ICE Attribute Form

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Attribute Achievement form

The form
This form must be used to record how you’ve achieved the ICE member attributes if you are applying for a:
 member assessment,
 career appraisal or for
 recognition of an existing professional qualification via
o mutual recognition.
o recognition of EU professional qualifications
o recognition of Engineering Council registration

If applying for member assessment or career appraisal for progression from IEng to CEng you only need to
demonstrate the additional CEng attributes.
If you are applying for MICE using your Engineering Council registration, you should demonstrate
competence in the attributes to the same level of as your existing registration (eg. IEng or CEng).
If you are applying for MICE at EngTech level, please use the Technician Standards achievement form

Demonstrating competence in the member attributes

To become a member of ICE you must have had responsible and relevant experience at a level such that
you can demonstrate the relevant attributes.
Attributes 1 and 2 relate to your fields of work as indicated in your application form. You must demonstrate a
sound understanding of core engineering principles in those fields. Your level of attainment of attributes 3 to
9 will be assessed with regard to their relative importance within your fields of work.
Each attribute comprises a range of activities or sub-attributes. Some of these only need to be demonstrated
if you are applying for CEng MICE, others must be demonstrated by all applicants. You should make sure
you cover all the necessary sub-attributes for the grade you are applying for.
In order to fulfil your obligation to society as a professional civil engineer and to meet the requirements in
relation to health, safety and welfare legislation, you must have a sound knowledge and understanding of the
construction process (1), as well as the activities connected to it. You must have an appreciation of risks
arising as a consequence of your actions, and be able to identify and manage those risks. If your role is
involved in the construction process, site experience will ordinarily be required.

(1) The construction process includes the conception, design, construction, commissioning, maintenance,

decommissioning, removal, management and procurement of civil engineering works.

Version 1 Revision 2 – 02 January 2019

1 Attribute Achievement form Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Writing your statements
You’re responsible for explaining how your experience meets the required standard within each of the
relevant attributes, based on the relevant sub-attributes, for the grade of membership for which you are
For example: attribute 5, Commercial Ability, you will be expected to demonstrate that you have some
experience in both the contractual and financial aspects of this attribute.
You should consider the following points when preparing your attribute evidence:
 Write in the first person – for example: “I worked on the development of a solution to the bearing
 For each attribute, give examples from your experience, showing the responsibility you had on a
given project
 Be specific and relevant in the examples within each attribute, using clear technical language,
describing accurately what you did and why
 Make sure you show how you’ve taken responsibility – for example: “My decision was based on my
evaluation of the bridge assessment. I took responsibility for the decision to conduct the repairs
using a temporary road closure at night rather than a reduced lane speed. The primary reason for
my decision was the improved safety that could be achieved by a road closure”.
 Focus on your personal involvement, the lessons learnt, and what you may do differently next time
 Include dates, the project name and adequate details, to show to the assessors that your role on this
project merits the grade of membership you’re seeking
 Avoid generic statements within your examples such as “I worked for six months in the rail
department using relevant codes and standards”. This is non-specific and doesn’t explain anything
about your personal competence.

You should aim to give multiple examples (typically 4-6) of your experience to demonstrate your ability
within each attribute – i.e. that you have achieved the attribute in different situations, assisting others and
working without supervision.

Remember – you need to show the assessors that you’ve met the competence standard expected of a civil
engineer at the grade you are seeking. Competence is defined as the ability to do something consistently,
successfully and efficiently.

Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019

2 Attribute Achievement form Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
Security-mindedness and security clearance
You should consider whether information in your application should be omitted or reduced in its level of detail
due to security reasons. However, there’s no reason why this should detract from the quality of your
evidence. If your application is affected by security issues, you should consider the following suggestions:
 Make the evidence non-site specific – for example don’t state that the facility was on the Sellafield
site or on the Hinkley site or that the asset serves a critical function to the site or country, or is or was
vulnerable to various threats
 Don’t state building numbers or names – it’s sufficient to say ‘nuclear facility’ or ‘nuclear store’
 Remove site and building names from drawings or snapshots of models
 Don’t include photographs or other images which reveal the location of buildings and facilities
 Avoid stating, or showing in drawings or extracts from models, technical details (such as wall
thickness) which may reveal security-sensitive information

If you work on a security-sensitive project, we recommend that your organisation’s information security
manager (and also the asset owners/clients) reads the evidence in this form and approves the content before
You should also familiarise yourself with the Engineering Council’s guidance note on Security (published
May 2016).

Plagiarism is presenting the work of others as your own. This means using words or ideas, for example,
without the permission of the original author or authors, or without their acknowledgement. Plagiarism should
be avoided at all times and this includes any reports, drawings and presentations that you submit.
Here are some guidelines to help avoid plagiarism:
 Don’t cut and paste material from others
 Where you have directly quoted others, or the work of others, attribute the source fully and, where
appropriate, use quotation marks. As a rule of thumb, material derived from others should be
considered a quote, unless it’s assumed to be common knowledge – for example, standard
equations that are in the public domain
Plagiarism is taken seriously by the ICE. Should there be concerns about your submission, ICE will
investigate including using plagiarism detection software. If this shows significant levels of similarity with any
unattributed sources your assessors will be informed and you will be contacted by the ICE and asked to
provide an explanation.

Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019

3 Attribute Achievement form Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
In the context of your submission, collusion is any agreement to conceal someone else’s contribution to your
piece of work. The guidance above equally applies to avoiding collusion.
Plagiarism and collusion may lead to a ban on applying for membership or, for existing members, permanent
expulsion from ICE Membership.
If an allegation of plagiarism or collusion is made relating to your application for membership, your result may
be delayed until an investigation has taken place.

Verification of your attribute statements

The final page of this form should be signed and dated by your mentor(s). If you don’t have a mentor, you
can sign the form yourself.
Mentors can give you support and guidance in preparing your application. Your mentor can be any
experienced engineer who is able (and can make the commitment) to provide guidance.
If possible, they should also be an ICE member qualified at the equivalent grade or higher to the grade
you’re applying for.

It’s not compulsory to have a mentor, but it will strengthen your application because they can verify the
information you provide.

Your mentor should, ideally, understand our procedures and standards so that they can assess your
competence and advise you on your submission. It’s also helpful if they’re familiar with your work so they can
verify your attribute statements in this form.

Mentors may also be eligible to act as a sponsor if you apply for Professional Review.

Version 2 Revision 0 – 02 January 2019

4 Attribute Achievement form Institution of Civil Engineers is a Registered Charity in

England & Wales (no 210252) and Scotland (SC038629)
1 Knowledge and Understanding of Engineering

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A and B
If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C and D

A. Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach to the application of technology in

engineering practice.
B. Use a sound evidence-based approach to problem solving and be able to contribute to

continuous improvement.
C. Maintain and extend a sound theoretical approach in enabling the introduction and exploitation

of new and advancing technology.

D. Engage in the creative and innovative development of engineering technology and continuous

improvement systems.

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2 Technical and Practical Application of Engineering

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A, B and C

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C, D, E and F

A. Identify, review and select techniques, procedures and methods to undertake

engineering tasks.

B. Contribute to the design and development of engineering solutions.

C. Implement or construct design solutions and contribute to their evaluation.

D. Conduct appropriate research, relative to design or construction and appreciate its

relevance within own area of responsibility.

E. Undertake the design and development of engineering solutions and evaluate their


F. Implement or construct design solutions and evaluate their effectiveness

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3 Management and Leadership

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A, B, C and D

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C, D, E, F and G

A. Plan for effective project implementation

B. Manage the planning and organisation of tasks, people and resources
C. Manage teams and develop staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs
D. Manage quality processes
E. Plan, direct and control tasks, people and resources
F. Lead teams and develop staff to meet changing technical and managerial needs
G. Demonstrate continuous improvement through quality management.

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4 Independent Judgement and Responsibility

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A and B

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C and D

A. Identify the limits of personal knowledge and skills

B. Exercise sound independent engineering judgement and take responsibility
C. Identify the limits of a team’s skill and knowledge
D. Exercise sound holistic independent judgement and take responsibility

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5 Commercial Ability

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A and B

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B and C

A. Prepare and control budgets

B. Use sound knowledge of statutory and commercial frameworks within own area of
responsibility and have an appreciation of other commercial arrangements.
C. Demonstrate sound judgement on statutory, contractual and commercial issues in relation
to your area of responsibility.

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6 Health, Safety and Welfare

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A, B and C

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C and D

A. A sound knowledge of legislation, hazards and safe systems of work,

B. Manage risks
C. Manage health, safety and welfare within own area of responsibility
D. Leading continuous improvement in health, safety & welfare.

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7 Sustainable Development

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A and B

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B and C

A. A sound knowledge of sustainable development best practice

B. Manage engineering activities that contribute to sustainable development
C. Leading continuous improvement in sustainable development.

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8 Interpersonal Skills and Communication

If you are applying for IEng MICE or MICE please demonstrate A, B,C and D

If you are applying for CEng MICE please demonstrate A, B, C, D and E

A. Communicate well with others at all levels including effective use of English (see note
below), orally and in writing
B. Discuss ideas and plans competently and with confidence
C. Effective personal and social skills
D. Manage diversity issues
E. Communicate new concepts and ideas to technical and non-technical colleagues including
effective use of English (see note below) orally and in writing

Please note: All assessments and reviews for Engineering Council registration will be conducted in

English, subject to the provisions of the Welsh Language Act 1993 and any Regulations which may be

made in implementation of European Union directives on free movement of labour.

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9 Professional Commitment

For all grades, please demonstrate A, B, C, D and E

A. Understanding and compliance with the ICE Code of Conduct

B. Plan, carry out and record Continuing Professional Development and encourage others
C. Engage with ICE activities
D. Demonstration of appropriate professional standards, recognising obligations to society,
the profession and the environment.
E. Exercise responsibilities in an ethical manner.

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About you
*ICE membership

(if applicable)
Family name:       Title:      

Other name(s):       Date of birth      

Please select
applying for:

Verification of your attribute statements

This page should be signed and dated by your mentor(s) to support what you have said in your attribute
statements, as explained on p3. If you don’t have a mentor, you can simply sign the form yourself.

Name ICE Professional Signature Date

membership Qualifications (eg
number (if CEng MICE)

Self-certification (if you do not have a mentor)

Name Signature Date

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