Post-Layout Verification Via Simulation With Machta: Text: Chapter 13.10 Machta Manual

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Post-Layout Verification

via Simulation with MachTA

Text: Chapter 13.10

MachTA Manual
ASIC Design Flow
DFT/BIST Gate-Level Verify
& ATPG Netlist Function

Test vectors Full-custom IC

Transistor-Level Verify Function

Standard Cell IC Netlist & Timing

DRC & LVS Verify Function
Verification & Timing

IC Mask Data
Transistor-level simulation
 Eldo
 Analog simulator
 Integrated into IC-Flow tools (DA-IC, etc.)
 Uses SPICE netlists and format
 MachTA
 Analog simulator
 Accelerates simulation of large circuits
 Test vector mode for digital circuits
 To use either, first execute script ana
 Sets up links, variables, etc. on Auburn ntwk
Eldo simulation from DA-IC
 Run simulations from within DA-IC
 Eldo, ADVance MS, Mach TA
 DA-IC invokes a “netlister” to create a circuit model from the
 SPICE model for Eldo & Mach TA
 Eldo analyses, forces, probes, etc. same as SPICE
 View results in EZwave or Xelga
Eldo input and output files

-Simulation commands
SPICE “circuit” file generated by DA-IC SPICE netlist for modulo7 counter

From ADK

Force values (created interactively)

Force functions (1)
 DC value
 Vsigname A 0 DC 5
Value (volts)
V indicates Between circuit nodes
voltage Force A and GND (node 0)
Force functions (2)
 Pulse/square wave
 Vsigname B 0 pulse 0 5 0 0.1N 0.1N 20N 40N
Rise Fall Pulse Period
Nodes Initial
Pulsed time time width tp
Voltage tr tf tw
v2 Delay from start of period
for waveform to begin - td


td tr tw tf
Force functions (3)
 Pattern wave (for
logic 0 & 1 values)
Vname B 0 pattern 5 0 5n 0.1n 0.1n 10n 011010 R
Bit pattern
Rise & Fall
Between circuit Logic 1 & 0 Time between
Nodes B & GND voltages Delay tochanges Duration of
(node 0) Repeat
waveform bit value
the pattern
begin (optional)

1 1 1
0 0 0

delay pattern
Force functions (4)
 Piecewise-linear wave (digital if only two voltages)
Vsigname B 0 pwl (0n 0 5n 0 5.1n 5 10n 5 10.1n 0 R)
T0 V0 T1 V1 T2 V2 T3 V3 T4 V4
V2 V3

V0 V1 V4
0 5 5.1 10 10,1
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4

Other options: R=value (time at which to begin repeat – one of Tn values)

default = 0 if no value specified
TD=value (delay before waveform begins)
Eldo simulation of modulo7 counter
(transient analysis)
Post-layout simulation with MachTA
 MachTA is an accelerated Spice simulator
 Digital & mixed-signal circuits
 Analyze timing effects pre- and post-layout
 SPICE netlists with parasitic R/C
 Execute test vector file to verify functionality
 Algorithms support large designs
 Partition design, simulate only partitions with changes
 Combine time-driven & event-driven operation
 Solves linearized models using proprietary high-performance,
graph-theory based, matrix solution algorithm

Mach PA (mpa) does current & power analysis

Mach TA flow diagram

Prepare Calibre-extracted netlist for Mach
TA (file.pex.netlist)
 In file.pex.netlist, insert model definitions and VDD/GND voltage source
functions after comment header:
* File: m7.pex.netlist
* Created: Thu Nov 15 15:25:56 2007
* Program "Calibre xRC"
* Version "v2005.2_9.14"
.model n nmos
.model p pmos
Vvdd VDD 0 5
Vgnd GND 0 0
 Delete (or comment out with * in 1st column) .subcircuit statement and
any continuation lines (for long statement):
*.subckt modulo7 CLK Q[1] CLEARBAR I[1] Q[0] I[0] Q[2]
 Change .ends to .END near end of file
Post-layout simulation with Mach TA
 Invoke Mach TA:
ana - command file to initialize Anacad SW
mta –ezw –t $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035 count4.sp
Transistor calibration files for this technology
Generate waveform database & display in EZwave
Netlist, modified as
on previous slide

Other options:
-do file (execute commands from – instead of design.spdo
-donot (run without simulating – compile only)
-b (run in batch mode – no GUI – output to console)
Mach TA main window
Mach TA simulation commands
Sample Mach TA “dofile”
(transient analysis)
plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0]) Signals to observe in EZwave
measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5v
l load
l reset
h count
l clk Measure time from rising edge of clk (TRIGger)
run 5 ns to 1st rising edge of q[0] (TARGet) - voltages
h reset
h clk
Drive signals low/high (Lsim format)
run 5 ns
l clk
run 5 ns Simulate for 5 ns
h clk
run 5 ns

Command to execute: dofile

EZwave waveform viewer
(results for previous dofile)

signal name
to display.
Alternative Mach TA “dofile”
(same result as previous example)
plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])
measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0])
vpulse Vclk clk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n .05n .05n 10n 20n)
l load v-levels delay rise fall width period
l reset
Nodes to which
h count source connected
run 5 ns Periodic pulses
h reset Voltage source name
run 200 ns
Mach TA – test vector file
 Verify design functionality/behavior
 apply test vectors
 capture outputs
 compare outputs to expected result
 vectors/outputs from behavioral simulation
 Command to execute a test vector file:
run –tvend

test vector file (next slide)

Test vector file format
# Test vector file for modulo7 counter
RISE_TIME 50 signal order within vectors
FALL_TIME 50 Header
INPUTS clk,reset,load,count,i[2],i[1],i[0];
OUTPUTS q[2] (to=max),q[1] (to=max),q[0] (to=max);
RADIX <11113>3; Vector format
@0 <01105>X; Sample 5 fs before next vector
@2000 <00105>0;
@7000 <01105>0;
@10000 <11105>5;
@20000 <01015>5; Vectors: @time <input_vector>expected_output
@30000 <11015>6;
@40000 <01015>6;
@50000 <11015>0;
@60000 <01015>0;

Test vectors derived from behavioral simulation results

Behavioral simulation listing Corresponding Mach TA test vector file
Alternate test vector file
(clock generated separately by voltage source)

vpulse vclk clk 0

pulse(0 3.3 10n .5n .5n 10n 20n)

Can mix other simulation

commands with test vector
Mach TA structure & schematic viewer
 Simulation at each stage of ASIC design
 behavioral model
 synthesized netlist
 pre-layout schematic/netlist
 post-layout netlist
 ADVance MS combines 3 technologies to cover the above
 digital (VHDL, Verilog)
 analog/mixed-signal (VHDL-AMS, Verilog-A)
 transistor level (Eldo, Mach TA)
 ASIC Design Kit (ADK) supports all tools in the design flow,
including simulation

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