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Sample Cost

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Weight of Finished Component 0 kg

Weight of Raw Material 0 kg 500 Kg extra raw material

Material Neoprene Rate 200000

Die ms Rate 200000
Heat Treatment Rate 0

Direct cost

Raw Material Cost 0

Cost/Hr No. of Total cost
Cutting of Plates 0 0 0
Dish Forming 0 0 0
Welding of Plates 0 0 0
DP Test, Welding Inspection etc. 50000
Flange fabrication, Rolling 0 0 0
Flange fabrication, Welding 0 0 0
Flange and Dish Welding 0 0 0
Machining 0 0 0

Total 50000

Cost of Heat Treatment 0 R x 0.2 x wt (heat treatment part are less)

Jigs & Fixtures Mat. Cost 0 2 times wt of comp. assumed
Jigs & Fixtures Fab. Cost 0 80 0
Inspection 5000 10 % fab. + machinning
Sub-Total 455000
Prime Cost 455000

Indirect Expenses

Administrative cost 4550 1 % of Prime cost

Site Support 0 1 % of Prime cost
Warrenty 45500 10% of prime cost per year
Insurance 13650 3 % of Prime Cost
Indirect Expenses 63700

Manufacturing Cost (direct + Indirect Exp.) 518700

Profit (10 %) 51870

Total Cost 570570

6 Lakhs

Todays Cost of Machine 5000000 C

% ge increase / year in cost of machine (6%) 0.06 p
Expected Life of Machine, years 20 Ls
Estimated cost of machine after life span ((p x Ls)+1)x C 11000000 Cn
Provision for replacement required (Cn/20) per annum 550000 Ra
Reduce depression 5 % p.a. (C x 0.05) 250000 d
Net provision for replacement required (Ra-d) 300000 Ra
Interest per annum % 18
Interest per annum Rs. (C x 0.18) 900000 l
Elec./Hr (5 kWh x 50 Rs/unit) 250
Elec./Hr x 8 Hrs/day x 300 days = E per annum 600000 E
Labour salary per year 240000
Supervisor Salary per year 360000
Labour + supervision (salary /pa + 5% of supervisor sal.) 258000 L
Job Handling cost with Crane: 48 Hours 24000 24000
Overheads (10 % of machine cost) 500000 O

Total Cost (Add A to E) 2582000 Tc

Add 20 % Profit 516400
Total Cost per year 3098400 T

Working Life Cycle, 8 Hrs/day x 300 d per year, Hrs/year 2400 h

Rate / Hour (T/h), Rs./Hr 1291


M.S. welding rod cost from internet 100 Rs./kg
approx. cost indiamart
S.S. welding rod cost from internet 300 Rs./kg

Calculate volume of weld then wt of welding and then multiply wt of weld by welding rod wt.

Length of welding in m

Wt. of welding rod for 10 mm plate thk. = 1 kg/m x from internet

thk of plate y

for other thk. Of plates SQR(y/x) kg/m k

Multiply above value by length of welding in meter, k.m kg of welding rod required


Welding Deposit rate 5 kg/Hr from internet

Time reqd. for welding 1 m 0.2 Hr

Labour cost per hour 125 Rs/Hr assumed Rs. 20000 / month 160 hrs/m

Labour cost for 1 m L welding 25 Rs. 1)

Welding Rod cost per meter 100 Rs. 2)

Cost of machine 25000 Rs.

Provision reqd after 15 yrs 50000 Rs.

Cost of machine to recover per year 3333

cost of machine recover per hour 1.39 3) assuming 300 d x 8 hr use of machine

Cost of electricity 10 Rs/unit x 10 kWh 100 Rs/hr

Cost of elec. Per meter 20 Rs. 4)

Total cost per meter for 10 mm thk. 146 Rs. Say 150 Rs./m
ing rod required

Rs. 20000 / month 160 hrs/mnth

300 d x 8 hr use of machine

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