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2009 Year End Processing

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PeopleSoft 8.

Payroll Tax Update 09-E
October 2009

PeopleSoft 8.9 Payroll Tax Update 09-E

Year End Processing 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories

This document provides the information you need for using PeopleSoft Payroll for North America to complete
2009 year-end payroll processing. Please feel free to contact the Oracle Global Customer Support for help with
any questions you may have on the year-end programs. The telephone number is 800/477-5738.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Copyright © 2009, Oracle. All rights reserved.

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Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing.............................................................................................................4
Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables ............................................................................................................................................4
Controlling W-2 Printing........................................................................................................................................................12
Data Sources for W-2 Forms .................................................................................................................................................19

Preparing Tax Data and Year-End Forms..........................................................................................................30

Overview of Preparing Tax Data and W-2 Forms.................................................................................................................31
Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms..............................................................................................32
Updating the Retirement Plan and Third-party Sick Pay Check Boxes on Form W-2.........................................................33
Reporting Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Items to Pennsylvania on Form W-2......................................................37
Listing and Resolving TAX900 Error Conditions in Your Database....................................................................................38
Determining W-2 Wages for Part-Year New York City Residents.......................................................................................39
Loading and Reviewing Year-End Records...........................................................................................................................39
Overview of Reconciliation and Balancing...........................................................................................................................46
Reconciling Year-End Totals for U.S. and Territories..........................................................................................................48
Reconciling Year End Totals for Puerto Rico........................................................................................................................50
Filing W-2 Data with the Social Security Administration.....................................................................................................51
Filing W-2PR Data with Puerto Rico.....................................................................................................................................54
Filing State W-2 Data Electronically or on Magnetic Media................................................................................................56
Reporting Local W-2 Data (Paper).........................................................................................................................................60
Filing Local W-2 Data Electronically or on Magnetic Media...............................................................................................61
Printing W-2 Forms................................................................................................................................................................67
Preparing Form 940................................................................................................................................................................76
Reporting Form 1099-R Data.................................................................................................................................................78

W-2c Processing..................................................................................................................................................87
Overview of W-2c Processing................................................................................................................................................87
Preparing W-2c Data...............................................................................................................................................................88
Generating the W-2c Data Audit Report................................................................................................................................94
Processing the Form W-2c Print File.....................................................................................................................................96
Filing W-2c Data with the Social Security Administration ................................................................................................101

(E&G) Year End 1042 Processing (U.S.) ..........................................................................................................106

Overview of Year-End 1042 Processing..............................................................................................................................106
Reviewing Table Setup.........................................................................................................................................................106
Updating Employee Data......................................................................................................................................................109
Preparing Forms 1042-S and 1042 ......................................................................................................................................114

Appendix: Year-End SQRs................................................................................................................................119

Appendix B: Year End Reporting Issues and

Mid-Year Payroll Conversions..........................................................................................................................126

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Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing

This chapter explains how to:
• Set up tax reporting tables.

• Control W-2 printing.

• Identify data sources for W-2 forms.

Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables

Follow these steps to set up tax reporting tables for tax year 2009:
1. Create tax form definitions.
a. First time users only: Run the DataMover script upd766828_05.dms provided in Tax Update 09-D to add
2008 entries to the Tax Form Definition Table.

All users must follow these remaining steps:

b. Follow these instructions in the tax update notes document delivered with Tax Update 09-E to add Tax
Form Definition Table entries for 2009.

IMPORTANT: You must complete this manual step before proceeding to use Change Assistant to apply
the DataMover script upd766835_02.dms delivered with Tax Update 09-E.

Enter the Tax Form Identification W-2 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2008 on
the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search. Add a new row in the
table that duplicates all of the 2008 entries by selecting the Add (+) button
in the “Effective Date” Group Box. Change the Effective Date for this newly
inserted row to 01/01/2009. Save this new entry. Then follow this same
procedure for Tax Form Identifications W-2c, W-2AS, W-2cAS, W-2GU, W-2cGU,
W-2PR, W-2cPR, W-2VI, and W-2cVI. Save these new entries.

c. Update 2009 Tax Form Definition Table entries with any new earnings or deductions required for 2009
year-end processing.
d. To update your Tax Form Definition Table for 2009 Form 940 reporting, enter the Tax Form Identification
940 and the Effective Date of 01/01/2008 on the Tax Form Definition search page and select Search.
Add a new row in the table by selecting the Add (+) button in the “Effective Date” Group Box and change
the Effective Date for this newly inserted row to 01/01/2009. Enter information for any earnings or
deductions that should be defined as FUTA-exempt for 2009 FUTA Form 940 reporting. Save this new

2. Update and review tax form print parameters and tax form definitions.
a. Run the DataMover script upd766835_02.dms provided in Tax Update 09-E. This script will add 2009
entries to the Tax Form Definitions table (New Jersey Family Leave Insurance entries) and Tax Form
Print Parameters table.
b. Run TAX710 to print a listing of 2009 Tax Form Definition table entries and review for accuracy.

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c. Update the 2009 Tax Form Print Parameters Table entries to print any items of data you have added to
the 2009 Tax Form Definition Table entries for any year end forms. (You must always update Tax Form
Print Parameters Table entries for any non-PeopleSoft delivered items you have added to the Tax Form
Definition Table.)
d. Run TAX712 to verify that 2009 entries have been added to the Tax Form Print Parameters table.

3. Review and update data on the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page(s) for year-end reporting.
• Select the tax year in the Balances for Year field.

• Enter the Company ID of the company that will be transmitting W-2 data electronically in the
Transmitter ID field.

• Select the appropriate entries in the Organization Type and Type of Employment fields.

4. Review the Tax Report Type field on the Company Table-FICA/Tax Details page and update for 2009 year-
end reporting if necessary.

5. Update the W-2 Company table with entries for calendar year 2009.

Pages Used to Set Up Tax Reporting Tables

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Tax Form TAXFORM_DEFN_T Payroll for North Enter additional
Definitions BL America, U.S. earnings or
Annual deductions for
Processing, year-end
Define Annual processing.
Tax Reporting,
Tax Form
Tax Form RUNCTL_TAX710 Payroll for North Run TAX710 to
Definitions Report America, U.S. print a listing of
Annual 2009 Tax Form
Processing, Audit Definition table
and Error entries and review
Reports, Tax for accuracy.
Form Definitions
Tax Form Print TAXFORM_PRT_PAR Payroll for North Define the Tax
Parameters MS America, U.S. Form Print
Annual Parameters for
Processing, any user-defined
Define Annual box entries.
Tax Reporting,
Tax Form Print

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 5

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Tax Form Print RUNCTL_TAX712 Payroll for North Run TAX712 to
Parameters Report America, U.S. verify that 2009
Annual entries have been
Processing, Audit added to the Tax
and Error Form Print
Reports, Tax Parameters table.
Form Print
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_A Payroll for North Update tax
Reporting NN America, U.S. reporting
Parameters1 Annual parameters for
Processing, year-end
Define Annual reporting.
Tax Reporting,
Tax Reporting
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_A Payroll for North Update Kentucky
Reporting NN2 America, U.S. Economic
Parameters2 Annual Development
Processing, Finance Authority
Define Annual Program codes
Tax Reporting, and corresponding
Tax Reporting Locality Codes
Parameters from Local Tax
Table entries.
FICA/Tax Details COMP_TBL8USA_SE Set Up HRMS, Review the Tax
C Foundation Report Type field
Tables, for each Company
Organization, and update if
Company, necessary.
Default Settings
Click the Tax
Details link in the
Payroll for North
America group
W-2 Company W2_COMPANY Payroll for North Update W-2
Data America, U.S. Company table
Annual with entries for
Processing, calendar year
Define Annual 2009. (Year end
Tax Reporting, records will not be
W-2 Company loaded for any
Data Company for
which the W-2
Company table
has not been
updated/added for

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 6

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See Also

Controlling W-2 Printing

Updating and Reviewing the Tax Form Definition Table

The Tax Form Definition table associates amounts stored in tax, earnings, and deduction records with the various
boxes on the tax form.
Access the Tax Form Definition Table page.

Tax Form Definitions


This group box refers to the Box identifier printed on the tax form you’re setting up.


PeopleSoft provides much of the information that defines the W-2 forms. We strongly advise you not to change
the information in the Taxes group box unless you have some compelling reason to do so.
Jurisdiction Select Federal, State, or Local. State or Locality further
specifies the jurisdiction.
Tax Class The value relates the box to a specific tax balance record.
Amt Type (amount type) Indicates whether the amount in the box is Gross (taxable
gross), Minus Tax, NL Gross (no limit gross), or Tax.

Deductions and Earnings

After updating the table entries with new rows for the current tax year, you can view the values entered for the
various boxes on W-2 forms and add any additional earnings or deductions that you need to report on the form.
You are likely to use this method to define amounts that should appear in box 12 and box 14 of the W-2 form.

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Note: To update the Tax Form Definition Table with a new earnings or deduction, the Effective Date of the
Earnings Table or Deductions Table entry must match the Effective Date of the Tax Form Definition Table entry
you are updating. For example, if you are updating a Tax Form Definition Table entry dated 01/01/2009, then the
Effective Date on the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry of the earnings or deduction being added to the
Tax Form Definition Table entry must also be 01/01/2009. If necessary, in Correction mode, temporarily change
the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table entry to match the Effective Date of the Tax Form
Definition Table entry, update the Tax Form Definition Table entry with the earnings or deduction and save the
change, and then, again in Correction mode, return the Effective Date of the Earnings Table or Deduction Table
entry to its original date.

Printing the Tax Form Definition Table

Run TAX710 to print this table and review it for accuracy.

See Also

Data Sources for W-2 Forms

Defining Parameters for Yearly Tax Reporting

Access the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters 1 page.

Annual Tax Reporting Parameters 1

Balances for Year The value you enter here defines the reporting period.
Transmitter ID Enter the Company ID of the company transmitting year-
end forms for tax reporting. This is used in a multi-
company environment when a single company acts as the
transmitter for all companies in the organization.
Organization Type Select Government or Other.

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Balances for Year The value you enter here defines the reporting period.
Type of Employment Select Agriculture, Form 944, Household, Medicare
Qualified Government Employee, Military, Railroad, or
Regular (All Others).
Recording Code Select ASCII or EBCDIC.
Alignment Pages Determines how many pages filled with alignment
characters will print prior to the first live form.
W-2 Form ID The identifier for a form defined on the Tax Form Print
Parameters page. Check and update this value before
each printing run.
Employees/Page Indicate whether the system should:
(employees per page)
• Fill each page with copies of the same W-2 form for
an individual (enter 1).
• Print a new W-2 on each form on the page (For
example, enter 4 if you’re using forms that have four
W-2s per page). This option is useful for printing
employer copies (Copy D) of laser W-2s for future
If you’re using a laser printer, you will probably perform
multiple print runs: some for employee copies (with
Employees/Page set to 1), and others for state, locality, or
employer copies (with Employees/Page equal to the
number of forms per page).

Form W-2PR only: If you’re using an impact printer and

forms with built-in carbons, set Employees/Page equal to
the number of forms per page: the carbon copies will
provide you with all the copies you need.

Note: Be sure to set Employees per Page to 1 when printing the pressure-seal self-mailer Form W-2, since all
four copies of Form W-2 on the page will be mailed as a packet to one employee.

Specifying Additional Tax Reporting Parameters

Access the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters 2 page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 9

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Annual Tax Reporting Parameters 2 page

Kentucky requires special W-2 processing for amounts withheld from employees’ wages as special job
development assessment fees. Enter the Locality code from the Local Tax Table entry used to withhold
Kentucky job development assessment fees for one or more of the following programs. (Multiple Locality codes
may be specified for each individual KEDFA Code.)

KEDFA Code Kentucky Economic Development Finance Authority Program

1 - KREDA Kentucky Rural Economic Development Act
2 - KJDA Kentucky Jobs Development Act
3 - KIRA Kentucky Industrial Revitalization Act
4 - KIDA Kentucky Industrial Development Act

Updating Tax Details

Access the Company Table – Default Settings: Tax Details page.

Company Table – Default Settings: Tax Details page

Tax Report Type

To produce year-end wage and tax statements for employees in a particular company, select the value for the
type of form used.
• To produce forms W-2PR for Puerto Rico year-end reporting, you must have paid Puerto Rico
employees in one or more separate companies. Select W-2PR as the Tax Report Type for those

• To produce forms 1099-R for payees such as retirees, you must set the payees up in one or more

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 10

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separate 1099-R companies. Select 1099R as the Tax Report Type for those companies.

Note: Entries on the Company table must be completed prior to entering W-2 Company table data.

Updating W-2 Company Data

The W-2 Company Data table stores company information associated with that company’s W-2s for a given
calendar year. The system uses this information on transmitter (RA) records and employer (RE) records for
electronic files and for employer data on printed W-2s. You must have a completed entry on this page for the
appropriate calendar year for each company for which you report W-2 information.
Access the W-2 Company Data page.

W-2 Company Data

Calendar Year With the exception of the Other Federal EIN and W-2
Reporting Company fields, the data on this page
defaults from the Company Table. You may change the
data. The information on this page remains associated
with the Calendar Year despite any subsequent changes
to the Company table itself.
W-2 Reporting Company If an employee has tax records for more than one
company, and those companies have the same Federal
EIN, the system combines the federal W-2 balances from
both companies and reports them on a single W-2 using
the name and address of the company that you specify
Other Federal EIN If your company operated under another Federal EIN,
enter it here.

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Controlling W-2 Printing

The Tax Form Print Parameters table controls most aspects of the printing of W-2 forms. Load these parameters
using the DataMover script provided with your tax update and verify it using TAX712. These steps are
documented in the Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables section.
This section provides additional information about the Tax Form Print Parameters table and describes how to:
• Define Locality Codes for the W-2.

• Specify Tax Reporting Parameters.

• Position starting columns on the page for unsupported W-2 forms.

See Also

Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables

Pages Used to Control W-2 Printing

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Tax Form Print TAXFORM_PRT_PAR Payroll for North Define W-2
Parameters MS America, U.S. printing options.
Processing, Define
Annual Tax
Reporting, Tax
Form Print
Local Tax Table 3 LOCAL_TAX_TABLE Set Up HRMS, Define locality
3 Product Related, names and codes
Payroll for North for W-2 reporting.
America, Local
Taxes, Tax Table
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_A Payroll for North Specify the form
Reporting NN America, U.S. type and number
Parameters 1 Annual of employees to
Processing, Define print per page
Annual Tax before each print
Reporting, Tax run. Also specify
Reporting additional printing
Parameters parameters.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 12

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Understanding Tax Form Print Parameters

Access the Tax Form Print Parameters page.

Tax Form Print Parameters

Note: The records for some types of forms are quite large. To improve processing time and efficiency, it is
recommended that no more than two years worth of data be retained on the Tax Form Print Parameters table.
Delete the oldest row of data when you exceed two years. (If you archive year-end tax form records for prior
years, you may want to also archive the corresponding years' data from the Tax Form Definition table and Tax
Form Print Parameters table in the event you need to reprint forms from prior years.)

Form Information

Tax Form Print Parameter Table entries delivered for Form ID LSR03P are configured to print in .pdf format. For
Form ID LSR03P, the output print file will be TAX960US.pdf.

Tax Form Print Parameter Table entries delivered for all other Form IDs described below are configured to print
using the .lis format. The output file for these Form IDs will be a TAX960xx.lis file. The TAX960xx.lis files must
be printed from the command prompt in DOS.
Form ID Designates a preprinted form type. The form IDs are:
LPS4V: Pressure seal laser form, printing four W-2 forms
per page, one on top of the other.
LSR01: Laser form, printing four W-2s per page, one on
top of the other.
LSR02A: Laser form, printing four W-2s per page, at the
corners of the page.

Note: Employers who withhold and report Kansas state income tax
should not use Form ID LSR02A because it does not provide sufficient
room in box 15 to print the Kansas state employer identification number.

LSR03: Standard laser form, printing two W-2s per page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 13

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Form ID Designates a preprinted form type. The form IDs are:

LSR03P: .pdf version of standard laser form, printing two
W-2s per page. For this Form ID, the file must be
created in .pdf format.
W-2ASL: American Samoa – standard laser form,
printing two W-2AS forms per page.
W-2GUL: Guam - standard laser form, printing two
W-2GU forms per page.
W-2PR: Puerto Rico - standard form for impact printers,
printing two W-2PR forms per page.
W-2PRL: Puerto Rico - standard laser form, printing two
W-2PR forms per page.
W-2VIL: U.S. Virgin Islands – standard laser form,
printing two W-2VI forms per page.
Layout Style Describes the layout of individual W-2 form segments on
a (roughly) 8½" x 11" area of a page. Values are:
Last Print Line Enter the number of the last line of the form on which any
printing is possible. (Required to ensure correct spacing
between forms).
Top Margin Enter the number of lines to skip before printing the first
form on the page—relative to first line set for printer. For
example, if your printer normally begins printing on Line 3,
and you want the form to start printing on Line 5, set the
Top Margin to 2.
Locals per Form Enter the number of local taxes to report on an individual
W-2. (The maximum is two; some W-2 formats allow
printing only one local tax per form.)
Top, Center, Bottom Split Enter the number of lines to skip between forms on the

Box Print Parameters

The fields in this group box allow you to adjust printing positions for each box on the form.
Print Line Line on the form relative to the first print line on form.
Print Column Column on the form relative to the first print column on
Print Format Format of the field to be printed in the box. For example:

Numbers: B999.99 (defines width of field).

Characters: x (n) where n is maximum field width.

Print Text Used in conjunction with certain boxes to provide a printed
text identifier for the reported amount. The text entered
here is printed on the W-2.

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Print Line Line on the form relative to the first print line on form.
There’s a limit of five characters for each Box 14
description, set by the amount of space available for
printing on the W-2. Note that the text for Box 12 entries
(A, B, C, and so on) is defined by the IRS and should not
be changed.

Printing the Tax Form Print Parameters Table

You can review the contents of your Tax Form Print Parameters table by running SQR TAX712, which prints a
listing of the table.

Note: We suggest you experiment first with blank paper before printing the contents of your W-2 print file onto
actual forms. As you see the various print options in action, you will acquire a visual indication as to how the Tax
Form Print Parameters entries affect printing.

Performing Printing Alignment Adjustments

For Form IDs that print using a .lis file, PCL Printer Commands are used to direct the printer with specific printing
requirements, which may vary slightly depending on the printer you use. (PCL Printer Commands are not used
with Form ID LSR03P, which prints a .pdf file.)

The delivered Tax Form Print Parameters for all laser Form IDs listed above have been tested using the HP
P4014n printer with year-end forms supplied by RR Donnelley. Test results confirm that all the data fits in the
specified boxes and is not printing on the box description verbiage.

Employers who use any printers other than the HP P4014n series, or who use year-end tax forms supplied by
other vendors (on any printer), may need to make adjustments to the delivered Tax Form Print Parameters Table
entries and/or to certain variables in the delivered print programs. To resolve issues encountered in using other
printers, employers should contact the printer vendor.

If you are using the HP P4014n series printer and find that year-end data is not printing exactly where it should be
printing, you can make adjustments in the appropriate print program. The specific command is “&lnnZ” where
“nn” represents a negative or positive number of decipoints. A negative value raises the print line, a positive
adjustment lowers the print line.

If your specific printer requires modification of these decipoints, find “decipoint” in the appropriate print program
and adjust the print command according to the needs of your printer. If you are experiencing alignment
problems, you will need to add the decipoint code to the print program for the Form ID you are using, and adjust it
according to your specific printer requirements. Note that these commands work only with the HP P4014n series

See Also

Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables

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Defining Locality Codes for the W-2

Local Tax Table 3 page

Locality Short Name The system ordinarily uses this as the locality name to be
printed on the W-2 form.
W2 Print Name A value entered here overrides the Locality Short Name
on the W-2 form. You can update the W2 Print Name
field even for PeopleSoft-maintained Local Tax Table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 16

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Locality Short Name The system ordinarily uses this as the locality name to be
printed on the W-2 form.
Taxing Entity Code This field identifies the locality on the appropriate
electronic or magnetic media records when reporting W-2
data to either state or local tax agencies. PeopleSoft
populates this field for the localities for which we support
the reporting of W-2 data to state and/or local tax

Examples of Taxing Entity Code used in state reporting:

(1) On Local Tax Table entries for Indiana counties, this

field is populated with a 2-digit county code used in
reporting county wage and tax data when submitting W-2
information to the State of Indiana. (2) On Local Tax
Table entries for Ohio school districts, this field is
populated with a 4-digit school district code used in
reporting school district wage and tax data when
submitting W-2 information to the State of Ohio.

Examples of Taxing Entity Code used in local reporting:

(1) When submitting W-2 data for Ohio municipalities to

the Central Collection Agency, this field is populated with
a 3-digit code that identifies the municipality, such as
“200” for Cleveland or “280” for Euclid. (2) When
W-2 data for Ohio municipalities to the Regional Income
Tax Agency, this field is populated with a 1, 2, or 3-digit
code that identifies the municipality, such as “6” for
Ashville, “13” for Arlington Heights, or “486” for

If you create additional programs in-house to report W-2

data to other local tax agencies, add the appropriate
reporting code in this field, if necessary.

W2 Reporting Agency This field identifies the tax reporting agency to which W-2
data for the locality is submitted electronically or on
magnetic media. In some cases, the value in this field is
also included in the file records. For example, “CCA” in
the W2 Reporting Agency field indicates that W-2 data for
the locality is submitted to the Central Collection Agency.
In addition, when submitting W-2 data for Ohio
municipalities to the Central Collection Agency, the value
“CCA” must appear as the “Taxing Entity Code” in
positions 5-9 of each RS Record on the file.

Do not use this field if you create additional programs in-

house to report W-2 data to other local tax agencies. This
field is designated exclusively for use by the PeopleSoft-
delivered program TAX960LC.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 17

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Locality Short Name The system ordinarily uses this as the locality name to be
printed on the W-2 form.
W2 Electronic Reporting This field stores specific mandated locality name spellings
Name that may be required in positions 338-412 on the RS
Record in the files created by TAX960LC to report W-2
data to local tax authorities. This field is maintained by
PeopleSoft, and appears only when W2 Reporting Agency
field = RITA or CLMBS. It is currently populated only
when W2 Reporting Agency = CLMBS.

Positioning Starting Columns on Unsupported Forms

Note: The information in this section applies only if you use forms that are not tested and supported by

For unsupported forms, the only form positioning options not controlled by entries on the Tax Form Print
Parameters page are starting column positions for forms on the page. Two parameters are specified within the
TAX960xx print programs. You must update these parameters in TAX960xx.SQR by including the code similar to
the following example:
#define WCOLUMN1 2
#define WCOLUMN2 42
WCOLUMN1 represents an offset from the left side of the page where your printer’s first character would print.
WCOLUMN2 defines an offset to the approximate middle of the page and allows positioning of the right-hand W-2
images for four-corner style W-2 forms. You may need to alter the values of 2 and 42 for these parameters to
correctly align your forms.
The following table shows the default column settings for TAX960xx forms:


LSR01, LSR02A, LPS4V 2 42
LSR03, LSR03P 3 42

Note: Both entries are required, even for a 2-vertical style form. Without them, your W-2 print run will abort with
an error message indicating that the value for either WCOLUMN1 or WCOLUMN2 was not found.

The following diagram illustrates the column positioning parameters defined in the TAX960xx.SQR and the
margin parameters defined on the Tax Form Print Parameters page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 18

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9


Top Margin

Form 1 Form 2 Top Split

Center Split

Bottom Split
Form 3 Form 4

Form positioning parameters to control W-2 printing

Data Sources for W-2 Forms

PeopleSoft provides much of the information that defines the W-2 forms. We strongly advise you not to change
the information in the Taxes group box of the Tax Form Definition table unless you have some compelling reason
to do so.
The tables in the following sections show the relationships between the various boxes on the W-2 forms and the
PeopleSoft tables from which data is loaded to the W-2 records.

See Also

Updating and Reviewing the Tax Form Definition Table

W-2 Data Sources for Tax Year 2009

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll
a Employee’s social security PERS_NID
b Employer’s identification number Employer data from
c Employer’s name, address, and Employer data from
zip code W2_COMPANY
d Control number Not currently supported
e Employee’s name PERSON_NAME
f Employee’s address and zip code PERSON_ADDRESS
1 Wages, tips, other compensation TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 19

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

2 Federal income tax withheld TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)
(including tax on excess golden TAX_BALANCE (tax class K)
parachute payments, if any) (Tax class K is not supported in
Payroll for North America.
However, if you import tax data
on golden parachute payments
from another source into a tax
class K balance record, it is
reported on the employee's
3 Social security wages TAX_BALANCE (tax class D)
4 Social security tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax class D plus tax class G)
5 Medicare wages and tips TAX_BALANCE
(tax class F plus tax class T)
6 Medicare tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax class F plus tax class T)
7 Social security tips TAX_BALANCE (tax class G)
8 Allocated tips Define through Tax Form
Definition table
9 Advance EIC payment TAX_BALANCE (tax class C)
(The system reverses the sign
of EIC amounts so that a
positive value is stored in the
W-2 records.)
10 Dependent care benefits Define through Tax Form
Definition table
11 Nonqualified plans Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12A Uncollected social security tax on TAX_BALANCE
tips (tax class J minus tax class G)
12AA Designated Roth contributions to Define through Tax Form
a section 401(k) plan Definition table
12B Uncollected Medicare tax on tips TAX_BALANCE
(tax class Z minus tax class T)
12BB Designated Roth contributions Define through Tax Form
under a section 403(b) salary Definition table
reduction agreement
12C Cost of group-term life insurance Define through Tax Form
coverage over $50,000 Definition table
12D Section 401(k) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12E Section 403(b) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 20

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

12F Section 408(k)(6) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12G Section 457(b) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12H Section 501(c)(18)(D) Define through Tax Form
contributions Definition table
12J Sick pay not included as income Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12K Tax on excess golden parachute TAX_BALANCE (tax class K)
payments (Tax class K is not supported in
Payroll for North America.
However, if you import tax data
on golden parachute payments
from another source into a tax
class K balance record, it is
reported on the employee's
12L Nontaxable portion of employee Define through Tax Form
business expense Definition table
12M Uncollected social security tax on Not currently supported
cost of group-term life insurance
coverage over $50,000
12N Uncollected Medicare tax on cost Not currently supported
of group-term life insurance
coverage over $50,000
12P Excludable moving expense Define through Tax Form
reimbursements Definition table
12Q Nontaxable combat pay Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12R Employer contributions to a Define through Tax Form
medical savings account Definition table
12S Section 408(p) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12T Employer-provided adoption Define through Tax Form
benefits Definition table
12V Income from exercise of Define through Tax Form
nonstatutory stock option(s) Definition table
12W Health Savings Account (HSA) Define through Tax Form
amounts Definition table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 21

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

12Y Deferrals under a section 409A Define through Tax Form
nonqualified deferred Definition table
compensation plan
It is not necessary to show
deferrals in box 12 with code Y.
For more information see
Notice 2008-115, available at
12Z Income under section 409A on a Define through Tax Form
nonqualified deferred Definition table
compensation plan
13 Statutory employee The Retirement plan check box
Retirement plan is updated by running
Third-party sick pay TAX504.SQR. The Statutory
employee check box is
updated manually on Year End
Forms page. The Third-party
sick pay check box should be
used by third-party payers
(such as insurance companies)
who have not transferred tax
liability to their insured
employers, or by employers
reporting sick pay paid by a
third party.
14(A) CASDI-California State Disability TAX_BALANCE
Insurance (tax class D for California)
14(B) VPDI-Voluntary Plan Disability Define through Tax Form
Insurance Definition table
14(C) NJ FLI - New Jersey Family Leave TAX_BALANCE
Insurance (tax class I for New Jersey)

Note: This amount will print in

W-2 box 19, using the alternate
W-2 print format approved by
New Jersey.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 22

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

14(D) Combined total of the following TAX_BALANCE:
NJSWAF: tax class L for New
NJSWAF: New Jersey Jersey
Supplemental Workforce
Administrative Fund
NJWDPF: tax class M for New
NJWDPF: New Jersey Workforce Jersey
Development Partnership Fund

NJHCSF: New Jersey Health Care NJHCSF: tax class N for New
Subsidy Fund Jersey

NJUIEE: New Jersey

Unemployment Insurance NJUIEE: tax class U for New
Employee Deduction Jersey

Note: This amount will print in

W-2 box 19, using the alternate
W-2 print format approved by
New Jersey.
14(E) NJSDI-New Jersey State Disability TAX_BALANCE
Insurance (tax class D for New Jersey)

Note: This amount will print in

W-2 box 19, using the alternate
W-2 print format approved by
New Jersey.
14(F) PA UI-Pennsylvania State TAX_BALANCE
Unemployment Insurance (tax class V for Pennsylvania)
14(G) NJ VPDI with Private Plan Number TAX_BALANCE
(tax class W for New Jersey) /
Note: This amount will print in CO_STATETAX_TBL
W-2 box 19, using the alternate
W-2 print format approved by
New Jersey.

Note: The literal "DI PP #"

followed by the actual DI PP#
prints in box 15, using the
alternative print format approved
by New Jersey.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 23

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

14(H) NJ VPFLI with Private Plan Number TAX_BALANCE
(tax class O for New Jersey) /
Note: This amount will print in CO_STATETAX_TBL
W-2 box 19, using the alternate
W-2 print format approved by
New Jersey.

Note: The literal "FLI PP #" prints

in box 17 and the Vol FLI PP #
prints in box 18, using the
alternative print format approved
by New Jersey. Due to space
limitations, the literal FLI PP #
and the Vol FLI PP # both print in
box 17 on the LSR02A form.

14(YN) Deferrals under a NQDC plan Define through Tax Form

included in social security and Definition table
Medicare wages as a result of the
amount no longer being subject
to a substantial risk of forfeiture
and are for prior year services
(Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plan related
amount required for Pennsylvania
W-2 reporting only)
14(YT) Distributions from a NQDC plan Define through Tax Form
included in Box 1 of the W-2 Definition table
(Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plan related
amount required for Pennsylvania
W-2 reporting only)
14(ZN) Earnings from prior year deferrals Define through Tax Form
now included in social security Definition table
and Medicare wages
(Nonqualified Deferred
Compensation Plan related
amount required for Pennsylvania
W-2 reporting only)
14 Other employer-defined items to Define through Tax Form
be reported in W-2 Box 14 (see Definition table
information on Box 14 following
this chart)
15 State / Employer’s state ID TAX_BALANCE (state) /
16 State wages, tips, etc. TAX_BALANCE
(tax class H for individual

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 24

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

17 State income tax TAX_BALANCE
(tax class H for individual
18 Local wages, tips, etc. TAX_BALANCE
(tax class H for localities)
19 Local income tax TAX_BALANCE
or (tax class H for localities)
Indiana Advance EIC payment or
(tax class C for Indiana)

20 Locality name TAX_BALANCE

(tax class H for localities)

Box 12 and Box 14 Identifiers

In the Box 12 series—A through Z—we have set the letters and box definitions to correspond to the A through Z
codes that the IRS uses to identify these boxes on printed W-2s. On the other hand, we have assigned the
letters used in the Box 14 series arbitrarily—they have no intrinsic meaning.

Box 12

Box 12 on the W-2 is used for various amounts such as cost of group-term life insurance coverage over $50,000
and Section 401(k) contributions. Note that only four Box 12 items can be printed on a single W-2. If more than
four Box 12 items are reported for an employee, the system will generate additional W-2s containing only
employer and employee identification and the additional Box 12 items.

Box 14

Box 14 is for reporting state-specific amounts, such as California state disability, and any “Other” items you need
to add to your W-2s—for example, moving expenses. PeopleSoft uses identifiers of 14A, 14B, 14C, and so on,
to define these state amounts.
If you wish to report other items in Box 14, add your entries as 14Z, 14Y, 14X, etc., moving backward through the
alphabet to avoid conflict with the PeopleSoft identifiers which start at 14A and move forward through the
alphabet. Associate the appropriate earnings and/or deduction codes with each of your identifiers.

Note: Use only a single-character alpha suffix when adding your own entries to the Tax Form Definition Table for
items to be printed in Box 14. Two-character alpha suffix entries in Box 14 are reserved for PeopleSoft use in
reporting government-required amounts.

For example, if you want to report union dues and tuition reimbursements in Box 14 of the W-2, you would add
your own entries to the Tax Form Definition Table for boxes “14Z” and “14Y,” specifying the deduction codes and
earnings codes, respectively, that make up union dues and tuition reimbursements in your system. You would
also need to update the Box 14 print positions in the appropriate entries on the Tax Form Print Parameters Table.

Note: When adding your own entry to the Tax Form Definition Table for an item to be printed in Box 14, you
must always add the Box 14 to the Tax Form Definition Table entry for Form W-2, even if the Box 14 item may
only apply to Forms W-2AS, W-2GU, and/or W-2VI for the U.S. Territories.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 25

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Note that only four Box 14 items can be printed on a single W-2. If more than four Box 14 items are reported for
an employee, the system will not generate additional W-2s to report any Box 14 items in excess of four. On W-2
formats which may contain more than four print lines for Box 14, those additional lines are reserved for
PeopleSoft use.

W-2PR Data Sources for Tax Year 2009

W-2PR Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll
1 Employee’s name and address PERSON_NAME and
2 Employer’s name and address Employer data from
Employer's telephone number RC_US_YE
Operations Closing Date BUSI_TERM_DT from
Control number TAX960PR.SQR run control
page for laser print Form W-
3 Employee’s social security PERS_NID
4 Employer’s identification number Employer data from
5 “Date on which you started to Not currently supported
receive the pension”
6 Cost of pension or annuity Define through Tax Form
Definition table
7 Wages TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)
8 Commissions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
9 Allowances Define through Tax Form
Definition table
10 Tips Define through Tax Form
Definition table
11 Totals 7 + 8 + 9 + 10 (sub-total of boxes 7, 8, 9, 10)
12 Reimbursed Expenses Define through Tax Form
Definition table
13 Tax withheld TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)
14 Retirement fund Define through Tax Form
Definition table
15 Contribution to CODA plans Define through Tax Form
Definition table
16 Salaries under Act No. 324 of Define through Tax Form
2004 Definition table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 26

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2PR Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

17 Social security wages TAX_BALANCE (tax class D)
18 Social security tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax classes D plus tax class
19 Medicare wages and tips TAX_BALANCE
(tax classes F plus tax class T)
20 Medicare tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax classes F plus tax class T)
21 Social security tips TAX BALANCE (tax class G)
22 Uncollected social security tax on TAX BALANCE
tips (tax class J minus tax class G)
23 Uncollected Medicare tax on tips TAX BALANCE
(tax class Z minus tax class T)

Data Sources for W-2AS, W-2GU, W-2VI for Tax Year 2009
W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll
a Employee’s social security PERS_NID
b Employer’s identification number Employer data from
c Employer’s name, address, and Employer data from
zip code W2_COMPANY
d Control number Not currently supported
e Employee’s name PERSON_NAME
f Employee’s address and zip code PERSON_ADDRESS
1 Wages, tips, other compensation TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)
2 Territory income tax withheld TAX_BALANCE (tax class H)
3 Social security wages TAX_BALANCE (tax class D)
4 Social security tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax class D plus tax class G)
5 Medicare wages and tips TAX_BALANCE
(tax classes F plus tax class T)
6 Medicare tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
(tax classes F plus tax class T)
7 Social security tips TAX BALANCE (tax class G)
8 not used for U. S. territories n/a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 27

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

9 Advance EIC payment TAX_BALANCE (tax class C)
(The system reverses the sign
of EIC amounts so that a
positive value is stored in the
W-2 records.)

(The box is not applicable to

American Samoa.)
10 not used for U. S. territories n/a
11 Nonqualified plans Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12A Uncollected social security tax on TAX BALANCE
tips (tax class J minus tax class G)
12AA Designated Roth contributions to Define through Tax Form
a section 401(k) plan Definition table
12B Uncollected Medicare tax on tips TAX BALANCE
(tax class Z minus tax class T)
12BB Designated Roth contributions Define through Tax Form
under a section 403(b) salary Definition table
reduction agreement
12C Cost of group-term life insurance Define through Tax Form
coverage over $50,000 Definition table
12D Section 401(k) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12E Section 403(b) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12F Section 408(k)(6) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12G Section 457(b) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12H Section 501(c)(18)(D) Define through Tax Form
contributions Definition table
12J Sick pay not included as income Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12K not used for U. S. territories n/a
12L not used for U. S. territories n/a
12M Uncollected social security tax on Not currently supported
cost of group-term life insurance
coverage over $50,000
12N Uncollected Medicare tax on cost Not currently supported
of group-term life insurance
coverage over $50,000
12P Excludable moving expense Define through Tax Form
reimbursements Definition table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 28

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

W-2 Description Data Source in PeopleSoft Payroll

12Q Nontaxable combat pay Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12R Employer contributions to a Define through Tax Form
medical savings account Definition table
12S Section 408(p) contributions Define through Tax Form
Definition table
12T Employer-provided adoption Define through Tax Form
benefits Definition table
12V Income from exercise of Define through Tax Form
nonstatutory stock option(s) Definition table
12W Health Savings Account (HSA) Define through Tax Form
amounts Definition table
12Y Deferrals under a section 409A Define through Tax Form
nonqualified deferred Definition table
compensation plan
It is not necessary to show
deferrals in box 12 with code Y.
For more information see
Notice 2008-115, available at
12Z Income under section 409A on a Define through Tax Form
nonqualified deferred Definition table
compensation plan
13 Statutory employee The Retirement plan check box
Retirement plan is updated by running
Third-party sick pay TAX504.SQR. The Statutory
employee check box is
updated manually on the Year
End Forms page. The Third-
party sick pay check box
should be used by third-party
payers (such as insurance
companies) who have not
transferred tax liability to their
insured employers, or by
employers reporting sick pay
paid by a third party.
14 Other employer-defined items to Define through Tax Form
be reported in W-2 Box 14 Definition table

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 29

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Preparing Tax Data and Year-End Forms

This chapter provides overviews of preparing tax data and W-2 forms and of reconciliation and balancing. It also
describes how to:
• Complete common run control parameters for processing W-2 forms.

• Update the Retirement plan and Third-party sick pay check boxes on Form W-2.

• Report Pennsylvania-specific nonqualified deferred compensation items on Form W-2.

• List and resolve error conditions in your database.

• Determine W-2 wages for part-year New York City residents.

• Load and review year-end records.

• Reconcile year-end totals for the U.S. and territories.

• Reconcile year-end totals for Puerto Rico.

• File W-2 data with the Social Security Administration.

• File W-2PR data with the Departamento de Hacienda de Puerto Rico.

• File State W-2 data.

• File Local W-2 data.

• Print W-2 forms.

• Prepare form 940.

• Report form 1099-R data.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 30

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Overview of Preparing Tax Data and W-2 Forms

The following diagram illustrates the steps for processing your tax data and creating W-2s. You can correct
errors, check balances, and reload your year-end records in an iterative fashion—loading and checking, reloading
and checking—until you are confident your year-end records contain no errors.

Run TAX900

Review output and

Run correct errors

Review output and

View year-end Year-end records correct errors
records online loaded

Run TAX910ER

Run TAX910AU

Run and reconcile:


Correct name
Final year-end
and address
records loaded

Run final year-end Run

TAX960FD and TAX962FD
reports TAX960US
TAX960ST and TAX962ST
TAX960LC and TAX962LC

Final reports for

record retention and Print W-2 Forms
transmittal preparation Create and transmit
electronic file

The PeopleSoft process for preparing tax data and W-2 forms for the United States

Note: Additional steps are required if you paid employees in Puerto Rico or U.S. territories. This diagram does
not illustrate form 940 and 1099-R preparation.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 31

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2

The following parameters are common to multiple run control pages used for preparing tax data and tax forms.
Not all of these fields appear on any one page.

Processing Options

All Companies Load, select, or process data for all W-2 Reporting
All Employees Load, select, or process data for all employees.
Selected W-2 Companies Load, select, or process data for the selected W-2
Reporting Companies without impacting the status of
employees in remaining companies.
Selected Employees Load, select, or process data for selected employees
without impacting the status of other employees.

Sort Options

The primary sort is by W-2 reporting company. Within each company, you can specify additional sort parameters.
Sort Report By Select from: Department, Mail Drop, None, Paygroup,
State, State/Locality, and Zip Code.
Within Sort, Order By Select from: Employee ID, Employee Last Name, and
Employee SSN (social security number).

Note: The W-2 state/locality sort option may be used to generate copies of W-2 forms to be submitted to local
tax authorities. When using this sort option, the Locals per Form field on the Tax Form Print Parameters table
must be set to a value of 1. When the W-2 state/locality sort option is selected, only those W-2 forms that
contain local W-2 wage and tax data are printed; the forms are sorted by W-2 locality within the W-2 State. W-2
Box 12 values will not be printed when this sort option is used.

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Updating W-2 Company Data

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 32

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Updating the Retirement Plan and Third-party Sick Pay

Check Boxes on Form W-2
Run this process before running TAX910LD if your employees participate in retirement plans and you need to
select the Retirement Plan check box on the W-2 form OR if you are an employer reporting sick pay paid by a
third party on Form W-2.
Running TAX504 updates the PENSION_PLAN field on a new row inserted in the employee’s
PS_FED_TAX_DATA record based on whether you enter retirement plan-related information on the Update Year
End Reporting Info (TAX504) run control page. (The value of the PENSION_PLAN field does not appear on the
employee’s Federal Tax Data 2 page, but the system uses the value to complete the Retirement Plan check box
in box 13 of the W-2 form.) The Effective Date of the newly inserted row will be the date entered in the Effective
Date for Inserts field on the TAX504 run control page. After running TAX910LD and TAX911LD, the status of the
Retirement Plan check box may be confirmed by viewing the year-end forms online.

Similarly, running TAX504 updates the THIRDPARTY_SICKPAY field on a new row inserted in the employee’s
PS_FED_TAX_DATA record based on whether you enter third-party sick pay-related information on the Update
Year End Reporting Info (TAX504) run control page. (The value of the THIRDPARTY_SICKPAY field does not
appear on the employee’s Federal Tax Data 2 page, but the system uses the value to complete the Third-Party
Sick Pay check box in box 13 of the W-2 form.) The Effective Date of the newly inserted row will be the date
entered in the Effective Date for Inserts field on the TAX504 run control page. After running TAX910LD and
TAX911LD, the status of the Third-Party Sick Pay check box may be confirmed by viewing the year-end forms

Update Year End Reporting Info (TAX504)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 33

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Update Existing Tax Data When this checkbox is selected, for the employees
selected for processing, the program will update the most
current existing Employee Tax Data record with an
Effective Date less than or equal to December 31 of the
Balances for Year shown on the run control page. For
example, if the Balances for Year is 2009 and an
employee has existing Federal Tax Data records with
Effective Dates of 01/01/1980, 12/31/2006, 01/15/2009,
and 01/01/2010, then the Employee Tax Data record
effective-dated 01/15/2009 will be updated. (Selecting
this checkbox hides the Effective Date for Inserts field
and the Year End Process checkbox.)

When this checkbox is not selected, for the employees

selected for processing, the program will insert a new
Employee Tax Data record using the date entered in the
Effective Date for Inserts field as the Effective Date. If an
Employee Tax Data record already exists with an
Effective Date equal to the Effective Date for Inserts date,
then the program will update the existing Employee Tax
Data record instead of inserting new a new record when
the content of the THIRDPARTY_SICKPAY or
PENSION_PLAN fields represents a change from the
previously existing value.
Effective Date for Inserts The program defaults to the system date when a new run
control is added. The date entered in this field will be
used as the Effective Date for the new Employee Tax
Data records inserted by the program.

When the program is run, the Effective Date for Inserts

date is validated against the year entered in the Balances
for Year field on the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters
page. The Effective Date for Inserts date must be a date
between the first and last days of the year entered in the
Balances for Year field.

The Effective Date for Inserts date on the TAX504 run

control and the Balances for Year field on the Annual Tax
Reporting Parameters page must be the same year;
otherwise, no new records will be inserted by TAX504.
Year End Process Select this checkbox to process all employees, such as in
preparation for year-end processing. Selecting the Year
End Process checkbox to process all employees hides the
Payroll Status selection field (see below).

The default value of this checkbox is de-selected.

Retirement Plan Deductions: Enter Deduction Plan Type(s) and Code(s) for any
Plan Type deductions associated with retirement plans.
Deduction Code
Third Party Sick Pay Earnings: Enter any Earnings Code(s) associated with third-party
Earnings Code sick pay amounts.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 34

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Update Existing Tax Data When this checkbox is selected, for the employees
selected for processing, the program will update the most
current existing Employee Tax Data record with an
Effective Date less than or equal to December 31 of the
Balances for Year shown on the run control page. For
example, if the Balances for Year is 2009 and an
employee has existing Federal Tax Data records with
Effective Dates of 01/01/1980, 12/31/2006, 01/15/2009,
and 01/01/2010, then the Employee Tax Data record
effective-dated 01/15/2009 will be updated. (Selecting
this checkbox hides the Effective Date for Inserts field
and the Year End Process checkbox.)

When this checkbox is not selected, for the employees

selected for processing, the program will insert a new
Employee Tax Data record using the date entered in the
Effective Date for Inserts field as the Effective Date. If an
Employee Tax Data record already exists with an
Effective Date equal to the Effective Date for Inserts date,
then the program will update the existing Employee Tax
Data record instead of inserting new a new record when
the content of the THIRDPARTY_SICKPAY or
PENSION_PLAN fields represents a change from the
previously existing value.
Payroll Status If you have not selected the Year End Process checkbox
(see above), you may choose to run the program to
update the PENSION_PLAN and
PS_FED_TAX_DATA records for only those employees
with the Payroll Status(es) you select. For example, you
may want to update these year end reporting information
fields only for terminated employees.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 35

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Page Used to Update the Retirement Plan and

Third-party Sick Pay Check Boxes
Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Update Year End RUNCTL_TAX504 Payroll for North Run TAX504 to
Reporting Info America, U.S. update the
Annual Retirement Plan
Processing, Create and Third-party
W-2 Data, Update Sick Pay check
Year End boxes in W-2 box
Reporting Info 13. Enter on the
run control page
any deductions
associated with
retirement plans,
and any earnings
associated with
third-party sick
pay amounts.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 36

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Reporting Nonqualified Deferred Compensation Items to

Pennsylvania on Form W-2
Pennsylvania requires the following items related to nonqualified deferred compensation to be reported in W-2
box 14 with identifying alphabetical codes:

Box 14 code YN – Deferrals under a NQDC plan included in social security and Medicare wages as a result of the
amount no longer being subject to a substantial risk of forfeiture and are for prior year services
Box 14 code YT – Distributions from a NQDC plan included in box 1 of the W-2
Box 14 code ZN – Earnings from prior year deferrals now included in social security and Medicare wages

Update the Tax Form Definition Table entries for W-2 boxes 14YN, 14YT, and 14ZN with earnings
and/or deduction codes that comprise the above nonqualified deferred compensation amounts that
should be reported to Pennsylvania in W-2 box 14.

If you need to report these types of nonqualified deferred compensation amounts on Form W-2 to
Pennsylvania for an employee (or former employee) who would otherwise not receive a Form W-2 for
Pennsylvania for the current tax year, select the Always Create W2 for NQDC Rptg checkbox on the
employee’s Federal Tax Data page.

Select the Always Create W2 for NQDC Rptg checkbox on the Federal Tax Data page for an employee who
has Pennsylvania W-2 reportable nonqualified deferred compensation amounts but who does not have any
Pennsylvania state taxable wages or state tax withheld for the tax year being reported. Earnings and/or
deduction codes associated on the Tax Form Definition Table with W-2 boxes 14YN, 14YZ, and 14ZN will result
in the creation of a Pennsylvania year-end record if either the Always Create W2 for NQDC Rptg flag is checked,
or the employee has W-2 reportable Pennsylvania tax or taxable wages for the Company for the tax year being

(It is not necessary to select the Always Create W2 for NQDC Rptg checkbox if the employee otherwise has W-2
reportable Pennsylvania tax or taxable wages for the Company and tax year being reported.)

For more information on these Pennsylvania W-2 reporting requirements, consult the bulletin published by the
Pennsylvania Department of Revenue at


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Listing and Resolving TAX900 Error Conditions in Your

The TAX900 Error Listing report lists employees who have negative tax balances and also checks for a variety of
other error conditions including:
• Missing Federal Tax Data record.

• Missing or invalid social security number (including 999-99-9999).

• Negative amounts.

• Missing EIN or invalid EIN.

• Social security wages and tips greater than the annual maximum social security wage base.

• Social security tax withheld does not equal the lesser of 6.2% of social security wages and tips or
the annual maximum social security tax.

• Medicare wages and tips is not equal to or greater than social security wages.

• Medicare tax withheld is not equal to 1.45% of Medicare wages and tips.

• Advance EIC payment is greater than the annual maximum.

• Non-employee with taxable gross and/or tax withheld.

• U.S. federal withholding tax balance for a Puerto Rico or U.S. territory employee.

• Puerto Rico tax balance for an employee in a Company with Tax Type not equal to “W-2PR.”

• Advance EIC payment amounts for a Puerto Rico or American Samoa employee.

Normally you run the TAX900 report at year-end, but you can run it at other times to verify social security
numbers or check for negative tax balances and other error conditions.

Steps for Listing and Resolving Errors

1. Run the TAX900 Error Listing report.

2. Review output from the TAX900 Error Listing and correct all error conditions.
3. Rerun the TAX900 Error Listing report.
4. Repeat steps 1-3 until the TAX900 Error Listing report indicates that all possible error conditions have been
eliminated or otherwise resolved.

Page Used to List Error Conditions

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Error Listing PRCSRUNCNTRL Payroll for North Run the Error
America, U.S. Listing Report to
Annual identify errors that
Processing, Audit must be resolved
and Error Reports, before proceeding
Error Listing with year-end

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 38

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Determining W-2 Wages for Part-Year New York City

Employers are required to follow special procedures for reporting the amount of New York City wages to be
reported on Form W-2 as “Local wages, tips, etc.” These requirements are detailed in Publication TSB-M-02(3)I
from the New York State Department of Taxation and Finance at


For a full-year New York City resident employee, the amount of wages that must be reported in the Local
wages, tips, etc. box on federal Form W-2 is the same amount as the federal wages required to be
reported in box 1, Wages, tips, other compensation.

For a part-year New York City resident, the employer must report in the Local wages, tips, etc.
box on federal Form W-2 only the amount of federal wages for the period the employee was a
New York City resident.

In the case of a full-year New York City nonresident, the employer is not required to report any wages in
the Local wages, tips, etc. box on federal Form W-2.

Prior to loading year-end records, TAX909NY.SQR - Year End New York City Part Year Resident Allocation
must be run in order to determine the amount to be reported as local wages on Form W-2 for part-year New York
City residents. TAX909NY.SQR identifies employees who were part-year New York City residents and sums the
federal taxable wages paid to these employees from their check detail records that indicate New York City
residency status. Note: This program does not pick up amounts from online tax balance adjustment activity.
For this reason, the manual check process should be used to record adjustment activity affecting New York City
tax or taxable gross balance amounts.

Employers who have paid employees who were residents of New York City at any time during the tax year must
run TAX909NY.SQR to determine W-2 wages for part-year New York City residents before running
TAX910LD.SQR to load data to year-end records. Employers who have not paid any employees who lived in
New York City at any time during the tax year are not required to run TAX909NY.SQR.

TAX909NY.SQR only needs to be run once, unless later changes affecting records of New York City residents
are made after TAX909NY.SQR has been run.

Also see Appendix B of this document “Year End Reporting Issues and Mid-Year Payroll Conversions” for
important information concerning TAX909NY.

Loading and Reviewing Year-End Records

Follow these steps to prepare year-end data records:
1. Run TAX910LD to load data to year-end records (after running TAX909NY.SQR if required – see above).
The system takes the data from these year-end records when printing year-end tax forms and creating
electronic or magnetic media files.
2. Allocate earnings for employees paid in multiple jurisdictions.
a. Run TAX911LD - YE Jurisdiction Split if you have paid any individual employees in multiple jurisdictions
(United States, Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands) in the same tax year.
TAX911LD allocates earnings and/or deductions to the correct jurisdiction’s year-end data record based
on the employee check detail.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 39

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Run TAX911LD immediately following each and every run of TAX910LD.

b. Review the TAX911LD output and make manual corrections of any online balance adjustments.
This allocation process does not select online adjustments. Use manual checks to process any
adjustments so that they are included in the allocation.
c. Rerun the year-end load programs TAX910LD and TAX911LD after making corrections.
3. Identify and correct errors on the year-end records.
a. Run TAX910ER - YE Record Error Listing.
b. Review the Year End Record Error Report and correct all error conditions.
You can correct employee name, address, and box 13 information on the Year End Forms page.
However, any such changes made directly to the employee’s year-end online inquiry page will be lost if
you rerun the TAX910LD - YE Data Record Load process for those employees or their W-2 companies.
c. Re-run TAX910ER - YE Record Error Listing.
d. Rerun TAX910LD, TAX911LD, and TAX910ER (steps 1 - 3) until the Year End Record Error Report
output indicates that all possible error conditions have been eliminated or otherwise resolved.
When running TAX910ER, you can choose to set the value of the Process Flag field on the Year End
Forms page to Void for any employees whose year-end records continue to contain error conditions
which would preclude the production of accurate or legitimate year-end forms. Note: TAX910ER will
automatically void any records for non-employees and any records that would contain negative amounts.
4. Print the TAX910AU - Year End Data Audit report, which creates a listing of the amounts loaded in the
PS_YE_AMOUNTS table. Note: In some cases, the audit report may include user-defined W-2 box 14
items that were not actually printed on the W-2 form due to space limitations. Also, the box 14 descriptions
are limited to 7 characters. If the Short Description on the Tax Form Definition table exceeds 7 characters,
the description on the audit report will be truncated.

Pages used to Load and Review Year End Records

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
YE NYC Part Yr Res RUNCTL_TAX909N Payroll for North Run TAX909NY to
Alloc Y America, U.S. determine W-2
Annual reportable wages
Processing, Create for part-year New
W-2 Data, Load York City residents
Year End Data
YE Data Record RUNCTL_TAX910L Payroll for North Run TAX910LD -
Load D America, U.S. YE Data Record
Annual Load to load data
Processing, Create into year-end
W-2 Data, Load records.
Year End Data
YE Jurisdiction RUNCTL_TAX911L Payroll for North Run TAX911LD YE
Split D America, U.S. - Jurisdiction Split
Annual to allocate
Processing, Create earnings for
W-2 Data, Load employees paid in
Year End Data multiple

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 40

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Year End Record RUNCTL_TAX910E Payroll for North Run TAX910ER -
Error Report R America, U.S. Year End Record
Annual Error Report to
Processing, Audit identify errors in
and Error Reports, year-end record
Year End Record data.
Year End Forms YE Payroll for North View the results of
America, U.S. the YE Data
Annual Record Load
Processing, Create process and
W-2 Data, correct employee
Review/Update name, address,
Year End Forms and box 13
Year End Forms YE_COMBINED Payroll for North Review employee
Combined America, U.S. year-end data with
Annual amounts
Processing, Create combined by W-2
W-2 Data, Review Reporting
Year End Forms Company.
Year End Data RUNCTL_TAX910A Payroll for North Run the
Audit Report U America, U.S. TAX910AU - Year
Annual End Data Audit
Processing, Audit report to create a
and Error Reports, listing of the
Year End Data amounts loaded in
Audit the

Loading Year-End Data Records

The YE Data Record Load (TAX910LD) process loads employee data, tax, earnings, and deduction balances into

Note: U.S. territory employees must have YTD reportable taxable earnings greater than zero for the tax year in
order for non-taxable earnings to be successfully loaded and reported.

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Updating W-2 Company Data

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 41

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Note: If you will be filing state W-2 data electronically or on magnetic media, we recommend that you make
preliminary runs of the TAX960FD and TAX960ST programs after completing your first run of the YE Data
Record Load (TAX910LD) program, in order to perform validation of all state Employer Identification Numbers
before proceeding with subsequent steps in the year-end reporting process.

Allocating Earnings for Employees Paid in Multiple Jurisdictions

YE Jurisdiction Split (TAX911LD) distributes earnings and deductions balances to the correct year-end records
for employees who have annual wage and tax data to report to multiple jurisdictions in a single calendar year. An
employee who is paid in multiple jurisdictions appears on this report if the loaded year-end amounts for any
earnings or deductions do not match the total of the same earnings and deductions amounts from the employee's
paycheck detail data. The report shows the adjusted YE_AMOUNTS that will be used for year-end processing.

Note: Employers who have paid employees in multiple jurisdictions (U.S., Puerto Rico, American Samoa, Guam,
and the U.S. Virgin Islands) must run TAX911LD immediately following each and every run of TAX910LD – YE
Data Record Load. Employers who have paid employees in only a single jurisdiction during the calendar year are
not required to run TAX911LD.

Reviewing Report Output and Making Manual Adjustments

Because TAX911LD reads paycheck detail data and not balance records, be aware that any online balance
adjustments made to either earnings or deductions that are entered in the Tax Form Definition table are not
reflected in the adjusted YE_AMOUNTS.
To detect and correct online balance adjustments:
1. Review the TAX911LD output report. If any employees are listed with YE Load Amount not equal to Check
Detail for earnings or deductions types which have been loaded to year-end records, verify whether or not
online balance adjustments were made to the affected earnings or deductions for the employee.
2. If necessary, follow the instructions in the message on the TAX911LD report for correcting these conditions
by substituting manual checks for online balance adjustments.
We strongly suggest that you reverse the effects of any online balance adjustments which may have been
used to adjust balances for these types of earnings and deductions, and instead use the manual check
process to adjust these types of earnings and deductions.
3. Rerun the year-end load programs TAX910LD and TAX911LD.

Also see Appendix B of this document “Year End Reporting Issues and Mid-Year Payroll Conversions” for
important information concerning TAX911LD.

Listing Errors in Year-End Data

The TAX910ER - Year End Record Error Report is similar to the TAX900 – Error Listing report, except the data
being verified is the data in the year-end records loaded by the YE Data Record Load (TAX910LD) process. In
addition to checking for many of the same error conditions listed for the TAX900 report, TAX910ER also checks
for the following W-2 error conditions:
• Box 11 Non-qualified plans is greater than Box 1 wages.

• Incomplete employer or employee address.

• Invalid State EIN formats.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 42

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See Also

Listing and Resolving TAX900 Error Conditions in Your Database

Running the Year End Record Error Report

Access the Year End Record Error Report– Run Parameters page.

Year End Record Error Report

Update Status to VOID if Select this check box to prevent invalid W-2s from being
Error produced or included in reporting totals. The system then
sets the Process Flag field on the Year End Forms page
to Void for records that contain errors.

Note: Even if you don’t select this check box, the system
voids forms for non-employees and forms with negative

See Also

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

Reviewing and Correcting Year-End Form Information

Review either the individual company totals for an employee or the employee’s actual combined total W-2
• The Year End Forms page displays W-2 information for each employee in each company for which
data has been stored, regardless of whether the companies are related by the W-2 Reporting
Company in the W-2 Company Data record. (Note: Department Security will limit user access to
the Year End Forms page display of W-2 information based on the employee’s current Company.)

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 43

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

• The Year End Forms Combined page displays the combined total data for each employee by W-2
Reporting Company. (Note: Access to the Year End Forms Combined page display of W-2
information is not limited by Department Security.)

• The W-2 and W-2PR (prior 2001) component in the same menu displays W-2 history prior to year
2001 on pages comparable to the Year End Forms and Year End Forms Combined pages.

Correcting Employee Data

Access the Year End Forms page.

Year End Forms page

W-2 Status

The system builds a record of an employee’s W-2 form data (for tax years 2001 and forward) on this page.
Process Flag Indicates the status of the employee’s year-end data
record relative to the YE Data Record Load process.
Complete: The default when the system loads year-end
data records.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 44

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Process Flag Indicates the status of the employee’s year-end data

record relative to the YE Data Record Load process.
Void: Prevents an employee’s W-2 set from printing or
being included in electronic or magnetic media reports.

You can set this value manually on this page or direct the
TAX910ER process to set this value for year-end reports
that contain errors.

Note: TAX910ER automatically voids forms for non-

employees and forms with negative amounts.
W-2c Issued: Indicates that one or more W-2c forms
have been issued to replace the W-2 record being viewed.

W-2 Details

You can make name and address corrections to W-2 records online by typing the information directly into the
name and address fields on this page. You can also update the employee status check boxes related to Box 13
on the W-2 form.

Note: We recommend that you make changes on this page only after your final run of the TAX910LD process to
avoid losing the changes.

Control # An optional field corresponding to an Employee ID or

some other number you want to print in Box d of the W-2.
If you want this field to be automatically populated when
you run the TAX910LD process, you can modify the
Sequence Number The sequence number controls the view in the W-2
Details group box. Within that view, you can see all
information associated with a given sequence number.
Sequence numbers greater than 1 indicate that multiple
W-2 forms will be printed for the employee.
The remaining fields on this page are not available for modification. If you find out-of-balance conditions or
balances that are incorrect, follow the normal adjustment process, change the payroll balances, and then reload
the data by rerunning the TAX910LD process.

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook, Adjusting Employee Balances

Understanding Sequence Number and W-2 Generation Logic

Running the TAX910AU - Year End Data Audit Report

The TAX910AU - Year End Data Audit report creates a listing of the amounts to be reported on employee W-2
forms. Data comes from the year-end data records that you loaded, reviewed, and corrected using TAX910LD,
TAX911LD, and TAX910ER.

Note: In some cases, the audit report may also include user-defined W-2 box 14 items that will not actually print
on the W-2 form due to space limitations.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 45

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Year End Data Audit Report

See Also

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

Overview of Reconciliation and Balancing

Before submitting your year-end tax reports, you need to compare your W-3 totals with the quarterly 941s you
have run during the year. W-3 totals may be obtained from the reports listed below:
To obtain the totals for these boxes on Form W-3: Refer to the reports generated by these programs:
Boxes 1 - 12 TAX915.SQR
W-3 Transmittal Totals Report
Boxes 16 -17 TAX916ST.SQR
State W-2 Tax Totals Report
Boxes 18 - 19 TAX916LC.SQR
Local W-2 Tax Totals Report

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 46

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In reconciling or balancing your year-end reports, be aware of two crucial factors the IRS looks for:
• The amounts on Form W-3 must equal the totals of the amounts reported on Forms W-2.

• The annual totals on Form W-3 must equal the sum of the four quarterly totals reported on Forms
941 for the items listed in the following table:

Earnings Form W-3 Form 941

(sum of four quarters)
Wages, tips, other Box 1 Line 2
Federal income tax Box 2 Line 3
withheld *
Taxable social security Box 3 Line 5a
Taxable social security Box 7 Line 5b
Taxable Medicare wages Box 5 Line 5c
and tips
Advanced EIC payments Box 9 Line 9

* Note that W-3 and Form 941 amounts for income tax withheld may not match in some cases—for example,
when income tax withheld has been reported on Form 1099-R or Form W-2G. Also, any amount reported in Box
14 of Form W-3 should be subtracted from the W-3 Box 2 amount to agree with Line 3 of Form 941.
It is not possible for the system to perform this balancing or reconciling function, because the Form 941 totals for
the first three quarters of the year are on pieces of paper that the employer has already sent to the IRS. Right or
wrong, the returns for those three quarters are history. However, the easiest way to ensure that the amounts will
be balanced for the year is to perform a draft of Form W-3 before you prepare Form 941 for the fourth quarter.
After you verify that all year-to-date numbers are correct—so that you know your Form W-3 annual totals are final
and accurate—fourth quarter totals can be verified as the 'remaining' quarterly amounts to be reported for the
fourth quarter of the year.
Using this approach, the calculation of each item listed above would be:
Annual total to be reported on Form W-3(s) as per TAX915 report(s)
- Amount reported on first quarter Form 941
- Amount reported on second quarter Form 941
- Amount reported on third quarter Form 941
Amount to report on fourth quarter Form 941

Note: Be sure to verify each fourth quarter amount calculated in this way against the quarter-to-date (QTD) total
for each wage or tax item, and resolve any differences before finalizing your fourth quarter 941 return. This
process should ensure that the sum of the four quarterly totals reported on Forms 941 will equal the total reported
on the annual Form W-3 for each item.

Reconciling and Balancing for Puerto Rico and U.S. Territories

Follow similar reconciliation steps for Puerto Rico (Form W-3PR against Form 941PR) and for the
U.S. territories (Form W-3SS against Form 941SS). The box and line numbers vary by form, but the
reconciling principles are the same in all cases.

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Reconciling Year-End Totals for U.S. and Territories

Follow these steps to reconcile year-end totals for the U.S. and territories:
1. Run and reconcile W-3/W-3SS transmittal totals.
a. Run TAX915 - W-3/W-3SS Transmittal Totals.
b. Reconcile the total taxable wage and tax amounts from TAX915 W-3/W-3SS Transmittal Totals with
total taxable wage and tax amounts from TAX910AU - Year End Data Audit Report.
c. Reconcile TAX915 - W-3/W-3SS transmittal totals with totals from quarterly 941/941SS reports for the
d. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.
2. Run and reconcile Federal W-2 total amounts.
a. Update the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page with the maximum number of employees per page
and select the W-2 Form ID.
b. Specify the Select Define in PRTFORML.SQC to match the W-2 Form ID selected on the Annual Tax
Reporting Parameters page. Follow the instructions provided in the SQC.
c. Run TAX960US with Output Destination set to Web and print the TAX960US_xxx.out file.
d. Reconcile total amounts from the TAX960US_xxx.out file with total amounts from TAX915 - W-3/W-3SS
Transmittal Totals.
Note: The total number of forms reported on the TAX960US_xxx.out file is for forms inventory control
purposes and includes alignment forms; this total should not be used to complete W-3 box c Total
Number of Forms W-2. Instead, use the total number of forms reported on TAX915 to complete W-3 box
c Total Number of Forms W-2.
e. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.
3. Run and reconcile the State W-2 Tax Totals report.
a. Run TAX916ST State W-2 Tax Totals.
b. Reconcile total amounts from TAX916ST with totals from periodic state tax filings and remittance reports
for the year.
c. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.
4. Run and reconcile Local W-2 Tax Totals report.
a. Run TAX916LC Local W-2 Tax Totals.
b. Reconcile total amounts from TAX916LC with totals from periodic local tax filings and remittance reports
for the year.
c. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.
5. If reporting to American Samoa, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands, perform step 2 for these jurisdictions using
TAX960AS, TAX960GU, and TAX960VI, respectively.
6. If you paid employees in Puerto Rico at any time during the year, complete reconciliation of Puerto Rico totals
before proceeding further with processing for your U.S. employees.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 48

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See Also

Reconciling Year End Totals for Puerto Rico

Preparing Tax Data and Year-End Forms

Pages Used to Reconcile Year End Totals for U.S. and Territories
Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
W-3/W-3SS PRCSRUNCNTL Payroll for North Run TAX915 -W-
Transmittal Report America, U.S. 3/W-3SS
Annual Transmittal
Processing, W-2 Totals.
Reporting, W-
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_A Payroll for North Update the
Reporting NN America, U.S. maximum
Parameters 1 Annual number of
Processing, employees per
Define Annual page and select
Tax Reporting, the W-2 Form ID.
Tax Reporting
US/Territory Print RUNCTL_TAX960US Payroll for North Run TAX960US,
T America, U.S. TAX960AS,
Annual TAX960GU, and
Processing, W-2 TAX960VI, for the
Reporting, Print United States,
Year End Forms American Samoa,
Guam, or the U.S.
Virgin Islands
State W-2 Tax RUNCTL_TAX916ST Payroll for North Run TAX916ST -
Totals Report America, U.S. State W-2 Tax
Annual Totals.
Processing, W-2
Reporting, State
W-2 Tax Totals
Local W-2 Tax RUNCTL_TAX916LC Payroll for North Run TAX916LC -
Totals Report America, U.S. Local W-2 Tax
Annual Totals.
Processing, W-2
Reporting, Local
W-2 Tax Totals

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Specifying Additional Tax Reporting Parameters

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 49

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Reconciling Year End Totals for Puerto Rico

Follow these steps to reconcile year-end totals for Puerto Rico:
1. Run and reconcile TAX918TL - W-3PR Transmittal Totals.
a. Run TAX918TL - W-3PR Transmittal Totals.
b. Reconcile the total taxable wage and tax amounts from TAX918TL - W-3PR Transmittal Totals with total
taxable wage and tax amounts from TAX910AU - Year End Data Audit Report.
c. Reconcile TAX918TL - W-3PR transmittal totals with totals from quarterly 941PR reports for the year.
d. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.
2. Run and reconcile W-2PR total amounts.
a. Update the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page with the maximum number of employees per page
and select the correct W-2PR Form ID.
b. Run TAX960PR with Output Destination set to Web and print the TAX960PR_xxx.out file.
c. Reconcile total amounts from the TAX960PR_xxx.out file with TAX918TL W-3PR Transmittal Totals.
Note: The total number of forms reported on the TAX960PR_xxx.out file is for forms inventory control
purposes and includes alignment forms; this total should not be used to complete W-3PR box b Total
Number of Forms 499 R-2/W-2PR. Instead, use the total number of forms reported on TAX918TL to
complete W-3PR box b Total Number of Forms 499 R-2/W-2PR.
d. If reconciliation reveals error conditions that require changes to employee tax, earnings, or deductions
balance records, go back to the beginning of this chapter and repeat all subsequent steps.

See Also

Preparing Tax Data and Year-End Forms

Pages Used to Reconcile Year End Totals for Puerto Rico

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
W-3PR Transmittal PRCSRUNCNTL Payroll for North Run TAX918TL -
Totals Report America, U.S. W-3PR
Annual Processing, Transmittal
W-2 Reporting, W- Totals.
3PR Transmittal
Totals Rpt
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_AN Payroll for North Update the
Reporting N America, U.S. maximum
Parameters 1 Annual Processing, number of
Define Annual Tax employees per
Reporting, Tax page and select
Reporting the W-2 Form ID.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 50

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Puerto Rico Print RUNCTL_TAX960PR Payroll for North Run TAX960PR for
America, U.S. Puerto Rico.
Annual Processing,
W-2 Reporting,
Print Year End

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Specifying Additional Tax Reporting Parameters

Filing W-2 Data with the Social Security Administration

Follow these steps to file W-2 data with the Social Security Administration:
1. Set up electronic reporting parameters.
2. Run TAX960FD - Federal W-2 File.
3. Test the Federal W-2 File created by TAX960FD using the AccuWage software from the Social Security
Administration. The AccuWage software allows you to check the file for errors before submitting it to the
Social Security Administration. Information on downloading the AccuWage software may be found on the
Social Security Administration website at http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/#what
4. Run TAX962FD - Federal W-2 File Audit.
5. Reconcile totals from TAX962FD:
• To the final reconciliation totals of TAX910AU with TAX915.

• To the final reconciliation totals of TAX915 with quarterly 941/941SS reports.

• To the final reconciliation totals of the TAX960 trace file with TAX915.

6. File W-2 data with the Social Security Administration.

Follow SSA instructions for transmitting output file(s) from TAX960FD, renaming file(s) according to SSA
specifications if necessary.

SSA instructions for transmitting W-2 data electronically may be found by selecting “Forms & Publications”
at: http://www.ssa.gov/employer/pub.htm - look for

EFW2 - 2009 W-2 - PDF Specifications for Filing Forms W-2 Electronically (EFW2)

Pages Used to File W-2 Data with the Social Security Administration
Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_AN Payroll for North Populate
Reporting N America, U.S. Transmitter ID,
Parameters 1 Annual Organization
Processing, Define Type, Type of
Annual Tax Employment, and
Reporting, Tax Recording Code in
Reporting the electronic file.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 51

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Electronic MMREF_PARAMETERS Payroll for North Populate the
Parameters America, U.S. transmitter record
Annual (RA) in the
Processing, Define electronic file.
Annual Tax
Create Federal W- RUNCTL_TAX960FD Payroll for North Run TAX960FD –
2 File America, U.S. Create Federal W-
Annual 2 File to create file
Processing, W-2 to submit Federal
Reporting, Create W-2 data
Federal W-2 File electronically.
Federal W-2 File RUNCTL_TAX962FD Payroll for North Run TAX962FD -
Audit America, U.S. Federal W-2 File
Annual Audit to create
Processing, Audit audit report on file
and Error Reports, created by
Federal W-2 File TAX960FD.

See Also

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

Setting Up Electronic Reporting Parameters

Access the Electronic Parameters page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 52

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Electronic Parameters page

Resub Indicator Select if you’re creating a file for resubmittal in response
to a notice received from the Social Security
Administration (SSA).
WFID If resubmitting a file to SSA, enter the WFID displayed on
the notice sent to you by SSA.
User ID Enter the User ID assigned by SSA to the employee who
is authorized to submit the W-2 data file electronically.
Contact Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted concerning
any processing problems. Also enter this person’s
telephone number, extension, FAX Number, and email
address in the fields provided.
Notification Method Select the preferred method for contacting the person
identified as the Contact Name.

Running TAX960FD
Access the Create Federal W-2 File page.

Create Federal W-2 File

Company Select the Company for which you’re entering a third party
tax amount.
Third Party Tax Amount Enter the amount to be reported in the “RT” record of the
W-2 file as “Federal Income Tax Withheld by third-parties
(generally insurance companies) from sick or disability
payments to employees,” if applicable (corresponds to
Form W-3 box 14).

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 53

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Filing W-2PR Data with Puerto Rico

Follow these steps to file W-2PR data on diskette or CD with the Puerto Rico Departamento de Hacienda:

Note: Address information for Puerto Rico employees must show Country = USA. Address information for
Puerto Rico employees must not show Country = PRI.

1. Set up electronic reporting parameters.

2. Run TAX960PD – Create Puerto Rico W-2PR File.
3. Run TAX962PD – Puerto Rico W-2PR File Audit.
4. Reconcile totals from TAX962PD to final reconciled Puerto Rico totals in TAX918TL.SQR (after reconciling
TAX918TL.SQR with totals from periodic Puerto Rico tax filings and remittance reports for the year).
5. File W-2PR data with Puerto Rico. Put the output file from TAX960PD onto a diskette or CD, renaming the
file according to Puerto Rico instructions if necessary, and complete any required transmittal forms and
submission instructions. (Note: The output file from TAX960PD.SQR is called TAX960PR.) If you plan to
submit your data on a CD, de-select (clear) the diskette checkbox on the run control to create a file suitable
for submission on CD.

Note: U.S. Social Security Administration-reportable data and dollar amounts for Puerto Rico employees (e.g.,
Social Security and Medicare tax and taxable wages) are also included on the file created by TAX960FD.SQR for
submission to the Social Security Administration.

Pages Used to File W-2PR Data on Magnetic Media

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_ Payroll for North Populate
Reporting ANN America, U.S. Transmitter ID,
Parameters 1 Annual Organization
Processing, Define Type, Type of
Annual Tax Employment, and
Reporting, Tax Recording Code in
Reporting the magnetic
Parameters media file.
Electronic MMREF_PARAMET Payroll for North Populate the
Parameters ERS America, U.S. transmitter record
Annual (RA) in the
Processing, Define magnetic media
Annual Tax file.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 54

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Create Puerto Rico RUNCTL_TAX960P Payroll for North Run TAX960PD –
D America, U.S. Create Puerto Rico
W-2PR File Annual W-2PR File to
Processing, W-2 create file(s) to
Reporting, Create submit W-2PR
Puerto Rico W-2PR data on magnetic
File media.
Puerto Rico W-2PR RUNCTL_TAX962P Payroll for North Run TAX962PD –
D America, U.S. Puerto Rico W-2PR
File Audit Annual File Audit to
Processing, Audit create audit report
and Error Reports, on the file created
Puerto Rico W-2PR by TAX960PD.
File Audit

Running TAX960PD
Access the Create Puerto Rico W-2PR File page.

Create Puerto Rico W-2PR File

Diskette Select to create a file to be submitted on diskette.

To create a file to be submitted on CD, leave this box

W-2 Reporting Company Select each W-2 Reporting Company which will be
reported on the file submitted to Puerto Rico.
Access Code For each W-2 Reporting Company selected, enter the
Access Code issued by Puerto Rico.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 55

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See Also

Setting Up Electronic Reporting Parameters

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

Filing State W-2 Data Electronically or on Magnetic Media

Note: You must have run TAX960FD to file W-2 data with the Social Security Administration prior to following
the steps below to file state W-2 data.

Note: If you will be filing state W-2 data electronically or on magnetic media, we recommend that you make
preliminary runs of the TAX960FD and TAX960ST programs after completing your first run of the YE Data
Record Load (TAX910LD) program, in order to perform validation of all state Employer Identification Numbers
before proceeding with subsequent steps in the year-end reporting process.

Follow these steps to file state W-2 data:

1. Set up electronic reporting parameters.
2. Run TAX960ST – Create State W-2 File, specifying the appropriate state(s) and reporting medium. Each
time you run TAX960ST, confirm that the selected reporting medium is accepted by the states you specify in
that execution of the program. Some states accept only certain reporting media.
3. Run TAX962ST - State W-2 File Audit. (Important: You must run TAX962ST immediately following
TAX960ST using the same run control input for both programs. The run control for TAX962ST uses
information from the TAX960ST run control to determine which state W-2 files to include in the audit report.)
4. Reconcile totals from TAX962ST to final reconciled TAX916ST totals (after reconciling TAX916ST with totals
from periodic state tax filings and remittance reports for the year).
5. File W-2 data with the state agencies:
• If filing on magnetic media, put output file(s) from TAX960ST onto tape, cartridge, or diskette(s),
renaming files according to state instructions if necessary, and complete any required transmittal
forms and state submission instructions.

• If filing electronically, follow state instructions for transmitting output file(s) from TAX960ST, renaming
file(s) according to state specifications if necessary.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 56

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Running TAX960ST
Access the Create State W-2 File page.

Create State W-2 File

Reporting Medium Valid values are: Cartridge, Diskette, Electronic, and Tape.
Diskette Type This field becomes available if you select Diskette as the
reporting medium. Select 3.5 inch Double Density or 3.5 inch
High Density.
Selected States Select one or more states to be reported. Select only states that
accept the specified Reporting Medium. Some states accept only
certain reporting media.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 57

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Reporting Medium Valid values are: Cartridge, Diskette, Electronic, and Tape.
Bulk Filing Method Use the Bulk Filing Method checkbox for each state to indicate
how the state’s W-2 data should be reported when submitting
data electronically to that state for multiple W2 Reporting
Companies with different state Employer Identification Numbers

If the Bulk Filing Method checkbox is selected, one file will be

created for the state, containing W-2 data for all employees in all
W-2 Reporting Companies.

If the checkbox is not selected, separate individual output files will

be created for the state for each W2 Reporting Company. The
naming convention for these files will be W2XXyyy, where XX is
the state abbreviation and yyy is the three-character ID of the W-
2 Reporting Company.

Users should review each state’s electronic reporting

requirements to determine whether or not the “Bulk Filing
Method” checkbox should be selected when running
TAX960ST.SQR to create files for electronic submission to
particular states.

Certain states require that a separate W-2 file be submitted for

each state EIN when data is submitted electronically.

Other states accept bulk filing submissions but require that

employers must first contact them for approval before submitting
files using the “bulk data” or “bulk filing” option. For states
requiring pre-approval for bulk filing, until approval is received, do
not select the Bulk Filing Method checkbox so that separate files
will be created for each W2 Reporting Company/State EIN. Once
state approval for bulk filing is received, then the Bulk Filing
Method checkbox may be selected to create one single file for
multiple W2 Reporting Companies/State EINs.

Note: The “Bulk Filing Method” checkbox will always

automatically be selected for reporting data to the State
of Minnesota, because Minnesota requires bulk filing of
data for multiple state EINs and will not accept multiple
separate files.

The Bulk Filing Method checkbox will only display on the run
control page when the Reporting Medium selected is Electronic.
For other reporting media, the Bulk Filing Method checkbox has
no impact and will not be displayed on the run control page.

MW508 Parameters for If you select Maryland as one of the states to be reported,
Maryland additional fields will appear as part of the run control page (as
shown above) which you must complete using data from
Maryland Form MW508.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 58

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Pages Used to File State W-2 Data

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_ Payroll for North Populate
Reporting ANN America, U.S. Transmitter ID,
Parameters 1 Annual Organization
Processing, Define Type, Type of
Annual Tax Employment, and
Reporting, Tax Recording Code in
Reporting the magnetic
Parameters media or
electronic file.
Electronic MMREF_PARAMET Payroll for North Populate the
Parameters ERS America, U.S. transmitter record
Annual (RA) in the
Processing, Define magnetic media or
Annual Tax electronic file.
Create State W-2 RUNCTL_TAX960S Payroll for North Run TAX960ST –
File T America, U.S. Create State W-2
Annual File to create
Processing, W-2 file(s) to submit
Reporting, Create state W-2 data
State W-2 File electronically or
on magnetic
State W-2 File RUNCTL_TAX962S Payroll for North Run TAX962ST -
Audit T America, U.S. State W-2 File
Annual Audit to create
Processing, Audit audit report on
and Error Reports, file(s) created by
State W-2 File TAX960ST.

See Also

Setting Up Electronic Reporting Parameters

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 59

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Reporting Local W-2 Data (Paper)

Many local tax jurisdictions prefer to receive a printed listing of local W-2 data in lieu of receiving actual copies of
individual W-2 forms. To print a listing of local W-2 wage and tax data, run TAX916LC - Local W-2 Tax Totals.

Local W-2 Tax Totals Report

Totals Only Select this option to print a report which includes the total
taxable wages and tax withheld for each local tax
jurisdiction. No individual employee detail is printed.
Employee Detail Select this option to print a report which lists local taxable
(Local Only) wages and tax withheld for each individual employee.
Employee Detail - Select this option to print a report which lists both local
Local and Federal taxable wages and tax withheld plus federal W-2 data for
each individual employee. Some local tax jurisdictions
require employers to provide federal W-2 information for
each employee for whom local W-2 data is reported.

Pages Used to Report Local W-2 Data (Paper)

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Local W-2 Tax RUNCTL_TAX916LC Payroll for North Select Totals Only
Totals Report America, U.S. or Employee
Annual Detail listings.
Processing, W-2
Reporting, Local
W-2 Tax Totals

See Also

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 60

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Filing Local W-2 Data Electronically or on Magnetic Media

Local tax agencies may require employers to submit W-2 data electronically or on magnetic media. Run
TAX960LC to create files to submit W-2 data electronically or on magnetic media to those local tax agencies that
accept files created using the EFW2 file format specifications published annually by the Social Security

Note: TAX960LC only supports the reporting of W-2 data on electronic or magnetic media to local tax agencies
whose file format specifications are based on Social Security Administration Publication EFW2. TAX960LC may
not be used to report W-2 data to local tax agencies that require any file format not based on SSA Publication

Follow these steps to file local W-2 data:

1. Set up electronic reporting parameters.
2. Run TAX960LC – Create Local W-2 File, specifying the appropriate run control information. Each time
you run TAX960LC, confirm that the selected reporting medium is accepted by the local agencies you
specify in that execution of the program. Some agencies accept only certain reporting media.
3. Run TAX962LC - Local W-2 File Audit. (Important: You must run TAX962LC immediately following
TAX960LC using the same run control input for both programs. The run control for TAX962LC uses
information from the TAX960LC run control to determine which local W-2 files to include in the audit
4. Reconcile totals from TAX962LC to final reconciled TAX916LC totals (after reconciling TAX916LC with
totals from periodic local tax filings and remittance reports for the year).
5. File W-2 data with the local tax agencies:
a. Files created by TAX960LC will bear filenames indicating the names of the local tax agencies. If
filing on magnetic media, put output file(s) from TAX960LC onto tape or diskette(s), renaming
files according to local tax agency instructions if necessary, and complete any required
transmittal forms and submission instructions.

b. If filing electronically, follow local tax agency instructions for transmitting output file(s) from
TAX960LC, renaming file(s) according to specifications if necessary.

Note: If you will be filing local W-2 data electronically or on magnetic media, we recommend that you make
preliminary runs of the TAX960FD, TAX960ST, and TAX960LC programs after completing your first run of the YE
Data Record Load (TAX910LD) program, in order to perform validation of all state and local Employer
Identification Numbers before proceeding with subsequent steps in the year-end reporting process.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 61

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Running TAX960LC
Access the Create Local W-2 File page.

Create Local W-2 File

Balances for Year The year displayed is the year currently specified on the Annual
Tax Reporting Parameters page.
Reporting Medium Valid values are: Cartridge, Diskette, Electronic, and Tape.
Diskette Type This field becomes available if you select Diskette as the
reporting medium. Select 3.5 inch Double Density or 3.5 inch
High Density.
All Tax Agencies Select if you wish to create a file to submit W-2 data to all eligible
tax agencies for which YTD local tax balances exist for the
current reporting year.
Select Tax Reporting Select if you wish to create files to submit W-2 data only to one or
Agencies more specific tax agencies, and enter in the edit box provided
one or more agency codes. The following pages of this
document contain a list of tax agencies for which TAX960LC
currently creates files for submitting W-2 data electronically or on
magnetic media.
Select Elig Locals by State Select if you wish to create files to submit W-2 data only for
eligible localities in one or more specific states, and enter one or
more of the two-letter state abbreviations from the above list in
the edit box provided.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 62

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Balances for Year The year displayed is the year currently specified on the Annual
Tax Reporting Parameters page.
Select Jurisdictions Select if you wish to create files to submit W-2 data only for one
or more specific eligible local jurisdictions, and enter one or more
valid Locality codes in the edit box provided. Eligible jurisdictions
must have a value specified in the W2 Reporting Agency field
on the Local Tax Table 3 page.

The following table lists the local tax reporting agencies for which TAX960LC creates files for submitting W-2 data
electronically or on magnetic media for tax year 2009. Within each state, agencies are listed alphabetically by
their W2 Reporting Agency code.

(Note: The agencies in bold text in the following table are new for tax year 2009 and will be added in the
updated version of TAX960LC delivered in Tax Update 09-F.)

State Tax Agency W2 Reporting Agency

DE City of Wilmington Department of Finance WLMDE

MI City of Albion Income Tax Division ALB

City of Battle Creek Income Tax Division BTLCK
City of Big Rapids Income Tax BR
City of Flint Income Tax Division FLINT
City of Grand Rapids Income Tax Department GRAPD
City of Grayling Income Tax Division GRA
City of Port Huron Income Tax Division HURON
City of Ionia Income Tax ION
City of Jackson Income Tax JAC
City of Lansing Income Tax Division LSING
City of Lapeer Income Tax Dept. LAP
City of Muskegon Income Tax Dept. MKG
City of Pontiac Income Tax Division PNT
City of Portland Income Tax Division POR
City of Saginaw Income Tax Department SAGIN
City of Springfield Income Tax Department SPRMI
City of Walker Income Tax Department WALKR

MO City of Kansas City Finance Department/Revenue Division KCFD

City of St. Louis Earnings Tax Department STLTA

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 63

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State Tax Agency W2 Reporting Agency

OH City of Akron Income Tax Division AKRON

City of Bedford Income Tax Dept. BDFRD
City of Bowling Green Income Tax Division BGOH
Central Collection Agency CCA
City of Cincinnati Income Tax Division CINCI
City of Columbus Income Tax Division CLMBS
City of Cuyahoga Falls Income Tax Department CYFLS
City of Dayton Department of Finance DAYTO
City of Dublin Division of Taxation DUBLN
City of Fairfield Income Tax Division FFD
City of Findlay Income Tax Department FINDL
City of Gahanna Tax Division GAH
City of Harrison Income Tax Division HARRIS
Village of Johnstown Income Tax Department JOHNS
Joint Economic Development District I: Liberty Township LIBJD
(City of Middletown Tax Department)
City of Lorain Income Tax Department LORAI
City of Massillon Income Tax Department MASSI
City of Moraine Income Tax Department MORAI
City of Marysville Income Tax Division MRYSV
City of North Ridgeville Income Tax Department NRIDG
Village of New Washington Income Tax Department NWASH
Regional Income Tax Agency RITA
City of Sidney Department of Taxation SIDNE
City of Solon Tax Department SOLON
City of Stow Division of Taxation STOW
Village of Strasburg Income Tax Department STRA
City of Warren Income Tax WARRE
City of Willard Tax Department WILLD
City of Westerville WSTRV

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 64

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

State Tax Agency W2 Reporting Agency

PA City of Allentown Earned Income Tax Division ALLEN

Capital Tax Collection Bureau CTCB
Lancaster County Tax Collection Bureau LCTCB
Middletown Area Tax Collection Bureau MATCB
City of Philadelphia Department of Revenue PHILA
City of Reading Tax Division READ
Scranton Single Tax Office SCRAN
West Shore Tax Bureau WSTB
York Adams Tax Bureau YATB

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 65

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Pages Used to File Local W-2 Data Electronically or on Magnetic Media

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_ Payroll for North Populate
Reporting ANN America, U.S. Transmitter ID,
Parameters 1 Annual Organization
Processing, Define Type, Type of
Annual Tax Employment, and
Reporting, Tax Recording Code in
Reporting the magnetic
Parameters media or
electronic file.
Electronic MMREF_PARAMET Payroll for North Populate the
Parameters ERS America, U.S. transmitter record
Annual (RA) in the
Processing, Define magnetic media or
Annual Tax electronic file.
Create Local W-2 RUNCTL_TAX960L Payroll for North Run TAX960LC –
File C America, U.S. Create Local W-2
Annual File to create
Processing, W-2 file(s) to submit
Reporting, Create W-2 data
Local W-2 File electronically or
on magnetic
media to local tax
Local W-2 File RUNCTL_TAX962L Payroll for North Run TAX962LC -
Audit C America, U.S. Local W-2 File
Annual Audit to create
Processing, Audit audit report on
and Error Reports, file(s) created by
Local W-2 File TAX960LC.

See Also

Setting Up Electronic Reporting Parameters

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 66

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Printing W-2 Forms

This section:
• Refers you to the set-up steps documented in the first chapter.

• Explains how the system determines the number of W-2 forms created for each employee.

• Lists the procedures and pages for printing W-2 forms for the various jurisdictions.

Setting Up For Printing W-2 Forms

The set-up steps for printing year-end tax forms are documented in the first chapter of this year-end tax
document. The steps fall into two categories:
• Setting Up Tax Reporting Tables.

• Controlling W-2 Printing.

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing”

Understanding Sequence Number and W-2 Generation Logic

The PeopleSoft tax processes use specific logic to determine how many W-2s to generate for an employee.
The keys for W-2 records are:
• Company

• Employee ID

• Tax Calendar Year

• Tax Form ID

• Sequence Number

Each sequence number associates an individual’s W-2 records with reportable wages from a different state. For
example, an employee who has earnings in both California and Oregon will have W-2 records with sequence
numbers 1 and 2. Federal wages, taxes, and so on are always associated with sequence number 1. Records for
subsequent sequence numbers contain only state and/or local wage data.
The Sequence Number controls the view in the W-2 Details group box of the Year End Forms page. Within that
view, you can see all information associated with a given sequence number. However, the actual number of
separate W-2 forms generated for an employee for a single company is determined by three factors:
• The number of states in which wages were paid.

• The number of Box 12 amounts reportable for the individual.

• The number of localities in which wages/taxes are to be reported.

The following table describes various combinations of these factors and the number of W-2 forms generated for
each condition.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 67

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Condition W-2 Forms Generated

“Standard” The system generates one W-2 for the first state and
situation: for localities in that state as specified on the Locals
Employee works for Per Form field on the Tax Form Print Parameters page.
one company, When the number of localities is greater than the
possibly in multiple number of Locals Per Form you’ve specified, the
states and system generates an additional W-2.
An additional W-2 is generated for each additional
state with reportable taxes or wages.

Federal information appears on the first W-2 only.

There are more When you view the year end form online, all Box 12
than four entries in entries are associated with a single W-2 (Sequence
Box 12. Number 1). When you print the W-2, however,
overflow Box 12 entries are printed on additional
forms, four entries per form, as per IRS specifications.
Employee works for Separate W-2s are generated for each company
more than one based on the rules previously described.
company and the
companies have
different Federal
Employee works for Separate year-end records are generated for each
more than one company so that you can view and audit information
company and the for each company. However, on the printed W-2 and
companies have magnetic media record, the employee’s federal wages
the same Federal and taxes for the companies that share the same
EIN and W-2 Federal EIN and W-2 Reporting Company are
Reporting combined into a single entry under the company
Company. defined as the W-2 Reporting Company in the W-2
Company table. When W-2 data must be reported for
multiple states, the combined federal information
appears on the first printed W-2 only, along with
information for the first state and its related localities.
Additional separate W-2s (which do not contain
federal information) are printed for additional states
and/or localities.

You can view an employee’s sequence number on the Year End Forms page.

See Also

Reviewing and Correcting Year-End Form Information

Procedures for Printing and Submitting W-2 Forms

Follow these steps to print and submit W-2 forms for the various jurisdictions:
1. Update the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page with the correct W-2 Form ID and the maximum number
of employees per page for creating the W-2 print file.

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2. Re-run TAX960xx to create the print file for the appropriate W-2 forms.

For Form ID LSR03P, the output file must be created as a pdf. file.

For all other Form IDs, the output file must be created as a .lis file. The TAX960xx.lis files must be printed
from the command prompt in DOS.

• U.S.: Run TAX960US.

• Territories: Run TAX960AS, TAX960GU, and TAX960VI for American Samoa, Guam, or the U.S.
Virgin Islands respectively.

• Puerto Rico: Run TAX960PR.

We recommend directing output to a file rather than directly to a printer. Before printing forms, review
TAX960xx_xxx.out file totals to confirm that they are unchanged since the last previous run.

Note: The print output file containing print images of the W-2 reports may be quite large if you’re
reporting for thousands of employees. You can print single W-2s by selecting individual employees on
the run control page. You can enter as many individual employee IDs as you want. The program then
creates a single print file containing paper W-2 images.

3. If filing W-2 data on paper with the Social Security Administration:

• U.S.: Use totals from the final run of TAX915 to complete Form W-3 Transmittal and follow SSA
instructions for submitting Form W-3 and related W-2 forms.

• Territories: Use totals from the final run of TAX915 to complete Form W-3SS Transmittal and follow
SSA instructions for submitting Form W-3SS and related W-2AS, W-2GU, and W-2VI forms.

• Puerto Rico: Use totals from the final run of TAX918TL to complete Form W-3PR Transmittal and
follow SSA instructions for submitting Form W-3PR and related W-2PR forms. Follow instructions
from the Puerto Rico Departamento de Hacienda for submitting Copy A of Form W-2PR to Puerto

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Year End Forms Print - US/Territory Print pages

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Reprint Select this check box if this run of the program is to reprint
W-2 forms.
Reprint Description For reprinted forms, you can choose to have a Reprint
Description print on the form.

Select Corrected if you discover an error on Form W-2

after you have issued it to your employee but the
erroneous W-2 information has not been and will not be
submitted to the Social Security Administration.

Select Reissued Statement if you filed a Form W-2

showing an incorrect address for the employee but all
other information on Form W-2 is correct. (Do not
resubmit the W-2 address correction information to the
Social Security Administration.)

Select No Specific Reason if neither the “Corrected” nor

the “Reissued Statement” message should appear on the
reprinted Form W-2 (for example, reprinting to replace a
Form W-2 reported as lost by the employee).
States and Localities Select one or more specific States for which to print
Selected for Printing Forms W-2. Within a particular State, you may also select
one or more specific Localities for which to print Forms W-

Tips for Printing PDF files

If you encounter alignment problems printing a PDF file, investigate the following possible sources of the problem:
• Page Scaling: You may need to change this setting to “Shrink to a Printable Area” or “None”.

• Page Size: Verify that the page size is correct (letter or legal) for the form you are printing.

• Print on Both Sides: Verify that this feature is not selected.

The following settings are suggested based on test-printing PDF files:

LSR03P Page Scaling = None

Page Size = Letter
LSR01P (Form W-2c) Page Scaling = None
Page Size = Letter

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Pages Used to Print W-2 Forms

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_AN Payroll for North Update the
Reporting N America, U.S. maximum number
Parameters 1 Annual Processing, of employees per
Define Annual Tax page and select
Reporting, Tax the W-2 Form ID.
US/Territory Print RUNCTL_TAX960UST Payroll for North Run TAX960US,
America, U.S. TAX960AS,
Annual Processing, TAX960GU, and
W-2 Reporting, TAX960VI to print
Print Year End W-2 forms for the
Forms, United States,
US/Territory Print American Samoa,
Guam, or the U.S.
Virgin Islands
US/Territory Print 2 RUNCTL_TAX960_CO Payroll for North Select to print all
MP America, U.S. or selected W-2
Annual Processing, Reporting
W-2 Reporting, Companies when
Print Year End printing W-2
Forms, forms.
US/Territory Print 2
Puerto Rico Print RUNCTL_TAX960PR Payroll for North Run TAX960PR to
America, U.S. print W-2PR forms
Annual Processing, for Puerto Rico.
W-2 Reporting,
Print Year End
Forms, Puerto Rico

See Also

Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms

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Printing Form W-2PR for Puerto Rico

PeopleSoft provides two valid form IDs for printing Form W-2PR for companies with employees that require
Puerto Rico reporting. The two valid Form IDs are:
• W-2PR: The standard impact printer form provided by the Puerto Rico Departamento de Hacienda,
with control numbers pre-printed on the form.

• W-2PRL: The laser print form. If the Form ID is set to W-2PRL on the Annual Tax Reporting
Parameters page, you assign control numbers using the W-2PRL Company - Control Number
Assignment group box on the W-2 Print – PR Print page.

If you use the W-2PRL form, you must apply in advance to the Puerto Rico Departamento de Hacienda and
request that form control numbers be assigned to your W-2 reporting companies.
Both forms require the setting of 1 employee per page on the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page.

IMPORTANT: You must not re-run the year-end load program TAX910LD after you have run TAX960PR to print
Puerto Rico W-2PR forms. It is critical that you review all year-end data records and report totals, and confirm
that you have made your final run of the TAX910LD year-end load program, before running TAX960PR to print
Puerto Rico forms. Form control numbers allocated to you as an employer by Puerto Rico are assigned to
specific employee forms by the TAX960PR print program. The control numbers will be dropped and will not be
re-loaded if you re-run the TAX910LD year-end load program after you have run the TAX960PR print program.

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Access the Year End Forms Print – Puerto Rico Print page.

Puerto Rico Print page (Form ID W-2PR selected on Annual Tax Reporting Parameters)

Puerto Rico Print page (Form ID W-2PRL selected on Annual Tax Reporting Parameters)

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Note: The fields in the W-2PRL Company - Control Number Assignment group box are used only if the Form ID
is set to W-2PRL on the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page.

Assigning Beginning Control Numbers to W-2 Reporting Companies

W-2 Reporting Company Enter a W-2 reporting company for which you are using
the W-2PRL form ID.
Control Number Begin Enter all 8 digits of the starting control number in the edit
box, leading with zero(s) as appropriate.
You can add rows and set up the beginning control
numbers for all of the appropriate companies; the system
stores them on the database for future executes.

However, you can print forms for only one W-2 Reporting
Company per execution of the program. If multiple W-2
Reporting Companies are entered on the run control,
select the checkbox for the one W-2 Reporting Company
to be processed with each execution of the program (see

Running the TAX960PR for selected W-2 Reporting Companies

Use the Select check box only when you run the process, not when you set up beginning control numbers for
each W-2 reporting company.
Select To run the process for a W-2 reporting company, you
must select the Select check box for the W-2 reporting
company that you want to run.

You must select only one W-2 reporting company for each
execution of the process.
Ending Control Number The program increments the control number for each
employee printed and updates this field with the last
control number printed for the company.

Note: In order to process a reprint of a W-2PRL form, you must select the individual record(s) to be printed. You
cannot reprint the complete file. The stored employee control number is printed on reprinted W-2PRL forms.

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Preparing Form 940

Follow the instructions in the tax update notes delivered with Tax Update 09-E to update the Tax Form Definition
Table with an entry for Form 940 for tax year 2009, as described in the earlier section of this guide on “Setting Up
Tax Reporting Tables.”

1. Define FUTA-exempt payments and their related deductions and earnings on the Tax Form Definition page.
2. Run the TAX940 - FUTA Wage Reconciliation report, which shows totals of FUTA-exempt payments.
3. Use the TAX940 - FUTA Wage Reconciliation report to complete Part 2, Line 4 (“Payments exempt from
FUTA tax”) of the Employer’s Annual Federal Unemployment (FUTA) Tax Return, Form 940.

Pages Used to Prepare Form 940

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Tax Form TAXFORM_DEFN_T Payroll for North Define FUTA-
Definitions BL America, U.S. exempt payments
Annual and their related
Processing, Define deductions and
Annual Tax earnings.
Reporting, Tax
Form Definitions
FUTA Wage PRCSRUNCNTL Payroll for North Run the TAX940 -
Reconciliation America, U.S. FUTA Wage
Report Annual Reconciliation
Processing, FUTA report.
Reconciliation Rpt

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Defining FUTA-exempt payments

Access the Tax Form Definitions page.

Tax Form Definitions

Box PeopleSoft delivers the only allowable value in this field,
along with its description and short description.

Deductions and Earnings

Enter information for the earnings and deductions to be totaled for reporting as FUTA exempt payments on
Form 940.

Note: Do not use the Taxes group box for setting up 940 FUTA exempt payments.

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Reporting Form 1099-R Data

Form 1099-R is generally used to report retirement distributions and related payments. The current standard
version of PeopleSoft Payroll for North America contains no specific set of pages and records designed to track
this type of payment. Consequently, the support provided by our 1099-R processing is limited to reporting
distributions or payments and taxes.
Before you begin to process 1099-R forms, you should review these IRS publications:

2009 General Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 5498, and W-2G


2009 Instructions for Forms 1099-R and 5498


Publication 1220, Specifications for Filing Forms 1098, 1099, 5498, and W2-G, Electronically
(Rev. Proc. 2009-30)


Summary of Procedures

The following steps summarize the process of reporting Form 1099-R data:
1. Set up for running 1099 processes and reports.
a. Update the Tax Report Type field on the Company Table-FICA/Tax Details page.
b. Review and update the Balances for Year and Transmitter ID fields on the Annual Tax Reporting
Parameters page. This page is used for 1099-R processing as well as W-2 processing.
c. Update the Annual Tax Reporting Parameters page with the maximum number of employees per page.
Make sure the number of employees per page is consistent with the 1099-R layout style you select on
the TAX930PM.SQR run control.
d. Specify the Select Define in PRT1099R.SQC to correspond with the 1099-R layout style you select on
the TAX930PM.SQR run control. Follow the instructions provided in the SQC.
2. Run TAX930AU - 1099-R Audit Report.
3. Review the output of the TAX930AU - 1099-R Audit report and correct errors if necessary.
4. Run the TAX930PM process to create a print file for 1099-R forms and a file for electronic reporting of 1099-
R information.

“IRSTAX” is the filename of the file created by TAX930PM for electronic reporting.
The TAX930PM.lis file created by TAX930PM is the 1099-R print file. We recommend directing output to a
file rather than directly to a printer. Before printing forms, review TAX930AU totals to confirm that they are
5. Rerun the TAX930AU - 1099-R Audit Report to create a report of your 1099-R data for record retention in lieu
of keeping employer paper copies of the actual forms.

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6. Run the TAX935 - 1096 Transmission Totals report, which provides information for completing Form 1096
(for transmitting 1099-R forms).

Note: The current 1099-R processing does not access the Tax Form Definition Table, and is not designed to
handle the reporting of multiple 1099-R distribution codes for a single individual payee. Therefore, if you are
processing sets of 1099-R forms with varying distribution codes, you must ensure that not more than
one distribution code is to be reported for any single individual payee. You must also have a different set
of earnings codes for each distribution type and make separate runs with the TAX930PM process for each set.

Pages Used to Create Form 1099-R

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
FICA/Tax Details COMP_TBL8USA_SE Set Up HRMS, Review the Tax
C Foundation Report Type field
Tables, and update if
Organization, necessary.
Company, Default
Click the Tax
Details link in the
Payroll for North
America group
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_A Payroll for North Review and
Reporting NN America, U.S. update the
Parameters 1 Annual Balances for
Processing, Year and W-2
Define Annual Transmitter ID
Tax Reporting, fields for 1099-R
Tax Reporting processing.
Parameters Update the
number of
employees per
1099R Audit – Run RUNCTL_TAX930AU Payroll for North Run TAX930AU -
Parameters America, U.S. 1099-R Audit
Annual Report to create
Processing, 1099- a listing of the
R Reporting, Form amounts to be
1099-R Audit reported on
Report 1099-R forms.
1099-R Process RUNCTL_TAX930PM Payroll for North Enter run
Parameters America, U.S. parameters for
Annual the TAX930PM
Processing, 1099- process.
R Reporting,

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 79

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

1099-R Transmitter RUNCTL_TAX930PM Payroll for North Enter run
Information 1 America, U.S. parameters for
Annual creating the file
Processing, 1099- to report 1099-R
R Reporting, data
Create electronically.
Form 1096 Report RUNCTL_TAX935 Payroll for North Run TAX935 -
America, U.S. 1096
Annual Transmission
Processing, Totals report,
1099R Reporting, which provides
Form 1096 Report information for
completing Form
1096 (for
1099-R forms).

See Also

“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Defining Parameters for Yearly Tax Reporting
“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Specifying Additional Tax Reporting Parameters
“Preparing for 2009 Year-End Processing,” Updating FICA/Tax Details

Running the TAX930AU Report

Access the Form 1099-R Audit Report page.

Form 1099-R Audit Report

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Distribution Code Enter the code for the type of data you’ll be reporting.
Refer to the IRS publications for definitions of these

Note: If you will be processing sets of 1099-R forms with

varying distribution codes, you must have a different set of
earnings codes for each distribution type and must make
separate runs with the TAX930AU report for each set.
Total Distribution Select if the distributions represent a total distribution.
Earnings Codes Enter one or more earnings codes. For each payee, the
program sums earnings balances for the codes you enter.

Specifying 1099-R Transmitter Information for

Electronic Reporting
Access the 1099-R Transmitter Information page.

1099-R Transmitter Information

Last filing year Select if this is the last time you will ever file 1099-R
Save Files Marked as Select if the electronic file is to be created for test
Test File purposes. If it is, the system sets a flag in the Code A
record to show that the file is a test file.
Combined Federal/State Select if you are a combined Federal/State filer. You
Filer must have obtained prior approval from the IRS to
participate in this program. Note: State data will be
reported only for those states that participate in the IRS
Combined Federal/State Filing Program.
Contact’s Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted if the IRS
encounters problems with the file or transmission.

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Last filing year Select if this is the last time you will ever file 1099-R
Contact Email Address Enter the email address of the person to contact regarding
the file.
Phone Enter the telephone number of the person to contact
regarding the file.
Control Code Enter your transmitter control code. This is a required

Note: When running TAX930PM.SQR to report Form 1099-R data, you may receive the following error
message if any individual payee has distribution and/or tax amounts for more than one state:

”Only federal amounts will be reported for payees on the file created by this program. No state amounts can be
reported because one or more payees has distribution and/or tax amounts for multiple states. IRS/MCC
specifications for reporting 1099-R data to states participating in the Combined Federal/State Filing Program do
not provide for reporting payees with distribution and/or tax amounts in multiple states.”

Selecting TAX930PM Parameters and Running the TAX930PM Process

The TAX930PM process retrieves data from payees’ tax and earnings balance records. It reports the sum of all
selected earnings for an individual as well as information on taxes withheld on the distribution.
The TAX930PM process produces two output files:
• IRSTAX is the file which may be submitted to the IRS electronically.

• TAX930PM.lis is the file containing print images for the 1099-R reports.

Note: The output file must be created as a .lis file. The TAX930PM.lis file must be printed from
the command prompt in DOS.

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Access the 1099-R Process Parameters page.

1099-R Process Parameters

Reprint If you select this check box, the process creates a file for
reprinting the 1099-R forms but does not generate a file
for submitting data electronically.
All Payees The process reports 1099-R data for all payees.

The system creates both the TAX930PM.lis file for

printing 1099-R forms and an IRSTAX file for submitting
1099-R data electronically.
Selected Payees You can select individual payees for printing or reprinting
forms only; the process does not create an electronic file if
you select individual payees.
Distribution Code Enter the code for the type of data you’ll be reporting.
Refer to the IRS publications for definitions of these

Note: If you will be processing sets of 1099-R forms with

varying distribution codes, you must ensure that not more
than one distribution code is to be reported for any single
individual payee. You must also have a different set of
earnings codes for each distribution type and must make
separate runs with the TAX930AU report for each set.

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Reprint If you select this check box, the process creates a file for
reprinting the 1099-R forms but does not generate a file
for submitting data electronically.
Layout Style Select from the following styles: 2 VERTICAL,

Make sure the number of payees per page selected on

the Tax Reporting Parameter 2 page is consistent with the
layout style.
Total Distribution Select if the distributions represent a total distribution.
Earnings Codes Enter one or more earnings codes. For each payee, the
program sums earnings balances for the codes you enter
and reports them in Box 1 as the “Gross distribution.”

1099-R Data Sources

The following table shows the relationships between the various boxes on the 1099-R and the PeopleSoft tables
from which the TAX930PM process retrieves data.

1099-R Description PeopleSoft

1st year of desig. Roth contrib. Not currently supported
Account number Not currently supported
1 Gross distribution EARNINGS_BAL
2a Taxable amount TAX_BALANCE
2b Taxable amount not determined Default = not selected
Total distribution checkbox TAX930PM run control
3 Amount in Box 2a eligible for Not currently supported
capital gain election
4 Federal income tax withheld TAX_BALANCE
5 Employee Not currently supported
contributions/Designated Roth
contributions or insurance
6 Net unrealized appreciation in Not currently supported
employer’s securities
7 Distribution code(s) TAX930PM run control
IRA/SEP/SIMPLE checkbox Not currently supported
8 Other Not currently supported
9a Your percentage of total Not currently supported
9b Total employee contributions Not currently supported
10 State income tax withheld * TAX_BALANCE

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1099-R Description PeopleSoft

11 State/Payer’s state number * CO_STATETAX_TBL
12 State Distribution * TAX_BALANCE
13 Local income tax withheld * TAX_BALANCE
14 Name of locality * LOCAL_TAX_TBL
15 Local distribution * TAX_BALANCE

* Note: When reporting Form 1099-R data electronically, state data will be reported only for those states that
participate in the IRS Combined Federal/State Filing Program, and local data will not be reported.

Positioning Starting Columns on Unsupported 1099-R Forms

Note: The information in this section applies only if you use forms that are not tested and supported by

For unsupported forms, starting column positions for forms on the page are specified within the TAX930PM print
program. You must update these parameters in TAX930PM.SQR by including code similar to the following
#define WCOLUMN1 5
#define WCOLUMN2 42
WCOLUMN1 represents an offset from the left side of the page where your printer’s first character would print.
WCOLUMN2 defines an offset to the approximate middle of the page and allows positioning of the right-hand
1099-R images for four-corner style 1099-R forms.
You may need to alter the values of 5 and 42 for these parameters to correctly align your forms.

Note: Both entries are required. Without them, your 1099-R print run will abort with an error message indicating
that the value for either WCOLUMN1 or WCOLUMN2 was not found.

The following table shows the default column settings for TAX930PM forms:


TAX930PM (2VERTICAL) 7 41 (Must be defined; but
value irrelevant)
TAX930PM (4CORNER 5 42

Note: The parameters on the Tax Form Print Parameters page do not apply to 1099-R processing.

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Performing Printing Alignment Adjustments

PCL Printer Commands are used to direct the printer with specific printing requirements, which may vary slightly
depending on the printer you use.

Print files created by TAX930PM.SQR for the laser print versions of the three Form1099-R layout styles
(2 VERTICAL, 4CORNER, and 4CORNERPS) have been tested using the HP P4014n printer with 1099-R forms
supplied by RR Donnelley. Test results confirm that all the data fits in the specified boxes and is not printing on
the box description verbiage.

Employers who use any printers other than the HP P4014n series, or who use year-end tax forms supplied by
other vendors (on any printer), may need to make adjustments to certain variables in the delivered TAX930PM
program. To resolve issues encountered in using other printers, employers should contact the printer vendor.

If you are using the HP P4014n series printer and find that 1099-R data is not printing exactly where it should be
printing, you can make adjustments in the TAX930PM.SQR program. The specific command is “&lnnZ” where
“nn” represents a negative or positive number of decipoints. A negative value raises the print line, a positive
adjustment lowers the print line.

If your specific printer requires modification of these decipoints, find “decipoint” in the TAX930PM.SQR program
and adjust the print command according to the needs of your printer. Note that these commands work only with
the HP P4014n series printer.

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W-2c Processing
This chapter provides an overview of W-2c processing and tells you how to:
• Prepare W-2c data.

• Audit W-2c data and generate Form W-3c transmittal totals.

• Create W-2c print files.

• File W-2c data with the Social Security Administration.

Overview of W-2c Processing

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America provides a set of pages for creating W-2c and W-2cPR forms in each of the
following sets of conditions:

Tax Year Jurisdiction Form Print Program Audit Program

2001 and U.S. W-2c TAX920US TAX921US
2001 and American W-2c TAX920US TAX921US
forward Samoa
2001 and Guam W-2c TAX920US TAX921US
2001 and Virgin Islands W-2c TAX920US TAX921US
2001 and Puerto Rico W-2cPR TAX920PR TAX921PR
Prior 2001 U.S. W-2c TAX920 TAX920AU

The page names and menu paths vary by situation. Details for each page are provided in the tables for each step
in the process.

Summary of Steps

The following is a brief statement of the steps in the general W-2c business process for all tax years and
supported jurisdictions:
1. Correct the data.
2. Run the data audit, which also produces W-3c (or W-3cPR) transmittal totals.
3. Generate the print file.

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Preparing W-2c Data

The system automatically retrieves the most recently submitted original or corrected information for each
employee record that you need to update. For each change, you can enter either a new amount or an increase
or decrease to the current amount. If you enter a new amount, the system calculates the increase or decrease; if
you enter the increase or decrease amount, the system calculates the new amount.

Pages Used to Prepare W-2c Data

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Create W-2c YE_W2C Payroll for North Enter corrections
US/Territories America, U.S. needed for a U.S.,
Annual American Samoa,
Processing, W-2 Guam, or Virgin
Adjustments, Islands W-2 issued
Create W-2c for tax years 2001
US/Territories and forward. (Run
TAX920US to
Create W-2cPR YE_W2CPR Payroll for North Enter corrections
Puerto Rico America, U.S. needed for a
Annual Puerto Rico W-2PR
Processing, W-2 issued for tax
Adjustments, years 2001 and
Create W-2cPR forward.
Puerto Rico (Run TAX920PR to
Create W-2c W2C Payroll for North Enter corrections
Prior 2001 America, U.S. needed for a U.S.
Annual W-2 issued for tax
Processing, W-2 years prior to
Adjustments, 2001.
Create W-2c Prior (Run TAX920 to
2001 process.)

Preparing W-2c Data for U.S. or Territory W-2s Issued for Tax Years 2001
and Forward
The Run Control contains the Tax Form Identification for each entity. W-2 represents the United States
(Federal), W-2AS represents American Samoa, W-2GU represents Guam, and W-2VI represents the Virgin
Islands. These entities use the same W-2c page. The Form for: field identifies the entity being adjusted. We
document the U.S. page in this section.

The default year for the Calendar Year field on the Run Control is stored in W2C_DEF_CAL_YR on the table
PS_YE_W2C_INSTALL. PeopleSoft updates the default year for W-2c processing annually in a script delivered
as part of the year-end tax update process.

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Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Note: The system retrieves the employee address information shown in the Create W-2c page from the data
loaded to create the employee’s original Form W-2. When preparing Form W-2c for an employee, verify that the
address information shown is current and correct. Make any required changes in the address fields on the Create
W-2c page before saving the W-2c entry.

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Access the Create W-2c US/Territories page.

Create W-2c US/Territories

The system enters the W2 Company and other information you entered to access the page.
Status The status of the currently displayed W-2c record. Values
Open: The record is part of a batch that has not yet been
Closed: The record is part of a batch that has been
processed to be submitted to the Social Security
Void: The record is not to be processed.
Batch # The current batch number assigned by the system. Each
time you run the W-2c Process, the system increments
this number by one and assigns the new batch number to
all W-2c records you enter until the next time you run the
The system assigns batch numbers by tax form ID of the
form being corrected, so you could have more than one
batch #1 if you’re creating W-2c forms to correct W-2s for
both the U.S. and Puerto Rico or territories, for example.
Control # An optional field corresponding to an Employee ID or
some other number you printed in Box d of the W-2. (If
you want this field to be automatically populated when you
run the TAX910LD process, you can modify the process.)
Comments Click to enter comments about an employee’s W-2c
record. Your comments do not become part of the printed
W-2c form, but they do appear on the W-2c Data Audit
Statutory employee The page initially indicates the status of this check box as
reported on the employee’s original W-2 or most recent
W-2c. If you select or clear this check box, the system
will report the change on the Form W-2c.

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Status The status of the currently displayed W-2c record. Values

Retirement plan The page initially indicates the status of this check box as
reported on the employee’s original W-2 or most recent
W-2c. If you select or clear this check box, the system
will report the change in the “Retirement plan” check box
on Form W-2c.
Third-party sick pay The page initially indicates the status of this check box as
reported on the employee’s original W-2 or most recent
W-2c. If you select or clear this check box, the system
will report the change in the “Third-party sick pay” check
box on Form W-2c.
Box Select the Form W-2 box you want to update.
State Select the state for state-specific information (W-2 boxes
16 and 17).
Locality Select the locality for locality-specific information (W-2
boxes 18 and 19).
Previous When you select a W-2 box, the system displays the
amount most recently reported in that box.
Corrected The previous amount is the default. If you enter an
amount here, the system calculates and displays the
Increase/Decrease amount.
Increase/Decrease The default is zero. You can specify an increase or
decrease to the Previous amount by any amount you
enter here—precede decrease amounts with a minus sign
(-). The system calculates and displays the Corrected

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Preparing W-2c Data for a Puerto Rico W-2PR Issued for Tax Years 2001
and Forward
Access the Create W-2cPR Puerto Rico page.

Create W-2cPR Puerto Rico

The fields on this page are identical to the fields on the W-2c US Data page with the following exceptions:
• The Statutory employee, Retirement plan, and Third-party sick pay fields do not appear on the W-
2c Puerto Rico Data page.

• The Comments you enter do appear in the Reasons for Change box on Form W-2cPR.

• The Control Number field functions as follows:

• If the W-2cPR corrects a laser-print W-2PR which was issued with a system-printed Control Number,
that Control Number is displayed and the field is not editable. The Control Number will appear as the
“Control number of the original withholding statement” when the Form W-2cPR is printed.

• If the W-2cPR corrects an impact printer W-2PR which was issued with a pre-printed Control Number,
that Control Number is not displayed because the number is not known, and the field is not editable.
The user may enter Control Number information manually on the printed Form W-2cPR.

• If the W-2cPR corrects a previously-issued Form W-2cPR, no Control Number is displayed and the field
is not editable. The user may enter Control Number information manually on the printed Form W-2cPR.

Note: The system retrieves the employee address information shown in the Create W-2cPR page from the data
loaded to create the employee’s original Form W-2PR. When preparing Form W-2cPR for an employee, verify
that the address information shown is current and correct. Make any required changes in the address fields on
the Create W-2cPR page before saving the W-2cPR entry.

See Also

Preparing W-2c Data for the U.S. or Territory W-2 Issued for Tax Years 2001 and Forward

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Preparing W-2c Data for a U.S. W-2 Issued in Tax Years Prior to 2001
Access the Create W-2c Prior 2001 page. If you access this page in Update/Display mode, the fields are
unavailable for data entry for a W-2c in a batch whose status is Closed. You can edit or enter data in
Update/Display mode for an existing W-2c in a batch whose status is Open. Access the page in Add mode to
create a new Form W-2c.
Note: Insert a slash (/)
immediately before the
employee’s last name.

Create W-2c Prior 2001

The fields on this page are identical to the fields on the W-2c Data pages for 2001 and forward, with the following
• The Third party sick pay check box does not appear on this page.

• The Deceased, Legal Rep, and Deferred Comp check boxes do appear on this page.

• The definitions of the State and Locality fields are as follows:

State Select the state for state-specific information (W-2 boxes

17 and 18).
Locality Select the locality for locality-specific information (W-2
boxes 20 and 21).

Note: The employee name must contain a slash (/) immediately before the last name in order to print the name
correctly on Form W-2c. A save-edit error message will be generated if the user attempts to create a W-2c to
correct data for a tax year prior to 2001 without inserting the required slash (/) in the name field immediately
before the employee’s last name.

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See Also

Preparing W-2c Data for the U.S. or Territory W-2 Issued for Tax Years 2001 and Forward

Generating the W-2c Data Audit Report

The W-2c Data Audit programs produce:
• A detailed audit listing of the selected W-2c entity (or W-2cPR) in the batch.

• The W-3c totals for each company, which you use to complete the Form W-3c (or W-3cPR)
transmittal to be submitted to the Social Security Administration.

Use this report to review the data before generating your print file. You can generate the W-2c Data Audit report
either for the most recent W-2c batch or for a specific W-2c batch.

Pages Used to Generate the W-2c Data Audit Report

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
W-2c Audit Rpt RUNCTL_TAX921U Payroll for North Run TAX921US,
US/Territories S America, U.S. which generates
Annual the W-2c Data
Processing, Audit Audit report and
and Error Reports, W-3c transmittal
W-2c Audit totals for U.S.,
US/Territories American Samoa,
Guam, or Virgin
Islands W-2s
issued for tax
years 2001 and
W-2cPR Audit Rpt RUNCTL_TAX921P Payroll for North Run TAX921PR,
Puerto Rico R America, U.S. which generates
Annual the W-2c Data
Processing, Audit Audit report and
and Error Reports, W-3c transmittal
W-2cPR Audit totals for Puerto
Puerto Rico Rico W-2PRs
issued for tax
years 2001 and
W-2c Data Audit RUNCTL_TAX920A Payroll for North Run TAX920AU,
Rpt U America, U.S. which generates
Prior 2001 Annual the W-2c Data
Processing, Audit Audit report and
and Error Reports, W-3c transmittal
W-2c Data Audit totals for U.S. W-
Prior 2001 2s issued for tax
years prior to

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Specifying W-2c Data Audit Run Parameters

The W-2c Audit Rpt US/Territories run control pages for the U.S. and Territories use the same the run
parameters. A separate run control page is used for the W-2cPR Audit Rpt Puerto Rico. We show the
U.S./Territory run control page here.

W-2c Audit Rpt US/Territories

US/Terr: This field’s default is US, however you should select the
appropriate Territory abbreviation if you are processing
territory W-2c information.
Most Recent W-2c: This is the default. If you want to specify a particular W-
2c batch, clear this check box to display the W-2c Batch
Number field.
W-2c Batch Number This field remains hidden until you clear Most Recent
W-2c. Enter a batch number here to specify a particular
W-2c batch.

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Processing the Form W-2c Print File

The W-2c Print processes generate the print file for printing the individual W-2c (or W-2cPR) forms.

Pages Used to Process the Form W-2c Print File

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Print W-2c RUNCTL_TAX920U Payroll for North Run the
US/Territories S America, U.S. TAX920US process
Annual to generate a
Processing, W-2c W-2c print file for
Reporting, Print U.S., American
W-2c Samoa, Guam, or
US/Territories Virgin Islands
W-2s issued for
tax years 2001
and forward.
Print W-2c Puerto RUNCTL_TAX920P Payroll for North Run the TAX920PR
Rico R America, U.S. process to
Annual generate a W-2c
Processing, W-2c print file for Puerto
Reporting, Print Rico W-2PRs
W-2c Puerto Rico issued for tax
years 2001 and
(Prior 2001) W-2c RUNCTL_TAX920 Payroll for North Run the TAX920
Print America, U.S. process to
Annual generate a W-2c
Processing, W-2 print file for U.S.
Reporting, Print W-2s issued for
Forms Prior 2001 tax years prior to

Note: When running TAX920US or TAX920 to print Form W-2c, create the output file as either a .pdf file or a .lis
file, depending on the Form ID selected.
Form ID LSR01P Create the output as a .pdf file.

Suggested settings based on test-printing PDF files:

Page Scaling = None

Page Size = Letter

Form ID LSR01 Create the output as a .lis file.

When running TAX920PR to print Puerto Rico Form W-2PR, the output file must be created as a .lis file.

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Specifying W-2c Print Run Parameters

The W-2c Print US/Territories run control pages for the U.S. and Territories use the same the run parameters.
We show the U.S. run control page here. You can select the Territory Print from the drop down box.

W-2c Print US/Territories

You can process the current W-2c batch or reprint a W-2c for any number of specified employees.
US/Territory This field’s default is US, however you should select the
appropriate Territory abbreviation if you are processing
territory W-2c information.
Alignment Count Enter the number of alignment pages you want to print.
The number you enter is the number of forms that will
print with alignment characters before the first form with
live data.
Form Identification Enter the Form ID:
LSR01: Laser printer W-2c.
LSR01P: .pdf version of standard laser form. For this
Form ID, the file must be created in .pdf format.
Process Current Batch Select to process the current batch. Specify your
Alignment Count, Employees Per Page, and form ID.
Reprint Employee W-2cs Select if you want to reprint W-2c forms for specific
employees. The system displays the other controls in this
group box.
Employee ID If you selected Reprint Employee W-2cs, enter the
employee ID for each employee for whom you want to
reprint a W-2c. To reprint an entire batch, leave the
Employee ID field blank, and fill in the batch number.

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US/Territory This field’s default is US, however you should select the
appropriate Territory abbreviation if you are processing
territory W-2c information.
Most Recent W-2c To print the employee’s most recent W-2c, select this
check box and leave Batch Number blank.
W-2c Batch Number To print the employee’s W-2c from a specific batch, clear
Most Recent W-2c and enter the Batch Number.

The delivered Tax Form Print Parameters for the laser print W-2c formats LSR01 and LSR01P have been tested
using the HP P4014n printer with Form W-2c (rev. 2-2009) supplied by RR Donnelley. Test results confirm that
all the data fits in the specified boxes and is not printing on the box description verbiage.

Employers who use any printers other than the HP P4014n series, or who use year-end tax forms supplied by
other vendors (on any printer), may need to make adjustments to the delivered Tax Form Print Parameters Table
entries and/or to certain variables in the delivered print programs. To resolve issues encountered in using other
printers, employers should contact the printer vendor.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 98

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Specifying W-2cPR Print Run Parameters

W-2c Print Puerto Rico

The fields on this page are identical to the fields on the W-2c US Data page with the following exceptions:
US/Territory This field does not appear on the W-2cPR Print Run
Control page.
Form Identification W2CPR: Use this form ID for printing W-2cPR forms
Employer’s Telephone Enter the employer’s telephone number.
Process Current Batch Select to process the current batch. Specify your
Alignment Count, Employees Per Page, and form ID.
Reprint Employee W-2cs Select if you want to reprint W-2c forms for specific
employees. The system displays the other controls in this
group box.
Employee ID If you selected Reprint Employee W-2cs, enter the
employee ID for each employee for whom you want to
reprint a W-2c. To reprint an entire batch, leave the
Employee ID field blank, and fill in the batch number.
Most Recent W-2c To print the employee’s most recent W-2c, select this
check box and leave Batch Number blank.
W-2c Batch Number To print the employee’s W-2c from a specific batch, clear
Most Recent W-2c and enter the Batch Number.

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Printing Alignment Adjustments for Form W-2c

Because Form W-2c includes multiple occurrences for entering corrections to W-2 box 12 and W-2 box 14 items,
use this chart as a guide to modifying the Tax Form Print Parameters Table entries for Form W-2c if necessary.

Box Description Print Print Print Format

Line Column

X1 1st blank line - description 35 44

X1A 1st blank line - $ amount 35 46 B99999999.99
X1B 1st blank line - corrected 35 62
X1C 1st blank line - corrected $ 35 64 B99999999.99
X2, etc.

Y1 1st other line - description 39 4

Y1A 1st other line - $ amount 39 10 B99999999.99
Y1B 1st other line - corrected $ 39 25 B99999999.99
Y2, etc.

On the Tax Form Print Parameters Table entries for Form W-2c, box identifiers beginning with “X” (as shown in
the above chart) correspond to box12 fields on Form W-2c. Previously reported and correct information can be
reported for up to four box 12 items on each Form W-2c.

On the Tax Form Print Parameters Table entries for Form W-2c, box identifiers beginning with “Y” (as shown in
the above chart) correspond to box 14 fields on Form W-2c. Previously reported and correct information can be
reported for up to three box 14 items on each Form W-2c, printing up to three lines of information in each box
labeled “14 Other”.

As an example of how to adjust the Form W-2c print alignment, assume you need to move the data printing in the
box 12 fields on Form W-2c two spaces to the right. For the first line of box 12 information (labeled 12a), you
would make the following changes:

X1 = change print column from 44 to 46

X1A = change print column from 46 to 48
X1B = change print column from 62 to 64
X1C = change print column from 64 to 66
You would then also make the same changes for the other three lines of box 12 information.

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Filing W-2c Data with the Social Security Administration

Employers submitting data on 250 or more Form W-2c records during a calendar year must file this information
electronically. (For purposes of this filing requirement, only corrections to Forms W-2 for the immediate prior year
are taken into account.) Employers should refer to the websites maintained by the Internal Revenue Service
(IRS) and the Social Security Administration (SSA) for further information the required procedures.

TAX922US.SQR creates a file for reporting Form W-2c information to the Social Security Administration
electronically, and TAX923US.SQR produces an audit report of the data reported on the file created by

Follow these steps to create a file for submitting W-2c Data to the Social Security Administration electronically:

Note: This process may only be used to submit W-2c corrections to W-2 information for tax years 2001 and
forward. It may not be used to submit corrections to W-2 information for tax years prior to 2001.

1. Set up Annual Tax Reporting Parameters and Electronic Parameters.

2. Run TAX920US – Print W-2c US/Territories.
3. Run TAX921US – W-2c Audit Rpt US/Territories.
4. Run TAX922US – Create Federal W-2c File US.

All U.S. W-2c batches processed for a tax year that have not previously been submitted will be included in
the electronic file. Only W-2c records correcting W-2 information for one tax year can be processed at a
time. If you need to submit corrections for more than one tax year, you must create separate electronic files
for each tax year. The Balances for Year field on Annual Tax Reporting Parm must reflect the tax year of
the W-2 information being corrected on the W-2c records. The year entered in the Balances for Year field
will be the Tax Year reported in the RCE record on the electronic file.

Once the information on a particular W-2c record has been reported on an electronic file, the field
MMREF_WRITTEN on that YE_W2C_DATA record for that employee is set to ‘Y’. A ‘Y’ value in the
MMREF_WRITTEN field prevents the same W-2c data from being included in any subsequent electronic file
5. Test the Federal W-2c file created by TAX922US using the AccuW2C software from the Social Security
Administration. The AccuW2C software allows you to check the file for errors before submitting it to the
Social Security Administration. Information on downloading the AccuW2C software may be found on the
Social Security Administration website at http://www.ssa.gov/employer/accuwage/#what
6. Run TAX923US – Federal W-2c File Audit Rpt US.
7. Reconcile totals from TAX923US and all included W-2c batches as reported on TAX921US.
8. Submit the file of W-2c data to the Social Security Administration.

Follow SSA instructions for transmitting output file(s) from TAX922US, renaming file(s) according to SSA
specifications if necessary.

SSA instructions for transmitting W-2c data electronically may be found at:
http://www.ssa.gov/employer/pub.htm - look for

EFW2C - 2009 W-2c - PDF (formerly MMREF-2)

Specifications for Filing Forms W-2c Electronically (EFW2C)--Correction of W-2 Information

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 101

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Special Notes

The electronic W-2c file created by TAX922US.SQR does not support the reporting of Puerto Rico or U.S.
Territory federal amounts to the Social Security Administration, or the reporting of W-2c corrections to state or
local W-2 data.

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America does not support the electronic or magnetic media reporting of state or local
W-2c data directly to state or local tax authorities.

Pages Used to File W-2c Data Electronically with the Social Security
Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Annual Tax TAX_RPT_PARAM_AN Payroll for North Populate
Reporting N America, U.S. Transmitter ID,
Parameters 1 Annual Organization
Processing, Define Type, Type of
Annual Tax Employment, and
Reporting, Tax Recording Code in
Reporting the electronic file.
Note: The year
entered in the
Balances for Year
field will be the
Tax Year reported
in the RCE record
on the electronic
Electronic MMREF_PARAMETERS Payroll for North Populate the
Parameters America, U.S. transmitter record
Annual (RCA) in the
Processing, Define electronic file.
Annual Tax
Create Federal W- RUNCTL_TAX922US Payroll for North Run TAX922US –
2c File US America, U.S. Create Federal File
Annual W-2c File US to
Processing, W-2c create the file to
Reporting, Create submit W-2c
Federal W-2c File corrections to the
US Social Security

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Federal W-2c File RUNCTL_TAX923US Payroll for North Run TAX923US -
Audit Rpt US America, U.S. Federal W-2c File
Annual Audit US to
Processing, Audit produce an audit
and Error Reports, report of the data
Federal W-2c File in the Federal
Audit US W-2c file created
by TAX922US.

See Also

“Common Run Control Parameters for Processing W-2 Forms”

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Setting Up Electronic Reporting Parameters

Access the Electronic Parameters page.

Electronic Parameters

Resub Indicator Select if you’re creating a file for resubmittal in response

to a notice received from the Social Security
Administration (SSA).
WFID If resubmitting a file to SSA, enter the WFID displayed on
the notice sent to you by SSA.
User ID Enter the User ID assigned by SSA to the employee who
is authorized to submit the W-2c data file electronically.
Contact Name Enter the name of the person to be contacted concerning
any processing problems. Also enter this person’s
telephone number, extension, FAX Number, and email
address in the fields provided.
Notification Method Select the preferred method for contacting the person
identified as the Contact Name.

Creating the W-2c Electronic File

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 104

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Access the Create Federal W-2c File US page.

Create Federal W-2c File US

(User input is not required for any fields on the Create Federal W-2c File US run control.)

Running the Federal W-2c File Audit Report

Access the Federal W-2c File Audit Rpt US page.

Federal W-2c File Audit Rpt US

Totals Only Select this option to print a report which includes only the
file totals; no individual employee W-2c detail is printed.

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(E&G) Year End 1042 Processing (U.S.)

This chapter provides an overview of year-end 1042 processing and tells you how to:
• Review table setup.

• Update employee data.

• Prepare forms 1042-S and 1042.

Overview of Year-End 1042 Processing

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America supports Public Sector & Higher Education employers in their year-end
reporting of non-resident alien employees’ income and federal withholding tax deducted during the year (Form
1042-S and 1042 reporting). Per Internal Revenue Service (IRS) requirements, employers are to produce the
following annually:
• Form 1042-S (Foreign Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding) for each non-resident alien.
• Form 1042 (Annual Withholding Tax Return for U.S. Source Income of Foreign Persons), a summary of the
Form 1042-S forms submitted.

Summary of Procedures

Here’s a broad overview of the procedures involved in year-end 1042 processing with PeopleSoft Payroll for
North America:
1. Review table setup.
2. Review and adjust employee 1042 exemption code and employee 1042 balances using:
• TAX030.SQR audit report.

• Inquiry pages.

• Adjustment pages.

3. Prepare the Form 1042-S print file and/or create the 1042-S electronic file using TAX950.SQR.
4. Prepare tax liability summaries for the 1042 form that you submit with the 1042-S using:
• Summary of tax liability totals from TAX955.SQR.

• Control totals from TAX950.SQR.

Reviewing Table Setup

The 1042-S form prints the Federal EIN and company addresses from the Company table, and the Employer ID
for State Withholding from the Company/State Tax tables.
Review the following pages to ensure that the information printed is correct:
• 1042s Process Parameters.
• Company Table component, Company Location and Default Settings pages.
• Company/State Tax tables.

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Pages Used for Reviewing Table Setup

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
1042-S HP_1042S_COMPANY Payroll for North Set up or review
Process America, U.S. the withholding
Parameters Annual agent’s contact
Processing, 1042 information.
Reporting, Define
Company COMPANY_TABLE1, Set Up HRMS, Review company
Table Foundation addresses and
Tables, Federal EIN.
Company CO_STATE_TAX_TBL Set Up HRMS, Check the
State Tax Product Related, Employer ID for
Table General Payroll for North State Withholding.
Taxes, Company
State Tax Table

See Also

PeopleSoft Application Fundamentals for HRMS PeopleBook

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook

Setting Up 1042-S Process Parameters

Access the 1042-S Process Parameters page.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 107

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1042-S Process Parameters

Enter the contact information that you want to appear on the electronic file. Contact information is required on
both the Transmitter (T) record and the Withholding Agent (W) records.

Contact Name Enter the Withholding Agent contact name.

Department Title Enter the title of the Withholding Agent, or the Department
which can handle inquiries concerning the file submission.
Contact Phone Enter the telephone number of the Withholding Agent
and Extension contact name.

Same as Withholding Select this checkbox if Transmitter’s contact information is

Agent the same as the contact information for the Withholding
Agent. If this box is selected, the remaining fields in this
section are suppressed.
Contact Name Enter the Transmitter contact name (if different than the
Withholding Agent contact name).
Contact Phone Enter the telephone number of the Transmitter contact
and Extension name (if the Transmitter contact name is different than the
Withholding Agent contact name).

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Updating Employee Data

Before you print the 1042-S forms or generate the electronic file, review and update the following employee data:
• Employee balances.

The system maintains 1042 tax balance information for each type of earnings that are to be reported on Form
1042-S. These balances are updated in the payroll calculation and confirmation processes you run during the
year. Make sure that employees’ 1042 balances are up to date.
• Employee’s exemption code.

When the system creates the employee’s 1042 Balance record during payroll calculation/confirmation
processes, it enters a default exemption code of Tax Treaty. Before you print the 1042-S forms or generate
the electronic file, make sure the employee’s exemption code on the tax 1042 balance record is correct.

Procedures for Updating Employee Data

Here’s a summary of the steps for reviewing and adjusting employee data:
• Run the SQR report TAX030 at any time for audit and/or to assist in your review and correction
process. The report shows a breakdown of individual employee 1042-S income and tax
information by pay period.

• Check the employee’s Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer ID Number (TIN).

• View balances on the following inquiry pages:

 1042 Tax Balances component -

YTD 1042 Tax Balances 1 page and YTD 1042 Adjustment page)

 Tax Balances component -

1042 taxable gross and tax amounts in summary form.

• View each employee’s exemption code in the 1042 Tax Balances component.

• Manually adjust 1042 balances and exemption code using the Adjust 1042 Tax Balances
component (Adjust 1042 Tax Balances 2 page).

Note: Balance adjustments are applied individually - if you make an adjustment to a 1042 balance on the
Adjust 1042 Balances page, you will also likely want to apply the same adjustment to the summarized 1042
totals on the Adjust Tax Balance page.

Pages Used to Review and Adjust Employee Data

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Form 1042 Audit RUNCTL_TAX030 Payroll for North Run TAX030 -
Report America, Pay Form 1042 Audit
Period Tax report, which lists
Reports USA, Form employees’ Form
1042 Audit 1042-S
information by
pay period within
pay group within a

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 109

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Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage

Biographical Details PERSONAL_DATA3 Workforce Check the
Administration, employee’s Social
Personal Security Number
Modify a Person,
Details, National
Federal Tax Data TAX_DATA1 Payroll for North Check the
America, employee’s
Employee Pay Taxpayer ID
Data USA, Tax Number.
Update Employee
Tax Data
1042Tax Balances BALANCES_TAX3 Payroll for North View the 1042
America, Periodic balances,
Payroll Events reimbursed
USA, Balance amount, and
Reviews, 1042 exemption code.
1042 Tax Balance BALANCES_TAX4 Payroll for North View 1042 tax
Adjustments America, Periodic adjustment
Payroll Events information.
USA, Balance
Reviews, 1042
Adjust 1042 Tax ADJ_TAX_BAL3 Payroll for North Adjust 1042
Balances 1 America, Periodic balance
Payroll Events information.
USA, Balance
1042 Taxes
Adjust 1042 Tax ADJ_TAX_BAL4 Payroll for North Adjust 1042
Balances 2 America, Periodic balances,
Payroll Events reimbursed
USA, Balance amount, and
Adjustments, exemption code.
1042 Taxes

See Also

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America PeopleBook

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Running TAX030 - Form 1042-S Tax Liability Data by Pay Period Audit
The report lists employees’ Form 1042-S information (income code, taxable gross, withholding allowances, tax
rates tax amount) by pay period within pay group within a company. It provides subtotals at the pay group, pay
period, and company levels.

Note: This report lists details at the employee pay period level. If you have many employees and pay periods to
report, the report can be quite large.

Access the Form 1042 Audit Report page.

Form 1042 Audit Report page

Tax Year If you enter a tax year, the system automatically sets the
date range to be from 01/01 to 12/31 of the tax year you
From Date, Thru Date Enter a date range to select only the pay periods within
that range.
Company Select a company or enter ALL to list all companies.

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Adjusting 1042 Balance Information

Access the Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 1 page.

Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 1

Enter the information on this page and save it to populate the fields on the Adjust 1042 Tax Balances 2 page.
State $U is the most common value because it represents
Country Select the country that is entered in the employee’s tax
Income Code Select the income code associated with the earnings as
defined by Non Resident Alien tax treaty. Values are:
Dependent Personal Services, Independent Personal
Services, Other Income, Royalties,
Scholarship/Fellowship Grants, Studying and
Training, and Teaching.
Tax Rate (after form) Enter the tax rate applied to 1042 gross income
corresponding to the Income Code.
Reason for Adjustment Record the reason for the balance adjustment for audit
trail purposes.

Adjusting Employee 1042 Balances and Exemption Code

Access the Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 2 page.

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Adjust 1042 Tax Balance 2

You must complete the fields on the Adjust 1042 Tax Balances 1 page and save that page to populate this page.

Suspend Adjustment Select this check box if you want to re-enter some key

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Updating Exemption Code

Valid 1042 exemption codes are:

Exemption Code Authority for Exemption

00 - Not Applicable Not Applicable
01 - Conn/w U.S. Trade or Income effectively connected with a U.S. trade or business
02 - Internal Revenue Code Exempt under an Internal Revenue Code section (other
than portfolio interest)
03 - Non US – Sources Income is non-U.S. sources.
04 - Tax Treaty Exempt under Tax Treaty
05 - Portfolio Interest Portfolio interest exempt under an Internal Revenue Code
06 - QI Prim Withholding Qualified intermediary that assumes primary withholding
Resp responsibility.
07 - Withholding foreign Withholding foreign partnership or withholding foreign
trust trust.
08 - U.S. branch U.S. branch treated as a U.S. person.
09 - QI represents income Qualified intermediary represents income is exempt.
99 - Correct Information Correct Information.

Adjusting the Balance

You can enter updated values directly into the Current MTD (current month to date) Tax, Taxable Gross, and
WH Allowance fields. The system then calculates the Adjustment to MTD values.

Adjusting the Reimbursed Amount

Use the Reimbursed Amount group box to record over-withheld tax amounts that have been repaid to employees
according to IRS reimbursement procedures. You can report reimbursed amounts on Box 8 of the 1042-S form.
Revised If you enter an amount in this field the system will
automatically calculate the Adjusted by amount.
Adjust by If you enter an amount in this field the system will
automatically calculate the Revised amount.
The total reimbursed amount is recorded on the YTD 1042 Tax Balances 1 page.

Preparing Forms 1042-S and 1042

PeopleSoft Payroll for North America provides the following SQR process and report:
• TAX950 - Form 1042-S Print and Electronic File Generation.

Produces the file for the hard copy form or the output electronic data file for electronic filing.
• TAX955 - Form 1042 Tax Liability Data report.

Produces a summary of the tax liability totals by deposit period in the tax year. This will assist you in your
manual Form 1042 preparation.
This section provides an overview of TAX950 output and tells you how to run these two SQRs.

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Overview of TAX950 Output

SQR - TAX950 supports both the printing of paper forms and the generation of a flat electronic file which you can
send via electronic transmittal. It also prints control totals that you can use in preparing form 1042.

Deciding on a Filing Media

According to Internal Revenue Service instructions, you must utilize electronic filing for your 1042-S if you have
250 or more forms to submit. You can file paper 1042-S forms if you have fewer than 250 forms. Submission via
electronic transmittal satisfies the IRS filing requirements.
If you are considering electronic submission, refer to the following IRS publication for further information:
• Instructions for Form 1042-S and Publication 1187 (Specifications for Filing Form 1042S, Foreign
Person’s U.S. Source Income Subject to Withholding, Electronically).

Printing Paper 1042-S Forms

Specify the Select Define in PFRM1042.SQC to match the 1042-S Form ID selected on the Run Parameters
page. Follow the instructions in PFRM1042.SQC.

Form IDs and their descriptions are listed below.

For Form ID LPS3V, the output must be created as a pdf. file.

For all other Form IDs, the output must be created as lis file, and the .lis files must be printed from the command
prompt in DOS.

LPS3V Pressure-seal, self-mailer laser form, printing copy B, C,

and D on a single page. For this Form ID, the file must
be created in .pdf format.
LSR01 Laser form, printing two 1042-S per page.
Note: Prepare the same print file and repeat printing for
copy A, B, C, D, and E.
LSR03UP Laser form, printing copy B, C and D on the same form

The output print file name is TAX950.lis or TAX950.pdf. The sort sequence is employee ID within a company.
Only one income code is printed per form, therefore if an employee has more than one income code, a new
form(s) will be printed.
To avoid wasting 1042-S forms, we suggest you experiment with blank paper. Check to make sure form
alignments and print size work properly on your particular printer. Make adjustments as required.

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Electronic Reporting

TAX950 has the option to create a file that can be transmitted electronically to the IRS.
The output file created by the program is named 1042TAX and has the following specifications:
Record length: Fixed length, 780 positions.
Sequence: 1. A Transmitter “T” record.

2. Withholding Agent “W” record (a company).

3. Multiple Recipient “Q” records (employees).

4. Reconciliation record “C” for the corresponding Withholding Agent.

5. Additional “W”, “Q”, and “C” records as needed.

6. An End of Transmission “F” record.

Control Totals Report

A summary report of control totals is printed at the end of the run. The report shows the total number of 1042-S
records, total gross income, and total taxes withheld. You can use this data when preparing Form 1042.

Pages Used to Prepare 1042 and 1042-S Reports

Page Name Object Name Navigation Usage
Create 1042-S RUNCTL_TAX950 Payroll for North RunTAX950 to
America, U.S. generate a data
Annual file for electronic
Processing, 1042 reporting or create
Reporting, Create a print file of the
1042-S 1042-S forms that
you can print
Form 1042 Data RUNCTL_TAX955 Payroll for North Run TAX955 to
Summary America, U.S. generate a
Annual summary of tax
Processing, 1042 liability totals.
Reporting, Form Use these totals in
1042 Data completing the
Summary 1042 form.

Running TAX950 - Form 1042-S Print and Electronic File Generation

Access the Create 1042-S page.

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Create 1042-S
Tax Year Enter year for which income and withholding are being
Company Select the Company Code or enter ALL to run the
process for all companies.
Transmitter Enter the Transmitter’s Company Code if you are creating
an electronic1042S file for multiple companies (Company
Code is “ALL”).

Bypass this field when processing a single company

(Company Code is not ALL). Leaving this field blank
causes the system to retrieve the employer EIN
information from the Company table.
TCC Enter your five-digit transmitter control code (beginning
(transmitter control code) with numbers 22) assigned by IRS for your Form 1042-S
Mode for 1042-S Select Normal or Correction.
When Correction mode is selected, the system places an
X in the Amended checkbox if you are printing a paper
form, or assigns “1” to the Return Type Indicator in
position 2 of the “W” and “Q” records if you are creating
an electronic file.
Media for 1042-S Select Electronic File or Paper.
Note: You must run the process twice if you want both
paper and electronic file.

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Tax Year Enter year for which income and withholding are being
Form ID (This field is available only if the media is paper.) Select
from the following forms. For Form ID LPS3V, the output
must be created as a pdf. file. For all other Form IDs, the
output must be created as .lis file, and the .lis files must
be printed from the command prompt in DOS.
LPS3V: Pressure-seal, self-mailer laser form, printing
copy B, C, and D on a single page. For this Form ID,
the file must be created in .pdf format.
LSR01: Laser form, printing two 1042-S per page.
Note: Prepare the same print file and repeat printing for
copy A, B, C, D, and E.
LSR03UP: Laser form, printing copy “B”, “C” and “D” on a
single page.
Alignment Only Select if you want to print alignment pages ONLY.
(Available only if the media is paper.)
Alignment Count Enter the number of printer alignment pages that you want
to print. (Available only if the media is paper.)
Test Run Select for a test run; the system marks the file as a test.
(Available only if the media is electronic file.)
Final Run Select for a final run; the system marks the file as the final
submission. (Available only if the media is electronic file.)

Optional Parameters

Use if you’re reporting Form 1042-S data for selected employee(s).

Empl ID Enter the ID of the employee(s) for whom you wish to
report Form 1042-S data.

Running TAX955 - Form 1042 Tax Liability Data Report

The report lists a one-page summary of tax liability totals by deposit period in the tax year for a company. You
can use the information from this report and the control totals from TAX950 to prepare the paper 1042 form
required for submitting with the 1042-S. Run control parameters are Tax Year and Company.

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Appendix: Year-End SQRs

The following is a list of the SQRs used to produce year-end forms and reports in PeopleSoft Payroll for North
America for the U.S., Puerto Rico, and the U.S. territories. This list is intended as a convenient reference source.
Most of the reports and processes are discussed more fully in the appropriate sections of this document.

ID Description Navigation Source

PAY130.SQR Opens and closes Payroll for North Pay Calendars
last on-cycle Pay America, U.S.
Calendars for Annual Processing,
adjustment Open/Close Pay
processing. Calendar
PFRM1042.SQC Specify the 1042-S n/a n/a
form layout style
PRTFORML.SQC Specify the W-2 n/a n/a
form layout style
PRT1099R.SQC Specify the 1099-R n/a n/a
form layout style
TAX030.SQR Form 1042-S Tax Payroll for North Tax 1042 amount
Liability Data Audit America, Pay from paycheck
Report Period Tax Reports detail record.
USA, Form 1042 Company table.
TAX504.SQR Update the Payroll for North Personal
PENSION_PLAN America, U.S. information
field on Annual Processing, records, deduction
PS_FED_TAX_DATA Create W-2 Data, balances, earnings
record and the Update Year End balances
Retirement Plan Reporting Info
check box in W-2
box 13; update the
Third-party Sick
Pay field on
and the Third-
party Sick Pay
check box in W-2
box 13.
TAX710.SQR Print a listing of Payroll for North Tax Form
2009 Tax Form America, U.S. Definition table
Definition table Annual Processing,
entries. Audit and Error
Reports, Tax Form

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX712.SQR Verify that 2009 Payroll for North Tax Form Print
entries have been America, U.S. Parameters table
added to the Tax Annual Processing,
Form Print Audit and Error
Parameters table. Reports, Tax Form
Print Parameters
TAX900.SQR Annual Reporting Payroll for North tax balances,
Error Listing America, U.S. personal
Annual Processing, information
Audit and Error records, Company
Reports, Error table
TAX909NY.SQR Calculates federal Payroll for North PS_PAY_TAX
taxable wages America, U.S. (paycheck detail
paid to part-year Annual Processing, records)
residents of New Create W-2 Data,
York City Load Year End
TAX910AU.SQR Year End Data Payroll for North year-end records
Audit Report America, U.S.
Annual Processing,
Audit and Error
Reports, Year End
Data Audit
TAX910ER.SQR Year End Record Payroll for North year-end records
Error Report America, U.S.
Annual Processing,
Audit and Error
Reports, Year End
Record Error
TAX910LD.SQR Loads data to Payroll for North tax balances,
year-end records. America, U.S. earnings balances,
Annual Processing, deductions
Create W-2 Data, balances, personal
Load Year End information
Data records, employee
federal tax data,
tax form definition
table, tax tables
TAX910PR.SQR W-2 Print File for Payroll for North year-end records
reporting annual America, U.S.
wage and tax data Annual Processing,
on Form W-2 for W-2 Reporting,
U.S. employees – Print Forms Prior
tax years prior to 2001
2001 only.

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX911LD.SQR Distributes Payroll for North PS_PAY_EARNINGS
earnings and America, U.S. PS_PAY_DEDUCTIO
deductions Annual Processing, N
amounts to the Create W-2 Data, (paycheck detail
correct year-end Load Year End records)
records for Data
employees who
have annual wage
and tax data to
report to multiple
jurisdictions in a
single calendar
TAX915.SQR W-3 Transmittal Payroll for North year-end records
Totals Report America, U.S.
Annual Processing,
W-2 Reporting, W-
Transmittal Report
TAX916LC.SQR Local W-2 Tax Payroll for North year-end records
Totals Report America, U.S.
Annual Processing,
W-2 Reporting,
Local W-2 Tax
Totals Report
TAX916ST.SQR State W-2 Tax Payroll for North year-end records
Totals Report America, U.S.
Annual Processing,
W-2 Reporting,
State W-2 Tax
Totals Report
TAX918PR.SQR W-2PR Print File Payroll for North year-end records
for reporting America, U.S.
annual wage and Annual Processing,
tax data on Form W-2 Reporting,
W-2PR for Puerto Print Forms Prior
Rico employees – 2001
tax years prior to
2001 only.
TAX918TL.SQR W-3PR Transmittal Payroll for North year-end records
Totals Report for America, U.S.
Puerto Rico Annual Processing,
W-2 Reporting, W-
3PR Transmittal
Totals Rpt

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 121

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX920.SQR W-2c Print File for Payroll for North original W-2 or
reporting America, U.S. previous W-2c
corrections to Annual Processing, records
W-2 forms issued W-2 Reporting,
for tax years prior Print Forms Prior
to 2001 2001
TAX920AU.SQR W-2c Data Audit Payroll for North W-2c records
for tax years prior America, U.S. created by
to 2001 Annual Processing, TAX920.SQR
Audit and Error
Reports, W-2c
Data Audit Prior
TAX920PR.SQR W-2c Print File for Payroll for North original W-2PR or
reporting America, U.S. previous W-2cPR
corrections to Annual Processing, records
W-2 forms issued W-2c Reporting,
for Puerto Rico Print
W-2c Puerto Rico
TAX920US.SQR W-2c Print File for Payroll for North original W-2 or
reporting America, U.S. previous W-2c
corrections to Annual Processing, records
W-2 forms issued W-2c Reporting,
for U.S., American Print
Samoa, Guam and W-2c
Virgin Islands US/Territories
TAX921PR.SQR W-2c Data Audit Payroll for North W-2cPR records
for Puerto Rico America, U.S. created by
Annual Processing, TAX920PR.SQR
Audit and Error
Reports, W-2cPR
Audit Puerto Rico
TAX921US.SQR W-2c Data Audit Payroll for North W-2c records
for U.S., American America, U.S. created by
Samoa, Guam and Annual Processing, TAX920US.SQR
Virgin Islands Audit and Error
Reports, W-2c
TAX922US.SQR Creates a file to Payroll for North W-2c records, tax
report America, U.S. reporting
W-2c data Annual Processing, parameters
electronically to W-2c Reporting,
the Social Security Create Federal W-
Administration in 2c File US
the EFW2C format.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 122

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX923US.SQR Audit report of the Payroll for North file created by
contents of the W- America, U.S. TAX922US.SQR
2c file created by Annual Processing,
TAX922US.SQR Audit and Error
Reports, Federal
W-2c File Audit US
TAX930AU.SQR Form 1099-R Audit Payroll for North tax balances,
Report America, U.S. earnings balances,
Annual Processing, personal
1099-R Reporting, information
Form 1099-R Audit records, Company
Report Table
TAX930PM.SQR Program for 1099- Payroll for North tax balances,
R processing. America, U.S. earnings balances,
Annual Processing, personal
1099-R Reporting, information
Create 1099-R records, Company
TAX935.SQR Form 1096 Payroll for North tax balances,
Transmittal - America, U.S. Company table
Totals Report for Annual Processing,
completing Form 1099-R Reporting,
1096 (for Form 1096 Report
transmitting 1099-
R forms).
TAX940.SQR Form 940 FUTA Payroll for North tax balances,
Wage America, U.S. earnings balances,
Reconciliation Annual Processing, deduction
Report FUTA Wage balances, Tax
Reconciliation Rpt Form Definition
TAX950.SQR Produce Form Payroll for North Tax 1042 balance
1042-S America, U.S. records, Tax
(paper forms or Annual Processing, balance records,
electronic file) 1042 Reporting, personal
Create 1042-S information
records, employee
fed tax data,
Company State tax
tables, 1042-S
Company table,
Country table,
State Name table.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 123

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX955.SQR Form 1042 Tax Payroll for North Tax 1042 amount
Liability Data America, U.S. from paycheck
Report Annual Processing, detail record.
1042 Reporting, Company table.
Form 1042 Data
TAX960AS.SQR Form W-2AS Print Payroll for North year-end records,
File to print annual America, U.S. tax reporting
wage and tax Annual Processing, parameters, tax
statements for W-2 Reporting, form print
reporting data to Print Year End parameters
American Samoa. Forms
TAX960FD.SQR Creates a file to Payroll for North year-end records,
report America, U.S. tax reporting
W-2 data Annual Processing, parameters
electronically to W-2 Reporting,
the Social Security Create Federal W-
Administration in 2 File
the EFW2 format.
TAX960GU.SQR W-2GU Print File to Payroll for North year-end records,
print annual wage America, U.S. tax reporting
and tax Annual Processing, parameters, tax
statements for W-2 Reporting, form print
reporting data to Print Year End parameters
Guam. Forms
TAX960LC.SQR Reports W-2 wage Payroll for North year-end records,
and tax data to America, U.S. tax reporting
local tax agencies Annual Processing, parameters,
that accept W-2 Reporting, PS_LOCAL_TAX_TB
submissions in the Create Local W-2 L2
Social Security File
EFW2 reporting
TAX960PD.SQR Reports W-2PR Payroll for North year-end records,
wage and tax data America, U.S. tax reporting
to Puerto Rico Annual Processing, parameters
using the W-2 Reporting,
MMW2PR-1 format Create Puerto Rico
W-2PR File
TAX960PR.SQR W-2PR Print File Payroll for North year-end records,
for printing annual America, U.S. tax reporting
wage and tax Annual Processing, parameters, tax
statements for W-2 Reporting, form print
reporting data to Print Year End parameters
Puerto Rico. Forms

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 124

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ID Description Navigation Source

TAX960ST.SQR Reports W-2 wage Payroll for North year-end records,
and tax data for America, U.S. tax reporting
states using the Annual Processing, parameters
Social Security W-2 Reporting,
Administration’s Create State W-2
EFW2 format. File
TAX960US.SQR W-2 Print File for Payroll for North year-end records,
reporting annual America, U.S. tax reporting
wage and tax data Annual Processing, parameters, tax
on Form W-2 for W-2 Reporting, form print
U.S. employees. Print Year End parameters
TAX960VI.SQR W-2VI Print File to Payroll for North year-end records,
print annual wage America, U.S. tax reporting
and tax Annual Processing, parameters, tax
statements for W-2 Reporting, form print
reporting data to Print Year End parameters
the U.S. Virgin Forms
TAX962FD.SQR Audit report of the Payroll for North file created by
contents of the W- America, U.S. TAX960FD.SQR
2 file created by Annual Processing,
TAX960FD.SQR. Audit and Error
Reports, Federal
W-2 File Audit
TAX962LC.SQR Audit report of the Payroll for North file created by
contents of the America, U.S. TAX960LC.SQR
file(s) created by Annual Processing,
TAX960LC.SQR. Audit and Error
Reports, Local W-2
File Audit
TAX962PD.SQR Audit report of the Payroll for North file created by
contents of the W- America, U.S. TAX960PD.SQR
2PR file created by Annual Processing,
TAX960PD.SQR Audit and Error
Reports, Puerto
Rico W-2PR File
TAX962ST.SQR Audit report of the Payroll for North file created by
contents of the W- America, U.S. TAX960ST.SQR
2 file created by Annual Processing,
TAX960ST.SQR. Audit and Error
Reports, State W-2
File Audit

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 125

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Appendix B: Year End Reporting Issues and

Mid-Year Payroll Conversions
This section provides an overview of issues related to converting tax balances mid-year, and discusses how to:
• Convert federal taxable wages for part-year NYC residents.

• Convert tax balances for employees paid in multiple tax jurisdictions.

Mid-year conversion of tax balances without converting the actual check detail to Payroll for North America can
produce inaccurate year-end results for two SQR processes:
• Year-End NYC Part Year Resident Allocation report (TAX909NY)

• Year-End Jurisdiction Split report (TAX911LD)

These processes use the check detail to determine the amounts for year-end reporting. If you do not convert the
check detail, the results from TAX909NY and TAX911LD may not be correct in the W-2 data.

The level of detail required for these reports is not available on the balance records, and can only be found on the
paycheck detail record.
This section provides suggestions for working around this limitation.

Converting Federal Taxable Wages for Part-Year NYC Residents

• Identifies employees who were part-year New York City residents.

• Sums the federal taxable wages paid to these employees from their check detail records that
indicate New York City residency status.

The program selects only check detail because PeopleSoft can determine resident or non-resident status only
from PS_PAY_TAX on each check. The TAX_BAL tables do not store this level of detail.

You can use one of these methods to resolve this issue:


Calculate the wages and update this temporary table for collection of YTD taxable gross wages for NYC
residents before you run TAX910LD.
• Calculate the wages and Update the NYC WAGES data in the PS_YE_AMOUNTS after running

If you run the TAX910LD again after the update, your entries will be overridden.
• Set the NYC wages equal to the NY State wages

This method would definitely result in some errors but might acceptable if you have a small number of NYC

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 126

Year End Processing for 2009: U.S., Puerto Rico, and U. S. Territories – Tax Update 09-E – October 2009 PeopleSoft Payroll for North America 8.9

Note: Even if you run TAX910LD multiple times, you need to run TAX909NY only once, to load the table
PS_R_TAX909NY. These updates must be done before you run TAX910LD. It is not necessary to run
TAX909NY multiple times unless you make changes to employees that have NYC year-end data. TAX910LD
reads the PS_R_TAX909NY table each time it is run.

Converting Tax Balances for Employees Paid in Multiple Jurisdictions

• Identifies employees who were paid in multiple jurisdictions (United States, Puerto Rico, American
Samoa, Guam, or the U.S. Virgin Islands) in the same tax year.

• Allocates earnings and/or deductions to the correct jurisdiction’s year-end data record based on the
employee check detail.

The program selects only check detail because Payroll for North America does not track earnings and deductions
by jurisdiction, except from PS_PAY_DED on each check. The DED_BAL tables do not store this level of detail.
To resolve this issue manually (not using TAX911LD), determine which earnings and deductions need to be
reported by each jurisdiction. These earnings and deductions can be found on the Tax Form Definition table for
box(es) 12 and/or 14. Update the PS_YE_AMOUNTS table by indicating the territory in the State field and the
amount of the earnings or deductions in the appropriate box(es) 12 and/or 14. The available values in the State
field are: $U: US, $UAS: American Samoa, $UGU: Guam, $UPR: Puerto Rico, and $UVI: Virgin Islands. If the
TAX910LD or TAX911LD are run after the manual changes, your data will be overwritten.

PeopleSoft Proprietary and Confidential 127

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