Caterpillar 3208 Marine Engine
Caterpillar 3208 Marine Engine
Caterpillar 3208 Marine Engine
Engine Safety
© 2007 Caterpillar
All Rights Reserved
The maximum air pressure for cleaning purposes • Use a wet method to clean up asbestos debris.
must be below 205 kPa (30 psi). The maximum A vacuum cleaner that is equipped with a high
water pressure for cleaning purposes must be below efficiency particulate air filter can also be used.
275 kPa (40 psi).
• Use exhaust ventilation when parts that contain
Always wear eye protection for cleaning the cooling asbestos are machined.
• Wear an approved respirator if there is no other
way to control the dust.
Fluid Penetration
Always use a board or cardboard when the engine • Comply with applicable rules and regulations for
the work place. In the USA, use the Occupational
components are checked for leaks. Leaking fluid
that is under pressure can cause serious injury or Safety and Health Administration requirements.
These OSHA requirements can be found in “29
possible death. This includes leaks that are the size
CFR 1910.1001”.
of a pin hole.
If fluid is injected into the skin, seek treatment • Obey environmental regulations for disposal of
immediately. Seek treatment from a doctor that is
familiar with this type of injury.
• Stay away from areas that might have asbestos
particles in the air.
Fluid Spillage
Care must be used in order to ensure that the
Lines, Tubes, and Hoses
fluids are contained during the inspection, the
Do not bend or strike high pressure lines. Do not
maintenance, the testing, the adjusting, and the
install lines, tubes, or hoses that are damaged.
repair of the engine. Make provision to collect the fluid
with a suitable container before any compartment is
Repair any fuel lines, oil lines, tubes, or hoses that
opened or before any component is disassembled.
are loose or damaged. Leaks can cause fires.
Refer to the Special Publication, NENG2500. This
publication explains the items that are needed for
Inspect all lines, tubes and hoses carefully. Do
collecting and for containing fluids that are used in
not use bare hands to check for leaks. Always
Caterpillar engines. Dispose of fluids according to
local regulations. use a board or cardboard for checking engine
components for leaks. Tighten all connections to the
recommended torque.
Asbestos Information
Check for the following conditions:
Caterpillar equipment and replacement parts that are
shipped from Caterpillar are asbestos free. Caterpillar • End fittings that are damaged or leaking
recommends the use of only genuine Caterpillar
replacement parts. Use the following guidelines • Outer covering that is chafed or cut
when any replacement parts that contain asbestos or
debris that contains asbestos are handled. • Wire that is exposed in reinforced hose
The asbestos in these components is usually sealed • Outer covering that is ballooning locally
or bonded in a resin. Handling these materials
normally is not hazardous unless airborne dust that • Flexible part of the hose that is kinked or crushed
contains asbestos is generated.
• Armoring that is embedded in the outer covering
Do not inhale dust that might be generated when
components that contain asbestos fibers are handled. Ensure that all of the clamps, the guards, and the
Inhaling this dust can be hazardous to your health. heat shields are installed correctly. This will help to
prevent the following items: vibration, rubbing against
If dust which may contain asbestos is present, follow other parts, and excessive heat during operation.
these guidelines:
Electrolyte is an acid. Electrolyte can cause personal Store all fuels and all lubricants in properly marked
injury. Do not allow electrolyte to contact the skin or containers. Store the protective containers in a safe
the eyes. Always wear protective glasses for servicing place.
batteries. Wash hands after touching the batteries
and connectors. Use of gloves is recommended. Do not smoke in battery charging areas. Batteries
give off flammable fumes which can explode.
Do not stand on components which cannot support All protective guards and all protective covers must
your weight. Use an adequate ladder or use a work be installed if the engine must be started in order
platform. Secure the climbing equipment so that the to perform service procedures. To help prevent an
equipment will not move. accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
around the parts carefully.
Do not carry tools or supplies when you are
climbing. Use a hand line or other means for carrying Start the engine from the operator’s compartment or
equipment up to the work area. from the engine start switch.
Ensure that the engine is equipped with a lighting Engine exhaust contains products of combustion
system that is suitable for the conditions. Ensure that that can be harmful to your health. Always start the
all lights work properly. engine and operate the engine in a well ventilated
area. If the engine is started in an enclosed area,
All protective guards and all protective covers must vent the engine exhaust to the outside.
be installed if the engine must be started in order
to perform service procedures. To help prevent an Ether
accident that is caused by parts in rotation, work
around the parts carefully. Ether is poisonous and flammable.
Do not bypass the automatic shutoff circuits. Do not Do not inhale ether, and do not allow ether to contact
disable the automatic shutoff circuits. The circuits are the skin. Personal injury could result.
provided in order to help prevent personal injury. The
circuits are also provided in order to help prevent Do not smoke while ether cylinders are changed.
engine damage.
Use ether in well ventilated areas.
On the initial start-up of a new engine or an engine
that has been serviced, be prepared to stop the Use ether with care in order to avoid fires.
engine if an overspeed condition occurs. This may
be accomplished by shutting off the fuel supply to the Keep ether cylinders out of the reach of unauthorized
engine and/or shutting off the air supply to the engine. persons.
See the Service Manual for repairs and for Store ether cylinders in authorized storage areas
adjustments. only.
Electrical System
SMCS Code: 1000; 1400
Grounding Practices
The electrical system for the vessel and the engine
must be properly grounded. Proper grounding
is necessary for optimum engine performance
and reliability. Improper grounding will result in
uncontrolled electrical circuit paths and in unreliable
electrical circuit paths.