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1. A break or solution in the continuity of bone refers to…

A. Fracture B. Wound
C. Dislocation D. contusion
2. A supercooled liquid which possess high viscosity and rigidity.
A. dry ice B. cartridge case
C. gel D. glass
3. A wound produced by a blunt instrument such as club and stone.
A. incised wound B. hack wound
C. lacerated wound D. punctured wound
4. Characteristics of gunshot wound of entrance
A. Inverted edge B. Bigger size
C. Protrusion of tissue D. No definite shape
5. Children conceived by prostitutes are called
A. manceres B. adulterous
C. illegitimate D. incestuous
6. How many hours does the stomach completely digest a medium meal?
A. 2-3 hours B. 3-4 hours
C. 5-6 hours D. 1 hour
7. Instrument used in the measurement of temperature.
A. Endometer B. Barometer
C. Thermometer D. Ananometer
8. It is the major component of a glass.
A. Lime B. Soda
C. Silica D. Gel
9. One is a condition that can approximate the time of death.
A. Cadaver     B. Magnus test
C. Rigor mortis D. None of these
10. Personal identification by dental characteristics is called-
A. Anthropometry B. Forensic Odontology
C. Portrait Parle D. Victimology
11. The color of blood in post mortem Lividity?
A. Blue B. Violet
C. Pink D. Bright red
12. The following are kinds of death, which one is not?
A. Somatic or Clinical Death B. State of Suspended Animation
C. Cellular or Molecular Death D. Regulated Death
13. The following are valid classifications of wound, except:
A. Abrasions B. Contusions
C. Hematoma D. Gun Shot Wound
14. The process in reproducing physical evidence by plaster moulds.
A. Casting B. Cementing
● C. Moulage D. Sticking
15. A system of Identification best used in case of burned body.
A. Fingerprint B. Tissue Identification
C. Odontology D. Photography
16. A type of wound which result of a persons instinctive reaction of self protection
A. Patterned Wounds B. Deep Wounds
C. Defense Wounds D. Self-Inflicted Wounds
17. A wound which if inflicted in the body so serious that it will endanger one’s life.
A. mortal wound B. trauma
C. coup injury D. superficial wound

18. A condition of women who have had one or more sexual experience but not had conceived a child.
A. virgo-intacts B. demi-virginity
C. moral virginity D. physical virginity
19. A displacement of the particular surface of the bone without external wounds.
A. Hematoma B. Fracture
C. Sprain D. Dislocation
20. All of the following are accurate tests for the presence of alcohol in the human body except one:
A. Saliva test B. Harger Breath Test
C. Fecal test D. Blood test
21. A person allowed who gives his/her opinion or conclusion on a given scientific evidence is considered
A. interrogator B. expert witness
C. prosecutor D. judge
22. In forensic examination, a tip of the hair is examined to determine if it was _______.
A. Bend B. Folded
C. Stretched D. Cut

23. Is the distance of recognition in broad daylight of a person who is almost a stranger.
A. 100 yards B. 16-17 yards
C. 25 yards D. 10-13 yards
24. It refers to a physical injury found at the site and opposite site of the application of force.
A. Coup Injury B. Contre-coup injury
C. Coup-contre-coup injury D. Extensive Injury
25. State of not knowing sex life and have not experienced sexual intercourse:
A. Physical virginity B. Demi-virginity
C. Moral virginity D. Virgo-intacta
26. The medical dissection and examination of a body in order to determine the caused of death is?
A. Autopsy B. Necropsy
C. Exhumation D. Saponification
27. This is a characteristic that shows the manner of walking of an individual.
A. Mannerism B. Gait
C. Complexion D. Cerebral Gait
28. Type of physical injury located at the site of application of force.
A. Coup Injury B. Coup- Contre Coup Injury
C. Contre- Coup Injury D. Physical Injury
29. What refers to the cutting of a body part of another person to weaken his defense?
A. Castration B. Mayhem
C. Mutilation D. Amputation
30. Which of the following personal identification is not easy to change?
A. Hair B. Speech
C. Dress D. Personal Pharapernalia
31. Who qualifies a forensic chemist as expert?
A. defence lawyer B. judge
C. prosecutor D. the chemist himself/herself
32. What is the term referring to those wounds inflicted in a forward motion?
A. Hit wounds B. Explosion
C. Thrust wounds D. Hack wounds
33. The wound wherein the instrument pierces a solid organ or tissue?
A. Deep wound B. Penetrating wound
C. Perforating wound D. Superficial wound
34. It is a type of burn caused by the application of heat or hot object.
A. Radiation burn B. Friction burn
C. Thermal burn D. Electrical burn
35. These are wounds produced by a blunt instrument accompanied by a sufficient force.
A. hematoma B. tear
C. contusion D. none of these
36. This will always be applied to children below the of age puberty.
A. physical virginity B. demi- virginity
C. moral virginity D. virgo-intacta
37. Which of the following is not included in the evidences to determine drunkenness?
A. lack of orientation B. untidy clothing
C. blood shoot eyes D. euphoria
38. An open wound produced by a sharp-pointed instrument and is characterized by a small opening of the wound.
A. Gunshot woun B. Stab wound
C. Shrapnel wound D. Punctured wound
39. Examination of the victim’s body in order to determine the cause of death and what internal organs were destroyed in injured.
A. autopsy B. probe
C. embalming D. surgery
40. Fixed discoloration of the blood clothed inside the blood vessels or has diffused to different parts of the body.
A. hypostatic lividity B. diffusion lividity
C. hyper lividity D. rigor mortis
41. It is the rise in the temperature of the body after death due to rapid and early putrefactive changes or some internal changes
A. Rigor Mortis B. Post-Mortem Flaccidity
C. Post-Mortem Caloricity D. Putrefaction
42. It refers to a crack in a glass that extends outward like the spoke of a wheel from the point at which the glass was struck?
A. Radial Fracture B. Concentric Fracture
C. Ulnar Fracture D. Diagonal Fracture
43. Rigor mortis is very important in determining the approximate time of death for it starts at about 2 to 6 hrs and completes at
A. 36 hrs B. 24 hrs
C. 12 hrs D. 48 hrs
44. The ABO system divides the human race into four blood types. Which of the following types has the lowest percentage?
A. O type B. B type
C. A type D. AB type
45. The cause of death of a person who immediately died because of lack of oxygen for around 3 to five minutes
A. Asphyxia B. stupor
C. Stroke D. Exhaustion

46. The complete, continuous, persistent cessation of respiration, circulation and almost all brain function of an organism.
A. Apparent death B. Molecular death
C. Cellular Death D. Somatic death
47. These fractures show up on the surface opposite to the one where the fracturing blow or pressure was applied.
A. Concentric fractures B. Radial fractures
C. Both A & B D. None of these
48. A condition characterized by hardening of the muscle and coagulation of muscles and due to exposure to burn and hot spot.
A. Cold stiffening B. rigor mortis
C. Heat stiffening D. algor mortis
49. It is a discoloration of the body after death when blood tends to pool in the blood vessels of the most dependent portion of the
A. Algor mortis B. rigor mortis
C. Post investigation D. livor mortis
50. It may be made to in order to afford the opportunity for a post mortem examination to establish the circumstances of the death.
A. autopsy B. post mortem examination
C. exhumation D. interment


1. It is the recognition of an individual as determine, by characteristics which distinguish that individual from all others.
A. Recognition B. Identification
C. Investigation D. Interpretation
2. A wound that is produced as a result of a sharp edged instrument under an eminent danger and act of restoring of one’s safety.
A. incised wound B. lacerated wound
C. defense wound D. justifying circumstance
3. It is a branch of medicine that deals with application of medical knowledge for the purpose of law and administration of justice.
A. Legal Medicine B. Forensic
C. Medical Jurisprudence D. none of these
4. A Leon Es a soldier who disappeared in the battle zone and considered as Missing In Action is presumed dead after:
A. 7 years B. 10 years
C. 5 years D. 9 years
5. Accident classified according to severity are-
A. Death, property damage
B. Fatal, non-fatal, property damage
C. Physical injuries and death
D. Slight, less serious, serious physical injuries
6. A condition of exposure to cold temperature of certain parts of the body which produces mechanical disruption of cell structure
characterized by cold stiffening and diminished body.
A. immersion foot B. trench foot
C. frostbite D. gangrene
7. A discoloration of the body after death when the blood tends to pool in the blood vessels of the most dependent portions of the body
and starts 20 to 30 minutes after death and is completed by 12 hours.
A. livor mortis B. primary flaccidity
C. maceration D. rigor mortis
8. After cessation of the vital function of the body there is still animal life among individual cells.
A. Somatic death B. Molecular death
C. Apparent death D. State of suspended animation
9. A molecular death is a kind of death where:
A. there is loss of life of the individual cells of the body
B. it occurs immediately after death
C. it usually pronounced by the physician and other members of the family
D. there is transient loss of vital functions of the body
10. A physical injury wherein the offended victim is incapacitated for work or requires medical assistance for 10 days or more but not
more than 30 days.
A. Slight physical injury   B. Mutilation
C. Serious physical injury D. less serious physical injury

11. A policeman found the body of Jose floating in the river. Initial examination of Jose’s body revealed that his stomach is not
bloated. There is no sign of injury in his body. What is the possible conclusion of Jose’s death?
A. accidental B. Homicidal
C. negligent D. drowning
12. Deals with poison, their origin, physical and chemical properties, effects, treatment and methods of detection usually on sudden
and unexplained deaths:
A. Chemistry B. Forensic Chemistry
C. Toxicology D. Poisonous Investigation
13. If the powder has produced gray or yellow marks in a gunshot wound, it indicates?
A. The individual died after the shooting
B. The individual was dead before the shooting
C. The person shot himself
D. The person was shot 36 meters away from the shooter

14. If the soil found on suspect’s clothing is consistent with soil found at the crime scene, this would indicate that:
A. the suspect was in the area at the same time
B. the suspect has committed the crime
C. the suspect was in the area at the time of the crime
D. the suspect is guilty of the crime
15. In gunshot wounds, when there is evident burning of tissues and blackening of the skin, it may be ascertained that it is a near
contact fire meaning that the distance of the body to the gun is approximately.
A. 6 inches B. 18 inches
C. 12 inches D. 24 inches
16. In the strict sense of the word, Forensic Medicine means
A. application of medicine to legal cases
B. application of medical science to elucidate legal problem
C. knowledge of law in relation to practice of medicine
D. none of these
17. Is the stiffening of certain group of muscles occurring at the moment of death, usually associated with violent death due to extreme
nervous tension, or even fatigue?
A. Heat Stiffening B. Cadaveric Spasm
C. Rigor Mortis D. Cold Stiffening
18. It is a branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purposes of law and in the administration
of justice
A. Legal Medicine B. Medical Pharmaceutical
C. Medical Jurisprudence D. Law on Medical Practice
19. It is a physical injury wherein the victim is ill-treat or incapacitated for work or require medical attendance for a period of one to
nine days.
A. Slight physical injury B. Serious physical injury
C. Less serious physical injury D. None of these
20. Legal medicine is that branch of medicine which deals with the application of medical knowledge to the purpose of _____.
A. Law and administration of justice
B. Determination of cause of death
C. Identifying the victim
D. None of these

21. Stab wound is produced by:

A. Sharp-pointed instrument
B. Sharp-edged and sharp-pointed instrument
C. Sharp-edged instrument
D. Blunt instrument
22. State of consciousness with insensibility of the pupil and conjunctive inability to swallow, resulting from arrest of the function of
the brain called:
A. Asphyxia B. Coma
C. Exhaustion D. Hemorrhage
23. Their presence in the cadaver would indicate that death has occurred not more than 24 hours hence are useful to approximate the
time of death.
A. Flies B. Bees
C. Earthworms D. Butterflies
24. What substance is capable of producing noxious effect or destroy life once introduce into the body, absorbed through the blood
stream and acts chemically?
A. Protein B. Poisons
C. Enzymes D. none of these
25. When collecting evidence like hairs, an investigator should:
A. enclose some of his/her hair with the evidence as a reference
B. indicate where each hair was found
C. ignore hair not found in the same room as the victim
D. none of the above
26. Which of the following is not included in the essential elements of sketching?
A. Measurements must be accurate
B. Compass direction may be indicated to facilitate proper orientation in the case of crime scene.
C. Essential item that has bearing in the investigation must be included.
D. There must be a title and legend to tell what it is and then meaning of certain marks indicated
27. A person who habitually intakes beverages containing alcohol and impose risk to himself and to other person while under the
influence of it.
A. alcoholic B. drunkard
C. addict D. chronic drunkard
28. It is a painful contraction of the skeletal muscles usually seen among manual workers in hot environment whose bodily fluids have
been depleted of sodium chloride not replaced by heavy loses of sweat.
A. Sensible heat B. Heat cramp
C. Specific heat D. Heat temperature
29. It is mostly associated with violent death due to extreme nervous tension and injury to the central nervous system, the statement is
referring to the spontaneous rigor what if all the muscles of the body totally stiffed due to death?
A. cadaveric spasm B. cold stiffening
C. heat stiffening D. rigor mortis

30. Which of the following is true about post mortem rigidity?

A. It is the instant stiffening of the muscles in a certain group
B. It is characterized by hardening of the muscles due to the coagulation of proteins
C. It lasts from 12-36 hours
D. It is characterized by hardening of the muscles due to the solidification of proteins

31. It is an increase of temperature due to fast, early putrefactive and chemical changes in the body, which occur 1-3 hours after death.
A. Post- mortem caloricity B. Post- mortem rigidity
C. Instantaneous rigor D. Putrefaction
32. This is an interlacing discoloration commonly purplish brown that forms a network on the large part of the cadaver such as the
chest and abdomen.
A. putrefaction B. marbolization
C. livor mortis D. maceration
33. An open wound produced by the penetration of shots that usually lodge on the body of the victim is categorized as shotgun wound
which is generally under the investigative process of:
A. shotgun wound B. ballistics
C. firearms identification D. gunshot wounds
34. What would be the presumption if fleas were still alive on the clothing of a dead person that allegedly drowned?
A. fleas could not survived for more than 24 hour on the water
B. fleas would indicate that person was drowned
C. indicates that the person was in the water for not more than 24 hours
D. fleas indicates that early stage of putrefaction
34. In a tropical country, if the blood is found to be soft with the abdomen distended with gases without the presence of rigor mortis, it
may have been dead for about
A. 24 hours B. 12 hours
C. 36 hours D. 48 hours
35. This is the second stage of death investigation that involves thorough and meticulous examination of the cadaver?
A. Autopsy B. Post-mortem Investigation C. Exhumation
D. Crime scene investigation
36. A condition characterized by hardening of the muscles due to solidification of fats, muscles and fluids due to exposure to ice or
A. Cold stiffening B. rigor mortis
C. Heath stiffening D. algor mortis
37. It is the system used in the Philippines at present which is handled by a medico-legal officer who is a registered physician duly
qualified to practice medicine in the Philippines.
A. Medical Jurisprudence B. Medico- Legal System
C. Medical Evidence D.Physical Evidence
38. Approximately, height can be measure by extending the middle fingers of both hands laterally. What age when a person ceases to
increase in height?
A. 24 B. 23
C. 25 D. 26
39. Several tests could be administered to the victim’s body in order to ascertain if there is still sign of life. What is that test in which a
ligature will be applied around the victim’s finger?
A. Icard’s test B. finger webs test
C. Magnus test D. Winslov test
40. As the first responder upon closely examining the cadaver, you noticed that there were no open wounds present on the body of the
victim but both hands and feet were tied because of the abrasions and then some strands of hair could be found on his shirt. What will
be your presumption?
A. the victim was poisoned and thrown to the river making some of the evidence to perish
B. the victim was vigorously tortured before he was thrown to the river
C. the victim was forcibly drowned to death
D. the victim was threatened then jump to the river


1. A Daughter above twenty one but below twenty three years of age cannot leave the parental home without the consent of the father
or mother in whose company she lives, except to become a wife, or when she exercise a professional calling. This statement pertains
to a legal importance of sex determination which is…
A. To determine whether an individual can exercise certain obligations vested by law to one sex only.
B. Marriage or the union of a man and a woman.
C. Rights granted by law are different to different sexes.
D. There are certain crimes wherein a specific sex can only be the offender or victim.
2. GavinoAng was found dead in the garage with a deep stab wound on the neck. Kim Pang was found with a kitchen knife in his hand
stained with blood. Examination of the weapon showed that the stain was blood of human origin and belonging to the same group as
that of the deceased GavinoAng, with such result of the examination, the investigating authorities have a very strong presumption that
Kim Pang was the one who committed the crime. This case would help us evaluate the legal importance of blood and blood stain as to:
A. Determination of the direction of the escape of the victim or the assailant.
B. Circumstantial or corroborative evidence against or in favor of the perpetrator of the crime.
C. Determination of the approximate time the crime was committed.
D. Determination of the place of commission of the crime.

3. Mr. Xanzo was caught stealing the personal belongings of Mr. Zanny particularly a pale of paint. When Mr. Xanzo fled together
with the stolen item, he did not noticed that there was a hole in the pale that cause a continues dropping of the paint. These drops of
paint are example of physical evidence which can be considered as…
A. Corpus Delicti Evidence B. Associative evidence
C. Tracing evidence D. None of these
4. Police Investigator found on a crime scene dried liquid purporting to be saliva. They have a suspect by a name of James McKay, an
American boyfriend of the victim. What the police should do so that the saliva can be used in the process of investigation?
A. secretor test
B. microscopic test for saliva analysis
C. test the saliva if it is really of the suspect
D. DNA analysis to determine if the saliva is of the suspect
5. A victim of homicide was found lying on the floor at his own apartment. On the deductive process of the investigation, the cause of
the victim’s death is asphyxia by applying pressure to the latter’s neck while the assailant using his arms was on the back of the
victim. The statement best describes:
A. strangulation B. burking
C. throttling D. mugging
6. Pedro A. Laskado suffered from external hemorrhage of its left ear after Jose T. Angaon hit him at the back with a baseball bat after
the latter defamed him infront of their classmates. What particular injury is greatly described?
A. Coup in jury B. Contre coup injury
C. Locus Minoris Resistencia D. Extensive injury

7. Mr. Sengiam walks like a robot. His legs are held together and the steps are dragged and short. It is the best description of what
manner of walking?
A. Cerebellar B. Ataxic
C. Paretic D. Spastic
8. Mr. Calimutan was abandoned by the family, unvisited and let alone to die. This is the best example of what type of clinical death?
A. Sociological death B. Psychic death
C. Biologic death D. Physiologic death
9. If you are an investigator, how would you know that the crime of homicide was committed during night time?
A. if the body was discovered at night time
B. if the victim is a prostitute
C. if the victim was wearing her lingerie
D. all of these
10. If the number of gunshot wounds of entrance and exit found in the body of the victim is even, the presumption is that no bullet is
lodged in the body, but if the number of gunshot wounds entrance and exit is odd, the presumption is that one or more bullets might
have been lodged in the body. What principle is this?
A. Presumption of Similarity B. Odd-Even Rule
C. Principle of Infallibility D. Numbering Principle

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