Noujoum Al
Noujoum Al
Noujoum Al
Moulana Sheikh, the Teacher, the Hadith narrator, the Sufi, the
reverent Abu Ishaq Al Hajj Ibrahim Niyass, son of Al Hajj Abdullah
Niyass Al Maliki Al Ashaari, At-Tijani of Kaolack. May Allah grant
him everlasting power and give him long life, in order to confute the
gossip of those who disown the Prophet’s (SAW) pre-eminence.
May the greetings of Allah be on him, and upon all the Prophets, and
all the Messengers? He entitled it: “The Stars of the Good Road”,
dealing with the pre-eminence of our Prophet (SAW) over all those
who preached for the Lord. ***
Praise be to Allah who gave more merit to some Prophets (peace and
blessings to all of them) than to others, who set off the glamour of
some, compared with other Messengers, and who made of our
Prophet Muhammad (SAW), the most deserving of all, settling him
at the summit of situations. According to the texts and to unanimous
opinion, he is the most deserving; the most perfect among beings,
the chief of all Adam’s (ASW) children, and the mercy of mankind,
even of those who received the Prophecies and the Divine messages.
Holy greetings to his family, his companions, and his nation which
is the best nation humanity has known, according to the religious
texts and to verses of the Qur`an.
He is the latest and the leader of Prophets. His religion is the best,
his nation perfect, and his Book the most valuable of all the Books
revealed by Heaven. He is the first to arise from earth. He is the first
to reach Heaven. He has got the means.
Allah has had regard for him more than for anyone else. He has
enhanced his glamour; He has opened everything for him, and
forgiven him everything. He has preserved his family from blemish.
He set him in a night trip to the Heavens, swore by his name, by his
time, by his country, and granted him profusion. His verses are
eternal. His religion has abolished the other religions. He has been
the Messenger of the whole humanity.
Here are the items on what we have stated: according to the exegetes
(interpreters), there is a difference between the positions of the
Friend, our Prophet, may the greetings of God be to him, and the
others’ position. You have some verses here which partly explain
this statement. Let us first begin by the difference of position
between him and the Khalil (Friend of Allah, SAW): Al Khalil
(Abraham, SAW) begs pardon by saying: “It is from Him that I
beseech the forgiveness of my sin on the day of accounts” whereas
in that respect the position of the Habib (the Confidant of Allah,
SAW) is the following: “Yes, We made you winner of a glamorous
victory so that Allah forgives you the early beginnings of your sin
and whatever of it that has lingered”. The Friend (SAW) is in the
situation of an applicant. He says: “Do not wail out on the Day of
the Resurrection”: whereas He gave satisfaction to the Confident
(SAW) without a slightest request: “The Day when Allah will not
lower the Prophet and his Companions”.
the FIRST one is this word of Allah, the Most High: “We entrusted
you with a mission only out of Mercy for humanity”. So long as he
is the Mercy of humanity, it is natural for him to be above it.
The SECOND one is the word of Allah, the Most High, “We have
heightened your glamour”. In relation to this subject, they keep
repeating: that Allah has coupled Muhammad’s name (SAW) with
His name, in the quotation of the Profession of Faith (Kalimah
Shahadah), in the call for prayer (Azan), and in the ‘Witness Bearing
Prayer’ “At-Tashahhoud” whereas not one Prophet has got the
privilege of this coupled quotation.
The THIRD one is that He coupled His obedience to his: “He who
obeys to the Prophet obeys to Allah “. He coupled the Oath of
Allegiance towards Him to the one towards the Prophet (SAW). He
said: “Those who swear allegiance on your behalf do it to Allah, the
hand of God is above their hands”. He coupled His power to his own
one, by saying: “Power is the apanage (privilege, monopoly) of
Allah and His Prophet”.
We owe the FIFTH argument to the fact that our Prophet’s miracle
(SAW), is more prodigious (magnanimous), than the other miracles
of the rest of the Prophets, which proves it’s superiority; He said
indeed: “The Qur`an is to the Holy Scriptures what Adam is to the
other beings”.
Besides, when Moses (SAW) was sent to the people of Israel, he had
only Pharaoh and his people to fear, whereas Muhammad (SAW)
had to brave the whole world. In order to understand the
unparalleled effort deployed by our Prophet (SAW), imagine a man
in a country where he has neither a friend nor a companion and
whom you sent to give un-welcomed news to another strong and
armed man, sure he would be reluctant to go and find that person,
even if the latter is but one man.
Now, ask the same person the give that un-welcomed news to
someone in a remote countryside. It would be very hard for him to
do so. As for Muhammad (SAW), he was charged with walking day
and night during all of his life to free people that he knew not, or
rather knew only because of their hate, and their harm and scorn.
And in spite of all that, he did not seek relief from his duty. On the
contrary, he hurried in front of them so as to fulfil to the letter his
duty, the matter that brought him to endure much sufferance while
spreading the divine religion.
Allah said: “The first Companions of the Prophet have more merit
than those who supported the religion later.” If this is said of the
Companions, all the more reason, that the greatest merit should fall
to the Prophet who suffered much more than the others.
The ninth argument is owed to the fact that the religion of Islam is
the best of religions. It is then only logical that Muhammad would
be the best Prophet.
By the Will of Allah, the religion of Islam has abolished the rest of
religions, thus, is not it the best, especially because the Prophet
(SAW) has said: “He who established a good custom shall have
rewards as many as the number of times this custom would have
been practiced by others until the Day of the Resurrection.” The
religion of Islam has more rewards and credits than the other
religions, by means of consequence; its establisher must be more
deserving than other prophets.
The tenth argument is that as long as the nation that believes in the
mission of Muhammad is the best, it is only natural for the Prophet
of that mission to be the best. Hasn’t Allah (blessed be His name)
said: “You will be the best nation the world will discover”.
Following the precepts of Muhammad (SAW) is deserving of that
praise from Allah. In another instance, Allah said to Muhammad
(SAW): “Tell them, if you love Allah, follow me and Allah will
bless you.” The merit of the follower overspreads implicitly from the
followed person. Add to all those reasons, that the merit of
Muhammad (SAW) is shown also in the fact that he is sent to all the
creatures, and that the great number of freed beings increases the
value of the followed person.
As for him, Ibn Abbas (ra) relates that some of the companions were
exchanging remarks about the Messengers of Allah. One of them
said: “It is paradisiacal that Allah took Abraham (SAW) for
Companion”, a second one said: “Nothing is more wonderful than to
see God speaking to Moses (SAW)”, a third one said: “Jesus (SAW)
is the Spirit of Allah “, a fourth one said: “Adam (ASW) was chosen
by Allah to be the Father of all men”. Having heard their remarks,
Muhammad (SAW) turned to his Companions (ra) and said: “I heard
your remarks and your arguments. It is true indeed that Abraham
(SAW) is the Companion of Allah, that Moses (SAW) heard the
word of Allah, that Jesus (SAW) is the Spirit of Allah, and that
Adam (ASW) was Chosen by Allah, but it is equally true that I am
the Friend and the Favorite of Allah, and this is without pretension. I
shall hold the Banner of the Blessing on the Day of Resurrection,
without pretension, and shall be the first to bequest Allah ‘s
forgiveness to mankind, also without pretension. And, I shall be the
first to open the Gates of Heaven, and to make my way in,
accompanied by the humble among the Faithful and this too without
pretension. And I am the most generous of all beings, all without
Fifteenth argument: Mujahid (ra) tells that ibn Abbas (ra) said that
the Prophet (SAW) asserted that he has been granted by Allah five
privileges never beheld before by others preceding him and he
counted the following privileges: “I am sent by Allah to all the
inhabitants of earth without any distinction of color, whereas the
Prophets ahead of me are commissioned to there own people; the
whole earth was offered to me as a Chosen Land; Allah withstands
me by startling my enemy wherever I go; He provided me the free
disposal of the spoils which were Forbidden Fruit for my
predecessors; and finally, I behold the Pardon of Allah which I keep
as a privilege to those among my people who wouldn’t have cast slur
on Divine Unity. Beholding all these privileges, it is clear that Allah
has granted him more merits than the others.
In the first place, he has asserted that the other Prophets prodigies
(attributes and miracles) are more significant than Prophet
Muhammad’s (SAW); Adam (ASW) says he, has seen the Angels
fall on their knees at his sight, which is not the case for Muhammad
(SAW); as for Abraham (SAW), he was thrown into a big fire, but
Muhammad (SAW) saw nothing of the sort; David (SAW)
witnessed the iron becoming soft; The devils submitted to
Solomon’s will, also the human beings, the birds, the deer, and the
wind, but that was not the case for Muhammad (SAW). As for Jesus
(SAW), God made him speak since his early childhood and gave
him the power to resuscitate the dead, to heal the dumb and the
leprous, which was also not the case for Muhammad (SAW).
The answer to the assertion, stating that the Angels fell down on
their knees in front of Adam (ASW), does not conclude to the
superiority of Adam (ASW), because Muhammad (SAW) has said:
“Adam (ASW) and his sons will fall in under my banner on the Day
of Resurrection”; it is also written in the Holy Book: “You were a
Prophet and Adam (ASW) was water and clay”, and also that Angel
Gabriel has set Muhammad’s (SAW) foot upon the stirrup on the
Night of his Ascent, an action that is more flattering than that of
lying prone.
3.It is useful to remind also that it is the Angels that laid themselves
prone before Adam (ASW), while in the case of Muhammad (SAW),
it is Allah, the Great master Himself, who did it and Who,
afterwards, commanded the Angels and the Faithful to perform it
If they say that Allah, the Most High, has provided only Adam
(ASW) with knowledge, by saying: ” Allah taught Adam (ASW) all
the names”, while to Muhammad (SAW) Allah said: “You knew
neither what was the Book nor the Faith”, it is also to Muhammad
(SAW) that God has said: “He found you lost and lead you to the
Good Road”.
They are also saying that it is Allah Himself Who taught Adam
(ASW) all he knew, and that Allah, the Most High, said indeed: ”
Allah taught Adam (ASW) all the names”, while for Muhammad
(SAW), it is the Angel Gabriel who was his teacher, the answer to
this is the following: Allah, the Most High, said of Muhammad’s
education (SAW): ” Allah taught you what you knew not and His
favor to you is priceless”. In that meaning, the Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) said: ” Allah guided me and He did it to perfection”. Allah
also said: ” Allah, the Most Kind, taught you the Qur`an”.
Muhammad (SAW) used to say: “Show us the things as they are”.
Allah said to Muhammad (SAW): “Say! My Allah, never shall I
have enough of learning”.
So Angel Gabriel inspired him with the words of Allah, but for the
knowledge, it comes from Allah Himself. Allah, the Most High has
said: “Say, that the Angel who is in charged to call you beside Allah,
will do so when Allah will command it”. Then God added: “The
Most High will call for the souls at their death hour”.
And if they say that Noah (SAW) has said: “I can not send back the
faithful” and that Allah said to Muhammad (SAW): “Do not send
back those who pray to Allah “, which shows that Noah’s character
is better than Muhammad’s (SAW), we shall reply that the Most
High has said: “We have sent Noah to put his people on guard
against a severe punishment of Allah ” Thus Allah warned that
people against a severe punishment if he went on in the bad road. As
for Muhammad (SAW), Allah told him: “We only have sent you to
save the world”. Allah, the Most High, also said: “We have sent you
a Prophet, among you, your future is dear to him, etc. [to the end of
the verse].
The end in store for Noah’s action brought him finally to say: “My
Allah, do not strike down the Faithful people’s homes”, while the
end in store for Muhammad’s action (SAW) provided him with the
ownership of Divine Mercy.
The most learned M. Muhammad Ben Ahmed Bennis has said in his
book entitled: “The Firmament of the Star that Shines with Dazzling
Brightness”, in the explanation by Al-Mamazia of Al-Bussairi, the
verses of the Qur`an, the Hadith (SAW), the remarks of the Ulamaa
(Scholars), attest the superiority of the Prophet (SAW) over all the
creatures of the whole world. And if there is a scale of value for the
human beings, Muhammad (SAW) stands in the top position. The
Scholars have asserted indeed that he is better than any other Prophet
taken singly, and that he is also better than them altogether,
distinguishing here the oneness and the party as a whole, so as to
punctuate clearly and without ambiguity the merit of Muhammad
(SAW), who is also above Angels.
What we have just stated owes its evidence to the fact that the choice
part of human beings has mastered their senses by worshipping
Allah, the Most High, whereas before, they habitually to made use of
them; and the Prophets (peace be upon them) are also like Angels by
their virtues, and have more merit in mastering their senses and their
physical pleasures, therefore their obedience to Allah carries more
weight seeing the difficulties it implies, while the obedience of the
Angels, considering their nature, doesn’t imply sufferance from their
part. In respect of that, it is said:
“The true brave is not the one who saves his skin from fire and from
the scuffle on the war day, but rather the one who willingly avoids
committing a sin. Indeed, it is harder to overcome one’s own will
than to defeat others.”
The narrator goes on: “It is established that merit does not
necessarily imply superiority, and that the following story does not
contest at all the merit of Muhammad (SAW); once a Jew, in the
market, swore by the merit of Moses (SAW) as for Allah, then a
pious Muslim that stood beside him struck him on the mouth.
Hearing of the facts, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) begged the
assistant never to mention again his superiority over Moses (SAW).
Allah, the Most High, has said: “When they will blow the horn,
everyone, in Heaven and earth, will be panic-stricken, except those
to whom Allah will spare fright; at the second call of the horn,
everyone will stand up, Muhammad said. I shall see Moses (SAW)
standing at one leg of Allah ‘s throne, but I did not realize if he stood
ahead of me or if he was part of those whom Allah spared. This is a
particularity unconnected with superiority as is proved by Angels,
while his wish, as not to make use of his name in the superlative
(better than), is meant to avoid a comparison which would provoke
dispute and forming parties and even bring down the value of the
lower party; that is why, out of modesty, Muhammad (SAW)
mentioned the merit of Moses (SAW)”.
About the Prophet’s (SAW) merit, Ibn Mardau’ih relates after Ibn
Abbas, that the Prophet (SAW) has said: “God has set Moses (SAW)
near to Him by taking him for Confidant, on the Mount Sinai.”
Moses (SAW) said to Allah; “Oh! My Allah, am I not your favorite
since you have chosen me for Confidant and have spoken to me?”
Allah replied: “Muhammad is nearer to Me, and has more merit.”
Moses (SAW) asked again: “If Muhammad (SAW) has more merit
than myself, does this mean that his people are better than the people
of Israel to whom You have opened the sea, whom You have saved
from Pharaoh and his soldiers, and whom You fed with Manna (sort
of a fruit) and with Salu’a (Quail, or a bird whose flesh is very
soft).” Allah answered: “Yes, the people of Muhammad (SAW) are
better to Me than the people of Israel”.
Moses (SAW): “Oh! My Allah, show me that people.” Allah: “You
shall not see them, but if you wish I shall make you hear the voice of
that people.” Moses (SAW): “Yes, I sure want to, my Allah.”
Ibn Abbas goes on: By sending the Prophet (SAW) to preach, Allah
wanted to grant him privileges meant for him and his people, and He
said to Muhammad (SAW): “You were not next to Mount Sinai
when We called for your people.” Besides, it is said in the book of
Hadith (Sahih Bukhari) after Lyadh, that Muhammad was named
Ahmed (SAW) before coming to the world, the former Holy Books
having thus reported his name. It is in the Qur`an, later, that the
name Muhammad was quoted. The name Ahmed is derived from the
verb; to praise Allah, and this name was given to the Prophet (SAW)
because he is the first one to have praised Allah before the others.
The Day of Resurrection will be the same. The Prophet (SAW) will
praise Allah and obtain His blessing, and the body people will praise
Him in its turn, the act of praise having been dedicated to Allah only.
It is a custom for the people of Muhammad (SAW) to praise Allah
after eating and drinking. This is why they are called a people of
Al-Bukhari narrated after Abu Hurairah (ra) that the Prophet (SAW)
has said: “My example in relation to the other Prophets, peace be
upon them, is similar to the example of a man who built a beautiful
house but left at one of its corners the empty space of a brick, which
he omitted intentionally. While visiting his house, and admiring his
architectural art, his guests asked him the reason for which he left
empty the space of the brick and the man replied: “I am the brick in
question”. It is said in the book of the explained examples that Allah
granted more merit to Muhammad (SAW) than to the rest of the
Prophets (peace be upon them) and it is by him that He ended the list
of His Messengers on earth, and that it is him whom He charged to
preach for the final religion on earth.
Abu Hurairah (ra) has said in the book of Hadith (the Genuine, by
Al-Bukhari) that the Prophet (SAW) has said: “The centuries have
followed one another since Adam’s (SAW) coming on earth until the
century that saw me come in my turn, which was the best of all”.
Then Allah made of each batch three tribes and wanted me to belong
to the best tribe. That is why He also said: “There are the ones on the
right, and the ones on the left, as well as the advanced ones; and not
only did He wish me to stand among the advanced but to be their
chief. Afterwards, Allah created three groups and saw to it that I was
born in the best one of these groups. I am the most pious of Adam’s
(SAW) sons, and all without pretension I am most deserving of all as
to Allah, the Most High, Who has divided up the tribes into several
families and saw to it that I was born in the best of all these families.
The same Abu Talib (ra) has said, on another hand: Ahmed
(speaking of the Prophet, SAW) has come to us, and since that day
no one dares to measure himself to his lineage.
In the same meaning, Talib ibn Talib (ra) has said: The tribe of
Quraish couldn’t have but boundless honor.
Muhammad (SAW) is the best creature in the world that has walked
on earth.
The Qadi Lyadh (ra) has reported many stories in his book “Ikhiffa”
about Muhammad’s (SAW) prophesy, which has been related by his
predecessors before his coming on earth. Here are some of them.
Allah, the Most High, has said: ” Allah pledged the prophet’s word
on that book We have given to you, on the wisdom it beholds, then
He will send you a prophet. Believe in his word and back him up, etc.
(see the verse).
In the same meaning, Ali ibn Abi Talib (ra) has said: ” Allah sends
no prophet here before He has taken his avowal that Muhammad
(SAW) is His prophet, so as to acknowledge him as such and to
introduce him to his people in case he comes to the world during his
Suddi and Kotada narrate that Muhammad the Prophet (SAW) has
said: “I have been the first of human creatures to be promoted to the
rank of prophet and I am the last one to assume a divine mission,
and this is why Noah (SAW) as well as the other prophets have
announced my arrival in the world.”
Arbadh ibn Saria (ra) has said: “I have heard the Prophet (SAW) say:
‘I am Allah ‘s servant and the last of these Prophets, Adam (ASW)
was only clay when Allah willed me to be the Oath of Abraham
(SAW) and the Presage of Jesus (SAW), son of Mary (ra). When
Adam was in the beyond, he was already called by the name of the
Father of Muhammad (SAW) and of the others. It is even said that
he begged of Allah in the name of Muhammad, to be forgiven his sin
when he committed the sin eternal.
On the other hand, Ibn Abbas (ra) relates that the Prophet (SAW) has
said: “When God created Adam (ASW), He sent me down to earth in
his backbone. I was also in Noah’s (SAW) backbone when he was in
his Ark, and I was in Abraham’s (SAW) backbone when he was
thrown into the fire. And God hadn’t ceased conveying me from one
pure backbone to another pure backbone until the day I was born of
my parents, who never fell into the way of wrongdoing.
One day, the Prophet’s (SAW) Uncle, Abbas (ra) told the Prophet
(SAW): “Oh Messenger of Allah! I would like to honor you in a
poem.” And Muhammad (SAW) answered: “Speak, and may God
give you eloquence.”
The narrator insists upon the fact that the preceding story confirms
what was reported by Abdur Razaq by the account of Jabar who has
said: “I have asked the Messenger of Allah: ‘What is it that Allah
created before creating the world?’ Muhammad (SAW) replied to
me: ‘ Allah had created the brightness of your Prophet before
creating the world.’ And He wanted this brightness to be moved by
His Holy Will. At the time, there was no Paper, no Pen, no Paradise,
no Hell, no Kingdom, no Heaven, no Earth, Sun, Moon, Jinns, nor
human beings.
Al-Hafiz ibn Hajar, for his part, has spoken lengthily of the merit of
Muhammad the Prophet (SAW), in the explanation he gives of the
narrative (Hadith) about Mercy. He has said: “The merit of
Muhammad (SAW) is greater than that of the rest of all human
creatures. The Messengers of Allah, the Prophets, and the Angels are
superior to the rest of all creatures and Muhammad (SAW) is being
above them all.
Besides, Allah has taken the promise of all Prophets that they preach
on behalf of the Mission of the last Messenger of Allah, who is
Muhammad (SAW). That is why near the end of time, when Jesus
(SAW) returns, he will belong to Muhammad’s (SAW) religion,
though he is himself a pious Prophet. The same will happen with
Moses, Abraham, Noah and Adam (peace be upon them all) because
Muhammad’s Mission is most important and most perfect and his
religion more consonant with the other Religions of the Book
although more precise and somewhat different in its details. The
other religions are specific to the time in which they came and to a
certain group of people. Whereas Muhammad’s (SAW) religion suits
all people of the world and is for all times.
As-Sabki related after Abada ibn As-Samad and also Jabar ibn
Abdullah, who both advanced a solid proof of the other Prophet’s
belief in Muhammad’s (SAW) religion; on Solomon’s ring, as they
say, it is written “There is only one Allah and his Prophet is
In the book (Ad-Dalaël) Ibn Al-Mundhir relates after Ibn Abu Hatim
according to At-Tabarra’i and also Ibn Mardau’i, according to Abu
Na`eem, that Muhammad the Prophet (SAW) has said: “Allah the
Most High has backed me up with four ministers, two of whom are
the Angels Gabriel and Michael and the other two are my
companions Abu Bakr and `Umar. It is well known, usually, that a
minister belongs in general to the monarch’s attendance. It is equally
as well known, how high the rank is where Gabriel and Michael
stand among the Angels, as well as Abu Bakr and `Umar amongst
the community of human beings.
It is also said that when Muhammad (SAW) died, all the Angels
without exception prayed over his body, a thing that they have not
done for any of the other Prophets, that the Angels stood by his
people’s side every time his people engaged in battle to protect and
reinforce the religion of Islam, that Angel Gabriel attends each
Muslim at his death hour to cast the devil out of his presence at that
hard moment, that the Angels come down from the Heavens every
year on the Night of Power to offer their best wishes to the people of
Muhammad (SAW), that the Angels can read the Fatiha of Qur`an
whereas they never read anything of the other Holy Books.
On another hand, the narrator relates that the Prophet (SAW) has
said: “that the Prophets who preceded had numbers of people in
keeping with the importance of the words they have received from
God, and as for me, since Allah inspired me with the Qur`an, I hope
I’ll have the most numerous people when comes the Day of the
The same narrator relates that the Prophet (SAW) has said: ” Allah
gifted me with five privileges my predecessors did not have:
1) He backed me up by frightening my enemies.
At that, the disciple was astonished and did not grasp the meaning of
the Prophet’s (SAW) words, so the host asked the Prophet (SAW) to
shed more light, for the disciple, on what he had just said, and the
Prophet (SAW) told them: “there is a poor man here who owes a
debt of one thousand Dirhams. If you pay for him his debt I shall
explain my words to you.”
Them the host hurried to pay the debt of the poor man and he (the
Prophet, SAW) said: “When Muhammad (SAW) went up in the
Heavens on the Night of his Ascent, he said: ‘Oh! My Allah, I
cannot thank you’, and when Prophet Yunus (SAW) found himself
in the dark entrails of the whale, deep in the bottom of the seas, he
said: ‘There is no Allah but my Allah. How unfair I was’. Both
Muhammad (SAW) and Prophet Yunus (SAW) addressed Allah in
the present tense, which proves that Allah is present everywhere, in
the highest sky as well as in the bottom of the sea.”
The Prophet (SAW) has said besides: “Do not give me more merit
than Yunus ibn Mata (SAW) who has seen in the entrails of the
whale what I have seen from the height of Allah ‘s throne”. Prophet
Muhammad (SAW) was referring to the similitude of his position
and that of Prophet Yunus (SAW), when speaking to Allah, the Most
The great and most pious scholar Yusuf Nabhani, has written in his
book “Noujoum al Muthadeen”, a comparison between our Prophets
Muhammad (SAW) and Jesus (SAW). He said: “Both are
Messengers of Allah, the Most High, and both are created beings of
Allah, the Most Great, therefore Allah is the Genuine creator and the
two of them are his creatures, they are the nearest to him and the
most deserving. Both of them, Muhammad (SAW) and Jesus (SAW),
were at their beginning weak individuals. As for Muhammad (SAW),
Allah the Most High reinforced him and granted victory to him over
all his enemies.
Even his own tribe, which must have been the first one to produce
his followers, was at that time among his worst enemies, and had
done everything in its power to fight against him, to injure him and
to send away people from him. This very tribe plotted his death,
when he was weak. The abusive wrongs he endured only reinforced
him in his faith, and encouraged him all the more to popularize the
mission entrusted to him by Allah, the Most High, and to struggle
against the obscure beliefs and traditions of his next to kin. The
latter, having seen the Prophet’s (SAW) miracles and deeds and
heard the Qur`an reciting, and unable still to get rid of their father’s
religion, proposed to the Prophet (SAW) that he become their king,
but with one condition; that he not to injure their religion. But alas!
After the Prophet’s death (SAW), it has been through them that
Allah has maintained the establishment of his religion. And He has
allowed the Prophet’s Companions and Successors to spread this
religion in all areas of the world, and extend Islam into new
continents by the will and the might of Allah, the Most High, not by
mere coincidence. Allah has never ceased in bringing the righteous
leaders and learned people of all countries and times to the service of
Muhammad’s religion (SAW), spreading it, and preserving its Creed
and its details, so that it remains intact until this present day. It is
useful to note that in spite of the miracles and deeds done by
Muhammad (SAW) throughout his lifetime, none of the believers
among his people have ever pretended that Muhammad (SAW) is a
Allah, in spite of his numberless and perfect qualities.
The narrator points out that if Allah has reserved a different attitude
for Jesus (SAW) in comparison with the one he reserved for
Muhammad (SAW), He is the Only Judge and it belongs to Him
alone to allot to his creatures the fate he has chosen for them. Allah
has weakened Jesus (SAW) and his followers in their struggle
against His enemies. On the contrary he increased the strength of the
enemies in spite of their number and their primordial force. Jesus has
been injured and despised. All the books, even the Christian ones,
admit this difficult situation that Jesus (SAW) had to endure. And
finally, they reverse the roles and put a different face on the reality
of things, referring particularly to the power of having nothing, the
honor of degradation, the greatness and respectability of lowness.
In those hard times, the Jews, who were the worst enemies of Jesus
(SAW), hounded him and inflicted the worst injures on him until the
moment when Allah came to his rescue and raised him to Heaven.
When the betrayer of Jesus (SAW) led his enemies to his home, He
changed the betrayers physical features so that he resembled Jesus
(SAW), and it is the betrayer that has been crucified instead of him.
All the while, the Christians believe that Jesus (SAW) has been
crucified, and that he is the son of Allah, and not His creature and
His Prophet. The merit of Muhammad (SAW) finds here its most
indisputable proof, so long as Allah has reinforced him and
weakened his enemies, whereas he allowed the enemies of Jesus
(SAW) to inflict the worst of injures on him.
The poem goes on, bringing forward the arguments contained in the
precedent text and refuting the untrue statements that have shed a
doubt on the evident superiority of the Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
over his predecessors, the other Prophets.
The great scholar M. Abdur Rahman ibn As-Salik bin Bab Al-Alawi
At-Tijani, may Allah give him long life and gift him good will, has
said in the critique he made of the book ‘Noujoum Al-Houda’; that it
is an important and interesting work, well-informed on the subject
and representing a piece of jewelry in a theological library. He has
asserted that when an important and not well-informed person tries
to explain things, most of the time he or she induces people to false
belief, which was not the case for that book. May Allah reward its
author and multiply similar achievement.
As for him, the most learned and expert, Sheikh bin Khalifa
Muhammad bin Sheikh Ahmed bin Sheikh Muhammad Al-Hafid
Al-Alawi At-Tijani who is also a great poet, has composed a poem
to enumerate the qualities of the book ‘Noujoum Al-Houda’. He said:
Nojoum Al-Houda is a magic lamp,
which gives light to those who wish to learn.
He who is enlightened by Noujoum Al-Houda
will never loose his way.
He also said:
He who believes in the Prophet and doubts of his merit is like one
who holds in the same hand water and fire. And he who proves the
Prophet’s merit is like one who points out the sun and the moon.