June 1010
June 1010
June 1010
FREE Vol. 7
Tel 024 93358
Issue 15
Fax 024 93852
JUNE 10th 2010
NEXT ISSUE Email: [email protected]
JUNE 24TH Website: www.youghalnews.ie
Ned O’Keeffe TD
Will attend the following clinics on Saturday June 12th
Carrigtwohill, Community Hall 11.30am
Upper Aghada, O’Sheas 12 noon
Ballinacurra, O’Mearas Bar 12.15pm
Midleton, Linehans Railway Bar 12.30pm
Cloyne, Tower Bar 2.00pm
Ballycotton, Inn by The Harbour 2.30pm
Ballymacoda, Dalys Bar 3.00pm
Ladysbridge The Thatch Bar 3.15pm
Castlemartyr, Shortts Bar 3.30pm
Mogeely, Fordes Bar 3.45pm
Killeagh, The Hall 4.00pm
Marie Barry, Branch Manager AIB Youghal, Walter Raleigh Hotel 4.30pm
Youghal making a presentation to Ollie Heather Botrel pictured with Ollie
At HOME Sunday 10.30am. Tel 022-25285 anytime or write
Ollie Kelleher pictured with current and former Managers, Finbarr Pope, Marie
Barry, Paddy Power, Richard Kingston and Mary Bermingham
Michael and Lily Davis, who celebrated Mikey Davis and Eilish Callaghan who
their 50th Wedding Anniversary at the celebrated her 35th Birthday on the
Red Store, Youghal night
Local man Coleman Motherway had plenty of cause for celebra-
tion this week when he won a top of the range mountain bike in a
recent member’s draw which took place at Aura Youghal Leisure The Golf Classic Organising Committee
The free gift give-away was
Aura’s way of rewarding anyone
who referred a friend to the
leisure centre. Other winners in
the membership draw took home
a selection of prizes including
free fitness and swimming
vouchers, 3-day memberships,
cinema tickets and yoga mats.
Coleman who lives in Park, Inch
was delighted with his prize, “I
was thrilled to win the mountain
bike, it was a great surprise. I Des O’Halloran accepting the Pfizers prize from Sean O’Murchú. Also included
have been a regular at Aura since are Jim Morey, Aine Martin and Jim Coleman of Youghal Golf Club
I joined last summer and try to
get to the pool twice a week. My
wife Ina is also a member and
my three sons, Rory, Dara and
Barry are all members of the L-R Tracy Kenneally, Operations
Aura ‘Swim Academy’,” Manager of Aura Youghal Leisure
Centre and Coleman Motherway.
explained Coleman.
“What I love about Aura is the top class facilities. Everything is so
well managed and clean and the staff are friendly and approach-
able. Whether you are a first timer or a regular they really go above
and beyond to help you. It’s a great place to spend time and they
make exercising so enjoyable,” added Coleman.
“The number of people joining Aura has grown steadily over the
Mick Coleman accpeting the John Daly Transport prize from Aine Martin. Also
last few months. We found that a lot of our new members have included are Jim Morey, John and Jason Dlay, Eoin Coleman, Jim Coleman and
been referred by some of our regular members. We are thrilled that Sean O’Murchú
so many of our members are happy to recommend us to other peo-
ple,” explained Tracy Kenneally, Operations Manager at Aura
Yougal Leisure Centre.
“The draw and prize give away was our way of rewarding these
members for referring us to friends. We want as may people as
possible to have the opportunity to try our classes and facilities
and see how we can help them make their health and fitness ambi-
tions become a reality,” explained Tracy.
“Our Membership Advisors are always on hand to talk to anyone
about what membership option is best for them. People are often
surprised to hear that they don’t need to pay an annual member-
ship fee to enjoy our facilities and that they can simply Pay as You
Go,” added Tracy.
“Every journey begins with the first step and Aura is all about
helping people to take that all important first step towards taking
up exercise, setting and realising personal fitness goals,” added
Tracy. Further information about any of the classes or programmes
taking place at Aura Youghal is available by visiting the centre or Gay Fitzgibbon accepting the winning prize on behalf of Ahernes Seafood
by contacting reception at (024) 91614 Restaurant. Also included are Jim Morey, Aine Martin, Sean O’Murchú, wining
Team members, Jim Coleman and Sean O’Murchú
lean towards such litigants regardless of any trampling on com-
CLOSURE OF LIGHTHOUSE mon sense. "Once the report recommended closing access, the
BATHING MEETS WAVES OF manager had really no option but to do so," he states.
RESENTMENT The diving rocks, or '49's,' as the area is known, arose from the
By Christy Parker establishment of Youghal lighthouse itself, in 1852 "The materials
Almost 160 years of a bathing to build it had to be transported by sea and so a landing area was
tradition came to a sudden halt established," says Green Party town councillor Liam Burke, who
last week when the town council has bathed in the area for 50 years. Mr Burke argues that there has
was instructed to board up access never been a serious accident at the rocks in living memory. "The
to the '49's swimming area at the lifeboat has never once been summonsed, nor the council sued for
foot of the lighthouse. The injury, "which is more than can be said for the unprotected quay
instruction came from town man- walls and the greater beach area," he adds. He is also critical of the
ager, Patricia Power, on receipt survey being conducted in February and would like a second sur-
of a risk assessment report she vey conducted "during maximum usage and in summer condi-
commissioned from the Irish tions." Others dismayed by the issue include Youghal Mayor
Water Safety Association that Sandra McLellan and town and Cork county Cllr Barbara Murray.
deemed the spot unsafe. Both have described the closure as 'health and safety gone mad.'
The decision has caused consid- The mayor fears a greater risk will ensue should people be tempt-
erable anger amongst those who use the facility, not alone for its ed to access the area by other methods, while Cllr Murray angrily
ramifications but also for the total absence of notification that a demands, "where next are they going to close up a scenic area in a
report had been commissioned at all. town dependent on tourism?!"
Reports findings Also unhappy amongst the 30 or so regulars who availed of the
The safety survey was conducted over two visits last February. once male-dominated, sun-trapping idyll is a local lady who had
Amongst its 24-page report the following concerns were stipulat- planned to have some of her wedding photos shot there next
ed: the access pathway adjacent to the lighthouse is in poor repair August. She is reportedly determined that the location will feature
and "could cause trips and falls." It was also deemed unsatisfacto- in her wedding album! One fears that the new bride may be denied
ry for emergency access; the 'catwalk' approach to the diving her dream of love on the rocks however.
board has no handrails and "would be an entrapment area for
swimmers if the tide rises"; the diving area is "unsafe" with the €100 discount a real incen-
diving board (which Youghal Town Council have traditionally
installed) considered a risk at three metres above low tide; sub- tive to exercise at Aura
merged rocks serve further dangers. The area generally is consid-
ered susceptible to "tidal surges." A lack of signage and a need for Fifty lucky customers at Aura Youghal Leisure Centre are set to
further lifebuoys, properly located, are also outlined. save themselves €100 off the cost of annual membership thanks to
Additionally the report notes that a closed-off viewing area -that a special offer which is intended to give a helping hand to those
had served as a second access point- is dangerously rusted under- taking up exercise this summer.
neath and needs restoration or demolishing. (This section, along The summer months are some of the busiest at the leisure centre
with a second viewing area at Moll Goggin's Corner has been and Aura is looking forward to surprising a mix of fifty individu-
closed for years now and Cork County Council is showing no indi- als and families taking out annual memberships during the coming
cation of addressing the issue at all.) weeks.
Ms Power referred inquiries to the town clerk Liam Ryan, who “The first fifty people taking out annual memberships are going to
said the manager commissioned the report following complaints be left with quite a bit of change out of what they were expecting
she received. However he did "not have the information" as to the to pay,” explained Tracy Kenneally, Operations Manager at Aura
nature and number of complaints and with the town manager not Youghal Leisure Centre.
commenting directly, that relevant factor remains a mystery. “Anyone taking out individual membership who is counted among
Perhaps the answer will be sought and provided at some upcom- the first fifty will only be charged €395, while the cost of family
ing town council meeting. membership for two adults and three children is just €750 for those
Meanwhile, given that the town council serviced the area with its included,” she added.
diving board, Mr Ryan did not seem overtly enthusiastic with “Our membership always increases during the summer when the
developments. However, on a brighter note he observed that, "now longer evenings give people more time to focus on exercise. A lot
that the issues have been highlighted, we can try to address them." of people also come to Aura Youghal to get into shape for their
Over protection? summer holidays and this offer gives them an added incentive to
While there is a general acceptance that the area held some hazard, continue exercising all year round,” she continued.
support for the closure is pretty thin on the ground. The relatively “We have had offers like this in previous years and they have
clandestine manner by which entire episode from survey to report always been snapped up. People love a bargain or having the
to closure was conducted, accounts in part for people's resentment. money that they were putting towards the full cost of membership
Secondly, there is a sense of 'health and safety' losing the run of to spend on themselves or on holidays,” she added.
itself. Especially amongst generations that played hide & seek in Membership at Aura Youghal includes free fitness classes, unlim-
deserted building sites, before the culture of 'fall and sue' stepped ited gym use, the use of a 25 metre swimming pool, sauna and
off some well-gritted disembarking plank from America, there is a steam room, access to the new RESULTS fitness programme
growing resentment towards the inexorable sanitisation of life. which includes over 300 interactive, 20 to 30 minute exercise pro-
People, adults, feel they are being treated like cattle -and imbecil- grammes which can be applied to eight different exercise experi-
ic ones at that- with a lack of consultation that is allied to a grow- ences.
ing plethora of rules and regulations being imposed on them by Aura’s fully qualified instructors also work with people of all ages
distant civil servants. They wonder as to whither went personal and abilities to help them set and realise exercise goals and to feel
responsibility and, by and large, they want it back. healthier and better about themselves.
Yet authority can claim to be merely responding to the times. For, “Most people join Aura with the intention of working towards fit-
as the town clerk noted, there is a legal profession willing to ness goals and we believe in giving every support to help people
accommodate those who will initiate litigation at the drop of a realise the goals they set. Working out at Aura is a lot of fun and
brick, including a judiciary (answering only to itself) that seems to our classes are organised so that they can be enjoyed with friends
and family,” Tracy said.
During the 1880's the first Italians arrived from the villages in Val
To mark the day, The di Comino to Dublin via Paris, Scotland and England. The fish and
chip tradition itself started in Northern England fulfilling the need
Roma Grill offered ½ price for a cheap ready-made meal. Adopted by the Italians, the fish and
Fish & Chips! chip trade has been carried on by Irish Italians as family business-
es and this has been key to their success.
How we like our Fish and Chips!
National Fish and Chips Day survey reveals:
· 62% have Fish and Chips on a Friday
· 40% eat around the table with family or friends
· Salt AND vinegar for 70% please!
· A pot of tea is the ideal accompaniment for 56%
The Irish Traditional Italian
Chippers Association
(ITICA) today announced
the results of a 'Love Fish &
Chips' survey to mark the
first National Fish & Chips
Day. The survey has
revealed exactly how we like
our Fish and Chips with 70
per cent going for both salt
and vinegar and 56 per cent Staff of The Roma Grill pictured on National Fish and Chips Day
enjoying the comfort of a pot
of tea with theirs!
While 62 per cent like Fish YOUGHAL ATHLETE WINS 2
and Chips on a Friday and 30
per cent prefer weekends, no
one surveyed ate Fish and NATIONAL GAMES FOR
Chips on a Tuesday! 40 per
cent like to enjoy the tradi- BLIND & VISUALLY IMPAIRED
tion sitting around the table
with family or friends and Models Nadia Forde and Jenny Lee Youghal athlete, Amanda Crotty received two gold medals at the
most go for their local Irish Masterson pictured enjoying the sunshine on 30th Irish National Games for Blind & Visually Impaired on
Italian chipper whether the National Fish & Chips Day, Wednesday 26th Saturday 29th May 2010. Amanda Crotty took part in the 800M
one of their childhood (30 May! and 1500M and won both with personal best times. Amanda, from
per cent) or near where they Youghal, came within 6 seconds in both events of qualifying for
now live (50 per cent). Whatever chipper is nearest at the time, next year’s World Championships.
whether on the way home from work or an evening out, was the Amanda was one of over 100 blind and visually impaired athletes
choice of 20 per cent. Ireland and abroad that competed in 30th Anniversary Games on
Peter Borza, Chairman of ITICA commented: "The tradition lives Saturday in the Aer Lingus Sports Club (ALSAA) & Morton
on and National Fish & Chips Day is really marking the well Stadium. Athletes competed in a range of events including tandem
loved culture of Irish Italian chippers in Ireland and the 125 year cycling, tenpin bowling, football, swimming and athletics includ-
old tradition of fish and chips." ing both track and field events.
He continued: "The survey results paint a picture of Fish and The Games were organised by Irish Blind Sports (IBS), the offi-
Chips on a Friday in front of the TV or around the table with fam- cially recognised national governing body (NGB) with responsi-
ily or friends as the perfect wind-down treat to ring in the week- bility for organising sporting activities for blind and visually
end. And preferably with a pot of tea!" impaired people in Ireland.
The next favourite beverage to go along with the traditional Fish Speaking about the Games, Irish Blind Sports Chairman, Fintan
and Chips meal, after a pot of tea, was a beer for one-quarter of O’Donnell said, “this year’s Games were a celebration of the three
those surveyed and a glass of wine for one-fifth. decades of sports for blind and visually impaired people in Ireland.
ITICA (The Irish Traditional Italian Chippers Association) Over the last 30 years, Irish blind and visually impaired sportspeo-
launched in February this year and significantly, 54 per cent of ple have enjoyed fantastic success. For some this has been just tak-
respondents stated that the ITICA logo is very important as a sym- ing part and learning a new sport, for others it has led to them cre-
bol of quality and tradition. ating new World Records and winning multiple Paralympic gold
Finally, one-fifth of those surveyed medals.
had been on a Fish & Chips date! “Irish Blind Sports caters for all levels of ability and we would
ITICA was created to promote and encourage anyone who is blind and visually impaired to get in
build on the traditional values and touch with us if they are interested in trying a new sport”.
ethos of the members. The official “This year’s Games were a great success, I would like to thank
ITICA logo identifies Irish Italian everyone who was involved in the organisation of the Games and
member chippers around Ireland. congratulate all the athletes who participated in each of the events
The Irish Italian chipper culture was on Saturday” added Mr. O’Donnell.
started by members of the Irish Further information about Irish Blinds Sports is available on
Italian community who arrived in www.ibsports.ie / Tel: +353 1 202 0118
Ireland in the 1880's. All members of
this community come from the vil- Youghal News Photographs may be
lages in Val Di Comino in Southern
Italy. These families bore the names purchased from our Offices at
well-known at the local chipper
today. Flanagan Print, Foxhole, Youghal
Badminton Basics Pobalscoil Students
Programme TY Students Invited To Shanghai
The Cork Sports Partnership in association with Badminton
Ireland organised to deliver a Badminton Basics programme to 10
secondary schools in Cork county. Pobalscoil na Trionoide, was
among one of the 10 lucky schools to participate. PE Teacher Ms.
Casey, in conjunction with Badminton Development Officer
Wayne Doyle, invited badminton coach Frieda Kearns to teach the
programme to a group of 22 Transition Year students. The
Badminton Basics module gives each student the skills and knowl-
edge to deliver basic badminton skills to younger players and to
begin assisting in coaching.
The course took place over 2 sessions lasting 5 hours in total. The
students were taught a mixture of fun games, different types of
badminton strokes, footwork and the rules of the game. By the end
of the course, students were able to demonstrate and explain the
keypoints of the game. The students were interested and enthusi-
astic in their participation and both coach and students enjoyed the
sessions. Well done to all who successfully completed the course! Frank Delaney, Bernie Heffernan, Julie Ní , Helen Waide, Adam Dalton, Aisling
Ní Siochrú, Maguerite Coleman, Mary O’Neill and Crona McCarthy
An excellent effort was made! Each student was presented with a
certificate. We hope the students will now go on to participate in A group of students from Pobalscoil Na Tríonóide, Youghal, Co.
Cork have been invited to attend the 2010 Shanghai International
Youth Science and Technology Expo, as a result of their success at
the BT Young Scientist Competition, 2010. In total 6 people will
travel to Shanghai China from 9th July-19th July. The group are
delighted to represent their school, town, county and country in
China to over 7 million visitors at the Shanghai Youth Expo (an
international exhibition on tackling global climate change.)
The group first came to success by winning an East Cork science
competition, sponsored by Millipore, a biopharmaceutical manu-
facturing company in Carrigtwohill. They further entered the BT
Young Scientist and came second in the Senior Biological
Category. Their project is based on the quality of drinking water
from a domestic water filter. Drinking water can contain patho-
genic material that causes illness to humans. This idea is very top-
ical due to the effects of climate change on the quality of drinking
water. They analysed the quality of un-filtered water versus fil-
the local club in Youghal and encourage younger students to learn tered water. They also designed a prototype for a water filter;
the sport in school. which would filter drinking water and simultaneously improve the
Congratulations and well done! The new badminton coaches in quality of drinking water and improve human health.The project
Pobalscoil na Trionoide are the following: Roisin O`Keeffe, began as an investigation into the quality of water in the local area.
Kathleen Quinn, Gary Moloney, Anthony Russell, Patrick The following areas were analysed:
Flanagan, Marie Byrne, Laura Hennessy, Dawn Donovan, Ryan
Climate change in Ireland
Mason, Michael Morrissey, Jack Mehegan, Rosanna O`Brien,
Quality of water in Ireland
Darren Foley, Aoife Walsh, James Howes, Kevin Mythen, Ricki
Global impact of water quality deterioration
Roche, Chloe Daly, Nora Sheehan, Niamh Quill, Christopher
Effects of poor quality drinking water on humans
Investigation into preventative measures in saving our
Cooney, David Twomey.
water supply
To filter or not to filter contaminated water - using a
common household filter
An investigation into whether this was sustainable or not.
How can other methods of filtering water be developed
(natural reed beds versus a common household filter
which has been modified)
Máiréad O'Neill, Retired DCC pictured with colleagues Tom Browne, Gráinne
Barry, Margaret Swayne, Michael Goulding, Una Power, Willie O' Connor, Retired DCC Máiréad O'Neill pictured with husband John and colleagues David
Geraldine Lynch and Anne Casey Riordan, Terence Finn and Michael Pattwell, Judges
Retired District Court Clerk Máiréad Catherine Coleman and Jacinta Paul Heffernan, Paul O'Driscoll, Paddy Gordon, Nuala Condon and Mark Allen,
O'Neill with her husband John Madden, Solicitors Colleaguess of Máiréad
Tom Browne and Willie O'Connor, Andy Hally, Mary Ronayne and Karen Brian O'Shea with Joe Cuddigan at the
John and Pat Power, friends of Máiréad Fitzgerald Retirement Party
Colleagues of Máiréad
John O'Neill, Dan McSweeney, Billy Gleeson and Terence Finn, Michael Pattwell and David Riordan,
Liam Ryan Kieran Quill, Ken Murray and John Brosnan Judges
Dan Riordan, Carrigrohid, with Richard Anthony McDermott, Tony Smith and
and Geraldine Swanton from Lassardia Denis Brennan Billy, Damian, Pat and Sophie Ahern Amanda Craig and Kevin Nugent
Paddy and Sylvia Somers of Megan and Rebecca Brozie pictured with Gene and Leah Spillane and Cara
Tom Roche with Billy and Katie Ryan Ballyanne, Newross Helen Austin McCaughy
Mick Desmond, Juliette Leneghan, Martin Hennessy Philip, Jack, Ronan and Sophie Monaghan with Erin Brendan, Ann, Eoin, Jack and Dylan O' Driscoll pic-
and Susie Tobin Nolan tured at the Vintage with Orla Hickey
Tom Leahy, Youghal, Kevin Wright, A Bevy by the Chevy! - Caroline Cooper, Breeda and John Donovan with their
Kinsale and John McCarthy, Youghal Noel, Jack and Robby Curtin Ber O' Donoghue and Mary Fitzgerald niece Corina McGratht
The O' Brien Boys - Dermot, David, Ian and Adam Seán Farrell, Peter Doherty, Eoin O' Keeffe and Ronan
Christer Hansson, Ann-Christin Hansson, Sweden; Bill
pictured at the Annual Car and Bike Show O' Sullivana and Katie Ryan, Ballincollig
Two of Youghal's three beaches have been awarded Blue Flag status
By Christy Parker for the summer season. Redbarn will receive its first ever blue flag
Somewhat quietly but importantly, two initiatives in the never-end- and Claycastle will have its pride and joy returned after a two-year
ing battle against drug abuse are being promoted in Youghal this absence. The front strand however, faces a third consecutive summer
summer. The first project is called Dial 2 Stop Drug Dealing and is without the coveted cloth flying.
being rolled out in Youghal by the Southern Regional Drugs Task The latest awards reflect the state of the beaches during they sur-
Force (SRDTF), following successful implementation in other towns veyed months of what passed for summer 2009. It is gratifying that
across the country since late 2008. It is administered from the such rudiment requirements as parking and toilet facilities were suc-
Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Affairs. cessfully implemented at Redbarn in particular, although many
Dial 2 Stop Drug Dealing is crime-based and simply urges people would argue that there remains plenty of scope for improvements
with information to dial a confidential Freephone number and impart here also. Claycastle's parking capacity is often stretched to the lim-
their knowledge. "Callers are not asked to identify themselves or its during heat-wave occasions and the toilets are probably as effi-
leave their number. Neither do they need to fear a garda follow-up to cient as such unattended structures can be expected to be.
their door," says SRDTF co-ordinator Chris Black. "The project is Nationally, water samples from 131 designated bathing areas, com-
entirely an intelligence gathering exercise." prising 122 seawater and nine freshwater jurisdictions, were assessed
The Freephone number is 1800 220220 for compliance with EU standards last summer. The standard com-
Across Ireland, Dial 2 Stop Drug Dealing has been one of the more prised two criteria: a) minimum EU mandatory values and b) stricter
successful operations organised by the government in the endless EU guidelines. Compliance with both achieved 'good' water quality
battle to defeat drug pushers, or at least remove their services from status. Compliance with mandatory values only achieved 'sufficient'
local communities, others replacing them notwithstanding. "About water quality status and failure to comply with either brought 'poor'
one third of al calls have given gardai good and useful information," water quality status.
says Chris. "Drug squad personnel say much of the information There were 122 (93%) bathing areas compliant with mandatory stan-
received has been spot on and helped them with inquiries as well as dards (sufficient). 108 (82%) of the 131 also met the stricter guide-
bringing new names to light." lines (good). Nine failed to meet minimum standard and Youghal's
According to data pertaining to 15 local and regional campaigns for front strand was one of those. (Ardmore, incidentally achieved 'suf-
the period up to December 2009 indicate the following: ficient' status.)
· Over 5,500 were received to mid November 09, with 739 calls So one can safely assume that the main liability affecting the front
received in June 2009 strand is water quality. The beach would appear to suffer from the
· Over 1,500 reports were sent to the Gardaí passing (pardon the pun) of raw sewerage and wet weather condi-
· 63% of calls are made between 11am and 5pm, most of them tions that dislodged surface water from fields during last summer
midweek. added to the ecological fragility last summer. On a far brighter note
· There was an increase in calls around the reporting of drug related however, the imminent new town drainage and waste treatment
murders scheme is certain to address the issue and one can expect to see the
· There have been many Section 10 and Section 3 seizures blue flag dancing in the gale-swept downpours of future Youghal
(All according to the website www.dialtostop.ie) summers.
Dial 2 Stop Drug Dealing initiative is funded by the Dormant Youghal councillor Mary Linehan-Foley says she is "delighted
Accounts Fund, the Department of Community, Rural and Gaeltacht Youghal has two blue flags but I won't be happy until we have three,
Affairs and the Department of Justice, Equality and Law Reform. It because Youghal is highly dependent on tourism." The councillor
is also supported by An Garda Síochána and the Health Service stresses that the waste water treatment plant "needs to be advanced
Executive. quickly" in light of the town's present blue flag standing.
Referral strategy Meanwhile, Youghal town council will host a 'raise the flags' recep-
A second initiative being piloted in Youghal from this month con- tion at the town hall on Thursday June 17th at 2pm.
cerns referral action. Some years ago, in common with other commu-
nities, Youghal developed a referral strategy devolved from a surge
in heroin use. This strategy is now being reassessed amidst attempts
Killeagh & District
to modify it to serve drug use referrals generally.
According to Chris Black, the SRDTF is looking at the points of con-
tact a drug user would have. "One of those pints would be 'an arrest' Killeagh and District Gymkahana is on Sunday 20th of June from
by a garda or at least a garda becoming aware of someone's drug 10am onwards and a dog show at approximately 2pm at Walshes
usage, " he says. Farm on the Main Youghal Road to Killeagh on the left hand side
Now, in terms of younger users (14-25 year olds), the Task Force is - it will be signposted.
keen to utilise the Juvenile Liaison Officer (JLO) process in such cir- Everyone Welcome
cumstance, as against immediately taking the criminal prosecution
road. "The garda would inform the JLO, who would in turn make
contact with the alleged young drug user. This system is "still being Collection for Concern
tweaked" he adds and is expected to be rolled out later this month or
early July. It is being piloted as part of an overall referral strategy There is a huge need at present in Haiti and many third world
being piloted in Youghal and Tralee. The government has committed countries for housing, food, medicines etc. We are transferring o ur
to providing extra resources, such as increased numbers of counsel- December collection this year to Friday 18th June and Friday 25th
lors, for at least the next two years. June in Youghal because the needs are great and urgent. All our
Chris outlines a flaw in previous referral strategies that dealt only collectors are voluntary and every cent donated will be sent to
with 'arrest' referrals. "If the referral wasn't taken up and the person “Concern” to help the poor in those countries.
subsequently came before the judiciary, then that refusal reflected
badly on them," he explains. "So now we've modified down to 'came Michelle Hynes will be hosting a Tea Evening in
to the attention of.'"
Furthermore 'arrest' referrals tend to coerce people into seeking treat- Power’s Bar Mount Uniacke to raise funds for a Sky
ment and that's not always the best basis for doing so. People need to Dive in aid of Multiple Sclerosis of Ireland. Your sup-
go for treatment because they want to do so, not just to impress a port is greatly appreciated. All are welcome
Youghal United Blow the Guinness Book of Records
Soccer 5-A Side Record Away.
By Derek Kiely
In a spectacular display of pure
raw courage, guts and determi-
nation in searing heat condi-
tions of over 21 degrees celsius,
Youghal United AFC will enter
the halls of history after beating
the Guinness Book of Records
for a 'Continuous game of 5-A
Side Soccer' at Ardrath Park
over the June Bank Holiday
The official record did stand at
27 hours and 15 mins and as
Youghal United started on their
quest at 9.02am on Saturday the
5th of June they had beaten that ible to all the hundreds of people at some stage of the attempt
record at 12.20pm on Sunday the 6th of June, where no less than either during the morning, afternoon, evening or during the night
752 goals had been scored at that point in time, but the Youghal to support the lads.
lads continued on their target of 33 hours plus which they incred- Along with the obvious centre-piece of the Guinness Book of
ibly achieved at 6.32pm on Sunday evening scoring 946 goals in Record attempt, the
total. Youghal United club also
The concept of the whole event of trying to break the record came invited all the other sport-
about in September 2009, when ideas were needed to raise funds ing associations in the area
for Youghal United's Soccer Academy and money to support to come along and set up
underage School Boy's and School Girl teams. stands displaying their
The Original committee of Emmett Perry, Kevin 'Jock' Gallogley, sports, making the whole
Brian Wade, Finbar Walsh and Pierce Hennessy got the ball rolling event a real community
on the record attempt and in just nine months the dream was effort.
achieved. Perry said "The players are
real heroes in my opinion,
they have literally given Players Michael Lyons and Leon Geary with
everything they have for Coach Ken Dempsey
this attempt and I can't
thank them enough. At 5 am on
Sunday morning the will power
was tested to the limit, it was
cold, wet and fatigue was a huge
Emmett Perry said "It has been a long road, but the support we issue, but they dug deep and
have received has been brilliant. Local sponsors like Farrell's, showed unbelievable heart to
Bertie's, T & M Fitzgerald and the Quality Hotel Youghal has been keep going".
great and the work by everyone involved in the attempt has been The players who made this piece
nothing short of miraculous".The rules governing a Guinness of Youghal sporting history are: Team Captains Kevin Gallogley and
Book of Records attempt are very strict. Patrick Morrissey, Christophe
1) Only 16 players allowed in total. Colin, Kevin Gallogley, Barry
2) An official referee has to be in control of the game at all times. Goggin, Diarmuid Schuel, David
3) Every kick has to be recorded by Video, for proof of timing. O'Keefe, Mike Lyons, Aidan
4) The game has to be played at a respectable pace and no time Ryan, David Kenneally, Peter
wasting is accepted. Geary, Leon Geary, Martin Coen,
All of the above were adhered to impeccably and Youghal United Pierce Hennessy, Anthony Kelly,
AFC must be congratulated for the way the venue was set up over Gavin O'Leary and Stuart
the weekend. Hickey.
The players were encamped in a special section of the ground vis- These 16 players will be admired
and revered for many years to David O’Keefe and Jamie Lawton
come after such an astonishing
Perry finished by saying "The support we have received is brilliant
and we silenced the doubters who said we couldn't do it and I must
thank the referees, Eddie Foley, Ken Hennessy, Seamus Landers,
Paul and Kieran Griffin, David Coleman and Ed McNally.
There are so many people we want to thank who gave their time
up for this event and we would really like to thank Ken Dempsey
who gave us all the Exercise and Nutritional advice we need
Youghal United will now go into the history books for an amazing
33 ½ hour record for a continuous 5 A Side soccer match.
The Final Whistle after 33hours and 30 minutes of Soccer Congratulations, it will take some effort to beat this one.
Youghal United Blow the Guinness Book of Records
Soccer 5-A Side Record Away.
Youghal United World Record Atempt Squad, which includes both teams and Officials pictured prior to the attempt on Saturday Independent Scrutineers Tom O’Brien
last. and Michael Beecher
Canon Tom Browne get the World Record Attempt underway. Alos included are
David O’Keeffee, Referee Eddie Foley and Peter Geary.
Robyn Gallogley and Ciara Dempsey Youghal United Officers, Noel Mackey
Hon.Life President and Sammy Revins
Club Chairman
Seamus Landers, Canon Tom Browne pictured with Officail Timekeepers Martin
Christophe and Oona Colin Physios Jimmy Healy and Peter Coady Drake and Tim Twomey
Youghal Golf Club Youghal Credit Union
Ladies Section College Scholarship
Ms. Claire Fitzgerald, Ms. Fiona Bhrudair, Colm Geary scholarship winner, Amber
Walsh, Blathnaid Ni Chlerigh, Sorcha Treacy, Roisin O'Keeffe and Christine
Winners Maurette Fogarty, Ann Coleman, Phil Burns, Noreen Cronin, Gaye Cusack.
Fitzgibbon and Maeve Trupe Kelly with club representatives and sponsor Ann
€1733.04 Cheque
Presentation to NCBI Cork
The money which was the proceeds of a cabaret and dance night
held at the Walter Raleigh Hotel In January 2010. This money will
be used towards the summer outing to Clonea of the Youghal and
district NCBI branch. This outing will take place on July 7th 2010
This money was raised locally
to ensure that the group will
have their annual outing. This
was previously subsidised by
Funding but due to cutbacks no
Winners Juliet Casey, Fionnula Coleman, Veronica Whyte, Jan Goodwin, Ann
funding was available this year.
Galvin and Loreto Morrisson with club representatives and sponsors Dara Murphy It was decided by the local com-
and Joan Cashman mittee to raise funds locally.
Thanks to Pat Daly and all the
other local artists who per-
formed free of charge and also
to the Walter Raleigh for the use
of the hall Free. It is hoped to
have another fundraiser in the Cheque presentation of
coming months. Thanks to €1733.04 to James Honour of
everyone who made the night a the NCBI Cork branch by John
huge success. Cunningham.
Aoibhe and Donie Daly Ciara, Adam, Conor and Lisa O’Brien
Youghal is now recognised as south coasts most popular resort. This
stunning holiday destination has been awarded an EU Blue Flag for
the beach at Claycastle near the town centre. It's no wonder that
Youghal has become the family destination of choice. The adventur-
ous holiday-maker can choose from a range of activities including
power-boating, dinghy-racing, yacht cruising, whale watching, even
wreck-diving!For those looking for a more laid-back experience, vis-
itors can take a relaxing cruise or fishing trip on the Blackwater river
- one of Europe's most unspoilt rivers. Perks Family Entertainment
Centre and the Aura Leisure Centre is a must for all the family and
with more holiday homes to rent than any other resort town on the
South Coast - including cottages, houses, apartments, guest houses
and even luxury villas, many with spectacular views, you will be
spoilt for choice.
But this resort is not just about the sea...It's about the 'craic' in the bars,
the live music, the world famous seafood restaurants, the golf and
greyhound racing all set in the backdrop of a medieval town of stun-
ning beauty and character.What sets Youghal apart from other resorts
however, is its natural beauty, with stunning walks and cycle routes
along ecology areas to the historical town centre. Youghal is also a
perfect base in which to explore the beauty of East Cork and West
Waterford. A large number of internationally acknowledged heritage
sites and conservation areas are visible along these routes. Youghal is
also one of the best preserved examples of a 13th century town in
Europe, and as such has been designated a 'Heritage' Town by Failte
Ireland. It was built as a town to defend and control trade on the
Blackwater River which leads into the heart of Munster's rich farm-
Youghal's position was critical to the maintenance of that trade, and
access to the most valuable farmland in Ireland. It derives its name
from the Gaelic word 'Eochaill', meaning 'yew wood', pronounced
'Yawl'. You can explore the walls and one of the towers from which it
is possible to make out the original layout of the town. Full details on
the historic buildings in Youghal, such as the Watergate, Myrtle
Grove, Tyntes Castle and St. Mary's Collegiate Church can be found
in our heritage section. The most notable (and photographed) building
in the town centre is the fine Clock Tower in the main street, built in
1776 as a gaol (jail) to imprison the renegade Catholics. It was rou-
tinely used as torture chamber and was universally regarded as a sym-
bol of terror and tyranny!Sir Walter Raleigh is probably the most
famous citizen of Youghal, responsible for bringing two things to
Youghal - potatoes and tobacco, as Youghal was the leading trading
point in Ireland at the time. Another famous resident of Youghal was
the first Earl of Cork, Sir Richard Boyle, who purchased many of the
estates of Raleigh.
Boyle's remains are buried in St. Mary's Collegiate Church, an 11th
century jewel.To fully appreciate medieval and historical Youghal,
take a guided or self guided tour around Youghal Heritage Trail , com-
mencing at Youghal Tourist Office.Today Youghal celebrates its past
and present in a series of events and festivals throughout the year. For
the Irish music and dance enthusiast Ceoltas Si' is performed in a
number of locations throughout the town, both shows running
throughout July and August. Sports enthusiasts can take part in the
Youghal Triathlon in July. A family fun day that celebrates Youghal's
magical medieval past is the annual Medieval Fun Day. Youghal
Celebrates History is an annual conference when historians from
Ireland and abroad gather for animated discussions on Youghal's her-
itage.Youghal is ideally geographically positioned. It's where the
beauty of East Cork merges with stunning West Waterford and serves
as a perfect base for the holidaymaker. With access to both Cork and
Waterford Airports only a 45 minute drive away.
Local Tourism Info: 00 353 24 20170
Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal
Youghal Tennis Club is open all year round. Weekly or daily mem-
Family Fun bership is available for visitors. Tournaments held throughout the
Aura Leisure summer months. Tennis Court keys are available at Youghal
At the Aura Leisure Centre Youghal there is something for every- Visitor Centre
one, whether you want to get fit, loose weight or de-stress. You can Youghal Greyhound Stadium
work out in the gym or take one of our many fitness classes, or Youghal Greyhound Stadium offers a dynamic and exciting night
maybe you want to bring the kids for a swim or simply relax in our out for the whole family. Races are held every Tuesday and Friday
Health Suite Area, the choice is yours. The centre really has to be Night. During the summer months entry is free every Tuesday,
seen to be believed, you don't have to be a member you can just light refreshments are available throughout the night.
pay as you go !
Perks Entertainment
Perks Entertainment Centre has something fun for all the family.
Situated in Youghal, East Cork you'll find a variety of top class
Horans Health Store,
activities for all ages in comfortable and spacious surroundings. 71, North Main St., Youghal
Some activities include: Tenpin bowling, Lazer Tag, Adventure Tel: (024) 25926
Play Centre, Adult only Casino & Roulette, Video Games,
Carousel, Bumper Boats, Derby Racer, Ghost Train, Kiddies
Rides, Snooker & Pool and lots more. Free Spinal Health Checks
If you feel peckish you can eat at 'Mac Perkies' Fast Food
Restaurant. There's also a novelty gift/tuck shop. Birthday parties, with Dr. Koe Davidson
corporate outings, fundraisers, leagues and school tours are all 1st & 3rd Monday of the Month
catered for. With over 70,000sq ft of indoor entertainment not even 1.15pm - 2.15pm
the weather can spoil your fun! PERKS where every minute is
packed with family fun. Free Parking. Free Admission
Youghal Pitch and Putt
Pitch and putt your way across fairways and bunkers for winning In Store! Maxitone for Women
glory. Located right on the beach front Youghal's 18 hole Pitch
and Putt course is open all year round. Maximuscle Plus USN Products
The course layout is a varied array of lakes and hillside to put 10% Loyalty Card with First Purchase
every level of skill to the test. Groups are welcome and prebook-
ing is not necessary, Clubs hire is available.
Soccer School
The National Irish Bank FAI Summer Soccer School Programme...
Huge Selection of Slimming Products
the official soccer schools of the Football Association of Ireland.
The National Irish Bank FAI Summer Soccer Schools are the most
enjoyable and safest place to be this summer. They are open to Naturint Hair Colour
boys and girls aged between 7 & 15 and will take place this year Free of Ammonia, Resorcinol & Parabens
in Youghal .All our coaches are FAI Accredited, referenced and
Garda Vetted. We aim to ensure best practice in Child Safety and
Welfare to ensure your child is in very safe hands indeed. Treatment Room Coming Soon
Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal
Gastro Café
South Main Street, Youghal
Tel: 024 25777
Monday - Sunday 9.30am - 6.30pm
Closed Tuesday
Breakfast served til 3pm
Mediterranean, Continental
& Irish Cuisine
Daily Specials & Pizzas
Just Vibrate
Vi b r o p l a t e St u d i o
(086) 233 0531
Watson Lane, Youghal
Vibroplate is a Fast & Effective Way to Loose Inches and
it TAKES Just 10 Minutes 3 - 4 Times a week
Hair Care
Unit 2, River Gate Mall, Youghal
Tel 024 20212
Opening Times
8am-8pm 7 days.
Selection of
Newbridge Silverware 1/2 Price
GAA Camp:
Youghal - 11th of August
Medieval Festival:
Youghal - 28th of September
September Events In
Youghal - 4th of September
Beautiful Selection
of Cards for all
North Main St., Youghal
Tel: 024 92291
Try Our Weekly Specials
Joint Beef, 4 Steaks & 1lb Mince - €20
2 Chickens, 4 Chicken Fillets - €10
Try Our €25 BBQ Special
Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal
M. Cunningham
31 North Main Street, Youghal. Tel: (024) 92243
Sky Beauty
Watson’s Lane, Youghal Tel: (024) 91777
Prop: Triona O’Regan C.I.B.T.A.C.
Best Quality Beef, Lamb,
Introducing the new and upcoming
Pork & Bacon. Super Body Shaper
for Summer Season 4Reduces Cellulite
4Burn 500 Calories in 10mins
(equivalent to 1hr exercise)
4Tone Muscle
4Lose Weight
4Increase Metabolism
Single Session €5 - 12 Sessions €45
All Clients Complimentary Free 10 Min Session
All Beauty Treatments available
Mon 10am - 5.30pm Tues: 10am - 8pm
Wed: 10am - 5.30pm Thurs: 10am - 8pm
Fri: 10am - 8pm Sat: 10am - 4pm
Fox's Lane
Come and see how your great-grandparents coped with day to day
living before the invention of indoor plumbing, electricity, and the
automobile. Step back in time into a fully furnished and equipped
traditional Irish country kitchen of 100 years ago.
Located in the historic town of Youghal, Fox's Lane Museum is a
small, privately run museum, providing a fascinating display of
some 600 beautifully restored gadgets that trace the evolution and
development of household conveniences and appliances used in
the home, during the 1850s to the 1950s
Tourist Trail
This tour will take approximately one hour and commences from
the Heritage Centre in the Tourist Office, in the old Market House,
Youghal. This very building was built on reclaimed land on the
site of the medieval harbour. You will be introduced to the won-
derful and historic story of Youghal, and from here this trail will
take you to see important landmarks in that magical story!
Tourist Guide to Services & Shopping in Youghal
Visit this unique exhibition of Domestic Bygones - a fascinating
display of some 800 beautifully restored household gadgets and
appliances used in the home from the 1850s to the 1950s.
You can also step back in time into a fully furnished traditional
Irish country kitchen of the period. Allow approx. 1 hour for your
Open during July, Aug and Sept.
Tuesday to Saturday: l0am - 6pm. Closed lunch 1pm - 2pm.
Last admittance: 5.30pm. Open any weekday by appointment.
Groups and school tours welcome. A Wheelchair friendly Museum.
Any further information from:
Pat and Ann Lynch, or Youghal Tourist Office,
July Events In Youghal
North Cross Lane, Market Square, The Four of Us:
Youghal, Co. Cork. Youghal, Co. Cork. St Mary's Collegiate Church - 2nd of July
Phone: 024-91145 Phone : 024- 20170
Wrist Band Night:
IN THE HEART OF THE Perks - 8th of July (pay once play all night )
HERITAGE TOWN OF YOUGHAL Family Friendly Festival:
Quotes from Visitor's Book - Summer 2009 Youghal - 16th-18th July
Las Vegas Night:
J.O’C, Cork. "A great trip back in time”
Showboat Casino Perks - 16th of July
D.A. Alberta, Canada
"Amazing - a most perfect way to spend the morning Women's Voices:
The Mall Arts Centre - 14th of July
J & G McD. Kent, England "Keeper of History par excellence
P & K. L, Poland "A really beautiful collection - We really enjoyed it. Carmina:
St. Mary's Collegiate Church - 19th of July
(EST'D 1968)
Summerhill, Tel: (024) 92544
Kinsalebeg, Youghal, John: (087) 2587784
Youghal's Longest Serving
Co. Cork. Brian: (087) 9946443
Coach & Mini Bus Hire Business
We have been successfully providing coaches/mini buses to the East Cork/West Waterford Region with
over 42 years. 16-53 Seaters available for All Occasions
We will provide a coach/mini bus for any occasion. You pick the destination and we will provide the
transport. Competitive prices & quality buses guaranteed.
Weddings, Stag & Hen Parties, School Trips,/Outings, Matches, Concerts, School Runs, Bingos,
Weekend Services, Mystery Tours, Scheduled Service Trips, Pilgrimages, Airport/Ferry &
Train Transfers and many more.
Going on Summer Holidays? Why not allow us to transfer you to and from the airport. Excellent rates available.
Live at The Marquee
Buses available. For More Information or to book a bus for your night at the marquee please contact
Brian Butler on (087) 9946443
Oxegen 2010
We are now taking bookings for Oxegen 2010. To book your seat please contact
Brian Butler on (087) 9946443.
Weekend Services - Youghal Town
We operate a weekend service Friday, Saturday, Sunday nights 6pm till late, covering Youghal Town & the surrounding
areas. For a professional and more reliable service please contact Brian or Ger on (087) 9946443 or (086) 0822417.
Official Opening of Just Young Person from Youghal
Vibrate - Vibroplate Studio receives Garda Youth Award
The newly-opened Vibroplate studio, Just Vibrate, at Watson's Killian Daly, 17, from Blackwater Heights won a garda youth
Lane offers customers a wide variety of options to use the award recently. The Cork North Garda Division gives these
Vibroplate machines. Currently on offer is a one month member- awards to recognise the very positive contribution young people
ship for use of their Vibroplate private rooms for just €50 and a are making in their communities. The value of winning such an
pay-as-you-go option at just €3.50 per 10 min session. Rental of award cannot be underestimated.
the Vibroplate is also an option at just €90 for 4 weeks - don't miss Only two young people from Youghal were nominated. Categories
this fantastic revolutionary new exercise machine! For more info included were community, sport and personal achievement, for
and bookings, contact Sharon Murphy, Proprietor, on 086 - young people aged 15 to 20 years of age.
2330531 or visit the newly opened premises at Watson's Lane, Eight young people and two groups received awards. The young
Youghal people all reside in the Cork North District which is comprised of
the following Garda districts: Fermoy, Midleton, Cobh and
Killian Daly has been a member of For?ige Youth Club since 2005
and currently sits on Youghal and East Cork Youth Committees.
Killian has been a hugely positive influence on a soccer group set
up by the Youghal Garda Youth Diversion Project last September.
This soccer group began with seven young people and now regu-
larly attracts 17-20 young people each week. Killian also volun-
teered with a younger group in the project and has given his free
time to fundraising and other organising of events. Killian is on
the student Council of his secondary school, Pobal Scoil na
Tríonóide and is a also a first year leader there.
Killian acted as M.C. for the Y-Factor talent night in Youghal in
December and again for a Talent Night in Youghal Youth Cafe in
April of this year and was very good in his role on both occasions.
He also addressed the guests at the launch of Foróige Youth
Services in Youghal in February of this year and spoke eloquently
of the impact the project has had on his life and his goal of being
a youth worker in the future.
Killian is a role model for his peers and conducts himself well and
with maturity in the Youth Project. He is enthusiastic and positive
and motivated despite some difficulties he has had in his life.
Sharon Murphy, Proprietor of Just Vibrate, pictured with friends and family Anne
Parker, Valerie Cashman, Norma Murphy, Barry Smyth, Aisling Murphy and
Killian is an active member of Youghal G.A.A., soccer and rugby
Christina Clohessy. clubs and also plays for the school in these sports also.
Killian received his award on 24th May in the Firgrove Hotel,
Mitchelstown. The event was organised by Sgt. Claire Kenealy,
Midleton and sponsored by Cavanaghs of Fermoy. All guests were
given a three course meal and Special guests present were Denis
Leamy and Denis Fogarty, Munster Rugby Players. Other guests
present were Chief Superintendent Kieran McGann, Judge
Michael Patwell, Batt O' Keeffe T.D., councillors and clergy from
the district. Community Guards, Juvenile Liaison Officers, young
people, their parents, friends and youth workers also attended the
event.Killian thanked An Garda Síochána, his parents, youth
workers and everyone who has helped him along the way for this
award.On behalf of the Youghal Youth Services (Foróige), we
would like to congratulate Killian on winning this prestigious
award and wish him every success in the future.
Sharon Murphy, with Sara Robinson
Christina Clohessy and Anne Parker and Eoghain Gleeson.
Pictured from left to right: Margaret O' Connell, Juvenile Liaison Officer, Peter
Quealy, Community Guard in Youghal, Paula Daly, Killian's mother, Killian Daly,
Sharon Murphy, pictured with her moth- Anne Parker pictured with her daughter award winner, Mrs. Herlihy, Killian's grandmother, Philip Herlihy, Killian's Father
er Norma and sister Aisling. Valerie Cashman. and Chief Superintendent Kieran McGann.
LAUNCH OF CORK Official Statement from The
SUMMER SHOW 2010 Select Vestry and Youghal Town
Council regarding St Mary's
Collegiate Church, Youghal
Further to a meeting with a representive of the Select Vestry and
the Council, it has been decided that from this point forward St
Mary’s Collegiate Church and grounds, Emmet Place, Youghal,
will only accommmodate and be used for charitable community
fundraisers, coffee mornings, musical concerts and recitals of a
classical and religious nature.
This decision has been taken in recognition that this church is an
active place of workship.
John Jeffery, Billy Nicholson, George Deane, Tony O'Leary, chairman; Gerard
Murphy, chairman MAS, Dick Young, vice president MAS, Jim Ryall, Eddie
Barrett and Denis Twomey. (Picture: Ailish Murphy)
Happy 2nd Birthday to Erica Kenefick on the 6th June fromMam,
Dad, Nana, Grandad, Great Grandparents, P.J., Aunts, Uncles and
Cousins. Wayne Fitzgerald and Pat Joyce at the Youghal Handball and Raquetball stand
The Youghal Intermediate Hurling Team who defeated Watergrasshill in the Premier Intermediate Championship on a scoreline of 3-11 to 6 points in Killeagh on Saturday
night last.
Schools Rugby Blitz at Youghal Credit Union
Youghal R.F.C. Annual Dinner Dance
at Youghal Golf Club
Joe Martin, Mary Morrisson, Jerry McCarthy, Anne McCarthy and Albert Muckley
Sean O’Neill presents the cup to Sean O’Neill presents the cup to
Padraig Delaney of Killeagh N.S. Jennifer Hennessy of Killeagh N.S.
Clonpriest-Kyle tag rugby team 1 Deborah and Aidan Foley Suzanne Hynes and Helen Waide
Youghal Golf Club WHAT’S ON AT THE MALL
Wednesday 26th May - Open 3Ball Coming up in the month of June there will be another great show
Sponsored by: Liam Burns, PGA Professional “Showstoppers” from Youghal Musical Society running from June
1st Maura Dooley (27) East Cork, May Fitzgerald (36) East Cork, 8th to June 13th, that promises to be another excellent production
Sheila Murray (36) Macroom - 66pts from the group.
2nd Breda O' Donoghue (24) Jo Swayne (25) Amanda O' Neill It’s that time of year again to dust off your tux and tails and the
Coyne (27) Youghal - 64pts, 3rd Marian Sweeney (8) Dympna women to get a new dress. Yes it’s the Youghal Arts Network
Quill (18) Martina Hooley (18) - 64pts Midsummer’s Gala ball on Friday, 19th of June 2010
4th Paula Brennan (23) Ann Rochford (25) Patricia Landers (26) This year will be a little different from the previous two years as
63pts this year it will be a masked ball. The tickets are €60.00 but for that
Fixtures: Wed 9th June: Captain's Prize to the Ladies (Mr. Jimmy you will be getting a Buffet Meal, Drinks (Beer, Red/White Wine
Coleman) or Minerals) and entertainment. Tickets Available form; Alan
Wed 16th June: Open 4 Person Team Sponsored by: AIB Youghal. Prims, Gallery 126, Jack O’ Patsys, or committee members
Tuesday 8th June:Commencing Ladies Golf Lessons Donacha O’ Cearuill, Jennifer Kirwan, Jessica Gunn or Sean O
Please contact Liam Burns, PGA Professional (024) 92590 Neill.
2nd Round of the AA Championships were played at the Gold
Coast Golf Club on Saturday 29th May and we had three teams
playing. Junior Cup lost to East Cork Golf Club. Intermediate Cup
beat Lismore. Minor cup beat West Waterford. 3rd Round to be
played at Mitchelstown Golf Club on Sunday 27th June.
Intermediate Cup: Youghal v Fota/Tee Time: 11.30am
Minor Cup: Youghal v East Cork /Tee Time: 1.30pm
Tuesday 25th May - Open 18 Holes Singles Qualifer
Sponsored by: Killarney Plaza Hotel.
1st Cian Lougheed (12) 41pts Slievenamon, 2nd Tommy Bulman
(17) 38pts, 3rd Philip Crowe (10) 38pts
CSS 37pts
Fri 28th - Sat 29th - Sun 30th May - Open 18 Holes Fourball
Sponsored by: Liam Burns, PGA Professional
1st Niall Ware (8) Bill Terry (19) 47pts , 2nd Eddie Ryan (5)
Danny Mac Sweeney (12) 46pts, 3rd Willie Jones (1) Colin Up close and personal in their inimitable style , the terrific singer
Donoghue (5) 45pts, Best Fri/Sat: Richard Griffin (13) Tommy songwriting Duo of Maria Walsh and Carole Nelson of internation-
Bulman (17) 45pts. Best Sun: Willie Jones (1) John D. Malone (6) al award-winning group ZRAZY , present an outdoor Concert of
45pts fabulous songs from Ella Fitzgerald, Dusty Springfield to Nina
Fixtures: Simone to Billie Holiday including their own Zrazy hits.
Fri 11th - Sat 12th - Sun 13th June: Ed Coree Memorial Trophy As it happens, they were also the writers of Ooh Aah Paul
TEAM NEWS: McGrath, the No.1 Hit single for which they received a Gold Disc
Sat 12th June: Jimmy Bruen Shield at Fermoy Golf Club and some free tickets to international soccer matches..
1.30pm - Youghal will play the winners of Fermoy or Fota Golf A wonderful evening of summery, balmy, latin, samba and swing
Club. Sat 19th June: Irish Mixed Foursomes at Mahon Golf Club sounds from this great partnership. Take in the sea air, sit back or
8.30am Youghal v Mahon. dance a little to this great music on a warm June evening.
MIXED FOURSOMES What better way to enjoy the end of school year ? Maria Walsh:
Friday 28th May - OPEN 10 Holes lead singer, flute, percussion. Carole Nelson: piano and sax and
Sponsored by: Emma Sheridan "The 19th Green". vocals. June 25th at 8.30pm on the terrace by the sea, weather per-
1st Fergal mitting of course !….tickets on the door.
Coleman & Watch this space for further details on future events in July and
Fionnuala August and don’t forget if you would like to be added to our mail-
Coleman, 2nd ing list and be the first to know what’s going on or require any
Billy Carroll & information about booking the centre, send an email to themal-
Eileen Carroll. [email protected] or call 083 360 6507. We are now on
BG Ray Shiels & Facebook – and we have our very own weblog www.themallarts-
B r e e d a centre.com See you at The Mall!
Fitzgerald, 3rd
Jack Dempsey &
Maura Dempsey, Youghal Pigeon Club
4th John Coakley
& Frances Barry Last weeks race was flown from Coleraine in County Antrim. The
Fixtures: birds were released in ideal conditions at 8am. Coleraine is 225
Fri 11th June at miles to our lofts. First this week was Michael Aherne wining his
5pm Open Mixed third race of the season. Michael's birds are now in fine form ahead
Foursomes of the 3 longest races of our season from Scotland. In second posi-
Sunflower fairies, Grace Pearl Hassan-Maguire (2), Samara Sponsored by: tion was Timmy Fitzgerald who was just .8 of a yard behind.
Jones (8) and Tara O ’Sullivan (8) joined RTÉ’s Kathryn Wallpaper & The full result was as follows:-
Thomas in launching Sunflower Days 2010. Sunflower 1st Michael Aherne, 2nd Timmy Fitzgerald, 3rd Michael Aherne,
Days, which are sponsored by Irish Pride, will take place on Paints, Watson's
the 11th and 12th June and hundreds of volunteers nation- Corner
4th Billy Hehir, 5th Paddy Aherne.
wide will sell sunflower pins for €2 each. All funds raised Next weeks race is from Mauchline in Scotland. Best wishes to all
locally stay locally. competing. Thanks to all our sponsors.
Birthday Rememberance Youghal Lawn Tennis Club
Remembering our dear Mam
Sadie Savage of Park Youghal Membership Subscriptions
whose birthday is June 13th. Membership subscriptions for the 2010/2011 season are now over-
St. Anthony take care of her. due. Subscriptions were due on 1st May. We would appreciate
prompt payment. Fees can be paid to any committee member or
Although not here in person your never hard to find, directly to Frank Delaney. We value the loyalty of all who contin-
your the many happy memories in our hearts and in our minds. ue to support our club and look forward to many new members
Memories grow deeper as time lingers on, joining up.
when you long for a face and a smile that is gone.
New Members
We want to thank you Mam for everything you'eve done. We welcome new members to the club. For more details on join-
You were always there for us when anything went wrong. ing the club please contact Frank, membership secretary
In Gods safe keeping now you rest, (086)8406848.
and pray for us who can't forget. Get Well Wishes
Home is heaven free from pain, All at Youghal tennis club extend our get well wishes to our chair-
happy with Dad on your birthday. man John Hunt who is unwell at the moment. Your presence on
court has been missed. We wish you a speedy recovery and hope
Happy Birthday Mam, love and miss you. to see you back soon.
Always in our thoughts and prayers, Adult Coaching
your loving sons, daughters, sons-in- law, daughters-in-law, grand- The dates have been fixed for the adult coaching with profession-
children and great-grandchildren x x x al coach, Ger Flynn. Coaching will take place on Saturday 12th
June from 2pm-4pm, Sunday 13th June from 10am-12pm and
Monday 14th June from 7pm-9pm. Two groups will be catered
GOGGIN for: beginner/ improver and advanced. Each group will have a one
hour session on each day Saturday, Sunday and Monday. Please
contact Frank (086)8406848, Caroline (086) 1722047 or John
In loving memory of a dear mother and (087)7672136 to book a place. Places are limited.
grandmother Margaret (Peg)Upper Strand, Ger was very popular last time round and her coaching sessions
Youghal, whose seventh Anniversary occured were a big success.
on 5th June. Tennis lessons for beginners
Tennis lessons are available for beginners at Youghal Tennis Club.
We hold you close within out hearts, Local coach, Frank Delaney is available Saturday mornings from
And there you shall remain 10am-10.45am. Pre-booking is essential. To book a place please
To walk with us throughout our lives, contact Frank (086)8406848.
Thursday Night Club Night
Until we meet again. A mixed doubles club night takes place every Thursday at 7.30pm.
So rest in peace dear loved one This is for all levels; members and non members are welcome to
And thanks for all you've done. attend. The good weather has been enticing more and more play-
We pray that God has given you ers out every week and we hope to see this trend continue through-
The crown you've truly won. out the summer.
Junior Tennis & Summer Camp
Always in our thoughts and prayers, remembered by her Junior coaching, which takes place on Sunday mornings will run
loving family, Mary, Margaret, Noreen, John, Siobhán, until the end of June. This has been a very successful ten week
Tomas, Michael and grandchildren session. Dates have been fixed for the junior tennis summer camp.
This will run on Tuesday 3rd, Wednesday 4th and Thursday 5th
August. The summer camps have been very popular previous
Fundraisering For Crumlin summers. For details or registration contact Caroline or Linda.
Children’s Hospital The new table tennis tables are getting plenty of use by both jun-
iors and adults and our sincere thanks to the juniors who saved up
We would like to thank all the people of Youghal for their kindness their money for this very worthwhile project.For information on
and generosity in helping us raise €1,785.87 which will go to the junior events please contact Linda (087)6754337 or Caroline
Children’s Cancer Ward in Our Lady’s of Crumlin Hospital in (086)1722047.
Dublin Tournament Update
Well done to Bridget Webb and Frank Delaney who were outright
winners of the mixed doubles section at the Causeway Tennis
Club tournament in Dungarvan. They played Brendan Kent and
Siobhan O'Maloney in torrential rain on Monday night last and
beat them in a two set match 6-1,6-0. Bridget and Frank followed
that with a similar victory on Wednesday night against Francis
Walsh and Gillian King 6-2,6-1. They were convincing winners
on Saturday last beating the home team Charlie Daly and Mide
Duff in yet another two set match 6-0,6-1. Congratulations on
your victory. Well done also to Brian Waide who had two out-
standing victories in the mens singles section. He beat John Walsh
6-1, 6-3 and followed that by beating Matt Birmingham 6-1,6-2.
Brian had a very close match with with Lee Murphy in the semi
final which went to a third set decider 1-6,6-3, 6-4. Lee went on
to be the outright winner of his section. We hope to see many
Ellen, Margo, Nicola O’Sullivan (Fund & Donor Manager for the Childrens more of our members on the open tournament circuit throughout
Medical & Research Foundation) and Anne Marie. the summer.
Sponsored by Youghal Credit Union
DISCUS TITLE, JENNIFER HENNESSY G/13 700M TITLE, Broderick and Matthew Cody all participated in this event.
DIARMUID CLANCY B/12 700M TITLE, LAUREN O' GIRLS U/11 LONG JUMP - Aine O' Regan, Litisha Moriarty, Karynn
MAHONEY G/14 JAVELIN TITLE Collins and Holly Hennessy all participated in the Long Jump with
Day two of the County Championships were held in the CIT on the Aine doing best for Youghal AC coming in 4th place.
16th May last. It was an extremely hot day and many of our athletes BOYS U/1 LONG JUMP - Ben Donovan did best for Youghal AC in
had long waits especially for track events in the late afternoon. this event coming in the top six in a very large field. He is showing
HoRwever the club did very well with four County titles in Discus, great improvement in this event.
Javelin and 700m events and many other individual placings winning GIRLS U/13 JAVELIN - Lauren Murphy finsihed in 5th place in this
approximately 21 medals on the day. event.
TRACK EVENTS BOYS U/12 BALL THROW -Padtaig McCarthy did very well and
GIRLS U/10 60m - Ciara Leahy and Caoimhe Barry both ran very finsihed in 5th place.
well in the sprint heats. BOYS U/13 DISCUS - We had a big entry in this event and it was fan-
BOYS U/10 60m - Peter Buckley and Matthew Cody both ran very tastic to see Conor Forde winning the title and indeed his first A
well with both qualifying for the final. Matthew came 3rd in a time County individual medal with his throw of 18.58m. The other lads
of 9.9 and Peter was unlucky to be pipped coming in 4th. came 4th, 5th , 6th and7th and included Fergal Smiddy, Christopher
BOYS U/12 80m - Sean Broderick had a fantastic run coming in first Coughlan, Aaron Walsh and Cian O' Brien.
in his heat; 2nd in the semi-final and 4th in the final. This was a great BOYS U/13 HIGH JUMP - Fearghal Curtin, Aaron Walsh and Cian O'
result in a big field. Brien both participated well coming in 4th, 5th and 6th positions.
BOYS U/9 200m - Evan O' Keefe and Kristian Coughlan both ran GIRLS U/16 HIGH JUMP - Faye O' Brien did very well in this event
brilliantly in this race. Kristian went into the leading group from the coming in 4th jumping 1.33m with very little training. Lauren
gun and finished in 2nd place thus winning his 2nd medal in a time of McCarthy also competed well in this event.
37.43 RELAYS
GIRLS U/9 200m - Lucy O' Keefe and Abbie McCarthy ran very well BOYS U/15 4X100 RELAY - This relay team came 2nd and included
both girls finishing strongly Adam Malone, Cian Greene, Ross Donovan and Daniel Smiddy.
GIRLS U/11 500m - Aine O' Regan and Karynn Collins who are They have now qualified for the All Irelands.
showing tremendous improvement this season finished in the top GIRLS U/17 4X100 RELAY - This relay team came 3rd and includ-
eight in a very large field. ed Trisha Curtin, Niamh Daly, Lauren McCarthy and Faye O' Brien.
BOYS U/11 500m - Killian Nolan, Darragh Moran and Ben Donovan They have also qualifed for the All Irelands.
all ran very well in this event. Congratulations to Killian on winning BOYS U/17 4 X 100 RELAY - This team came 2nd and included Sean
his first county silver medal in his first track outing in a time of Hennessy, Aaron Hennessy, Deane Malone and Alex Ledingham.
1.33.87. He was edged out in the last 50 metres from winning the They have also qualifed to run in the All Irelands.
title. Darragh and Ben also finished well up the field. COUNTY 'B' CHAMPIONSHIPS
BOYS U/12 700m - Diarmuid Clancy again led from the gun in his The County B Championships was held in the CIT on Sunday 31st
usual style; he encountered some difficulty in the last 40m when a May. This is an event which is completed in teams of two and is only
competitor elbowed him. However Diarmuid was awarded the Gold open to those who did not win individual medals in the 'A'
medal in a time of 2.13.49 Championships.
GIRLS U/13 700m - Emily O' Keefe and Jennifer Hennessy both par- The club won 24 medals out of a possible 26 medals and there were
ticipated in this event. Emily had a bad fall and had to pull up; she some outstanding performances.
injured herself in the Hurdles earlier in the day. However we will be BOYS u/13 - Aaron Walsh and Cian O' Brien came first in the High
hearing more about Emily in the Cross-Country season. Jennifer led Jump. Aaron Walsh and Padraig McCarthy came third in the 2x100m
the race in a superb fashion to win the County title in a time of relay. Padraig McCarthy and Cian O' Brien came 2nd in the Shot.
2.20.22. She is showing good form this season. Well done lads on winning medals in all events.
BOYS U/13 700m- Fearghal Curtin led the race for 650m and was GIRLS U/11 - Aine O' Regan and Karynn Collins came in a strong
edged out in the last 50 metres. However Fearghal ran well and won 2nd in the 2 x 500m race. Aine O' Regan and Litisha Moriarty had a
a silver county medal. great win in the Long Jump with a combined jump of 6.29m. Karynn
BOYS U/15 800m - Ross Donovan ran a strong race to finish in 3rd Collin and Litisha Moriarty won the 2 x100m sprint. Again full hon-
place in a time of 2.26.92 in a very competitive and experienced field. ours to these girls!
Adam Malone also ran and finished in 4th place. BOYS U/11 -Ben Donovan and Darragh Moran put in formidable per-
GIRLS U/13 60MH - Jennifer Hennessy got to the final of this event formances in the 2x 500m coming in 3rd place under stiff competi-
and finished in a strong 3rd place winning herself a 2nd County medal tion. They came in 2nd in the Ball Throw with their combined throw
on the track. of 46.73m. Full points to these two lads!
BOYS U/13 60MH - Conor Forde also competed in this event. GIRLS U/10 - Tirna Cahill and Caoimh Barry had a great win in the
FIELD EVENTS Ball Throw with their combined throw of 33.89m.
GIRLS U/14 JAVELIN - Lauren O' Mahoney won the Championship BOYS U/10 - Olan Broderick and Dean Savage came 2nd in the Ball
with a PB of 21.51m. She is showing great form this season also. Throw with their combined throw of 35.26m. Peter Buckley and Olan
GIRLS U/16 JAVELIN - It was great to see Faye O' Brien in the Broderick came first in the 2 x 300m. Peter Buckley and Dean Savage
medals when she came 2nd with her throw of 20.79m. came 3rd in the 2 x 100m. Well done lads!
GIRLS U/17 DISCUS - Well done to Niamh Daly who came 3rd in The County Championships have now been completed. The club now
the Discus with her throw of 15.92m look forward to the Munster Championships being held over three
BOYS U/14 DISCUS - Shane Buckley was successful in the B/14 weekends in June. All of our athletes are training hard and we wish
dIscus coming in 3rd position with a throw of 12.59m. This was his them all the best of luck. Also very best wishes to all our athletes
2nd medal of the Championships. who are facing into exams next Wednesday especiallly Nikita Savage,
BOYS U/16 TRIPLE JUMP - Sean Hennessy won his first County Ciara Broderick-Farrell, Emma Flavin, Emma Hennessy, Faye O'
medal when he came 2nd with his jump of 7.38m. Well done Sean! Brien, Aaron Hennessy, Niamh Daly, Alison Hennessy, Isobel O'
GIRLS U/9 LONG JUMP - Abbie McCarthy jumped very well com- Mahoney, Eimear Kelly, Micheal Cronin. Hope to see you back train-
ing in the top six which looks very promising. ing after the exams. Congratulations to all those who won medals for
BOYS U/9 LONG JUMP - Kristian Coughlan narrowly missed out on their respective schools at the recent Munster School Championships
his 3rd medal when he finished 4th by one centimetre. and especially to Nikita who won the Senior Girls All Ireland Pole
GIRLS U/10 BALL THROW - Ciara Leahy, Caoimhe Barry and Vault title in Tullamore last Saturday in her final schools champi-
Breffni O' Hanlon all did very well in this event. onships!
Crona McCarthy, Aisling Ni Shiochrú, Aisling Coleman and Adam Dalton Leathanach A4
Eoin Keniry, Andrew Ryan, Aisling Ni Shiochrú, Adam Dalton and Aisling
Coleman The Old Fogies
Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and prayer and
favour will be granted no matter how impossible.
Ar dheis Lámh Dé go raibh a anam Never known to fail.
3rd Anniversary
6th June 2007
Billy (William) Flavin MIRACLE PRAYER
51, Raheen Park
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours,
this time I ask for a special one,
(mention here)
Quietly today your memory is kept Take it Dear Heart of Jesus
No need for words and place it within your own Broken Heart,
where your father sees it.
We will never forget Then, in his merciful eyes it will become your favour,
Each of us, in our own way, not mine. Amen
Have special thoughts of you today.
Promise publication and prayer and favour will be granted no
matter how impossible.
Love always Jean, Luke, Iona & Coran,
sons-in-law John & Billy,
Our Lady, St. Pio, All the Saints Grateful Thanks
grandaughters Erin & Robyn
Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours, Dear Heart of Jesus, in the past I have asked for many favours,
this time I ask for a special one, this time I ask for a special one,
(mention here) (mention here)
Take it Dear Heart of Jesus Take it Dear Heart of Jesus
and place it within your own Broken Heart, and place it within your own Broken Heart,
where your father sees it. where your father sees it.
Then, in his merciful eyes it will become your favour, Then, in his merciful eyes it will become your favour,
not mine. Amen not mine. Amen
Say this prayer for 3 days, promise publication and prayer and Promise publication and prayer and favour will be granted no
favour will be granted no matter how impossible. matter how impossible.
Never known to fail.
Our Lady of Lourdes & Sacred Heart
C.M.C. P.B.
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• SECURITY SYSTEMS • GATE AUTOMATION €55 per child per week, ages 6 - 12 years
• CARE PHONES • SECURITY LIGHTING Contact Diane @ 087 9687358 or
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98, North Main Street, Youghal
David Stanton TD
Office: 29 St Mary's Road, Midleton Tel: 021-4632867
www.youghalflorists.com Email: [email protected] Website: www.stanton.ie
024 92634 / 086 8874449 "Please contact me if I can be of help to you in any way"
At Euro Introductions
EMER CASEY Today is the first day of the rest of your life
6/6/1978 - 10/6/2006 Romance, Friendship - Everybody met locally
Birthday remembrance & Fourth Anniversary Tel 021 4315180 or 087 2902320
Thanks to Our Lady of Lourdes, St. Claire, St. Jude
& St. Martha. Publication promised. Holy Souls.
O’Sacred Heart of Jesus I place all my trust in you.
Sarah Delaney presenting the Youghal Sarah Delaney presenting the Youghal
Credit Union Athlete of the Month for Credit Union Athlete of the Month for
January to Nikita Savage February to Aaron Hennessy
GARRYVOE APPOINTS 75% full for 'Lakes of
Killarney Festival of Golf'
MOMENTUM is building ahead of the 2010 Golf Pairs
One of Ireland's leading beachside Competition of the season at Killarney Golf Club, when the hope-
hotels has appointed a new General fuls of amateur golf tee it up on Tuesday the 29th of June.
Manager. Managing Director of the The 'Lakes of Killarney Festival of Golf' has received tremendous
entries so far and 75% of the time sheet is full, but there is still
four-star Garryvoe Hotel in East Cork
some availability for what must be the 'Must Play' golf event of the
and sister hotel the Bayview in
Ballycotton Stephen Belton has In recent week's teams have entered from all four provinces and
announced that Anthony Moloney has there has been a massive interest especially from Cork teams. The
taken up the position of General tournament is going to be not only a great test of golf, but also a
Manager of the expanded Garryvoe. fantastic opportunity for players to visit, stay and play in the
Originally from Doolin in County Clare, Kingdom for an unbelievable low cost.
Mr Moloney has worked extensively in The three courses in operation at Killarney Golf and Fishing Club,
Europe, the US and Canada including Lackabane, Mahony's Point and Killeen are in magnificent condi-
positions with the Grand Hyatt in tion and Par 4 Events and Tournament Director Tim O'Sullivan has
Washington DC. nothing but praise for the staff at Killarney Golf Club, he said
In 2001 he joined the Four Seasons Group first in Washington DC "The three courses are superb and as we get ever closer to the tour-
as assistant Room Service Manager progressed to Toronto Four nament I think that each competitor will enjoy what each individ-
Seasons as a Restaurants Manager and finally to Four Seasons ual course has to offer. I believe that the tournament will be very
Hualalai, Hawaii as Room Service & Beach Dining Manager, competitive, but at the end of the day everyone will enjoy these
where all dining was delivered via customized golf carts over 80 courses and when you consider the importance of playing the
acres to the hotel villas. venue for the '3 Irish Open' just a couple of weeks before the big
He returned to Ireland in 2005 as Food and Beverage manager guns tee it up, well that is a dream for any golfer isn't it".
with the Kingsley hotel and he became Deputy General Manager Indeed the recent inspection of the course has definitely had the
'WOW Factor' and tied in with the great overall deals on offer for
of the Garryvoe Hotel in 2006.
the visitor to Killarney it certainly looks like a winning formula.
"For the last 4 years I have been part of a wonderful experience, O'Sullivan added "Everyone involved in the event here in
strengthening and developing the customer journey at the Killarney are looking forward to getting the event off and running
Garryvoe with a great bunch of professionals who care about look- and meeting the golfers as they arrive at Killarney Golf Club and
ing after people," Mr. Moloney said. "The Garryvoe ethos is sim- a lot of our entries so far have taken the package deal on offer
ple - we are consistently looking at getting the small things right, which is unbelievably cheap and fantastic value, but there is an
delivering high quality service in a homely and naturally friendly option of €165 cost outside of accommodation, for people who
atmosphere." wish to travel home each day or rent alternative accommodation
The Garryvoe Hotel overlooks the five-mile long Garryvoe Blue etc and that in my opinion is extremely good value for three
Flag Beach and is just 30 minutes from Cork City. The hotel was rounds of golf, plus entry into the competition, we are pretty flex-
awarded four star status in 2008 and has already invested over €8 ible with people, but with just 25% of places remaining people
million in the past three years, adding bridal and sea-view suites, will have to get in touch pretty soon".
65 new bedrooms, a new health club with gym and full 25 metre There are a host of big names entered so far, Stan Boardman, Mike
swimming lanes, a new ballroom, conference suites as well as a England, Denis Taylor and Steve Davis to name a few with a few
new restaurant and upgrading of the Lighthouse Bar & Grill. more big names and very familiar faces will be seen over the
The Hotel is famous for its recently completed Bridal Suite with course of the three days.
a spectacular ocean view, super king-size bed, a double Jacuzzi Destination Killarney, Ladbrokes and Killarney Golf and Fishing
bath, personal Sauna with the whole luxurious suite spanning Club all fully support the event and with a lot of good will and
good thinking all 54 tee boxes will be donated to the Carers
approximately 1200 square feet over two storeys. The Garryvoe
Association over the three days, so it is important to recognise the
specialises in weddings, conferences and seafood specialities land-
importance of the great work that the Carers Association do 365
ed at Ballycotton Harbour. For further information see www.gar- days of the year and this is a nice way for Par 4 Golf Events to do
ryvoehotel.com or telephone 021 4646718. their little bit to help what is a great cause.
As May comes to an end the excitement will build throughout the
month of June ahead of the 'Lakes of Killarney Festival of Golf'.
BLACKWATER The Packages on offer for this great event are as follows:
€265 per person for entry into the competition and two nights Bed
& Breakfast at the Gleneagle Hotel (Non golfer €100).
BLINDS Youghal, Co. Cork
€280 per person based on four people sharing for 3 nights self
catering at the River Apartments and entry into the competition.
€295 per person for entry into the competition and two nights Bed
Tel: 024 92850/93469 Fax: 024-92977 & Breakfast at the Brehon
Full Range of Quality BLINDS, CURTAINS Hotel. (Non golfer €130)
and ACCESSORIES €165 for entry to the competition for three days golf excluding
Quotes, Measurements & Fittings FREE OF CHARGE accommodation.For more information about the event and to
acquire contact details check out the website
HUGE REDUCTIONS www.par4golfevents.com Email [email protected]
Telephone number Tim O'Sullivan Tournament Director 00353
AVAILABLE NOW (0)87- 9273694 Derek Kiely Press officer [email protected] or
You’ll be “BLINDED” by our SPECIAL PRICES & SERVICES 00353 (0)89-4191901 The Gleneagle Hotel Main Desk
Don’t Delay! Call Today on 024 92850/93469 Reservations 00353 (0)64-6671550
Wm. Neville, Youghal Supply After-Match Attire
to Cork Hurling Team (Photos Allan Meek photoforweddings.com)
Pauline Neville, Gráinne Walsh, Ann Neville, Roisin Walsh and Áine Neville-
Martin Walsh, Cork Hurling Team Management, taking delivery of after match
attire for the Senior Hurling Squad from Pauline Neville of Wm. Nevilles, Youghal
Cork Hurling Manager Denis Walsh pictured with Ann Neville, Pauline Neville, Niall McCarthy, Áine Neville-O’Donoghue, Bernadette Neville, Eoin Cadogen,
Roisin Walsh and Áine Neville-O’Donoghue. Ann Neville, Martin Walsh and Kathleen Quinn
Special S-MAX Launch Price of Just €29,995
Ford Ireland has announced the line up and prices for the new S-
MAX and Galaxy models which have just gone on sale.The new
models have had a range of interior and exterior design changes
and also feature the new, high efficiency 2.0 litre EcoBoost petrol
engine. An improved version of the TDCi 2.0 litre engine is also
included in the range for both vehicles.The new S-MAX is avail-
able in Ireland in three trim levels: Zetec, Titanium and Titanium
S and the line up will also feature a special launch model for
€29,995 with: steel wheels, front electric windows, manual air
conditioning, cruise control and ESP. Similarly,the new
Galaxy is available in three trim levels: Zetec; Ghia;
andTitaniumprices start at€40,295.
'08 Qashquai 2.0 Auto, SVE, Alloys, Glass Roof - 53K - €17,950 '06 Focus 1.6TD 4Dr A/C, CD - 94K - €9,950
'08 Laguna 1.5oci Leather, Alloys, A/C - 55K - €16,000 '06 Kia Sorento 2.5TD Leather, A/C, Sunroof - 71K - €9,950
'08 Note 1.4 5Dr SE, A/C, CD, Bluetooth - 11K - €10,950 '05 Almera 1.5 4Dr, Alloys, CD, Leather - 67K - €5,950
'08 Tiida 1.6 5Dr, A/C, CD, Bluetooth - 11K - €11,000 '05 Peugeot 307 1.4 5Dr, Alloys, CD- 45K - €6,495
'08 Fiesta 5Dr 1.25 Zetec, Alloys, Sunroof - 20K - €9,495 '05 Focus 1.4 5Dr, Alloys, Fogs, A/C, CD - 94K - €7,495
'08 Toyota Aygo 1.0 5Dr Aura - 22K - €7,495 '05 Mercedes C180 2.0 Kompressor, 6 Speed - 95K - €13,950
'07 Qashquai 1.6 SVE, Alloys, Glass Roof, Reverse Sensors - €15,950 '04 Primera 1.6 4Dr, A/C, Reverse Camera - 83K - €4,995
'07 Mondo 1.8 Zetec, Alloys, A/C - 28K - €10,500 ‘04 BMW 316 1.8 SE, Cruise Control, Climate, Alloys - 112K - €8,895
'07 Focus 1.4 5Dr Zetec, Alloys, A/C - 65K - €11,500 '03 Modeo 1.8 Zetec, Alloys, A/C - 83K - €3,995
'07 Toyota Auris 1.4 DSL 5Dr, Alloys, Fogs - 90K - €13,750 '03 Corolla Verso 1.8 5 Seater HPV, Alloys, A/C - 8K - €5,995
'06 Micra 1.2 5Dr Sport+, Alloys, Fogs, CD - 70K - €6,750 '02 BMW 318 Coupe, Leather, Alloys, Fogs - 140K - €4,595 No Warranty
Marie pictured with staff members Michelle Hennessy, Teresa Quirke and Mag
Michael Davitt, Manager of The Walter Raleigh Hotel, announcing that The Walter
Raleigh Hotel will be a Time Station for The Race Around Ireland with some mem-
bers of Team Youghal; Eoin Whyte, Tommy Roche, Kieran Groeger, Ger Flanagan,
Robert Heffernan and Christy McCarthy, who will be competing in the race on
behalf of The Emer Casey Foundation. Picture: John Hennessy
Ger Flanagan from Team Youghal said; "We are delighted that The
Race Around Ireland organisers have chosen Youghal as an offi-
cial time station and also appreciate the support from Michael and
The Walter Raleigh Hotel Team in putting Youghal on the cycling
map for this endurance event. Team Youghal are training hard for
the event and now that we have the provisional route we can start
forming our race tactics to retain the eight man team accolade for
2010. We are still actively looking for sponsors to support Team
Youghal and so far the response has exceeded our expectations but SPECIAL OFFER FOR JUNE
there is still a long way to go to reach our target. We are very
appreciative of the support received so far considering the present
economic climate. Our involvement in the race will be to raise
awareness and funds for The Emer Casey Foundation which is
doing very valuable work around the detection and treatment of
ovarian and uterine cancer." Allure is proud to introduce Tan Organic as seen
Team Youghal consists of an eight man cycling team with support on Dragons Den. The anti-ageing professional
crew. All cyclists are leisure cyclists who cycle for a hobby and tanning system, which hydrates the skin as well
include a Garda, Fire Officer, Electrician and a wide diversity of as developing a natural tan, no synthetic
other professions.Team Youghal will be competing in The Race
Around Ireland which is part of the Ultra Marathon Cycling preservatives and no parabens, with a choice
Association (UMCA) World Cup series which includes other huge of two shades dependent on skin type.
endurance races such as The Race Across America.
Unlike other cycling races such as the RÁS or the Tour de France,
the course is in no way roped off. There are no marshals control- €12 HALF BODY TAN
ling traffic flow and there are no planned rest stops or stages in this *Vouchers cannot be used in conjunction with these offers.
event. Once the clock starts in Navan at the starting time, it won't This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotion/offer
stop until each rider reaches the finish line at the end of the 2,100
km circuit. Further Information: www.teamyoughal.com,
www.racearoundireland.com, www.walterraleighhotel.com,
62 North Main Street, Youghal
for our
Freephone 1800 243 243
Sky+ HD Box
FREEPHONE 1800 243 243