parenchyma combined a dense peripheral zone and a part of
mild distension around the feeding vessel but no cystic component.
130 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
and general anaesthesia in the first months of life and consensus seems to be emerging for
intervention after 6 months [1, 16].
At birth, the chest x-ray is performed before discharge from hospital to assess the impact
of the malformation once the lung is ventilated. CT scan or MRI, realised between 2 and 3
months of life, can precisely evaluate the morphological characteristics and the local impact
of pulmonary malformation. The early term for this imaging, in the absence of planed
surgery, has the advantage to still be performed at this age without general anaesthesia that
will not be the case in the babies older than 3 months. In our experience, in the aim to limit
irradiation, MRI provides a good pulmonary, mediastinal or vascular evaluation but failed to
give a good evaluation of cystic components, and can thus be completed by a low doses
scanner. This evaluation allows to define precisely the type of malformation: strictly cystic
(CPAM), entirely solid malformation (BPS) or cystic and solid components (i.e., hybrid
malformation) in the case of prenatal malformation with systemic pedicle; CPAM, BPS,
emphysema or bronchial atresia in the case of prenatal hyperechogenic malformations.
The surgical resection of congenital lung malformations is consensual when they become
symptomatic: dyspnea, tachypnea, acute respiratory distress, discomfort in food intake ...
[1,16]. For asymptomatic malformations (prenatally diagnosed), the main argument of the
wait and see attitude is the possible disappearance of lesions over time. But, also
disappearance was documented for BPS [42], there were no clear evidence of such evolution
in cystic malformations.
The second argument for the expectative attitude is the poor knowledge of the natural
history of congenital lung malformations, particularly about delayed symptoms. Lobar
emphysema may remain asymptomatic with little risk of major complications, and clinical
and morphological improvements were even shown, justifying a long-term surveillance [41].
But even in the absence of functional symptoms, resection of cystic lesions is proposed.
Although the evaluation of secondary infection is variable (from 10 to 85%), they were
associated to higher per-operative complications with longer operative-time, increased blood
loss or higher rate of conversion when performed thoracoscopically [43]. Post-operative
morbidity was also increased with longer lengths of stay and more frequent postoperative
complications (pulmonary fistulas, secondary haemorrhage, reoperation, ...) [44].
Early surgery is also recommended in cystic malformations because of the risk of
malignant transformations [23, 25]. As CPAM and pulmonary pleuroblastoma (PPB) share
similar clinical and radiological features, pathologic examination is the only means to
establish the final diagnosis [45]. In their retrospective analysis of 51 patients with type I
PPB, Hill et al., found that type I PPB was never suspected preoperatively despite the high
rate of pneumothorax at presentation, and/or multiple lesions in the lung [46]. Thus, only
systematic surgical removal of congenital cystic lung lesions, associated with a thorough
pathologic study by a trained team, can formally exclude the diagnosis of PPB.
Cystic malformations with systemic vascularisation or predominantly solid lesion but
containing cystic structures, now defined as hybrid malformations, are thus to be considered
for surgical resection.
The optimal period for lung resection seems to be between 6 months and 2 years. Surgery
in the first six months for asymptomatic forms seems not necessary nor useful regarding the
increased anaesthetic risk in the neonatal period compared to the incidence / consequences of
complications. Moreover, the growth and development of the chest offer better technical
conditions for thoracoscopic surgery after the first year. If resections are decided,
132 Naziha Khen-Dunlop
interventions should be realised before the onset of complications, considering the data on
increased morbidity, i.e. in the first 3 years.
Progress in the miniaturization of equipment offers instruments of 3 or 5 mm diameters
and 5 mm optics, perfectly suited for the thorax of the infants. Lung resections, either
thoraco-assisted or entirely thoracoscopic are possible in the vast majority of cases, with a
profit (vs thoracotomy) on postoperative pain and costal healing [45]. In children, their low
weight does not allow the use of a double-lumen endotracheal tube for transient pulmonary
exclusion work, and the pulmonary exposure is more difficult than in adults. When the lesion
is in the left lung, right selective intubation can be performed, if tolerated. When the lesion is
on the right lung, a good collaboration with the anaesthesia team, providing a high frequency
and low volume ventilation, is the key of theses surgery. New bronchial blockers are in
evaluation and may be the solution, but they are still difficult to place.
The surgical resection of lung congenital malformations is consensual when
symptomatic. European Task Force stated that unoperated stable cystic lesions should be
followed up into adulthood, but the optimal frequency of repeated evaluations is not given.
Such follow-up, which will be justified to families by a risk of malignancy, will certainly
generate an important stress. If resection is decided, intervention should be realised before the
onset of complications, considering the data on increased morbidity. The optimal period for
lung resection of congenital cystic malformation diagnosed prenatally seems thus to be
between 6 months and 2 years.
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 13
GERD is defined as the pathologic effects of involuntary passage of gastric contents
into the esophagus. Ultimately, the pathophysiologic alteration that is responsible for the
development of GERD is incompetence of the antireflux barriers that exist between the
lower esophagus and the stomach [1, 2].
In adults, the consequence of this refluxate in the esophagus is primarily limited to
erosive esophagitis, esophageal stricture, and Barrett’s esophagitis. In children, its
detrimental effects are much broader. Also, associated physiologic, anatomic, and
developmental abnormalities co-exist in children that make GERD and its consequences
much more complex [1].
Many children with GERD have significant neurologic impairment. These children
can have increased spasticity with retching and related increased abdominal pressures.
Sometimes, a hiatal hernia develops, further predisposing to GERD. Congenital
anomalies such as esophageal atresia (EA) with or without tracheoesophageal fistula
(TEF), duodenal and proximal small bowel atresias, congenital diaphragmatic hernia
(CDH), and gastroschisis/omphalocele all predispose to the development of GERD [2].
138 Samer Bostame, Habib Bouthour, Taieb Chouikh et al.
The most important factor for preventing reflux of gastric contents into the esophagus is
the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) [3]. The LES lies partially in the chest and partially in
the abdomen. This positioning is important for the normal barrier function against GER.
Esophageal manometry can identify this transition from the thoracic to the abdominal
esophagus. The LES is an imperfect valve that creates a pressure gradient in the distal
esophagus. The ability to prevent GER is directly proportional to the LES pressure and its
length [4]. Malposition of the LES, which can occur with a hiatal hernia or abnormal
development, results in loss of the protective function of the LES, resulting in GER.
Inappropriate LES relaxations, referred to as transient LES relaxations, have been shown to
occur sporadically, unassociated with the swallowing mechanism. Rather, the majority of
reflux episodes occurred during transient LES relaxations, and no reflux episodes were
identified during LES relaxation after swallowing with normal peristaltic sequence. There
continues to be growing support that these transient LES relaxations are the primary
mechanism for GER.
A third barrier to reflux is the angle of His, which is the angle at which the esophagus
enters the stomach. The usual orientation is that of an acute angle, which creates a flap valve
at the gastroesophageal junction. Although the actual functional component of the angle of
His is not well known, it has been shown to provide resistance to GER [6].
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 139
Once the barrier to GER has been overcome, mechanisms for esophageal clearance
become important in preventing damage associated with exposure of the esophageal mucosa
to the gastric refluxate [7]. The primary mechanism for esophageal clearance remains
esophageal motility. However, gravity and saliva contribute to the ability of the esophagus to
clear the refluxate. There are three types of esophageal contractions: primary, secondary, and
tertiary. Primary contraction waves are initiated with swallowing and are responsible for the
clearance of refluxed contents in 80% to 90% of reflux episodes [8]. Secondary waves occur
when material is refluxed into the esophagus and clearance is required, especially when the
reflux occurs during sleep. Tertiary waves have nothing to do with esophageal clearance and
are sporadic, non-propagating contractions. When impaired esophageal motility is present as
a result of abnormal smooth muscle function, impaired vagal stimulation, or obstruction,
refluxed gastric contents are not moved into the stomach in a timely manner. This prolonged
exposure can lead to esophageal mucosal injury and can potentiate the motility disturbance
due to vagal and/or smooth muscle inflammation or injury.
There are few objective studies that compare the value of the various diagnostic
techniques used for the diagnosis of GER in children. Tests for GER are individually useful
in documenting different aspects of GER and are valuable only when used in the appropriate
clinical context.
The history and physical examination are the most important components of the
evaluation of an infant or child with possible GERD. Documentation of the growth rate and
identification of the primary symptoms, such as failure to thrive, primary aspiration, recurrent
coughing, reactive airways disease, stridor, apnea, recurrent pneumonia, irritability,
heartburn, abdominal pain, and dysphagia, are helpful in guiding the remainder of the
patient's workup [9].
An upper gastrointestinal contrast series is neither specific nor sensitive for the diagnosis
of GER. It does, however, provide a detailed road map of the patient’s anatomy to-rule out
other causes of vomiting. Problems such malrotation, partial duodenal outlet obstruction,
hiatal hernia, and esophageal stricture are readily seen [10]
140 Samer Bostame, Habib Bouthour, Taieb Chouikh et al.
Esophageal pH Monitoring
Esophageal pH monitoring measures the duration and frequency of acid reflux episodes.
It is most useful if used in conjunction with regular daily activities such as eating and
sleeping. The presence of symptoms should be noted in parallel with the pH probe record. It
should be remembered that acid reflux is more common in the first year of life and that adult
indices are not applicable to these patients. In children, the upper limit of normal is a pH
below 4 less than 5.5% of the time [11]. In infants younger than 1 year, the normal value
increases to 12% [11]. PH probe monitoring does not detect nonacid reflux episodes. In some
studies, the presence of duodenal contents in the esophagus has been confirmed by
monitoring for the presence of bilirubin in the gastroesophageal refluxate [12]. Multiple
intraluminal electrical impedance technologies with the capacity to detect all types of reflux
(acid, nonacid, liquid, and air) have been developed over the last 2 decades. This technique is
useful for investigating nonacid reflux [13].
Endoscopy and biopsy are useful for determining the presence and the degree of
esophagitis and the presence of other problems such as strictures, webs, or infections.
Nuclear Scintigraphy
Esophageal Manometry
Esophageal manometry studies evaluate the activity of the lower and upper esophageal
sphincters and monitor the organized contractile activity of the esophagus. The technique is
not used for the diagnosis of GER, but helps the clinician better understand the underlying
pathophysiology [15].
study, or an impedance study and, in some cases, endoscopy with biopsy of the distal
esophageal mucosa are performed as a part of the workup.
Conservative Therapy
Infants and children who have symptoms of GER can benefit from changes in lifestyle.
Smaller and frequent feeding is encouraged in babies instead of larger feedings at infrequent
intervals. Thickened feedings may be helpful in those with poor weight gain, and there is
evidence to support a 1- to 2-week trial of hypoallergenic formula in formula-fed babies with
vomiting. Positioning therapy is a widely adopted, but controversial part of antireflux therapy
[16]. Although esophageal pH monitoring has demonstrated that infants have significantly
less GER in the prone position than in the supine position, prone positioning has been
associated with a higher rate of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) [17].
For older children, recommended conservative treatment includes weight loss if the
patient is overweight and avoidance of large meals, caffeine, chocolate, and spicy foods.
Medical Therapy
Prokinetic Agents
In recent studies, TLESRs are considered the most important component of GER.
Prokinetic agents increase LES pressure, enhance esophageal peristalsis, and accelerate
gastric emptying. Cisapride is a mixed serotonergic agent that reduces esophageal acid
exposure. Studies have shown that cisapride improves symptom scores, esophagitis, and
pulmonary function in patients with GER. However, it has also been noted to potentially
cause serious cardiac arrhythmias and has been withdrawn from the market in many countries
Reports have suggested that erythromycin has prokinetic effects on the gastrointestinal
tract at doses lower than antimicrobial levels, but no randomized controlled trials have been
performed [22].
Operative Treatment
Operative management usually follows failed medical management for growth failure
(failure to thrive or gain weight appropriately), most respiratory symptoms, and other
symptoms such as pain and esophagitis.
However, in selected circumstances, it may be best to proceed with fundoplication
without a trial of medical therapy. These selective situations include the previously mentioned
patient in an intensive care unit who requires gastrostomy and the neurologically impaired
patient with a similar need for gastrostomy and concern for aspiration. This latter scenario is
commonly seen in infants and children, and the decision for or against fundoplication at the
time of gastrostomy should be individualized.
Regarding a stricture, dilation can be performed at the time of fundoplication. Subsequent
dilations may be needed in severe cases. Finally, children with a known hiatal hernia and
symptomatic GER are not likely to respond to medical management. Initial fundoplication is
a reasonable choice in these patients.
Nissen Fundoplication
The operation is best performed through an upper midline or left subcostal incision. The
left lobe of the liver is mobilized, folded on itself, and retracted to the patient’s right. Three or
more upper short gastric vessels are divided to mobilize the fundus of the stomach. The
anterior peritoneum over the gastroesophageal junction is incised transversely. The distal end
of the esophagus is mobilized circumferentially. Dissection is continued up into the thorax
when needed to achieve at least a 3.0-cm length of the intra-abdominal portion of the
The vagus nerves are mobilized with the esophagus. A Penrose drain is often looped
around the esophagus and vagi to help mobilize the distal esophageal segment. The
diaphragmatic crura are repaired posteriorly with nonabsorbable suture. The fundus is then
fitted around the esophagus for 360 degrees. Usually, three to four interrupted sutures are
placed in the fundus and esophagus to complete the wrap. Some surgeons also place four to
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) 143
six sutures to attach the esophagus to the crura circumferentially above the wrap to prevent
herniation of the wrap or other intra-abdominal contents into the chest. The wrap is performed
over an appropriately sized bougie within the esophagus to prevent the creation of a tight
wrap. Additionally, the fundoplication should be loose enough to allow a blunt-tipped clamp
to pass between the fundal wrap and the esophagus containing the bougie [23].
Toupet Fundoplication
In the Toupet technique, the esophagus is dissected in the same manner as for a Nissen
fundoplication. The crura are approximated posteriorly to snug the hiatus. The fundus is
mobilized either with or without division of the short gastric vessels. The fundus is then
pulled through the retroesophageal space and secured to the left and right crura with
interrupted sutures. The most cephalad sutures of the wrap incorporate all three structures:
fundus, crus, and esophagus. The wrap is anchored posteriorly to the crura with two or three
sutures [24].
GER is a common disorder in children and often requires surgical correction. GER in
infants and children is more complex than adult GER. Failure of medical management and an
inability to wean from antireflux medications are the most common indications for the
surgical treatment of reflux. A complete-wrap fundoplication appears to have better outcomes
than partial-wrap fundoplication, although this contention is controversial.
Postoperative retching and recurrent GER are the most common and vexing
complications of antireflux surgery
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gastroesophageal reflux in infants and children. Recommendations of the North
American Society for Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition. J Pediatr Gatroenterol
Nutr, 2001, 32(Suppl), Sl.
[21] Augood, C; MacLennan, S; Gilbert, R; et al. Cisapride treatment for gastro-oesophageal
reflux in children. Cochrane Database Syst Rev (4), CD002300, 2003.
[22] Curry, JI; Lander, TD; Stringer, MD. Erythromycin as prokinetic agent in infants and
children. Aliment Pharmacol Ther, 2001, 15, 595.
[23] Fonkalsrud, EW. Nissen fundoplication for pediatric gastroesophageal reflux disease.
Semin Pediatr Surg, 1998, 7, 110.
[24] Weber, TR. Toupet fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux disease. Semin Pediatr
Surg, 1998, 7, 121.
[25] Watson, DI; de Beaux, AC. Complications of laparoscopic antireflux surgery. Surg
Endosc, 2001, 15, 344.
[26] Hunter, JG; Swanstrom, L; Waring, JP. Dysphagia after laparoscopic antireflux
surgery: The impact of operative technique. Ann Surg, 1996, 224, 51.
146 Samer Bostame, Habib Bouthour, Taieb Chouikh et al.
[27] Fonkalsrud, EW; Ashcraft, KW; Coran, AG; et al. Surgical treatment of
gastroesophageal reflux in children: A combined hospital study of 7467 patients.
Pediatrics, 1998, 101, 419.
[28] Borowitz, SM; Satphen, JL. Recurrent vomiting and persistent gastroesophageal reflux
caused by unrecognized constipation. Clin Pediatr (Phila), 2004, 43, 461.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 14
Achalasia is a motility disorder of the esophagus; dysphasia is the most common
sign. The diagnosis is usually suspected on clinical history or in cases of associated
malformations and confirmed by the study of the esophagus motility. The management
aims to relief the esophagus obstacle and to allow an appropriate oral feeding.
Achalasia is a primary and progressive motility disorder of the esophagus characterized
Corresponding Author Address: Tunis School of Medecine University El Manar, Tunisia, Department of
Paediatric Surgery, Hôpital Universitaire Necker-Enfants Malades Hospital, 149 rue de Sevres, 75015 Paris,
France. Hopital Robert Ballanger, Bd. Robert Ballanger 936020, Aulnay sous Bois, France. Email:
[email protected].
148 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Esophageal achalasia is a rare disease particularly regarding the pediatric population
since less than 5% of patients have symptoms when they are below 15 years of age [2]. The
estimated incidence of this entity is 0.11 per 100,000 children [3]. An epidemiological survey
in the United Kingdom showed an incidence of 0.18/100,000 children/year [4], and there is
no racial or gender predilection.
The cause of achalasia is unknown, but the origin is likely to be multifactorial (genetic
factors, autoimmunity, environmental influences). There is a reduction of the number of the
ganglion cells of the myenteric plexus of the esophageal body and the lower esophageal
sphincter in case of esophageal achalasia. During the initial stage of the disease, the
neurodegenerative process affects the inhibitory neurons and their neurotransmitter: The nitric
oxide, which is a non-adrenergic-non-cholinergic neurotransmitter of smooth muscle
relaxation. The lack of inhibitory neurotransmitter leads to high-amplitude propagative
contractions of the esophageal body and non-relaxing of the lower esophageal sphincter. As
the disease gradually progresses, cholinergic neurons are affected, leading to very low
amplitude contractions of the esophagus.
Clinical Presentation
Vomiting and dysphagia are the commonest initial symptoms. Children with achalasia
complain of a progressive dysphagia of liquid and solid food, and regurgitation of aliments
retained in the esophagus. Vomiting occurs more frequently in infants and young children
whereas dysphagia is commoner in older children.
Loss of weight is very common and they often present with respiratory symptoms like
nocturnal cough or repeated pneumonia due to frequent micro aspiration.
The average of symptoms’ duration prior to the diagnosis ranges from 7 to 31 months in
literature [6, 7].
Achalasia may be associated with Allgrove syndrome or triple, a syndrome, which
is a rare autosomal recessive disorder characterized by achalasia, alacrima, and
adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) insensitivity. Other associated signs are a variety of
neurological symptoms and skin changes. Clinical signs of ACTH insensitivity become
symptomatic usually during the first 10 years of life. Alacrima is related to dysfunction of the
parasympathetic part of the nervous system. This syndrome is related to a mutation in the
AAAS gene on chromosome 12q13, which encodes a protein called ALADIN [11].
Esophageal Achalasia 149
Chest X-Ray
Chest X-ray may show an air-fluid level in the esophagus; there may be a soft tissue
shadow in the mediastinum on the left hemi thorax corresponding to a dilated lower
oesophagus (Figures 1 and 2), and sometimes pneumonic changes.
Radionuclide Scintigraphy
Radionuclide scintigraphy may depict the lack of progression of the esophageal content
and allows more prolonged observation with less irradiation compared with the barium
swallow, but it is less informative of the shape of the distal esophagus (Figure 4).
Endoscopy confirms a dilated esophagus which funnels smoothly towards a narrowed the
lower esophageal sphincter. Retained food or esophagitis may be noted in the esophagus.
Although the lower sphincter is closed, it provides little resistance to the advancing
Esophageal Manometry
Esophageal manometry is the “gold standard” for the diagnosis of achalasia.
Diagnostic features include a failure of relaxation of lower sphincter on swallowing and
absence of peristalsis in the body of the esophagus.
Features that are characteristic but not required for the diagnosis include elevated resting
lower Esophageal sphincter (LES) pressure (>45 mmHg), and resting pressure in the
esophageal body exceeding that in the stomach.
The Medical Management
It includes the use of long-acting nitrates such as isosorbide dinitrate, and calcium
channel blockers (i.e., nifedipine) as smooth muscle relaxing agents. But, the chronic use of
Nifedipine in achalasia has been disappointing due to lack of durable response, substantial
side effects, and compliance issues.
Esophageal Achalasia 151
Figure 4. Radionuclide esophageal transit study (A) Summed image of whole esophagus. (B) Time-
activity curve shows marked retention of radioactivity in the esophagus [9].
This toxin is able to inhibit the release of acetylcholine from presynaptic nerve terminals.
The toxin binds to the presynaptic nerve terminals and produces neuromuscular blockade and
smooth muscle relaxation. This will allow for decreased LES resting tone and an
improvement of esophageal emptying.
The botulinum toxin is injected radially in four quadrants at the low esophageal sphincter
(total of 80 to 100 units of toxin). This intrasphincteric injection may produce an initial
favorable response, but the majority of patients will have relatively prompt recurrence of their
Esophageal Dilatation
The aim is to forcefully distend the dysfunctional low esophageal sphincter and make it
incompetent, allowing for a reduction in the resting pressure and improvement in esophageal
emptying. Pneumatic esophageal dilatation, guided by endoscopy or fluoroscopy is realized
under general anesthesia. Approximately 60% to 83% of selected patients have a favorable
response (symptom relief), while 20% will require repeat treatment for recurrent symptoms.
The esophageal perforation rate appears to be less than 3% in literature [13].
152 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Myotomy is continued proximally and distally until all constricting muscles have been
separated and the mucosa is seen bulging (Figure 6). Myotomy extends for 4-6 cm above, and
Esophageal Achalasia 153
Esophageal achalasia is a rare disease in children and its origin is generally
indeterminable. The sufferer’s symptomology may suggest gastroesophageal reflux,
Esophageal manometry combined with X-ray examination proves to be an effective
diagnostic method for achalasia. It is also effective in evaluating the result of treatment.
Heller's esophagocardiomyotomy is a treatment of choice for children with achalasia because
of its safety and long-term effective results after surgery.
[1] Patient Care Committee and Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract. (2004).
Esophageal achalasia. SSAT patient care guidelines. Journal of gastrointestinal
surgery: official journal of the Society for Surgery of the Alimentary Tract, 8(3), 367.
[2] Berquist, W. E., Byrne, W. J., Ament, M. E., Fonkalsrud, E. W. and Euler, A. R.
(1983). Achalasia: diagnosis, management, and clinical course in 16 children.
Pediatrics, 71(5), 798-805.
154 Chaima Mrad, Sofien Ghorbel and Taieb Chouikh
Chapter 15
Biliary atresia (BA) is a progressive obliterating inflammatory cholangiopathy,
affecting both intra and extra hepatic part of the biliary tree. If not treated, it will lead to
cirrhosis, liver failure and ultimately death in few months or years.
Biliary atresia (BA) is a progressive obliterating inflammatory cholangiopathy, affecting
both intra and extra hepatic part of the biliary tree. If not treated, it will lead to cirrhosis, liver
failure and ultimately death in few months or years.
The first described case of BA was in 1891 by Thomson in the Edinbourgh medical
journal [1]. In 1916 Holmes identified the correctable and non-correctable forms [2]. In 1928
Ladd published the first successful surgery for a correctable form of BA [3]. Gross in 1953
described the BA as the most common cause for neonatal obstructive jaundice [4].
In 1957 Kasai and All came with a revolution for the treatment of infants traditionally
considered to have non correctable forms of BA, with the introduction of the hepato-
portoenterostomy [5] which became the standard surgical treatment of BA since then.
156 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
Liver transplant introduced by Starzl in 1963 became a practical option in the eighties for
children in whom the portoenterostomy was unsuccessful or whom developed chronic hepatic
failure. BA remains the first indication for liver transplant in the pediatric population.
BA remains a rare pathology in Europe and North America with an average rate of
1/18000 birth [7]. It is significantly more frequent in (extreme orient) and Polynesia with the
highest reported incidence in Taiwan [8] with 1/5000 birth as well as French Polynesia.
BA is a progressive destruction of the biliary tree caused by an inflammatory process, it
is considered to be an acquired rather than a congenital anomaly [9], since the majority of
patients has normal meconium and colored stool at birth.
There is no clearly identified etiology for BA, although various theories have been
evocated such as bile duct ischemia [10] and viral infection (rotavirus and reovirus) but the
correlation is not proven in human [11].
The classification is based on the level of obliteration of the common bile duct. There are
three types: (Figure 1).
Type I and II are less common but have a much better prognosis [12].
Type I can be associated with a cystic dilatation of the common bile duct. In this case the
diagnosis can be evocated antenatally.
The presence of a cyst in the infrahepatic area on the antenatal ultrasound must evocate a
cystic form of BA, a checking ultrasound must be performed after birth to confirm this
condition in order to provide the right management, since the timing of surgery is really
important in case of BA whereas, in case of CDCHD the surgery is delayed.
Another specific form of BA is the association with the polysplenia syndrome which
includes multiple spleen, situs invertus, malrotation, preduodenal portal vein absence of
retrohpatic portion of the IVC and cardiac anomalies.
Biliary Atresia 157
Antenatal Diagnosis <5%
Post-Natal Diagnosis
Clinical Findings
The jaundice appears few days or weeks after birth, the first meconium is usually normal
with a period of variably cholic stool in more than 50% [13].
With the persistence of cholestasis, the size of the liver increase gradually with a firm
consistence at the beginning; cirrhosis ultimately appears with its complications
(malnutrition, anemia, portal hypertension, ascitis and hepatic decompensation).
158 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
Typically the infant presents with persistent jaundice dark urine and acholic stool
(figure), the diagnosis of BA must then be evocated and other medical causes of conjugated
jaundice has to be excluded.
Serologic Evaluation
Blood tests are nonspecific; it shows extra hepatic cholestasis with elevation of
conjugated bilirubin, gamma GT and transaminases. Signs of liver failure appears later with
cirrhosis (decrease of PT, total protein and serum albumin, thromboplastin time).
It is a simple, non-invasive procedure. The infant must be fasting for at least 4 hours
before the examination [14].
If the gallbladder is not visualized or shrunken, with absence of dilatation of the intra
hepatic bile duct, the diagnosis of BA is strongly evocated.
A normal gallbladder is > 1.5 cm length; the presence of a choledocal cyst excludes the
diagnosis as well.
Hepatobiliary Scintigraphy
Widely used to differentiate BA from other medical causes of cholestasis [15]; a
pretreatment with Phenobarbital for 3 to 5 days prior to the exam can be given in order to
enhance the hepatic excretion. Excretion of the radionuclide in the intestine excludes the
diagnosis of BA.
Liver Biopsy
Percutaneous liver biopsy is accurate in about 85% of cases, it is considered to be the
most reliable exam for the diagnosis of BA [16]; it shows ductular proliferation, bile duct
plugs, canalicular and cellular bile stasis, portal tract edema and fibrosis.
In some centers, the use of ERCP is indicated when the ultrasound coupled with the liver
biopsy fail to assess the diagnosis. In case of BA, the ERCP shows no bile in the duodenum
with failure at the opacification of the bile duct or opacification of only the common bile duct
+/- the gallbladder.
Differential Diagnosis
Other tests are performed to eliminate other causes of conjugated jaundice:
The Kasai procedure (hepatic portoenterostomy) is the standard operation for the
treatment of BA and has radically changed the prognosis of these children for 30 years.
Primary biliary drainage is achieved in over 2/3 of patients, although nearly half
ultimately develop progressive liver failure and will need liver transplant [17]. The Kasai
operation consists in resecting the entire extra hepatic biliary structures and anastomosing a
Roux en Y jejunal limb at the liver hilum (porta hepatis) [17]. The microscopic biliary
structure contained within the transected fibrous tissues drain bile into the intestine [18].
Dissection must be limited to the porta hepatis area and should be minimal in the pedicule to
avoid post-operative adhesion and facilitate liver transplant if needed, no drainage should be
left. The surgical exploration will note the liver consistency (usually fibrotic with green
discoloration), and also look for polysplenia syndrome elements. The procedure always ends
up with a liver biopsy.
Despite the clinical findings and the Para clinic exams, the diagnosis of BA is assessed
only in 80 to 90% preoperatively. The surgery represents the final step for the diagnosis and
the first step for the treatment; therefore, the first step of the surgery is to confirm or eliminate
the diagnosis of BA.
The operation is performed via a right subcostal incision; at first a mini laparotomy is
made which can be extended if the diagnosis is confirmed to proceed to the portoenterostomy.
The exploration of the infrahepatic area allows to expose the gallbladder; if it is reduced
to a fibrotic remnant then the diagnosis of BA is established [18], if a permeable gallbladder
is found then its content is aspired, if “white bile” is found this usually confirme the diagnosis
of BA. The punction is followed by an attempt of opacification, three possible results can be
1. Complete extrahepatic duct patency excluding the diagnosis of BA, we then proceed
to a liver biopsy and the incision is closed.
2. Only the distal part of the extra hepatic duct appears from the gallbladder to the
duodenum. Portocholecystostomy (figure) can then be performed; this variant of the
classic Kasai procedure allows preserving the natural biliary sphincter and theorically
eliminating the risks of post-operative cholangitis, although it is associated with a
higher rate of bile leakage. In case of such complication the portocholecystostomy is
switched to a classic portojejunostomy.
3. Cholangiography shows no patent extra hepatic duct, the diagnosis of BA is assessed
and hepatic portoenterostomy is performed.
A nasogastric tube is left for 2 to 3 days until intestinal function returns, enteral feeding is
then gradually commenced. Some staff use protocols including ursodesoxycholic acid,
antibiotics, vitamins supplement, nutrition support or steroids, although none of those
protocols has shown evidence of real efficacy.
160 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
Biliary drainage characterized by clearance of jaundice and appearance of cholic stool is
acheaved in 2/3 patients although it is not a guarantee of cure [18], in fact, half of those
patients will develop progressive liver failure and may ultimately need liver transplantation
during childhood. The other half will keep normal functional native liver and remain free of
long term sequelae, they do not require liver transplant.
The remaining 1/3 patients with early failure of portoenterostomy will have persistent
jaundice and progressive liver failure that can only be salvaged with liver transplantation [18].
The 10 year survival rate is 89%, and 40% with native liver [19].
The survival rate with native liver is correlated with the age at the surgery, it is much
better when the surgery is done before 45 days of age (40% versus 25% when surgery done
over 45 days) [6].
Bacterial ascending cholangitis occurs in 30 to 40% of cases, most commonly during the
first year and almost always in children with bile flow [20].Its clinical presentation associate
fever with worsening of jaundice and acholic stool, the diagnosis is confirmed by blood
culture and eventually liver biopsy and the treatment is based on broad spectrum antibiotics
(including anaerobic coverage). Recurrent cholangitis may be problematic, leading to discuss
liver transplantation.
Portal hypertension
At the time of surgery there is always a degree of liver fibrosis, it can progress even after
successful surgery leading to portal hypertension. Portal hypertension is manifested as ascites
and esophageal varices with the risk of bleeding [18]. Endoscopic surveillance of the upper
gastrointestinal tract in children treated for BA is recommended because of the
unpredictability of variceal formation. Treatment is based on variceal ligation, somatostatine,
surgical portosystemic shunt and more recently TIPS (Trans hepatic portosystemic shunt). If
those measures fail to control complications of portal hypertension, then liver transplantation
is considered.
Diminished bile flow and liver impairment may cause malabsorption problems leading to
malnutrition, vitamin-K dependent coagulopathy, osteomalacia and rickets due to leak of
vitamin D and calcium. Nutritional supplementation is generally required and allows
controlling those troubles.
Biliary Atresia 161
Intrapulmonary shunts
Intrapulmonary shunts and hypoxia may occur even in anicteric children, the mechanism
is unknown.The diagnosis is made by specific Ventilation/perfusion radionuclide lung scan;
liver transplantation appears to be the only treatment.
Biliary leakage
Biliary atresia is a very rare condition; the management of those patients requires a long
practice, this is why it has to be made in reference centers by experienced staff.
[1] Thomson.J: On congenital obliteration of the bile ducts: Edinbourgh Medical Journal
[2] Holmes JB: congenital obliteration of the bile ducts: diagnosis and suggestions of
treatment. Am J Dis Child 1916; 11:405.
[3] Ladd WE: Congenital atresia and stenosis of the bile ducts. JAMA 1928; 91: 1082.
[4] Gross R: Obstructive Jaundice in infancy. In Gross R(ed): the surgery of infancy and
childhood. Philadelphia, WB Saunders, 1953.
[5] Kasai M, Suzuki S: a new operation for “non correctable” biliary atresia-
Portoenterostomy. Shijutsu 1959; 13: 733-739.
[6] Chardot C, Carton M, Spire Bendelac N et al.: Epidemiology of biliary atresia in
France: A national study. Journal of hepatology 1999; 31: 1006-1013.
[7] Yoon PW, Bresce JS, Olney RS et al.: epidemiology of biliary atresia: a population
based study. Pediatrics 1998; 101: 729-730.
[8] Hsiao CH, Chang MH, Chen HL et al.: Universal screening for biliary atresia using an
infant stool color card in Taiwan. Hepatology 2008; 47: 1233-1240.
[9] Brent RL: persistant jaundice in infancy. J Pediatr 1962; 61: 111.
[10] Klippel CH: A new theory of biliary atresia. J Pediatr Surg 1972; 7: 651.
[11] Brown WR, Sokol RJ, Levin MJ et al.: Lack of correlation between infection with
reovirus 3 and extrahepatic biliary atresia or neonatal hepatitis. J Ppediatr 1988; 113:
162 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
[12] Nio M, Ohi R, Miyano T et al.: five and ten years survival rates after surgery for biliary
atresia: a report from the Japanese Biliary Atresia Registery. J Pediatr Surg 2003; 38:
[13] Chiba T: Japanese Biliary Atresia Registery. In Ohi R (ed): Biliary Atresia. Tokyo,
Incom, Associates, 1991.
[14] Altman RP, Abramson S: Potential error in the diagnosis and surgical management of
neonatal jaundice. J Pediatr Surg 1985; 20: 529.
[15] Majd M, Reba RC, Altman RP: Hepatobiliary scintigraphy with 99mTc-PIPIDA in the
evaluation of neonatal jaundice. Pediatrics 1981; 67: 140.
[16] Lefkowitch JH: Biliary atresia. Mayo Clin Proc 1998; 73: 90.
[17] Kasai M: Treatment of biliary atresia with special reference to hepatic porto-
enterostomy and its modifications. Prog Pediatr Surg 1974; 6: 5.
[18] Altman RP, Buchmiller TL: The jaundiced infant: biliary atresia. In Grosfeld JL (ed):
Pediatric Surgery sixth edition, volume one 2006;103: 1603-1619.
[19] Davenport M: Biliary atresia in England and Whales. J Pediatr Surg 2011;
[20] Ecoffey C, Rothman E, Bernard O: Bacterial cholangitis after surgery for biliary
atresia. Journal of Pediatrics 1987; 111:824-829.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 16
Choledochal congenital malformation refers to an abnormality characterized by a
unique or multiple communicating cystic dilations of the extrahepatic biliary duct,
associated or not with a dilatation of the intrahepatic left and right channel.
It is a rare condition in Western Europe and North America, more common in Asia;
the treatment is always based on surgery.
The first description of a fusiform dilation of the common biliary duct was made by Vater
in 1723 [1]. In 1852, Douglas published the first detailed case of a patient with a dilation of
the common biliary duct and suggested the congenital origin [2].
The most admitted theory about the source of this malformation is the presence a
pancreaticobiliary malunion, which is characterized by the early implantation of the
pancreatic duct in the common bile duct far from the Vater ampulla, leading to a long
common channel.
This malposition leads to a pancreatic reflux in the common bile duct (CBD); which is
responsible of the histological damages of the CBD and the subsequent dilatation [3, 4].
164 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
This theory was first evocated by Babitt and is commonly admitted since the vast
majority of patients with congenital dilatation of the common bile duct seems to have a long
pancreaticobiliary common channel.
Alonso Lee et al. first described three forms of choledochal cyst [5], later, Todani, Coll
and others [6, 7] classified this anomaly into five types with several subtypes basing on the
study of the cholangiogram (Figure 1).
Nowadays, the diagnosis is more often made antenatally, due to the progress of the
ultrasound. Some cases are still diagnosed after several months or years, whereas the
historical adult forms with portal hypertension, cirrhosis and cholangiocarcinoma are now
Choledochal Congenital Malformation 165
1. Prenatal diagnosis: based on the ultrasound during the 2nd or 3rd term of gestation
[8]. A cystic mass in the subhepatic area is found without other associated fetal
A biliary atresia in the cystic form must be evocated and eliminated as it is a
therapeutic emergency, others diagnosis can also be evocated as the hepatic cyst and
other abdominal cysts. When such images are found prenatally, an ultrasound
checking must be performed after birth, in the absence of jaundice and stool
discoloration the diagnosis of congenital dilatation of the CBD is highly suspected,
and a magnetic resonance cholangio-pancreatography is indicated.
2. Post-natal presentation: if the diagnosis is not evocated antenatally, the
malformation can be asymptomatic for a while. The classic triad of jaundice,
abdominal pain, and palpable abdominal mass is rarely observed [9], the patients
present most commonly with abdominal pain associated or not with pancreatitis, and
this is why the diagnosis should be evocated in a patient with a history of non-
identified chronical abdominal pain. The clinical examination is not accurate, a
subhepatic mass is rarely observed, it is common to have an abdominal tenderness
most often in the upper right part of the abdomen. Later we can find jaundice due to
the obstruction of the CBD by the sludge or stones in the final part of the dilated
portion of the CBD.
3. Adult form: the historical presentation at the adult age is now exceptional, portal
hypertension can be found but also, cirrhosis, cholangiocarcinoma, and intrahepatic
stones. When the diagnosis is made antenatally, it is admitted perform surgery
between the age of three and six months, some recent study tends to lower this term
to 1 month of age [10]. The aim of an early surgical repair is to prevent appear of
Pancreatitis is very frequent, it's the most common manifestation of this
malformation, laboratory tests confirms pancreatitis and the ultrasound or CT scan
report the existence of a CBD dilation as the leading point of pancreatitis.
Stones can appear in the dilated bile duct and remains asymptomatic or lead to
complications such as migration, obstruction and pancreatitis, and in some rare cases
Perforation: rare (0.7 to 7%): resulting in a biliary peritonitis with abdominal pain,
jaundice, vomiting and delirium [5, 11]. The ultrasound reveals in these cases a
dilation of the bile duct and ascites
Hepatic fibrosis is frequently present at the moment of surgery, even when the liver
appears macroscopically healthy [12], this may justify a systematic liver biopsy.
Portal hypertension, cirrhosis, and cholangiocarcinoma are observed after a long
evolution period.
166 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
The clinical presentation of the congenital dilation of the CBD is nonspecific, the
radiologic assessment of this malformation is mandatory before any therapeutic
Radiological assessment allows the study of the biliary anatomy in addition to confirming
the diagnosis, which is very helpful before surgery.
This exam suspected the anomaly but did not confirm it. A dilation of the extrahepatic
biliary duct associated or not with a dilation of the intrahepatic biliary duct, sludge or stones
in the dilated duct can be reported.
The aim of the surgery is to reestablish a normal biliary flow and avoids the short and
long term complications.
Many procedures had been tempted from a simple external drainage to several types of
internal drainage (cystico-duodenostomy or cystico-jejunostomy). These procedures which
leave the dilated bile duct in place have been widely performed in the 20th century, the
follow-up of the patients leads to several complications such as infection and stones due to
the stasis, and ultimately malignant evolution [13, 14].
The procedure admitted since the eighties is the complete excision of the extrahepatic
bile duct, followed by a Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy with a 40cm loop (Figure 2). The
process includes a liver biopsy and drainage of the infra-hepatic area.
The dissection of the extrahepatic biliary duct stops toward the pancreas; it is usual to
leave the intrapancreatic portion in place.
Some authors described a hepatoduodenal diversion after the excision of the bile duct, but
this approach seems to be associated with a higher rate of complications such as cholangitis
and anastomosis stricture [15]. The same procedure can be performed either laparoscopically
or by open surgery, although the laparoscopic approach is technically more challenging and
requires surgical skills and takes longer times than the open approach, comparative studies
shows that it is feasible and safe even in pediatric population [16].
The timing of surgery is postponed to the age of 2 to 6 months for the prenatally
diagnosed forms; however, some recent studies recommend proceeding in the first month,
even in asymptomatic patients to avoid liver damages [10].
A nasogastric tube is left for 2 to 3 days; oral feeding can begin after its exclusion.
The abdominal drain is removed after five days, amylase rate can be measured in its
content, and an elevated rate traduces a pancreatic leakage which is common in the first days.
Usually, the postoperative hospital stay is simple.
Complications occur in 15 to 20% of patients [17, 18].
Early Complications
Late Complications
Intrahepatic stone formation tends to occur in older children with persistent dilated
intrahepatic bile duct [9].
168 Soumaya Khadidja Khadir
Recurrent pancreatitis can occur many years after the surgery, and it is related to a
persistent remnant of the common channel. The treatment of such complication is challenging
since it is based on the excision of the intrapancreatic portion of the cyst which was first left
in place.
Cholangitis can occur due to an anastomotic stricture, or when the Roux en X loop is too
short which allows the intrahepatic reflux. Malignant transformation can happen in the
extrahepatic duct, either on the cyst itself, if not removed, or in the remaining part left after
the surgery. It is usually an aggressive form of adenocarcinoma, for which the incidence in
the general population is very low (less than 3/100000 [19]); whereas Watanabe et al. [20]
found 17% of malignant transformation in a review of the Japanese data of choledochal cysts.
The possibility of long-term complication, above all malignant transformation, leads to the
necessity of a lifelong follow up for all those patients, aiming to detect as early as possible a
malignant transformation. Annual liver ultrasound in addition to laboratory tests seems to be
reasonable. However, the addition of MRCP may improve the sensitivity [9].
The congenital choledochal malformation is a rare condition; the surgical management is
simple and well codified, and the follow-up is free of complications. However, the need for a
lifetime follow-up is justified to avoid an insidious malignant transformation.
[1] Vater A, Ezler CS. Dissertatio de scirrhis viserum occasione sections viri tympanite
defunte, Wittenburgae 1723: 4 Pamphlers; 881:22.
[2] Douglas H. Case of dilatation of the common bile duct. Monthly J Med Sci 1852; 14:
[3] Shimotakahara A, Yamataka A, Kobayachi H, Okada Y, Yanai T, Lane GJ et al. Forme
frustre choledochal cyst: long term follow-up with special reference to surgical
technique. J Pediatric Surgery 2003; 38:1833-36.
[4] Babitt DP. Congenital choledochal cyst: new etiological concept based on anomalous
relashionships of the common bile duct and pancreatic bulb. Ann Raiol 1969; 12:231-5.
[5] Alonso-Lej F, Rever WB, Pessagno DJ. Congenital Choledochal cyst with a report of 2
and an analysis of 94 cases. Int Abstr Surg 1959; 108: 1-30.
[6] Todani T, Watanabe Y, Narusue M et al. Congenital bile duct cyst: classification,
operative procedures, and review of 37 cases including cancer arising from choledochal
cyst. Am J Surg 1977; 134: 263-269.
[7] Todani T, Watanabe Y, Yoki A et al. Co-existing biliary anomalies and anatomical
variants in choledochal cyst. Br J Surg 1998; 85: 760-763.
[8] MacKenzie TC, Howell LJ, Flake AW, Adzick NS. The management of prenatally
diagnosed choledochal cysts. J Pediatr surg 2001; 36: 1241-1243.
[9] Dabbas N, Davenport M. Congenital choledochal malformation: not just a problem for
children. Ann Royal Coll Surg Engl 2009; 91: 100-105.
Choledochal Congenital Malformation 169
[10] Mei Diao, Long Li, Wei Chang. Timing of surgery for prenatally diagnosed
asymptomatic choledochal cysts: a prospective randomized study. J Ped Surj 2012; 47:
[11] Ando K, MlyanoT, Kohno S, Takamizawa S, Lane G. Spontaneous perforation of
choledochal cyst: a study of 13 cases. Eur J Pediatr Surg 1998; 8: 23-25.
[12] Nambirajan L, Taneja P, Singh MK, Mitra DK, Bathnagar V. The liver in choledochal
cyst. Trop Gastroenterol 2000; 21:135-139.
[13] Metcalf MS, Wemyss-Holden SA, Maddern GJ. Management dilemmas with
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[14] Todani T, Watanbe Y, Urushihara N, Noda T, Morotomi Y. Biliary complications after
excisional procedure for choledochal cyst. J Pediatr Surg 1995; 30: 478-81.
[15] Shimotakahara A, Yamataka A, Yanai T, Kobayachi H, Okasaki T, Lane GJ et al.
Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy or hepaticoduodenostomy for biliary reconstruction
during the surgical treatment of choledochal cyst: which is better? Pediatr Surg Int
2005; 21: 5-7.
[16] Huang Liuming et al. Effect of laparoscopic excsision versus open excision in children
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[17] Yamaguchi M. Congenital choledochal cyst analysis of 1433 patients in Japanese
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[18] Miyano T, Yamakata A, Kato Y, Segawa O, Lane G, Takamizawa S et al.
hepaticoenterostomy after excision of choledochal cyst in children: a 30 years’
experience with 180 cases. J pediatr Surg 1996; 31: 1417-21.
[19] West J, Wood H, Logan RFA, Quinn M, Aithal GP. Tends in the incidence of primary
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[20] Watanabe Y, Toki A, Todani T. Bile duct cancer developed after cyst excision for
choledochal cyst. J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Surg 1999; 6: 207-12.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 17
Intestinal duplications are rare congenital malformations that can take many forms
and may occur in any part of the gastrointestinal tract from mouth to anus. Symptoms
vary according to the duplication’s position, size, type and histology. Multiple
duplications can occur in the same patient, and other congenital anomalies may be
Keywords: prenatal diagnosis, abdominal mass, acute abdominal pain, intestinal occlusion,
The histological definition of an Intestinal Duplication was established by Ladd in
1937 [1].
According to this definition, alimentary tract duplications are congenital lesions having
three characteristics:
172 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofiene Ghorbel
A gastric epithelium predominates in foregut lesions, while cysts further down the
gastrointestinal tract will contain small and/or large bowel mucosa. However, different types
of lining can be found in cysts at any site, and even pancreatic tissue and neural tissue can be
The reported incidence in autopsy series is 1 in 4500 [2] and approximately 1 in 10 000
live births [3]. Alimentary tract duplications represent less than 0.2% of all malformations in
childhood [4-6]. Boys and girls are equally concerned by this entity [7, 8].
Multiple theories tried to explain the occurrence of enteric duplications:
*Split notochord theory and anomalous adhesion: (Bentley and Smith, 1960) [9]: A
longitudinal split develops in the notochord, so endoderm and ectoderm can connect. This
connection may result in a complete fistula from bowel to skin that passes through the spinal
cord and column.
*Diverticula and canalization defects: Bremer [10] suggested that duplications arise as a
result of incomplete or defective vacuolization of the intestine
*Partial or abortive twinning: The timing of the twinning anomalies may explain the
extent of the twinning.
*Environmental factors: trauma, hypoxia…
Children with gastrointestinal duplication seem to have a high incidence of other
associated anomalies.
Spinal malformations (bifid or hemi vertebrae) have been reported often, particularly
with thoracic or thoraco-abdominal lesions.
Intestinal abnormalities: malrotation or atresia have been associated with abdominal
Urinary tract anomalies or bladder extrophy have been reported with midgut and hindgut
Intestinal Duplications 173
Alimentary tract duplications can be tubular or cystic.
Cystic form is more common and tubular structures are seen in 10-20% of the cases [11].
It can be single or multiple, commonly; they are non-communicating but can in rare cases
communicate with the lumen of the adjacent intestinal segment.
Enteric duplications are classified depending on the anatomic location of the duplication.
Figure1 shows the different locations and their frequencies.
Prenatal Diagnosis
The first prenatal diagnosis of enteric duplication by ultrasound was reported by van Dam
[13] in 1984 at 20 weeks of gestation. As more experience with antenatal diagnosis was
acquired, the majority of cases of duplications were identified in the chest or the upper
abdomen, where they are more easily visualized by ultrasound.
There are 2 sonographic signs highly suggestive of enteric duplication: the “double-wall”
sign and the presence of peristalsis [14, 15]. The “double-wall” sign consists of an inner
hyperechoic rim correlating to the mucosa-submucosa and an outer surrounding hypoechoic
layer reflecting muscularis propria. (Figure 2).
The prenatal ultrasound should search for other associated malformations.
The differential diagnosis of a cystic mass in the fetal abdomen includes urinary and
gastrointestinal tract defects, choledochal and hepatic cysts, splenic and mesenteric cysts,
meconium cysts, fetal cystic neuroblastoma, mesoblastic nephroma and ovarian cysts in
Magnetic resonance Imagery (MRI) is more accurate than ultrasound in delineating the
fetal anatomy. On fetal MRI, enteric duplications appear hyperintense on T2-weighted images
Intestinal Duplications 175
Alimentary tract duplications can present in a variety of ways depending on their size,
location, adjacencies, and whether they contain or not heterotopic gastric mucosa.
The majority of duplications are diagnosed in the first 2 years of life. Many duplications
have few or no symptoms and are found incidentally.
Clinical History may include symptoms as whizzing, pneumonia, abdominal mass,
dysphagia, abdominal pain and vomiting. An acute distention with secretions or infection of
the mass may cause severe abdominal pain. If the duplication contains heterotopic gastric
mucosa, ulceration and bleeding or even perforation may result.
An acutely enlarging cystic mass may cause obstruction of the adjacent bowel and result
in nausea and vomiting. A large duplication may even cause localized volvulus.
Physical examination: an abdominal mass may be palpable. The mass is typically mobile
and may be tender depending on the child’s symptoms. Chest masses may be accompanied by
locally diminished breath sounds. Physical examination will search for other malformations.
Laboratory tests can reveal anemia if the lesion has caused bleeding.
A duplication cyst in the head of the pancreas may give elevated serum amylase and
lipase levels.
Ultrasound examination: The cyst is typically anechoic on ultrasonography, unless there
had been ulceration and bleeding. The wall is typically 2 to 3 mm thick because it is
composed of smooth muscle and mucosa. The mucosal lining produces an echogenic signal
on the inside of the cyst.
Gastrointestinal contrast: may show an impression from the mass on the intestine and
can be helpful in the diagnosis (Figure 4a).
Computed Tomography (CT) scan: enteric duplications typically appear as cystic masses
with an enhancing rim (Figure 4b).
Will be described separately depending on the anatomic location of the duplication [12,
This location is very rare. Patients present early in life with respiratory distress. A mass
may be appreciated on physical examination. CT scan is the best diagnostic tool. The
differential diagnosis includes other cystic masses of the neck such as lymphatic
malformations and cysts of the airway or bronchial apparatus, or thyroglossal cysts.
176 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofiene Ghorbel
Figure 4. Duodenal duplication on gastrointestinal contrast (5a) and on abdominal CT scann (5b).
Thoracic duplications:
Gastro-duodenal duplications:
Gastric duplications usually arise from the greater curve of the stomach. A large lesion
may present as an abdominal mass, as an acute abdomen or with gastrointestinal bleeding.
Smaller lesions may present with pancreatitis. In infants they may mimic hypertrophic pyloric
stenosis. Pyloric and duodenal duplications usually present by causing obstruction to the
intestinal lumen or pancreatitis. The most helpful investigations in this group of duplications
are 99mTc-pertechnetate radionuclear scanning and cross-sectional imaging.
Greater curve or Pyloric duplication cysts can be completely excised by dissecting the
cyst off the gastric submucosa and repairing the residual seromuscular defect. Extensive
duplications of the greater curve of the stomach are best treated by partial resection, stripping
of the residual mucosal lining, and repair. Laparoscopic staple excision of smaller gastric
duplication cysts is an alternative technique.
Surgical alternatives in duodenal duplications are dictated by the anatomy and include
complete excision of the cyst with division of any ductal communication, partial excision and
mucosectomy of the remaining part of the cyst or, when the duplication is adjacent to the
ampulla of Vater, it can be fenestrated into the duodenal lumen.
They are the most common enteric duplications, and the majority of them occur in the
ileum. They may be either cystic (Figure 5) or tubular, and most are located on the mesenteric
side of the intestine, unlike Meckel diverticula. Frequently, the duplication shares its
muscular wall and blood supply with the adjacent intestine. Communication with the lumen
of the intestine may be variable.
Clinical presentation include abdominal pain and/or a mass. Small cystic duplications can
act as a lead point for small bowel intussusception or result in localized volvulus. If the
duplication enlarges or swells, it can lead to a compression of the adjacent intestine and cause
obstructive symptoms. Some duplications contain ectopic gastric mucosa that can cause
peptic ulceration, bleeding, or perforation.
The duplication should be resected with the adjacent intestine after ligation and division
of associated mesenteric vessels, with end-to-end anastomosis. Laparoscopic techniques are
applicable in selected cases.
178 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofiene Ghorbel
Extensive tubular duplications, which if resected would risk a short bowel syndrome,
pose a much more difficult problem. In such cases, submucosal resection is an alternative
option. The mucosal lining is stripped out using a series of longitudinal seromuscular
incisions in the duplication.
For tubular duplications within the mesentery but separate from the intestine, careful
separation of the two leaves of the mesentery and division of vessels on one side only may
enable enucleation of the duplication. Associated intestinal malrotation will require a Ladd’s
They represent 17% of all enteric duplications. They may be associated with abortive
twinning anomalies and have been reported in conjoined twins and with duplication or other
anomalies of the urinary tract and the genitalia. All cystic and most tubular duplications can
be excised by segmental colonic resection. The bowel is re-anastomosed with an end-to-end
If there is complete hindgut duplication with two perineal openings, a preliminary double
colostomy is recommended. The duplicated bowel can later be transected at the level of the
rectum and anastomosed to the normal rectum. The mucosa of the redundant distal segment is
Rectal duplications often present in the neonatal period as a perineal mucosal swelling
and/or a fistula extending to the perianal area or anorectum. Small submucosal rectal lesions
can be excised endorectally. A limited perineal excision is all that is required for a localised
small mucosal duplication. In the case of larger or more complex duplications, the posterior
sagittal approach provides excellent exposure of the retrorectal space. Rectal duplications
should be completely excised if possible because numerous examples of late malignant
degeneration of these cysts have been described.
Intestinal Duplications 179
Gatsro-Intestinal duplications are uncommon and have varied, nonspecific symptoms.
The ultrasound is a good screening tool but requires a high index of suspicion. The treatment
is bases on the complete excision. The long-term prognosis of children with ED depends on
the extent of physiological disturbance due to associated anomalies.
[1] Ladd, W. E. (1937). Duplications of the alimentary tract. Sth Med J, 30, 363-371.
[2] Potter, E. L. (1952). Pathology of the Fetus and the Newborn, Chicago: Year Book
Medical Publishers.
[3] Ilari, J., Martorell, R., Morales, M., Capdevila, M., Mairal, J. A., Teixidó, M. and
Casadella, A. (1998). Duodenal duplication. Cirugía pediátrica: organo oficial de la
Sociedad Española de Cirugía Pediátrica, 11(1), 37.
[4] Scheye, T., Vanneuville, G., Dechelotte, P., Queroy-Malamenaide, C. and Aufauvre, B.
(1995). Les duplications du tube digestif chez l’enfant: à propos de 12 observations. In
Annales de chirurgie (Vol. 49, No. 1, pp. 47-55). Elsevier.
[5] Gross, R. E., Holcomb, G. W. and Farber, S. (1952). Duplications of the alimentary
tract. Pediatrics, 9(4), 449-468.
[6] Karnak, I., Ocal, T., Senocak, M. E., Tanyel, F. C. and Büyükpamukçu, N. (1999).
Alimentary tract duplications in children: report of 26 years’ experience. The Turkish
journal of pediatrics, 42(2), 118-125.
[7] Nouri, A., Belguith, M., Mekki, M., Ben Attia, M., Sayed, S. and HOUISSA, T. (1993).
Les duplications digestives chez l’enfant. A propos de 24 cas. Revue maghrébine de
pédiatrie, 3(1), 17-21.
[8] Cooper, S., Abrams, R. S. and Carbaugh, R. A. (1995). Pyloric duplications: review and
case study. The American surgeon, 61(12), 1092-1094.
[9] Bentley, J. F. R. and Smith, J. R. (1960). Developmental posterior enteric remnants and
spinal malformations the split notochord syndrome. Archives of disease in childhood,
35(179), 76-86.
[10] Bremer, J. L. (1944). Diverticula and duplications of the intestinal tract.
[11] Burge, D. M., Griffiths, M. D., Steinbrecher, H. A. and Wheeler, R. A. (Eds.). (2005).
Paediatric surgery. CRC Press.
[12] Stringer, M. D. (2006). Gastrointestinal Duplications. In Pediatric Surgery (pp. 240-
256). Springer Berlin Heidelberg.
[13] Van Dam, L. J., De Groot, C. J., Hazebroek, F. W. J. and Wladimiroff, J. W. (1984).
Intra-uterine demonstration of bowel duplication by ultrasound. European Journal of
Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology, 18(4), 229-232.
[14] Segal, S. R., Sherman, N. H., Rosenberg, H. K., Kirby, C. L., Caro, P. A., Bellah, R. D.,
... and Horrow, M. M. (1994). Ultrasonographic features of gastrointestinal
duplications. Journal of ultrasound in medicine, 13(11), 863-870.
180 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofiene Ghorbel
[15] Kangarloo, H., Sample, F. W., Hansen, G., Robinson, S. J. and Sarti, D. (1979).
Ultrasonic Evaluation of Abdominal Gastrointestinal Tract Duplication in Children 1.
Radiology, 131(1), 191-194.
[16] Laje, P., Flake, A. W. and Adzick, N. S. (2010). Prenatal diagnosis and postnatal
resection of intraabdominal enteric duplications. Journal of pediatric surgery, 45(7),
[17] DENNIS, P. and DARYL, B. (2012). LUND. Alimentary Tract Duplications. Pediatric
surgery 7th Edition.
[18] Holcomb 3rd, G. W., Gheissari, A., O’Neill Jr, J. A., Shorter, N. A. and Bishop, H. C.
(1989). Surgical management of alimentary tract duplications. Annals of surgery,
209(2), 167.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 18
Anorectal malformations (ARM) concern all anorectal tract defects. Their prevalence
is approximately 1/3000. It is a broad spectrum of malformations with heterogeneous
functional prognosis, associated in 60% of cases with other malformations. Nearly 30%
of cases are well-identified syndromes. It is thus important that newborns with ARM are
referred to an expert center to provide early and complete care.
Although the surgical treatment based on the type of the malformation is now well
codified, and aims to reproduce normal anatomy, mechanical defecation process remains
altered. Postoperative management and follow-up have an important place, to keep these
patients, if not continent, at least with socially acceptable cleanliness.
The therapeutic strategy should be based on a multidisciplinary follow-up over a
long time which is the guarantee of a satisfactory functional outcome in adulthood,
involving the intervention of a visceral surgeon, and also urologist, neurosurgeon,
orthopedist, cardiologist depending of the associated malformations. The place of
supportive care is also fundamental: dietician, psychologist, social worker at different
ages and physiotherapist (after the age of 7 years old). In this respect, the development of
therapeutic education programs can be of great value to accept constraints of support and
Because disability generated by these defects is not visible, the impact can be
relevant in everyday life. Wandering and isolation of patients are still significant and can
lead to extreme situations. The labeling of the French National reference center MAREP
(for anorectal malformations and rare pelvic anomalies) has demonstrated the important
role of medical and para medical care for this surgical pathology and of developing
networks of medical and supportive care throughout the country.
This requires a tight collaboration between pediatric and adult teams to build
program of transition to adulthood and conversely to better identify the late sequelae of
these pathologies.
182 Célia Crétolle
Anorectal malformations (ARM) are rare diseases (with reference to the European
Parliament definition of rare diseases in 1999), since their prevalence in the Caucasian
population varies from 1/2500 to 1/5000 live births. They concern all anorectal tract defects
and are the most frequent malformations of the perineum. The sex ratio 1.6/1 is in favor of
girls. The majority of cases is sporadic [1]. In isolated forms (without any associated
malformation), no familial predisposition factor is identified [2, 3].
ARM are "frequent rare” defects occuring between the sixth and tenth week of
development and thus covering a wide spectrum of malformations with heterogeneous
functional prognosis, depending on the stage of development they occurred and therefore
severity of defects. The embryogenesis of ARM is still controversial [4] but can be
schematically outlined as two different groups of defects.
The high form of ARM is a defective progression of the cloaca septation that leads to a
communication between the terminal digestive tract and bladder or urethra in boys, vagina or
in its extreme form in girls, to a persistence of the cloaca with a single perineal fistula and a
common channel for urogenital and terminal digestive tracts. The low form of ARM results
from abnormal permeation of the anal membrane occuring in more advanced stage of the
digestive pathway development leading to a communication of the terminal digestive tract
with the perineum, anteriorly to the normal position of the anus (perineal skin or scrotum in
boys, posterior vestibule or fourchette in girls).
Whatever are the precise mechanisms underlying the genesis of ARM, the malformation
process, particularly in high forms, appears more global with an impact on the development
of other caudal structures of the embryo. In more than half of cases, there are other associated
malformations, beyond the only anorectal tract: sacrum or lombar vertebrae, terminal cone of
the spinal cord, urinary and/or genital systems, or even more complex associations defects
that occurred early in development, such as thoracic/cervical vertebrae anomalies, esophageal
atresia, cardiac defects... A syndromic form is clearly identified in nearly 30% of cases, e.g.,
VACTERL association or Currarino syndrome.
Hence, even if surgery restore anatomy, the defecation process, which involves different
pelvic structures, will be altered. This justifies to leave an important place in the post-
operative care to offer to these patients, otherwise to be fecal continent, at least a socially
acceptable cleanliness.
The French surgeon JZ. Amussat was the first to describe a proctoplasty in 1835 [5].
Different classifications have accompanied advances in understanding the ARM anatomy and
evolution of surgical strategies. The Melbourne classification was the reference since 1970,
based on Douglas F. Stephens’works on the major prognostic criteriae: quality of the pubo-
Anorectal Malformations 183
rectal component of levator ani, and on the level of the lower part of rectal cul-de-sac. Thus, 3
major forms of ARM were described: high, low or intermediate, according to the embryology
and the cul-de-sac level respectively above, below or at the same level of the insertion of the
levator ani, whatever the level of the fistula [6].
A. Peña in the 80s introduced a classification based on the level of the rectal fistula that
aims to adapt the surgical strategy and to predict the functional outcome. This classification
has evolved to a consensus in 2005, after the Conference of Krickenbeck [5] essentially based
on the existence (or not) of a fistula and its level, separating the common forms and
exceptional ones (Tables 1 and 2; the main forms of ARM are shown in Figures 1 to 4).
Formes Frequence
Recto-perineal (cutaneous) fistula 35-40%
Recto urethral fistula (bulbar or prostatic) 20-25%
Recto-vesical fistula 5%
Recto-vestibular fistula 15%
Cloaca 5%
No fistula 5%
Rare variants 5-10%
Clinical Examination
Figure 1. Low form of ARM: Anterior recto-perineal fistula. (Left: in girl. Right: in boy). The perineal
fistula opens in front of the lower part of the striated sphincter muscle complex normally developed.
Perineal fistula can be difficult to identify if the orifice of the fistula is narrow and
located at the base of the vulvar “fourchette” (Figure 2). Conversely, diagnosis of ARM can
be missed if perineal fistula is just anterior to normal anus position and be characterized as
normal anus (Figure 1). Hence, the diagnosis is often delayed in these minor forms, revealed
by a chronic fecal retention, in general after cessation of breastfeeding. Absence of radial
folds, the existence of inter ano-vulvar perineal grove and anterior position of the anus have
to consider this diagnosis.
In males, in low forms of ARM, there is anterior perineal fistula (Figure 1) or skin
covering the fistula with a rectal cul de sac just below. Sometimes, the fistula does not open
into the perineum, but rather follows a subepithelial midline tract, opening somewhere along
Anorectal Malformations 185
the midline perineal raphe, scrotum, or even at the base of the penis. In higher forms, the
rectum is above the levator ani insertion and fistula communicates in most of cases with the
urinary tract, usually the prostatic urethra (Figure 3a and 3b). Presence of meconium in urine
confirms the presence of a fistula with urinary tract, but is not always observed when the
fistula is not permeable.
Figure 2. Low form of ARM: Recto vestibular fistula. The lower part of the rectum and the posterior
part of the vagina are closely joined. The striated sphincter muscle complex is well developed.
a b
Figure 3. High form of ARM in boy Left: Recto-bulbar fistula. Right: Recto-prostatic fistula. The
muscular sphincter complex is present, more developed as the fistula is low.
186 Célia Crétolle
a b
Figure 4. High form of ARM in girl: cloacal malformation. On the left, the common channel is short
(<3cm), the sacrum and the sphincter muscle complex are well developed. On the right, the common
channel is long (>3 cm), the sacrum is incomplete, muscle complex is atrophic.
Radiological Assessment
All newborns must have an expert medical advice if ARM diagnosis is suspected.
Radiological assessment is mandatory to identify the type of ARM - high or low - the level of
the fistula, and identify associated malformations that will influence the course of the initial
management and prognosis. In addition to the clinical examination, the level of rectal cul de
sac may be assessed with Wangensteen and Rice standard X-Ray or invertogram (Figure 5),
with lateral cross table film and baby in prone position. The air level is evaluated on a virtual
line from pubis to coccyx, which represents the insertion level of the levator ani, but often
with inaccuracies. Perineal soft structures UltraSound (US) can also be performed with a
sensibility around 85% [8]. Unfortunately, diagnosis and therapeutic decisions are often made
in emergency at birth and it is not always possible to have this expertise. The pelvic and
spinal cord MRI value is significant, as it allows expertise of the length of the fistula, the
level of the rectum and associated pelvic and spinal abnormalities [9], but access to this
specific exam is often impossible in emergency.
The anatomical shape of the ARM is an essential element of fecal elimination control
prognosis. It is assumed that higher the rectum is, the less the sphincter muscles and
potentially their innervation, will be developed.
Anorectal Malformations 187
Figure 5. Invertogram or Wangensteen and Rice X-Ray, lateral cross table film with the baby in prone
position [5].
Trisomy 21
Trisomy 13, del13q, r13
Trisomy 18
Cat-eye (22q11 tetrasomy)
Pallister-Killian (12p tetrasomy)
Parental unidisomy 16 (maternal)
Di George (del22q11.2)
Anorectal Malformations 189
The surgical management of ARM is well codified and depends on the anatomy of the
fistula. In the lower forms with anteposition of the perineal fistula or without orifice, surgical
repair can be achieved without resorting to a colostomy. Y-V proctoplasty, cutback or
posterior sagittal anorectoplasty are possible. If the anus is just anterior, surgical correction is
not always mandatory because some of these patients retain normal transit as the distance
ano-vulvaire lengthens with the growth and the unsightly appearance fades over time. In the
first days of life, dilatations of the fistula (or bougierages) allow to wait for surgery when the
child is premature or has to undergo another surgery, especially if congenital cardiopathy is
associated. In the latter case, if bowel movements are not normal, a colostomy is mandatory
to put the child in a comfortable situation, time to solve other medical and surgical problems.
Low forms of ARM require frequent and prolonged follow up because of a tendency to stools
retention throughout childhood and beyond, which can paradoxically lead to poor control of
the anal sphincter [14].
In intermediate or high forms, a first colostomy is performed to allow the child to grow
before surgical repair that occurs around the age of 3 or 4 months when weight is around 6
kg. A divided descending colostomy is ideal. The completely diverting colostomy provides
bowel decompression as well as protection for the final repair of the malformation. In
addition, this type of colostomy facilitates the distal colostogram, which represents the most
accurate diagnostic study for determining the anatomy of these defects [5].
Most pediatric surgeons today use the posterior sagittal approach described in 1982 by
Peña and De Vries, with or without laparotomy or laparoscopy. PSARP (Postero-Sagittal
Ano-RectoPlasty) should never be attempted without a technically adequate high-pressure
distal colostogram to determine the exact position of the rectum and the fistula. Attempting
190 Célia Crétolle
the repair without this important information significantly increases the risk of nerve damage,
damage to the seminal vesicles, prostate urethra, ureters, bladder neck, and bladder
denervation [15]. This technique has revolutionized the surgical management of these
children because surgery is performed in good conditions and preserves muscles of
continence and neurovascular structures whatever is the level of rectum. However, abdominal
approach is necessary especially in boys, when the rectum is high located, e.g., rectovesical or
bladder neck fistula, or in case of cloacal malformation in girls.
With the development of minimally invasive surgery, a laparoscopy-assisted anorectal
pull-through was described in 2000, which is now used routinely in the high forms of ARM in
some centers or only in cases of high-located fistula in other centers [16]. Whatever the repair
technique, colostomy is usually closed 2-3 months later associated for some teams with a
protocol of daily anal bougierage over several months, as recommended by A. Peña. This last
point is controversial.
Besides these two typical situations, there are more complex forms requiring the use of
additional surgery on the spinal canal, e.g., Currarino syndrome, or the urogenital tract,
particularly in extreme forms as cloacal malformation.
himself when growing up) to perform invasive procedures (dilatations, enemas…). It can
generate psychological problems that can lead to a destabilization of the familial unit. In this
context, the development of therapeutic education programs should help parents and child to
accept these constraints. Familiarization of parents and patient with anatomy, physiology and
self-care techniques, can widely contribute to obtain a socially acceptable controlled
cleanliness by improving understanding of the pathology.
The assessment of long-term functional results of ARM has been so far carried out on
patients treated before the development PSARP approach or laparoscopy-assisted anorectal
pull-through. These patients were often not accompanied in support care or lost sight, and
developed a mega dolichocolon on chronic retention and gradual degradation of bowel
movements. Finally, the definition of "good or bad results" in terms of continence is variable
depending on the series. Thus, results of the various studies on “fecal continence” conducted
between 1985 and 2000 may vary from 10 to 90% depending on the series and surgical
approaches, figures tending more towards 10-20% continence when the monitoring was
extended [19]. It is interesting to note that low forms of ARM had results on fecal continence
that did not seem better than the higher forms, with 30 to 40% of incontinence [20].
A consensus score was elaborated during the Krickenbeck conference in 2005 to better
evaluate and compare the results [6]. One of the most interesting studies using this score is
the work reported by the German network dedicated to ARM (CURE-Net), on 123 patients of
10 years old in average. It shows that 70% of patients have soilings and that complete
cleanliness is obtained only in 40% of patients with perineal fistula, 24% of those with
vestibular fistula, 17% of those with recto-urethral fistula, no patients having a cloaca. These
results differ from those reported by the A. Peña team of Cincinnati reported a continence rate
of 89%, 64%, 46% and 13-37% respectively [21]. This difference is probably related to
"bowel management program” developed by the Cincinnati team that helps these children to
be, if not continent, at least clean. An English study reported in 2009 similar results to those
reported by A. Peña with a “fecal continence” of 70% in average, ie voluntary bowel
movement [22]. However, therapeutic programs used to achieve these good results it is not
clearly exposed in this study.
During the passage to adulthood, many problems related to the ARM persist, in the
digestive, urological, gynecological and psychological fields. At this particular moment, there
is a major risk of failure in the management and loss sight, as “specialists of adults" are not
trained to the follow-up of these patients, except in the “experts” centers. The physical,
psychological and economic impact of the daily management of incontinence leads to
difficulties in social insertion and particularly in the professional life of patients. A
questionnaire sent to 55 adults aged 18 to 56 years by the CURE-Net German team has shown
that 21 suffered from anal prolapse and 18 had a mega-sigmoïde/mega-colon. Neoanus
stenosis was present in 42% of men and 18% of women and neurogenic bladder in 32% of
men and 18% women. 60% of women and 32% of men had recurrent urinary tract infections
[23]. As regards the quality of life, most studies show an impairment in the quality of life
compared to the control groups [24]. In contrast, we have recently reported in a cohort of 58
adult patients identified in the reference center, that the level of education was higher than in
the general population, but that these patients have sedentary positions of lower level
compared to their qualification. About 80% of these patients had sexual activity, 62% of
women were married and 32% for men. The fertility rate of 1.5 was no different from the
general population [25]. In a recent meta-analysis summarizing the large literature on the
192 Célia Crétolle
subject, it appears that functional problems are more important in childhood than in
adolescence but in contrast psychosocial issues dominate in adolescence [24].
So it is essential not to create a break in the follow up of these young patients, to prepare
the child to his adult life with his malformation sequellae, and to establish a real teenager's
transition program before performing the transfer toward care departments for adults.
The anorectal malformations are serious pathologies that have inherently high risk of
permanent fecal incontinence, possibly associated with urinary disorders. The associated
malformations can be part of complex syndromes in more than half of cases that require
treatment and special and coordinated follow up. The management should be organized in an
expert center to ensure high quality surgery and follow up. Nevertheless, surgical correction
is not enough, and these patients need support in the long term, age-appropriate activities and
to improve their quality of life, which remains highly impaired in the most recent studies.
Disability generated by these malformations is invisible but important, because it affects a
sphere "taboo" of which it is still difficult to speak in our societies. Wandering and isolation
of patients are still important, and can lead to extreme situations, particularly in adulthood.
This requires informing and training adult practitioners to this type of support. Patients with
ARM sequellae should be accompanied all life long, hence the importance of organizing a
transition to adult.
Acknowledgments to Dr J.L. Michel, pediatric surgeon, for his drawings of all the
different types of ARM.
[1] Cuschieri, A., (2001). EUROCAT Working Group. Descriptive epidemiology of
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[3] Zwink, N., Jenetzky, E., Brenner, H., (2011). Parental risk factors and anorectal
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[4] Kluth, D., Lambrecht, W., (1997). Current concepts in the embryology of anorectal
malformations. Semin Pediatr Surg. 6, 180-6.
Anorectal Malformations 193
[5] Holschneider, A., Hutson, J., Peña, A., Beket, E., Chatterjee, S., Coran, A., Davies, M.,
Georgeson, K., Grosfeld, K., Gupta, D, Iwai, N., Kluth, D., Martucciello, G., Moore, S.,
Rintala, R., Smith, ED., Sripathi, DV., Stephens, DV., Sen, S., Ure, B., Grasshoff, S.,
Boemers, T., Murphy, F., Söylet, Y., Dübbers, M., Kunst, M., (2005). Preliminary
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[7] Aubry, MC., Imagerie prénatale. In: C. Cretolle, Y. Revillon, S. Sarnacki, Les
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[8] Kim, IO., Han, TI., Kim, WS., Yeon, KM., (2000). Transperineal ultrasonography in
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[9] McHugh, K. (1998). The role of radiology in children with anorectal anomalies; with
particular emphasis on MRI. Eur J Radiol. 26, 194-9.
[10] Nah, SA., Ong, CC., Lakshmi, NK., Yap, TL., Jacobsen, AS., Low, Y. (2012).
Anomalies associated with anorectal malformations according to the Krickenbeck
anatomic classification. J Pediatr Surg. 47, 2273–8.
[11] Kim, SM., Chang, HK., Lee, MJ., Shim, KW., Oh, JT., Kim, DS., Kim, MJ., Han, SJ.,
(2010). Spinal dysraphism with anorectal malformation: lumbosacral magnetic
resonance imaging evaluation of 120 patients. J Pediatr Surg. 45, 769-76.
[12] Currarino, G., Coln, D., Votteler, T. (1981). Triad of anorectal, sacral, and presacral
anomalies. AJR Am J Roentgenol. 137, 395-8.
[13] Crétolle, C., Pelet, A., Sanlaville, D., Zérah, M., Amiel, J., Jaubert, F., Révillon, Y.,
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[14] Pakarinen, MP., Rintala, RJ., (2010). Management and outcome of low anorectal
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[15] deVries, PA., Peña, A., (1982). Posterior sagittal anorectoplasty. J Pediatr Surg. 17,
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Treatment of fecal incontinence with a comprehensive bowel management program. J
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[18] Peña, A., el Behery, M., (1993). Megasigmoid: a source of pseudoincontinence in
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[20] Rintala, RJ., Lindahl, HG., Rasanen, M., (1997). Do children with repaired low
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[21] Levitt, MA., Peña, A. Imperforate anus and cloacal malformations. In: Ashcraft KW,
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[22] Hassett, S., Snell, S., Hughes-Thomas, A., Holmes, K., (2009). 10-Year outcome of
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assessed according to the Krickenbeck classification. J Pediatr Surg. 44, 399–403.
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[23] Schmidt, D., Jenetzky, E., Zwink, N., Schmiedeke, E., Maerzheuser, S., (2012).
Postoperative complications in adults with anorectal malformation: a need for
transition. German Network for Congenital Uro-REctal Malformations (CURE-Net).
Pediatr Surg Int. 28, 793-5.
[24] Hartman, EE., Oort, FJ., Aronson, DC., Sprangers, MA., (2011). Quality of life and
disease-specific functioning of patients with anorectal malformations or Hirschsprung's
disease: a review. Arch Dis Child. 96, 398-406.
[25] Mantoo, S., Meurette, G., Wyart, V., Hardouin, J., Crétolle, C., Capito, C., Sarnacki, S.,
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integration in adulthood: Report from a national registry (MAREP). Colorectal Dis. 15,
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 19
The multicystic dysplastic kidney disease (MCDK) is one of the most common
malformations of the urinary tract, grouped under the term of Congenital Abnormalities
of Kidney and Urinary Tract (CAKUT) [1]. It must be differentiated from polycystic
kidney disease which is mostly inherited diseases of the cilia proteins. Its incidence is
estimated at one per 4,300 live births [2]. Boys are more commonly affected, with a sex
ratio of 1.48 [3]. The left kidney is more frequently involved (55% of cases) [3]. Bilateral
involvement is rare and lethal [4]. Some forms of MCDK may be familial, but most are
sporadic [5]. The MCDK is nevertheless exceptionally responsible for an end-stage renal
failure (ESRD), the prognosis depends on the contralateral kidney.
It is still uncertain. For some authors, it could be the result of early in utero ureteral
obstruction with significant flow anomaly of fetal urine [5]. They reported that nephron
induction with filtrating function occurs before the development of cysts; early fetal urinary
tract obstruction causes cystic formation in the developing nephrons, which subsequently
disrupts nephron induction and tubular development. For others, it could be the result of the
induction of the metanephric blastema default by the ureteral bud [6].
More recently, Spencer and Maizel [7] discovered that alterations in epithelial (ureteral)
and mesenchymal cells by inhibition of glycosylation of the extracellular matrix could induce
dysplasia without obstruction. The results of these experiments with chick embryos support
the theory that dysplasia is the product of a disruption in normal epithelial-mesenchymal
interaction during the induction of renal tubules. This process occurs because of the
interaction between the ureteric bud and the metanephric mesenchyme. Any alteration in this
interaction can result in dysplasia.
Genetic and environmental factors are likely involved, as illustrated by the increased risk
of MCDK in cases of fetal exposure to some drugs (carbamazepine, phenobarbital) [1], in
cases of gestational diabetes [8] or in conditions where a gene polymorphism of the renin-
angiotensin system or the cascade of GDNF (Glial cell line derived neurotrophic factor), such
as PAX2, BCL2 or WT1 is present [6, 9]. The MCDK may also occur in a context of
chromosomal or syndromic anomalies, such as the Wiedemann-Beckwitt Syndrome and
Perlman syndrome [5].
Histological specific features for MCDK are the existence of collections of the primitive
ducts with surrounding smooth muscle condensation, foci of cartilage, fetal/primitive
glomeruli, and primitive tubules [10].
In MCDK grossly there is a loss of reniform shape, and microscopically there is a
presence of primitive ducts, mal-developed nephrons, and cartilage in one-third of the cases
Prenatal Diagnosis
The determination is made in the antenatal period in 80% of cases [11, 12] during the
second trimester of gestation.
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease 197
Postnatal Diagnosis
It can be revealed by a painless abdominal mass in the first months of life or, much more
rarely, by an infection of cysts or hypertension. It can also be discovered in the systematic
assessment of a malformation syndrome. In adults, the diagnosis may be discussed at the
discovery of a single kidney, due to the involution of an MCDK.
In the Fetus
Prenatal imaging findings include hypoechoic cysts of variable sizes and shapes,
interfaces between cysts, a non-medial location of large cysts, the absence of an identifiable
renal sinus, a lack of communication between cysts, and minimal surrounding parenchyma.
Only 20% of MCDKs have an identifiable reniform shape [13]. Bilateral MCDK may occur
with oligohydramnios as a result of poor urine production. The cysts of MCDK may become
enlarged, may shrink, or may involute during fetal life [13].
If MCDK is indicated on prenatal sonograms, postnatal ultrasound should be completed
before the patient is discharged home from the hospital.
In Newborns
MCKD appears on ultrasound as multiple noncommunicating cysts of various sizes that
look like a cluster of grapes. The cysts on ultrasound appear as numerous anechoic circular
areas of variable size. The MCDK can be either enlarged or atrophic, and there is a loss of the
regular reniform shape and an absence of normal renal parenchyma. The contralateral kidney
frequently undergoes compensatory hypertrophy [14].
Additional Explorations
When MCDK is diagnosed in the prenatal period and cases of associated extrarenal signs,
the karyotype is recommended at birth [3].
Furthermore, after birth, the initial ultrasound is completed by:
Vesicoureteral Reflux
It’s the most common anomaly found. Controlateral VUR occurs in 11% to 37% of cases
MCDK can be associated with ureterovesical junction obstruction, ectopic ureters, and
ipsilateral obstructing ureteroceles.
Genital Abnormalities
Ipsilateral anomalies of the testes and vas may be related to renal anomalies owing to
their embryologic association with the Wolffian duct. Wolffian duct abnormalities associated
with MCDK disease include absence or ectopia of the ipsilateral vas deferens and cystic
dysplasia of the testis [19].
There is no proven definitive correlation between MCDK and increased risk of urinary
tract infection [12]. The concern for increased incidence of infection is mainly due to the
higher rate of abnormalities in the contralateral kidney.
Some authors suggested that the mechanism of hypertension was the ischemia induced by
renin secretion in the juxtaglomerular area of the mature glomeruli and interlobular arteries in
the scarred areas of the dysplastic kidney.
The literature on medical causes of hypertension does not report MCDK as a significant
cause of pediatric hypertension. Numerous small series have shown resolution of
hypertension after nephrectomy [20].
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Disease 199
The UK Cancer Study Registry has documented no cases of Wilm’s tumor in MCDK
kidneys, and a systematic review of 26 studies revealed no cases of Wilm’s tumor in 1041
eligible children [21]. Given these risks of 0.03-0.1% it does not seem advisable to remove
every MCDK for prophylactic reasons [22].
MCDK involutes at the age of 2 years, with the extremes between 36 days and 13 years.
Occasionally, it regresses prenatally, leaving a ureter with a small nubbin of tissue in the renal
fossa [17].
Regression does not imply cure or eliminate the risk of morbidity associated with MCDK
disease. Some studies have shown that the risk of hypertension is not reduced with regression
[17, 19, 20].
All children with MCDK should be referred to urologist pediatric surgeon and
nephrologist. The appropriate subsequent follow-up for MCDK remains controversial and
debated, with a recent trend toward for nonsurgical management and less frequent
observation. Most MCDKs can be managed without surgery [14]. Nephrectomy remains for
cases of respiratory or gastrointestinal compromise (abdominal distension or poor feeding),
suspicious solid renal mass, or hypertension. Some parents may seek nephrectomy due to
parental anxiety or kidneys that fail to involute during follow-up. In one large series,
nephrectomy was required in less than 7% of children with MCDK [17]. Nephrectomy is well
tolerated in children with low risk of complications and short hospital stay.
The previous surveillance regimens with frequent ultrasound were based on the false
assumption that the development of Wilm’s tumor was common in children with MCDK. The
plan recommended by Nepple et al. is radiographic follow-up every 12-18 months until
kidney involution, after which radiographic follow-up can be discontinued [14].
Others have recommended less frequent surveillance ultrasound at 2 and five years of age
and then every five years [17]. A consensus has also not been reached regarding the length of
follow-up required, with various groups recommending imaging to age 8, adulthood, or
200 Habib Bouthour, Fatma Trabelsi and Nejib Kaabar
complete involution. One group recently commented that follow-up ultrasound provides no
clinical benefit and increases parental anxiety and recommended no radiographic follow-up
However, in those children who have contralateral renal pelvic dilation, follow-up
ultrasound should be obtained more frequently due to the concern for the development of
ureteropelvic junction obstruction.
Blood pressure should be measured at clinic visits to assess for hypertension. While
Nepple et al. recommended continued blood pressure follow-up in all children [14], Aslam et
al. recommended that children with complete involution of the kidney, normal blood pressure,
normal creatinine, and normal urinalysis can be discharged from long-term follow-up [17].
Children with MCDK have a solitary functioning contralateral kidney and should be
counseled to avoid activities that would place that organ at risk. This would include
avoidance of contact sports and high-risk activities [14].
MCDK is a renal abnormality that presents with multiple cysts within the kidney. Many
imaging modalities are used to analyze and evaluate MCDK; however, ultrasound is the
modality of choice due to the involution rate of the cystic kidney and because of the prenatal
detection. Asymptomatic patients should be managed conservatively, but a long-term
nephrological and urological observation is recommended to assess the MCDK, and the
contralateral kidney and urinary tract.
[1] Carta M, Cimador M, Giuffre’ M et al. Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney in
infants exposed to antiepileptic drugs during pregnancy. Pediatr. Nephrol. 2007;22:
[2] Gordon AC, Thomas DF, Arthur RJ et al. Multicystic dysplastic kidney: is nephrectomy
still appropriate? J. Urol. 1988;140 (5 Pt 2):1231-4.
[3] Bacchetta J, Liutkus A, Dodat H et al. Dysplasie rénale multikystique: mise au point et
information pour les parents lors du diagnostic antenatal [Multi-cystic renal dysplasia:
development and information for parents during prenatal diagnosis]. Archives de
Pédiatrie 2008;15:1107-1115.
[4] Mitsioni A, Jankauskiene A. Cystic dysplasia. In: Cochat P, editor. European Society of
Pediatric Nephrology Handbook. Lyon: Medcom; 2002. p. 179-81.
[5] Woolf AS, Price KL, Scambler PJ et al. Evolving concepts in human renal dysplasia. J.
Am. Soc. Nephrol. 2004;15:998-1007.
[6] Cochat P, Bandin F. Hypoplasies et dysplasies rénales [Hypoplasia and renal
dysplasia]. In: Cochat P, Aigrain Y, editors. Les malformations de l’appareil urinaire
[Malformations of the urinary tract]. Paris; 2002. p. 113-20.
[7] Spencer JR, Maizel M. Inhibition of protein glycosylation causes renal dysplasia in the
chick embryo. J. Urol. 1987; 138:94.
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[8] Woolf AS. Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney. Kidney Int. 2006;69: 190-3.
[9] Yerkes E, Nishimura H, Miyazaki Y et al. Role of angiotensin in the congenital
anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract in the mouse and the human. Kidney Int.
Suppl. 1998;67:S75-7.
[10] Rukmangadha N, Chowhan AK, Patnayak R et al. Multicystic dysplastic kidney-a
retrospective study with clinicopathological correlation. J. Clin. Sci. Res. 2013;2:88-93.
[11] Rios H, Santos R, Gomes C et al. Multicystic dysplastic kidney: a review of eleven
years (2000-2010). Port. J. Nephrol. Hypert. 2012; 26 (1): 000-000.
[12] Kuwertz-Broeking E, Brinkmann O.A, Von Lengerke H.J et al. Unilateral multicystic
dysplastic kidney: experience in children. BJU International 2004; 93: 388-392.
[13] Whittam BM, Calaway A, Szymanski KM et al. Ultrasound diagnosis of multicystic
dysplastic kidney: is a confirmatory nuclear medicine scan necessary?. J. Pediatr. Urol.
2014 Dec. 10 (6):1059-62.
[14] Nepple K.G. and Cooper C.S. Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney Kenneth G. Pediatric
Urology for the Primary Care Physician, Current Clinical Urology, Springer Science +
Business Media New York 2014.
[15] Eickmeyer AB, Casanova NF, He C et al. The natural history of the multicystic
dysplastic kidney – is limited follow-up warranted? Journal of Pediatric Urology 2014;
[16] Tiryaki S, Alkac AY, Serdaroglu E et al. Involution of multicystic dysplastic kidney: is
it predictable? J. Pediatr. Urol. 2013;9:344-347.
[17] M Aslam, A R Watson, on behalf of the Trent and Anglia MCDK Study Group
Unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney: long term outcomes Arch. Dis. Child. 2006;91:
[18] Glassberg KI. Renal dysgenesis and cystic disease of the kidney. In: Wein AJ, Kavoussi
LR, Novick AC, Partin AW, Peters CA, editors. Campbell-Walsh urology, vol. 4. 9th ed.
Philadelphia: Saunders; 2007. p. 3305-58. Chap. 114.
[19] Gearhart JG, Rink RC, Mouriquand PDE. Pediatric Urology 2nd ed. 2010. P. 228-35.
[20] LaSalle MD, Stock JA, Hanna MK. Insurability of children with congenital urological
anomalies. J. Urol. 1997;158(3 Pt 2):1312-5.
[21] Narchi H. Risk of Wilm’s tumour with multicystic kidney disease: a systematic review.
Arch. Dis. Child. 2005;90:147-9.
[22] Beckwith JB. Should asymptomatic unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidneys be
removed because of future risk of neoplasia? Pediatr. Nephrol. 1992; 6: 511
[23] Onal B, Kogan BA. Natural history of patients with multicystic dysplastic kidney-what
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 20
In Europe, prenatal uropathy is found in 3,1 over 1000 live birth [1]. This is a
common cause for prenatal consultation for a specialist in fœtal medicine or pediatric
surgeon. The aim of this chapter is to introduce the management of prenatal cases of
upper tract dilation.
In theory, early detection of an anomaly represents an opportunity to modify the natural
history of a disease whose diagnosis was classically postnatal. There is not, to date
randomized trial evaluating the impact of prenatal screening on the fetus suffering from
uropathies [2].
With the prenatal diagnosis, management of Upper Urinary Tract Dilation (UUTD)
profoundly changed. The resultant of prenatal diagnosis is the identification of a vast number
of asymptomatic upper tract dilation. Then physicians have developed various tools to
204 Claire Raquillet, Samer Bostane and Taieb Chouikh
understand the significance of hydronephrosis and to better define obstruction. Dilation often
improves or resolves spontaneously, which questions the necessity of surgical treatment.
The benefit of prenatal screening is not clearly understood. However, morbidity related to
urinary tract infections in the new-born and the child can be lower using this screening, and
can be considered as a benefit. Thus, early identification of uropathy also allows: to perform
the most appropriate parental advice, to offer in very rare cases fetal therapy, to consider a
prenatal adapted care courses, to prevent urinary tract infections, and surveilled renal function
Fetal Ultrasound
Ultrasound has a high sensitivity for the diagnosis of the renal hydronephrosis, and the
goal would be to identify those in utero with a high risk of worsening. Prenatal Upper Urinary
Tract Dilation is the most frequent anomaly seen in the prenatal ultrasound [4].
Ultrasound can diagnose:
Fetal MRI
The contribution of the fetal magnetic resonance imaging MRI is more iconographic than
helping in the diagnosis. It’s recommended in certain complex cases:
Hydronephrosis diagnosed on the second trimester have a half chance to disappear, and
less than 5% of them require surgery [6]. The degree of hydronephrosis is strongly linked to
the need for surgery [7].
Congenital uropathy is associated in 17% of cases with other malformations [8]. Among
the syndromic conditions, we can mention some of them:
Syndrome EEC: Ectodermal dysplasia Ectrodactyly and Clefting with facial defects
with ends and slots,
Syndrome of Schinzel Giedion with heart defects and facial dysmorphia and
malposition of the feet.
Prenatal urinary diversion is exceptional and reserved for cases with massive
hydronephrosis, ascites urinoma even sometimes pleural with a pleural compressive effusion.
Laboratory Tests
Prenatal evaluation of kidney function is indicated only in case of early diagnosis with
bilateral ureteropelvic dilation with megacystis, oligohydramnios or increased echogenicity of
the renal parenchyma, thin renal parenchyma, cystic parenchyma.
Fetal urine sodium greater than 100 mEq/L, osmolarity greater than 210 mOsm, protein
greater than 20 mg/d and or β2-microglobulin greater than 4 mg/L represents bad prognostic
To Summarize, causes of prenatal uropathy are in:
Obstruction may be defined as any restriction to urinary flow that, if untreated, will injure
the kidney. This definition is useful clinically, but it requires regular evaluation to look for
improvement or deterioration of renal function.
Need for Post-Natal Evaluation?
206 Claire Raquillet, Samer Bostane and Taieb Chouikh
A meta-analysis suggests that even the weakest Prenatal Hydronephrosis (>4mm) should
be explored [9].
The Need for Surgery?
The degree of pelvic enlargement correlates with the presence of an obstruction, but
cannot be used to diagnose obstruction. The postnatal Ultrasound is the first performed
imaging tool for identifying and for confirming the prenatal hydronephrosis in infancy. The
Obstruction risk increased with pelvic expansion.
Did the Prenatal Ultrasound Have a Predictive Value?
According to the dilation, we can distinguish between three types of situations:
Other predictive features can help to hypothesize the evolution of the prenatal
hydronephrosis such as Caliceal dilatation, the thickness of the renal parenchyma, an
increased echogenicity of the renal parenchyma, cystic appearance parenchyma, urinoma.
And the conception age at the moment of the diagnosis (earlier the diagnosis is made, worst
will be the evolution).
After Birth
The postnatal resolution rate of prenatal hydronephrosis fluctuates between 30 and 60%.
Commonly, low grades hydronephrosis are resolved within 18 months. An increase of the
dilation is reported early after birth [10]. In cases where the hydronephrosis is more than 40
mm of expansion, surgery will mostly be required [3].
Hydronephrosis on postnatal ultrasonography are classified by the “Society for Fetal
Urology” SFU [11]:
Ultrasound is not a reliable tool to prove the obstructive character. Hydronephrosis may
fluctuate especially during the first week of life. Therefore, the only way to use
ultrasonography meaningfully at this age is to perform serial measurements. Progressive
increase of the dilation usually indicates an obstruction, whereas improvement indicates the
opposite [13].
Prenatal Upper Urinary Tract Dilatation 207
MAG3 Renography
Figure 1. (Continued)
208 Claire Raquillet, Samer Bostane and Taieb Chouikh
Figure 1. Society of Fetal Urology (SFU) Grading of Hydronephrosis. Renal ultrasound scans
representing the Society for Fetal Urology (SFU) grading schema. A, SFU grade 1 hydronephrosis. B,
SFU grade 2 hydronephrosis. C, SFU grade 3 hydronephrosis. D, SFU grade 4 hydronephrosis
(Courtesy Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin, Milwaukee).
Prenatal Upper Urinary Tract Dilatation 209
After this period, between 4-6 weeks of life, renal pelvis is very compliant with a marked
increase in volume associated with the sudden fluid load due to diuretic stimulation. This
fluid naturally will necessitate greater time for drainage and thus prolonged “washout curves”
even in the absence of obstruction.
For these reasons a delayed washout pattern on an isolated renogram is invalid as the sole
indicator of obstruction [14].
Standardized technic was published in 1992 [15]. The authors emphasize the importance
of hydration, the emptiness of the bladder, the time of injection of the diuretic and data
acquisition and interpretation, to compare successive renograms. A quick drainage will
exclude obstruction.
The primary role of diuretic renography should be the evaluation of the differential renal
function. For many authors, an initial poor function lower 35 or 40% of differential renal
function is an argument for early pyeloplasty. Serial measurements will help to determine if
renal function is improving or deteriorating. If sequential measurements indicate that renal
function is either declining or failing to improve as expected, then obstruction is likely to
present and should be corrected surgically.
MRI Urography
Urography MRI provides both differential function evaluation and detailed anatomical
information while. Renal toxicity of gadolinium before the age of one year with the risk of
nephrogenic systemic fibrosis encourage to perform this exam more and more [16], but the
MRI is still available only in some centers [17, 18].
The study of the urinary proteome of children with UPJO can identify an obstruction
requiring surgery. This is mainly useful for children under one year. Randomized studies
suggest that 19-25% of children with prenatal renal hydronephrosis will need surgery.
Consensus begins to emerge for UPJO management [6]. Guidelines for the management
of UPJO are as followed [3]:
In cases of isolated pelvic dilation < 15mm, asymptomatic cases, cases with normal
renal function: no need for surgery
The presence of an associated caliceal dilation (2%): surgery
Pelvic Dilatation > 20mm or SFU 45-55%: surgery
Pyeloplasty can correct UPJO with high rates of success and with minimal morbidity. In
the pediatric population, a dismembered repair as described by Anderson and Hynes is
preferable to a flap-type maintaining the fibrous segment. A posterior approach is indicated in
young children. In older children, pyeloplasty can be performed via either a laparoscopic or
retroperitoneoscopic approach. With these procedures, identical success rates are described to
standard open pyeloplasty. The main disadvantage is the long learning curve necessary to
master technically challenging reconstructive and suturing techniques [26].
The need and type of drainage remain controversial. Complications of pyeloplasty
include extravasation, urinoma, and persistent obstruction. The overall re-operative rate is
quite low at approximately 5%.
In intermittent UPJO related to lower pole aberrant vessels, transposition of the vessels
away from the UPJ and fixation of these vessels to the anterior pelvis without any formal
pyeloplasty being performed [27]. A very accurate selection of patients who could benefit
from this controversial procedure should be conducted. Endopyelotomy was described with a
high rate of success, approaching 100%, after failed open pyeloplasty but few pediatric
surgeon or radiologist can perform this technique [28].
We will develop only the management of obstructive megaureter. As for UPJO, the
management of megaureter changed in the last 20 years. Most of the children with
hydroureteronephrosis had a prenatal diagnosis. The ureter is considered “mega” from the
time its diameter exceeds 5mm. This term is applied to congenital dilated ureter above a
narrow end which connects it to a healthy bladder without obstruction in the bladder [29].
King [30] proposed a classification of hydroureteronephrosis:
Megaureter is four times less common than UPJO. More frequent in male children 4/1
and at the left side, bilateral in 25% cases. There is an ipsilateral kidney dysplasia in 10%
Prenatal diagnosis is the most frequent mode of revelation, but symptomatic forms are
not uncommon. Infection is more common than in UPJO. Urinary stones may complicate
long-term evolution; hematuria can be associated to megaureter.
Ultrasound and MAG3 renography are the two reference tests to diagnose and monitor
the megaureter. In assessing the megaureter, bladder emptying effect on renal and ureteral
stasis is more important than in UPJO. During the MAG3 renography, we must wait until the
urination occurs which can promote a prompt drainage of the ureter. The uro-MRI is a good
test to assess megaureter. However, the necessary immobility during the acquisition phase
Prenatal Upper Urinary Tract Dilatation 211
makes this exam difficult between the age of 6 months and six years. VesicoCystoUretero-
Graphy VCUG is recommended in bilateral cases.
Obstruction is defined like UPJO when an impact on the initial kidney function or a
decline of more than 5% of it during follow-up is reported.
Antibio-prophylaxis is required in the first year since the infection is common in cases of
megaureter (48%) [31].
Only 20% of the children will need surgery, indicated in the presence of infections or
worsening of the renal function of increase of the ureteral dilation [32]. When the diameter of
the ureter < 8mm most of the cases will improve spontaneously, over 15 mm the resolution is
less common [31].
Surgical Management
The mainstay of surgical treatment for obstructive megaureter involves an excision of the
stenotic ureteral segment, a reduction of the caliber of the dilated distal ureter (ureteroplasty)
and ureteral reimplantation.
Eight to 10 days stent is necessary in the case of tapering. The multi-perforated ureteral
catheters are preferable.
The first short-term complication is urinary extravasations. This is more likely with an
excisional repair and may be prevented by the placement of a ureteral stent. Long-term
complications include reflux if the detrusor, if the tunnel length was inadequate or if there is a
retraction of the ureteral orifice. A persistent obstruction is due more likely to an angulation
of the ureter at its entrance into the bladder or to an ischemic stricture of the distal ureter.
Some neonatal megaureters are very severe with ureter-pyonephrosis requiring urgent
drainage. Sometimes urethrostomy is a lifesaving solution left to know.
The temporary drainage double J stent is sometimes necessary for the first year of life to
open bladder sometimes by the difficulty of retrograde catheterization [33]. Double J stent
can be left six months.
Expansion techniques using the endoluminal balloon to dilate the fibrous narrowing of
the megaureter are currently described with encouraging results.
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 21
Vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) refers to the retrograde passage of urine from the
bladder into the ureter. The aim of the management in this pathology is to prevent from
the acquired part of the reflux nephropathy, and to reduce the morbidity of the repeated
infection of the urinary tract, based on endoscopic or surgical procedures.
Primary Reflux
The normal vesicoureteral junction UVJ is characterized by an oblique entry of the ureter
into the bladder and a length of submucosal ureter providing a high ratio of tunnel length to
ureteral diameter. This anatomic configuration provides passive valve mechanism [4].
Therefore, when the intramural tunnel length is short, urine tends to reflux up into the ureter.
Corresponding author: [email protected].
216 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Secondary Reflux
VUR is secondary when high pressure in the bladder causes a breakdown of the normal
antireflux mechanism at the ureterovesicular junction, which may occur in children with
posterior urethral valves or neurogenic bladders [1].
VUR is believed to be present in 1% or less of normal children, although the incidence is
likely to vary depending on the age of screening because VUR often resolves over time. Most
cases of VUR are diagnosed after occurrence of a urinary tract infection (UTI) [2]. In children
with UTIs, the reported frequency of VUR varies from 20% to 40% [3, 4]. The widespread
use of prenatal ultrasound has led to frequent detection of antenatal hydronephrosis,
approximately 10% to 20% of these children have VUR [5–6]. Patients who have prenatally
detected VUR have higher grade VUR than children detected after a UTI. Approximately
80% of these infants are boys, and a significant percentage have associated severe renal
damage [5, 7]. These children are at less risk for developing subsequent UTIs than children
who are diagnosed with VUR after a UTI [8].
Some studies suggest an autosomal dominant inheritance with variable penetrance,
although no specific genetic loci has been defined [7, 9]. This finding is dramatically
illustrated by the high incidence of reflux in siblings and offspring of patients who have VUR
[10-11], which has led according to some authors to the recommendation of screening
children who have a first-degree relative with VUR [12, 13].
VUR is graded according to the international classification system depicted in Figure 1
Reflux Nephropathy
Reflux nephropathy refers to the focal renal scarring seen in individuals with recurrent,
acute pyelonephritis and vesicoureteric reflux. Wedge-shaped scars can be seen
macroscopically as depressed, shrunken fibrosed areas with a characteristic histological
appearance. More recently, with the use of antenatal ultrasound scanning, a condition
sometimes named “fetal reflux nephropathy” has been recognised. This refers to the renal
dysplasia associated with vesicoureteric reflux, present from birth and more common in males
[16]. There is ample evidence to demonstrate the development of the classic radiological
wedge-like appearance of scars following recurrent infection during childhood, particularly
when there are delays in making the diagnosis or starting treatment [17]. Reflux is present in
around 50%–80% of these cases [18].
The primary goal of imaging is to identify the retrograde passage of an imaging contrast
material from the bladder to the ureter and renal pelvicalyceal system. Imaging includes an
anatomic evaluation of the kidney and bladder as well as a functional study to identify the
presence of VUR.
218 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Cysto Sonography
Another modality gaining popularity in some centers is ultrasonic cystography to detect
reflux. Modern transducers coupled with the use of echo-enhancing contrast agents can image
reflux well in older children [20, 21, 22, 23], but the technique remains of limited use in
neonates [24]. Furthermore, while radiation exposure is eliminated, bladder catheterization
remains a necessary feature with this approach.
The 2011 revised American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) Guidelines on the
management of UTI recommends a VCUG following recurrent febrile UTIs or a renal/bladder
abnormality on ultrasound showing hydronephrosis, hydroureter or evidence of renal scarring
VUR spontaneously resolves in most patients, probably secondary to an increase in the
intramural length of the ureter caused by normal growth. The grade of reflux is the most
important predictor of outcome; higher grade reflux is less likely to resolve. The reported rate
of VUR resolution varies. For grades I and II, reflux eventually ceases in more than 80% of
affected ureters, with a resolution rate of 10% to 25% per year [27]. Grade III reflux resolves
in more than 50% of cases, and grade IV VUR resolves in approximately 30% of cases [28].
Grade V reflux is unlikely to resolve spontaneously [29]. In a study from Sweden, 50% of
children with grades I, II, and III–V VUR were free from reflux in 2, 5, and 8 years,
respectively [27]. Given the questionable significance of grade I VUR, this study also
examined the rate of grades II–V VUR reaching the endpoint of either no reflux or grade I
reflux. This endpoint occurred in 83% of children with grade II VUR and in 73% of children
with grades III–V VUR [27].
VUR resolves faster in children diagnosed before 1 year of age, and reflux that is
diagnosed based on an abnormal prenatal ultrasound has an increased likelihood to resolve,
even when it is grade IV or V. One study suggested that VUR is less likely to resolve when
diagnosed after age 7 years [30], and another study argued that the longer VUR has been
present, the less likely it is to resolve [31]. Bilateral reflux resolves at a slower rate than
unilateral reflux. Resolution of reflux is decreased in children with severe scarring [32] or
duplex systems. Children who have bladder dysfunction are at increased risk for UTIs and
persistence of VUR [33]. Traditionally, follow-up imaging for VUR resolution has occurred
yearly. In 2005, an analysis recommended a less aggressive approach, however, with imaging
every 2 years in children with grades I and II VUR and children younger than 2 years old who
have unilateral grade III. Older children with grade III and all children with grade IV VUR
should be imaged every 3 years [34].
Vesicoureteral Reflux 221
Antibiotics: [35]
The principal rationale for antibiotic use in the management of reflux is in the prevention
of urinary infection, principally febrile pyelonephritis, which may lead to permanent post-
infection renal scarring. Driving this rationale in part is the belief that the first febrile UTI, in
the presence of reflux, will create the greater proportion of clinically significant post-infection
scarring, despite the fact that this concern is based on models of post-infection scarring in
experimentally induced reflux in animals with a priori normal renal development [36]. This
belief, in turn, spawned the now routine and widespread sonographic follow-up of prenatal
hydronephrosis for evidence of postnatal hydronephrosis, which, if present, then triggers the
documentation of reflux by cystography in order to prevent the first febrile UTI by instituting
immediate antibiotic prophylaxis if reflux is found.
However, several recent prospective studies have brought into question the ability of
chronic low-dose antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent UTI in children. For example, in children
with grade 2 to 4 reflux, following an initial UTI, randomization of 50 patients each to
antibiotic prophylaxis versus no treatment groups showed no difference in the rate of
subsequent UTI or renal scarring [37]. One multicenter trial of 225 children with reflux aged
1 to 3 years, randomizing subjects to antibiotic prophylaxis versus no treatment, found no
statistical overall reduction in UTI incidence with prophylaxis, although subset analysis did
suggest some benefit in boys with grade 3 reflux [38]. As a corollary, patients with ongoing
reflux in whom prophylactic antibiotics have been withdrawn have not suffered any increased
incidence of UTI when compared with age matched refluxing control patients who remain on
prophylaxis [39]. Similarly, patients who have failed endoscopic reflux correction and remain
uncorrected fail to show any increased incidence of UTI whether they remain on prophylaxis
or not [39].
When added to the underlying concern for the long-term use of antibiotics in general,
studies that bring into question the efficacy of antibiotic prophylaxis are giving rise to reflux
management alternatives. Where low-dose antibiotic prophylaxis may be of questionable
value, the effectiveness of appropriate full-dose antibiotic treatment of UTI by eliminating
fever and symptoms of acute illness, as well as eradicating the infection, is not in question.
Therefore one alternative is close observation for UTI symptoms without prophylaxis,
coupled with precise treatment of culture-proven UTI.
not (extravesical). The latter (Lich-Gregoir Technique) approach is associated with less
morbidity, but its success depends on the experience of the surgeon.
The refluxing ureter is dissected extravesically and reimplanted in a trough created by
separating the muscularis and exposing the bladder mucosa. The distal portion is advanced
and immobilized toward the bladder neck. The muscularis is then reapproximated over the
ureter. Patients may be discharged 1 or 2 days postoperatively. Lich-Gregoir technique
reports a resolution rate of VUR close to 95% [40], similar to those reported in the large
series in which success rates vary from 95% to 98% in VUR grade I–IV, and is around 80%
in VUR grade V. The success achieved with open technique has been replicated by
laparoscopic approach (with complete resolution of VUR in all cases). This technique is not
contraindicated in patients with double ureters. Patients with double-ureters may be
successfully treated with laparoscopic approach [40]. Moreover, some authors reported that
this is the technique of choice for the conjoint reimplantation of the double ureters in their
common sheath. The advantages of laparoscopic Lich Gregoir reimplantaion includes:
Minimal ureteral manipulation, Lower risk of meatal stenosis, Easy dissection of the tunnel,
Eventual management of meatus size (string) in same position, Eventual ease of endoscopic
tutors techniques [40].
The COHEN procedure is the most common one of the intravesical procedure. This
approach rely on an intravesical ureter dissection, a submucosal tunnel is then made, and the
dissected ureter is pulled through the submucosal tunnel, the ureter is reimplanted across the
trigone toward the contralateral ureter and the ureteral orifice is sutured to the bladder (Figure
5). The success rate approaches 98%. The most serious complication consists of
ureterovesical junction obstruction that may require a reoperation [64].
On a retrospective study [41] compared the results of three surgical procedures for
correction of pediatric vesicoureteral reflux (VUR): open Cohen, laparoscopic Lich-Gregoir
reimplantation (LEVUR), and endoscopic subureteric injection (STING) procedure. Open
Cohen and LEVUR reported a higher success rate than STING procedure. However, Cohen
procedure had a very long and painful hospital stay, more complications, more analgesic
requirements compared to STING and LEVUR. Comparing the three techniques, it seems that
LEVUR presents a high success rate similar to the Cohen procedure, but in addition, it
presents the same advantages of STING procedure with no postoperative pain and a lower
postoperative morbidity.
Endoscopic Injection
The principle is to create a solid support behind the intravesical ureter and elongate the
intramural length of the ureter. Following the initial report by Matouschek in 1981 [42]
O’Donnell and Puri [43] demonstrated the successful the use of ethylene polytetrafluoro paste
(Teflon) injected sub-ureterally to control reflux. However, concerns regarding potential
migration of the substance, the formation of granulomas, and lack of approval by the US
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), hampered the wide spread application of this
treatment outside Ireland and a few other countries [44]. Polydimethylsiloxane paste was
shown not to migrate and was also effective to control reflux. Although it remains the subject
of occasional reports, injection of this substance, which is very viscous, requires a special
Vesicoureteral Reflux 223
pressure syringe a method many find cumbersome. Again, failure to obtain FDA approval
limited its use in the US [45].
The use of cross-linked bovine dermal collagen failed to obtain wide spread acceptance
because of low success rate and durability and the need to perform sensitivity tests prior to the
injection. The landscape of endoscopic injection for the treatment of reflux rapidly changed
with the appearance of hyaluronan/dextranomer copolymer (Deflux®) after the acceptance by
the FDA and in many centers became a first line of treatment for vesicoureteral reflux [46].
Whereas some authors have reported excellent success for HGVUR with up to three
injections [47], others have shown only 41% cure rate for grade IV reflux [48].
The preliminary results from a multicenter study demonstrated an 83.6% elimination of
reflux with a single injection. However in that series the majority of the patients had grades II
and III reflux [49].
De Badiola et al. managed grades IV and V of vesicoureteral reflux in young children
with an endocspic injection, and they reported overall success rate of 83.3%. Persistent
ureteral dilatation was present in 11% associated with high injection volume [50].
It should be noted that several recent publications have questioned the efficacy of
continuous antibiotic prophylaxis (CAP) in reducing recurrent UTI and by extension the
importance of identifying VUR following urinary tract infection (UTI) [38, 52]. Until
recently, management of VUR without CAP was considered a deviation from standard care,
limiting the available data to address questions concerning VUR health risks or the use of
CAP. Future studies may identify patient subgroups most likely to benefit from VUR
identification and treatment.
Guidelines for management of VUR in the child more than one year of age are somewhat
different from those for the child less than one year of age, reflecting several contributing
elements that influence clinical outcomes. These include the greater likelihood of bladder
bowel dysfunction (BBD), the lower probability of spontaneous resolution of VUR, lower
risk of acute morbidity from febrile UTI and the greater ability of the child to verbally
complain of symptoms to indicate acute infection. The management decision should be made
with recognition of the clinical context, including the presence of BBD, patient age, VUR
grade, the presence of scarring, and parental preferences. Given the individuality of each
patient and their parental preferences, there can be no uniform guidelines of management.
If clinical evidence of bladder/bowel dysfunction is present treatment of bladder/bowel
dysfunction is indicated, preferably before any surgical intervention for VUR is undertaken.
Observational management without continuous antibiotic prophylaxis, with prompt
initiation of antibiotic therapy for urinary tract infections, may be considered for the child
with VUR in the absence of bladder/bowel dysfunction, recurrent febrile urinary tract
infections, or renal cortical abnormalities. While this approach is currently under
Vesicoureteral Reflux 225
investigation and therefore no firm recommendation can be made, preliminary data suggest
that some groups of patients with VUR may do as well with this approach as with continuous
antibiotic prophylaxis.
Therapy with the intention to cure, including open or endoscopic surgery, is
recommended for recurrent infections, new renal abnormalities determined by DMSA
scanning, and parental preference.
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[18] J. H. van der Voort, K. Verrier Jones. Vesicoureteric reflux: definition and conservative
management in Pediatric surgery and Urology, Long-term Outcomes, Second edition
Edited by MarkD. Stringer and al Cambridge University Press 2006 chapter 44a, 555-
[19] Eugene Minevich, MD; • Curtis, A; Sheldon, MD. Urinary tract infection and
Vesicoureteral Reflux. Ashcraft’s pediatric surgery/[edited by] George Whitfield
Holcomb III, J. Patrick Murphy; associate editor, Daniel J. Ostlie. — 5th ed. 2009,
Chapter 44, 716-730.
[20] Novljan, G; Kenig, A; Rus, R; Kenda, RB. Cyclic voiding urosonography in
detecting vesicoureteral reflux in children. Pediatr Nephrol., 2003 Oct, 18(10), 992-5.
Epub 2003 Jul 29.
[21] Riccabona, M; Mache, CJ; Lindbichler, F. Echo-enhanced color Doppler
cystosonography of vesicoureteral reflux in children. Improvement by stimulated
acoustic emission. Acta Radiol., 2003 Jan, 44(1), 18-23.
[22] Tasic, V; Todorovska, S. Echo-enhanced voiding urosonography for detection of
vesicoureteric reflux in children. Pediatr Radiol., 2003 Apr, 33(4), 286-7. Epub 2003
Feb 14.
[23] Galia, M; Midiri, M; Pennisi, F. and al Vesicoureteral reflux in young patients:
comparison of voiding color Doppler US with echo enhancement versus voiding
cystourethrography for diagnosis or exclusion. Abdom Imaging., 2004 May-Jun, 29(3),
[24] McEwing, RL; Anderson, NG; Hellewell, S. and al Comparison of echo-enhanced
ultrasound with fluoroscopic MCU for the detection ofvesicoureteral reflux in neonates.
Pediatr Radiol., 2002 Dec, 32(12), 853-8. Epub 2002 Sep 25.
[25] Roberts, KB; Downs, SM; Finnell, SM; et al. Urinary tract infection: clinical practice
guideline for the diagnosis and management of the initial UTI in febrile infants and
children 2 to 24 months. Pediatrics, 2011, 128, 595-610.
[26] Tekgül, S; Riedmiller, H; Hoebeke, P; et al. EAU guidelines on vesicoureteral reflux in
children. Eur Urol, 2012, 62, 534-42.
Vesicoureteral Reflux 227
Chapter 22
Posterior Urethral Valves (PUV) is the most common cause of lower urinary tract
obstruction. This malformation is one of the rare prenatal surgical newborn life-
threatening conditions. 60 to 80% of patients with PUV have a prenatal diagnostic and
early management.
Type III PUV represents the other 5% and consists of a ring-type membrane distal to the
verumontanum with a perforation present centrally.
Most pediatric urologists now regard the existence of type II PUVs as doubtful. PUV
create a low urinary tract obstruction with consequences on the entire urinary tract:
- Detrusor fibrosis and hypertrophy leading in some cases of PUV to bladder valve
syndrome with disorder in the urinary continence
- Hydronephrosis with or without urinary reflux.
- Kidney dysplasia and hypotrophy primary or secondary to early obstruction.
PUV has a large spectrum of presentation, from tragic cases with irreversible renal failure
to cases with nearly normal renal function.
PUV represented 10% of all prenatally diagnosed uropathy.
Ultrasound (US)
PUV is not only an obstructive problem; the underlying renal involvement is also vital in
the management. PUV is a perfect example of Congenital Anomalies of Kidney and Urinary
Tract (CAKUT).
One or more of these criteria are highly associated with bad prognostic [2]:
Figure 2. Prenatal US: keyhole sign concordance to the posterior urethral dilation.
232 Claire Raquillet and Taieb Chouikh
The prenatal intervention did not improve the overall long-term renal function when
compared with conventional postnatal therapy. Only a few centers can perform such
The aim of this procedure is to reduce the perinatal mortality and to avoid medical
abortion. (Ruano). Only the vesico-amniotic shunt described by Morris or the laser
fulguration fetal cystoscopy reported by QUINTERO seems to be effective. The Prenatal
parental consultation assumes great importance in these cases.
For an appropriate management of newborns with the prenatal diagnosis of PUV, birth
should occur in a Hospital medical and surgical management can be proposed.
Clinically the newborn presents an absence of urinary stream or drop by drop urination.
Nevertheless, a regular stream does not eliminate diagnosis.
Full Bladder or walnut-sized bladder can be observed.
Respiratory distress threatening vital prognosis can occur in severe cases with pulmonary
hypoplasia which is due to the oligo-amnios.
Urinary sepsis, hydro-electrolytic disorders, possible acidosis, acute kidney failure are no
longer reported as inaugural in cases of PUV since the advent of prenatal diagnosis.
To confirm the diagnosis of PUV, imaging techniques are needed.
- Direct sign of PUV: The keyhole sign with posterior urethral dilation at the
exploration of the perineal area.
- Indirect signs of PUV: bilateral hydronephrosis, distended thick-walled bladder, in
rare cases ascites or urinoma
The use of suprapubic puncture to inject the product is recommended. The patient is
under antibioprohylaxy at the moment of the exam, drop by drop filling without pressure is
performed, and voiding radiographic pictures in profile and ¾ positions to explore the urethra
are mandatory.
The visual appearance of PUV is usually represented with a dilated and often elongated
posterior urethra and abrupt transition to a narrower distal urethra (Figure 3).
A thickened bladder wall, bladder diverticula, hypertrophic bladder neck and
vesicoureteral reflux (VUR) or seminal vesicles reflux may also be present.
Posterior Urethral Valves 233
Immediate PUV Section
Several attempts are often necessary, with replacing every time the endoscope in the
bladder to empty it. Bladder emptying is required before removing the endoscope. No
drainage is needed at the end of procedure.
Some authors have advocated a percutaneous antegrade approach [5]. Others report a
PUV stripping with Fogarty catheter under radiological control [6].
Some authors suggest incision of bladder neck when hypertrophic to prevent the valve
bladder syndrome [7]. Circumcision could reduce the risk of infection, and are widely
performed [8].
Usually, it can be accomplished with a small, soft 4- 6 or 8-Fr feeding tube or Bruziere
tube. Care must be taken to ensure that the tube did not coil in the dilated posterior urethra.
Bladder ultrasound can help to confirm the proper placement of the tube. Gradual increase in
diameter tube can be achieved after one or two days. Foley catheters should be avoided for
initial drainage because the balloon may cause bladder spasm in the thick bladder wall and
affect urine drainage.
Also, the balloon may slip into the dilated posterior urethra. In the rare cases when the
urethra can not be cannulated, percutaneous suprapubic access can be used.
After a good drainage and often after one week PUV section is performed like described
Immediate follow Up
Fluid and electrolyte management are critical in the first 24-48 hours. An essential
Postobstructive diuresis may occur and causes hydro-electrolytic disorders and acid-base
disturbances, which requires aggressive fluid and electrolyte replacement.
Serum creatinine level is monitored closely, with keeping in mind the fact that for the
first few days of life the patient creatinine level value reflects the maternal renal function.
Antibioprophylaxis is prescribed, especially in those patients presenting with hydronephrosis
or vesicoureteral reflux (VUR).
Immediate Complications
Anuria is the most common one: it can be due to delay electrolytic hydro compensation,
or to a full bladder requiring drainage.
Anuria can occur with a tube in place. If the bladder is full, the catheter can be coiled in
posterior urethra, if the bladder is empty, it can be due to the delay of the hydro-electrolytic
compensation or due to detrusor spasm. The tube has to be removed, and if there is a poor
outcome, nephrostomy may be necessary [9].
Posterior Urethral Valves 235
Secondary Monitoring
Based on
- Clinical features: weight curve, diuresis, and urination, blood pressure, febrile
urinary tract infection (UTI).
- Kidney function: creatinine, blood, and urinary electrolyte levels
- Upper urinary tract dilation.
The Rythm of monitoring depends on the original situation. In the first year of life, the
rate of decay and minimum rate of creatinine (nadir) are the major known prognostic factors
of kidney function [10].
Regression of dilation, confirms the absence of a residual obstruction.
Prophylactic antibiotic are maintained if VUR persists.
Persistent obstruction:
- Persistant reflux
- Valve bladder syndrome caused by bladder dysfunction
- Vesicoureteral junction obstruction caused by detrusor hypertrophy
- Tubulopathy is responsible for polyuria.
Renal Impact of PUV is well documented but not the voiding disorders induced by
them.PUV is a frequent obstructive uropathy, the low urinary tract obstruction (LUTO)
causes early consequences at two levels: kidneys and bladder.
PUV is one of the most severe CAKUT: with a renal failure rate of about 30% in
adolescence and 50% in adulthood. PUV represents the half of the causes of terminal renal
failure in the pediatric population. Disorders of continence named Valve Bladder Syndrom
(VBS) make the upper tract lesions worse. Valve bladder syndrome:
The term ‘valve bladder syndrome’ was introduced as a concept to encompass the
abnormal voiding patterns and symptoms of voiding dysfunction, the persistent thick walled
bladder, incomplete bladder emptying and associated upper tract dilatation seen in many boys
with posterior urethral valves [11].
236 Claire Raquillet and Taieb Chouikh
Treatment aimed to prevent or reverse the deterioration of renal function and decrease the
hydro uretero nephrosis. To Get a low-pressure bladder, anticholinergics to treat bladder
instability and hypercontractility may be prescribed: surgical method by expansion
cystoplasty can be performed. Intermittent catheterization to Improve bladder emptying,
family education, behavioral treatment and alpha blockers helps to have a regular bladder
In the Prenatal period, the information of the long-term prognosis has to be detailed to the
parents. The prenatal features did not predict the clinical outcome of the cases.
Obstruction begins between the seventh and the eleventh week of intrauterine life, from
the beginning of diuresis (12th week), the entire urinary tract must fight against the
obstruction, which creates the irreversible lesions. The urethral wall and the end of the
ejaculatory ducts are distended. The fibers of smooth sphincter are forced. The bladder neck
is hypertrophied. Bladder capacity, muscle activity, mictional pressures increases and wall
bladder became thick. Ureters are dilated, and reflux is common. Early impairment, important
and irreversible renal parenchymal makes the gravity of PUV and can lead to end-stage
kidney failure. Lesions start early and are evolutive, and they impact all the urinary tract.
Prenatal diagnosis does not improve the prognosis and late in utero treatments are
disappointing [13]. Mortality is not to be overlooked; a study finds 6.4% mortality between 3
and 12 years linked to kidney failure. There are two frequency peaks of renal failure: at birth
and in adolescence. About 50% of the cases have chronic renal failure, and 20.8% of cases
have terminal kidney failure at 18 years, and 37.5% of the cases have high blood pressure at
this age [14].
In the neonatal period, the renal failure reflects the irreversible damage that appears in
utero. In the first months of life, the kidney failure regresses and about 60% of children find
themselves in the medium term normal kidney function.
When approaching the adolescence, worsening of the renal function reappears due to the
nephrogenic loss, with inadequate bladder function, polyuria, and febrile urinary tract
infections with or without reflux.
Posterior Urethral Valves 237
Prenatal criteria:
Based on the Ultrasound appearance of the kidneys, the importance of the distension, the
echogenicity of parenchyma, the amount of amniotic fluid and amniotic fluid biochemistry.
If these criteria are normal, the renal function is normal but this does not predict the long-
term renal function.
Postnatal criteria:
A creatinine nadir over 1ng /dl [10], with a dysfunctioning bladder after five years of
evolution. The presence of renal dysplasia [15], a Grade 3 or more reflux [16] and abnormal
kidney function, repetitive febrile urinary infection at diagnosis are correlated with worse
diagnosis The first two criteria being the most important.
Long-term prognosis of PUV is cloudy since there is a 50% risk of kidney failure. Renal
lesions are irreversible, but valve bladder syndrome can be improved with early treatment.
The repetition of urodynamics investigations allows specifying the functional outcome of
adjusting and monitoring therapeutic management. Resection of PUV at birth is essential
however it does not abstract to the multidisciplinary management of this pathology [18].
[1] Young H. H., Fronz W. A., Baldwin J. C. Congenital obstruction of the posterior
urethra. J. Urol., 1919. 3:289.
[2] J. Patrick Murphy and John M. Gatti. Abnormalities of the Urethra, Penis, and Scrotum
in Coran Pediatric surgery 7th edition, Elsevier (2012), p1555-57.
238 Claire Raquillet and Taieb Chouikh
[3] Good C. D., Vinnicombe S. J., Minty I. L., King A. D., Mather S. J., Dicks-Mireaux C.
Posterior urethral valves in male infants and newborns: detection with US of the urethra
before and during voiding. Radiology, 1996 Feb.;198(2):387-91.
[4] Blanc T., Aigrain Y., Lortat-Jacob S. Prise en charge précoce des valves de l’urètre
postérieur. XXXème séminaire de chirurgie pédiatrique Société Française de chiurrgie
pédiatrique. Section Française d’urologie pédiatrique. Les uropathies congénitales de
diagnostic anténatal. P 113-130. Sauramps medical 2011.
[5] Zaontz M. R., Firlit C. F. Percutaneous antegrade ablation of posterior urethral valves
in infants with small caliber urethras: an alternative to urinary diversion. J. Urol., 1986
Jul;136(1 Pt 2):247-8. J. Urol., 1986 136 (1pt2): 247-8.
[6] Chertin B. Cozzi D., Puri P. Long-term results of primary avulsion of posterior urethral
valves using a Fogarty balloon catheter. J. Urol., 2002 Oct.;168(4 Pt 2):1841-3.
[7] Kajbafzadeh A. M., Payabvash S., Karimian G. The effects of bladder neck incision on
urodynamic abnormalities of children with posterior urethral valves. J. Urol., 2007
Nov.; 178(5):2142-7; discussion 2147-9. Epub 2007.
[8] S. Mukherjee, A. Joshi, D. Carroll, H. Chandran, K. Parashar, L. McCarthy What is the
effect of circumcision on risk of urinary tract infection in boys with posterior urethral
valves? Journal of Pediatric Surgery, Volume 44, Issue 2, February 2009, Pages 417-
[9] Noe H. N., Jerkins G. R. Oliguria and renal failure following decompression of the
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[10] Sarhan O. M., El-Ghoneimi A. A., Helmy T. E., Dawaba M. S., Ghali A. M., Ibrahiem
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[11] Steven, Divehysh Desai: Posterior Urethral Valves, Pediatric Urology book
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2007 Mar.; 191(3):569-81.
Posterior Urethral Valves 239
[18] Grapin dagorno C., Raquillet C., Boubnova J., Pronostic à long terme des enfants
porteurs de valves de l’urètre postérieur XXXème séminaire de chirurgie pédiatrique
Société Française de chiurrgie pédiatrique. Section Française d’urologie pédiatrique.
Les uropathies congénitales de diagnostic anténatal. P 113-130. Sauramps medical
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 23
Hypospadias is a developmental anomaly characterized by a urethral meatus that
opens onto the ventral surface of the penis, proximal to the end of the glans. The meatus
may be located anywhere along the shaft of the penis, from the glans to the perineum [1].
Three associated anomalies are classically found in the hypospadiac penis: (1) an
ectopic opening of the urethral meatus located at any place between the glans and the
base of the penis, (2) a ventral curvature of the penis (chordee), and (3) a hooded foreskin
with a marked excess of skin on the dorsum of the penis and a lack of skin on the
ventrum. In fact, the chordee and the hooded foreskin are not constant, and a hypospadiac
meatus may be found under a normally formed prepuce.
Hypospadias is a developmental anomaly characterized by a urethral meatus that opens
onto the ventral surface of the penis, proximal to the end of the glans. The meatus may be
located anywhere along the shaft of the penis, from the glans to the perineum [1].
Three associated anomalies are classically found in the hypospadiac penis: (1) an ectopic
opening of the urethral meatus located at any place between the glans and the base of the
penis, (2) a ventral curvature of the penis (chordee), and (3) a hooded foreskin with a marked
excess of skin on the dorsum of the penis and a lack of skin on the ventrum. In fact, the
chordee and the hooded foreskin are not constant, and a hypospadiac meatus may be found
under a normally formed prepuce.
Common classification system that refers to the meatal location after the chordeehas been
released (Table 1).
Hypospadias is a congenital defect that is thought to occur embryologically during
urethral development, between 8 and 20 weeks’ gestation. The external genital structures are
identical in males and females until 8 weeks’ gestation; the genitals develop a masculine
phenotype in males primarily under the influence of testosterone. As the phallus grows, the
open urethral groove extends from its base to the level of the corona.
The classic theory is that the urethral folds coalesce in the midline from base to tip,
forming a tubularized penile urethra and median scrotal raphe. This accounts for the posterior
and middle urethra. The anterior or glanular urethra is thought to develop in a proximal
direction, with an ectodermal core forming at the tip of the glans penis, which canalizes to
join with the more proximal urethra at the level of the corona. The higher incidence of
subcoronal hypospadias supports the vulnerable final step in this theory of development [3].
Hypospadias 243
The incidence of hypospadias has been estimated to be between 0.8 and 8.2 per 1000 live
male births [1]. The wide variation probably represents some geographic and racial
differences, but of more significance is the exclusion of the more minor degrees of
hypospadias in some reports. If all degrees of hypospadias, even the most minor, are included,
then the incidence is probably 1 in 125 live male births. With the most quoted figure of 1 per
250 live male births, it can be assumed that more than 6000 boys are born with hypospadias
each year in the United States [1].
Several etiologies for hypospadias have been suggested, including genetic, endocrine,
and environmental factors.
Genetic Factors
Endocrine Factors
Environmental Factors
Undescended testes and hypospadias have been associated, but increased estradiol
concentration has not been implicated in hypospadias per se. This may support the association
of hypospadias with increasing parity, increasing maternal age, and low birth weight noted in
some studies in relation to lifelong exposure to environmental disruptors and a possible
cumulative effect [5].
Combination Theory
A growing body of evidence suggests that the development of hypospadias has a two-hit
etiology involving a genetic predisposition coupled with fetal exposure to an environmental
The clinical significance of the hypospadias anomaly is related to several factors. The
abnormal location of the meatus and the tendency toward meatal stenosis result in a ventrally
deflected and splayed stream. This fact makes the stream difficult to control and often makes
it difficult for the patient to void while standing. The ventral curvature associated with
chordee can lead to painful erections, especially with severe chordee.
Impaired copulation and thus inadequate insemination is a further consequence of
significant chordee. In addition, the unusual cosmetic appearance associated with the hooded
foreskin, flattened glans, and ventral skin deficiency frequently has an adverse effect on the
psychosexual development of the adolescent with hypospadias.
All of these factors are evidence that early surgical correction should be offered to all
boys with hypospadias, regardless of the severity of the defect.
At times, the distally located meatus may be associated with significant chordee,
sometimes of a severe degree (Figure 2). The release of the chordee places the meatus in a
much more proximal location, requiring more complicated transfers of tissue to bridge the
gap between the proximal meatus and the tip of the glans.
Inguinal hernia and undescended testes are the most common anomalies associated with
hypospadias. They occur from 7% to 13% of the time, with a greater incidence when the
meatus is more proximal [10].
An enlarged prostatic utricle also is more common in posterior hypospadias, with an
incidence of about 11% [10]. Infection is the most common complication of a utricle, but
surgical excision is rarely necessary.
Several reports have emphasized significantly high numbers of upper urinary tract
anomalies associated with hypospadias, suggesting that routine upper tract screening is
necessary. However, when the association is studied selectively, it can be shown that the
types of hypospadias that are at risk for surgically significant upper tract anomalies are the
penoscrotal and perineal forms and those associated with other organ system abnormalities.
When one, two, or three other organ system anomalies occur, the incidence of significant
upper tract anomalies is 7%, 13%, and 37%, respectively. Associated myelomeningocele and
imperforate anus carry a 33% and 46% incidence, respectively, of upper urinary tract
malformations. In isolated posterior hypospadias, the incidence of associated upper tract
anomalies is 5% [10].
Surgical Care
The resulting penis should be suitable for future sexual intercourse, should enable the
patient to void while standing, and should present an acceptable cosmetic appearance [11].
Timing of Surgery
Before 1980, hypospadias repair was performed in children older than 3 years because of
the larger size of the phallus and a technically easier procedure; however, genital surgery at
this age (genital awareness occurs at about age 18 months) can be associated with significant
psychological morbidity, including abnormal behavior, guilt, and gender identity confusion.
Currently, most physicians attempt to repair hypospadias when the child is aged 4-18
months, with a trend toward earlier intervention. This has been associated with an improved
emotional and psychological result. A benefit in wound healing with earlier repair has also
been perceived and may have a basis in the reduced proinflammatory cytokine production
noted at younger ages.
Hypospadias 247
Late hypospadias repair, in the pubertal and postpubertal period, is associated with
complications, primarily urethrocutaneous fistula, in nearly half of patients.Some reports cite
a higher rate of complication in 5-year-old patients than in 1-year-old patients, suggesting that
earlier repair is generally better [12].
The advent of safe anesthesia, fine suture material, delicate instruments, and good optical
magnification has allowed virtually all types of hypospadias to be repaired in infancy.
Surgical Procedures
Figure 3. Flow diagram for types of repair in variants of hypospadias. MAGPI, meatal advancement
and glansplasty. TIP, tubularized incised plate urethroplasty [2].
248 Habib Bouthour, Samer Bostame and Nejib Kaabar
Figure 4. The MAGPI procedure. A, Circumferential subcoronal incision to deglove the penile shaft
skin. B, Longitudinal incision through the ventral groove of glans (arrow). C, Transverse closure of
glans groove incision to advance dorsal urethral plate and to open stenotic meatus. D, Glans tissue
approximated ventrally in the midline to restore conical configuration to glans. E, Completion of the
skin closure [2].
Versatility and experience with all options of surgical treatment are the keys to successful
management. By recognizing the sometimes subtle nuances of meatal variation, glans
configuration, and curvature character, the experienced surgeon can make the best choice as
to the type of repair to use [11].
Distal Variants
Figure 5. TIP procedure A, Urethral plate is incised longitudinally. B, Glans incisions are made
longitudinally, wide enough to leave two strips of epithelium for 10-Fr size neourethra. C, Neourethra
is tabularized in the midline with multiple layers and dartos flap to reinforce.D, Glans wings are closed
in the midline. E, Skin closure is completed and the urethral stent is in place (optional) [2].
Middle Variants
The amount of ventral curvature generally dictates the type of repair in middle- and
distal-shaft hypospadias. When no significant chordee is present, the TIP repair or the meatal-
based flap can sometimes be performed.
Mathieu Procedure
In the Mathieu procedure, two parallel incisions are made on either side of the urethral
plate, up to the tip of the glans and deep down to the corpora cavernosa. The incision line
delimits a perimeatal-based skin flap that is folded over and sutured to the edges of the
urethral plate. The lateral wings of the glans are generously dissected from the corpora
cavernosa. The rest of the procedure follows the recommendations given earlier [16].
250 Habib Bouthour, Samer Bostame and Nejib Kaabar
Figure 6. Mathieu procedure. A, Parallel incisions along ventral groove distal to the meatus and
formation of meatal- based flap proximal to meatus. B, Glans wings developed on either side of the
urethral plate (arrow) to close over the neourethra later. Meatal-based flap is mobilized distally
maintaining good vascular and tissue support. C, Flap is anastomosed to bilateral edges of the urethral
plate to form neourethra. D, Glans wings are closed over the neourethra in the midline, giving conical
glans configuration. Penile shaft is covered with dorsal foreskin advanced ventrally [2].
Distal strictures are rare (1%), and fistulas are met in 4% of the cases (0.5% meatal
retraction and 1% urethrocutaneous fistulas). The half-moon–shaped meatus is sometimes
disappointing, but an extensive dissection of the two wings of the glans allows a nice
glanuloplasty. The overall results remain satisfactory.
Figure 7. The onlay island flap repair A, Outline of incisions along the well-developed urethral plate
with no chordee. B, Mobilization of glans wings and shaft skin with urethral plate intact distal to
meatus. Outline of inner preputial island flap that will be transposed ventrally for onlay completion of
neourethra. C, Island flap transposed ventrally on pedicle. The first part of the anastomosis is
completed. D, Remainder of anastomosis to complete neourethra to tip of glans. E, Glans wings are
approximated over the neourethra in the ventral midline. The penile shaft is covered with the ventral
advancement of dorsal foreskin [2].
Figure 8. Two-stage Durham Smith repair. A, Release of chordee. B, Splitting of dorsal preputium. C,
Denuded ventral glans before transposing preputial skin to ventrum. D, Transposition of dorsal foreskin
to ventrum completes the first stage. E, “U”-shaped incision around the meatus and out onto glans. F,
Tubularization of Duplay-type tube to form the neourethra. G, Second layer of soft tissue to reinforce
suture line. H-J, Overlapping skin closure with de- epithelialization of inner flap gives a “double-
breasted” closure of the skin [2].
252 Habib Bouthour, Samer Bostame and Nejib Kaabar
Proximal Variants
Many of the scrotal and perineal forms of hypospadias are associated with significant
chordee, which requires division of the urethral plate and results in a gap to be bridged
between the proximal native urethra and the tip of the glans [18]. This can be done with
staged procedures in which coverage of the ventral penile shaft is attained by rotation of
dorsal flaps to the ventrum, with later tubularization to form the neourethra.
Figure 9. Transverse preputial island flap tube repair. A and B, Release of chordee and degloving of
penile shaft skin. B, Outline of inner preputial island flap. C, Tubularization of inner preputial island
flap. D, Transposition of the tubularized island flap to the ventrum, maintaining pedicle blood supply.
E, Creation of a channel through glans tissue with sharp incisional and excisional technique. F, Island
tube anastomosed to proximal native urethra, brought through glans channel and anastomosed to
epithelium at tip of glans. G, Penile shaft covered with dorsal foreskin advanced ventrally. Skin closure
is completed [2].
Hypospadias 253
Technical Perspectives
Optical Magnification
Most surgeons agree that optical magnification is indispensable in hypospadias surgery.
Standard operating loupes, ranging from 2.5× power to 4.5×, are generally thought to be ideal
for the magnification needed for this type of surgery. Some workers advocate the use of the
operating microscope and suggest an improved result with this technique. Most surgeons have
not believed that this degree of magnification is necessary for obtaining excellent results. The
microscope may be overly cumbersome for the small improvement in visualization it may
Urinary Diversion
The goal of the surgeon in any urinary diversion procedure in hypospadias repair is to
protect the neourethra from the urinary stream for the initial healing phase. In theory, this
diversion should decrease the complication rate, particularly fistula formation. The more
254 Habib Bouthour, Samer Bostame and Nejib Kaabar
Complications are common and should be treated at least 6 months after the initial
procedure, to allow the tissues to heal properly.
Unsatisfactory cosmetic results are common and may include irregular suture lines, skin
blobs, or redundant ventral skin forming a jabot. If the ventral aspect of the glans is short and
there is no mucosal collar around the glans, the cosmetic result is disappointing. The
surgeon’s and the patient’s views on the cosmetic result are often very different.
Intraoperative bleeding can, at times, be troublesome. However, with the judicious use of
the point tip cautery, it can be generally be kept to a minimum. Tourniquets or cutaneous
infiltrations with dilute concentrations of epinephrine can be helpful, but they should not
replace careful technique. Postoperative bleeding is generally prevented by mildly
compressive dressings. Subcutaneous hematomas may occur but generally do not need to be
Fistulas are the second most common complication of hypospadias repair. The patient
presents with an abnormal stream or drops coming from the under surface of the penis.
Although late fistulas exist, this is usually an early complication (first month postoperatively)
[21]. A fistula that is small and not associated with a urethral stricture can heal spontaneously.
If it persists after 6 months, another procedure is required. The fistula rate varies with the
Hypospadias 255
technique used: 4% for the Mathieu procedure but 15% for the onlay procedures in, going up
to 20% in cripple hypospadias [21]. This complication is more common with free graft
urethroplasties than with vascularized grafts. The location of the fistula varies, but it is often
found proximal to the glans corona in a lateral position. If the fistula persists longer than 6
months after the initial procedure, the fistula tract should be excised and sutured and covered
by several layers of tissue. Large fistulas are unusual and attest that the original urethroplasty
was not satisfactory. They usually require a full reconstruction of the urethra. A combination
of fistula and urethral stenosis is common, and therefore the urethroplasty needs to be
checked cautiously before deciding on a simple fistula closure. Fistulas located just behind
the corona are not easy to close and tend to recur if the usual excision-and-coverage
procedure is performed. For this reason, it is often recommended in these cases to redo the
distal urethroplasty using a Mathieu flap.
Multiple layer closure has a major role in lowering the incidence of fistula formation. The
introduction of a protective intermediate layer is the most important single factor in reducing
the incidence of fistula and other complications of hypospadias repair. One or more layers
was essential as a protective intermediate layer between the neo urethra and the skin layer.
Types of protective intermediate layer including the following as summarized below:
Buck’s fascia,
Smith’s de-epithelialised skin,
Snow’s tunica vaginalis wrap from the testicular coverings,
Retik’s dorsal - subcutaneous preputial flap from the foreskin,
Motiwala’s dartos flap from the scrotum
Dorsal dartos fascia flap, and
The external spermatic fascia flap.
Narrowing of the neourethra may occur anywhere along its course. However, the most
common sites of stricture formation are at the meatus and at the proximal anastomosis. Most
cases of meatal narrowing can be managed as an office procedure by gentle dilation in the
first few postoperative weeks. Occasionally, meatotomy or meatoplasty is needed, especially
when associated with a proximal fistula or neourethral diverticulum. More proximal strictures
can generally be treated with dilation or a visual internal urethrotomy. However, open
urethroplasty may sometimes be required, with excision of the stricture and primary urethral
anastomosis or patch graft urethroplasty [21].
Persistent Chordee
Persistent chordee is quite rare. The long-term outcomes of plication of the tunica
albuginea of the corpora are unknown, and dorsal plication of the corpora at an early age may
predispose the patient to secondary penile deformities as the penis grows considerably in the
256 Habib Bouthour, Samer Bostame and Nejib Kaabar
adolescent period. One should therefore be very cautious with these dorsal-shortening
procedures, and patients should be followed up through puberty.
Saccular dilation of the neourethra may result from distal stenosis causing progressive
dilation, contained urinary extravasation from the breakdown of the repair, or initial creation
of an oversized segment of the neourethra. Classic bulging of the urethra ventrally with
voiding is evident with significant diverticulum formation. Urinary stasis with chronic
inflammation is common. Obstruction can result from kinking of the urethra when the
diverticulum distends\ with voiding. Repair requires excision of the redundant neourethra
with primary closure to restore a uniform caliber to the urethra. Special attention should be
paid to any narrowing of the neourethra distally, just as in fistula repair.
[1] Paulozzi L, Erickson d, et al.: hypospadias trends in tow US surveillance systems.
Pediatrics 1997; 100:831-834.
[2] J. Patrick Murphy, MD. Hypospadias, George Whitfield Holcomb III, J. Patrick
Murphy; associate editor, Daniel J. Ostlie. — Ashcraft’s pediatric surgery/5th ed,
Philadelphia, Saunders Elsevier, 2010, pp. 775-790.
[3] Baskin LS. Hypospadias and urethral development. J Urol. 2000 Mar. 163(3):951-6.
[4] Kallen B, Bertollini R, Castilla E, et al. A joint international study on the epidemiology
of hypospadias. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl. 1986. 324:1-52.
[5] Aaronson IA, Cakmak MA, Key LL. Defects of the testosterone biosynthetic pathway
in boys with hypospadias. J Urol. 1997 May. 157(5):1884-8.
[6] Homles NM, Miller WL, et al. :Lack of defect in androgen production in children with
hypospadias. J Clin endocrinol Metab 2004;89:2811-2816.
[7] Kim KS, Torres CR, et al.: induction of hypospadias in a murine model by maternal
exposure to synthetic estrogens. Enveron Res 2004;94:267-275.
[8] Baskin LS, Colborn T, et al.: hypospadias and endocrine disruption: IS there a
conneection environ health perspect 2001;109:1175-1183.
[9] Hadziselimovic F. Placental estradiol: An ostensible etiologic factor of human
cryptorchidism. Kirsch AJ, ed. Dialogues in Pediatric Urology: The impact of the
environment and endocrine disruptors on pediatric urology. 2000. 1-8.
[10] Khuri F, hardy B, ET AL.: Urologic anomalies associated with hypospadias. U rol clin
North Am 1981;125 :395-397.
[11] .Barbagli G, palminteri E, et al.: penile urethral reconstruction: Concepts and concerns.
Arch Esp Urol 2003; 56:549-556.
[12] Bermudez DM, Canning DA, Liechty KW. Age and pro-inflammatory cytokine
production: Wound-healing implications for scar-formation and the timing of genital
surgery in boys. J Pediatr Urol. 2011 Jun. 7(3):324-31.
[13] Duckett JW: MAGPI (meatal advancment and glanuloplasty): A procedure for
subcoronal hypospadias. Urol Clin north am 1981; 8:513-520.
[14] Snodgrass W, Koyle M, et al.: tabularized incised plate hypospadias repair for proximal
hypospadias. J Urol 1998;159:2192-2131.
Hypospadias 257
[15] Jayanthi VR: The modified Snodgrass hypospadias repair: Reducing the risk of fistula
and meatal stenosis. J Urol 2003:170:1603-1605.
[16] Maatieu P: traitment en un temps de l hypospadias balanique et juxatabalanique. Jchir
1932;39 :481.
[17] Baskin LS, Duckett JW, et al.: Changing concepts of hypospadias curvature lead to
more onlay island flap procedures. J Urol 1994;151:191-196.
[18] Albers N, Ulrichs c, et al.: etiologic classification of severe hypospadias: Implications
for prognosis and management. J Pediatr 1997;131:386-392.
[19] Duckett JW: transverse prepurtiuale island flap trchnique for repair of severe
hypospadis. Urol Clin North AM 1980:7:423-431.
[20] Koyanagi T, Nonomura K, Kakizaki H, et al. Experience with one-stage repair of
severe proximal hypospadias: operative technique and results. Eur Urol. 1993.
[21] Retik AB, Keating M, et al.: complication of hypospadias repair. Urol Clin north Am
[22] Scherz Hc kaplan GW, et al.: post-hypospadias repair urethral strictures: A review of 30
cases. J Urol 1988;140;1253-1255.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 24
The undescended testis represents one of the common referrals to a pediatric
surgeon, but the presentation varies considerably. The management differs widely
depending on the age of the child and the location of the testis.
An undescended testis is found in 3–5% of full-term male newborns and bilateral in
nearly 2%. In premature neonates, the incidence of undescended testes is reported to be
30%, reflecting the continued descent of the testes throughout the third trimester [1].
A testis may be high in the retroperitoneum or retractile, migrating into and out of
the scrotum. The testis may be also absent or vanishing, and the clinician must be
proficient in performing an abdominal exploration to confirm it.
Recent studies demonstrate that birth weight rather than gestational age is the
primary determinant of undescended testes. Postnatal testicular descent may be possible
and usually occurs prior to 6 months of age [2].
Corresponding author: [email protected], Special Registrar. Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor
Tunis School of Medecine University El Manar Tunisia; Department of Paediatric Surgery, Hôpital
Universitaire Necker-Enfants malades Hospital, 149 rue de Sevres, 75015 Paris, France; Hopital Robert
Ballanger Bd Robert Ballanger 936020, Aulnay sous bois France.
260 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Testicular descent begins in the retroperitoneum and continues until the testis reaches its
position in the scrotum. The testis can be found in any location along this path of descent
(cryptorchidism) or in an ectopic location.
Classification of the undescended testis includes all of these locations, most commonly
they are described as either palpable or non-palpable.
A palpable testis has descended to the level of the external ring whereas a non-palpable
testis remains intra-abdominal.
This description depends on the clinician’s examination. Accepting this degree of
inconsistency, approximately 80% of undescended testes are palpable.
A testis might be non-palpable due to testicular agenesis or atrophy, or a difficult
physical examination. At the time of surgery for a non-palpable testis, a surgeon can
anticipate approximately 40% of non-palpable testes to be distal to the external inguinal ring,
another 40% to be atrophic or absent, and 20% to be truly intra-abdominal.
Most ectopic testes are found in a superficial pouch between the external oblique fascia
and Scarpa’s fascia.
A retractile testis is one that migrates in and out of the scrotum with movement of the
cremasteric muscles. The vast majority of retractile testes do not require intervention, though
a small proportion can become “ascending testes,” which will require surgery. Therefore,
surveillance in these cases untli the testis became no longer retractile is mandatory. In
addition, because of the higher risk of malignant degeneration in undescended testes
regardless of whether or not they have been surgically corrected, boys with undescended
testes should be counseled to perform systematic testicular examination after puberty.
The undescended testis results from abnormal testicular development and descent. Many
theories exist regarding the etiology of testicular maldescent.
Up to the time of sexual differentiation in the human fetus at 7 to 8 weeks’ gestation, the
fetal testis and ovary occupy similar positions and are held by the cranial suspensory ligament
(upper pole) and the gubernaculum (lower pole). The gonadal positions then diverge; the
testis remains close to the future inguinal canal, whereas the ovary moves away from the
The cranial suspensory ligament, which persists in girls, regresses in boys while the
gubernaculum enlarges, especially at its distal end where it is embedded in the inguinal
abdominal wall. The inguinal canal forms by condensation of mesenchyme around the
gubernaculum to form the inguinal musculature. The mesenchyme of the gubernaculum
persists to form a solid cord; wich later becomes hollowed out by a diverticulum of
peritoneum, the processus vaginalis [4]. The proximal gubernaculum, which is initially
attached to the gonad, becomes expanded by growth of the caudal epididymis. The processus
vaginalis grows caudal into the gubernacular mesenchyme, partialy hollowing out the
Undescended Testicles 261
The caudal end of the gubernaculum remains solid, but the proximal part is divided into a
central column attached to the epididymis and an annular parietal layer within which the
cremaster muscle develops. At the start of the third trimester, the caudal end of the
gubernaculum bulges beyond the inguinal abdominal wall (Figure 1) and migrates across the
pubic region to the scrotum [5]. The processus vaginal is elongates proportionally inside the
gubernaculum so that the testis can leave the peritoneal cavity within it. Migration of the
gubernaculum and the testis to the scrotum is complete by 35 weeks [5, 6]. During migration,
the gubernaculum is loose within the inguinoscrotal mesenchyme, suggesting enzymatic
digestion of the adjacent tissues. After migration is complete, the processus vaginalis
becomes secondarily attached to the bottom of the scrotum.
In the first (“transab-dominal”) phase at 8 to 15 weeks the testis (T) is held near the
inguinal abdominal wall during embryonic growth by enlargement of the guberna-culum (G).
This relative change in testicular position compared with the ovary is controlled by testicular
hormones, with insulin-like factor 3 the primary hormone possibly augmented by mullerian-
inhibiting substance (MIS)/antimullerian hormone. The cranial ligament regresses under the
action of testosterone.
Figure 1. Gubernacular development in the two phases of testicular descent in the human fetus [3].
gubernaculum testis is primarily controlled by insulin -like factor 3 (Ins. l3), [9] which is an
analogue of insulin and relaxin produced by Leydig cells. [10, 11].
Normal spermatogenesis requires a temperature that is 2–3° cooler than normal intra-
abdominal temperature. Therefore, testes remaining in the intra-abdominal cavity are at
continued risk for abnormal spermatogenesis. Boys with bilateral undescended testes are at
much greater risk of low sperm concentration and abnormal morphology than boys with a
unilateral undescended testis. Men with a history of bilateral undescended testes have
uniformly poor semen parameters and have a significantly decreased paternity rate when
compared with men with unilateral undescended testis and the general population. On the
other hand, 43% of men with a unilateral undescended testis have a paternity rates that do not
differ from that of the general population.
Undescended testes have abnormal germ cell morphology, varying degrees of gonadal
dysgenesis, and are exposed to elevated intra-abdominal temperatures. This abnormal
development can progress to fibrosis, basement membrane degeneration. The relative risk of
testicular cancer in patients with a clinical history of an undescended testis is up to 14 times
higher than for boys with normal testicular descent [1].
Evaluation of the child with undescended testes begins with a comprehensive history,
which should include a maternal and gestational history with clear documentation of the
neonatal physical examination, medical and surgical history, and a family history to assess a
potential genetic predisposition.
The physical examination is of great importance and directs further interventions. A
complete examination should include the penis, scrotum, perineum, inguinal canal, and
potential sites of testicular ectopia. Detection of a nonpalpable testis can be improved by
placing the child supine, allowing the clinician to palpate along the expected path of testicular
descent using a sweeping movement after wetting his/her hands with water.
During the history and physical examination, signs and symptoms of an inguinal hernia
or hydrocele should also be documented. Over 90% of children with undescended testes have
a patent processus vaginalis that must be ligated at the time of orchidopexy. The clinician
must also be attuned to potential characteristics of congenital syndromes that are associated
with undescended testes, including disorders of sexual differentiation, prune belly syndrome,
and Prader-Willi syndrome.
In the evaluation of the undescended testis, radiographic testing is hindered by a
significant rate of false-negative results. Hrebinko and Bellinger (12) reported that
ultrasonography, computerized tomography, and magnetic resonance imaging for
undescended testes correlated with operative findings in 58, 33, and 0% respectively, with an
overall accuracy of 44%. Given this high false negative rate, radiographic imaging is not
routinely performed in the evaluation of undescended testes.
Laboratory evaluation is utilized in the evaluation of bilateral undescended testes.
Determination of the levels of follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone (LH),
and testosterone can verify the presence or absence of testicular tissue.
Elevated FSH in a prepubertal boy indicates anorchia.
Undescended Testicles 263
A child with bilateral undescended testes and normal gonadotropin levels can be further
assessed with a human chorionic gonadotropin stimulation test prior to operative exploration
It is also critically important to promptly rule out the diagnosis of congenital adrenal
hyperplasia, the work up of which should include an electrolyte panel, 17-hydroxy-
progesterone level, testosterone level, pelvic ultrasound and karyotype.
The goal of surgical repair is to remove the testis from the abdominal position or inguinal
canal and relocate it in the scrotum. Placing the testis in the scrotum allows:
Definitive surgical therapy is recommended between 9 months and one year of age.
Operative planning depends primarily on the preoperative location of the testis.
Examination of the inguinal and scrotal region under general anesthesia sometimes
allows to palpate a previously nonpalpable testis.
The essential steps of standard orchidopexy for palpable testis include:
The testis can be secured in a sutureless subdartos pouch, sutured at the tunica vaginalis,
or sutured at the tunica albuginea.
In the 1980s, a prescrotal approach to the palpable testis was described by Bianchi et al.
[13]. This technique is especially useful for the testis that can be brought into the scrotum by
caudal traction, a scrotal incision is created to form a sub-dartos pouch. After formation of the
sub-dartos pouch, the incision is deepened to the level of the tunica vag-inalis and the testis is
delivered into the field. As in a standard inguinal orchidopexy, the spermatic cord and testis
are mobilized. In contrast to the standard approach, the gubernaculum does not need to be
divided. If a patent processus vaginalis is present it is ligated near the level of the internal.
The testis is then secured in the subdartos pouch.
Operative complications include damage to the ilioinguinal nerve, injury to the vas
deferens, hematoma, wound infection, and testicular retraction.
The most serious of these complications is testicular atrophy resulting in loss of a testis.
Devascularization and testicular ischemia are usually a result of excessive skeletonization of
the spermatic cord and use of too forceful electrocautery. The analysis of the available
literature reveals an atrophy rate of up to 8% for palpable and of up to 25% for non-palpable
testes [17, 18].
Success of the operative treatment is defined as scrotal position and lack of atrophy of the
testis. It depends on the type of the undescended testis (palpable and non-palpable), the
operative procedure performed and the age at time of surgery. The result of the treatment
should be evaluated at least 1 year postoperatively.
Undescended Testicles 265
In the 2000s, success of orchiopexy reported in the literature was [19, 20]: over 95% for
inguinal testes, 85–90% for abdominal testes, with one- or two stage Fowler-Stephens
orchiopexy, both with open surgical or laparoscopic technique.
However, having a palpable testis in the scrotum does not ensure its normal function,
which means normal hormone production and normal spermatogenesis [21, 22].
As the patient continues to grow and develop through puberty, routine testicular exams
should be performed. Upon transition into adulthood, all boys must be counselled regarding
the performance of testicular self-examination.
[1] Pasquale Casale and Sarah M. Lambert: Undescended Testis in Fundamentals of
Pediatric Surgery (Peter Mattei) Springer, 2011, 673-677.
[2] Wenzler DL, Bloom DA, Park JM. What is the rate of spontaneous testicular descent in
infants with cryptorchidism? J. Urol. 2004; 171 (2 Pt 1): 849–51.
[3] John M. Hutson Undescended Testis, Torsion, and Varicocele in Pediatric surgery. —
7th ed. / editor in chief, Arnold G. Coran by Saunders, an imprint of Elsevier Inc 2012,
[4] Backhouse KM. Embryology of testicular descent and maldescent. Urol. Clin. North
Am. 1982 Oct; 9(3):315-25.
[5] Ahlberg NE, Bartley O., Chidekel N. Right and left gonadal veins. An anatomical and
statistical study. Acta Radiol. Diagn. (Stockh). 1966 Nov; 4(6):593-601.
[6] Attah AA, Hutson JM. The role of intra-abdominal pressure in cryptorchidism. J. Urol.
1993 Sep; 150(3):994-6.
[7] Baker BA, Morley R., Lucas A. Plasma testosterone in preterm infants with
cryptorchidism. Arch. Dis. Child. 1988 Oct; 63(10):1198-200.
[8] Baker LA, Nef S., Nguyen MT, Stapleton Rand al. The insulin-3 gene: lack of a genetic
basis for human cryptorchidism. J. Urol. 2002 Jun; 167(6):2534-7.
[9] Barthold JS, González R. The epidemiology of congenital cryptorchidism, testicular
ascent and orchiopexy. J. Urol. 2003 Dec; 170(6 Pt 1):2396-401.
[10] Beasley SW, Bettenay F., Hutson JM: The anterior urethra provides clues to the
aetiology of prune belly syndrome. Pediatr. Surg. Int. 1988; 3:169.
[11] Behringer RR, Finegold MJ, Cate RL. Müllerian-inhibiting substance function during
mammalian sexual development. Cell. 1994 Nov 4; 79(3):415-25.
[12] Hrebinko RL, Bellinger MF. The limited role of imaging techniques in managing
chidren with undescended testes. J. Urol. 1993;150 (2 Pt 1):458–60.
[13] Bianchi A., Squire BR. Trans-scrotal orchidopexy: orchidopexy revised. Pediatr. Surg.
Int. 1989; 4:189.
[14] Prentiss RJ, Weickgenant CJ, Moses JJ, Frazier DB. Undescended testis: surgical
anatomy of spermatic vessels, spermatic surgical triangles and lateral spermatic
ligament. J. Urol. 1960; 83: 686–92.
[15] Elder JS. Two-stage Fowler–Stephens orchiopexy in the management of intra-
abdominal testes. J. Urol. 1992; 148(4):1239–41.
266 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
[16] Shehata SM. Laparoscopically assisted gradual controlled traction on the testicular
vessels: a new concept in the management of abdominal testis. A preliminary report.
Eur. J. Pediatr. Surg. 2008 Dec; 18(6):402-6. doi: 10.1055/s-2008-1039028. Epub 2008
Nov 14.
[17] Kucharski P., Niedzielski J. Neoadjuvant human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG)
therapy may improve the position of undescended testis: a preliminary report. Cent.
Eur. J. Urol. 2013; 66: 224-8.
[18] Docimo SG. The results of surgical therapy for cryptorchidism: a literature review and
analysis. J. Urol. 1995; 154:1148–52.
[19] Papparella A., Parmeggiani P., Cobellis G., et al. Laparoscopic management of non
palpable testes: a multicenter study of the Italian society of videosurgery in infancy. J.
Pediatr. Surg. 2005; 40: 696-700.
[20] Thorup J., Haugen S., Kollin C., et al. Surgical treatment of undescended testes. Acta
Paediatr. 2007; 96: 631-7.
[21] Ritzen EM, Bergh A., Bjerknes R., et al. Nordic consensus on treatment of undescended
testes. Acta Paediatr. 2007; 96: 638-43.
[22] Tekgül S., Dogan HS, Hoebeke P., et al. Pediatric Urology. European Society for
Paediatric Urology, European Association of Urology. Guidelines on Paediatric
Urology 2014.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 25
Mediastinal masses are defined by a combination of clinical and radiological features
caused by the existence of abnormal structures in the mediastinum.
The mediastinum is the body compartment limited by the sternum, the spine, the
diaphragm and the lungs. It is divided into three parts.
Anterior Mediastinum is limited anteriorly by the posterior surface of the sternum,
posteriorly by the anterior face of the great vessels, trachea, and pericardial sac, and on
each side of the pleura and lungs. It contains the thymus, great vessels and a network of
lymphatic structures.
Middle Mediastinum is circumscribed in the classical anatomic description by the
pericardium. It includes the trachea, main stern bronchi the heart, the great vessels, and
the hilar lymph.
Posterior Mediastinum lies behind a line passing in front of the tracheal bifurcation
and extending to the paravertebral space. It contains the thoracic esophagus, the
sympathetic nerves chain and a part of the great vessels (Aorta, Azygos Vein).
* Corresponding
author: [email protected].
270 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Prenatal diagnosis of mediastinal masses is possible [1]. The fetus which develops
progressive nonimmune hydrops, cardiac failure, or mediastinal shift with compression of
developing lung tissue. Some of these cases may benefit from in utero decompression or
resection of a cystic mediastinal lesion. However, most of the cases are diagnosed after birth
or later in life.
The clinical symptoms of mediastinal lesions are the result of mass effects and are
influenced by the location of the lesion. Many are asymptomatic, although the most
prominent symptom of anterior and middle mediastinal masses is respiratory distress,
particularly in infants when noisy stridorous breathing or cyanosis while feeding is observed.
In older children, cough, chest pain, dyspnea, orthopnea or rarely hemoptysis occurs. Rapid
onset of respiratory distress or symptoms of superior vena cava obstruction suggests
lymphoma [2]. Although rare, infected teratomas have been reported to rupture into the
bronchus, pleura, and pericardium. Posterior mediastinal masses can be large and remains
asymptomatic, often discovered incidentally on a chest radiograph taken for other indications.
Less frequently pain or symptoms of spinal cord compression lead to the diagnosis.
Symptoms of gastrointestinal obstruction due to the compression of the esophagus can be
reported in cases of posterior mediastinal masses. Finally, secretion of catecholamine, alpha-
fetoprotein or gonadotropins may also uncover the mass.
Anteroposterior and lateral chest X-ray are helpful to localize the mediastinal mass. It can
show widening of the mediastinal shadow, masses in the hemithorax or calcifications.
Ultrasound remains useful.
Chest computed tomography (CT) is now mostly performed, it helps to locate the mass,
to give more information about its nature (cystic, solid) and to reveal calcifications. Several
studies comparing contrast medium enhanced CT with MRI suggest that CT is superior given
its ability to define a calcification within a mass [3]. CT is helpful to reveals extrinsic mass
effect on the esophagus.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is useful in cases of vascular lesion and when an
evaluation of intraspinal space is needed.
Mediastinal Masses 271
Laboratory Test
Thymic Masses
Thymic Cyst
They derived from the thymopharyngal duct and may appear in the anterior mediastinum
or the neck [4]. They are usually asymptomatic, but when they increased in size, they became
palpable or are detected by mediastinum imagery.
Infection, hemorrhage can occur. Symptoms due to mass effects are responsible for
respiratory symptoms. Thymic cysts can also be found in rare instances of malignant
lymphoma and in patients with human immunodeficiency (HIV) infection in whom they can
be multilocular [5]. These cysts require surgical excision.
Malignant Thymic Neoplasia is exceedingly rare in children [6], accounting for less than
1% of mediastinal tumors with only 20 well-documented cases of malignant thymomas in
children [7]. Treatment is multimodal, but outcome is poor.
These tumors comprise only 8% to 16% of the tumors in this region at all ages and are
uncommon in children [6, 9]. They consist of solid or organoid masses with tissues derived
from all three blastodermic layers (ectoderm, endoderm, and mesoderm). Their histologic
features are heterogeneous and may have cystic or solid areas as well as mature and immature
Mediastinal teratomas are located almost invariably in the anterior compartment of the
mediastinum. These masses can be diagnosed prenatally. They develop relatively early in
fetal life and may cause hydrops and fetal demise [10].
In most cases, they are detected after birth because of respiratory distress or later in life
because of vague symptoms. The diagnosis is often an incidental finding from chest
radiographs performed for other causes. Mediastinal teratomas should be suspected whenever
a mass with or without calcifications is seen in the anterior mediastinal compartment.
Most mediastinal teratomas are benign in children, and the prognosis is worse if they
contain elements of other germ cell tumors. Surgical excision is the treatment of choice for
mediastinal teratomas. α- Fetoprotein is an excellent tumor marker because it is usually
elevated in malignant and immature tumors and very seldom in mature ones [11].
It occurs more often in preadolescent and adolescent. These tumors induce a feminization
state with breast hypertrophy, testicular atrophy, and precocious puberty.
Beta human chorionic gonadotropin is a useful tumor marker in these cases.
Chemotherapy which is very active in malignant germ cell tumors may allow subsequent
surgery after tumor shrinkage.
This tumor had a better prognosis and is more sensitive to radiotherapy.
In 10% of the cases, undifferentiated tumors are noted, it may be of T or B origin [8].
All these tumors behave like systemic diseases and are extended beyond the original site.
Regional nodes, distant organs (the bone marrow, the liver, the pleural and pericardial spaces)
can be involved by the disease. Symptoms of mediastinal lymphoma are caused by rapid size
increase with compression effects on the airway (respiratory distress, wheezing…) or vascular
structure like vena cava (edema of the face, jugular ingurgitation). Hematologic disturbances
may appear when the bone marrow is invaded. Large lymph nodes may be palpable in the
neck, axillae, sub-clavicular and substernal areas. Imaging depicts (Plain X-ray of the chest,
CT scan) define the extent of the disease and the involvement of the airway. Cellular
diagnosis can be performed from a fluid analysis (pleural or pericardial space). When lymph
nodes or fluid are not available for review and when the bone marrow is healthy, fine needle
guided aspiration or biopsy are required. These tumors are a good responder to chemotherapy;
surgery is not the primary treatment of mediastinal NHL [8].
The generic term foregut duplication cyst is a more accurate. Embryologic description
with subdivision into bronchogenic or enteric cysts determined by the histology of the
mucosa lining the cyst wall [3]. In fact, all three endodermal structures may be found in the
occasional foregut duplication, supporting a common embryologic derivation for foregut
duplication cysts.
Bronchogenic cysts develop from an abnormal budding of the tracheal diverticulum or
ventral portion of the foregut. These cysts can be found in a variety of locations depending on
the level at which the abnormal budding occurred in the development of the foregut or
tracheo bronchial tree. It has been reported that about two-thirds of bronchogenic cysts are
located within the lung parenchyma, with the remainder in the mediastinum, but this
274 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
distribution varies between different reports. Rarely, they can be found in remote locations,
such as the tongue, neck, back, and even below the diaphragm [3].
Although they do not usually communicate with the tracheobronchial tree, they may do
so from inception or the contact may be acquired from infection.
Bronchogenic cysts have been reported on the antenatal ultrasonography. Diagnosis in
Older children frequently results from identification of an incidental mass on chest radiograph
obtained for an unrelated reason. Or in Infants usually present with gastrointestinal or
respiratory symptoms, the mass may be obscured on plain film by associated atelectasis and
infection. In this case, the diagnosis can be delayed, but CT usually confirms the diagnosis.
Bronchogenic cysts should be excised to avoid the complications of infection, hemorrhage, or
sudden death from rapid expansion under tension.
The differential diagnosis includes foreign body, lobar emphysema, pneumonia,
bronchial stenosis and pneumothorax.
A risk of malignant transformation does exist, as malignancy has been reported in two
adult patients with bronchogenic cysts and mucoepidermoid carcinoma or adenocarcinoma
has been reported arising from a bronchogenic cyst [13]. Cyst Resection is usually
straightforward, but a parenchymal lung resection or lobectomy may be required. In the
majority of patients, bronchogenic cysts are amenable to thoracoscopic resection. Complete
excision is recommended; recurrence 15 years after incomplete resection has been reported
Vascular Masses
Vascular Tumors
Most hemangiomas located in the anterior mediastinum are in continuity with
cervicofacial components. They may be asymptomatic or cause respiratory compromise when
they extend into the airway. If they are asymptomatic, they should not be treated because they
tend to regress over time. However, if airway involvement is present, active anti-angiogenic
treatment with corticosteroids and/or interferon 2α or 2β must be promptly used (interferon
2α has been found to cause severe neurologic complications) [15].
Vascular Malformations
These lymphatic venous masses may be located anywhere in the body but particularly
near the confluences of large venous and lymphatic collectors. The mediastinum is one of
these locations [16, 17].
Prenatal diagnosis is possible in some cases; The tumor may extend into either
hemithorax and eventually to the neck and the base of the mouth. Lymphangiomas are
multicystic and infiltrate the anatomical structures making their resection extremely
complicated. The tissue reacts like other lymphatic structures to local infections, and the
volume of the mass may change due to the infection, intracystic bleeding or inflammation.
Respiratory or intestinal compression symptoms may arise.
Treatment of mediastinal lymphangiomas must take into account that it is a benign mass,
that total removal is often impossible, and that a too radical surgery may endanger nervous
trunks or other structures. Sclerosis with OK-432 or other agents is an alternative or a
complement in cases in which partial removal has already reduced the volume of the tumor.
Mediastinal Masses 275
The result of the sclerosing procedures is satisfying only in cases of single cysts. For masses
with multiple infiltrating cysts of small size, partial debulking may be enough [18].
Clinical Features
Approximately 20% of neuroblastomas are diagnosed either antenatally or in the first 3
months of life [19, 20]. More than 90% are of adrenal origin and cystic in nature.
Mediastinal Neuroblastoma is diagnosed incidentally in 20%-50% of the cases and
children are asymptomatic at the diagnosis [8].
Symptoms include cough dyspnea, chest pain, radicular pain and respiratory distress.
Claude Bernard Horner’s syndrome (meiosis, ipsilateral ptosis, enophthalmos and anhydrosis
of the face) is induced by tumor infiltration of cervical and thoracic sympathetic chain.
Hypertension due to catecholamine secretion is present in 25% of the cases. Pleural effusion
may be present and may lead to a mistaken diagnosis of empyema. Tumor extension into the
spinal canal may induce pressure on nerves and cause spinal cord compression with back pain
weakness of limbs and incontinence or retention of urine. Preneoplasia syndrome results in
Ospso myoclonus syndrome (dancing eyes) that thought to be immunologically mediated; and
watery diarrhea caused by vasoactive intestinal peptide secretion [21]. Metastases give rise to
specific symptoms like Hutchinson’s Syndrome where orbit metastasis cause proptosis and
panda eyes. The most frequent locations of metastasis are bone marrow and cortex (60%),
lymph nodes (45%), liver (15%), and skin [8].
Ultrasonography (US)
Used to estimate pleural effusion and empyemas, but this exam cannot visualize the
mediastinum. Ultrasound is helpful in the extension statement of the disease (looking for liver
276 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Laboratory Tests
Determination of urinary catecholamines level is essential for the diagnosis and the
monitoring of the impact of the treatment. It concerns Measurement of Dopamine
Vanillylmandelic Acid (VMA) and Homovanillic Acid (HVA)
For this test, the urine is collected in a special bag or container for a 24-hour period.
Other laboratory tests are useful: Lactate dehydrogenase test, Neuron-specific Enolase
(NSE) and ferritin test.
The INRGSS is a real pre-treatment stage and more objective than the previous INSS
which relied on the surgical assessment of respectability [23].
Stage 1 Localized tumor is confined to the organ of origin; complete resection with or
without microscopic residual tumor; ipsilateral and contralateral lymph nodes
are microscopically negative
Stage 2a This involved a localized tumor with incomplete gross resection; ipsilateral and
contralateral lymph nodes are microscopically negative
Stage 2b This involves a unilateral tumor with incomplete or complete gross resection;
ipsilateral lympth nodes are positive; contralateral lymph nodes are
microscopically negative
Stage 3 In this stage, tumor crosses the midline with or without regional lymph node
involvement, unilateral tumor is associated with positive contralateral lymph
nodes, or a midline tumor is found with positive bilateral lymph nodes
Stage 4 Distant metastases are present
Stage 4s This occurs in infants with a localized tumor that does not cross midline, with
metastatic disease confined to the liver, skin, and bone marrow 9<10% tumor
cells in bone marrow)
Table 2. Image defined risk factors associated with cervical and thoracic tumors [23]
Biopsy is not always mandatory. Stage 1 and 2 tumors can be treated immediately by
surgery. All children with stage 3 and 4 disease should have a tumor biopsy and bone marrow
aspirates and trephines. Sufficient tissue should be obtained at biopsy to permit histological
278 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
assessment of the tumor, cytogenetic studies and allow storage of a specimen for research
Traditionally tumor biopsies have been taken from the primary site. Sometimes it may be
simpler to biopsy an accessible metastasis. If a biopsy is to be taken thoracoscopically, the
same principles should be used as an open biopsy. The laparoscopic procedure must be
performed carefully to prevent crushing or to coagulate the biopsy specimen. Percutaneous
Biopsies are best done with image-guidance (ultrasound / CT guidance), depending on the
skill of the radiology department. Regardless of the approach or technique, the biopsy site
should be located within the field of any future surgical exploration.
The aim in the management of these patients is to achieve a cure or long-term survival
with the minimum morbidity. Using age, stage and biological characteristics both the North
American Cancer Observation Group (COG) and European Societé Internationale
d’Oncologie Pédiatrique (SIOP) categorize disease as low, intermediate or high risk (Table 3)
and this forms the basis for management.
Patient/tumor characteristics
Low risk Infants below 1 year of age
Stage 1 or 2 tumors that can be treated with complete resection alone
Stage 4s
Intermediate Children over the age of 1 year with unresectable stage 2 and 3 without
risk adverse biological features
High risk Children over the age of 1 year with stage 2 and 3 disease with N-myc
Stage 4 disease
Surgery plays a central in the management of neuroblastoma both for biopsy and for
definitive treatment. However, there are instances where chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and
even observation are more appropriate than surgery. Resection of extensive tumors is
technically challenging and may be associated with significant morbidity [26].
The role and timing of surgery are dependant on the patient's risk group. The role of
surgery in high-risk disease, in particular, remains controversial.
The overall survival for thoracic neuroblastomas is much better than for abdominal or
pelvic disease, Survival rates of 77% [30], 88% [31] and 100% [32]. By way of comparison,
280 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
the current survival rate for children with high risk non-thoracic neuroblastoma is
approximately 15% [21].
Neurilemmoma (Schwannoma)
Neurilemmoma is a benign tumor of the Schwann cells. In childhood, they occur mainly
in the upper extremities and head and neck but can present in the posterior mediastinum [33].
They are frequently reported in patients with neurofibromatosis type II. Although usually
benign, mitotically active tumors are encountered [34]. Surgical excision is the rule for these
The commonest benign pediatric neurogenic tumor [35]. They are usually solitary lesions
but may be multiple in neurofibromatosis type I. Neurofibromatosis type 1 affects
approximately 1 in 2500 general population and is associated with Recklinghausen disease,
peripheral neurofibromas, plexiform neurofibromas, and pheochromocytoma [35]. Although
surgical excision will be curative for solitary lesions if resection is complete, this is frequently
not possible. Debulking surgery is performed for symptomatic tumors, and multiple
interventions are often required.
Rare, in 50% of the cases the tumor is associated with NF1 [36]. Malignant
transformation can occur in a previously benign neurofibroma. The treatment of choice is
surgical excision although the overall prognosis is poor, with a 70% recurrence rate including
local recurrence and distant metastases; most commonly to the lungs [36]. Complete the
resection conferred a slightly better survival rate (34% vs 27%).
Enteric cysts arise from a failure of coalescence of vacuoles early in the development of
the foregut. They are lined by esophageal or gastric epithelium surrounded by smooth muscle.
Gastric mucosa is often present. Although commonly integral to the wall of the esophagus,
they may communicate with the esophagus or can be completely separate from it. A large
number of thoracoabdominal enteric cysts have been reported, either ending blindly in the
abdomen or connecting with the lumen of the stomach, jejunum, ileum, or pancreatic duct.
Biliary reflux during bronchoscopy was reported in a case of an enteric duplication cyst that
penetrated the diaphragm and connected the carina with the biliary tree [8]. There is a 12%
incidence of associated malformations. Most of these are additional enteric duplications. Two
cases of prenatally diagnosed intrathoracic enteric duplication cyst associated with hydrops
have been treated with placement of a thoracoamniotic shunt in utero [8].
Mediastinal Masses 281
In most series, enteric cysts are asymptomatic at presentation. Chest radiograph and CT
allow the diagnosis. Treatment consists of complete surgical excision either by thoracotomy
or thoracoscopy. Esophageal integrity should be preserved.
Neurenteric cysts are unusual Foregut duplications that have connections to the spinal
canal, sometimes with the dura. The coexistence of a posterior cystic mediastinal mass and an
adjacent hemivertebrae should raise suspicion of a neurenteric cyst as well as anterior
myelomeningocele. Neurenteric cysts are thought to form early in development when the
notochord and foregut are in apposition, either by a failure of complete separation or by the
herniation of foregut endoderm into the dorsal ectoderm. Gastric mucosa can be present, so
features of inflammation and ulceration may occur.
Symptoms include pain or neurologic findings (or both). MRI is indicated when a
posterior mediastinal mass is associated with vertebral anomalies. Prompt excision is
mandatory. Paraplegia and death due to meningitis have been reported.
Although some authors report leaving the neural connections intact, most recommend
total excision with simultaneous laminectomy if necessary [8].
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In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 26
Liver tumors constitute less than 3% of tumors seen in the pediatric population, they
comprise a large variety of different entities. Hepatoblastoma is the most frequent, other liver
malignancies in children include sarcomas, germ cell tumors, and rhabdoid tumors, as well as
the more familiar hepatocellular carcinoma. Benign tumors of the liver in children include
vascular tumors, hamartomas, adenomas, and focal nodular hyperplasia.
The histology and anatomy of a pediatric liver tumor guides the treatment and the
Primary liver tumors have an annual rate of 0.5% to 2.5% per million population in
Western countries [1, 2].
286 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Approximately 70% of them are malignant. Primary malignant liver tumors constitute
about 1.1% of childhood malignancies and are the tenth most common pediatric cancer [3].
Different entities are included, tumors can be malignant or benign. The following table
summarizes the different etiologies of liver tumors in children. (Figure 1)
Hepatoblastoma accounts for about 80% of the malignant liver tumors in children, it
comprises 1% of all pediatric malignancies [4]. The annual incidence is 0.05–0.15 patients
per 100 000 population in subjects aged <15 years [5, 6].
Most hepatoblastomas develop before the age of 3 years, with a median age of 18
months. About 4% are present at birth and 69% by the end of 2 years of age [7].
Hepatoblastoma is associated with a number of syndromes, malformations and clinical
conditions, which are summarized in Table 1.
Hepatoblastoma can be variably differentiated and present either as a purely epithelial or
as a mixed epithelial and mesenchymal neoplasm characteristically containing hematopoietic
The epithelial components can be highly differentiated as fetal hepatoblastoma with well
organized cellular cords or poorly differentiated and more aggressively growing embryonal
hepatoblastoma, resembling the corresponding stages of the developing liver.
The 6 histologic subtypes of the tumor are summarized in Table 2.
Pure fetal
Small cell undifferentiated
Mixed epithelial and mesenchymal pattern
With teratoid features
Without teratoid features
Clinical Presentation
Children with hepatoblastoma most commonly present with an asymptomatic abdominal
mass that is noted by the parents or the pediatrician. Rarely a tumor rupture can occur leading
to significant hemorrhage and hypovolemia.
Sexual precocity can reveal the tumor, it is secondary to human chorionic gonadotrophin
produced by the tumor.
Laboratory Studies
Anemia and throbocytosis are often found in patients with hepatoblastoma.
The most important tumor marker is the alpha-fetoprotein (AFP), it is highly elevated in
80% to 90% of hepatoblastomas. It is important to consider wide range of AFP during the
first years of life, with normal levels exceeding 500,000 ng/mL in neonates and 300 ng/mL in
3-year-old children.
Recently, a new marker for hepatoblastoma has been found: Glypican 3 (GPC3), which is
expressed by fetal, embryonal, and small cell undifferentiated hepatoblastomas.
The first diagnostic test for suspected tumor in the liver is ultrasound: the tumor can be
clearly localized to the liver and its internal structure can be detected. Adding Doppler
technique, the tumor’s relationship to neighboring vessels and probable vascular invasion or
thrombi can be visualized.
The size and borders of a liver tumor and its resectability can be better determined by CT
(Figure 2) or MRI scan, the latter giving better contrast between normal liver and neoplastic
tissue. With these techniques, the lesion can be identified as either solitary or multifocal, solid
or cystic, with homogeneous or rather inhomogeneous internal structure, with or without
sharp margins to the surrounding liver, invasion into vessels or extrahepatic structures, a
characteristic uptake of contrast medium, and possible enlargement of lymph nodes.
288 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Two staging systems are currently used. A combined histologic and surgical staging
system is used by the Children’s Oncology Group (COG). (Table 3)
The second staging system, used by the International Society of Pediatric Oncology
(SIOP), is based on the radiologic location of the tumor before treatment, and called the
PRETEXT (Pretreatment extent of disease) grouping system (Figure 3).
Figure 3. PRETEXT staging system [8] (M : metastases, V : Ingrowth vena cava, P: Ingrowth vena
porta, E: extrahepatic extension).
Liver Tumors 289
In the United States, primary resections are recommended whenever the imaging studies
indicate the potential for complete excision without endangering the patient. This avoids the
toxicity of chemotherapy.
A completely resected tumor, without the presence of metastatic disease, is deemed stage
I. If after resection pathology shows pure fetal histology, close observation is recommended.
For all other histologies and for stage 2 disease (microscopic residual after surgery), 4
cycles of a combination of cisplatin, 5-fluorouracil, and vincristine (C5V) are given. For a
tumor deemed unresectable at diagnosis (stage III) or a patient with metastatic disease (stage
IV), current therapy in the United States consists of 4 cycles of chemotherapy, with either
resection or liver transplantation after cycle 4, followed by 2 more cycles.
The current recommendations of the Children’s Oncology Group are to start with C5V
for 2 cycles. If there is poor response (little or no tumor shrinkage or an inadequate drop in
serum alpha-fetoprotein), doxorubicin should be added to the regimen.
SIOPEL recommends that all patients get at least 2 courses of chemotherapy prior to
Chemotherapy generally includes cisplatin alone or in combination with doxorubicin
(PLADO) for standard-risk tumors and cisplatin, doxorubicin, and carboplatin for highrisk
Patients are reevaluated after 2 cycles for surgical planning, with resection or
transplantation occurring after cycle 4 if possible.
Postoperative chemotherapy is dependent on the number of cycles given prior to the
Liver transplantation is recommended when complete tumor excision by partial
hepatectomy is unlikely,
Another therapy being used with variable success in children whose tumors are
unresponsive to systemic chemotherapy is direct arterial chemotherapy and/or
Nonanatomic wedge resections with a satisfactory margin may be feasible in the
uncommon instance of a small peripheral or pedunculated lesion.
More frequently, a major anatomic resection is required. The major hepatic resections
include* left lateral lobectomy with removal of segments II and III,
* Left hepatic lobectomy (II, III, IV),
* extended left hepatectomy (II, III, IV, V, VIII),
* right hepatic lobectomy (V, VI, VII, VIII),
* extended right hepatectomy or right trisegmentectomy (IV, V, VI, VII, VIII)
* central hepatic resection (IV, V, VIII).
Segment I can also be resected during extended right or left hepatectomy to achieve
tumor clearance.
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the second most common pediatric liver tumor, occurring
about 19% of the time and represents less than 0.5% of all pediatric malignancies.
290 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Its relative frequency is 0.5 to 1.0 cases per million children [10, 11].
The peak incidence is between 10 and 15 years [7].
Hepatocellular carcinoma in children is associated with a variety of metabolic, familial
and infectious disorders. These disorders are summarized in Table 4.
α 1 antitrypsin deficiency
Anomalies of abdominal venous drainage
Alagille syndrome
Biliary atresia
Congenital hepatic fibrosis
Familial hepatocellular carcinoma
Familial polyposis
Focal nodular hyperplasia of the liver
Gardener’s syndrome
Hepatic adenoma
Hepatitis B infection
Hepatitis C infection
Hereditary tyrosinemia
HCC presents grossly as solitary or multiple (multifocal) lesions. The size can vary from
2 to 25 cm.
Microscopically, tumors exhibit a trabecular growth pattern with intervening sinusoidlike
vascular channels and a reduced reticulin network.
Clinical presentation
Abdominal mass or abdominal pain are the most common symptoms, nausea, vomiting,
anorexia or a significant weight loss can be associated.
Tumor rupture and hemoperitoneum are seen primarily in 10% of the cases [7].
Laboratory tests
A mild elevation in glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (SGOT) and lactic dehydrogenase
(LDH) can be seen.
The AFP is elevated in about 85% of patients.
Ultrasound is insensitive for the diagnosis of HCC in the cirrhotic liver and should not be
used for the detection of focal liver lesions.
CT scan and MRI are sensitive, they can delineate the mass and determine its
Interval growth is probably the best indicator of malignancy.
Liver Tumors 291
Hepatocellular carcinoma is relatively chemotherapy resistant and therefore carries a poor
Complete surgical resection or hepatectomy and transplantation for tumor localized to the
liver is often the only hope.
Unfortunately, HCC is most often advanced at diagnosis, and cure is rarely possible in
case of metastatic disease. Even with aggressive attempts at surgical resection, tumor relapse
is common.
Hepatic Sarcoma
Hepatic hemangiomas are the most common benign liver tumor in children comprising
about 16% of all pediatric liver tumors [7]. It is also the most common liver tumor in the first
year of life, and most of the lesions are identified in the newborn period or during prenatal
ultrasound screening.
The presentation, treatment and prognosis differ depending on the type of hemangioma:
focal, multiple or diffuse.
These lesions usually do not need treatment, and generally regress spontaneously by
1 year of age.
Mesenchymal Hamartoma
The tumor can cause respiratory distress or apnea in newborns. High-output cardiac
failure has been reported in several infants.
There are isolated case reports of mesenchymal hamartoma causing pulmonary
hypertension, vascular steal and thrombocytopenia, perinatal tumor rupture with ascites,
obstructive jaundice, and fatal bleeding into the tumor after birth trauma. In the newborn, the
tumor may expand rapidly to cause life-threatening abdominal distension [19].
Typically, the mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver is found incidentally on physical
examination or imaging, or with abdominal distension and/or an upper abdominal mass.
Examination reveals a large, nontender, firm, and smooth liver tumor. There may be
visibly engorged veins over the anterior abdominal wall and, rarely, lower limb edema from
inferior vena cava compression.
Abdominal sonography and CT demonstrate a single, usually large, fluid-filled mass with
fine internal septations and no calcifications.
Mesenchymal hamartoma usually follows a benign course, although there have been
reports of malignant transformation.
In general, complete operative resection is the procedure of choice, if it can be
accomplished safely. Huge lesions or those that involve both lobes may be treated by
unroofing and marsupializing the cysts, although the lesion may recur after incomplete
Focal nodular hyperplasia accounts for about 10% of pediatric hepatic tumors, with a
maximum frequency at 7 years of age [7].
The majority of these tumors are discovered incidentally, but the most common
symptoms are abdominal pain or abdominal mass.
Hepatomegaly is a common finding, and liver function test abnormalities are possible.
Focal nodular hyperplasia can be associated with a variety of conditions, including
previous trauma to the liver, other liver tumors, hemochromatosis, Klinefelter’s syndrome or
the use of itraconazole.
On CT scan, the classic findings are early enhancement of the lesion and the presence of
a central scar.
MRI can help delineate the lesion by specifically looking for this central scar.
If the patient is asymptomatic, the lesion must be followed with serial ultrasonography.
But if the patient is symptomatic, the lesion is greater that 5cm, a progression of the mass is
seen, or the diagnosis is not clear, a biopsy or a resection of the lesion should be performed.
Hepatocellular Adenoma
[1] Sandler AD, Meehan JJ Jr. Liver tumors. In: Oldham KT, Colombani PM, Foglia RP,
Skinner MA, eds. Principles and Practice of Pediatric Surgery (chap. 38). Philadelphia,
PA: Lippincott Williams and Wilkins, 2005:615-23.
[2] Von Schweinitz D. Treatment of liver tumors in children. In: Clavien PA, Fong Y,
Lyerly HK, et al, eds. Liver Tumors: Current and Emerging Therapies (chap. 32).
Boston, MA: Jones and Bartlett, 2004: 409-26.
[3] Liver tumours. Wendy T. Su, Michael P. La Quaglia.
[4] coranMalignant Liver Tumors Rebecka L. Meyers, Daniel C. Aronson, and Arthur
[5] Schnater JM, Köhler SE, Lamers WH, von Schweinitz D, Aronson DC. (2003). Where
do we stand with hepatoblastoma? A review. Cancer 98:668–678.
[6] Gupta AA, Gerstle JT, Ng V, Wong A, Fecteau A, Malogolowkin MH et al. (2011)
Critical review of controversial issues in the management of advanced paediatric liver
tumours. Pediatr Blood Cancer 56:1013–1018.
[7] Walter S, Andrews Lesions of the liver aschcraft.
[8] Liver Tumors in Children JASON B. LITTEN,a GAIL E. TOMLINSONa–c.
[9] Liver Tumors: Pediatric Population Milton J. Finegold,1,2 Rachel A. Egler,1,2 John A.
Goss,1 R. Paul Guillerman,1,2 Saul J. Karpen,1,2 Rajesh Krishnamurthy,1,2 and
Christine Ann O’Mahony1.
[10] Bellani FF, Massimino M: Liver tumors in childhood: Epidemiology and clinics. J Surg
Oncol Suppl 3:119-121, 1993.
[11] Parkin DM, Stiller CA, Draper GJ, et al: The international incidence of childhood
cancer. Int J Cancer 42:511-520, 1988.
[12] Hepatic hemangiomas: subtype classification and development of a clinical practice
algorithm and registry Emily R. Christison-Lagaya,e,*, Patricia E. Burrowsb,e, Ahmad
Alomarib,e, Jose´e Duboisf, Harry P. Kozakewichc,e, Tricia S. Lanee, Harriet J.
Paltielb,e, Giannoula Klementd,e, John B. Mullikena,e, Steven J. Fishman.
[13] Nonmalignant Tumors of the Liver. Wolfgang Stehr and Philip C. Guzzetta, Jr.coran.
[14] DeMaioribus CA, Lally KP, Sim K, et al. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver. A 35-
year review. Arch Surg 1990;125:598- 600.
[15] Otal TM, Hendricks JB, Pharis P, et al. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver: DNA
flow cytometric analysis of eight cases. Cancer 1994; 74:1237- 42.
Liver Tumors 295
[16] Foucar E, Williamson RA, Yiu-Chiu V, et al. Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver
identified by fetal sonography. AJR Am J Roentgenol 1983;140:970- 2.
[17] Dickinson JE, Knowles S, Phillips JM. Prenatal diagnosis of hepatic mesenchymal
hamartoma. Prenat Diagn 1999;19:81- 4.
[18] Kitano Y, Ruchelli E, Weiner S, et al. Hepatic mesenchymal hamartoma associated
with mesenchymal stem villous hyperplasia of the placenta. Fetal Diagn Ther
2000;15:134- 8.
[19] Mesenchymal hamartoma of the liver: A systematic review Mark D. Stringer*, Naved
K. Alizai.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 27
Lymphoma is the most common small bowel tumor in the pediatric population. The
diagnosis is suspected on abdominal mass on the clinical exam and cytopenia on the
laboratory tests. Chemotherapy is the therapeutic of choice of this tumor. The diagnosis
can be made during the surgical exploration of an acute abdomen with non-specific
Lymphoma is the most common small bowel malignancy in children, with high-grade
non-Hodgkin lymphoma comprising 74% of these tumors.
Burkitt lymphoma constitutes the most common histologic subtype.
The different histologic subtypes of Hodgkin’s and non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma located in
the abdomen are summarized in Tables 1 and 2.
The majority of patients (50% to 93%) present with lymphoma localized to the distal
small bowel, but tumor may occur anywhere from the stomach to the rectum [1].
Abdominal primary non-Hodgkin lymphoma occur more often in children younger than
10 years.
298 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
These lesions are usually located near the ileocaecal valve, where the density of gut-
associated lymphoid tissue is higher.
Epstein-Barr virus is sometimes an aetiological factor, particularly in immunosuppressed
Children with primary abdominal location of lymphoma may present with nausea,
vomiting, abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, or an abdominal mass.
They may also present with an acute abdomen due to either intussusceptions in 46% of
the cases (due to infiltration of Peyer’s patches), or small bowel obstruction (8%), perforation
of an involved bowel wall (11%), or an ileocecal mass mimicking acute appendicitis(22%)
Generally, patients have an elevated C-reactive protein (CRP) level. If there is a large
tumor, LDH levels can be high, as well as uric acid, phosphorus and potassium level, which
are indicators of tumor lysis. Some patients may be in renal failure and have elevated
creatinine. Hematologic values are nonspecific, and the presence of cytopenia should raise the
suspicion of marrow involvement.
Radiologic evaluation with ultrasonography or CT scan reveals a homogeneous mass
arising either from the retroperitoneum or from the bowel wall.
Accompanying adenopathy and metastatic dissemination to the liver and spleen is often
seen. The bowel loops may be shifted away from the mass, or may show evidence of
intussusception or obstruction.
Lymphoma 299
The most widely used clinical staging system was developed at the St. Jude Children’s
Research Hospital in Memphis, USA: Table 3.
Chemotherapy is the therapeutic backbone for children with Hodgkin’s and non-
Hodgkin’s lymphoma.
A large number of chemotherapy combinations can be used depending on the stage of the
Although lymphomas are very radiosensitive neoplasms, the recent focus is to eliminate
irradiation completely in the treatment of children with Hodgkin’s and non- Hodgkin’s
There are no indications for performing major tumour resections or debulking
procedures, since chemotherapy is so effective and major surgery delays may complicate
Complete resection should be done only, if possible and without any risk or functional
loss for the patient.
Only in children with ileocecal intussusceptions due to Burkitt’s lymphoma complete
resection of the involved bowel segment is advised.
300 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
When operating for a complication of intraperitoneal disease, the extent of the procedure
should be limited to resolution of the complication and resection of sufficient tissue to ensure
an accurate diagnosis.
If limited disease is encountered, complete resection and an evaluation of mesenteric,
perihepatic, and periaortic nodes should be undertaken to assess for regional metastatic
Children with Stage I non-Hodgkin disease have 90-95% long-term survival with
multiple drug chemotherapy with or without radiation therapy.
Stage II patients have a 75% survival rate.
In advanced cases, a multiple drug program offers about 70% relapse-free survival.
Patients with refractory disease or relapses are treated by autologous or allogeneic bone
marrow transplantation.
The overall five-year survival in children with Hodgkin lymphoma is close to 90%.
Figure 1. St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital staging system for non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
Lymphoma 301
[1] Murphy, Joseph T. and Foglia, Robert P. “Pediatric Gastrointestinal Tumors,” in
Coran, A. G., Caldamone, A., Adzick, N. S., Krummel, T. M., Laberge, J. M. and
Shamberger, R. Pediatric surgery (Vol. 2). Elsevier Health Sciences. 2012, pp. 483-490.
[2] Lewing, Karen B., Gamis, Alan S., “Lymphomas” in George W. Holcomb, J. Patrick
Murphy. Pediatric surgery. Philadelphia: Saunders, (2005).
[3] Ehrlich, Peter F., “Hodgkin Lymphoma and Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma” in Coran, A. G.,
Caldamone, A., Adzick, N. S., Krummel, T. M., Laberge, J. M. and Shamberger, R.
Pediatric surgery (Vol. 2). Elsevier Health Sciences. 2012, pp. 517-527.
[4] Friberg, Lars Göran and Bambini, Daniel A., “Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma” in Robert
M. Aresman, Daniel A. Bambini, P. Stephen Almond, Pediatric surgery. Georgetown,
Texas USA: LANDES BIOSCIENCE, 2000. pp. 215-219.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 28
The most common pelvic tumors in the pediatric population are
rhabdomyosarcomas, sacrococcygeal teratoma, teratomas, and ovarian tumors. Genetic,
identification, histology type, location, and extension of the tumors represent the most
important prognosis factors in the management of the pelvic tumor. The chemo
sensibility of most of these lesions changed their surgical approach. The survival rates
have improved during the last decades with the most current protocol therapy.
Ovarian tumors include a heterogeneous group of benign and malignant lesions. Their
clinical presentation can vary based on age of the patient, size of the tumor, hormonal
activity, histology and local spread or metastasis. Thus, the diagnostic methods and surgical
treatments for these tumors are heterogeneous.
304 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Clinical Presentation
The clinical signs are nonspecific. The most common complaint is a vague abdominal
pain. The pain may be subacute, abdominal and pelvic, sometimes recurrent, and may or may
not be accompanied by gastrointestinal signs such as nausea or vomiting or urinary signs such
as pollakiuria or dysuria.
Acute abdominal or pelvic pain can occur due to tumor torsion, hemorrhage or rupture.
Large tumors can cause compression of adjacent organs causing cramping pain,
constipation, or urinary symptoms. Abdominal distention can also be due to ascites; vaginal
bleeding is uncommon.
The physical examination is usually revealing for an abdominal mass in children or
pelvic mass in adolescents.
A fluid shift may be detected in the presence of ascites. Pelvic examination is reserved
for sexually active patients. Endocrine manifestations can occur, and feminization, and
estrogen-producing ovarian tumors are more common than virilization.
Abnormal estrogen secretion leads to isosexual precocity in young pubertal girls: rapid
breast development with vaginal bleeding and enlargement of the uterus are the most
common initial manifestations.
Virilizing tumors are associated with rapid hirsutism, male-type muscular development,
clitoral enlargement, amenorrhea or irregular menses and breast regression.
Laboratory Tests
The first specific tumor markers for ovarian neoplasms are β-HCG, alpha-fetoprotein
(AFP), lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and CA-125. These tumor markers can aid in the
diagnosis of certain ovarian pathologies, although they can also be elevated with other
nongynecological tumors or medical conditions. Figure 2 summarizes the different tumors
markers and their association with ovarian tumors.
Approximately 10% of ovarian masses can produce hormones. Elevated estrogen levels
from ovarian cysts or sex stromal tumors can cause precocious puberty. Sertoli-Leydig
tumors, yolk sac tumors, and polycystic ovaries can produce high levels of androgens leading
to virilization.
306 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Ultrasonography: [7]
Ovarian masses can be detected prenatally. Prenatal ultrasounds commonly identify fetal
abdominal cysts and are helpful in distinguishing ovarian cysts from intestinal, uterine or
genitourinary abnormalities. The US can be repeated postnatally, and it represents the first
imaging modality in abdominal and pelvic masses. Ultrasonography will be precise the nature
of the mass (fluid, solid, homogeneous or otherwise), its size and borders, its location and
relations with adjacent organs and any possible repercussions on the upper urinary tract.
Some signs may be useful in evaluating the likely benign or malignant nature of the ovarian
mass. These signs have a varying predictive value, which is increased when several elements
are found together (poorly defined borders, a thick irregular wall, thick rigid septations with
angulated junctions, growths, mainly solid component, size, local spread).
Computed Tomography
CT of the abdomen and pelvis is a valuable imaging study and useful in determining the
anatomic location and origin of the mass, extent of local involvement and possibility of
Predictive signs of malignancy include large mass size, solid nature of the tumor,
peritoneal implants, ascites or suspicious calcifications.
Ovarian lesions are divided into nonneoplastic and neoplastic entities; the former
category includes functioning cysts, and the latter includes benign and malignant tumors.
Figures 4 and 5 show the World Health Organization classifications of non-neoplastic
and neoplastic ovarian masses.
Precise staging is based on clinical examination, surgical exploration, tissue histology,
and fluid cytology. The stage of epithelial ovarian cancer is performed at the time of surgery
using the International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) staging system of
1988 (Figure 6).
Pelvic Tumors 307
Figure 3. Radiologic findings for the most common benign and malignant ovarian lesions [6].
Benign Tumors
Ovarian Cysts
The treatment of these lesions is based on symptomatology, endocrine activity and size.
Pelvic Tumors 309
As ovarian cysts enlarge beyond 5 cm, they have an increased risk for torsion, rupture or
hemorrhage. Some cysts have an endocrine activity that can cause early isosexual
development or premature thelarche.
These lesions should be excised with preservation of adjacent ovarian tissue. The
operative approach can be through a midline laparotomy, Pfannenstiel incision or via
laparoscopy. Other indications for cyst excision include persistence or size increase over 2-3
months of surveillance or concern for malignancy.
Malignant Tumors
Epithelial Tumors
Treatment of epithelial tumors is based on the FIGO staging system.
Stage 1A disease is amenable to ovarian preservation with unilateral salpingo-
Stage IB tumors require bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy, with preservation of the uterus
for potential in-vitro fertilization.
The more advanced disease requires surgical cytoreduction, total abdominal
hysterectomy, bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy and omentectomy.
Pelvic Tumors 311
Adjuvant chemotherapy has proved to have a 60–70% response rate, but the overall 5-
year survival is only 20%. Radiation therapy for advanced epithelial tumors currently remains
controversial [6].
Teratomas are unusual tumors comprised of mixed dermal elements derived from the
three germ cell layers (endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). Sacrococcygeal teratoma is the
commonest teratoma (45-65%) [10] seen in children, with an incidence of 1 in 40,000 live
births [11]. They are congenital and arise from the coccygeal region and can grow into the
pelvis or externally into the caudal part or both these areas. Though the majority are benign,
malignancy is reported in some resected specimens.
The commonly accepted Embryonic (Blastomeric) Cell Theory suggests that these
teratomas arise from pluripotent cells from Hensen’s node, which have eluded the influence
of the primary organizer during early embryonic development. Primordial germ cells appear
during the third week of gestation in the wall of the yolk sac near the allantois. They move
along the dorsal mesentery of the hindgut, reaching the genital ridges by about the sixth week
of gestation. Germ cells that do not complete this journey can develop into teratomas.
Extragonadal teratomas tend to occur in midline structures such as the anterior
mediastinum, retroperitoneum, sacrococcygeal region, and pineal gland. They are composed
of mixed dermal elements derived from the three germ cell layers and are known to contain
virtually any tissue type including skin, teeth, endocrine structures, central nervous tissue,
respiratory mucosa and alimentary mucosa.
The tumor may comprise of cells that are entirely benign (mature teratoma) to that are
frankly malignant. A third group of cells appears malignant (usually described as
Clinical Presentation
The prenatal discovery by ultrasound is becoming standard. Fetal hydrops is usually the
result of a vascular steal syndrome leading to the shunting of blood away from the placenta
and causing high-output cardiac failure, the earliest signs of which are polyhydramnios and
placental thickening leading inexorably to preterm labor. Polyhydramnios, placentomegaly,
and gestational age less than 30 weeks are associated with a poor prognosis. Abdominal
delivery should be considered if the external mass is greater than 5 cm, to avoid dystocia and
Postnatally, sacrococcygeal teratomas present in two distinct fashions: neonates with
large predominantly external lesions, which are rarely malignant; and older infants and
children who present with primarily hidden pelvic tumors with a higher rate of malignancy.
312 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
The most common neonatal presentation is a large sacral mass that is evident at birth. The
mass may be in the midline or paramedian. The overlying skin is usually normal, but there
may be evidence of a haemangioma or necrosis with ulceration. When there is an intrapelvic
extension of tumor, the anus and vagina are pushed anteriorly. Intrapelvic tumors are often
not diagnosed until later in life when they may present with symptoms due to pressure on the
rectum or bladder.
Associated congenital anomalies are found in 20% of cases and include vertebral, renal,
cardiac and gastrointestinal abnormalities [11].
A well-recognized association is the Currarino triad of anorectal malformation, sacral
anomaly, and a presacral mass. The presacral mass is usually a teratoma or an anterior
meningocele, hamartoma, duplication cyst or a dermoid cyst [12].
Pelvic Tumors 313
Plain X-ray of the pelvis and spine may show calcification or structures such as teeth and
bones or there may be a bony defect as in neural tube defect. Abdominal ultrasonography is
useful to determine the size and consistency of any pelvic or abdominal component.
Computed tomography (CT) scan and Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) both will
provide more details regarding tumor size, extension, and even vascular anatomy.
Laboratory Tests
Altman et al. have classified sacrococcygeal teratomas into four groups in 1974 (Figure
Type I tumors are almost exclusively exterior with a minimal pelvic component.
Type II tumors have a significant pelvic component (‘hour-glass pattern’).
Type III tumors have a larger proportion of intra-abdominal and intrapelvic component
than the external component.
Type IV tumors are exclusively presacral with no external component.
Furthermore, Altman et al. also reported that type I tumors were rarely malignant (0% in
the American Academy of Pediatric Surgical Section Survey), while 6% of type II and 20%
of type III and 8% of type IV tumors were malignant. It is also well documented that most
tumors that are benign at birth can become malignant after about 2 months.
Surgical Management
The neonatal type I and II lesions can usually be approached with the child in the prone
position. The external portion of the mass is typically excised using a chevron or inverted
“v”-type incision, and circumferential dissection around the capsule is performed. The
sacrococcygeal junction is divided with the coccyx being included in the specimen, and the
middle sacral vessels being ligated.
After the mass has been separated from the rectum and the sample removed, the levator
ani muscles are attached to the presacral fascia with following skin closure.
Removal of the coccyx is an essential step (reports of a 37% recurrence rate if it was not
Given the anterior displacement caused by the large mass, the rectum is often brought
back to a more posterior location at the time of closure.
The operative approach in older infants and children is similar.
314 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
However, due to the presence of malignancy in many of these cases with an invasion of
adjacent structures or massive size, initial resection is not possible, and an initial biopsy
followed by neoadjuvant chemotherapy (cisplatin, bleomycin, and vinblastine) is the best
mode of management. Abdominal exploration is indicated when there is a large abdominal
component of tumor or when there is significant bleeding either due to tumor rupture or
vascular injury during the perineal approach.
Post-Operative Management
Rhabdomyosarcoma is a malignant soft tissue tumor originating from immature
mesenchymal cells that form any tissue except bone. It can arise at any site and in any tissue
except bone. The most common sites are the head and neck region and the genitourinary tract,
less frequently the extremities.
Rhabdomyosarcoma falls under the greater category of small, blue, round cell tumors of
childhood that includes neuroblastoma, lymphoma, and primitive neuroectodermal tumors.
The two major histologic subtypes of rhabdomyosarcoma are embryonal and alveolar. The
outcome is heavily dependent on age at diagnosis, the primary anatomic site, the extent of
disease (tumor size, invasion, nodal status, metastatic disease), and the completeness of
surgical excision.
Rhabdomyosarcoma (RMS) is the most common type of soft tissue sarcoma in children
(more than 50%) [15], accounting for 4.5% of all cases of childhood cancer [16]. It is the
third most common extracranial solid tumor of childhood after Wilms’ tumor and
neuroblastoma. The annual incidence is of 4.6 cases per million children aged 20 years or
younger. Age at presentation follows a bimodal distribution, with peak rates between 2 and 6
years and again between 10 and 18 years of age. This distribution reflects the incidences of
the two major histologic subtypes of Rhabdomyosarcoma.
The incidence of embryonal RMS is highest at birth and extends through childhood
before declining, while alveolar RMS peaks during childhood and adolescence.The male-
female ratio is 1:1.4.
Pelvic Tumors 315
The head and neck (40%), genitourinary tract (20%), extremities (18%) and trunk (7%)
are the most common sites. The retroperitoneum (7%), perineum and other locations (8%)
have also been involved [17].
Clinical Presentation
The clinical presentation of RMS depends on the site of origin of the primary tumor, the
age of the patient, and the presence or absence of metastatic disease. There are no classic
paraneoplastic syndromes associated with RMS. In the current chapter, we will consider the
pelvic location of rhabdomyosarcoma: RMS of the genitourinary system.
The sites that are affected include the bladder, prostate and para-testicular region in the
male and the bladder, vagina, uterus and vulva in the female.
Paratesticular RMS may present as a painless swelling in the scrotum or inguinal canal
and may initially be thought to be a hernia, hydrocele, or varicocele. Bladder tumors produce
hematuria and urinary obstruction. Prostate tumors can produce large pelvic masses resulting
316 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
The commonest imaging used is a plain X-ray, which may demonstrate a soft tissue mass
with calcification if hemorrhage has occurred into the tumor.
Ultrasound is another modality that can be very helpful initially to define a solid from a
cystic lesion. It identifies the origin of the tumor and detects any obstructive lesion causing an
obstructive uropathy (a large bladder and hydronephrosis).
Computerized tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are essential in
the evaluation of the primary site and to detect any extension of the tumor and its relationship
to other surrounding structures. CT scans are very useful to confirm metastatic lung lesions in
rhabdomyosarcoma and retroperitoneal lymphadenopathy in tumors that arise in the testis.
The diagnosis of Rhabdomyosarcoma depends on open surgical biopsies. These need to
be open biopsies which should be generous so that full investigation of the tissue can take
place. There are no helpful markers or specific imaging studies.
The standard drugs used over the years have been a triple regimen of Vincristine,
Actinomycin-D, and Cyclophosphamide (VAC). Other drugs active in this disease include
Doxorubicin, Ifosfamide, etoposide, cisplatin, carboplatin, melphalan, topotecan,
methotrexate, mitomycin C. In the majority of cases the chemotherapy is successful in
shrinking tumors to allow surgical resection to take place.
Pelvic Tumors 317
Tumor: T1, confined to anatomic site of origin: (a) 5 cm diameter in size, (b) >5 cm diameter in size; T2,
extension and/or fixation to surrounding tissue: (a) 5 cmdiameter in size.
Regional nodes; N0, regional nodes not clinically involved; N 1, regional nodes clinically involved by
neoplasm; N2, clinical status of regional nodes unknown (especially sites that preclude lymph node
Metastasis: M0, no distant metastasis; M1, metastasis present.
Radiation therapy is used to mop up residual microscopic disease to achieve local control
or gross residual disease that surgical removal was unable to excise because of dangers to the
patient’s life. It is very effective in reducing the mutilating surgery. It may be delivered in the
form of intracavitary brachytherapy in RMS of the vagina and uterus.
The goal of the surgeon is to attempt a complete resection of the primary tumor with
surrounding margins which are uninvolved, but this must also be done to preserve organs and
be cosmetically acceptable.
Regional lymph nodes are often removed for pathological examination and evaluation at
the time. If a residual disease is present, it is important to re-excise the area until there is a
microscopic clearance of the edges of the excised region.
RMS of Bladder/Prostate
Partial cystectomy has resulted in similar survival rates and improved bladder function
compared with more aggressive resections. Bladder dome tumors can be completely resected,
whereas more distal bladder lesions frequently require ureteral reimplantation or bladder
Prostatic tumors require prostatectomy, often combined with an attempt at bladder
salvage with or without ureteral reconstruction. Continent urinary diversion may be necessary
if tumors are unresectable or have a poor response to medical therapy.
RMS of Vulva/Vagina/Uterus
The new treatment approaches rely more heavily on neoadjuvant chemotherapy to reduce
tumor size and minimize the extent of resection in an attempt to preserve organ function. The
vast majority of these tumors are classic embryonal or are of the botryoid subtype.
Vaginectomy and hysterectomy are performed only for a persistent or recurrent disease.
318 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh and Sofien Ghorbel
Primary uterine tumors require resection with preservation of the distal vagina and
ovaries if they do not respond to chemotherapy. Oophorectomy is only indicated in the setting
of direct tumor involvement.
Paratesticular RMS
Radical orchiectomy via an inguinal approach with resection of the spermatic cord to the
level of the internal ring is the standard of care. Open biopsy should be avoided because the
flow of lymphatics in this region facilitates the spread of the disease. If a trans scrotal
biopsy/resection has been performed, subsequent resection of the Hemi scrotum is required.
embryonal/botryoid histology
primary tumor sites in the orbit and non para meningeal head/neck region and
genitourinary nonbladder/prostate regions,
complete gross removal of tumor at the time of diagnosis
tumor size less than or equal to 5 cm
age less than 10 years at the time of diagnosis
[1] Lindfors O. Primary ovarian neoplasms in infants and children. A study of 81 cases
diagnosed in Finland and Sweden. Ann. Chir. Gynaecol. Fenn. Suppl. 1971;177:1–66.
[2] Ein SH, Darte JM, Stephens CA. Cystic and solid ovarian tumors in children: a 44-year
review. J. Pediatr. Surg. 1970;5:148–56.
[3] Gallup DG, Talledo OE. Benign and malignant tumors. Clin. Obstet. Gynecol.
[4] von Allmen D. Malignant lesions of the ovary in childhood. Semin. Pediatr. Surg.
[5] Piver MS, Patton T. Ovarian cancer in children. Semin. Surg. Oncol. 1986;2:163–9.
[6] Ovarian Tumors Mary E. Fallat and Romeo C. Ignacio, Jr.
[7] Ovarian Masses in Adolescent Girls C. Pienkowskia, C. Bauninc, M. Gayrarda, P.
Moulina, G. Escourroud, P. Galinierb, P. Vaysseb WHO International Classification of
Diseases (ICD), 2007. Available at Accessed
June 6, 2010.
[8] WHO International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems,
revision 10, 2007.
[9] International Classification of Diseases for Oncology, ed. 3 (ICD-O-3). Creation date:
1976; last date change: 2000.
Pelvic Tumors 319
Chapter 29
A broad spectrum of tumors arises in the retroperitoneal area in infants and children
ranging from benign to some of the most malignant tumors seen in children. Wilms’
tumor is the most common renal tumor in childhood and is the second most common
abdominal tumor presenting in infants and children after neuroblastoma.
Today the vast majority of children with these tumors can be cured by
multidisciplinary therapy. Their treatment is based on multiple randomized therapeutic
trials which have established the basis for current treatment. In this chapter, the two most
common retro peritoneal tumors are presented with a review of the current treatment
Corresponding author: [email protected]. Formely Pediatric Surgery assistant Professor, Tunis School of
Medecine, University El Manar, Tunisia.
322 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Wilm’s tumor is the most common etiology of renal masses in children under the age of 6
years. Wilm’s tumor is an embryological tumor arising from the renal blastema. Genetic
situations where a loss of tumor suppressor gene leads to this tumor either in the familial form
(FWT1, FWT2) or in the sporadical cases (WT1 11p13, WT2 11p15). This hypothesis is
highly supported by the presence of associated anomalies such as WAGR Syndrome
(Wilms’s tumor, aniridia, genitourinary malformation,
Mental retardation), Denys-Drash Syndrome (nephropathy, renal failure, male
pseudohermaphroditism, and Wilm’s tumor): WT1, hemihypertrophy, and Beckwith-
Wiedmann syndrome (visceromegaly, macroglossia, omphalocele, and hyperinsulinemic
hypoglycemia): WT2.
Wilm’s tumor accounts for approximately 91% of all renal tumors in childhood. The
annual incidence is 7-8 per million children under the age of 15, and the prevalence is 1/8000
live births.
The mean age at diagnosis is 36 months, with most children presenting between the ages
of 12 and 48 months. It is rare at greater than 10 years and less than 6 months of age.
Tumors can be unilateral or bilateral. Bilateral cases represent 4% to 13% of all the
The nephroblastoma is a tumor characterized by its development at one of the two renal
poles. It is characterized by the fast increase in the tumor volume exposing to a risk of rupture
which deteriorates the prognosis
Microscopic Study
Nephroblastoma is an embryonal tumor containing components seen in normal
developing kidneys. The classic nephroblastoma consists of three elements: blastemal,
stromal, and epithelial tubules. Tumors contain various proportions of each of these items.
Nephrogenic rests or naphroblastomatosis are persistent foci of embryonal renal
parenchyma also called metanephric blastema, which typically disappear after 36 weeks of
gestational age. It is considered as a precursor of Wilms tumor.
A painless abdominal mass found by the parents during bath or by the practician during a
routine physical exam is the most common presentation.
Retroperiotneal Tumors 323
Otherwise, abdominal pain, Hematuria (10% of the cases), Hypertension, fever, anorexia
or weight loss can be present in patients with nephroblastoma.
Extension of tumor thrombus into the renal vein can obstruct the spermatic vein and
result in a varicocele, and in rare cases, tumor extension into the atrium may produce cardiac
malfunction. Much rarely an acute abdomen (tumor rupture or hemorrhage) can reveal the
The Ultrasonography is the initial noninvasive test; it determines the anatomic location
and extent of the mass. This exploration reveals a solid renal mass with sometimes areas of
necrosis. The tumor may be cystic or not. This test helps to define the limits of the tumor and
the contact with surrounding organs.
Ultrasonography explores the other kidney seeking for small tumor and the liver and
other structures looking for metastasis. It assesses for possible intravascular or ureteral
Differential Diagnosis
In cases of unusual clinical presentation like children under 6 months old or aged more
than 6 years, or when the Ultrasound and CT scan features reveal a cystic tumor or tumor on
an ectopic kidney, another diagnosis must be discussed.
Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis: This entity is discussed when fever and
inflammatory syndrome are present. The ultrasound allows to redress the diagnosis.
Multicystic renal dysplasia: The absence of functional renal parenchyma guide to this
Renal Multilocular cyst: This benign renal tumor looks like nephroblastoma in its cystic
form. The diagnosis is made commonly on pathological examination after nephrectomy.
324 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
The Congenital mesoblastic nephroma is a benign tumor with the same radiological
features of nephroblastoma, only the age of the patients (under 6 months) allow to discuss this
entity. The management is exclusively surgical.
Other Renal Tumor: Renal cell carcinoma1 (Grawitz Tumor) may be present in pediatric
population especially in the pre-adult period. The diagnosis is made after the pathological
study. These rare cases are managed like in adult cases. Clear Cell Sarcoma (4%-5% of all
pediatric renal tumor) is suspected when bone metastasis is present.
Extra Renal Tumor: Mostly case of neuroblastoma invading the upper part of the kidney.
In these cases it’s frequent to perform a fine needle (<18G = 1.3mm) punction to redress the
Rare but often reported. These tumors can be located in the retroperitoneum, in the
Uterus, the Cervix, the Pelvis, the Thorax, and along the line of spermatic cord testes. The
histological characteristics are the same.
Local extension: based on the ultrasonography and the CT scan. Staging of the Regional
nodes state is performed, the inferior vena cava and the renal vein patency are explored
looking for a thrombus.
General extension: Pulmonary metastases are the most frequent, post anterior and lateral
radiographic views area mandatory, but the chest radiograph cannot detect micrometastasis,
that’s why most of the centers performed a chest CT scan at the same moment as the
abdominal one. The liver is the second frequent location of metastases; this area is well
explored by the abdominal CT scan.
Bone and brain metastases are sought if suggestive symptoms are present, using Bone
scan and Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
The therapeutic strategy is guided by the age of the patient, the extension of the tumor
and the histological characteristics of the tumor. These protocols were established after
several prospective trials supervised by international scientific societies, the SIOP (Societe
Internationale d’Oncologie Pédiatrique) in Europe and the NWTS (National Wilms Tumors
Society) in the USA.
Both groups had similar aims but tried to reach them in different ways. NWTS since its
beginning advocated initial surgery whenever possible and the treatment related and adapted
to the pathological postsurgical findings.
Renal rhabdomyosarcoma (1.3% of all pediatric renal tumor) is suspected when cerebral metastasis is present,
with a guarded prognosis in these cases.
Retroperiotneal Tumors 325
SIOP noticed that the intraoperative tumor rupture rate at that time was approximately
30% and tried to find a way to downstage the disease preoperatively and make surgery easier
and decrease the frequency of this intraoperative complication. First using radiotherapy, but
since it was well known that radiation shall be avoided the more, the younger is a child due to
the complication rate of this method, it was replaced by preoperative chemotherapy, followed
by classical open tumor nephrectomy with lymph nodes resection for appropriate post-
operative staging.
According to the SIOP protocol, once the diagnosis is established, children follow one of
the three ways:
Figure 1. The SIOP 2001 clinical Staging System for Wilm’s Tumor.
326 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Children aged less than 6 months with localized disease were submitted to initial surgery
if only their tumors were considered resectable. Other surgical questions were related to
nephron-sparing nephrectomy in unilateral and bilateral localizations and the role of the
minimal invasive nephrectomy. Both, however not recommended, were occasionally
performed in the SIOP patients. The choice of one of this technique must be made on a case
by case discussion during multidisciplinary staffs. The complete staging (Figure 1) and the
risk-grouping (Figure 2) are performed at the time of surgery based on the pathology
examination of the specimen. Further treatment was adapted to the clinical stage (at surgery)
and histological risk group (Figures 3, 4).
Improve of the therapeutic protocols during years allows to obtain a recovery rate of 90%
and to decrease the rate of relapse to 15%-18%.
Will depend on the age of the patient, the extension of the tumor, the histological
characteristics of the tumor and the therapeutic strategy.
Figure 2. The revised SIOP working classification of renal tumors of childhood (2001) for Wilm’s
Figure 3. The post-operative treatment for stage 1-3 for Wilm’s Tumor.
Retroperiotneal Tumors 327
Neuroblastoma is a malignancy of childhood derived from neural crest cells appearing
anywhere along the distribution of the sympathetic nervous system. It is the most common
extra-cranial solid tumor of infancy. Neuroblastomas arise in neuroblasts of the sympathetic
nervous system. The largest concentration of these cells is in the adrenal medulla and the
sympathetic ganglia. Other collections of sympathetic neuroblasts lie within the preaortic
The incidence of neuroblastoma in children younger than 15 years is 10.5 per 1 million
per year. It constitutes the largest percentage of solid childhood tumors (8% to 10%). There
are no geographic or racial propensities. The peak age of incidence is 0 to 4 years, with a
median age of 23 months, making neuroblastoma the most common solid tumor in young
children. More than 90% of tumors occur in patients younger than 10 years.
The tumor occurs in the abdomen in the vast majority of patients (about 70%), the
adrenal being the commonest site of origin (about 50% of the total). Tumours arising in the
mediastinum (10%) or the pelvis (6%) are much less common
Clinical Presentation
Neuroblastoma is a tumor with multiple clinical manifestations related to the site of the
primary tumor, the presence of metastases, and the production of certain metabolic tumor by-
Prenatal Diagnosis: The routine use of antenatal Ultrasonography has increasingly
identified the presence of adrenal tumors and other intraabdominal masses. Commonly the
adrenal mass is reported on the third-trimester exam (about 33 weeks of gestation). Fetal MRI
may be required to help distinguish neuroblastomas from other mass lesions. Imaging studies
328 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
are needed during the postnatal period to differentiate neuroblastomas from adrenal
hemorrhage, renal masses, and intra-abdominal extra lobar sequestration.
Abdominal Mass may be hard, nodular, fixed, and painful on palpation.
Generalized symptoms including weight loss, failure to thrive, abdominal pain and
distention, fever, and anemia. Hypertension is found in 25% of cases and is related to the
production of catecholamines by the tumor. Instances of hypercalcemia have been observed
in association with neuroblastoma, and hemoperitoneum caused by sudden spontaneous
rupture of the neoplasm has also been reported. Pelvic neuroblastoma may manifest with both
urinary symptoms and constipation; scrotal swelling has been reported in some of these cases.
Neurological Symptoms: Paraspinal tumors can invade neural foramina and/or nerve
plexus resulting in paresthesias and possible paralysis. Dural involvement can cause spinal
cord compression and require emergent steroid and chemotherapy treatments.
At the time of clinical presentation, about two-thirds have locally advanced or metastatic
disease. The presence of bone and joint pain, a consequence of metastasis, may bring the
condition to attention.
Imaging Techniques
Chest radiographs may show a posterior mediastinal tumor or paraspinal widening above
the diaphragm from an extension of an abdominal tumor. It is also helpful in seeking
metastatic disease.
Computed tomography (CT) allow to identify the primary lesion; can demonstrate tumor
calcification in approximately 80% of cases. CT is performed with intravenous contrast
material so that an intravenous urogram can be acquired during the same.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is extremely useful in detecting intraspinal tumor
extension and, in some instances, the tumor’s relationship to major vascular structures.
The bone-seeking isotopes (Méta-Iodo-Benzyl-Guanidine scintigraphy) are picked up by
bone metastasis and by the punctuate calcifications in the primary tumor Isotopic bone scans
show a close correlation with the radiographic skeletal survey and are occasionally more
sensitive. False positive bone scans can occur in cases of recent bone trauma or inflammation.
Demonstration of the bone-seeking isotope in a retroperitoneal or posterior mediastinal mass
suggests that the lesion is a neuroblastoma. Guanidine is a molecule close to the Noradrenalin
which accumulates in the organs which secrete catecholamines (adrenal and sympathetic
Staging requires CT or MRI scans of the primary lesion and suspected metastatic sites. A
technetium or MIGB bone scan should be obtained to identify possible cortical bone
Laboratory Tests
Because Neuroblastoma is a tumor derived from neural crest cells, it may secrete
hormonal products. More than 90% of children with neuroblastoma have tumors that produce
high levels of catecholamines or their byproducts. Quantification of catecholamine by-
product secretion is best done by 24-hour urine collection. Adrenaline, noradrenaline,
dopamine, metanephrine, HVA, VMA, and vanillylglycolic acid levels are determined.
Children with immature, more undifferentiated tumors tend to excrete higher levels of certain
byproducts (e.g., HVA). Patients with more mature tumors excrete more VMA. In rare
instances, however, the tumor does not secrete excessive catecholamines.
Patients with advanced malignancy have elevated urine concentrations of cystathionine
and homoserine; increased serum levels of neuron-specific enolase, ferritin, and lactic
dehydrogenase; and, in 25% of cases, are positive for carcinoembryonic antigen.Hann and
colleagues reported that 63% of patients with stage IV disease had high serum ferritin levels,
which was predictive of a poor prognosis.
Some studies showed that neuroblastic tumors produce increased serum levels of neuron-
specific enolase. Zeltzer and colleagues documented that neuron-specific enolase levels are
elevated in 96% of patients with metastatic disease and that high serum levels are associated
with a poor prognosis, particularly in infants. Elevated serum lactic dehydrogenase levels are
also associated with a poor prognosis in localized neuroblastoma. None of these serum levels
are independent prognostic factors, nor are they currently used to determine treatment.
Although histologic examination of tissue is the key to the conclusive diagnosis of
neuroblastoma, in advanced disease, rosettes of tumor cells in bone marrow aspirate and
330 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
increased urinary excretion of VMA or other catecholamine byproducts are often considered
indicative of the diagnosis. Immunologic analysis of bone marrow aspirate may be more
sensitive than conventional analysis in detecting tumor cells. Serial immunohistologic
analysis of peripheral blood samples has also identified circulating neuroblasts, documenting
tumor dissemination. Exams and tests might strongly suggest the diagnosis, but a biopsy is
often done to be sure.
There are 2 main types of biopsies:
Incisional (open or surgical) biopsy: This type of biopsy is done by removing a piece
of the tumor. For tumors deep in the body this may be done laparoscopically.
Needle (closed) biopsy: commonly guided by CT scans or ultrasound.
The histopathologic features that define the malignant potential of adrenal tumors in
children are unique. Homer-Wright pseudorosettes that consist of eosinophilic neutrophils
surrounded by neuroblasts occur in only half of the cases.The presence of associated neuropil
pigmented neuritic processes is pathognomonic for neuroblastoma. The other type of cell
highly characteristic of neuroblastoma is the Schwann cell, which may be recruited into the
tumor and constitutes the so called schwannian stroma, which makes up the mesenchymal
component of the tumor.
Molecular Pathology
Molecular understanding of neuroblastoma has identified several features of the disease
that may aid in all aspects of its management, including diagnosis, natural history, prognostic
stratification, and selection of treatment.
An accepted genetic marker for neuroblastoma has been amplification of the MYCN (or
N-myc) proto-oncogene. The association between MYCN amplification and high-grade,
advanced-stage disease at presentation; rapid progression; and an overall poor prognosis has
become well established.
Deletions of chromosome 1 and gains in chromosome 17 have been shown to carry
strong prognostic information in advanced neuroblastoma.
Most significantly, in univariate and multivariate analyses, 17q gain was independently
predictive of a poor outcome (30.6% 5-year survival with 17q gain versus 86% 5-year
survival without 17q gain.
Retroperiotneal Tumors 331
Neuroblastoma may be stratified into specific prognostic subgroups based on the genetic
interplay represented by MYCN expression, loss of heterozygosity, DNA ploidy, and
neurotrophin-receptor expression. Combining these factors with age and stage, three genetic
neuroblastoma profiles can be determined with differing survival rates.
An international working group published the outcome of its deliberations in 1988. This
staging system is known as the International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS), and the
response criteria are referred to as the International Neuroblastoma Response Criteria (INRC).
This staging system has replaced previous systems by Evans and coworkers, originally
established by the Pediatric Oncology Group (POG) (Figure 5 outlines the three staging
systems for comparison.
Stage 4S Disease
Infants younger than 1 year of age oft en present with a pattern of metastatic disease
(stage 4S) that is unique to this age group. Stage 4S infants may have a small or undetectable
primary neuroblastoma with metastases to the liver, skin, and bone marrow. The adrenal is
the most common primary site. Skin lesions typically present as multiple bluish subcutaneous
Stage 4S tumors exhibit particularly interesting biologic behavior. Most (75%) of these
tumors regress spontaneously during infancy. Frequently, however, newborns with massive
hepatic involvement are subject to a broad spectrum of significant respiratory and
cardiovascular problems that may be fatal.
Prognosis Factors
Newer treatment protocols individualize treatment using risk factors as predictors of
outcome to maximize survival, minimize long-term morbidity, and improve the quality of
332 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
Current rules now categorize patients as low, intermediate, and high risk based on their
prognostic factors. Good outcomes are associated with stage I, II, and IV-S patients who are
younger than 18 months and have hyperdiploid DNA flow cytometry, favorable histology,
less than 1 copy of MYCN, high Trk-A expression, and absence of chromosome 1p
In contrast, a poor prognosis is predicted in children older than 18 months with advanced
tumors (stages III and IV), more than 10 copies of MYCN, low Trk-A expression, diploid
DNA ploidy, allelic loss of 1p36, and unfavorable histology.
The site of the primary tumor was also considered predictive of survival by some
investigators. Patients with tumors in cervical, pelvic, and mediastinal locations had an
improved outlook compared with children with retroperitoneal (paraspinal or adrenal) tumors.
Some early reports concerning neuroblastoma suggested that the most mature and
differentiated the tumor, the better the prognosis. Others noted that a more mature histology
might be associated with the same dismal outcome as in patients with undifferentiated
Retroperiotneal Tumors 333
neuroblasts. In patients with metastatic disease, the presence of more mature elements seemed
to improve the outlook and was associated with increased survival.
Shimada and colleagues subsequently classified the histopathology of neuroblastoma into
favorable and unfavorable types, characterized by a stroma-rich appearance for the former
and a stroma-poor appearance for the latter. The Shimada classification was also age related.
The impact of Shimada histology class on prognosis proved to be important, especially when
associated with other prognostic biologic variables, particularly amplification of the MYCN
oncogene and allelic loss on the short arm of chromosome 1p (1p36). The current INPC
(which embraced and modified the Shimada classification) further divided cases into subsets
of favorable and unfavorable histologic types and is a highly significant independent predictor
of prognosis. MYCN amplification is seen in approximately 30% of neuroblastoma cases and
has an important role in modulating the malignant phenotype in neuroblastoma.
The prognostic value of MYCN status is independent of tumor stage and patient age.
MYCN amplification is associated with a poor response to treatment, rapidly progressive
disease, and a horrible outcome.
A new pretreatment classification system based on 13 prognostic factors has recently
been developed by the INRG, aiming to create the international consensus for risk
stratification. These factors include age, INRG stage, histology, DNA index, MYCN
amplification status, and the presence of 11q abnormality; they classify patients into 1 of 16
groups. Each group is categorized as very low, low, intermediate, and high risk, based on
event-free survival rates. More than 85%, more than 75% of less than or equal to 85%, greater
than or equal to 50% to less than or equal to 75%, or less than 50%, respectively.
For low-risk patients, surgical excision of the tumor is usually curative and avoids the
risks associated with chemotherapy. Intermediate-risk patients are typically treated with
surgery and chemotherapy. Studies aimed at minimizing treatment regimens for this group of
patients are ongoing.
The poor prognosis in high-risk patients justifies a much more intense treatment regimen,
including combination chemotherapy followed by complete surgical excision (if possible),
radiotherapy to achieve local control, myeloablative treatments with bone marrow rescue, and
biologic therapy.
Pediatric oncologists treat most children with neuroblastoma according to agreed national
or international protocols. In general, low stage tumors with favorable biological profiles are
managed by excision alone. Aggressive chemotherapy is utilized with low stage tumors with
a poor biological profile or for those (the majority) who have locally advanced or metastatic
Stages 1 and 2
Neonates with stage 1 or 2 diseases are considered to be at low risk regardless of biologic
tumor features. Surgery alone is sufficient to control disease, and survival is nearly 100%. In
334 Taieb Chouikh, Chaima Mrad and Sofien Ghorbel
patients with stage 2 disease without N-myc amplification, residual microscopic disease
usually regresses without additional intervention.
Stages 3 and 4
The incidence of stage 3 and 4 tumors in neonates and infants younger than 1 year is
lower than that in older children.
Children with stage 3 disease undergo several cycles of chemotherapy followed by
delayed primary resection. Those without N-myc amplification have an excellent prognosis
and enjoy a 90% event-free survival.
Infants with stage 4 disease without N-myc amplification do not fare as well. Although
studies show variable survival rates, these rates exceed 50%.
Infants with stage 3 or 4 diseases and N-myc amplification are considered to be a
particularly high-risk group, requiring more intensive high-dose chemotherapy and radiation
therapy and possible bone marrow rescue. Despite this approach, those with more than ten
copies of the N-myc oncogene have a rapidly progressive disease and frequently die.
Stage 4S
The survival rate of infants with stage 4S disease is greater than 80%, often without
specific treatment. Despite the high level of spontaneous tumor regression, progressive
hepatomegaly may lead to respiratory embarrassment or inferior vena cava compression.
In these patients, low-dose radiation and low-dose chemotherapy are used to accelerate
tumor regression. As a measure of last resort, some surgeons have released the intra-
abdominal compartment syndrome by creating a ventral hernia, using a large silastic patch to
cover the surgical defect. This approach is not practical and therefore is no longer advocated.
Most deaths in stage 4S occur in infants younger than 2 months of age with severe symptoms
due to hepatomegaly. As compared to older children, this younger group exhibits less
tolerance to therapy.
Cystic Neuroblastoma
Most prenatally diagnosed cystic neuroblastomas are localized and exhibit favorable
biologic features. These tumors are usually associated with an almost universally favorable
outcome. As with low stage solid tumors, cystic tumors are typically managed with resection.
Because of uniformly positive outcomes, as well as evidence that some cystic lesions
regress spontaneously, the Children’s Oncology Group (COG) has initiated a prospective
study to investigate the effectiveness of observation alone as a management strategy. In the
current protocol, serial sonograms are used to monitor the mass during the first few months of
life to determine if tumor regression is ongoing. Surgical resection is reserved only for cystic
tumors that fail to regress or increase in size. To date, results of this study have not been
Retroperiotneal Tumors 335
Andrew M. Davidoff, Neuroblastoma, In Ashcraft’s pediatric surgery/[edited by] George
Whitfield Holcomb III, J. Patrick Murphy; associate editor, Daniel J. Ostlie. — 5th
Sanders Elsevier 2010, 872-894.
Edward P. Tagge, Patrick B. Thomas, and H. Biemann Othersen, Jr., Wilms’ Tumor, In
Pediatric Surgery Sixth edition. Edited by Jay L Grosfeld, ed by Mosby Elsevier 2006
Jay L. Grosfeld, Neuroblastoma. In Pediatric Surgery Sixth edition. Edited by Jay L Grosfeld,
ed by Mosby Elsevier 2006 487-495.
Michael P. La Quaglia, Daniel N. Rutigliano, Neuroblastoma and Other Adrenal Tumors. In
The Surgery of Childhood Tumors, Second Corrected and Enlarged Edition Edited by
Robert Carachi, Jay L. Grosfeld, Amir F. Azmy, 2008 Springer 201-225.
Patrick G Duffy and Neil J Sebire, Genitourinary malignancies, In Essentials of Paediatric
Urology. Second Edition Edited by David FM Thomas 2008 Informa UK Ltd 395-305.
Robert C. Shamberger, Renal Tumors in Ashcraft’s pediatric surgery/[edited by] George
Whitfield Holcomb III, J. Patrick Murphy; associate editor, Daniel J. Ostlie. — 5th
Sanders Elsevier 2010, 853-871.
Robert C. Shamberger, Renal Tumors. In The Surgery of Childhood Tumors, Second
Corrected and Enlarged Edition. Edited by Robert Carachi, Jay L. Grosfeld, Amir F.
Azmy, 2008 Springer 171 -199.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 30
Testicular tumors are rare in children. Pediatric testis tumors are pathologically and
clinically different from the adult’s tumors, so their management needs to be different.
The incidence of pediatric testis tumors is 0.5–2.0 per 100,000 children, accounting for
1–2% of all pediatric tumors [1, 2]. There is a bimodal distribution, with a small distinct peak
in the first three years of life, followed by a large peak in adolescents (15 to 18 years) [3].
Testis tumors are classified according to the putative cell of origin Tumors arising from
germ cells include yolk sac tumor, teratoma, and seminoma. Stromal tumors include juvenile
338 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh, Frederic Auber et al.
granulosa cell tumor, Leydig cell tumor, Sertoli cell tumor, and mixed or undifferentiated
stromal tumors Gonadoblastomas contain germ cells and stromal elements.
The frequency and behavior of the various tumor types in are summarized in Table 1: [4]
The most common testicular tumor in different series is teratoma, and the second is yolk
sac tumor. Table 2 shows a comparison of the pathological types of testis tumors in various
studies [5, 6, 7, 8].
Risk Factors
Four factors have a high risk of a testicular tumor with sufficient evidence: undescended
testis (cryptorchidism: relative risk: 4.8), contralateral testicular germ cell tumor (GCT),
familial testicular germ cell tumor, and gonadal dysgenesis [9].
Clinical Presentation
The most typical presentation of a testicular tumor is a scrotal mass (50% -85%).
Testicular Tumors 339
A history of trauma and persistent swelling is present in 3% of the cases, while hydrocele
is reported in 10%.
An incidental discovery during surgical repair of a congenital or acquired disorder (53%)
or a testicular torsion (21%) may also bring attention to a testicular mass [10].
Physical Examination
The scrotal mass is painless, hard and cannot be separated from the testis. (Figure 1)
Physical examination should also differentiate between pathologies arising from the cord
(varicocele, spermatocele, epididymitis) and those resulting from the testicle (trauma,
Careful evaluation of the child’s pubertal status is necessary. Signs of precocious puberty
or Gynecomastia may be present in stromal cell tumors.
Metastatic disease is uncommon, and the primary sites, which are the retroperitoneum
and lungs rarely result in symptoms or physical findings. Metastases to the bone or central
nervous system are rare.
340 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh, Frederic Auber et al.
Tumor Markers
Tumor markers have an important role in the evaluation and follow-up of children with
testis tumors.
Human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG) and a-fetoprotein (AFP) are the most important
markers. AFP is secreted by yolk sac tumors in up to 90% of cases, and b-HCG is secreted by
choriocarcinoma [10].
AFP is very accurate for yolk sac tumor, though their levels are highly variable in infants
(Figure 2). Typical levels range from approximately 50,000 ng/ml in newborns to 10,000
ng/ml by 2 weeks of age, 300 ng/ml by 2 months, and 12 ng/ml by 6 months of age [4].
In general, a child over 1 year of age with a testicular mass and an elevated AFP can be
assumed to have a yolk sac tumor.
Patients presenting with precocious puberty should have an assessment of a urinary 17-
ketosteroid, serum luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and
In testicular tumors, there is a low LH and FSH level and high testosterone.
Imaging Investigations
Ultrasound is the imaging modality of choice in boys with scrotal mass.
Scrotal ultrasound is highly sensitive for distinguishing intratesticular from extra
testicular tumors, but it has a poor specificity to distinguish between benign and malignant
lesions. Some ultrasonographic aspects are though suggestive of particular lesions.
Hypoechoic cystic areas with adjacent hyperechoic areas within a well-circumscribed
lesion, surrounded by normal testicular parenchyma, are characteristic of teratoma (Figure 3)
Testicular Tumors 341
Other Investigations
In cases where malignancy is suspected, computed tomography (CT) of the chest,
abdomen, and pelvis should be obtained to exclude metastatic disease to the most common
sites, which are the lungs and the retroperitoneum.
342 Chaima Mrad, Taieb Chouikh, Frederic Auber et al.
Surgical Management
The standard initial treatment for a malignant testicular tumor in an adolescent is an
inguinal orchiectomy with early control of the vessels. In prepubertal patients, this approach
should be applied only to patients greater than 6 months of age with an elevated AFP.
In all other prepubertal patients, a benign tumor is likely to be present, and the initial
surgical management should be a testis-sparing approach.
The management of a testicular mass in a prepubertal boy is summarized in the following
The standard chemotherapy for children with malignant germ cell tumor (MGCT) of the
testes includes standard-dose cisplatin, etoposide, and bleomycin (PEB) for 4 to 6 courses.
The current protocol under investigation examines stages II to IV with three courses of
The following table summarizes the indications of treatment and survival in children with
testicular tumors (table 3) [19].
The intensity of follow-up depends on the malignant potential of the primary tumor.
Testicular tumors are rare in children. The majority of tumors in a prepubertal patient are
Testis sparing surgery should be performed in the cases of benign tumors.
[1] Brosman, S. A. (1979). Testicular tumors in prepubertal children. Urology, 13(6), 581-
[2] Lee, S. D. (2004). Epidemiological and clinical behavior of prepubertal testicular
tumors in Korea. The Journal of urology, 172(2), 674-678.
[3] Schneider, D. T., Calaminus, G., Koch, S., Teske, C., Schmidt, P., Haas, R. J., ... and
Göbel, U. (2004). Epidemiologic analysis of 1,442 children and adolescents registered
in the German germ cell tumor protocols. Pediatric blood and cancer, 42(2), 169-175.
[4] Ross, J. H. (2009). Testis tumors. In Pediatric Surgery (pp. 755-762). Springer Berlin
[5] Pohl, H. G., Shukla, A. R., Metcalf, P. D., Cilento, B. G., Retik, A. B., Bagli, D. J., ...
and Rushton, H. G. (2004). Prepubertal testis tumors: actual prevalence rate of
histological types. The Journal of urology, 172(6), 2370-2372.
Testicular Tumors 345
[6] Baik, K., Kang, M., Park, K. and Choi, H. (2013). Prepubertal testicular tumors in
Korea: a single surgeon’s experience of more than 20 years. Korean journal of urology,
54(6), 399-403.
[7] Hisamatsu, E., Takagi, S., Nakagawa, Y., Sugita, Y., Yoshino, K., Ueoka, K. and
Tanikaze, S. (2010). Prepubertal testicular tumors: A 20‐year experience with 40 cases.
International journal of urology, 17(11), 956-959.
[8] Akiyama, S., Ito, K., Kim, W. J., Tanaka, Y. and Yamazaki, Y. (2016). Prepubertal
testicular tumors: a single-center experience of 44years. Journal of Pediatric Surgery.
[9] Ladd, A. P., Rescorla, F. J. and Grosfeld, J. L. (Eds.). (2013). Handbook of Pediatric
Surgical Patient Care (Vol. 8). World Scientific.
[10] Coran, A. G., Caldamone, A., Adzick, N. S., Krummel, T. M., Laberge, J. M. and
Shamberger, R. (2012). Pediatric surgery (Vol. 2). Elsevier Health Sciences.
[11] Auber, F., Augry, G. (2008) tumeurs du testicule chez l’enfant, cours d’enseignement
des internes, Université Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France.
[12] Blohm, M. E. G., Vesterling-Hörner, D., Calaminus, G. and Göbel, U. (1998). Alpha1-
fetoprotein (AFP) reference values in infants up to 2 years of age.Pediatric hematology
and oncology, 15(2), 135-142.
[13] Rushton, H. G., Belman, A. B., Sesterhenn, I., Patterson, K. and Mostofi, F. K. (1990).
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[17] Ross, J. H. (2009). Prepubertal testicular tumors. Urology, 74(1), 94-99.
[18] Metcalfe, P. D., Farivar-Mohseni, H., Farhat, W., McLORIE, G. O. R. D. O. N.,
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Vinocur, C. D. (2004). Randomized comparison of combination chemotherapy with
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adolescents with high-risk malignant germ cell tumors: a pediatric intergroup study—
Pediatric Oncology Group 9049 and Children’s Cancer Group 8882. Journal of Clinical
Oncology, 22(13), 2691-2700.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 31
Pediatric trauma kills 875,000 children and injures an additional 10-30 million
children each year, resulting in a tremendous life years lost and cost to society. The care
of the pediatric trauma patient is unique given the myriad anatomic and physiologic
differences between children and adults. However, the basic principles of trauma care are
familiar with the goals of restoring and maintaining oxygen delivery, diagnosing and
treating life-threatening injuries in a timely fashion and minimizing secondary injury.
This process involves trauma team preparation, a primary survey, a secondary survey,
and the use of adjunct procedures and resources. Special populations include those with
solid organ injury, burns and victims of child abuse.
Keywords: pediatric, children, pediatric trauma, life threatening condition, primary survey,
secondary survey, solid organ injury, hollow viscus injury, thoracic trauma, child abuse
Corresponding Author: Stefan Scholz, MD; [email protected].
350 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
An estimated 875,000 children die annually on a global scale, in addition to 10-30 million
nonfatal injuries that affect the lives of children [1]. Childhood injuries are increasing on a
worldwide level, and represent a source of tremendous morbidity and cost to patients,
families and society [2]. More than 90% of pediatric trauma is attributed to blunt force
trauma, whereby the most frequent mechanism of injury in the children is falls; however the
most common cause of death is Motor Vehicle Accidents (MVA). The remaining 10% of
pediatric traumas are attributed to penetrating trauma, of which firearm injuries are most
lethal. Penetrating injuries are associated with a threefold higher mortality rate as compared
to blunt trauma, with up to 70% of death occurs prior to hospital arrival [3].
refill. Normal vital signs vary with the age group, and therefore a good basic familiarity with
what is the normal range for each age group is essential using age-adjusted criteria (Table 1)
[3, 6-8].
Age group Respiratory rate Heart rate Systolic blood Urinary output
(breaths/min) (beats/min) pressure (mm (mL/kg/h)
Prior to patient arrival, the trauma team leader must clearly define the roles and
responsibilities of each person on the care team. All necessary equipment should be
immediately available and in good working order. Personnel should don personal protective
equipment utilizing standard precautions that include gown, gloves, and eye protection [9].
Family presence during care of the injured child has been shown to improve the
psychological well-being of both parent and child. It does not typically increase medico-legal
issues or interfere with the assessment and care of the patient, and may facilitate the
evaluation by providing support to the child in a stressful situation [10-14].
Initial management of the injured child should follow the Advanced Trauma Life Support
(ATLS) algorithm. The goals are to restore and maintain oxygen delivery, followed by
diagnosing the most life-threatening injuries and treating them. The initial primary survey and
any indicated initial resuscitation interventions should occur simultaneously. The components
of the primary survey can be remembered using ABCDE:
The first goal is to secure a patent airway to allow for appropriate tissue oxygenation. A
child that is speaking or crying vigorously will likely have a patent airway. Some signs of
respiratory compromise in children includes chest wall retractions, nasal flaring, stridor or
hoarse voice. Immediate actions to address airway obstruction (from patient’s tongue, blood,
mucous or other debris) may include jaw thrust maneuver while maintaining cervical spine
352 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
precautions, suctioning, and provision of supplemental oxygen. An oral airway should only
be placed in an unconscious child, otherwise the gag reflex will induce vomiting.
Definitive airway management most commonly involves endotracheal intubation using
rapid sequence induction. Endotracheal intubation in injured children is indicated in the
following situations:
1. Inability to protect the airway (Glasgow Coma Scale < 8 (see Table 3), unconscious,
combative, severe face/head/neck trauma)
2. Inability to ventilate (flail chest)
3. Inability to oxygenate (smoke inhalation)
4. Decompensated shock resistant to fluid resuscitation
5. Anticipated surgical intervention or need for radiologic investigation outside of the
ED in an unstable patient
The pediatric patient should be adequately pre-oxygenated using bag mask ventilation
prior to intubation. Maintain the spine in a neutral position by placing a layer of padding
under the patient’s body. Uncuffed endotracheal tubes are preferred in the pediatric trauma
patient to prevent airway trauma. An easy way to determine the size of the endotracheal tube
in pediatric patients is by using the following formula: size of ETT = (age/4) + 4 or by using
the diameter of the distal phalanx of the child’s small finger as a reference. Confirmation of
tube placement can be accomplished with capnography, auscultation of breath sounds and
chest radiograph. As compared to adults, the trachea in a pediatric patient is shorter, leading
to increased frequency of right mainstem intubation. The depth of the endotracheal tube (cm)
may be estimated at three times the tube size (e.g., a size 4 tube should be 12cm from the
gums). The shortened trachea also contributes to accidental extubation; the tube should be
well-secured prior to movement of the patient, and proper placement verified after any tube or
patient repositioning.
surgical intervention is indicated if initial chest tube drainage > 15 mL/kg or subsequent
output > 2 mL/kg/hr.
Venous access should be obtained expeditiously. Two large bore peripheral IVs are the
preferred access method, followed by intraosseous access, central lines and venous cutdown
maneuvers as alternate strategies [15]. Intraosseous (IO) lines (18 gauge in infants and 15
gauge in young children) can be used to infuse all resuscitative fluids including blood and
medications. Preferred sites for IO insertion include the proximal tibia below the level of the
tibial tuberosity; other sites include the distal tibia, distal femur, iliac crest, and proximal
humerus. Central venous access allows for the monitoring of central venous pressures.
Venous cut down is most time consuming with preferred sites being the ankle (greater
saphenous vein anterior to the medial malleolus) or the proximal thigh (below the saphenous-
femoral junction).
Inadequacy of circulation, or shock, should be recognized and addressed quickly in
pediatric patients. In trauma patients, the underlying etiology is presumed to be hemorrhage
until proven otherwise. Physical exam should include vital signs, capillary refill, skin color,
body temperature, mental status and peripheral pulses. The earliest sign of hypovolemia is
tachycardia, followed by increased diastolic pressure and narrowing pulse pressure. As stated
previously, hypotension is a late and ominous finding in the pediatric patient. Initial bolus of
crystalloid solution (20cc/kg for mild shock and 40cc/kg for severe shock) should be followed
by close monitoring of patient response, with second crystalloid bolus as needed.
Uncrossmatched 0 negative blood should be available for transfusion if patients are actively
bleeding or fail to respond or respond transiently to this initial crystalloid resuscitation.
Massive transfusion protocols (MTP) decrease morbidity and mortality in pediatric and
adult trauma patients by expediting time to transfusion and replacing red blood cells, plasma,
and platelets in a fixed ratio (1:1:1) to minimize coagulopathy, hypothermia and acidosis [16,
17]. The MTP should be activated when the need for transfusion is anticipated to exceed half
of a blood volume in 12 hours or one whole blood volume within a 24-hour time frame [18].
The total circulating volume can be estimated at 80 ml/kg of body weight. Many centers also
incorporate guided resuscitation strategies using viscoelastic studies as an adjunct or
replacement for empiric fixed-ratio transfusion. These studies, which include
thromboelastography (Haemonetics© TEG©) or thromboelastometry (TEM, © TEM systems
Inc.) are superior to conventional tests of coagulation like prothrombin time (PT) and partial
thromboplastin time (PTT) in that they can provide detailed information regarding clot
formation, kinetics, strength and breakdown in a matter of minutes. Research in both adult
and pediatric patients demonstrates that TEG derangements correlate with conventional tests,
are better predictors of poor outcome and need for transfusion [19-21], and can be used to
target a patient’s specific coagulation deficiencies during a resuscitation [22, 23]. Using this
whole blood test, providers can assess whether patients require plasma, cryoprecipitate,
platelets, or tranexamic acid. A normal tracing, sample protocol and transfusion trigger
guideline are included (Figure 1, Figure 2 and Table 2). Of note, transfusion can be informed
by these laboratory values but as with any testing adjunct, but ultimately a patient’s clinical
presentation and hemodynamic status should guide clinical decision-making.
354 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Figure 2. TEG targeted resuscitation algorithm (Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Trauma Service).
356 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
4 Spontaneous Spontaneous
2 To pain To pain
1 None None
Motor Response
1 None None
Verbal Response
Evaluation for disability includes a mental status exam (Glasgow Coma Scale), pupillary
exam, assessment of extremity motor and sensory function, and general tone. An age-
appropriate GCS score can be calculated using the modified version of the adult scale (Table
3), or the simplified AVPU (A-Awake; P-Pain; V-Verbal; U-Unresponsive) scoring system
can be utilized.
The patient must be fully exposed and examined quickly from head to toe for immediate
life-threatening injuries. All clothing should be removed, patient should be rolled while
maintaining C-spine immobilization to permit assessment of the back as well as a rectal exam
if indicated. Evaluation should include area under cervical collar and any splints or bandages
that may have been placed in the pre-hospital setting. Spinal column stabilization should be
maintained until injury is ruled out and manual immobilization may be utilized while collar is
temporarily removed.
The counterpart to exposure is consideration of the environment and the potential for
hypothermia in children. Though smaller in size overall, infants and children have a
proportionately large body surface area relative to their weight that predisposes them to
greater amounts of heat loss and resulting hypothermia. Maintenance of normothermia is
critical in preventing coagulopathy, cardiorespiratory compromise and unnecessary increase
in metabolic demands [24]. In addition to increased room temperature, additional methods
such as warmed blankets, head wraps, warmed humidified oxygen, warmed fluids and blood,
and radiant heat sources should be utilized promptly [4].
Chest radiograph, pelvis radiograph and focused assessment with sonography in trauma
(FAST) are used to investigate for additional life-threatening injuries (namely bleeding into
the chest, abdomen and pelvic compartments). Chest and pelvic radiographs can often be
performed concurrently with the primary survey if resources are available. FAST is portable,
rapid, inexpensive and minimizes radiation in pediatric trauma patients. This bedside
ultrasound evaluates for traumatic free fluid in four windows: hepatorenal, perisplenic,
retrovesicular and pericardial space (Figure 3). Free fluid appears anechoic adjacent to the
landmark organs (Figure 4 and 5). Importantly, up to 30% of children with solid organ injury
have no visible free fluid on FAST, decreasing the sensitivity of this exam for solid organ
injuries and limiting the prognostic value of a negative exam [25]. In hemodynamically
unstable children, a positive FAST may help to pinpoint the location of hemorrhage in the
abdomen or the pericardial space, and aid in planning of targeted surgical intervention. In
hemodynamically stable children, a positive FAST examination may indicate the need for
computed tomography (CT) imaging, closer observation, repeat abdominal examinations, or
repeat ultrasound examinations [25-27]. As in adults, FAST poorly detects retroperitoneal and
hollow viscus injury.
358 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
A full body, head to toe evaluation of each trauma patient should follow the primary
assessment and any interventions to address life-threatening injuries. Careful and thorough
inspection, palpation, auscultation and functional examination should be performed to find
injuries not evident on the primary survey. Frequent re-assessment of the ABCs including
q5minute vital signs should occur throughout the initial evaluation of the patient until
stabilization has been assured.
Figure 3. Anatomic locations for probe placement in focused assessment with sonography in trauma
(FAST) exam.
Figure 4. Ultrasonogram revealed free fluid in the paracolic gutter (right) and perisplenic (left) [28].
Figure 5. Longitudinal sonogram showed free fluid (arrow) associated with ileal perforation in pelvic
cavity [28].
360 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Advanced Imaging
CT scan is frequently used in the evaluation of patients with blunt abdominal trauma as it
provides detailed anatomic images of solid organs including retroperitoneal and vascular
structures. Some indications for CT scan may include intubated children with multisystem
trauma, abdominal pain and tenderness on examination, physical exam signs including
abdominal bruising, abrasions or seatbelt sign, gross hematuria, free fluid on FAST
examination, and suspected child abuse with elevated liver function tests. Limitations of CT
scan include potential for cardiovascular decompensation upon transfer to the radiology suite,
burden of radiation exposure, cost, and potential reaction to IV contrast materials. In light of
the association between radiation exposure and future malignancy, thoughtful utilization of
CT scan and decreased emphasis on “full body” scanning or “trauma pan-scan” is essential in
pediatric trauma practice.
Pediatric patients have increased survival when cared for at designated pediatric trauma
centers. Survival is still improved when patients receive care at a designated trauma center,
whether adult, pediatric or combined, as compared to a non-trauma center [29-31]. Consider
transfer in patients with significant mechanism (penetrating trauma, fall from significant
height, ejected from vehicle, death of occupant in same compartment, motor vehicle collision
that is high speed, involves vehicle rollover or prolonged extrication) or significant injury
(multiple long bone fractures, polytrauma, amputation, spinal cord injury, spine fracture,
severe head or polytrauma) [25].
Management and outcomes of the pediatric patient with solid organ injury differs
dramatically from management of the adult patient with similar grade of injury. Splenic
injury (Figure 6) and hepatic injury (Figure 7) are typically successfully managed non-
operatively with serial abdominal exams, serial hematocrit testing, bowel rest and bed rest,
even with high grade injuries [33]. Sample algorithms for low grade (1-2) and high grade (3-
5) injuries can be seen in Figures 8 and 9. Immediate operative intervention is indicated in
patients with peritonitis and hemodynamic instability. Failure of non-operative management
in patients attempting conservative management is signified by worsening abdominal exam,
ongoing transfusion requirements and hemodynamic instability (particularly hypotension)
[34]. Surgical intervention for splenic injury may include partial or total splenectomy. Similar
to adults, children should be vaccinated against encapsulated bacteria to reduce the risk of
overwhelming post-splenectomy sepsis. Hepatic injury is responsible for most fatal solid
organ injuries and can result in significant hemorrhage and massive blood loss. Optimum
surgical management often includes a damage control strategy, where perihepatic packing is
employed to tamponade the bleeding, temporary closure of the abdomen is performed, and
patients are stabilized and resuscitated in the ICU prior to return to the OR for definitive
management of injuries and abdominal closure [35, 36].
Figure 8. Grade 1 and 2 liver/spleen injury management protocol (Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh
Trauma Service.
364 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Figure 9. Grade 3-5 liver/spleen injury management protocol (Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh Trauma
Pediatric Abdominal and Thoracic Trauma 365
Figure 10. Grade 4 laceration of kidney with perirenal hematoma and obstruction of ureter at the pelvic
Figure 11. Grade 4 pancreatic transection with non-enhancing head and uncinate process, normally
enhancing body and tail.
366 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Figure 12a. Complete transection of the pancreatic body after a football injury. The arrow points to the
transection hematoma and the star marks the pancreatic tail.
Figures 12b and c. Intraoperative findings of the patient in figure 12a. 12b: Laparoscopic view onto the
pancreatic transection hematoma (arrow) after the gastrocolic ligament was divided and the lesser sac
entered. Note that the stomach and the left liver lobe are retracted with a liver retractor. Pancreatic head
(star) and pancreatic tail (diamond) are clearly visualized. 12c: After laparoscopic distal
pancreatectomy, the portal vein (arrow) and the splenic vein (diamond) are exposed. The pancreatic
head (star) was stapled just proximal to its transection.
Thoracic trauma in pediatric patients is due largely to blunt force mechanism (80-85%)
and results from motor vehicle crashes, pedestrian accidents, falls, and recreational injuries.
368 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Thoracic trauma comprises only 5-12% of pediatric trauma admission. While uncommon,
injuries to the thorax can be highly lethal; chest trauma is the second leading cause of death
from trauma after closed head injury with a 4-12% mortality rate in isolation and 40%
mortality rate when associated with other injuries [43].
Assessment of thoracic injuries includes inspection, palpation and auscultation of the
entire chest. Chest radiograph is adequate in the assessment of most thoracic trauma, as chest
CT is costly, exposes patients to significant radiation, and rarely changes management of
pediatric injuries [45]. Repeat imaging may be indicated to document resolution/improvement
in pneumothoraces or to assess for blossoming pulmonary injury later in the post-injury
period. Tracheobronchial injuries are not well-visualized with conventional radiology and
should instead be diagnosed via bronchoscopy. This injury should be suspected with
persistent air leak from a chest tube placed in the setting of pneumothorax, subcutaneous
emphysema, or pneumomediastinum.
The most common injury after blunt trauma is pulmonary contusion [44], which can be
seen in the absence of rib fracture or evidence of trauma on physical exam [25]. Management
includes close observation and aggressive pulmonary toilet. As mentioned above, rib fractures
in pediatric patients are less common due to the pliable and incompletely ossified nature of
the skeletal structures. Therefore their presence should signify a greater force of injury and
raise the level of suspicion for intra-thoracic and intra-abdominal organ injuries.
Pneumothorax, and less often hemothorax, are managed with tube thoracostomy as in adult
Penetrating injuries include impalement and firearm injuries. Emergency department
thoracotomy is indicated in pediatric patients with penetrating chest trauma only who lose
vital signs immediately prior to arrival or in the trauma bay. However, pediatric patients have
an even lower rate of survival with this procedure than due adult patients, thought the be due
to the higher proportion of blunt chest trauma mechanism [46].
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[39] Mora M. C., Wong K. E., Friderici J., Bittner K., Moriarty K. P., Patterson L. A., Gross
R. I., Tirabassi M. V., Tashjian D. B. Operative vs Nonoperative Management of
Pediatric Blunt Pancreatic Trauma: Evaluation of the National Trauma Data Bank.
Journal of the American College of Surgeons. 2015.
[40] Sturm P. F., Glass R. B., Sivit C. J., Eichelberger M. R. Lumbar compression fractures
secondary to lap-belt use in children. Journal of pediatric orthopedics. 1995; 15(4):521-
[41] Lutz N., Nance M. L., Kallan M. J., Arbogast K. B., Durbin D. R., Winston F. K.
Incidence and clinical significance of abdominal wall bruising in restrained children
involved in motor vehicle crashes. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2004; 39(6):972-5.
[42] Paris C., Brindamour M., Ouimet A., St-Vil D. Predictive indicators for bowel injury in
pediatric patients who present with a positive seat belt sign after motor vehicle
collision. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2010; 45(5):921-4.
[43] Bliss D., Silen M. Pediatric thoracic trauma. Critical care medicine. 2002; 30(11
[44] Allen G. S., Cox C. S., Jr. Pulmonary contusion in children: diagnosis and management.
Southern medical journal. 1998; 91(12):1099-106.
[45] Hershkovitz Y., Zoarets I., Stepansky A., Kozer E., Shapira Z., Klin B., Halevy A.,
Jeroukhimov I. Computed tomography is not justified in every pediatric blunt trauma
patient with a suspicious mechanism of injury. The American journal of emergency
medicine. 2014; 32(7):697-9.
[46] Moore H. B., Moore E. E., Bensard D. D. Pediatric emergency department
thoracotomy: A 40-year review. Journal of pediatric surgery. 2015.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 32
Children are curious and like to explore their surroundings. A child’s sensitive skin
burns far more easily than adult. Burns and scalds are a major cause of serious injury in
children from newborn to 14 years old. Children under four years, especially those aged
between one and two years are most at risk due to their increased mobility and natural
A severe scald or burn can inflict serious injury and may mean a long stay in the
hospital. It may also require painful skin grafts and years of treatment, and can result in
permanent scarring.
Keywords: pediatric, children, burns, scald, burn classification, burn resuscitation, burn
The initial assessment of a pediatric patient with burn injury should follow the same
ABCD algorithm listed in the trauma chapter with some special considerations [1]:
Corresponding Author: Stefan Scholz, MD; [email protected].
374 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Estimate TBSA
Please review table 1 for classification of burn depth. Use the Rule of Nines method to
estimate percent TBSA (Table 2). In a child, the head accounts for a greater percentage of
total body surface area as compared to an adult (Figure 1). Remove as much soot and debris
as possible for a more accurate assessment. First degree burns are not included in the
estimation, as they do not contribute significantly to fluid shifts.
Classification Characteristics
Adult Child
Head 9 18
Trunk – front 18 18
Trunk - back 18 18
Arm 9 9
Leg 18 14
Perineum 1 1
Obtain intravenous access with two large bore peripheral IVs or intraosseous access and
initiate fluid resuscitation. Foley catheter placement is indicated in patients with >20% BSA
or perineal burns. Fluid resuscitation calculation for children >14 years and > 40 kg follows
the adult protocol based on the Parkland formula: 24 hour fluid requirements = 4cc x Weight
in kg x % total body surface area burned. Half the amount should be given in the first 8 hours,
and the second half in the next 16 hours. Hourly urine output should be maintained at
0.5cc/kg/hour and fluids adjusted accordingly. Fluid resuscitation calculation for children <14
years and <40 kg is modified as follows: 24 hour fluid requirements = 3cc x Weight in kg x %
total body surface area burned. Half the amount should be given in the first 8 hours, and the
second half in the next 16 hours. Hourly urine output should be maintained at 1.0cc/kg/ hour.
Assess neurological status using GCS and patient’s behavior, motor exam, and peripheral
pulses. Agitation, combativeness, and unconsciousness can be signs of inhalation injury,
carbon monoxide poisoning, or co-morbid trauma.
Remove sources of heat including clothing and flush skin as appropriate to remove any
residual chemicals. Chemicals that are in dry powder form must be brushed away prior to
376 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
flushing with water. Remove all jewelry, as it may impair circulation to extremities as
swelling occurs. Increase ambient temperature; cover patient with clean dry sheet and
warming blanket, if necessary, to prevent hypothermia.
Pain should be addressed early in resuscitation with IV opioids. Consider transfer to a
designated burn center if available after initial stabilization. If there is a concern for abusive
injuries or injury due to inappropriate supervision, alert the appropriate authorities. Some
factors that may raise concern include injury pattern inconsistent with the event description,
well-demarcated burn pattern, burns to buttock, perineum, palms or soles, associated injuries
or underlying fractures, or delay in seeking medical attention [2].
[1] Benedum Trauma Program. Burn Practice Guidelines, In: Children’s Hospital of
Pittsburgh of UPMC, editor. Pittsburgh, PA, 2014.
[2] Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. Burn Injuries in Child Abuse. In:
U.S. Department of Justice, editor. Washington, DC, 2001.
In: Pediatric Surgery Handbook for Residents … ISBN: 978-1-53610-793-7
Editor: Taieb Chouikh © 2017 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
Chapter 33
The management of abused children is particularly challenging. The diagnosis is
commonly delayed. The earlier abused children get help, the greater chance they have to
heal. By learning about common signs of abuse and what can be done, a huge difference
in a child’s life can be made.
Abusive head trauma (AHT) is an urgent public health issue. The incidence of AHT is
estimated to be 20-30 cases per 100,000 children [49] with a case fatality rate that ranges
from 15-35%, much higher than the single digit mortality rates for “all-comers” in pediatric
trauma [1-3]. For those who survive their injuries, more than 66% of patients will suffer
permanent significant disability. Neurologic, cognitive and behavioral deficits have been
observed in victims of AHT in the immediate post-injury period as well as decades later [4-
7]. AHT preferentially affects young children. Presentation to care for abused patients peaks
around 2-3 months of age, and the majority of children are 2 years of age or younger [1, 8].
380 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
Somewhere between one quarter and one half of all hospital admissions for traumatic brain
injury in patients less than 2 years of age is due to AHT [2, 3].
medical •There is no history of trauma in an infant or young child with physical injuries
history •The history is inconsistent with the injuries
•The history is not consistent with the development of the child
•The history of how the injuries occurred changes
•There is a delay in calling 911 or seeking reasonable medical care
Imaging guidelines
• Skeletal survey
o All children with suspicion of physical abuse < 2 yrs of age
o Consider in 2-5 yr old with intracranial hemorrhage, abdominal injury, developmental
delay, excessive bruising
• Head CT
o Age < 6 months and either bruising or fractures concerning for abuse
o Age 6-12 months UNLESS normal mental status AND normal hemoglobin AND no
facial bruising and OFC %ile consistent with weight %ile and has not crossed
o Age < 12-18 months if neurologic symptoms (including soft symptoms such as
vomiting, fussiness) with other injury concerning for abuse
• Abdominal/Pelvis CT with contrast
o Signs/symptoms of abdominal trauma (bruising to abdomen or torso)
o ALT or AST > 80
Specialist consultation
Several unique characteristics of this patient cohort can make conducting research and
caring for abused children particularly challenging. First, the diagnosis is commonly missed
by providers and can be extremely delayed; young patients cannot report their history and
guardians may not be forthcoming or aware of the abuse [9-11]. Second, identifying a single
time of injury is often impossible as patients likely have suffered multiple discrete events
over a period spanning days to months [12]. The abusive head injury population differs
clinically from the accidental head injury population in that they have higher mortality rates
[1-3] and worse neurologic outcomes [1, 4-8].
It is now widely theorized that the pathophysiology of brain damage in abusive head
trauma does not result from a direct traumatic mechanism but instead from a hypoxic-
ischemic insult that occurs after trauma-induced apnea [13-16]. Hyperextension injury to the
neck due to violent shaking has been implicated in damaging the central pattern generator of
respiration in the brainstem [13].
Evaluation of patients with suspected child abuse should include a thorough medical
history and physical exam. Patterns of and “red flags” for abuse, imaging guidelines, and
specialist consultation are highlighted in Table 1 [17]. The appropriate authorities must be
notified and provisions made for the injured child and any other children in the home who
may be at risk.
Accidental and intentional injury are a significant source of morbidity and mortality for
children worldwide. For trauma practitioners, providing timely and appropriate care of these
injured children may make the difference between life and death. Teamwork, preparation and
organization are critical in providing optimal care to the pediatric trauma patient. A
methodical and practiced approach will allow for the diagnosis and treatment of potentially
life-threatening injuries in a timely fashion.
[1] Keenan H. T., Runyan D. K., Marshall S. W., Nocera M. A., Merten D. F., Sinal S. H.
A population-based study of inflicted traumatic brain injury in young children. Jama,
2003; 290(5):621-6.
[2] Roaten J. B., Partrick D. A., Nydam T. L., Bensard D. D., Hendrickson R. J., Sirotnak
A. P., Karrer F. M. Nonaccidental trauma is a major cause of morbidity and mortality
among patients at a regional level 1 pediatric trauma center. Journal of pediatric
surgery, 2006; 41(12):2013-5.
[3] Ettaro L., Berger R. P., Songer T. Abusive head trauma in young children:
characteristics and medical charges in a hospitalized population. Child abuse and
neglect, 2004; 28(10):1099-111.
[4] Lind K., Toure H., Brugel D., Meyer P., Laurent-Vannier A., Chevignard M. Extended
follow-up of neurological, cognitive, behavioral and academic outcomes after severe
abusive head trauma. Child abuse and neglect, 2015.
382 Christine M. Leeper, Isam W. Nasr and Stefan Scholz
[5] Duhaime A. C., Christian C., Moss E., Seidl T. Long-term outcome in infants with the
shaking-impact syndrome. Pediatric neurosurgery, 1996; 24(6):292-8.
[6] Makaroff K. L., Putnam F. W. Outcomes of infants and children with inflicted
traumatic brain injury. Developmental medicine and child neurology, 2003; 45(7):497-
[7] Miller T. R., Steinbeigle R., Wicks A., Lawrence B. A., Barr M., Barr R. G. Disability-
adjusted life-year burden of abusive head trauma at ages 0-4. Pediatrics, 2014;
[8] Niederkrotenthaler T., Xu L., Parks S. E., Sugerman D. E. Descriptive factors of
abusive head trauma in young children--United States, 2000-2009. Child abuse and
neglect, 2013; 37(7):446-55.
[9] Jenny C., Hymel K. P., Ritzen A., Reinert S. E., Hay T. C. Analysis of missed cases of
abusive head trauma. Jama, 1999; 281(7):621-6.
[10] Sheets L. K., Leach M. E., Koszewski I. J., Lessmeier A. M., Nugent M., Simpson P.
Sentinel injuries in infants evaluated for child physical abuse. Pediatrics, 2013;
[11] Ravichandiran N., Schuh S., Bejuk M., Al-Harthy N., Shouldice M., Au H., Boutis K.
Delayed identification of pediatric abuse-related fractures. Pediatrics, 2010; 125(1):
[12] Adamsbaum C., Grabar S., Mejean N., Rey-Salmon C. Abusive head trauma: judicial
admissions highlight violent and repetitive shaking. Pediatrics, 2010; 126(3):546-55.
[13] Hadley M. N., Sonntag V. K., Rekate H. L., Murphy A. The infant whiplash-shake
injury syndrome: a clinical and pathological study. Neurosurgery, 1989; 24(4):536-40.
[14] Johnson D. L., Boal D., Baule R. Role of apnea in nonaccidental head injury. Pediatric
neurosurgery, 1995; 23(6):305-10.
[15] Matschke J., Buttner A., Bergmann M., Hagel C., Puschel K., Glatzel M.
Encephalopathy and death in infants with abusive head trauma is due to hypoxic-
ischemic injury following local brain trauma to vital brainstem centers. International
journal of legal medicine, 2015; 129(1):105-14.
[16] Geddes J. F., Vowles G. H., Hackshaw A. K., Nickols C. D., Scott I. S., Whitwell H. L.
Neuropathology of inflicted head injury in children. II. Microscopic brain injury in
infants. Brain: a journal of neurology, 2001; 124(Pt 7):1299-306.
[17] Benedum Trauma Program. Child Abuse Screening Guideline. In: Children’s Hospital
of Pittsburgh of UPMC, editor. Pittsburgh, PA 2014.
After five years of pediatric surgery residency in the Department of Pediatric Surgery of
Tunis, Clermont-Ferrand, Paris, and Montpellier, Taieb Chouikh was named as an assistant
professor of pediatric surgery at the Tunis School of Medicine after succeeding in the first
position at the national exam.
After one year, he joined the Franche-Comté University and the Department of Pediatric
Surgery of Besançon as a special registrar for one year. Today Taieb Chouikh is a Special
registrar of pediatric surgery in both Necker-Enfants malades Hospital Paris and Robert
Ballanger Hospital where he continues his progression and the acquisition of knowledge and
experience in the field pediatric surgery.
complications, xiii, 9, 16, 20, 25, 56, 75, 76, 77, 79, cortical abnormalities, 224
80, 83, 88, 99, 102, 103, 105, 125, 126, 129, 131, cortical bone, 329
132, 141, 143, 144, 145, 157, 160, 165, 166, 167, corticosteroid therapy, 292
168, 169, 194, 198, 199, 210, 211, 214, 222, 228, corticosteroids, 126, 271, 274, 292
234, 235, 237, 247, 250, 253, 254, 255, 264, 274, cosmetic, 245, 246, 253, 254
279, 281, 361 cost, xvi, 39, 59, 349, 350, 360, 368
composition, 376 cough, 15, 40, 80, 94, 139, 148, 270, 275
compressibility, 39 counseling, 70, 93, 189
compression, 89, 90, 91, 93, 113, 126, 127, 130, 133, covering, 110, 182, 184
177, 270, 273, 274, 275, 277, 278, 292, 293, 304, cranial suspensory ligament, 260, 261
316, 328, 334, 371 creatinine, 200, 234, 235, 237, 298
compression fracture, 371 cremasteric reflex, 48, 52
computed tomography scan (CT), 39, 40, 42, 59, 62, critical period, 244
91, 126, 127, 128, 129, 130, 131, 165, 166, 175, CRP, 298
176, 193, 270, 271, 273, 274, 276, 278, 281, 287, cryptorchidism, 14, 256, 260, 265, 266, 338
288, 290, 291, 292, 293, 298, 306, 313, 316, 323, C-section, 115
324, 329, 330, 341, 357, 358, 360, 368, 380 CT scan, 39, 40, 91, 126, 128, 131, 165, 166, 175,
conception, xi, 119, 206 176, 273, 288, 290, 291, 293, 298, 316, 323, 324,
condensation, 196, 260 330, 360
conference, 183, 191, 193, 276 culture, 160, 221
confidentiality, 38 cure, 41, 145, 160, 199, 223, 225, 271, 278, 291, 310
configuration, 215, 246, 248, 250 cyanosis, 270
congenital adrenal hyperplasia, 263 cycles, 289, 334
congenital heart disease, 79, 112 cyclophosphamide, 310
congenital hip dislocation, 14 cyst, 56, 62, 126, 128, 133, 156, 157, 158, 164, 165,
congenital hydroceles, 14 168, 169, 175, 176, 177, 189, 273, 274, 280, 281,
congenital malformations, xii, xiii, 109, 126, 132, 282, 309, 312, 323, 341, 345
171 cystathionine, 329
congenital mesoblastic nephroma, 324 cystectomy, 61, 317
congenital pulmonary airway malformation, xiii, 125 cystic, xiii, 14, 28, 99, 103, 125, 126, 127, 128, 129,
conjugated bilirubin, 158 131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 156, 157, 158, 163, 164,
connective tissue, 229 165, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 196, 198, 200, 201,
conscious sedation, 16, 51 204, 205, 206, 230, 270, 272, 275, 281, 287, 291,
consensus, 75, 95, 131, 183, 191, 199, 210, 212, 266, 309, 316, 318, 323, 334, 340
333 Cystic Fibrosis, 14, 28, 99, 103, 158
conservative approach, 61 cystic neuroblastoma, 174, 334
constipation, 39, 146, 189, 190, 304, 316, 328 cystoplasty, 236, 237
consumption, 4 cystoscopy, 232
contamination, 41, 115 cystourethrogram, 197, 218, 227
contraceptives, 310 cystourethrography, 226
contrast-enhanced ultrasound, 59, 63 cytology, 306, 310
control group, 191, 244 cytomegalovirus, 135
controlled trials, 142 cytometry, 332
controversial, xiii, 19, 42, 61, 80, 115, 125, 140, 141, cytoplasm, 299
144, 182, 190, 199, 210, 261, 278, 294, 311
contusion, 371
cooling, 73 D
coordination, 374
database, 35, 52
copolymer, 87, 223, 228
deaths, 334
coprolith, 38, 39, 41
decay, 235
copulation, 245
defecation, xiv, 24, 181, 182
coronary arteries, 129
defects, xiv, 10, 14, 24, 94, 118, 120, 121, 172, 174,
cortex, 219, 275
181, 182, 183, 188, 189, 190, 205
390 Index
deficiency, 245, 286, 290, 353 duodenal atresia, 70, 97, 98, 99, 105
deficit, 158 duodenoplasty, 99
degradation, 191 duodenostomy, 167
dehiscence, 253 duodenum, 6, 9, 99, 158, 159, 367
dehydration, 5, 7, 29, 115 duplication of the bowel, 28
delirium, 165 duplications of the colon and rectum, 178
Denys-Drash Syndrome, 322 duplications of the small intestine, 177
Department of Justice, 377 durability, 223, 249
deposition, 264, 341 dysphagia, 139, 143, 145, 147, 148, 153, 175
depth, 352, 374 dysphasia, xiii, 147
dermoid cyst, 306, 312, 343 dysplasia, 188, 196, 198, 200, 205, 210, 217, 230,
destruction, 156 237, 323
detection, 53, 56, 70, 98, 99, 119, 133, 145, 200, dyspnea, 80, 131, 270, 275
203, 216, 218, 219, 226, 238, 290 dysuria, 304
developed countries, xi, 37, 67, 113
developmental disorder, 98
deviation, 224, 352 E
diabetes, 103
ecchymosis, 328
diagnostic criteria, 6
echocardiography, 70, 73, 187
dialysis, 14, 24
echo-enhancing contrast agents, 219
diaphragm, xv, 93, 176, 269, 274, 280, 310, 329
ectoderm, 172, 272, 281, 311
diaphragmatic hernia, xii, xiii, 89, 91, 94, 95, 96, 137
ectopic testes, 260
diarrhea, 29, 41, 144, 275
edema, 17, 28, 49, 57, 59, 158, 273, 293
diastolic pressure, 353
education, xiv, 181, 191, 236
diet, 143
effusion, 205, 275
differential diagnosis, 41, 52, 129, 174, 175, 274
electrocautery, 264
digestion, xii, 97, 261
electrolyte, 7, 100, 234, 235, 263
dilation, xiv, 87, 99, 100, 142, 163, 165, 166, 200,
elongation, 76, 85, 261
203, 205, 206, 210, 211, 216, 220, 230, 231, 232,
embolization, 129, 134, 292, 294
235, 236, 255, 256, 291
embryogenesis, 68, 182
diploid, 331, 332
embryology, 23, 68, 81, 118, 121, 172, 182, 183,
disability, xiv, 181, 357, 379
192, 260, 265, 311
discomfort, 15, 32, 129, 131
emergency, xi, xii, 7, 15, 17, 27, 35, 37, 40, 43, 47,
discontinuity, 67, 68
52, 55, 62, 101, 126, 155, 165, 186, 187, 229,
dislocation, 14
368, 369, 370, 371
disorders of sexual differentiation, 262
emission, 104, 226
displacement, 58, 313
emphysema, xiii, 125, 126, 130, 131, 134, 135, 274,
distress, xiii, 71, 91, 125, 126, 130, 131, 175, 176,
232, 270, 272, 273, 275, 293
empyema, 74, 275
distribution, xii, 29, 47, 55, 274, 314, 327, 337
endocrine, 243, 244, 256, 308, 309, 311
diuretic, 207, 209, 212, 213
endoderm, 172, 272, 281, 311
DNA, 294, 331, 332, 333
endoluminal balloon, 212
DNA ploidy, 331, 332
endoscope, 150, 153, 234
dopamine, 329
endoscopic injection, 215, 223, 228
doppler ultrasonography, 50, 53
endoscopy, 5, 11, 77, 81, 140, 141, 150, 151, 153,
double bubble sign, 98
Down syndrome, 99, 188
endotracheal intubation, 17, 352
drainage, 18, 43, 45, 76, 77, 126, 159, 160, 167, 209,
enemas, 116, 190, 191
210, 211, 212, 233, 234, 254, 290, 353, 361
energy, 350
drawing, 28
England, 162, 169
dressings, 24, 254
enlargement, 15, 56, 57, 206, 261, 271, 287, 305
drugs, 141, 196, 316
ENS, 100
dumping, 144
enteric nervous system, 100, 104, 106
Index 391
hyperplasia, xv, 28, 104, 134, 271, 285, 290, 293, incarcerated hernia, 17, 20
295 incarcerated inguinal hernia, 15
hypersialorrhea, 71 incarceration, 16, 24
hypertension, 89, 92, 103, 104, 157, 160, 164, 165, incidence, xii, xiv, xv, 3, 10, 13, 14, 16, 24, 44, 47,
195, 197, 198, 199, 200, 219, 275, 293, 323, 328 52, 55, 56, 83, 87, 99, 102, 104, 120, 128, 131,
hypertrophic pyloric stenosis, xi, 3, 10, 11, 177 144, 148, 154, 156, 168, 169, 172, 195, 198, 216,
hypertrophy, xi, 3, 4, 11, 112, 197, 230, 235, 272 221, 225, 242, 243, 244, 246, 250, 255, 259, 280,
hypo fertility or infertility, 20 286, 290, 294, 304, 311, 314, 322, 327, 334, 337,
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis, 5 345, 379
hypoechoic cysts, 197 incomplete myotomy, 10
hypoglycemia, 112, 322 incongruity, 276
hypokalemia, 5 indirect inguinal hernia, 13, 14
hyponatremia, 5 individuality, 224
hypoplasia, 89, 91, 92, 93, 94, 116, 119, 126, 158, individuals, 138, 217, 273
219, 232 induction, 8, 41, 85, 196, 256, 352
hypospadias, 188, 241, 242, 243, 244, 245, 246, 247, infancy, 24, 25, 81, 88, 106, 112, 161, 206, 247, 266,
249, 250, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257 271, 327, 331
hypotension, 31, 350, 352, 353, 361 infants, xi, xii, xvi, 5, 11, 13, 16, 17, 18, 23, 24, 25,
hypotensive, 350 27, 34, 35, 47, 55, 56, 81, 83, 84, 87, 93, 95, 96,
hypothermia, 353, 357, 370, 376 107, 118, 120, 121, 130, 132, 133, 134, 135, 140,
hypothesis, 98, 322 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 148, 155, 177, 200, 212,
hypothyroidism, 24, 292 213, 214, 216, 217, 226, 227, 238, 254, 265, 270,
hypovolemia, 287, 353 292, 293, 311, 312, 313, 318, 319, 321, 328, 329,
hypovolemic shock, 350 331, 334, 340, 345, 353, 357, 369, 382
hypoxia, 92, 161, 172 infarction, 16, 20, 48, 56, 91, 101
hysterectomy, 310, 317 infarction of the testis, 16, 20
infection, xiv, 16, 20, 25, 38, 41, 56, 94, 128, 129,
130, 131, 135, 161, 167, 175, 197, 198, 211, 215,
I 217, 219, 221, 226, 233, 234, 237, 271, 274, 290,
iatrogenic, 20
infection of cysts, 197
ideal, 92, 189, 218, 253
infection of the urinary tract, xiv, 215
identification, xvi, 34, 73, 139, 193, 203, 204, 224,
infectious disorders, 290
274, 303, 382
inferior vena cava, 292, 293, 324, 334
idiopathic, 28
infertility, 16, 20, 244
ileocolic, xi, 27
inflammation, 103, 104, 128, 133, 139, 256, 274,
ileo-ileal, xi, 27
281, 329
ileum, 32, 33, 106, 177, 280
inguinal, xi, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 48, 52,
iliac crest, 353
260, 261, 262, 263, 265, 315, 318, 342
illumination, 16
inguinal canal, 15, 52, 260, 262, 263, 315
illusion, 248
inguinal hernia, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 20, 21, 246, 262
imagery, 271
inguinal orchidopexy, 263
imaging modalities, 200
inheritance, 188, 189, 216, 244
imaging-derived risk factors, 276
inhibin B, 57
immobilization, 357
inhibition, 196
immune system, 271
inhibitor, 145, 244
immunodeficiency, 105, 271
initiation, 224
immunoglobulin, 299
injections, 223
immunohistochemistry, 107
injure, 205
immunoreactivity, 292
injury, xi, xii, xvi, 9, 18, 20, 25, 34, 55, 99, 110, 115,
imperforate anus, 193, 246
116, 139, 223, 236, 264, 314, 349, 350, 357, 358,
implants, 306
360, 361, 362, 363, 364, 366, 367, 368, 370, 371,
in utero, 56, 92, 120, 132, 196, 204, 236, 270, 280,
373, 374, 375, 376, 379, 380, 381, 382
Index 395
insertion, 183, 185, 186, 191, 214, 352, 353, 358 ischemia, 28, 33, 34, 48, 94, 99, 102, 113, 156, 198,
Inspissated bile syndrome, 158 264, 367
institutions, 16 Islam, 154
insulin, 261, 262, 265 isolation, xiv, 181, 192, 368
insulin-like factor 3, 261 isosexual precocity, 286, 305
integrity, 281 isotope, 207, 219, 220, 329
intensive care unit, 72, 76, 92, 142 Israel, 52
interferon, 274
intermittent abdominal pain, 29, 293
intermittent testicular pain, 48 J
internal inguinal ring, xi, 13, 18, 19
Japan, 282
International Classification of Diseases, 318
jaundice, 4, 155, 157, 158, 160, 161, 162, 165, 291,
International Federation of Gynecology and
Obstetrics (FIGO), 306
jejunum, 86, 280, 367
International Neuroblastoma Risk Group Staging
joint pain, 328
System (INRGSS), 276, 277
International Neuroblastoma Staging System (INSS),
276, 277, 282, 331 K
intervention, xii, xiv, 11, 73, 75, 92, 94, 97, 104,
126, 130, 132, 181, 232, 246, 260, 334, 353, 360, K+, 141
361, 367 Kabuki syndrome, 204
intestinal abnormalities, 172 karyotype, 70, 73, 99, 112, 197, 263
intestinal duplications, xiii, 171, 179 karyotyping, 91, 113
intestinal dysmotility, 99 Kasai, 155, 159, 161, 162
intestinal malrotation, 106, 178 kidney, xiv, 30, 93, 188, 195, 197, 198, 199, 200,
intestinal obstruction, 16, 20, 99, 103, 104, 107 201, 204, 205, 206, 207, 210, 211, 217, 235, 236,
intestinal occlusion, 27, 39, 97, 171 237, 323, 324, 350, 360, 365
intestinal perforation, 15, 29, 31, 94 kidney failure, 236, 237
intestinal tract, 172, 179, 316 kinetics, 353
intestine, xi, 14, 15, 24, 27, 28, 33, 34, 101, 106, knots, 74
113, 158, 159, 172, 175, 177, 178 Korea, 344, 345
intraabdominal abscess formation, 16
intra-abdominal pressure, 13, 15, 261, 265
intramural tunnel length, 215 L
intrapulmonary shunts, 161
intraspinal extension, 275, 276 labeling, xiv, 181
intravaginal torsion, xii, 47, 48 laboratory evaluation, 262
intravenous fluids, 33 laboratory tests, xv, 42, 165, 168, 275, 276, 297
intravesical, 221, 222 laceration, 362, 365
intussusception, xi, 27, 28, 30, 32, 33, 34, 35, 99, lack of control, 190
177, 298 lactic dehydrogenase (LDH), 290, 298, 305, 329
invaginate, 25 laminectomy, 281
inversion, 101 landscape, 223
involution, 197, 199, 200 laparoscope, 19
ionizing radiation, 5, 50, 276 laparoscopic approach, 8, 41, 143, 167, 222
ions, 5 laparoscopic Lich-Gregoir reimplantation, 222
ipsilateral, 89, 177, 198, 206, 210, 263, 264, 275 Laparoscopic Nissen Fundoplication, 143
Ireland, 222 laparoscopy, 9, 34, 37, 41, 59, 189, 190, 191, 263,
iris, 328 264, 309
irradiation, 7, 131, 150, 299 laparotomy, 33, 34, 41, 92, 159, 189, 309
irreducible inguinal, 15 lead, xiii, xiv, 3, 4, 5, 14, 28, 30, 33, 56, 59, 61, 80,
irritability, 139 101, 103, 113, 115, 116, 126, 127, 139, 155, 165,
177, 181, 189, 191, 192, 221, 236, 245, 257, 270,
275, 276, 328, 334
396 Index
meconium, 97, 102, 103, 104, 106, 107, 156, 157, mortality, 90, 95, 96, 102, 103, 105, 106, 107, 232,
174, 185 236, 350, 353, 368, 369, 370, 379, 381
meconium plug, 97, 102, 103, 106 mortality rate, 103, 350, 368, 379, 381
median, 55, 57, 76, 79, 80, 92, 93, 117, 242, 286, Moses, 265
327 motility disorder, xiii, 99, 147
mediastinal masses, xv, 269, 270, 271 MRI Urography, 209
mediastinum, xv, 74, 126, 149, 269, 270, 271, 272, MTP, 353
273, 274, 275, 280, 281, 282, 311, 327, 328 mucosa, xi, 3, 9, 74, 80, 139, 141, 152, 153, 172,
medical care, xiv, 181, 380 174, 175, 176, 178, 222, 252, 273, 280, 281, 311
medical history, 358, 380, 381 mucosal perforation, 152, 153
medical treatment, 42, 43, 81, 141, 227, 235 mucus, 28, 29
medication, 4, 76 Muir-Torre Syndrome, 304
medicine, xiv, 35, 40, 52, 62, 63, 179, 201, 203, 368, multivariate analysis, 238
369, 370, 371, 382 muscle mass, 5
medulla, 327 muscles, 100, 152, 184, 186, 190, 260, 313
megaureter, 203, 205, 210, 211, 212, 214 musculoskeletal, 188
meiosis, 275 mutation, 4, 128, 148, 189,193, 244
melanoma, 28 MYCN, 330, 331, 332, 333
membranes, 92 myelomeningocele, 246, 281
memory, 374 myocardium, 127
meninges, 189 myoclonus, 275
meningitis, 189, 281 myopathy, 4
mental retardation, 292
mesenchymal hamartoma, 292, 293, 294, 295
mesenchyme, 196, 260, 261 N
mesenteric vessels, 101, 177
nares, 71
mesentery, 28, 111, 113, 178, 311
nasogastric tube, 7, 8, 9, 31, 34, 76, 159, 167, 358
mesoderm, 272, 311
natural history, xiii, 28, 125, 131, 201, 203, 213, 225,
meta-analysis, 43, 45, 76, 86, 95, 107, 132, 191, 192,
206, 212, 369
nausea, 20, 40, 48, 56, 175, 290, 298, 304, 374
Metabolic, 160
necrosis, 15, 28, 33, 34, 56, 57, 101, 106, 116, 291,
metabolic alkalosis, 3, 5
294, 312, 323, 367
metamorphosis, 294
neglect, 381, 382
metastases to the liver, 277, 331
neonatal ovarian torsion, 55
metastasis, 275, 278, 303, 317, 323, 324, 328, 329
neonates, xv, 4, 13, 18, 56, 59, 75, 84, 99, 102, 106,
metastatic disease, 288, 289, 291, 314, 315, 328,
107, 120, 126, 214, 219, 226, 259, 287, 311, 334
329, 331, 333, 341
neoplasms, 45, 56, 61, 287, 299, 304, 305, 317, 318,
mice, 68
microscope, 253
neoplastic tissue, 287
middle mediastinum, 273
neovascularization, 252
midgut volvulus, 97, 101, 106
nephrectomy, 198, 199, 200, 323, 325, 326
migration, 40, 165, 222, 261
nephroblastoma, 322, 323, 324
miniaturization, 132
nephrologist, 199
miosis, 328
nephron, 196, 326
models, 68, 103, 221, 244
nephropathy, xiv, 217, 322
modifications, 162, 253
nephrosis, 236
monozygotic twins, 244
nephrotic syndrome, 38
Moon, 35, 135
nerve, 17, 18, 104, 151, 190, 261, 264, 328
morbidity, xiii, xiv, 80, 81, 94, 96, 106, 116, 117,
nerve fibers, 104
125, 129, 131, 132, 199, 204, 210, 215, 220, 221,
nervous system, 100, 104, 106, 148, 327
222, 223, 224, 246, 278, 331, 350, 353, 381
neural connection, 281
Morgani-Larrey hernia, xii, 89
neural crest cells, 327, 329
morphology, 48, 149, 262
neurenteric cysts (meningocele), 189, 281, 312
398 Index
obesity, 44 pain, 10, 15, 29, 33, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 43, 44, 47,
obstruction, xi, xii, xiv, 3, 16, 17, 20, 29, 56, 92, 94, 48, 51, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62, 75, 101, 132, 139,
97, 98, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 142, 143, 161, 165, 171, 175, 177, 222, 270, 275,
139, 144, 165, 167, 175, 177, 196, 198, 200, 203, 281, 290, 293, 297, 298, 303, 304, 323, 328, 337,
204, 205, 206, 207, 209, 210, 211, 212, 213, 218, 356, 360, 367
222, 229, 230, 235, 236, 237, 256, 270, 298, 315, painless swelling, 16, 315
351, 365 pallor, 38
Index 399
palpable, 5, 11, 15, 165, 175, 260, 263, 264, 265, peristalsis, xi, xii, 27, 28, 97, 99, 100, 142, 147, 149,
271, 273 150, 174
palpation, 5, 15, 38, 40, 57, 328, 358, 368 peritoneal cavity, 15, 17, 25, 30, 261
pancreas, 99, 167, 175, 360, 361 peritoneal irritation (Blumberg sign), 38, 42
pancreatic reflux, 163 peritoneum, 24, 142, 260
pancreaticobiliary common channel, 164 peritonitis, 16, 17, 31, 33, 39, 41, 56, 165, 361, 367
pancreatitis, 165, 168, 177 permeability, 71, 99, 100, 102
panda eyes, 275, 328 permeation, 182
parallel, 92, 140, 249 permit, 224, 277, 357
paralysis, 73, 83, 84, 328 peroral endoscopic myotomy, 153, 154
paraneoplastic syndrome, 315 petechiae, 380
paratesticular RMS, 315, 318 Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, 304
parenchyma, 92, 126, 129, 130, 197, 204, 205, 206, pH, 81, 87, 94, 140, 141, 145
230, 237, 273, 292, 322, 323, 340 pH monitoring, 140, 141, 145
parents, 4, 38, 104, 190, 199, 200, 209, 224, 236, phalanx, 352
287, 322 pharmaceuticals, 244
paresis, 75, 76, 84 pharynx, 68
paresthesias, 328 phenotype, 193, 242, 333
parity, 245 pheochromocytoma, 276, 280
partial thromboplastin time, 353 Philadelphia, 11, 92, 161, 193, 201, 256, 282, 294,
pathogenesis, 4, 11, 95, 118, 227 301, 319
pathology, xiv, xvii, 59, 115, 156, 181, 191, 215, phlegmon, 39, 42, 45
237, 289, 306, 319, 326, 352 phosphorus, 298
pathophysiological, 4, 144 physical abuse, 380, 382
pathophysiology, xi, 56, 140, 145, 238, 381 physical examination, 15, 29, 37, 38, 42, 57, 139,
patient care, 153 140, 175, 217, 260, 262, 293, 304, 339
pediatric appendicitis score, 40, 44 physicians, xii, 55, 203, 246
pediatrician, 190, 287 physiology, 101, 191, 350
pelvic floor, 190 physiopathology, 95
pelvic pain, 56, 57, 59, 304 pineal gland, 311
pelvic tumors, xvi, 303, 311 placenta, 118, 244, 295, 311
pelvic ultrasound, 263, 309 plain X ray, 71
pelvis, 206, 209, 210, 216, 225, 306, 311, 313, 327, platelets, 353, 369
341, 357 platinum, 310
penetrance, 189, 216 playing, 15
penis, xv, 185, 241, 242, 246, 248, 252, 253, 254, pleura, xv, 128, 269, 270, 276
255, 262 pleural effusion, 126, 275
peptic ulcer, 177 plexus, 100, 104, 148, 328
peptide, 261 PLUG, 92, 93
percentile, 94 PM, 281, 282, 294
perforated appendicitis, 41, 45 pneumonia, 38, 139, 148, 175, 274
perforation, 9, 10, 15, 16, 28, 29, 31, 33, 34, 43, 94, pneumothorax, 76, 128, 131, 274, 352, 368
102, 103, 107, 151, 152, 153, 165, 167, 169, 175, polycystic kidney disease, xiv, 195
177, 230, 298, 359, 367 polydactyly, 188
perforation of bowel, 16 polydimethylsiloxane, 228
perfusion, 50, 59, 161 polyhydramnios, 70, 82, 90, 98, 99, 125, 292, 311
pericardial sac, xv, 269 polymorphism, 11, 196
pericardium, xv, 77, 269, 270 polypropylene, 253
perinatal, 48, 56, 82, 94, 119, 120, 121, 133, 232, polyuria, 235, 236
293 population, xv, xvi, 11, 13, 24, 40, 41, 57, 68, 75, 80,
perineum, xv, 182, 184, 241, 242, 262, 315, 376 88, 95, 101, 105, 133, 148, 156, 161, 167, 168,
peripheral blood, 279, 330 191, 198, 210, 224, 235, 244, 262, 280, 285, 286,
297, 303, 324, 381
400 Index
portal hypertension, 157, 160, 164, 165 proliferation, 158, 272, 299
portal vein, 156, 367 promoter, 11
posterior mediastinum, 270, 280 prophylactic, 199, 221
posterior urethral valves, 205, 216, 218, 229, 235, prophylaxis, 211, 221, 224, 227, 228
238 proptosis, 275, 328
post-natal diagnosis, 70, 91 prostatectomy, 317
postnatal exposure, 4 prosthesis, 115
post-natal presentation, 165 protection, 189, 351
potassium, 5, 7, 298 protein analysis, 38
Prader-Willi syndrome, 262 proteins, xiv, 106, 116, 195, 315
precocious puberty, 57, 272, 305, 339, 340 proteome, 209, 213
pregnancy, xiii, 4, 92, 99, 109, 113, 126, 200, 292 prothrombin, 353
premature infant, 16, 27 prothrombin time, 353
prematurity, 13, 16, 77, 92, 93, 94 proto-oncogene, 330
prenatal diagnosis, xii, 67, 70, 82, 83, 101, 105, 106, prune belly syndrome, 262, 265
107, 109, 121, 126, 132, 134, 165, 171, 173, 180, pseudocyst, 361
195, 200, 203, 210, 212, 213, 215, 229, 232, 236, psychological problems, 191
238, 270, 274, 295 psychological well-being, 351
prenatal intervention, 126, 132, 232 psychologist, xiv, 181, 190
prenatal ultrasound, 56, 119, 125, 126, 174, 204, ptosis, 275, 328
212, 213, 216, 220, 291, 292, 306 PTT, 353
Prentiss maneuver, 264 puberty, 57, 256, 260, 265
prepuce, xv, 241, 242, 248, 252 pubis, 186
prescrotal approach, 263 public health, 379
preservation, 90, 221, 309, 310, 318 pulmonary artery, 158
pressure gradient, 138 pulmonary contusion, 350, 368
preterm infants, 13, 145, 265 pulmonary hypertension, 89, 92, 293
prevalence rate, 344 pumps, 141
prevention, 221, 227 purpura, 28, 38
primary closure, 115, 120, 256 PUV section, 233, 234
primary tumor, 276, 315, 316, 317, 318, 327, 328, pyelonephritis, 217, 219, 220, 221, 227, 228
329, 332, 344 pyeloplasty, 209, 210, 213
principles, xi, xvi, 81, 92, 130, 221, 278, 349 pyloric stenosis, xi, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 177
probability, 224 pyloroplasty, 3, 8, 144
probe, 94, 140, 358 pylorus, xi, 3, 4, 7, 8, 9
procedure, 5, 8, 25, 32, 73, 75, 76, 92, 93, 99, 102,
119, 143, 144, 152, 153, 155, 158, 159, 167, 169,
178, 210, 222, 223, 232, 234, 246, 248, 249, 250, Q
253, 254, 255, 256, 264, 278, 293, 300, 368
quality improvement, 96
processus vaginalis, xi, 13, 16, 19, 260, 261, 262,
quality of life, 121, 191, 192, 331
questionnaire, 191
profit, 42, 132
progesterone, 244, 263
prognosis, xii, xiv, xv, xvi, 57, 67, 79, 89, 91, 93, R
101, 102, 113, 117, 156, 159, 179, 181, 182, 184,
186, 188, 195, 229, 232, 236, 237, 257, 272, 276, raccoon eyes, 328
279, 280, 282, 285, 291, 292, 303, 310, 311, 315, race, 24
318, 322, 324, 326, 329, 330, 331, 332, 333, 334 racial differences, 243
prognosis factors, xvi, 93, 303 radiation, 5, 32, 44, 218, 219, 300, 306, 311, 317,
progressive dysphagia, 148 323, 325, 334, 357, 360, 368
progressive reduction, 116 radiation therapy, 300, 334
pro-inflammatory, 256 radio, 279
prolapse, 191 radiography, 30, 35, 104, 145
Index 401
radiological explorations, 37, 40, 43 respiratory distress, xiii, 71, 91, 125, 126, 130, 131,
radionuclide cystography, 218 175, 176, 232, 270, 272, 273, 275, 293
radiotherapy, 272, 276, 278, 279, 291, 310, 325, 333 respiratory outcomes, 88, 96
RBC, 360 respiratory rate, 352
reactivity, 94 respiratory syncytial virus, 28, 35
reality, 53, 75, 95, 133 restitution, 190
rebound tenderness, 38 restoration, xii, 97
receptor, 107, 141, 244, 331 retardation, 113, 322
recognition, 11, 224 retractile testis, 260
reconstruction, 121, 166, 169, 253, 255, 256, 317 rhabdoid tumors, xv, 285
recovery, 10, 99, 101, 105, 116, 209, 326 rhabdomyosarcoma, 128, 133, 291, 314, 315, 316,
recreational, 367 319, 324
rectal duplications, 178 rickets, 160
rectosigmoid, 104, 105 right aortic arch, 73
rectum, 31, 32, 103, 178, 185, 186, 189, 190, 297, right ventricle, 90
312, 313 risk, xiii, xvi, 4, 5, 11, 16, 19, 31, 34, 42, 45, 52, 56,
recurrence, 20, 25, 34, 42, 45, 51, 68, 75, 92, 126, 68, 72, 73, 75, 76, 80, 86, 87, 88, 92, 94, 99, 101,
151, 176, 274, 276, 280, 313, 314 103, 104, 112, 118, 119, 120, 125, 126, 127, 128,
recurrent intussusception, 28, 33 131, 132, 133, 135, 160, 178, 187, 189, 190, 191,
recurrent TEF, 77 192, 195, 196, 198, 199, 200, 201, 204, 206, 209,
red blood cells, 353, 369 216, 220, 222, 224, 227, 234, 237, 238, 244, 246,
reducible IH, 15 257, 259, 260, 262, 274, 276, 277, 278, 279, 280,
reflux nephropathy, xiv, 215, 217, 219, 227 282, 288, 289, 292, 299, 304, 309, 322, 326, 331,
Registry, 135, 199, 370 332, 333, 334, 338, 345, 350, 361, 373, 381
regression, xiii, 125, 126, 130, 188, 199, 261, 271, risk factors, 16, 86, 92, 118, 135, 192, 227, 276, 277,
305, 334 282, 331
rehydration, 17 RNA, 299
relapses, 300 room temperature, 357
relaxation, 4, 138, 147, 148, 150, 151 root, 101, 261
relevance, 118 rotavirus, 35, 156
reliability, 35, 206 rules, 44, 332
relief, xiii, 51, 141, 147, 151
renal blastema, 322
renal failure, xiv, 5, 116, 195, 219, 230, 235, 236, S
238, 298, 322
sacrococcygeal teratoma, xvi, 303, 311, 313, 319
renal masses, 322, 328
sacrum, 182, 186, 187, 188, 189
renal scarring, 217, 219, 220, 221
safety, 93, 135, 141, 153
renal scintigraphy, 197
saliva, 71, 76, 139
renal transplantation, 229, 237, 238
salpingo-oophorectomy, 310
renin, 196, 198
sarcomas, xv, 285, 291, 319
repair, xii, 10, 16, 19, 20, 21, 24, 25, 67, 75, 76, 80,
scapula, 75
83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99,
scheduled laparoscopic appendectomy, 42
102, 120, 165, 177, 189, 190, 209, 210, 211, 246,
schema, 208
247, 248, 249, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255, 256, 257,
school, 24, 94
263, 339
sclerosis, 298
reparation, 73
scoliosis, 75, 94
resection, xii, xiii, 34, 61, 97, 99, 100, 101, 106, 125,
scrotal, 14, 15, 49, 52, 242, 252, 263, 264, 265, 318,
131, 132, 134, 177, 178, 180, 233, 270, 271, 274,
328, 337, 338, 339, 340, 342
279, 280, 282, 283, 288, 289, 291, 293, 294, 299,
scrotal enlargement, 15
300, 310, 314, 317, 318, 325, 328, 334
scrotal mass, 337, 338, 339, 340
residual disease, 276, 279, 288, 317
scrotum, xv, 15, 16, 20, 48, 49, 51, 52, 53, 182, 185,
resistance, 138, 150
246, 255, 259, 260, 261, 262, 263, 264, 265, 315,
respiration, 381
318, 342
402 Index
secrete, 329 smooth muscle, 4, 139, 148, 150, 151, 172, 175, 196,
secretion, 92, 100, 141, 198, 270, 275, 305, 329 280
semen, 262 smooth muscle relaxing agents, 150
seminal vesicle, 190, 232 social integration, 194
seminoma, 272, 337 social life, 190
sensation, 15, 236 society, xvi, 244, 266, 349, 350
sensitivity, 6, 30, 39, 40, 50, 57, 70, 101, 168, 204, sodium, 7, 205, 230
218, 223, 291, 357 soft tissue tumors, 319
sepsis, 28, 76, 94, 99, 232, 361 solid tumors, 334
septum, 89 solution, 132, 211, 353
septum transversum, 89 somatic fetal growth, 261
sequencing, 292 sonographic examination, 6
sequestrations, xiii, 125, 126, 128, 129 SonoVue, 59
sertoli cell tumor, 305, 338 Spain, 371
Sertoli cells, 48 spastic, 292
serum, 7, 43, 158, 175, 220, 271, 289, 292, 312, 329, spasticity, xiii, 137
340 specialists, 191
serum albumin, 158 sperm, 48, 262
serum bicarbonate, 7 spermatic vessels, 264, 265
serum ferritin, 329 spermatocele, 339
sex, xiv, 67, 104, 182, 195, 305 spermatogenesis, 262, 263, 265
sex ratio, xiv, 67, 104, 182, 195 sphincter, 144, 147, 148, 150, 151, 159, 184, 185,
sex stromal tumors, 305 186, 189, 236, 314
sexual activity, 191 spinal anesthesia, 17
sexual development, 265 spinal cord, 172, 182, 184, 186, 187, 188, 190, 270,
sexual differentiation, 260 275, 278, 328, 350, 360
sexual intercourse, 246 spinal cord compression, 270, 275, 278, 328
SGOT, 290 spinal cord injury, 350, 360
shape, 29, 149, 150, 186, 196, 197, 350 spinal malformations, 172, 179
shock, 352, 353 spindle, 149, 315
siblings, 118, 216 spine, xv, 75, 95, 264, 269, 313, 350, 351, 352, 357,
side effects, 150 358, 360
SIDS, 141 spleen, 93, 143, 156, 298, 350, 360, 361, 363, 364,
sigmoid colon, 56 371
signs, xvi, 29, 33, 34, 35, 38, 42, 57, 58, 71, 94, 101, spontaneous reduction, 28
102, 103, 113, 126, 130, 148, 174, 189, 197, 232, spontaneous resolution, 24, 224
262, 304, 306, 309, 311, 351, 352, 353, 358, 360, spontaneous rupture, 25, 293, 328
368, 375 sputum, 374
silk, 15 stabilization, 357, 358, 376
silk glove sign, 15 stage 4s, 277, 278
SIOP protocol, 325 staged procedures, 115, 252
skeletal muscle, 315 staging, 273, 276, 277, 282, 288, 299, 300, 306, 309,
skeleton, 350 310, 316, 317, 324, 325, 326, 329, 331, 332
skin, xv, xvi, 4, 15, 18, 19, 24, 25, 51, 115, 148, 172, staging systems, 288, 331, 332
182, 184, 241, 242, 245, 246, 248, 249, 251, 252, starvation, 4
253, 254, 255, 275, 277, 311, 312, 313, 328, 331, stasis, 104, 158, 167, 210, 256
341, 353, 373, 374, 375 stenosis, xi, 3, 4, 7, 10, 11, 104, 105, 158, 161, 167,
skull fracture, 380 183, 189, 191, 222, 235, 237, 245, 253, 255, 256,
sludge, 165, 166 257, 274
small bowel atresia, xii, xiii, 27, 97, 99, 102, 104, stent, 211, 214, 249, 254
137 sterile, 115
small intestine, 28, 33, 93, 104, 177, 297 sternum, xv, 269
smoking, 4, 11 steroids, 159, 292
Index 403
ureteropelvic junction obstruction, 198, 200, 205, viscera, 15, 16, 109, 114
213 visceral herniations, 109
urethra, 182, 185, 190, 229, 232, 234, 237, 238, 242, vision, 75
246, 248, 252, 253, 255, 256, 265 visualization, 6, 11, 59, 82, 143, 253
urethral strictures, 257 vitamin D, 160
urethrocystoscopy, 233 vitamins, 159
urethroplasty, 241, 246, 247, 249, 255 voiding, 226, 227, 232, 235, 238, 256
uric acid, 298 voiding cystourethrogram, 197, 218, 227
urinalysis, 107, 200, 360 volvulus, 94, 97, 99, 101, 106, 113, 116, 120, 175,
urinary bladder, 20 177
urinary catecholamines, 271, 276 vomiting, 3, 4, 5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 29, 38, 40, 41, 48, 56,
urinary tract, xiv, 38, 178, 185, 187, 191, 195, 196, 62, 99, 101, 102, 103, 139, 141, 146, 148, 165,
197, 198, 200, 201, 204, 215, 216, 217, 224, 225, 175, 290, 298, 304, 352, 360, 374, 380
226, 227, 229, 230, 235, 236, 238, 246, 306 vulva, 184, 315
urinary tract anomalies, 172, 246
urinary tract infection, 38, 191, 197, 198, 204, 215,
216, 217, 224, 225, 226, 227, 235, 236, 238 W
urine, xiv, 103, 158, 185, 196, 197, 205, 215, 230,
WAGR Syndrome, 322
234, 236, 254, 275, 276, 329, 330, 375
Wales, 169
urologist, xiv, 181, 190, 199
Washington, 21, 119, 377
urothelium, 229
water, 5, 31, 32, 262, 376
uterus, 19, 58, 188, 305, 310, 315, 317
weakness, 275, 328
utricle, 246
weight changes, 5
weight gain, 141
V weight loss, 4, 141, 290, 291, 323, 328
West Bank, 203
VACTERL, 67, 68, 69, 70, 77, 82, 182, 183, 188, Western countries, 81, 285
204 Western Europe, xiii, 163
vagina, 182, 185, 312, 315, 317, 318 wetting, 262
vagus, 142, 176 wheezing, 80, 94, 273
vagus nerve, 142 white blood cell count, 43, 367
valve, 32, 138, 215, 230, 234, 235, 236, 237, 238, windows, 357
298 Wisconsin, 208
valve bladder syndrome, 235 workers, 253
varicocele, 265, 315, 323, 339 working class, 326
vas deferens, 20, 198, 264 World Health Organization (WHO), 306, 318, 368
vascular tumors, xv, 285 worldwide, 75, 350, 381
vascularization, 59, 89 wound healing, 246
vasculature, 56, 129 wound infection, 25, 42, 167, 264
vasoactive intestinal peptide, 275
vein, 23, 74, 111, 264, 323, 324, 353, 367
ventilation, 73, 74, 76, 92, 132, 177, 352 X
ventral curvature, xv, 241, 242, 245, 249
Xanthogranulomatous Pyelonephritis, 323
ventricular septal defect, 90, 188
x-rays, 30
vertebrae, 172, 182, 184
vesicoureteral reflux, xiv, 197, 215, 217, 218, 221,
222, 223, 225, 226, 227, 228, 232, 234, 238 Y
vessels, xv, 18, 19, 20, 28, 90, 101, 109, 134, 142,
143, 178, 210, 264, 265, 266, 269, 279, 287, 313, yolk, 272, 305, 311, 337, 338, 340, 341
342 yolk sac tumor, 305, 337, 338, 340, 341
Vietnam, 35 young adults, 87
viral infection, 16, 38, 156