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8€ WWW. theweatheringmagazineicom 9L0Sv Oly Loz eee IETIC) ‘Model Kits: FEW! 1/35 4X4 MRAP ARMOURED | FIGHTING VEHICLE seid a ‘a ee = Patel i \ Bee. cerr\g ‘ops ak = —_ 4 aT . ri ae Lc kd PRACT explosive device (IED) attacks and ambushes, the vehicle can withstand balistic arms fre and mine blasts Ce ee et tte er ere) vehicles might eventually replace all active duty HMMWV as the standard US Army vehicles in raq and other warzones. eee eek cae re me = ee ad reagent! y am ee ae Se Eos) pHa = Reena 4 a rel ake a cm Goes i et ear en a = oy ot eT 0 i Crraeinreer carro reee) (necrrnrr eet) Vere eae chard M, Nixon, 37th President, United States of Americ | might also add that no other period hasbeen more underrepresented, fren ignored by the modeling world, 3s has the Vietnam boys and girs, is unacceptable. Do you hear me? i tis, For the most part, our focus at The Weathering Magazine has been to explore weathering technique in a one-ata-time,isue-by-isue forms, Bbutnot this time. No Sn this sue the rules of engagement ae biown wide open with the only requirement being that each subject relate to this umultuous period. Our contibutors tok Full advantage ofthis weekend pass by choosing a wide ange of subjects that were of personal inte fa them; showcasing thee talents and sharing techgues to outs levels, For this mission we have assembled a lth by trained veteran of the modeling wats. On the ground ‘ur postions with the hardened steel at “Spud” Murphy a5 he refers to tid photographs to add realism and detail on a M48 ~ complete with Rin 50's! lain Hamiton provides the counterpoint to the American jug oetfaut vith an exceptionally detailed NVA TSS, Jamie Haggo provides a Ieer by showesing two important warbieds, an Fa Phantom and a MIG: Nz, Vladimir Demchencko aso does double rotation with two excellent Giramas showcasing figure painting and terrain techniques. Oishi Modes /OPded theultimate “watt” with a special forces Mech on patrol along the Cambodian border. The helicopter gunship, which came to symbolize the American effort, bilan portrayed by Yang Yu-Fe with his “Shark Palace arte while Ruben Torregossa provides a game sale perspective (Ofte conflict. And inal, we take afina ook back onthe war, years later, Ina poignant vignette featuring former POW John McCain as he makes 2 felurn vst and reflects upon his experen 1 t00p, i's time to square away your gear and get your head on staight, lock and load, here we g0—an cof mating ge in the morning goin’ nat. Hove the sme AER A a oe gen Chet Editor Layout & lusvations Rick Lawler Antonio Alonso. John Murphi lain Hamilton ‘THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE by ere ‘AMMO of ed Jean-Bernard André Mig Jimenez anaes Vladimir Demchenko Copyright 2014 rs sa” Yang YuPei aa Jamie Haggo Esitoria! Photograoher — Management José Idi icatiee cued Rubén Torregrosa Manager ere Valls a minted cover l} r o@in Mig Jiménez ISSN 2340-289x july 2014 M48 A3 PATTON "Spud" Murphy provides some Flower Powered muscle to the engagement with this photo inspired M48 Patton; sporting a lethal twin .50 package and a pretty parasol! ag.6 NVA STEEL lain Hamitton showcases the North's an- ‘ver to American battlefield might with 4 beautifully painted NVA 59. Charlie Pritchett provides the platform through the use of his excellent scratch building ‘and conversion sil. ea. 16 NAM OFFICERS Vladimir Demchencko also does two ‘ours in the ‘NAM with two excellent dioramas showcasing figure painting and terrain techniques, giving us a re- look at the combat environment and the soldiers who fought the war in. Asia Ree SHARK ATTACK Feol the wash of the rotoblades as Yan Yu-Peilands his Shark Mouthed Huey He- lcopter onto the pages of The Weathe- ting Magazin. Expery portrayed this Huey is Grining from ear to ear and ready for action. ae F-4B PHANTOM Il Jamie Haggo provides aerial ground support with his lethal F4 Marine Corps Phantom. Fully armed and per- fectly rendered, this war bird is loo- king for a fight. pag. 36 FULL METAL MECH Oishi Modeller creates a new breed of (p's force with his mechanical warrior. Fearless and fearsome, this deep jungle ‘operative will surely put the hurt on the enemy. ag. 50 iso ‘The Vietnam War has always held 2 special interest to me and in pat- ‘ticular the M48 Patton Tank that the US forces deployed to the conflict. | loved the scruffy, battered appearance and the way they were modified by the all | loved the flowerpatterned p this model and the idea for recreating the weathering effects. | would also like to thank Alex from Us. van der Rosten for going out of his way to create the flower pattern decal for me. be seen inthis photo, the fenders are new and undamaged the mante sitfering colo e the fist section of the right hand | Once the stowage bins had been glued in place, the outer por f the mudguards were carefully bent and deformed wsing a pair of smooth jaw piers the damaged right hand bracket was ard and Aluminium stip. IE / VIETNAM (Once the base ple fel begin the More hipping and scr e applied tothe engine deck ering, a ndustrial Earth ol ai Ye bins using acrli m and fi presmoxed mud paint and water were Used to create volume to the mud paste that replicated the Vietnam earth ¢o- lour I had in mind for the model sathering on the lower hull a heaviy diluted mix of ors Southern Europe Mud and Brake dust are aiorushed on, This paste was then liberally applied tothe lower hulland running Once it had been allowed to dry | set about removing much of it eer wth some wat water and an brush. For the tighter spots | used a smal sti bristled paintbrush THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM 1 9 al whe: re the paste only remains ‘around prominent. deals ‘This has helped create a natural scruffy appearance ‘The next step is to make another mud mixture, this time based around the fine textured Reality In Scale Mudin-a-Pot’, pigments and acrylic matt varnish Matt vamish is used censure we end up with a ied mud effet. Using a small brush the mudi applied tothe hull and running gear Its important to think logically where the mud would adhere tothe The next stp is to add some water to this mud mixture and by fcking A hight thinned version ofthe dust mixture is applied around the itonto the model with old paintbrush we can recreate random splatters fetal and on the horizontal surfaces of the hl and turret and splashes, ul pigments and fest his dust mo shade etand er with white spint. 7 create the coe’ and texture, pt act asthe bi othe vadks. Ris best done with 1 the wash being applied the wash d the tracks held in the hot spread even afore the wash dries ful 2 to remove the 4 portions of the tacktinks further washes or palshed 9 1 frished wack. AF ‘pe added now rafter fiting PG 116 mi Fe OS © & 5 WWI CAMO SETS THE AUTHENTIC CAMOUFLAGE COLORS OF THE WWI z gece ww LIGHT-CONTRAST & prec asl ai em dh - MTT atc Ned Pee RS eee r cg ne Premera) Eau eae rt erry Seer Sap PoE Sea “Now serving the whole of Europe” Trading&Design Modelbouwverf by MaRo Trading&! NWA STEEL * ~ lain Hamilton a subject or an era that capt drives us withia the Boi Foe dense, humid jungles, breezy open plains and the Vietnam War became regular vi flickering reminder of the true cost of war. To this day the Vietnam experience continues to influence US foreign policy, the domestic agenda and social per. ceptions. When the theme for this issue was decided there was no doubt that | would contribute. However, | wanted to present something just a little bit out of the ordinary — North Vietnamese armor ~ not something that is usually associated with the NVA. Unfortunately, there are no kits on the market that accurately Portray NVA armor, so | elicited the help and advice of my friend Charlie Prit- chett who would work to transform the Tamiya T55 into a Chinese copy known as the 7-54; as employed by the NVA and known in the west as the Type 59. 16 | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ‘Bo example of “fal” modeling. The unpainted ‘model show-off the extent of the work invoWved to create the Type $9. Changes include a modified ‘engine deck; weld seams and modifications to the twret and road wheels Using period photos as reference, unique details from 2 number of afferent vehicles were included onto the model. Peehaps the most interesting feature being 2 German NOTEK ight mounted above the headlight cage Painting begins by apphing a base layer of AMMO black colored primer Primer i rial for a model with multimedia construction in ord to Unify the varity of materials a: was used on ths conversion, ‘THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM / 17 In order to provide an intresting canvas for weathering, i is important to create contrast in the base colors. For this project | begin that process at the earliest stage by incorporating highlights to selected areas using white primer. Although it looks harsh now, rast wll be the basis for ily and interesting monochromatic pant scheme. £n acrylic color suitable to represent Chinese green sig the black and wiite primer base. If you look carefully you can sil see the rirass ofthe black and white primer infiuencng the ‘green base color Ths i exactly the effect that | am looking for ‘Many variations of our base color are used Bulling contrast into a monotone base color ici Irngortant horizontal features such ast un, fue tanks, and too! storage boxes show contrast tothe shadow areas giving volume to our model 00mm main Distinguishing features ofthe 7-59 such asthe external plumbing have ‘been highlighted with ANIM acrylis 18 | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM te paint the deals of our subject. Raised etais le witha fine brush as bot heads are brought to Highly thinned ochre colored artist’ ois were used to create after that served 10 unity the base colors and establish the desired overall tone, General fiers can be applied to the entire surface, but be careful to avoid allowing filters to pool in panel lines and around surace detalls and features th localized overall ochre coloed fier had ade from thinned enamel paints to spec- once t f blue and greens wie. Th of the hull and reces fiers fic areas ofthe se localized fiers are app retical the surfaces 4 areas to fut and shading 2s well as creat cont fh the unpe h enhance shad zontal surface MIMO pearance 1 Mus, & Light Dus fre sty, diy and grim soil Earth, 2 the overall A. combination of Ku ha tothe veh en mie Atouchot 0 Moisture Effects add the pigments can add interest and contrast tothe tans In oxder to further define surface Different color washes are used 2 NAT hes wile AMIG UN WASH FOI DARK BRO Spiled fuel, ol and grease are extremely important elements to add, id ethen icing mechanical feel to what ide bringing a lke aplastic mo have a matted finish, whi cit and du or lossy ins wil hve ate and ent stains a appearance. THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM I 19 The NVA pennant was fas- }) rioned from the fol rom a wine bottle, painted using acrylics in the ti-colos; the star made using a quick stencil A Crew applied camouflage foliage a photo etched ele- ‘ment from the Verinen range of products. To prepare the branches for painting, the surfaces wer fist ightly scuffed with fine sandpaper before removing them from the sprue. Overall color was applied using an airbrush, with individual leaves and branches picked out later with afine bush 1s the model nears completion final touches include adding small ust tains and rainmarks as shown here on the ture. [Asa final step its always a good idea to take acral look at the finish. In this case I decide to reinforce the shadows around some ofthe surface deta using a dark wash. 20 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM 1.21 Vietnam is a country rich and diverse in vibrant soil and earth colors and weather patterns. Earth and dust colors. ranging from White and Yellow sand dunes of coastal plains, Black-Brown of mangrove fields and terraced farms, and Yellow- Brown and Red-Brown of the Central Highlands. The country of Vietnam is 329,560 square kilometers (127,244 square miles) and rises from sea level to 3,143 meters (10,312 feet)" Geogra- phy & Climate each are a major factor in weathering our models and. Vietnam's is as diverse as any other place on earth. Weather patterns change radically from dry & arid coastal plains of central Vietnam to hot and humid southern deltas and triple canopy tropical forests - each affected by the monsoon seasons. These weather patterns drastically affect the appearance of mud and dust, itis very important to understand the setting of our subject to obtain the most realistic and accurate effects on our vehicles. Check your references and know your subject well! The lo- cation and season of your next Vietnam era subject, offer you the opportunity to break from the masses and create a truly realistic Vietnam era model. f (Central Highlands) ‘Vietnam boasts 3,260 klometers 2,026 miles of coast ne much af whichis ordered by coastal sand ats, roling hls and beaches = 2 well a one ofthe largest natural ports inthe word at Danang ‘which was utlzed by the US. Miltary trom the beginning of the ]varont never end J > Aristure of Paci Sand” and AMIG-401 “Light Dust” is pete for depicting dust effects on vehicles operating on the coast fram 2 the °RAR" centr of Vung Tao tothe many volent clashes n the Sie coastal sa tas, Yellow Ove sois are prevalent in Vieram and can be sen inthe iconic images ofthe battles fought in the Central Highlands including those of the Aghia and a Drang valleys, ‘The Yel Och sls of Vena are easly represen By ted by A.nAG-1400 “Kursk Soi", hs enamel colori D) eal for creating the eects of dust and mod fr ou Vietnam ea vehicles ‘common sight in Vietnam ithe ron-oxde reddish orange mus and dust. The famous “Tera-Rouge” can be found from the Red River of Northern Vietnam all te way to the Mekong Dea inthe south Enamel rst tones such a “ight Rust Wash and “Streaking Rust Effects" canbe used ect to represent Vietnam's reddsh dust mised with plaster and sand to create textured mud 22 | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM etna tt Ol are an excelent option fr af Batt os, we are able to match a wide range of Vietnam many Sl coos which ange from Rich Blak Brown t0- Yellow Ocve -o- Won Oxide Rh Bown Black ae conmon ste an cn be four ne Cerra plants, Coma plans, anceraes ams thoughout JA.MIG-1402 "Fresh Mud used to represent the Brown-Black ust, dt and mus sen on uniforms and vehicles in Vietnam, With eateme and quick changing weather patteins of South Vietnam, is cca 0 note the eras changes in color tom sun baked dit ‘tadamp earth. Tis effect seen on most APs sening in Vietnam, ysimBly tinting 4 diferent enamel clos fom AMINO with eachother, we can obtain the fu range of colors displayed in tis example of crying sol. Ths will enable you to depict both damp Vietnam mod and sun baked Vietnam si and every stage in-between on your ne Viet nam era suet. The Mekong River brings Ife to SE. Aso and South Vitnarmdin patculg The rive us 4,350km from China to Vietnam bringing ‘uaent 1 the paddies ofthe Mekong Dea To match the color of the Mekong River, AMIG-1400 “Kursk Sai & aperect staring point, & & Es 8 ~e Pgments ae an essential median for weathering all modes and subjects ba sedin Vietnam are no exception. By maing ti small selection of pigment, wear able to cover afl spectrum af soil olor rom the Ceatral Highlands tothe Mekong Dea, Subtle mixtures of Yellow Qctwe, Army Green, Dark ¢h, Tack Rust, anc Medium Rust have been mace ta obtain more accurately matched Vietnam sl colors ‘Awide range of Enamel effects canbe mixed to find the authentic colors fo weathering our Vietnam subjects. From Ode to Alumina & Kon Oxide Red Sal, the ful spectrum is avaliable to us. Shown here are simple mites of Streaking Rust Fresh Mud, Kursk Soll and ight Dust enamess, 1 fers ane fading, By bing THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM I 23 NAM OFFICERS Let's face it; for most of us painting figures can be a challenge. Add to the fact that the attire of the US soldier in Vietnam was generally green on green only {adds to the challenge. Think about it; thelr uniforms, web gear, duffle bags, equipment and many times even their faces were the same shade on the color wheel. In this article I will demonstrate how to avoid ng, monochrome results when painting figures in the Nam. inal touches are placed of on tan and kaki tones while avoiding an and ight gtey colors, The arms are ‘onto the boats for The 174th AHC SHARKS, flew the UH-1B, UH-1C and UH-1M. Huey gunships from 1966-1971. The unit arrived in Vietnam with the fronts of their Huey’s painted the same as every other chopper in the region; factory olive green with black anti-glare nose. Early in 1966 the unit offically asked for, and received permission from the famous Flying Tigers of WWI to adapt their P-40 Warhawk’s sharks-mouth pi scheme to the Sharks helicopters. Soon, every “Shark” the unit bore the toothy grin - proudly baring their teeth in combat until the unit stood down at the end of 1971. Painting begins by apalying the underying aluminum color to th me with a quick ayer of sver from a spray can Using an airrush, the pane lines are pre-shaded using black color. This will help add depth tothe definition tothe final pant Finish, The exterior panels are given further definition and highlights using a modure of XF5@, XF-59 and xF-2, With the chipping completed, the decals and then apply 2 layer of flat lear to protect to seal ‘and protect the work done sofa. 28 | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM I then apply layer of ANVIMO. Scratches Effects to prepare the surfaces forthe chipping and wear that | will apply later in the proces, x (Fee . A “The overall color forthe Huey a color mix using TAMIYA XF-51 and x6 62. Note the intentional thin ayers or green so as to allow the pre-shade tos be vise Once allowing for the paint to fully dy I now proceed to adding chips and scratches | begin by epphing water to the painted surface and then ff make small, iregular Sra ches wing a fine pointed bamboo stick. Care must be taken to add the scratches in a logical manner in areas of highest wea as Alimited amount of rust steaking is added to express areas of heaves wear and corrosion, [ANIMO Dark Brown fr Green Vehices' and around the surface details. 6 aces using a lean brus Applying fuel and ols stain technique showing the heav ‘am applying small stains and spill Grime and TAMIA X19, Of course helicopter kck up alot of dust on take-off and landing. Pig ments ate applied oveal, with the heaviest accumulations on the ho- ‘zontal surfaces and corners where dust would naturally accumulate THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM 1 29 ‘As a theme, the Vietnam War is of- ten overlooked when it comes to creating dioramas and vignettes, Itis a situation that seems at odds when one considers the wealth of interesting stories and subjects that this conflict provides. It's puzzling, but maybe the reason is that many modelers are intimidated with the thought of trying to create the tangle of vegetation as found in Southeast Asia. And while a jungle Is certainly more complex than say ‘2 manicured lawn or cobblestoned street, the techniques are simple and, the results are well worth the effort, eer reer | rie oF mene ‘| 4 cut pl important 32 | THE WEATHER Individual leaves and branches ae pi by brush painting edges and highlights are created by adn 1 the mi are trimmed to shape using a small pair o The bass for our bases this Sem x Bem elevation cast rom plaster tinted to the familar Vietnam rebrown color. The wire inserts an armature for a future tee trun (Once the plaster is et sculptural ler and even a are made using 2p h using a var ear varnish an be added of dampness. 3A | THEWEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM latter and debris made from tea leaves er the prepared ve surface, of color made from by {and open ares ofthe groun foliage. Fst, we place the underiing layers such iseaserto gauge progress by first placing the plants near the center then work outward toward the edges include the adltion of zech company Plusmé THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM 1 35 F-4B PHANTOM II The F-4 Phantom Il was the aerial workhorse for the US Navy, USAF and the USMC, flying countless missions over the course of the Vietnam War. The Phan- ‘tom was initially designed as an all-weather Air Defense craft, however, with gged versatility it quickly evolved Into the role of Close Air Support. It was able to carry a large bomb load, but more importantly was able to deliver its payload extre- mely accurately in all types of conditions, sometimes just yards in front of the Marine grunts on the ground. \coking at photos | noticed some Period photos show Phantoms in many stages of mainte unusual chipping sometimes oc nance, from those with clean airframes to others displa- Cured on the nose cone, The ying the tell-tale strains of aircraft involved in the round, Seer ey dark black/orown tone before the the clock operations in support of ground troops ~ often Saas within only a few miles from their own bases. pater These front line Phantoms depicted varied patterns of wear and grime, so itis important to study period photos in order to work out the how best to replicate it. pray when preparing 10 apply the metalic paints to the tal asthe surrounding area fe completely masked off. This was followed by an underlaye 3 Tamiyas seriloss ~— ' . no eof tat i misted using onto the tall ares 1:48 scale kt ofthe F-4B i a relatively new tooling and iii Akad ini has sens boasts superb surface deta the dark metalic look very wel he Acad 36 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM r “ Rather than use the decals provided, the walkways were masked- ‘off and painted for a better appearance Vale Sean berate or syed Hee dy bing 3 ed oy down the cl ees — -. Although it may be dificult see in this photo, the panel Perret peer eroded stars to comme ave ines hre en hed wie ied tse cor Th doer ged i of sate testa wy he Beanies toda tupioont THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM I 37 ‘Avery dle fiter sing Staking Grime for Winter Vehicles Wa'applied. This applice- ‘Yon mast be very thin, just othe cosiser- yof diy thinner, Removing the excess wash (dara fiter. can be tcky on the wing panels ining to allthe vets and tightly packed deta 38 / THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM 0 Quite often, madles se afore whichis far too stark fora panel ine wash. | prefer 0 use a mix slighty thic ker mix than the fitet and slowly buld up the fect. Also, look atthe real thing:and.you vill see ciferent intensities cross an airframe. Once dy, 2 damp brush with thinner is used to blend away the excess. ‘Once the panel wash has dried, a well worn polishing sponge can be used to gently remove the exces fied wash (Once again refering to photo, ceftain panels are vested. using diferent tones avers of fiter wete used to build up the effects although the larger right of the brush Wasimasked and sprayed ait looked lke batle damage repair and the contrast was stonger The undersides of Phantoms gat very fit due to fli leaks and were very leaky. To replicate this occurrence, Streaking Grime for Winter Vehicles was applied with a thin brush and allowed to dy fora few minutes allowing the Streaking Grime to dry Small dots of art's lt of dark brown and! ight grey The ols are blended into the surface using utes, a mostened Brush was used colors are added to certain areas along the arcaft were an old rush moistened with thinners the mitre back, J wanted to show Reaver dirty ouil-un and paint fade THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE /VIETNAM | 39 Our special product lines: 4 Hungarian vehicles from WWII East block, Modern, NATO, Civil, World Series me) . i 135 E 135 itn 35201 A hn * kit ne 35202 ROBOTINES WWW. rouotiies. com eee Tie Spans Tete md a ce kitneast22 BOOKWORLD Se s MODELL MODELLING nope eS = » real iS R fr Ree hy SETH” ALTE WHOIS "mmr RONEN A UME TAN EMS AAU eneterm ne cu AF OeLLMG RES PAT ONE OELNGTEESPETTWD REN ara me saunas ‘ours Sere ‘Sree nex ann 613.99 mim = g19.95 tum 22195 Snare 619.99 DUELINTHE DUELNTHEMISTVOUES CENTURION MDETAL ART 2 NEW MGT STAG MODEL MUL =" cia99 ANER IES 4S CHPTERS a 2995 e7399 "emma £7.05 £8.99 | [AERoDromes 0 Z FIGHTER Ola nt ANRESIFITELCUD A LURING ERS PEL Wuenscs NENG reno ‘BINS TUS VLE Wie & £10.99 The Vietnam War in the air on paper should have been completely one sided affair. On the one side you had the US with its state of the art US fighter aircraft with soph cated radar, avionics and guided missiles, and on the other side were the North Vietnamese who met the mighty for- ce using old, sub:sonic aircraft armed with cannons; in theory these MiGs should have been easily swat- ted out of the sky. Washington, however, hhad imposed very restrictive rules of engagement which negated the ‘American technological edge and forced the fighter pilots to eng ge the MiGs on the enemy's terms. And, although dated and crude by contemporary standards, the MiG- 17s were highly manoeuvrable and with carefully honed tactics designed to maximise their strengths did far better than the arm chair experts predicted. The MiG-17 at the start of the war was fielded in their na- tural metal finish. Unfortunately, it soon became painfully obvious that the shiny, silver MiG’s could easily be seen from miles away against the lush, green Jungle of North Vietnam. To remedy the situation the aircraft were has- tily camouflaged in the field, and although there has been quite a debate as to what paints were used. The one thing that is not doubt, it wore badly; a gift for us model Convincing weathering takes into ac count every detal of a model The intake fist receives @ chipping using halrspray, and then layer of grime and dts portrayed using artis al, etal was needed. 42 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM ‘A few years ago Hobby Boss released a model of the ve- nerable old fighter. A modern tooling, it has very refined surface detail however it also has over complicated engi neering and the fit can be described as average at best. It did go together eventually however lots of filling, sanding and restoration of the surface details were required Considerable amounts of filer were used ‘on the airframe and repairing of the suface >» and they were applied in the same manor asthe real thing! In order to hep the metal finish Alclad prime was applied then buffed with wellavor, fine grt sanding sponges. Once done afl rivet pattern ‘was applied with a riveting too from RB Productions. yj <4 After alo the paint to dry for@ few houts the fuselage markings were distressed in the pattern | saw inthe reference photos. These are vital for an authentic irish Rather than use the kt decals, decided to use custom vinyl masks From ‘Miracle Masks in the UK. These are great as the possbilites for options ae ites Nothing ike real, painted markings to look ike, well ~ real painted mar- kings! THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / IETNAM | 43 Altera sealing coat of matt varsh, the greenis sprayed on. Looking The green colour was applied overall, one small section at atime. The at the reference photos I noticed the finish was very patchy and mottled two colours | used for the custom mibture, | have no idea how accurate something tried o replicate with the airbrush, lower air pressure and the colour iss good qualty colour photos are hard to come by. slighty thinner paint isthe key here ‘Once again the made! was left fora couple of hours before the chipping A fier is used to added depth and unity to the fingh. Ih ths case the was done. An old cut down brush was usefulto replicate the distinctive fiter colour sa greylgreen shade that! have heavly diluted using white patter of wear found in the reference photos ofthe real aircraft. spits. (Once the fier has completely dry Imove to using the al pants, here XN isthe layout all the products and equiprnent | used on the MiG. 44 THRyigeninc Magazine / virwam . For me, the Vietnam War conjures thoughts of traumatic stress disorders. Young men who sur- vived the war but continue to be haunted to this day by the nightmare they lived during their time “in country”. My mind takes this nat ive one step further; | imagine an elderly American ‘tourist revisiting the haunting landscape — his thoughts instantly revisit the horrors of his past. He stares into the distance - seeing nothing, feeling everything. What better individual to star in this scene than US Senator John McCain; statesman and decorated Viet Nam War veteran. The base for our scene & begun by pouring plaster and Pebeo Sand Once cured, the plaster base i painted using a variety Acyjic Gel into a frame made from plastic cardstock crc paints Even at this eary stage | am aware of my color choses. Pigments are added into the mix to enhance the shadows and highlights 46 | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM For the rice plants | found a broom whose fine brstls tapered to 2 point just as wth the real plant. The bristles are painted a bright ye- llow shade of acrylic color, cut from the broom head and then glued into pre-illed holes in the resin water bas. A stroll through the back yard results in a handful of useful plants, seeds and twigs that can be manufactured into differing varieties of foliage and ground clutter ‘The water in the ice field is created using Gedeo epony resin tinted with Real grass alvays has a slight cuve and is more subtle commercially artists oi, I wanted to highlight the John character as he stood in the purchased than Heki grass, For ths veason | used hemp cut into eng water and employed a bt ofartstic license by making the water moe ths and then glued onto smal plastic strips. A wash of CA glue over translucent and brighter in color than would normally be found the strands helps to stifen and sds them of errant fiber stands. THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM I 47 rom the model company Diopark. With all of the bike proved tobe allen LIMITED 1:35 kit re-issues NOW available from MBK-MODELS! a! Oe MIL GL FREE SHIPPING for orders over 150€ within EU and over 200€ worldwide!!! f = bar ey) 2300 Brands try ust Z igh stock level Test us! Discount System ei r Fast Shipping Enjoy us! After Market Expert — em ones selection Oi ___ quality hobby supplies and kits, ia OP eeataneeeeren ia CORE oak Ltd Tuhe 855-LASTCAV - lasteavairy.com éi§SCALE DISCOUNTMODE| WWW.SCALEMODELSHOP.CO. — 2p +44(0)1422 40 50 40 ‘After years of conflict in Vietnam, the US military was desperate to ‘a way to effectively combat the elusive North Vietnamese and Viet Cong forces. Under mounting political pressure and frustration, the Pentagon ordered the special "black box" research team to deve- lop a bold solution; the result was M-49 “Titan”; the military's first Full Metal Mech. First deployed along the Cambodian border in late, 1968, the “Titan” earned its stripes as a fast pursuit weapon as it was able to effectively navigate through the dense jungle terrain. Later, roving “Titan Teams” became invaluable in the execution of successful “Seek and Destroy” missions through-out Northern Vietnam and Laos. For tHe base color sprayed Bon Laffer pains fom Mi olor folowing the color aduation technique, star OO id grt staces a Bee ists witpionter color My poptlies 2s a8mooth gradient. ' ised the top light direction, FPenithaighting, the sane hiique as used by Figur a Even at this early stage the paintwork i interesting ang wil provide an excellent base for adding interesting ele The next step isto apply @ wash which really makes the model come to life as it blends the base colors and creates de- fintion and shadow around the surf ce deta. For this model | used Ammo Dark brown Wash for green Vehices (AMIG-1008) direct from botle fr this A job. The excess wash is removed using Enamel Odourles Thinner Surface chips and'seratches are applied using a fine tipped brush. The haige of colors is important to emphasize the age of the chips. In ths closer view of the surfaces clearly shaws how well the two colors com case | amusing Olive Orab Shine to represent the surface scratches bine tocreate realistic scratches and chips. Also nate haw the location of (AMIG-529), while also Using Chipping color (A.MIG-044) to represent chips and scratches can help define edges surface details 7 deeper damage, 52 (THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / vieTNAM » a a | apoied a warm yellow colored fier to begin the weathering process. This wil help to unify the colors and reduce the saturation ofthe model Once the fiers have 7 en applied | recommend waiting 24-36 hours to allow it to dry before moving tothe nest steps | used ols in fading process to make the Ove Drab look more worn and ‘more realistic Waiting for 24-36 hours before goto next step, Dark brown Wash for green Vehicle was used to add grime and dit in ‘several areas lke around the bolt heads and inthe deeper recessed areas. ‘smal ee brush, oF sponge, i used for cleaning the exces wash, but We can see her the results of aur work sofa. The iter and washes have be careful not to remove too mach, done their work tunity thefinshes. Novice how thescratcheshawhave a look of depth and appear to be a part ofthe finish, rather than py lay on-top ofthe pain THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM 1 53 Streaks and stains were done ith Dark Streak Grim (A.MIG 1206). Apply the,paint in short lines and leave to dry for about 15 minutes followed le. lused Ammo Mig bya quick wipe using a down stoke with a soft brush moistened with paint set; stating withthe darker colors overall with highghts using the Enamel Odourles Thinner to blend the steaks brightest orange. ~ For the dust and mud effets I chose to add the reddish dust color that. has become the “stereo-ypical” look of Vietnam made from a custom miauce of (North Africa Dust (A.MIG 1408) + Light Rust Wash (AIMIG 1004) +Light Rust (& MIG 3006). These ingredients, along with abit of plas wete applied tothe model using an old brush ILusedthé’S3me dust and mud mature to add lighter dust to the upper ‘areas ofthe lags using my airbrush 5A | THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE / VIETNAM “rhe Vietgam War as a subject is special and very different ©: from otter issues such as the Gulf Wars or Middle Eastern ontlids, even compared to the scenarios of the Second © World War. This long war scenario unfolded in a dense fo- A very rough terrain, when we make a Vietnam we must take into account the factor of vegeta- $0 I think it’s very important to dedicate this section @\yery interesting group of little-known brands who offer Very different and varied products. It is also impor- light the most important brand that produces nam figures, Bravo 6, and although itis a high quality nufacturer offers 2 range of mutimedia product, incu- vd sis or ume to make some more detaled vegetation. They just Ppa tbe Printed and we ar ready to place them in our diorama. The Piva vegetation elements are very realistic for the 1/85 scale but i's ‘aso Fecommend to paint before or attr placement. Many Sotho vatigs fave palm veesin diferent mates, but what Toei offels are complete and easy to build although, again, we have to paint the ttunk and leaves ever if they Come in Glored papers bir paint them as wel. The catalog of this afiulactype's very excehsg and) recommend ot tg ther manufgturer of eae By Elizabeth Wiese brand which concentrates on Vietnam subject, itis from Russia! The natural postures, high quality, and level of de- tail of these figures is incredible. Finally, from Spain lintro- duce all of you to a new brand I recently found in Malaga dedicated to Vietnam War gaming in 1/55 (28m / m) scale. No doubt, i we think of Vietnam fgutes then we think (on Bravo 6. Viatimi, the sculptor of these amazing A v ‘ures fal of detail m, has captured perfectly the yu 0 ters from the movie Platoon, ut also has, in its tcong figures French Legionares in the Indoch Wat and a wide ran very ust or crams An * * nteresting dal that may ofits fous ld 1 eee: = deca forthe symbols and/emblems. 2P-OAw mm Pg onc ates notes erect Fe vegeta, but eo hase pee Boge ngs ror ean, pnts rae ot ie 9 yi estncne aay and ao ey a) spre Fis yprsentane youre ern Toi ated Phy lensed anon ache xeon eect Eps ite or Te pepr cor vey aut ut we Be gai ie sre nance mote tres befor buldng bs BUR, Te ponutacer aso fleshy eaves to lace o ike Hoge Ths comes th ey pproprate . aon prefer making Ite vt th tyes, Fae pots fra wit alin of egetaton nates wth in very real look, which are ready to be placed directly on oor ofr dorama Th s nda te cormediy SB i meters man have ther cet, gue oa \Wargarne enthusiasts Gan now play Git two, ew vehicles from this Spanish bran A mas, and a PT76, These kisi 1/55 are pert 1 pre pate in a few minutes and enjoy painting ther, They are made of high quality resin and some white metal pieces, which ves each piece a ood weight for the game and becornes 2 solid piece Athough’the details are somewhat basic, do not forget that your goal is 10 ply. The modeller can ‘hvays add some details to enhance each vehicle. Now ie hhave to wal for a M113 and the Type 9. aN SPAIN 32 EUROPE 36 mewons 4Q€ World wide shipping cost included A ISSUES - THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE SUBSCRIPTION Contact [email protected] TRIPLE PLAY iP of the great dilemmas facing Wargames players is sure time; should | play or should | paint? Obviously, doing both options at the same time is not feasible, son the end itis necessary to strike a balance. When it comes time for painting we want to achieve str- king results in the shortest time possible. In this article | show three levels of painting 15mm game pieces, each detail level requiring diffe- ring investments of your time. What best fits your style? In this level we want nice looking game pieces, but we are anxious to play the game. A few simple steps and only 1 or 2 hours are required to outfit your armor ~ ready for battle. ares primer, the base colo is applied using an aibcush color. This can also be the edge and surface deals. Use a flat brush for this tecrique ‘We make a simple effects of dust / mud by dry brushing colors over the To highlight the detals and all of miniature reliefs, we apply a selective ‘exposed surtaces. Fst applyalght shade to represent the dy mud, and washing with enamel int the receses. nena dark color forthe wet. crm ara masse [After wating for an hour to allow the washes and glazes tose, the ex- We make a smple effects of dust / mua by dry brushing color over th esis removed using 2 soft brush sightly mostened with thinner ° osed surfaces, Fst app alight shade to represent the dry mud nd then a dark color forthe wet THE WEATHERING MAGAZINE (EAB [At this level of finish a little morestime js required - perhaps an afternoon. Although the number of painting steps is not uch greater than those in the basié level, we build upon them and add a few new ones that require alittle more time. The:reward is & nice lodking army. After priming the veice we apply top lighting using thre shades of co- Using a tin brush, raised surfaces details and edges ae dei thebase color and ahighight. The appcationislogi- lightest coor lor a shadow to al, apiving the lights onto the upper regia and shadows on the lower th enamels, and then inte pay mie aterton tote trad wichare now ated we an app 05 vile he rather whet ae pried sk ater an our rave te exces th a rsh pond in saver. Uke acc aston aes wes he — Seopeeenes al si NTT neutral brovn col md wills] Since we have been using acrylic paints forthe base colors, chipping and de To repiesent chipping cen employ the help of 2 soft sponge to apply a tal tarps, ga we can now safely begin using enamel weathe- and exposure ring effects without rk to our surfaces. Streaking Rust fects are applied to represent a stains in those areas were we applied the acrylic chips. Fst paint vertical ines, and then merge with a brush dipped insolent lite "peck" of a dark brown tone, We focus on areas of highest wear REUNEWVERIBERING bacamye 1 VietAM torender the mud an the racks and running gear, dissolve various shades ‘of ploments with some white spt. And apply the Dust and muon the upper surfaces can be realized inthe same manne ashy" on al track Fuse the pigments dry and apply using a sft rush surfaces, and once dry remove the excess witha cotton bud ADVANCED LEVEL TIME REQUIRED 8 HOURS For those gamer and modelers who wish to spend the extra time it is obvious that excellent finishes can be achieved on these small scale vehicles. You will see that many of the painting and weathering techniques are common to those used in the prior descriptions, however, itis the attention to the details that will make your models really come to life. mig rig Ns Before painting the vehicle we can improve some details For example, in Once the veice has been primed itis painted the color geen using the nis case | ust replace the handles on the sides with brass, have rebult technique of the modulation, Roughly this technique involves painting some parts with putty and | added a tow cable and atrunk onthe back, each panel with its own lights and shadows so that the contrasts bet- ent panels are very striking (Once the base colors have been applied, w ying enamel washes a pth and shadows by Chipping and scratches is accomplished in layers. Applied using a soft d surface detals and along edges. When sponge, surface blemishes and scratches are repcesented using a lghtey he exces. Any details lost tothe washes can be re-stabls- shade of th base color. Use just a Small peceof the sponge ané forep hed by going beck over the edges with a fine brush and acrylic paints. for best contol ary remov Now, apply a darker colo, representing deeper chip, in thesamemanner Where once we only used for reddish colored streaking effects , no as efoe, in both cases we use the sponge first and then the brush to wil use various shades; gray, brow, red, ec, to give greater intrest ‘ve some coherence tothe chips and also add new ones, to the vehicle, ut the tones we use must be consistent withthe envi- Pigments dsalved using white spits are once again appled over the {tacks and upper surfaces, We can use the same “pooling” technique as sed with th esto create accumulated dust withthe dito rnance the effect by aso anpying dey pigments ved pigments. ‘The sare streaking effects can be used on horizontal panes were they areallowedto “pool” to represent accumulations of dit and dust around the detais With a graphite pencl highlight the meta racks, 0 git abit f con trast. Also add a bit of graphite onto the machine gun and along the fender edges to add a metallic sheen load the miature onto a stiff brush and then fick them onto selected areas create small spashes of mud, Using the effects of oll and grease AMIG we can represent small points of interest, thanks ta the tremendous contrast bet qeate pigment and these brillant e mn the matte PREWVERIERING bacamNe 1 VietAM STHERING MAGAZINE‘ VigENAaii POSTCARDS FROM ) — THEWORLD MS Steckholmo 2014 was celebrated in Sweden, Ths year the exhibition pad tb ‘Atka Korps vehicles. Cars, boats, planes, tanks, In early April Modellexpo na special category to ‘more interaction and the sense 9f humor of Swedsh modellers w hight It you are also looking fora ce, large, ina beautiful ciy with los to Be@yo not mis the nex Migilimenee gave two painting demonstration, ane on Saturday and event which the next special ibe “Indochina-ve ‘another on Sunday, on how tomake rust and burn effects in a KYA tue Slovakia At the foot of the Tata Mountains, in le town called Lp [Asa special ques ‘monstration, He painted from the base color to nearly the end a SU-122 in winer camouflage. He enlisted the hep of a great model, Jind ich St sek who help as transiator for attendees. llkinds of madels whe: re shown at the festa Undoubtedly, this an event done with, great care and love forthe ho= by. The vast majority were young modelers to EREUEENe feof the ‘models forthe coming decades ‘with a very busy event schedule the show began or Saturday at 7 am and ended at 4 pm tha day On behalf of AMNO/9F Mig Jimenez, We reaty thank Jan More and his team for se hospitality received chirng our sty thee. And we encourage otherlenadeles 10 visit th Beaustul place called Liptovsky Hrddok ane attend the next Bulldog Fest. We ssure you that they wil make you fgélikeat home, yo * "Your Online Ae Sa ee a wy Bre Tce) Meeltt IN THE NEXT ISSUE By Mig Jimenez The ar of dest Jrnique quite diferent others. ts J ofa destroyed hcl withthe wrong colors, or use too much glue t atach a small piece, or add so many pigments that it loks ike ne model has suffered a nuclear win ing the macel tse! But to make a mode! that really looks ikea vehicle that hasbeen destroyes by uses more ificut. The Origin ofthe destruction may have been s or by exp : by fire, and other elemer metimes that 1d of rusts aspects atrial, holes produced JARS STAINLESS STIRRING BALLS From now on, all new colors with yellow cap containing a ball fo improve agitation, for the same price. We also want to announce that we continue fo improve our products through constant innovation, This time we ate the first brand to include an agitator in our acrylic paints This industry leading innovation allows for quick and convenient color mixture, even and consistent every time. These exciting new products are easily distinguishable by their new yellow cop. Each jar includes a stainless steel agitator to facilitate mixture. reat rae eS ier SYN em CLL). Ry SUSE Se EEL CO eC agen Oke OF D kitTy MENG |e Hawk Wie

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