What Are The Top 10 Most Profitable Businesses in India
What Are The Top 10 Most Profitable Businesses in India
What Are The Top 10 Most Profitable Businesses in India
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At all depend on you, if you have some sort of investment then the best Business in India
100+ Answers
I really can't tell about 10 businesses but 1 business I know in which you will start making
profit from the very first month.
Initial cost approx 30–35K and per month profit approx 15–16K or more.
That is Uber. Buy a car and hire a driver and enroll your car in Uber.
I forgot to include Rs. 500 as per month Mobile expense and Rs.5000 as one time mobile
The down payment and EMI can vary based on the car. This calculation is for TATA Indica.
If your driver works at average level then you will make 2300 per day easily. If he is
hardworking then you can get 3100 per day or way more than that. (Upto 4800 per day).
Car is always yours. You can anytime use it for personal purpose.
Only with 35000 rupees you can start your business which will give you more than Rs.15000
profit per month.
After 2–3 years the profit will increase as EMIs will stop.
The amount mentioned i.e. 2300 is the net amount. This means that amount is after all the
Yes it is right that Uber policies may change anytime but it is also true that there are many
other options available in the market.
Driver may leave, car may encounter an accident etc. all these are risks which every business
I am not at all saying that leave everything and do this business. It is an option which one
can consider.
Car is yours so you can use it anytime. The only thing is that if you don’t have TR license
then you can’t drive it (officially).
As already mentioned, finding a driver is indeed a very difficult task. My suggestion is find a
driver with personal references. Trustworthy office boys, maids, carpenter, plumber,
electrician etc. any of them can give you a good referral.
I have also heard of many who have tried and failed in this business but many are there who
have tried and succeeded. It is similar to any other business.
I am in Pune, Maharashtra. Here public transport is pathetic and IT guys are in plenty. So
they prefer cabs over any other mode of transport. So the business here is good.
Driver take 1 day leave in a week. 15K salary for driver is including some extra money which
i am paying him to work without leave. He is happy and thus I am happy.
After 2 - 3 years, the maintenance cost will increase but not by 15000 per month.
30K (in fact 27K) was the downpayment of some leasing facility which uber is providing.
The annual expense for taxes, fitness and permit here in Pune Maharashtra is approx 12–
Please dont buy 100 cars just by reading this answer and thinking that you will be
millionaire after that. ;) ;)
So now to be on a profitable state I shud complete 1700 business in a day. This will fetch me
2900 net total earning for that day.
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After a month,driver will come to know that he can earn more money by buying his own car.he will ...
4 more comments from Chandra Sekhar Bolavena, Naseer, and more
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I will just talk about one of the top 10 businesses that seems simple but profitable with huge
To be precise, Tea.
I was in Calcutta when I took this picture. It was posted on the Instagram page as well, a
long time ago.
I have talked to a tea seller just to realize, there’s nothing profitable than selling tea.
Doctors, food, medicines and tea can never be out of the sale no matter what.
Let's take a general case here and you just need to be bit smart to become profitable.
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Shyan Pal
A Jaggi : The question was about, how to make profits and not, what is lucrative....
4 more comments from A Jaggi, Pulkit Saxena, and more
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The Indian workforce can be categorized by a simple and approximate formula – 65-
35-15-85. Of the entire workforce, around 65% are engaged directly or indirectly in
Agriculture, a massive number. This number will include farmers, farm labourers, transport
workers, mandi workers, marketing people, rural business persons of all types etc. That
leaves around 35% of Indian workforce, which we can call non-farm workforce. Of this 35%,
not more than 15% are employed by the organized sector. They are paid salaries on fixed
dates (almost), enjoy statutory benefits and can associate their work with some brandname
of some credible size. The remaining 85% (of this 35%) are engaged in unorganized sector,
that does not enjoy any of these characteristics. Are these not shocking statistics, for India,
after nearly seven decades of economic independence? By the way, I have not counted
homemakers and housewives, whose contribution anyway does not get counted in the GDP
We are a nation of 1.3 billion people (that’s 130,00,00,000 people). So it is clear there is
abundance of labour available in India, that is untrained, unskilled (or at best partially
skilled) and has a poor chance of making it in the formal organized sector. What do these
people do? Well, they create small businesses of their own, and get on with their lives
Mainstream academia and media often speak disparagingly of these millions as “Mom-and-
Pop” shops, because the comparison yardstick is the West, where most of retail is
organized. But if these millions were to give up their businesses, and start pestering
the governments of India (central and state) for Sarkari jobs, the whole system will
crumble and break down in no time. We should be very thankful to these entrepreneurs
who quietly create opportunities for themselves, and even employ many more.
I assume by small, the question means really small, even micro. And “top 10” must be the
range and spread. The ones I am listing below, are usually proprietorships of the most
unstructured format. I am intentionally not counting the Small-scale enterprises in the
manufacturing sector. I am also leaving out individual contractors that use the internet
economy to work from home, on projects anywhere in the world (these are educated and
very capable people).
In my opinion, ten of the smallest of businesses (not counting agriculture related work) that
are widespread across India, totally taken for granted, and where literally crores of Indians (1
crore = 10 million) are self-employed, can be listed as:
1. Small retail shops – Millions of them spread across the length and breadth of
India. They are usually owned by a single family, and entire work is done by two or
three members of the same family. They do not formally book every transaction,
and issue no receipts. Hence, they generally pay no taxes at all. In fact, if they are
forcibly dragged in the tax net, many of them will simply become unviable! So
what will happen? Right now we have around 1 million young people entering the
workforce each month. Or 1.2 crore each year. We will substantially increase the
number if these shops collapse.
2. Paan ki dukaan – Indians love their paan, supari, cigarettes, tobacco, and
gutkha! And this gives birth to the legion of Paan Shops we see everywhere. They
form a key part of the marketing plans of consumer goods giants like Unilever etc.
As they say, the Ps of marketing are Product-Price-Promotion-Place-and-Paan
3. Readymade Garment shops – Thousands of these small shops cater to the
needs of the local communities they serve. While all conceivable brands are
available in big malls, the small shops cater at an atomic level to their customers’
needs. And they are busy all year round. One can be often surprised at the
economical rates these offer.
4. Tea stalls – Popularly called chai-ki-tapri, these are hangout places (for a few
minutes) for the local small office-goers, daily wage labourers, and anybody
passing by. Usually run by a single entrepreneur, they employ chhotus, young boys
barely 8 or 10 years of age. It can be seen everywhere in India. They serve tea (of
coffee), some basic snacks like pakoras, etc. Wholesomely unhealthy if taken on a
daily basis.
5. Auto Repair shops – If you do not wish to spend a lot of money to get your
vehicle (2 wheeler or 4 wheeler) repaired at the branded sales outlet or service
centre, then the roadside repair shop is always at your disposal. Business is always
brisk, and the technicians working can be amazingly skilled.
6. Mobile repair / accessories shops – The past few years have seen employment
generation through this route. Tiny shops that are run by just one or two people
can cater to a vast range of your repair / recharging needs. Found almost
7. Grocery & Daily need shops – A type of the small retail shops. Some of them
are organizedkirana stores, others much smaller but equally useful. They develop
customer relationships through home delivery, some credit, and informal support
for a range of needs. Usually have dedicated and loyal clienteles. The arrival of
organized retail has, so far, not affected them much.
8. Small restaurants / coffee shops – Lots of them dot the highways as dhabas,
or all commercial roads in cities of all sizes. They are usually much cheaper
compared to branded cafes. I remember enjoying a hearty meal (for a family of
four) for Rs 36 when we hungrily went to a very small “south Indian” restaurant on
a mountain side in Munnar, Kerala. What a meal it was! And what a rush the
restaurant was handling. Such experiences make you want to become a food
entrepreneur (the yummy margins!).
9. Seasonal shops – Every festival in India brings unique buying needs, and that
leads to sprouting of such shops in specific areas of all towns and cities. So, during
the Ganesh Chaturthi festivals, shops spring up overnight selling pooja
samagri (material for religious prayers) and idols. Similarly, Deepawalisees fire-
cracker shops and Holibrings with it gorgeously colourful temporary shops. All
dealings are naturally in pure cash!
10. Hawkers of all types – Not to be outdone by the above, we have a whole range
of hawkers who shout themselves hoarse strutting their stuff door-to-door, all day
long. They do this on bicycles, or thelas, and it must be very exhausting work.
I personally feel that society ought to respect these individuals much more that it currently
does. They are the most basic building blocks of our goods and services markets. The
entrepreneurial streak of these unsung heroes can be very motivating if we see the sheer
struggle their daily lives entail.
As India moves forward, while our economy will get more structured, the simultaneous
growth of our population is going to make formal employment generation a huge
challenge. Interesting times ahead!
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Sonali Rao
Could not agree more. When my father and I discuss about business my dad brings statistics of al...
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To start any business you need to have lots of permission / licenses. Now, if you take such
permission / license one has to comply with rules. The authority may any time come to
survey your business premises. For example, if you pay someone more than 20,000/- as
expenses, you need to deduct TDS and then deposit within stipulated time with Govt. Failing
which you will be penalised, need to pay interest, and then subject to prosecution and
imprisonment. You are helping government to collect the revenue and depositing it in its
coffer and any mistake, you are hanged.
Hosts of laws are there. Taxes, state taxes and now GST which truly will not facilitate a
medium level business, but a top / corporate business only. Doing business is affordable for
big business houses. A small entrepreneur will run pillar to post to get papers, comply with
laws and then develop his business.
The laws are “KEPT” of business houses. If you do not believe, read on net how one business
house got to have budget papers in his drawer before it was presented in lower house.
Tatas, Birlas business was well established before independence. If you read story of making
of today’s top business house, you will be shamed what malpractices were carried out.
STAYAM also tried to come into that bracket, but somehow his relations with bureaucrats
touched low and it was publicly hanged. If one goes into history of all the top businesses, a
making of STAYAM, KINGFISHER can be observed. Very few like infosys developed their
base. Most of Pioneers of INFOSYS were from PATNI computer services and now one can
see where PATNI stands.
Manipulations, corruption, political interference thereabouts are stairs for success. If one
indulges in these or masters them, I guarantee, he will not need any business model. The
business houses have become kings, czars with these qualities. the @2G, common wealth,
coal all these scams were exposed because some politician or bureaucrat did not got his
share properly. But, where it was divided as per agreement, the scam underwent smoothly.
Entrepreneurship is like blood for any nation. This skill has been gradually killed. The Big
fishes for their own reason been instrumental in this act. Nevertheless, bureaucrats,
politicians have been playing the role of protagonist along with big business houses. Catch
any IITan or IIM-A studied, will he ever dare to do business. You will always need to have
host of CAs, Advocates, bureaucrats, politicians, clerks to support your business. And if time
allows you, to do your core business activity.
Yes, you can be successful if you do business in parallel economy. Hope, everybody
understands here.
Sorry, Guys can not inspire… But these are facts.
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SK Dixit, Founder of Rich Look Play School - India's Digital Play School
Answered Sep 30, 2016
(1) Restaurant
Restaurant business is one of the most successful business ideas. Healthy & tasty food is
need for everyone. If you are passionate about food and ready to serve healthy and yummy
food you can start this business.
Theme based restaurant e.g Jungle based theme, Kathiyawadi theme is more popular today
if you have additional capital you can think of making theme based restaurant.
Why Restaurant business is successful business idea?
Due to busy lifestyle, people don’t find time to cook food at home & we even see many
people prefer eating in restaurant frequently. This is the reason why restaurant business is
most successful business idea today.
Starting recruitment firm is really good business idea. Recruitment firm does not require
huge investment. You just need small office space and few contact to start with.
Unemployment ratio is increasing and recruitment firm is in huge demand. Every student &
professional requires good job and every company require good productive candidate. To
get good job and good candidate they are ready to take paid/commission base services
from recruitment firm.
SK Dixit's answer to What are, on average, some of the most profitable franchises that
someone can open?
Education or coaching class is indeed good business idea. You need small space and skill to
start this business.
Today level of education has become high and every parent wants his/her child to stand
first. They prefer to place child in to good coaching class thus we see multiple successful
coaching classes today.
Last but not least consultancy and contracting is very good and successful business idea.
This business requires expertise & domain knowledge. This business requires very less
business capital.
There’s a growing need for consultants & contractor in all fields including engineering,
marketing, and scientific industries. Big companies are even ready to offer very lucrative
payment for good consultants and contractors.
You may find this business idea slight odd but believe me this is really good business idea.
You just need small shop and good nasta maker team that’s it you can earn huge money.
Why Namkeen shop business is successful business idea?
Today we find many working woman & they find very less time at home. Instead of making
nasta at home they prefer to bring readymade nasta . If you are very good as
namkeen/nasta maker you can easily make good amount of profit.
Gift store of customize gift is another good business idea to start with. This idea is low
investment business idea as you don’t need even office space you can start this business
from your home.
We have trend to give gift on every occasion & festival. Gone are days where people use to
give card or traditional gift, today’s trend is to give customized gift as it attracts more
attention thus we feel custom make gift store can be good business idea.
Tour or travel planner is another great business idea. This business requires good
geographical knowledge and lot of contacts. In order to get sure success you can even tie
up with online website like Flight, Cheap Air Tickets , Hotels, Holiday, Trains Package
Booking - Yatra.com etc.
According to recent survey Indian goes on maximum business trip every year. Not only that
during every vacation (Diwali, Summer, Christmas etc) people prefer to enjoy holiday by
visiting distinct places and hill stations. Thus we see huge potential in tour & travel planner
Event Management companies are the perfect small business idea for anyone interested in
helping other companies and individuals to plan and manage big events. This business
requires planning and management ability.
Why Event Management business is successful business idea?
There’s definitely a need in the industry for event management as companies constantly
host events to market products & services. In order to make this event successful they often
take services from professional event management companies.
If you are creative in nature and able to manage multiple tasks at same time you can plan to
enter in wedding planning & catering business. This is quite challenging business as it
requires skill and management ability.
Marriage is one in lifetime opportunity and people are ready to spend lot of money to make
this event successful and memorable. With your skill and ability you can touch sky in this
Smartphone sale and repair is good business idea. In order to start smatphone sale and
repair business you need skill and capital.
Mobile phone business is growing in exponentially. Every common man today prefer smart
phone. This increasing smartphone usage offers good business opportunity for sale and
repair of smartphones.
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Pravallika Ramini
You missed Day care centers.. They are doing great business in cities as women have started worki...
2 more comments from Manish Sarswat, Yogi Ganpule
The minimum rent for an AC room ( four sharing) starts from 6000 per person in Chennai.
Apart from Expenditures for basic amenities and salary to cooks , cleaners , (Most of the
cooks are not even paid properly by the PG owners. Eventually its Inmates of PG who suffer
- bcoz the cooks either quit their job or vent out their anger towards owners through food )
a PG owner can earn 5–10 times more than an IT Professional per month.
Seriously !! He earns more than a newly joined Assistant professor in the same college. All
credits goes to Assignments and Projects. There is even an area in my city which consists of
many shops to ‘sell’ final year projects .Thanks to our Education System !! LOL !!
Who can forget those Toffees , 1 rs pepsi , scented erasers , Nataraj geometry boxes , camlin
crayons sold in shops near our school ( probably 90’s kids would remember!!)
Food is inevitable for human life . A country / State’s culture is reflected through food. In a
country like india which has vast and vibrant food culture , setting up a Restaurant is always
profitable , provided the service and quality is good .
Now mobile phones has become an inevitable part of our lives. That too , in this era of
smartphones ( eventhough it has made people dumb :D) mobile phone service centers can
be profitable always.
Indians are obsessed with Lavish Wedding. They save their lifetime earnings and spend their
lifetime savings on weddings to entertain thousands of people many of whom the bride and
groom don’t even know. LOL! This obsession turns out to be a blessing for wedding
planners. An Indian wedding lasts atleast for 3 days and there are several customs and
rituals ( differs from state to state) like sangeet , mehendi , bidaai etc., the couple has to
undergo. Wedding planners needs to take care of all the arrangements like marraige hall ,
catering , Bridal makeup , costumes , gifts , decoration , DJ ( for Sangeet) etc.,
Event Management is the process of planning and coordinating the event which includes
budgeting, scheduling, site selection, acquiring necessary permits, coordinating
transportation and parking, arranging for speakers or entertainers, decoration, event
security, catering, coordinating with third party vendors, and emergency plans. Due to the
growth of IT/ ITES Sector , management of corporate events , festive celebrations proves to
be profitable.
7 . Travel Agencies
Who doesn’t love to travel around the world.? People always love to explore different
places. Travel agencies can make this possible and provide their customers a wonderful
experience with proper transport , accomodation , food , arrangement for adventure
activities in a place (if any) , security etc., There are now lot of travel websites and portals to
advertise these agencies .
8 . Digital Marketing
It has grown in popularity over time, with increased number of internet users. Everything has
become online now . E-books , E-ticket , E-commerce and many Es are now ruling the
market . With adequete concern of consumer privacy and data protection this turns out to
be profitable .
9 . Tailoring /Boutiques
Well ! everyone loves to dress and present themselves well . Our attire infact helps us to
give us a dignified and diplomatic look . Be it modern or traditional attire ,fashion freaks can
also extend their creativity and try out new fusion styles . This business in a non - seasonal
one and the charge doubles during festive times , hence turning out to be profitable.
10 . Beauty parlour
Beautification has been in process right from prehistoric times . Girls , most of them are
beauty conscious . Even guys give more importance to their appearance and hairstyles . To
some extent , makeover and styling boosts our personality .
A simple face cleanup costs around 400 rs in metros . They charge in thousands for facials ,
Hair spas, Pedicure and menicure . Some special treatments like pimple treatment ,
aromatherapy , dandruff therapy , golden facial (!!)etc., incur additional charges. Apart from
expenditure of cosmetics and styling products , service charges can result in profit.
Edit 1 : I forgot to mention that the person in Xerox shop knows about the syllabus better
than the students !!
Cheers !!
Upvote· 273274
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Ullas, Indian
Answered Oct 1, 2016
1. Customized and Custom made Gift Store – Today we discover interest of customized
and specially designed blessing is expanding you may consider beginning your own
particular blessing store giving this kind of endowments.
2. Match Making or Wedding organizer – It is said that relational unions are made in
asylum yet celebrated on earth so as to celebrate/appreciate marriage numerous individuals
today go for wedding organizer. In today's situation match making or wedding organizer is
great business choice to begin with.
3. PC Trainer – If you are great at giving PC preparing this could be great business thought
as knowing PC is must in this day and age.
6. Rec center or Fitness focus –In today's reality everybody is fret over wellness, so
beginning little exercise center or wellness focus in great range will dependably shake.
7. Educational cost Class – Education is crucial today subsequently business of training will
never stop. Beginning Tuition class is smart thought to begin with.
8. Portable Shop – Today everybody use versatile and taking a gander at need versatile
interest is steadily expanding subsequently beginning little versatile shop is great
Investment thought.
9. Dessert Parlor – Starting frozen yogurt parlor is another great business thought to begin
10. Xerox and Book Binding – Many school range and school region don't have this office
and could be great potential business around there.
11. Portable Food Shop – Today we are living in versatile era beginning versatile
sustenance shop is great business thought.
12. Gems producer – With expanding gold cost interest of adornments is perpetually
expanding doing course of gems making and beginning something in that line could be
great choice.
14. Consultant – If you are great at programming there are different sites accessible which
can give you outsourcing work and you will be paid for the same.
15. Book shop –Book mate dependably buy different books making thought of beginning
book shop alluring.
16. Cooking administration – For marriage and gathering individuals dependably search
for good providing food administration on the off chance that you are great at giving great
sustenance and providing food benefit this could be another great business thought.
17. Occasion Organizer – Starting little organization which compose occasion could be
smart thought however here you may require extraordinary aptitude and labor for the same.
18. Yoga Center – In today's distressing life numerous individuals want to go for Yoga , so
beginning yoga focus will be great business alternative.
19. Child Sitting Services – This business thought is particularly for lady who need to begin
some home based business. Numerous working couple might be in need to administration
like this.
Upvote· 1415
According to me business depends on a person mindset & vary from person to person..
I don't prefer doing a single business & investing much amount in a single one & totally
depending on one income source..One should allways have a plan B..Do many bussiness of
different types & different taste..If A Fails Than B Should work..If B Fails than C should
And the main thing is never see any business a small or big..Start from small & make it big..
I have invested in many small business the investment are from 50k to 5 lacks
1-Textile..my highest investment..
2-An service center of car & bike wash with a partner who looks after it.
3-I have a food court in my city with 2 more partners in it..we serve 30+ variety of fast food.
4-An hookah parlour with a snooker table..with a partner who gave land & a partner who
manages it..
Upvote· 4849
Wedding events
Real estate
Health industry
Tuition center's
Upvote· 23
Lassi Magic is a potential Business you could start, which is low on investments and high on
About Lassi Magic
Lassi Magic is an Indian Desserts & Beverages Franchise specializing in modern Lassi, Cake
Shakes, Thick Shakes, Fresh & Healthy Fruit Juices and Desserts!
The best part - it doesn’t burn a hole in your pocket! Now everyone can enjoy premium
products :) YAY!
On the flip side, Lassi Magic helps motivated individuals - Businessmen, Students, New
Grads, Professionals, Engineers and The Retired, to start (side) Businesses that are low on
investments and high on profits through our brand - Lassi Magic, which is a proven
model we’ve experimented with to help you storm into this lucrative Business.
Belgium Coffee
Healthy Mint Lime
Royal Falooda
The Magnificent - Rainbow Shake. Tried yet?
1. Access to raw materials used to prepare our Signature Products crafted and
mastered over years of refinement.
2. Access to Practical Business Expertise and Enlightenments gained over years of
failures and Successes so that you don’t have to make any mistakes and can focus
on doing your Business.
3. Access to proven ways to grow your Business.
4. Get expert advice on your shop’s location.
5. Get your Staff Trained and ready to serve mind blowing products.
Bonus: Once you’re a proud franchisee owner, we help you with any questions you might
have during the course of your Business. Yes, you’re family :)
The gross profit on each product is about 60-70 percent. To put things into perspective,
suppose you do a business of 10 - 12k per day, which is easily doable and which we’ve
surpassed, you can take home around 1 lac at the end of the month, which is pretty cool…
One time franchising fee of 3 lacs which comes with a lifetime agreement and the cost to
setup the store would be between ~5.5 lacs. No royalty charges.
Accounting Services - You can charge 20k just because a person wanted to make a
company and save himself from unlimited liability.
Call centers , BPO , web development and app development - You sell your stupid ass Indian
accent and your ugly applications to westerners who couldn't care less.
Coaching classes.- You can pretend to teach 100 students at a same time while making
good money. You can sell your satellite classes too if you are funny and gallant.
Human Resource Outsourcing .- You can charge 10k-20k just for recommending a guy every
6 months because you guaranteed only for 6 months.
Stock brokerage- You charge commission on selling stocks as trillion of dollars worth of
stocks are traded in the market . You can also make money on stupid advise you give that
never works out.
Investment Banking - You can sell companies for billions of dollars which would be sold at
throwback price of a few millions and you will make money from both of these deals.
Healthcare services - You become first surgeon in town who can do minimum invasion
surgeries and you can charge a premium.
Entertainment - You can make money with your lewd humour and unoriginal music by
selling tickets of your show if you can .
Upvote· 4647
I will write about the business in which I have experience: IT outsourcing. Its one of the
most profitable businesses in India these days.
Get outsourcing work in any domain. Technical/ Non technical / sell products. Apply simple
logic of demand and supply. Generate demand, find out a person willing to pay for services
or product. Create a platform that sells the products / form a company which provides
services. Sell it. Repeat…
Simple equation: Earn in dollars ( or any other foreign currency ) - spend in Indian RS
= Profit
I did mathematical calculation and took a calculated risk. I left my job and started working
part time. I used to make 1 lac per month working 4 hour a day- 5 days a week. I had
realised the potential of outsourcing while I was working. Since after being self employed,
now I had the confidence. I started pitching IT services to the people in USA. At that point of
time sharepoint and salesforce were booming in the market. I learnt the basics of both.
Formed the company solely focusing on one technology ( That was the brand positioning in
the chaotic market place. My USP ). Hired people from upwork, linkedin and various
mediums. I kept the margin low so that people stick for a long time. In the very first year the
revenue was very decent.
This was the earning per month- per client when I finally decided to move to my own office
from a co working space.
Main advantage is there is zero investment. I started it from my bedroom without spending
single penny in office etc. Trust me its doable. All you need is a computer, internet
connection, dedicated efforts, basic idea about the industry and skills ( and little courage). If
you have all these things. Go for it.. :)
I have seen my friends selling handicraft items and clothes in US market on an eCommerce
platform and making profit more than a crore per year.
Ahmadabad- the city where I live is really a ‘start up friendly place’. I would recommend
reading THIS.
Entrepreneurship journey isn’t as glamorous as it looks like. It has its own challenges. But let
me tell you all the efforts, learning and experiences are worth in the end! I recommend
considering the dark side of the business too. Most of the people see the shiny side and
avoid talking about the darker one. READ HERE
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I have been into this business but till now haven’t met with a lot of clients....
2 more comments from Ibrahim Thaslim, Pulkit Kumar
Pandit - who does pooja / havan / other rituals have potential to earn 10–20k a day. All you
have to do is get a 3 years vedic course from good ved shala.
Expert Cook - There is lot of demand for specialist cooks during small functions at home.
Expert cooks can charge 10–20k a day for cooking food for small occasions/functions.
Answered Nov 21, 2013
Originally Answered: What are the top 10 internet business models that are currently the most profitable
and easiest to copy in a new market?
Trick is find a niche that is under-served by bigger players. Make it easier or/and faster
or/and cheaper or/and more fun for a smaller customer segment and then make in-roads to
bigger customer segments. Prior success in smaller segment will give more resources,
credibility, and knowledge to break into bigger segment.
There are multiple dimensions in which the following ideas can be listed, but I am taking a
lazier way, which is what comes first to my mind. So the points are not mutually exclusive,
and I hope someone else can clean them up.
1. Online selling and charging transaction fees. eg. Amazon, Zappos,
2. Broker/matchmaker between buyers and sellers, and charging transaction fees.
eg. Ebay, Alibaba, oDesk, Etsy, AirBnB
3. Lead generator. eg. Pinterest, Evernote
4. Engage users and serve online ads. eg Google, Facebook
5. Providing a service and charging subscription: eg SalesForce, AWS, Netflix
6. Broker, and subscription based. eg Care, online dating sites Match, okCupid, job
sites such as Monster, Linkedin.
7. Fremium, giving basic features for free and charging for advanced features. eg
phone apps, Dropbox ,
8. Engage users to give data and sell access to customer's data, eg Facebook,
Google, Twitter, Linkedin, (SnapChat in future)
9. Content publishing sites where content is crowdsourced, eg Wikipedia, Quoara,
10. Deal sites eg Retailmenot, Groupon,
11. Review sites eg Yelp, Angie's List, Bizrate,
12. Disintermediate middle-men eg travel sites Orbitz, Expedia, and charge using
lead generation.
13. Give equipment/software for less/free, lock-in user and make money on
consultancy eg Oracle,
PS: Relying only on fun part is difficult and less sustaining. Doing the same activity is not
fun, so it wears of quickly. Feeding digital fish and online farming (eg Zynga) can be fun for
small period and then user move onto something different and more fun. Snapchat seems
to be benefiting from this too.
36.4k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 2627
Biswajit Paul Biswas, Relationship Manager Business Loan Group at ICICI Bank (2016-
Answered Apr 23, 2017
This is what I have understood after having worked in this segment for the past one year. If
you have extremely less capital, be a trader. Don't go for the popular products as that will
fetch you lesser margins. Go for lesser known products that have a comparable quality to
the popular products and push them in the market. Have a higher debtor turnover ratio (to
push your products aggressively in the market) . Try and control the inventory levels as
keeping that too high is a potential threat to your business model. Go for secured lending
since you have to support your working capital cycle. That will be on the higher side since it
is your first venture.
If you want even higher margins, be a manufacturer. Again try for products that fetch you
higher margins. You may try products that fetch you comparatively lesser margins if you're
confident with the process and products. However, in this case you will need to have a great
supply chain. Your logistics needs to be spot on.
Know this, only a handful can ideate something really out of the box and when they do so,
they go on to become the best. Hence, don't be upset if you're not onto something mind
Finally, be efficient in what you do. Follow all the processes and try and don't compromise
with quality.
Upvote· 78
Being able to start out with a considerably low outlay at the beginning is very attractive. It
means that you can get your foot on the ladder of business with a small investment, often
without the need for taking out a business loan. A low-cost franchise can also help you start
building up skills in running your own business – with the right help and support from the
franchisor, you should soon be a dab-hand at getting the best out of your business! You do
need some enthusiasm, however – opting for a franchise purely because it is a cheap start-
up is not going to be the best option in the long-run.
Franchise business is on fire these days, my ideas for best franchise as looking forward to
this period of time is the company, who is achieving success day by day because of their
working ethics and responsibility of fulfilling there customers needs at time. The best
franchise I would like you take is Phixman. One of the most intruiging firm in India.
They are best because :-
India has the world’s fast-growing internet population, and that’s an indicator of the huge
potential of e-commerce. The e-commerce segment is pegged at around $22 billion in
2015. The catch here is that there is serious brawn here. So there’s no point trying to
emulate a Flipkart or Snapdeal.
Picture this, around 67% of India’s retail spending is dedicated to food and groceries. For a
generation that prefers convenience to groceries and estimates pegging the business as
close to $20 billion by 2020 the possibilities are endless.
India’s Media and Entertainment industry is currently increasingly driven by digitization and
higher internet usage. Consider this, the Indian media industry is expected to rise to Rs.
2,27,000 Crores by 2018. Estimates peg the industry to be growing at compound annual
growth rate of 15% from 2013 to 2018. Experts see around more than 10 billion mobile app
downloads in 2016. This upsurge will shoot company revenues from paid apps to over Rs.
15 billion.
Smart ways to save, invest and blow currency is never out of fashion. With the e-commerce
boom, the number of people using credit/debit cards and mobile wallets has increased
exponentially, and that’s just the tail of the tape. Innovative finance services are the need of
the hour. After all, who won’t want to save or blow cash in style!
Technology has its perks. It’s a vehicle to offer affordable solutions for mass scale education.
There is also significant opportunity in the one-on-one training segment.
This includes traditional online travel portals like MakeMyTrip, Yatra or Ibibo and several
niche players with upcoming segments like ride sharing, alternate accommodation, and so
Where there is a body, there ought to be ailments. It’s as simple as that. Recent innovations
in the digital healthcare segment with statups like Practo1, Lybrate and 1mg have eased
access to doctors. Add to that the Pharma home delivery services the preventive healthcare,
sensors, data and medical devices industries, and you have a burgeoning business right
Enterprise software
People could get their hands on legitimate software with software rights, and you’d make
money. This is a place where you’ll make money from volume.
Internet Structure
The internet has changed our lives in more ways. We juice it out to our heart’s content,
often unconscious of how we would have reacted differently less than a decade ago.
Imagine goods and services that can leverage the power of the Internet to one’s advantage.
This includes security, communication, etc. There is an ungodly amount of money to be
made here.
Digital India campaign is only a drop in the ocean. Our government’s outdated softwares
are begging for a swanky revamp. If you think you’re out of the ‘10-6 Sarkari naukri’, think
again. The country’s buck stops here buddy!
Upvote· 4546
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Answered Oct 1, 2016
Get one thing clear, Every business is profitable but some takes time to get profitable and
some gives profit early.
From your question it is clear that your looking for something that takes less money,less
time and gives returns early, their are few business though but that kind of business takes
skills most of the time.And one thing is important some business gives returns soon but the
returns are less and maybe not profitable in future so be ready.
If you really want to start a business then you need to research a lot on following things.
Aishwarya Rengarajan
Answered Nov 7, 2014
Upvote· 3031
By profitable I mean business which has one of the highest return on investment
Upvote· 1011
The hunt for funding has been the bane of an entrepreneur’s existence from times of yore.
Many abandon their dream to build, create, and innovate in the face of this difficult struggle
without realising that a good business idea will eventually pool in the bounty-full once it has
secured a place in the market.
Your idea will bring you your company, your company will bring you the people, and the
people will bring you the market. And as we all know, a good idea has no monetary value,
just a whole lot of bursting potential. Today, the world’s most successful entrepreneurs like
Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Elon Musk may hold the possibility of building pyramids
out of notes, but none of them started at the top of the ladder. Facebook was created out of
a Harvard dorm room at minimal cost and Microsoft was formed two years after Gates
decided to drop out of college.
The reason to stress on these remarkable entrepreneurial stories is because they provide an
important lesson for all those wishing to embark on a similar journey that a single great idea
is the most important step to creating a game-changing business. And sometimes, if you
plan it well, these ideas can build you a company at the lowest initial-costs while getting you
the highest possible returns.
Tracing the business history of our country, it has been noted that the market is ripe for the
ambitious entrepreneur to dominate it today. Some individuals may have the business
acumen to influence the market but have not yet managed to narrow down on a single idea
to begin with.
But as Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” On that positive note, here are a
few business ideas that I believe can be launched within an initial cost of Rs 10,000:
Travel agency
The travel industry in India has witnessed a boom in the past decade. Keeping to people’s
changing habits and their desire for the ultimate ‘wanderlust’, the time is ripe for aspiring
entrepreneurs to put their money where the map is. The most cost-effective measure to
open up a home-based travel agency is by tying up with a host-agency. By doing so, you
will receive the benefits of pace (helping you get your ARC, CLIA, or IATA number faster),
convenience (they perform all the ‘back-end functions’), and help you earn higher
commissions and keep your costs low. While the rates differ according to the host agencies,
your main initial costs that will fall within Rs 10,000.
Even with online recharge, in India most mobile-users prefer visiting a recharge shop to fill
their balance. So those looking to practise this business can start by renting a space in a
small local shop. This rent will be the primary (monthly) expenditure. You also need to form
ties with the network providers of the area, such as Airtel, Vodafone, Idea etc., and pen
down their commission rates, where they will receive a cut of your profits from the sale of
the commodities taken from them. Assuming that you aren’t looking to rent out a shop-
space in any expensive real-estate property, your overall costs will definitely feature below
the Rs. 10,000 scale.
Breakfast joint
You must have noticed how those little breakfast and tea stores across your city are almost
always filled with customers. This is because food as a commodity will always do well in a
competitive market. To open up your own breakfast joint, you need to invest money in
renting a space for it, after having received a permit for it from the respective authorities. If
your rent is within Rs 5000 a month, you can dedicate the rest of your budget on buying
groceries and other raw materials as well as second-hand tables and chairs.
Tuition centre
This is possibly one of the most cost-effective businesses to launch, due to its near zero
starting cost requirement. Most tuition-teachers take classes in their own homes, thus
eliminating any expenditure on rent and supplies. The only effort you need to put in as a
tuition teacher is to take to advertise yourself on social media or go the old school way with
flyers and ‘word-of-mouth’ recommendations.
Who doesn’t appreciate fresh fruit-juice on a sweltering day? To tap into this lucrative
business, you have to start by requesting for a permit to open a kiosk in a chosen locality,
preferably one that is hard to miss. Following this, you will need to pay rent for shop-space.
Other than this, the only other investment you need to put your money up for is for the
purchase of the raw materials, supplies like machines for making the juice, and the salaries
of the employee(s) making the juice.
Garment tailor
In cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi, the demand for good tailors has increased tenfold
due to the increasing popularity of self-made designs. Other than a small rented space, you
only need to invest in powerful sewing and stitching machines, and of course electricity.
Online bakery
While names like ‘Ovenfresh’ have taken years of hard-work, recruitment, and funding to
reach where they are today, it only goes to show that the market is ripe for online food-
based services, especially in the realm of baked foods. Single-handedly run online baking
companies are popular, too, like Confectioner’s Touch by 23-year-old Charulata Ghosh from
Kolkata, which has been turning heads and raising numbers since its inception in 2013.
“I started off with very little. Like Rs 2,000. But as my business proceeded, I was able to
invest in other things like Zomato, custom boxes, and cake boards,” says Charulata, who is
up to her elbows in cake considering the non-stop online orders coming her way.
This is possibly one of the most lucrative fields to tap into in the digital age. Professional
blogging requires only a minimal start-up cost. You only have to invest in a domain name
and hosting space –initially at least – which in its ‘unlimited’ capacity costs a maximum of
roughly Rs 3600. As for promoting your blogs through the right channels, the cost-free and
limitless expanse of the internet is all you need.
YouTube channel
YouTube is a hotspot for creative and talented individuals looking for great returns with
little monetary investment. YouTube allows its users to create independent channels and
upload their videos for free. In fact, it even pays some YouTubers whose channels are
popular. To know more about how to make money out of your YouTube channel, click here.
Event organising
Event managers barely spend any time in office. They are best at networking and managing,
checking out the hundreds of venues, meeting sponsors, scheduling performances, and
basically being on the field 24/7. On that basis, their demand revolves around their brand
image and popularity, which can be built with a good online marketing strategy. However,
the overall startup cost for building this brand is minimal, if at all priced.
Wedding consultants
The term ‘big fat Indian wedding’ exists for a reason. This is because weddings are taken
very seriously by almost all cultures making up our diversified society. Today, even
multinational corporations like Uber are tapping into this lucrative industry and centring
their campaign on it. The most important investment you need to make to launch a
wedding consultancy is in maintaining a popular website for it. The best way to reach out to
potential clients in this field is online. Thus, ensure that your website has the requisite base
of followers and is detailed, accessible, and colourful.
Online courses
While any form of education is priceless in its ideal, it can still be priced for a good value.
Developing and running an online course for students interested in learning a subject is a
profitable feat. While some online-course providers may offer the course for free on their
own personalised websites, most usually tie up with other digital content companies, which
provide them with the tools to carry out their lessons. In this too, the maximum cost you will
incurred would be the minimum amount you pay for your domain name and hosting space,
or to the digital content company in question for them to feature your course on their
Assuming that you intend to take up professional photography, you may already are in
possession of a high-definition camera. Without taking the latter’s cost into consideration,
as an aspiring photographer looking to take on independent projects, the only investment
you need to make is your time in building your profile online.
Ghost writing
Ghost writing may not be recommended as a primary profession, but it definitely ranks as
high as any of its counterparts, considering the standard amount that a prospective client is
willing to pay for a story to be written anonymously. Here too, the best way to make clients
reach out to you is through recommendations, be it online or in person, and your only
investment, after accepting the project, is your time. This is extremely lucrative, since clients
usually offer exorbitant amounts as compensation for writing their story for them.
Upvote· 56
Online business, like buy and sell, Lead generation are booming nowadays. Actually its long
time these business doing good, thanks to technology , we see this and notice a lot now.
I would suggest Virtual call center business good option in this digital era.. One can start
from home or anywhere . with proper investment in databasse lists ( approx. 1.5Lac inr to 2
Lac INR ) , you can start such business anywhere and earn good profits . Many people doing
from long time, be a part of winning side, do not fall for easy money offers.
You never earn any if you are one of those who think their Typing is skill and they can earn
by that. Typing is skills no doubt, but not to earn money sure. Many people think, online
jobs means typing or copy paste something and earn money for that , Sure , wake up dear,
not gonna happen.
Second, when you willing to earn online, you must do some work , and for that you must
invest money to purchase basic resources. Only computer and internet connection are not
enough to get started. Its only basic things, you must need more to get job done.
Saleem Shaik's answer to How do I get a contract for a call center I own?
Feel free to communicate if you are serious about work and investment accordingly.
5k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 45
Go around any commercial market. Close to 90% of the shops are cloth stores. Who the hell
knows the actual price? You buy clothes (may be in weight I heard from whole sale dealers).
For example, the landing cost may be Rs 100 per piece for you. You label it Rs 1000 and
offer 20% discount, sell it for Rs 800. Who the hell knows actual price? Mint money! That’s
why we see millions of cloth stores every where around.
Next come in line, the foot wear shops, optical shops, barber shops and gold shops. No
common man can ever actually guess correct price. That’s the fodder of your business.
Now the food stalls and hotels! My god! So many push cart stalls all around!! All are busy
minting money. The average person had outsourced kitchen. More and more people
despise and hate any physical work. Cooking is being perceived as a hassle and avoidable
ordeal. There’s a visible exponential growth in the % of people out sourcing their daily food
needs. This is going to remain an evergreen business, in my personal opinion.
Share· 1
Had there been a single list applicable to all the time and business scenarios, it would have
worked to list one. Unfortunately, very nature of these kind of lists invites further
competitions and sooner or later reduces it to like any other average businesses.
Having said that, there are businesses in India that provides lucrative returns in short term
but its sustainability over long run is questionable. My top picks are:-
Food & Restaurant business :- This is one sector that works wonderfully, especially having
vegetarian menus in India. Since, the cost of raw materials is much cheaper with year long
availability and no. of vegetarian customers are so huge, with nobody minding eating
vegetarian fares in India, it always delivers if the quality is good. Combined with the fact that
variety of Indian vegetarian cuisine is so much that you can keep your customers engaged
all year round.
Since, most of the food and restaurant businesses combines both non veg and veg cuisine
in India, causing average price to go up leading to lack of vegetarian food at that price level.
Real Estate :- The shortages of suitable low cost housings is something that is largely
unexploited. Neither there is lack of land nor the lack of demand, most of the raw materials
and infrastructure is also present, however faulty government policies and unscrupulous
behaviour of builders have caused artificial scarcity, the price point for a unit of housing is
kept so steep, effectively repressing the growth of housing industries. Current spate of
imprisonment of promoters of these companies is if any indicator, then I guess there could
be a huge opportunity in this sector.
Microfinance or finance targeted at the lower levels of economic strata. India is a huge
country where most of its populations is devoid of financial products targeted specifically to
customers having low income power. These set of consumers have just recently been
brought into the fold of banking, however there is very few financial products that are tailor
made for them. The range of products could be from banking, insurance, health insurance,
small loans etc.
Entertainment & media - This is another sector that can swell to serious levels provided you
can catch them at the local level. India is country of huge language diversity and to target
them individually in their mother tongues can pay rich dividends. Even if you target a small
community in their own language, other then English or Hindi, there is pretty good chance
you will be successful. India has 24 nationally recognised languages, and none of them have
population less than 10 million. Just tailor made stuff for them and see the magic.
Upvote· 12
Understand big problems and solve them.Problems most people face are containing big
If you dont find problems then search for what people pays most, very frequent and then
provide them that things.
In India some decades ago people prefer to use cloths of cotton but India had very big
population and that much cotton was not produced in India at that time.
Mr.Ambani saw this and started business of artificial cloths ( Polyester ). Its all about
providing what people needs.
Upvote· 23
Originally Answered: What are the top 10 internet business models that are currently the most profitable
and easiest to copy in a new market?
Clone Groupon model. You can even find software for
that: http://www.agriya.com/groupon-clone
Or clone Yipit (aggregator for group buying sites). Yes, you have software for that
too: http://yipitpro.demo.agriya.com/... (low cost to run)
BTW, I am not affiliated with any of these companies...including that software company.
35k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 45
Practically i cant tell you about top 10, but i can definitely tell you about 1 idea, which is
content sharing portal.
after many attempts, i founded ReadersIQ - an online content sharing portal where people
can write/post their amazing stories and articles about their interests and audiences/visitors
can read awesome stories written by different people itself.
you can read some articles here - All you need to know about India's most amazing 'Mystic'
- Sadhguru
22k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 56
By keeping the recent recession in mind here is the list of top 10 most profitable businesses
Upvote· 12
India is Going to Become Next Power in the world, Startups in India in a Big Row,
Business Idea's
The best way for a businessman to think of a productive business idea is to ensure that their
creative processes are working fine through activities such as sports, reading, and painting.
They can also get out of their comfort zones and spend some more time in cultivating their
hobbies. When the mind is free and working properly, a businessman is in the best position
to utilize his knowledge. They should not try forcefully to come up with a good business
idea as such efforts normally deliver negative results. -
1. Recycler
2. B2B
3. Re-seller on Marketplace like on Amazon, Flipkart, MyNewish,
4. Distribution, Bey Bee
5. Web-design & App Development
6. Delivery Services
7. Food
8. Reviews
9. Open Platform for Discussion
10. Digital marketing
2.3k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 56
Originally Answered: What are the top 10 internet business models that are currently the most profitable
and easiest to copy in a new market?
There is a contradiction in the question: What are the top 10 internet business models that
are currently the most profitable and easiest to copy in a new market?
The most profitable business model will not be the easiest to copy since by definition
anyone can copy that business model, compete with the original business model and so
bring down the profits of the business model as a whole.
Examples of most profitable internet business models typically depend on dominating the
long-tail. This requires these businesses to operate at a lower cost than if manual / human
processing was required, and capitalize on improving the signal to noise ratio using
algorithms at scale. It is difficult for substitute businesses to develop the same scale later as
collecting huge amounts of long-tail data takes a long time (years)
Google search: Have data on long-tail search terms and creates a market place where
participants can bid to reach most relevant customers.
Amazon.com: Have organized information of long-tail products for sale and offer
unparalleled selection, prices are reasonable, inventory overheads are low (they need to
stock a few items globally compared to a few items per physical store)
Ebay: Created an auction marketplace where buyers can bid for long-tail products offered
by sellers world-wide. The larger the number of buyers, the larger the number of sellers and
Ebay makes a cut off each transaction.
Wikipedia or Yahoo Answers: Long-tail content is generated by users at little / low expense
to the company, content is relevant and used years after it was originally created. Bulk of the
content is accessed only a few times every month but collectively drives billions of page
views a month. This can be harvested by basic online advertising.
99.3k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 2324
Here is the list of Top 10 profitable businesses and easy way how to start online business.
1 . Build Online Travel Activity Booking Website : FunAway as the best online travel
marketplace builder solution based on its features and reviews. FunAway is such a
marketplace builder to create a travel based marketplace website that help travellers to find
out about local activities & attractions and book them in advance to have a comfortable,
hassle-free, and memorable vacation.
2. Start online food ordering venture : food delivery business is best. I would recommend
using YoYumm- it is a ready made online food ordering e-commerce solution with latest
features to handle food orders and delivery. YoYummwhich has all the features of popular
online food ordering portals, and also offers scope of customization. Visit once Launch
Online Food Ordering Marketplace with Yo!Yumm
3. Start an Online Grocery Store : Online grocery store becomes easier business to start in
india. Here one of our best product online grocery store builder. It comes with advanced
features to manage products, orders, gift vouchers, and more. In addition to
this, Growcer also offers multiple payment options and eWallet to enable the store owner
accept payments globally. choose growcer for your online grocery supermarket to get more
repeat customers and sell more. To Know More Visit On : Grocery Shopping Store
Development Script - Growcer
5. Earn by renting products online : YoRent is a ready solution for entrepreneurs who
want to start online rental business. The mobile optimized system is completely
customizable and brings unique features to increase profits from product rentals. To Know
More Visit On : Start Your Online Rental Business with Yo!Rent
For More Information visit On : Online Marketplace Solutions & Startup Business
Upvote· 1617
there are so money business should you start in India.its all dependent on you. which
business you should choose? which service you provided? how to maintain your service?
On the off chance that you have a base start-up spending plan of Rs. 3,00,000 this business
can demonstrate to be truly productive. You simply need to get hold of an appropriate
working environment and be prepared to assume the liability of the nitty gritty
documentation methods and reports of the customers. Along these lines, sparing a ton of
their time. The pre-imperative for this business is satisfactory deals and advertising
aptitudes. Additionally, you can hope to accomplish a gross benefit of around half and can
achieve the status of make back the initial investment inside a month.
3.) Event Management:
Occasion Management has dependably remained the most gainful business in India. Be it a
wedding service or an organization's item dispatch or some other capacity, individuals
incline toward that it is composed and celebrated on great scales. Be that as it may, the host
might not have room schedule-wise to take care of each and every detail of the capacity.
Imagination demonstrates to be a major event in making this calling an effective one. With
gross benefits of practically 10% and base speculation of Rs. 3,00,000, this organization can
accomplish the status of equal the initial investment relying upon the nature of tasks that it
With the blast in the IT area, the interest in online promotions is expanding. Each individual
attempts that the subtleties of their items and administrations achieve the intended interest
group. For this, they are prepared to pay the site proprietors who can furnish them with
suitable space. In the event that you have great information of systems administration and
media arranging and have contacts with the site proprietors, at that point this business can
get you a gross benefit of 22% with the base venture of Rs. 4,00,000 and the base time
interim to accomplish equality is a multi-year.
There is a chaotic part that includes cloth pickers, nearby kabaris, middle people, reusing
manufacturing plants and well-off businesspeople who work upon the undertaking of scrap
accumulation and acquire a lot of benefit while running parallel to the MCD's waste
administration framework. It is a multi-crore business in which the casual waste gathering
and transfer area work begins actually without any preparation. In the event that you
choose to manage the piece, at that point you can contact any assembling organization and
make an arrangement with them. You can gather their piece materials and pitch them at a
lot higher rates to the businesses or individuals who need it.
6.) restaurants:
While India has always been a food-loving country with each region having its own special
cuisine, Indians have never been very big on eating out. But all that is changing now. The
restaurant industry in India has been growing at a rapid pace over the last decade or so and
the growth story is set to continue for the next foreseeable future.There were nearly 22 lakh
hotel and restaurant establishments in India in 2002. The food service or restaurant industry
was worth a whopping Rs. 43,000 crores in 2010 and growing at a healthy rate of 15-20
percent annually.More and more young folk began to leave home to work in other cities
and towns and for them takeaways and dining out became necessary. This was
accompanied by an increase in disposable income and a general willingness to spend on the
experience of dining out.
There's a developing requirement for advisors and contractual workers in all fields including
building, advertising, and logical ventures. Huge organizations are even prepared to offer
extremely rewarding installment for good specialists and temporary workers.
Mohan Gupta, studied Marketing at Lal Bahadur Shastri Institute of Management, New Delhi
Answered May 10, 2018
I will suggest you to consider this business proposition if you are looking for a profitable
Upvote· 1314
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My recommendations:
1. Food-related: Street food & fast foods, Sweet-meats (mithai and namkeen, as
called in India), home-cooked food (tiffins)
2. Education: Tutoring and coaching classes, Formal education, etc.
3. Medical services and Nursing homes
4. Tailoring & garments
5. Private Hostels & Boarding Houses
6. Interior Decorations
7. Maintenance and General Repair Services, Cleaning & servant supply services
8. Recruitment, especially labour supply for Gulf region, construction companies
and security services
9. Lobbying, also called consulting
10. Politics - the mother of all businesses
Upvote· 34
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There are many profitable businesses in India with a very low cost some of them are:
· Event management
· Chocolate store
· Blogging
· Content writing
· Tea stalls
Upvote· 2425
Jashandeep Matharoo, Indian by birth
Answered Apr 18
1. Website designing
A good company website is easy to attract more potential customers. This is one of the
reasons why large or small businesses should have a website of their own. In 2018, India has
more than 400 million people use the internet- accounting for about 30% of the population
– a very potential market for website design business.
You can set up an e-shop and start selling your goods online in your living room. You can
focus on local customers in India only, or you can target the overseas online shoppers- then
you are already in the international export business.
You can start a different business in the travel/tourism sector such as: organizing tours,
airline ticketing, travel consultancy, travel agency…
To run a successful travel business and attract more customers use the service, we need to
do an research for potential customers. Analyze and meet the needs of customers in a
timely manner, bring satisfaction to customers.
In the light of Indian rising middle class, it is clear, that there are business opportunities
available. If you are able to select a right niche and focus on the right target group, you can
have a profitable business in India.
In recent years, the Indian pharmaceutical industry has created its own position. India is
country known for supplying low-cost generic drugs to the global market, which has grown
and matured more with the development of technology and product research.
In recent years, India’s steel mills have recorded record highs to meet the growing demand
for infrastructure, new homes, and consumer goods in the country. With high growth rates,
the Indian steel industry is expected to produce about 300 million tonnes by 2029-2030.
India is becoming one of the hottest mobile markets in the world. The number of mobile
users in India is roughly the size of the US population, and the number of users is expected
to increase substantially in the future.
India has 650 million mobile users, but just over 300 million people own smartphones and
that number will increase by more than 50% over the next few years. This is a great
opportunity for smartphone makers.
Graphical design can be a good choice for a person who has artistic talent. This kind of
business is not suitable for everyone. But if you are talented in art and you have the
necessary skills, then this business can be for you the most profitable business in India with
low investment.
[1] Most profitable business in India
Upvote· 23
8) Footwear Manufacturing
Upvote· 910
Pappy Khan
Answered Apr 28, 2018
Upvote· 23
Share· 5
Arun Purohit, Was an officer in military and served IAF for six years
Answered Oct 24, 2015
Learn to do it like :
1. Sharad Pawar
2. P Chidambaram
3. Prafful Patel
4. Sonia -> Vadra
5. Nitin Gadkari
Most of the inspectors, local bodies, folks dont touch a business run by a politician
18.7k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 1920
1. Devotional market: In a country with numerous babas and people ready to drink
cow pee for religious reasons you can always make them accept new babas. It is all
about the right combination of fear and religion.
2. Education: Take a look around at all the coaching centres. Recently i saw a flex
board that guaranteed entry to some specific companies with the help of their
1.9k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 23
1. E-commerce Websites
2. Fashion Industry
3. Education Institutes
As the people of India are attracting to the online shopping and so many sellers are
registering themselves on Online market i can say that e-commerce business can become
one of the best businesses in the future. Fashion industry is growing because of younger
generation. they are always seeking new fashion and attracted to try the new fashion which
increased garments business very much. online garments’ business is in the list of highest
selling items. People of small town and villages are understanding importance of education
and everyone in India wants to have good education facilities which increased education
universities and institutes in India.
Decide:- Decide how much money you want. Think big as much as you can. It is
very important. Promunka Products helps you to think big with its elegant design
and helps you decide big.
Tremendous desire:- You need to have tremendous desire for your goal by
seeing it that you already have your goal achieved and feeling rich. Promunka
products with it’s luxurious design and rich material makes you feel rich
Constant Visualization:- By seeing yourself constantly(3 to 4 hours a day) as you
have already achieved your goal and you are already rich you will start achieving it
step by step. Promunka means “Professional Work”. So it will continuously help
you to see your dream as a professional work. So our products will always remind
you to see yourself as you are already rich.You can buy promunka mobile cases to
luxurious pens and more products on Amazon and flipkart.
Click here to visit my youtube channel Promunka by Namra Haren pandya:-
Upvote· 23
Oluwasegun Abe, Small Business Consultant
Updated Nov 17, 2018
Today many young and dynamic people are looking for small profitable business ideas in
India. They want to become their own boss by starting their own business. They are looking
for low-cost high-profit business ideas. In order to help them, I am here with 10 most
profitable small business ideas.
If you are a new business entrepreneur and looking for good money making opportunities
these ideas for you. These small business ideas are evergreen and directly related to public
Upvote· 34
Upvote· 34
A business where people visit because of their needs and not because of yours.
Let me explain,
Disclaimer: I can’t say about the top 10, but I believe that the business idea should be the
one that drives you huge sums of profit in no time and this answer is exactly about that.
I very recently came across an answer on Quora where a person has narrated a conversation
between him and the barber about the earnings of the shop owner. You’ll be more than
surprised to know that the owner is making a monthly earnings of more than Rs. 10 lacs.
Yes you read it right, Rs 10 lacs a month by simply running a barber shop.
Isn’t it a fantastic business idea? As people would visit the shop recurrently because they
need a haircut every 1–2 months.
You may read the full conversation between the man and the barber here, where the barber
explains how the owner is making so much profit: Mrinal Khurana's answer to Why do
most Indians seek jobs rather than building a business?
Upvote· 34
With the advent of time preferences of people change. So what was relevant a decade ago
may not be that significant in 2018. That applies for the business world too. also with the
advancements in technology there is are new avenues in the entrepreneurial world too.
Going by that in today’s scenario I feel that the following 10 businesses can be more
1. A mobile phone accessories and repair shop. Today there is a lot of demand for mobile
phones and it is going to rise in the coming future. So setting up a shop for repair and also
selling accessories will be really profitable.
2. Restaurant or eatery. This is an all-time favorite. However, you need to innovate here
and offer some services that will attract more customers. Like offer of Wi Fi, accepting
payment via wallets and online portals, creating a mod environ, music and so on. you can
add certain other facilities on request or as per demand of the customers. This will bring in
more customers and your eatery is bound to flourish if you offer healthy snacks. The health
conscious too won’t mind having a bite at your place.
3. Job recruitment agency. This also has many takers. You can provide consultancy as well
as some skill development training too. your agency will be flocked by youngsters and job
seekers. Yes, you should not try to fleece them. Then it will be a short lived enterprise and
the risk of getting caught is high and you may lose your reputation too.
4. A shop or outlet for office supplies. There are always new products introduced into the
market. These products have a huge margin and are always in demand. Putting up a shop in
a commercial area may work very well. You can also add a web page and start online
shopping for this venture.
5. Website designing. This can be done from home or you can have a small office set up.
digitization is on the rise so people always are on the lookout for web designers. So if you
are interested in web designing you can take up a course in this and the start your web
designing service.
6. Event management. Today people love partying. Even birthday celebrations need to be
grand. Not many people know how to decorate the venue beautifully. They are always on
the lookout for professional help and you can step in. there are thousands of events taking
place all around and there is a huge competition. If you manage to give some novel ideas,
you can rule this world.
7. Counselling. This is a very good business as of today. If you like talking to people and
like giving advice, then it is high time you start a consultancy. Today you have so many
young people who going astray and also are in a great dilemma about their career, life,
relationships and so on. they need a shoulder to cry and vent out. If you lend one, of course
for a small fee you will not be short of clients.
8. Pet care business. Today many people prefer to stay childless but do not mind having
pets. But they do not have the knowhow about taking care of them. There are many more
houses with pets today in the urban areas. And there is a lack of proper pet care system in
place. If you fill this void you are sure gong to thrive. Of course you need to have love for all
kinds of pets.
9. Sports coach. This is also lucrative business. Not many young ones are in the know about
the sports that they wish to play. Today sports can be a profession. So many more people
are coming forward to take some formal coaching to join this arena to make sports their
career. All you need to do is have some good coaching skills in the particular sport.
10. Gym. Buy some gym equipment and set up shop. You can see a lot of people joining it
with ease. Today fitness is a rage. Offering training and a prospect to exercise at a
reasonable rate that come with some sops will establish you as a gym instructor or owner
with ease.
These are just some of the ideas which I Jignesh Barasara an entrepreneur felt were so
pertinent in today’s world. there may be many more and this is not an exhaustive list nor are
all the entries in order of preference. You may need to add some skills to start these. Unless
you do these startups may not work as desired.
Upvote· 56
I don't know weather I can count up to 10 but can give some highly profitable businesses.
Upvote· 23
Saleem Shaik, mba Business Management & Marketing, International Economics (2012)
Answered Jan 25, 2018
But Call center business ( International projects ) are all time popular in terms of low
investment High returns ( profits ) .
India is all time favorite destination for international companies to outsource their
Telemarketing, Sales, Lead generation, Appointment setting campaigns, Business
Development etc.
they save operation cost, make good margin in profits by reducing liabilities in outsourcing.
So they can offer high commissions ( pay ) to call centers who are working on such.
Utilize such opportunities, Write a proper business plan, Implement it , Use quality
manpower ( which we have access easily) , Use technology to reduce operation cost,
investments etc.
Start work from home, after sufficient experience , confidence expand business gradually.
choose wisely.
Upvote· 23
Answered Jul 2, 2018
“When you save, your money sits idle. When you invest, your money multiplies.’
Your investment choices can significantly impact the rate at which your money compounds.
And we at S&S Management provide the right avenue for investment with assurance of
delivery of superior profit returns.Here are the reasons to why you should invest in us:
•Assured Profit Return: Unlike mutual funds and all such traditional forms of investment,
your investment is not subjected to market risk. While earning is your job, investing it wisely
and delivering high returns is ours. Your profit returns will not be affected by the
organization’s overall profits and losses. Whether our firm earns a profit or suffers a loss,
you will always get your profit return on every 30th day (or the next working day in case of a
bank holiday) without fail. Thus investing in us is an excellent way to enjoy high returns with
zero risk.
•Lifelong Profit Return: Once you have invested in us, you can be rest assured for all your
life.You will get your profit returns each month without fail lifelong. Along with that, you can
also mention a nominee who will then benefit from your profit return for all their lives.
• Highest Percentage of Profit Return: We do not just claim to have the highest
percentage of profit return, it is a fact that we do. Be it fixed deposits, mutual funds or any
other traditional forms of investment, none of them assure a profit return as high as ours.
One time investment may result in guaranteed profit returns as high as 5% to 9%.
• Investment for a Greater Cause: Your investment goes into our projects and since we
work on the model of social entrepreneurship, your investment does not just assure you
with a secure profit return, but you are also helping people belonging to the weaker
sections of the society with the same.
This is easily accessible to all classes but for the underprivileged who earn less than 3 Lakhs
per annum and have managed to save some money but are still not able to meet the
minimum investment requirement, they can also invest a lower capital amount. For that,
along with the rest of the necessary documents, they will also have to submit their income
Upvote· 12
The profitable business these days are to own a franchise of a top growing organization. In
a franchise business, the franchisor provides a developed way of doing business, ongoing
guidance, systems and assistance in return for periodic payment of fees and/or purchases.
Start small to go big: here are some profitable businesses you can start in India within
Rs 10,000
Travel agency
The travel industry in India has witnessed a boom in the past decade. Keeping to people’s
changing habits and their desire for the ultimate ‘wanderlust’, the time is ripe for aspiring
entrepreneurs to put their money where the map is. The most cost-effective measure to
open up a home-based travel agency is by tying up with a host-agency. By doing so, you
will receive the benefits of pace (helping you get your ARC, CLIA, or IATA number faster),
convenience (they perform all the ‘back-end functions’), and help you earn higher
commissions and keep your costs low. While the rates differ according to the host agencies,
your main initial costs that will fall within Rs 10,000.
Even with online recharge, in India most mobile-users prefer visiting a recharge shop to fill
their balance. So those looking to practise this business can start by renting a space in a
small local shop. This rent will be the primary (monthly) expenditure. You also need to form
ties with the network providers of the area, such as Airtel, Vodafone, Idea etc., and pen
down their commission rates, where they will receive a cut of your profits from the sale of
the commodities taken from them. Assuming that you aren’t looking to rent out a shop-
space in any expensive real-estate property, your overall costs will definitely feature below
the Rs. 10,000 scale.
Tea stall
Can you imagine a world without tea? What would we do with our evenings? While the tea-
industry as a whole has done exceptionally well over the decades, the smaller tea stall
owners have definitely been reaping the benefits of their overall success. Besides a basic
budget for renting a small room or stall for space, the only other investment you need to
make is on buying tea from the manufacturers and purchasing makeshift benches and
Garment tailor
In cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi, the demand for good tailors has increased tenfold
due to the increasing popularity of self-made designs. Other than a small rented space, you
only need to invest in powerful sewing and stitching machines, and of course electricity.
Read These 15 Books Before Starting Your Next Startup, Side Project
Upvote· 12
Building your own business from ground up needs more effort than Franchising. You not
only have to engage in day-to-day operations but on the side, you have to build your
brand, a reason for your potential customers to identify, understand, and approach your
The Archadin Group is one such organization that works with various reputed International
F&B Brands, helping them in establishing their grounds in India. You can visit their website
and look at the opportunities they can provide you with.
At the first glance of the website, they do not provide you the names of the brands
explicitly, you will need to fill their contact form post which their uber friendly team will get
in touch with you and give a free consultation.
Upvote· 12
Primary Aim of Edify is to give the Clients entire Support. We Will provide
1.Operations Support
2. IT Support
3. Designing Support
4. Marketing Support
5. Administration Support
6. Recruitment Support
We create an environment for the child that encourages learning with all the five senses and
also aim to ensure parent participation as an integral part of the programme, thus make
each parent more knowledgeable about their child's development, behavior patterns and
positive guidance techniques.
Salient Features :
Day Care
Upvote· 56
Arko Mallick
Answered Oct 25, 2018
Jewellery showrooms
Coaching centre
Brick kiln
Purchase good quality data, hire experienced freelancer staff to do cold calling and lead
generation for you. Earn good commission for results.
its one of good profitable option in terms of long term project, profitability , genuine , legit.
Saleem Shaik's answer to What business is good to start in northeast states and investment
of Rs 2 lakh or more?
Hope it helps.
Upvote· 23
(1) Restaurant
Restaurant business is one of the most successful business ideas. Healthy & tasty food is
need for everyone. If you are passionate about food and ready to serve healthy and yummy
food you can start this business.
Theme based restaurant e.g Jungle based theme, Kathiyawadi theme is more popular today
if you have additional capital you can think of making theme based restaurant.
Due to busy lifestyle, people don’t find time to cook food at home & we even see many
people prefer eating in restaurant frequently. This is the reason why restaurant business is
most successful business idea today.
Starting recruitment firm is really good business idea. Recruitment firm does not require
huge investment. You just need small office space and few contact to start with.
Gift store of customize gift is another good business idea to start with. This idea is low
investment business idea as you don’t need even office space you can start this business
from your home.
We have trend to give gift on every occasion & festival. Gone are days where people use to
give card or traditional gift, today’s trend is to give customized gift as it attracts more
attention thus we feel custom make gift store can be good business idea.
If you are creative in nature and able to manage multiple tasks at same time you can plan to
enter in wedding planning & catering business. This is quite challenging business as it
requires skill and management ability.
Marriage is one in lifetime opportunity and people are ready to spend lot of money to make
this event successful and memorable. With your skill and ability you can touch sky in this
Education or coaching class is indeed good business idea. You need small space and skill to
start this business.
Today level of education has become high and every parent wants his/her child to stand
first. They prefer to place child in to good coaching class thus we see multiple successful
coaching classes today.
You may find this business idea slight odd but believe me this is really good business idea.
You just need small shop and good nasta maker team that’s it you can earn huge money.
Why Namkeen shop business is successful business idea?
Today we find many working woman & they find very less time at home. Instead of making
nasta at home they prefer to bring readymade nasta . If you are very good as
namkeen/nasta maker you can easily make good amount of profit.
Tour or travel planner is another great business idea. This business requires good
geographical knowledge and lot of contacts. In order to get sure success you can even tie
up with online website like Flight, Cheap Air Tickets , Hotels, Holiday, Trains Package
Booking - Yatra.com etc.
According to recent survey Indian goes on maximum business trip every year. Not only that
during every vacation (Diwali, Summer, Christmas etc) people prefer to enjoy holiday by
visiting distinct places and hill stations. Thus we see huge potential in tour & travel planner
Smartphone sale and repair is good business idea. In order to start smatphone sale and
repair business you need skill and capital.
Mobile phone business is growing in exponentially. Every common man today prefer smart
phone. This increasing smartphone usage offers good business opportunity for sale and
repair of smartphones.
Event Management companies are the perfect small business idea for anyone interested in
helping other companies and individuals to plan and manage big events. This business
requires planning and management ability.
There’s definitely a need in the industry for event management as companies constantly
host events to market products & services. In order to make this event successful they often
take services from professional event management companies.
There’s a growing need for consultants & contractor in all fields including engineering,
marketing, and scientific industries. Big companies are even ready to offer very lucrative
payment for good consultants and contractors.
Thank You.
Upvote· 910
Stella William
Answered Jun 22
Hi guys,
Starting a new business is really a great idea. But choosing a profitable business is not an
easy task that wants some proper guidance and research. Most of the new entrepreneurs
are choosing a business without any knowledge that is the main reason for getting loos.
IT support service
Automobile parts manufacturer
Event management & wedding planning
Tailoring service (online)
Courier delivery service
Travel agency
Consultant service
Mobile phone service shop
Training Institute
With these, I suggest one of the best business get high profit in a short duration. That is a
courier delivery service. If you don’t have much money to start your courier business means
to start a courier franchise with low investment.
Murtaza Kandil
Answered Aug 22, 2017
to ask this question is kind of stupid. business itself is essence of profit making and any
business can be most profitable provided you pull it off right. generally people asking this
question are looking for easy ways to make money which is not really a realistic case. my
advice to anyone who thinks about starting their own business is to do through market
research first hand about that business for a fair amount of time. dont ask people or freinds
or same people in business . do it yourself and find out if this is something you can do for
long amount of time and would suit to your lifestyle or not. for example food business
seems to be a highly lucrative business for everyone like omg people are paying upfront
and people are going to eat all the time. people dont see how much time it takes of yours .
normally on an average its more than 18 hours work a day can you work 18 hours a day go
do it . hence market research to find out most profitable business for you .
Krish Gurumurthi, former Forestry Researcher
Answered Dec 14, 2018
If you interested in starting an online business, then I have some good options for you.
Upvote· 78
Wait, you can give something away but still make money?
Source: Top 11 Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2016
Yes, you sure can. So you know those offers that always seem too nice to be true?
Make this amount of money in a matter of days?I thought the same with this method
but apparently not. It actually does work and the theory behind it makes sense.
Between working on Youtube I found time to set this up for my girlfriend to try it out.
So far so good!Why am I sharing this?
Because it can’t be saturated, the combinations are endless. This will be the new 2016
online money making method
If you’re going to make money online or are currently making money knowing which
opportunities will be available next year is important. Today technology moves at the
speed of light, often what’s hot today might not be so hot tomorrow.
Those seeking out legitimate ways to make money online will be interested in what
websites avail the best chance to make money online in 2016 and beyond.
For more detail, check out: Top 11 Best Ways to Make Money Online in 2016
31.3k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 67
As Walt Disney said, “If you can dream it, you can do it.” On that positive note, here are a
few business ideas that we believe can be the most profitable businesses in India
Travel agency
The most cost-effective measure to open up a home-based travel agency is by tying up with
a host-agency. By doing so, you will receive the benefits of pace, convenience and help you
earn higher commissions and keep your costs low.
Even with online recharge, in India, most mobile-users prefer visiting a recharge shop to fill
their balance. So those looking to practise this business can start by renting a space in a
small local shop.
Breakfast joint
To open up your own breakfast joint, you need to invest money in renting a space for it,
after having received a permit for it from the respective authorities.
Tuition centre
This is possibly one of the most cost-effective businesses to launch, due to its near-zero
starting cost requirement. Most tuition-teachers take classes in their own homes, thus
eliminating any expenditure on rent and supplies.
Garment tailor
In cities like Kolkata, Mumbai, and Delhi, the demand for good tailors has increased tenfold
due to the increasing popularity of self-made designs. Other than a small rented space, you
only need to invest in powerful sewing and stitching machines, and of course electricity.
Online bakery
The market is ripe for online food-based services, especially in the realm of baked foods.
Single-handedly run online baking companies are popular, too.
This is possibly one of the most lucrative fields to tap into the digital age. Professional
blogging requires only a minimal start-up cost. You only have to invest in a domain name
and hosting space –initially at least.
YouTube channel
YouTube is a hotspot for creative and talented individuals looking for great returns with
little monetary investment. YouTube allows its users to create independent channels and
upload their videos for free. It even pays some YouTubers whose channels are popular.
Wedding consultants
The term ‘big fat Indian wedding’ exists for a reason. This is because weddings are taken
very seriously by almost all cultures making up our diversified society. Today, even
multinational corporations like Uber are tapping into this lucrative industry and centring
their campaign on it.
Upvote· 12
1. Animation Market
2. Digital Marketing
3. Direct Marketing
4. Spare Parts business ( Reason it taken this because every product is made from
different spare parts. if any maintenance came market need spare parts.)
2.1k views · Answer requested by Saddam Husain
Yugal Singh
Low investment and no risk
Vignesh Waran
Answered Apr 21, 2018
1.Politicians government contracts and scams 2.entertainment actors actress directors etc
3.sports like cricket soccer etc 4.government officials corruptions 5.restaurants and bars.
6.grocery shops 7.education sector donation and course fees 8.internet like e-commerce
youtube blog web designing 9.amusement parks 10.companies like fashion designing
dresses etc
Narendra Giram, Love Your-self | Live Life | Learn | Grow
Answered Nov 12, 2018
It’s all about number game dear. If you are strong enough in maths, then there is every
business profitable. Use brain max as before your emotion’s. Business should useful for
society and its growth. Utilize your resources perfectly. No matter resources are limited or
not, business is small or big.. Whatever, Major job is to start. After starting a process, there
are multi-pal strategies to 10X your business. Good Luck.
Upvote· 12
In India, the rising trend of start-ups is proving to be a great idea. With people shifting from
their 9-to-5 jobs to starting businesses, they seek the best business ideas in India to start
Travel agency
A travel agency is among the best business ideas with high profitability as the demand
exciting and new travel itineraries is on the rise in India.
Event management
With celebrations and events in high demand around the country, event management
remains a profitable business idea.
Custom-gift making
The business of custom-gift making is becoming popular in Indian cities, thus providing
scope for high profitability.
Website designing
As people seek recognition on the internet, website designing business is here to stay and is
growing in profitability.
Running a fashion boutique
Fashion boutiques are among the recent trends that have caught on in the business world.
It is also among the best business ideas for women.
With these business ideas, you may now start with your own business to earn profits and be
a successful small business owner. To start such businesses, you may avail necessary funds,
up to Rs. 30 Lakh in the form of business loans.
Upvote· 12
After lot of research work I came to conclusion. Try to be a religious Guru - No qualification,
no risk, no investment, no technical skills, no competition nothing required and you get
everything money, name, fame all kind of comfort. Just go ahead and become one
religious/spiritual Guru and enjoy life.
Remember if you can fool more n more people you can enjoy more n more. Truth of life is -
you can't enjoy money if you can't fool people.
Fooling styles are so many some say it's business skills other say technical or professional
But when you serve society fulfilling your basic needs you are most comfortable and feel
good factor is on the top.
Now choice is yours which way you choose! Wishing you all the best whichever way you
Upvote· 12
3. Restaurant - To begin the Indian restaurant business you need to be informed about all
varieties of foods that make up Indian food. To design a fruitful café business you should
ensure you have your fund or cash set up. Money is the most significant errand to deal with.
4. Recruitment Business - starting your own recruitment business can help make the
business industry better since you are the one who will be looking for competent and
reliable job seekers. Also, you are given the errand by entrepreneurs to enable them to
make a strong group which can support them.
8. Coaching Classes - With our culture of competition for education, coaching classes have
popped up in every nook and cranny of the country. No quality checks and no uniform
standards make this a good business for fly by night operators.
9. Fitness Center - The fitness world is growing at a very fast pace and as more and more
people around the world are becoming health conscious, regularly going to gym, morning
walks, proper diet plans are becoming a part and parcel of everyday life.
10. Online Seller - According to a report released by the Internet and Mobile Association of
India on the E-commerce industry in India, a growth of 47% in the e-commerce market is
expected. Online travel industry adds around 76% to the total E-commerce market today. I
suggest you start your own business, get some experience by selling stuff either on
Amazone, Flipkart & Paytm or at your own website.
Here are some tips that can guide to Turn your ideas into Profitable Business
Upvote· 23
Share· 1
Joshua Ferns
Answered May 16
India is Going to Become Next Power in the world, Startups in India in a Big Row,
Business Idea's
The best way for a businessman to think of a productive business idea is to ensure that
their creative processes are working fine through activities such as sports, reading, and
painting. They can also get out of their comfort zones and spend some more time in
cultivating their hobbies. When the mind is free and working properly, a businessman is in
the best position to utilize his knowledge. They should not try forcefully to come up with a
good business
idea as such efforts normally deliver negative results. -
1. Recycler
2. B2B
3. Re-seller on Marketplace like on Amazon,
Filpkart, http://oyobaby.com , http://BookSellBuy.com
4. Distribution
5. Web-design & App Development
6. Delivery Services
7. Food
8. Reviews
9. Open Platform for Discussion
10. Digital marketing
See more at: Top Business Ideas
44.5k views · View Upvoters
Upvote· 1112
Answered Oct 1, 2016
1. Nursing Home
2. Education- ( School up to class 12th)
3. Private tution( Group)
4. Barber Shop
5. Readymade Garment Shop
6. Auto servicing centre
7. Restaurant Business
8. Dhobi
9. Roadside Tea Shop
10. Roadside Pan Shop
Buying own car is important and for that minimum investment need to be at least 150,000
for sure. also note Car rental business is good and excellent only when you come with a
freedom to work for any one. I am not advice to be in contract with single vendor.
let understand this with an example. we at Cablo Car rental having 15000+ Driver partner in
more than 10+ cities and they are working with us on contract basis.
Since we are premium providers so even with 5 trip a month for outstation they will able to
earn more than 40–50K and rest of the day they are working for local services any where for
any other vendor.
this give them freedom and extra money so that in first two -three years they will complete
and closed the Loan and then earn higher income.
Yes one factor that become deterrent for your profit is your work attitude. Remember car
rental is not for your profit only this is for consumer and best service to consumer with best
price is what we meant for.
hence if you come with short terms goal them you will not be in the list of successful driver
owner at all.
Kamal Deep
Answered Apr 28, 2018
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If you are looking for the most profitable businesses in India then we also have to consider
that business model also plays a big role. It is just not about the business only, business
model is a major thing to look after.
Highest profit margin is currently available in Finance, Education and Ecommerce sector.
I would be a little but selfish and draw you towards our own business - Paisa To Banega. We
are a finance and wealth advisory. With minimum resources and micro expenses, we are
zero debt business and profitable since day 1. We are offering franchises in all over India.
You will also be profitable right away with zero expenses.
Current Franchise Offer is only Rs 20,000 one time fees payable in 4 installments of Rs 5000.
Revenue sharing 70%. Solid business model.
Upvote· 12
As far as my knowledge and experience is concern, online business is one of the top
businesses in India today.
{ For Pre-Nursery/Nursery/KG Admission in Delhi, avail the Prospectus cum Admission form
from the Best Playschool in Central Delhi / Daryaganj.
Answer to this cant be simple & straight. One way to look at it is in which categories gross
margins are high. These are mainly personal care, home care, oral care, Sopas, cosmetics,
jewellery, baby products, apparels, shoes.
In apparels margind are as high as 60%–70%. Same is with footwear. Ideally one can look at
starting this business.
Online businesses dont make money untill you achieve a big scale. In other businesses like
food the margins are low but its easy to achieve scale, huge volumes which makes it
profitable. In niche foos sengmemt such as breakfast cereals margins are good, organic
food again margins are good, health based products have good margins.
For examples oats, oats biscuuts, corn flakes, fruit based drinks etc are having good
margins. Most of the niche players who command more than 60%-70% market share charge
2.8k views · Answer requested by James Sudhir
There may be many suggestive businesses which can give clean & decent amount of return.
But, we need to consider gestation period & quantum of investment. Few suggestive
contours or areas are below, chronology does not define the priority.
From Market capitalization, one can estimate whether the business is high ranked. So
Market capitalization indicates how successful the business is considered in the stock
market. This can be an indication of the top businesses in India with each companies sector
indicating the business it is in.
Upvote· 12
Nature Treasure
Upvote· 12
Originally Answered: What are the top 10 internet business models that are currently the most profitable
and easiest to copy in a new market?
By "new market" do you mean overseas? I'd say email marketing. I worked with one of the
first big email marketing providers back in the late nineties. The theory back then is that
they and a couple others would grow to dominate the market. Didn't happen. There are a
few big players (ConstantContact, ExactTarget, Responsys), but I don't believe any of them
has more than 10% market share.
13.9k views · View Upvoters · View Sharers
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Shashank Rajurkar
Answered Mar 7, 2018
Originally Answered: What are the most profitable business ideas in India?
The idea is the most critical and fundamental element of a new business and for many, the
new business starts when there is some great idea to execute.
Many wait for good ideas to happen to them. Many ask around for suggestions on good
In many of such situations; it is not that they do not have any idea.
It is just that they are not happy with the ideas in hand and would rather wait for great ones.
In many other situations, some founders just get started with half-baked, crappy ideas. It
almost like, we want to tell them not to hasten the decision.
What is worse? Jumping in with a crappy idea or not jumping In while waiting for a great
Lydia Johnson
Answered Feb 3, 2018
Franchise business is one of the most profitable business in India. It is the most effective
ways of starting and expanding a business mainly for the reason of its well established
brand and developed strategy. A brand has already developed value and reputation in the
market which attracts majority of the consumer.
Choosing recruitment franchise over any other franchise results in a profitable business as
there is always a need for right talent in the organisation. Recruitment is one such business
which has high demand. No matter where you go and start this business it is always going
to be beneficial because of the continuous demand for manpower in the economy. Entering
into franchise business requires great research however, opting for the organisation which
offers recruitment franchise is even more challenging.
Antal brand is a world leader in the field of executive recruitment and Antal India provides
amazing franchise opportunities to passionate entrepreneurs. It is that well established
brand in the market which is backed by industry experts and award winning methodology.
Joining Antal India is like being a part of global brand. Click on the link to know
more: Contact Us - Antal
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The easiest, fastest and best way to become rich in business is the E-commerce business.
if you have a low budget don’t loose hope as the big businesses are not only based on
money, a big idea is also important.
I just want to share some useful info about clone software. Now a days clone software is
trending now. If you want to start a business I just suggest fantasy clone script. It is the
best E-commerce clone script. It has the unique features when compared to other
competitor products.
Fancy clone Give your e-Commerce site a brand new look. Enjoy interacting with buyers and
sellers alike with this social eCommerce platform that combines multi-vendor features in its
clone script and native apps.
Upvote· 23
1. E-commerce: India is the one of the fastest growing markets in the world. There
is a huge potential and thousands of e-commerce entrepreneurs are becoming
millionaires every year. How To Sell Online In India - A Compact Guide For
Beginners - Online Selling India
2. Kirana/ departmental store:
3. Food corner/ Restaurant/ Highway Dhaba
4. Beauty Parlor
5. Property consultant.
6. Education/ Online courses
7. Events and entertainment
8. Web Development
9. Boutique
10. Health club
Upvote· 34
Upvote· 89
1. I would say this would depend on the business idea which you would choose
2. How passionate you are in running the business.
3. Are you looking for some 30% to 50% profits, then you are limiting yourself in
business growth. take example of demart where they run with thin margins
however they would multiply their sales by offering at low / discounted prices
Every business is profitable one, but depends upon the location, brand, category it may
varies. Different categories of business are
To get more details visit Top Franchise Business Opportunities in India - Franchise in India |
Franchise and Business Solutions
849 views · Answer requested by Prayatharth Srivastav
Answered Aug 29, 2018
2. Reliance
3. Cairn India
4. SBI
5. TCS
7. Infosys
8. ICICI Bank
9. Coal India
10. ITC
Top Companies in India by Net Profit, Top BSE Companies by Net Profit, Top BSE
28.2k views · View Upvoters · Answer requested by Neeraj Bharti
Upvote· 67
But most important that which company is best for direct selling business.
because many companies in this sector but some companies is provide good opportunity
and good profit.
Javed Akhtar
Answered Sep 9, 2015
Hmm, that’s a great question, but you have to look to the wider question!
I have been using: Indian Businesses to find out how many business there actually are.
Kruti Shah, 8+ years of experience in Marketing
Answered Aug 26, 2016
I think profitability is still to come from start ups so only earlier businesses are successful.
But still there are some low investment business by which you can invest less and get
profitability. Check some low cost business investment ideas which may help you
Upvote· 23
It’s the most favorite web designers and web developers company.
Rahul Yadav
Answered Jan 26, 2018
The service industry become top profitable industry. But this is not good for people. amma-
ayurveda.blogspot.com You shall check a doctor who have explained about the medical
profession status in a video.
Megha Sharma, BCA Bachelor of Computer Applications Degrees, Jamia Hamdard (2015)
Answered May 21, 2018
When it comes to profitability, you need to ascertain the cost and revenue earned in return.
If you are a new entrepreneur and searching for profitable business ventures then franchise
business model is one of the most lucrative options to consider. If you have, a limited
budget and wish to take your business to soaring heights look no further. Franchising for a
battery rejuvenation service and fire safety products can help you to fulfill your business
goal in quick succession. However, it is not going to be a cakewalk. You will reap what you
sow; Give a slack and you will remain stuck, far...
Upvote· 12
1. Service provider
2. Restaurant
3. WorkPlace providing(Rental)
4. NBFC(non-banking finance companies)
5. Accounting and Business consultancy
6. E-health (Huge opportunity of digitalization)
7. Tours and Travels
8. Insurance
9. Wealth management
10. Education
Indian Fintech market overview: 35 Top Fintech startups ideas and opportunities
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