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4350 PDF
UDC 621.643.2:666.972:628.2
@ Copyright 1968
Indian Standard
Cement and Concrete Sectional Committee, BDC 2
Chairman Representing
SHRXK. K. NAMBIAR The Concrete Association of India, Bombay
SHRI M. A. MEHTA ( Alternate to
Shri K. K. Nambiar )
SHRI K. F. ANTIA M. N. Dastur & Co ( Pvt ) Ltd, Calcutta
SHRI A. P. BAGCHI Sahu Cement Service, New Delhi
SWRCP. S. BHATNAGAR Bhakra & Beas Designs Organization, New Delhi
DR S. K. CHOPRA Central Building Research Institute ( CSIR),
SHRI J. S. SHARMA ( Alternate )
DIRECTOR( CSM ) Central Water & Power Commission ( Ministry of
Irrigation & Power )
DIRECTOR ( DAMS III ) ( Alternate )
DR R. K. GHOSH Indian Roads Congress, New Delhi
SHRI B. K. GUHA Central Public Works Department, New Delhi
END CIRCLE ( Alternate )
DR R. R. HATTIANGADI The Associated Cement Companies Ltd, Bombay
SHRI V. N. PAI ( Alternate )
JOINT DIRECTOR STANDARDS Research Designs & Standards Organization
(B&S) ( Ministry of Railways )
(B&S) (Aftmratij
SHRI S. B. JOSHI S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay
PROP S. R. MEHRA Central Road Research Institute ( CSIR ),
New Delhi
DR R. K. GHOSH ( Alternate )
SHRKS. N. MUKERJI National Test House, Calcutta
SHRI Eaton A. NADIRSHAH Institute of Engineers ( India ), Calcutta
BRIG NAR~~H P~as.4D Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI C. B. PATEL National Buildings Organization
&RI I. L. PATEL Directorate General of Supplies & Disposals
SRRI T. N. S. -0 Gammon India Ltd, Bombay
Ssinr S. R. PINHEIRO( Altemah )
RE~REsePiTArrtrz Geological Survey of India, Calcutta
REPRESENTATICE The India Cements Ltd, Madras
SHRI K. G. SALVI Hindustan Housing Factory Ltd, New Delhi
SHRI C. L. KASLIU’AL ( A&mate )
( Continued on page 2 )
SHRI S. B. JOSHI S. B. Joshi & Co Ltd, Bombay
SHRI A. P. BAGCHI Sahu Cement Service, New Delhi
SHR! N. H. BHACWANANI Engineer-in-Chief’s Branch, Army Headquarters
SHRI R. CHAI\DRA StruzzikeFgineering Research Cenlre ( CSIR ),
-- .
IS : 4350- 1967
Zndian Standard
0.1 This Indian Standard was adopted hy the Indian Standards Institution
on 20 October 1967, after the draft finalized by the Cement and Concrete
Sectional Committee had been approved by the Civil Engineering Division
0.2 Concrete porous pipes are commonly used for under drainage work
in infiltration, galleries, reclaiming water-logged areas and similar other
purposes. This standard has been prepared with the object of providing
guidance to the manufacturers and users in obtaining porous concrete pipes
capable of giving satisfactory service.
0.3 When porous pipes are to be used for under drainage work in injurious
soils they may have to be manufactured from sulphate-refisting cement of
high alumina cement, and in such cases the purchaser will have to speci-
fically indicate his requirements ( see 3.1 ) along with other information to
be supplied under Appendix A for guidance of the manufacturers.
0.4 This standard contains clauses which permit the purchaser to use his
option for selection to suit his requirements and also require the purchaser
to supply certain technical information at the time of placing orders ( see
Appendix A ). The relevant clauses are 3.1, 4.1.1,4.2, and 8.2.
0.5 In the formulation of this standard due weightage has been given to
international co-ordination among the standards and practices prevailing
in different countries in addition to relating it to the practices in the field
in this country.
0.6 For the purpose of deciding whether a particular requirement of this
standard is complied with, the final value, observed or calculated, expressing
the result of a test or analysis, shall be rounded off in accordance with
IS : 2-1960*. The number of significant places retained in the rounded off
value should be the same as that of the specified value in this standard.
1.1 This standard lays down the requirements for porous pipes made of
concrete for use in under drainage. The requirements cover pipes ranging
from 80 mm nominal internal diameter to 900 mm nominal internal diameter
with three types ofjoints.
*Rulesfor roundingoff numerical values ( mised ).
IS : 4350 - 1967
2.0 For the purpose of this standard, the following definition shall apply.
2.1 Porous Pipe - A hollow cylinder made of porous concrete and having
the ends of the cylinder square with the longitudinal axis.
3.1 Cement -- Cement used for the manufacture of porous pipes shall
conform to IS : 269-1958* or IS : 455-1962t. When so required by the
purchaser, high alumina cement or sulphate-resisting portland cement may
be used ( see 0.3 and Appendix A ). The high alumina cement and sulphate-
resistant cement shall be of quality approved by the purchaser,
3.2 Aggregates - The quality of the aggregates used for the manufacture
of porous pipes shall conform to 1S : 383-19631. The aggregate shall
completely pass through 20-mm IS Sieve and shall be completely retained on
4*75-mm IS Sieve. The aggregate shall be suitably graded to comply with
the infiltration test ( see 6.4 ).
4.1 Unless otherwise agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer,
the porous pipe shall be supplied in any of the following alternative forms:
4.1.1 When so required by the purchaser the porous pipes with non-porous
inverts may be supplied. The non-porous inverts shall extend for the full
length of the pipe and to a height equal to one-third of the internal diameter
measured from the invert of the pipe as laid ( see Fig. 2 ).
4.2 Pipes of shapes other than those indicated in 4.1 may be supplied by
mutual agreement between the purchaser and the supplier.
*Specification for ordinary, rapid hardening and low heat portland cement ( revised ).
+Specification for portland blastfurnace slag cement ( revised ).
$Specification for coarse and fine aggregates from natural sources for concrete ( revised ).
4.3 Dimensions
4.3.1 Diameter and Length - The nominal internal diameter, the effective
length ( see Fig. 1 ) of the pipe and the minimum walr thickness shall be as in
Table 1 Pipes of internal nominal diameter and effective lengths other
than those specified inTable 1 may be supplied by mutual agreement between
the purchaser and the manufacturer.
4.3.2 Collars - For pipes having butt ends, the dimensions of the collars
shall conform to the requirements given in Table 2.
4.4 Tolerances ’
4.4.1 The permissible deviation for the effective length shall be plus or
minus one percent .of the specified effective length.
_-- j
I f
a; #..: 2: .: f’. . . _‘_., ,J-, .“.d ;.+;_ ,;‘,y 1 ... :;, ‘Z“.,. 1 .:‘<i:..‘*.: ,:: ,t.:..,. .1’. *.I, 4. ....,..,,
. .,.,.:-,
mm m mm
2’0 or 25 or 3.0 30 Butt, rebated or ogee .
13 25 150
250 I
550 16 SO 150
480 J
500 ) 19 35 200
19 40 200
% >
800 19 45 200
IS : 4350 - 1967
4.4.2 The internal diameter of any porous pipe throughout the effective
length shall nowhere deviate from the nominal internal diameter by more
than the following limits:
$3 mm
Up to and including 300 mm
-1.5 mm
6.1 Test Specimens - All pipes for testing purposes shall be selected at
random in accordance with the procedure given in Appendix B from the
stock of the manufacturer and shall be such as would not otherwise be
rejected under this.specification.
6.2 The specimens ofpipes selected in accordance with 6.1 shall be subjected
to the following tests:
a) Load test in accordance with requirements of 6.3, and
b) Infiltration test in accordance with requirements of 6.4.
6.2.1 The pipe specimens when tested in accordance with the require-
ments of 6.3 shall support for at least one minute a minimum load of
2 000 kg uniformly distributed per metre length of the pipe without showing
any signs of failure.
6.2.2 The rate of infiltration of pipe specimens tested horizontally under
a constant head of water of 50 mm above the pipe specimen in accordance
with the requirements of 6.4 shall be not less than the following:
Nominal Zntemai Diameter Rate of TnjItration per Metre
Length of the Pipe
mm l/min
E 120
250 180
350 1
400 1
500 I 300
600 1
700 I
900 J The rate of infiltration for porous pipes with non-porous inverts
shall be not less than half the values specified in 6.2.2 for porous pipes.
6.2.3 The manufacturer shall regularly carry out infiltration tests on
specimens corresponding to the pipe manufactured and shall provide suffi-
cient proof to the purchaser that the pipes supplied satisfy the porosity test.
However, if the purchaser desires to have porosity test carried out on any
sample, the cost of the pipe shall be borne by the purchaser unless otherwise
agreed to between the purchaser and the manufacturer.
6.3 Load Test - The pipe to be tested shall be placed centrally between,
and with its longitudinal axis parallel to, two hard unyielding bearers of
150 mm width, with rubber packing 150 mm wide and 25 mm thick between
the bearers and the pipe ( see Fig. 3 ).
6.3.1 The load shall be steadily and uniformly applied, starting from zero,
at a rate not exceeding 165 kg/m length of pipe in 10 seconds. The pipe shall
IS : 4350 - 1967
support without any sign of failure for at least one minute a minimum
load specified in 6.2.1.
6.4 Infiltration Test - The porous pipe to be tested shall be thoroughly
cleaned before testing to remove dust and dirt particles likely to reduce the
porosity of pipe. The water used for testing shall be free from suspended
6.4.1 The pipe shall be fixed horizontally in a test tank with each end of
the pipe protruding through $e. tank as shown in Fig. 4. A water-tight
seal shall be made between the sides of the tank and the pipe with putty,
plasticine or other sealing material. The tank should have some arrange-
ment of removable ends so that, for testing different diameters of pipe, it can
be dismantled and re-erected with two ends having holes of the right size to
take the pipe to be tested.
6.4.2 The test tank shall be filled with water completely immersing the
porous pipe. The head of water in this tank shall be maintained throughout
the test at 50 mm above the pipe. Fig. 4 shows diagrammatically one method
by which the water can be made to flow back through an overflow pipe
from the test tank into a reservoir tank when the specified head of water is
reached in the test tank and maintained by adjusting the flow. The water
flowing from the collecting tank will then be diverted through the two-way
control valve into the measuring tank for the specified time. The amount
of water in litres per minute filling the measuring tank divided by the
effective length in metres of that part of the porous pipe through which
water can percolate, shall give the rate of infiltration of the pipe as specified
in 6.2.2.
7.1 The following information shall be clearly marked on each pipe:
a) Date of manufacture, and
b) Name of manufacturer or his registered trade-mark or both.
7.1.1Each pipe may also be marked with the ISI Certification Mark.
NOTE -The use of the IS1 Certification Mark is governed by the provisions of the
Indian Standards Institution ( Certification Marks ) Act, and the Rules and Regulations
made thereunder. Presence of this mark on products covered by an Indian Standard
conveys the assurance that they have been produced to comply with the requirements
of that standard, under a well-defined system of inspection, testing and quality control
during production. This system, which is devised and supervised by IS1 and operated by
the producer, has the further safeguard that the products as actually marketed are
continuously checked by IS1 for conformity to the standard. Details of conditions, under
which a licence for the use of the IS1 Certification Mark may be granted to manufac-
turers or processors, may be obtained from the Indian Standards Institution.
IS : 4350 - 1967
8.1 The purchaser or his representative shall at all reasonable times have
free access to theplace where the pipes arc nlXl&CtUred hr the per-pc~se of
examining and sampling the materials and pipes, and for supervising the
testing and marking, if necessary, of the pipes. ‘I’hc manufacturer shall
provide, free of extra charge, cvcry facility and all labour required for sucl~
examination, sampling, inspecting, testing and marking before delivery and
shall provide and maintain in good working order suitable, convenient and
accurate apparatus for testing sample pipes. Failing facilities at his own
works for making the prescribed tests the manufacturer shall bear the cost
of carrying out the tests elsewhere.
8.2 Porous Pipes Supplied from Stock - When pipes made to this
specification are supplied from stock the manufacturer shall, if so required,
furnish to the purchaser a certificate that the pipes have been made in all
respects in accordance with and comply with the requirements of this
standard. Should the purchaser so desire, any or all of the tests, herein
specified, shall be made by the manufacturer, and if the pipes pass the tests
they shall he deemed to comply, provided that they comply with the other
requirements of this specification. In the event of failure to pass the tests,
they shall be deemed not to comply.
9.1 The method of drawing representative samples of the material and the
criteria for conformity shall be as prescribed in Appendix B.
( Clauses 0.3 and 0.4 )
IS : 4350 - 1967
( C/cruses G.1 uizd 9.1 )
B-1.2 ‘1’1~ rlrInllx-r ol’pipcs to be selected from the lot shall be in accordance
with co1 2, 2 23litl 4 ol”l‘ablc 3.
up to 50
1:; :: 200
100 :: : 3’
201 I, 300 z 9 5
301 &d500
above 55
40 9 1;
B-2.1 All the pipes selected as in B-l.2 shall be inspected for dimensional
requirements, finish and deviation from straightness ( see 4 ).
B-2.2 The number of pipes to be tested for tests under 6.2 shall be i,n ac-
cordance with co1 4.of Table 3. These pipes shall be selected from pipes
that have satisfied the requirements mentioned in B-2.1.
IS : 4350 - 1967
Manak Bhavan, 9 Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, NEW DELHI 110002
Telephones: 331 01 31, 331 13 75 Telegrams: Manaksan’stfba
( Common to all Offices )
Regional Offices: Telephone
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NEW DELHI 110002 331 13 75
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Maniktola, CALCUTTA 700054
Northern : SC0 445-446, Sector 35-C, 21843
CHANDfGARH 160036 I 3 16 41
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Southern : C. I. T. Campus, MADRAS 600113
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Branch Offices:
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BANGALORE 560058 38 49 56
Ganaotri Complex, 5th Floor, Bhadbhada Road, T. T. Naoar, 667 16
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Plot No. 82,183, Lewis Road, BHUBANESHWAR 751002 5 36 27
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TRIVANDRUM 695035 16 21 17
inspection Offices ( With Sale Point ):
Pushpanjali. First Floor, 205-A West High Court Road, 2 51 71
Shankar Nagar Square, NAGPUR 4400 IO
Institution of Engineers ( India ) Building, 1332 Shivaji Nagar, 5 24 35
P.UNE 411005
-- --_
*Sales Office in Calcutta is a1 5 Chowringhee Appro.jch, P. 0. Prmcep 27 68 00
Street. Calcutta 700072
tsales Office in Bombay is at Novelty Chambers, Grant Road, 69 66 28
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#Sales Office in Bangalore is at Unity Building, Nareslmharaja Square, 22 36 71
Bangalore 560002