Is 5422 1996
Is 5422 1996
Is 5422 1996
( Reaffirmed 2002 )
Indian Standard
(First Revision )
ICS 29.160.20
0 BIS 1996
1scopE .., ... 1
... ... ... ... 1
3 TERMINOLOGY ... ... ... 1
RULES ... ... ... 1
5 MARKING .. . ... ... 5
6 TESTS ... ... *.. 5
MACHINES... ... ... 6
ANNExA ... .*. ... ... 12
This Indian Standard ( First Revision ) was adopted by the Bureau of Indian Standards, after the draft finalized
by the Rotating Machinery Sectional Committee had been approved by the Electrotechnical Division Council.
This standard was published in 1969 to cover steam and gas turbine driven generators. The first revision of this
standard will bring the stipulated requirements at par with international practices adopted by IEC.
The contents of this standard have been divided into five sections to cover the following:
Section 1 Scope and application of the standard
Section 2 Specific requirements common to all turbine type machines (generators)
Section 3 Additional requirements for air cooled turbine type machines (generators)
Section 4 Additional requirements applicable to hydrogen and liquid cooled machines
Section 5 Specific requirements for turbine type machines driven by combustion gas turbines
Section 6 Specific requirements of rotating and static excitors ( under consideration )
The determination of the synchronous machine quantities by test are covered in IS 7306 : 1974 whereas the
guidance for testing the synchronous machines is provided in IS 7132 : 1973. The tests for determination of
efficiency of the rotating electrical machines are covered in IS 4889 : 1968.
Turbine type synchronous machines shall be in accordance with basic requirements for rotating machines specified
in IS 4722 : 1992 and IS 12802 : 1989 unless otherwise specified in this standard, Wherever in this standard
there is reference to an agreement, it shall be understood that this is an agreement between the manufacturer and
the purchaser.
In preparation of this standard, assistance has been derived from the following publication:
IEC Pub 34-3 (1988) ‘Rotating electrical machines: Part 3 Specific requirements for turbine-type
Synchronous machines’, issued by the International Electrotechnical Commission.
For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this standard is complied with, the final value,
observed or calculated, expressing the result of a test, shall be rounded off in accordance with IS 2 : 1960 ‘Rules
for rounding off numerical values ( revised )’ . The number of significant places retained in the rounded off value
should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
IS 5422 : 1996
Indian Standard
(First Revision)
3.0 For the purpose of this standard the following 2 Therefore, to minimize the reduction of the
definitions shall apply. machines life time due to the effects of temperature or
temperature differences, operation outside the shaded
3.1 tirbine Qpe Generator area should be limited in extent, duration and frequency of
occurrence. The output should be reduced or other corrective
An AC generator designed for high-speed operations measures taken as soon as practicable.
and having an exciting winding embedded in a
If operation over a still wider range of voltage or
cylindrical steel rotor made from forgings or thick
frequency is required, this should be the subject of an
discs. agreement.
3.2 The definitions given in IS 4722 : 1992, IS 1885 3 It is considered that overvoltage together with low
(Part 35) : 1993 and IS 7306 : 1974 shall also apply. frequency, or low voltage with over frequency are unlikely
operating conditions. The former is the condition most
SECTION 2 GENERAL IikeIy to increase the temperature rise of the field winding.
The rated voltages for unit connected generators shall 4 Margins of excitation and of stability will be
be as agreed between the purchaser and the manufac- reduced under some of the operating conditions
turer. For direct connected generators, the rated
voltage shall be in accordance with IS 12360 : 1988. 5 As the operating frequency moves away from the rated
frequency, effects outside the generator may become
4.2 Rated Speed important and need to be considered. As examples: the
turbine manufacturer will specify ranges of frequency
The rated speed shall be 1 500 rev/min or 3 000 and corresponding periods during which the turbine
rev/mm. can operate, and the ability of auxiliary equipment to
operate over a range of voltage and frequency should be
4.3 Ranges of Voltage and Frequency considered.
connected but unless sptcitically stated to the contrary b) For rated field voltaees 4 000 V + twice
the star connection shall be provided. In either case, above 500 V the rated field
six winding end shall be brought out. For multi-turn voltage.
with double-star windings it is preferable to bring out
nine terminals to simplify the inter-turn fault 4.7 Insulation Against Shaft Currents
protection system. Suitable precaution shall be taken to prevent harmful
4.5 Machine Rated Field Current and Voltage flow of shaft current and to earth the rotor shaft
adequately. Any insulation needed shall have insulation
The machine rated field current and voltage are those resistance at least one megaohm when measured with
values needed for the field winding for rated operating a voltage of 500 V or 1 000 V dc.
conditions of apparent power, voltage, frequency,
NOTE-For machines rated below 10 MVA rotor
power factor and, if applicable, hydrogen pressure, shafi to be earthed if necessary.
with the field winding at the operating temperature
corresponding to the primary coolant temperature 4.8 Overspeed Test
obtained under these conditions when the final coolant
Rotors of turbine type machines shall be tested at 1.2
is at its maximum specified temperature.
times rated speed for 2 min.
4.6 Machine insulation and Insulation Class
4.9 Critical Speeds
Insulation systems used for the windings shall be
Critical speeds of the rotor assembly of the complete
class B or higher thermal classification of IS 1271 :
set shall not cause unsatisfactory operation within thi:
speed range corresponding to the frequency range
4.6.1 Dielectric Tests agreed.
High voltage tests shall be in accordance with 4.10 Alternators for Non-linear Load
IS 4722 : 1992 except for the test voltage for field
4.10.1 The generators to this standard shall meet
windings. These voltages shall be :
any one of the requirements covered under 8.3, 8.4
a) For rated field voltages 10 times the rated and 8.5 of IS 13364 (part 2) : 1992. If none are stated
up to 500 v field voltage with by the purchaser during enquiry, the above requirements
a minimum of shall apply. The waveform measurement shall be done
1 500 V, and on open circuit rated voltage at rated speed.
IS 5422 : 1996
4.10.2 The manufacturer shall supply a capability frequency ranges agreed in accordance with 4.3 and
diagram indicating the limits of operation set by for hydrogen pressure other than the rated pressure.
temperatures or temperature-rises and, if appropriate,
by steady-state stability. The diagram will be drawn The generator should be operated within the boundaries
for operation at rated voltage and frequency, and for a of the diagrams appropriate to the chosen conditions
hydrogen-cooled machine, at rated hydrogen pressure. of voltage and frequency and hydrogen pressure, if
applicable. Operation outside these boundaries will
4.10.3 A typical diagram is shown in Fig. 2. Its shorken the life of the machine.
boundaries are set by the following limitations:
4.11 Overcurrent Requirements
Curve A represents operation with constant rated
field current and therefore with approximately Machines with rated outputs up to 1 200 MVA shall be
constant temperature-rise of the field winding. able to carry without damage a stator current of 1.5
Curve B represents constant rated stator current per unit @.u.) for 30 s.
and consequently approximately constant For ratings greater than 1200 WA, agreement should
temperature-rise of the stator winding.
be reached on a time duration less than 30 s, decreasing
Curve C indicates the limit set by localized end as the rating increases, to a minimum of 15 s, thk
region heating, or by steady-state stability, or by current remaining at 1.5 per unit for all ratings.
a combination of both effects.
The machine shall be capable of other combinations
4.10.4 By agreement between the manufacturer and of overcurrent and time that give the same degree of
the purchaser, other diagrams may be provided for additional heat input above that caused by one p.u.
operation at agreed conditions within the voltage and current.
IS 5422 : 1996
Thus, for machines up to 1 200 MVA as a result of a short circuit close to the generator in service.
or of clearance and reclosure of a more distant fault, of
(P- I) t = 37.5 s faulty synchronizing. If such conditions do actually impose
where severe overcurrents, it is prudent to examine the
machine thoroughly, with particular attention to the stator
I = the stator current per unit, and
windings. Any loosening of supports or packings
t = its duration in seconds. should be made good before returning the machine to
service, to avoid the possibility of consequential damage
This relationship shall apply for values of t between
being caused by vibration. It may also be desirable to check
10 s and 60 s. for possible deformation of the coupling bolts, couplings
NOTE - It is recognized that stator temperature will and shafts.
exceed rated load values under these conditions, and 4.13 Short Circuit Ratio and Direct Axis Transient
therefore, the machine construction is based upon the and Sub-transient Reactadces
assumption that the number of operations to the limit
conditions specified will not exceed two per year. Time 4.13.1 Short Circuit Ratio
intervals between two such operations should be such that
the temperature rise effects due to previous operation under Standardized mimimumvalues are given in 7.2 and 8.3.
over current conditions have disappeared completely. Higher mimimum values can be specified or agreed, but
4.12 Sudden Short Circuit will usually require some increase in machine size.
The machine shall be designed to withstand without 4.13.2 Direct Axis Transient and Sub-transient
failure a short circuit of any kind at its terminals, while Reactances
operating at rated load and 1.05 p.u. rated voltage,
provided the maximum phase current is limited by Direct axis transient or sub-transient reactances should
external means to a value which does not exceed the be specified or agreed, having regard to the operating
maximum phase current obtained from a three phase conditions. It will be appropriate to specify or agree a
shoit circuit. “*Without Failure” means that the minimum value of the direct axis sub-transient
machine shall not suffer damage that causes it to trip reactances at the saturation level of rated voltage, and
cut of service, though some deformation of the stator some times a maximum value of the direct axis
winding might occur. transient reactances at the unsaturated conditions of
rated current. Since the two reactances depend to a
4.12.1 If it is agreed between the purchaser and the great extent on common fluxes, care must be taken
manufacturer that a sudden short circuit test shall be that the values specified or agreed are compatible, that
made on the new machine, it shall be done after the is, that the upper limit of the sub-transient reactance
full voltage dielectric acceptance test as given in 4.12.2 is not set too close to the lower limit of the transient.
and 4.13.3.
Unless otherwise specified or agreed, the values of
4.12.2 A machine that is to be connected directly to the direct axis sub-transient reactance shall be not less
the system shall have a three-phase short circuit applied than 0.1 p.u. at the saturation level corresponding to
at its terminals when excited to rated voltage on no rated voltage.
load. For a machine that will be connected to the
system through its own transformer or reactor, usually
1 For generators meant for non-linear loads, this value can
by an insulated phase bus, the test at the terminals
be less than 0.1 p.u.
shall be carried out at reduced voltage, agreed between
2 In case purchaser asks for high continuous output over
the purchaser and the manufacturer to produce the same
nominal one and/or rated output with one cooler out of
stator current as would result in service from a three- operation, the value of the direct axis subtransient reactance
phase short circuit applied at the high voltage terminals could be less than 0.1 p.u.
of the transformer.
4.13.3 Tolerances on short circuit ratio and direct axis
4.12.3 This test shall be considered satisfactory if the transient and sub-transient reactances shall be as given
machine is subsequently judged to be lit for service below:
without repairs or with only minor repairs to its stator a) Where the limit values of this standard, or
windings, and if it withstands a high voltage test of 80 other limits, have been specified or agreed
percent of the value specified in IS 4722 : 1992 for a there shall be no toierance in the significant
new machine. The term ‘minor repairs’ implies some direction, that is, no negative tolerance on
attention to end winding bracing and to applied minimum values and no positive tolerance
insulation, but not replacement of coils on maximum values. In the other directior, a
NOTE ~ Abnormally high currents and torques may OCCUI
tolerance of 30 percent shall apply.
lS 5422 : 1996
b) If values are specified but not declared to out in accordance with IS 7132 : 1973.
be limits, they shall be regarded as rated
6.2 ‘Qpe Tests
values, and shall be subject to a tolerance of
il5 percent” The following shall constitute as type tests:
c) Where no values have been specified or a) Measurement of dc resistance of stator and
agreed the mamrfacturer shall statebonafide rotor windings;
rated values, subject to a tolerance of 515
percent. b) Insulation of stator and rotor winding ( before
and after high voltage tests), bearings and
4.14 Mechanical Strength Concerning Number of embedded temperauture detectors;
Starts for Normal Generators
c) High voltage of stator and rotor windings;
Unless otherwise agreed, the rotor should be designed
mechanically to withstand not less thatn 3 000 starts d) Phase sequence;
during its life-time. e) Determination of open circuit characteristics
5 MARKING ti Determination of short-circuit characteristics
5.1 The synchronous generators shall be provided with EC)Overspeed;
a rating plate ( or rating plates ) containing the
appropriate information specified in IS 4722 : 1992. h) Determination of efficiency by separation
of losses method;
The markings shall be legible and durable.
j) Vibration;
6.1 General k) Air leakage for hydrogen cooled generators;
Type tests shall be conducted on the first machine of ml Impedance of the rotor windings;
each design. If any type tests have to be conducted on n) Temperature rise;
machines other than the first machine of the design, it
shall be specifically agreed to between the P) Instantaneous short circuit test and
determination of transient and sub-transient
manufacturer and the purchaser before the order is
reactances and time contents;
s) Determination of THP;
6.1.1 Unless otherwise specified the purchaser shall
accept manufacturers’ certificate as evidence of the r) Detemrination of zero and negative phase
compliance of the machine with type tests on a machine sequence reactances;
identical in essential details with the one purchased,
s) Heat run test with one cooler out of operation;
together with routine tests on each individual machine.
6.1.2 Certificate of routine tests shall show that the
t) Retardation test.
machine purchased has been run and has been found to
be electrically and mechanically sound and in working 6.3 Routine Tests
order in all particulars.
The following shall be carried out as routine tests:
6.1.3 All tests shall be conducted at the
manufacturers’ works unless agreed otherwise between a) Measurement of dc resistance of stator and
the manufacturer and the purchaser before the order is rotor windings;
placed. The presence of the purchaser or purchaser’s b) Insulation resistance of stator and rotor wind-
representative during the test is a matter of special ing (before and after high voltage tests), bear-
agreement before the order is placed. ings and embedded temperature detectors;
6.1.4 Certificates of all type tests together with a c) High voltage;
record of any alterations, whether essential or not,
which have been made to the machine since the type 4 Phase sequence;
tests were carried out shall be kept available by the e) Determination of open circuit characteristics:
manufacturer for inspection.
f) Determination of short-circuit
6.1.5 All tests on turbo-generators shall be carried characteristics;
IS 5422 : 1996
g> Overspeed; by other than gas turbine with open circuit air cooling
using air with water or ambient air as the final coolant.
h> Pressure test on coolers :for close-circuit
cooling; 7.1 Power Factor
j) Determination of efficiency by separation of Standardized rated power factor at the machine
losses method; terminals are 0.8 and 0.85 lagging (over excited).
k) Overpressure hydraulic test on stator frame NOTE - Other values may be agreed, the lower the power
for hydrogen-cooled machines; factor,the larger will be the machine.
n) Air leakage for hydrogen cooled generators; The measured values of the short-circuit ratio at rated
and voltage and rated stator current shall be:
c> Highvoltage test at 80 percent of the test The system of ventilation should preferably be a closed
voltage. The test made on the windings on air circuit system. If an open air system is specified
acceptance shall, as far as possible, not be or agreed, care shall be taken to avoid contaminating
repeated. If, however, a second test is made the ventilation passages with dirt, to avoid overheating.
at the special request of the purchaser after
further drying, if considered necessary, the When slip rings are provided, they should be ventilated
test voltage shall be 80 percent of the voltage separately to avoid contaminating the generator and
in the high voltage test, exciter with carbon dust.
7.4 Temperature of Primary Coolant
4 Temperature rise test on load (only by special
agreement between the manufacturer and the Machines other than designed with open circuit cooling
purchaser). shall be in accordance with IS 12802 : 1989.
e> Check up of insulation resistance of bearings If the maximum temperature of the ambient air, or of
only in case the bearing pedestals are insulated
the primary cooling air where an air to water cooler
in two horizontal planes separated by a
is used, is other than 4O”C, the relevant clauses of
IS 12802 : 1989 shall apply.
f-l Vibration test.
Particular requirements for machines driven by gas
g) Hydrogen bleakage,test. turbines are given in 9.
SECTION 3 AIR C.OQLED SVIACHlMES To monitor the temperautre of the stator winding, at
least six embedded temperture detectors (ETd) shall
7 AIR COOLED MACHINES be supplied in accordance with IS 12802 : 1989.
This section applies to turbine.type machines, driven The number of temperature detectors in the air intakes
IS 5422 : 1996
to the machine shall be agreed. NOTE - Other vdlue~ may be agreed; the lower the power
factor, the large will h- the machine.
7.6 Air Coders
8.3 Short Circuit Ratio ( see also 4.13 )
Unless otherwise agreed, coolers shall be suitable for
water intake temperatures up to 35°C and a working The measured value of short circuit ratio at rated
pressure of not less than 1.7 bar (170 kPa) gauge. voltage and rated stator current shall be:
The test pressure shall be 1.5 times the maximum a) For rated outputs :
not exceeding 200 Not less than 0.45
working pressure and shall be applied for 15 min. i
If the water pressure in the cooler is controlled by a
valve or pressure-reducing device connected to a water b) For rated outputs
supply where the pressure is higher than the working
pressure of the cooler, the cooler shall be designed
for the higher pressure, and tested at 1.5 times the
above 200 MVA but
not exceeding 800
! Not less than 0.40
IS 5422 : 1936
8.8.2 For machines with direct cooling of the stator Some or all of the following equipments will bc
windings, the temperature of the cooling medium at required for satisfactory operation of machines
IS 5422 : 1996
covered by 8 depending on the design of the coolant SECTION 5 TURBINE TYPE MACHINES
and auxiliary systems. The list is not intended to be DRIVEN BY COMBUSTION GAS TURBINES
complete in all details, and other items may be
This section applies to turbine type machine driven by
a> A complete coolant gas system (hydrogen
gas turbines, with open circuit air cooling, or closed
or other gas), with suitable regulators to
circuit air cooling using air or hydrogen, with water or
control the gas pressure in the machine,
ambient air as the final coolant.
suitable for connecting to the gas supply, and
a gas dryer. The requirements apply also while the generator is
running uncoupled as a synchronous compensator.
b) A complete system for the scavenging gas
(usually carbondioxide) suitable for 9.1 Service Conditions
connecting to the gas supply, to permit the
casing to be safely filled with and scavenged A generator driven by a combustion gas turbine and
of hydrogen. conforming to this standard will be suitable for carrying
a load in accordance with its rating an?l capabilities
If the pressurized air system of the power under the following service conditions.
station is used to drive the scavenging gas
from the casing, the connection to the air 9.1.1 Primary Coolant Temperature
system shall be arranged to ensure that air
For open circuit air cooled generators, the primary
cannot be released into the machine except
coolant temperature is the temperature of the air
to remove the scavenging gas, for example,
entering the machine. This will normally be the ambient
by having a removable pipe connection.
air temperature. The range of this temperature
c) Necessary indicators and alarm devices to shall be specified by the purchaser, it will normally
enable the required degree of purity of be -5°C to +4O”C.
hydrogen to be maintained and to enable the
For machines with closed-circuit cooling, the primary
purity of the scavenging gas to be monitored
coolant temperature is the temperature of the air or
while the casing is being emptied of hydrogen.
hydrogen entering the machine from the coolers. The
Two independent means for indicating purity
range of this coolant temperature shall be determined
should be provided.
by the manufacturer, to obtain optimum design of
4 Equipment for monitoring the sealing oil and, machine and coolers, based upon the range of
if required for removing gas and water from secondary (final) coolant temperature (ambient air or
it. water) specified by the purchaser.
The gas turbine is normally rated at an air intake appear uneconomically large at the more usual air
temperature of 15°C and the generator is normally rated temperatures. Under these conditions the agreement
at an air intake temperature of 40°C. Therefore, a gas to limit the generator capability becomes of even
turbine and a generator with equal capabilities will have greater importance in determining the optimum
different ratings. generator size. With closed circuit cooling there is
the further consideration that there is no simple or
At rated output, the temperature rises in Table 1 or constant relationship between the turbine air intake
Table 2, or the temperatures in Table 3 of IS 12802 : temperature and the cooling water temperature.
1989 shall not be exceeded. Therefore, Fig. 3 shows generator capability plotted
The generator parameters shall be defined with respect against final coolant temperatures in Scale B.
to the rating at 40°C of inlet cooling medium unless For all these reasons, agreement should be reached
otherwise agreed between the purchaser and the between the purchaser and the manufacturer about the
manufacturer. extent to which the generator capability should match
9.2.2 Capabilities that of the turbine. Temperature rise and temperature at base
A generator capability is the highest acceptable loading
in apparent power under specified conditions of
operation. For indirectly cooled machines, the temperature rises
when operating at site shall be in accordance with Base capability
Table 1 or Table 2 of IS 12802 : 1989 as appropriate,
The base capability is the range of continuous output adjusted as follows:
expressed in apparent power available at the machine a) For primary coolant temperatures from
terminals at the operating site at rated frequency, 10°C to 60°C add ( 40 - primary coolant
voltage and power factor, and hydrogen pressure where temperature ) “C;
applicable, corresponding to the range of final coolant
temperature specified for the operating site (see 9.1.1) b) For primary coolant temperatures below
with temperature rises or temperatures (as appropriate) 10°C but not below -2O”C, and for machines
not exceeding the values specified in with an active length of
The generator base capability in active power divided i) Less than 2.5 m : Add 30°C +
by the generator efficiency shall equal or exceed the
+ (10 - primary cool-
base capability of the gas turbine over the specified
range of air temperature at intake to the turbine at site. ant temperature) ‘C;
The manufacturer shall supply a curve of base capability ii) 2.5 m or more : Add 30°C;
under site conditions over the specified range of final c) For primary coolant temperatures above
coolant temperature (see Fig. 3). For a machine with 60°C or below - 2O”C,an agreement shall be
open circuit air cooling, this coolant temperature will reached.
be exactly or approximately the same as that of the air
at the turbine intake (Scale A of Fig. 3). For windings directly cooled by air or
hydrogen the total temperatures when
It may be agreed that below some submitted low air operating on site shall be in accordance with
temperature it is not necessary for the base capability the limits of Table 3 of IS 12802 : 1989
of the generator to equal that of the turbine, it may adjusted as follows:
then be possible to meet all other requirements with a
d) For primary coolant temperatures from 10°C
slightly smaller generator.
to 60°C no adjustment;
In a machine with closed-c%cttit air cooling, using a
e) For primary coolant temperatures below 10°C
water cooled heat exchanger, the temperature range
but not below -20°C and for machines with
of the water (the final coolant) will normally be less
an active core length of
than the range of air temperature at intake to the turbine.
Consequently. as the air temperature falls the generator i) Less than 2.5 m : Subtract 3 (10 -
capability rises (if at all) more slowly than the turbine
canabiliti: the generator size is then determined by primary coolant
the turbine output at low air temperatures, and it might temperature) “C;
IS 5422 : 1996
1 I
f I
0 -10 ~0 10 20 30 40 50 0
-10 0 10 20 30 40 50
Scale A : Coolant temperature ( “C ) for an open-circuit air cooled machine. This temperature approximately equals that of the air at
turbine intake.
Scale B : Final coolant temperature ( “C ) for a close-circuit cooled machine using air or hydrogen as the primary coolant.
1 The curves supplied for a particular machine will extend only over the range of coolant temperature specified. For a machine
with a heat exchanger, it is not intended that a scale of primary ccolant temperature be shown also. The two scales of final
coolant temperature are included here merely to show forms of the diagram.
2 These typical curves do not extend beyond primary coolant temperatures of -20°C and +6O”C because outside this range
performance requirements should be agreed between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
3 With primary coolant temperatures below +lO”C, machines with core length of 2.5 m or more operate with fixed limit of
temperature rise. The small increase of output shown is possible because the decrease in total temperatures reduces the resistance
of the windings.
I!35422 : 1996
ii) 2.5 m or more : Subtract (lo-primary NOTE - Operation at peak capability will decrease the
coolant temperature) lifetime of the machine, because insulation ages thermally at
about three to six times the rate that occurs at base capability
f) For primary coolant temperatures above 60°C
9.3 Rating Plate
or below -20°C an agreement shall be
reached. The rating plate shall show the information stipulated
in IS 4722 : 1992 plus the value of the peak capability Peak capability output at the primary coolant temperature on which
the rating is based.
The peak capability is the range of continuous outputs
expressed in apparent power available at the machine 9.4 Temperature Tests
terminals at the operating site at rated frequency, These tests may be made at the operating site when the
voltage and power factor, and hydrogen pressure where generator is driven at its rated load and at primary
applicable, corresponding to the range of final coolant coolant temperature on which the rating is based or, if
temperature specified for the operating site (see 9.1.1) agreed, at whatever coolant temperatures is
with temperature rises or temperatures (as appropriate) conveniently available and corresponding base
not exceeding the values given in capability output. Temperatures or temperature rises
The consideration set out in concerning the shall be in accordance with such clause of IS 12802 ‘:
relationship between the generator and the turbine base 1989. If it is agreed to carry out the test at a test site
capabilities apply also to peak capabilities. which is not the operating site, then the temperatures
shall be corrected, if necessary, for the difference in Temperature rise and temperature at peak altitude in accordance with IS 12802 : 1989.
9.5 Operation as a Synchronous Compensator
For indirectly cooled machines, limiting temperature If specified by the purchaser provision shall be made
rises at peak capability shall be 15°C greater than those for the machine to run as a synchronous compensator
given in For windings directly cooled by air uncoupled from the gas turbine. The underexcited and
or hydrogen the limiting total temperature shall be overexcited base and peak capabilities in the
15°C greater than those of compensator mode shall be agreed.
(Clause 2.1 )
ISNo. Title IS No. Etle
1271 : 1985 Thermal evaluation and 12360 : 1988 Voltage bands for electrical
classification of electrical installations including preferred
insulation (first revision ) voltages and frequency
1885 Electrotechnical vocabulary : ( superseding IS 585 : 1962 )
(Part 35) : 1993 Part 35 Rotating machines (first
revision ) 12802 : 1989 Temperature rise measurement of
4722 : 1992 Rotating electrical machines rotating electrical machines.
(first revision )
7132 : 1973 Guide for testing synchronous 13364 ac generators driven by
(Part 2) : 1992 reciprocating internal
combustion engines: Part 2
7306 : 1974 Methods for determining Alternators rated above 20 kVA
synchronous machines quantities and up to 1250 kVA
from tests
Bureau of Indian Standards
BIS is a statutory institution established under the Bureau oflndian Stnndurds.ilct, 1986 to promote harmonious
development of the activities of standardization. marking and quality certification of goods and attending to
connected matters in the country.
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periodically: a standard along with amendments is reaffirmed when such review mdicates that no changes are
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This Indian Standard has been developed from Dot : No. ET 15 ( 3274 ).