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Home – part of what

it means to be human.

annual report 2008

> Key Figures PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Key Figures
2008 2007 Change

Revenues and Earnings EUR’000 EUR’000 %

Revenues 221,325 193,253 14.5 %
Total operating performance 171,558 861,863 –80.1 %
EBITDA 64,910 111,817 –41.9 %
EBITDA (adjusted) 65,386 42,340 54.4 %
EBIT 64,064 111,045 –42.3 %
EBIT (adjusted) 64,540 41,568 55.3 %
EBT –32,408 63,170 –151.3 %
EBT (adjusted) 842 –12,422 106.8 %
Net profit –34,138 48,041 –171.1 %

31.12.2008 31.12.2007 Change

Structure of Assets and Capital EUR’000 EUR’000 %

Non-current assets 683,180 750,235 –8.9 %
Current assets 833,973 892,957 –6.6 %
Equity 291,472 336,605 –13.4 %
Equity ratio (in %) 19.2 % 20.5 % –1,3 %-points
Non-current liabilities 29,685 11,425 159.8 %
Current liabilities 1,195,996 1,295,162 –7.7 %
Total assets 1,517,153 1,643,192 –7.7 %

2008 2007 Change

Other key figures %

Cash flow from operating activities (TEUR) – 21,733 – 62,603 65.3 %
Cash flow from investing activities (TEUR) 78,184 – 604,212 112.9 %
Cash flow from financing activities (TEUR) – 42,558 637,617 –106.7 %
Earnings per share (EUR) – 0.65 0.92 –170.7 %
Dividend per share (EUR) 0.00* 0.00 0.0 %
Employees as at December 31 381 334 14.1 %
Numer of units in the portfolio as of December 31 12,076 13,127 –8.0 %
 ividend proposal for PATRIZIA‘s 2008 fiscal year, subject to approval by the June 23, 2009, Annual General Meeting

SIN (Security Identification Number) PAT1AG
Code P1Z
Share capital as at December 31, 2008 EUR 52,130,000
No. of shares in issue at December 31, 2008 52,130,000
2008 high* EUR 5.67
2008 low* EUR 0.87
Closing price as at December 30, 2008 EUR 1.63
Market capitalization as at December 31, 2008 EUR 85.0 million

* Closing price at Frankfurt Stock Exchange Xetra trading

Home – part of what
it means to be human.
Home – part of what
it means to be human.

Breathing and eating are basic human necessities. So is having somewhere to live. Who
lives with whom, where, how and why? These are questions to which there are as many
answers as individuals. At root, however, everyone‘s response involves staying in a certain
place – a place called home.

Home is the centre of gravity for a person‘s life, the Home – as old as the human race
core around which the whole personal routine of life
revolves. The way in which this basic human need is Having just one place as the more or less permanent
met goes a long way to determining how happy peo- pivotal point of life is a phenomenon peculiar to the
ple are in life and how they judge their quality of life. human race – a phenomenon closely intertwined
Having a home meets people‘s need to feel safe and with the way we have organized our social interaction
secure, to have something familiar they can rely on, since time immemorial. Home is the place from which
a place of refuge where they can be undisturbed, be we go out into the big, wide world. Yet it is also the
themselves. People can only live their daily lives if place to which we return, again and again. It is the
they have a place – a home – in which to do so. bedrock of life, a firm foundation, a place that is al-
ways there. Evidence of home-making in the human these variations on the same theme give man what a
race goes back to the days of early man. Caves were deep inner need craves and desires: a home.
probably our first homes, until huts took their place
about 400,000 years ago. Around 40,000 years ago, Home – an endless variety
man began to put up tent-like constructions. The first
“beds” go back something like 15,000 years. We have Homes are as varied as the people who live in them.
always been “dwellers”. Finding and/or making a A home expresses the individuality, social status
home is intrinsically, essentially human. and cultural background of its inhabitant. Natural
conditions and constraints likewise have a strong
Home – a spatial dimension influence: Factors such as the climate and the availa-
bility of suitable materials determine how and where
A home presupposes a space, some form of objective- homes of what types are constructed. It is no coinci-
ly or physically delimited area. Only then can dwellers dence that clay buildings are erected mostly in dry,
have “their own four walls”; only then is it fair to speak southern regions where clay and sand are present
of having a home, a place in which people can build in abundance. Clay‘s ability to store heat also helps
and fashion their lives. Boundaries are a sine qua non regulate the temperature of the interior, even when
if private space – or, to be more precise, a living space outdoor temperatures are high. On the other hand,
defined and inhabited by people – is to take shape at homes are built on stilts in places where the ground is
all. Clearly delimited space provides protection from wet and unsuitable to alternative structures, or where
the outside world, shelter from wind and weather, a predators or other dangers pose an acute threat. The
barrier to guard against intruders, dangers and even PATRIZIA Annual Report mirrors the kaleidoscopic va-
prying eyes. It is also a place where people can store riety of human homes on our planet. Some are exclu-
their belongings great and small. Most importantly, sive, others merely functional. Some are bright and
it is a place where no-one else can enter unbidden. colourful. Some are mobile. Some are flexible enough
To satisfy these criteria, however, a home does not to live and work in. Some stay close to nature while
necessarily have to be immobile. Of course it can be a others reach for the skies. Yet all of them, without ex-
classical house or apartment. But it could just as well ception, have one thing in common: They meet our
be a houseboat, an igloo, the tent of a Bedouin. All fundamental need for a place to call our own.
> Contents PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008



Letter to our Shareholders ..................................................................................................... 08

Report of the Supervisory Board .......................................................................................... 11
Corporate Governance Report .............................................................................................. 16
The PATRIZIA Share ................................................................................................................. 22


Business Segments and Environment ................................................................................. 26

Net Asset, Financial and Earnings Situation ....................................................................... 38
Opportunity and Risk Report ................................................................................................. 51
Supplementary Report ........................................................................................................... 57
Report on Expected Developments ..................................................................................... 60


Consolidated Balance Sheet ................................................................................................. 64

Consolidated Income Statement .......................................................................................... 66
Consolidated Cash Flow Statement ..................................................................................... 67
Changes in Consolidated Equity ........................................................................................... 68
Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements .............................................................. 69
Auditor’s Certificate................................................................................................................... 105


Five-Year-Financial-Summary ................................................................................................ 108

Supervisory Board ................................................................................................................... 111
Managing Board ...................................................................................................................... 112
Glossary ..................................................................................................................................... 113
Financial Calendar ................................................................................................................... 115
preface and reports A

Letter to our Shareholders ........................................................................................................... 08

Report of the Supervisory Board ................................................................................................. 11
Corporate Governance Report ..................................................................................................... 16
The PATRIZIA Share ........................................................................................................................ 22
 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

F.l.T.r.: Klaus Schmitt (COO),
Wolfgang Egger (CEO),
Arwed Fischer (CFO)

Letter to our Shareholders

Dear shareholders,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

What began as a subprime crisis in the US, led to a luation of interest rate hedges (EUR -32.8 million) as
crisis of unexpected magnitude on the world’s finan- well as one-time effects accrued in the period under
cial markets in 2008. Throughout the year, the effects review (EUR-0.5 million) were not taken into account
of this financial market crisis spread to the goods and when calculating this value. In light of the previously
services industry and will also negatively impact the described trends and the resulting conditions for our
global economic situation in 2009. For the compa- business model, the operating profit (EBT adjusted)
nies, this meant that all positive expectations from of EUR 0.8 million means that we did not achieve our
the beginning of 2008 were derailed. Our Company earnings target for 2008. We are not satisfied with
was also unable to escape the effects of the financial this result.
market crisis.
We did not reach our target of selling 1,400 to 1,500
In March 2008, we published a forecast of EUR 25 residential units as we merely sold a total of 1,198
million to EUR 30 million in earnings before tax for units in fiscal year 2008. A comparison of the ad-
the full year. Due to the intensification of the finan- justed key figures (EBT adjusted) for 2007 and 2008
cial market crisis from September 2008 onward, we shows that we increased our earning power in opera-
were forced to distance ourselves in November 2008 ting activities in the past fiscal year. Compared with
from achieving this target. Although we managed to the previous year, we grew operating profit (EBT ad-
generate a positive result in operations in the first justed) by EUR 13.3 million. A respectable success,
nine months of the year, we did not achieve profits at but still far from satisfactory. This also applies to the
the same level during the fourth quarter, which was share price performance which is relevant for you.
strong in terms of the real estate market. Earnings be-
fore tax (EBT adjusted) now amounts to EUR 0.8 mil- The significant deviation between earnings in line
lion for 2008. Non-cash effects from the market va- with IFRSs (EUR -32.4 million) and earnings as we
 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

have posted them, adjusted for all non-cash items below the level of 2007. This represents a respectab-
(EUR 0.8 million), is chiefly due to the market valuation le result in view of the difficult market environment.
of interest rate hedges. Here, net income and expenses However, it falls short of the residential property
was close to zero after the first nine months of 2008. resale rate that we wanted to reach on a sustainable
However, due to key interest rates being reduced seve- basis. The objective for the coming years is to stabi-
ral times, this turned in the fourth quarter, negatively lize sales figures at a higher level. This is no easy task
impacting earnings 2008 in total by EUR 32.8 million. in light of the economic downturn and the continued
hesitant investment attitude of private households

preface and reports

A subject that dominated the real estate market in – even though the facts of the matter, as we under-
2008 was the valuation of real estate portfolios and stand them, highlight the advantages of anyone ow-
the potential impairment on the book value of the ning their own real estate. Residential property resale
real estate. Our real estate was also revalued in terms shows a very different picture for each individual city:
of market value, generally by external appraisers. We the pattern of sales in Munich and Hamburg is more
are proud of the fact that the market value of our real successful than in Berlin for example. In contrast, we
estate was confirmed as part of the valuation and the- are experiencing positive figures in block sales, which
re were no impairment requirements for our portfolio. performed particularly well in 2008. As a reminder,
For us, this is a confirmation of our past statements we did not process any block sales in the previous
that we hold high-quality real estate in attractive lo- year and in 2008 we achieved five transactions with
cations in our books. a number of 722 units. The market shows us that the
interest in the real estate investment class category
A worry that was constantly communicated to us still exists, although ongoing uncertainty is hampe-
throughout 2008 by our shareholders and analysts ring investment decisions. Residential real estate in
related to our financing situation. As a Company with particular is viewed as less susceptible to economic
a high debt ratio and an equity ratio of almost 20%, conditions and is currently the preferred investment.
our dependence on the interest rate level and the Should doubts about market stability ease again, we
availability of credit financing cannot be denied. The anticipate that investment intentions will be conver-
share of our loans with a residual term of less than ted into actual business transactions. Despite the fi-
twelve months accounts for around 50% of the total nancial market crisis, nothing has changed in terms
financing volume. In this respect, we are currently in of the positive fundamental data regarding the Ger-
talks with our financing banks and are confident of man residential real estate market.
receiving and/or extending sufficient financing at cus-
tomary conditions on an ongoing basis in fiscal year What are PATRIZIA’s targets and strategy for fiscal
2009. Despite the difficult economic environment, we year 2009, you might rightly ask. In 2009, we will
have proved that we can be depended on to show chiefly be operating as a seller. At present, we are
sufficient internal financing power for servicing bank fully invested and our portfolio contains high-quality
loans and for debt redemption. The short term finan- real estate in attractive locations. The value retention
cing of our portfolios is in line with our real estate of our real estate portfolios, confirmed by indepen-
agent business model. In the course of the interest dent external experts, has affirmed our view that we
rate level being significantly reduced, we have come are providing quality products to the market. As part
into a disadvantage in terms of interest rate hedging: of this, the ‘block sale’ sales channel will continue to
with a hedged acquisition interest rate averaging gain importance in 2009. In project development, we
4.15%, we are at a far higher level than the ECB base will continue implementation of the existing projects
interest rate, exposing ourselves to the negative ef- and also intensify the focus on sales in 2009. In the
fects of the market valuation of interest rate hedging. Services segment, we intend to increase our efforts
We are currently renegotiating part of the interest rate in establishing ourselves as an investment company
hedging with the banks due to the fact that we do not and asset manager for real estate products. In fiscal
expect – in the medium term – that the general inte- year 2009, we will also be concentrating on co-invest-
rest rate will approach to any significant degree the ments, for which we are operating in both an investor
interest rate we have hedged. and a service provider capacity.

But let’s get back to operations. The residential pro- As it is difficult to estimate the degree of the econo-
perty resale of 476 apartments to our tenants, to ow- mic downward trend in 2009, a forecast on investors’
ner-occupiers and to private investors puts us slightly attitudes toward investing is difficult to gauge. For
10 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

this reason, we have decided not to publish a detailed estate portfolio, the expertise and the experience of
quantitative earnings forecast for fiscal year 2009. our employees and based on our diversified business
However, we anticipate a positive operating result model, we believe that we are well prepared to meet
in fiscal year 2009. Based on the quality of our real successfully the challenges that 2009 sends our way.

The Managing Board

Wolfgang Egger Arwed Fischer Klaus Schmitt

Chairman of the Board Member of the Board Member of the Board
11 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Report of the Supervisory Board

Dear shareholders,
Dear ladies and gentlemen,

The reporting year 2008 was shaped by a difficult and significant matters. The Supervisory Board refrained
uncertain market environment. The second six months from forming committees as it only comprises three
of 2008 in particular were heavily impacted by the members. Based on the reports and resolutions of the

preface and reports

financial market crisis and the resulting more wait- Managing Board, we passed resolutions on the
and-see attitude of private and institutional investors measures that require approval of the Supervisory
toward investments of any kind. Contrary to expecta- Board in accordance with the law, the Articles of Asso-
tions at the beginning of fiscal year 2008, the market ciation and the bylaws of the Managing Board.
environment has still not improved. You, dear share-
holders, were faced with a volatile share recording a The Supervisory Board was also promptly informed of
declining share price, which even fell below EUR 1 for processes of particular relevance to PATRIZIA’s position
a period. Particularly in the current situation, the mo- and performance between meetings. When necessary,
nitoring function of the Supervisory Board is essenti- decisions of the Supervisory Board were also passed
al. My Supervisory Board colleagues and I take our by circulation. Furthermore, the Supervisory Board al-
function as the supervisory body of PATRIZIA Immobi- so stood by the Managing Board in an advisory capa-
lien AG very seriously and have also worked closely city, regularly meeting personally. No Supervisory
with the Managing Board in the past fiscal year. Board or Managing Board members were involved in
any conflicts of interest which must be disclosed to
The Supervisory Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG the Supervisory Board.
performed all the duties incumbent upon it in ac-
cordance with the law and the Articles of Association
with great care. We carefully examined and monitored Topics of the Supervisory Board
the legality, propriety, expediency and efficiency of
the Company’s management and satisfied ourselves In the Supervisory Board meetings, regular reports
that the organization was effective. The Managing were submitted regarding the revenues and earnings
Board provided information to the Supervisory Board situation of the Group and the individual segments as
comprehensively and promptly both in writing and well as regarding significant projects. The financial si-
verbally. We were integrated directly and without de- tuation of the Group as well as its subsidiaries was
lay in all decisions that were of fundamental im- also discussed in the meetings. Attention was paid to
portance to PATRIZIA. The central subject of discus- the risk management system, implemented across
sion was the course of business in terms of the Com- the Group, in order to recognize opportunities and
pany, the net asset, financial and earnings situation risks at an early stage and to deal with these approp-
as well as risk management. The Managing Board ful- riately.
filled its reporting duties to the Supervisory Board as
prescribed by law and the bylaws in full and compre- During the Supervisory Board accounts meeting on
hensively. The operating performance in the Group, March 25, 2008 and in the presence of the auditor,
all transactions of material significance as well as the the Supervisory Board approved the annual financial
Company’s planning and the associated opportuni- statements for PATRIZIA Immobilien AG and the Group
ties and risks were discussed in depth and the as well as the management report for PATRIZIA Immo-
measures of the Managing Board closely assisted. bilien AG and the Group. Furthermore, after separate
Deviations from the planned course of business and examination, we also approved the dependent com-
the associated objectives were discussed with us in pany report. Due to Arwed Fischer’s appointment to
detail as well as being discussed and checked in plen- CFO on March 1, 2008, the Supervisory Board resolved
ary meetings. a new allocation of duties for the Managing Board.
Additional topics discussed were Company and liqui-
The Supervisory Board came together in four ordinary dity planning as well as the planned sales in fiscal
meetings during the fiscal year. No member missed a year 2008, both in individual privatization as well as
meeting. In addition to its meetings, regular ex- block sales. The agenda for the Annual General Mee-
changes took place between the members of the Su- ting and the relevant resolution proposals were also
pervisory Board and the Managing Board to discuss discussed and resolved.
12 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

As part of the second Supervisory Board meeting on permanently made available for shareholders and in-
July 29, 2008, the Managing Board explained the terested members of the public to view on the website
business performance of PATRIZIA in the first six of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. Based on the Corporate
months of 2008. In particular, the sales situation both Governance Code, we, the members of the Supervisory
in the Residential Property Resale line and in block Board, carried out an efficiency examination. Results
sales was discussed in great detail. In light of the ex- show that the efficiency of cooperation amongst our-
panding financial market crisis, the Managing Board selves as well as with the Managing Board can be ca-
reported extensively on ongoing financing and exten- tegorized as very good.
ding loans. In view of the share price performance, we
remain thoroughly informed of capital market assess-
ments and Investor Relations activities. Annual General Meeting 2008

The premature termination of Alfred Hoschek’s Mana- The Annual General Meeting on June 3, 2008, elected
ging Board contract in the third Supervisory Board all former members of the Supervisory Board to retain
meeting on November 10, 2008 was of particular im- their office on the Supervisory Board for a further
portance. The Supervisory Board approved Alfred three years. In the constituent meeting following the
Hoschek’s request to terminate prematurely his con- Annual General Meeting, Dr. Theodor Seitz was once
tract as Chief Investment Officer as of November 30, again appointed to Chairman of the Supervisory
2008. We greatly regret his departure. Alfred Hoschek Board. Harald Boberg was confirmed as the first de-
is due our particular thanks and acknowledgement puty and Manfred Gottschaller as the second deputy.
for his long-standing and very successful activity on The term of office for all Supervisory Board members
behalf of PATRIZIA. No new appointment was made ends when the Annual General Meeting in 2011 draws
for his area of responsibility on the Managing Board. to a close.
The responsibilities he had been charged with were
transferred to members of the Managing Board Arwed
Fischer, Chief Financial Officer, and Klaus Schmitt, Annual and consolidated financial
Chief Operating Officer. Therefore, the financing remit statements for 2008, audit and
was transferred to Arwed Fischer and the investments dependent company report
remit was transferred to Klaus Schmitt. The transfer
and redistribution of responsibilities were agreed The annual financial statements of PATRIZIA Immobilien
jointly by the Managing Board and the Supervisory AG which are prepared in accordance with the Han-
Board. An additional item discussed in the meeting delsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial Code)
was the course of business in the third quarter of and the consolidated financial statements prepared
2008. In the course of discussions on the quarterly in accordance with International Financial Reporting
figures and the quarterly report, particular attention Standards (IFRSs) for fiscal year 2008 as well as the
was paid to outstanding receivables as part of recei- combined management report for PATRIZIA Immobilien
vables management. AG and the Group were examined by Deloitte &
Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Mu-
In the Supervisory Board meeting on December 10, nich, together with the bookkeeping, and each issued
2008, the Company’s planning and the associated with an unqualified audit opinion. The auditor was
objectives for fiscal year 2009 were on the agenda. chosen by the Annual General Meeting on June 3,
We dedicated a great deal of time to the planned 2008 and commissioned with the audit by the Super-
resale figures in Residential Property Resale as well as visory Board.
to the area of block sales. The financing structure for
the Group and its subsidiaries and liquidity planning All relevant annual financial statement documents as
for fiscal year 2009 were also discussed in the mee- well as the audit reports from Deloitte & Touche GmbH
ting. The contents of the German Corporate Gover- Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft were available on
nance Code were also examined intensively as part of time to the members of the Supervisory Board for the
the plenary session. The Managing Board and Super- accounts meeting on March 24, 2009. The Managing
visory Board then issued an updated declaration of Board and the responsible auditors explained the fin-
conformity in accordance with Article 161 of the Akti- dings of the audit and were available to provide addi-
engesetz (AktG – The German Stock Corporation Act). tional information. The Supervisory Board carefully
Apart from a few exceptions, the recommendations of examined the PATRIZIA Immobilien AG annual finan-
the Code are met. The declaration of conformity was cial statements, the consolidated financial statements
13 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

and the combined management report for PATRIZIA 2. With regard to any legal transactions listed in the
Immobilien AG and the Group and had no objections. report, the Company’s performance was not unduly
We aligned ourselves with the findings of the audit by high,
the auditors. We expressly approved the annual and 3. No circumstances arise from the measures listed in
consolidated financial statements prepared by the the report which necessitate any significant change
Managing Board. The annual financial statements for to the assessment made by the Managing Board.”
fiscal year 2008 have thus been adopted in ac-
cordance with Article 172 of the AktG. In respect of the The auditor’s report on the dependent company report

preface and reports

Group’s liquidity and finance and investment plan- was made available to all members of the Supervisory
ning, the Supervisory Board examined the proposal Board in good time before the accounts meeting and
by the Managing Board on the appropriation of net was examined thoroughly by us and discussed in de-
profit and approved the proposal to carry profits enti- tail with the auditors present. The Supervisory Board
rely forward to new account. found that it has no objections to the report and the
concluding declaration by the Managing Board con-
As regards the Company’s risk management system, tained therein.
the auditor found that the Managing Board of PATRIZIA
Immobilien AG had taken the measures required by We would like to thank the Managing Board, the di-
Article 91 (2) of the AktG and that the Company’s early rectors of the operating companies and all employees
risk detection system was suitable for detection of de- for their dedication and fine work. It is only when each
velopments in good time that jeopardize the continued individual gives their personal best that a common
existence of the Company. success can be achieved.

The dependent company report on relationships Augsburg (Germany) – March 24, 2009
between PATRIZIA Immobilien AG and affiliated com-
panies prepared by the Managing Board in line with For the Supervisory Board
Article 312 of the AktG was examined by the auditor.
The auditor issued the following audit opinion:
“Following our mandatory audit and assessment, we
hereby confirm that: Dr. Theodor Seitz
1. The information given in the report is correct, Chairman
1 Pile dwellings TOP: 2 Igloo BELOW: 3 Yurt

close to nature
Use what‘s there. Water, sand, stone, lime, wood, whatever. Nature is a smart
supplier, providing just the right materials to build homes in every climate, every
environment, letting people live in and harmonize with the world around them.
Affording them safety, protection, well-being.
left: 4 Cliff-dwelling right: 5 Alp cottage

5 3
1 Unteruhldingen, Germany
2 Kinngait, Greenland (DK)
3 Kysylkum desert, Uzbekistan
4 Cappadocia, Turkey
5 Canton Valais, Switzerland
16 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Corporate Governance

Our good reputation is important to us, which is why shareholders by way of remote data transmission,
a responsible corporate policy forms the basis of our with the result that the Annual General Meeting could
business dealings. For the Managing Board and Su- be convened by electronic means in the future.
pervisory Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, integrity
and long-term value enhancement are essential > Contrary to the recommendations of the Code, the
aspects of responsible corporate management. Parti- D&O insurance concluded by the Company for the Ma-
cularly in turbulent economic times, good corporate naging Board and Supervisory Board does not provide
governance is essential for conveying a sense of re- for a deductible. The Managing Board and Supervisory
sponsible company management. Our aim is to high- Board of the Company do not believe that a deductib-
light the opportunities and risks for PATRIZIA through le affects the sense of responsibility and loyalty with
comprehensive and honest communication and thus which the committee members fulfill the duties and
to strengthen the confidence that shareholders, in- functions assigned to them. For this reason, a deduc-
vestors, business partners, customers and our own tible is not needed and is not planned for the future.
employees have in PATRIZIA. All areas of the Company
and our subsidiaries are involved in implementing the > The Supervisory Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG
guidelines that are in place for this purpose, as, for us, comprises three members. Due to the number of Su-
corporate governance is both an obligation and a pervisory Board members, the Company believes that
challenge. it is neither necessary, nor does it make sense, for the
Supervisory Board to form committees. The recom-
mendations relating to the forming of committees are
Implementation of the German Corpo- therefore not of significance to PATRIZIA.
rate Governance Code
> Contrary to the recommendations of the Code, the
In the 2008 reporting year, the Managing Board and compensation model for the Supervisory Board does
Supervisory Board again dealt extensively with imple- not distinguish between chairman and deputy chair-
mentation of the recommendations and suggestions man of the Supervisory Board. Due to the Supervisory
in the Code. Based on the new requirements con- Board having three members, a distinction is only
tained in the version of the Code dated June 6, 2008, made between chairman and other members.
the Managing Board and Supervisory Board of
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG issued an updated declarati-
on of conformity in accordance with Article 161 of the Consideration of shareholder
Aktiengesetz (AktG – German Stock Corporation Act) interests
on December 10, 2008. This declaration and all the
declarations preceding it are permanently available to Particularly in a difficult market environment such as
our shareholders and interested members of the pu- that experienced by PATRIZIA in the period under re-
blic on our website at It was not ne- view, it is important to maintain the credibility of the
cessary to adapt PATRIZIA’s internal standards in line Company. We inform our shareholders of significant
with the amendments to the Code, as PATRIZIA already events early, comprehensively and at the same time.
implements the recommendations concerned. How- This includes making all publications available on our
ever, it was not possible to implement the following website at
recommendations of the Code in the 2008 fiscal year:
At the Annual General Meeting, every share is repre-
> The Company did not send notification of the con- sented by one vote. To support shareholders in safe-
vening of the 2008 Annual General Meeting together guarding their rights, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG offers
with the convening documents to all domestic and the possibility of being represented at the Annual
foreign financial services providers, shareholders and General Meeting by a proxy who is bound by instruc-
shareholders’ associations by electronic means as it tions. The proxies are available at any time during the
did not at that time have the Annual General Meeting Annual General Meeting. Likewise, it is a matter of
resolution to amend the Articles of Association. The importance to us that we support our international in-
Annual General Meeting on June 3, 2008 approved vestors in exercising their shareholders’ rights. All the
the amendment of the Articles of Association with documents required for the Annual General Meeting
respect to electronic transmission of information to are published on our website in good time and can
17 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

be easily retrieved. As previously, the Annual General The Managing Board

Meeting will not be transmitted on the Internet due to
cost reasons. However, the main content, such as the Although the Managing Board has sole responsibility
CEO’s speech, will be made available promptly. We for management of the PATRIZIA Group, it is bound
also publish details of attendance and results of votes by the interests of the Company and is obligated to
immediately after the Annual General Meeting. increase the enterprise value sustainably.

In the context of our investor relations work, discus- By way of its resolution of January 21, 2008, the Su-

preface and reports

sions with analysts and institutional investors were pervisory Board appointed Arwed Fischer to the po-
also held regularly. In the 2008 fiscal year, we con- sition of CFO of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG with effect
ducted several roadshows in Germany and abroad from March 1, 2008. Arwed Fischer was most recently
and participated in various investor conferences and a member of the managing board of KarstadtQuelle
special events for private shareholders. Furthermore, AG. At PATRIZIA, he is responsible for the areas of
our IR Team will be pleased to answer any questions Accounting and Tax, Controlling, Finance, IT, Investor
from our shareholders. Relations and Risk Management.

At the end of the 2008 fiscal year, the PATRIZIA Immo-

Transparency bilien AG Managing Board comprised three members.
With effect from November 30, 2008, Alfred Hoschek,
All target groups – shareholders, analysts, the press Chief Investment Officer of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG,
and interested members of the public – are informed relinquished his position on the Managing Board at
promptly and on an equal basis regarding current his own request. The Supervisory Board fulfilled his
business developments to guarantee the highest request to terminate his Managing Board contract
possible level of transparency. All publications are si- ahead of time. Alfred Hoschek stepped down after 15
multaneously posted on our website at www.patrizia. years of being with the Company, six of which were
ag. The main recurring fixtures, such as the publica- spent on the Managing Board. He remains with the
tion dates of our Annual Report and interim reports Company in a consultant capacity and as a sharehol-
and the date of the Annual General Meeting, are also der. No new appointment was made for the role of
published on our website in the form of a financial Chief Investment Officer; the responsibilities attached
calendar. to this Managing Board position were integrated into
the remits of the Chief Financial Officer, Arwed Fischer,
In accordance with Article 26 (1) of the Wertpapier- and the Chief Operating Officer, Klaus Schmitt.
handelsgesetz (WpHG – German Securities Trading
Act), voting right notifications in fiscal year 2008, i.e. The securities transactions of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s
when the rights reach, exceed or fall below the legal executive body members and of certain employees with
reporting thresholds, were published immediately af- management duties – known as Directors’ Dealings
ter they were announced to the Company. All relevant – were immediately published in accordance with
information was made available promptly and at the Article 15a of the WpHG and made accessible on the
same time to all shareholders and interested mem- PATRIZIA website. The Company was notified of the
bers of the public through various communication following securities transactions in the 2008 fiscal
media, such as the Internet. year:

Reason for noti- SIN (Security

fication require- Identification Transaction Stock Price Number
Date Name ment/position Number) type exchange per share of shares

Wolfgang Security loan

Company closely
Egger via as part of
Dec. 17, related to a person Not
First Capital PAT1AG designated Off-market 100,000
2008 with management quantifiable
Partner sponsor
GmbH agreements
18 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Following Alfred Hoschek’s departure from the Mana- gang Egger can be assigned, and the designated
ging Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, the security sponsor banks. Wolfgang Egger’s voting rights share
loan agreements concluded as part of the designa- thus decreased from 50.16% to 49.97%.
ted sponsor agreements were terminated. The loaned
shares were transferred back to him. In their place, Shares held directly and indirectly by the Managing
Wolfgang Egger provided the shares required via First Board members of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG exceed
Capital Partner GmbH. New security loan agreements 1% of the shares issued, with the result the total ow-
relating to a total of 100,000 shares were concluded nership as of December 31, 2008 can be broken down
between First Capital Partner GmbH, to which Wolf- as follows:

Number of shares Percentage of share capital

Wolfgang Egger directly and indirectly via First Capital

26,047,572 49.97 %
Partner GmbH
Arwed Fischer (since March 1, 2008) 0 0.00 %
Klaus Schmitt 80,000 0.15 %
Total 26,127,572 50.12 %

Overall, the members of the Managing Board held components comprise fixed basic compensation that
26,127,572 shares at the end of the fiscal year, cor- is paid as a monthly salary, pension contributions
responding to 50.12% of share capital. The members and other agreed payments. In addition, the com-
of the Supervisory Board held no shares in the Com- pensation of the Managing Board members includes
pany as of December 31, 2008. payments in kind and other payments which chiefly
consist of the values to be applied in accordance with
tax guidelines for use of a company car and insurance
Compensation report premiums. PATRIZIA has also taken out accident insu-
rance with the customary extent of cover for all Mana-
In accordance with the Code recommendations, we ging Board members.
include the compensation report for the Managing
Board and Supervisory Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien The performance-related, variable compensation
AG in the Corporate Governance Report. At the same components are calculated based on predetermined
time, the management report and the notes to the targets, which are divided into three categories: Com-
consolidated financial statements also include rele- pany targets, business line targets and individual tar-
vant information. gets. The targets are further subdivided into quanti-
tative and qualitative targets. The amount of variable
compensation is thus dependent on the degree to
Compensation of the Managing Board which the agreed targets are achieved.

The amount and structure of the compensation paid One criterion for achievement of Company targets is
to the Managing Board members are determined and consolidated profit before tax for the reporting period,
regularly reviewed by the Supervisory Board. In addi- as calculated in accordance with IFRSs. Every year, de-
tion to the financial position and success of PATRIZIA, pending on the Company’s planning, a target figure
the remit, the personal performance of individual Ma- that exactly specifies the amount of consolidated
naging Board members and the performance of the profit before tax to be achieved in accordance with
entire Managing Board are criteria for the appropri- IFRSs is defined. If consolidated profit before tax in
ateness of Managing Board compensation. The com- accordance with IFRSs is less than 67% of the defined
pensation of the Managing Board members is made target figure (so called hurdle), the variable compen-
up of non-performance-related and performance- sation of the Managing Board is omitted completely,
related components. The non-performance-related irrespective of which other target figures – Company,
19 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

business line or individual targets – were achieved. claimant the right to receive a monetary amount after
A further Company target is based on the return on a performance period of two years has passed. The
equity in the period under review and the two previ- performing share units do not carry any voting or di-
ous fiscal years. Target figures are also defined in this vidend rights. As explained above, the variable com-
context. An additional criterion for calculating the va- pensation components with a long-term incentive
riable compensation is the performance of PATRIZIA’s effect are first translated into performing share units;
shares over two years in relation to the DIMAX refe- this is done by dividing the relevant third of the vari-
rence indices and the Deutsche Börse index applica- able compensation calculated by the share price of

preface and reports

ble at the end of the year – in this case the SDAX. PATRIZIA Immobilien AG at the end of the respective
fiscal year. After the performance period of two years
The target figures defined for each target correspond has ended, the performing share units calculated in
to a degree of achievement of 100%. If the actual this way are multiplied by the current share price of
value determined corresponds to more than 120% of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. The resulting product deter-
the defined target value, 150% of the variable com- mines the monetary amount to be paid out in the form
pensation is paid; this is also the upper limit that has of variable compensation components with a long-
been defined for the maximum amount of variable term incentive effect. The variable compensation com-
compensation that can be achieved. If 80% of the tar- ponents with a long-term incentive effect are thus de-
get is achieved, 50% of the variable compensation is pendent on the Company’s share price performance.
Minimum variable compensation of EUR 240,000 per
For each target, a variable compensation amount is year in excess of the existing compensation model
calculated depending on the degree to which the tar- was agreed with Managing Board member Arwed Fi-
get is achieved. The total of all the amounts is paid scher. This will be granted in the form of a cash pay-
out in two components. Two-thirds of the amount is ment. There are no agreements in place in the case
paid out in the form of a cash payment, which is de- of a change of control. The Managing Board’s total
signated as a short-term component. The remaining compensation in fiscal year 2008 amounted to EUR
third of the variable compensation is granted in the 1.1 million, of which EUR 0.9 million was from fixed
form of performing share units, i.e. it is not paid out components and EUR 0.2 million from variable com-
directly in cash. This third is intended as a component ponents.
with a long-term incentive effect. Performing share
units are virtual shares which grant the legitimate More specifically, the following amounts were granted:

Annual income
Compensation of the Mana- Long-term Contribution
Short-term Payments in variable com- to retirement
ging Board in 2008 (EUR) Fixed
variable kind and other pensation** pension
compensation payments*
Wolfgang Egger 260,000 0 21,963 0 12,000
Arwed Fischer
(since March 1, 2008) 200,000 200,000 26,160 0 10,000
Alfred Hoschek
165,000 0 9,471 0 11,000
(until November 30, 2008)
Klaus Schmitt 180,000 0 29,389 0 12,000
Total 805,000 200,000 86,983 0 45,000

*  The item primarily includes non-cash benefits from the provision of company cars and insurance premiums.
** C  onversion into performing share units with a two-year waiting period; to be paid out at the Xetra closing price on the last trading day
of 2010. No performing share units were granted for the 2008 fiscal year, as the defined target hurdles were not achieved.
20 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

The members of the Managing Board or related par- additional EUR 225 for each dividend of EUR 0.01 per
ties also effected transactions with PATRIZIA Immo- share that exceeds a dividend of EUR 0.75 per share
bilien AG in 2008. A list of transactions complying but does exceed a dividend amount of EUR 1.00 per
with standards customary in the sector can be found share. The variable compensation is payable upon the
in the notes under item 9.3. No members of the Ma- close of the Annual General Meeting which decides
naging Board, Supervisory Board or Company were on the appropriation of profit for the previous fiscal
involved in any conflicts of interest. year in each case. In 2008, no variable compensation
was paid out as no dividends were distributed for the
2007 fiscal year.
Compensation of the Supervisory
Board The Chairman of the Supervisory Board receives 1.33-
times the fixed and variable compensation respec-
The Supervisory Board advises and monitors the Ma- tively. If a Supervisory Board member was not a mem-
naging Board with regard to managing the businesses. ber for the entire fiscal year, he/she only receives the
The Supervisory Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG fixed and variable compensation pro rata temporis.
comprises three members. Due to its size, the Super- The members of the Supervisory Board also receive
visory Board refrained from forming committees. reimbursement for all expenses as well as reimburse-
ment for any value-added tax payable on their com-
In line with the recommendations of the German pensation and expenses.
Corporate Governance Code, the compensation of
the Supervisory Board is made up of a fixed and a The fixed components of the Supervisory Board
variable component. The fixed compensation is paid compensation for fiscal year 2008 amounted to EUR
to the Supervisory Board members in four identical 62,437.50, plus reimbursement for expenses. The vari-
installments, in each case at the end of a quarter. able compensation cannot be calculated and paid out
The variable components are based on the dividend until the Annual General Meeting of 2009 has appro-
that is distributed to shareholders for the previous ved the proposal on the appropriation of net profit by
fiscal year. Each Supervisory Board member receives the Managing and Supervisory Boards. The proposal
EUR 675 for each dividend of EUR 0.01 per share that provides that retained earnings for the 2008 repor-
exceeds a dividend of EUR 0.05 per share but does ting period are fully carried forward to new account.
not exceed a dividend amount of EUR 0.50 per share. This would mean that – as in the previous year – the
Each Supervisory Board member receives an additio- Supervisory Board would not receive any variable
nal EUR 375 for each dividend of EUR 0.01 per share compensation.
that exceeds a dividend of EUR 0.50 per share but
does not exceed a dividend amount of EUR 0.75 per In 2008, the following amounts were granted to the
share. Each Supervisory Board member receives an Supervisory Board:

Fixed compensation Variable compensation

Dr. Theodor Seitz, Chairman 24,937.50 0
Harald Boberg 18,750.00 0
Manfred J. Gottschaller 18,750.00 0
Total 62,437.50 0
21 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

There is a consultancy agreement in place between Supervisory Board on the course of the business.
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG and the law firm Seitz, Weck- Transactions of fundamental importance require the
bach, Fackler, Augsburg, for advice on competition and approval of the Supervisory Board and are defined in
employment law matters. The Chairman of PATRIZIA both the Company’s statutes and the bylaws for the
Immobilien AG’s Supervisory Board, Dr. Theodor Managing Board.
Seitz, is a partner of this law firm. The consultancy
agreement was approved by the resolutions of the
Supervisory Board from November 29, 2007 as well Reporting and auditing

preface and reports

as from February 23, 2009. Consultancy costs of EUR
8,847.65 VAT included were incurred. No compensati- The consolidated financial statements and interim
on was paid to members of the Supervisory Board for reports for 2008 were prepared in accordance with
personally provided services. In addition, none of the the International Financial Reporting Standards
Supervisory Board members has business or personal (IFRSs). The consolidated financial statements were
relations with the Company or members of the Mana- examined by the Supervisory Board and the auditors
ging Board that could cause a conflict of interest. Fur- Deloitte & Touche GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesell-
thermore, none of the Supervisory Board members is schaft, Munich. The auditors report to the Supervisory
a former member of the Managing Board of PATRIZIA Board without delay on all facts and events of im-
Immobilien AG. portance for the tasks of the Supervisory Board which
arise during the performance of the audit. In addition,
the auditor shall inform the Supervisory Board and/
Cooperation between the Managing or note in the auditor’s report if the auditor comes
Board and the Supervisory Board across facts which show a deviation from the decla-
ration of conformity with the Corporate Governance
The Managing and Supervisory Boards work closely Code issued by the Managing Board and Supervisory
together to increase the value of the enterprise in a Board. The Managing Board discusses quarterly and
sustainable manner. In this process, the Managing semi-annual reports with the Supervisory Board prior
Board regularly consults with and reports to the to publication.
22 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


In 2008, the stock exchange was impacted by the points in the same period; the share index for German
increased gravity of the global financial market crisis real estate companies, the DIMAX, fell by 49.7%.
with significant price losses and a high level of volati-
lity – something that left its mark across all industries The threatening effects of the financial market crisis
and indices. At the beginning of January, the DAX – at also carried across to the goods and services in-
8,100 points – needed only an additional 50 points dustry. The forecast global economic downturn im-
to reach its record level of July 2007. Not even three pacted sentiment on the stock exchange noticeably.
weeks later, fears of a recession triggered the first fall In addition to financial stocks, real estate stocks suf-
in prices of the year. The sub-prime crisis, which began fered particularly from the lack of confidence shown
in the USA, continued and escalated to a global bank by investors. Real estate shares are often associated
crisis. The situation deteriorated as the US investment with shares of financial companies and, in particular,
bank Lehman Brothers entered into insolvency in Sep- banks due to the fact that in the real estate industry
tember following failed rescue negotiations. Revived the debt ratio is normally higher than in other indus-
economic fears as well as the fear of shortages in cre- tries. More restrictive new bank lending has also made
dit financing on both sides of the Atlantic generated it more difficult for real estate companies to finance
panic-driven sales of shares on the stock exchanges. additional acquisitions. The consequence of this is
On October 24, the DAX – at 4,015 points – reached that many market participants considered the chan-
its lowest level since November 2004. It ended the full ces of growth within these companies as limited and
year at 4,810 points, a drop of 40.4%. The reference in- distanced themselves from an investment. As a result
dex SDAX, relevant for PATRIZIA, fell by 46.1% to 2,801 of reduced demand, share prices fell drastically.

PATRIZIA share performance 2008








































23 | Preface and Reports PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

PATRIZIA shares began 2008 with a share price of rage of 284,700 shares per day). Based on PATRIZIA
EUR 5.16. On December 2, the share price reached its Immobilien AG’s total number of shares (52.13 million),
year-low/all-time-low of EUR 0.87. At the end of the the 79.2 million PATRIZIA shares traded during the
year, the share price experienced a slight increase reporting year represent a turnover of 1.52 (previous
and finished trading on December 30 at EUR 1.63. year: 1.38).
Viewing the year as a whole, the PATRIZIA share price
recorded a loss of 68.4%. As a result of the continued In the reporting year, four analyst companies took
share price decrease, PATRIZIA dropped even further up coverage of the PATRIZIA share. As a result of re-

preface and reports

in the total market value ranking of listed stocks. structuring within the banking industry, three of the
However, the Company retained its position on the analyst companies have discontinued respective-
SDAX based on the high trading volume. At the end ly suspended their coverage. The upshot is that, at
of the fiscal year, market capitalization amounted to present, eleven analysts are assessing PATRIZIA. We
EUR 85.0 million. publish the latest consensus overview on the PATRIZIA
PATRIZIA’s trading volume on all German stock ex-
changes amounted to an average of around 311,700 At the end of 2008, approximately 76% of all PATRIZIA
shares per day. Compared with the previous year, this shares were held by institutional investors, including
represents an increase of 9.5% (previous year: ave- the interest of First Capital Partner GmbH.

The PATRIZIA Share at a Glance

SIN (Security Identification Number) PAT1AG
Code P1Z
Issue date March 31, 2006
Share capital as at December 31, 2008 EUR 52,130,000
No. of shares in issue as at December 31, 2008 Shares 52,130,000

Share prices in 2008*

High EUR 5.67
Low EUR 0.87
Closing price on December 30 EUR 1.63
Share price performance –68.4 %
Market capitalization as at December 31, 2008* EUR million 85.0

Average trading volume per day** EUR 739,900

Average trading volume per day** Shares 311,700

Earnings per share (EPS) EUR –0.65

* Closing prices in Xetra trading

** All German stock exchanges
TOP: 1 Satellite town BELOW: 2 Skyscraper 3 Tree house

sky-high 3 1
The stairway to the heavens never ends. Up, 2

up into the deep blue yonder, reaching for the

clouds, the moon, the very stars. Higher, ever
higher – at least until the lift shudders to a halt.
Home in a “world between” on the 48th floor: far
removed from the Earth, reaching for the skies. 1 Bratislava, Slovakia
2 Tokyo, Japan
3 Somewhere, Germany

Business Segments and Environment ....................................................................................... 26

Net Asset, Financial and Earnings Situation ............................................................................. 38
Opportunity and Risk Report ....................................................................................................... 51
Supplementary Report .................................................................................................................. 57
Report on Expected Developments ............................................................................................ 60
26 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Management report of the Company and the Group

The Group management report was subsumed into management report contains all presentations of the
the management report of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG in net asset, financial and earnings situation of the
accordance with Article 315 (3) of the Handelsgesetz- Company and the Group as well as other details that
buch (HGB – German Commercial Code) in conjunc- are required according to German commercial law. All
tion with Article 298 (3) of the HGB. The subsumed monetary amounts are stated in EURO.

1. Business segments and environment

1.1 B
 usiness activities and structure The Group’s structure comprises four lines: Residential,
of PATRIZIA Project Development, Investment Management and
Property Management. These lines, which are closely
> PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, along with its subsidiaries linked in both a strategic and an economic sense, are
Our business model is based on in- (hereafter referred to as PATRIZIA), is a real estate composed of various business units and together
creasing value and prompt placing agent and investment house. It specializes in buying form the Investments and Services segments. All the
of real estate. high-quality residential real estate at commercially at- business lines have access to PATRIZIA’s own Re-
tractive locations in Germany with the aim of increasing search department.
their value and subsequent reselling the real estate.

Investments Services

Residential Asset Project Investment Asset Sales Property

Property Repositioning Development Manage- Manage- Manage- Manage-
Resale ment ment ment ment

Residential Project Investment Management Manage-
Development ment

Own in-house research

In the Investments segment, PATRIZIA buys real esta- schaft mbH we offer institutional investors the oppor-
te resources, raises their value itself by working on the tunity to invest indirectly in German and European re-
real estate – e.g. by implementing construction pro- sidential real estate. As a full service provider we are
jects or by reducing vacancy – and sells the improved able to offer our customers tailored solutions for indi-
real estate. Comprising the lines of Residential Pro- vidual investor requirements.
perty Resale, Asset Repositioning and Project Deve-
> lopment, PATRIZIA thus generally works on its own PATRIZIA has been active on the German real estate
PATRIZIA is one of the market- account or via joint ventures in project development. market as both an investor and a service provider for
leading real estate companies 25 years. With its headquarters in Augsburg and bran-
in Germany. In the Services segment, PATRIZIA performs all ser- ches in Berlin, Cologne, Dresden, Frankfurt am Main,
vices relating to real estate. The service range thus Hamburg, Hanover and Munich, PATRIZIA serves the
covers advice on purchase, asset management and residential real estate sector throughout Germany.
property management and the sale of real estate. Our regional orientation ensures that we have direct
Through PATRIZIA Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesell- contact to our customers.
27 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Invest. Optimize. Realize. our own employees. We generate the best possible
returns through selecting the most suitable sales
> Our aim as an investor and service provider is to cre- channels. Although real estate is, and remains, the
PATRIZIA regards itself as “real ate end-to-end solutions for return-oriented optimi- basis of our activities, our options for the structuring
estate industry” zation of real estate portfolios. The real estate is re- and placement of the “real estate product” are beco-
sold after a short to medium-term holding period. ming increasingly varied. This forms the basis of how
PATRIZIA invests only in economically appealing loca- we regard ourselves – namely as real estate industry.
tions in Germany – and only in high-quality proper-
ties and properties with significant value-added po- We also act as a representative for owners in the Ser-
tential. Approximately 80% of the around 12,000 vices segment. We manage and optimize real estate
residential and commercial units in our portfolio are portfolios of external third parties as though they
located in the top five locations in Germany: in Berlin, were our own portfolios. Through PATRIZIA Immobili-
Cologne/Dusseldorf, Frankfurt am Main, Hamburg en Kapitalanlagegesellschaft mbH, we also establish
and Munich. PATRIZIA achieves its value-enhance- theme funds, for which the PATRIZIA Group assumes

ment aims through professional management and all services. We also act as a representative of the
property-improvement measures. In this process we fund owners in this context, investing, optimizing and
service the entire real estate value-added chain using realizing real estate stocks.

Locations covered by the PATRIZIA portfolio






UNITS PER Location

up to 100
101 to 250
251 to 500
192-', 501 to 1000
1001 to 4000
more than 4000
28 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Structure Investmentmanagement GmbH. The other PATRIZIA

operating companies remained unchanged. The re-
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG is the PATRIZIA Group’s hol- organization has no influence on business activities,
ding company and performs central management and the service package or the segment reporting of the
service functions. To accelerate and simplify internal PATRIZIA Group.
processes, in the reporting year we merged busi-
ness segments whose responsibilities in operating The holding company now covers six subsidiaries
> business show numerous overlaps. In March 2008, that are active on the market and responsible for
In 2008 PATRIZIA optimized its inter- we merged the, previously individual, companies the operating business of PATRIZIA. They are wholly-
nal structure, adapting it to its PATRIZIA Wohnungsprivatisierung GmbH, PATRIZIA owned subsidiaries of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. The
new size. Bautechnik GmbH and the area of PATRIZIA Asset real estate portfolios are managed via special pur-
Management GmbH, responsible for our own portfo- pose vehicles (real estate companies) and round
lios, into PATRIZIA Wohnen GmbH. We also bundled off the Group. A detailed list of shareholdings can
the former PATRIZIA Advisory & Sales GmbH and the be found in the notes to the consolidated financial
part of PATRIZIA Asset Management GmbH acting as statements.
asset manager for third party real estate into PATRIZIA


Acquisition Immobilien Immobilien- Investment- Projektent- Wohnen
& Consul- Kapitalan- manage- manage- wicklung GmbH
ting GmbH lagegesell- ment GmbH ment GmbH GmbH
schaft mbH

PATRIZIA Acquisition & Consulting GmbH is respon- 19,500 units, 7,500 of which are owned by third par-
sible for purchasing residential real estate including ties and supplement its own portfolios.
the necessary research for our own investments, the
review of the fund products for purchase and also PATRIZIA Investmentmanagement GmbH manages
acts as a service provider for external customers. the real estate assets of institutional and private in-
vestors, assuming the value-oriented asset manage-
PATRIZIA Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesellschaft ment of the real estate and supervising all areas asso-
mbH establishes special real estate funds for do- ciated with the optimization process. It assists clients
mestic and international institutional investors and in the purchase of real estate and offers them a wide
is responsible for the entire fund management. The range of possible investment vehicles, which are indi-
funds invest in German and European residential vidually tailored to investors’ personal requirements.
real estate. In this process, PATRIZIA Immobilien Ka- The company markets individual properties and real
pitalanlagegesellschaft mbH has access to all the estate portfolios from its own portfolio or provides
services of the PATRIZIA Group: real estate research, sales consultation for transactions of third parties.
acquisition of suitable properties, financing at fund Furthermore, our commercial real estate team is in-
level, asset management and property and risk ma- tegrated here, which implements all services from
nagement. purchase consultation and processing through asset
management to resale of a commercial property.
PATRIZIA Immobilienmanagement GmbH specializes
in professional property management of residential PATRIZIA Projektentwicklung GmbH provides all
and commercial real estate of all sizes of its own or services involved in commercial and residential pro-
in third-party ownership. It currently manages around ject development, from conception through purchase
29 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

of suitable plots or property to the resale of the deve- Since October 2008, the European Central Bank (ECB)
loped property. has lowered the base rate of interest from 4.25% to
2.0% in four steps. This decrease in interest rates is
PATRIZIA Wohnen GmbH is responsible for asset intended to reduce the cost of financing for necessary
management, structural engineering and residential investments and thus boost the goods and services
property resale. Asset management is responsible for industry. The lowering of interest rates had become
generating the best possible added-value for our own necessary due to banks’ moves toward restrictive len-
residential real estate in every phase of use. The struc- ding which accelerated over the course of the year, as
tural engineering area devises solutions relating to well as signs of the onset of a recession.
the structural substance of buildings and implements
these solutions cost-effectively. Residential Property The inflation rate in Germany was at its highest at
Resale manages individual sales of residential real 3.3% in June and July 2008. By the end of the year, the
estate to tenants, owner-occupiers and private inves- rate of inflation had dropped to 1.1%; for the year as a
tors. Its clear objective is to provide tenants and other whole it amounted to 2.6% overall. According to the

interested parties with comprehensive advice on tai- “ifs” (Institut für Städtebau, Wohnungswirtschaft und
lored residential ownership options. Bausparwesen – Institute for City Planning, the Hou-
sing Industry and Building Society Savings) in Berlin,
basic residential rents (excluding utilities and other
1.2 General conditions and the service charges) across Germany climbed by just 1.3%
market in the same period. However, it should be noted in
this regard that rents increased considerably more in
In 2008, growth in the German economy was consi- many regions and in the main economic centers in
derably weaker than in the two previous years. Growth particular.
of GDP almost halved in real terms to 1.3% (2007:
2.5%; 2006: 3.0%); after adjustments for working-day The German real estate market differs from other Euro-
variations, it only increased by 1.0%. Private con- pean residential markets both with regard to owner-
sumption did not provide any positive impetus either, ship structure and price development. With a share of
although the number of people in work rose by 1.5% house and apartment ownership of 43%, Germany
in comparison with the previous year and, at 40.4 mil- occupies one of the lowest ranks in a European com-
lion, employment reached its highest level since reu- parison. In contrast to other European countries such
nification. The 2.6% climb in the disposable income of as Ireland, Great Britain, France and Spain, house and
private households was almost entirely offset by an apartment prices in Germany have remained more or
annual inflation rate in the same amount. Consump- less unchanged in past years, although in the last few
tion expenditure rose less than disposable income, years in particular apartment prices in West Germany
leading to an 11.4% increase in the savings ratio. Fur- have shown a slight upward trend. Due to rising ancil-
thermore, as the German Federal Statistical Office an- lary costs and higher inflation, only limited rent in-
nounced, investments in construction grew by 2.7% in creases were observed. However, surveys confirm
2008. While investments in construction of residenti- enormous regional differences in prices and rents. Pri-
al property developed only modestly (+0.7%), invest- ces are chiefly driven by intensified demand for resi-
ments in non-residential buildings were up by 5.6%. dential space in metropolitan areas, combined with
However, the rate of change in GDP for the year as a the low vacancy rate in these regions. It is increasingly
whole masks the downturn that intensified over the the case that the location of real estate determines its
course of the year due to the financial market crisis value to a significant degree.
and led to a dramatic slump in the fourth quarter of
2008 compared with the previous period.
lefT: 1 Terraced houses right: 2 Happy Rizzi House top: 3 Detached houses below: 4 Residential development

Colours are fun. Colours get noticed. Colours are different. Colours make you
smile. Colours drive away worries and cares. Colours are not drab and boring.
Colours are trendy. Colours are decorative. Colours need room. Colours are
healthy. Colours are lively. Colours make a house a home.
right: 5 Dormitory 6 Country house


4 1 Cape Town, South Africa

2 Braunschweig, Germany
3 Curaçao, The Netherlands Antilles
3 4 Las Palmas / Gran Canaria, Spain
5 Tübingen, Germany
6 Tortola, Virgin Islands (GB)

32 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

1.3 Key events in the Investments not make any purchases in the 2008 reporting period.
segment In addition to the continued optimization of individual
properties, the focus in the Investments segment for
In the 2007 fiscal year, around 12,000 residential and 2008 was primarily on the sale of residential units via
commercial units were transferred into our ownership. all the sales channels available to us. We sold 1,198
Thus our investment limit was fully reached at the apartments in total, corresponding to around 9.1% of
start of the 2008 fiscal year, with the result that we did our entire portfolio as at January 1, 2008.

The PATRIZIA portfolio – breakdown by region:

Number of units in % of the Area in sqm in % of the

Region/city (Dec. 31, 2008) portfolio (Dec. 31, 2008) portfolio

Munich 5.141 42.6 % 353.551 42.0 %

Cologne/Dusseldorf 1,565 13.0 % 136,025 16.2 %
Hamburg 1,350 11.2 % 89,608 10.6 %
Leipzig 981 8.1 % 64,391 7.6 %
Berlin 957 7.9 % 61,619 7.3 %
Frankfurt am Main 946 7.8 % 59,597 7.1 %
Regensburg 457 3.8 % 31,282 3.7 %
Hanover 437 3.6 % 30,167 3.6 %
Dresden 152 1.3 % 10,284 1.2 %
Friedrichshafen 90 0.7 % 5,800 0.7 %
Total 12,076 100 % 842,324 100 %

Residential Property Resale investors toward all types of investment. A total of 476
individual apartments were sold to tenants, owner-
> Residential Property Resale picked up considerably occupiers and private investors. Despite the difficult
Around 40% of all units sold in at the start of 2008, boosted by notarizations from market environment, which worsened over the course
the 2008 fiscal year were attribu- the fourth quarter of 2007. Following a significant de- of the year, this figure was only 2.3 % lower than the
table to residential property cline mid-year, resale figures rose again slightly in the previous year’s figure of 487 units. Of the 476 residen-
resale. fourth quarter. Although we generated respectable tial units, 19.4 % were sold to tenants and 43.3 % to
earnings from resales in the fourth quarter of 2008, owner-occupiers. The remaining 37.3 % was attribu-
we noted a more wait-and-see attitude among private table to sales to private investors.

Residential property resales in 2008 by quarter:

1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007

Privatized units 144 103 83 146 476 487

EUR 2,398 EUR 2,213 EUR 2,230 EUR 2,371 EUR 2,322 EUR 1,990
Average sales price
per sqm per sqm per sqm per sqm per sqm per sqm
33 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Asset Repositioning 24 units was sold to a Spanish family office for EUR
8.5 million. In addition, several properties located in
Block sales developed positively: 722 residential Munich containing a total of 199 residential and 5
and commercial units were successfully placed on commercial units, which had partly been transferred
> the market, demonstrating that block sales are be- in our books due to a reverse transaction in the first
The ‘block sale’ sales channel is coming increasingly important for the PATRIZIA quarter, were sold to the PATRIZIA German Residen-
gaining in importance. business model. In most cases, asset repositioning tial Fund I in December.
properties require higher investment in construc-
tion measures or a longer timeline for the optimum Following completion of the renovation work in Sep-
added-value as privatization properties e.g. through tember 2008, the “Dresden Altmarktkarree I” asset
rent increases. The resale of this real estate, primarily repositioning property with a total of 318 residen-
to institutional investors, mostly takes place en bloc tial units and 39 commercial units was sold for EUR
following implementation of all measures to increase 70.0 million. The successful bidder for the acquisiti-
value. Not only wide-ranging expertise on the real es- on of the ensemble was PATRoffice GmbH & Co. KG,

tate and its location is necessary for the moderniza- in which PATRIZIA Immobilien AG holds an interest
tion of portfolio real estate, but also expertise on the of 6.25% alongside two European investors. PATRIZIA
optimum interplay of various disciplines. We are able acquired the large ensemble of around 38,000 sqm
to offer nearly all of these skills within PATRIZIA with in Dresden’s best central location from the city of
our own employees across Germany. This enables us Dresden at the end of 2005. At the time of the ac-
to achieve the optimum ratio of costs to performance quisition, the three buildings, dating from the years
and thus to optimize income from the real estate. 1954 to 1963, were in a mediocre state of repair and
had significantly high levels of vacancy. To begin
Four of the five block sales concluded in 2008 rela- with, all unleased apartments and communal areas
ted to Munich real estate. In March, the sale of 79 were thoroughly renovated from April 2006 onward.
residential and 6 commercial units in the suburb of While this was in progress, the renovated vacant
Thalkirchen was notarized. The properties, which apartments and commercial units with upside rental
were built in 1927 and 1947, were sold to a private potential were released. Thanks to this optimization,
> investor with a factor of around 23 of the net actu- the portfolio today generates stable cash returns and
In 2008, 722 units were sold en al rent for EUR 14.85 million. A further 46 residenti- has potential for further capital growth. PATRIZIA will
bloc in five transactions. al units and 6 commercial units with floor space of continue to assume the real estate management and
around 4,050 sqm were sold in the second quarter asset management for the three buildings.
of 2008. This led to a purchase price of around EUR
8.9 million or EUR 2,195 per sqm. Our Prinzregenten- In the 2008 fiscal year, a total of 722 apartments were
strasse property in the center of Munich comprising successfully placed en bloc in five transactions.

Bloc sales (from asset repositioning properties) in 2008 by quarter:

1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter

2008 2008 2008 2008 2008 2007

Units in block sales 85 52 357 228 722 0

Number of transactions 1 1 1 2 5 0
EUR 1,900 EUR 2,195 EUR 1,846 EUR 2,001 EUR 1,912
Average sales price
per sqm per sqm per sqm per sqm per sqm
City/Location Munich Munich Dresden Munich
34 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Project Development the start of construction, which was planned for 2008,
due to extensive archaeological excavations, with the
Concluded projects result that the foundations was only secured in the
fourth quarter of 2008. The first purchase agreements
> PATRIZIA was awarded the MIPIM Award 2008 at the were also notarized in 2008. Construction will start in
The water tower hotel designed MIPIM, the largest international real estate fair in spring 2009 and we are estimating that the building
and converted by PATRIZIA received Cannes for its project development of the Hamburg work will be completed in 2010 or in 2011 at the la-
the MIPIM Award 2008. water tower project. The award was given for the con- test.
version of the listed and derelict water tower into a 4-
star hotel. PATRIZIA is thus the only German company PATRIZIA is planning the new construction of an office
to have received one of the most prized awards, with building and residential quarters with owner-occup-
which projects around the world are distinguished ied apartments in the premium segment in a prime
and presented to a wide audience. central location in Frankfurt am Main – on Feuerbach-
strasse in the Westend district. The project is a joint
> In June 2008, the “Dresden Altmarktkarree II” property venture with LBBW Immobilien Development Betei-
The “Dresden Altmarktkarree II” was sold as part of Project Development for EUR 14.0 ligungen GmbH, a subsidiary of the Landesbank Ba-
project development was sold for million. PATRIZIA refrained from implementing its ori- den-Württemberg. More specifically, six city villas and
EUR 14.0 million prior to implemen- ginally planned utilization concept due to the fact that a residential building with a total of 64 apartments
tation of the development an existing local shopping center operator purchasing and total living space of around 16,350 sqm will be
measures. neighboring land presented new marketing opportu- built here, together with a ten-story office building
nities. The purchaser has announced plans to expand with approximately 5,500 sqm of office space. De-
the existing shopping center. This expansion and the construction of the existing buildings is to commence
planned construction will continue to increase the in 2009, with completion of the final construction
value of the Altmarktkarree environs, making this area phase planned for early 2012.
even more attractive for visitors and tenants.
PATRIZIA will also build a new construction of mixed
Ongoing projects use in a premium inner-city location in close proximi-
ty to Munich’s Viktualienmarkt. The project contains
Thirty exclusive apartments are to be created in two around 470 sqm of retail space, 1,400 sqm of office
houses in Augsburg, where PATRIZIA is headquar- space and 15 residential units with between 50 sqm
tered. The total investment volume of the new centrally and 260 sqm of living space. The ratio of commercial
located residential area “Am Schwalbeneck”, which to residential space was optimized during planning
has been planned to incorporate geomancy and Feng and the realizable gross floor space increased by
Shui aspects, amounts to EUR 10 million, including around 12%. Construction at the site in Zwingerstras-
the purchase price. There has been a slight delay to se is scheduled to begin in the first quarter of 2009.

> PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s own project developments:

PATRIZIA is implementing its own
project development plans with
Gross floor Investment Start of Planned
a total investment volume of City, project Size of site space planned volume planned construction completion
around EUR 190 million with a
focus on new constructions in
EUR 10
the premium segment. Augsburg, Am Schwalbeneck 2,800 sqm 3,300 sqm Q1 2009 2010 – 2011
EUR 150
Frankfurt/Main, Feuerbachstrasse 8,000 sqm 29,500 sqm Q2 2009 2011 – 2012
EUR 25-30
Munich, Zwingerstrasse 900 sqm 4,200 sqm Q1 2009 2010 – 2011

PATRIZIA Projektentwicklung GmbH is managing headquarters in Augsburg, incorporating a public

two further projects as a service provider for exter- underground garage, and secondly the HanseCube
nal clients: Firstly the extension to the Company’s in Hamburg. Wolfgang Egger or companies indirect-
35 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

ly or directly attributable to him have commissioned that the co-investment is ahead of schedule in fully
the project development measures in both projects. investing the volume of the first tranche by the end of
The Augsburg project involves an investment volume 2009. PATRIZIA has an equity interest of 6.25% and is
of around EUR 15 million, with PATRIZIA assuming re- responsible for the entire purchase process and the
sponsibility for the entire project development and return-oriented asset management. With this co-in-
the related project management. Upon completion, vestment, PATRIZIA is able to demonstrate its compe-
PATRIZIA Group will be one of the principal tenants tence in the commercial real estate sector.
of the office space. Following the conclusion of ex-
tensive archaeological investigations that took place PATRIZIA Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesellschaft
from late 2007 to mid-2008, excavation and securing mbH
of the foundations has begun. In the second service
provider project, the HHC HanseCube, an office com- By establishing the subsidiary PATRIZIA Immobilien Ka-
plex with gross floor space of around 18,000 sqm, re- pitalanlagegesellschaft mbH in 2007, PATRIZIA Immobi-
tail space of around 2,000 sqm and an underground lien AG added special real estate funds to its range of

garage with approximately 230 parking spaces is to services for institutional real estate investors. Two funds
be constructed by the end of 2010. In this project, have been established to date: the PATRIZIA German
too, PATRIZIA is assuming responsibility for project Residential Fund I and PATRIZIA Euro City Residential
development and managing and supervising the Fund I. Each fund has a total investment volume of EUR
project on behalf of the client. 400 million. The equity share is already fully subscribed
at PATRIZIA Euro City Residential Fund I and over half
subscribed at PATRIZIA German Residential Fund I.
1.4 Key transactions in the Services
segment The main focus of the PATRIZIA German Residential
Fund I is purchasing and maintaining high-return resi-
Our aim for 2008 in expanding the Services segment dential real estate in Germany. In 2008, the fund no-
was to generate a 10% contribution to earnings be- tarized several properties located in Munich comprising
fore tax from this segment. However, the segment did a total of 199 residential and 5 commercial units. Invest-
not meet these expectations in the reporting year. ments were made in 94 units in the Hamburg area. The
This is chiefly attributable to the weak transaction total floor space of the residential real estate acquired
market, which led to low demand for our Services amounts to approximately 19,000 sqm.
segment’s services in the area of purchasing and
sales consultancy. The situation was also impacted The PATRIZIA Euro City Residential Fund I invests in
by the delayed and only modest acquisitions of our European portfolio real estate. In addition to Ger-
capital investment company, resulting in a significant many, this fund is aimed amongst others at Sweden,
reduction in service fees for PATRIZIA in 2008. In the Finland, France, the Czech Republic and the Nether-
medium term, we are retaining our target of a 10% lands. In 2008, an initial purchase of 1,018 residential
contribution to earnings before tax. units with total floor space of around 94,000 sqm was
concluded in the Greater Stockholm conurbation in
PATRoffice Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG Sweden. It is expected that the target volume will be
reached by the end of 2010.
The performance of our co-investment with pension
funds ABP of the Netherlands and ATP Real Estate of The individual PATRIZIA Group companies act as ser-
Denmark, PATRoffice Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG, has vice providers for the investment company’s special
> been very encouraging. EUR 355 million of the invest- funds, thus generating fees. There are no conflicts of
PATRoffice invested the first ment volume of EUR 700 million, planned in two tran- interest between purchases for the funds and proprie-
tranche ahead of schedule. ches, has now been invested in German commercial tary purchases by PATRIZIA, since the purchase criteria
real estate. The first tranche of capital has thus alrea- for the real estate are very different from one another.
dy been fully drawn down. In addition to the purchase In most cases, the portfolio real estate purchased for
of the “Dresden Altmarktkarree I” ensemble – a de- the funds is already fully developed and is intended
scription of the property can be found above in the to be held as fund assets over a long period. We will
Asset Repositioning section – further purchases were also avoid conflicts of interest when initiating future
made in Hamburg and Hanover in 2008. This means fund products.
1 Bungalow boat left: 2 Houseboat

Truckers do it. Globetrotters do it too, and so do barge owners. Actors are no
different. Not to mention nomadic peoples – and all the others too numerous
to mention. What do they do? They all live on the move. Each one‘s “permanent
dwelling” gets around in the world. As soon as it stops, however, it is a real home.
Just a little more mobile than others.
right: 3 Retired caravan Top: 4 Nomadic tent below: 5 House-on-Truck


1 Amsterdam, Netherlands
2 Kerala, India
3 Güstrow, Germany
4 Gobi Desert, Mongolia
5 Route 66, USA
38 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

2. Net Asset, Financial and Earnings Situation

2.1 Earnings situation of the Group

Development of key items in the consolidated profit and loss account:

Revenues EBIT Net profit/loss


250,000 120,000 50,000

200,000 30,000

80,000 20,000

40,000 –10,000

0 0 –40,000

In 2008 PATRIZIA generated consolidated revenues Residential Property Resale line alone. This is only
of EUR 221.3 million. Thus in 2008 consolidated re- slightly below the previous year’s figure of 487 units
venues were up 14.5% or EUR 28.0 million on the sold (–2.3%). A further 722 units were placed in the
previous year (2007: EUR 193.3 million). This rise in form of block sales to institutional buyers; no block
revenues is chiefly due to higher sales figures, par- sales were concluded in the previous year. This repre-
ticularly in block sales. In spite of the difficult market sents a 146.0% increase in the number of units sold to
environment, 476 units were sold individually in the 1,198, up from 487 in 2007.
39 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Apartment sales by quarter










Individual privatization Block sales

A breakdown of consolidated revenues is shown below:

Proportion of
2008 in 2008 2007 Change
EUR’000 % EUR’000 %
Purchase price revenues from residential
73,906 33.4 % 64,507 14.6 %
property resale
Purchase price revenues from asset
40,605 18.4 % 0 100 %
Purchase price revenues from project
0 0% 34,414 – 100 %
Rental revenues 73,011 33.0 % 62,524 16.8 %
Revenues from the Services segment 6,249 2.8 % 8,998 – 30.6 %
Other 27,554 12.4 % 22,810 20.8 %
Consolidated revenues 221,325 100 % 193,253 14.5 %

> Revenues amounting to EUR 73.9 million were ge- The sale of “Dresden Altmarktkarree I” led to purchase
Revenues were up 14.5% to EUR nerated from residential property resale. Distributed price revenues of EUR 70.0 million and “Dresden Alt-
221.3 million. Income from the across the space sold, this corresponds to an average marktkarree II” to EUR 14.0 million. Due to the fact
sale of investment property price per square meter of EUR 2,322 (previous year: that these projects were reported as non-current
amounting to EUR 21.7 million EUR 1,990 per sqm). The sale of asset repositioning assets under the Investment property or Investment
also contributed to the total properties en bloc generated revenues of EUR 40.6 property under construction item, the purchase price
operating performance. million. The average price, calculated based on all revenues were not posted as revenues but rather as
block sales taken together, was EUR 1,912 per sqm. profits from the disposal of assets in the amount of
These revenues do not include the purchase price of EUR 21.7 million under the Income from the sale of
the “Dresden Altmarktkarree I and II” properties, as investment property item. In addition, we sold a plot
these sales are reported under the Income from the of land in Munich for EUR 1.4 million.
sale of investment property item.
40 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Rental income developed very positively, contributing around EUR 9.6 million higher than in the previous
EUR 73.0 million (33.0%) to consolidated revenues. year. Construction as part of project development was
Viewing the portfolio as a whole, average rent per not taken into account.
square meter rose by 3.54% and amounted to EUR
7.31 as at December 31, 2008 (December 31, 2007: The recruitment of new employees – as at December
EUR 7.06 per sqm). At EUR 6.2 million, the Services 31, 2008, 47 more staff members were employed at
segment remained –30.6% below the previous year PATRIZIA than at the end of the previous year – led
(2007: EUR 9.0 million) and thus also below our ex- to a rise in staff costs, which weighed in at EUR 22.4
pectations, with the low number of transactions to be million, thus growing by EUR 2.5 million (12.7%) com-
supported taking its toll in the form of an absence of pared with the previous year. Of this, EUR 19.2 million
service fees. was attributable to salaries and wages and a further
EUR 3.2 million was attributable to social security
Other revenues chiefly comprise rental ancillary contributions. On average during 2008, PATRIZIA
costs. employed 374 staff throughout the Group.

Changes in inventories totaled EUR –75.6 million in The remuneration of the Managing Board, which
the reporting year. In 2008, these related exclusively is also included in the personnel costs, comprises
to decreases in the book values of real estate held in performance-related and non-performance-related
inventories and capitalized renovation services, due components. The non-performance-related compo-
to acquisitions that were not made. The reason for nents comprise fixed basic compensation that is paid
this marked difference compared with the previous as a monthly salary, pension contributions and other
year (2007: EUR 666.7 million) is the acquisition of agreed payments. Performance-related compensati-
around 12,000 residential units that were transferred on components include one-time as well as annually
into our ownership during the course of the extension payable components linked to the performance of
of our real estate portfolio in 2007. the Company and its shares. The total remuneration
of the Managing Board was EUR 1.1 million in the re-
> The fact that no real estate was acquired in the re- porting year. The Supervisory Board’s remuneration
Capital expenditure in maintenance porting year is also reflected in the cost of materials, is reported under other operating expenses and also
amounted to EUR 34.4 million. which decreased significantly compared with the pre- comprises fixed and variable components. Detailed
vious year by 91.5% to EUR 66.0 million (2007: EUR information on the remuneration structure for the
778.8 million). Besides renovation and maintenance Managing Board and the Supervisory Board can be
costs, this includes rental ancillary costs for which we found in the Corporate Governance Report and the
posted cost transfer to tenants under the Other reve- notes to the consolidated financial statements.
nues item. In 2008, the posted maintenance costs for
our residential real estate portfolio alone amounted to Other operating expenses decreased from EUR 20.5
a total of EUR 34.4 million, of which only EUR 17.1 mil- million to EUR 17.2 million, due primarily to lower out-
lion was capitalized. Non-capitalizable maintenance sourcing costs, tax consultancy costs and legal con-
expenses totaled EUR 17.3 million and were thus sultancy costs.

2008 2007 Change

EUR’000 EUR’000 %
Administrative expenses 10,538 11,748 – 10.3 %
Selling expenses 5,454 5,397 1.1 %
Other expenses 1,207 3,398 – 64.5 %
Other operating expenses 17,199 20,543 – 16.3 %
41 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG has a stake in a joint venture, To enable better comparison of PATRIZIA’s operating
F 40 GmbH, in the form of a jointly managed company. earnings power in fiscal years 2008 and 2007, we
This relates to our ongoing Frankfurt Feuerbachstrasse present these key earnings figures, which are adjus-
project development. The start-up costs for preparing ted for all significant non-cash effects and one-time
for construction of this project development, which items, separately, marking them “adjusted”.
were assumed by PATRIZIA, are presented under the
profit and loss account item Earnings from companies EBITDA calculated in accordance with IFRSs dropped
accounted for using the equity method in the amount from EUR 111.8 million to EUR 64.9 million (–41.9%),
of EUR –1.0 million. while EBIT fell from EUR 111.0 million to EUR 64.1
million (–42.3%). After adjustment for all significant
> The key earnings figures decreased noticeably com- non-cash effects and one-time items, in 2008 adjus-
Key earnings figures were down pared with the previous year. It must be borne in ted EBIT totaled EUR 64.5 million – a clear increase of
compared with the previous year, mind that results from fair value adjustments to in- 55.3%, since in the previous year adjusted EBIT was
as in 2007 these figures were posi- vestment property of EUR 69.5 million had a positive still EUR 41.6 million. The Investments segment made

tively impacted by the results of effect on the key earnings figures for the 2007 fiscal a substantial contribution of EUR 73.0 million to EBIT.
fair value adjustments to invest- year. In view of the effects of valuation results from Further information on the earnings contributions of
ment property. Deducting key non- interest rate hedges and/or results from fair value the Investments and Services segments can be found
cash effects and one-time items adjustments to our real estate portfolios on the ear- in Segment Reporting in the notes to the financial
adjusted EBIT improved from EUR nings figures calculated in accordance with IFRSs, statements.
41.6 million to EUR 64.5 million. we decided as early as the beginning of 2008 to de-
fine operating earnings figures. These key earnings The financial result declined by EUR 48.6 million to
figures thus reflect the operating earnings power of EUR –96.5 million and was primarily influenced by
PATRIZIA, without being influenced by valuation-re- the market valuation of interest rate hedges. A look at
lated, non-cash effects. We manage the Group using the market valuation of interest rate hedges over the
these key figures, among other things. course of the year clearly shows the large fluctuation
range of this impact, depending on whether the as-
Based on earnings before taxes calculated in accor- sessment led to expense or income. Over the year as
dance with IFRSs, all significant effects not impacting a whole, the market valuation of interest rate hedges
liquidity and one-time items not accrued in the period negatively impacted the financial result by EUR 32.8
under review are eliminated in order to obtain the ear- million (2007: income of EUR 6.1 million). In 2008, fi-
> nings before taxes from operations. This is termed ad- nancial expenses of EUR 126.4 million included EUR
The financial result was decisively justed EBT. Thus the following effects are eliminated: 53.9 million from the market valuation of interest rate
influenced by the market valuation > Loss from/gain on the market valuation of interest hedges and EUR 72.5 million in expenses for bank
of interest rate hedges. The predo- rate hedges, loans. The financial income of EUR 30.0 million com-
minantly low interest rates over > Results from the fair market value adjustment of prised EUR 21.1 million from the market valuation of
the course of the year resulted in our real estate portfolios, interest rate hedges and EUR 8.9 million in interest
an expense not impacting liquidity > Results not attributable to the period under review income.
of EUR 32.8 million in 2008. and thus defined as one-time items.

Market valuation of interest rate hedges over the course of 2008 (hedged interest rate 4.15%):

1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter

Mar. 31, 2008 Jun. 30, 2008 Sep. 30, 2008 Dec. 31, 2008 2008

Updated market valuation of EUR –10.3 EUR 21.1 EUR –10.0 EUR –33.5 EUR –32.8
interest rate hedges million million million million million
42 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

> PATRIZIA generated earnings before income taxes EUR 126.4 million in 2008, arising in particular from
Adjusted EBT of EUR 0.8 million (EBT) of EUR –32.4 million (2007: EUR 63.2 million) cal- the valuation of financial derivatives (2007: EUR 68.2
implied a positive result from culated in accordance with IFRSs. Significant causes million). Adjusted EBT, i.e. earnings before taxes from
operations. of the marked difference in earnings were the write-up operations, calculated in line with the above definiti-
to fair value of investment property in the amount of on, totaled EUR 0.8 million – a result we do not con-
EUR 69.5 million posted in 2007, as already explained, sider satisfactory.
and the considerably higher financial expenses of

Overview of EBT (adjusted) by quarter

(in EUR million)

> 12.0
Although PATRIZIA gained in opera-
10.0 9.2
ting strength in comparison with
the previous year, it did not gene-
rate satisfactory earnings from 6.0

– 0.8 –1.8 –6.6 – 3.2 –7.8 0.2 –0.8





1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter 1st quarter 2nd quarter 3rd quarter 4th quarter
2007 2007 2007 2007 2008 2008 2008 2008

Calculation of EBT (adjusted) following elimination of all one-time effects:

1st quarter 2008 2nd quarter 2008 3rd quarter 2008 4th quarter 2008 2008
01.01. – 01.04. – 01.07. – 01.10. – 01.01. –
31.03.2008 30.06.2008 30.09.2008 31.12.2008 31.12.2008

EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million
EBT posted in accordance
–18.6 21.3 –0.8 –34.3 –32.4
with IFRSs
Elimination of effects from reversal
0.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.5
of 165 residential units
Elimination of effects from market
10.3 –21.1 10.0 33.5 32.8
valuation of interest rate hedges
Adjusted EBT (excluding
–7.8 0.2 9.2 –0.8 0.8
one-time items)
43 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

The elimination of effects from the reversal of a sales one-time effect of EUR 0.5 million from this reversal
transaction presented in the quarterly report for the not accrued in the period under review remains. The
first three months of 2008 was almost completely remaining eliminations result exclusively from mar-
reversed, as the 165 residential units were resold ket valuation of interest rate hedges not impacting
over the course of the 2008 fiscal year. A negative liquidity.

1st quarter 2007 2nd quarter 2007 3rd quarter 2007 4th quarter 2007 2007
01.01. bis 01.04. bis 01.07. bis 01.10. bis 01.01. bis
31.03.2007 30.06.2007 30.09.2007 31.12.2007 31.12.2007

EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million EUR million
EBT posted in accordance with
4.2 10.9 54.0 –5.9 63.2
Elimination of effects from fair

value adjustments to investment –3.2 0.0 –66.3 0.0 –69.5
Elimination of effects from market
–1.5 –12.5 6.5 1.5 –6.1
valuation of interest rate hedges
Taking into account of propor-
–0.3 –0.2 –0.7 1.2 0
tional annual bonuses
Adjusted EBT (excluding
–0.8 –1.8 –6.6 –3.2 –12.4
one-time items)

After tax, there was a consolidated net loss for the year of EUR –34.1 million (previous year: consolidated net
profit of EUR 48.0 million). The corresponding earnings per share fell from EUR 0.92 to EUR –0.65.

An overview of the key items in the profit and loss account:

2008 2007 Change

EUR’000 EUR’000 %
Revenues 221,325 193,253 14.5 %
Total operating performance 171,558 861,863 –80.1 %
EBITDA 64,910 111,817 –41.9 %
EBIT 64,064 111,045 –42.3 %
EBT –32,408 63,170 –151.3 %
Consolidated net loss/profit for the year –34,138 48,041 –171.1 %

Taking into account all one-time items, profit/loss from interest rate hedges in 2007 and 2008 not impacting
liquidity as well as fair value adjustments to investment property in 2007, the following overview of key adjus-
ted consolidated profit and loss account items emerges:

2008 2007 Change

EUR’000 EUR’000 %
Revenues 221,325 193,253 14.5 %
Total operating performance 171,558 861,863 –80.1 %
EBITDA (adjusted) 65,386 42,340 54.4 %
EBIT (adjusted) 64,540 41,568 55.3 %
EBT (adjusted) 842 –12,422 106.8 %
private business
It is fashionable to live and work under the same roof. A trend that, on closer
observation, isn‘t really a trend at all. The principle is as old as, well, any home
truth. There have always been people whose home was where they worked,
whose workplace was where they lived. Modern teleworkers were by no means
the pioneers …

left: 1 Farm right: 2 Lighthouse TOP: 3 Windmill below: 4 Vineyard

3 2
1 4
5 1 State of New York, USA
2 Westerhever, Germany
3 Bruges, Belgium
4 Bordeaux, France
5 Punakha, Bhutan
6 Washington D.C., USA

left: 5 Monastery right: 6 White House

46 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

2.2 Net Asset and Financial Situation The real estate intended for sale as part of ordinary
of the Group business operations is reported in the inventories. This
is measured at amortized cost. Owing to the sales con-
The development of our consolidated balance sheet cluded, inventories decreased by EUR 75.6 million to
was shaped by the sale of real estate assets and the EUR 717.8 million.
reduction of bank liabilities. Both processes were
contributing factors in the reduction of total assets Current receivables and other current assets rose to
from EUR 1,643.2 million to EUR 1,517.2 million by the EUR 41.6 million (previous year: EUR 37.9 million). Bank
end of the year. balances and cash climbed from EUR 54.0 million to
EUR 67.9 million (+25.7%).
As a result of the sales concluded, our real estate as-
sets, which comprise investment property, investment On the liabilities side of the balance sheet, the
property under construction and inventories, de- Company’s equity had decreased by EUR 45.1 milli-
creased from EUR 1,525.2 million to EUR 1,388.9 million. on to EUR 291.5 million by the end of the 2008 fiscal
> PATRIZIA holds selected properties for a longer time year. In the process, valuation results from existing
Our real estate assets decreased to generate stable rental income. This investment pro- cash flow hedges reduced equity by EUR 8.1 million.
to EUR 1,388.9 million owing to perty is recognized at fair value in profit or loss in ac- Due to the consolidated net loss for the year of EUR
successful sales. cordance with IAS 40 and amounted to EUR 660.0 mil- –34.1 million calculated in accordance with IFRSs,
lion as at December 31, 2008. No value adjustments consolidated net profit fell to EUR 31.0 million as at
were made to investment property. The Investment December 31, 2008. Equity per share thus amounted
property under construction item, which amounts to to EUR 5.59. The equity ratio fell to 19.2% (previous
EUR 11.2 million, contains the Munich-Ludwigsfeld as- year: 20.5%).
set repositioning property. In the previous year (2007:
EUR 20.2 million), this item also included the success- Since a large part of cash inflows from real estate sales
ful sale of the “Dresden Altmarktkarree II” property. was used to repay loans, our liabilities toward banks
dropped EUR 100.3 million to EUR 1,161.7 million over
As at December 31, 2008, PATRIZIA’s participations the course of the year. Regardless of the actual terms,
amounted to around EUR 3.1 million (previous year: loans which serve to finance the inventories are re-
EUR 2.0 million). The stake in PATRoffice Real Estate ported as short-term bank loans in the balance sheet
> GmbH & Co. KG, our co-investment with both pension in accordance with IFRSs. Bank loans due in less than
In 2008 we reduced bank loans funds ABP and ATP, which was entered into in 2007 is 12 months amounted to EUR 597.9 million (51.5%) of all
by EUR 100.3 million to EUR 1,161.7 also primarily accounted for under this item. Further- bank liabilities as of the reporting date of December 31,
million. more, we are reporting our 50% share in the Frankfurt 2008. These were extended by around EUR 530 million
Feuerbachstrasse project development site under the to March 31, 2009. A second tranche was then exten-
Investments in joint ventures balance sheet item. At ded by around EUR 50 million to June 30, 2009. The
the end of the 2008 fiscal year, this amounted to EUR terms of our bank loans were thus structured as follows
6.0 million (previous year: EUR 5.1 million). as of December 31, 2008.

Total floating-rate financial liabilities Total floating-rate financial liabilities

Residual term as of December 31, 2008 as of December 31, 2007

EUR’000 % EUR’000 %
Less than 1 year 597,884 51.5 % 655,593 51.9 %
1 to 2 years 117,673 10.1 % 13,347 1.1 %
2 to 5 years 269,753 23.2 % 121,484 9.6 %
More than 5 years 176,425 15.2 % 471,573 37.4 %
Total 1,161,735 100 % 1,261,997 100 %
47 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

As at December 31, 2008, there were loan agree- sure the solvency of the Group, a liquidity reserve is
ments with seven different German banks, concluded maintained in the form of credit lines and cash.
exclusively in euro. In accordance with the loan agree-
ments with the lending banks and our business mo- From the current business activities, we posted cash
del, we are permitted in the case of some agreements outflow of EUR 21.7 million, which is 65.3% less than
to reduce the loan during the project – according to in the previous year (EUR –62.6 million). We genera-
the sales status. When selling the real estate or indi- ted cash inflows of EUR 78.2 million from investing
vidual units, between 85-90% of the sales proceeds activities and from the sales of investment property in
flow into repayment. Interest rate change risks are in particular. In the previous year, cash flow from inves-
large parts hedged using interest swaps and collars. ting activities amounted to EUR –604.2 million due
Detailed explanations in this respect can be found in to extensive real estate acquisitions for investment
points 4.4 and 5.8 of the notes to the consolidated purposes. There were also marked differences in cash
financial statements. The credit terms are presented flow from financing activities as compared with the
in the Risk Report. previous year. This amounted to EUR –42.6 million in

the 2008 fiscal year. By contrast, borrowing of loans
> Liquidity management ensures that PATRIZIA is solvent and a capital increase led to cash inflows of EUR 637.6
Cash inflows of EUR 13.9 million at all times. Most of the individual Group companies million in the previous year. The change in cash thus
were generated in the 2008 fiscal are directly linked to and monitored by the automa- amounted to EUR 13.9 million (previous year: EUR
year. tic cash pooling system of the Group. On a same-day –29.2 million), with the result that cash, which totaled
basis, account surpluses are transferred to the parent EUR 54.0 million at the end of 2007, increased to EUR
company and account deficits are offset by it. To en- 67.9 million as of December 31, 2008.

Summary of the 2008 Cash Flow Statement:

2008 2007 Change

EUR’000 EUR’000 %
Cash outflow from operating activities –21,733 – 62,603 65.3 %
Cash inflow/ outflow from investing activities 78,184 – 604,212 112.9 %
Cash inflow/ outflow from financing activities –42,558 637,617 –106.7 %
Changes in cash 13,892 – 29,198 147.6 %
Cash and cash equivalents (Jan. 1) 54,013 83,211 –35.1 %
Cash and cash equivalents (Dec. 31) 67,905 54,013 25.7 %
48 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

2.3 Employees In the course of the restructuring with the Group men-
tioned before, the former PATRIZIA Asset Management
The PATRIZIA Group had 381 permanent employ- GmbH was absorbed into the Investment Management
ees as of December 31, 2008, including 21 trainees. and Residential company. We therefore no longer pre-
Compared with the end of 2007 (334 employees), the sent the Asset Management business line separately
number of staff rose by 47 employees (14.1%). and have adjusted the previous year’s figures accor-

Staff changes by business lines








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Dec. 31, 2008 Dec. 31, 2007

2.4 Non-relevant sub-areas construction measures we undertake to enhance the

value of our real estate and thus to contribute to the
The PATRIZIA Immobilien AG Group Management Re- protection of the environment over the long term.
port does not contain any information on certain sub-
areas, as these are not relevant for the Company. This Procurement and production, in the conventional
includes statements on research and development, sense, do not apply to PATRIZIA’s operating activities
as this is not carried out within the Group. We have as an investor and service provider either. Real estate
included statements on comparable activities, such intended for resale in the short term is reported under
as our research. Furthermore, we do not include any inventories. Purchasing due diligence and the imple-
statements on the subject of environmental protec- mentation of value-enhancing measures take place
tion, since the operating activities of PATRIZIA do not on an individual basis according to the property con-
pose any threat to the environment. We nevertheless cerned, as this is the only way we can offer tailored
endeavor to optimize energy standards as part of the solutions.
49 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

2.5 Notes to the annual financial an increase in staff numbers of almost 17%. Other
statements of PATRIZIA operating expenses more than halved from EUR 10.9
Immobilien AG million in the previous year to EUR 5.0 million. The
parent company’s profit/loss consists of the ope-
The annual financial statements of PATRIZIA Immo- rating profit/loss of the Company itself and income
bilien AG which are prepared in accordance with from participations as well as profits and losses of
the Handelsgesetzbuch (HGB – German Commercial the subsidiaries with which profit and loss transfer
Code) for fiscal year 2008 are published in the elec- agreements exist. The earnings from profit transfers
tronic Federal Gazette. totaled EUR 6.6 million (previous year: EUR 22.2 mil-
lion). PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s net profit for the year
The position of the parent company PATRIZIA Immo- calculated in accordance with HGB was EUR 11.6 milli-
bilien AG is essentially determined by the activities on in the 2008 fiscal year (previous year: EUR 14.6 mil-
of the operating companies of the Group. As a purely lion). In addition to the profit carried forward of EUR
holding and service company for these companies, 19.5 million, the net profit for the year comprises the

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG generated revenues of EUR Company’s distributable profit. This unappropriated
9.6 million, generated mostly from management profit amounted to EUR 31.1 million, a rise of 59.2% in
cost allocations of the subsidiaries. The staff costs comparison with the previous year. Retained earnings
amounted to EUR 5.7 million (previous year: EUR 5.6 for the 2007 fiscal year, which was carried forward ful-
million), an increase of 1.3%. This was attributable to ly to new account, contributed to this.

Summary of the PATRIZIA Immobilien AG balance sheet:

31.12.2008 31.12.2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Non-current assets 152,281 151,890
Current assets 161,827 147,817
Prepaid expenses 95 154
Total assets 314,203 299,861
Equity 306,102 294,549
Provisions 2,103 1,566
Liabilities 5,998 3,746
Total equity and liabilities 314,203 299,861

Summary of the profit and loss account of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Revenues 9,605 6,707
Income and expenses –2,571 281
Net interest income 7,328 6,227
Net earnings before taxes 14,362 13,215
Taxes –2,809 1,409
Net profit 11,553 14,624
Profit carried forward 19,511 4,887
Unappropriated profit 31,064 19,511
50 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Disclosures in accordance with EUR 26,065,000 in exchange for cash contributions

Article 289 (4) and Article 315 (4) or contributions in kind by issuing new no-par-value
HGB (German Commercial Code) registered shares (Authorized Capital) until June 12,
2012. In certain cases, the Managing Board is autho-
As at December 31, 2008, the share capital of the rized, with the approval of the Supervisory Board, to
Company consisted of 52,130,000 no-par-value regis- exclude the legal subscription rights of the sharehol-
tered shares. There are no restrictions, special rights ders. Furthermore, the Managing Board is authorized
or similar agreements with regard to the shares. All on one or more occasions, with the approval of the
shares are admitted for trading in the Prime Standard Supervisory Board to grant until June 12, 2012, in ac-
of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange. cordance with strict conditions of the bonds, conver-
tible bonds, and/or bonds with warrant, made out to
As at the balance sheet date, Wolfgang Egger, Chair- the bearer or registered and/or participatory rights
man of the Managing Board, holds a total stake of with or without conversion privileges or option right
49.97% indirectly and directly in the Company via First or conversion obligation (referred to together in the
Capital Partner GmbH, in which he indirectly holds a following as the ‘bonds’) in the aggregate principal
99.99% stake via WE Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & amount of up to EUR 750,000,000 with a term of up
Co. KG. to 20 years and to grant the bearer or the creditor of
bonds, conversion privileges or option rights to new,
The appointment and dismissal of the members of registered no-par-value registered shares of the Com-
the Managing Board conforms to Article 84 f. of the pany with a pro rata amount of the share capital of up
Aktiengesetz (AktG – German Stock Corporation Act); to EUR 26,065,000.
changes to the Articles of Association take place in ac-
cordance with Article 179 ff. of the AktG in connection No agreements contingent upon a change in con-
with Article 16 of the Articles of Association of PATRIZIA trol subsequent to a takeover bid or compensation
Immobilien AG. agreements made with the members of the Managing
Board or employees for the event of a takeover bid
The Managing Board was authorized by resolution of exist.
the Annual General Meeting on June 3, 2008 to ac-
quire shares in the Company valued at up to 10% of
share capital by December 2, 2009. The authorization 2.6 Transactions with related
may be exercised in whole or in partial amounts, on companies and individuals
one or more occasions and in pursuit of one or more
objectives by the Company and also by its Group The Managing Board submitted a dependent compa-
companies or implemented for its or their account by ny report to the Supervisory Board, to which it adds
third parties. At the option of the Managing Board, the the following final statement:
acquisition will be made via the stock exchange, by
way of a public purchase offer aimed at the sharehol- “As the Managing Board of the Company, we hereby
ders of the Company, through the use of derivatives declare that to the best of our knowledge at the time
or through individually negotiated reacquisition. The when the legal transactions listed in the report on re-
acquired shares may subsequently be used for any lationships with affiliated companies were carried out
legally permissible purpose; in particular, they may and when measures were taken, the Company received
be redeemed, sold in exchange for non-cash contri- appropriate consideration and was not disadvan-
butions or to the shareholders or used to comply with taged as a result of any action taken.”
subscription and conversion rights.
Detailed information on business relationships with
With the consent of the Supervisory Board, the Ma- related companies and persons can be found in the
naging Board is also entitled to increase the share notes to the consolidated financial statements under
capital on one or more occasions by up to a total of point 9.3.
51 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3. Opportunity and Risk Report

3.1 C
 hanges in opportunities and individual risks. Risks which are attributable solely
risks to individual subsidiaries are also compiled within
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s central risk management
Risk policy principles system. Each employee of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG
and its subsidiaries is obliged to be mindful of po-
The risk policy principles of PATRIZIA are oriented tential risk in the course of his or her dealings. The
toward safeguarding the continued existence and direct responsibility for early detection of risks and
growth of the Group. To ensure that these objectives for reporting these to the next level of management is
are attained, we have implemented a unified risk ma- assigned to the operating supervisors and managing
nagement system throughout the Company that is directors of the relevant entities. Within PATRIZIA Im-
defined and monitored by the Managing Board. This mobilien AG’s Managing Board, the chief financial of-
enables the Managing Board to secure existing and ficer is responsible for the risk management process.

future success potential in a targeted manner and to
counteract any unfavorable developments at an early The risk management process
stage. Our systematic risk management process en-
sures that risks are identified and recorded, assessed, Both the efficiency and effectiveness of the PATRIZIA
controlled and monitored at an early stage. Opportu- risk management system are assessed twice a year
nities are also analyzed at the same time in order to by means of an internal risk audit. The results appear
identify and utilize their associated potential. Our risk in a risk report which presents the organizational
strategy is thus based on an assessment of risks and measures and regulations that are to be observed
the opportunities associated with them. In our business regarding risk recognition, quantification, communi-
activities we place great importance on a balanced ratio cation, supervision and control. At the same time, the
of opportunity to risk. The business model and stra- comprehensive documentation of this report ensures
tegy of PATRIZIA significantly determine the manner in an orderly assessment which is conducted by the re-
which opportunities and risks are handled. Thus, risk sponsible departments as well as by the Supervisory
oriented goals are derived from the economic perfor- Board. In addition to the Managing Board, all manage-
mance factors and financial and societal objectives ment-level individuals from operating companies as
set by the Group. well are informed of the risk inventory’s results.

Without the willingness to take risks, we would pass All employees are instructed to report risks to risk
up potential opportunities as well. Our method is to management. Risks are quantified according to their
enter into appropriate risks if there is a strong like- probability of occurrence and the magnitude of po-
lihood of realizing the associated sustained value tential damage. Overall risk is calculated and updated
enhancement potential of PATRIZIA. We do not enter over a specific period of time by linking the various
into risks with which we do not expect sustained parameters. By monitoring our risk management sys-
value enhancement or which appear unlikely to re- tem, we are able to continually advance and adapt its
sult in value enhancement. If they are unavoidable, structures and processes.
we hedge them via risk instruments and appropriate
countermeasures. Opportunity management

The risk management organization Particularly for the purpose of identifying market op-
portunities at an early stage, PATRIZIA has its own
The task of Group-wide risk management and its Research team, which comprehensively analyzes
uniform representation for all affiliated entities is as- market and competitive data and produces forecasts
signed to the PATRIZIA Immobilien AG as the holding with regard to the German residential and commercial
company. A risk management working group which is real estate market. Our Research team also prepares
organizationally assigned to the Controlling depart- analyses on defined locations across Europe. Oppor-
ment is responsible for implementation and reports tunities relevant to corporate strategy arise from the
directly to the Managing Board. It designs the identi- acquisition of selected real estate in the recommen-
fication process and allocates responsibilities for the ded micro locations.
Home architecture is infinitely variable. Its form, colours and materials always
adapt to the wider context of social and cultural circumstances. In all its count-
less shades and nuances, however, this architecture always fulfils one very
specific function: It puts a roof over people‘s heads and gives them four walls
within which to live.

left: 1 Terraced house settlement right: 2 Houseboat


2 3

4 1 Uppsala, Sweden
2 Okanagan Lake, Canada
3 Warsaw, Poland
4 Biloxi, USA
5 Taiyuan, China

TOP: 3 Mobile home below: 4 Trailer park 5 Multi-storey building

54 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.2 Individual opportunities and Demographic developments

According to forecasts by the Statistisches Bundes-
Individually, or in conjunction with other situations, oc- amt (German Federal Statistical Office), the country’s
currence of the individual risks described below can im- population figure will decrease to 80 million from its
pair the operating activities of PATRIZIA and negatively current level of 82 million by the year 2020. In the long
impact the net asset, financial and earnings situation of term, the reduction in population could result in a risk
the Company. The risks listed may not be the only risks of higher levels of vacancy and a lower demand for
to which PATRIZIA is exposed. Other risks of which the residential real estate. However, research data revises
Company is not currently aware or risks that we regard this assumption: despite the decline in population, de-
as immaterial at present could also impair our opera- mand for housing will rise by 2020 since the number
ting activities. of households will grow by 1.1 million to 40.5 million.
The reason for this is firstly the rising number of single
people in the aging society and secondly the current
Market-related opportunities and trend toward growing living-space requirements per
risks capita from the current figure of 42 sqm to 45 sqm.
The low level of new construction and the necessity
Macroeconomic development of demolishing old buildings will also put pressure on
supply. Strong waves of internal migration, particular-
Although PATRIZIA only operates within the German ly to regions undergoing strong growth in and around
real estate market in respect of its own investments, the cities, contribute to the rising demand for housing
pan-European and/or global economic develop- in these locations.
ments could impact the Company’s performance in
a positive as well as a negative manner. The growth The German real estate market
of the world economy will slow considerably owing to
the impact of the financial market crisis on the goods A decline in conditions on the German real estate
and services industry in 2009. We also expect a sig- market, such as a fall in real estate prices, could also
nificant slowdown in economic growth in the German negatively impact PATRIZIA’s operating activities and
economic area in 2009. The threat of a longer reces- avoid realization of real estate fair values shown in
sion could increase further if economic and financial the balance sheet. We constantly analyze price levels
measures are not effective or are not sufficiently effec- and integrate these into our planning. We limit the
tive. The continuing liquidity squeeze on the financial risk of declining market attractiveness by purchasing
markets and the resulting restricted lending policies only high-quality properties in economically appea-
of the banks could hinder necessary investments. The ling locations with significant population influx and
consequence of this would be a rise in unemployment good prospects for the future.
and restrained consumption and investment behavior
in Germany. Any reluctance of private households to Experts anticipate that the requirement for new hou-
make investments could result in lower demand for sing will reach between 360,000 and 400,000 units
private residential real estate. An increase in outstan- per year. However, according to current expectations,
ding rental income would also be conceivable. Both only around 200,000 units will be completed. This will
reduced demand for private residential real estate lead to further shortages in residential space, parti-
and higher amounts of uncollected rent can negative- cularly in economically appealing metropolitan areas
ly impact the net asset, financial and earnings situati- where demand is high. Thus we currently anticipate
on of PATRIZIA. By contrast, the volatility on the stock that prices within our portfolio will remain stable or
markets and lower financing interest rates for private increase and that rents will climb more than in past
investors could strengthen investment in tangible as- years.
sets such as residential real estate.
As residential real estate prices in Germany have not
We can rule out any direct impact from foreign-exchange risen to the same degree as in other European coun-
fluctuations through our domestic focus in the opera- tries, it is possible that institutional investors will
ting segment as well as in financing. All subsidiaries and show greater interest in acquiring German residential
property development companies are located within the real estate. Increasing competition regarding demand
European Monetary Union (Germany or Luxembourg) so for real estate could raise prices for portfolio-acqui-
that no foreign-exchange risks currently exist. sition candidates. Lower margins or the loss of market
55 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

shares for PATRIZIA could be the result. We estimate rate fluctuations and refinancing risks. Besides the
market entry barriers for new domestic and interna- external components of market interest rate volatility,
tional demand to be low. assessments of PATRIZIA’s credit standing also in-
fluence financing options.
Investors with strong equity such as pension funds
and family offices continue to show heightened inte- Our continuous planning takes account of rises in fi-
rest. In this case, however, a distinction must be made nancing costs. The risks arising from this are to be as-
in respect to the portfolio size potential competitors sessed as higher based on our current loan volume. In-
are interested in. Thanks to our nationwide network creased expenses for existing variable-rate loans and
of branch offices, we not only have market access, but non-capped rate loans as well as for future financing
also the local know-how to acquire both smaller port- would have to be reckoned with if a rise in the interest
folios of 50 units and more as well as large portfolios. rate level in Germany were to occur. This would nega-
Increased competition could lower prices for services tively impact the financing costs of the Group. Owing
provided in the service sector encompassing real es- to current developments in the financial markets and

tate. To strengthen its competitive position, PATRIZIA the interest rate forecasts for the next few months, we
Immobilienmanagement GmbH obtained certification estimate the risk of interest rates rising to be rather
according to ISO 9001:2000 in 2007. Competitive risks low. However, in spite of falling interest rates we do
could have a negative impact on the earnings posi- not expect overall financing costs to decrease signi-
tion of both the Investment and Services segments. ficantly on account of the shortage of financial re-

Operating opportunities and risks We employ interest rate derivatives in order to re-
duce risk. We have entered into interest rate hedges
Due to the risks already illustrated which could arise for around 80% of our bank loans, more than 80%
from shifts in the market or in prices, from compe- of which have a term in excess of four years or more.
tition and/or political-influence factors, we are ex- The reviewed fair value assessment of interest rate
posed to internal and external risks in every segment hedges as of the reporting date can exert a consider-
of the value-added chain. We limit business risks by able influence on net profit in accordance with IFRSs
means of insurance to the extent that this is econo- due to the underlying financing volume with greater
mically reasonable. interest rate fluctuations – even if these effects do not
constitute income or expenses that impact liquidity.
Investments The hedged acquisition interest rate was on average
4.15 % at the end of 2008. However, particularly with
Shifting general conditions could hamper PATRIZIA’s the low interest rates we are currently observing, the
acquisition of suitable real estate at reasonable prices assessment yields not inconsiderable finance costs,
and lead to lower margins subsequent to relatively which negatively impact net profit in accordance with
higher purchase prices. Assumptions made upon the IFRSs. Derivative financial instruments are employed
purchase of real estate could prove inaccurate due to only in the hedging of risks from operating business
various overall economic, political or market-related activities. Dealings for the purpose of trade or specu-
developments and could delay or derail the resale lation are not conducted.
of the real estate or individual residential units. De-
lays in construction, failure to meet deadlines or cost Depending on the loan agreement, there is a risk that
overruns could burden the Group’s earnings position. PATRIZIA will no longer be able to comply with the un-
Furthermore, risks exist due to conditions upon which derlying loan terms (covenants). As a result, the banks
PATRIZIA has no influence, such as weather damages. could terminate such loans or call in parts of them.
The covenants generally relate to the rental basis, i.e.
Interest rates and financing a portfolio must generate a certain percentage of the
interest expenses via the net rental income. There are
In the 2008 fiscal year, the financial and capital mar- also loan agreements that are linked to the ratio of
ket environment in particular has seen developments the loan proceeds to the fair value of the financed pro-
that could influence PATRIZIA’s financing situation, perty. The loan to value (LTV) sets the loan proceeds in
including in the near future. The extensive use of ex- proportion to the fair value of the real estate, which
ternal financing in connection with our acquisitions is calculated on agreed valuation dates. Shares of
of real estate means that we are exposed to interest PATRIZIA Immobilien AG do not serve as security or an
56 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

indicator in any of our loan agreements, thus the price Characteristics of large-scale projects
of PATRIZIA shares is not relevant for either the calling
in of loans or margins. Furthermore, the loans are al- Global sales of comprehensive real estate portfolios
ways concluded at real estate company level, i.e. the comprise a marketing strategy which is embedded in
real estate contained within them serves as security. PATRIZIA’s business model. If a global sale does not
succeed or is delayed, this can have an impact on the
The continuing liquidity squeeze experienced by Group’s financial and earnings situation. As the real
some banks could result in further financial risks for estate is retained for future transactions, the poten-
the Group: With regard to its financing from short- tial level of damage can be classified as low over the
term loans, PATRIZIA will need to extend or refinance long term, although there may be negative budget
these loans. In the same way, the acquisition of variances in the short term. Residential units suitable
further real estate portfolios would be linked to ad- for individual sales and our ventures in the Project De-
ditional borrowing. Due to restricted lending by the velopment business area are also among large-scale
banks, financing options could be hampered in light projects, each of which is subject to its own stringent
of the increasing size of the volume to be financed. time schedule. Delays in drawing up and accepting
In both of the previously cited cases, there is a risk construction projects can adversely impact the finan-
that external capital may not be available to PATRIZIA cial and earnings situation.
at all times to the necessary extent and at financially
attractive conditions or that the equity required for fi- Continuity in sales
nancing increases significantly. This could adversely
affect PATRIZIA’s competitiveness, as well as its net Due to the timely placement of properties on the
asset, financial and earnings situation and liquidity. market, PATRIZIA is subject to marketing risks. For the
most part, PATRIZIA’s stringent acquisition criteria cir-
Increasing interest rates could also negatively im- cumvent the risk of poor marketability of properties
pact individual privatization sales since the interest to be marketed.
burden would rise for interested purchasers and our
customers could find themselves in financing difficul- Creditworthiness of business partners
ties. However, the current market environment is cha-
racterized by low interest rates, which in turn benefit Partner risks are those arising from business rela-
real estate investments. tionships with customers and suppliers. In order to
diversify risks, we maintain a comprehensive stock
In order to further diversify risks, we have expanded of clients and suppliers. Monitoring on a regular
our Services segment so as to be less dependent on basis as well as purchasing-policy measures are in-
transaction business in the future due to stable, recur- tended to minimize risk in this area. In this respect,
rent service fees. we highly value the creditworthiness and reliability
of our business partners. Even so, non-adherence
Liquidity to supplier deadlines and/or insufficient quality of
supplier services, for example, pose risks that could
As of December 31, 2008, bank balances and cash negatively impact PATRIZIA’s business development.
posted amounting to EUR 67.9 million were available Loss of rent and subsequent bad-debt losses can
to PATRIZIA in order to cover its refinancing and liqui- negatively impact PATRIZIA’s revenues and earnings
dity requirements. In order to minimize refinancing as well. Active receivables management ensures
and liquidity risks, PATRIZIA optimizes and supervises that defaults on payments are kept to a minimum.
the Company’s liquidity centrally in the form of a cash Impairments are thus unlikely. A default on the part
pool by means of its holding. We assess the risk of of business and joint venture partners or problems
insufficient internal financing power and debt retire- with acquiring new business and joint venture part-
ment capability to be very low. ners could jeopardize implementation of the respec-
tive joint projects.
At present, a credit check in the sense of a rating by
an external rating agency does not exist with regard to IT security
PATRIZIA on account of the associated costs. Our stable
financing structure has benefited from long-term, trust- Any fault or impairment of the reliability or security of
worthy cooperation with exclusively German banks. the IT system could lead to an interruption of opera-
57 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

ting activities and thus to unscheduled costs. To pro- ment in the future. PATRIZIA Immobilien AG is affected
tect our IT-based business processes, the information by the interest barrier (Zinsschranke) introduced as
technology deployed is constantly subject to exami- part of the corporate taxation reform on January 1,
nation, enhancement and adaptation. 2008, but was able to avoid negative effects from the
interest barrier (Zinsschranke) in the 2008 fiscal year
Employees by using a so called escape clause. At present, it can-
not be assessed conclusively with regard to the 2009
The competence of our employees is a decisive fac- fiscal year if the utilization of an escape clause will be
tor in the development of PATRIZIA. A risk of know- possible as well.
ledge loss exists resulting from staff fluctuations as
well as due to vacancies of qualified experts who
have not been sufficiently recruited for the Group. 3.3 Overall assessment of opportuni-
In both cases, we would thus sacrifice competitive ties and risks
advantages on the market. We minimize these risks

by means of qualified promotion of junior staff and Risk management at PATRIZIA is a continuous process
implement focused employee-retention measures, which adapts relevant factors with respect to identi-
primarily with respect to key positions. fied changes in risk to prevailing circumstances. In
2008, as in previous years, PATRIZIA examined the
Regulatory and legal proceedings evaluation categories for the potential magnitude of
damage and increased or reduced them as necessa-
In the context of our operating activities, PATRIZIA ry. The risk management system illustrated here en-
could become involved in legal disputes, particular- ables PATRIZIA to counteract the specified risks and
ly with tenants. At present, there are no major legal to exploit the opportunities that present themselves.
disputes and/or claims for compensation so that Under consideration of all relevant individual risks
we do not expect any significant negative effects on and a possible cumulative effect, PATRIZIA’s over-
PATRIZIA’s economic or financial position. all risk is limited at present. Based on our current
knowledge and medium-term planning, no signifi-
Amendments to laws and regulatory requirements cant risks to the future development and continued
such as tenancy law or construction permit proce- existence of the Company and the Group have been
dures could negatively impact our business develop- identified.

4. Supplementary Report

No transactions or events occurred after the end of

the reporting period with significant consequences
for the course of business.
But what exactly is “exclusive”? Attractive? Beautiful? Breathtaking? Celestial?
Charming? Dazzling? Enchanting? Exciting? Extravagant? Fantastic? Fascinating?
Glamorous? Imposing? Impressive? Indescribable? Magical? Magnificent? Opu-
lent? Out of the ordinary? Picturesque? Sensational? Unique? Wonderful?

1 Mansion top: 2 Town house below: 3 Beach house

4 5

1 Cape Town, South Africa

2 Hamburg, Germany
3 Miami, USA
4 Aberdeenshire, Scotland
5 Malmö, Sweden

left: 4 Balmoral Castle right: 5 Turning Torso

60 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

5. Report about Expected


> PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s roots lie in managing and inflation rate of 0.8% for 2009; according to the “ifo”
Block sales have become estab- privatizing residential real estate. Although this re- forecast it will fall to 0.9% and the ECB also antici-
lished as a sales channel and mains an important business line for our Company, pates inflation of less than 1%. In view of the crisis on
underline our trading role. we have developed further. We have responded to the the financial markets and its effects on the goods and
requirements of the market and exploited the oppor- services industry, companies are largely pessimistic
tunities that presented themselves. Today, PATRIZIA is with regard to 2009. From a statistical point of view,
a trader in real estate with a focus on residential real the Statistisches Bundesamt (German Federal Statis-
estate. In addition to individual sales of residential tical Office) anticipates a braking effect, which started
units to private investors, developing and bundling in the German economy in 2008, of around 1.5 per-
individual residential properties into portfolios and centage points. The general uncertainty of economic
subsequently selling them to institutional investors forecasts and the process of putting figures on the ef-
has gained in significance as a further business focus. fects of the financial market crisis on the economy will
In the 2008 fiscal year, around 60% of all units sold continue to be dominated by specific downward risks
were attributable to block sales, proving the continu- arising from the financial market crisis.
ation of our transaction-oriented PATRIZIA investment
strategy of acquiring high-quality properties in attrac- Ongoing restrictive lending behavior of the banks
tive locations, optimizing the real estate by means of with regard to financing investments will have a ne-
value-enhancing measures and subsequently selling gative impact on the real estate market. We anticipate
it for a profit through the best sales channel. that financing options will be hampered and subject
to higher bank margins, particularly with regard to
However, we continue to develop. Based on the ex- new financing of larger volumes. The equity interest
pertise and experience acquired from 25 years as an necessary for procuring loans will increase further.
investor on the German real estate market, a further The financing of private residential units presents a
focus of our operating activities is offering specialized different picture: we do not expect the conditions for
real estate products. We offer investors the oppor- financing private homes to deteriorate as a result of
tunity to invest in real estate indirectly through fund the financial market crisis, as private customer busi-
products or other tailored investment products. The ness enables the banks to generate stable margins,
required administration and management expertise as well as to diversify risk. The prevailing low interest
is therefore fully covered by our subsidiaries. We have rates should also move private investors to make in-
thus developed into an investment house and as- vestment decisions in favor of acquiring residential
set manager for the real estate investment category. real estate. By contrast, it should be taken into ac-
Our investment management line is to be expanded count that private investors may refrain from making
further and will constitute a second focal area of our investments due to increasing uncertainty regarding
business model in the future. their future income situation.

Future general economic situation in Germany Future situation in the German residential real
estate market
Short-term growth prospects are hindered by the
worsening of the crisis in the financial markets. The Depending on the region, growth in the German resi-
EU Commission forecasts that Germany’s GDP will dential market exhibits sharply divergent trends. De-
shrink by 2.3% in the current year, while economic mand for residential real estate in the main economic
> researchers at “ifo” (Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung centers is characterized by immigration from econo-
Waning economic strength is – German Institute for Economic Research) predict mically weaker regions and a rising trend toward city
expected for 2009. a decline of 2.2%. Although the percentages given living, due to good infrastructure and shorter com-
in forecasts of individual research companies differ, muting distances. On the supply side, the continuing
there is consensus regarding negative performance trend toward a lower number of building permits will
trends and their impact on the German economy. The also lead to rent and price increase in the future – a
ECB may further reduce interest rates in 2009 to coun- development that is already clearly demonstrated by
teract the economic downswing. If there are no signs rent increases in metropolitan areas such as Munich.
of the economy stabilizing, a new base rate low could On the other hand, rural regions are characterized by
be reached. Deutsche Bundesbank is predicting an a trend toward outward migration, which has a cor-
61 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

responding effect on demand and therefore also the lio, the expertise and the experience of our employ-
rent and ultimately the price level. ees and based on our diversified business model, we
believe that we are well prepared to meet successfully
Various studies have forecast total demand for new the challenges that 2009 sends our way. We therefore
construction in Germany of between 330,000 and anticipate operating profit in fiscal year 2009.
400,000 residential units per year for the next years.
However, it is a fact that the level of new construc- As of January 1, 2009, the PATRIZIA portfolio comprised
tion is continually falling. According to the Statisti- around 12,000 units, of which at present approxi-
sches Bundesamt, in 2007 the construction of around mately 4,000, i.e. around one third, are intended for
182,300 apartments was approved, of which around individual privatization. Taking into account the wait-
157,100 were in the form of new buildings. From Janu- and-see attitude toward investments on the part of
ary to November 2008, the number of permits for new private households that we observed as early as the
buildings declined even further to around 140,000 start of 2008, we currently do not expect transaction
> – almost 5% less than in the previous year’s period volumes in privatization to pick up, although the fun-

Widening regional price differen- (January to November 2007: 147,000 apartments). In damental data indicates good reasons for investing
ces characterize the German resi- addition to the growth in the number of households in tangible assets. In the Asset Repositioning line,
dential market. Location and qua- due to demographic trends, the rising number of i.e. block sales, we can offer our customers tailored
lity of real estate are becoming apartments that are not suitable for renovation will portfolios of many different sizes. In this connection,
more decisive than ever in terms increasingly contribute to the shortage of living space institutional investors’ readiness to invest will be
of marketability. The continuing in the main economic centers in the future. A quarter decisively influenced by their individual liquidity si-
trend toward a lower number of of existing German apartments are over 60 years old; tuations and access to financial resources. The capital
building permits will boost prices. approximately 44% were built between the end of available for Project Development is fully tied up at
World War II and the late 1970s, with only 3% having present, with the result that no new projects in this
been built after 2000. The trend toward living alone business line are planned prior to completion of one
with a higher number of square meters per capita will of the projects in 2010. The Services segment will also
further strengthen demand for living space in metro- fall short of its target earnings contribution of 10% in
politan areas and thus cause rents and prices to rise. 2009 if the number of transactions to be managed
remains at the low level of the previous year.

Expected development of the earnings and finan- The conclusion of upcoming credit extensions will
cial situation be of major significance to PATRIZIA’s earnings and
financial situation. As mentioned in the Management
In the future, PATRIZIA’s earnings situation will con- Report, a financing volume of around EUR 530 million
tinue to depend on the amount of rental income and is due for extension at the end of March and a further
the number of units sold. Based on the quality and EUR 50 million is due for extension at the end of June
location of our real estate, we are confident that we 2009. To the best of our present knowledge and based
can increase rental income slightly, even in the on current market conditions we are confident that we
coming months. We also anticipate a higher propor- will be able to extend existing loans in line with mar-
tion of stable income from our Services business in ket conditions as we have done in the past.
2009. However, PATRIZIA’s performance will be sig-
nificantly influenced by income from the sale of re- As regards presentation of our income, in 2009, as
sidential real estate. As explained in detail, several previously, we will continue to differentiate between
factors support investment in residential real estate: calculation of earnings in accordance with IFRS and
low interest rates, high volatility on the capital mar- operating profit/loss. We define operating profit/loss
kets and the value stability of real estate of our qua- as adjusted EBT, i.e. EBT adjusted for all non-cash
lity. On the other hand, the investment behavior of items.
private and institutional investors will be significantly
shaped by further economic development in Germany Appropriation of net profits
and worldwide. As it is difficult to estimate the degree
of the economic downward trend in 2009, a forecast To strengthen of the Company’s equity in a market
on investors’ attitudes toward investing is also diffi- environment that continues to be unpredictable,
cult to gauge. For this reason, we have decided not the Managing Board will propose to the Supervisory
to publish a detailed earnings forecast for fiscal year Board that the net profit of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG
2009. Based on the quality of our real estate portfo- for 2008 be entirely carried forward.
62 | Management Report PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Number of employees if banks extend their lending and interest rates remain
low. Overall, low interest rates and the trend toward
We expect only minor changes to the number of staff tangible assets should lead to a rise in demand for real
in the current fiscal year, as personnel-related adjust- estate. Owing to the significant price increase for new
ments in line with the current size of the Company buildings, we regard the price advantages of existing
have been concluded. In view of the uncertain per- real estate as an argument supporting a purchasing
formance of the business, PATRIZIA will refrain from decision. The low home ownership rate of 43% – of
recruiting new staff. which 19% are households with an owner-occupied
apartment – provides both a large group of potential
Opportunities tenants and privatization opportunities.

The basis for a meaningful and reliable assessment of General statement

the real estate markets is gathering, evaluating and
interpreting market data. Our excellent and highly ex- The 2009 fiscal year will be a difficult year for all
perienced Research department, which identifies op- German businesses. The further development of the
portunities and risks, is essential for our investment financial market crisis and the degree to which it
decisions and the development of our real estate spreads to the goods and services industry will be of
products. We are very clear about which portfolios we decisive significance. In spite of the uncertain econo-
want to use to develop our position on the German mic situation, we do not see any risk of our real estate
real estate market and we subject every acquisition to portfolios devaluing or our rental income decreasing.
strict real estate and location-specific criteria. Demand for residential space is affected more by qua-
lity and location of the real estate and demographic
> Real estate prices are heavily influenced by expecta- developments than by economic cycles. The high-
Despite waning economic growth, tions of the economy and the rental market, as well as quality PATRIZIA real estate portfolio is located exclu-
we expect rents and prices in the by lending and financing costs and yields from govern- sively in attractive situations in German cities. In our
main economic centers to climb. ment bonds and risk premiums. We anticipate that as view, this asset class will gain further significance in
We regard the price advantage soon as the current negative economic trend turns light of the uncertain capital market environment. We
of existing real estate to be an around, rents and transaction volumes will follow suit. therefore remain confident that, despite the difficult
argument in favor of a purchase Regardless of general economic developments, we are conditions, we can successfully meet the challenges
decision. expecting rent increases in the main economic cen- that 2009 presents. We therefore anticipate operating
ters. Impetus from the financing side is to be expected profit in fiscal year 2009.

This report contains specific forward-looking statements that relate on current estimates and assumptions by the Company made in
in particular to the business development of PATRIZIA and the gene- good faith, and are subject to various risks and uncertainties that
ral economic and regulatory environment and other factors to which could render a forward-looking estimate or statement inaccurate or
PATRIZIA is exposed. These forward-looking statements are based cause actual results to differ from the results currently expected.
DECEMBER 31, 2008 C

Consolidated Financial Statements ............................................................................................ 64

Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements ..................................................................... 69
Principles Applied in Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements ....................... 69
Scope of Consolidation and Consolidation Methods ........................................................ 71
Accounting and Valuation Policies ......................................................................................... 73
Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet – Assets ........................................................... 80
Notes to the Consolidated Balance Sheet – Liabilities ...................................................... 86
Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account ........................................................... 91
Segment Reporting ................................................................................................................... 94
Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement ................................................................ 95
Other Notes ................................................................................................................................. 96
Declaration by the Managing Board ...................................................................................... 101
Auditor’s Certificate ....................................................................................................................... 105
64 | Consolidated Financial Statements PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Consolidated Balance Sheet in Accordance with IFRS as of December 31, 2008

Notes to
statements 31.12.2008 31.12.2007

a. Non-current assets EUR’000 EUR’000

Software 4.1 579 196
Investment property 4.1 660,000 711,558
Investment property under construction 4.1 11,162 20,205
Equipment 4.1 2,005 2,087
Investments in joint ventures 4.1 6,033 5,067
Participations 4.1 3,090 2,043
Long-term financial derivatives 4.4 0 8,704
Long-term tax assets 4.2 311 375
Deferred tax assets 5.3 0 0
Total non-current assets 683,180 750,235

B. Current assets
Inventories 4.3 717,772 793,395
Short-term financial derivatives 4.4 0 4,546
Short-term tax assets 4.2 6,685 3,144
Current receivables and other current assets 4.5 41,611 37,859
Bank balances and cash 4.6 67,905 54,013
Total current assets 833,973 892,957
Total assets 1,517,153 1,643,192
65 | Consolidated Financial Statements PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


Notes to
statements 31.12.2008 31.12.2007

a. Equity TEUR TEUR

Share capital 5.1.1 52,130 52,130
Capital reserves 5.1.2 215,862 215,862
Retained earnings
- legal reserves 5.1.3 505 505
Valuation results from cash flow hedges 4.4 –8,054 2,941
Consolidated net profit 31,029 65,167
Total equity 291,472 336,605

Consolidated Financial Statements

B. Liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Deferred tax liabilities 5.3 4,769 9,914
Long-term financial derivatives 4.4 24,551 1,142
Retirement benefit obligations 5.4 365 369
Total non-current liabilities 29,685 11,425
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loans 5.2 1,161,735 1,261,997
Short-term financial derivatives 4.4 10,238 235
Other provisions 5.5 616 594
Current liabilities 5.6 12,556 32,171
Tax liabilities 5.7 9,847 165
Other current liabilities 1,004 0
Total current liabilities 1,195,996 1,295,162
Total equity and liabilities 1,517,153 1,643,192
66 | Consolidated Financial Statements PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


for the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008

Notes to
statements 2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
1. Revenues 6.1 221,325 193,253
2. Income from the sale of investment property 21,747 0
3. Changes in inventories 6.2 –75,623 666,705
4. Other operating income 6.3 4,109 1,905
5. Total operating performance 171,558 861,863
6. Cost of materials 6.4 – 66,000 – 778,775
7. Staff costs 6.5 – 22,445 – 19,908
8. A
 mortization of software and depreciation on equipment 6.6 –846 – 771
9. R
 esults from fair value adjustments to investment property 6.7 0 69,477
10. Other operating expenses 6.8 – 17,199 – 20,543
11. Earnings from companies accounted for using
– 1,004 – 298
the equity method
12. Finance income 6.9 29,972 20,371
13. Finance cost 6.9 – 126,444 – 68,246
14. Profit / loss before income taxes –32,408 63,170
15. Income tax 6.10 – 1,730 – 15,129
16. Net profit / loss –34,138 48,041
17. Profit carried forward 65,167 17,126
18. Allocation to retained earnings
a) legal reserves 0 0
b) other retained earnings 0 0
19. Consolidated net profit 31,029 65,167

Earnings per share (undiluted), in EUR 6.11 –0,65 0,92

67 | Consolidated Financial Statements PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


for the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Consolidated profit / loss after taxes –34,138 48,041
Amortization of intangible assets and depreciation on property,
846 771
plant and equipment
Results from fair value adjustments to investment property 0 – 69,477
Loss from / gain on disposal of investment properties (under construction) –21,747 0
Loss from / gain on disposal of fixed assets 0 419
Change in deferred taxes –5,144 11,384
Change in retirement benefit obligations –4 63
Non-cash item income and expenses that are not attributable to financing activities 29,339 – 22,619
Changes in inventories, receivables and other assets that are not

Consolidated Financial Statements

attributable to investing activities 68,394 – 614,570
Changes in liabilities that are not attributable to financing activities –59,279 583,385
Cash outflow from operating activities – 21,733 – 62,603
Capital investments in intangible assets and property, plant and equipment – 1,205 – 1,845
Cash receipts from disposal of intangible assets and property, plant and equipment 58 81
Cash receipts from disposal of investment property 84,000 0
Payments for development or acquisition of investment property – 1,652 – 595,041
Investments – 3,017 – 7,407
Cash receipts from disposal of financial assets 0 0
Cash inflow / outflow from investing activities 78,184 – 604,212
Dividend of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG 0 – 7,820
Capital increase of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG 0 104,060
Borrowing of loans 1,331 543,243
Repayment of loans –43,889 0
Other cash inflows or outflows from financing activities 0 – 1,866
Cash inflow from financing activities –42,558 637,617
Changes in cash 13,892 – 29,198
Cash January 1 54,013 83,211
Cash December 31 67,905 54,013
68 | Consolidated Financial Statements PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


for the period from January 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008

Retained Valuation
earnings results from Consoli-
Share Capital (legal cash flow dated net
capital reserves reserve) hedges profit Total

EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Balance January 1, 2008 52,130 215,862 505 2,941 65,167 336,605
Results from fair valuation adjust-
ments cash flow hedges –10,995 –10,995
Net loss for the period –34,138 –34,138
Balance December 31, 2008 52,130 215,862 505 –8,054 31,029 291,472


for the period from January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2007

Retained Valuation
earnings results from Consoli-
Share Capital (legal cash flow dated net
capital reserves reserve) hedges profit Total

EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Balance January 1, 2007 47,400 118,398 505 475 24,946 191,724
Capital increase (net receipts) 4,730 97,464 102,194
Dividend – 7,820 – 7,820
Results from fair valuation adjust-
ments cash flow hedges 2,466 2,466
Net income for the period 48,041 48,041
Balance December 31, 2007 52,130 215,862 505 2,941 65,167 336,605
69 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Notes to the IFRS Consolidated Financial Statements as at December 31, 2008

General Disclosures

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG is a listed German stock corporation based in Augsburg. The Company’s headquarters
are located at Fuggerstrasse 26, 86150 Augsburg. The Company operates on the German real estate market and
performs all services along the value-added chain in the real estate sector.

1. Principles Applied in Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements

The consolidated financial statements of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG to December 31, 2008 were prepared in line
with IFRS and in compliance with the provisions of German commercial law additionally applicable as per Article
315a (1) of the German Commercial Code. All compulsory official announcements of the International Accoun-
ting Standards Board (IASB) have been applied, i.e. those adopted by the EU in the context of the endorsement
process and published in the Official Journal of the EU.

The International Financial Reporting Interpretations Committee (IFRIC) has published two interpretations that
are to be adopted in the current fiscal year. These are:

IFRIC 12 – “Service Concessions Arrangements” (this interpretation has not yet been adopted by the EU)
IFRIC 14 – “IAS 19 – The Limit on a Defined Benefit Asset, Minimum Funding Requirements and their Inter-


Adoption of these interpretations did not affect the consolidated financial statements.

Although the following standards and interpretations had already been published at the time of preparing the
consolidated financial statements, their adoption was not compulsory at that time:

IFRS 8 – “Operating Segments” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2009)
IFRIC 13 – “Customer Loyalty Programs” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 2008)
IFRIC 15 – “Agreements for the Construction of Real Estate” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or
after January 1, 2009; this interpretation has not yet been adopted by the EU)
IFRIC 16 – “Hedges of a Net Investment in a Foreign Operation” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing
on or after October 1, 2008; this interpretation has not yet been adopted by the EU)
IFRIC 17 – “Distributions of Non-cash Assets to Owners” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or
after July 1, 2009; this interpretation has not yet been adopted by the EU)
IFRIC 18 – “Transfers of Assets from Customers” (to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after July 1,
2009; this interpretation has not yet been adopted by the EU)

These standards and interpretations have not been adopted early.

IFRIC 15 standardizes accounting practice across jurisdictions for the recognition of revenue among real estate
developers for sales of units, such as apartments or houses, ‘off plan’, i.e. before construction is complete.
Adoption of the interpretation is not expected to have any effect on the consolidated financial statements of
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, neither do we expect IFRS 8 or the other IFRICs to affect the consolidated financial

Although the following amendments to standards had already been published at the time of preparing the
consolidated financial statements, their adoption was not compulsory at that time:

 mendment to IFRS 1 – “First-time Adoption of International Financial Reporting Standards” (amendment
relating to determining cost of subsidiaries in separate financial statements of a parent, to be adopted for
fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2009)
70 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

 mendment to IFRS 2 – “Share-based Payment” (amendment relating to vesting conditions and cancella-
tions, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2009)
 mendment to IFRS 3 – “Business Combinations” (comprehensive revision relating in particular to applica-
tion of the acquisition method, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 2009; these
amendments have not yet been adopted by the EU)
Amendment to IFRS 7 – “Financial Instruments: Disclosures” (amendment relating to reclassification of certain
financial assets, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after November 1, 2008)
A mendment to IAS 1 – “Presentation of Financial Statements” (comprehensive revision including the require-
ment to present comprehensive income and amendments relating to disclosures about callable financial
instruments and obligations arising on liquidation, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after
January 1, 2009)
A mendment to IAS 23 – “Borrowing Costs” (comprehensive revision removing the option of immediately recog-
nizing borrowing costs as an expense, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2009)
A mendment to IAS 27 – “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements” (amendments resulting from the
amendments to IFRS 3, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after July 1, 2009; these amend-
ments have not yet been adopted by the EU)
A mendment to IAS 32 – “Financial Instruments: Specifications and Presentation“ (amendments relating to
disclosures about callable financial instruments and obligations arising on liquidation, to be adopted for
fiscal years commencing on or after January 1, 2009)
A mendment to IAS 39 – “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” (amendments relating to the
reclassification of certain financial assets, to be adopted for fiscal years commencing on or after November 1,
2008, and amendments relating to risk positions qualifying for hedge accounting, to be adopted for fiscal
years commencing on or after January 1, 2009; the latter amendments have not yet been adopted by the EU)
A mendments arising from the annual improvements to the IFRSs dating from May 2008

Apart from the following exceptions, we do not expect adoption of the amended standards to affect the conso-
lidated financial statements:

Previously under IAS 23 – “Borrowing Costs”, in exercising the option granted, borrowing costs were recorded
as expenses in the period in which they were incurred. This option will no longer exist in the new version of IAS
23. From the point in time of its adoption, borrowing costs relating to the production of a qualifying asset must
be capitalized.

The balance sheet presentation is geared towards the maturity of the corresponding assets and liabilities. As-
sets and liabilities are regarded as short-term if their realization or repayment is expected within the normal
course of the business cycle of the Group or, in relation to assets, if the latter are held for sale within this period.
The nature of expense method was selected for the profit and loss account.

The fiscal year corresponds to the calendar year. The consolidated financial statements were prepared in euro.
The amounts, including the previous year’s figures, are stated in EUR thousand (TEUR).

Material differences of the accounting, valuation and consolidation methods compared with the German Com-
mercial Code:

Investment property valued at fair value;

F inancial derivatives valued at fair value, with valuation changes being treated with an impact on income
unless these involve hedges that are directly recognized in equity under a separate item;
D eferred taxes.
71 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Before the IPO, First Capital Partner GmbH had a stake in PATRIZIA Immobilien AG of 93.21% following first lis-
ting of the shares on March 31, 2006 with 50.02%. Following the capital increase carried out in January 2007
and various share purchases during the course of 2007, First Capital Partner GmbH was indirectly and directly
a shareholder in PATRIZIA Immobilien AG with 50.16%. As part of existing designated sponsor agreements, First
Capital Partner GmbH loaned a total of 100,000 shares to two designated sponsor banks. As at December 31,
2008, First Capital Partner GmbH was thus indirectly and directly a shareholder in PATRIZIA Immobilien AG with

2. Scope of Consolidation and Consolidation Methods

2.1 Scope of Consolidation

All of the Company’s subsidiaries are consolidated in the consolidated financial statements of PATRIZIA Immo-
bilien AG. The Group includes all companies controlled by PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. Control is regarded as the
possibility of determining the business and financial policy of the subsidiary in order to benefit from its com-
mercial activities.

Control is assumed if PATRIZIA Immobilien AG directly or indirectly holds the majority of voting rights in another

All the companies included in PATRIZIA Immobilien AG’s consolidated financial statements can be found in the

list of shareholdings at the end of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements. The subsidiaries listed
and bound by a profit and loss transfer agreement each make use of the relief provided for in Article 264 (3) of
the German Commercial Code. The partnerships also found in the list of shareholdings make use of the relief
provided for in Article 264b of the German Commercial Code.

Joint ventures are companies that do not meet the criteria to be classified as subsidiaries since with regard to
their business and financial policies two or more partner companies are bound to common management via
contractual agreement. Joint ventures are accounted for at equity within the Group.

Associated companies are companies that do not meet the criteria of a subsidiary or joint venture and whose
business and financial policy can be significantly influenced by PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. A significant influence
is assumed if a direct or indirect voting right share of at least 20% is held in another company. Associated
companies are accounted for at equity in the consolidated financial statements.

In addition to the parent company, the scope of consolidation comprises 70 subsidiaries. They are recognized
in the consolidated financial statements in line with the rules of full consolidation. There were no longer any
associated companies as at the balance sheet date. In addition, one joint venture is accounted for at equity in
the consolidated financial statements.

The financial statements of the subsidiaries recognized in the consolidated financial statements are prepared
on the balance sheet date of the annual financial statements of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG. The annual financial
statements of Wohnungsgesellschaft Olympia mbH, with a balance sheet date of November 30, are converted
to the balance sheet date of the consolidated financial statements. The financial statements are prepared in
line with uniform accounting and valuation principles.
72 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Company Acquisitions, Sales and Intercompany Restructuring

With effect from January 1, 2008, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG merged PATRIZIA Bautechnik GmbH with PATRIZIA
Wohnungspriviatisierung GmbH. The company trades under the name of PATRIZIA Wohnen GmbH.

Also with effect from January 1, 2008, PATRIZIA Advisory & Sales GmbH was merged with PATRIZIA Asset
Management GmbH. This company trades under the name of PATRIZIA Investmentmanagement GmbH.

By way of an agreement dated December 18, 2008, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG sold its participation in PATRIZIA
Projekt 200 GmbH to Alte Haide Baugesellschaft mbH. PATRIZIA Projekt 200 GmbH was merged with Alte
Haide Baugesellschaft mbH with retroactive effect as of May 31, 2008.

The results of the subsidiaries established or sold during the year are recognized in the consolidated profit
and loss account on or by the date when the acquisition or sale takes place, according to the effective date
of establishment.

2.2 Capital Consolidation via Full Consolidation

All subsidiaries are recognized in the consolidated financial statements via full consolidation. Since January 1,
2002, accounting for acquired subsidiaries has been carried out in line with the acquisition method as per IFRS 3.
Purchases of shares in companies before this date were still carried out on the basis of the carrying value method,
in accordance with the German Commercial Code, whilst using the relief options of IFRS 1.

The date of initial consolidation is the date of acquisition and therefore the date on which control of the net worth
and operating activities of the acquired company is actually transferred to the parent company. The acquisition
costs consist of the cash used for the acquisition plus the ancillary acquisition costs directly attributable to the
acquisition. The calculated acquisition costs are split between the identifiable assets and liabilities of the ac-
quired company. If the acquisition costs exceed the share in the re-valued net worth of the acquired company
apportionable to the parent company, goodwill is to be recognized. In the reverse case, negative goodwill is to be
recognized as income. The equity share held in the acquired company is the crucial factor in determining the net
worth apportionable to the Group. The re-valued net worth must be recognized in full. Shares allocated to mino-
rity shareholders are posted separately within the consolidated equity. If the loss of a period apportionable to the
minority shareholders exceeds the minority interest to be posted in the consolidated balance sheet, this is offset
against the majority share in the consolidated equity.

2.3 Consolidation of Joint Ventures using the Equity Method

The equity method is applied to the presentation of joint ventures in the consolidated financial statements. In
contrast to full consolidation, no assets and liabilities or expenses and income of the company valued at equi-
ty (proportionately) are recognized in the consolidated financial statements in the equity method. Instead, the
book value of the participation is updated annually according to the development of the proportionate equity
of the associated company.
73 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

The initial application of the equity method takes place from the time at which the associated company is to be
classified as a joint venture. Within the scope of initial consolidation, the acquisition costs for the shares ac-
quired are netted against the equity attributable to them. Any difference is reviewed in accordance with the
rules for full consolidation for hidden reserves or charges and any difference is treated as goodwill. Within the
scope of subsequent consolidation, the book value of the participation is developed in line with the proportionate
changes in equity at associated companies.

2.4 Consolidation of Liabilities, Expenses and Income and Intra-Group Results

Intercompany balances, transactions, profits and expenditure of the companies recognized in the consolidated
financial statements by means of full consolidation are fully eliminated. Deferred taxes are recognized for tem-
porary differences arising from the elimination of profits and losses as a result of transactions within the

2.5 Currency Translation

The scope of consolidation is made up only of subsidiaries located in the European Monetary Union. Conse-
quently, there are no financial statements in a foreign a currency that would need to be translated, neither
were there assets or liabilities in foreign currencies on the reporting date.

3. Summary of Key Accounting and Valuation Policies

The financial statements included in the consolidated financial statements are prepared in line with uniform
accounting and valuation principles.

3.1 Software and Equipment

Software and equipment are recognized at cost at the date of addition. Subsequent valuation provides for the
carrying out of scheduled amortization and, if applicable, unscheduled amortization as well as appreciation
taking into account the historical cost principle (valuation at amortized cost).

Acquisition costs cover the directly attributable purchase and commitment costs. Borrowing costs are recorded
as expenses in the period in which they were incurred.

Scheduled amortization is carried out using the straight-line method. It starts as soon as the asset can be used
and ends with divestiture of the asset. The amortization period is geared towards the expected useful life. Ac-
quired software is amortized over 3 to 5 years. Equipment is amortized over 3 to 14 years.
74 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.2 Impairment of Assets

Assets subject to scheduled depreciation are then checked for an amortization requirement if there is a starting
point for impairment. Assets that are not subject to scheduled depreciation are checked on each balance sheet
date for a value-adjustment requirement.

3.3 Investment Property

Investment property is property that is held for generating rental income and/or for capital appreciation. The
share of owner-occupier use does not exceed 10% of the rental space. Investment property is carried at fair
value, with changes in value recognized in income.

Investment property is measured at fair value on the basis of external appraisals carried out by independent
experts using current market prices or customary valuation methods with the aid of the current and long-term
rental situation. The fair value is equivalent to the market value. According to IAS 40, this is defined as the value
which can be reasonably generated subject to a hypothetical buyer-purchaser situation. It is reported at this
fictitious market value without deduction of transaction costs.

All investment property held by the Group is let. The resultant rental income and the expenses directly associated
with it are recognized in the profit and loss account.

Investment property under construction is posted at cost. If the development is concluded and if the transfer
to investment property is successful, the difference between the book value and the fair value is recognized in
the results as a change in value in investment property.

3.4 Investments in Joint Ventures

The Group has a stake in a joint venture, F 40 GmbH, in the form of a jointly managed company. Accordingly,
there is a contractual agreement between the partner companies on the joint control over the economic activi-
ties of the entity. The Group accounts for its share in the joint venture at equity. The Group includes its share in
the joint venture in which the book value of the participation is updated annually according to the development
of the proportionate equity of the associated company. The joint venture’s financial statements are prepared to
the same balance sheet day as are the parent company’s financial statements. If necessary, adjustments are
made to bring them in line with the accounting policies uniform across the Group.

3.5 Inventories

The Inventories item contains real estate that is intended for sale in the context of ordinary activities or is
intended for such sale in the context of the construction or development process, especially real estate that
has been solely acquired for the purpose of resale in the near future or for development and resale. Develop-
ment also covers modernization and renovation activities.

Inventories are carried at cost. If the net sale price is lower, this is recognized. Acquisition costs comprise the
directly attributable purchase and commitment costs, i.e. especially acquisition costs for real estate as well
as ancillary acquisition costs (notary’s fees etc.). Manufacturing costs comprise the costs directly attributable
to the real estate development process, i.e. especially renovation costs. Borrowing costs are recorded as ex-
penses in the period in which they were incurred. The net sale price corresponds to the sale proceeds likely
to be generated in the ordinary course of business less other incurred renovation or modernization and sel-
ling costs.
75 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.6 Financial Assets

IAS 39 distinguishes between the following four categories of financial assets:

H eld-to-maturity investments
L oans and receivables
F inancial assets at fair value through profit or loss
A vailable-for-sale financial assets

Financial assets are recognized in the balance sheet if the company is party to a contract for this asset. Custom-
ary purchases of financial assets for which there is only a short customary period between entry into, and
fulfillment of, the obligation are generally accounted for on the trading date. In turn, this also applies to custom-
ary sales.

There were no held-to-maturity investments as at the balance sheet date.

Derivatives which are not designated as hedging instruments or are not effective as such within the meaning of
IAS 39 are classified as financial assets at fair value through profit or loss. The fair values of the derivatives
are determined by external banks.

Investments which have been entered with the intention to hold are categorized as available-for-sale finan-
cial assets. These are valued at acquisition cost since a fair value can only be determined on the basis of

specific sale negotiations due to the absence of an active market. There are currently no plans to sell these in-
struments. They are reviewed at every balance sheet date for indications of impairment.

Loans and receivables are non-derivative financial assets with fixed or definable payments which are not lis-
ted in an active market. Following initial recognition, the loans and receivables are measured at amortized cost
using the effective interest method less any impairment.

If there are any objective indications that impairment of financial assets which have been accounted for at
amortized cost has taken place, the amount of impairment loss is equivalent to the difference between the
book value of the asset and the present value of the expected cash flow (with the exception of expected,
though not yet occurred, loan losses), discounted with the original effective interest rate of the financial asset,
i.e. at the effective interest rate determined at initial recognition. The book value of the asset is decreased using
a value adjustment account. The impairment loss is recognized in income.

If the amount of impairment write-downs decreases in the subsequent reporting periods and if this decrease
can be objectively attributable to a circumstance occurring subsequent to impairment loss, the previous im-
pairment loss is reversed. However, the new book value of the asset may not exceed the acquisition costs at the
time of the reversal of the impairment. The reversal of the impairment is recognized in income.

If there are objective indications in the case of trade receivables that not all amounts due will be received in
accordance with the originally agreed invoice conditions (such as probability of insolvency or significant finan-
cial difficulties on the part of the debtor), impairment is recognized using a value adjustment account. Derecog-
nition of receivables take place if they are classified as uncollectible.
76 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.7 Cash and Cash Equivalents

Cash and cash deposits shown in the balance sheet comprise cash, bank balances and cash deposits with an
original term of less than three months.

The cash in the consolidated cash flow statement is delimited according to the above definition and also covers
the revolving lines of credit utilized.

3.8 Financial Liabilities

Upon initial recognition, interest-bearing loans are measured at fair value less the transaction costs directly
associated with the borrowing. They are not recognized in income at fair value. Following initial recognition, the
interest-bearing loans are measured at amortized cost using the effective interest method.

3.9 Derecognition of Financial Assets and Financial Liabilities

A financial asset (i.e. a part of a financial asset or a group of similar financial assets) is derecognized if the
preconditions of IAS 39 are met.

A financial liability is derecognized if the obligation upon which this liability is based is fulfilled, reversed or

If an existing financial liability is exchanged for another financial liability of the same lender at substantially
different contractual conditions or if the conditions of an existing liability are significantly changed, such an
exchange or change is treated as a reversal of the original liability and recognition of a new liability. The dif-
ference between the respective book values is recognized in income.

3.10 Derivative Financial Instruments

The Group uses the derivative financial instruments interest swaps, collars and caps to protect itself against
interest risks. These derivative financial instruments are measured at fair value. Derivative financial instruments
are recognized as assets if their fair value is positive, and as liabilities if their fair value is negative.

Profit or losses resulting from changes to the fair value of derivative financial instruments which do not meet
the criteria for accounting as hedges are recognized in income immediately.

The PATRIZIA Group’s hedging instruments are classified as cash flow hedges for accounting purposes, since it
involves hedging against the risk of fluctuations in the cash flow, which can be allocated to the risk associated
with a recognized asset or with the recognized liability.

At the start of the hedging, both the hedges and the Group’s risk management objectives and strategies regar-
ding hedging are formally specified and documented. The documentation contains the determination of the
hedging instrument when compensating for risks arising from changes to the fair value or cash flow of the
hedged underlying transaction. These types of hedges are considered highly effective in compensating for
changes to fair value or cash flow. They are assessed on an ongoing basis as to whether they were actually
highly effective during the reporting period for which the hedge was defined.
77 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Cash flow hedges, which meet the strict criteria for accounting of hedges, are accounted for as follows:

The effective part of the profit or loss from a hedging instrument is taken directly to equity, while the ineffective
part is immediately recognized in income.

The amounts taken directly to equity are transferred to the profit and loss account during the period in which
the hedged transaction influences the result, e.g. if hedged financial income or expenses are recognized or if
an expected sale is executed.

If the scheduled transaction or the fixed obligation is no longer expected, the amounts previously recognized
in equity are transferred to the profit and loss account. If the hedging instrument expires or is sold, terminated
or exercised without substitution by a roll over of the hedging instrument into another hedging instrument, the
amounts previously recognized in equity remain as separate items in equity until the scheduled transaction or
fixed obligation has occurred.

3.11 Retirement Benefit Obligations

Performance-related plans are valued using the projected unit credit method on the basis of a pension report.
The interest share of pension expenses was not significant enough to be recognized in the financial result, and
was instead recognized in staff costs.

3.12 Other Provisions

Provisions are liabilities of uncertain timing or amount. Recognition of a provision cumulatively requires a cur-
rent obligation arising from a past event from which an outflow of resources is likely and the value of which
must be able to be measured in a reliable manner. Provisions are measured using the best possible estimate
of the extent of the obligation. In the event of material interest effects, the provisions are discounted.

3.13 Leases

The determination of whether an agreement includes a lease is made on the basis of the economic substance
of the agreement at the time of the conclusion of this agreement and requires an estimate as to whether the
fulfillment of the contractual agreement is dependent upon the utilization of a certain asset or certain assets
and whether the agreement grants a right to the utilization of the asset.

The Group as Lessor

Leases where all opportunities and risks of the Group associated with the ownership are not passed to the
lessee to a significant degree are classified as operating leases. Initial direct costs which arise in the nego-
tiations and conclusion of an operating leasing contract are added to the book value of the leasing object and
are recognized as expenses corresponding to the rental income over the term of the lease. Contingent rent is
recognized as income during the period in which it is generated.

Within the PATRIZIA Group, there are only an insignificant number of leases for which the Group is the lessee.
All these are to be classified as operating leases.
78 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.14 Taxes

Current Taxes

Current tax assets and liabilities for current and previous periods are measured at the amount expected to be
paid to or recovered from the tax authorities. The calculation of the amount is based on the tax rate and the tax
laws which apply at the balance sheet date.

Actual taxes which refer to items which are directly recognized in equity are not recognized in the profit and loss
account, but rather in equity.

Deferred Taxes

The recognition of deferred taxes takes place using the liability method on temporary differences existing on
the balance sheet date between the recognition of amounts of an asset or a liability in the balance sheet and
the tax base.

Deferred tax assets are recognized for all deductible temporary differences, tax loss carryforwards not yet uti-
lized and tax credits not yet utilized in the probable scope that taxable income will be available against which
the deductible temporary differences and the tax loss carryforwards and tax credits not yet utilized can be

The book value of deferred tax assets is reviewed on every balance sheet date and decreased to the extent that
it is no longer probable that a sufficient taxable result will be available against which the deferred tax asset can
at least be partly recognized. Deferred tax assets not recognized are reviewed on every balance sheet date and
recognized in the amount in which it has become probable that a future taxable result allows realization of the
deferred tax asset.

Deferred tax assets and liabilities are measured using the tax rate which will probably become effective in the
period in which an asset is realized or a liability is settled. It will be based on the tax rates and laws applicable
on the balance sheet date. Future tax rate changes are to be taken into account on the balance sheet date if
significant effectiveness preconditions are met within the scope of pending legislation.

Deferred taxes which relate to items which are directly recognized in equity are not recognized in the profit and
loss account, but also in equity.

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are set off against one another if the Group has an enforceable
right to offset actual tax refund claims against actual tax liabilities and these refer to income taxes of the same
taxable entity and are levied by the same taxation authority.

3.15 Borrowing Costs

Borrowing costs are recorded as expenses in the period in which they were incurred.
79 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

3.16 Income Realization

Essential conditions for profit realization in the Investments segment when selling real estate are the likelihood
of economic benefits and the reliable quantification of revenues. In addition, there must be a transfer to the
purchaser of the opportunities and threats associated with ownership of the assets, relinquishment of the legal
or actual control of the assets and a reliable determinability of the expenses relating to the sale that have been
or are still to be incurred.

In the Services segment, revenue realization is usually carried out after performance and invoicing.

3.17 Estimates and Assessments in Accounting

Due to the uncertainties associated with the operating activities, individual items of the consolidated financial
statements cannot be measured with precision, but can only be estimated. An estimate is made on the basis
of the most recently available reliable information. The assets, liabilities, income, expenses and contingent
receivables and liabilities recognized on the basis of estimates may differ from the amounts to be realized in
future. Changes are taken into account with an impact on income on the date when more precise information
is obtained. Estimates are largely made for the following:

 etermining the recoverable amount to assess the necessity and extent of unscheduled amortization, espe-
cially on the real estate posted under the Inventories item

 ecognizing and measuring provisions
Valuing receivables subject to risk
 ssessing whether deferred tax assets can be realized

The assumptions made when valuing the real estate portfolios could subsequently prove to be partially or fully
incorrect, or there could be unexpected problems or unidentified risks relating to real estate portfolios. Such
possible developments, even of a short-term nature, could cause a decline in the earnings situation, a decrease
in the value of the purchased assets and reduction in the revenues generated from residential property resale
and ongoing rental.

In addition to the factors inherent in each property, the value retention of real estate assets is chiefly determined
according to the development of the real estate market as well as the general economic situation. There is the
risk that, in the event of a negative development of the real estate market or the general economic situation,
the valuation estimates made by the Group may have to be corrected. If unscheduled amortization of the real
estate assets of the Group was required, this would negatively impact the net asset, financial and earnings si-
tuation of the Group.

When buying real estate or portfolios or for carrying out modernization projects, PATRIZIA is predominantly
financed by loans. A significant rise in the current interest rate would significantly increase the financing costs
of the Group when refinancing existing liabilities and when financing modernization projects in future, and
could thus negatively impact on the earnings situation.
80 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

4. Notes the Consolidated Balance Sheet – Assets

4.1 Non-Current assets

The breakdown and changes of non-current assets as well as the amortization of the fiscal year and previous
year are set out below:

Development of Non-Current Assets

Software Equipment Total

2008 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2008 304 4,026 4,330
Additions 641 564 1,205
Disposals 0 –319 – 319
Balance as at December 31, 2008 945 4,271 5,216

Balance as at January 1, 2008 108 1,939 2,047
Additions 258 588 846
Disposals 0 –262 –262
Balance as at December 31, 2008 366 2,265 2,631

Book values as at January 1, 2008 196 2,087 2,283

Book values as at December 31, 2008 579 2,005 2,584

Software Equipment Total

2007 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2007 810 3,817 4,627
Additions 284 1,561 1,845
Disposals – 790 – 1,352 – 2,142
Balance as at December 31, 2007 304 4,026 4,330

Balance as at January 1, 2007 573 2,345 2,918
Additions 126 645 771
Disposals – 591 – 1,051 – 1,642
Balance as at December 31, 2007 108 1,939 2,047

Book values as at January 1, 2007 237 1,472 1,709

Book values as at December 31, 2007 196 2,087 2,283
81 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Development of Non-Current Assets

Investment Property

2008 EUR’000
Fair Value
Balance as at January 1, 2008 711,558
Additions – assets 1,385
Disposal of assets – 52,943

Balance as at December 31, 2008 660,000

Investment Property

2007 EUR’000
Fair Value
Balance as at January 1, 2007 0
Reclassification from inventories 57,739
Additions – assets 584,342
Fair value adjustments 69,477

Balance as at December 31, 2007 711,558

Development of Non-Current Assets

Investment Property
under construction

2008 EUR’000
Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2008 20,205
Additions – assets 267
Disposal of assets –9,310

Balance as at December 31, 2008 11,162

Investment Property
under construction

2007 EUR’000
Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2007 0
Reclassification from inventories 9,182
Additions – assets 11,023

Balance as at December 31, 2007 20,205

82 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Development of Non-Current Assets

Participations in
joint ventures Participations Total

2008 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2008 5,365 2,043 7,408
Additions 1,970 1,047 3,017
Disposals 0 0 0
Balance December 31, 2008 7,335 3,090 10,425

Adjustment at equity / amortization

Balance as at January 1, 2008 –298 0 –298
Additions –1,004 0 –1,004
Disposals 0 0 0
Balance as at December 31, 2008 –1,302 0 –1,302

Book values as at January 1, 2008 5,067 2,043 7,110

Book values as at December 31, 2008 6,033 3,090 9,123

Participations in
joint ventures Participations Total

2007 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Acquisition costs
Balance as at January 1, 2007 0 1 1
Additions 5,365 2,042 7,407
Disposals 0 0 0
Balance as at December 31, 2007 5,365 2,043 7,408

Balance as at January 1, 2007 0 0 0
Additions 298 0 298
Disposals 0 0 0
Balance as at December 31, 2007 298 0 298

Book values as at January 1, 2007 0 1 1

Book values as at December 31, 2007 5,067 2,043 7,110

Investment property is property that is held for generating rental income and/or for capital appreciation. The
investment property is recognized at fair value in profit or loss in accordance with IAS 40. The investment
property in Dresden was sold in the fiscal year.

The fair value was calculated by an independent expert using a discounted cash flow procedure and based on
the property rents at that time. The valuation model makes adjustments to market rents taking general legal
conditions into account. Cash flow was discounted at an average of 5.7% p.a. over the detailed planning period
of 10 years and subsequently at an average of 4.9% p.a.
83 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Investment property under construction involves properties which are being constructed or developed for
future investment purposes. Recognition is carried out in line with IAS 16 at amortized cost. The investment
property under construction in Dresden was sold in the fiscal year.

The 50% share in F 40 GmbH is accounted for under the Participations in joint ventures item.

The Participations item includes the 5.1% share in Hyrebostädter i Norra Tyskland Verwaltungs GmbH and the
6.25% share in PATRoffice Real Estate GmbH & Co. KG.

The book values of the financial assets fall in the individual categories as follows:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Loans and receivables 41,611 41,378
Available-for-sale financial assets 3,090 2,043
Financial assets which are valued at fair value through profit or loss and are
0 8,225
held for trading in accordance with IAS 39
Derivative financial instruments which are designated as hedging instruments
0 5,025
and are effective as such
Bank balances and cash 67,905 54,013

The book values of the financial liabilities fall in the individual categories as follows:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Financial liabilities which are measured at fair value through profit or loss and
24,340 1,142
are held for trading in accordance with IAS 39
Financial liabilities which are measured at residual value through profit or loss 1,175,295 1,305,210
Derivative financial instruments which are designated as hedging instruments
10,449 235
and are effective as such

Other liabilities are measured entirely at amortized cost.

4.2 Tax Assets

Corporation tax credits of 311 TEUR (previous year: 375 TEUR) with a right to payment from 2008 and to be paid
by the tax authorities over a period of 10 years in equal annual amounts are treated as long-term tax assets.
Measurement is at present value.

Allowable credit and tax prepayments reimbursed by the tax authorities are reported as current tax assets.
These tax assets have a residual term of less than 1 year.
84 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

4.3 Inventories

A breakdown of inventories is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Real estate intended for sale 717,772 793,395
717,772 793,395

Assets held for sale in the ordinary course of business are posted under Inventories.

Inventories to the value of 97,205 TEUR (previous year: 84,572 TEUR) were sold in the fiscal year.

The book value of the inventories which are pledged as security totals 628,121 TEUR (previous year:
680,846 TEUR).

4.4 Financial Derivatives

The Group uses various interest rate swaps, interest rate collars and interest rate caps for the partial hedging of
the interest rate risk from its bank loans. These are cash flow hedges where a hedging relationship to the re-
spective underlying transaction could be demonstrated.

The changes to the fair value of the derivatives not classified as effective are recognized with an impact on
income in the profit and loss account. In the fiscal year, they amounted to –31,998 TEUR (previous year:
5,969 TEUR).

As at December 31, 2008, the nominal volume of the derivatives classified as not effective totaled 514,325 TEUR
(previous year: 505,779 TEUR); the corresponding fair values were –24,340 TEUR (previous year: 7,083 TEUR).

The changes to the fair values of the hedging derivatives of –15,114 TEUR (previous year: 2,808 TEUR) are directly
recognized in equity, taking deferred taxes into account.

No changes in value of cash flow hedges recognized in equity were realized through profit or loss and trans-
ferred into the financial result.

Fair value changes of –776 TEUR (previous year: 146 TEUR) were taken into account during the reporting year as
ineffective part of hedging derivatives in the profit and loss account.

As at December 31, 2008, the nominal volume of these hedging derivatives totaled 398,650 TEUR (previous
year: 530,800 TEUR); the corresponding fair values were –10,449 TEUR (previous year: 4,790 TEUR).

As at December 31, 2008, the entire amount of unrealized loss (previous year: profit) from interest hedging
transactions which was transferred to the provisions related to these future transactions for hedging transac-
tions taking into account deferred tax effects was –8,054 TEUR (previous year: 2,941 TEUR). It is expected that
the interest rate hedges will be concluded in line with contractual conditions at 3% in 2009, at 13% in 2010, at
1% in 2011 and at 84% in 2012 and 2013. For payment flows recognized in income cf. item 5.2.
85 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

4.5 Current Receivables and Other Current Assets

A breakdown of receivables and other current assets is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Trade receivables 31,667 27,128
Other current assets 9,944 10,731
41,611 37,859

The book value of the receivables corresponds to their fair value.

As at the balance sheet date, the following receivables were overdue, but not impaired:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Rent receivables 2,980 3,399
Of which < 60 days 1,290 1,578
Of which > 60 days and < 180 days 215 1,821
Of which > 180 days 1,475 0

Of these, rent receivables are secured with rental deposits amounting to 616 TEUR (previous year: 769 TEUR).

Trade receivables and other current assets are decreased by specific value adjustments of 342 TEUR (previous
year: 488 TEUR).

Changes in the value adjustment account for receivables:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Balance as at January 1 488 175
Additions 67 341
Outflows due to derecognitions –19 –19
Outflows due to payments received –194 –9

Balance as at December 31 342 488

Trade receivables are impaired via a value adjustment account.

Receivables and other current assets have a residual term of less than one year.

4.6 Bank Balances and Cash

The Bank balances and cash item comprises cash and cash deposits held by the Group. The book value of
these assets corresponds to their fair value.
86 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

5. Notes the Consolidated Balance Sheet – Liabilities

5.1 Equity

For the development of equity, please see the statement of changes in equity.

5.1.1 Share capital

As at the balance sheet date, the share capital of the Company totaled 52,130 TEUR (previous year: 52,130 TEUR)
and was divided into 52,130,000 no-par value shares.

With the consent of the Supervisory Board, the Managing Board was authorized by the Annual General Meeting
on June 13, 2007 to increase the share capital on one or more occasions by up to a total of 26,065 TEUR in
exchange for cash contributions and/or contributions in kind by issuing new no-par value bearer shares
(authorized capital) by June 12, 2012.

Furthermore, the share capital was contingently increased (contingent capital) by resolution of the Annual
General Meeting of June 13, 2007 by up to 26,065 TEUR by issuing up to 26,065,000 new, registered no-par
value shares.

First Capital Partner GmbH is indirectly and directly shareholder of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG with 26,047,572 no-
par value shares, which equates to a 49.97% shareholding (previous year: 50.16%).

5.1.2 Capital reserves

The share premiums collected for the issue of new shares that occurred in the past as part of the company’s
capital increase are posted unchanged in the capital reserve.

5.1.3 Retained earnings

The legal reserve of 505 TEUR is again posted under Retained earnings.

5.2 Bank Loans

The residual terms of the bank loans are as follows:

Total floating-rate Total floating-rate

financial liabilities 2008 financial liabilities 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
< 1 year 597,884 655,593
1 – 2 years 117,673 13,347
2 – 5 years 269,753 121,484
> 5 years 176,425 471,573
1,161,735 1,261,997
87 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

All loans are in euro. In the event of real estate sales, financial liabilities are redeemed through repayment of a
specific share of the sale proceeds.

Accordingly, the loan proceeds in the above table existing on the balance sheet date are allocated without
taking into account repayments from resales in accordance with the contractually agreed terms of the loan

Such loans are posted as bank loans due in less than one year, whose term ends within the 12 months following
the reporting date as well as revolving lines of credit taken out.

Regardless of the terms presented above, loans which serve to finance inventories are reported as short-term
bank loans in the balance sheet (cf. 1 Principles Applied in Preparing the Consolidated Financial Statements).

The bank loans are based on variable interest rates and are measured at amortized cost. In this respect, the
Group is exposed to an interest rate risk in terms of the cash flows. To limit the risk, the Group has concluded
interest hedging transactions for the majority of the loans.

The Group’s own real estate serves as security for the bank loans. The bank loans secured by real estate liens
amount to 1,161,161 TEUR (previous year: 1,260,635 TEUR). In addition, financial liabilities are secured by assigning
purchasing prices, and others are secured by assigning future rental payments.

5.3 Deferred Tax Assets/Deferred Tax Liabilities

The key deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities and their development are set out below:

Dec. 31, 2008 Dec. 31, 2008 Dec. 31, 2007 Dec. 31, 2007
Assets side Liabilities side Assets side Liabilities side

EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Investment property 0 13,358 0 12,912
Inventories 1,160 0 1,459 0
Derivatives 5,884 0 332 1,675
Tax loss carryforwards 1,764 0 2,860 0
Various 22 241 22 0
8,830 13,599 4,673 14,587
Netting –8,830 – 8,830 – 4,673 – 4,673
0 4,769 0 9,914

As at the balance sheet date, there were corporation tax loss carryforwards of 11,131 TEUR (previous year:
7,158 TEUR) and trade tax loss carryforwards of 0 TEUR (previous year: 6,835 TEUR), for which deferred tax
assets of 1,764 TEUR (previous year: 2,860 TEUR) were recognized.

Due to the lack of predictability regarding dissolution of the tax group, no deferred tax assets have been
recognized for pre-consolidation losses of 447 TEUR (previous year: 447 TEUR). The loss carryforwards for
which deferred tax assets have been capitalized will be used in line with expectations within the planning
period (maximum 2 years). The losses can be carried forward for an indefinite period.

According to IAS 12.24(b), the Group has not recognized any deferred tax assets for the temporary differences
arising from the real estate of Alte Haide Baugesellschaft mbH.
88 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

In the same way, no deferred tax assets have been recognized for existing loss carryforwards in this company
of 5,978 TEUR (previous year: 18,214 TEUR) due to lack of predictability of their tax benefit. In the reporting year,
loss carryforwards of 12,236 TEUR were used as part of the PATRIZIA Projekt 200 GmbH merger (cf. 2.1 Scope of

Deferred tax assets and deferred tax liabilities are set off against one another, as the Group has an enforceable
right to offset actual tax refund claims against actual tax liabilities and the deferred tax assets and liabilities
relate to income tax that is levied by the same tax authority.

5.4 Retirement Benefit Obligations

There are no performance-related pension schemes at the Group. One exception to this is a scheme that was
transferred in 2002 in conjunction with an acquisition and a plan which was assumed in 2007 in connection
with the acquisition of a real estate portfolio. As at the balance sheet date, a total of 7 people therefore had a
performance-related commitment. 5 of these people are retired persons who already receive ongoing pension
payments. Taking this fact into account, the provisions calculated according to the German Commercial Code
were increased by approximately 25% on the basis of an actuarial report prepared in accordance with IAS 19.
On December 31, 2008, an actuarial interest rate of 5.5% and a projected pension increase of 1.9% were applied
to the reference report. The projected unit credit method was used as the calculation method. The calculations
were based on Prof. Klaus Heubeck’s biometric guidelines (probabilities of death and invalidity) (guideline RT
2005G). As at December 31, 2008, the pension provision was recognized at 365 TEUR (previous year 369 TEUR).
Due to the low level of the annual pension payments of 32 TEUR and therefore also the low value of the pensi-
on provision, the pension provision in the Consolidated Financial Statements was not regarded as material. For
this reason, there is no breakdown of the change to the pension provision. As at the balance sheet date, there
were neither plan assets nor non-recognized actuarial losses and/or past service costs. The interest cost is also
posted under Staff costs.

5.5 Other Provisions

A breakdown of other provisions is shown below:

Jan. 1, 2008 Allocation Reversal Utilization Dec. 31, 2008

EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Other provisions 594 616 18 576 616
594 616 18 576 616

The other provisions chiefly consist of provisions for unused holiday entitlements, contributions to employee
accident insurance and surcharges for not employing handicapped persons.

With regard to other provisions, it is to be assumed that the outflow of funds will occur in the subsequent
89 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

5.6 Current Liabilities

A breakdown of current liabilities is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Trade payables 1,608 16,681
Advance payments 507 837
Other liabilities 10,441 14,653

Current liabilities 12,556 32,171

The current liabilities have a residual term of less than 12 months. The fair value of the liabilities therefore cor-
responds to the book value. Other liabilities chiefly include liabilities for acquisition and manufacturing costs
arising after the balance sheet date of 7,665 TEUR (previous year: 10,665 TEUR).

5.7 Tax Liabilities

The tax liabilities concern subsequent taxation of the former Equity 02 portfolios amounting to 3,760 TEUR,
corporation tax and trade tax on profits of domestic subsidiaries amounting to 5,290 TEUR and taxes in Luxem-
bourg of 370 TEUR (previous year: 165 TEUR).

5.8 Objectives and Methods of Financial Risk Management

The financial assets of the Group chiefly consist of the trade receivables, other assets and bank balances. In
these categories, the Group is exposed to credit risk. The Group’s credit risk primarily results from trade recei-
vables. Insofar as they are identifiable, these are decreased by specific value adjustments. For the trade recei-
vables, in the event of sales as single assets, security exists in the form of a commercial retransfer right of the
sold real estate in case of default by the customer. When selling individual apartments, ownership is not trans-
ferred until the purchase price is received in full. Consequently, there is no credit risk here.

The bank balances are held at banks with strong credit ratings.

The financial liabilities essentially used by the Group – with the exception of derivative financial instruments
– comprise bank loans and revolving lines of credit, trade payables and secured loans. The main objective of
these financial liabilities is financing the business activities of the Group.

Furthermore, the Group has other derivative financial instruments. These comprise interest rate swaps, interest
rate collars and interest rate caps. The aim of these derivative financial instruments is hedging against interest
risks which result from the business activities of the Group and its financing sources.

Significant risks for the Group arising from the financial instruments comprise interest-related cash flow risks
and liquidity and credit risks. The Management has agreed upon strategies and procedures for the control of
individual risk types, which are presented in the following.
90 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Interest Rate Risk

The risk from fluctuations in the market interest rate to which the Group is exposed results primarily from those
financial liabilities with a variable interest rate.

For managing and smoothing the Group’s interest expense, the Group has concluded interest hedging
transactions. At specified intervals the Group exchanges with the contractual partner the difference between
fixed-interest and variable-interest amounts for a previously agreed nominal amount or set a maximum rate.
The underlying obligation is hedged with these interest hedging transactions. As at December 31, 2008,
approximately 79% (2007: 82%) of the Group’s external funds was fixed interest bearing taking into account
existing financial derivatives.

Overview of the interest rate risk

The PATRIZIA Group concludes only variable interest rate loans. The Group is therefore subject to an interest
rate risk on financial liabilities. This risk is reduced by using derivative financial instruments whereby variable
interest rates are exchanged for fixed interest rates (swap) or a fixed upper ceiling is agreed for variable interest
(collar or cap).

The Group measures the interest rate risk with the help of the cash flow sensitivity in the case of an assumed
parallel shift in the interest curve of 100 basis points. If a rise in the interest rates of 100 basis points is assumed,
as at December 31, 2008 this would have an effect without tax regards of +23,657 TEUR on the consolidated
profit (previous year: +21,024 TEUR) and +9,322 TEUR on consolidated equity (previous year: +12,245 TEUR).
Taking deferred taxes into account, an increase of 100 basis points would have an effect of +17,556 TEUR on the
consolidated profit and +7,655 TEUR on consolidated equity. In determining the effect, existing accounting
hedges were included with their characteristics as they appeared on the balance sheet date.

Credit Risk

Due to a wide and uncorrelated counterparty structure there is no concentration of risks in our group of com-
panies. A receivable against a land purchaser of 22,500 TEUR is an exception. However, this has been secured
since in the case of default the land will be reconveyed. As a result, no significant risk arises for the Group.

In the case of other financial assets of the Group, such as cash and cash equivalents, and financial investments
available for sale the maximum credit risk corresponds to the book value of these instruments in the case of
default on the part of the counterparty.

Liquidity Risk

The Group continually monitors the risk of a liquidity bottleneck using liquidity planning. This liquidity planning
takes into account the durations of the financial liabilities and expected cash flows from the operating activities.

The Group’s objective is to ensure cash requirements are met on an ongoing basis by using overdrafts and loans.

The maturity of financial liabilities can be found in item 5.2 of the Notes to the Consolidated Financial State-

Capital Management

The Group monitors its capital with the help of a gearing ratio which corresponds to the ratio of net finan-
cial liabilities to the sum of modified equity and net financial liabilities. Net financial liabilities comprise
91 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

interest bearing loans, trade payables and other liabilities less cash and short-term deposits. Modified
equity comprises the equity attributable to the shareholders of the parent company less the unrealized

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Interest-bearing loans 1,161,735 1,261,997
Trade payables and other liabilities 24,023 32,930
Less cash and short-term deposits – 67,905 – 54,013
Net financial liabilities 1,117,853 1,240,914

Equity 291,472 336,605

Unrealized losses (previous year: profits) 8,054 – 2,941
Total modified equity 299,526 333,664

Modified equity and net financial liabilities 1,417,379 1,574,578

Gearing ratio 79 % 79 %

6. Notes to the Consolidated Profit and Loss Account

The profit and loss account is prepared in line with the nature of total expense method.

6.1 Revenues

Please refer to the statements on segment reporting.

Revenues include rental income from investment property of 43,447 TEUR (previous year: 36,948 TEUR).

6.2 Changes in Inventories

The impact on the balance sheet of the purchase, sale and renovation of the property intended for sale are
posted in income under Changes in inventories and are corrected accordingly in Cost of materials. Consequent-
ly, the acquisition of property intended for sale leads to an inventory increase and the sale of the corresponding
property leads to an inventory reduction.

6.3 Other Operating Income

Other operating income chiefly relates to income from discontinued obligations (1,147 TEUR), received dis-
counts of 382 TEUR (previous year: 425 TEUR), and income from payments in kind of 477 TEUR (previous year:
402 TEUR).
92 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

6.4 Cost of Materials

Cost of materials includes the direct costs incurred in conjunction with service performance. This chiefly invol-
ves the expenses from the purchase of properties, renovation and project planning costs, additional property
expenses and lease expenses. This includes 8,579 TEUR (previous year: 2,901 TEUR) expenses for maintenance
of investment property.

6.5 Staff Costs

A breakdown of staff costs is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Wages and salaries 19,245 17,193
Social insurance contributions 3,200 2,715

22,445 19,908

6.6 Amortization

Scheduled amortization amounts to 846 TEUR (previous year: 771 TEUR). It relates to software and equipment.

6.7 Results from Fair Value Adjustments to Investment Property

Results from fair value adjustments to investment property amount to 0 TEUR (previous year: 69,477 TEUR).

6.8 Other Operating Expenses

A breakdown of other operating expenses is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Administrative expenses 10,538 11,748
Selling expenses 5,454 5,397
Other expenses 1,207 3,398

17,199 20,543
93 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

6.9 Financial Result

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Interest on bank deposits 1,366 2,589
Income from interest hedges 6,703 1,901
Changes in value of the derivatives 21,097 14,825
Income from securities 0 364
Other interests 806 692
29,972 20,371
Interest on revolving lines of credit and bank loans – 71,515 – 57,910
Expenses from interest hedges – 823 – 1,372
Changes in value of the derivatives – 53,871 – 8,711
Other finance cost – 235 – 253
– 126,444 – 68,246
–96,472 – 47,875

Interest income of 0 TEUR (previous year: 635 TEUR), which was recognized at the effective interest rate, is at-
tributable to credit and receivables. Pure measurement effects did not occur for instruments of this category.

The amount of the impairment on receivables can be seen under text number 4.5.

6.10 Income Tax

A breakdown of income taxes is shown below:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
Current taxes – 4,516 – 3,634
Deferred taxes 2,786 – 11,495

– 1,730 – 15,129

The deferred taxes in the profit and loss account chiefly result from loss carryforwards, the fair value measure-
ment of interest rate hedging instruments and the investment property and the elimination of intra-Group
94 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Tax Reconciliation Statement

The tax reconciliation statement describes the ratio between effective tax expenses and expected tax expenses
based on the IFRS consolidated net profit for the year (before income taxes) by applying the income tax rate of
30.825% (previous year 40%). The income tax rate consists of 15% corporation tax, and on this a 5.5% solidarity
surcharge and 15% trade tax:

2008 2007

EUR’000 EUR’000
IFRS consolidated profit/loss for the period
–32,408 63,170
before income tax
Expected actual income tax expenses 9,990 –25,268

Non-deductible operating expenditure –568 –572

Tax-free income 0 944
Utilization of non-capitalized loss carryforwards 3,957 0
Non recognition of loss carryforwards –6,827 –3,253
Trade tax effects from limited taxable income – 7,308 8,787
Special effect of the Equity 02 taxation –118 –3,954
Effect of tax rate changes 0 6,222
Effects outside the period – 1,219 1,305
Other 363 660
Effective tax expense –1,730 –15,129

6.11 Earnings per Share

2008 2007

Profit share of Group shareholders EUR –34,137,630 EUR 48,040,655

Number of shares issued 52,130,000 52,130,000
Weighted number of shares 52,130,000 51,987,452
Earnings per share (undiluted) EUR –0.65 EUR 0.92

There were no diluted earnings per share in the reporting year or in the previous year. As at December 31, 2008
there was authorized capital of 26,065 TEUR.

7. Segment Reporting

The Group is divided into two segments, that of Investments and that of Services. The Investments segment
consists of the Residential Property Resale, Asset Repositioning and Project Development lines. The Services
segment covers a wide range of real estate services, in particular analysis and advice when purchasing individual
residential and commercial properties or portfolios (investment management), value-oriented management of
real estate portfolios (asset management) and the management of real estate (property management). In addition,
the Group carries out residential property resale and sales of properties as single assets on behalf of customers
(sales management).

The Group’s activities extend across Germany. For this reason, no geographical segment is set out.
95 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

The individual segment figures are set out below:

Investments Services Corporate Total

2008 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

External revenues 215,071 6,249 5 221,325
EBITDA 1) 73,284 –592 – 7,782 64,910
EBIT 1) 73,025 –621 – 8,340 64,064

2007 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

External revenues 184,225 8,998 30 193,253
117,476 1,234 – 6,893 111,817
EBIT 1) 117,215 1,138 – 7,308 111,045

1) EBIT and EBITDA are not fixed parameters defined by IFRS.

The assets and liabilities in the Investments segment account for well over 90% of the total assets and liabilities
of the Group due to the capital intensity of this segment. For this reason, there is no breakdown of assets and
liabilities by individual segment.

8. Notes to the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement

The cash flow statement was prepared in line with the provisions of IAS 7.

In the cash flow statement, the payment flows are subdivided into cash flow from operating activities, cash flow
from investing activities and cash flow from financing activities. Effects of changes to the scope of consolidation
are eliminated in the respective items. The cash flow from current operating activities was calculated using the
indirect method.

Cash and cash equivalents contain the bank balances and cash posted in the balance sheet as well as short-
term deposits and revolving lines of credit.

In the cash flow from current operating activities, the non-cash item operating expenditure and income as well
as the income from disposals of intangible assets, property, plant and equipment and participations are elimi-
nated. Interest income of 8,875 TEUR (previous year 5,182 TEUR), interest expenses of 79,905 TEUR (previous
year: 45,821 TEUR) and reimbursed income taxes of 2,269 TEUR (previous year: 14,097 TEUR) as well as borrowing
and repayment of bank loans to finance current assets are assigned to current operating activities due to the
special nature of the real-estate sector.

Cash flow from investing activities contains the financial investments, particularly investment property, and
investments in and sales of property, plant and equipment.

Cash flow from financing activities includes cash outflows for dividends and cash inflows from capital increases
of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG as part of the capital increase as well as payments and redemptions of loans.

No dividend was distributed during the reporting year.

96 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

9. Other Notes

9.1 Post-Employment Employee Benefits

There are no performance-related pension schemes at the Group. An exception to this is a scheme that was
transferred in 2002 within the scope of an acquisition and a plan which was assumed in 2007 in connection
with the acquisition of a real estate portfolio. As at the balance sheet date, a total of 7 people therefore had a
performance-related commitment. 5 of these people are retired persons who already receive ongoing pension
commitments. In addition, there are performance-related pension schemes for the Managing Board in the
context of a company provident fund. In this respect, the Group makes set contributions to an independent
entity (fund). This pension commitment gives rise to the risk of subsidiary liability for the Group if the fund does
not have sufficient assets to pay all benefits relating to work performed by the employees in the reporting
period and earlier periods. The provident fund commitment is reinsured. The commitment was granted in 2003.
In 2008, a total of 56 TEUR (previous year: 56 TEUR) was paid in contributions to the provident fund.

The employees in the Group are largely compulsorily insured with the state pension insurance and are thus
covered by a state defined contribution scheme. As a result of this pension commitment, the Group is neither
legally nor constructively obliged to pay contributions above and beyond this. Contributions in the context of
contribution-oriented pension systems are paid in the year in which the employee performed the counterper-
formance for these contributions.

Since January 1, 2002, employees have had a statutory right to deferred compensation of up to 4% of the con-
tributions ceiling per year in the state pension insurance. For this purpose, the Group has concluded a collective
framework agreement with an external pension fund.

9.2 Management participation model

In 2005, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG introduced a management participation model aimed at giving the directors
and managers of Group companies the opportunity of participation in PATRIZIA Immobilien AG.

In the run-up to the IPO, the decision was made not to implement the third stage of the stock option model.
With a resolution of the Annual General Meeting on February 23, 2006 the authority for the Managing Board to
grant stock options and for the contingent capital established to this effect was reversed.

In the consolidated annual financial statements for fiscal year 2006 PATRIZIA announced that, in future, a new
management participation model was to be launched which meets the requirements of the capital market.

The new management participation model focuses on the aspects market conformity, performance and
sustainability. The model was developed taking into account the requirements of the German Corporate Gover-
nance Code.

The fundamental requirement of the PATRIZIA management participation model is a consistent target system
that supports the corporate strategy. It is developed for the long-term to be multidimensional and neutral. The
system sets directors and managers of Group companies quantitative and qualitative Company, business line
and individual goals. The amount to which quantitative goals can be achieved is based on projected figures
according to the Company’s planning. Key objectives here are above all consolidated profit before taxes and
Group return on equity as well as absolute share price performance and performance in relation to reference

On a business line level, the basic structure of the PATRIZIA provision of services is mapped in the form of value
contributions to processes and the performance relationships interdependence among those involved in the
process. The directors and managers of Group companies involved in the provision of services or in qualitative
projects will be bound to common goals.
97 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

On an individual basis, the quantitative results or qualitative project results for which the directors and mana-
gers of Group companies are responsible will be taken into account.

The level at which the individual goals are achieved determines the amount of the variable share of remunera-
tion. There is a cap to the variable compensation component. If less than two thirds of the forecast consolidated
profit is not reached, directors and managers of Group companies lose the entire variable share of remuneration.

The variable share of remuneration is divided into a long-term and a short-term incentive component. The
short-term incentive will be paid directly after it has been established that the goals have been achieved. The
long-term incentive is a salary commitment with a virtual link to the PATRIZIA share price. It is paid two years
following confirmation that the targets have been achieved.

Within this vesting period, the cash commitment is tied to allocation conditions. These regulate the conse-
quences regarding allocation of the long-term incentive to the individual director or manager of a Group com-
pany should they leave the Group. Upon leaving the Group, a member may receive complete, part or none of
the committed and as yet undistributed claims, depending on the reason for leaving.

The management participation model became effective for Managing Board members on January 1, 2008.

PATRIZIA extended the new management participation model to the second management level in 2008.

9.3 Transactions with related companies and individuals

The individuals and companies related to the company include the members of the Managing Board and
Supervisory Board as well as the directors of subsidiaries, in each case including their close relatives, as well
as companies on which the Managing Board or Supervisory Board members or their close relatives can exert
a significant influence or in which they hold a significant share of the voting rights. In addition, related indi-
viduals include companies with which the company forms an affiliated group or in which it holds a participating
interest that enables it to exert significant influence on the business policy of the associated company, as well
as the main shareholders of the company including its affiliated companies.

The related companies of the Group are listed individually below:

WE Verwaltungs GmbH, Augsburg

WE Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG, Augsburg
First Capital Partner GmbH, Gräfelfing
FCP Service GmbH, Gräfelfing
FCP Anlage AG, Gräfelfing
Wohnungsportfolio WPO Berlin GmbH, Berlin
Wohnungsportfolio WPO Immobilienservice GmbH, Berlin
Immobilienportfolio IPO Berlin GmbH, Berlin
AHO Verwaltung GmbH, Augsburg
Eurobilia AG, Gräfelfing
Hansa-Langenhorn-Immobilien GmbH, Hamburg
Verwaltung EHG Erste Hanseatische Grundvermögen GmbH, Hamburg
E.H.G. Erste Hanseatische Grundvermögen GmbH & Co. KG, Hamburg
Wolfgang Egger Verwaltungs-GmbH, Gräfelfing
Wolfgang Egger GmbH & Co. KG, Gräfelfing
Objektgesellschaft An der Alster 47 GmbH & Co. KG, Augsburg
Stadtresidenz Friedrich-List Vermögensverwaltungs KG, Augsburg
98 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

The company maintains the following business relationships with related individuals.

Ownership of PATRIZIA Shares by Members of the Managing Board and Persons Related to Managing
Board Members

As at the balance sheet date, Wolfgang Egger, Chairman of the Managing Board, holds a total stake of 49.97%
indirectly and directly in the Company via First Capital Partner GmbH, in which he indirectly holds a 99.99%
stake via WE Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG.

Wolfgang Egger also has a 5.1% stake in Projekt Wasserturm Grundstücks GmbH & Co. KG. A further 45.9% is
indirectly held by PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, and the remaining 49% is held by Ernest-Joachim Storr.

Alfred Hoschek, a member of the Managing Board of the Company until November 30, 2008, holds a total
stake of 1.48% in the Company. Via AHO Verwaltung GmbH, in which he owns a 100% stake, he also holds 5.1%
of the shares in Alte Haide Baugesellschaft mbH. The remaining 94.9% of the shares are indirectly held by
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG via Stella Grundvermögen GmbH.

Klaus Schmitt, a member of the Managing Board of the Company, holds a total stake of 0.15% in PATRIZIA
Immobilien AG.

Ownership of Shares by Other Members of the Management in Key Positions

Johannes Altmayr, Eckhard Bolte, Dr. Bernhard Engelbrecht, Gerhard Faltermeier, Werner Gorny, Jürgen Kol-
per, Klaus Kümmerle, Dr. Wolfgang Lange, Martin Lemke and Markus Scherl also hold a total of 1.28% as
members of the additional management levels of PATRIZIA.

Direct Contracts and Business Relationships between the Managing Board Members and PATRIZIA

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG and the subsidiaries of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG perform various services for Wolfgang
Egger and for companies controlled indirectly or directly by Wolfgang Egger. In particular, these services relate
to management of real-estate portfolios and construction projects. The scope of services to be performed by
PATRIZIA Immobilien AG and/or its subsidiaries is precisely defined in the framework agreement of February 12,
2008. The remuneration for services performed agreed in the contract is in line with current market conditions.
In the 2008 fiscal year, PATRIZIA performed services to the value of 569 TEUR.

Rental Agreements between Managing Board Members and PATRIZIA

Wolfgang Egger – as lessor – has concluded a rental agreement with the Company – as tenant – relating to the
building used by the Company as its head office (Fuggerstrasse 26 in Augsburg) at a current monthly rent of 20

Rental Agreements between Individuals Related to Managing Board Members and PATRIZIA

Furthermore, Objektgesellschaft An der Alster 47 GmbH & Co. KG – as lessor – (Wolfgang Egger and Alfred
Hoschek have indirect stakes of 95% and 5% respectively in this company) has concluded a rental agreement
with the Company for a floor of a building in Hamburg with monthly rent of 6 TEUR plus statutory VAT.

On March 1, 2007, Friedrich-List Vermögensverwaltungs KG concluded a rental agreement for office space at
Bavariaring 6, Munich, Germany with PATRIZIA Wohnungsprivatisierung GmbH. The monthly rental interest
amounts to 2 TEUR.
99 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Activities of Managing Board Members outside PATRIZIA

Chairman of the Board Wolfgang Egger is a director of Wolfgang Egger Verwaltungs GmbH (general partner of
Wolfgang Egger Vermögensverwaltung GmbH & Co. KG), as well as general partner of Friedrich-List Vermögens-
verwaltungs KG.

The Managing Board member Alfred Hoschek (who left the Company on November 30, 2008) is a director and
sole shareholder of AHO Verwaltung GmbH.

Consultancy Agreement with the Law Firm Seitz, Weckbach, Fackler

There is a consultancy relationship with the law firm Seitz, Weckbach, Fackler of Augsburg, under which the
company is advised on competition and employment law. A partner in this law firm, Dr. Theodor Seitz, is also
Chairman of the Supervisory Board of the Company. The consultancy agreement was approved by means of a
Supervisory Board resolution dated November 29, 2007. In 2008, consultancy costs of 9 TEUR were incurred at
the law firm Seitz, Weckbach, Fackler.

9.4 Supervisory Board and Managing Board

Members of the Managing Board of the Parent Company

The following are members of the Managing Board:

Wolfgang Egger, businessman, Chief Executive Officer

Arwed Fischer, business studies graduate (univ.), Chief Financial Officer (since March 1, 2008)
Alfred Hoschek, graduate engineer, Chief Investment Officer and Chief Financial Officer from
January 1, 2008 through February 29, 2008 (until November 30, 2008)
Klaus Schmitt, law graduate, Chief Operating Officer

In the fiscal year, the payments made to the Managing Board totaled 1,137 TEUR (previous year: 1,911 TEUR);
details are included in the following table:

Annual income
Long-term Contribution
Compensation of the Mana- Short-term Payments in
Fixed compen- variable to retirement
ging Board in 2008 (EUR) variable kind and other
sation compensation** pension
compensation payments*
Wolfgang Egger 260,000 0 21,963 0 12,000
Arwed Fischer
(since March 1, 2008) 200,000 200,000 26,160 0 10,000
Alfred Hoschek
165,000 0 9,471 0 11,000
(until November 30, 2008)
Klaus Schmitt 180,000 0 29,389 0 12,000
Total 805,000 200,000 86,983 0 45,000

*  The item primarily includes non-cash benefits from the provision of company cars and insurance premiums.
** C  onversion into performing share units with a two-year waiting period; to be paid out at the Xetra closing price on the last trading day
of 2010. No performing share units were granted for the 2008 fiscal year, as the defined target hurdles were not achieved.
100 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Members of the Supervisory Board of the Parent Company

The following are members of the Supervisory Board:

Dr. Theodor Seitz, Chairman, tax consultant, lawyer, Augsburg

Harald Boberg, representative of Bankhaus Lampe KG, (Bielefeld), Hamburg
Manfred J. Gottschaller, director of Bayerische Handelsbank AG i. R., Munich

The Supervisory Board received remuneration of 62 TEUR (previous year: 62 TEUR); details can be found in the
following table:

Fixed compensation Variable compensation

Dr. Theodor Seitz, Chairman 24,937.50 0
Harald Boberg 18,750.00 0
Manfred J. Gottschaller 18,750.00 0
Total 62,437.50 0

9.5 Other Financial Obligations and Contingent Liabilities

The obligations arising from existing rental and leasing agreements amount to:

2009 711
2010 – 2013 676
2014 and later 0

Subsidiaries of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG have issued rental guarantees totaling 546 TEUR as part of real estate
sales. These guarantees are only called on in the event that an agreed minimum amount of rent is not reached.

9.6 Employees

The average headcount at the Group in 2008 (excluding directors) was 374 (previous year 287).

9.7 Auditor’s Fees

The expenses for the auditor recorded in fiscal year 2008 for auditing the financial statements amounted to
379 TEUR (previous year: 410 TEUR) and 0 TEUR (previous year: 191 TEUR) for other consultancy services.
101 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

9.8 German Corporate Governance Code

On December 10, 2008, the Managing Board and Supervisory Board issued a declaration of conformity in
accordance with Article 161 of the German Stock Corporation Act and published it on the Company’s homepage

10. Declaration by the Managing Board

The Managing Board of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG is responsible for the preparation, completeness and accuracy
of the Consolidated Financial Statements and the report on the position of the Company and the Group.

The Consolidated Financial Statements were prepared in line with the International Financial Reporting Stan-
dards (IFRSs).

The report on the position of the Company and the Group contains analyses relating to the net asset, financial
and earnings situation of the Group as well as other explanations as required by Article 315 of the German
Commercial Code.

Augsburg, February 16, 2009

Wolfgang Egger Arwed Fischer Klaus Schmitt
Chairman of the Board Member of the Board Member of the Board
102 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

List of shareholdings

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG participates directly in the following companies:

Net profit/net
loss for the last
Name Head office Share holding Equity fiscal year

2008 % EUR EUR

PATRIZIA Acquisition & Consulting GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Investmentmanagement GmbH1) Augsburg 100 164,912.54 0.00
PATRIZIA Immobilienmanagement GmbH1) Augsburg 100 16,881.05 0.00
PATRIZIA Projektentwicklung GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 250,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Wohnen GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 618,682.33 0.00
Deutsche Wohnungsprivatisierungs GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 13,145.51 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 100 GmbH1) Augsburg 100 23,004.93 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 110 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 24,216.35 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 120 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 22,280.88 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 140 GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 34,592.95 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 150 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 160 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 170 GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 135,245,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 180 GmbH Augsburg 100 10,072,450.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Immobilien Kapitalanlagegesell-
schaft mbH1) Augsburg 100 2,963,776.67 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 260 GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 24,040.80 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 270 Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 100 24,866.57 1,356.59
PATRIZIA Projekt 280 Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 100 22,374.46 – 1,132.85
PATRIZIA Projekt 290 Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 100 22,637.52 – 872.62
PATRIZIA Projekt 300 Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 100 22,552.02 – 958.47
PATRIZIA Projekt 310 Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 100 22,582.97 – 936.47
Wohnungsgesellschaft Olympia mbH Hamburg 100 530,151.77 –336,601.74
Stella Grundvermögen GmbH 1) Munich 100 7,538,113.38 0.00
PATRIZIA Real Estate Corporate Finance GmbH Munich 100 19,148.65 – 1,348.41
PATRIZIA Projekt 420 GmbH1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 430 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 440 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 450 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 460 GmbH1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 470 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 480 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 490 GmbH1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 500 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 510 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00

1) As a result of the existing control and profit transfer agreements, the results were adopted by the reporting company.
103 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG participates indirectly in the following companies:

Net profit/net
loss for the last
Name Head office Share holding Equity fiscal year

2008 % EUR EUR

PATRIZIA European Real Estate Management
Augsburg 100 303,368.41 272,858.58
Projekt Wasserturm Verwaltungs GmbH Augsburg 51 27.26 –1,110.94
Alte Haide Baugesellschaft mbH Munich 94.9 2,496,722.36 353,493.10
PATRIZIA Luxembourg S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 136,801,405.64 865,684.99
PATRIZIA Lux 10 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 12,063,643.75 49,077.64
PATRIZIA Lux 20 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 30,038,770.62 124,576.77
PATRIZIA Lux 30 N S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 14,377.88 – 3,711.20
PATRIZIA Lux 50 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 9,077,954.06 61,579.21
PATRIZIA Lux 60 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 3,038,351.73 34,036.78
PATRIZIA Real Estate 10 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 7,395,534.80 – 1,826,321.28
PATRIZIA Real Estate 20 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 –31,561,410.92 –44,618,314.59
PATRIZIA Real Estate 30 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 17,395.67 –612.58

PATRIZIA Real Estate 50 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 3,634,782.86 – 2,953,542.38
PATRIZIA Real Estate 60 S.à.r.l. Luxembourg 100 –3,666,563.88 – 6,307,459.84
PATRIZIA Projekt 220 GmbH Augsburg 100 23,592.74 – 2,354.74
PATRIZIA Projekt 230 GmbH Augsburg 100 27,285.79 – 1,795.63
PATRIZIA Projekt 240 GmbH Augsburg 100 23,809.08 – 1,574.96
PATRIZIA Projekt 250 GmbH Augsburg 100 22,812.90 – 1,477.63
PATRIZIA Projekt 320 GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 330 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 340 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 350 GmbH 1) Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
PATRIZIA Projekt 360 GmbH 1)
Augsburg 100 25,000.00 0.00
F 40 GmbH Stuttgart 50 11,575,156.28 – 2,903,735.93
PATRIZIA Projekt 380 GmbH Augsburg 100 23,148.28 – 1,000.04
PATRIZIA Projekt 390 GmbH Augsburg 100 23,959.10 – 189.22
PATRIZIA Projekt 400 GmbH Augsburg 100 24,065.89 – 90.41
PATRIZIA Projekt 410 GmbH Augsburg 100 23,800.61 – 347.71
Projekt Wasserturm Grundstücks
GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 45.9 – 201,907.97 160,402.31
Projekt Wasserturm Bau GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 51 – 252,816.22 278,395.64

1) As a result of the existing control and profit transfer agreements, the results were adopted by the stockholder PATRIZIA Projekt 180 GmbH.
104 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG participates indirectly and directly in the following companies:

Net profit/net
loss for the last
Name Head office Share holding Equity fiscal year

2008 % EUR EUR

PATRIZIA Projekt A 270 GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 600.19 – 1,607.00
PATRIZIA Projekt B 280 GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 647.85 – 1,559.34
PATRIZIA Projekt C 290 GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 863.51 – 1,348.92
PATRIZIA Projekt D 300 GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 887.73 – 1,319.07
PATRIZIA Projekt E 310 GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 804.21 –1,402.59
Objekt Dresden Altmarkt SARI GmbH & Co. KG Augsburg 100 – 3,747.96 – 2,146.16
PATRIZIA Vermögensverwaltungs GmbH1) Augsburg 100 687,583.35 0.00

1) A
 s a result of the existing control and profit transfer agreement, the results were adopted by the stockholder PATRIZIA Projekt 180 GmbH.
105 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Auditor’s Certificate

We have audited the consolidated financial statements prepared by PATRIZIA Immobilien AG, Augsburg –
comprising the balance sheet, profit and loss account, statement of changes in equity, cash flow statement and
notes – as well as the report on the position of the company and the Group (combined management report) for
the fiscal year from January 1 to December 31, 2008. The preparation of the consolidated financial statements
and combined management report in accordance with the International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS)
as adopted by the EU and the requirements of German commercial law additionally applicable as per Article
315a (1) of the German Commercial Code is the responsibility of the company’s Managing Board. Our responsi-
bility is to express an opinion on these consolidated financial statements and the combined management
report based on our audit.

We conducted our audit of the consolidated financial statements in accordance with Article 317 of the German
Commercial Code and German generally accepted standards for the audit of financial statements promulgated
by the Institut der Wirtschaftsprüfer (German Institute of Auditors). Those standards require that we plan and
perform the audit such that misstatements materially affecting the presentation of the net asset, financial and
earnings situation in the consolidated financial statements in accordance with the applicable financial re-
porting framework and in the combined management report are detected with reasonable assurance. Knowl-
edge of the business activities and the economic and legal environment of the Group and expectations as to
possible misstatements are taken into account in the determination of audit procedures. The effectiveness of
the accounting-related internal control system and the evidence supporting the disclosures in the consolidated
financial statements and the combined management report are examined primarily on a test basis within the

framework of the audit. The audit includes assessing the annual financial statements of the companies in-
cluded in the consolidated financial statements, the determination of the scope of consolidation, the account-
ing and consolidation principles used and the significant estimates made by the Managing Board, as well as
evaluating the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements and the combined management
report. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion.

Our audit has not led to any reservations.

In our opinion, based on the findings of our audit, the consolidated financial statements of PATRIZIA Immobilien
AG, Augsburg, comply with the IFRS as adopted by the EU and the additional requirements of German com-
mercial law as per Article 315a (1) of the German Commercial Code and give a true and fair view of the net asset,
financial and earnings situation of the Group in accordance with these requirements. The report on the position
of the company and the Group (combined management report) is consistent with the consolidated financial
statements and as a whole provides a suitable view of the Group‘s position and suitably presents the opportunities
and risks of future development.

Munich, February 26, 2009

Deloitte & Touche GmbH


(Löffler) (Stadter)
German Public Auditor German Public Auditor
106 | Notes PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Responsibility statement by the legal representatives of PATRIZIA Immobilien AG

To the best of our knowledge, and in accordance with the applicable reporting principles, the consolidated
financial statements give a true and fair view of the assets, liabilities, financial position and profit or loss of the
Group, and the management report of the Group includes a fair review of the development and performance
of the business and the position of the Group, together with a description of the principal opportunities and
risks associated with the expected development of the Group.

Wolfgang Egger Arwed Fischer Klaus Schmitt

Chairman of the Board Member of the Board Member of the Board
further information D

Five-Year-Financial-Summary ....................................................................................................... 108

Supervisory Board ......................................................................................................................... 111
Managing Board ............................................................................................................................. 112
Glossary ........................................................................................................................................... 113
Financial Calendar ........................................................................................................................ 115
108 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


31.12.2008 31.12.2007 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 31.12.2004

a. Non-current assets EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Software 579 196 237 234 136
Investment property 660,000 711,558 0 1,700 16,660
Investment property under construction 11,162 20,205 0 0 0
Equipment 2,005 2,087 1,472 1,271 915
Securities 0 0 0 247 510
Investments in joint ventures 6,033 5,067 0 0 0
Participations 3,090 2,043 1 0 116
Long-term financial derivatives 0 8,704 0 0 0
Long-term tax assets 311 375 361 0 0
Deferred tax assets 0 0 1,470 1,560 2,407
Total non-current assets 683,180 750,235 3,541 5,012 20,744

b. Current assets
Inventories 717,772 793,395 228,403 189,516 134,243
Short-term financial derivatives 0 4,546 827 0 0
Short-term tax assets 6,685 3,144 0 0 0
Current receivables and other current assets 41,611 37,859 58,684 16,395 14,075
Bank balances and cash 67,905 54,013 83,211 16,477 10,002
Total current assets 833,973 892,957 371,125 222,388 158,320
Total assets 1,517,153 1,643,192 374,666 227,400 179,064
109 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008


31.12.2008 31.12.2007 31.12.2006 31.12.2005 31.12.2004

A. Equity EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

Share capital 52,130 52,130 47,400 5,050 5,000
Capital reserves 215,862 215,862 118,398 573 0
Retained earnings
- legal reserves 505 505 505 505 500
Valuation results from cash flow hedges –8,054 2,941 475 0 0
Consolidated net profit 31,029 65,167 24,946 35,976 19,904
Total equity 291,472 336,605 191,724 42,104 25,404

b. Liabilities
Non-current liabilities
Long-term bank loans 0 0 0 2,858 17,997
Deferred tax liabilities 4,769 9,914 0 0 0
Long-term financial derivatives 24,551 1,142 946 1,541 1,718
Retirement benefit obligations 365 369 306 285 334
Total non-current liabilities 29,685 11,425 1,252 4,684 20,049
Current liabilities
Short-term bank loans 1,161,735 1,261,997 125,494 149,298 78,810
Short-term financial derivatives 10,238 235 0 0 0

Further information
Other provisions 616 594 535 521 858
Current liabilities 12,556 32,171 44,489 23,560 49,281
Tax liabilities 9,847 165 10,810 6,295 4,586
Other current liabilities 1,004 0 362 938 76
Total current liabilities 1,195,996 1,295,162 181,690 180,612 133,611
Total equity and liabilities 1,517,153 1,643,192 374,666 227,400 179,064
110 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008



2008 2007 2006 2005 2004

EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000 EUR’000

1. Revenues 221,325 193,253 237,611 99,508 74,727
2. Income from the sale of investment
property 21,747 0 0 0 0
3. Changes in inventories –75,623 666,705 44,114 35,823 23,261
4. Other operating income 4,109 1,905 3,357 2,791 2,639
5. Total operating performance 171,558 861,863 285,082 138,122 100,627
6. Cost of materials –66,000 – 778,775 – 201,777 – 85,815 – 68,683
7. Staff costs –22,445 – 19,908 – 14,882 – 12,359 – 10,415
8. Amortization of software and depreciation
on equipment –846 – 771 – 593 – 603 – 518
9. Results from fair value adjustments to
investment property 0 69,477 150 – 300 0
10. Other operating expenses –17,199 – 20,543 – 16,706 – 13,547 – 8,998
11. Earnings from companies accounted for
–1,004 – 298 0 0 –36
using the equity method
12. Finance income 29,972 20,371 2,645 829 308
13. Finance cost –126,444 – 68,246 – 6,719 – 6,263 – 4,988
14. Profit / loss before income taxes –32,408 63,170 47,200 20,064 7,297
15. Income tax –1,730 – 15,129 – 14,800 – 3,432 – 2,869
16. Net profit / loss –34,138 48,041 32,400 16,632 4,428
17. Profit carried forward 65,167 17,126 0 19,349 15,476
18. Allocation to retained earnings
a) legal reserves 0 0 0 –5 0
b) other retained earnings 0 0 – 7,454 0 0
19. Consolidated net profit 31,029 65,167 24,946 35,976 19,904

Earnings per share in line with IFRSs, in EUR –0.65 0.92 0.71 0.41 0.89
111 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Supervisory Board

Dr. Theodor Seitz Member of the Supervisory Board since 2002 and
Chairman chairman since 2003
Tax consultant, lawyer, Augsburg
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards pursuant to Article 285 No. 10 of  
the German Commercial Code
Supervisory board chairman of CDH AG, Augsburg
Supervisory board chairman of R&B Wirtschafts-
prüfungsgesellschaft, Augsburg

Harald Boberg Member of the Supervisory Board since 2003

1st Deputy Chairman Representative of Bankhaus Lampe KG, (Bielefeld),
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards pursuant to Article 285 No. 10 of  
the German Commercial Code
Supervisory board member of HanseMerkur
Lebensversicherung AG, Hamburg
Supervisory board member of Flughafen
Hamburg GmbH, Hamburg

Further information
Manfred J. Gottschaller Member of the Supervisory Board since 2003
2nd Deputy Chairman Director of Bayerische Handelsbank AG i. R., Munich
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards pursuant to Article 285 No. 10 of  
the German Commercial Code
112 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

Managing Board

Wolfgang Egger First appointed on: August 21, 2002

Chief Executive Officer Appointed until: April 30, 2012
Communications, corporate strategy, human
resources, marketing, research
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards as per Article 285 No. 10 of the  
German Commercial Code

Arwed Fischer (since March 1, 2008) First appointed on: March 1, 2008
Chief Financial Officer Appointed until: February 28, 2011
Accounting/tax, controlling, investor relations, IT, risk
management; since December 1, 2008 also financing
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards as per Article 285 No. 10 of the  
German Commercial Code

Alfred Hoschek (until November 30, 2008) First appointed on: August 21, 2002
Chief Investment Officer Responsibilities:
Financing, investments
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards pursuant to Article 285 No. 10 of  
the German Commercial Code

Klaus Schmitt First appointed on: January 1, 2006

Chief Operating Officer Appointed until: December 31, 2010
Board affairs, legal department, management of the
operational business lines Investments and Services;
since December 1, 2008 also investments
Notification of seats on other supervisory  
boards pursuant to Article 285 No. 10 of the  
German Commercial Code
113 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

PATRIZIA stock market glossary

BaFin The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) combines the business areas of the former federal super-
visory offices for banking (bank supervision), for insurance (insurance supervision) as well as for securities
trading (securities supervision/asset management) and continues to manage these. Amongst other things,
BaFin shall supervise the correct and proper implementation of securities trading. In particular, it is responsible
for protection against prohibited insider dealing.

Capital Stock The capital which is stipulated in the joint stock company‘s Articles of Association. The Articles of Association
also stipulate that the capital stock is to be divided up into x number of shares. The company issues shares
which equate to the total of its capital stock.

Cash flow An indicator which is used in particular in Anglo-Saxon countries for the purposes of shares or company analyses.
It means the receipt of liquid assets within a specific accounting period and is basically made up of the addition
of net income, depreciation, changes to long-term provisions, taxes on income and earnings. Conclusions can
be drawn regarding the company‘s financing potential from the amount of cash flow and its identifiable trend
during the course of the year. In terms of a share (Cash flow : Number of shares) or in terms of the share price
(Share price : Cash flow per share), one obtains important indicators which, within the framework of the shares
analysis, allows the comparison with a company in the same line of business at national and international level.

Corporate Governance An instrument which is required by professional financial analysts and investors when performing modern com-
pany analysis. It can also redress current deficits in the traditional valuation processes particularly in respect of
growth values. Competences, communications and control by the decision-making committees for companies
quoted on the stock exchange are viewed and inspected. These supposed soft facts are of crucial importance
when evaluating a company with increasingly non-material production processes.

Further information
DAX The German Share Index (DAX) reflects the value trend of the 30 most important German shares. In addition to the
market prices, the dividend payments are also included here. DAX began at the end of 1987 with a value of 1,000.

DIMAX DIMAX is the German Real Estate Share Index which was first established by the Ellwanger & Geiger Bank in
1995. At present, the shares of 76 listed German companies are registered, all of which generate more than 75%
of their income from the real estate business.

Dividend Each shareholder is entitled to a share in the annual profit of his company which is paid out. This will
correspond to the amount of his shareholding. This part of the profit is called a dividend.

EBIT Earnings before interests and taxes. A figure which provides in concrete terms information on the company‘s
success and its income situation. By leaving out of account taxes, net interest income and extraordinary income
when considering the annual surplus, EBIT allows you to have a comparable statement on the actual earning
power of the company, regardless of the equity ratio.

EBITDA Earnings before interests, taxes, depreciation and amortization. A figure which provides in concrete terms in-
formation on the company‘s success and its income situation. With EBITDA, depreciation and amortization are
also left out of account when considering the annual surplus. This takes into account the fact that companies
which have a propensity to invest will show – as a result of high depreciation which reduces profit – a profit
which is smaller than companies which have less of a propensity to invest.

EPRA European Public Real Estate Association. Based in Amsterdam, the EPRA is an organization that represents the
interests of the major European property management companies and supports the development and market
presence of European public property companies. The well-known international index named after it, the EPRA
index, tracks the performance of the largest European and North American listed property companies.

EPS Earnings per share

114 | Further Information PATRIZIA Immobilien AG | Annual Report 2008

GEX The German Entrepreneurial Index. This is the index of small and medium-sized enterprises on
the Deutsche Börse. The index contains all “owner-dominated” companies listed on the Prime
Standard segment of the Frankfurt Stock Exchange who have gone public within the past ten
years. “Owner-dominated” means a company where managing board members, members of
the supervisory board or their families hold between 25% and 75% of voting rights.

IFRS International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) is a world-wide accepted guideline for
group accounting.

Individual Share Certificate The individual share certificate does not show a par value. Its share in the capital stock
depends solely on the number of shares issued. All individual share certificates embody the
same share in the company.

Issue Issue of securities by means of a public offer; usually happens as a result of a group of finan-
cial institutions acting as mediators (issuing syndicate).

Issuer As a rule, issuers are companies or authorities who issue securities.

Listing Listing/quoting a share on a stock exchange.

Par Value A specific amount in Euro is printed on par value shares i.e. the par value. It shows what share
the shareholder holds in the capital stock and thus in the total assets of his joint stock com-
pany. The smallest par value of a share is, in accordance with the Companies‘ Act, 1 Euro. All
higher par values are made out as a multiple of 1 Euro. This is distinct from the market price.

Registered Share A share which is made out in the name of the shareholder. Contrary to the bearer share,
when issuing registered shares the company is obliged to keep a shares register. The share-
holders‘ names and addresses are listed in this register. With regard to the company, a
person is only deemed to be a shareholder if s/he is recorded in the register.

SDAX Small Cap Index. The SDAX comprises the next 50 issues from the traditional (“Classic”)
sectors within the Prime Standard Segment that are ranked below the MDAX.

Share Buy Back A process whereby a joint stock company buys its own shares and thus allows capital to flow
back to the shareholders. No rights are conceded to the company from these shares (voting
right, dividend entitlement, subscription right etc.).

Share index Share indexes group together the price or value trend of several shares. The shares included
are weighted per index according to certain criteria. Price indexes (for example FAZ [Frank-
furter Allgemeine Zeitung] share index) take into account only the price trend of the shares.
Performance indexes (for example DAX) also take into account dividends and subscription
rights in the event of capital increases. Performance indexes therefore cover the whole of
the value trend of the shares contained in the index.

Share Option Plans Joint stock companies set up option plans in order to grant employees and in particular
executive personnel a remuneration which is dependent upon the share price instead of
other bonuses. In the event of management decisions, this shall in particular contribute to
a shareholder value orientation.

Subscription Right The right of the shareholder to buy new (“young”) shares from his company in the event of
a capital increase. The shareholders can waive their right to subscribe and they can sell the
subscription rights to the stock exchange.

XETRA The term XETRA stands for the electronic stock exchange trading system of Deutsche Börse
AG (Exchange Electronic Trading System).
Financial Calendar

Date Events

March 25, 2009 Financial Statements of fiscal year 2008

March 25, 2009 Press Conference on Financial Statements 2008

May 7, 2009 Interim Report – 1st Quarter 2009

June 23, 2009 Annual General Meeting, Augsburg

August 11, 2009 Interim Report – 2nd Quarter 2009

October 20, 2009 Real Estate Share Initiative, Frankfurt/Main

November 10, 2009 Interim Report – 3rd Quarter 2009

PATRIZIA Immobilien AG Contact

Fuggerstrasse 26 Investor Relations Press
86150 Augsburg Claudia Kellert Andreas Menke
Germany Phone +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-3 60 Phone +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-6 55
Phone +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-0 00 Fax +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-3 99 Fax +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-6 95
Fax +49 / 8 21 / 5 09 10-9 99 [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

iStock, Panthermedia, Fotolia, Stuart Yeates, PATRIZIA Immobilien AG

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