Employee Morale

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According to Keith Davis, human relations deal A Human Relations Atmosphere is the state or
with motivating people in the organization to develop ambiance of the relations in the workplace between
teamwork which effectively fulfills their objectives and employers and employees of the organization.
achieves organizational objectives. Human relations experts tried to integrate
psychology and sociology into management. They gave
A cordial atmosphere in an organization in which
importance to the management of people and felt that
people practice the art of living in such a way that they
management can get the work done from the workers by
communicate, act, and interact in a cordial manner,
satisfying their social and psychological needs.
recognizing each other’s needs, values, and
Based on these needs, there are 6 basic
temperaments so that every interaction in an
principles to creating a human relations atmosphere.
organization would have concern for each other’s
interests and feelings, leading to better motivation and
1. Recognition of Human Dignity and Infinite
morale of people at all levels.
Worth of an Individual
Human beings need to be given recognition and
appreciation above their interest in financial gain.
Money can only sustain a human’s happiness for so
1. INDIVIDUAL - everyone is unique. While
motivating the employees, management should give
due consideration to their economic, social, and
2. Recognition of Individual Differences
psychological needs.
All human beings are different and there will
2. WORK GROUP - center of Human Relations
naturally be differences in skills and personality.
approach. It has an important role in determining
Management should minimize comparisons of an
the attitudes and performance of individual workers.
individual’s reactions and adjustments to situations and
3. WORK ENVIRONMENT - it’s important to
other persons.
create a positive work environment where
organizational goals are achieved through employee
3. Use Motivation, Not Force
satisfaction. When their needs are satisfied, the
A worker should work not because he must, but
environment is termed positive.
because he wants to. Management should encourage
4. LEADER - must ensure complete and effective
their workers to perform their tasks to also feel good
utilization of all organizational resources to achieve
about themselves.
organizational goals. They must be able to adjust to
various personalities and situations.
4. Use Love
A kind tone instead of reprimanding workers with
wrath neutralizes aggression and lessens hostility in the
workplace. Management should keep calm and avoid
1. Workplace Collaboration and Workplace
getting angry when mistakes are committed by the
Culture – employees must frequently work together
on projects, communicate ideas and provide
motivation to get things done.
5. Practice Empathy.
2. Improving Employee Retention – making sure
Workers are human beings and must be treated like
quality employees remain interested and engaged in
human beings and not machines. Managers need to
the business requires patience, compassion and
understand the feelings and emotions of workers.
flexibility to make the business financially sound.
Empathy is also one way of forming deeper relations
3. Motivation and Productivity – workplace
within an organization.
relationships provide a source of employee
motivation, which is important to maintaining
6. Understanding Reciprocal Behavior
Management should treat their workers with respect
4. Fostering Employee Creativity – employees'
so that the workers will also treat them with respect.
creativity is often dependent on their ability to
communicate with other employees and share ideas.
According to Stevens, VISION, LEADERSHIP
APPROACHES TO HUMAN RELATIONS and BENCHMARKING are the starting points to create
Explains the informal relations among a sense of momentum and direction. Progress must be
employers and employees and concerned with moral and measured constantly.
psychological rather than legal aspects of an He suggests that the main drivers, support
organization. systems and culture are:
An approach is a way of gaining access to the
understanding of a subject or a discipline. It refers to a 1. Decentralized, Devolved Decision-Making made
manner of dealing with the problem. by those closest to the customer – so as constantly
to renew and improve the offer to customers;
Principles of Human Relations Approach 2. Development of People’s Capacities through
1. Human beings are not interested only in financial learning at all levels, with emphasis on self-
gains. They also need RECOGNITION and management and team capabilities – to enable and
APPRECIATION. support performance improvement and
2. Workers are human beings. They must be treated organizational potential;
like one and not like machines. Managers should 3. Performance, Operational and People
UNDERSTAND the feelings of the workers. Management processes aligned to organizational
3. Workers need high degree of job SECURITY and objectives – to build trust, enthusiasm and
job SATISFACTION. Management should give commitment to the direction taken by the
them. organization;
4. Workers want GOOD Communication. Managers 4. Fair Treatment for those who leave the
should communicate EFFECTIVELY without ego organization as it changes, and engagement with the
and superiority complex. needs of the community outside the organization –
5. Workers want FREEDOM. They do not want strict this is an important component of trust and
supervision. Managers should avoid strict commitment-based relationships both within and
supervision and control over the workers. outside the organization
6. Employees like to PARTICIPATE in decision
making, Management must ENCOURAGE workers'
participation in management. EMPLOYEE MORALE
Defined as the attitude, satisfaction and overall
outlook of employees with the organization. A satisfied
STRATEGIES OF THE HUMAN RELATIONS and motivated employee tend to have a higher morale.
Employee morale is vital to organization culture.
The human relations approach is also known as
If your organization has a poor morale or culture, there is
New Classical approach.
a possibility that employees have a low or negative
Elton Mayo termed it Clinical approach. It
morale that can affect the productivity of the
attempts to explain the informal relations among
employers and employees are concerned with moral and
psychological rather than legal aspects of an
1. Stay connected with your employees: A feedback is
 Resource-Based Strategy - the aim is to improve effective to stay in touch with employees. Ask. Do a
resource capability – achieving strategic fit between Survey. Check on them from time to time on how they
resources and opportunities and obtaining added are doing and ask them how things could be better.
value from the effective deployment of resources.
 High-Performance Management Approach - 2. Your managers must be coaches: The definition of a
involves the development of several interrelated manager has shifted from being a taskmaster to a coach.
processes which together make an impact on the Managers should be able to help employees learn and
performance of the firm through its people in such grow within the organization. A good manager will not
areas as productivity, quality, levels of customer only motivate but also help employees to be better.
service, growth, profits and, ultimately, the delivery 3. A good workplace culture: You can’t simply induce
of increased shareholder value. employee engagement, you cannot expect that a negative
work culture will help induce a high morale. A good are assigned to. This will bring confidence to them to
work culture will help employees settle in faster align their personal goals with that of the organization’s.
especially the new employees.
4. Be open to feedback: If your employees know their
voice is being heard and they are considered as an
integral part of the organization, this will reflect in their
confidence. Be receptive to feedback, transparency is the
1. Organization Itself: An organization’s reputation and need of the hour.
culture influence an employee’s attitude towards their
Employee morale is a collective responsibility of
the employees and the organization to provide a
2. Type of work: Doing the same job day after day, conducive working environment and a workplace culture
you’ll get bored. If you’re treated like a machine or if that exudes positivity and goodwill.
you don’t like what you do, it affects your morale
towards work.
3. Personal attributes: Health play an important role in
A social psychology theory originally developed
determining employee morale. If the employee is not
by Dr. Eric Berne in the 1950s, which helps to
physically or mentally fit, this can be a potential obstacle
understand the behavior of other person, transactions
in their progress and learning at their workplace.
amongst people and their interpersonal behavior.
4. Supervision and Feedback: If the employees feel
To understand how it can be used in an
they have no direction, it’s the job of the supervisors to
organization, we must first understand: the EGO
get them on the same page. But there shouldn’t be too
much interference. If the employees are given the
freedom to work, their morale will be high.
To understand TA, one should understand the
5. Work-Life balance: It’s important that employees
have some activities to relax while at work. proper
guidance and counseling are given whenever needed. 1. Ego States
2. Life Position
BOOSTERS OF MORALE 3. Analysis of Transactions
Is anything that serves to increase positive morale.
Like employee satisfaction, you can’t simply give
employee morale, but you do control large components
Represents a person’s way of thinking, feeling
of the environment and a contributor to whether an
and behaving. There are three ego states present in
employee’s morale is positive or negative.
everyone: CHILD, PARENT and ADULT. They are
1. Streamline work based on skills: It’s important to related to behavior of a person and not his age. However,
recruit and assign people based on their skillset. they are present in every person in varying degrees.
Allowing people to work based on their competency is a There may be more of one ego state than another at a
win-win situation for both employees and employers. specific point of time. When two persons communicate
with each other, communication is affected by their ego
2. Train them well for professional development:
There should be a budget assigned that facilitates the
training, team-building and development program to
(a) Child Ego:
develop skills and teamwork. These training will help
employees sharpen their skills, which will not only Reflects a person’s response to communicate in
benefit them but also the organization. the form of joy, sorrow, frustration or curiosity. These
are the natural feelings that people learn as children. It
3. Recognize and reward employees: An environment
reflects immediate action and immediate satisfaction. It
where good work is appreciated, employees feel
reflects childhood experience of a person gained
empowered and take a personal interest in the tasks they
generally up to the age of five years.
i. Natural child: (a) I am OK, You are OK:
He is naturally curious, joyous or scornful. He Represents adult ego of a person. It becomes the
does what comes his way naturally. philosophy of a person who has good and positive
experiences with others. They feel confident about
themselves and others. Managers with this life position
believe in give and take.

ii. Adaptive child: (b) I am OK, You are not OK:

He reacts the way his parents want him to react. Represents parent ego of a person who is
He is trained to act. brought up as a rebellious child. They believe whatever
they do is right and blame others for their wrong acts.
iii. Rebellious child: This usually happens when a person is ignored as a
He has the experience of fear, frustration and child. Managers with this life position have critical
anger. attitude towards others.
(b) Parent Ego: (c) l am not OK, You are OK:
Acquire through external environment. As Represents a state of distrust in the person
young children, their parents’ behavior remains himself. He lacks confidence in whatever he does.
embedded in their minds which is reflected as parental Managers with this life position are not good managers.
ego when they grow up. It usually reflects protection, They do not perform well, have an erratic behavior, feel
displeasure, reference to rules and working based on past guilty for their acts and often use excuses to act against
precedents. others.
This can be: (d) I am not OK, You are not OK:
i. Nurturing parent ego: Represents a desperate state of persons who
As nurturing parents, managers praise good have lost interest in life. They have been brought up as
performance of the workers. They interact with them and neglected children and, therefore, have negative attitude
help them during times of distress. They reflect nurturing towards life. Managers with this life position do not
behavior towards others. believe in themselves and others.

ii. Negative or critical parent ego:

As critical parents, managers criticize or ignore ANALYSIS OF TRANSACTIONS
poor performance of the workers rather than help them When two persons interact or communicate with
to improve. They have a critical attitude while each other, there is a transaction between them. While
interacting with others. transacting, both are at different ego states.
(c) Adult ego: Based on the ego states, two types of transactions can
Reflects the ability to analyze the situation and take place:
take logical decisions. He overcomes the emotions and
takes decisions based on facts and figures. This state is  COMPLEMENTARY
based upon reasoning, thinking, experience, rationality In complementary transactions, sender of
and discussion based on facts. information gets an expected response from the receiver.

It updates the parental ego to determine what is People get expected response from each other
right and wrong and child ego to determine what feelings because both are in the expected ego states. Both are,
to express and what not to express. therefore, satisfied and communication is complete. In
complementary transactions, ego states of two persons
are parallel to each other. Stimulus and response patterns
LIFE POSITION are as predicted.
Behavior depends upon experience at different  CROSSED
stages of life. A philosophy towards work from early In crossed transactions, sender gets unexpected
childhood which becomes part of identity and remains response from the receiver which obstructs the process
for a lifetime unless some external factor changes it. of communication. Stimulus – response lines are not
They fall into four categories: parallel in these transactions. Rather, they cross each
other. The person who initiates the transaction or creates
a stimulus gets a response he does not expect.
If manager acts as adult but the employee
responses as child, the communication process will get
blocked. Either the manager will come down to the level
of child or try to make the employee behave as an adult
so that communication is resumed.

 LACBAIN, Anne Jell
 PALATAN, Randell
 TAMAYO, Kristell

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