Adams, Atiyah - K-Theory and The Hopf Invariant PDF
Adams, Atiyah - K-Theory and The Hopf Invariant PDF
Adams, Atiyah - K-Theory and The Hopf Invariant PDF
3*96.2.17 D
34 J. F. ADAMS AND M. F. A T I Y A H
Moreover we can prove (2.2) purely in K-theoTy simply by using (1.5)
and induction on the filtration. We propose therefore to take (2.2) as
our starting point and to use only X-theory. Rational cohomology was
mentioned only for motivation.
Let k, I denote integers greater than 1. From (2.2), taking kt = k
for all t, we see that </r* is semi-simple and has eigenvalues &"*< on
£ <g> Q. Let Vifk denote the eigenspace corresponding tofc"1*.Then
This being true for all k, I > 1 it follows that Vi)e = V^ and so Viik is
independent of k (as was shown earlier by use of cohomology). We
denote it therefore by V^ Thus we have a decomposition
invariant under all the ^*. Let TT{ denote the projection operator corre-
sponding to T^. Then for any sequence of r—1 integers k^,..., k(_iy ki+1,
..., kr (all kt > 1) we have the following expression for 77^:
**<*> = f .
where y is integral and q is prime to p. Transferring this result from
R{X) ® # to R(X) and using (1.3) we obtain
THEOREM C. Let X be as in (2.2), let p be a prime and suppose for each
i that p™* does not divide d^rn^,..., mr). Then for any x e R(X) toe have
XP e pR(X)+ToTs R(X)
(where Tors denotes the torsion subgroup). In particular, if K(X) has
no p-lorsion, then xp = 0 modp.
This theorem, stated entirely in K-theory, is the most general result
concerning the triviality of thepth power modp given by our method.
From it we shall now deduce a corollary about the pth power map in
H*{X; Zp):
COBOLLABY. Let X, p be as in Theorem C and assume further that
H*(X; Z) has no p-torsion. Then, for any m > 0, the p-th power map
H^(X; Zp) -* H*»»(X; Zp)
is zero.
Proof. Let Ap denote Z localized at p, i.e. the ring of fractions m/n
with n prime to p. Since the differentials of the spectral sequence
H*(X; Z) => K*(X) are all torsion operators [(7) 2.4] and since X has
no p-torsion, it follows that the localized spectral sequence (i.e. the
spectral sequence obtained by applying ® Ap) is trivial and that K*(X)
has no p-torsion. Thus we have
H^(X; Ap) as H*»{X; Z) ® Ap s K^X^K^^X) ® Ap. (3.3)
Also, since X has no p-torsion,
H*»(X; Ap) -> H^(X; Zp) (3.4)
is surjective. Hence, if a e H^X; Zp), we can find x e Kim(X), a.eAp
so that x <g> a represents a via (3.3) and (3.4). Then x" ® aP represents
ap. But, by Theorem C, xp = 0 (modp). Hence a" = 0 as required.
In order to apply Theorem C and its corollary in any given case it is
necessary to verify the arithmetical hypothesis, namely that p"*< does
not divide dt. In general this can be quite complicated. In the special
case required for Theorem B however, where we have mi = mi, the
arithmetic can be dealt with as we shall now show. The following lemma
for odd primes is the appropriate generalization of the lemma for p = 2
already used in § 1:
LEMMA (3.5). Let p be an odd prime, m a positive integer not dividing
p— 1 and 1 ^ i ^ p. Then, for a suitable integer k, the p-primary factor
of Y[ (&"**—&m^) is at most p™'1, where the product is taken over all in-
tegers j with 1 < j <. p and j ^ t.
Proof. We begin by recalling that the multiplicative group of units
of the ring Zp/((?/8ay) is cyclic of order p^^ip—l). Let k be an integer
whose residue class modp2 generates 02. Then it follows that the
residue class of k modp^ generates Of. Thus we have
kn = 1 mod^ <=> n = 0
and this holds for all /. With this choice of k we shall compute the
^-primary factor p* of JJ (k™*—kmi). Suppose that (m,p—1) = h, so
m = ah, p-l = bh, a > 1,
and let the jj-primary factor of m (or equivalently of a) be p1. Then we
find that
where, as usual, [x] denotes the integral part of x. Thus
)= h{f+1)
Ifm does not divide #—1, this satisfies all the conditions of Theorem B
except that it is not a finite complex. However, we can approximate
Yg by a finite complex up to any dimension and so the conclusion of
Theorem B holds for Yg: that is the pth power map
H**(YB; Zp) + H*">(YB; Zp)
is zero. Hence suspending once
pm. H^+^SYg; Zp) -> H^p+^SYg; Zp) (4.2)
is also zero. But, by definition of g, f is homotopic to the composition
where e is the 'evaluation' map
e(t, w) = w(t),
and so e extends to a map
e': 8Yg + Xf.
Since e induces an isomorphism on H*"1*1, it follows that e' induces a
monomorphism in cohomology, and so the vanishing of (4.2) implies
the vanishing of (4.1). This proves the theorem for values of m not
38 ON ^ - T H E O R Y AND T H E H O P F I N V A R I A N T
dividing p—1. However, these exceptional values are easily dealt with
by a method due to Adem. I n fact, for 1 < m < p— 1, we have
pm — _ pipm-l
[(5) § 24], and so P™ is zero on a 2-cell complex.
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