Post-Layout Verification Via Simulation With Machta: Text: Chapter 13.10 Machta Manual
Post-Layout Verification Via Simulation With Machta: Text: Chapter 13.10 Machta Manual
Post-Layout Verification Via Simulation With Machta: Text: Chapter 13.10 Machta Manual
DRC & LVS Verify Function
Verification & Timing
IC Mask Data
Transistor-level simulation
Analog simulator
Integrated into IC-Flow tools (DA-IC, etc.)
Uses SPICE netlists and format
Analog simulator
Accelerates simulation of large circuits
Test vector mode for digital circuits
To use either, first execute script ana
Sets up links, variables, etc. on Auburn ntwk
Eldo simulation from DA-IC
Run simulations from within DA-IC
Eldo, ADVance MS, Mach TA
DA-IC invokes a “netlister” to create a circuit model from the
SPICE model for Eldo & Mach TA
Eldo analyses, forces, probes, etc. same as SPICE
View results in EZwave or Xelga
Eldo input and output files
-Simulation commands
SPICE “circuit” file generated by DA-IC SPICE netlist for modulo7 counter
From ADK
td tr tw tf
Force functions (3)
Pattern wave (for
logic 0 & 1 values)
Vname B 0 pattern 5 0 5n 0.1n 0.1n 10n 011010 R
Bit pattern
Rise & Fall
Between circuit Logic 1 & 0 Time between
Nodes B & GND voltages Delay tochanges Duration of
(node 0) Repeat
waveform bit value
the pattern
begin (optional)
1 1 1
0 0 0
delay pattern
Force functions (4)
Piecewise-linear wave (digital if only two voltages)
Vsigname B 0 pwl (0n 0 5n 0 5.1n 5 10n 5 10.1n 0 R)
T0 V0 T1 V1 T2 V2 T3 V3 T4 V4
V2 V3
V0 V1 V4
0 5 5.1 10 10,1
T0 T1 T2 T3 T4
Prepare Calibre-extracted netlist for Mach
TA (file.pex.netlist)
In file.pex.netlist, insert model definitions and VDD/GND voltage source
functions after comment header:
* File: m7.pex.netlist
* Created: Thu Nov 15 15:25:56 2007
* Program "Calibre xRC"
* Version "v2005.2_9.14"
.model n nmos
.model p pmos
Vvdd VDD 0 5
Vgnd GND 0 0
Delete (or comment out with * in 1st column) .subcircuit statement and
any continuation lines (for long statement):
*.subckt modulo7 CLK Q[1] CLEARBAR I[1] Q[0] I[0] Q[2]
Change .ends to .END near end of file
Post-layout simulation with Mach TA
Invoke Mach TA:
ana - command file to initialize Anacad SW
mta –ezw –t $ADK/technology/mta/tsmc035 count4.sp
Transistor calibration files for this technology
Generate waveform database & display in EZwave
Netlist, modified as
on previous slide
Other options:
-do file (execute commands from – instead of design.spdo
-donot (run without simulating – compile only)
-b (run in batch mode – no GUI – output to console)
Mach TA main window
Mach TA simulation commands
Sample Mach TA “dofile”
(transient analysis)
plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0]) Signals to observe in EZwave
measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0]) VAL=2.5v
l load
l reset
h count
l clk Measure time from rising edge of clk (TRIGger)
run 5 ns to 1st rising edge of q[0] (TARGet) - voltages
h reset
h clk
Drive signals low/high (Lsim format)
run 5 ns
l clk
run 5 ns Simulate for 5 ns
h clk
run 5 ns
signal name
to display.
Alternative Mach TA “dofile”
(same result as previous example)
plot v(clk) v(q[2]) v(q[1]) v(q[0])
measure rising TRIG v(clk) VAL=2.5v RISE=1 TARG v(q[0])
vpulse Vclk clk 0 pulse(0 3.3 10n .05n .05n 10n 20n)
l load v-levels delay rise fall width period
l reset
Nodes to which
h count source connected
run 5 ns Periodic pulses
h reset Voltage source name
run 200 ns
Mach TA – test vector file
Verify design functionality/behavior
apply test vectors
capture outputs
compare outputs to expected result
vectors/outputs from behavioral simulation
Command to execute a test vector file:
run –tvend